Vitamin C in what juices. Start in science. Vitamin composition of apple juice

Overlappings 26.08.2020

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is perhaps the most important vitamin required by the human body. This wonderful vitamin strengthens our immunity, saving us from viral and bacterial infections, is an essential component of bone and connective tissue, strengthening the skeleton, and has a unique ability to rejuvenate the body, pushing back old age as much as possible. But more importantly, vitamin C is great at fighting the deadly disease of cancer. In this article, we will dwell on this wonderful property of vitamin C in detail and give several recipes for natural juices with a high content of this substance.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant

Speaking of antioxidants, that is, substances that interfere with oxidative processes in the body, vitamin C first of all comes to mind. This incredibly powerful antioxidant protects cells from oxidation and the appearance of free radicals - the very particles that are associated with the development of cancerous tumors . Moreover, research over the past decade suggests that vitamin C not only protects cells from malignant tumors, but also actively kills existing cancer cells, weakening the development of oncology.

It has been proven that vitamin C has an anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effect, promotes the speedy healing of wounds and improves the synthesis of hormones in the body. Moreover, this biologically active substance removes lead, copper and other toxins from the body, soothes nervous system, providing an anti-stress effect, and supports the function of the thyroid gland. That is, we can say with confidence that vitamin C protects the body from cancer from all sides, whether it be the activity of disease-causing cells, nervous disorders or hormonal problems. And in this component, vitamin C is significantly ahead of other known antioxidants, in particular, carotene (vitamin A), vitamin E (tocopherol) or selenium.

The most valuable feature and the main difference between vitamin C and any other antioxidants is that in all products, paired with ascorbic acid, there are true “comrades-in-arms” - bioflavonoids, which are often called vitamin P. These active natural ingredients tenfold increase the effect of vitamin C on the body, endowing ascorbic acid with a special property - to prevent changes in cell DNA under the influence of benzapyrene and its metabolites. But it is the change in the DNA of cells that scientists call the key stage of carcinogenesis, i.e. cancer development.

In this way, modern world gradually comes to the realization that vitamin C is the most important means of preventing cancer and fighting existing tumors.

Daily dosage of vitamin C

Let's say right away that for optimal health maintenance and cancer prevention, it is important to regularly replenish daily requirement this vitamin in the body. So, children need to consume 45 mg of ascorbic acid per day, and adult men and women - 60 mg. At the same time, during pregnancy, the dosage of vitamin C should be increased to 70 mg, and during lactation, even up to 95 mg / day.

What foods contain vitamin C

Now let's talk about what products you need to use for the constant replenishment of stocks of "ascorbic acid".

First of all, vitamin C is found in plant foods, in particular citrus fruits such as oranges and lemons, tangerines and limes. In addition, ascorbic acid is present in abundance in blackcurrant, cauliflower, white and other cabbage, bell and red peppers, gooseberries, mountain ash, cranberries and lingonberries, rose hips and sea buckthorn. Even the usual potatoes, horseradish, radishes, tomatoes and apples, peaches and apricots have a fairly high content of vitamin C, and therefore they should be given special emphasis when making up a diet for every day.

Some herbs also boast a high content of vitamin C. In this regard, special attention should be paid to fennel seeds, hops and horsetail, alfalfa and mullein, kelp and peppermint, pine needles and violet leaves, spinach and sorrel. Plantain and yarrow, raspberry leaves and red clover are also rich in ascorbic acid.

Surprisingly, ascorbic acid is also found in animal products, for example, cod roe, horse milk, and some offal (liver and kidneys).

Let us also add that human body does not produce vitamin C, and therefore every person who cares about own health and the health of his loved ones, he should think about the dishes that should be regularly on his table to maintain the level of this vitamin at the proper level.

If you're looking for a way to add foods high in ascorbic acid to your diet, consider juices that can be made from vegetables, fruits, and herbs. Literally one serving of this wonderful juice a day will allow you not to worry about the presence of this valuable biologically active substance in your body. Here are the recipes for the most popular cocktails.

