Famous graduates of RSU. Russian State University for the Humanities. Forms and levels of education

Batteries, radiators 20.06.2022
Batteries, radiators

In this review, I will share my experience and impressions of studying at the Russian State Humanitarian University, but first, dear graduates and their parents, as well as university graduates, let me congratulate you on the successful completion of the previous stage!

Friends, since there are a lot of educational programs at the University, my review is more of an overview, you can get more information on the official website: [link]

Traditionally, RSUH has strong faculties, with in-demand specialists, everything related to the humanities.

These are such faculties as:

  • Linguistics,
  • journalism,
  • archival business,
  • Philology,
  • Stories,
  • political science,
  • Rights,
  • philosophy,
  • sociology,
  • Art history, etc.

There is a lot more that is not listed, everyone who wants to connect their career with management, economics, politics, cybersecurity will also find an interesting program at the Russian State University for the Humanities.

Forms and levels of training:

Forms of education will be known, depending on the chosen educational program, as a rule, all classical ones are available: full-time, part-time, evening and distance learning.

Levels: bachelor's degree (some programs retained the specialist's degree), master's, postgraduate and doctoral studies.

Are you talented and ambitious? Are you full of ideas and desire to develop? Do you want to get a decent education that will open up many opportunities for you and help you become a good, highly paid specialist?..Then run away from the RSUH and don't look back.
Here, for a lot of money, they will instill in you an aversion to learning, play a polka on your nerves, make a mess in your head and turn you into an inert, tired of life and no longer wanting or understanding vegetable. This is the main stratum of the population of the Russian State Humanitarian University - vegetables with a taste of bullying and bio-garbage. Maybe once these individuals had potential, craving for knowledge, dreams ... Now, drowning in the swamp of degradation, they fill their heads with tons of useless and incoherent information, completely unaware of what they spend their lives on and what to do with it. farther. They have no lofty goals, no understanding and meaning of life. They float with the current like a dead gray mass in the hope that a small cardboard square, indicating a "higher" education, will somehow increase their chance of getting a job. Their best prospect is sorting through papers in some office or frying cutlets in an eatery. In the RSUH student employment department itself, McDonald's and libraries are a priority.

The exception is the rare owners of bright minds who achieve success through self-education or a punchy character.

Corruption blooms and smells, shamelessly scattering its petals on the faces of students, covering the broth of Doshirak on their cheeks.
Moving along the corridors and stairs of this Nedohogvards, sometimes a convinced atheist involuntarily prays that the granite of knowledge does not fall from the ceiling of the crumbling university and crush his already depressed being. Legend has it that if you look into one of the cracks in the wall, you can see Moses. And sometimes, if you're lucky, among the local toilets, exuding a grave cold and no less grave stench, you can even notice the ghost of an exciting student life and interesting events of the Russian State University for the Humanities...

Pluses are not pampered here, but they are still there ... Delicious and relatively inexpensive food in the dining room. Some really good teachers. Preparation of good historians. Few, but produced. Also, languages ​​are strong here. Perhaps everything.

For the money that the RSUH asks, you can buy excellent courses, hire tutors and master almost any profession on your own. Preserving self-respect and nerve cells. If you want to get at least some kind of diploma, especially without straining intellectually and with the opportunity to skip couples to your heart's content - RSUH is waiting for you! You can show up once a year, have only threes and retake items a bunch of times, you will not be expelled as long as you pay.

Appreciate your life, respect yourself and remember that life is too short to waste it on the RSUH.

The 21st century is the century of high technologies, business, computers and the Internet. What can a person do in order not to get lost among all this technical and informational abundance, without the knowledge of which it will be very difficult to take his worthy "place in the sun"? The answer is simple - study, study and study again, as the unforgettable grandfather Lenin bequeathed to us! This is especially true in such a metropolis as Moscow. The city, and indeed the whole country, will always need smart, talented and educated people, and the state, in turn, takes care to develop all these useful qualities in its citizens. Therefore, there are so many universities in Moscow. Any high school student who will soon leave the walls of his native school forever (well, at least as a student) will have to take a difficult step that can determine his whole future life - choose his future profession - a niche in a huge building of society - and enter University in order to master it and get a higher education. We will talk about a number of the most famous Moscow universities, hoping that we will help you, dear readers, to understand the abundance of the proposed "vacancies", to give preference to one or another technical or humanitarian university. You decide who to become in this life!

Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU)

RGGU - the first state humanitarian university in Russia was founded in 1991 on the basis of the Moscow State Institute of History and Archives under the auspices of the famous academician Yuri Nikolaevich Afanasyev. Indeed, the Russian State University for the Humanities is rightfully considered the largest Russian humanitarian university, which has become the "alma mater" for about 6 thousand students and graduate students. Currently, 70 academicians and corresponding members of Russian and foreign academies, more than 200 doctors and 500 candidates of sciences work at the university. More than 25,000 students study at the branches of the Russian State University for the Humanities. At the same time, speaking about the Russian State Humanitarian University as a whole, it is necessary to understand that the Russian State University for the Humanities has united 12 different institutions, including 4 research institutes, 18 faculties, 7 university-wide and 11 international educational and scientific centers. In a word, the educational base here is the richest. Therefore, it is hardly worth questioning that RSUH graduates are highly qualified specialists in their field.

The university has the richest library book fund, which includes about 30 thousand rare and valuable publications and historical monuments, its own publishing center and the bookstore "At the Centaur". There is even a museum of classical and modern art at the Russian State Humanitarian University, exhibitions are regularly held. From technological innovations, the RSUH has created a local computer network, a scientific Internet library, a student Internet cafe, Internet access for "everyone in need" and much more.

Admission to any university begins with preparation for entrance exams. Of course, you can prepare on your own, but it would be better to sign up for paid preparatory courses for applicants. Such classes are organized at the Russian State Humanitarian University and are conducted by highly qualified teachers of the University.

Students of grades 10-11 and persons who have already graduated from school are accepted for preparatory courses. Classes at the courses help students systematize the knowledge accumulated over the years of study at school, obtain additional information on the disciplines submitted for entrance exams at the Russian State University for the Humanities and acquire practical skills in presenting examination material at the entrance test. At some schools there are Lyceum classes included in the program of pre-university education at the Russian State Humanitarian University.

Since it is simply impossible to cover the scientific wealth of the entire RSUH as a whole in one article, our story will focus on the Institute of History and Archives, as the "ancestor" and center of the entire structure of the University.

The building of the institute itself makes an impressive impression, exactly the kind that the appearance of a majestic temple of science should evoke from an ordinary person. The main pride of the Historical and Archival Institute is the fact that it now occupies the building in which the first printing house in Russia was founded in 1564, the so-called "Printing Yard". This year, Ivan Fedorov and Peter Mstislavets published the first book "The Apostle" here. In addition, the building has undergone a recent renovation and therefore looks even fresher and more solid. And how else!? After all, it is located on Nikolskaya Street, "five steps away" from Red Square, right next to GUM.

There are 4 main faculties at the Historical and Archival Institute:

Faculty of Archival Affairs;

Faculty of technotronic archives and documents;

Faculty of Documentation;

Faculty of History, Political Science and Law.

However, each of the faculties offers a choice of a large number of specializations - smaller branches of the chosen profession. (Well, you can’t be an expert on everything!) Basically, training takes place according to the standard form of specialist training - five years, but at some faculties of institutes that are part of the RSUH system, the system "bachelor (4 years) + master (2 of the year)". In all specializations, the main form of education is full-time, however, evening and correspondence forms are practiced - as it is more convenient for anyone. For admission to any university, an applicant is required to pass a "natural selection" - to pass entrance exams. At the Institute of History and Archives, a system of tests is practiced for written exams in the following disciplines: Russian and literature; foreign language; maths; social science; biology and history. Their set varies depending on the chosen faculty, specialty and specialization. Needless to say, the dream of any applicant is to enter a university on a budgetary basis, but the competition for entrance examinations is very high - from about 3.5 - 5 people per place to 10 or more, depending on the prestige of each individual specialization. Therefore, the "battle" is going to be very serious, and one should prepare for it thoroughly. For those who want to "nibble on the granite of science" at the Historical and Archival Institute on a paid basis, we will give the following figures: in order to study, you will have to fork out from 32,800 rubles. up to 71 300 rubles. for one semester, depending on your choice and financial possibilities. When studying at the evening department (where it is provided), your expenses will noticeably decrease: 18,500 rubles. - 25,700 rubles, and 10,000 rubles will be enough for part-time students. per semester. But do not grieve too much - your education will pay off, the main thing is to study well!

