Diets for losing weight by 15-20 kg. What dangers are fraught with a strict diet for weight loss: TOP ten most effective of them. Quitting the diet

Heating schedule 04.04.2023
Heating schedule

Diet type- low-calorie

Weight loss- 20 kg

Application period- 1 month

This is a very effective diet and it is guaranteed to allow you to lose 20 kg in a month. However, you need to understand that you must have these extra pounds. It's stupid to try to lose so many pounds if you don't have them.

One of the main advantages of the diet is its long duration. Unlike fast diets, a diet for losing weight by 20 kg per month gives lasting results for a long time. However, these results can only be achieved if all rules and diet menus are strictly followed.

Basic diet rules for urgent weight loss of 20 kg:

It is best to start a diet with an enema or a saline laxative; if you have never done a colon cleanse, it is advisable to do this a week before starting the diet;

You cannot change the sequence of days and the composition of foods on the diet menu. If you do not follow your diet properly, you may gain weight instead of losing weight;

Drink as much water as possible during the diet, this will avoid constipation and speed up weight loss;

During the diet, you should not consume sweets and alcohol.

It is best to start the diet on Monday. On Sunday evening, the day before the diet, do a cleansing enema or take a saline laxative. Buy food for your diet for at least a week, prepare containers for meals at work. Print out the diet menu and hang it in a visible place.

Be prepared for the fact that in the first three days of the diet you may experience weakness, decreased health, and headaches. Sometimes, with a sharp detoxification of the body, bad breath, a coated tongue, and even a rash on the skin may appear. In this case, it is necessary to repeat the cleansing enema, which alleviates the condition.

Diet menu for losing weight by 20 kg per month for the first three weeks:

Please note that the menus for weeks 1, 2 and 3 are the same.

First day hungry:

The second day is protein:

Breakfast: 100 g of black bread, 20 g of butter, 1 teaspoon of natural honey, coffee with milk (no sugar!)
Dinner:100 g ham (boiled chicken or meat) with broth, 100 g Dutch cheese (processed and white are not allowed), 100 g black bread
Dinner:: eat 2 boiled eggs

Third vegetable day:

The fourth day is special:

Day 5 will repeat the protein day menu

Day 6 - vegetable menu

Day 7 - special menu Diet menu for the fourth week:

Monday 1.5 kg apples
Tuesday 1.5 kg boiled chicken
Wednesday 1.5 kg cucumbers and tomatoes
Thursday 1 kg boiled meat
Friday 0.5 kg Dutch cheese + 1 bottle of mineral water
Saturday 1 kg kefir + 2 boiled eggs + boiled fish
Sunday 1 bottle of red wine + 1 kg of Dutch cheese

Reviews. Diet for losing weight by 20 kg well tolerated. Difficulties most often arise in the first days of the diet, then the body adapts to the new diet and the diet is much easier to tolerate. The main weight loss occurs in the first and fourth weeks, and in the second and third weeks the weight most often does not change. In the first week it usually takes 5-7 kg, and in the fourth week 9-10 kg. /See review:

People who want to lose 20 kilograms in a month need to start by adjusting their diet and creating a training program that will help maintain the achieved result. Let us immediately note that quickly losing 20 kg without harm to health is very difficult, so a competent approach and maximum discipline are important in this matter.

To begin with, you will need a fairly flexible but perfectly balanced diet, and after losing weight you will need to maintain a certain diet and monitor your daily caloric intake. A healthy diet and regular exercise allow you to burn fat quite quickly, but it is important to do everything correctly.

Diet restrictions minus 20 kg in 20-30 days

Let's start with contraindications to rapid weight loss. People with liver or gastrointestinal diseases should not lose weight by 20 kg in a month, as the body is under high stress. Before starting a diet, be sure to get tested and make sure that you do not aggravate possible diseases.

Losing weight according to the system described in the article is not recommended for people with vascular and heart diseases, since the process involves active sports training.

What prevents you from losing weight?

Constantly snacking throughout the day can hinder your fight against excess fat. Everyone loves sandwiches with cheese or sausage and a cup of coffee or tea. All this is the wrong food, so it is important to give up such weaknesses when losing weight by 20 kg in a month. You should not have crackers, chips, buns or cookies at home, but keep dried fruits or fresh fruits in stock.

