Who heads the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation in a year. The Ministry of Finance disclosed the salaries of ministers for the first time. There is no data on salaries in the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and the Foreign Intelligence Service. As well as there is no information on the salary of the President of the Russian Federation in the open data of the Ministry of Finance

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The Ministry of Finance of Russia for the first time disclosed data on the salaries of employees of federal government departments, including information on the salaries of ministers, albeit for 2016.

Ministerial salaries

The top ten highest salaries of Cabinet employees in 2016 include the following ministers:

  • Finance Minister Anton Siluanov - 1.73 million rubles a month. Judging by the minister's anti-corruption declaration, the salary was 22% of his annual income;
  • Minister of Economic Development - 1.27 million rubles (until mid-November, this position was held by Alexei Ulyukaev, convicted of bribery, now Maxim Oreshkin);
  • Minister of Energy Alexander Novak - 1.16 million rubles;
  • head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Vladimir Puchkov - 954 thousand rubles;
  • Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov - 921 thousand rubles;
  • Minister of Justice Alexander Konovalov - 633,800 rubles;
  • Minister of Sports Pavel Kolobkov - 612,600 rubles;
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov - 507 thousand rubles;
  • Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova - 506,900 rubles;
  • Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva - 496,600 rubles;

The list of federal ministers with the highest salaries also includes Minister of Justice Alexander Konovalov and Minister of Sports Pavel Kolobkov. They received monthly salaries ranging from 497,000 to 634,000 rubles.

The salaries of most ministers consist of a fixed monetary remuneration and monthly and quarterly monetary incentives, which are set by the President of Russia (for each official individually).

Ministers' income

And the ministers annually declare their income (the amount of salaries is not indicated in them):

  • Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov - income in 2016 amounted to 95.4 million rubles;
  • Minister of Economic Development Alexei Ulyukaev (until November 2016) - 59.9 million rubles;
  • Minister of Energy Alexander Novak - 17.2 million rubles;
  • head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Vladimir Puchkov - 12.2 million rubles;
  • Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov - 129.4 million rubles;
  • Minister of Justice Alexander Konovalov - 7.2 million rubles;
  • Sports Minister Pavel Kolobkov - 5.7 million rubles
  • Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov - 6.8 million rubles;
  • Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova - 6.6 million rubles;
  • Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva - 6 million rubles.

RBC also writes about the declaration of the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev - 8.6 million rubles, and his salary in 2016 amounted to 513 thousand rubles a month.

Officially, the salaries of the prime minister and the president, as well as the ministers of defense and internal affairs, the heads of the FSB and the Foreign Intelligence Service, are not published by the Ministry of Finance.

Other workers:

  • the average salary of managers and auditors of the Accounts Chamber - 668,800 rubles;
  • the salary of the chairman and judges of the Constitutional Court - 615 thousand rubles;
  • State Duma deputies receive 420 thousand rubles;
  • members of the Federation Council - 385 thousand rubles;

The average salary among all federal officials in 2016 was 116 thousand rubles, follows from Rosstat data.

In October, Vladimir Putin extended a 10% cut in the salaries of top government officials, including himself.

super salaries

The highest salary in 2016 was the Minister of Finance - 1.73 million rubles. per month, follows from the data of the Ministry of Finance. Based on the anti-corruption declaration of Anton Siluanov, 22% of his income for 2016 came from salaries. In April, Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev acted as a "super agency" that managed to control the budget deficit during a period of low oil prices. The press service of the Ministry of Finance declined to comment.

The Minister of Economic Development and the Minister of Energy received half a million less - 1.27 million and 1.16 million rubles. respectively. Until mid-November of the reporting year, 2016, the post of Minister of Economic Development was held by Alexei Ulyukaev, who was recently convicted of taking a bribe.

A little less than a million last year received the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (954 thousand rubles) and the Minister of Industry and Trade (921 thousand rubles). The top ten federal ministers with the highest salaries also included the ministers of justice, sports, foreign affairs, healthcare and education (the range is from 497 to 634 thousand rubles).

The least of the federal ministers in 2016 received the head of the Ministry of Construction (443 thousand rubles per month) Mikhail Men and the head of the Ministry of Agriculture Alexander Tkachev (451 thousand rubles).

In the open data of the Ministry of Finance, there is no information on salaries in the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, as well as in the secret services of the FSB and the Foreign Intelligence Service. There is also no information about the salary of the President of Russia.

The indicators of average salaries disclosed by the Ministry of Finance include payments "not included in the salary." The salaries of most ministers (as well as vice-premiers) consist of a fixed monetary remuneration and monthly and quarterly monetary incentives, which are set by the President of Russia (for each official individually), follows from the presidential decree of 2013.

Government, judges, deputies

The average monthly salary of Russian government officials in public positions in 2016 amounted to 693 thousand rubles. These include the chairman of the government, his deputies and federal ministers (32 people in total).

