Ex-husband about the abortion of Irina Saltykova. Viktor Saltykov - biography, information, personal life Saltykov's children from his second marriage

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Victor Vladimirovich Saltykov - one of the most famous artists on the Russian stage, a member of several musical groups. A native of the city of Leningrad. The family of Viktor Saltykov was the most ordinary Soviet family: his father was a factory worker, his mother was a process engineer.

He always had a love for music, even as a little boy, the future artist enjoyed performing at matinees, and then at school, he loved to sing children's songs. His love for music was supported by his father - putting Vitya on a chair, his father accompanied with pleasure.

Having become a schoolboy, Victor began to play tennis, but he did not achieve any significant success - after studying for ten years, he received only the first youth category.

The life of the future star changed dramatically when his father died tragically in 1969 and the boy was left in the care of his mother and aunt. The final understanding that music is the meaning of his life came when, while visiting his uncle, a great music lover, he accidentally Found a Beatles record.

From the moment he listened to the songs of this group, he began to dream about acquiring his own tape recorder, at that time, only with his presence it was possible to record and listen to songs. Dreaming of buying a tape recorder, he began to earn extra money at a construction site, delivering newspapers.

The first musical group of Victor became an army ensemble, in whose activities he took an active part during his military service.

However, after the army, at the insistence of his relatives, who believed that he should have a serious profession, Victor entered the Institute of Railway Engineers. Not having the slightest desire to become an engineer, nevertheless, he regularly attended his studies, since within the walls of the institute it was possible to do what he loved - music.

It was within the walls of this educational institution, together with friends, that he created his first group "Democratic Well", in which his ascent to the big stage began. A couple of years later, Victor begins to sing in rock clubs as part of the Manufactura group.

After the resounding success of the group at the rock festival in Leningrad and recognition as the "best vocalist", he leaves for the Forum group.

The next three years became for him and the "Forum" a period of wild popularity and creative flourishing. All-Union popularity falls on the team, such hits are created, such as: “White Night”, “Island”, “A Week Before the Wedding”.

In 1987, the singer, at the invitation of David Tukhmanov moves to Electroclub, replacing Igor Talkov, who left for solo swimming. During this period, the work of Viktor Saltykov and his colleague Irina Allegrova, the record "Electroclub-2" was recorded and collections of songs "Photo for memory" and "Horses in apples" were created.

However, Victor, who dreamed of a solo career, left the group in 1990 and went into free swimming. The result of his solo work was 4 new albums, the artist was twice a participant in the TV show "Musical Ring".

Today, the singer is an active participant in various music shows, programs and television projects, and tours a lot.

In the life of an artist two marriages. The first time the singer married in 1985 to Irina Saltykova They have a daughter, Alice. However, after 10 years, the couple broke up due to Saltykov's passion for Irina Metlina, whom he met by chance at a concert, as well as constant family quarrels and scandals.

At the time of meeting Viktor Metlina, she was only seventeen years old. The artist considers his first marriage a mistake and accuses Saltykov of using his last name to climb the musical Olympus and build a successful career as a pop singer.

Irina Metlina, to whom he has been married for more than two decades, according to Victor, gave him everything that he did not have in his previous marriage. It was thanks to the influence of his wife that the singer got rid of bad habits. From his second marriage, he has a daughter, Anna, and a son, Svyatoslav.

Daughters Alice and Anna follow in the footsteps of their famous father, inheriting his craving for creativity. Alice performs on stage under the creative pseudonym Alisa, and the youngest Anna made her debut in 2017 in the show "New Star Factory" under the name Anya Moon.

In addition to excellent vocal abilities and the talent inherited from her father, Anna has a beautiful appearance and a great desire to make music. He is an active blogger and maintains a page on the social network Instagram, which is wildly popular.

The girl specifically came up with a stage name for herself - Anya Moon in order not to use the famous surname of his father, but to stand out with his musical talent and vocal abilities.

The success of the daughter is very pleasing to her father. It is known that he warmly supports all her undertakings and sincerely rejoices that her daughter has followed in his footsteps.