Excess or lack of sleep can complicate the process of losing weight. Studies confirm that representatives of the fair sex who sleep less than the required amount of time are 20% more likely to experience the problem of excess weight.

Once you get in shape, you need to strictly adhere to your sleep schedule. During the night's rest, the body produces the hormone melanin, which helps break down fats. It is important to avoid eating before bed, as this will cause food to be digested at night rather than fat cells being broken down.

Before you start fighting the hated fat deposits, you need to remember a few simple recommendations:

  • drink plenty of water;
  • do not add fat to food in the form of butter or sauces;
  • cook vegetables in water, not in broths;
  • do not add sugar or milk to tea and coffee;
  • play sports;
  • when you feel hungry, satisfy it with carrots, cucumbers, and salad;
  • follow a diet and exercise regimen;
  • Weigh yourself once a day in the morning after using the toilet.

Diet for weight loss for 20-30 days by 20 kg

Once you decide to lose a significant amount of excess weight, you will need maximum concentration of willpower, self-discipline and perseverance. You should proceed according to the scheme below.

Cleaning the body. During the first week, you will have to cleanse your colon with an enema every morning. If this procedure is difficult for you, you can start taking pharmaceutical medications designed to cleanse the body. The procedure is extremely important, so don't skip a day or you won't get good results. If you follow the recommendations and the given menu, the result will become obvious within 10 days. The diet for the first 7 days looks like this:

  • Breakfast: unsweetened green tea and a couple of fruits (grapes and bananas are prohibited).
  • Lunch: vegetable salad without added salt, seasoned with lemon juice (any fresh vegetables are suitable, except zucchini, potatoes, beans, eggplant and peas). You can have some boiled unsalted chicken. Try to avoid salt altogether, as it interferes with weight loss.
  • Dinner: grapefruit.

We are actively losing weight. The second and third weeks are a period of active weight loss, during which you should eat like this:

  • Breakfast: unsweetened green tea or freshly squeezed juice with two egg whites;
  • Lunch: chicken with vegetable salad without oil and salt.
  • Dinner: one grapefruit.

We consolidate the result. On day 21, it is important not to lose your temper and gradually begin to prepare the body to leave the strict diet. Before meals you should eat a grapefruit:

  • Breakfast: unsweetened green tea with fruit salad (no grapes or bananas), topped with low-fat yogurt;
  • Lunch: chicken with vegetables (you can add olive oil).
  • Dinner: steamed or fried fish in olive oil with lemon juice (do not add salt).

For the entire month, you will have to drink two liters of clean water daily. You cannot eat after 18.00, and you should engage in any sports two or three times a week. Try to move more actively: dancing, taking walks or cleaning the house.

Strictly follow your diet, as even one candy can greatly disrupt your diet, ruining the entire process of complex weight loss for 20-30 days (20 kg).

Active training should be given special attention. You can sign up for a gym or aerobics class, or you can do simple auxiliary exercises at home.

Before training, you should do a warm-up in the form of turning your head, swinging your arms and legs, bending over and stretching. After warming up, we begin to perform the main complex:

  1. Press. Lie down on the floor or a special mat and begin to lift your shoulder blades, tensing your abdominal muscles. Your elbows should touch your knees when you raise them, and touch the floor when you lower them. You need to do 50 reps
  2. Tilts. Perform deep bends to the right and left for several minutes. The duration of the exercise is up to 15 minutes.
  3. Squats. Stretch your arms out in front of you, palms facing each other, and do 30 squats. This exercise perfectly tightens the gluteal muscles.
  4. Bike. Lie on your back, bend your knees and begin to perform movements as if you were pedaling a bicycle. Duration of execution - 4-5 minutes.
  5. Running in place. Raise your legs as high as possible, continuing to “run” for a minute.

It is not necessary to complete everything in one day; it is recommended to distribute the load. This way you won’t get too tired and will give your body a good physical shake-up. Morning jogging gives excellent results. It will be difficult for you to get up at first, but over time you will be able to achieve your ideal figure. It is important to overcome your laziness, and then the result (20 kg - 20 days) will be guaranteed!

