All the necessary vitamins and minerals for the body. Essential vitamins and minerals. How to find out what vitamins our body lacks

For fitting and assembly work 27.09.2020
For fitting and assembly work

The body needs vitamins to function properly. If he does not receive them, then various disorders occur and diseases develop. Despite the fact that winter is on the threshold, it is not difficult to make up for the lack of vitamins. The main thing is to know which products will be your assistants.

Vitamin D is an important factor influencing metabolic processes in the body. It is also important for bone health and has the ability to boost the body's defenses. In winter, when people experience a lack of sunlight, it is very important to get enough of this vitamin to protect against colds and flu. In addition, numerous studies have linked vitamin D to a reduced risk of colorectal, skin, breast, and prostate cancers. With the help of calcium and magnesium, vitamin D strengthens bone tissue and protects against cardiovascular disease.

And this vitamin is contained in the following products: herring, salmon, halibut, cod liver, catfish, mackerel, oysters, sardines, tuna, shrimp, eggs, shiitake mushrooms.

Properties of omega-3 fatty acids for a long time studied by experts. Fatty acids are the building blocks for fats, which are vital for the body as nutrients. They also regulate blood clotting, the construction of cell membranes, and cell health. Omega 3 fatty acid are polyunsaturated fats that promote health of cardio-vascular system body by lowering the level of triglycerides in the blood, cholesterol. The body does not produce omega-3s, so it is very important that we get them from food. Unfortunately, in most cases, people do not get enough of them, but knowing what products contain them, the situation can be corrected.

Omega-3 fatty acids are found in: fatty fish such as salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel and, walnuts, flax-seed, wild rice and, of course, dairy products.

Vitamin E

As an antioxidant, vitamin E protects our cells from free radicals and may serve as a defense against cancer and Alzheimer's disease. It is one of the four fat-soluble vitamins that our bodies require for optimal functioning. However, many do not get enough vitamin E from food.

Vitamin E is present in: sunflower seeds, wheat germ, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, olive oil, spinach, broccoli, kiwi, mango, and tomato.


Calcium is a mineral that is essential for bone health, as well as maintaining the functioning of the nervous system and normal blood pressure. It is best to do without supplements, and lean on foods that are a source of calcium. The recommended daily dose is 1000 mg per day for adults 19 to 50 years of age and 1200 mg for those over 50 years of age. Pregnant women and nursing mothers may need more.

So what foods contain calcium? In dark green leafy vegetables, oranges, sardines, broccoli, nuts, seeds, salmon, apricots, currants, tofu, figs, and low-fat dairy products. If your diet does not include enough calcium, you can take 1,000 mg of calcium daily as a supplement.

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Another protector of our bones is magnesium. It also supports blood circulation, cardiovascular health, and helps muscles and nerves relax. Magnesium is found in: nuts, beets, dark leafy greens, seeds, dark chocolate, zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers, black beans, bran cereals. The recommended dose for men is 420 mg/day and for women 320 mg/day.

Vitamin C

This vitamin is very important for increasing the body's defenses, it helps heal wounds, protects against cancer and fights free radicals. The daily dose for men is 75 mg, and women need 90 mg of this vitamin.

Where to look for vitamin C: broccoli, red peppers, cauliflower, parsley, lemon juice, strawberries, lettuce, tomatoes, kiwi, papaya, guava, almost all fruits and vegetables have some amount of vitamin C.

The human body needs vitamins and minerals daily for normal and stable functioning. They are necessary for the body for the normal functioning and normalization of almost all processes in the body. With a lack of vitamins and minerals, the body begins to weaken, and then it can go up to the disease. Below are the beneficial properties of vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin A plays an important role in the body, it has a huge impact on the condition of the skin and vision. It is involved in the formation of visual pigment, which in turn has a positive effect on vision. Also, this vitamin is involved in many processes in the body and increases resistance to toxins and infections.

B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12) activate brain activity and normalize the functioning of the nervous system and heart. Promote the production of red blood cells that carry oxygen molecules. Also, these vitamins are necessary for the body in the functioning of many processes, such as: metabolism and recovery.

Vitamin B9 takes an active part in the formation of leukocytes, platelets and erythrocytes. Important for cell division, development and growth of all tissues and organs. Participates in the processes of hematopoiesis and digestion.

Vitamin C the strongest antioxidant. It has a protective effect on the body from the effects of stress. This vitamin is involved in collagen synthesis, iron and folic acid metabolism. It also takes an active part in the synthesis of new cells and tissues of the body. Helps fight infection and heal wounds.

Vitamin D helps calcium to be absorbed in the body. It is responsible for strengthening teeth and bones. It is also unique in that it can form in the body through sunlight.

Vitamin E A powerful antioxidant that helps keep skin youthful. This vitamin contributes to the enrichment of blood with oxygen and strengthens the heart muscle.

Vitamin H participates in the metabolism of amino acids, energy metabolism and the synthesis of fats and glycogen. May prevent the appearance of dandruff and gray hair, as well as hair loss.

Vitamin PP may be part of enzymes that can participate in cellular respiration and the metabolism of proteins that regulate nervous activity, as well as the functions of the digestive organs.

Calcium important for muscle contractions and nerves. This mineral supports the structure of teeth and bones. Important for the secretion of hormones, enzymes and muscle contractions. Necessary for transmitting signals to the nervous system.

Iron helps the body in the synthesis of hemoglobin. Iron helps transport oxygen to blood cells.

Copper assists the gland in the production of hemoglobin in the blood. It is also an important component in the production of collagen, the elasticity of the skin and the condition of the ligaments and tendons depend on it.

Magnesium stabilizes good blood pressure. It provides strength to bones and may be involved in protein synthesis. Plays an important role in muscle contractions.

Zinc strengthens the immune system and improves metabolism, and also helps fight infections. Helps with healing and helps to restore the skin.

Potassium Helps regulate fluid balance in the body. Potassium maintains heart rate and coordinates muscle contractions.

Phosphorus important for strengthening teeth and bones. Thanks to phosphorus, most vitamins are absorbed and bones are strengthened.

