Cherry jam for the winter. How to cook cherry jam Cherry jam for the winter without gelatin

Electrical 18.05.2022


Cherry jam, made at home and closed for the winter, will leave only the best impressions of yourself even with the most notorious gourmets. Such a tasty and fragrant delicacy can be easily used as a filling for cakes and pies, bake pies with cherry jam, and simply smear it on bread and eat it with tea.
The method of preparing such a delicacy is very simple and does not require a large number of ingredients. It is advisable to choose the most ripe and juicy cherries, so that the jam turns out to be more saturated in taste, and also has an excellent aroma. If some cherries are not quite ripe, there is nothing wrong with that, but they can give sourness to jam. If this does not scare you, you can take absolutely any cherries.
It is also impossible not to notice the fact that even after heat treatment, jam from cherries contains a certain amount of vitamins and useful trace elements and is beneficial to the body. However, people with diabetes are not recommended to consume such a delicacy without the permission of a doctor. I would also like to draw your attention to the fact that this product is not low-calorie, which means that people who watch their figure should eat it in moderation.
As mentioned above, making cherry jam for the winter at home is not difficult at all. Remember to collect the required amount of ingredients, set aside all other household chores and carefully study this simple step-by-step recipe with photo tips to prepare the cherry treat correctly.


Cherry jam - recipe

First, prepare the required amount of cherries in order to make delicious homemade jam from them. Rinse all the berries thoroughly and get rid of the seeds in advance to make your work easier..

Use an electric scale to measure the correct amount of pitted cherries. Peel the berries from the stones and put them in the scales until you get exactly one and a half kilograms.

Now pour the pitted cherries into a large saucepan, add sugar and mix it all thoroughly. When the cherries begin to release juice, turn on the fire and put the pan on the stove.

During the cooking process, cherries may begin to release foam, which must be removed with a slotted spoon and transferred to a separate container. Also, do not forget to stir the future jam so that the mass boils more evenly.

When the jam comes to a boil, reduce the heat to low, add a packet of vanillin, stir the mixture, and continue to simmer until thickened, about forty-five minutes. A couple of minutes before the end of cooking, throw a pinch of salt into the almost ready jam.

When ready, you can stir your cherry jam, remove it from the heat and lay it out in pre-sterilized jars. You can store it for the winter in a pantry or basement.

Surely all housewives know that jam is a delicacy similar to jam with a thicker consistency. Jam is prepared from fruits, berries and sweet vegetables by long boiling. Served as a dessert for tea drinking or as a sweet addition to pancakes, pancakes, cookies, casseroles or cottage cheese.

I propose to cook cherry jam for the winter. Unlike other types of berry jam, cherry jam has a fairly liquid base - all because of the juice, which is found in large quantities in pitted cherries. Unlike cherry jam, jam has a darker shade.

In the main composition of cherry jam, except for pitted cherries and sugar, there should be nothing else. Jam with thickeners - an option for supermarkets. We cook homemade jam. Flavoring is allowed. For example, cinnamon or vanillin is purely optional.

So, we take cherries and sugar.

Remove pits from cherries. It is most convenient to use a pin or a special device. I sorted out cherries in the country - I used a medium-sized pin. My cherries turned out to be half as much as it was originally.

We skip pitted cherries through a meat grinder. It is customary to make jam from whole berries. In jam goes rather berry puree. Let's pour the resulting cherry puree into a cooking container. I use an enamel bowl.

Sprinkle cherries with sugar.

Mix and put on the stove. We will cook jam for about 3 hours over low heat, but first you need to bring it to a boil and remove the foam. During the cooking process, jam should be stirred as often as possible.

Homemade cherry jam without starch and thickeners is ready!

Let's prepare a container for storage in advance. You can take small jars with screw caps. Banks are calcined in the oven, and the lids are boiled.

Pour hot jam into jars under the very neck.

Close the lids and turn on the hat. Cover with a warm towel. Let's cool down.

Cherry jam is stored for 2 years at room temperature.

Cherry jam is primarily a dessert that you should not get too carried away in order not to lose a beautiful slender figure and not increase blood sugar. Two spoonfuls of jam with cookies over a cup of tea - that's it.

When cherries ripen in the garden, the question of their processing becomes acute. Berries spoil quite quickly, so you can not hesitate. Today you will learn about all the intricacies of harvesting cherry jam for future use. The delicate texture of this dessert, combined with a bright rich taste, will certainly delight you with a cup of hot tea on winter evenings.

Cherries collected on their own or bought in a store are first thoroughly washed in cool water. Then the crop is sorted out, removing the rotten parts of the fruit, and getting rid of completely spoiled berries. Cherries for jam are selected as ripe, juicy and fleshy as possible. In order for the jam to gel faster, a handful of unripe cherries are added to the main berry. Due to the high content of pectin in them, the dessert will quickly acquire the desired consistency during cooking.

Berries before cooking are freed from drupes. To do this, you can use a regular pin. However, if there are a lot of berries, then this method will take too long. A special device for extracting pits from cherries can come to the rescue.

