How old is Silanov Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation. Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation Anton Siluanov. Biography, activity. Career growth of Anton Siluanov

colorful compositions 30.05.2022
colorful compositions

A family

Father - German Siluanov worked in the Ministry of Finance of the USSR, later - in the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (for example, in 1996 he served as deputy head of the department of credit and monetary circulation). There is information that the grandfather of the future minister was a financier.

Anton Siluanov is married and has a son.


Anton was born on April 12, 1963 in Moscow. Graduated Moscow Financial Institute(1985) with a degree in finance and credit.

From August 1985 to March 1987 - economist, senior economist at the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR.

From March 1987 to May 1989 - he served in active military service in Soviet army.

From May 1989 to January 1992 - Leading Economist, Category 1 Economist, Leading Economist, Deputy Head of a Subdivision, Consultant of the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR.

In February 1992 - Deputy Head of Department Ministry of Economy and Finance Russian Federation.

From February 1992 to October 1997 - Deputy Head of the Budget Department, Deputy Head of the Budget Department - Head of the Department, Deputy Head of the Budget Department of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

In 1994 he defended his dissertation and received the degree of candidate of economic sciences. Topic: "The budgetary policy of the state in the transition to market relations."

From October 1997 to July 2003 - Head of the Department of Macroeconomic Policy and Banking Activities of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

From July 2003 to May 2004 - Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.

From May 2004 to December 12, 2005 - Director of the Department of Interbudgetary Relations of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Since January 2013 - Dean of the Faculty of Finance and Economics of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.

In January 2015, he was nominated by the Government of the Russian Federation to the position of a member of the Supervisory Board Sberbank of Russia.

In connection with the collapse of the ruble at the end of 2014, the minister expressed hope that the ruble would soon stabilize.

"We hope this will happen soon. We will get some new levels of balancing the balance of payments and will continue to see how the situation develops".

The head of the financial department connected the unprecedented collapse of the national currency with the decline in oil prices and the geopolitical situation.

"We are monitoring the situation. She must come to a new equilibrium. And the value of the currency, taking into account the new position in the trade balance, and taking into account the outflow of capital, is looking for its equilibrium positions", Anton Siluanov assured.

Moscow. January 30, 2015. Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov supported the decision Bank of Russia reduce the key rate by 2 percentage points - up to 15% per annum.

"Today, the Central Bank decided to cut the rate by 2 percentage points. We believe that this is an absolutely correct, balanced decision. Now the situation in the foreign exchange market has calmed down, the balance of payments has balanced, the exchange rate has found its equilibrium position". He stressed that " the Central Bank has reason to say that the situation on the foreign exchange market is under control".

During his time at the Ministry of Finance, Siluanov was ex officio a member of the boards of directors and supervisory boards of various banks and state corporations.

So, in 1999 he became a member of the board of directors of the bank "Russian credit", in 2000 - Member of the Supervisory Board Rosselkhozbank, in 2002 he was included in the board of directors of the state corporation "Agency for the Restructuring of Credit Organizations"(AKRO), and in January 2004 - the board of directors of the state corporation "Deposit Insurance Agency".

In 2004 and 2008, Siluanov was a member of the Supervisory Board Vneshtorgbank(in 2009 he was not on the list of council members). In addition, in November 2007, Siluanov became a member of the supervisory board of the state corporation "Fund for Assistance to Housing and Public Utilities Reform", and in April 2009 - the Board of Directors JSC "UralVagonZavod".

Siluanov was also repeatedly mentioned in the press in connection with the support program for single-industry towns (curtailed in the fall of 2010). Has state awards.


Siluanov is one of the richest officials in the government. The minister for 2013 earned 39,528,413.23 rubles. Wife: RUB 1,683,748.36

Real estate: Land plot for individual housing construction, 1579.0 sq. m, land plot for individual housing construction, 6979.0 sq. m, land plot, 9000.0 sq. m (rent).

Residential building, 110.0 sq. m, residential building, 152.0 sq. m., apartment, 74.1 sq. m., apartment, 111.3 sq. m., garage, 37.5 sq. m., non-residential building, 64.9 sq. m., non-residential building, 111.9 sq. m., forest area, 35000.0 sq. m. (rent).

