Vasily Utkin: “The thieves who robbed my apartment helped me find the forgotten $5,000. Slimming Vasily Utkin Vasily Utkin weight

Decor 20.06.2022

Vasily Vyacheslavovich Utkin is a sports commentator and journalist, artist, radio and TV host of the Football Club and Big Question programs, co-owner of the Internet resource.

Commentator Vasily Utkin

He is known for provocative statements and assessments that go far beyond the limits acceptable in a civilized society and possible from the point of view of ethics. In particular, his insulting statements about football players Marat Izmailov, Roman Pavlyuchenko, and President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko were published in the media. With regard to the latter, for example, on, Utkin allowed himself to announce that in order to cheer him up, he would like to dip his head in the toilet.

The childhood of Vasily Utkin

The shocking showman was born on March 6, 1972 in Balashikha in an intelligent family, where Anna already had a daughter. His father devoted his life to scientific research in the field of physics, his mother to the noble profession of a doctor, and his grandfather to no less important teaching work.

Young Vasily Utkin

After graduating from school, the future commentator entered the philological faculty of the Moscow Pedagogical University. However, he did not receive a higher education, since in the fourth year, without passing the session, he dropped out of school.

The beginning of the career of Vasily Utkin

Utkin began his successful career in the media industry in 1992 as an editor at the Politburo, the author's program of Alexander Politkovsky, one of the founders of the VID television company. Working in a team of true professionals, in the center of advanced thought and on a discussion platform where the most pressing problems of society were discussed, was a wonderful start for him and an excellent school. In 1993, after the "October uprising" in Russia, the project was closed.

Vasily Utkin - the beginning of a career as a journalist

Since 1994, Utkin moved from the VID company to NTV and for five years was the host of the weekly sports TV show Football Club. He presented reviews of matches, interviews, conversations with invited guests.

Utkin made his first reportage during the Dynamo (Tbilisi) - Torpedo (Moscow) match in 1994. Subsequently, his work was accompanied by frequent conflicts with FC Spartak, including an incident that occurred in 1997. After a critical story about head coach Oleg Romantsev, where he questioned his professionalism, the club's players completely ignored the program, stopped giving interviews to the NTV channel, and urged Utkin not to comment on games with their participation.

Commentator Vasily Utkin: favorites

The project was closed two years later. Among the versions of the reasons for what happened was the low rating, the fatigue of the presenter, the reconstruction of the broadcasting network, the intrigues of Savik Shuster, who created his own sports program "The Third Half". Be that as it may, the program began to go on the air again only in 2000 (simultaneously with the aforementioned Schuster project).

The heyday of the career of Vasily Utkin

When in the early 2000s, the journalist was the sports editor of the Gazeta tabloid, he was attacked. They stuck a sharpener in his back when he walked to work in the morning. From behind, a young man ran into him, who hit the journalist twice in the back with his fist, as it seemed to Vasily. He continued on his way to work, although a security guard stopped him a few houses later, pointing to a screwdriver in his back and blood. The commentator entered the Sklifosovsky Institute, where he received medical assistance. Important organs were not affected, the screwdriver pierced only the muscles. The perpetrator was never found.

Vasily Utkin lost 85 kg

In the same time period, Vasily commented on the display of world and European Championships, was a correspondent for the publications "Soviet Sport", PROsport. In 2004 and 2005, he was awarded the TEFI TV Award (similar to Emmy) in the category of the best commentator.

Developing new areas of activity, the journalist also began to conduct entertainment programs, including the TV project "Wall to Wall" on Channel One, the music program "Earth-to-Air" on TV-6, the reality show "Hunger" on NTV.

Vasily Utkin tells a joke

The reporter continued to act as the host of the "Football Club", he did not go out all the time, but only after the games of the UEFA Champions League tournaments. In 2006, the management of NTV decided to refuse to extend the contract for showing matches with this organization, and the program was closed again.

The following year, the TV commentator further expanded the scope of the realization of his abilities. He played the role of a candidate for governor in the comedy film Election Day, based on the play of the same name by the Quartet I Theater, on the stage of which he played this character earlier, in 2003, and participated in the TV game What? Where? When? ”, Was a member of the jury of the Major League of KVN.

Vasily Utkin in the film "Election Day"

In 2010, Vasily again performed in an acting role. He starred in the comedy "What Men Talk About", where there is subtle humor and smart thoughts with philosophical overtones about Russian reality. In September of the same year, Utkin became the chief editor of NTV Plus sports channels.

Personal life of Vasily Utkin

Vasily Utkin is not married and has no children. In 2003, on the TV show "School of Scandal", he met an amazing girl, whom he later wanted to marry. However, their relationship did not last long, soon, on her initiative, they broke up.

Vasily noted in an interview that he was worried about this for a long time. He stopped suffering after the thieves who robbed his apartment stole his baptismal cross. The consequence of this, according to Vasily, allegedly was that his negative emotions disappeared, and a new life began.

Vasily Utkin - host of the Big Question program

Under interesting circumstances, Utkin also acquired his own housing. He won the missing part of the money to buy an apartment overnight in a casino (more than 30 thousand dollars).

The journalist has a cat Rodion and a very smart and dexterous raccoon without a nickname. According to the presenter, it was not possible to accustom him to any name.

