Divination on a ring with a thread. Divination by the betrothed with the help of a ring Divination by the ring for marriage

Marble 18.05.2022

Since ancient times, people have wanted to know their fate, dreamed of lifting the veil of secrecy and looking into their future. Divination became a favorite way to do this. There are a huge number of divinations, and various objects and magical tools are involved in this sacrament. The most popular and truthful are on wax, on mirrors and on rings.

Divination time is also of great importance. It is believed that the most truthful fortune-telling is obtained on the night of Ivan Kupala, on Christmas time, on Friday the 13th, and also on your birthday.

However, it is worth noting that the church does not welcome such activities and considers fortune telling a great sin.

One of the popular and truthful ways to get answers to your questions is fortune telling on a wedding ring. There are several variants of it, but before we talk about them, we should mention the preparation for this action.

Guessing is recommended in the evening. The day of the week must also be chosen correctly. You can’t guess on Monday - this day is deceptive, and Friday is considered the most favorable day. Starting fortune-telling, you need to take off your crosses, rings and let your hair down.

It is advisable to light candles, as the energy of fire helps to tune in and focus.

An engagement ring doesn't have to be personal. Unmarried girls can borrow a fortune-telling ring from friends or sisters. It is advisable to use a smooth gold jewelry, without carvings and engravings.

Divination on a wedding ring. Option 1.

For this divination, you will need a wedding ring, pieces of cloth and four deep plates. You need to guess together. The fortune-telling girl leaves the room, and her assistant puts the ring in one of the plates and covers all the plates with a cloth. Then the fortune teller enters the room and chooses one plate. If there was a ring in it, then you can expect a wedding this year. If she guessed right the second time, she will marry the next. If a girl guesses the plate with the ring on the third try, she will get married in two years. If after three attempts the ring was not found, then in the coming years the fortuneteller will not become married.

Divination on a wedding ring. Option 2.

This divination should be done at midnight on holy days. Preparing for the action, the girl fills half should be without edges and with a flat bottom. It should not be chipped and it should be absolutely clean. Then the girl should put the glass in front of the burning candle and lower the ring to its bottom. Now she should peer into the water through the ring. Those who tried to guess in this way claim that they were able to see the face of their betrothed.

Divination on a wedding ring. Option 3.

The most popular divination with a ring is divination on a ring with a thread. This method is used by girls who want to get answers to questions that are somehow related to time or numbers. This fortune-telling will help you find out after how many years the girl will get married, how many children she will have, or after how many months this or that event will happen.

You will need a glass, a quarter filled with water, a thread 20 cm long in black and a wedding ring. The girl mentally must ask the question of interest to her and carefully lower the ring into the glass without touching the water. The ring should swing like a pendulum and touch the walls of the glass, making a ringing sound. It is necessary to carefully count each hit of the ring against the walls. The number of touches will be the answer to the fortuneteller's question.

Fortune telling on the ring is one of the most reliable, but none of them will tell the truth if a person doubts them. Therefore, those who do not believe in the veracity of this action and are skeptical of such ways to find out their future should not guess.

Magical properties have been attributed to rings since ancient times. This decoration was worn as an amulet or a talisman, and was also used in divination. Fortune telling on the ring is the most common and effective way to find out your future. Let's look at some types of divination with a ring that can answer any of your questions.

Divination with a ring on a string

This ritual is suitable for those who want to know the answer to any question. You will need a ring, woolen thread and paper with a pen. Divide a sheet of paper into two parts. Write “yes” at the top of the sheet, “no” at the bottom. Then hang the ring on a thread, the length of which should be about 30 centimeters, light two candles and tune in to fortune telling. Write down the questions you will ask the ring in advance. They must be clear and understandable. Questions should be formulated in such a way that they can be answered either yes or no.

Lift the ring by the thread and hold it above the sheet of paper, preferably in its center. Try not to move your hand. Ask your question and see which answer the ring leans towards. If it moves in the “yes” direction, then the answer is positive; if it moves in the “no” direction, the answer is negative.

