Alexandra Novikova: My father and I cook together. Personal life of Alexander Novikov

Equipment and tools 20.06.2022
Equipment and tools

The girl launched the How To Green project, where she shares her own experience with neophytes

and the opinion of industry experts, and also dispels the most popular myths - for example, about the imaginary benefits of milk.

We meet Alexandra at the Bolshoy restaurant. She is exactly what she seemed in interviews, a few shootings and reviews of colleagues. Very young, fragile, serious beyond her years, and at the same time easy to communicate with. Tight jeans, a strict jacket, a minimum of jewelry. By the age of 24, she already has two educations behind her: at the London College of Fashion (PR department) and New York Christies (art history), as well as training as a health coach - in our opinion, a nutritionist - at Integrative Nutrition in England.

Despite the high-profile surname, Sasha prefers to avoid self-promotion, using it solely for good purposes - to promote the "green" ideas that she came up with several years ago and which she now sees as a matter of life. It's amazing how, being born into a family of "professional gourmets", for whom food is not just a pleasure, but a way of life, she became interested in healthy eating. This is my first question. “Actually, it didn’t happen all at once. Weight problems started when I was 18 years old. At that time I was studying in London and, like many teenagers, I ate chocolates, chips, fast food. As a result, she gained extra pounds and could not get rid of them. Newfangled power systems, of course, helped to throw off a little, but it was worth giving up slack - and everything returned to normal. Mom urged me to try to rebuild my diet so that it includes more vegetables and fruits, fiber. But it took me a while to get there. Then I moved to New York, where the cult of healthy food reigns, and began to go to various "green" cafes and restaurants, gradually imbued with the idea of ​​proper nutrition. It turned out that it is not only fashionable or beautiful, but also insanely delicious! I also made an appointment with a nutritionist - it turned out that I have a gluten intolerance. Having refused it, I noticed that gradually the weight returned to normal, my health improved. Then it became clear that it really works.”

The adaptation process was gradual, and therefore painless. True, the father - one of the most successful restaurateurs in Moscow Arkady Novikov - at first did not share his daughter's hobbies, believing that they would never take root on Russian soil with its hospitable traditions and passion for high-carbohydrate dishes: “On his part, at first, of course, there was skepticism. He was sure that all this was not for Moscow. Now his approach has changed - he follows with interest what I do, discusses joint tasks with me, offers cooperation. We even cook together!” Mutual passion for gastronomy resulted in several ambitious projects at once. One of them is healthy breakfasts, recently introduced into the menu of the Bolshoy restaurant, where our meeting is taking place. While we are talking, the chef is preparing a tasting vegetarian set: an airy parfait with fresh fruits, muesli with nuts and pumpkin seeds, whole-wheat flour pancakes with linden honey and berries. Everything is light, tasty and nutritious - a pleasure without dealing with conscience.

Another joint venture of the Novikovs - a health food cafe - is still only in the plans, but work on it is in full swing: “When the idea of ​​proper nutrition captured me completely, healthy patriotism woke up in me - I wanted to come to Moscow and establish a cafe here, show people how tasty, fashionable, modern it can be. We found a room, a designer, and started working on the menu. But, unfortunately, it didn’t work out - a meat restaurant opened in the next space, and my cafe became a “passing point”. Agree, it would be rather strange if from time to time in an institution that serves exclusively vegetarian dishes, a butcher would appear with a tray of the freshest meat and proudly follow the kitchen or warehouse. Now Sasha smiles, remembering this episode, but a few months ago she was not laughing - the idea that she had been nurturing for so long was crumbling before her eyes. The girl, however, did not grieve for a long time and again looks for a place - this time with a 100% hit in the format.

Useful tips from Alexandra Novikova

As an alternative to sugar, try agave syrup (pay attention to the composition: the less fructose, the better) or stevia, an herb that is becoming more and more popular every year. Not only is it safe and carb-free, it's also calorie-free! With honey, you should be careful and take it more as a medicine than as a sweetener.

Known fact: about 75% of the adult population of the world suffer from intolerance to lactose contained in dairy products. Try reducing your milk intake by replacing it with rice, almond, or coconut milk.

Proteins, which we need so much to maintain strength and energy, are found not only in meat, but also in many legumes, quinoa, chia seeds, spinach, green vegetables, in particular broccoli and asparagus, soy products and tofu, as well as plant-based milk: soy , almond.