The average salary of the head of the Accounts Chamber, her deputy and all auditors amounted to 668.8 thousand rubles. (14 people). Also high salaries (615 thousand rubles) can boast in the Constitutional Court (the chairman, his deputy and judges - only 16 people). The salaries of State Duma deputies last year amounted to 420 thousand rubles, and senators - 385 thousand rubles.

The average salary among all federal officials in 2016 was 116 thousand rubles, follows from Rosstat data. The salaries of civil servants have not been indexed for four years due to the economic situation in the country. But from January 1, 2018, the salaries of officials, including those who hold public office, for the first time in several years by 4%.

The Treasury also released data on travel expenses for federal agencies and the cost of maintaining official vehicles. Thus, business trips of employees of the central office of the government are the most expensive: for foreign trips, the amount of their daily allowance in 2016 amounted to 270 million rubles, and a total of about 700 million rubles was allocated for travel and accommodation. Last year, about 148 million rubles were spent on daily allowances for Foreign Ministry employees on trips abroad, and 52 million rubles were spent on their accommodation.

In the original version of the note, the data of the Ministry of Finance were incorrectly interpreted. It was not about travel expenses per day (as indicated in the original version), but about the entire amount of daily travel expenses spent by the Foreign Ministry in 2016.

The salaries of the president and prime minister have not been published in recent years. But in 2002, the president's remuneration was set at 63 thousand rubles, the head of government - 50.4 thousand rubles, and after that it increased nine times - a total of 11.3 times, follows from the information of the Garant ”, - up to 713 thousand and 570 thousand rubles, respectively. True, from March 2015 to the end of 2018, the president and prime minister are paid a monetary reward with a decrease of 10% (that was), that is, now it is 641.7 thousand and 513 thousand rubles. per month

In Russian federation.

Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
(Ministry of Finance of Russia)
general information
Country Russia Russia
date of creation May 16, 1992
Previous departments Ministry of Finance of the Russian Empire
(1802 - 1917)
USSR Ministry of Finance
(until 1991)
Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR
(until 1992)
The activity is managed by Government of the Russian Federation
parent agency Government of the Russian Federation
Headquarters Moscow ,
Ilyinka street, building 9
Number of employees 1278 (as of 2012)
Minister Siluanov Anton Germanovich
First Deputy Minister Nesterenko Tatyana Gennadievna
Secretary of State - Deputy Minister Zubarev Yury Ivanovich
Subordinate bodies Treasury of Russia
The Federal Tax Service
Federal Customs Service
key document Regulations on the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation
Website www.minfin.ru

History of the Ministry of Finance

In 1512, during the reign of Grand Duke Vasily III, the Treasury Order was first mentioned. His management included the production and storage of valuables of the royal treasury, trade operations for royal needs, and financing of state-important projects. Since 1649, financial law and treasury were regulated by the Council Code.

In November 1991, the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR was merged with the Ministry of Economy of the RSFSR into one Ministry of Economy and Finance of the RSFSR. And already in November 1991, the Ministry of Finance of the USSR was liquidated, and its enterprises and organizations were transferred to the subordination of the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the RSFSR.

By Presidential Decree No. 156 of February 19, 1992, the Ministry of Economy and Finance of the RSFSR was again divided into two ministries - the Ministry of Economy of the RSFSR and the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR. In addition, on December 25, 1991, the RSFSR was renamed the Russian Federation.

Competence of the Ministry of Finance

The Ministry of Finance develops state policy and carries out legal regulation in the following areas:

  • budgetary, tax, insurance, currency and banking activities;
  • organizing the preparation and execution of the federal budget;
  • credit cooperation;
  • accounting and financial reporting;
  • production, processing and circulation of precious metals and precious stones;
  • customs payments and determination of the customs value of goods;
  • formation and investment of pension savings, including those included in the payout reserve;
  • organization and holding of lotteries , gambling ;
  • production and circulation of security printed products;
  • financial provision of the civil service;
  • investing savings for housing provision of military personnel - participants in the savings and mortgage system;
  • state regulation of the activities of non-state pension funds, management companies, specialized depositories and actuaries for non-state pension provision, compulsory pension insurance and professional pension insurance (with the exception of state regulation of legal relations between a non-state pension fund and participants in a non-state pension fund, insured persons and their legal successors, as well as in terms of legal relations, the subject of which is the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation);
  • state regulation in the field of shared construction of apartment buildings and (or) other real estate objects, credit history bureaus.

Ministers of Finance of Russia since 1990


Subordinate authorities

Subordinate organizations

  • Federal State Institution "Russian State Assay Chamber under the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation" (Assay Chamber of Russia)
  • Federal State Institution "State Institution for the Formation of the State Fund of Precious Metals and Precious Stones of the Russian Federation, Storage, Issue and Use of Precious Metals and Precious Stones under the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation" (Gokhran of Russia)
  • Joint-stock company

The Ministry of Finance of Russia is an executive authority dealing with issues of state policy in the budgetary, tax, insurance, and banking areas.