5 Natural Juices High in Vitamin C

1. Citrus juice

One of the simplest, and at the same time useful juices with a high content of "ascorbic acid" will be a mixture of three citrus fruits, namely two oranges, one grapefruit and one lime. Simply peel oranges and grapefruits, cut the flesh into wedges, and then run these fruits through a juicer for a natural multi-fruit juice that's great for kids and adults alike.

2. Broccoli and Spinach Smoothie

Taking a head of broccoli, one bunch of spinach, green cucumber medium length and two cups of green grapes, wash the products well, then put them in a blender and grind until smooth. To enhance the effect, you can add a piece of chopped ginger root and the juice of half a lemon to the cocktail. Such a green drink will not only be incredibly tasty, but also extremely healthy.

3. Strawberry Papaya Cocktail

Having selected 12-15 berries of ripe fragrant strawberries, add half a papaya and one glass of kefir to it. We also send all products to a blender and mix until smooth. The resulting cocktail will appeal to everyone without exception, because it tastes like yogurt, and its benefits are incomparable with any product rich in vitamin C.

4. Green juice from celery and cabbage

This wonderful vegetable juice is prepared as follows: take 5-6 celery leaves, 7-8 cabbage leaves, two large ripe green apples, and half a lemon. After chopping vegetables and fruits, pass them through a juicer and drink the resulting green juice 100 ml in the morning.

5. Sweet Pepper and Carrot Cocktail

To indulge in a wonderful fruit juice and at the same time protect your body from cancer, choose three red or yellow sweet peppers that should be immediately cut and de-seeded. For peppers, take two large carrots, which also need to be peeled and chopped. It remains only to peel two oranges and one lemon, and finely chop 2 cm of fresh ginger root. All prepared products are also sent to the juicer to receive the healthiest juice rich in vitamin C.

Try and evaluate each of the suggested recipes. Perhaps you will make your own adjustments and add other healthy ingredients to these juices and cocktails, which will also guard your health and protect you from serious diseases.
Good health to you!

Each of us knows that vitamins play a vital role for the human body, are prophylactic various diseases, and their lack of food causes a serious pathology with pronounced manifestations - beriberi.

The lack of nutrients for health after the autumn-winter and spring periods makes up for the use of fruit, vegetable and berry juices. This popular all over the world liquid food product, having in its composition a large number of trace elements and vitamins, keeps the human body in good shape and promotes excellent health.

Types of juices

There are several varieties of juices: freshly squeezed, reconstituted and straight-pressed juice.

Juices obtained from benign ripe fruits (grape, apricot and plum, orange, apple and pomegranate), berries (blackcurrant and gooseberry juice) and vegetables (tomato, carrot and cabbage, beetroot and pumpkin) are widely used. There are also juices squeezed from the stems, leaves and roots used in the food of herbs (juice from the stalks of sugar cane and celery), as well as some trees (maple and birch sap).

Vitamins in various juices

Fresh juice is an excellent source of enzymes, minerals and vitamins and is a convenient way to get your daily vitamin requirement for people of all ages.

Natural juices contain natural compounds (phytonutrients) found in vegetables, fruits and plants that help fight diseases and have preventive properties. Getting into the body in liquid form, the juice allows it to quickly and easily absorb and use the necessary vitamins.

If you know what vitamins are in the juice, you can get the maximum benefit from it. Due to their nutritional excellence, freshly squeezed juices can compensate for vitamin deficiencies associated with disease and nutrition.

Cabbage juice contains vitamin C, anti-ulcer vitamin U, amino acids, iron, calcium and easily digestible carbohydrates.

Pumpkin juice contains B vitamins, beta-carotene, vitamins E, C, T, iron, sucrose, calcium and potassium.

Carrot juice is rich in phosphorus, B vitamins, and vitamins C, E, A, K, D, beta-carotene, calcium and potassium iron.

Beetroot juice is a source of B vitamins, vitamin C, iron, potassium, iodine, betaine and magnesium.

Tomato juice contains fructose, vitamins A and C, glucose, beta-carotene, magnesium, calcium and iron.

All vegetable juices (green, orange and yellow) contain vitamin A.

Orange, grapefruit juice and currant (black) juice are a real storehouse of vitamin C.

Pear juice contains sugar, organic acids, pectins, vitamins B and C, fiber.