Vasily Utkin today

In 2013, the journalist was a co-host of the television project on STS "History of Russian Humor", whose heroes were Yevgeny Petrosyan, Gennady Khazanov, Mikhail Zhvanetsky, Efim Shifrin, Vladimir Vinokur and others, and also hosted the "Ankle Show" on the TV channel "Our Football "Together with Anton Orekh and Mikhail Shats.

Vasily Utkin and Viktor Gusev in "Evening Urgant" comment on car parking

In 2014, it was assumed that Utkin would report on the opening of the Games in Sochi and comment on a number of Olympic competitions, but the state of his health prevented the implementation of these plans, after the operation he lost his voice for a while. The showman was able to return to work only in March, when the shooting of the humorous intellectual program “The Big Question” on STS began. He acts as a facilitator and, at his own discretion, evaluates the answers of the participants.

In the Russian mass media, the scandal that broke out between Utkin and Tina Kandelaki, the general producer of the new sports channel Match TV in the fall of 2015, was actively exaggerated. The commentator believes that working under her leadership on a national sports television channel would be a betrayal of the profession.

Vasily Utkin and Tina Kandelaki could not work together

In the modern technological and information world, journalism has taken one of the most important places among other professions. It requires observers of the highest skill, combined with appropriate personal qualities, having a serious impact on the formation of the viewers, listeners, readers of the idea of ​​the existing realities. Anna Dmitrieva, Boris Mayorov, Vladimir Maslachenko, whom he considers outstanding masters and his teachers, helped Utkin to achieve the proper level of professionalism. Sports commentary on television Vasily calls a unique genre.

Vasily Utkin is a popular sports commentator whom everyone knows. It's hard to believe that just recently he weighed as much as 230 kilograms and could not climb 30 steps without rest! Now, with a height of 2 meters, he weighs only 145 kg - a lot, but quite enough for a normal form! How did he manage to lose as many as 85 kilograms in just 10 months? Today we will tell you about his method!

It became known that in a month and a half he managed to get rid of 50 kilograms of excess weight. The secrets of the changes remained a secret for a long time, but it was with our editors that the sports news commentator shared secret information.

For a long time, Vasily did not think about being overweight, so he ate whatever he liked and did not go in for sports. He decided that he needed to lose weight only when the body began to interfere with his normal life and movement. He developed diseases that are characteristic of fat people: high blood pressure, heart failure, shortness of breath, hints of diabetes. Then he decided that he needed to lose weight, but a lot of ways opened before him that did not promise results.

Utkin was faced with the fact that, according to the testimony of a doctor, he could not play sports, and everyone around him insisted that this was the main component that was necessary for effective weight loss. Starvation diets also did not suit the commentator: his body simply could not exist on such a small amount of energy, so he was constantly tormented by headaches and fainting.

However, he still managed to lose weight, and in a much easier way than the others suggested! The advice came unexpectedly: one of the colleagues said that recently an innovative weight loss complex, Gardenin FatFlex, was brought to Russia. This is a completely new development, created for effective weight loss without dietary restrictions. Utkin decided to test this novelty on himself, as it turned out to be completely safe for health.

As a result, in a month he was able to get rid of 24 kilograms, and in 3 - already from 50. As the commentator himself notes, at the same time he did not feel unwell and did not suffer from changes in the diet, since his appetite decreased by itself. Losing weight was easy, it was easy to combine it with work, unlike diets that took all the strength. Now Utkin feels great: the weight has ceased to bother him, a life full of energy has returned!

Our editors could not pass by the innovative Gardenin FatFlex, so we have collected more detailed information about it. It will be very useful for those who want to finally get rid of extra pounds! The complex contains orange blossom, which promotes weight loss, juniper berry extract, which accelerates the removal of water from the body, and chia seeds, which are sources of all useful minerals and substances that the body needs.

Once in the body, Gardenin FatFlex activates the processes of fat burning, and also promotes the absorption of only that part of the calories that is necessary for the life of the body. As a result, weight goes away easily, and a person does not even need to change his diet.

You can order the drug very simply - now it has become available to everyone, although recently the series was limited. Gardenin FatFlex has an official website that delivers within Russia. All you need is to leave the data and wait for the manager's call. Then it remains only to quickly and seamlessly lose weight!

Other Gardenin FatFlex Reviews

Zhenechka Verbitskaya (Moscow)

Very impressive results - lose 85 kilograms in just a few months. That's how it is for me!

Katyushka (St. Petersburg)

It was necessary to launch yourself in such a way in order to weigh more than 200 kilograms! Although all the same, he is well done that he was able to pull himself together and improve his health.

Inka (Cheboksary)

I’ve heard more than once about this Gardenin FatFlex, my friend and I lost so much weight: she lost 20 kilograms in 2 months, and another friend also did not immediately recognize her, how much she had changed!

Maria (Rostov-on-Don)

I wonder if I can lose weight too? And that, really, you don’t need to give up delicious food for this?

Vasily Vyacheslavovich Utkin is a sports commentator and journalist, artist, radio and TV host of the Football Club and Big Question programs, co-owner of the Internet resource.