Vitamins or mineralsRecommended Intakes or Adequate Intake
Vitamin A, mcg/day900 700
Vitamin C, mg/day90 75
Vitamin E, mg/day15 15
Vitamin K, mcg/day120 90
Thiamine mg/day1,2 1,1
Riboflavin mg/day1,3 1,1
Niacin mg/day16 14
Vitamin B 6, mg/day1,3 1,3
Folic acid, mcg/day400 400
Vitamin B 12, mcg / day2,4 2,4
Pantothenic acid mg/day5 5
Biotin mcg/day30 30
Calcium mg/day1000 1000
Chromium, mcg/day35 25
Iron mg/day8 18
Magnesium, mg/day400-420 310-320
Phosphorus mg/day700 700
Selenium, mcg/day55 55
Zinc, mg/dayAnd8

In this article, you learned about the beneficial properties of vitamins and minerals, as well as their adequate/recommended consumption rates. Always stick healthy eating and always include as many vegetables and fruits as possible in your diet, and if you can’t get the right amount of micro and macro elements from ordinary food, then you can use special supplements. But remember that the main emphasis should always be on ordinary food, this is the success in the fight not only for beautiful body but also healthy.

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Vitamins and minerals

To maintain good health, it is necessary to provide the body with nutrients daily. We have a special need for vitamins and minerals. Without them, the normal functioning of the organs and systems of the body is almost impossible. In this article, we will tell you in detail what vitamins and minerals are, what they are, as well as their benefits.

What are vitamins and minerals?

Vitamins are low molecular weight organic compounds that are found in small amounts in food and take part in metabolism. The name comes from the Latin word vita, which translates as "life". Minerals are chemical elements, which are also necessary for the normal functioning of the body. The term micronutrients is used to refer to vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin classification

  • Fat-soluble (A, D, E, K) - found in vegetable oils, animal products, fish, green vegetables, their excess is deposited in the liver and adipose tissues and used if necessary.
  • Water-soluble (C and group B) - are part of vegetables, fruits and whole grains, the excess is excreted from the body naturally, without accumulating in reserve.

According to another classification, vitamins are divided into the following types:

  • antioxidants (A, C, E);
  • prohormones (A, D);
  • coenzymes (K, H, group B).

Mineral classification

They are divided into basic substances (phosphorus, calcium, sodium, magnesium, chlorine and potassium), which we need in large enough quantities, and microelements (zinc, iron, iodine, copper, selenium, manganese, chromium, fluorine, molybdenum, etc.). ), which are needed in very small doses.

Properties of micronutrients

It is difficult to overestimate the important role of vitamins and minerals for the body. They have many useful properties. Below is a table that lists the main vitamins and minerals and lists the properties.


What products contain

Role in the body


Orange vegetables and fruits (carrots, melon, pumpkin), cabbage, spinach, liver, milk, fish oil

Helps maintain visual acuity, growth, strengthens the immune system, helps prevent the formation of cancerous tumors and the development of heart disease

Legumes, whole grains, baked goods, nuts

Takes part in the functioning of the digestive and nervous system, plays one of the key roles in metabolism

B 2 (riboflavin)

Green leafy vegetables, dairy products, meat, eggs

Participates in hematopoiesis, metabolic processes, tissue respiration, promotes energy production, helps maintain elasticity skin

B 3, or PP (niacin, or nicotinic acid)

Legumes, whole grains, nuts, baked goods, meat, poultry

Participates in the regulation of metabolism and redox processes, contributes to the expansion of capillaries and activation of blood microcirculation, lowering the concentration of cholesterol, participates in digestion, has a mild sedative effect

(pantothenic acid)

Beef, liver, kidneys, sea ​​fish, eggs, dairy products, brewer's yeast, legumes, grains, vegetables, nuts, mushrooms

Helps improve the absorption of other vitamins, participates in the formation of antibodies, stimulates the production of adrenal hormones


Yeast, molasses, liver, raw egg yolk, bran, nuts, sprouted wheat, buckwheat, potatoes, bananas, cabbage, carrots, beans, fish, poultry

Participates in hematopoiesis, metabolism of fats, proteins and amino acids, ensuring the acid-forming function of the stomach

B 7, or H

Greens, cabbage, nettle, legumes, cereals, cucumbers, pumpkin, carrots, bananas, liver, lamb, beef, chicken, sea fish, dairy products

Plays an important role in metabolism, participates in the activation of vitamin C, helps to normalize blood sugar levels, reduce muscle pain

(folic acid)

Vegetables, fruits, legumes, grains, nuts, mushrooms, fish, meat, dairy products

Stimulates the synthesis of red blood cells, participates in hematopoiesis, is necessary for the proper growth and development of the body

B 12 (cyanocobalamin)

Liver, kidneys, sea fish, cheeses, dairy products

Participates in protein metabolism and hematopoiesis, helps to improve nervous activity, helps prevent fatty degeneration of the liver

C (ascorbic acid)

Citrus fruits, currants, wild rose, sea buckthorn, mountain ash, strawberries, kiwi, Bell pepper, tomatoes, white cabbage, broccoli

Helps to increase the body's resistance to infections, strengthen bone and muscle tissue, accelerate wound healing, activate hormones and enzymes, participates in different types metabolism and in redox reactions

D (calciferol)

Dairy products, egg yolk, liver, fish, fish oil, butter. It can also be synthesized in the skin by the action of sun rays

Promotes calcium absorption, strengthens bones and teeth


Whole grains, wheat germ, green vegetables, leafy salads, seeds, nuts, egg yolks, sardines, vegetable oil

Helps strengthen the immune system, activate the cardiovascular system and liver, improve skin condition, promote blood clotting, help prevent blood clots, lower blood pressure strengthening the walls of blood vessels

F (polyunsaturated fatty acids)

Vegetable oils, flax and sunflower seeds, soybeans, fish oil, oily and semi-fatty fish

It is necessary for cardiac activity, helps to lower cholesterol levels, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, maintains normal blood pressure and heart rate, participates in fat metabolism

K (phylloquinone)

Dairy products, soybean oil, liver, broccoli, green leafy vegetables. Produced by bifidobacteria in the large intestine

Promotes blood clotting, partly responsible for the functioning of the lungs, heart and kidneys, promotes bone repair

It is not for nothing that the word Vitamins is based on the Latin word Vita - life. Along with proteins, fats and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals are the main components for good nutrition cells of the human body.