By decision of the head of state and the proposal of the chairman of the government, the ministers of finance of the Russian Federation are at the head of the department. The list of persons holding this position from 1991 to the present includes 12 names.

Some Russian finance ministers headed the department for several months, others for several years. The longest - 11 years - was headed by the Ministry of Finance Kudrin A.L.

One line about the period from 1991 to 1999

1. Yegor Timurovich Gaidar headed the Ministry of Finance in 1991-1992. After graduating from Moscow State University and graduate school, he worked at a research institute. Combined the positions of Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance.

2. Barchuk Vasily Vasilyevich served as head of the Ministry of Finance in 1992-1993. Adhered to the idea of ​​a low-deficit budget. Rarely appeared in public, which was the reason for the removal from office.

3. Fedorov Boris Grigoryevich headed the ministry in 1993–1994. He stopped the practice of issuing non-refundable loans to the former Soviet republics, strengthened the position of the department and refused the next tranche of the IMF. Under him, inflation decreased, interest rates on deposits for the population increased.

4. Panskov Vladimir Georgievich served as head of the Ministry of Finance in 1994−1996. In 1992 - 1994 was the first deputy of the State Tax Service of the RSFSR. He was arrested on charges of bribery on an especially large scale and was soon released. During the investigation, he began working in the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, later he became the head of the ministry in charge of finances.

5. Livshits Alexander Yakovlevich was the head of the Ministry of Finance in 1996-1997. The appointment was unexpected, since Livshits specialized in studying foreign market models. He began to fight financial benefits, canceled the decree on a single currency account and became famous as a fierce fighter against bribery.

6. Anatoly Borisovich Chubais, in the position of Deputy Prime Minister, prepared a privatization program that caused mixed assessments from the Supreme Council. After Gaidar's resignation, he continued to work on privatization. He became the head of the Ministry of Finance in March 1997. After a writers' scandal that broke out in the fall of that year, he was removed from his post.

7. Zadornov Mikhail Mikhailovich was the Minister of Finance in 1997-1999. He held this position in the governments of V.S. Chernomyrdin, S.V. Kirienko, E.M. Primakov. The protracted dispute between the politician and the oil oligarchs over export duties on black gold will be remembered for a long time.

Not all Ministers of Finance of Russia are listed above. The list includes several more names: Vavilov A.P., Dubinin S.K.

Briefly about the leadership of the department in 2000-2011

The Russian finance ministers of this period are among the most famous political figures of their time.

1. Kasyanov Mikhail Mikhailovich headed the ministry in 2000-2004. He paid much attention to the external debt of the country. The remaining questions were assigned to the deputies. He went down in history as a talented negotiator who managed to reduce Russia's external debt. The success of a politician can be explained by the favorable situation in the country's economy and the ability to get along with people.

2. Kudrin Alexey Leonidovich was the head of the Ministry of Finance longer than all his predecessors. The politician was repeatedly named the best Minister of Finance at the world and European level. He resigned in 2011 due to problems with D.A. Medvedev disagrees about the growth of military and social spending, the dependence of the budget on oil prices.

Our days

At present Siluanov Anton Germanovich is the Minister of Finance of Russia. A photo of a politician can be found in many domestic and Western publications. He took office in December 2011, before that he was acting minister for several months. He began working in the department Siluanov in 1989. Since then, he has held various positions, gradually moving up the career ladder.

Summing up

Russian finance ministers have always played an important role in the development of the state. Some politicians in this field have not done anything outstanding, others have gone down in history as prominent representatives of the authorities of their era. Some of them were at the center of high-profile scandals and litigation. However, each of them made a significant contribution to the development of the ministry.

The Ministry of Finance disclosed the salaries of ministers in 2016

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The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, as part of its open data, for the first time published average monthly salaries in federal government bodies for 2016.

The highest salary in 2016 was the head of the Ministry of Finance Anton Siluanov - 1.73 million rubles a month. The Minister of Economic Development and the Minister of Energy received 1.27 million and 1.16 million rubles, respectively. Until mid-November of the reporting year, 2016, the post of Minister of Economic Development was held by Alexei Ulyukaev.

954 thousand rubles last year earned the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Minister of Industry and Trade - 921 thousand rubles.

In 2016, the average monthly salary of officials of the Russian government holding public positions amounted to 693,000 rubles. These include the chairman of the government, his deputies and federal ministers (32 people in total).

The average salary of the head of the Accounts Chamber, her deputy and all auditors amounted to 668.8 thousand rubles (14 people). 615 thousand rubles were received in the Constitutional Court (the chairman, his deputy and judges - a total of 16 people). The salaries of State Duma deputies last year amounted to 420 thousand rubles, and senators - 385 thousand rubles.

From January 1, 2018, the salaries of officials, including those holding public office, will be indexed by 4% for the first time in several years. In 2015, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on salary cuts for himself, the prime minister, parliamentarians, employees of the government apparatus and the presidential administration, as well as the leadership of special services.

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