We cook compote from grapes. How to cook compote from grapes: a traditional recipe, and what happens if you add an orange or rosehip to a jar How to cover grapes with black compote for the winter

Electricity 18.05.2022

Compote from grapes can be prepared for the winter in several ways: with and without boiling, with the addition of additional fruits and berries, with and without sterilization. If the option without boiling is chosen, it is recommended to put more sugar in the drink than usual in order to prevent possible souring of the product. If the compote is cooked, it must be boiled. You can also pour a small amount of lemon juice or citric acid into the drink. It is worth taking into account that natural yeast settles on the grape skin, the activation of which in a swirling dish is completely undesirable. In this regard, grape compote is easiest to pre-cook. The presence of seeds in the berries almost does not affect anything, leaving them, removing them or using seedless varieties is a matter of personal choice and taste.

The five most commonly used ingredients in grape compote recipes are:

What can improve the taste of grape compote?

Any spices that favorably set off the taste of berries are suitable for adding to grape compote for the winter. In the list of such spices:

  • cinnamon
  • lemon peel
  • carnation
  • cordamom
    Alcoholic drinks like strong wine are also suitable, provided that the compote is not intended for children, but will be used as an ingredient for making jellies, mousses, creams, and so on.

There are ways to enhance the color of a homemade drink, for which various fresh leaves are used: cherries, mountain ash. If compote is brewed from white grapes, you can add a few black berries. The best, richer compote is brewed from wine varieties of berries.

A simple recipe for grape compote for the winter is:

  1. Sterilize jars.
  2. Wash the grapes well, removing twigs and spoiled berries.
  3. Lay grapes in jars for half the volume.
  4. Pour in sugar, add citric acid (if desired), any spice.
  5. Pour boiling water over and immediately roll up, turning upside down.

Five of the fastest grape compote recipes:

Tips for making grape compote:

  • you can add color to white grape compote with cherry or rowan leaves
  • a handful of raisins will add transparency to the drink
  • ready-made compote, wrapped in jars, is stored at room temperature

grape compote

Rich, delicious compote of blue sweet and sour grapes.

For compote, you can use both blue and green grapes.

What to cook from

for a 2 liter pot

  • Water - 1.5 l;
  • Grapes - 0.5 kg (5 small brushes);
  • Sugar - 4-5 tablespoons (depending on the degree of sweetness of the grapes)

How to cook

  • Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • Rinse the grape brushes, separate the berries from the twigs. Throw in boiling water. After 3 minutes, add sugar. Cook for another 3-5 minutes.
  • Cover the finished grape compote with a lid, let it brew for about 30 minutes, so that the drink is saturated with berry juices.

Compote and grapes. Delicious, either way. 🙂

Features of preparation and taste

Tastier - cooled compote. The grapes give all the juice to the drink, the compote thickens and darkens. And it turns out not only tasty, but also very beautiful.

For compote, select only good, healthy berries, otherwise the drink can turn sour very quickly.

I cooked compote from dark blue small sour grapes, its berries under a dense skin are thick jelly with a tart stone. In central Russia, such grapes are grown in dachas and in private homes. It seems to me that from it, sweet and sour grapes with character, the most delicious, soulful, rich compotes are obtained. Other varieties will do if they have a pleasant sourness.

Grape circles))

I let compotes from fruits and berries brew and soak up the juices of their fruit and berry filling. And boil them, a total of 6-8 minutes.

You can throw the berries into boiling water with sugar (syrup), and let the compote boil for no more than 1 minute, and then insist, cooling to room temperature. This option of brewing a drink from grapes is also quite acceptable.

And if you want to prepare grapes (with apples, dogwood, peaches, oranges or pure grape - your choice). And with grapes you can preserve delicious ones.

Fill the jar with apples and grapes

The best grape variety for compote is blue, or as it is also called, dark grapes. These are varieties such as Golubok, dark raisins, Moldova. The berries color the syrup in a dark blue color, so this compote will look like real wine, but at the same time it can be safely given to children like regular juice.