Spouse: Apartment, 59.9 sq. m, Apartment, 180.0 sq. m., garage, 26.6 sq. m.,

Vehicles: Passenger car, GAZ 69, passenger car, BMW X6, passenger car, VAZ 21011, motor vehicle, BMW R 1200 GS motorcycle, motor vehicle, Harley-Davidson FLSTC 103 ANV motorcycle, Motor vehicle, BMW K 1600 GTL motorcycle.

Wife: Passenger car, BMW X5.

Scandals, rumors

They say about the minister that he speaks little, but his word is worth a lot. Administration of Mordovia, for example, the word of Anton Siluanov cost 5 and a half billion rubles.

Here is how it was. In June 2011, Anton Siluanov participated in a retreat led by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, at which the Mordovian authorities asked for another 5.5 billion in addition to the already received 28 billion - to celebrate the 1000th anniversary of the unity of the Mordovian people with the peoples of the Russian state.

As usual, Anton Siluanov quietly listened to all the speakers until Vladimir Putin addressed him directly: "What will the Ministry of Finance say?" " According to our calculations, this is already the most expensive project in Russia, more expensive than the 1000th anniversary of Kazan"Anton Siluanov answered and thus deprived the Mordovian authorities of the coveted 5 billion.

And at the January conference call, the same one during which Vladimir Putin attacked the governor of the Kirov region, another scandal arose, not noticed by the press, and it was again caused by the "quiet" Anton Siluanov.

He gave a damning analysis of regional budgets, after which, as they say, the governors of several regions began to pack their bags just in case. But here, as they say, nothing personal: the minister beats not with words, but with numbers.

Siluanov, like his predecessor, also opposes the expansion of the military budget, on which Alexei Kudrin got burned. True, he is not so categorical in his statements.

Anton Siluanov has already spoken out against tax increases in the short term and continued to bend Kudrin's line: not to increase budget expenditures without increasing revenues. It will not be easy to fulfill both points: it is especially difficult to resist the temptation to "load" the voters before the elections.

In mid-2014, the finance minister shocked the public by declaring that the government did not have the funds to return the NPF savings for 2014.

243 billion rubles taken from the pension system allegedly went to cover Crimean budget deficit and other investment projects. And he explained that the return of funds already spent to the NPF system would require optimization, that is, budget cuts, and could also have a negative impact on Russian business and spur inflation.

This is despite the fact that Siluanov himself personally addressed the government leadership in April with a request to send money from the NPF to help Crimea and Sevastopol:

"We have a reserve - 243 billion rubles. Therefore, we will appeal to the leadership of the country in order to allow him to be sent to support Crimea".

Regarding the possibility of returning or not returning part of the money spent in the NPF, Siluanov had a heated argument with the Minister of Economic Development Ulyukaev. They argued almost to the point of a fight.

And the story of the improvement of economic affairs at the expense of pensioners still has not ended, they are still chewing on in the bureaucratic tops, and whether to take more money from meek pensioners.

Siluanov Anton Germanovich- Russian economist and politician. Today, the main thing in the biography of Anton Siluanov is the post of Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Childhood and education of Anton Siluanov

Anton Siluanov was born on April 12, 1963 in Moscow. The parents of the future Minister for Education and Labor Biography were associated with financial activities.

Father - Siluanov German Mikhailovich- Worked in the Ministry of Finance of the USSR.

Mother - Yanina Nikolaevna Siluanova- Worked in the publishing house "Finance and Statistics". Now she is an employee of the editorial and publishing department of the State University of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation (the former Academy of Budget and Treasury).

Brother - Siluanov Vsevolod Germanovich(born in 1976) - graduated first at the Moscow Aviation Institute, then at the Academy of Budget and Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

The whole family of Anton Siluanov are professional financiers. It is not surprising that Anton followed in the footsteps of his father and grandfather.

After graduating from school, Anton Germanovich Siluanov entered the Moscow Financial Institute with a degree in Finance and Credit.

“Anton Siluanov was never a ringleader on the course, but he also did not shy away from public life, he did not tear himself away from the team: he went to potatoes and went to meetings,” recalled the former dean of the Faculty of Finance and Credit Boris Suprunovich.

He also noted that Anton Germanovich was an excellent student and "it was noticeable that in the world of numbers he feels himself as in his element."