We maintain the result of losing weight by 20 kg per month

Anyone who has been on a diet knows how difficult it can be, but it is even more difficult to maintain the results achieved. Suddenly, the 20 lost (in 20 days) turns into 5 kg of pure achievement. Therefore, it is strongly recommended to adhere to the rules listed below, and then the excess weight will not return to you.

Knowing of limits . After completing the diet, do not pounce on food as if it was the last time. Eat in moderation and gradually switch to a balanced diet, without allowing your stomach to stretch.

Fractional meals . Get used to eating often, but little by little. The first half of the day should include more nutritious meals, and make dinner from light, non-calorie foods (fruits, vegetables, chicken, kefir, etc.) And never eat before bed!

Avoiding flavorings . If you cannot eliminate sugar and salt from your diet, consume them in minimal quantities. This also applies to products containing them. Get used to natural tastes and remove salt from your body by eating foods containing potassium. Sugar can be included in small quantities in the form of honey (1 tsp per cup of tea).

Avoiding pure potatoes . Do not eat this vegetable in its pure form, only as part of mixed dishes (stews or soups), then it will not harm your figure. The product has a high glycemic index, so if consumed excessively, diabetes can develop.

Separate food . Do not mix carbohydrates with animal proteins when eating. Meat and cereal dishes should be combined with vegetables, which ensure easier and faster digestion.

Refusal of fatty and fried foods . Stop eating any fried or fatty foods that are harmful to your figure and overall health. Boil, stew, bake in the oven, use a double boiler - there are a lot of ways to cook food.

Fasting days . P After the diet, arrange fasting days for yourself, for example, once a week. You shouldn't invent a fifth wheel, use proven options: kefir or sweet and sour apples.

Refusal of flour . Don’t get carried away with flour products, but rather remove them from your diet altogether. Regular bread can be replaced with diet bread or whole grain products. Eat bran and oatmeal periodically.

Water in large quantities . You need to drink one and a half to two liters of liquid per day. It helps suppress the false feeling of hunger (before eating, you can drink a glass of water and, if the feeling of hunger does not disappear, you really need to eat). Water removes toxins from the body and prevents constipation. However, never drink food with it.

Now you know how you can lose 20 kilograms at home with a simple diet and simple exercise.

Since the astronauts’ diet “20 kg in 20 days” is quite harsh and does not differ in variety and satiety, it is recommended to consult a doctor before starting and begin the weight loss process only if there are no contraindications. For those who have serious chronic diseases or intestinal problems, it is better to immediately choose another program.

To keep the body in good shape throughout the course, it is necessary to consume a rich mineral-vitamin complex and be sure to drink at least one and a half liters of filtered or melt water daily. In addition, the diet requires strict adherence to the permitted menu and a complete rejection of hot spices, sugar, salt, alcohol and high-calorie sweet foods. An acute feeling of hunger, which is quite possible in the first week, can be quenched with a glass of low-fat (no more than 1.5%) kefir.

Physical activity is prohibited for women throughout the entire dietary period. You will need to resort to them only after completing the course in order to tighten the skin and tone all the muscles. If your health suddenly worsens and you feel discomfort in your body, you can shorten the program to 10 days or abandon it altogether.

Diet of astronauts: menu for the day

Since losing 20 kg is much more difficult than gaining this weight, get ready for severe food restrictions. You will have to eat the same type and rather sparingly for 20 days.

  • For breakfast, you can eat one boiled or fried egg without oil and drink a standard (200 ml) glass of low-fat kefir or medium-strength black coffee without sugar, artificial sweeteners or milk.
  • The lunch portion consists of 0.5 liters of non-rich broth, 250-300 grams of boiled chicken fillet and 200 ml of kefir (can be replaced with a cup of unsweetened black coffee without milk or green tea).
  • For an afternoon snack there is only a glass of kefir or 200 ml of weak coffee.
  • The day ends with a light dinner of 200 grams of unsweetened low-fat cottage cheese (preferably homemade rather than store-bought) and 200 ml of 1.5% kefir.

To prevent the weight from returning, you need to very slowly and progressively exit the “20 kg in 20 days” space diet. Reviews from those who have lost weight indicate that first the menu should include lean fish and meats carefully and in small quantities, and then foods containing fiber. The process should last at least a week, and preferably 10 days. Fried, sweet and smoked foods should be avoided for at least 2 weeks after completing the course.

