Banana with milk: benefits and harms, cooking recipes. Bananas with milk for weight gain

anti-corrosion 18.05.2022

It will be useful for young mothers to find out how healthy banana milk is for the health of their children. And without the addition of sugar or ice cream, it is also an excellent dietary product.

On weekdays, in a hurry, many people skip breakfast, but banana milk can be prepared in a matter of seconds. And it will allow you to hold out until a lunchtime snack without experiencing hunger pangs. And what a benefit!

Strengthens the immune system

By itself, milk is a good source of vitamins A and C, which our body needs to maintain the immune system.

And potassium, which is found in both dairy products and bananas, has the most positive effect on the functions of the digestive and muscle systems.

Promotes Heart Health

Healthy proteins and dietary fiber are what banana milk has to offer to its consumers. Bananas are high in potassium and milk is high in calcium. Together, these two micronutrients protect the health of the heart muscle.

Promotes weight loss

If you've been trying to lose fat for a long time without success, try drinking a glass of banana milk every morning instead of fruit juices and breakfast cereals. This is a great way to lose weight without losing an ounce of your health.

Strengthens bones

Among the well-known "milk" trace elements, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and calcium can be noted. They help maintain the integrity and strength of bones and teeth.

In Thailand, every week I bought a bunch of 16-18 pieces in the market. They are cheap there. Approximately 10-30 baht depending on the size. In theory, you can search for them for free 🙂 But I didn’t want such adventures.

I liked the red bananas the most. They taste like dried bananas.

It is often said that only fodder bananas are sold in Russian stores. This is not true. Supermarkets sell only specially bred varieties of bananas. He steadfastly endures the flight to another continent and is delivered to us intact. Yes, it tastes different from those that are sold in the same Tai, but not so much.

But in Thailand, for the first time, I came across the fact that some varieties contain bones that are hard as a stone. I almost broke my teeth on them. I took a photo of this fruit. Bones can get up to 10 things. Therefore, I cut it finely, and then send it to a blender.

They are small, black and easily break teeth. Just think if such bananas would be sold to us on the shelves. I certainly wouldn't give these to a child. Once, out of ignorance, I decided to make a banana cocktail from such fruits. Almost broke the blender. He crackled, puffed ... horror.

Benefits of Bananas

In fact, it is not even a fruit, but a herb. That doesn't make them any less delicious. So, what are the benefits of the yellow fruit:

  • help overcome depression due to the high content of tryptophan, which is converted into the hormone of happiness (serotonin);
  • before training, bananas will give you energy and maintain blood sugar levels;
  • Protects against muscle cramps during workouts (great for pre- and post-workout snacks)
  • resist calcium loss;
  • act as a prebiotic (stimulate the growth of beneficial microflora in the intestines)

It also contains a huge dose of potassium. I could go on and on. But I think you got the hint to include a healthy tropical fruit in your diet.

A banana is 74% water. According to the BJU ratio, it contains 1.5% protein, 0.5% fat and 21% carbohydrates. It also has an indecent amount of potassium - 348 mg

Milkshake with banana in a blender

The recipe is as simple as a felt boot 🙂 Take 150 ml of milk and 1 banana for one glass. Peel the fruit, break into several pieces and put in the blender bowl. Add milk.

Beat all the ingredients for about 30 seconds until the mixture is smooth.

The calorie content of a milkshake is approximately 170 kcal.

To prepare a cooling drink, you can do without ice cream. Cut the banana into pieces and place in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Then follow the same steps as you would for a regular banana smoothie.

Due to the high sugar content, banana is recommended to be consumed in the morning.

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  1. Take only ripe bananas. Green fruits contain a lot of starch and have an astringent taste.
  2. Which milk to choose? It's up to you. If you are watching calories, then choose a fat content of 2.5% or less. Or you can try it with coconut milk. The whole process will take no more than 1-2 minutes.
  3. If you like sweets, then first taste the cocktail. And then add a spoonful of sweetness. It can be cane sugar, natural honey or stevia.
  4. Drink the cocktail right away. If it stands, it begins to darken and oxidize. The consistency and taste of the drink changes.
  5. For more nutrition, I recommend adding 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder. The drink is obtained with a chocolate flavor.