“Most of all, Anton Siluanov surprised me when, in his 5th year, he himself asked to be assigned to work in the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR, where our graduates did not generally aspire: the salary there was low, the work was boring, and then the department itself did not do much decided,” the “Interlocutor” quoted the dean.

Labor activity and career of Anton Siluanov

In 1985, Siluanov Anton Germanovich began working as an economist, and then as a senior economist in the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR. In 1987, Anton Siluanov was called up for military service in the Soviet army. In 1989, he returned to the Ministry of Finance, taking the position of a leading economist, later he was a category 1 economist, deputy head of a subdivision and a consultant, according to Anton Siluanov's biography on the Wikipedia website.

Siluanov continued to move up the career ladder, holding leadership positions at various levels until 2011. Finally, in September 2011, Anton Siluanov was appointed Acting Minister of Finance, and then by decree of the Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in agreement with the President Dmitry Medvedev Anton Germanovich Siluanov became the Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.

The Minister of Finance also admitted that he is secretly present on social networks. Siluanov said that he has accounts on Facebook and Instagram, but he maintains them under a pseudonym.

“I hardly write myself, my friends there are at a minimum ─ no more than a dozen people. In social networks, I am interested in discussions of events, user comments, ”said Siluanov.

In 2017, Vladimir Putin, before a meeting with members of the government, congratulated Finance Minister Anton Siluanov on his 54th birthday and presented the birthday man with a collection of works by a statesman of the Russian Empire Sergei Witte.

14:46 - REGNUM A person's actions are controlled by his past.

What life experience is accumulated in the personality of Anton Siluanov, the future First Deputy Prime Minister?

Having become the Minister of Finance of Russia, he defended his thesis for the degree of Doctor of Economics in 2012, applying his professional knowledge.

The theme of the dissertation is "Interbudgetary relations in the context of the development of federalism in Russia."

Looks like oil. The development of federalism in the dissertation is considered as the development of budgetary federalism, and this is the relationship between federal, regional and municipal budgets. Here, and it turns out: interbudgetary relations in the conditions of development of interbudgetary relations. Butter oil. And what, you ask, is the problem?

But not everything is so simple.

There are quite a few federation states in the world with a vertical-territorial separation of powers with their own budgets. The concept of budgetary federalism was coined to state and generalize precisely this fact and in the hope that real budgetary federalism would someday cease to be the focus of internal conflicts and hidden contradictions.

As long as it's a dream. In fact, even on paper, it is not possible to distribute powers and provide them with money (revenue sources) in such a way that the federal promises of human benefits would materialize in every Russian municipality, and the money would not be lost on the way to the local budget.

Therefore, as a scientific minister, A. Siluanov can be credited with his attempt to personally analyze the experience of foreign budgetary federalism and personally formulate “directions for improving Russian interbudgetary relations, taking into account the development of the domestic model of budgetary federalism and cyclical fluctuations in the economic situation.”

This is the purpose of the doctoral work.

The improvement of interbudgetary relations, it turns out, is something that does not affect the development of budgetary federalism, but only takes into account its Russian modification.

In theory, it would be necessary to develop the problem in such a way that scientifically based changes in interbudgetary relations would strengthen budgetary federalism in Russia, strengthen and expand the capabilities of its participants at all levels of government and management. In the interests of improving the well-being of citizens.

Otherwise, it turns out the improvement of interbudgetary relations for the sake of their improvement, with the loss of a conceivable result already at the start.

As a result, the goal is shifted from the result to the process.

There is nothing surprising in such a conceptual gap. Many Russian state documents and federal laws are structurally correct, but conceptually broken. There are goals, there are tasks, there are indicators of their achievement, but all of them are very weakly connected with each other or not connected at all.

You can take any state program of the Russian Federation and find in it not a single goal corresponding to the name of the program, but many goals. Where does such a multi-purpose installation hit: on a target or on a square? The answer is clear - in space, not in place.

The Ministry of Finance is the responsible executor of the state program of the Russian Federation "Public Financial Management and Regulation of Financial Markets". The purpose of the program is stated in one sentence, which gives the external impression that it is the only one. However, several goals are sewn inside the formula at once:

— ensuring long-term balance of the budget system;

— ensuring its stability in time and space;

— improving the quality of public finance management;

— improving the quality of legal regulation of the financial market.