Due to the extreme severity of the program, nutritionists recommend using it only (!) in emergency cases and no more than once a year. It is guaranteed to help you quickly lose 20 kg, however, abuse of the technique can cause significant harm to your health.

Workout for body contouring after rapid weight loss

Many women, having learned how to lose 20 kg in 20 days using the astronaut diet, take the program into service and achieve significant results. But at the end of the course, as a rule, another problem arises: the skin becomes flabby and sag unsightly in problem areas. In order to restore your figure's attractiveness, it is not at all necessary to go to the gym or hire a personal fitness trainer. It is enough to perform a set of simple exercises at home every day and within a month everything will return to normal.

Warm up before training

How to tighten your waist and obliques

We tighten the abdominal muscles

5 effective exercises for slim legs

Description of exercises

  • We start the lesson with a light warm-up. Calm running in place for 2-3 minutes. Stretch in different directions 15 times. Bend forward – 15 times, left/right – 15 times each. Swing your arms outstretched in front of you - a total of 30 times.
  • We make the stomach toned and flat. Lying on your back, bend your knees and put your hands behind your head. We lift the upper part of the body, trying to pull ourselves as close to the knees as possible. We perform 4 sets of 8-10 lifts with a 2-minute rest break.
  • We tone the oblique muscles of the waist and abdominals. We lie down on the floor and bend our knees. We clasp our hands behind our heads. From this position, raise the body and stretch the right elbow to the left knee. We return to the starting position and then change hands. We do 3 sets of 10-15 times with a 2-minute break.
  • Lying on the floor, we raise our straight legs up, hold for 2-3 seconds, feel the muscle tension and slowly lower. This exercise makes it possible to fully load the lower part of the body and tighten the sagging muscles of the buttocks and abdomen.
  • How to quickly and effectively firm up your legs and thighs? Of course, do swings from a standing position. With one hand we lean on the table or the back of a strong high chair. We keep our body very straight, do not slouch or lean forward. Raise your right leg first to the side, then in front of you as high as possible. We repeat this 25-30 times, and then do the same with the left foot. We finish the load on the lower limbs by swinging the legs back. We perform 25-30 times.

Hurry slowly, or How to lose 20 kg in 2 months without harming your health

Doctors involved in developing rational nutrition programs argue that it is most reasonable and correct to lose weight slowly and gradually. This reduces the burden on the body, avoids weakening of the immune system and does not cause sagging skin. One of the most popular long-term programs that help get rid of hated kilograms is the Montignac technique. It cannot be called a diet in the generally accepted sense of the word. Rather, it is a collection of recommendations that helps you wisely choose a menu that will help normalize your metabolism. How can you lose 20 kg in this way, you ask. Dr. Michel Montignac claims that everything will happen automatically and, most importantly, the result will last for a long time.

Basic principles of the Montignac technique

Real reviews and photos of people who have lost 20 kg

Kristina from Kemerovo writes: “After the birth of my third child, my weight was 76 kg with a height of 164 cm. I looked at myself in the mirror and was terribly upset. How to lose extra pounds if you have no time for exercise equipment or fitness? I came across a Montignac recipe. I revised my diet according to his rules. At first it was difficult without sweets and I also got used to eating late, but eventually I got used to it. Now my weight fluctuates around 54-55 kg, but the main thing is that my previous dimensions have not returned. Yes, everything didn’t happen very quickly, but in my case the effect is obvious.”

I lost 20 kg in 2 months after giving birth.

Inna from Minsk claims that the Montignac system has become for her not a diet, but a way of life. According to the review, the girl managed to reduce her weight from 86 to 68 kg in 2 months. The main advantage of the method, in her opinion, is the absence of hunger throughout the entire course and obtaining a lasting, although rather slow, result.

Lost 20 kg of excess weight in 2 months

How many kilograms and over what period of time can a plus-size lady or a well-fed man lose? The authors of several versions of one of the most stringent nutrition systems claim that with sufficient persistence, you can get rid of 20 kg in 20 days. This diet is usually designed for people with a high BMI. It is unlikely that a girl with ten percent excess weight will be able to find 20 kg of fat in her body. But a lady whose weight has long exceeded 100 kg, or a man who abuses fatty foods, beer and chips, will be able to do this completely. “20 kg in 20 days” is a diet for the strong in spirit. Where to begin?

