An example of a network interaction agreement for educational institutions. Agreement on the network form of implementation of the educational program. Formation of the system, tasks and goals

carpet 20.06.2022

Educational institutions of the Russian Federation, on the basis of the Law "On Education", have the right to sign various cooperation agreements among themselves aimed at the development of children and improving the level of perception of the educational process as a whole and in each direction separately.

In fact, educational institutions of the Russian Federation have full right to conclude various cooperation agreements among themselves, referred to as network interaction.

In part, we are talking about cooperation in such areas as:

  • research;
  • physical culture and sports;
  • additional education.

The list is not exhaustive and can be supplemented by other types on which certain educational institutions wish to cooperate.


An agreement on this type of cooperation can be signed between a higher educational institution and a school. Its main purpose is considered to be:

  • preparing students for admission to a higher educational institution with which a cooperation agreement has been signed;
  • taking an active part in research work of pupils of secondary educational institutions and university students.

All terms of cooperation are determined by a signed agreement between educational institutions.

Physical culture and sports

This option of cooperation is often resorted to by those educational institutions that cannot fully ensure the decent physical development of their students, including preparing them for any sporting events.

For example, a secondary educational institution may apply to another educational institution in order to provide the latter with an equipped sports ground or visit a swimming pool located on their territory.

If the institution does not mind providing such an opportunity, it becomes necessary to sign a cooperation agreement.


The definition of "network" refers to the totality of educational institutions. In the educational sphere, it has the form of a new mechanism with certain parameters, namely:

  • setting a common goal;
  • obtaining the necessary resources to achieve the task;
  • the presence of a common control center.

Let's consider this option of cooperation in more detail.

Features of network interaction

Initially, it is necessary to understand that network interaction models directly depend on what kind of resources the exchange will be carried out. The key task of a full-fledged system is the achievement of the originally planned goal.

Depending on which main problems in the network interaction of the educational process are chosen as key ones, certain types of educational institutions themselves will gradually be connected to the system.

It is worth remembering that the main governing body in this system is considered to be local governments (regional or district).

The main problems in the networking of the educational process are directly related to remote attachment across territories (institutions are often located at a great distance from each other). For this reason, modern computer technologies are used.

Inclusive option

The greatest attention is paid to working with those children who have serious health problems. This category of children is not able to attend educational institutions due to medical contraindications. For this reason, the Ministry of Education has developed a unique project - networking in inclusive education.

In this case, the communication of the teaching staff with children remotely, using modern computer technologies, is implied. However, everything is not so simple: initially, teachers must undergo special training courses. First of all, they are necessary to overcome the psychological barrier that even experienced professionals may encounter.

This subtype of network interaction in the educational process is, first of all, a set of measures that should be aimed at conducting lessons remotely with children who have health problems.

The main task of the coordinating center is the formation of a schedule, where the time frame of a particular lesson is prescribed, including taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

The very same algorithm for the admission of a teacher for this type of work activity is completely similar to the standard one. If the candidate successfully passed the test and took the position of a remote teacher, the educational process immediately begins.

The use of networking in additional education includes certain parameters, namely:

  • basing on the joint process of both adults and children;
  • the presence of indirect or direct influence of all subjects of the educational process on each other, which makes it possible to achieve a full-fledged relationship;
  • the presence of high probabilities in achieving real transformations not only in the cognitive sphere, but also in the emotional, volitional, and so on;
  • the personal characteristics of all participants in the educational process are taken into account, which makes it possible to achieve successful mastering of social skills by students;
  • mandatory application of the principles of creativity and trust, including cooperation and parity;
  • The interaction of the educational process is completely built on trust and mutual understanding.

Network interaction of institutions in additional education allows you to fully combine all kinds of efforts of various clubs, schools and even sections, which are aimed at the harmonious development of the personal qualities of each individual teaching.

Formation of the system, tasks and goals

If we take into account the fact that networking in the field of additional education is aimed at forming the basis for the formation of the child's personal qualities to the fullest, in the regions, including districts, centers were put into operation that promote additional education.