Name: Viktor Saltykov

Age: 59 years old

Place of Birth: St. Petersburg

Growth: 170 cm

The weight: 65 kg

Activity: singer, musician

Family status: married

Victor Saltykov - biography

Viktor Vladimirovich Saltykov is a well-known and popular pop singer, solo artist and member of several popular groups.

Childhood, family

Viktor Saltykov was born in Leningrad in a simple family of workers on November 22, 1957. There is nothing remarkable and outstanding in his biography. Viktor Saltykov's father worked at a factory, and his mother worked as an engineer.

Even in his childhood, the whole environment of little Victor noticed that he had an unusual musical talent. He sang everywhere: on the street, in kindergarten, and at home.

Education of Viktor Saltykov

It was during his school years that Viktor Saltykov had a goal in life - he dreams of becoming a singer. But no one took such a child's dream seriously. Ros Victor, like many boys, spending a lot of time in the yards, playing football and hockey. At the same time, he also begins to get involved in tennis. Tatyana Nalimova, who is a well-deserved coach, becomes his tennis teacher. For ten years he has been stubbornly engaged in this sport, and even managed to get a youth category.

As soon as Viktor Saltykov turned twelve years old, a terrible tragedy happens in the family. Victor's father suddenly dies. Since then, his mother and older sister began to engage in his upbringing. Fearing for their son and brother, they decide to send him to a children's choir so that he spends less time on the street.

Seeing his passion for music, on his birthday, when Vladimir was fourteen years old, he receives a guitar as a gift. At first, he tries to learn it on his own and even starts to play it a little, but soon enrolls in a music circle to gain deeper knowledge of guitar playing.

As soon as eight school classes are behind him, he enters a technical school, where he studies as a technician - a technologist for medical equipment.


The record of the Beatles found at his uncle shocked the young man so much that he decides to create the same group. But to buy a tape recorder, as well as to make a record, turns out to be an expensive and unusual affair. He starts working with his friends. They worked at a construction site, and delivered newspapers, and yet they were able to earn money for good equipment.

Victor understands that he wants to connect his life with music in the future, so he begins to sing and record his songs. But in 1977 he was drafted into the army. He ends up in Germany, where he learns a new profession - a radio operator. But even here Victor continues to sing, participating in all amateur performances.

After returning from the army, at the insistence of his mother, Viktor Saltykov enters the railway institute of engineers. And already in 1984 he successfully graduated from it. But even at the institute, he was interested not so much in the railway as in musical numbers and classes.

Viktor Saltykov - songs

A new stage in the biography of the famous pop singer Viktor Saltykov opens after graduation. At the same time, a new group was created, in which Viktor Saltykov became a soloist. Together with the musical group Democritus Well, young and talented Viktor Saltykov enters the stage. He was immediately noticed and in 1983 he was invited to another popular group. It is with the Manufactura group that the popularity of the singer Viktor Saltykov begins to grow.

One of the performances at the Victor Saltykov festival is also noticed by Alexander Nazarov, who immediately invites him to sing in their Forum group. Until that time, the famous singer has already released two albums. Together with the "Forum" he performed his most famous songs, which were sung by the whole country. Constant touring and stunning success comes to him just instantly.

And soon Victor receives a new proposal for cooperation. Viktor Saltykov becomes the soloist of the Moscow group Electroclub, which is forever associated with the popularity and flourishing of pop singer Viktor Saltykov. The invitation was made by the composer David Tukhmanov, who wrote for such popular singers as Igor Talkov and Irina Allegrova. Endless tours and a busy work schedule become the constant rhythm of Viktor Saltykov's life.

But still, the popular singer decides to start his solo career. This takes place in 1990. He performs at concerts, releases his albums, participates in various music programs.