A. Siluanov combined all this in one paragraph: ensuring long-term balance and sustainability of the budget system of the Russian Federation, improving the quality of public finance management and legal regulation of the financial market, and called the goal of the state program.

The Ministry of Finance and its subordinate structures are the only participants in this program. The question is - why does the Russian government need this program, which is of a narrow departmental and methodical nature, and the goals - with such an elusive horizon? Whatever you do, there is more to be done.

The hypothetical answer is as follows: the program is needed in order to allocate surplus budgetary funds for it, which, if necessary, could be used for a variety of non-departmental purposes. Because this state program - by definition of the Ministry of Finance itself - is of a supporting nature. What is providing? Itself, since money is also allocated for other state programs, directions, projects.

In A. Siluanov's dissertation, it is also embarrassing that out of 222 bibliographic items, sixty-eight are references to federal laws, orders and letters from the Russian Ministry of Finance, which has nothing to do with scientific evidence.

Such is the paradox: money loves an account, but words float away into infinity of meanings. The transfer of the actual, rather than the methodological approach to the development of the problem stated in the abstract to the management of the government may turn out to be unproductive in the activities of the first deputy prime minister.

The scientific model is not predictive for the minister himself.

For him and for the newly appointed governors in 2017, it turned out to be news and a mystery - where did the skeletons in the budget cabinet of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation come from in the form of voluminous commercial loans. At a time when the government did everything to equalize the budgetary security of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2 trillion 300 billion rubles - this is the debt of the subjects of the Russian Federation. These are both commercial debts and overdue debts of budgetary organizations (schools, hospitals, higher educational institutions). In one and a half dozen regions, the amount of debt is up to one hundred percent of the value of annual income, in thirty - up to eighty percent. Thirty more have less than 50% of their income.

The finance minister now hopes to reduce the share of commercial debt to 50 percent of tax and non-tax revenues by at least 2020. We need an inventory, after which there will be a redistribution - "more targeted" - of the volume of interbudgetary transfers.

This is an indirect (or direct?) result of the implementation of the state program "Management of public finances and regulation of financial markets."

As First Deputy Prime Minister Siluanov, it will no longer be possible to step on the rake of budgetary insecurity of regional and municipal powers, which have already been transferred vertically down, but not backed up by resources. We will either have to increase the budget-transfer support, or remove the powers that are not provided with resources. In the worst case, the problems will grow like a snowball. And no breakthrough development at the level of the subjects of the Russian Federation will happen.

In fairness, it should be said that the situation in the regions is much better than before. In 2013, the budget deficit of the subjects of the Russian Federation was ten percent of their own revenue sources. And last year it was minimal.

The Ministry of Finance also took care to ensure that the migration of the tax base does not lead to the loss of regional self-sufficiency, and that the regions have a stable income base and are stimulated to develop their economic potential. We will learn about measures to ensure a better situation shortly after the formation of a new cabinet of ministers.

Any system is good if the Ministry of Finance knows why it is bad

A. Siluanov believes that the ministry is always at the forefront of the economy, and its specialists are very highly qualified and fairly equipped and in many ways better versed in certain sectors than sectoral departments. All branch departments are considered with his colleagues from the Ministry of Finance.

The minister himself, on average, receives a monthly salary three times higher than the prime minister's. Approximately 1.7 million rubles.

Daria Antonova © IA REGNUM

Out of habit or verbal figurativeness, the minister uses Lenin's expression that politics is a concentrated expression of economics.

In fact, in the Siluanov-Medvedev government, it is not the economy that will determine politics, and it will not be politics that will determine the economy. Both economy and politics will be centered by the budget.

Did it happen like that or did it happen like that?

Chairman of the Duma Budget Committee A. Makarov has already proved from the rostrum of the State Duma that only the budget strategy will save us, because we have no quality of the economic forecast. The socio-economic development forecast can change five times during the year. Even at a time when the law on the federal budget is already in the State Duma.

He is right when he says that we have a lot of strategies, and a lot of people have already learned how to write strategies and even then report on how well they were written, but in general, the effectiveness of these strategies is low.

This applies to government programming in general. Therefore, the function of the main arbiter in the process of integrating strategic plans, budgeting and management in the strategic documentary chaos is forced to continue to be performed by the Ministry of Finance.