Is it enough to just change your diet?

Twenty kilograms of excess weight, part of which is directly fat mass, and the rest is a gel-like liquid that soaks it like a sponge, can only be gotten rid of through comprehensive weight loss. The “20 kg” diet will help you lose weight quickly and effectively if you include physical exercise in your daily regimen and increase physical activity. Judging by the reviews, the majority of those losing weight, who reduced the caloric content of their diet but ignored exercise, soon abandoned unusual meager food, citing the fact that it did not help them become slim. As you know, people with a lot of weight often have work associated with a minimum of movement, while they prefer lazy rest to active games in the fresh air.

How to overcome physical inactivity?

If monotonous exercises do not excite you, dance. If you like to swim, sign up for a swimming pool. Don't miss the opportunity to walk a few stops, take a walk in a park or square, or play in the fresh air.

Movement will help not only enhance the process of thermolipolysis but also speed up metabolism. Thus, it helps to activate the functions of the excretory system, freeing the body from excess fluid and toxins. In addition, regular physical activity will help improve health, increase the body's immune defense, and improve appearance by training muscles and tightening the skin.

“20 kg in 20 days” - a diet not for the faint of heart

In complex weight loss, in addition to regular physical activity, the second important factor is motivation and psychological attitude. By losing a lot of weight in a short period of time, you can get not only a slimmer body and a new wardrobe. Will strengthen motivation and support willpower, for example, a trip to the sea that you have been dreaming about. Or maybe you will be pleased with the purchase of a treasured item. You shouldn’t just complete your successful weight loss by going to a restaurant, attending a buffet table or other tempting events.

Otherwise, losing 20 kg in 20 days with such difficulty, diet and other restrictions will be in vain. These strict nutritional systems provoke rapid weight gain as soon as a person stops remembering the rule - eat less and move more.

The first version of a diet that promises “minus 15 kg in 3 weeks”

The three-week diet is especially popular among women. Losing weight by 15 kg in 20 days is a tempting offer, but experts are skeptical about such a depleted menu, which does not cover the body’s basic energy costs. This, in their opinion, can lead to a breakdown and subsequent “atomic” weight gain. Prohibited foods in this food system correspond to the list of unhealthy, high-calorie foods: sugar, baked goods, white flour products (including bread and pasta), chocolate and candy. Among the drinks, the taboo affected sweet soda, beer and wine. The authors recommend taking multivitamins or special mineral complexes every day.

The menu of this diet is designed in two-day periods, which must be alternated. The diet for the first two fasting days includes: a couple of rye toasts, 200 ml of tomato juice (preferably fresh, not from packages), as well as kefir or milk of your choice, but not more than 2 liters per day. The menu for each of the two protein days consists of:

  • one rye toast with 0.5 tsp. butter and the same amount of honey plus 150-200 ml of coffee with milk - for breakfast;
  • one toast (rye), 200 ml of broth (meat or fish), 100 g of boiled fish or meat - for lunch;
  • milk or tea (200 ml) with 0.5 tsp. honey - in the afternoon;
  • a couple of soft-boiled or hard-boiled eggs, boiled meat or fish (100 g), 50 g of hard cheese plus 200 ml of “zero” kefir - for dinner.

It is recommended to stick to a vegetable diet for the next two days. For breakfast and afternoon snack, you can enjoy fruit: a couple of apples or a couple of oranges (your choice). For lunch, only vegetable soup is allowed and for dinner: a salad of fresh cabbage, carrots and beets, 200 ml of tea and one rye toast.

Modern nutritionists subject this starvation diet to severe criticism. They warn that it slows down metabolism and causes our body to panic. At this time, any incoming calories are stored as fat to preserve energy reserves for the future. In addition, such restrictions can cause weakness and apathy, which will negatively affect the desire to exercise - the main “fat burner” of calories.