Viktor Saltykov - biography of personal life

Igor Saltykov was married twice. His first wife was a famous singer

Irina Saltykova - until now, despite the fact that her age has exceeded fifty, is an interesting person for the people, ambiguous, extraordinary, sometimes absurd and explosive, sharp-tongued, vindictive, but undoubtedly beautiful. This telediva has business acumen, her singing voice– ordinary, unstarry, but the figure and face are beyond praise. Irina Saltykova is a sex symbol of the 90s, by the way. I remember the times when the first clip of Irina Saltykova appeared on TV screens, it was called “Gray Eyes”, though at first I heard this song on a cassette with a collection of hits from popular and emerging artists. Not to say that I immediately fell in love with the uncomplicated melody of "Gray Eyes" and became a fan of her performer, but this composition definitely did not cause rejection in me, since in fact I was a teenager, and my musical taste at that time had not yet formed , but when I saw who sings this hit, I realized that the singer is going to be a huge success among teenagers and young people. In those days, there were not so many sexy beauties like Irina Saltykova, but the time for "X" has come, and those who shine with panties and deep cleavage poured onto the stage as if from a cornucopia, these girls began to appear in packs on the Russian stage, but it is unlikely that any of them could outshine Irina Saltykova with their sexuality.

Almost everyone liked Irina Saltykova, especially men - and regardless of age: children, teenagers, adults, respectable machos, mustachioed engineers, even gray-haired grandfathers. Still, appearance is very important for a woman, no matter what they say, you can’t hook a man with your soul and intellect if you don’t come out with a muzzle, guys will always prefer a good, docile simpleton to a pretty, busty, slender, smiling girl like Irina Saltykova. And Irishka she is also playful. But when this singer began to sing, she was already 29 years old! At that time, she was already considered an adult aunt. After all, then marriage at the age of 25 was considered as the last chance for a worthy, full-fledged arrangement of one's destiny. And Irina Saltykova already had a seven-year-old daughter by that time, she had a divorce from singer Viktor Saltykov, by the way, unlike Irina, he has a unique voice, very beautiful, strong, sonorous, bright, there is an individuality in performance, and the songs are excellent, to this day you can still listen to them with great pleasure.

In this photo, the ex-husband of Irina Saltykova is Victor. It was this man who gave her his last name, previously she was Irina Sapronova.

Especially before writing this article, I reviewed and listened to the clips of both Saltykovs, and also reviewed a huge number of programs with their participation. The fact is that Irina Saltykova cannot forgive her ex-husband for the fact that he devoted very little time to his daughter Alice, he practically did not call her, was not interested in her life, and the girl was waiting for a call, she felt deprived of her father's love, because she always loved dad very much. Viktor Saltykov started a new family, in which he became a happy man.

In this photo, Viktor Saltykov and his second wife Irina Metlina

After all, what does a man need? To be loved, not to be taken out of his brain, not to be humiliated, not insulted, to be cherished, cherished. The marriage of Victor and Irina Saltykov is not the first to break up due to the fact that the wife saws her husband. Of course, men fall in love with bitches, they suffer, dedicate poems and songs to them, cut their veins, start drinking bitter because of their fault, but such relationships are called destructive, you can’t live in them forever, and now, having plunged into the whirlpool of scandals and Shakespearean passions, men start looking for a safe haven. For Viktor Saltykov, Irina Metlina became such an outlet. When he met his second wife, she was only seventeen years old.

Victor Saltykov knew that his first wife wanted to go on stage, but he did not take her words seriously, because he understood that she had neither hearing nor voice, she sang in the way that each of us can sing while washing in the shower, with such vocal data, you can sometimes sing in karaoke, but nothing more. But Victor did not take into account the fact that his wife is a very beautiful and sexy young lady, outwardly she looks like Pamela Anderson. After the divorce, Irina Saltykova sought to become independent, this woman knows how to make money, she graduated not only from a construction college, but also received a higher education with a diploma in economics! And all this was before her singing career. Of course, Irina Saltykova starred in very explicit clips, such beauty could not but cause a stir among the audience. Thus, thanks to his ingenuity, chic appearance, diligence

Irina Saltykova earned herself and her daughter Alice a beautiful, high-quality life, of course - this is much better than asking for handouts from her ex-husband for the rest of her life. Irina Saltykova raised her daughter Alice alone from the age of six. She completely refused the help of her husband. Irina and Victor still have not been able to find a common language, although many years have passed since their divorce, moreover, insults have accumulated, they have not become smaller, Irina’s wound is still bleeding, the ex-wife cannot look at the calmness of her only father daughter, she always wants to kick him, prick, humiliate and insult him, let the audience know what a scoundrel their idol is.

