Husbands of Lolita Milyavskaya. Lolita's personal life. Lolita's husband introduced her to his adult daughter Lola's husband

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Lolita Milyavskaya was born in a musical Transcarpathian family fifty-four years ago. Bright, extraordinary, she is admired for her frankness, sincerity and simplicity.

The biography of the singer is filled not only with the career of a singer, but also with a leading and conversational actress. And her musical path began rather mediocre - with vocals from the popular singer Irina Ponarovskaya in the 70s.

Alexander the First

In the Tambov branch of the Moscow Institute of Culture, student Lolita Gorelik met her first husband. They became the same student Alexander Belyaev, who received distribution to Odessa after graduating from the institute. Their marriage did not last even a year. But first, Lolita followed the young husband.

Alexander II and the beginning of popularity

In the seaside town, Lolita got a job at the local philharmonic society. It was from there that her ascent as a star began, because a fateful acquaintance with took place.

Initially, they created a creative union. Both are leaders by nature, gushing with ideas, they have been looking for a compromise for a long time. But after a while, Tsekalo became her third husband, and at the same time a stage partner and the second voice in the famous cabaret duet Academy. But before him, Lolita had a fictitious marriage with Vitaly Milyavsky, started for the sake of a residence permit in the capital.

From the end of the 80s to the end of the 90s, the duo enjoyed constant popularity wherever they appeared. The performance of two of its participants was expressive, memorable and very funny. The playful songs, which were performed by a tall, slender and curvy woman together with a short, unprepossessing and modest man, were sung by the whole country.

Such a conspicuous contrast, plus the lyrics of the compositions and an unobtrusive, unpretentious melody, made Lolita and Alexander the favorites of the public. On the crest of such success, the duet begins to try their hand at the conversational genre, acting as presenters.

The collapse of the group came at the time of the gap between the performers themselves and the spouses. After that, a new round began in the creative career of Milyavskaya. She begins touring the country with solo concerts, which are in great demand.

Interesting Notes:

Alexander the Third and a new stage in creativity

Lolita hosts programs dedicated to women, where she shares advice and personal life experiences. She releases albums and participates in musicals. And of course, Lolita does not forget about women's happiness.

The outrageous singer with outstanding external data, self-confidence and a complete absence of complexes, simply could not remain single for a long time.

Happiness smiled at her for the third time in the face of an attractive and loving businessman Alexander Zarubin. This marriage for Lolita has become a fairy tale in reality. The husband was ready to do everything for Lolita.

They bought a spacious apartment, where there would be enough space not only for Eva, Milyavskaya's daughter from her marriage to Tsekalo, but also for their joint child. Unfortunately, the pregnancy ended in a miscarriage, and subsequently a divorce.

Dmitry the only one

The fifth and to this day, the last husband in Lolita's biography was the athlete Dmitry Ivanov. He is not a media person who does not like noisy parties, he leaves many questions and omissions. A former tennis player, and now a squash coach, twelve years younger than his wife. But this, according to Milyavskaya herself, is not felt at all.

He has enough tact, masculine instinct and life experience to curb such an extravagant woman as Lolita. Finally Lolita can call herself completely happy. The husband, like no one else, understands her, tries to protect her as the most valuable thing.

Dmitry was born in Belarus in the city of Mogilev. Before Lola, he had already had a marriage, early and short-lived. And the result of marital relations was the daughter of Nastya. At home, he was first engaged in trade, and then decided to move to Moscow. The capital did not immediately recognize the stubborn and purposeful Belarusian. Ivanov had to push around without a normal job and housing.

And only when he got a job as a trainer in a fitness club, life improved. Lolita went to the same club, who noticed an attractive, fit and young man. And according to Dmitry himself, he immediately realized that such a woman should be pursued.

happy life of newlyweds

Without forcing events too much, he started small - going to a restaurant. Then there were joint trainings and a hospital, where Ivanov ended up, and Milyavskaya visited him. Having received a marriage proposal, the singer agreed, albeit after much thought.