Divination with a ring and a glass

This divination is similar to the previous ritual. It can also answer any of your questions in a yes/no format. Pour water into a transparent glass, take a ring and hang it on your hair. Dip the ring in the water, and then lift it to the level of the edge of the glass. Ask your question. If the ring moves back and forth or left and right, then the answer will be negative, if it moves in a circle, then the answer will be positive. If it stands still, then this is a sign of the uncertainty of your fate on this issue.

Divination on the ring for marriage

This ancient divination was usually carried out in a large company. Unmarried girls, who wanted to know when they would get married, poured grain into a small bag and buried a ring in it. After that, each girl in turn took a handful of grain from the bag. The one who has a ring in her hand along with grain will be the first to marry.

There is another way fortune telling for marriage. This ritual can tell about future family life. Take your ring and put it in a small deep saucer. Add a teaspoon of any cereal there. A saucer with all the contents for the night must be taken out in the cold, or put in the freezer.

In the morning, you need to get a saucer and carefully look at the surface of the water. If the ice formed even, then family life will be long and happy. If dents are clearly visible on the surface, the marriage will be unsuccessful and will bring a lot of trouble. If the ice on the surface of the saucer is covered with tubercles, there will be a lot of money and children.

Fortune telling on a wedding ring

For fortune-telling, you must use only a wedding ring. Put it in a saucer of water, light two candles. Then lean a small mirror against the edge of the saucer so that you can see the ring in its reflection. Then ask your question and look closely at the reflection. In a few minutes, a clear outline of your future may appear there.

We hope that our fortune-telling on the ring will tell you about the events of the future and answer all your questions. Believe only in the best and do not forget to press the buttons and

To find out what awaits a person in the future, you can use one of the simplest fortune-telling options - using a wedding ring. You will also need thread, hair, grain, water and other attributes. To get a truthful answer to your questions, it is important to properly prepare the room for divination. To carry out the ritual, special knowledge is not needed, it can be carried out independently at home. In this way, you can find out the name of the future husband, the number and gender of children.

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    Preparing for divination

    Before starting the ritual, you need to prepare a room in which fortune-telling will be carried out.


    1. 1. Curtain all mirrors in the room and remove pets from the room.
    2. 2. Turn off electrical appliances.
    3. 3. Turn off your mobile phone and other gadgets.

    The best time to find out your fate is the Christmas holidays and the Christmas holidays that follow. It is recommended to perform the ritual at midnight. If water is to be used, it is best to take it from a spring or well. Tap fluid does not have the necessary energy to transmit information.

    The main attribute of divination is a ring, it should not have stones and engravings. An engagement ring is best suited for this purpose (if the woman is married).

    How to find out the number of children and the gender of the unborn child

    To find out the gender of the unborn child and the number of children, rituals with water and thread are used.

    Ritual with water

    For divination, you will need a gold or silver ring and a glass of water.


    1. 1. Pour water into a glass, a little short of the edges of the container.
    2. 2. Gently lower the prepared ring to the bottom.
    3. 3. Take the glass out into the cold and wait until the water is completely frozen.

    According to the resulting signs on the surface, you can find out how many children there will be and determine their gender. The bumps will denote boys, and the recesses will denote girls. If the surface remains completely smooth, then in the near future there will be no addition to the family.

    With wool thread

    If a woman is already in a position and wants to know who will be born to her - a boy or a girl, you can also use the following ritual:

    1. 1. Prepare an engagement ring (the other will not give a truthful answer).
    2. 2. Tie it on a woolen thread.
    3. 3. Hold the ring between your palms for a few minutes.
    4. 4. Taking the thread, hold it over the open palm.

    If the ring on the thread moves from side to side, we should expect the birth of a boy, if in a circle, a girl will be born.

    Divination for the betrothed

    To find out the name of the betrothed and the time of marriage, rituals are used with a thread, cloth, water, grain and fortune-telling hair.