Well, Viktor Saltykov is calmness itself, this is a balanced, wise head of the family, he is successfully married to Irina Metlina, who gave birth to his daughter Anna (1995) and son Svyatoslav (2008). Naturally, Viktor Saltykov is madly in love with his children from a new marriage, he raised them, he did not divorce his wife, the family is in harmony, and for a man it is very important that the children are nearby, if the connection is lost, it is difficult to love offspring until they lose their pulse just because that they are of the same blood as you. Naturally, Viktor Saltykov also loves his daughter Alice, but he himself admits to the public that this is a different love, it is different from the one he feels for his younger children. It is possible that Alice has already accepted this whole situation, analyzed it and does not hold a grudge against her father, because he is a good person. Irina Saltykova demanded some kind of ideality from him, but look around. A bunch of fathers who don’t worry about their children at all, who never tried to build bridges with them, in this situation Viktor Saltykov is almost perfect. He is a simple person, despite his singing talent, and all people have weaknesses and, in essence, they cannot be sinless. But Victor is working on himself, he is striving.

And again a photo of Viktor Saltykov, so he was in his youth.

The daughter of Viktor Saltykov and Irina Saltykova is called Alice, the girl is very similar to her mother.

In this photo, the singer with her daughter Alice.

Alice dyed her hair brown, she likes to be different.

The singer was born in Leningrad on November 22, 1957 in a family of ordinary Soviet workers. The zodiac sign is Scorpio. My father worked in a factory, my mother was an engineer. Victor's musical gift manifested itself in early childhood. He sang with pleasure at home, in kindergarten and school. The boy had a dream of becoming a singer.

Of course, like all boys, he drives a soccer ball and plays hockey in the yard. Tennis was another of his hobbies. For ten years he has been training with the honored coach Tatyana Nalimova, receiving a youth category. At the age of twelve, Victor lost his father; since then, his mother and her sister have been raising him.

In order to direct her son's passion in the right direction, his mother sends him to a children's choir. At the age of 14, Victor was given a guitar, he mastered playing the instrument on his own, then continued his studies in a music club. After eight years, he studies at a technical school, graduates from it and receives the specialty of a technician-technologist for equipment for medical institutions.

At his uncle, a music lover, he finds a record with a recording of the song "Girls" of the group. Music and performance shocked the young man. In those days, you could only record a song on a tape recorder, and it was expensive. Victor and his friends work at a construction site, delivering newspapers to earn money for equipment. After he has the opportunity to record and listen to songs, he finally affirms that he wants to make music and sing professionally.

The service in the ranks of the Soviet army, for which he was called up in 1977, takes place in Germany. His military specialty is a radio operator. At the same time he sings and plays in the ensemble. Upon returning from the service, he enters the Institute of Railway Engineers, as his mother wanted. In 1984 he graduated from the university.

At the institute, Victor is more interested not in the railway, but in musical studies, for which there were good conditions. Here he met Teimuraz Bojgua. Together they create the Democritus Well group, in which Saltykov gets on the big stage.


In 1983, Victor was invited to the Manufactura group. Oleg Skiba's composition "Million House" performed by the band at the Leningrad rock festival takes first place, and Viktor Saltykov becomes the best vocalist and winner of the Grand Prix. This performance for the musician becomes fateful. Alexander Nazarov draws attention to him, who after a while invites him to the Forum group.

Before moving to the "Forum", two albums of "Manufactura" are released. Members of the group paid great attention to the image - fashionable hairstyles and clothes. Over time, Victor understands that for a professional, appearance is not a determining factor in success.

Soon the main part of the group goes to the army, and Victor becomes the soloist of the Forum. In its composition, the singer comes to incredible popularity and all-Union glory. Saltykov's most famous hits "White Night", "Leaves Have Flew", "Horses in Apples" and others are associated with him. The group tours domestically and is a resounding success.