The couple did not hide the fact that they entered into a marriage contract, according to which the husband does not get anything. But it is Dmitry's consent in this matter that indicates his disinterested, sincere love for Lolita.

They have been together for six years. Periodically, information appears in the press that not everything is so smooth in the life of the couple. But these are just the speculations of journalists who are always trying to see what is not there. And according to the singer herself, everything is in perfect order in their family.

But not so long ago, everyone heard a resonant story about how Ivanov almost fell into the greedy clutches of sectarians. But the fact that the organization that Dmitry began to visit in terms of personal growth training zombifies people, of course, none of the spouses knew.

Energetic Milyavskaya managed to pull her husband out of the strong networks of sectarians in time. After such a small shake-up, their marriage only got stronger.. And Dmitry began to take care of his wife even more, to please her in everything, and not to forget to look after her. He does not get tired of repeating to her that she is beautiful in any image and form. And the exhausting diet of the beloved singing woman is useless.

Photo of an extravagant Russian pop singer

Lolita's personal life has never been a secret with seven seals. On the contrary, the singer herself stirred up interest, telling more and more juicy details about herself. On the eve of the 55th anniversary of the singer, remembered the brightest pages of her biography.

Lolita Milyavskaya(nee Gorelik) was born on November 14, 1963 in the town of Mukachevo, Transcarpathian region of Ukraine. Under the spell of the provincial maiden fell not only the neighbor's guys, but also people who know what's what in this life: an artist, a businessman, a showman, an oligarch. The artist woman said about her relationship as follows: “I had children's, theatrical and concert, partner ones.” In her opinion, in a certain life period she needed “different characters nearby”: “One was punchy, the other was gentle, the third was wise, the fourth was sexy, and each appeared in my life at the right time.”

The first marriage was, as they say, student, Lolita married a classmate. With an actor Alexander Belyaev they lived only about three years.

Second marriage - with a friend of his brother Vitaly Milyavsky- was, according to the performer, completely fictitious. At that time, she was already in a relationship with her future husband. Alexander Tsekalo. But in order to buy two rooms from Milyavsky in a communal apartment in the capital for 6,000 rubles, according to the laws of that time, she had to marry the owner of the living space. But the name, albeit a fictitious, but her husband, she took.

Her attempt #3

The third family union was the most real, besides, it became a creative tandem: the cabaret duet "Academy". The husband of Lolita No. 3 was the showman and producer Alexander Tsekalo, whom they met at the Odessa Philharmonic. Later they went together to conquer Moscow. The conquest of the capital was not easy for them: they lived in complete poverty in those same rooms in a communal apartment bought from Milyavsky. As the singer frankly told, when she went to the toilet, she took a stick with her. And, sitting on the toilet, hit him. So Lolita scared away the rats that now and then emerge from the hole next to the pipe. But the hardships of life experienced together did not manage to unite them forever. Family relations lasted 12 years, from 1988 to 2000, and ended in a scandalous separation of the couple, which was covered in all the newspapers at that time. This divorce of the singer was the loudest in a series of her love failures.

Lolita Milyavskaya with her daughter Eva. Photo:

After breaking up with Tsekalo, Lolita gave a lot of interviews where she talked about the reasons for her breakup. And each time the explanations for the divorce were different: somewhere, Lolita said that her husband was not faithful to her, somewhere - that she could not stand the tests that appeared in family life with the birth of her daughter, who had serious health problems. However, there were always a lot of rumors about Lolita's daughter. Some of the singer's friends said that the girl was adopted. But the singer herself claimed in an interview that she not only gave birth to Eve, but also fed her, walked around the house at that time in a dressing gown, which was all stained from leaking milk. Now the singer's daughter lives with her grandmother in Kyiv.

And once the performer said on television that after the divorce she was so depressed that she began to drink and later was treated for alcoholism. Lolita's psychiatrist told her that it was time to get a lover. And then she would have had fewer claims to her lawful spouse, her lover would have been an outlet in a series of family everyday life and constant tours of the cabaret duet "Academy". But Lolita, according to her confession, was a "faithful fool."