In institutions of this kind, students are offered the opportunity to participate in various sports sections, music and dance clubs, and so on.

When entering one of these centers, the child, including his parents, the employees conduct excursions, telling in the process about each individual direction.

Based on the student's choice of several sections, his learning process is built in such a way that he has the opportunity not only to attend an educational institution without passes, but also to the selected sections.

Based on all this, we can conclude that networking in additional education is aimed at possible adjustment of the developed schedule of extracurricular activities, taking into account those created in the secondary educational institution.


Depending on the type of interaction between educational institutions, certain models of agreements are also provided:

  • a sample agreement on cooperation in the field of physical culture and sports;
  • an example of cooperation between educational institutions in the field of training qualified specialists in a certain direction.

As you can see, anything can be a variant of mutually beneficial network cooperation between educational institutions. The main thing to remember when developing an agreement is the interests of children, for whom, first of all, this cooperation is formed.

The implementation of the network cooperation agreement is in this video.

Art. 15 Education Law in the latest valid version of December 30, 2012.

There are no new versions of the article that have not entered into force.

The network form for the implementation of educational programs (hereinafter referred to as the network form) provides the opportunity for students to master the educational program using the resources of several organizations engaged in educational activities, including foreign ones, and also, if necessary, using the resources of other organizations. In the implementation of educational programs using the network form, along with organizations engaged in educational activities, scientific organizations, medical organizations, cultural organizations, sports and other organizations that have the resources necessary for training, conducting educational and industrial practice and implementing other types of educational activities provided for by the relevant educational program.

The use of the network form for the implementation of educational programs is carried out on the basis of an agreement between the organizations specified in part 1 of this article. To organize the implementation of educational programs using the network form by several organizations engaged in educational activities, such organizations also jointly develop and approve educational programs.

The agreement on the network form for the implementation of educational programs specifies:

  • 1) type, level and (or) focus of the educational program (part of the educational program of a certain level, type and focus), implemented using the network form;
  • 2) the status of students in the organizations specified in part 1 of this article, the rules for admission to study in an educational program implemented using the network form, the procedure for organizing academic mobility of students (for students in basic professional educational programs) mastering the educational program implemented using network form;
  • 3) the conditions and procedure for the implementation of educational activities under the educational program implemented through the network form, including the distribution of responsibilities between the organizations specified in Part 1 of this Article, the procedure for implementing the educational program, the nature and amount of resources used by each organization implementing educational programs through network form;
  • 4) issued document or documents on education and (or) qualification, document or documents on education, as well as organizations engaged in educational activities, which issue these documents;
  • 5) the term of the contract, the procedure for its amendment and termination.

g. __________ "___" ________ ____ g. __________________________________, hereinafter referred to as __ "Party 1", (name) represented by ______________________________________________________, acting (position, full name of the authorized representative) on the basis of ____________________________________________, on the one hand, (document confirming the authority) and ____________________________________, hereinafter referred to as __ "Party 2", (name) represented by ____________________________________________________________, acting (position, full name of the authorized representative) on the basis of _________________________________________________, on the other hand, (a document confirming the authority) concluded this Agreement as follows:

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The subject of this Agreement is cooperation between the Parties in the field of training students ____________________________________________ within the framework of network interaction for the purpose of ________________________________.

1.2. The parties undertake obligations to jointly develop and implement educational programs.

2. Obligations of the Parties

2.1. As part of the network interaction, the Parties:

2.1.1. Jointly develop and implement agreed programs: __________________________________________________________________________. (list programs)

2.1.2. Guarantee access for students directly involved in the network form of educational programs implementation to educational and methodological complexes, electronic educational resources that allow for the development and implementation of the educational program.

2.1.3. If the necessary conditions are available, they provide an opportunity for students from another educational institution to study in individual subjects (sections of subjects), in-depth, specialized, basic and elective courses (or their sections), programs of additional education.