On the World Wide Web, reviews about this diet are both positive and negative. Those who managed to lose weight using such a draconian method are happy with the weight loss, but they did not have time to feel the damage done to the body. Negative reviews are associated with refusals of this diet or long-term recovery of health after it.

The second option is the “astronaut diet”

It is no less often found in recipes for quick and effective weight loss. This nutrition system has nothing to do with astronauts, except that it promises “cosmic” results. The “20 kg in 20 days” diet has received different reviews from those losing weight. Most girls note its starvation diet, sagging skin and muscles, a fairly long duration (many divide it in half - 10 kg in 10 days to withstand), as well as rapid weight gain after completion. The daily menu of this diet includes:

  • unsweetened kefir or coffee (150-200 ml) and 1 egg (boiled or dry fried) - for breakfast;
  • boiled chicken (100 or 150 g), 500 ml of broth and a cup of coffee (kefir) - for lunch;
  • choice: natural yogurt, kefir (with minimal fat content) or coffee without milk and sugar - for an afternoon snack;
  • “zero” cottage cheese - 150-200 g.

Even taking vitamin and mineral supplements and drinking plenty of fluids (at least 2 liters of clean water without gas) will not compensate for the deficiency of essential substances.

The third version of a strict diet

Nutritionists approve of the menu of this nutrition system. It includes healthy foods: green fruits and vegetables (broccoli, apples, cabbage, cucumbers, greens), red tomatoes, legumes (beans and peas), quality proteins (chicken fillet, eggs, milk and cottage cheese), complex carbohydrates (buckwheat , brown rice and oats). Green tea is recommended for drinks. Negative reviews from nutritionists are caused by alternating refusals of meals (dinner, lunch and even breakfast), which leads to a slowdown in metabolic processes, and the use of fructose in the diet. Just like glucose, it provokes the release of insulin into the blood, which, in turn, inhibits the process of fat burning. Experts recommend replacing fructose with honey, and not skipping meals.

How to lose 20 kg in 20 days?

If you set a goal to get rid of extra 20 kilograms, then you need to remember that you will have to burn at least 100 thousand kilocalories to do this. By reducing the energy value of your diet by 1000 kcal per day, you can expect to lose this weight no sooner than in 3 months.

How effective is the 20 kg diet? The menu, rules, reviews indicate rational weight loss while maintaining health and results. High-speed methods with strict restrictions will lead to disruption of proper metabolism, sagging muscles and skin, the appearance of stretch marks and the emergence of a difficult-to-control appetite (bulimia).

What to do?

We choose healthy foods for our menu, approved by nutritionists (the main list can be found in the third diet option). We count calories and daily reduce their number by five hundred to a thousand units. This way you can be guaranteed to lose 1-1.5 kg per week. Eat small meals every 2-3 hours. Drink clean water at least 1.5-2 liters per day. It can be seasoned with lemon or cucumber juice, alternated with unsweetened green tea.

You can increase the effectiveness of such a diet with aerobic exercise: running, cycling, swimming, jumping rope, climbing stairs. If you do intense training 5 or 6 times a week for 50-60 minutes, you can additionally lose another 1-1.5 kg. Reviews of this diet talk about its effectiveness, improved health and well-being, good skin condition, toned muscles, productive weight loss, as well as long-term preservation of the achieved results. Healthy weight loss cannot guarantee 20 kg in 20 days, since the diet must be balanced and include all the nutrients necessary for life.

In conclusion…

When considering what the “20 kg in 20 days” diet is, the menu, the pros and cons of this diet, you need to take into account how difficult it will be to get out of it. Losing weight quickly is extremely stressful for the body. His defensive reaction may be bulimia (common gluttony) or the accumulation of strategic fat reserves in case the owner has to lose weight again. A state of shock, fear - this is what our body experiences in response to a strict diet. On the contrary, it is reusable, soothes it and leads to harmless and reliable weight loss.

When your weight differs from the norm by a couple of tens of kilograms and you need to reduce it, you need to prepare yourself for the fact that in the next six months life will no longer be the same. Although there are brave souls who manage to pull off such a thing in just a couple of weeks. Let's find out how to lose 20 kg: is it possible to do this in a few days, is it necessary to spend months on it, and how to choose a diet in accordance with the required time frame.