If proteins, fats and carbohydrates can be called in one word as macronutrients, then vitamins and minerals are micronutrients. These are regulatory substances that affect the metabolic processes in the body. They also must enter our body for full functioning, but they are enough for us in smaller quantities than BJU.

Let's understand the concept.

What are Vitamins? What is the role of vitamins?

Vitamins are low molecular weight organic compounds that the body needs for normal functioning. They are important for growth, development, regeneration, and maintaining health.

Vitamins affect the regulation of metabolism, and with their deficiency, in addition to vitamin deficiency, there is a metabolic disorder. They help cleanse the body and remove toxins, improve the quality of skin, nails and hair, slow down the aging process, increase immunity, promote cell regeneration, affect the emotional, hormonal background, increase energy and physical strength, mental activity, affect the formation, strengthening and recovery bones.

Vitamin classification

Vitamins are fat-soluble and water-soluble.

Found in vegetable oils, fish, green vegetables, animal products
A, D, E, K
Accumulate in the liver and fatty tissues "on demand"
Found in fruits, vegetables and whole grains
B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, C
They do not accumulate in the body, but enter the bloodstream. Those that remain unclaimed are immediately excreted naturally. Since the supply of vitamins of this group does not accumulate in the body, a person must constantly monitor their regular intake.
A- Responsible for vision, skin elasticity, immunity.

Found in fruits and vegetables orange color(melon, pumpkin, carrot), liver, milk, cabbage, spinach, etc.

B vitamins are important primarily for the full functioning of metabolism, they affect metabolic processes at the cellular level. Without B vitamins, it is impossible to build a weight correction program! affect protein metabolism.

In addition, they ensure the normal functioning of the central nervous system and the brain.

They also support the cardiovascular, circulatory and immune systems.

Regulate the functioning of glands and hormones.

Positively affect the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

Below are a couple of specific examples.

D- Responsible for the absorption of calcium, strengthening teeth and bones.

Found in dairy products, fish, egg yolk, liver, etc.

B5-Pantothenic acid and B7-Biotin are involved in energy metabolism and fat synthesis, regulation of digestion, amino acid metabolism, support immunity.

Found in whole grains, wheat germ, green leafy salads and vegetables, egg yolks, nuts, seeds, sardines

B9-Folic acid - is involved in the synthesis of DNA and the formation of new cells, is responsible for the synthesis of hemoglobin, mental performance, cardiovascular activity.

Contained in tomato juice, green beans, broccoli, spinach, asparagus, lentils, green beans, etc.

K- Responsible for blood clotting, the functioning of the kidneys, lungs and heart.

Found in green leafy vegetables, dairy products, broccoli, soybean oil

C- so familiar to us since childhood, when our parents gave us a delicious ascorbic vitamin J.

Helps the body resist infections, antioxidant, strengthens bone tissue and teeth, participates in the metabolism of cholesterol, is necessary to maintain good muscle condition, promotes rapid healing of wounds.

Found in citrus fruits, strawberries, tomatoes, broccoli, white cabbage, kiwi, in red sweet pepper, etc.

From the foregoing, it follows that you need to eat a varied diet that contains vitamins of all groups in order to maintain own health. From point of view vitamin composition we also need a varied balanced diet in order to regulate or keep the metabolism normal (after all, most vitamins affect these processes), which means that vitamins are a necessary component in the diet for losing weight and maintaining harmony.

Now it's the turn of minerals 🙂

What are minerals? What is the role of minerals?

Minerals are chemical elements received by the body from the outside, and necessary for a person for the correct functioning of all organs and systems. They regulate many physiological processes, from bone formation to blood clotting. Minerals are just as important to the body as vitamins.

Minerals provide muscle strength and bone strength, are responsible for fat burning and cell renewal, and regulate acid-base balance.

Most minerals are either quickly used by the body or excreted, so we must constantly replenish their reserves by eating foods rich in minerals.

Only iron can accumulate in our body.

Classification of minerals.

Minerals are conditionally divided into macroelements and microelements.


Minerals that the body needs in large quantities per day


Minerals that the body needs in smaller amounts per day

Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Potassium, Chlorine, SodiumZinc, iron, copper, manganese, selenium
Calcium - responsible for bone tissue, blood clotting, nervous system

Found in dairy products, broccoli and dark green leafy vegetables, soy milk

Iron - is responsible for the condition of the skin, hair, nails; helps red blood cells deliver oxygen to all organs.

Found in lamb. Beef, fish, some seafood, green leafy vegetables and raisins, lentils, legumes and soy products

Magnesium - is responsible for the formation of muscles, bone tissue, stabilizes the work of the heart, promotes protein synthesis and energy production

Found in whole grain breads, nuts, green leafy vegetables, legumes, avocados, bananas, kiwis, chocolate, broccoli, shrimp, and more

Zinc is responsible for the sex glands, their development and normal functioning, for maintaining immunity, wound healing, absorption of vitamin A, for the eye lens.

Found in beef, lamb, poultry, oysters, nuts, soy and dairy products, whole grain and etc.

Potassium - is responsible for the muscles and nervous activity, regulates the amount of water in the blood and body tissues

Found in broccoli, unpeeled potatoes, citrus fruits, bananas, dried fruits, green leafy vegetables, and more.

Selenium is an antioxidant and, together with vitamin E, protects against free radicals. Selenium slows down the aging process and protects the heart and blood vessels

Found in meat and seafood, as well as cereals.

Copper - is responsible for the beauty of hair, is necessary for the prevention of gray hair, improves skin condition, is necessary for prevention varicose veins veins, copper is necessary for the absorption and processing of iron, promotes the production of hemoglobin.

Found in water and meat.

As you can see, without minerals, the full functioning of the human body is also impossible!

See also my article with to have a complete picture and idea.

Considering that minerals are found in a variety of foods, it is necessary to include in your diet a variety of dishes every day, which include foods with useful and essential vitamin and mineral content.