Another danger lies in gluten, a protein found in grains, also known as gluten. As scientists have found, many people suffer from various forms of its intolerance. Wheat starch, alas, is found not only in bread and its derivatives, but also in many other products - from yogurt to sausages. Read labels carefully!

By the way, about meat - at one time Alexandra was fond of veganism, but now she is leaning towards less radical forms of vegetarianism, not accepting the rejection of honey and a number of other products: “The turning point was the day I watched a documentary showing how animals are treated on farms, slaughterhouses. I experienced such an emotional shock that I decided to give up meat once and for all. The effect was reinforced by Colin Campbell's book "The China Study", which talks about how harmful it is to eat meat products. Not even because we get them as a result of murder - it's mainly that they are of low quality due to the use of antibiotics, hormones, and even bad ecology! Today, there is no meat in her diet, but sometimes she can afford fish or cheese. The latter, by the way, is her weakness, guilty pleasure, so to speak. True, Sasha eats cheese in one case: if he is sure of its quality. And if you really want to. For example, at the sight of a delicious pizza.

“At one time I was very categorical and urged all my friends to give up meat. But the deeper I delve into the question, the more flexible my views become. I understand: each organism has its own characteristics and, as a result, needs. Another question is that it is important to remember: we are what we eat, and we need to be as careful as possible when choosing products. And this is another sore subject, because if in the USA or Europe “healthy” products are presented, as they say, in abundance - there are special markets, supermarkets, department stores in chain department stores, then in Russia it is very problematic to find a truly high-quality product, since there is no supervision over the manufacturer and, accordingly, the ability to track his "fate". “Yes, this is a really big problem, but it seems to me that over time it will be resolved. In recent years, the choice has become larger, in addition, eco-markets, vegan stores appear. Good products are sold at the Dorogomilovsky market, in Azbuka Vkusa and Globus Gourmet. The recently opened Gorod-Sad shop at the Patriarch's offers a wide range of ready-made meals, and there is also a small café. I really love Biostoria on Leninsky Prospekt - firstly, 90% of the goods that are sold there are BIO-certified, and secondly, you can find absolutely everything there - from bread from your own bakery and cooking to household chemicals. Good news for meat-eaters: according to Alexandra, the Miratorg concern has introduced humane rules for the treatment of animals, as well as careful control over the quality of its products. “There are almost three doctors for every cow,” Sasha tells me with a bit of reverence.

The truth about superfoods from Alexandra Novikova

First, let's figure out what it is in general - superfoods? In fact, the “smart” name hides plant products with a high concentration of nutrients. According to studies, they improve digestion, increase vitality, and help in the fight against excess weight. Among the most popular superfoods are quinoa (a source of whole plant protein), spirulina microalgae (vitamin B12), goji berries (a large amount of minerals, trace elements and amino acids not found in other foods at all), chia seeds (contain omega acids, vitamins A , E and C, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and fiber).

The conversation concerns the family: does not the authority of the father prevail over everything that she does? “If you are talking about the complexes associated with the surname, then no - on the contrary, I am ready to use any leverage just to convey my idea to people. And if at this stage I am interesting precisely as Novikov's daughter, why not take advantage of my position? Understand me correctly: I am against self-promotion and have never set myself such a task. Until now, posting my own images on Instagram out of necessity, I am terribly nervous and embarrassed. But my project needs to be promoted - I sincerely want as many people as possible to learn about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and at least try to change their diet, their approach to nutrition. For now, this is my main goal!”

Alexandra approaches the solution of the tasks set consistently - the blog is constantly developing, more and more experts are invited to cooperate, in the near future - to turn the project into a full-fledged website and community where users could not only draw fresh information, but also share their own experience. However, the communication process has already been established both on How To Green itself and on social networks - Sasha and her colleagues actively communicate with other users, give useful advice, clarify incomprehensible aspects, recommend special literature ... I suggest dreaming up: if you close your eyes and imagine that a good fairy has arrived, ready to provide all possible assistance in popularizing the “green” lifestyle throughout the country, why would Alexandra start the “promotion”?

“It seems to me that such ideas should be implemented at the state level. Look to the West - Michelle Obama has organized a garden in front of the White House and grows fresh vegetables with her children. In England, where the problem of teenage obesity is particularly acute, the famous television chef Jamie Oliver has taken up the reformation of school meals. In Russia, the ideas of healthy eating are still being popularized by a few, which, in general, is understandable: we have a harsh climate with cold winters - you can’t survive here on vegetables alone! But, in my opinion, it is necessary to cultivate a culture of nutrition, to instill in children the right eating habits from an early age, to teach them the basics of a healthy lifestyle. If I had such an opportunity, I would definitely show schoolchildren films about how animals are treated on farms and introduce educational seminars. I repeat once again: we are what we eat, and our health - physical and mental - directly depends on the quality of the products that we eat.