Of course, you can cook compote for preservation from green, or so-called white grapes. But to enhance the taste and color, you should then put some red apples or washed cherry leaves in each jar.

If you like rich and spicy tastes of compote, you can add cinnamon, vanilla, lemon zest to it. These ingredients will make the grape compote for the winter sparkle with completely new and unusual flavor notes.

Compote of grapes is the easiest recipe. You don't need to waste your energy cleaning the scallops and inspecting each berry. The procedure is extremely simple:

  • Wash the grapes hot water, inspect the clusters for rotten or unripe berries, remove them.
  • Place the bunches in clean, unsterilized jars. Berries should take up about a third of the volume.
  • Prepare a sugar syrup based on 1 cup of sugar poured into 2 liters of water.
  • Pour boiled hot syrup into jars where grapes are laid.
  • Put the jars in a pot of heated water or a special container for sterilization and boil until the water in the jars begins to boil.
  • Sterilized (scalded with boiling water) lids are placed on jars and rolled up using a seaming machine.
  • We turn the jars upside down and cover with a blanket. After cooling, you can take it out into the cold or into the basement.

Compote from grape berries is more difficult to make, due to the large labor costs. But the taste of compote is brighter. For these purposes, it is better to choose varieties with large berries, for example, Moldova. But it will take you too much time - its berries are very small. Based on a three-liter jar, you will need 700 grams of grapes, 2 liters of water, 1 cup or 250 ml of sugar.

The process is slightly different from the previous one. The jar should be about a third filled with berries. Prepare boiling water in advance so that the process goes without pauses. Pour boiling water over a jar of grapes and close with an unsterilized lid for the time being. Let stand 10 minutes. Drain the water from the jar into a saucepan and let it boil. Pour a glass of sugar into the jar, and at the same time sterilize the lid in another pot of boiling water. Then put the jar on a plate and pour boiling water into it so that a little water flows out of the jar. It remains only to roll up the jar with a sterilized lid, and put it upside down to cool, wrapped in a blanket.

Do not be alarmed if, after turning over at the neck of the jar, you see foam. This is temporary and will disappear quickly. This usually happens within an hour or two after turning over. You should also know that grape compote prepared for the winter can not only be drunk - it is an excellent basis for making jelly, mousses, fruit cream for cake.

There is no need to put too much sugar in the compote, as the natural preservative - tartaric acid - is quite enough.

Finally, we recommend that you, if you cook compote from bunches, cut off a twig at the very beginning of the berries so that it does not interfere. If you have a shortage of glass jars, then you can save containers by canning full jars of grapes. When the time comes, you will simply need to dilute the compote to an acceptable concentration with boiled water.

Compote from grapes is not an exotic drink in our country. But every hostess who knows how to make a liquid dish at home can cook it extraordinarily tasty and surprise guests. First you need to learn which varieties are suitable for rolling a liquid billet. Experts recommend using the following varieties:

Then you should study the recipes for the best grape compotes for the winter, stock up on ingredients and get down to business. At the same time, the drink can be given astringency by putting clusters with twigs in a jar.

Isabella grape compote with lemon

To begin with, we will master a simple recipe that will help us get Isabella grape compote for the winter with a pleasant sourness. The preparation is done very quickly.


How to cook a liquid treat from Isabella berries and lemon:

  1. Pick the berries from the brushes, wash thoroughly and arrange in jars;
  2. In a saucepan, mix water with sugar and bring the mixture to a boil;
  3. Pour the contents of the jars with boiled syrup;
  4. After 10 minutes, drain the liquid into the same pan;
  5. Put the syrup on the fire, add lemon juice and bring the composition to a boil;
  6. Pour the syrup back into the jars and roll up the compote.

As you can see, grape compote is cooked for the winter without sterilization, so cooking will not be burdensome. But jars must be sterile.

Green grape compote

Outwardly, green grape compote does not seem very beautiful. For this reason, some housewives improve the color of the drink with cherry leaves or red apples. We will consider the classic version without any additives. Sterilization is not required.