Traditional methods of treating colds will always be relevant. Thanks to them, you can enhance the effectiveness of drug treatment. Most folk remedies, especially those made from herbs, are rather unpleasant and difficult to use. With a pronounced bitter taste, the treatment of the respiratory tract becomes unbearable. But still, there are recipes that allow you to cook both tasty and healthy medicine at home at the same time. This article will talk about the perfect combination of banana and milk, able to cure even the most hopeless cough.

Feature of milk-banana remedy

The compatibility of banana with milk is quite good and very beneficial. If you mix them in a blender, you get an excellent cough remedy. And also a banana with milk goes well with honey, which undoubtedly enhances their healing effect.

Using bananas as a standalone cough medicine is a waste of time. Their composition is unable to provoke expectoration or liquefaction of sputum. But when mixed with milk and honey, they become extremely effective in combating the cough reflex. The use of a banana-milk remedy has no particular contraindications. It is recommended to refuse such a drink only in case of diabetes, a recent stroke or heart attack.

Some banana milk recipes contain ingredients that can cause diarrhea. Especially in cases where a person has a tendency to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The appearance of this home remedy is relatively recent. Everyone knows about the medicinal properties of milk. Drinking milk is most effective for diseases such as bronchitis and asthma. It is used to remove mucus from the throat area.

Bananas, in turn, help maintain the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract. Their use is recommended even for small children. They help to get energy and favor the proper development and growth of the body. As a rule, the use of a banana with milk as a folk remedy for cough does not cause any uncomfortable reactions from the body.

This remedy is not a substitute for the treatment prescribed by a doctor. But it may well be used as an additional antiviral treatment, and this is its benefit. Due to the fact that the banana-milk mixture helps to balance nerve cells, the process of removing the radionuclide is accelerated, and all this leads to a speedy recovery.

Drinking this drink, both an adult and a child's body will be able to fall asleep sooner. Once in the stomach, it neutralizes the harmful effects of pathogenic bacteria, and thereby increases the protective properties of the body. This provokes an increase in the immune system.

This medicine is especially effective with regular sore throat. As a rule, children's cough is formed with irritation in the throat, and not with inflammation of the bronchi. When drinking the drink, immunity increases and the recovery process in the nervous and respiratory systems is stimulated.

What are the ingredients used?

With a pleasant and delicate taste, a milk-banana drink not only helps to ease the symptoms of a cough, but also to get incredible pleasure from drinking. Banana, by the way, is one of the richest sources of vitamins E, A and C. The latter is the most important component in the fight against colds and flu epidemics. Therefore, it is recommended to add ascorbic acid to your diet in the autumn and spring periods. It also helps to increase the resistance of the immune system to the emergence of pathogenic microorganisms.

The composition of the fruit from hot countries is high in fiber, glucose, carotene, zinc, calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus. A small part is made up of various natural acids and enzymes. The percentage of nutrients is as follows:

  • vitamin B - 19 percent;
  • vitamin C - 11 percent;
  • potassium allocated 14 percent;
  • manganese - 13.5 percent;
  • magnesium - 11 percent.

Milk, which is the second ingredient for the preparation of a cough remedy, enhances the vitamin and mineral composition of the mixture. Milk is rich in calcium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and magnesium. Also, a considerable part is devoted to vitamins of groups B, E and C. But the main advantages of dairy products are the presence of amino acids indispensable for the human body. They are not produced by the internal organs of a person, but are required for his healthy and normal activities. It is worth paying attention to lactic enzymes: lactase, lipase, reductase, phosphatase and peroxidase.

From what percentage of fat will be in the milk used, the calorie content of the milk-banana mixture will be determined. Many doctors agree that the use of whole homemade milk is harmful to a growing child's body, and this is its harm. The still not quite strong digestive system of the child is unable to digest such a heavy product.

So, when using milk with a high fat content, one average serving of a health drink will contain 158 kilocalories. When using low-calorie milk, the percentage of fat of which does not exceed 2.5, it will contain 52 kilocalories.