The indisputable advantages of the education system at the Institute of History and Archives include the small number of groups into which the flow is divided - from about 6 to 15 people in a group. This allows each student to devote more time in the classroom, which leads to an almost individual approach and increases the assimilation of the material. Many teachers have previously studied at the Institute of History and Archives, which allows them to better understand the difficulties of their students. In such an atmosphere of mutual understanding, the effectiveness of classes increases and the number of conflict situations between the student and the teacher decreases. In addition, the Historical and Archival Institute is the only university in Russia that trains such highly qualified specialists in the field of archiving.

Upon graduation, you can go further along the path of science, enrolling in graduate school, and then in doctoral studies, or even improve your qualifications and get a second higher education. For these purposes, the RSUH provides a two-year course "Documentary Support for Management and Archiving", which will result in a diploma of secondary vocational education, as well as the Faculty of Training, Retraining and Advanced Training of Archival Workers "Archival School". After 3 years of study at the "Archive School" you will be able to proudly declare that you have received a second higher education!

Well, for those who still decide to get a job after graduation, there is an employment assistance service for students and graduates of the Russian State Humanitarian University, offering vacant positions in the largest media departments, the Russian State Archives and so on. What is important, students will be helped to get a "part-time job" during their studies, without prejudice to the educational process, but, on the contrary, with the benefit of the case, since nothing reinforces the acquired theoretical skills better than live practice. And, as you know, students don’t have too much money!

In the story about the university, one cannot do without the opinion of the "heroes of the occasion" themselves - the students - about the quality of the education they receive and other hardships of their life. As a result of a small sociological survey, it was possible to establish some "pluses" and "minuses" of the Historical and Archival Institute.

Cons in IAI

There is practically no student social activity: discos, creative evenings, literary cafes, etc. are not arranged. (students will be like flies!)

There is no normal full-fledged dining room in the building on Nikolskaya, 15. (Don't let you die of hunger! You won't be full of coffee and a bun!)

Physical education classes are held too far from the building and a trip to Academician Yangel Street takes a lot of time and effort, which could be used for good purposes - for study, of course!

From spontaneous student humor: "We very often, even too often hear the word" archive ", and everyone is sure that he will not work there, but, apparently, he will have to! .."

Advantages of IAI

The flow groups are very small, and, consequently, learning becomes almost individual.

Highly qualified teachers, many of whom themselves once graduated from the Institute of History and Archives, are able to better understand student hardships.

The Institute of History and Archives is unique in its kind, and therefore the specialists trained by it are always in demand.

As physical education classes, there are different sections to choose from (swimming pool, athletics, karate, volleyball, football, table tennis, etc.).

There is the possibility of official part-time work and employment after graduation for interesting and highly paid positions in various institutions.

For a good half of the students, there is another very significant plus: a respite from the army. The only pity is that we do not have a military department.

Convenient location of the institute - in the center of Moscow, close to several metro stations.

So, the pluses turned out to be much more than the minuses. In addition, the pluses are more meaningful in terms of the prospects for studying at the Historical and Archival Institute. And this cannot but rejoice!

Studying at such a university as the Historical and Archival Institute is prestigious and interesting. And how pleasant it is to go out during a break between lectures and walk along Red Square, contemplating the majestic walls of the Kremlin, and after classes, having passed through the labyrinth of "Moscow curved streets", take a break with fellow students in some cozy cafe, which is apparently invisible here.

And as a parting word, I would like to wish all applicants: "Go for it, now you are encouraged ..."!