I must say that after the divorce, Tsekalo remained silent and never spoke about what caused their separation from Milyavskaya. For many years, Alexander has been married to the sister of the singer Vera Brezhneva, raises children and enjoys quiet family happiness with a homely Ukrainian wife.

Reserve of real men

The fourth husband of the singer was a businessman. FROM Alexander Zarubin they lived 5 years. After the divorce, Lolita went into all serious trouble, which she openly told the media: “For a long time, I was guided by the principle“ I eat everything. So it was in the work: she was filmed everywhere, performed, gave interviews to everyone. And after the divorce from Zarubin, I came to this “eat everything” in relationships with men. I'm just tired of everything: love, feelings.

The fifth and at the moment the last husband was a tennis player from Belarus, squash and fitness coach Dmitry Ivanov who is 11 years younger than the singer. “Before, I did not understand the word“ calmly ”, - the singer admitted in an interview. - “Calmly” and “boring” were synonymous for me. Calm down, it's zero. It turned out nothing of the kind! This is the relationship between a man and a woman. Everything comes to me late. To understand this, it was necessary to knock almost 48 years! Now I advise everyone to take husbands from Belarus. This country is a reserve of real men. They are calm there, with a rod.

Lolita Milyavskaya with her husband Dmitry. Photo:

However, this marriage is not without problems. As the singer says, show business, with its strict rules of survival, made her practically a man. In addition, they exhaust the eternal tours with which she earns a living. Therefore, she sometimes breaks down on Dmitry and behaves at home like a man, tired after work, who wants no one to touch him. And Ivanov, in turn, begins to behave like a woman, adjusting and pleasing. However, this relationship suits both of them. By the way, not only for the stage, but also to look worthy of her young coach husband, Lolita has already done several plastic surgeries and is not going to stop there.

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Lolita Milyavskaya is one of the most famous singers. She amazes fans with her extravagance. The woman sang an incredible number of songs, for many of which clips were shot. She hosts TV shows, starred in musicals and movies.

The pop singer was married five times. Now she lives happily with her husband Dmitry. He is the greatest love of a woman.

The woman knew the happiness of motherhood. She has a daughter who is educated in one of the European countries.

Height, weight, age. How old is Lolita Milyavskaya

The singer loves to shock the audience. She either appears in public in a translucent dress that barely hides her charms, or she can come in a revealing outfit that emphasizes all the flaws in her figure. Lolita is one of the tallest women on stage. Despite this, she loves to wear stilettos. West is an artist about 80 kg.

Since the early 90s, the singer has become popular. A documentary film was made about her, in which one could find out what the singer's height, weight, age is. How old is Lolita Milyavskaya is easy to find out. The artist herself does not hide her age. She proudly announces it at each of her concert performances. Recently, the star, in honor of her 55th birthday, held a tour of Russia. Its completion was a performance at one of the best venues in the capital. Many pop artists came with their congratulations. Among those who came, Nikolai Baskov, Alexei Vorobyov, Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin can be noted.

Lolita Milyavskaya, a photo in her youth and now often adorned by many publications, resorted to a lift several times. She can eat a sandwich at night and wash it down with beer. This artist said in one of her last interviews.

Biography and personal life of Lolita Milyavskaya

The biography and personal life of Lolita Milyavskaya originates in the Ukrainian outback in the early 60s. The girl spent a lot of time with her grandmother. Father - Mark Lvovich Gorelik and mother - Alla Dmitrievna Nikiforova were engaged in variety performances.

The little girl was restless. She often changed her field of interest. Either she liked to play sports, then she took up sewing, then she decided to embroider with a cross. The girl in her school years often disrupted lessons. But performances at school holidays smoothed this out.

During her school years, Milyavskaya became interested in hairdressing. She decided to become a master and work in a hairdressing salon. But thanks to her mother, the girl's career becomes connected with the stage. First, the girl travels with her mother and sometimes sings along with her.