He is known for provocative statements and assessments that go far beyond the limits acceptable in a civilized society and possible from the point of view of ethics. In particular, his insulting statements about football players Marat Izmailov, Roman Pavlyuchenko, and President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko were published in the media. With regard to the latter, for example, on, Utkin allowed himself to announce that in order to cheer him up, he would like to dip his head in the toilet.

The childhood of Vasily Utkin

The shocking showman was born on March 6, 1972 in Balashikha in an intelligent family, where Anna already had a daughter. His father devoted his life to scientific research in the field of physics, his mother to the noble profession of a doctor, and his grandfather to no less important teaching work.

After graduating from school, the future commentator entered the philological faculty of the Moscow Pedagogical University. However, he did not receive a higher education, since in the fourth year, without passing the session, he dropped out of school.

The beginning of the career of Vasily Utkin

Utkin began his successful career in the media industry in 1992 as an editor at the Politburo, the author's program of Alexander Politkovsky, one of the founders of the VID television company. Working in a team of true professionals, in the center of advanced thought and on a discussion platform where the most pressing problems of society were discussed, was a wonderful start for him and an excellent school. In 1993, after the "October uprising" in Russia, the project was closed.

Since 1994, Utkin moved from the VID company to NTV and for five years was the host of the weekly sports TV show Football Club. He presented reviews of matches, interviews, conversations with invited guests.

Utkin made his first reportage during the Dynamo (Tbilisi) - Torpedo (Moscow) match in 1994. Subsequently, his work was accompanied by frequent conflicts with FC Spartak, including an incident that occurred in 1997. After a critical story about head coach Oleg Romantsev, where he questioned his professionalism, the club's players completely ignored the program, stopped giving interviews to the NTV channel, and urged Utkin not to comment on games with their participation.

Commentator Vasily Utkin: favorites

The project was closed two years later. Among the versions of the reasons for what happened was the low rating, the fatigue of the presenter, the reconstruction of the broadcasting network, the intrigues of Savik Shuster, who created his own sports program "The Third Half". Be that as it may, the program began to go on the air again only in 2000 (simultaneously with the aforementioned Schuster project).

The heyday of the career of Vasily Utkin

When in the early 2000s, the journalist was the sports editor of the Gazeta tabloid, he was attacked. They stuck a sharpener in his back when he walked to work in the morning. From behind, a young man ran into him, who hit the journalist twice in the back with his fist, as it seemed to Vasily. He continued on his way to work, although a security guard stopped him a few houses later, pointing to a screwdriver in his back and blood. The commentator entered the Sklifosovsky Institute, where he received medical assistance. Important organs were not affected, the screwdriver pierced only the muscles. The perpetrator was never found.

In the same time period, Vasily commented on the display of world and European Championships, was a correspondent for the publications "Soviet Sport", PROsport. In 2004 and 2005, he was awarded the TEFI TV Award (similar to Emmy) in the category of the best commentator.

Developing new areas of activity, the journalist also began to conduct entertainment programs, including the TV project "Wall to Wall" on Channel One, the music program "Earth-to-Air" on TV-6, the reality show "Hunger" on NTV.

Vasily Utkin tells a joke

The reporter continued to act as the host of the "Football Club", he did not go out all the time, but only after the games of the UEFA Champions League tournaments. In 2006, the management of NTV decided to refuse to extend the contract for showing matches with this organization, and the program was closed again.

The following year, the TV commentator further expanded the scope of the realization of his abilities. He played the role of a candidate for governor in the comedy film Election Day, based on the play of the same name by the Quartet I Theater, on the stage of which he played this character earlier, in 2003, and participated in the TV game What? Where? When? ”, Was a member of the jury of the Major League of KVN.

In 2010, Vasily again performed in an acting role. He starred in the comedy "What Men Talk About", where there is subtle humor and smart thoughts with philosophical overtones about Russian reality. In September of the same year, Utkin became the chief editor of NTV Plus sports channels.

Personal life of Vasily Utkin

Vasily Utkin is not married and has no children. In 2003, on the TV show "School of Scandal", he met an amazing girl, whom he later wanted to marry. However, their relationship did not last long, soon, on her initiative, they broke up.

Vasily noted in an interview that he was worried about this for a long time. He stopped suffering after the thieves who robbed his apartment stole his baptismal cross. The consequence of this, according to Vasily, allegedly was that his negative emotions disappeared, and a new life began.

Under interesting circumstances, Utkin also acquired his own housing. He won the missing part of the money to buy an apartment overnight in a casino (more than 30 thousand dollars).

The journalist has a cat Rodion and a very smart and dexterous raccoon without a nickname. According to the presenter, it was not possible to accustom him to any name.

Vasily Utkin today

In 2013, the journalist was a co-host in the television project on STS "The History of Russian Humor", whose heroes were Evgeny Petrosyan, Gennady Khazanov, Mikhail Zhvanetsky, Efim Shifrin, Vladimir Vinokur and others, and also hosted the "Ankle Show" on the TV channel "Our Football "Together with Anton Orekh and Mikhail Shats.