For more information about RSUH, see: www.rsuh.ru e-mail: [email protected]

Student of this university: RGGU. Institute of Linguistics (IL).

I study at this university for only 1 semester, but I already have a certain idea about it. In general - great. I do not regret that I entered here (there was a choice: a budget at the Russian State Humanitarian University or a 75% discount at the Higher School of Economics).
Now in order about all the pros and cons.

Students work in the admission committee, in different rooms for different directions. There is a pointer with the numbers of the necessary rooms both on the website and in the lobby of any building. Fast, hassle-free, no questions asked. On the day of submission, I indicated the presence of additional certificates for obtaining additional points, but did not bring copies of the documents, they called me in the evening and reminded me of this, asked me to bring it.

All information needed by freshmen is posted on the website at the end of August. There is a meeting at which the essence of training is explained. Each direction has its own curator of teachers and a team leader of students (but this does not mean that you can only contact them with questions, absolutely everything is open: both students and teachers).

I would like to pay special attention to the buildings on the street. Chayanov, 15 and st. Miusskaya, 6. Almost all buildings are in one place, which is very convenient. But they definitely require repair (and not even cosmetic). I would not say that plaster is falling right on my head, but in most classrooms the chairs are broken or there are not enough of them, desks sometimes shake, toilets often do not have paper, soap and paper towels, and they themselves are not in the best condition. But here the claim is not to the IL specifically, but to the Russian State University for the Humanities as a whole. There is a beautiful building on the street. Nikolskaya, 15, there is a faculty of historians and archivists. And there is also a printing yard, the first printing house, founded in 1553 under Ivan the Terrible, and RSUH students can visit such a historical place for free and without queues. Still somewhere in the wilderness there is a building for computer scientists (no one knows where it is, except for themselves).

Getting a hostel in the 1st year is almost impossible - you need to enter the budget at least. They give places in the future if a person still needs and / or lives in other hostels (they are more expensive). I have not been in the building itself, I can only say that it is located near the metro station Academician Yangel Street.

IL is considered the faculty with the best organization, but even there there are jambs. It:
1. Schedule. The schedule is unstable, every two or three weeks something changes, something is removed, something is added, so you need to check it every week. Sometimes the schedule is not true, for example, there are two pairs of subjects N, of which only one will be held due to the division into groups (but on the other hand, something is analyzed in more depth, because there are fewer students).
2. The working hours of teachers, departments or the dean's office may not seem convenient to everyone, sometimes you have to run after them.
Nevertheless, as I noted above, IL is the most organized place, so I am even afraid to imagine what is happening in other faculties.

Most of the general education subjects (economics, philosophy, history of Russia and the history of the world, etc.) were shoved into the 1st year, which, on the one hand, is very good, since many specialized subjects will go on. On the other hand, many people cannot stand this boredom and leave without waiting for something interesting. But specialized ones are also present, and they are taught at a very high level (this also works in the opposite direction - there are many requirements for a good grade on the exam).

There is no session. Here it is completely. The subject is over - you hand over. Ended in mid-October? It's not a question - here's a test, solve it, give a record book. Such a system has its pros and cons: you can immediately be free from some tests, or you can come to couples by 10 am in mid-January, and after them you can also manage to pass the exam.

No, and it cannot be.

Separate item for language. They are taught at a very high level. Everyone comes out with knowledge, but for the sake of this very knowledge, you will have to sweat a lot, because they ask and demand a lot. The advantage is that the student himself chooses the language he wants to study (from those offered this year), priority is given to high scorers. Oriental languages ​​are taught, rare European languages ​​- in a word, for every taste.

Lectures and seminars are open, i.e. while studying at IL, you can come and listen to what is taught at another faculty, if it is interesting. No one will kick you out, the main thing is to warn the teacher. Most of the seminars are held in groups, but the teachers allow you to go with the one with which you are comfortable.

The competition and passing scores can be viewed on the website of the university. But I want to explain why it is so big: there are a lot of applications and very few budget places. Here's just a little. There is practically no competition for a scarf.
Points are a completely different story. They change in very big jumps (compare: 2014 - 244; 2015 - 262; 2017 - 274 in the second waves). A couple more years, and IL will also only enter the Olympiads.