2.1.4. Provide accounting and documentation of the results of mastering the relevant training courses, subjects, disciplines, modules by students.

2.1.5 The results of the intermediate certification of the student are taken into account when mastering training courses, subjects, disciplines, modules in other educational organizations providing training.

2.1.6. The procedure for such training is coordinated with the educational institution where the student receives general education, and with the parents (legal representatives) of the students.

2.1.7. Provide, at the request of the Parties, the necessary information to participants in educational relations.

2.1.8. Ensure the priority of protecting the rights of the student both in the process of performing any joint work provided for by the Agreement, and when using the information received.

2.1.9. Comply with the terms of confidentiality (do not allow disclosure of information relating to the rights of the individual to security: psychological, social, etc.).

2.1.10. Assist students and parents (legal representatives) in choosing an educational route based on the results of diagnostics.

2.2. For the implementation of educational programs, Party 1 provides the following resources: _________________________________________________.

The obligations of Party 1 in the process of network implementation of the above educational programs include: __________________________________________.

2.3. For the implementation of educational programs, Party 2 provides the following resources: ______________________________________________.

The obligations of Party 2 in the process of network implementation of the above educational programs include: __________________________________________.

2.4. Students _______________________________ are allowed to study according to the educational programs listed in clause __ of this Agreement, implemented in a network way.

2.5. In the process of network implementation of educational programs, students have the status of ______________________________________________, as well as the following rights: ______________________________________________.

Upon completion of training, students receive the following documents: _________________________________________________________.

3. Liability of the Parties

3.1. The Contracting Parties shall be liable for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of their obligations in accordance with the current legislation.

4. Amendment and termination of the Agreement

4.1. All changes and additions to this Agreement are formalized by an additional agreement of the Parties, which is an integral part of this Agreement.

4.2. The Agreement may be terminated ahead of schedule by written agreement of the Parties. The proposal for early termination of this Agreement must be considered by the other Parties within _____ days.

5. Dispute Resolution

5.1. In the event of disputes arising on issues stipulated by this Agreement or in connection with it, the Parties will take all measures to resolve them through negotiations.

5.2. If it is impossible to resolve these disputes through negotiations, they will be resolved in the manner prescribed by applicable law.

6. Other provisions

6.1. This Agreement is made in two copies, one for each of the Parties.

6.2. The Agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing by the Parties.

6.3. The contract is concluded for a period of ________________________________.

6.4. The Parties not later than __________ before the end of the term of the Agreement notify each other of its extension or termination.

7. Addresses and details of the Parties

Party 1: Party 2: _________________________ ________________________ _____________________________ ________________________ ____________/___________ ____________/___________ M.P. M.P.

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about networking and cooperation

______________________ "____" __________20___

The State Autonomous Vocational Educational Institution of the Republic of Khakassia "Sayanogorsk Polytechnic College", hereinafter referred to as Party No. 1, represented by the Director Karkavina Natalia Nikolaevna, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the one hand, and the State Budgetary Vocational Educational Institution of the Republic of Khakassia "Chernogorsk Mechanical and Technological College ”, hereinafter referred to as Party No. 2, represented by Director Polikarpova Natalya Ivanovna, acting on the basis of the Charter, on the other hand, have concluded this agreement as follows:

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The subject of this agreement is the agreement of the parties on joint activities on network interaction in order to train qualified workers and specialists in the field of energy, coordination of joint activities on network interaction.

1.2. Under the network interaction of the parties is understood:

  • joint development of educational programs in accordance with the requests of employers (basic professional educational programs, short-term programs for vocational training and advanced training for workers and mid-level specialists), their public and professional expertise;
  • joint implementation of educational programs.

1.3. The mechanism for implementing network educational programs between the parties is as follows:

  • placement of the developed work programs of academic disciplines and professional modules, educational and methodological materials in the public domain for participants in network interaction;
  • use of the material base of Party 1 for conducting classes, educational and (or) work practice;
  • use of personnel potential of Party 1;
  • internships for teachers from Party 2 in the subdivisions of Party 1;
  • joint assessment of the professional competencies of students.