Interesting fact. The daily dose of all the nutrients necessary for the human body is contained in approximately 50 kg of food.

Who among you will be able to eat such a large amount of food per day? 🙂

Here is a fun menu of the daily diet (in order to get the full dose of vitamins you need):

  1. Vitamin E - 10 cups olive oil
  2. Selenium-16 fried eggs or 160 bananas
  3. Beta-carotene - 5 carrots or 6 cups of squash caviar
  4. Vitamin C - 15 oranges or 42 tomatoes

Why is it impossible to get all the necessary vitamins and minerals from food today?

  • Every year intensification Agriculture leads to increasing depletion, mineral depletion of soils
  • Modern methods of cultivating vegetables and fruits have significantly reduced (by about 40%) the content of vitamins A, B1, B2, C in them.
  • Modern methods of refining and purification of basic products lead to a significant loss of protein, vitamins, minerals and valuable fatty acids in them.
  • After storing the product in the refrigerator for more than 3 days, it loses its vitamin C content by 40%, and at room temperature - by 50%
  • During heat treatment of varying degrees, from 25% to 90-100% of vitamins can be lost.

There is a lot of controversy everywhere on the topic: are vitamins and minerals needed as food supplements in the form of capsules or tablets, or is this too hyped commercial move?

Personally, I have long been of the opinion that special vitamin-mineral complexes as supplements are essential for us. I briefly described the reasons above. For many years, my family and I have been constantly taking vitamins. The only question is, WHICH complexes to choose, which manufacturer to prefer? On this topic, I have a separate one that I trust. In this article, I will also tell you why not all pharmacy vitamin complexes are good. What is the difference between synthetic and natural vitamins?

I also have interesting article on the topic of vitamins, where I explain once again: how important it is to include in your diet a variety of foods containing certain vitamins and minerals every day.

I also advise you to look at my pivot table

Atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease.

Atherosclerosis is a systemic vascular lesion associated with the formation of dense formations of fatty cholesterol plaques on the walls of arteries. When such a lesion occurs in the arteries that feed the heart muscle, coronary disease develops, which is accompanied by heart attacks.

Vitamins and minerals necessary for the prevention of atherosclerosis and coronary disease hearts:

  • Fiber - binds excess cholesterol in the intestine, thereby reducing its absorption.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids- restore the elasticity of the vascular wall, reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.
  • Folic acid- helps amino acid conversion homocysteine, the excess of which can lead to thickening of the walls of blood vessels, in methionine, which does not act in this way.
  • Vitamin B6 - is important for protecting the walls of blood vessels from excess homocysteine, turning it into cystathionine.
  • Vitamin B12- Protects vessel walls from compaction.
  • Vitamin C - strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents the processes of lipid peroxidation, leading to damage to the walls of blood vessels.
  • Vitamin E - protects the heart muscle from the damaging effects of free radicals, reduces the risk of coronary heart disease.
  • Calcium - with its deficiency, the predisposition to platelet adhesion increases, which increases the risk of blood clots and blockage of the coronary arteries. Calcium also helps lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • Chromium - normalizes fat metabolism, prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Magnesium - restores the heart rhythm and prevents the thickening of blood vessels. It is especially effective when taken together with preparations containing calcium.
  • Selenium- protects the vascular wall from the damaging effects of free radicals, prevents lipid peroxidation.
  • Beta-carotene - reduces the likelihood of damage to the heart muscle.
  • Coenzyme Q10 - reduces the predisposition to thrombosis.

Attention: studies have shown that a diet high in refined starch and sugar contributes to the development of atherosclerosis and damage to the heart muscle. If there is a risk of heart disease, it is necessary to exclude sugar and refined starch (buns and cakes) from the diet.
It has been proven that the increased content of carbon monoxide in the atmosphere stimulates the development of multiple sclerosis. Remember that a lot of it is contained in cigar smoke. And don't smoke!

Hypertonic disease.

Hypertension is a chronic disease, the main symptom of which is a systematic increase in blood pressure. The occurrence of hypertension can be facilitated by frequent nervous strain, stress, hormonal disorders, obesity, sedentary image life, malnutrition. An important cause of hypertension is currently considered to be insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals, and the development of cellular starvation as a result.

Vitamins and minerals needed to prevent hypertension:

  • - are an important condition for the regulation of fat metabolism, maintain the elasticity of the vascular wall, preventing the development of hypertension.
  • Vitamin A - prevents the development of hypertension.
  • Vitamin C - prevents the processes of lipid peroxidation, protecting the walls of blood vessels from damage.
  • Vitamin D3 - affects the processes of assimilation and absorption of calcium, which maintains a normal level of blood pressure.
  • Calcium - is involved in the regulation of blood pressure.
  • Magnesium - helps to lower vascular tone and lower blood pressure.
  • Potassium - its deficiency can contribute to high blood pressure.

Attention: It has been established that the frequent use of alcohol, even in small quantities, contributes to the development of hypertension. With hypertension, it is necessary to limit the consumption of foods containing caffeine: strong tea, coffee, chocolate, as well as red meat and egg yolk, because. they contain arachidonic acid, which constricts blood vessels.


Colds, chronic bronchitis.

The cause of colds, chronic diseases of the broncho-pulmonary system are most often viruses and bacteria. Only a strong immune system can cope with this, which must be constantly supplied with vitamins and minerals.

Vitamins and minerals needed to prevent colds and chronic bronchitis:

  • Vitamin C is the most famous cold remedy. It is an antioxidant, helps the immune system, prevents the damaging effects of free radicals.
  • Vitamin A and E - in combination with vitamin C protect the body from the damaging effects of free radicals.
  • Selenium - is a powerful antioxidant, enhances immunity, protects body cells from damage.
  • B vitamins- necessary to maintain the immune system at a high level.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids- protects body cells from damage by viruses, increases the efficiency of the immune system.

Bronchial asthma.

Bronchial asthma is a chronic disease of the respiratory system, which is characterized by frequent attacks of suffocation that occur as a result of impaired patency of the small bronchi. In this case, as a rule, there is a spasm of the muscles of the small bronchi, swelling of their mucosa and the release of viscous sputum. Bronchial asthma refers to allergic diseases.