Healthy ice cream recipe from Alexandra Novikova

What is summer without ice cream? But what is sold in stores and even served in restaurants is often very harmful because it contains milk, white sugar, starch, and thickeners. Try your hand at making your favorite dessert! Believe me, it will turn out much tastier and without harm to health.

So, for a dish called "Strawberry Chocolate Nana Ice Cream" we need:

strawberry layer

2 frozen bananas;
- 5 frozen strawberries;
- 1 pitted date;

chocolate layer

2 frozen bananas;
- 1 pitted date;
- 1.5 tablespoons of 100% cocoa powder;
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract;
- 1/2 tablespoon of nut butter of your choice.

Peel and cut ripe bananas, place them and strawberries in the freezer and leave overnight. Soak the dates in hot water for 5 minutes (if the bananas are not too ripe, add more dates for sweetness). To prepare the strawberry layer, beat the ingredients in a blender, stirring occasionally. When the mass acquires a thick consistency, put it in a deep ice cream vase and put it in the freezer so that it does not melt while the chocolate layer is being prepared. To prepare it, beat 2 bananas, 1 date, nut butter and vanilla extract in a blender, then add cocoa powder and beat again. If you like a richer chocolate taste, add more powder - at your discretion. Lay the chocolate layer on top of the strawberry one. Enjoy!

Last week, the news spread on the network that the son of billionaire Roman Abramovich Arkady, 21 years old, had dropped out of the list of enviable suitors. He is in a romantic relationship with the 22-year-old daughter of restaurateur Arkady Novikov Alexandra. In December, the media covered another important event in the world of rising oligarchs. The 18-year-old son of businessman Arkady Novikov, Nikita, is dating Alesya, the 16-year-old daughter of Russia's top tennis player Yevgeny Kafelnikov. The children are attached, the restaurant business is going well - what else is interesting in the social life of Arkady Novikov?

In the photo: Arkady Novikov's family - wife Nadezhda and daughter Alexander (left); Alexandra Novikova with her boyfriend Arkady Abramovich (center); Novikov's son Nikita with his girlfriend Alesya Kafelnikova (right).

Arkady Novikov dreams of being the coolest restaurateur in the world and calls himself conceited. "Imagine if I was sitting right now, and you were talking about me: the most famous world restaurateur came to us! Or the restaurateur of the universe!" - he once said in a conversation with a businessman.

Four years ago, Novikov talked about Russian products like this: “Do we have Russian lamb? No. There is no beef, there was not, and I don’t even see it in the future. then, or Baku, or Uzbek, which are more or less brought in. Do we have fruit? No. We don’t have anything! We only have our Russian vodka. " The import substitution program is unlikely to have changed the restaurateur's attitude to domestic raw materials.

Photo: RIA Novosti

"In general, the main idea of ​​any market is abundance. I always wanted this to be the main idea of ​​my restaurants. I recalled Georgian feasts, compared and thought what their secret was. more. And in restaurants - one snack, another, when you finish, there are three-story plates left. Therefore, many famous restaurants, in my opinion, are too sterile. In Novikov, I struggle with this, I want them to have abundance, like in the present Georgian restaurant. So Novikov argues, walking around London, where he now lives with his family, and comes to Moscow only on business.

More about the life of the "conceited" restaurateur and his family - in our SLIDE SHOW.

Alexandra Novikova, 26, founder of the How to Green project, author of the book Useful Recipes from Sasha Novikova.

I had questions for myself back in kindergarten, it was very difficult for me to establish contact with other children. Food at that moment did not bother me at all (it was almost impossible to feed me, I was a typical Moscow spoiled child who preferred three things - spaghetti bolognese, salmon sushi and pizza). Much more I was tormented by the question of how to survive in society. For a long time I simply did not understand what is right and wrong in communication: how not to let yourself be offended, how to set personal boundaries if they are violated, how to learn to say “no”. I was too accommodating and at the same time withdrawn. At the age of 14, I ended up at the Boarding school in England. This is a typical boarding school in Reading, where mostly English students study - I was one of the few who came from Russia. The first years of my life in an English school are remembered as a struggle: my social fears were exacerbated by the difference in mentalities and the English language, which at that time was far from perfect. I was very worried that I would say something wrong, so at first I decided to refuse to speak at all and fell silent. Against the backdrop of stress, I practically stopped eating and lost a lot of weight.