There are many sections and circles for every taste - sports, intellectual games, KVN, a choir (I think there are even two of them), a theater group. There are student councils. Many events are organized, all sorts of festivals, competitions, various public lectures and performances are very often held. Anyone will find something to do.

I also want to note the warm relationship with the teachers. Almost immediately, having hit the IL, you understand that no one is your enemy here, everyone will help, answer questions, tell you what to do. And I think this is very important and very valuable.

I remind you once again that the review is specifically about IL, and I am delighted with it.

Outcome: IL - 10/10, RSUH (in general) - 7/10.

Lecturer about university

Ekaterina Dmitrieva
Associate Professor, Department of Comparative History of Literature, Institute of Physics, Russian State University for the Humanities, Senior Research Fellow, IMLI RAS

“The Russian State University for the Humanities, founded in the early 1990s on the basis of the Historical and Archival Institute as a palliative (and perhaps even a competitor) of Moscow State University in the field of liberal arts education, seems to continue to be such to this day. Of course, there are no others - from those who created the glory of the RSUH in the same 1990s - but there are many others whose names are joyfully recognized, it is worth opening the list of teachers on the website. And most importantly, there is an atmosphere of free search, which is equally important for both the student and the teacher. Recently, while visiting, I accidentally heard an opinion about the university, which, as it turns out, has now become almost commonplace. Moscow State University - to find a profession, Russian State University for the Humanities - to find yourself in a profession. I think that this is true for two reasons: the presence of a large number of scientific centers that have already received the status of institutes, and, it seems to me, very important for students of Eastfil, where I myself teach, the possibility of obtaining a double specialization, Slavic and Western, which implies knowledge of different languages and cultures, and most importantly, leaving freedom of choice.

Specialties with the highest passing score in 2012

Foreign Regional Studies

The most popular direction in the last entrance exams. Foreign regional studies are taught at the department of international relations and foreign regional studies at the Institute of History and Archives. Much attention is paid there to foreign languages ​​and close cooperation with the educational centers of those countries, the research of which the students are engaged in. There are opportunities for internships abroad.

International relationships

International relations, as they say, are a trend, and not only at the RSUH, of course. From year to year, there is a steady demand for this direction. Students - in addition to general professional subjects - will have to study both humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines, as well as mathematics, computer science and even natural science.

The most expensive specialty

International relationships

International relations lead both in the lists with a high passing score and in the lists of expensive specialties. It is understandable: students can practice in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the State Duma, in the embassies of foreign countries or the tax service.


The Faculty of Journalism has the Department of Journalism, the Department of Television, Radio and Internet Technologies and the Department of Literary Criticism. There is an opinion that the RSUH tries to pay great attention to the practical component of the profession.

The most mysterious profession

Specialist in working with technotronic documentary heritage

This is taught in the Department of Audiovisual Documents and Archives, abbreviated as ADA. Graduates of this department are "professionals with the necessary skills to create, store and distribute film, photo, audio and video information."

Famous teachers

Andrei Malakhov
lecturer at the Department of Journalism

Conducts a special seminar "Conducting a talk show on modern television."

Famous Alumni

Ivan Alekseev (Noize MC)

Faculty of Informatics

Philip Dzyadko

Faculty of History and Philology

Tina Kandelaki

Faculty of International Relations

Edward Radzinsky

Historical and Archival Institute

Maksim Galkin

Faculty of Linguistics

Sergey Minaev

Historical and Archival Institute

3 important news of recent years

In June 2012, the Rossiya-1 TV channel showed a story in which journalists spoke about violations in the admission of students and facts of bribery. The Russian State University for the Humanities allegedly conducted an internal audit and said that those teachers who are mentioned in the story no longer work at the university.

In the fall of 2010, the RSUH building on Miusskaya was mined every Wednesday for several weeks. The perpetrators were never found.

In March 2011, the Educational and Scientific Laboratory named after A.I. D.A.Prigov. The laboratory organizes lectures and training courses dedicated to Prigov, forms an electronic archive of his works, conducts "Prigov Readings" and supports the study of his work.