Grape juice is very rich in manganese, B vitamins and vitamins P and C, magnesium, calcium, potassium and cobalt.

Apple juice has a high content of B vitamins, potassium, sugar, carotene, vitamins E, C, P, pectins, manganese, organic acids, iron.

Plum juice contains carotene, vitamins PP, B, C, pectins and organic acids.

Care should be taken when drinking juices and not overestimate their healing power. Vitamins in juice help support the body, but do not make it possible to fully cope with the disease.

The use of freshly squeezed juices has contraindications for certain diseases. For example, with gastritis, peptic ulcer and pancreatitis, it is not recommended to drink orange, lemon, currant, apple and cranberry juices (acidic).

nutritionists argue that regular consumption of freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices helps maintain beauty and health, activates metabolism, improves immunity, cleanses blood vessels and improves joint flexibility. In their opinion, it is enough to drink one liter of juice every day to replenish the supply of vitamins in the body and resist the attack of viruses in cold and wet weather.

Over the past 15 years in our country consumption juices and juice-containing drinks has increased several times, which is explained by the fact that people have become more drawn to a healthy lifestyle. However, thinking about the health benefits of juices, many people forget that freshly squeezed juices and commercially produced juices differ greatly in their beneficial properties. It’s easier, of course, to buy ready-made juice packed in a Tetra-Pak bag or a glass container than to peel fruits and vegetables and then run them through a juicer.

But convenient for consumption store juice, even expensive brands, has little in common with the present. Real juice pressed from fruit is straight-pressed juice. In Russia, only 2% of such juice is sold, and all other store-bought juices labeled "100% juice" or "natural juice" are reconstituted from frozen concentrates. Concentrates for the most popular orange juice in Russia are supplied from Brazil and China, tomato concentrate is brought from Iran and Turkey, berry concentrates are purchased by manufacturers from the German company Doehler.

Supply of multifruit and exotic concentrates carried out by the largest international company Cargill. In Russia, only raw materials for juice from sour apples are produced, and for the preparation of sweet apple juice, the concentrate is imported to us from China. Based on this, it becomes clear that advertising about Russian gardens, where fruits and vegetables are harvested by hand for making juice, is another deception of a gullible consumer. All juice concentrates are thick, viscous jelly obtained from fruits by squeezing, depectinizing, evaporating, filtering and removing the natural aroma.

This concentrate is frozen and supplied manufacturer, where it is placed in special vats and heated to 100-110 ° C for four seconds, and then abruptly cooled to room temperature. Further, juice is made from the thawed and cooled concentrate, diluted with water and sterilized. Given the fact that most of the vitamins are destroyed during such processing, many manufacturers add artificial vitamins to juices. Unfortunately, synthetic vitamins cannot replace natural ones, their benefits to the body are minimal.

Modern technology has gone far forward, so the manufacturers of juice bags have learned to give their drinks the taste of freshly squeezed juice. To do this, flavorings, dyes, stabilizers, preservatives, sugar or glucose-fructose syrup are added to them. In fact, the manufacturer should not call such a drink juice, because according to GOST 51398-99, only those drinks that contain more than 50% natural juice and nothing more should be called juice. There is an easy way to check the quality of juice, pour a glass of juice into an enamel bowl and boil it.

If the juice was orange colors and after boiling remained the same, which means that this juice contains dyes. Natural orange, apricot and peach juices become colorless when boiled, but synthetic dyes heat not terrible. If you bought maroon cherry or grape juice, pour it into a glass and add a pinch of soda to it. Natural juices of dark colors become noticeably darker after being redeemed with soda, and drinks with the addition of artificial colors do not change in color.

Natural 100% juices cannot be as sweet as we buy in stores. To add sweetness to industrial juices, they add or replace it with a cheap analogue - glucose-fructose syrup. Unlike sugar, glucose-fruit syrup does not cause a feeling of fullness, so you can drink sweet juices in liters. They do not quench your thirst, after eating them you want to drink even more, and all the calories immediately turn into fat. Meanwhile, glucose-fructose syrup is many times more caloric than sugar. According to nutritionists, it is this sugar substitute, which is added to baked goods, cookies, sodas and juices, that is responsible for the obesity epidemic worldwide.