Before choosing the most effective diets that promise to get rid of 20 extra pounds, take real advice from experts and those who have already had experience with such weight loss.


To lose 20 kg, proper nutrition will not be enough: only a clearly organized diet can cope with such excess weight.

Whatever diet you choose, prepare your body for it: gradually eliminate harmful and prohibited foods from your diet.

Make a clear nutrition plan and strictly follow it until you reach the desired mark on the scale. If you break down, retreat from him - don’t start all over again, but continue to move on.

If you want to stay healthy after losing weight, choose a long-term diet. Doctors recommend getting rid of only 1 kg per week. Therefore, your ideal option is 5 months.


Without increasing physical activity, the process of losing weight can take an indefinite period of time. If you want to get rid of 20 kg quickly, find a training plan along with your diet and start exercising immediately.

You should definitely do exercises in the morning and go for walks in the evening.

Decide exactly how you will burn calories. The ideal option is to work out in the gym 3 times a week for 1-1.5 hours, giving it your all. If this is not possible, replace energy-intensive workouts with alternative sports: jogging, dancing, swimming, cycling.

The exercises can also be performed at home (by watching training videos). So don’t console yourself with the thought that you can’t play sports because a gym membership is expensive, you don’t have time to get to it, and other excuses.


Help your body overcome this stress with minimal losses. Give up bad habits - don't drink alcohol and quit smoking. Create a daily routine so that there is room for 7-8 hours of sleep. With a lack of sleep, disrupted hormonal levels will hinder weight loss. Take a course of multivitamins and undergo a medical examination. Monitor your health.

Don’t try to lose weight urgently: getting rid of 20 kg in a week is unrealistic, no matter who promises you anything. Theoretically, this is possible provided that you eat nothing for 7 days and physically work 15 hours a day. In practice this is not feasible. The longer the path to victory in this case, the greater the winnings.

And now - a selection of the most effective diets that allow you to lose 20 kg at different times.

Water diet

Type: low calorie.

Duration: 10 days.

Difficulty: maximum.

The bottom line: drink up to 3 liters of clean water per day every day, while minimizing the consumption of solid food.

Products: any low-calorie foods (fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, meat and fish).


  • few people manage to lose 20 kg in 10 days - mentally prepare for a more moderate result;
  • frequent headaches, nausea;
  • severe attacks of hunger;
  • difficult to tolerate, high risk of failure;
  • leaching of many beneficial substances from the body;
  • throughout all 10 days the powerful diuretic effect of the chosen diet will be felt.

Menu for 10 days:

You will find more options for this diet with a detailed menu for every day.

Model diet

Type: low-calorie, fat-free, express weight loss.

Duration: 2 weeks.

Difficulty: high, considered one of the toughest.

The bottom line: refusal of dinner, after 15 or 16 hours you can’t eat anything ().

Products: low-calorie, no fat.

Disadvantages: espress weight loss of 20 kg in just 2 weeks is dangerous due to exhaustion, decreased performance, dizziness, fainting, and nervous breakdowns.

Menu for the week (repeated for the second week):

Dikul's diet

Type: protein.

Duration: 20 days.

Difficulty: high.

The essence: alternating protein and vegetable days in accordance with the principles of separate nutrition, complete rejection of carbohydrates at the initial stage. Mandatory use of special before training.


  • low fat dairy products;
  • poultry (especially breast and fillet without skin);
  • veal/beef tongue, kidneys, liver, lean pork, veal, beef;
  • fish, seafood;
  • eggs;
  • minimum set of vegetables;
  • fruits are exclusively unsweetened and only in cocktails.


  • many contraindications: problems with blood clotting, gastrointestinal and kidney diseases, allergies to protein;
  • the severity of the menu, from which it is not recommended to deviate;
  • constant monitoring of your health by doctors is necessary, since losing 20 kg in just 20 days is fraught with side effects and complications;
  • The Dikul cocktail is high in calories and not particularly tasty.

Menu for 1 day for two phases

Phase I (protein) - lasts about 10 days, but it can be extended to 20, since the bulk of the weight is lost with this diet:

Phase II (protein-vegetable) - lasts from 10 days or longer (until the desired result is obtained). The first day is protein (take the phase I menu). The second is vegetable:

Cocktail recipe from Dikul: 2 packs of low-fat cottage cheese, half a glass of 10% sour cream, 2 tablespoons of honey and jam, 2 raw eggs, 50 g of nuts.