I remember that I brought sweets with me from Moscow, and ate only them for a week or even more. One candy per day.

A new country, communication problems, refusal to eat - all of the above created chaos in my life.

This is especially acute when at a young age you need to begin to control your life, to recognize, accept and love yourself for who you are. This is what I had to learn. And nutrition plays an important role in this matter.

In my English school, they practically did not talk about healthy lifestyles. There, we had a widespread practice of rewarding sweets. For every positive action: for a good grade, for doing everything on time, get a cake or a candy.

Two years later, at the age of 16, I practically adapted at school. My English by that time was in perfect order, unlike food. In nutrition, I went the way of social eating - I ate everything that others eat. I thought that such behavior would help me socialize, find more friends, become my own. I watched what my friends choose: if they take burgers, I will take a burger, they take croissants, I will also take a croissant. Take five at once? Then I need five. Through “I can’t”, but I ate.

Eating didn't help me become more social, rather, the right attitude helped. However, I went to the other extreme: now I was not enough for everyone. I remember once, when the phone rang, I burst into tears - I just didn’t know what to answer. There were too many messages on the phone from people who wanted to see each other. I tried to pay attention to everyone so as not to offend anyone. But I did not know where to get the time and patience.

At the age of 18 I entered the university in London. We have a wonderful girl-band, eight people. We did everything together - we abused junk food, so everyone was chubby, later we had complexes about this and collectively dieted. For example, following Naomi Campbell, they practiced a detox program that was popular at the time: they didn’t eat anything for 10 days, they only drank maple syrup with lemon and cayenne pepper. Gradually, my group members jumped off to regular meals. I survived all 10 days! I lost weight very well, but a week later I returned back to my weight and even “with a plus”.

The lack of results caused dissatisfaction with oneself. I went to the mirror, and I didn’t like my reflection anymore. I started another diet, she led "there."

Breakdowns were like a nightmare: you come home, eat everything and don’t even remember what you ate. And then you "eat" yourself morally, and so on in a circle.

The period of diets by trial and error ended sadly: I felt persistent fatigue, there was not enough energy, without exaggeration, I was sitting at the table and could not move my little finger. Doctors diagnosed anemia - hemoglobin was low, there was not enough iron in the body. Thanks to the recommendations of a doctor in London, I revised my diet, although it was still far from correct.

After graduating from university, I went to study in America for a year. There she became a vegan, completely abandoning animal products. It was an interesting experience. But six months later, it turned out that it was also difficult for me to live like that. At first, I had little idea that I could eat. For a while, I “sat” exclusively on french fries. Of course, it was more of a psychological moment: "Eat something that is not meat."

Many, by the way, still think that I am a vegan. Including my dad. Dad, it's not like that! But, of course, I still believe that man has no right to exploit animals.

Basically, I'm at a dead end. Where to go next? In search of answers to my questions, I took a year-long online dietetics course at the American Institute for Integrative Nutrition and finally put everything in its place. As a result of the course, I acquired a lot of important and useful information, which I can now share as a health coach, a health specialist - this fact confirms my certificate.

Why didn't I go vegan? Apparently, including because, whatever one may say, people tend to eat animal products. Otherwise, the vitamins and minerals necessary for life must be replenished through dietary supplements and other things. I chose the first option. In no way am I arguing or saying that being a vegan is bad. I have infinite respect for people who have excluded meat, fish, eggs, dairy products, honey from their diet for ethical reasons. Well, if they are ready to do it. But I'm not ready.

Experience has shown me that each person is individual and we all fit a different diet.

Sasha Novikova's book "How to Green. Useful recipes from Sasha Novikova"

Sasha Novikova

In the book How to Green. Useful recipes from Sasha Novikova ”I share in detail my philosophy of proper nutrition. I post recipes for pasta, and risotto, and my favorite fish burger, and seafood dishes, and absolutely vegan dishes. There are no categorical advice: it is strictly impossible, but it is possible. If there is a general instruction, then it is one: learn to read labels. I strictly ensure that the products do not contain artificial additives, dyes, preservatives and sugar.

Having developed a conscious relationship with food, I began to treat myself differently. Now I am a different person. Happy. Happiness is made up of many little things, but the most important thing is how we feel every day, and this greatly depends on how we eat. Surprisingly, I returned to my antisociality - this time consciously and voluntarily: I do not need noisy companies, I am comfortable existing in a narrow circle of close people.