See also:

Vitamins and minerals necessary for the prevention of bronchial asthma:

  • Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid) - reduces the number and severity of asthma attacks.
  • Vitamin B6 - helps to overcome asthmatic shortness of breath.
  • Vitamin B12 - facilitates breathing for asthmatics, helps to relieve bronchospasm and has an anti-allergic effect.
  • Vitamin C - reduces the frequency and severity of asthma attacks, increases the efficiency of the immune system.
  • Manganese - has an anti-allergic effect.
  • Magnesium - promotes the expansion of the bronchi, prevents the development of asthmatic attacks of suffocation.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids- prevent swelling of the bronchial mucosa and spasms of the small bronchi.


Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

Peptic ulcer is a complex pathological process, which is based on the inflammatory reaction of the body with the formation of damage to the mucous membrane of the stomach or duodenum. Bacteria are considered the most common cause of occurrence; as a result of their reproduction in these areas, the following occurs:

  • inflammation that disrupts the motility of the stomach;
  • an increase in the acid-forming functions of the digestive glands;
  • weakening of the protective mucosal barrier.

For the prevention and treatment of great importance diet food with the use of vitamins and minerals with food.

Vitamins and minerals needed to prevent gastric and duodenal ulcers:

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids- necessary for the formation of "good" eicosanoids, which increase the resistance of the gastric and intestinal mucosa to damage and accelerate the healing processes of ulcerative lesions of the mucosa.
  • Vitamin A - prevents the development of peptic ulcer on the background of stress.
  • Beta-carotene - is a provitamin A and also protects the mucosa from excessive exposure to hydrochloric acid during stress.
  • Vitamin B6 - helps to increase the protective properties of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines.
  • Vitamin C - prevents the occurrence of complications of peptic ulcer in the form of gastric bleeding.
  • Vitamin E - counteracts the damaging effect of excess free radicals on the mucosa.
  • Bismuth - creates a protective cover for the inflamed mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, contributes to the destruction of bacteria that cause peptic ulcer.
  • Potassium - prevents ulcerative damage to the mucous membrane and contributes to its rapid recovery.
  • Manganese - prevents the release of histamine, which causes the formation of ulcers during stress.

Attention: caffeine has been found to aggravate the manifestations of peptic ulcer disease. Therefore, people suffering from peptic ulcer should limit the use of products containing caffeine: strong tea, coffee, chocolate.


chronic hepatitis.

Chronic hepatitis is an inflammatory and diffuse liver disease that can be caused by various causes:

  • viruses - cause infectious hepatitis B, C, D, G;
  • alcohol - ethanol is a hepatotropic poison, damaging liver cells;
  • toxic liver damage, including medicines and food toxins, and environment;
  • autoallergic damage to liver cells occurs due to a "breakdown" of immunity, when autoantibodies are formed against their own liver cells.

Vitamins and minerals needed to prevent liver disease:

  • Vitamin C - necessary to increase the body's resistance to any viruses and toxins, prevents damage to liver cells by excess free radicals.
  • Folic acid - accelerates the recovery of damaged liver cells.
  • Vitamins of group B and B12- necessary to maintain liver function and increase their resistance to damaging factors.
  • Vitamin E - strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of complications of hepatitis in the form of disorders in the formation of erythrocytes and damage to the nervous system.
  • Selenium- has the ability to protect liver cells from damaging elements, restores damaged cells, strengthens the body's immune system. Works more effectively in combination with vitamin E.
  • Lecithin - helps to heal the liver with prolonged acute hepatitis.

Attention: found that alcohol damages liver tissue. Therefore, people suffering from liver disease, it is better to limit the use of alcohol. REMEMBER that with viral hepatitis, too much sugar can interfere with recovery.

Cholecystitis and gallstone disease.

The gallbladder is a reservoir that stores bile produced by the liver. Bile is essential for the breakdown of fats in the intestines. However, if the bile becomes too thick, then its outflow from the gallbladder is difficult, it gradually crystallizes and stones are formed, consisting of cholesterol and bile acids. Most often they are formed in women over 40 who are overweight and lead a sedentary lifestyle.

Vitamins and minerals needed to prevent gallbladder disease:

  • dietary fiber- Helps reduce cholesterol in bile.
  • Vitamin C - reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood and bile, thereby reducing the risk of stone formation in gallbladder.
  • Vitamin E - reduces cholesterol in bile.
  • Selenium- is an antioxidant, reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood and bile.
  • Magnesium - prevents the formation of gallbladder stones and promotes the expansion of the bile ducts, relieves their spasms.

Attention: it has been found that excessive consumption of legumes increases the likelihood of cholesterol stones in the gallbladder, so if you have gallstones, limit your intake of beans, legumes and lentils.


kidney infections and Bladder.

Infections of the kidneys (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis) and bladder (cystitis) are more common in women, especially women with weakened immune systems.

Vitamins and minerals needed to prevent kidney and bladder infections:

  • Vitamin C - is an antioxidant, increases the rate of production of antibodies to fight infection.
  • Vitamin A - enhances immunity, prevents damage to kidney cells by excess free radicals.
  • Vitamin E - increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases urinary system.
  • B vitamins - contribute to the production of antibodies to fight infections, especially during periods of increased nervous and physical stress.
  • Folic acid - increases the rate of reaction of the immune system to the penetration of infectious diseases.
  • Pantothenic acid and Riboflavin - accelerates the production of antibodies, thereby strengthening the immune system.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids
  • Selenium
  • Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Iron - are necessary for the full functioning of the enzyme link of the body's antioxidant system in full.

Urolithiasis disease.

Kidney stones are formed primarily due to an imbalance in the acid-base balance in the blood. When it is disturbed in the urine, deviations from the usual chemical reaction and certain salts - oxalates, phosphates, urates - get into the sediment. In acidic urine - urates and phosphates, in alkaline - phosphates and carbonates, from which the corresponding stones are formed.