Answer to the question- "Is it worth drinking juice from bags?" is unequivocal: they are made from concentrates of fruits and vegetables grown in conditions unknown to us, when they are concentrated, the main part of vitamins and nutrients is lost, in addition, sugar or its substitute is added to them, which is very harmful to health and figures. It is much healthier to eat fresh fruits and vegetables than a tasty drink from a store called juice. Juices do not contain fiber, which improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal and circulatory systems. Therefore, even freshly squeezed juice can never be a complete replacement for vegetables and fruits.

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By spring, more vitamins remain in vegetables than in fruits. However, during their heat treatment, some of the nutrients are lost, and eating raw cabbage or beets is not at all interesting ... Unless you make juice from them!

Rules for vegetable juices

  • Vegetables should be peeled and chopped just before juicing.
  • It is advisable to start drinking vegetable juices with 50 ml per day, then the amount can be gradually increased. A good daily serving of vegetable juices is 300 ml.
  • Add 50 ml to juices from yellow, red and orange vegetables vegetable oil for the absorption of carotene.
  • Vegetable juices are recommended to be diluted in a ratio of 1:2. Apple and carrot juices, boiled water and rosehip broth are well suited for this.
  • All vegetable juices (except beetroot!) must be drunk immediately after preparation; in contact with oxygen, they quickly lose useful substances.
  • It is not necessary to strain the juices, the pulp of vegetables contains useful fiber.

cabbage juice

Contains: easily digestible carbohydrates, vitamin C, amino acids, calcium, iron and special anti-ulcer vitamin U.

Benefit. It is useful to drink cabbage juice warm: for the prevention of exacerbations of peptic ulcer. And also rinse their mouth with stomatitis, inflammation of the gums. It is also useful for those who want to lose weight, as it inhibits the conversion of carbohydrates into fats.

Important! It is best to drink cabbage juice several times a day between meals and about 30 minutes before meals.

Remember. Cabbage juice heals the gastric mucosa, but in the midst of an exacerbation of gastritis and ulcers, you should not drink it. But in the period of remission - it's time.

carrot juice

Contains: a large amount of beta-carotene, B vitamins, potassium and calcium.

Benefit. It is especially good for people with poor eyesight and problematic skin.

Important! To absorb beta-carotene, carrot juice must be drunk with something fatty. For example, with cream or a drop of butter. You can also eat right after. vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil.

Remember. Drinking too much carrot juice is not worth it. Excess beta-carotene is an extra load on the liver. Because of it, the skin can also acquire a yellowish tint. It is enough to drink half a glass of carrot juice a day. In addition, this juice has contraindications - this is an exacerbation of peptic ulcer and diarrhea.

pumpkin juice

Contains: sucrose, potassium, calcium and iron, B vitamins, vitamins C, E and T, and beta-carotene.

Benefit. Pumpkin juice normalizes work gastrointestinal tract and helps with diseases of the kidneys and liver. It is especially effective to drink it with urolithiasis. Pumpkin, like carrots, is high in beta-carotene, which improves metabolism and strengthens teeth and bones. A rare vitamin T, which is contained in it, contributes to the formation of platelets - cells that stop bleeding. That's why pumpkin juice good to drink with bleeding gums. In addition, there is a lot of iron in the pumpkin, which is useful for hair loss and skin aging.

Important! For diseases of the liver and kidneys, it is good to drink half a glass of pumpkin juice once a day, and for persistent insomnia - a little pumpkin juice with honey at night.

Remember. Even if you don't like the taste of pumpkin juice at all, it beneficial features may still be available to you. Mix pumpkin juice with others: it goes well with all berry and most fruit juices.

Tomato juice

Contains: glucose and fructose, vitamins C and A, iron, calcium, magnesium and beta-carotene.

Benefit. Tomato juice stimulates metabolism and prepares the stomach for the absorption of food, so it is good to drink it half an hour before meals. In addition, it reduces the risk of cancer due to the content of a special substance in it - lycopene (it is also found in red grapefruits, apricots and watermelons).

Important! Tomato juice is low in calories, so it's great for people who are watching their weight. In addition, by adding two glasses of this juice to your daily diet, you will provide your body with a daily dose of vitamins C and A.