Previously, the drafting of the federal budget was preceded by the Budget Address of the President of the Russian Federation. After last year's regular amendments to the Budget Code, the main directions of the budgetary, tax and customs-tariff policy of the Russian Federation are developed and submitted to the government exclusively by the Ministry of Finance.

The Ministry of Finance annually receives budget requests for the next year and the subsequent planned two-year period from ministries and departments and then sends to the ministries a "return" distribution of budget allocations for state programs. What it is?

This means that the Ministry of Finance analyzed the budget requests of departments, reevaluated them and “returned” them in the form of limit figures for approval to the ministers. If the ministry does not agree, then a list of uncoordinated issues is compiled and sent to the Ministry of Finance.

The arbiter - in case of disagreement of ministries and departments with the adjustment of the Ministry of Finance - is the government. But such cases, when disagreements with finance ministry officials would be brought to the level of the prime minister, if they happen, are very rare.

It turns out that the goals, tasks of sectoral activities and the necessary resources to achieve them are reviewed and opposed in the financial department, as if it is there that the priorities in the socio-economic development of the country are determined. In law - it shouldn't be like that. In practice, it turns out the way it works.

The Ministry of Finance does not correct the goals and objectives of the ministries, leaving them at the discretion of the department. Maybe he doesn't even read them. Just at his own (methodological?) discretion, he uses two of the four actions from the multiplication table.

Therefore, the future appointment of A. Siluanov as the first deputy chairman of the government is rather a formalization of his actual place in the government system of planning, forecasting and management. Perhaps, at this stage in the history of the Russian state, this is correct.

If we synthesize thoughts from A. Siluanov's most recent public speeches, we get the following program of actions for the First Economic Deputy Prime Minister.

The fiscal rule will remain, the essence of which is to maintain the estimated value of oil prices and curb inflation. According to the minister, this is not only a measure to preserve reserves and form a safety cushion for the budget, but also the predictability that we will not have the risk of a repeat of the crises that have been in recent years. Because the crises were mostly related to the budget. Oil prices were falling, and incomes were falling accordingly, expenses were not financed, everything was “cut”, the deficit increased, high inflation, destabilization of the exchange rate, and so on. Actually, this is how crises have always developed. And this year we estimate up to 3% of GDP additional foreign exchange earnings from oil and gas revenues to the reserves.

We have reduced the share of defense spending. The share of spending on health care and human capital, on the contrary, has increased. Siluanov believes that one of the key tasks is to improve infrastructure. Obviously, without this, there will be no economic growth. These are both roads and air traffic. Especially in the eastern part of our country, in the Far East. The only way to get from Vladivostok to Khabarovsk is through Moscow. This is completely unacceptable. Therefore, the issue of infrastructure will obviously be one of the priorities in the next budget plans.

The same is true for investing in human capital. We need to involve more people (especially vulnerable groups) in active production processes. On the other hand, the best quality of services should be available to the population, regardless of whether you are in Moscow or anywhere else in our country. And there is a backlog here. We need to raise these issues.

What could be the sources? The first, of course, is taxes. And the improvement of administration, which also reduces the shadow sector. From there, money will be taken for priorities. Thus, changes in the tax system and improved administration are the main sources of revenue for maneuver.

We must create a climate in our country that would be more liberal, more attractive, in order to neutralize the impact of the restrictions that are being imposed on Russia. Here are taxes, currency liberalization, improved competition, including a reduction in the share of the public sector and an improvement in the position of companies (not state-owned companies, which today largely dominate in certain sectors). Therefore, the issue of currency control and currency regulation is one of the important ones on the agenda.

For customs: by 2020, several electronic declaration centers will be created, which will allow customs clearance, export and import of participants in foreign economic activity without contact with a customs officer. Such remote interaction with customs will reduce both administrative costs and corruption risks. This will ultimately improve administration. All this is done so that normal conscientious companies can work at lower costs and bring more income.

As it will be in reality - we'll see.

The Ministry of Finance is the most important government institution. Without exaggeration, almost the entire economy of the country rests on this body. It would be interesting to know who is in charge of such an important authority. The biography and personal life of Anton Siluanov, Chairman of the Ministry of Finance since 2011, will be discussed in detail in our article.

The early years of Siluanov

The biography of Anton Siluanov originates in Moscow, where the hero of our article was born in 1963. Anton's father, German Siluanov, served in the USSR Ministry of Finance. We can say that Anton Germanovich is a hereditary financier.