In the early 80s, the future star studies directing in Tambov. At this time, her personal life began. Lolita became the wife of Alexander Belyaev, who studied with her.

After receiving a diploma, the married couple goes to work in the Odessa Philamory Orchestra. After meeting Alexander Tsekalo, he leaves her husband and moves to the Soviet capital. Here she sings in one of the metropolitan institutions. To get a residence permit, she becomes the wife of Vitaly Milyavsky.

In the mid-80s, artists were incredibly popular. This went on for over a decade. In addition to the countries of the post-Soviet space, he performed in front of European and American audiences, invariably breaking the applause.

In the 90s, Lolita began working with Alexander on television. They hosted the Morning Mail show, and then Good Morning, Country. In the late 90s, the couple divorced.

From the beginning of the 2000s, the artist began to perform solo. Many of her songs become loved by listeners. Lolita was awarded prizes and awards for her compositions. Milyavskaya's tour schedule is scheduled for several months in advance. She performs, works on television. The singer starred in several musicals. She acted as Solokha in "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka", Countess Rosina in "A Crazy Day or The Marriage of Figaro", a stepmother in "Cinderella" and several others.

The singer is also engaged in her own business. She produces bags of her own production.

Since 2016, the performer cannot enter the territory of Ukraine. She was denied entry for 5 years. The reason was the arrival of Lolita to the territory of the Crimea, where she was supposed to meet with her sick daughter Eva.

Now Lolita is happy. She lives in her fifth marriage with one of the tennis players, despite the big age difference with her new husband.

Family and children of Lolita Milyavskaya

The family and children of Lolita Milyavskaya are being developed by the Ukrainian SBU. The artist herself is banned from entering the country. The woman's daughter and mother lived in Kyiv. Now they are in one of the European countries where the girl is getting an education. Grandma is with her.

Our heroine lives in her fifth marriage. She lives happily with her husband, despite the significant difference in age.

Recently it became known that the artist could become a mother again. But the baby was born dead. This was the main reason for the divorce from the fourth husband.

The woman's dad led concert performances. He decided to leave the country, which he later did, despite the reluctance of his wife. The man lived for several years in one of the Israeli cities, where he died in the early 80s.

The mother of the future star always sang well. She traveled all over the Soviet Union with performances. The woman realized early on that her beloved daughter was incredibly talented. She had a hand in her popularity. Milyavskaya's mother raised her granddaughter. Now the woman lives with Eva in one of the European countries where she receives an education.

Daughter of Lolita Milyavskaya - Eva Milyavskaya

In the late 90s, our heroine became a mother. She had a daughter. The girl was born prematurely. Who is the father of the daughter of Lolita Milyavskaya, no one knows for sure. The girl was registered with Alexander Tsekalo. The singer herself in one of her interviews said that she gave birth to a daughter from another man, but refused to give his name.

Due to the fact that the girl was born prematurely, she suffers from a disease. But what makes Eva sick is the artist trying to avoid in conversations. But the woman with great pleasure talks about the successes of her beloved daughter.

The daughter of Lolita Milyavskaya, Eva Milyavskaya, was educated at home. Her grandmother was involved in her upbringing. The artist herself often visited her beloved daughter. But the communication of close people was interrupted by the ban of the Ukrainian authorities.

The girl recently received a certificate. She knows several foreign languages. Currently, Eva is studying in one of the European countries, where she left with her beloved granny.

Former husband of Lolita Milyavskaya - Alexander Belyaev

Acquaintance of our heroine with Sasha Belyaev happened in the institute years. Extravagant beauty attracted the attention of a guy. He approached her and invited her on a date. The girl came. They wandered all evening. Alexander read poems by Pushkin, Yesenin, and the singer listened.

After a short time, the marriage union was registered. The lovers did not part for a minute. They decided after the institute to work at the Philharmonic in the city of Odessa. But it was this decision that became fatal for their marriage. A few years later, the couple separated.