Remember. You should not add salt to tomato juice - it reduces its beneficial properties. For taste, it is better to throw finely chopped dill into it. Also keep in mind that tomato juice there are contraindications: it is not recommended to drink it during exacerbations of gastritis, peptic ulcer, pancreatitis and cholecystitis.

beetroot juice

Contains: potassium, iron and magnesium, betaine, B vitamins and vitamin C, iodine.

Benefit. Betaine contained in beet juice improves liver function, and iodine is useful for thyroid diseases. Also, beetroot juice is a good remedy for the prevention of constipation, as it normalizes bowel function.

And, finally, it is an excellent antidepressant: due to great content magnesium juice relieves fatigue and helps to get rid of stress and insomnia.

Important! There are some harmful substances in beet juice, which, fortunately, are destroyed when exposed to air. Therefore, after squeezing it into an open dish, put it in the refrigerator for two to three hours. Another "minus": this juice is very concentrated, because of this, it can cause nausea and dizziness. To avoid this, you need to drink it diluted with water. And it is advisable to accustom yourself to beetroot juice gradually: to begin with, drink one or two tablespoons a day. Or mix it with other juices: carrot, cabbage, apple, plum or pumpkin.

Remember. If you have kidney disease, stones in gallbladder or you suffer from peptic ulcer disease, experts do not recommend drinking beetroot juice at all.

Nowadays, freshly squeezed juices have become a symbol of health, although it is becoming increasingly difficult to find them. Indeed, vegetable and fruit juices are very useful, even healthier than fruits and vegetables. It takes a long time for the body to process solid food. Nutrients and nutrients from juices are delivered to the cells of the body faster than from solid foods, even within a few minutes.

What are the benefits of juices for the body?

Juices are easily digestible, rich useful substances and vitamins food for the body.

Juices contain vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, potassium, phosphorus, iron. Many juices, for example, plum and beetroot, have a laxative effect, others, on the contrary, fixing. Cucumber and grape juices contribute to self-purification of the body, increase urination, etc. Beet juice increases hemoglobin, carrot juice increases tone, fills our body with energy. Juices contain nutritious fiber and pectin.

The benefits of juices are in daily use, it is only important to choose and store them correctly. Now many restaurants, supermarkets and shopping centers can offer you freshly squeezed juices. It is very important that the juice is prepared right in front of you, and not poured from a jug where the fruit was pressed in advance. Such juice should be drunk immediately, because after 10 minutes it loses its healing properties.

What is packaged juice?

What do manufacturers of packaged juices offer us? The most amazing thing is that the tetra packs do contain natural juice, albeit reconstituted from concentrates.

A concentrate is a natural juice that has undergone heat treatment, from which water has been evaporated using a special technology. Concentrated juices are brought to our country from abroad and they are restored at factories with the help of water and flavorings.

Flavors are added because upon receipt of the concentrate, the separation of the aroma occurs.

What is the harm of packaged juices

So what is the harm of packaged juice? When choosing juice, read the label - after all, the depicted fruit or vegetable does not mean that it is juice inside. Perhaps the bag contains nectar or, even worse, just a fruit or vegetable drink. Manufacturers rely on the fact that the buyer will not read the finely written font, but will believe the bright picture, so if you want to know exactly what they are offering you, do not rush to the beautiful label, but read the contents.

What is nectar? According to GOST, nectar is a product obtained by mixing fruit juice, one or more types of concentrated fruit juices, or an edible part of good-quality, ripe and fresh fruits brought to a puree state with water, sugars or honey. The composition of the nectar also includes acidity regulators (usually citric or ascorbic acid).

GOST strictly regulates the minimum proportion of juice that should be contained in nectar - usually this proportion depends on the type of berries and fruits and varies from 25 to 50%. For example, plum and cranberry nectars should contain at least 30% juice, at least 35% in cherry and mango nectars, and at least 25% in passion fruit or banana nectars. In nectars, the use of preservatives and dyes is allowed.

But according to the new GOST, juices cannot contain artificial flavors, dyes and preservatives. Only natural flavors derived from fruits can be added. So drink natural juices and be healthy!

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