Siluanov's childhood and youth are not particularly distinguished by anything. The future politician, according to his contemporaries, behaved rather quietly and generally tried to appear as a non-public figure. After school, Anton enters the MFI - the Moscow Financial Institute for the specialty "Credits and Finance". Perhaps the influence of his father, a financier, affected. Anton Germanovich received a diploma of higher education in 1985.

Carier start

Upon graduation, Anton Germanovich followed in his father's footsteps. He got a job in the Soviet Ministry of Finance, where he worked as an economist until 1987. Anton had to interrupt his professional activity due to conscription into the army. For two years Siluanov served in the KGB troops, where in one of the units he held the position of chief of finance.

Why was such a high-ranking official taken to the army? In the 80s, hostilities unfolded in Afghanistan. The ranks of the military required competent specialists in various fields. Anton Germanovich, having the opportunity to "get off" from the service, nevertheless decided to help his country.

The army had little effect on the biography of Anton Siluanov. Returning to the civil sphere in 1989, the hero of our article again began to work as a financier. In just three years, Anton Germanovich rose from senior economist to deputy head of a subdivision of the Ministry of Finance.

As you can already see, the biography of Anton Siluanov does not shine with anything surprising or original. During his studies, the future politician leaned towards the exact sciences, and therefore decided to follow in the footsteps of his father. For more than thirty years, Siluanov has been working at the Ministry of Finance. But how could he become the chairman of a state body? Let's try to figure it out further.

During the period of perestroika

The collapse of the Soviet Union was marked by the implementation of many different reforms. In 1991, the Ministry of Finance of the USSR was liquidated. Instead, the Ministry of Economic Finance of the Russian Federation appears. In the new state body, Anton Siluanov becomes the deputy head of one of the departments.

In 1992, the main economic body of the country again disintegrates. Two separate ministries appear, previously merged into one. The biography of Anton Germanovich Siluanov was already inextricably linked with the Ministry of Finance, and therefore the hero of our article decides to remain in this structure. Until 1997, Siluanov worked as a deputy. head and head of the budget department.

Scientific activity

The biography of Anton Siluanov is connected not only with political, but also with scientific activity. Unlike most Russian politicians, Anton Germanovich did not continue his studies after receiving a bachelor's degree. After graduating from the institute, Siluanov immediately set to work. Only in 1994, while serving as deputy head of the budget department in the Ministry of Finance, Anton decided to defend his Ph.D. thesis.

The topic chosen by Siluanov was related to the budgetary policy of Russia in the context of a gradual transition to market-type relations. The dissertation was successfully defended. As a result, Anton Germanovich received the status of a candidate of sciences.

In January 2013, Siluanov became the dean of the Faculty of Finance and Economics at the Government Financial University. The doctoral degree, which was awarded to him quite recently, helped the politician to earn such a status.

Ministry of Finance

In order to better understand the professional activities and biography of Anton Germanovich Siluanov, one should take a closer look at the structure of the Russian Ministry of Finance. The competence of the represented body includes such a large number of powers and functions that it would hardly be possible to list them all. Therefore, only the most important professional areas of the ministry should be identified.

All functions implemented by the Ministry of Finance constitute the so-called financial policy. The work of banks, insurance companies, tax and budgetary authorities - all this is included in the implementation of financial policy. The Ministry of Finance is obliged to control relations between regions (interbudgetary relations), carry out microfinance and audit activities, monitor the securities market, etc.

The Ministry of Finance is able to invest savings in some public areas, for example, in the military or pension area, construction, customs, and many others. Especially for this, the body in question has a number of departments, each of which is needed to provide certain social areas. So, in the biography of the Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov there is one interesting point: in the 90s, the politician worked with his father, German Siluanov. For a long time Herman was deputy head of the department of monetary and credit circulation.

Political activity

When did Anton Germanovich become known as a serious politician? It will not be possible to give an exact date here, but it is easy to determine that the mid-90s became the peak of Siluanov's career. It was then that the hero of our article headed the department of banks and macroeconomics - the most important institution in the domestic Ministry of Finance.

In the 1990s, the country suffered political and social crises, defaults, strikes and even wars. All this definitely added to the difficulties for Russian economists. In the entire ministry, Anton Siluanov (photo and biography are presented in this material) played an important role. This is evidenced by his biography.