    With thread

    For this ritual, you need to prepare a woolen thread of any color, a ring and a glass of water.

    Divination is carried out like this:

    1. 1. A ring is hung on a thread, and a kind of pendulum will turn out.
    2. 2. Water is poured into a glass, not reaching the edge of a few centimeters.
    3. 3. The pendulum is lowered 1-1.5 cm into the water, and the fortuneteller asks questions.

    You can ask about the number of future children, the age at which the girl will marry, etc. The number of times that the pendulum hits the walls of the glass will mean the answer.

    You can ask questions that require true or no answers. For example: “Is it true that I will get married this year? » If the ring stays still the answer is no. If the ring makes movements, the answer is positive.

    On the hair

    Further actions:

    1. 1. The names of the prospective suitors are written on sheets of paper, the paper is turned upside down.
    2. 2. A ring is put on the hair.
    3. 3. The resulting pendulum is held in turn over each name. Where he swings, there is the fate of the girl.

    With water

    This rite is not recommended for impressionable people, as the images seen can be frightening. To find out what the groom will look like, you need a glass of clean water and a silver ring. A little more than half of the water is poured into the container. A ring is placed at the bottom and a spell is pronounced: “Betrothed-mummer, appear! »

    After that, you need to peer closely into the middle of the ring, if you're lucky, you can see the image of your future husband. If he never appeared, this year the girl is not destined to go down the aisle.

    With cloth and plates

    For this fortune-telling, you will need the help of a loved one, it can be a girlfriend or relative. It is necessary to prepare the attributes:

    • wedding ring;
    • 2 deep plates;
    • 2 pieces of natural fabric.

    The fortuneteller's friend takes two plates and puts a ring in one of them, then covers their fabric. The fortuneteller herself should at this time be outside the door of the room. After everything is ready, she needs to go into the room and guess which of the plates contains the ring:

    • If the girl pointed to the plate with the ring the first time, you can prepare for an imminent wedding.
    • The second attempt indicates that marriage is possible, but not 100%.
    • If it was not possible to find the ring even on the third attempt, the time for marriage has not yet come.

    With grain

    The next ritual is performed in the company of friends. Everyone should bring their own ring. You will need a bowl and grain: wheat or rye. Each lowers its ring into a container with grain, the contents are mixed. The girl who pulls out her ring will get married very soon.

    Another option with grain will need different rings: gold, silver, copper and wedding. Girls take turns pulling out jewelry:

    • An engagement ring means life with a loved one.
    • Copper - the future husband will be poor.
    • Silver is a middle-class guy.
    • Gold promises a rich and noble groom.

    Predictions for the future

    You can guess not only for the betrothed and for love, but also for future events.

    Using the alphabet

    To carry out this ritual, you need to take a sheet of clean paper and write the entire alphabet on it. Then attach the ring to a fortuneteller's thread or hair and hold it over the paper.

    As soon as the ring begins to swing, you need to carefully monitor which letters it points to. From them you can read a prediction for the future.

    On 4 rings

    To find out how things will turn out in the financial sector, you need to take 4 rings: gold, silver, copper and with a stone. They should be laid out on the table in random order. The fortuneteller should close her eyes and spin. Then, without looking, take the first ring that comes across:

    • A ring with a stone portends great losses.
    • The golden ring promises success in all business projects and money matters.
    • Silver portends a good profit.
    • Copper jewelry predicts that everything will remain unchanged.

    To get the most truthful answer to your questions, you must believe in the power of the rituals being performed. Orthodox priests do not encourage such ceremonies, especially at Christmas. But in order to remove the sin for turning to dark forces, you need to read the prayer “Our Father” three times after the ritual.

Fortune telling in Russia from time immemorial. Different methods were used for this, people conveyed the essence of each rite to each other. One of them is fortune-telling on the ring. With its help, they tried to find out and predict the future. And now this popular and truthful method of our ancestors has not been forgotten in order to console curiosity and look our fate in the eyes.