Vasily Utkin and Viktor Gusev in "Evening Urgant" comment on car parking

In 2014, it was assumed that Utkin would report on the opening of the Games in Sochi and comment on a number of Olympic competitions, but the state of his health prevented the implementation of these plans, after the operation he lost his voice for a while. The showman was able to return to work only in March, when the shooting of the humorous intellectual program “The Big Question” on STS began. He acts as a facilitator and, at his own discretion, evaluates the answers of the participants.

In the Russian mass media, the scandal that broke out between Utkin and Tina Kandelaki, the general producer of the new Match TV sports channel in the fall of 2015, was actively exaggerated. The commentator believes that working under her leadership on a national sports television channel would be a betrayal of the profession.

In the modern technological and information world, journalism has taken one of the most important places among other professions. It requires observers of the highest skill, combined with appropriate personal qualities, having a serious impact on the formation of the viewers, listeners, readers of the idea of ​​the existing realities. Anna Dmitrieva, Boris Mayorov, Vladimir Maslachenko, whom he considers outstanding masters and his teachers, helped Utkin to achieve the proper level of professionalism. Sports commentary on television Vasily calls a unique genre.


Vasily Vyacheslavovich Utkin is a sports commentator and journalist, artist, radio and TV host of the Football Club and Big Question programs, co-owner of the Internet resource.

He is known for provocative statements and assessments that go far beyond the limits acceptable in a civilized society and possible from the point of view of ethics. In particular, his insulting statements about football players Marat Izmailov, Roman Pavlyuchenko, and President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko were published in the media. With regard to the latter, for example, on, Utkin allowed himself to announce that in order to cheer him up, he would like to dip his head in the toilet.

The childhood of Vasily Utkin

The shocking showman was born on March 6, 1972 in Balashikha in an intelligent family, where Anna already had a daughter. His father devoted his life to scientific research in the field of physics, his mother to the noble profession of a doctor, and his grandfather to no less important teaching work.

After graduating from school, the future commentator entered the philological faculty of the Moscow Pedagogical University. However, he did not receive a higher education, since in the fourth year, without passing the session, he dropped out of school.

The beginning of the career of Vasily Utkin

Utkin began his successful career in the media industry in 1992 as an editor at the Politburo, the author's program of Alexander Politkovsky, one of the founders of the VID television company. Working in a team of true professionals, in the center of advanced thought and on a discussion platform where the most pressing problems of society were discussed, was a wonderful start for him and an excellent school. In 1993, after the "October uprising" in Russia, the project was closed.

Since 1994, Utkin moved from the VID company to NTV and for five years was the host of the weekly sports TV show Football Club. He presented reviews of matches, interviews, conversations with invited guests.

Utkin made his first reportage during the Dynamo (Tbilisi) - Torpedo (Moscow) match in 1994. Subsequently, his work was accompanied by frequent conflicts with FC Spartak, including an incident that occurred in 1997. After a critical story about head coach Oleg Rumyantsev, where he questioned his professionalism, the club's players completely ignored the program, stopped giving interviews to the NTV channel, and urged Utkin not to comment on games with their participation.

Commentator Vasily Utkin: favorites

The project was closed two years later. Among the versions of the reasons for what happened was the low rating, the fatigue of the presenter, the reconstruction of the broadcasting network, the intrigues of Savik Shuster, who created his own sports program "The Third Half". Be that as it may, the program began to go on the air again only in 2000 (simultaneously with the aforementioned Schuster project).

The heyday of the career of Vasily Utkin

When in the early 2000s, the journalist was the sports editor of the Gazeta tabloid, he was attacked. They stuck a sharpener in his back when he walked to work in the morning. From behind, a young man ran into him, who hit the journalist twice in the back with his fist, as it seemed to Vasily. He continued on his way to work, although a security guard stopped him a few houses later, pointing to a screwdriver in his back and blood. The commentator entered the Sklifosovsky Institute, where he received medical assistance. Important organs were not affected, the screwdriver pierced only the muscles. The perpetrator was never found.

In the same time period, Vasily commented on the display of world and European Championships, was a correspondent for the publications "Soviet Sport", PROsport. In 2004 and 2005, he was awarded the TEFI TV Award (similar to Emmy) in the category of the best commentator.

Developing new areas of activity, the journalist also began to conduct entertainment programs, including the TV project "Wall to Wall" on Channel One, the music program "Earth-to-Air" on TV-6, the reality show "Hunger" on NTV.

Vasily Utkin tells a joke

The reporter continued to act as the host of the "Football Club", he did not go out all the time, but only after the games of the UEFA Champions League tournaments. In 2006, the management of NTV decided to refuse to extend the contract for showing matches with this organization, and the program was closed again.

The following year, the TV commentator further expanded the scope of the realization of his abilities. He played the role of a candidate for governor in the comedy film Election Day, based on the play of the same name by the Quartet I Theater, on the stage of which he played this character earlier, in 2003, and participated in the TV game What? Where? When? ”, Was a member of the jury of the Major League of KVN.

In 2010, Vasily again performed in an acting role. He starred in the comedy "What Men Talk About", where there is subtle humor and smart thoughts with philosophical overtones about Russian reality. In September of the same year, Utkin became the chief editor of NTV Plus sports channels.

Personal life of Vasily Utkin

Vasily Utkin is not married and has no children. In 2003, on the TV show "School of Scandal", he met an amazing girl, whom he later wanted to marry. However, their relationship did not last long, soon, on her initiative, they broke up.