Viktor Saltykov - "White Night"

The media call the band a cult one, numerous fans do unthinkable things. There was a case when the car with the artists was lifted and carried in their arms. Can you wish for more? But Victor receives a new offer, accepts it and becomes the soloist of the Moscow group "Electroclub". His place in the "Forum" is occupied.

He receives an invitation to the Electroclub from a famous composer who writes songs for the band. Two soloists performed in the group: and. Viktor replaced Talkov, who is leaving to start a solo career. The rest of the Forum musicians are also moving to Moscow. The renewal of the composition ensures the group's super popularity among the youth.

New hits, clips, records and albums are coming out. Tours last for months, more than one concert is practiced per day. Such a busy life and incredible popularity become common for Victor. Despite the success and demand, he leaves the Electroclub, as he gravitates towards serious music. Thus begins his independent career.

Since 1990, Viktor Saltykov has been working independently. The singer's discography is replenished with new albums. Twice he participates in the popular TV show "Musical Ring". For the first time - in 1986 with the Forum group against the Yabloko group. The second time - in 1999 against his ex-wife.

Victor Saltykov and Tatyana Ovsienko - "Coast of Love"

In the new millennium, Victor has a busy schedule, he participates in programs on television and radio. In 2004, at the festival "Song of the Year" in a duet with the hit "Shores of Love".

Personal life

In his personal life, Victor also has a lot of events: two marriages and three children. His first wife was a singer, whom he met in 1985. Daughter Alice was born in 1987. In 1995, the couple broke up, the daughter followed in the footsteps of her parents - she is building her musical career in London.

The new wife, Irina Metlina, with whom they have been together for more than twenty years, gave birth to a daughter and a son. Svyatoslav goes to school, enjoys tennis, Anna receives a musical education at the University of London.

Victor appreciates his wife for the calmness and comfort with which she managed to surround him, considers himself indebted to her for all the good that she does for the family.

Viktor Saltykov is a socially active person, he regularly posts new photos in "Instagram". He has pages in

Music of the 80s. These two words immediately take us to the Soviet Union. Discotheques, gramophone records, group names pop up in my memory. Those who listened to it then still listen to it now, believing that these were the best musical hits that have stood the test of time.

New names appeared on the stage, new stars lit up. Such a star was Viktor Vladimirovich Saltykov - a famous musician, songwriter, member of popular groups. His famous hits "White Night", "Leaves Have Flew", "Island", "Horses in Apples" and others are still on the air now, 30 years later.

Height, weight, age. How old is Viktor Saltykov

Information from the life of Viktor Saltykov can be easily found in any musical publication. We know height, weight, age. How old is Viktor Saltykov.

Viktor Saltykov: photo in his youth and now - a short man, his height is 170 cm, weight is 65 kg. Victor is now 60 years old.

In his younger years, Victor paid a lot of attention to hair and clothing style. Fame dictated its conditions. A handsome blond with a chic mop of hair attracted the attention of many girls. The fans did not let the singer go after the performances for a long time.

Biography and personal life of Viktor Saltykov

The biography and personal life of Viktor Saltykov began in Leningrad. As a child, parents noticed that their son loves to sing. He sang always and everywhere and, as Viktor himself recalls, really wanted to become a famous singer. At school, like all boys, he played football and hockey, then went in for tennis. I did not break into the big sport.

But he was seriously interested in music. Once, visiting his uncle, a fan of the Liverpool Four, Viktor Saltykov saw a record of the famous group. The music they played stunned him and served as the final decision to become a musician.

Mother - Zinaida Ivanovna Gorokhova raised Victor alone. Father - Vladimir Ivanovich Saltykov tragically passed away while still young.

After serving in the armed forces, Victor graduated from a higher educational institution, where there were excellent conditions and good musical equipment. It was the first step on the big stage.

In 1983, Viktor Saltykov was invited to the Forum group. There are many hits that become known throughout the country.

Work in the next group "Electroclub" brings Saltykov even more popularity. Tours take place in all cities almost without breaks for rest. At this time, the singer is getting married.

The first wife, Irina Saltykova, will soon also become a famous performer. In 1987, the couple had a daughter, Alice. 8 years after the wedding, Irina leaves her husband.