The current head of the Ministry of Finance in the 90s had considerable influence among his colleagues. Anton Germanovich got along well with Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar, and later with Mikhail Kasyanov. Maintained relations with Anatoly Chubais, who in the 90s was the head of the Ministry of Finance. A large number of major bankers also speak flatteringly about Siluanov.

Siluanov in the early 2000s

How did Anton Germanovich take the post of head of the Ministry of Finance? The path to such an important and responsible post was by no means easy and fast for Siluanov. So, the hero of our article entered the ministerial board only in 2001. From 2003 to 2004, the politician acted as deputy to Alexei Kudrin - at that time the head of the Ministry of Finance. For a long time, Anton Germanovich oversaw relations between regional budgets. On his initiative, in May 2004, a special government department was created to deal with interbudgetary relations.

I must say that the supervision of regional budgets is a rather specific and complex matter. However, Siluanov did an excellent job with all the tasks assigned to him. Many deputies speak of him as a very honest and correct person, who has never been seen lobbying someone's interests.

Appointment as Minister of Finance

Aleksey Kudrin, who had been head of the Finance Ministry since 2004, was dismissed seven years after his appointment. This happened shortly after Dmitry Medvedev announced his intention to take the post of prime minister. Kudrin himself tried to present his dismissal as the result of irreconcilable differences with the current government. Allegedly, the Ministry of Finance insisted too strongly on increasing military revenues. One way or another, at the end of September 2011, Alexei Kudrin left his post.

Anton Siluanov becomes Acting Minister of Finance. From Kudrin, he also got posts in the World Bank, the EurAsEC anti-crisis institute and the board of the International Monetary Fund. There were no major changes with the appointment of a new person to the post of head of the Ministry of Finance.

Activities as Minister of Finance

Prices for gas and oil reduced the budget component to the absence of deficit elements; no crisis phenomena were recorded. There is no need to talk about negative facts during the period of Siluanov's ministry. Just like the positive ones. It is known that in May 2012, Russian President Putin signed a series of decrees aimed at improving the living standards of workers from the public sector. Teachers, doctors, production workers and many other "state employees" have found the long-awaited opportunity to receive normal salaries. However, this opportunity was lost.

Siluanov several times postponed work to increase social spending, which greatly angered the president. As a result, during the six years of Putin's presidency, the most important decrees have not been implemented. The hero of our article played a significant role in this failure.

In 2014, war broke out in eastern Ukraine. Accusing Russia of directly instigating hostilities, the Western states decided to impose sanctions. The budget becomes deficit, as a result of which the reserve fund was depleted. The question arose of reducing social benefits. Siluanov is still sounding the alarm, declaring through federal channels about the crisis in the country. Nevertheless, the issue of removing the famous politician from his post is not yet on the agenda.

What is known about the nationality of Anton Siluanov? The biography of the famous politician does not contain any information about his origin. Anton Germanovich himself, like most other domestic politicians, has repeatedly pointed out his belonging to the Russian people.

There are many rumors about the property of the hero of our article. According to the latest declaration, the politician's income is about 40 million rubles. Moreover, the same amount is indicated in the declaration of Anton Siluanov's wife. The minister himself owns a living space in Moscow for 500 sq. m., several plots of land and three cars.

Personal life of Anton Siluanov

The biography of the Minister of Finance is open to all Russian citizens, and therefore there is a lot of information about his wife and children. It is known that Siluanov's wife is engaged in economic activities.

The politician has a son, Gleb, whom Anton Germanovich tries to bring up in severity and modesty. In one of the interviews, the politician stated that flaunting family well-being is a sign of stupidity and ignorance. Nevertheless, the photo, biography, personal life of Anton Siluanov - all this is in the public domain. The reason for this is the political activity of the hero of our article, forcing him to keep his life in full view of all citizens.

Anton Germanovich Siluanov - economist, politician. A real "financial careerist", at the age of 48 he has already reached the dizzying peak of his career, becoming the head of the Russian Ministry of Finance. He combines public service with successful political activity, is engaged in economic science and teaches at the Financial University.

The childhood of Anton Siluanov

Anton Germanovich was born into a family of professional financiers. Mother, Yanina Nikolaevna, was an employee of a leading economic publishing house, now she continues to work in the editorial and publishing department of the State University of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Father - Siluanov German Mikhailovich - held a position in the Ministry of Finance of the USSR, went on a well-deserved rest in 1996.