Vitamins and minerals necessary for the prevention of urolithiasis:

  • Magnesium - prevents the formation of the most common type of stones in the kidneys, consisting of calcium oxalate.
  • Vitamin B6 - is necessary for the breakdown of oxalic acid, which is part of most kidney stones.
  • Potassium - prevents the development of urolithiasis, reducing excessive elevated level calcium in the urine, resulting from the consumption of large amounts of animal protein.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids - increase the production of "good" eicosanoids and prostaglandins in the body, which increase the body's resistance to infection.
  • Selenium- absolutely necessary for the normal functioning of the immune system, is involved in the production of glutatoin peroxidase - the main link in the body's antioxidant system.



Anemia is a low number of red blood cells (erythrocytes) in the blood. In this case, fatigue occurs, the heart rate rises, shortness of breath occurs at the slightest physical exertion. Anemia can be caused by:

  • blood loss as a result of external or internal bleeding;
  • red blood cells can be damaged or destroyed by poisoning and diseases;
  • the production of red blood cells in the body is disrupted.

Although there are many types of anemia, most of them are based on a lack of IRON, FOLIC ACID and vitamin B12 in the diet.

Vitamins and minerals needed for anemia:

  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)- participates in the formation of red blood cells.
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine)- participates in the process of division and renewal of erythrocytes.
  • Vitamin A - contributes to the production of hemoglobin.
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)- participates in the formation of hemoglobin, prevents the development of sickle cell anemia.
  • Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin)- participates in the formation of red blood cells, with its deficiency (due to impaired absorption) in the diet, pernicious anemia occurs with damage to the brain and central nervous system.
  • Vitamin E - strengthens the cell membrane of red blood cells.
  • Vitamin C - increases the absorption of iron.
  • - necessary for the production of hemoglobin, especially often iron deficiency anemia occurs in women due to monthly blood loss during menstruation.


Arthritis and Arthrosis.

Arthritis and Arthrosis - a group of common inflammatory and degenerative diseases, accompanied by pain in the joints. However, most often joint pain is associated with OSTEOARTHRITIS, a degenerative change in the joint associated with chronic overload. Most often arthritis affects people older than 40-50 years. In women, the small joints of the fingers are more often affected, as well as cervical region spine. In men, hip and knee joints, ankles and lumbar spine.

Vitamins and minerals needed for joint diseases:

  • A nicotinic acid- helps to reduce pain and increase joint mobility.
  • Pantothenic acid- together with other vitamins of group B, it helps to restore the articular surface, reduce pain.
  • Vitamin C - plays leading role in the synthesis of collagen - the main protein component of cartilage and bone, is necessary for the restoration of the cartilaginous surface of the joint and the treatment of arthritis.
  • Vitamin E - helps to reduce pain in arthritis and arthrosis, is an antioxidant, prevents damage to the joints by free radicals.
  • Copper is one of the main remedies that has been used since ancient times for diseases of the joints, helps to reduce inflammation and pain in the joint.
  • Selenium- together with vitamin E, it effectively relieves acute pain in inflammatory diseases of the joints, helps to restore the articular surface in arthrosis.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids - are a source of synthesis in the body of prostaglandins - powerful anti-inflammatory substances that reduce pain and inflammation in arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune, systemic, chronic connective tissue disease that predominantly affects the joints. More often, the synovial membrane and cartilage of the joint suffer. This is a serious disease and it should be treated by a doctor, but in addition to the main treatment, vitamins are needed.

Vitamins and minerals needed for rheumatoid arthritis:

  • Pantothenic acid- Together with other B vitamins, it helps to reduce joint stiffness and improve well-being.
  • Vitamin C - reduces the fragility of capillaries, counteracts the formation of bruises, characteristic of this disease.
  • Vitamin E - helps to reduce pain and increase the mobility of the affected joints.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids- promotes the production of useful eicosanoids, prostaglandins in the body, which reduce inflammation, pain and swelling of the joints.
  • Copper is one of the main remedies that has been used since ancient times for diseases of the joints, helps to reduce inflammation and pain in the joints.
  • Selenium- is a powerful antioxidant and counteracts the damaging effect of free radicals on joint tissues.
  • Zinc - inhibits the development of rheumatoid arthritis, reduces inflammation and pain in the joints.

Attention: medical studies have shown that copper deficiency in the body can contribute to the development of rheumatoid arthritis. At the same time, foods high in red meat and egg yolks have been shown to increase inflammation and joint pain due to great content arachidonic acid, which is the source of formation in the body of a whole group of "bad" eicosanoids.


Osteoporosis is a common disease associated with metabolic disorders, as a result of which calcium metabolism in the body is disturbed, bones lose strength, and there is a risk of fractures. It is more common in women over 40 due to changes in the hormonal balance in the body.

Vitamins and minerals needed for osteoporosis:

  • Calcium is especially necessary, but it is very important to create conditions for its absorption in the body.
  • Magnesium - is involved in the activation of the biochemical reaction of calcium incorporation into bone tissue.
  • Manganese - essential for calcium absorption and strong bones.
  • Vitamin D3 - is necessary for the full absorption of calcium in the intestine.
  • Zinc - enhances the effect of vitamin D3, promotes the full absorption of calcium and its accumulation in bone tissue.
  • Folic acid and Vitamin B6 - are necessary for the proper formation of the collagen framework of the bone.
  • Vitamin B12- necessary for the functioning of osteoblasts - cells involved in the construction of bone tissue.
  • Vitamin K - prevents the loss of calcium in the urine.
  • Boron - reduces the loss of calcium and magnesium in the urine.
  • Silicon - holds together collagen and elastin, giving the bones strength and elasticity.

Attention: caffeine and sugar have been found to promote calcium loss in the urine. For osteoporosis, reduce your intake of coffee, tea and chocolate, as well as various sweets.

Osteocondritis of the spine.

Osteochondrosis is called degenerative-dystrophic changes in the intervertebral disc, as a result of which the disc "sags", the distance between the vertebrae decreases and the function of the spine is impaired. This can pinch the nerve roots and cause pain and various disorders in the internal organs.