Prophet Ring

What did our glorious ancestors want to know, guessing on the ring? How many years left to live? To be rich or not? Probably, they wanted to know this, but nevertheless, it is recognized that fortune-telling on a wedding ring was the best way to find out about a spouse and love.

It is not difficult to perform a fortune-telling ceremony by this method, but, nevertheless, there are rules, non-observance of which can distort the information. Fortune telling with a wedding ring and a glass and a thread is not difficult. But it also requires compliance with the rules. And in order to be completely sure, guessing on the ring, you should strictly adhere to the norms and recommendations given below.

What and how to do, guessing on the ring.

Monday has always been considered and is considered a “heavy” day. This is probably why, when fortune-telling on the ring, the first day of the week should be excluded. Fortune telling will not bring the desired result on Monday. On other days, whether it's Tuesday or Thursday, you can guess. But still, Friday is considered the most suitable day to look into the future. Try to guess on this day.

So, we have decided on the day of the week, now it remains to choose the most suitable time. The best time is evening. But even here there are certain rules. In order to get the most truthful result possible, one should try to carry out the ritual late at night. At the same time, no light, you should forget about light bulbs - only candles, and from natural wax.

If you wear various jewelry, then before starting fortune-telling, you need to take them all off for a while. You should not be wearing earrings, rings, bracelets, or any other valuables. Even religious items are recommended to be removed for the duration of the ritual.

Before you start fortune telling, you need to free yourself from any encircling objects, for example, remove the belt if you wear it.
Hair must be loose and combed.

You have to be extremely concentrated. And take a few minutes to meditate. Focus on what interests you the most.
Particular attention should be paid to the ring on which you are going to guess. It doesn't
It must be engraved and have some patterns on it. It is better that the ring is gold, but it must be made of precious metal.

If an unmarried woman is going to guess, then she can borrow an engagement ring from a close relative. It is not forbidden to take your girlfriend's ring. When this is not possible, it is not forbidden to guess on a simple (not engagement) ring. The main thing is that all other requirements are met.

When using the ring of a friend or close relative, it must be rid of someone else's energy. There is a special ritual for this. Purifies and clean water. The ring should be lowered into it for an hour or two.

With a ring and thread

For those who are going to find out when they will be lucky enough to go down the aisle, how many children they will have in marriage, the best way is fortune-telling on a ring with a thread. The ritual is also easy. To make it, you need a glass of crystal clear water, a black thread and a gold ring. Fill the glass a quarter. Then take a golden ring in your hand and tie a black thread to it. It should be no more than 20 centimeters long.

Fortune telling with a wedding ring and a glass requires maximum concentration. When conducting this ceremony, it is necessary to try to catch every, the slightest, movement of the ring. This is whether you can feel his response. Otherwise, fortune-telling with a ring and a glass of water will not bring the desired result.

Holding a glass in one hand, slowly lower the ring tied on a thread into it to the maximum depth, but only so that it does not touch the water. The ring will begin to twist, it will hit the vessel.

The main thing here is how many strokes will be on the glass. From the quantity and there will be a result of fortune-telling. One hit against the wall - one year before your marriage. The same applies to the number of children.

Divination methods

There are several ways to guess. Each has its own specifics. Let's try to dwell on some of them.


For this we need to have, of course. The most important attribute of divination is a wedding ring. And also two pairs of small pieces (pieces) of fabric, preferably from natural fiber, and two pairs of deep plates. And for the purity of fortune-telling, you need to invite your girlfriend. This ritual is only possible with someone you fully trust.

After all the stipulated conditions are met, you will need to temporarily leave the room in which you are going to guess. For your absence, your friend will have to perform a number of simple actions: put a ring in one of the plates on the table and cover with a cloth. When you return, you must guess where the ring is. Whether you guess or not depends on your marriage.