From childhood, Anton often heard conversations related to finance, this topic was close to him, so when the question arose about his future profession, he chose the financial faculty of MFI without hesitation.

Here he, being a diligent student, went with his classmates for potatoes, attended meetings, and performed public assignments. Despite the outstanding activity, the young man studied "excellently". From the first year Anton went to work in a construction team, and a little later he went to BAM. The future financier was attracted not by money, but by the "highway" of adventures.

In 1987, after graduating from the institute, Anton went to serve in the army. In his unit, which was under the command of the KGB, he served as chief finance officer for two years. Being engaged in financial support, Siluanov kept the cash desk, calculated the salaries of the soldiers and, at the same time, acted as the duty officer. He finished his service with the rank of lieutenant.

Career growth of Anton Siluanov

While still a 5th year student, Anton asked to be assigned to the Ministry of Finance, despite the fact that the salary there was initially low, and the work was rather tedious. From 1985 to 1987 he was an economist, then a senior economist. Having been demobilized from the army, Siluanov continued his labor activity in the specified institution. From 1989 to 1992, being the leading economist of the organization, he became the deputy head of a subdivision, a consultant to the Ministry of Finance of the RSFSR.

Already at the age of 29, Anton Siluanov received the position of deputy head of a department of the Ministry of Finance and continued his career growth until 2011, holding senior positions at various levels, up to the Deputy Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation.

In September 2011, Anton Germanovich Siluanov was appointed Acting Minister of Finance, and since December of the same year, by decree of Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, in agreement with President Dmitry Medvedev, he was appointed Minister of Finance of the Russian Federation. Taking the place of the previous Minister of Finance Alexei Kudrin, Siluanov represented Russia as a manager in the International Monetary Fund (IMF), in the World Bank.

Minister Anton Siluanov on budget cuts in 2015

Anton Germanovich Siluanov took the post of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation at a difficult time for the country. Sharing the views of his predecessor, former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin, he disapproved of the level of financial spending on military needs set today.

Anton Siluanov. Exclusive interview

An analytical mind, Siluanov supported a tight monetary policy and worked with his team to restore Russia's innovation rating. In January 2015, he was approved as a member of the Supervisory Board of the country's main financial center - Sberbank of Russia.

Working in the field of public administration, Anton Germanovich found time for scientific activities. As a doctor of economic sciences, since January 2013 he supervised the financial and economic faculty of the Federal University under the Government of the Russian Federation as a dean.

Anton Siluanov: pensions will be unfrozen in 2016

As a member of the large United Russia party, since May 2012 he has been a member of the Supreme Council of the party.

Anton Siluanov's professionalism was marked by the highest state awards: a Certificate of Honor and Thanks from the President and the Ministry of Finance, orders of the III and IV degrees for services to the Fatherland.

In February 2016, Anton Siluanov, together with Dmitry Livanov and Alexander Khloponin, left the Supreme Council of United Russia in connection with the renewal of the composition.

Family of Anton Siluanov

Anton Siluanov does not talk much about his personal life, quite rightly considering it a "private matter." It is known that he is married and has a son, Gleb (born 1999). The activities of his wife are also related to the financial sector.

In the Forbes lists for 2015, Anton Siluanov was in 16th place among the twenty richest families in the Kremlin. His family income is 38.019 million rubles, personal income is 36.386 million rubles. The Siluanovs own several apartments located in various districts of the capital, some of which were purchased and some were inherited.

Anton Germanovich is an exemplary family man. In an interview with one of the Vesti journalists, he said that almost every weekend he dine with his loved ones in a restaurant, where he prefers to order Mediterranean dishes.

The family does not boast of its wealth. According to some reports, it is known that Siluanov demands modesty from his son Gleb so that he does not “stand out” among his peers.

Anton Siluanov today

After the presidential elections in 2018 and the formation of a new Cabinet under the leadership of Dmitry Medvedev, Anton Siluanov was nominated as a candidate for the post of First Deputy Prime Minister, which had previously been occupied by Igor Shuvalov. He will combine this post with the position of Minister of Finance, for which a "combined" position has appeared in the list of state posts of the Russian Federation.

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