Food for me today is in the background. On the first one - work, projects, travels, during which, of course, I like to try new cuisine - it's very interesting. It happens that they will ask: “Sasha, what about breakdowns?” Breakdowns? No, I have not heard. I do not have them. Sometimes I allow myself to “cross the line” of the regime. But I won't beat myself up for it. What nonsense!

Photo: Getty Images, personal archive of Sasha Novikova

In pursuit of new faces and heroes, Buro 24/7 collects profiles of not yet the most famous, but extremely promising representatives of creative (and not so) professions

The goal of How to Green is to get you into a green lifestyle, thus improving your health and our planet,” is the motto of the site, which Alexandra Novikova founded a few months ago. After studying PR at the London College of Fashion and art in New York, the girl, albeit indirectly, decided to follow in the footsteps of her father, restaurateur Arkady Novikov. Alexandra talks about what tasty, and most importantly, healthy food is on the Internet, but we have no doubt that in the near future the passion for a “green” lifestyle will materialize into something more. In the meantime, the founder of How to Green answered the questions of our questionnaire and showed one of the most favorite places in Moscow - the Dorogomilovsky market.

Name, age, occupation.
Alexandra Novikova, 24 years old. Founder of the healthy lifestyle website

Why did you choose this location to shoot?
Best describes me and my work.

What do you like most about your profession?

What did you spend your first paycheck on?
I do not remember.

What are you most proud of?
With a strong family.

Where do you feel most comfortable?
In London. Amazing, relaxing city.

What do you pay attention to first of all when you meet a person?
Manners. If they don't, then...

What are you addicted to?
Only from myself and my thoughts.

How do you spend your free time?
With friends, parents. I love to communicate.

The brightest moment in life.
Our whole life consists of “bright moments”, you just need to pay attention to them.

What kind of people do you try to avoid / what kind of people do you try to surround yourself with?
I don't avoid anyone. I surround myself with inspiring people with their own goals and dreams.

Your guilty pleasure.
Cheese. I don't think it's healthy, but I think it's delicious.

What would you like to change in the world?
Approach to food, handling of farm animals.

What era would you travel to in a time machine?
Into the future: it is interesting to look at the development of the world.

Favorite book from childhood?
Jane Eyre. After reading, I realized that life should not be easy.

What time do you wake up?
8-9 am.

Biggest fear?
Enclosed spaces, loneliness.

Most importantly, what did your parents teach you?

What do you usually watch on TV?
Now I just watch and read my “green” news.

What subject could be taught at school?
Healthy food. Unfortunately, there is no such item, but, in my opinion, there should be.

What item is always with you?
I think, like everyone else - a phone.

We thank the Dorogomilovsky market for help in organizing the shooting.

Alexander Vasilyevich Novikov - Soviet and Russian performer of his own songs in the style of "Russian chanson"; a musician who three times refused to be awarded the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

Alexander was born in the military town of Burevestnik, which is located on the island of Iturup, part of the Kuril archipelago. The Novikov family ended up there thanks to the service of their father, a military pilot. The mother of the future singer was engaged in housekeeping. A few years later, the Novikovs moved to Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, where Sasha went to school. But the young man graduated from the senior classes already in the capital of the Urals - Yekaterinburg.

Alexander, as a teenager, began to have a negative attitude towards the Soviet political system. Sasha even refused to join the Komsomol, because of which he got problems with both teachers and law enforcement agencies. This fact was the reason why Novikov never received a higher education. The young man entered institutes three times - first at the Ural Polytechnic, then at the Sverdlovsk Mining, then at the forestry. But every student was expelled.

However, the young man was not too upset, because by that time he decided to plunge headlong into rock music, and then into chanson. The musical career of Alexander Novikov was already gaining momentum when, unexpectedly, the artist was arrested.

The primary charge was the anti-Soviet lyrics of his songs. But since even with a strong desire to wishful thinking was impossible, the investigation replaced the accusation. Novikov was convicted of alleged speculation and falsification of musical equipment.

Of the 10 years that were given, the singer spent six in prison. Moreover, despite the fact that Alexander was offered more or less comfortable activities in the zone, for example, the position of a librarian, Novikov refused and, along with others, worked at a construction site and logging.

The artist with dignity overcame the difficult period of his own biography, for which he earned the respect of other prisoners. Only in 1990, Alexander was released ahead of schedule, since the Supreme Court recognized the sentence as false, and the arrest had no basis.