Chemical diet

Type: protein, low-calorie.

Duration: 1 month.

Difficulty: medium.

The bottom line: protein foods trigger certain chemical reactions in the body that promote weight loss. The amount of carbohydrates and fats consumed is kept to a minimum. The diet is scientifically based and requires strict adherence to the recommended diet.

Products: protein, low-carbohydrate, with minimal fat content, in addition - all plant foods.


  • strict adherence to all diet rules;
  • monotony of breakfasts;
  • an abundance of proteins, which can upset digestion;
  • decreased performance;
  • no snacking;
  • small portion sizes.

You can see the detailed menu for the month.

Energy diet

Type: low calorie.

Duration: 2 months.

Difficulty: medium.

Energy Diet cocktails

The bottom line: you need to purchase Energy Diet - dry concentrates, which are also called “smart food”. They are diluted with milk and replace meals. They themselves find a problem in the body and direct their action towards solving it. Allows you to lose weight by 20 kg in 2 months without harm to health. They are produced in France and have Russian and European quality certificates.

Products: Energy Diet cocktails, dairy products, fish, meat, plant foods.


  • high cost of Energy Diet products;
  • acquisition problem (you need to find where they are sold);
  • monotony of the menu;
  • the need for physical activity;
  • presence of chemical additives;
  • long course (60 or 90 days).

Weight loss scheme:

  • 5 days - “Start” program;
  • 25 days - “Consolidation”;
  • 1 month - “Control”.

Sample menu:

Rules for each meal:

  • 1 glass of water or other permitted drink is drunk immediately before drinking a cocktail or 15 minutes before a meal;
  • 1 glass of water or other permitted drink is drunk immediately after drinking a cocktail or 15 minutes after a meal.

Ginsburg Diet Pulse

Type: low calorie, low fat.

Duration: 3 months.

Difficulty: low.

The essence: alternating a maintenance diet (with normal daily caloric intake and a balanced menu) and fasting (with a minimum daily caloric intake and the use of weight loss cocktails).

Products: You can eat everything except fats.


  • within 3 months a lack of fat is detected;
  • high risk of breakdown due to permitted sweets;
  • a large number of “wonderful” rules from the author of the diet, the implementation of which is mandatory;
  • the need to count the fat consumed at the first stage;
  • Weight loss cocktails from the Doctor Slim company must be purchased separately.

You can get acquainted with this interesting technique, which contains practically no prohibited products, by reading.

Liepāja diet

Type: low calorie.

Duration: 4 months.

Difficulty: medium.

The bottom line: the daily calorie intake does not exceed 1,200 kcal. Involves alternating proteins of different types: dairy / meat / fish. No snacks - only 3 main meals. Weekly - fasting day on cottage cheese. For the first 2 months, the original menu (the diet was developed by Dr. Khazan) does not allow adjustments.

Products: protein, with minimal fat and carbohydrates.

Low-fat protein products, the basis of the Liepaja diet


  • unbalanced menu;
  • limited amount of fruit;
  • strict adherence to the original menu;
  • small portion sizes;
  • monotony of the diet, which becomes boring after 4 months;
  • lack of first courses.

Vegetarian diet

Type: low calorie.

Duration: any, but if you need to lose 20 kg, aim for six months.

Difficulty: medium.

The bottom line: avoidance of food of animal origin (fish and meat). You can leave milk and eggs if you wish. The main emphasis is on fruits, vegetables and grains.


  • cholesterol decreases;
  • increased risk of colon cancer;
  • bone density decreases;
  • After 6 months of such nutrition, a lack of certain vitamins and minerals may become apparent.

Sample menu:

You can eat 1 fruit for lunch, and a dairy product for an afternoon snack.

To lose 20 kg, it will take time (if you don’t want health problems) and a lot of patience. It is impossible to get rid of such impressive ballast without diets and physical activity. Such auxiliary methods as tablets or anti-cellulite wraps practically no longer work here. Unless, of course, the doctor prescribed it for you. Therefore, take advice from experts, choose the optimal nutrition system and good luck!

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