Delicious and healthy recipes

As a remedy, a milk-banana drink was first used in Brazilian cities, where, as you know, there is no shortage of fruits. On the territory of Russia, this drink is used with ingredients typical for our region. As a rule, cocoa powder, a tablespoon of honey, granulated sugar and the like can be added to the mixture. Before preparing this healthy drink, it is advisable to make sure that the sick person does not have a tendency to allergies or individual intolerance to the ingredients used.

Cocoa will serve as an additional ingredient for making a drink. This remedy is recommended for use with unbearable perspiration in the throat. First you need to stock up: one banana, three tablespoons of cocoa powder, one glass of milk. First of all, remove the peel from the banana and grind it to a puree consistency. Add cocoa powder to it so that you get a homogeneous mass without any lumps.

Milk is poured only after boiling it. It must be hot. All components are thoroughly mixed. The resulting drink is recommended to be consumed hot a couple of minutes before going to bed. In order for the body to fully recover, only five doses of this medicine are enough.

It is worth mentioning that home remedies, including banana milk mixture, are not recommended for long-term storage. In this connection, for each dose of the medicine, you will need to prepare a new portion.

In the classic recipe for cough medicine, there is always a spoonful of honey. And in a drink made from banana and milk, the presence of honey gives an incredibly delicate taste that you want again and again. This remedy is very effective for irritation of the bronchial mucosa. When inflamed, they expand significantly and begin to fill with a substance such as bronchial secretions, also known as "phlegm."

To date, there are two varieties of the classic recipe for preparing cough medicine. The first option uses all three ingredients. The second option involves the exclusion of milk and the use of only honey and bananas. This recipe is for people with acute lactose intolerance.

Honey is known to be rich in antioxidants, enzymes, hormones and phytoncides. It also contributes to the speedy normalization of most cells in the human body in case of inflammation of any organs, helps to remove harmful bacteria from the respiratory system and kills harmful microorganisms that favor the appearance of bronchitis. It is very easy to prepare a milk-banana drink with honey. First, peel the fruit and grind it into a pulp. Add to it one teaspoon of honey and half a glass of boiled milk. This product is sure to please your child.

Lemon is another great cough medicine, and adding it to a healthy banana and milk mixture will make it much more effective. Lemon, like banana, belongs to the fruits grown mainly in the tropics and has excellent antiviral properties. It is worth mentioning that freshly squeezed lemon juice in its pure form is not added to the milk-banana mixture, as this can cause milk to coagulate. It requires the presence of another ingredient - a decoction or tincture of mint.

First, grind the banana to a pulp and heat it in the microwave, after adding one tablespoon of honey. Then you can add the remaining components. Mix well to get a uniform consistency. A delicious and healthy drink is ready. It is desirable to drink it during the day, because after twenty-four hours this drug loses its beneficial properties.

Traditional medicine is used as an addition to drug treatment for diseases of the respiratory system. Some recipes are difficult to apply due to the bitter taste of the remedy. But a banana with cough milk is a remedy that will appeal to patients of different age groups and has a beneficial effect on the restoration of the respiratory tract.

In contact with


Banana alone is not used in the treatment of cough. It does not perform expectorant or mucus thinning functions. But in combination with milk, honey and other substances, the fruit effectively copes with the elimination of the cough reflex.

If there are no contraindications to the use of fruit in food, it helps in the treatment of cough in children and adults. Contraindications are diabetes mellitus, recent stroke and heart attack.

A cough remedy with banana and milk has recently appeared in traditional medicine recipes. Milk has long been known for its beneficial properties not only in bronchitis, but also in other pathologies. Milk is used to loosen and expel mucus when coughing. Banana has always been used to support the health of the gastrointestinal tract in young patients, it enriches the growing body with energy. Treating a cough with a banana mixed with milk has no negative effects.

Please note: perhaps the recipes below will not be entirely appropriate for gastrointestinal disorders, diarrhea.