The second wife - Irina Metlina appeared in the life of a musician very soon. Over the years of married life, the couple had two children: a daughter, Anna, and a son, Svyatoslav.

Family and children of Viktor Saltykov

In the early 90s, Viktor Saltykov began his solo career. He is recording several new discs. At this time, the family and children of Viktor Saltykov become his main support. A tight tour schedule does not allow spending much time at home, so Alice does not see her dad often.

For three years, Irina has been raising her daughter, then she tries to start a musical career, but she does not succeed right away. Soon problems begin in the family, relationships deteriorate and the spouses part. Alice stays with her mother.

The new relationship of Viktor Saltykov turned out to be more successful, more than 20 years have passed since Viktor proposed to his second wife. Daughter Anna is already an adult girl, and Svyatoslav is a schoolboy, he is 10 years old.

The son of Viktor Saltykov - Svyatoslav

When the singer turned 50, the long-awaited son of Viktor Saltykov, Svyatoslav, was born. The boy was named after the pianist Svyatoslav Richter. Victor always dreamed of a son, but the birth of two older daughters pushed the dream further and further.

Now the boy is in school. He draws, likes to walk with his father, play chess. Victor teaches his son to do a lot with his own hands, tries to raise a real man out of a boy.

While Svyatoslav does not show interest in music and his father does not impose his opinion on him, he believes that time will put everything in its place.

Daughter of Viktor Saltykov - Alice

After the separation of her parents, Alice did not communicate with her father for many years. The girl did not like that she was the daughter of Viktor Saltykov - Alice. She once stated that she did not want to bear her father's surname.

Growing up, Alice changed her mind. She realized that she spoke childish grievances. Now they are in the past.

Alice lives in London, where she received two higher educations. He is engaged in music, producing theatrical performances and concerts. She met and became very close friends with her sister Anna.

Daughter of Viktor Saltykov - Anna

The second daughter of Viktor Saltykov, Anna, grew up in a friendly family. The girl was loved and spoiled. Like dad, Anna has been singing since childhood. Having matured, the girl went to study in London.

Now she is seriously engaged in music. Knowing English perfectly, she writes songs and performs them herself. He believes that the most important thing for a performer is to have their own unique style.

Most recently, Anna took part in a music competition, the selection for which was on her own. For some time this was a secret for her father, since Anna took a pseudonym - Anya Moon.

Ex-wife of Viktor Saltykov - Irina Saltykova

A beautiful blonde, famous singer and business woman is the ex-wife of Viktor Saltykov - Irina Saltykova. Irina, nee Sapronova, came to study in Moscow from a small town in the Tula region. And although she studied at the University of Economics, she always dreamed of singing on stage. Irina makes her first voice tests, speaking for several months in the Mirage group. She then goes into business for a while.

After failures in family life and parting with Viktor Saltykov, he decides to change his fate. Irina sells the business and invests the proceeds in her career. She succeeds.

Since 1994, proposals for cooperation have been pouring in on Irina Saltykova, as if from a cornucopia. She is in demand on the music scene and in films. Since 2010 - Irina is a successful business woman.

Viktor Saltykov's wife - Irina Metlina

All bad things come to an end. Now Viktor Saltykov is a beloved husband and a happy father. Viktor Saltykov's wife, Irina Metlina, is not a public person. Little is known about her. She is a linguist and knows several foreign languages.

Victor is 13 years older than his Irina. They met when Saltykov was still married to his first wife. They met, then broke up for several years. Fate pleased the composer, giving him a second chance for a happy life. The couple have been together for 25 years.

Irina brought peace and comfort to Victor's life, surrounded him with care and affection. She was able to create an atmosphere where the profession and music are successfully combined - the passion of his whole life.

Instagram and Wikipedia Viktor Saltykov

He has had Instagram and Wikipedia for a long time. On the pages of social networks, Victor communicates with fans and friends, often updating his photos. Currently, Victor's Instagram has more than 20 thousand subscribers. From the photographs you can learn about Victor's creative projects, his tours, events in the family.

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