2. Purpose and objectives of the treaty

2.1. The purpose of this agreement is to modernize the system of secondary vocational education for the training of specialists in the field of energy, reorient the system of vocational education to the needs of key enterprises in the energy and electrical industries of the region;

2.2. The main objectives of this agreement are:

  • joint activities of the parties to create, develop and implement effective models and mechanisms for interaction between vocational education institutions and employers on the basis of the resource center;
  • ensuring the openness and accessibility of existing educational resources (logistical, methodological, informational, personnel, a system of relations with employers as a resource) for training specialists in the field of energy for their network consolidation;
  • the introduction of new specialties, additional specializations at the request of employers based on the new tasks of technical and technological re-equipment of the industry.

3. Obligations of the parties

3.1. Party 1 is obliged:

3.1.1. Create conditions for joint development of educational programs (basic and additional) with Party 2.

3.1.2. Develop training and planning documentation for basic and additional educational programs, taking into account the results of monitoring the needs of Party 2.

3.1.3. Organize the selection, training and support of the work of personnel providing the activities of network interaction.

3.1.4. Organize joint seminars, various information and scientific and methodological events for participants in networking.

3.1.5. Ensure the use of information technology in all forms of networking:

  • in collecting information during monitoring;
  • in providing a distance learning environment;
  • in organizing and conducting joint events based on remote communication.

3.1.6. Carry out the development and testing of training programs for the training of technical specialists in the field of energy, using the resources of a network of educational institutions based on the Republican Resource Center for Energy and Electrical Engineering.

3.1.7. To carry out network implementation of advanced training, training and retraining of workers and specialists of Party 2 in innovative areas of development of the energy industry.

3.2. Party 2 must:

3.2.1. Participate with Party 1 in the joint development of educational programs (basic and additional).

3.2.2. Assist Party 1 in conducting an examination of educational and methodological documentation of professional educational programs for training specialists in the field of energy.

3.2.3. Participate with Party 1 in the network implementation of the developed educational programs.

4. Rights of the parties

The parties have the right:

4.1. Use consolidated educational resources in accordance with the established rules of network interaction.

4.2. Make proposals to improve the training of specialists in the field of energy and organization of network interaction.

4.3. Participate in events organized by the Republican Resource Center for the energy and electrical engineering areas.

5. Other terms of the contract

5.1. All disputes between the parties are resolved through negotiations. If no agreement is reached by the parties, a dispute settlement commission is created.

5.2 The Agreement may be terminated, amended or supplemented only by mutual agreement of the parties, provided that the additions and amendments are made in writing and signed by authorized persons.

5.3. This agreement is made in two copies, having equal legal force, one copy for each of the parties.

6. Duration of the contract

6.1 This agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing, the validity period is 3 years.

7. Addresses and signatures of the parties

Side 1 Side 2
State Autonomous Vocational Educational Institution of the Republic of Khakassia "Sayanogorsk Polytechnic College"

Address: _____________________, _____________________, g._____________________, _____________________ microdistrict, h.___

Telephone: _____________________,

fax _____________________4

e-mail: _____________________

Director ________________ Karkavina N.N.

State budgetary vocational educational institution of the Republic of Khakassia "Chernogorsk Mechanical and Technological College"

Address: _____________________

_____________________, st. _____________________, d. ___

Telephone: _____________________

e-mail: _____________________

Director ______________

Agreement No. 1

about networking

Kindergarten and the Municipal Budgetary General Educational Institution, Secondary School of the Village of Krivandino, Shatura Municipal District, Moscow Region, represented by the Director of the School Olga Vladimirovna Karimullina, acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as School, collectively referred to as the "Sorons", for the purpose of activating joint activities, have signed this agreement as follows:

  1. Subject of the contract

1.1. The subject of this Agreement is the network interaction of the Parties for the joint use of available resources for the implementation of mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of patriotic, moral, spiritual and creative education of children of preschool and school age, increasing the efficiency of the processes implemented by the Parties.