Vitamins and minerals needed for osteochondrosis:

  • Selenium- together with vitamin E, it effectively relieves acute pain in the spine, helps to restore the articular surface.
  • Copper is one of the main remedies that has been used since ancient times for diseases of the joints, helps to reduce inflammation and pain in the spine.
  • Silicon - holds together collagen and elastin, giving the intervertebral disc strength and elasticity.
  • A nicotinic acid- Helps to increase the mobility of the intervertebral joints.
  • Vitamin C - plays a major role in the synthesis of collagen - the main protein component of cartilage and bone, is necessary for the restoration of the intervertebral disc and strengthening the ligaments of the spine.
  • Vitamin E - helps to reduce pain, is an antioxidant, prevents damage to the joints by free radicals.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids - are a source of synthesis in the body of prostaglandins - powerful anti-inflammatory substances that reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Pantothenic acid- together with other vitamins of group B, it helps to restore the articular surface, reduce pain.

Attention: for successful treatment, in addition to vitamins, daily exercises are also needed to help restore the flexibility and function of the spine.


Varicose veins.

Varicose veins is the expansion of the superficial veins of the lower extremities, which is accompanied by impaired blood flow and disruption of the venous valves, weakness of the venous wall. Promotes development primary varicose veins obesity, pregnancy, prolonged standing and connective tissue weakness (often associated with mineral deficiencies), as well as SILICON and SELENIUM deficiencies. Secondary varicose veins occurs in connection with a violation of the venous outflow, for example, due to congestive processes in the pelvic area or liver.

Vitamins and minerals needed to prevent varicose veins:

  • Vitamin C - necessary to strengthen the venous wall, prevents damage to its excess free radicals.
  • Silicon - is part of elastin - a protein that "sticks together" the fibers of the venous wall, thereby giving it strength.
  • Selenium- has the ability to protect the venous wall from damaging elements, restores damaged cells, strengthens the body's immune system. Works more effectively with vitamin E.
  • Vitamin E - is an antioxidant, prevents damage to the venous wall by free radicals.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids - are a source of synthesis in the body of prostaglandins - powerful anti-inflammatory substances.


Before considering the relationship between providing the body with micronutrients and the risk of developing cancer, we note that the proposed probiotics due to their bacterial compositionare effective means for prevention cancer. In particular, propionic acid bacteria inhibit the activity of enzymes involved in the formation of mutagens, carcinogens and tumor growth promoters, as well as synthesize antioxidant heme-containing enzymes(catalase, peroxidase and superoxide dismutase (SOD))...

Stomach cancer.

Gastric cancer is most common in men over 40 years of age and ranks 8th in frequency among malignant diseases in men, as well as in people suffering from stomach ulcers, chronic hypovitaminosis (especially vitamin B12) and in people who abuse alcohol.

Vitamins and minerals that help prevent stomach cancer:

  • Vitamin A - its deficiency increases the risk of this disease.
  • Vitamin B12- its deficiency can cause atrophic gastritis, which increases the likelihood of cancer.
  • Vitamin C - protects the gastric mucosa from damage by nitrosamines, which are formed during frying of meat and contributes to cancer. And also increases the efficiency of antitumor immunity.
  • Vitamin E - is an antioxidant, protects the gastric mucosa from damage by carcinogens formed during cooking.
  • Selenium
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids- prevents the reproduction of tumor cells in the body.

Attention: studies have shown that sugar has a strong damaging and irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, and depresses the immune system. If there is a risk of stomach cancer, sugar must be excluded from the diet!

Lungs' cancer.

This disease affects more often men, but due to the increase in the number of smokers, the incidence is also growing among women. Many factors contribute to the malignant transformation of the lung tissue: exposure to asbestos, heavy metals, radiation, and industrial air pollution. However, the main cause of occurrence is SMOKING!

Vitamins and minerals that help prevent lung cancer:

  • Vitamin A and Beta-Carotene - studies have shown that the use of these vitamins reduces the risk of this disease.
  • Vitamin B12 And Folic acid - prevent changes in the cells of the broncho-pulmonary system that precede cancer (prevent bronchial metaplasia).
  • Vitamin C - protects the lungs from the damaging effects of carcinogens contained in tobacco smoke.
  • Vitamin E - is an antioxidant, prevents damage to the lung tissue by toxins and environmental poisons.
  • Zinc - increases the ability of the immune system to protect the lungs from tumor cells. According to researchers, in lung cancer, there is a reduced level of zinc and an increased loss in the urine.
  • Selenium
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids- Strengthens the immune system.

Attention: studies have shown that increased alcohol consumption, especially beer, increases the risk of lung cancer.

Skin cancer.

The occurrence of the disease is associated with malignant degeneration of cells due to damage to their DNA (the genetic apparatus of the cell). The damaging factor here is most often ultraviolet radiation from the sun, which stimulates the development of one of the three main types of skin cancer: basal carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma. MELANOMA is one of the most dangerous forms of cancer. It develops from skin pigment cells (birthmarks) that are out of control of the body. Therefore, pay attention to the changes that occur with your moles. If the mole grows, changes color and shape, causes pain or itching, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Vitamins and minerals that help prevent skin cancer:

  • Vitamin E - is an antioxidant, protects the skin from damage by ultraviolet rays of the sun.
  • Vitamin D - inhibits the growth of malignant melanoma.
  • Vitamin A - lack of this vitamin increases the risk of skin cancer.
  • Beta-carotene - converted in the body to vitamin A as needed.
  • Selenium- the most powerful antioxidant, with its deficiency, antitumor immunity suffers. Works in the body in conjunction with vitamin E.

Mammary cancer.

There are 2 types: the first occurs at a young age, and the second after the onset of menopause. The first is more associated with hereditary predisposition, more dangerous and grows faster. However, the risk of any type of cancer is related to dietary factors.

Vitamins and minerals that help prevent breast cancer:

  • Vitamin C - is an antioxidant, protects breast cells from damage by free radicals and malignant transformation.
  • Vitamin D - inhibits the growth of cancer cells.
  • Vitamin E - is an antioxidant, prevents damage to breast tissue by toxins and environmental poisons. prevents the development of precancerous tumors of the breast.
  • Selenium- enhances the effectiveness of antitumor immunity. Works in the body in conjunction with vitamin E.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids - strengthens the immune system, reduces the likelihood of cancer and improves healing effect radiation and chemotherapy.
  • Fiber - helps reduce the risk of breast cancer, because. bind the female sex hormone estrogen in the intestines and remove it from the body. It has been proven that it is estrogen that stimulates the growth of breast tumors.
  • Iodine- cancerous and precancerous tumor formations often occur with a lack of iodine in the body.