Vasily noted in an interview that he was worried about this for a long time. He stopped suffering after the thieves who robbed his apartment stole his baptismal cross. The consequence of this, according to Vasily, allegedly was that his negative emotions disappeared, and a new life began.

Under interesting circumstances, Utkin also acquired his own housing. He won the missing part of the money to buy an apartment overnight in a casino (more than 30 thousand dollars).

The journalist has a cat Rodion and a very smart and dexterous raccoon without a nickname. According to the presenter, it was not possible to accustom him to any name.

Vasily Utkin today

In 2013, the journalist was a co-host of the television project on STS "History of Russian Humor", whose heroes were Yevgeny Petrosyan, Gennady Khazanov, Mikhail Zhvanetsky, Efim Shifrin, Vladimir Vinokur and others, and also hosted the "Ankle Show" on the TV channel "Our Football "Together with Anton Orekh and Mikhail Shats.

Vasily Utkin and Viktor Gusev in "Evening Urgant" comment on car parking

In 2014, it was assumed that Utkin would report on the opening of the Games in Sochi and comment on a number of Olympic competitions, but the state of his health prevented the implementation of these plans, after the operation he lost his voice for a while. The showman was able to return to work only in March, when the shooting of the humorous intellectual program “The Big Question” on STS began. He acts as a facilitator and, at his own discretion, evaluates the answers of the participants.

In the Russian mass media, the scandal that broke out between Utkin and Tina Kandelaki, the general producer of the new sports channel Match TV in the fall of 2015, was actively exaggerated. The commentator believes that working under her leadership on a national sports television channel would be a betrayal of the profession.

In the modern technological and information world, journalism has taken one of the most important places among other professions. It requires observers of the highest skill, combined with appropriate personal qualities, having a serious impact on the formation of the viewers, listeners, readers of the idea of ​​the existing realities. Anna Dmitrieva, Boris Mayorov, Vladimir Maslachenko, whom he considers outstanding masters and his teachers, helped Utkin to achieve the proper level of professionalism. Sports commentary on television Vasily calls a unique genre.

Before losing weight, before the New Year, I weighed 230 kg.

- Horror! Poor! How did you wear them?

Even with my height - and in me two meters without one centimeter - it was incredibly difficult. In Ostankino, I got out of the elevator and, having walked 30 meters to the wall, stopped to catch my breath. It was impossible to continue living like this, it became clear that very serious and radical measures were needed. What does a person who is overweight begin to do?

Begins to move more actively, play sports. And I couldn’t really walk anymore ... - you need to choose the one that suits you the most and stick to it. There is no one right method for everyone. What I personally did, I don’t want to tell the whole country - I already feel uncomfortable speaking on this topic ... After the first, rather radical stage, I was recommended not to get carried away and reduce weight more smoothly, which I am doing now. A month and a half before the Olympic Games in Sochi, I lost 50 kg, and from the Games to the present day - another 15 kg. Now I walk calmly, I walk with pleasure. When I go up the stairs, I start to suffocate on the fourth floor, but soon I will suffocate on the fifth, and there, you see, I will rise to the 16th out of sports interest.

By the way, there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped. Health problems were not limited to excess weight: in January I had to spend five hours under general anesthesia. After the operation, I could not eat heavy food, which helped me a lot to lose weight.

But the medical intervention also had a negative consequence: suddenly, at the most inopportune moment, the voice disappeared! You make titanic efforts to sort out your health before the Olympics, you speed up recovery so that you can move more or less normally and not be a burden to anyone, and suddenly bam - your voice is lost. I was preparing to host the opening ceremony, I even went to a rehearsal, but the day before, on the evening of February 6, it became clear that under no circumstances, with any medications and with any doctors, the voice would not return.

After it was necessary to comment on biathlon. I love him very much, I even studied a little myself in my youth. But the trade in international television rights is arranged in such a way that biathlon never gets on NTV-Plus (Utkin is the editor-in-chief of NTV-Plus sports channels. - Approx. "TN"). And for me, the Olympic Games in Sochi were the only way to comment on it! I respect Dima Guberniev and his methods of work, but my methods are completely different. I would have done everything differently. I was interested to see how the audience would take it, and nothing came of it. I know firsthand about human misfortunes tens of thousands of times more powerful, but nevertheless there was a monstrous bummer. Realizing that nothing was going to happen to me, on the fifth or sixth day I left Sochi. And now I go to work in Moscow, with a sin in half I perform some managerial functions, but I don’t comment on anything! I can’t even come to visit the studio, because I risk losing my ability to speak at any moment.

My return to hosting began in March on the set of . Of course, a phoniatrist was constantly on duty there, I was given injections and other procedures. The first part of the programs was filmed two days in a row, and at the end of the first day, no one was sure that I would survive the second.

- Couldn't you wait a bit with the shooting?

They were already postponed ten times because of the operation and the Olympics, the deadlines were already running out. And I myself needed shooting at that moment: they made me feel at least some confidence. Moreover, I was waiting for this project - I participated in the development of its idea.

There, the best wits of the country answer your questions - Alexander Pushnoy, "Quartet I" in full force, stars of KVN and show business ... Did you know everyone or did you see someone on the set for the first time?