3.Obligations of the parties

3.1. The Parties undertake:

Versatile development of the child.

* conducting excursions, joint events and other forms of work;

  1. Contract time

4.1. The term of the Agreement is set for one year.

5. Other terms of the contract

6. Details and signatures of the parties

Agreement No. 2

about networking

Shatursky district

Moscow region

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 20" of the Shatura municipal district of the Moscow region represented by the head Svetlana Yuryevna Kuklanova, acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as Kindergarten, and the Municipal Budgetary Institution of Culture "Shaturskaya Intersettlement District Library" represented by the director Shevchenko Yaroslava Pavlovna, acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as Library, collectively referred to as the "parties", in order to activate joint activities, have signed this agreement as follows:

  1. Subject of the contract

1.1. The subject of this Agreement is the network interaction of the Parties on the joint use of available resources for the implementation of mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of patriotic, moral, spiritual, creative education of preschool children, the revival of family reading.

1.2. This agreement defines the general procedure, conditions and relations between the Parties in the framework of network interaction.

1.3. The Parties recognize that their innovative, methodological, human, informational and material and technical potential allows them, by combining efforts, to establish long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation through the organization of joint activities.

1.4. Interaction using the online form is regulated by Chapter 2 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 (On Education in the Russian Federation).

2. Terms of interaction between the parties

2.1. The network form of cooperation provides an opportunity for the parties to achieve their goals by combining and rationally using available resources.

2.2. In order to implement network interaction:

2.2.1. The Parties jointly develop and agree with each other the Plan of events for the academic year in the framework of the implementation of this agreement (place, timing and other specific conditions for holding events in each
case are subject to additional agreement by the parties).

  1. 2. 2. The parties have the right to involve in the implementation of this agreement other persons competent in the areas in which cooperation is carried out.

3.Obligations of the parties

3.1. The Parties undertake:

Provide premises for meetings, events, excursions and other scheduled events to representatives of the Parties;

Provide competent educators and specialists for activities.

To cooperate in the following areas:

* interaction on issues of patriotic, spiritual and moral education, creative development, familiarization of preschool children with the values ​​of national culture,
child development through the best examples of world children's literature.

* conducting excursions, joint theatrical, festive events.
* exchange of information in various areas in pedagogy,
of mutual interest, as well as assistance in obtaining it on
at the request of one of the parties.

* organization of round tables, discussion clubs, participation in parent meetings, etc.

To promote the implementation of joint projects in the field of patriotic, moral, spiritual, creative education of preschool children.

Timely and in full to carry out legal and actual actions necessary for the implementation of joint projects;

To exchange, in compliance with the law, the resources at their disposal;

Systematically discuss issues related to the implementation of areas of cooperation;

Consider the problems arising in the process of implementation of this Agreement, make agreed decisions on them.

3.2. The parties organize their work on the principle of networking and corporate responsibility, which implies a combination of collective actions of a bilateral agreement.

3.3. In order to resolve issues of network interaction and coordination within the framework of this agreement, the Parties may create commissions and working groups, and conduct mutual events.

3.4. The parties are responsible for the fulfillment of their obligations, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.5. Disputes and disagreements arising in the performance of obligations under this agreement shall be settled through negotiations.

  1. Contract time

4.2. The Agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing by the Parties.

4.3. This agreement may be terminated at the initiative of either party.

4.4. If neither of the parties declares its desire to terminate the Agreement one month before the expiration of its term, the Agreement shall be deemed extended for the same period.

4.5. Early termination of the Agreement is possible at the request of any of the Parties or in case of non-performance or improper performance.

4.6. This agreement is open in nature with the possibility of accession to it, within the terms of this agreement, legal entities and individuals interested in implementing the terms of this agreement.