What you need:

  • Sugar - 1 kg;
  • Citric acid powder - 1 tsp;
  • Filtered water - 2 l;
  • Green berries - a full jar of 3 liters.

To make compote from grapes on green berries, you need to wash and dry the main raw material in the air. The fruits are laid out in sterile jars for 1/2 of the dishes. Syrup is boiled from water and sugar, then the berries are poured over it and the jars are allowed to stand for 20 minutes.

The syrup is poured into the pan where it was boiled and boiled for 5 minutes with citric acid. The berries are again poured with acidified liquid and the homemade grape compote is closed with a seaming key.

Recipe with apples and oranges

An unusually beautiful, tasty and fortified compote of grapes and apples for the winter is obtained with the addition of oranges. For color contrast, it is better to make a drink from black grapes and red apples. Berries are previously removed from the bunch and washed, other fruits are peeled and cut into pieces. Seeds are removed.

Assorted pour hot water and put the dishes on the stove. Sugar is poured into a boiling liquid and after 3 minutes the syrup is removed from the stove. The fruits are allowed to brew for 20 minutes, then the household members are treated to the prepared drink.

The composition of apple and grape compote for the winter is as follows:

  • Water - 3 liters.
  • Sugar - 200 g.
  • Apples, grapes, oranges - 100 g each.

Compote of white grapes

To prepare a liquid winter preservation, you will need white-skinned grapes, sugar and water. Compote of white grapes is closed for the winter as follows. Berries are picked from a bunch weighing 0.5 kg, washed, placed in a saucepan and poured with 2 liters of boiling water. After 3 minutes, the berries are transferred to prepared jars.

Sugar in water is put on fire and brought to a boil. The berries are poured with syrup for 15 minutes, then the liquid is drained and brought to a boil again. Scalded grapes are poured with boiling syrup and bottles are corked.

With plums

When you begin to open a boiled compote of plums and grapes for the winter, we recommend diluting it with boiled water. This trick will help dilute too concentrated syrup. Consider a grape compote recipe for 5 servings, which is suitable for fasting and for dessert. It will take 100 g of grapes, 150 g of sugar, 8 plums and 700 ml of water.

How to close the grape-plum compote:

With pears

A fragrant preservation of a pleasant appearance for hostesses is obtained from hard pears and ripe light grapes. Soft pears should not be used, otherwise they will spread in hot syrup. The norm of products for compote of pears and grapes for the winter is given for 2 cans of 1.5 liters.


  • Grapes - 350 g.
  • Fresh pears - 6 pcs.
  • Citric acid - 2 pinches.
  • Sugar - 200 g.

In order to qualitatively cook compote from grapes, it is necessary to separate the berries from the brush, and divide the pears longitudinally into 2 halves and select the seeds. Each part should be cut into 3 more pieces.

Assorted spread in sterilized jars, pour boiling water and simmer under the lid for 15 minutes. Next, the liquid is drained and boiled with sugar until all sweet particles are dissolved.

A pinch of citric acid is thrown into the jars, after which the contents are poured with hot syrup. Then you need to close the grape compote with a special machine, turn the jars upside down and throw a warm blanket over them.

If you understand that you can make grape compote for the winter according to any of the above recipes, remember a few nuances that will make your drink unique.

  1. Scalding the fruits with boiling water before putting them in jars will help to avoid cracking of berries filled with syrup.
  2. For a piquant taste, it is allowed to put a little cinnamon, vanilla and cloves in the compote.
  3. If you don't know how to make compote from grapes with a deep rich color, follow the advice of professionals and mix dark varieties of berries with light ones.
  4. Diversify the flavors of the liquid dessert not only with apple, pear and plum components, but also with currants, cherry plums, citruses, cherry leaves.
  5. Preservation is very fragrant if it was cooked on a quiet fire. In non-hot conditions, the berries release juice better and emit an amazing smell.

Now you know how to cook grape compote different ways. All you have to do is wait for a generous harvest and prepare a drink in volumes that meet the needs of the family.

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