Banana with cough milk for adults and children brings not only health, but also pleasure, as it has a pleasant taste. The composition of the fruit includes vitamins: PP, E, A, B, C. The most important vitamin during seasonal diseases is vitamin C. It increases the body's resistance to attacks by pathogenic microbes. Other trace elements are also important for boosting immunity.

The banana also contains:

  • cellulose;
  • sucrose;
  • carotene;
  • potassium;
  • phosphorus;
  • iron;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium.

The fruit is supplemented with enzymes, organic acids and some other important substances. In percentage terms, the fruit contains the main constituent elements: B vitamins - 19%, C - 11%, potassium - 14%, manganese - 13.5%, magnesium - 11%.

Milk and bananas are very healthy foods for the human body.

Milk is no less important product in terms of composition. It contains calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium. The product contains a large proportion of vitamins B, C, E. The product is especially valuable for the essential amino acids that make up its composition. They are not produced in the human body, but are necessary for its full functioning. These are lysine, leucine, valine and a small amount of other amino acids.

Milk enzymes are important for supporting the patient's immunity:

  • lactase;
  • phosphatase;
  • reductase;
  • peroxidase;
  • lipase.


The cough remedy, banana with milk, has a calorie content depending on which milk is used for treatment. Some pediatricians argue that it is strictly forbidden to use whole homemade milk for children. In this case, the calorie content of the mixture will be: banana 96 kcal and store milk 2.5% fat 52 kcal.

The homemade cow product does not differ much in calorie content, it is 62 kcal. Together with another constituent element, the mixture has a calorie content of 158 kcal.

What is useful?

Milk with a banana for cough can be considered as an antiviral agent. Balancing the nervous system due to the composition of these components, the mixture contributes to the speedy removal of radionuclides from the body.

The vitamin mixture, which includes milk and a banana, saves children and adults from coughing during sleep. It helps to neutralize the negative impact of pathogenic microorganisms, increasing local and general immunity.

Such a “medicine” is effective if it constantly tickles in the throat. After all, cough in children sometimes occurs not due to damage to the bronchi, but with an inflammatory process in the throat. The remedy is valuable in that, by stimulating it to increase the body's defenses, it helps to restore the functions of the nervous and respiratory systems.

banana milk recipes

The mixture was first tested in Brazil, where there is no shortage of tropical fruits. Already modified recipes with the addition of other useful components have come to us. The recipe for a cough with banana and milk may contain cocoa, honey, sugar, and so on. Before use, it is important to make sure that the patient is not allergic to these products.

With cocoa

For a remedy, a banana, cocoa, cough milk are used. A medicine based on these products is good for coughing, which is caused by a strong sore throat.

To prepare the mixture, you need to take:

  • banana - 1 pc.;
  • cocoa powder - 3 tablespoons;
  • milk - 1 glass.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the banana, grind until smooth.
  2. Mix with cocoa powder so that no lumps of powder remain.
  3. Milk should be added hot, boiled.
  4. Mix all ingredients.

Having received a medicine of uniform consistency according to a traditional medicine prescription, or hot before bedtime for an adult. To fully restore health, it is enough to carry out 5 procedures for taking the mixture.

The tool is not subject to storage. Every day it is necessary to prepare a new mixture for effective treatment. A remedy that contains banana, cocoa, cough milk, parents' reviews confirm this, it helps at the first dose. It is important to give it before bedtime, and that it is hot.

This is an effective mixture that patients of different ages take with a cough reflex. Banana, honey and cough milk contribute to the speedy recovery of the bronchial mucosa, which, during the inflammatory process, increases significantly in volume, filling with bronchial secretions - sputum.

There are two types of such a "medicine":

  1. Milk, honey, cough banana mixed together.
  2. Honey and said fruit without the third ingredient.

The second method is often used by patients who have lactose intolerance.

A medicinal mass is also prepared with the addition of a dairy product. To prepare honey and milk with a banana for cough, the recipe does not need to be changed. It is enough to add the third ingredient.

Honey and milk with a banana cough is a good remedy: effective, harmless and tasty!

Honey chocolate

Milk with a banana cough for children, prepared according to the recipe above, helps to remove phlegm from the body. The new recipe allows you to “kill several birds with one stone”, because all the useful properties of four cough products are connected: banana, cocoa, honey, milk.