I knew two-thirds of the participants - we had a relationship from "hi-bye" to friendship. But the juveniles of the Kaveenovskaya entered the remaining third. I am familiar with the “Cheerful and resourceful” older ones, because for a year and a half I sat on the jury of KVN, went to festivals in Jurmala. But then I stopped judging them, but there is no way to simply watch KVN on TV: it is shown on weekends, when I usually work. When they said that Kozhoma would come, at first I thought: is it a boy or a girl? A boy came, Dmitry, and turned out to be a very charming guy. I think he has a great future as a showman. Or a big present, I don't know. And with the guys from the "Quartet I" we became friends in time immemorial: we played football together.

With Rostislav Khait and Leonid Barats. Frame from the film "Election Day" (2007). PhotoPhoto by ITAR TASS

And in the locker room after the match, Rostislav Khait told you: “Listen, you play football very well. Perhaps you will be able to play in the play. Come join us on Election Day!” So it was?

Not really. I bullied the guys: “You wrote a role in Radio Day for Misha Kozyrev. Why can't you do it for me?" I was just joking around, not really meaning anything like that. And somehow Khait calls: “We wrote another comedy ...” After the success of “Radio Day”, they thought what kind of “Day” would they write next - “Groundhog Day” or “Miner's Day”, so that the miners might give money for staging - but then they realized that the miners themselves did not have enough money. Well Khait says: “There is one ridiculous person in the comedy, and Barats and I decided that you are ridiculous enough to try to play him.” I read a comedy, not understanding at all where to laugh, but to rehearse

with friends, of course, agreed. And then I was offered to host the reality show “Hunger” for good money - and then I was hard at work earning an apartment, and new fees would help me reach the finish line with the purchase of housing. I honestly warned Quartet I that under the circumstances I could not refuse such an offer and that they would have to adapt to me. "Hunger" was filmed in Berlin. For two months I flew there every week and every night I worked on dubbing - slandering the text for the new release. I had to voice it either at half past one in the morning, or at four in the morning. It was deadly! It was not possible to go to bed late or get up early: I had to get up in the middle of the night, go to work, and on my return I could not always fall asleep again. At the same time, we rehearsed Election Day for several hours almost every day.

On the day of the premiere, I returned from Berlin. I arrived at three o'clock, the performance at seven - and got into a wild traffic jam, three hours driving from Sheremetyevo to Belorusskaya! Hungry, nervous ... I was so worried that it never occurred to me to get out and take the metro. I got there an hour before the performance - everyone can see that I'm pounding. Valera Barinov comes up: “Are you worried?” - “Don't you see?! What if I can't play? I’m not an actor ... "He says:" You know, in the first year of "Sliver" we were taught: when you go on stage, don't play anything - just say your text, and that's all. I forced a smile: "Thank you, you helped me a lot." After 15 minutes, a dazzling, make-up and dressed Nonna Grishaeva comes up to the exit: “Vasya, you can light matches about you today.” - “So sausages me. I won't be able to play." - “Do you know what we were taught in the first year of Pike?” I nod, "I can already guess, but you say it anyway." Answers: "You don't have to play anything - just go out, say your text, and that's it." I think: Nonna, my friend, could blurt out like that. But Barinov is a people's artist! By the way, I don’t call him by his patronymic, but Valera and you, because he ordered so ... Probably, if both speak, there is something in their words. And indeed, I went out, made a couple of some movements - and it became clear that the hall was accepting me. The premiere of the performance took place in 2003, then the film was shot - and now I am no less known for the role of candidate Tsaplin than for all my football activities.

You mentioned that you were saving and earning for an apartment. But what about the fantastic story that you bought it with your winnings at the casino?

Well, it was only a part of the required amount, albeit a very significant one. I don't live paycheck to paycheck, thankfully, but certainly not rich. And if I hadn’t been saving for a long time and stubbornly, the winnings would have been enough only for a room. I then won thirty-something thousand dollars overnight.

- Not bad! Was there then a premonition of a special day, great luck?

And the day was special, happy: our friend had a daughter. We dropped everything and went to celebrate this event. It was already in the evening after work, and we sat for a short time. And it's summer, free time for me,

and I wanted to continue the celebration. After borrowing some money from a friend, I went to play poker. Fortunately, I am not a drunken player and I remember one wisdom well: not because my son's father beat me because he played, but because he fought back. I used to play in a casino quite often, periodically, of course, I lost, but for me this money is not a loss, but just an amount spent on entertainment. However, on that memorable night, in addition to pleasure, I also received a very big jackpot - I sat in the casino until late in the morning and won, I was terribly lucky! Anyway, later I had to borrow from everyone to buy an apartment and give it back for a long time, but this allowed me to move out of the rented apartment and get my own house. In general, I have won three decent times in my life.

On the set of the program "The Big Question" with the participants of the "Quartet I" (2014). Photo: STS

- They say that money that suddenly comes in should be spent quickly and easily. How did you manage yours?

Once I bought myself an expensive watch. But since I never got used to wearing watches, I don’t even know where they are now. They must have been taken away when the apartment was robbed five years ago. On Friday evening, when I, as usual, had "Football Club" on television, and then aired on the radio, they calmly climbed into the house and took away what they found: a few pairs of watches and a small amount of money.