Attention: Studies have shown that increased alcohol consumption increases the likelihood of breast cancer.

Prostate cancer.

This is the most common type of cancer in men. Up to 70% of men over the age of 80 have signs of prostate cancer (at least on a microscopic level).

Vitamins and minerals that help prevent prostate cancer:

  • Fiber - helps reduce the risk of cancer, tk. bind sex hormones in the intestines and remove their excess from the body.
  • Vitamin A - lack of this vitamin increases the risk of cancer.
  • Beta-carotene - converted in the body to vitamin A as needed.
  • B vitamins- especially B1, B2, B6 - prevent the development of cancer.
  • Selenium- enhances the effectiveness of antitumor immunity. Works in the body in conjunction with vitamin E.
  • Zinc - increases the ability of the immune system to protect cells from malignant degeneration. According to the researchers, in cancer, there is a reduced level of zinc and an increased loss in the urine.

Attention: Excessive consumption of fatty foods increases the risk of cancer. Intensive consumption of fats weakens the immune system and reduces its ability to destroy tumor cells.

Cancer of the colon and rectum.

This type of cancer arises from the cells of the mucous glands of the intestinal epithelium. It is inherited and is more common in people with intestinal polyps.

Vitamins and minerals that contribute to the prevention of colon and rectal cancer:

  • Vitamin C - slows down the growth of malignant cells.
  • Vitamin E - reduces the level of carcinogens, in combination with vitamin C reduces the risk of degeneration of intestinal polyps into cancer.
  • Beta-carotene - effectively prevents cancer.
  • Folic acid - its deficiency can increase the risk of cancer.
  • Fiber - accelerates the "evacuation" of food masses from the intestine, thereby reducing the contact of carcinogenic substances in food with the intestinal wall.
  • Selenium- participates in the work of antitumor immunity.
  • Calcium - binds certain types of fats, reducing their harmful effects on the intestinal wall.



Type 1 diabetes children and people under 30 get sick more often. This type of person will lose weight, have a "ravenous appetite", unquenchable thirst and frequent urge to urinate. Because of this, regular insulin injections and supervision by an endocrinologist are required.
Type 2 diabetes mellitus occurs more often in people older than 40-50 years and ranks third in terms of danger to life after cancer and diseases of the cardiovascular system. Its manifestations are dry mouth, intense thirst, frequent urination, skin itching, fatigue, weakness, slow healing of small wounds and scratches. If these signs appear, be sure to check your blood sugar levels. At healthy person- in the range from 3.3 to 5.5 mmol / l. This is another consequence of our comfortable and "tasty" life. Causes:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • abuse of refined (cleared from fiber) food;
  • excessive passion for sweets, pastries, overeating.

Risk factors:

  • heredity;
  • obesity. Moreover, the type of fat deposition matters - if fat accumulates mainly in the abdomen, then the risk of developing diabetes is greater than with uniformly proportional fat deposition.

Diabetes mellitus of any type is dangerous complications. First of all, the eyes suffer (blindness may occur), the kidneys (chronic renal failure develops), the blood supply to the legs and their innervation are disturbed (sometimes, even before amputation), the blood supply to the heart and brain is disrupted (which leads to myocardial infarctions and strokes). It is very difficult to cure! But to facilitate its course and live a full life is real!

How to protect yourself from diabetes?
Avoid overweight. → How much do you weigh b?
To maintain a stable weight, you will have to make adjustments to your diet:

  • Never eat a lot at one meal.
  • Refuse late dinners, because. it is the food eaten before bedtime that is deposited in the form of body fat (this is how SUMO wrestlers in Japan eat when they want to gain as much weight as possible and quickly!).
  • Try to limit, and it is better to exclude the use of sugar. Replace it with honey.
  • Cut down on animal fats.
  • Eat more vegetables, preferably in small portions.
  • Increase your fiber intake.
  • Avoid stimulants - tea, coffee, alcohol, cigarettes, chocolate.
  • Drink more water.
  • Physical exercise - jogging, swimming, Chinese gymnastics (at least 10-15 minutes every day).

Vitamins and minerals that are especially useful in diabetes:

  • Vitamin C - ASCORBIC ACID (Vitamin C) protects proteins and fats from oxidation, prevents damage to the walls of small blood vessels, and helps more complete absorption of glucose by tissues.
  • Vitamin H (Biotin) - helps lower blood sugar and increases tissue sensitivity to insulin. daily requirement- 0.15-0.3 mg.
  • B vitamins - are important for preventing a dangerous complication on the nervous system - neuropathy.
  • Vitamin PP (Nicotinic acid)- Participates in the regulation of insulin and blood sugar levels.
  • Vitamin E is an antioxidant and has the ability to prevent some complications, especially disorders in the work of the heart and retina, dysfunctions of small blood vessels.
  • Magnesium - is involved in the regulation of blood sugar levels, energy production, the release of insulin from. Protects against damage and promotes repair of pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin. When MAGNESIUM is low, the risk of complications - eye diseases - increases. heart, kidney, development of hypertension.
  • Manganese - is necessary for the absorption of glucose by cells and helps to reduce blood sugar levels. MANGANESE is needed for the normal production of insulin in the pancreas.
  • Phosphorus - is involved in the regulation of blood sugar levels. PHOSPHORUS is a component of the cell membrane and is involved in intracellular metabolism.
  • Potassium - its lack impairs the absorption of glucose by tissues and cells. POTASSIUM is the main element of every living cell, as well as to maintain normal muscle tone and blood pressure. It is necessary for normal metabolism in tissues, for the functioning of the heart, kidneys, brain, liver, endocrine glands.
  • Zinc - is involved in the regulation of blood sugar levels and in the regulation of fat metabolism in the body.

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