We have already mentioned the benefits of the second and third ingredients. But what is valuable in honey and cocoa?

  1. Cocoa. The elements included in the composition help to cope with the cough reflex. Theobromine suppresses it. Zinc and other trace elements contribute to the normalization of the cells affected by the infection. This product is considered to be medicinal. Cocoa butter is especially valuable. It is better to use for treatment than powder.
  2. Honey. This is a storehouse of vitamins, antioxidants, enzymes, hormones, phytoncides and so on. Together, these substances have a beneficial effect on all cells of the human body, restoring their normal functioning. Honey reduces swelling of the bronchial mucosa, promotes the removal of harmful substances from the respiratory tract, and affects many types of pathogens of bronchitis.

A remedy containing banana, cocoa, milk, cough honey, received only positive reviews. It is prepared simply: grind a tropical fruit, add 1 tsp. bee product, 1 tbsp. cocoa powder and a warmed glass of the last ingredient. Banana with cough milk - the child will really like the recipe in this form and help get rid of the cough in a few days.

With lemon

Milk with a banana cough for children can be supplemented with lemon. This is also a tropical fruit that has antiviral and immunomodulatory effects. Lemon is not added when a banana with milk is used for a cough - the recipe is different, since the milk in this case can curdle.

If you need to use lemon, then you will need the following products:

  • 1 ripe banana;
  • honey 1 tbsp;
  • mint tincture or decoction 1 tsp;
  • natural lemon juice 1 tsp

Make fruit puree from the main ingredient, heat it together with honey in a water bath. Add the rest of the ingredients, mix thoroughly. Use during the day.

Cough banana milk is a simple and effective recipe. The remedy helps to cope with coughing fits, it also has a pleasant taste, so both children and adults use it with pleasure.

Medicinal properties

Both banana and milk have healing properties. If you combine these 2 products, then the therapeutic effect is enhanced. Honey can be added to these ingredients. It contains a large number of nutrients and trace elements, it helps with various diseases, including colds.

Milk has long been used to treat colds. This drink helps to relieve irritation in the throat, remove dryness. With inflammation of the mucous membranes, milk softens the tissues. In addition, this product contains a substance that fights the root cause of coughing. There are many vitamins in milk, there is calcium. It is these valuable substances that neutralize bacteria and increase the protective functions of the body.

On a note! It is necessary to drink the drink in a warm form, only then it has a beneficial effect on sore throat, cough and other symptoms of a cold.

Milk protein is well digested. It produces immunoglobulins that help fight infectious diseases. Protein also gives strength and strengthens the body, which is very important during illness.

The beneficial properties of a banana have been known for a long time, and it's all about its rich composition. Banana contains:

  • protein;
  • organic acids;
  • macro- and microelements (iron, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium and others);
  • vitamins A, C, PP, E and group B;
  • fiber.

This fruit helps to destroy pathogens that are in the body. And this is very important in the treatment of cough. Another banana removes an unpleasant sensation in the throat and softens the pharyngeal mucosa. The fruit energizes and improves heart function, which means it helps the body cope with the disease faster. If you regularly eat bananas, you can significantly strengthen the immune system, which means that this fruit not only heals, but also helps in preventive purposes.

Nuance! Bananas rarely cause allergies, which means they can be consumed even by small children.

Banana gruel soothes, envelops the throat. It helps to alleviate dry coughs and improve mucus expectoration if the cough is wet. Vitamin C contained in this fruit helps to produce interferon, a protein that prevents viruses from entering healthy cells.

Honey has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and bactericidal action. The composition of this product includes more than two hundred valuable substances. These include:

  • organic acids;
  • carbohydrates;
  • enzymes;
  • micro and macro elements (iodine, potassium, iron, sulfur, magnesium and many others);
  • nitrogenous substances;
  • amino acids;
  • vitamins - A, PP, B, K, E, C;
  • aromatic substances;
  • alkaloids;
  • phytoncides;
  • bactericidal substances.