Cherry Jam Recipes

Recipe number 1 - Delicate jam with pre-cooking

2.5 kilograms of peeled cherries are placed in a saucepan with a wide bottom and poured with 2 glasses of water. The berries are boiled for 30 minutes, and then they are thrown back on a sieve. The size of the metal grating is 1.5 - 2 mm. Grated through such a sieve, the jam turns out to be as homogeneous and elastic as possible.

After filtering, the berry mass is weighed and a similar amount of granulated sugar is added to it. In order for the jam to acquire the final thick consistency, it is boiled over low heat for 1.5 - 2 hours. At the same time, the sweet berry mass is periodically mixed and excess foam is removed.

Recipe number 2 - Cherry puree jam

For this recipe, you will need five kilograms of pitted cherries. The berry mass is passed through a meat grinder with the smallest section of the grate, and then pierced with an immersion blender to obtain the most homogeneous jam structure. A liter of pure water and 3 kilograms of sugar are added to the berries. On high heat, the mass is brought to a boil, and then the heating power is reduced as much as possible. Berry puree with sugar is boiled for about 2 hours, until the mass is reduced by half. This process is kept under constant control, stirring the jam and removing the foam if necessary.

A minute before the end of cooking, add 1 teaspoon of citric acid or 2 tablespoons of lemon juice to a bowl of jam.

Recipe number 3 - Jam with stone fruit flavor

Cherries are sorted and the drupes are removed from them. Removed unwashed bones are placed in a mesh or gauze bag and tightly bandaged. To prepare jam, you need 1 kilogram of pulp with juice. Cherries are transferred to an enameled basin or pan and covered with 1 kilogram of granulated sugar. A bag of bones is also placed in a container with the main products. The mass is stirred with a wooden spoon or spatula and left for 3-4 hours at room temperature. During this time, a fairly large amount of cherry juice will stand out, and some of the sugar will dissolve.

A container with cherries is put on fire and boiled for 10 minutes. The mass is then cooled naturally, and then boiled again for 10 minutes. From the berries that have cooled for the second time, a bag with seeds is taken out, and the pulp is pierced with an immersion blender. The resulting cherry puree is put on fire and boiled until thickened.

Recipe number 4 - Cherry jam with apples in a slow cooker

Four apples are pitted and peeled. Fruit is passed through a meat grinder along with 1 kilogram of peeled cherries. The mass is transferred to the multicooker bowl and poured with a glass of water. Jam is prepared in the “Extinguishing” mode for an hour. During this time, the mass is mixed several times and the foam is removed if necessary. After the specified time, 1 kilogram of sugar is added to the fruit. Jam languish for another half an hour.

Video from the channel "India Ayurveda" will tell in detail about the preparation of delicious and fragrant cherry jam

How to diversify dessert

In order for cherry jam to sparkle with new flavors, vanilla, clove buds, cinnamon in ground form or in the form of a twist of bark are added to a bowl of food when cooking. For spiciness, pieces of fresh ginger root or ginger powder are placed in the workpiece.

A mix of cherries with other berries and fruits will also help diversify the taste. For example, currants, apricots, apples or gooseberries go well with cherries.

Storage of cherry jam

Before being sent for storage, the hot billet is packaged in clean glass containers. To keep the product as long as possible, jars and lids must be sterilized over steam.

Jam cherry is a well-cooked berry (cherry) puree with sugar. Jam is one of the most common types of winter treat, which is so nice to eat with fresh pastries and hot tea. Very sweet, thick, fragrant, it can be added to the pie as a filling. To rather sweet berries, lemon juice or citric acid is added during cooking. And to enhance the flavor put vanilla, cinnamon, cloves or ginger.

On the cherry jam recipe would need:

  • cherry berries - 0.5 kg;
  • sugar - 0.2 kg.

Cooking process:

  1. Cherry fruits are selected for jam only well ripened and even overripe; but not lost the strength of the pulp. They are washed and the bones are taken out.
  2. Prepared cherries are poured into a saucepan for cooking. They can also be passed through a meat grinder to make a puree.
  3. Sugar is added, water is added.
  4. Cherries take a long time to cook. First you need to boil them over moderate heat for half an hour. After increasing the heat, continue cooking, constantly stirring with a spoon (wooden) or spatula. The process of boiling cherries continues until the mass "thickens".
  5. A couple of minutes before the end of cooking, citric acid is added (at the tip of a teaspoon) or 10 ml of lemon juice.
  6. To make jam of the highest quality, it should be boiled until completely softened; and then wipe on a sieve.

The resulting jam has a pleasant sweet and sour taste, has a dark red saturated color and smells amazing. It is rolled up in sterilized jars, and stored in a cool, dry place. It is prepared according to the same principle.

Since ancient times, jam and cherry jam have been used for medicinal purposes. With diseases of the kidneys, bladder; as well as indigestion and gout. Fiber and pectins, which are rich in cherry fruits, are stimulants of the digestive process and improve peristalsis. And in terms of pectin content, cherry takes the 2nd place. Pectins promote the release of harmful metabolic products and lower cholesterol levels. Cherry can be called a storehouse of nutrients and vitamins. Not in vain jam from cherries, as well as

Amazingly tasty and dense cherry jam is a real find for any culinary specialist. You can prepare such a fragrant and sweet dessert for the winter in various ways. Below are some fairly simple recipes with photos. Using step-by-step instructions, it will not be difficult to cook a rich and dense version of cherry jam for the winter, even if the hostess decided on such a culinary experiment for the first time. So choose any recipe and go for it!