5. Other terms of the contract

5.1. Access to confidential information received by the Parties in accordance with the Agreement shall be carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. The terms of this Agreement may be changed by mutual agreement of the Parties with the obligatory drawing up of an additional agreement, which is an integral part of this Agreement.

5.3. Disputes arising from the execution of this Agreement shall be resolved through negotiations.

5.4. This agreement is made in two copies (one for each of the Parties), having the same legal force.

5.6. Issues not regulated by this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. Details and signatures of the parties

Agreement No. 3

about networking

Shatursky district

Moscow region

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 20" represented by the head Kuklanova Svetlana Yurievna, acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as Kindergarten and the Municipal Institution House of Culture of the village Central Estate of the state farm "Mir" represented by the director Vladimir Ivanovich Smirnov, acting on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as Club, collectively referred to as " Parties”, in order to activate joint activities, have signed this agreement on the following:

  1. Subject of the contract

1.1. The subject of this Agreement is the network interaction of the Parties on the joint use of available resources for the implementation of mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of patriotic, moral, spiritual, creative education of preschool children.

1.2. This agreement defines the general procedure, conditions and relations between the Parties in the framework of network interaction.

1.3. The Parties recognize that their innovative, methodological, human, informational and material and technical potential allows them, by combining efforts, to establish long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation through the organization of joint activities.

1.4. Interaction using the online form is regulated by Chapter 2 of Federal Law No. 273-FZ of December 29, 2012 (On Education in the Russian Federation).

2. Terms of interaction between the parties

2.1. The network form of cooperation provides an opportunity for the parties to achieve their goals by combining and rationally using available resources.

2.2. In order to implement network interaction:

2.2.1. The Parties jointly develop and agree with each other the Plan of events for the academic year in the framework of the implementation of this agreement (place, timing and other specific conditions for holding events in each
case are subject to additional agreement by the parties).

  1. 2. 2. The parties have the right to involve in the implementation of this agreement other persons competent in the areas in which cooperation is carried out.

3.Obligations of the parties

3.1. The Parties undertake:

Provide premises for meetings, events, excursions and other scheduled events to representatives of the Parties;

Provide competent educators and specialists for activities.

To cooperate in the following areas:

* interaction on issues of patriotic, spiritual and moral education, creative development, familiarization of preschool children with the values ​​of national culture,
child development through the best examples of culture.

* holding joint theatrical, festive events.
* exchange of information in various areas in pedagogy,
of mutual interest, as well as assistance in obtaining it at the request of one of the parties.

* organization of round tables, discussion clubs, participation in parent meetings, etc.

To promote the implementation of joint projects in the field of patriotic, moral, spiritual, creative education of preschool children.

Timely and in full to carry out legal and actual actions necessary for the implementation of joint projects;

To exchange, in compliance with the law, the resources at their disposal;

Systematically discuss issues related to the implementation of areas of cooperation;

Consider the problems arising in the process of implementation of this Agreement, make agreed decisions on them.

3.2. The parties organize their work on the principle of networking and corporate responsibility, which implies a combination of collective actions of a bilateral agreement.

3.3. In order to resolve issues of network interaction and coordination within the framework of this agreement, the Parties may create commissions and working groups, and conduct mutual events.

3.4. The parties are responsible for the fulfillment of their obligations, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.5. Disputes and disagreements arising in the performance of obligations under this agreement shall be settled through negotiations.

3.6. The Parties are released from liability for partial or complete failure to fulfill obligations under this agreement if the failure was the result of force majeure circumstances arising as a result of extraordinary events, for reasons beyond the control of the Parties.

  1. Contract time

4.1. The term of the Agreement is set for 5 (five) years.

4.2. The Agreement comes into force from the moment of its signing by the Parties.

4.3. This agreement may be terminated at the initiative of either party.

4.4. If neither of the parties declares its desire to terminate the Agreement one month before the expiration of its term, the Agreement shall be deemed extended for the same period.

4.5. Early termination of the Agreement is possible at the request of any of the Parties or in case of non-performance or improper performance.