Honey has amazing properties and helps with various diseases. The product relieves perspiration and dilutes sputum. Honey helps to produce those substances that reduce coughing fits, especially at night. However, with all the useful properties, this product can cause allergies, so it should not be given to children under 1 year old. When using this product, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the body.

Banana milk cough remedy is prepared in different ways. Use different ingredients. You can add cocoa or mint. The recipe to taste is easy to pick up for both adults and children. In any case, the drink will have a sweet and pleasant taste.

Variety of recipes

Cough medicine with banana and milk is a popular remedy. The easiest recipe is a banana with milk. The fruit must be ripe, but not overripe. Banana must be crushed until smooth. Then pour hot boiled milk into a container with a banana and beat the mixture. For the medicine, you need 1 fruit and 1 glass of drink. You can take 20 ml every few hours.

There is 1 more recipe with the addition of honey. To prepare it, you need to grind a banana in a blender, pour in 1 glass of milk and bring the mixture to a boil. Then remove from heat and after 3 minutes add honey in a small amount (1 tsp or a little more). This option is sure to please children. Drink it in small sips several times a day.

If it is necessary to treat not only cough, but also inflammation in the throat, you can try the following recipe: grate 1 overripe fruit, pour 1 glass of hot milk, add a piece of butter and 25 g of honey. It is necessary to use the remedy often and only warm, otherwise there will be no effect.

Milk with a banana cough for children can be prepared with cocoa. Such a drink has a chocolate flavor, so if the child does not like milk, he will gladly drink this cough remedy - banana, cocoa, milk. The remedy is prepared as follows: heat 200 ml of the drink well, mash 1 banana with a fork and mix with 1 tsp. cocoa powder. Pour milk over everything and beat with a blender. You can’t drink it at night, as the drink invigorates.

Interesting! Cocoa contains polyphenols. This substance kills bacteria that provoke the development of colds. In addition, cocoa helps to cough better and reduces inflammation.

There is 1 more cough recipe - banana, cocoa, milk. It differs in that the mass must be boiled. Ripe banana pour 250 ml of milk and add honey (1 tsp). Boil all 8 minutes on low heat. After adding 1 tbsp. cocoa powder. Remove the mixture from the heat, drink in small sips in small portions, but often.

Mash a ripe fruit well with a fork, pour 125 ml of milk, add 20 g of honey and 1 tsp. plantain tincture. Drink 30 ml every 2 hours. The drink is more suitable for adults, as the tincture is based on alcohol. This plant helps to quickly remove accumulated mucus.

Mint is also used in the treatment, but in the absence of an allergy to the plant. Grate the fruit or just mash and add 50 g of honey and 10 ml of mint tincture. Pour 200 ml of hot milk over everything, stir the mixture with a fork and you can use it.

The following cough medicine with banana and milk is allowed to be drunk by children from 12 years old and adults. It is necessary to mix 25 g of honey in 1 glass of milk and a small amount of vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg powder, bring the mass to a boil, cool for 30 minutes. Then add grated banana. During the day you need to drink all the liquid received.

You can treat a child as follows: mix a grated ripe banana with 1 tsp. honey and bring to a boil over low heat, remove the mass from the heat and add milk (half a glass is enough), it should be boiling. Give the child a day.

Banana with milk: how to use?

Banana with cough milk for adults can be taken in any form. As for children, it is better to choose a banana, cocoa, cough milk or a classic recipe. It is very important that the child does not have an allergy to the products that are used to prepare the medicine. This is especially true for honey and cocoa. There is an allergy to milk, but usually parents know this from the early childhood of the child.

Basic admission rules:

  1. The mixture should be taken 3-5 times.
  2. The medicine should be taken 2 hours after a meal or 1 hour before it.
  3. The course of treatment is usually a week, but can last up to 10 days.
  4. It is necessary to use the remedy only in a warm form, so it must be warmed before taking.
  5. The product deteriorates quickly, so every day you need to make a new portion, and keep it in the refrigerator during the day.
  6. The usual dose for adults can be increased if the cough is very severe; this is not recommended for children.
  7. If the attacks pass, you can not interrupt the course to remove inflammation in the airways.

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