The ex-husband of Lolita Milyavskaya, Alexander Belyaev, did not hold back his wife when she decided to move. He himself worked for a long time in various teams.

Former husband of Lolita Milyavskaya - Vitaly Milyavsky

After arriving in the Soviet capital, the aspiring singer faced many different problems. She did not have a residence permit in the Russian capital, so she could not find a permanent job. Once the girl met Vitaly Milyavsky. It was with him that she entered into a fictitious marriage.

Recently, the artist said that her second husband was incredibly intelligent. He settled the girl in his small room. She was given a bed, and he himself began to sleep on the floor, spreading a thick blanket.

When the singer bought a small room in a communal apartment, she moved out of her fictitious spouse and officially divorced him. But she kept her sonorous last name.

The ex-husband of Lolita Milyavskaya - Vitaly Milyavsky is married. He became the father of a son and daughter. The star sometimes calls up her ex-husband.

Former husband of Lolita Milyavskaya - Alexander Tsekalo

The ex-husband of Lolita Milyavskaya, Alexander Tsekalo, has known the singer since the early 80s. It was thanks to him that many learned about the woman. The guy called our heroine with him, going to Moscow. They worked together, performed, rested. In the early 90s, they registered a marriage. But after that, their relationship became bad, and family life was bursting at the seams. They broke up.

At the beginning of the 2000s, a man could not find himself. But a few years later, his life changes dramatically. He began to play in films, to conduct television programs. Alexander received several prestigious prizes and awards.

In 2008, Tsekalo married again. Now he is happily married. Raises a child. Unlike Milyavskaya's daughter, Alexander recognized him and often appears with him at various events.

Former husband of Lolita Milyavskaya - Alexander Zarubin

The ex-husband of Lolita Milyavskaya, Alexander Zarubin, did not pay taxes, for which he received a term.

In 2003, at one of the social events, Lolita met with Alexander Zarubin. He was engaged in business, had several companies. He was engaged in a man atomic energy complex. After the first meeting, the lovers began to meet often. Together they even visited Kyiv, native to the artist, to introduce him to Lolita's relatives.

The lovers got married. The ceremony was noisy and fun. Many friends attended. The ceremony was hosted by Nikolai Baskov. The young people spent their honeymoon in the French capital. They were preparing to become parents. But the baby was born dead. This was the reason for their divorce.

Husband of Lolita Milyavskaya - Dmitry Ivanov

After breaking up with her fourth husband, our heroine did not live long alone. The artist herself said that she was simply surprised when fate gave her a meeting with Dima. He is several years younger than the singer. I played tennis for a long time. After meeting with Ivanov, our heroine became incredibly prettier. She began to look more attractive, lost extra pounds.

The husband of Lolita Milyavskaya, Dmitry Ivanov, recently made a surprise to his wife. He gave her a ticket to one of the Mediterranean resorts, where they spent time together. The lovers swam in the sea, basked on the shore, wandered the streets, holding hands. They enjoyed being able to spend time together.

The artist herself does not exclude that she will resort to the services of a surrogate mother so that the family is replenished with a child. It is he who will make the fifth union strong and give happiness.

Photo: Lolita Milyavskaya for Maxim magazine

The artist is one of the Russian pop stars, whose pictures regularly appear on the pages of various publications. Numerous fans love to view her photos. Lolita Milyavskaya for the magazine "Maxim" starred several times. For the first time, pictures of the star graced the pages at the beginning of the 2000s. But she appeared only in a closed swimsuit. It only pissed off the fans. They wanted more.

Candid photos of the artist next appeared after almost 12 years. They got interesting. Lolita appeared naked, emphasizing that she has absolutely no complexes.

A new photo session of the singer will appear in Maxim in 2019 in the spring. While there are negotiations about it.

Instagram and Wikipedia Lolita Milyavskaya

Instagram and Wikipedia Lolita Milyavskaya are incredibly attractive. They contain a lot of information about a woman, as a result of which she becomes more understandable.