4.6. This agreement is open in nature with the possibility of accession to it, within the terms of this agreement, legal entities and individuals interested in implementing the terms of this agreement.

5. Other terms of the contract

5.1. Access to confidential information received by the Parties in accordance with the Agreement shall be carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. The terms of this Agreement may be changed by mutual agreement of the Parties with the obligatory drawing up of an additional agreement, which is an integral part of this Agreement.

5.3. Disputes arising from the execution of this Agreement shall be resolved through negotiations.

5.4. This agreement is made in two copies (one for each of the Parties), having the same legal force.

5.6. Issues not regulated by this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. Details and signatures of the parties


Pyatnitsky church in the village of Tugoles Shatura church

district of the Moscow diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church and

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 20"

Shatursky municipal district of the Moscow region

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 20" of the Shatursky municipal district of the Moscow region, hereinafter referred to as MBDOU, represented by the head Kuklanova Svetlana Yurievna , acting on the basis of the Charter of the MBDOU, on the one hand, and the Pyatnitsky Church in the village of Tugoles, Shatura Church District of the Moscow Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, represented by Dean of the Church District Archimandrite Nikon (N. Matyushkov), on the other hand, have concluded this cooperation agreement for the purpose of interaction in matters of scientific and methodological support, analytical activities, generalization and dissemination of experience in developing proposals for improving work.

  1. General provisions

1. Pyatnitsky temple with. Tugoles of the Shatursky Church District of the Moscow Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution of the Combined Kindergarten No. 20 of the Shatursky Municipal District of the Moscow Region organize work based on the principles:

State policy in the field of education in terms of a secular nature

education freedom and pluralism in education;

An objective display of the role and significance in history and civilization as a whole, strengthening

spiritual and moral education of the younger generation, commitment

spiritual values ​​that have always occupied a priority place in the educational and cultural

tour tradition of Russian society;

Recognition of the special role of Orthodoxy in the history of Russia, the formation and development of its

spirituality and culture;

Declarations in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in the International

Convention LLC "On the Rights of the Child";

The fullest use of the opportunities provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education". Federal laws "On higher and postgraduate professional education", "On freedom of conscience and on religious associations".

  1. Subject of the contract
  2. The subject of the agreement is the implementation of cooperation in education

the younger generation in the spirit of high moral values, interaction in

issues of educational and methodological support, analysis of the generalization of experience in

areas of spiritual and moral education.

  1. Objectives of this agreement.

3 The Parties shall cooperate in the following areas:

3.1.1. Interaction on improving the content of education,

education, spiritual and moral education.

3.1.2. Organization and holding of joint scientific and practical conferences,

seminars, "round tables" on the problems of spiritual and moral education

and education of parents and pupils.

3.1.3. Joint publications of educational and methodological recommendations, literature on

issues of upbringing and education.

3.1.4. Conducting joint, television and radio broadcasting educational


3.1.5. Counteracting the spread of drug addiction, alcoholism, smoking

in children and adolescents.

3.1.6 Assistance in the organization of teaching children the basics of Orthodox culture in the implementation of additional educational programs.

3.1.7. Timely informing the parties of legal acts regulating the sphere of spiritual and moral upbringing and education.

3.2. The parties may involve third parties in the fulfillment of their obligations,

accepting responsibility to the other party for the actions of a third party.

3.3. The parties are obliged to inform each other in a timely manner about the circumstances,

impeding the performance of obligations under this agreement.

  1. Information privacy

4.1. The parties undertake to provide each other with all the information necessary for

implementation of the agreement.

4.2. The parties undertake to maintain confidentiality in respect of information received from

the other side of the information.

  1. Final provisions

5.1. This Agreement shall enter into force from the date of its signing.

5.2. The contract is terminated:

By agreement of the parties;

In the event that one of the parties refuses to fulfill the obligations constituting the subject


Reverend Head of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 20"

church district

Archimandrite Nikon ___________________S.Yu.Kuklanova

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