Almost the only structure of the RSUH, which, as students say, is hard to find fault with. A very large fund, which allows even junior philologists to cope with the program without the help of Leninka. A systematized electronic catalogue, a media library, and even a department of rare books, where you come across things like Karamzin's correspondence with Lavater.

Main hangout place

This, of course, is an inner courtyard formed by the buildings of the main building of the Russian State University for the Humanities. There is Wi-Fi here, trees have been planted, benches are standing, and in the spring and summer they open a veranda and a cafeteria window. There is also a smoking room here - a rather unpleasant glazed room with a cafe-machine, but without ventilation.


As students say, a few years ago their favorite canteen was rebranded and instead of excellent chicken broths for 30 rubles, they now offer, for example, Caesar with yellowed leaves. Now a full-fledged lunch in the student canteen costs like several business lunches. Many students during breaks run to nearby establishments like Two Sticks or Daily Bread, ABC of Taste or Magnolia. All those who fail to do this are forced to leave their entire stipend there in one trip to the canteen. It has three halls: a small one for teachers and staff and two large ones for students - six-meter ceilings, huge windows and racks with yogurts, coffee, fresh juices, sandwiches and buns.

Students about the university

Tonya Krupnova
Faculty of History and Philology, 5th year

“When I decided to become a historian in the ninth grade, my parents immediately said: “So you will go to the RSUH.” By the end of the school, my interests changed somewhat, and as a result, I got into philology at the Historical and Philological Institute. And I didn't guess. The most prominent scholars in the humanities became my teachers, and my classmates were the most talented people imaginable. RSUH, like any large university that combines many different specialties, has its own strengths and weaknesses. It is the humanities, due to historical circumstances, that constitute the main pride and value of the university. The Institute of History and Archives, the History of Art and, finally, my Historical and Philological Institute - these are the ones worth going to the Russian State Humanitarian University. I'm not sure that the same can be said about economics or management - you need to go to specialized universities for them, and not to us. True, I have a feeling that there are too many superfluous things at the RSUH and too much emphasis on the wrong things. It would be worthwhile to support the humanitarian specialties - it was they who made the name of the university. Instead, they cut salaries, and teachers, understandably, go to work in other universities. If everything continues in the same spirit, then I am not sure that the RSUH will be able to maintain its position as the country's largest liberal arts university.”

Dima Carriers
Institute of Linguistics, 4th year

“It’s hard for me to talk about the entire RSUH as a whole: judging by my friends from other faculties, the only thing that everyone has in common is a mess in the schedule, when, for example, on Monday there can be five classes in a row, and on Tuesday - one, and definitely in the middle of the day. About my faculty - the Institute of Linguistics - I can say that almost all of our studies are arranged in such a way that as a result, knowledge is gained by those who themselves seriously strive for this: if someone is not interested in linguistics, then you can hold out until the fifth year, no what especially without going into; It's pretty hard to get expelled. At the same time, if you really want to learn something, then there are all the conditions for this too. That is, all lectures and seminars work, in a sense, as the first step - and then you yourself have to make at least some initial effort in the right direction: approach the lecturer, ask questions, take books from the library, sign up for a special course.

Nastya Kameneva
Faculty of History and Philology, 3rd year

“I don’t know how to describe RSUH. Yes, this is an inconvenient schedule, problems with the availability of free audiences, often - the general atmosphere of light madness. A session that imperceptibly begins in the middle of the semester and does not necessarily end with its end. Unimaginable names of Wi-Fi hotspots, hidden locations throughout the territory. After some time, you cease to be surprised at anything at all and begin to treat your university with irony and tenderness at the same time. However, speaking seriously, the RSUH really has the opportunity to get a decent education. There are many strong departments, for example, the Department of German Philology of the Institute of Philology of the Russian State University for the Humanities, where I study the German language and related disciplines. Many excellent teachers, for the sake of classes with which you can suffer inconvenience in the schedule. Students develop warm relations with most of them, and this is probably the most valuable thing.”

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