Didn't you find the big one?

It was much funnier. I am a disorganized person and my house is a mess. And the thieves turned everything upside down.

I asked the woman who helps me with the housework to come the next day and clean everything that these fellows dumped out of the closets - you know, how can a man deal with such a man? She came and, putting things on the shelves, found a stash, which I completely forgot about - $ 5 thousand! But not only did the thieves help find the forgotten money, they did another good deed: they stole my baptismal cross. It is believed that when the cross disappears, then everything that you experienced bad during that period of life when you wore it is reset to zero. Indeed, since then a new life has begun.

- What happened to you?

Stop suffering. Once I was very close to getting married - everything was going to this. We lived for almost four years, and then parted, contrary to my passionate desire to be together. And for the next few years I suffered terribly. We, the Utkins, are monogamous ... By the way, for the fact that we were together for at least a few years, I must say a big thank you to Tatyana Nikitichna Tolstaya and Dunya Smirnova - they called me in 2003 to the "School of Scandal". That girl and I had a difficult and long relationship. She was torn between an old love and me, and in the winter we parted for almost a month. Beloved lived with her former man, and she wanted to maintain friendly relations with me - we talked on friendly terms, and it was oh how hard for me. In February, I left Moscow - I had two business trips in a row, and at the beginning of the second, the “School of Scandal” went on the air with me. The girl looked at it and apparently saw something in me on TV that she did not have time to see in life - the effect was like kerosene was thrown into the fire. I was in Spain at a training camp with Zenit and Krylya Sovetov, filmed a program about them, and we talked on the phone. Salaries were lower then, and mobile communication was more expensive, and in two weeks I spent three of my salaries on a mobile phone. In the long Spanish evenings, when it was night in Moscow and the girl was sleeping, I sang songs to her on the answering machine. Most often - "An unfamiliar star is shining, again we are cut off from home ...". It was the best time in my life. At the end of February, I returned home, on March 6 she came to my birthday party, and on March 10 we already lived together. True, then it turned out that we are not very suitable for each other. Nobody cheated on anyone, we didn’t quarrel - she just thought that we couldn’t live together. Well, what can you do now ... But now we communicate normally, she has a family and two beautiful sons.

- And you?

I don’t have a life partner right now, and, frankly, I’m not really striving for her to appear right now. For me, a girl is an additional motivation to reach new heights in losing weight ... or, rather, lowlands. In the meantime, I'm just starting to put myself in order.

Oh ... But you have cats and even a raccoon ... When I found out about the raccoon, I could not think about it without five exclamation points! When did you start it and how did it happen that you did it?

As a child, one of my favorite writers was such a famous British naturalist Gerald Durrell. At the age of 13-14, I even sent him a letter: the book where he talks about the creation of his zoo ended with an address where you can write to him. True, no one answered me ... Well, I read from Darrell about wonderful animals - noses. They are incredibly cute, charming and nice. I thought it would be great to see them live. And about four years ago, I accidentally found out that you can get a coat while living in Moscow. Naturally, under certain conditions. I went to the nursery, looked at the coats, I liked them even more. But to tame them, you need to spend a lot of time with them. And I had a catastrophic lack of it that summer - the World Cup was on. Later I was again on the road: first at the European Championships, and then at the London Olympics. But everything

I read about noses for a while and, studying the issue, I found out that raccoons that belong to the same species are much cooler than them. Nosuhi are very cute, but rather dumb creatures. And raccoons have a daring mind and dexterity! I got mine last June, bought it from a nursery near Krasnodar, and it brought some incredibly vicious fleas on itself. They bit my mother's dog and my sister's cat so much that the dog itched all the time and went bald, but the poor cat caught some kind of skin disease that had to be seriously treated. And on the eve of this summer, after its wintering, it became clear that the raccoon needed to call a doctor from the sanitary and epidemiological station so that he would remove the fleas. We needed special equipment! Those sold at the pet store did not help our fleas. In parting, the specialist left a small collar so that the raccoon would carry it for another month and fleas, at least of this species, definitely never happened. They put a collar on the animal, went to see the doctor to the gate, and when they returned 10 minutes later to the pen to the raccoon, the collar was already neatly lying on the ground: it was not torn off and not bitten, but unfastened. The beast quite calmly unbuttoned it with his fingers and took it off! Once I had to close it in the bath for five minutes. We return - and our raccoon opened the water, sits on the sink and rinses his paws in absolute delight.

With the cat Rodion in an apartment bought thanks to winnings at the casino. Photo: Julia Khanina

It’s difficult with him, because the beast is indefatigable and if he decides something, he will definitely do it. He lives at my dacha in a spacious aviary. We regularly take him out for a walk, we do special raccoon wrestling: he pretends to attack me or dad, and we roll him in every way - he likes such games very much. Or he just grazes on the grass. The day before yesterday I walked with him for two hours, and he managed to gobble up almost all the clover on the site. I can tell you for sure: if God gave a raccoon a thumb on his hand, there would now be two intelligent species on earth - humans and raccoons.

- You are all "raccoon" yes "raccoon". What is your handsome man's name?