Wikipedia is replete with various facts. They talk about the creative activity of the star, her husbands. On the page you can read what TV shows the artist hosted, how she became famous.

Famous singer: last name - Yuldasheva, first name - Lola, patronymic - Ravshabekovna, was born in 1985 on an autumn day in September, the 4th. The city where the joyful event took place is Tashkent. Stage name is Lola. The girl was born in a large family. Gulnara Shamilyevna (mother) and Ravshanbek Jumanazarovich (father) have three more children: a son, Ruslan, and two daughters, Anora and Assal.

The growth of the singer is 166 centimeters. The rest of the data is kept in strict confidence, but it is worth noting that Lola keeps herself in control and looks amazing.

How you lived before you became famous

The girl received her secondary education in Tashkent in an ordinary secondary school. But then she decided to continue her education in London. Upon returning to Moscow, he takes exams for the profession "Entrepreneurship in Culture" at the International University.

Lola's education did not stop there, and in 2004, in order to continue studying business, she submits documents to the branch of Westminster International University, which is located in Tashkent. Desired profession - business administrator. But soon the girl is transferred to the Tashkent Institute of Law and receives the specialty of a lawyer.

During her education, the singer's creative career develops: in 2001, she won the "Song of the Year" thanks to the song "Netayin". In 2003, the Tarona Award for "Best Stage Image" was received. 2005 - receiving the state-level award "Nihol".

But in 2005, Lola deliberately stopped any appearances on the stage and further creative development. The girl got married and devoted herself to the family. Upbringing did not allow a woman to be anything more than a housewife and keeper of the hearth. It would seem that the birth of two children should finally immerse Lola in family worries.

At one point, it became clear that such a life did not suit her. A new round of creative development has begun. The husband did not approve of this, and therefore a divorce was filed in 2011, and Lola returned to show business.

In addition to her career as a singer, Lola starred in feature films. She has 5 paintings to her credit.

Today, Lola Yuldasheva continues her creative activity in the musical directions of pop music and rock. She writes and performs her own songs.


Lola has been married since 2005. And in 2007, the first child is born - a girl named Shakhinabegim. Two years later, in 2009, a son appears - Shohdier. In 2011, an official divorce was issued. But normal communication continues between adults. The children live with their mother.


Lolita Milyavskaya made a frank confession: the singer said that her husband Dmitry Ivanov fell into a sect associated with NLP and Scientology. According to the star, during the time that Dmitry attended "trainings", he changed beyond recognition - he turned from a kind and sincere person into a cold and reasonable man. Milyavskaya no longer heard affectionate words and good luck wishes from her husband before the concert, he used to surround her with care, but now he has become like a stranger.

Fortunately, Lolita managed to persuade her husband not to attend these "personal growth courses" anymore. In an interview with, Dmitry himself did not hide the fact that due to "trainings" he almost lost his mind and family.

“The measures and approach that are practiced there are not the measures that a person actually needs to achieve goals. For example, at the training you need to imagine yourself in a coffin with bulging eyes, imagine yourself dead and cause fear in yourself, and they impose on you that you are all so flawed, ”says Ivanov.


Now Dmitry understands that during the five days of the training he really changed, he tried to push away his relatives who were worried about him. “Instead of relatives, people close to me - that is, my reference group - became those people who gave me a“ task ”. I kind of hawal it, asked, give me a new task. And then they were already manipulating: here you are an awesome kid - you completed the task, and here you are a weakling - you couldn’t. They could send you three letters with an audience of 150 people, ”continued Dmitry.

One of the tasks was to bring six people to the training. Later, Ivanov realized that he was one of those who were drawn into the sect in this way. “A person advised me these courses, and now I understand that he was just on the“ leadership ”course, he had to complete the task, involve someone. And he pulled me in. This is business. And it's put on stream. Okay, I am, but some people come to them in difficult periods of their lives. For example, mom and dad died, and they go there to get help to cope with this, because it’s hard for them. And then they spread rot and make slaves out of them, ”concluded Ivanov.

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