Classic pitted cherry jam

You can prepare a classic delicious pitted cherry jam for the winter using various methods. Below is one of the popular options. They have been used by hostesses for many years, and the result is always excellent.


To cook classic pitted cherry jam, you need:

  • cherry - 5 kg;
  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • water - 1 l.

On a note! From the indicated number of components, 5 jars of dessert with a volume of 0.5 liters each should be obtained.

Cooking process

  1. First you need to prepare all the components.

  1. All fruits are culled. It is necessary to select the strongest cherries. They can be mature and even overripe.

  1. From the berries you need to remove the bones in one of the most convenient ways.

  1. Cherries should be passed through a meat grinder or turned into a pulp with a blender.

  1. The resulting mass is transferred to a bowl for cooking dessert and filled with the amount of sugar indicated in the cherry jam recipe. The specified volume of water is immediately poured into these components.

  1. The container is put on fire. Set to moderate heat. The mass must be boiled for 2-3 hours. During the whole time, the future jam from pitted cherries should be stirred.

Note! A few minutes before the end of cooking, you can add 4 g of citric acid to the composition.

  1. Cherry jam is kept on fire until a distinct trace remains on the surface of the composition from the spatula. The last 3-5 minutes, the mass is held on strong heat.

  1. It remains only to pour the hot product into sterilized jars and close the lids.

Cherry jam with apples

Cherry jam for the winter, which is prepared according to a recipe with the addition of apples, is distinguished by an amazing spicy sweet-sour taste and unique benefits.


  • cherry - 1.3 kg;
  • apples - 650 g;
  • sugar - 800 g;
  • water - 1 l.

Cooking process

The recipe for cherry-apple jam for the winter is simple in execution. But the result is a delicious preparation, saturated with vitamins of fresh berries and fruits.

  1. It is necessary to prepare all the necessary ingredients for cooking jam from cherries and apples for the winter.

  1. Dark cherries need to be sorted out and washed. Bones are removed from the berries.

  1. Prepared cherry pulp is scrolled through a meat grinder. The result should be 1 liter of bright puree.

  1. Next comes the turn of apples. They also move and wash. The skins are cut from the fruits, and the pulp is cut into thin slices.

  1. Prepared pieces of apples are transferred to a saucepan and poured with the amount of water indicated in the jam recipe.

  1. On medium heat, apples should be boiled. They should become soft. This usually takes about 10 minutes.

  1. Still hot apple slices are rubbed through a sieve.

  1. Sugar, cherry preparation and apple mass are combined in a common dish.

  1. Mix the ingredients and put the pan on the stove. The composition is cooked until thickened, about 10 minutes from the moment of boiling. Sugar foam should be removed periodically.

  1. The finished cherry-apple dessert is poured into prepared jars while still hot. The jam must cool down. When a crust appears on its surface, you need to close the containers with lids and put them in a dark place.

Cherry jam with gelatin

Fragrant and tender cherry jam with gelatin for the winter is made by many housewives. The beauty of this dessert is that it is dense, light and rich at the same time. Such a delicacy can be eaten with sandwiches for breakfast or used as a filling for all kinds of pastries.


  • cherry - 1 kg;
  • gelatin - 20 g;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

Cooking process

To prepare the original tender cherry jam, you should use this recipe with a photo. The result is an amazing dessert that attracts not only with its amazing delicate taste and delicate aroma, but also with its spectacular appearance.

  1. First you need to prepare a set of ingredients, which is indicated in the recipe for a tender but dense cherry jam with gelatin.

  1. Berries should be sorted out, all overripe, dried or rotten specimens should be removed. The composition of the harvest includes only whole, healthy and strong fruits. Cherries need to be washed. Bones are removed from it, the product is poured with the volume of granulated sugar indicated in the recipe and put on fire.

  1. While the cherries are cooking, you need to do the gelatin. The granules of this gelling agent must be diluted in warm water. The composition needs time to swell. So you should let him stand for a while. At this time, the cherries on the fire must be constantly stirred.

  1. When the jam has boiled for about 30 minutes, you need to pour the prepared gelatin into it. On low heat, the resulting mass should be simmered for about 10 minutes.

On a note! Between cooking jam and the introduction of gelatin, a break is allowed. You can leave the cherry mass for several hours, and then boil the composition several times to achieve the desired shade and density of the workpiece.

  1. After the first cooking, it is necessary to puree the future jam and boil the composition again.

  1. Ready cherry jam with gelatin should be poured into prepared jars. The product is corked with lids and removed. Such a dessert is perfectly stored all winter: you can keep a delicacy in the pantry and cellar.

Video recipe jam from cherries for the winter

If you liked our step-by-step cherry jam recipes, but want to know even more details about the process of making it, then watch the video!

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