- I was immediately warned that he would never respond to the nickname. Dad tried to attach a name to him last summer, but he didn’t react at all. So we call a raccoon a raccoon, adding diminutive suffixes to taste. We live in perfect harmony with him, however, we do not see each other as often as we would like. I work on weekends: when all normal people go out of town, where they celebrate birthdays and relax, comment on matches, only in the middle of the week it turns out to carve out a day. The trouble is simple.

Speaking of troubles... In 2001, a terrible story really happened to you when a screwdriver was stuck in your back. Then they did not find either the person who did it, or those who needed it. Has anything cleared up over the years?

In fact, the tool of the crime was not a screwdriver, but a sharpener. And I still don't know who and why stuck it in my back. Nothing foretold. I left the house - it was my first rented apartment on Malaya Bronnaya, a man ran up to me and hit me in the back twice ... I felt a sharp blow with my fist. It hurt, but the man had already run away, I thought: “Well, now,” and went on. And he could well get to work, because after

the attack went halfway across the street. But on Mayakovskaya, on the Garden Ring, near the house where the Volkonsky bakery is, a man ran up to me: “You have a knife sticking out of your back!” In my head flashed: "Well, wow." Now an office center has been built opposite, and then there was an empty house for demolition. They took me there, put me on a stool, and I called the editorial office - at that time I worked in the newspaper Gazeta: “Guys, I’m sorry, I won’t come to the editorial board - they stuck a knife in my back.” My college friend Misha Mikhailin, who was then the deputy editor of Gazeta and now became the editor-in-chief of Kommersant, says: “The ambulance is about to arrive, and I’m flying straight to Sklif.

A minute before the ambulance arrived, my other friend, sports journalist Seryozha Mikulik, ran up to me. He is quite fat, but he rushed running. Then he said: “Old man, everyone came to the hospital to see you, but only I saw you with a knife in your back!” Among others, a familiar brother visited me in the hospital: “So they wanted to kill you!” - "Maybe". “They did it wrong. If a person of ordinary dimensions, the knife would have entered the liver. But you're big - how can you not take this into account! It was necessary to beat you in the neck from above, and that fool hit you in the back. Say thank you for catching an idiot." What to be, that cannot be avoided ... I understood that I would have to live with my fear for some time. But I experienced longer than expected - I am generally inclined to reflection. Then Gazeta hired bodyguards for me, I went with the guards for three months. I know how much it cost, and I am very grateful to the publisher and editor for such support - of course, it was mentally difficult for me. After the attack, I was afraid of all sorts of regular actions. After all, a person who, on certain days of the week, comes to conduct a program at Ostankino and leaves from there at the same time is easy to calculate. I developed pure paranoia. Sometimes it was difficult for me to go outside. Sometimes, walking down the street, I wanted to look back, and it was scary to look back. I then seriously got fat for the first time, because I hardly walked: house - car - work - car - house ... I tend to be overweight and began to recover at the age of 25-27, and the jump in weight happened right then. Then I went with bodyguards a couple of times in difficult nervous situations.

But what are we all about horror - there are also funny stories! For example, about a year ago I said a couple of tough words about Lokomotiv forward Roman Pavlyuchenko. Lokomotiv had bad times, they constantly lost, and in my program “Football Club” I spoke in my heart after another defeat: “I understand that there are objective difficulties, that it is difficult to get out of the peak. I don’t understand one thing: why do football players with such joyful faces leave the field, hug their rivals with such a happy look? Guys, do you understand that you just lost?! Lost, and then happy going to rest, Roma sings songs in karaoke. I even know which one. I can tell you too." The next day, when I wake up, I see two missed calls from an unknown number on my phone. While brushing his teeth, he called for the third time. It turned out, Pavlyuchenko: “What nonsense are you talking about behind my back! He didn't say anything to my face! - "Rum, I should have told you where you sing songs?" They argued, and he rashly threw: “Look, if people don’t understand in a good way and say the devil knows what, I start cutting their tongues.” I answer: “Rum, you know me, I'm a big guy. Well, come and cut it off! On that they parted. I immediately told this anecdote on my Twitter and promised for every goal that Pavlyuchenko scores before the end of the season, to transfer a certain amount to the Chulpan Khamatova Charitable Foundation. He did not score more than a single goal that season - however, he scored in the very first match of the next, but the agreement no longer applied to him. But even without such bets, I help the Chulpan Foundation whenever I can.

- What a nightmare ... You also wanted to tell a funny story.

So I just told her. Are you not funny? Weird…

Vasily Utkin

A family: mother - Natalya Igorevna, doctor; father - Vyacheslav Nikolaevich, physicist; sister - Anna, engineer; niece - Alina

Education: graduated from the 4th year of the philological faculty of the Moscow Pedagogical State University. Lenin

Career: in 1992, while studying in the 3rd year, he became the editor of Alexander Politkovsky's Politburo program. From 1994 to 2006, he hosted the Football Club program on NTV. In 2010, he became the editor-in-chief of NTV-Plus sports channels. He was the host of the programs "Earth-to-air" on TV-6 and the reality show "Hunger" on TNT. He hosts the Football Club program on the Ekho Moskvy radio.

In 2004 and 2005 he received TEFI as the best sports commentator

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