In the early 80s, Alexander Novikov became interested in music and decided to organize his own team, which he called "Rock Polygon". For the group, the musician wrote songs, performed and played the guitar. The style of the singer's first compositions was very different from what fans were used to later. The guys played rock and roll, in which there was even a small share of punk rock.

In 1981, the first magnetic albums were created at their own recording studio Novik Records. And in 1984, Alexander dramatically changed the genre and recorded a collection of soulful songs “Take Me, Cabbie”, which included the musical compositions “Where the Paths Lead”, “Ancient City”, “Rubles-Kopecks”, “Telephone Conversation”. Then there was a long pause in the career associated with being in prison camps.

Returning, Novikov re-releases the previous album. The songs "Remember, girl! .." and "Eastern Street" become popular. Later, the compositions “Urban Romance”, “Chansonette”, “Break Up with Her” were recognized as hits. Alexander writes his own songs himself. On hits, the artist creates clips that are popular with viewers.

But the singer has a number of albums based on poems by other authors. In 1997, the disc "" was released, where the poems of the great Russian poet became the texts of the hits. Later, the chansonnier repeated this experience. The disc "I remember, my love" was released again on Yesenin's poems and "Pineapples in champagne", in which various poets of the Silver Age turned out to be the authors of the texts. In total, the artist has more than 20 studio works on his account.

Since the mid-90s, the singer has regularly created solo programs and gives concerts. The artist records music from performances in the form of live albums. In total, fifteen such discs were created. During his musical career, Alexander Novikov was nominated twelve times for the Chanson of the Year award, of which he received the award nine times.

Social activity

In 2010, Alexander Novikov was appointed artistic director of the Variety Theater in Yekaterinburg, which became his native city. First of all, the musician looked through the repertoire and banned the production of "Blue Puppy", which was loved by the Ural theatergoers. The artist saw in the performance a hint of the theme of pedophilia, the low-grade and bad taste of the artistic presentation of the material.

In 2011, Novikov, along with an opposition politician, urged the residents of Yekaterinburg not to ignore the elections and to cast their votes in good conscience. There was even a video parody of the standard campaign ad, GOLO... SHIT! And in the summer of 2016, it became known that Alexander Vasilyevich was going to run for deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region.

It is also worth noting that Novikov acted as a director of several documentaries - “I just got out of the cage”, “Gop-stop show” and “Remember, girl?”. The most popular was the biographical tape "Oh, this Farian!" about the founder of the group "Boney M" Frank Farian. True, this picture was never shown on Russian television, although it was a success abroad.

Personal life

Alexander Novikov met his only wife, Maria, even before the tragic page of fate. Both were students of the Geological Institute and were doing geodetic practice. When the singer went to prison, the woman did not turn away from her husband. Maria, together with Alexander, went through the difficulties of life and now the couple have been happy for 41 years. In his own interview, Novikov said that he was grateful to his wife and would not change anything in his personal life.

In this marriage, two children were born - son Igor, who is professionally engaged in photography, and daughter Natalia, a designer and art historian. Thanks to the children, the singer has already become a grandfather.

Alexander Novikov is a deeply religious person. But the singer was not limited to prayers and going to church. Together with a bell-maker from Uralsk, in 1993, the chansonnier cast seven large bells with his own hands and decorated various princes from the Romanov family with bas-reliefs. The belfry was selflessly transferred to the monastery, where it still serves people.

On behalf of the artist, the official website operates, on the pages of which photos and videos with the participation of Alexander Novikov are posted.

Alexander Novikov now

In 2016, the artist delighted fans with new works - the Blatnoy album and the Hooligan Songs collection, which included popular hits of the past and new musical compositions.

In 2015, Alexander Novikov was charged under the article “large-scale fraud committed by a group of persons by prior agreement” in connection with the loss of 50 million rubles during the construction of the Queens Bay housing and construction cooperative. Mikhail Shilimanov, former Deputy Minister of Economy of the Sverdlovsk Region, was also involved in the case.

The case went on for two years. In August 2017, the court of Yekaterinburg issued a final verdict on the musician's involvement in the crime. Alexander Novikov disagreed with the accusation, providing evidence of his own innocence, one of which was the completion of construction and the handing over of real estate to the shareholders of the housing and communal complex.

After the trial, the program “Let them talk” was broadcast on Channel One, where the public spoke about the scandal. In turn, in October, the singer attacked the creators of the TV show and the TV presenter, accusing them of slandering and slandering the artist's reputation. Alexander announced this from the page of his own account in "

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