To do this, make the first attempt and choose a plate. If you are lucky - there is a ring in the plate - it means that fate gives you a sign, and you will get married in the very near future. If the first attempt fails, then do not despair. Luck on the second try is not bad either. Because marriage is likely. Only the third unsuccessful attempt postpones the wedding indefinitely, and for sure, you should not count on this event in the near future.

State and four rings

To tell fortunes in this way, you also need to invite a friend who you completely trust and ask her to help you perform the ceremony. But here 4 rings are already required. Two of them must be made of precious metals. The third ring will be copper, and the fourth with any semi-precious stone.

Prepare the rings and put them on the table. A friend will blindfold your eyes with a thick cloth through which you cannot see anything, and take you away from the table. When this is done, the friend should turn you around at least three times. This must be done in a clockwise direction. Then she brings you by the hand to the table, on which the rings are already lying, ready for divination.

You should bring it up and set your hand parallel to the table, slowly lower it and take the ring that comes under your hand. Each of the four rings portends something.

If you have a gold ring in your hand, it means that a large fortune awaits you. You will no longer need, money problems will leave you forever.

A silver ring will not bring momentary wealth, but, nevertheless, will give hope for this. By choosing this ring, you will get a great chance to get rich. At the same time, we must remember: the chance will have to be used skillfully and not miss it.

A copper ring does not promise wealth, but you will not have any serious financial problems in the near future. So, the copper ring you have chosen should not be feared. There is even hope that there will be positive moments in financial matters.

Another thing is if your choice falls on a ring with a stone. This is a sign that you need to be careful with money. Material losses are almost inevitable.

The ring will tell who your fiance is

In this fortune-telling, you will need a ring only for those who are close to you by blood: mother, grandmother or sister and a glass of crystal clear water. You need to throw a ring into it and wait a bit. When everything calms down in the glass, you will have to look carefully into the ring. If all the actions are performed correctly, fortune-telling with a ring and a glass will bring results - you should see the image of your future husband.

There is another option for guessing. Here you will need for the ceremony - a wedding ring, a thread and the names of applicants for your hand and heart, written on small pieces of paper. These name sheets should be kept closed. Guide the thread with the ring to each sheet. If it is immovable on one of them, then relations with this gentleman will not work out. Where the oscillations of the "pendulum" will be the greatest - your destiny.

Find out the gender of the baby

Using this method, you can determine who will have a mother, a boy or a girl. For this, in addition to the ring, you will need a thread made of natural fiber. We tie the ring on a thread, and hold it over the belly of the expectant mother. The sex of the child will indicate the action of the "pendulum". If a pregnant woman is waiting for a boy, then the ring will spin, if a girl, it will begin to swing to the right - to the left.

Perhaps you will also be interested.

The ring is not a simple decoration, but a mystical object endowed with special power.

With the help of a ring, even our great-grandmothers, being young, found out their future, with pleasure they guessed at their children, certainly at their betrothed, at their own marriage and other issues of concern to women.

Beautiful and ancient divination on the ring does not lose its relevance. And its simplicity and accessibility makes this prediction popular.

Preparing for the process

Fortune telling on the ring is a simple process that does not require any special materials, conditions and abilities. But for it to be true, you need to do everything right.

  1. On Monday, one should not guess - this is a bad day for predictions when the information is incorrect.
  2. The ritual is performed in the evening, after sunset, or at night.
  3. Before divination, the girl should comb her hair, remove all jewelry and accessories from herself - hairpins, belt, rings. There should be no cosmetics. It is best to guess in a simple nightgown.
  4. Electric light interferes with the mystical process, so it is worth lighting only candles, placing them on the floor next to you.
  5. The ring should be gold or silver, without stones, relief, pattern.
  6. It is better to sit on the floor, and not guess at your desk.
  7. Unmarried girls can guess on the wedding rings of their mother or grandmother. A married woman tells fortunes only on her own wedding ring.

Simple ways to know the future

Fortune telling on the ring has several types, and will help you find out if marriage awaits, what the betrothed will be like, whether the girl will give birth to a child or children, and whether she will be happy.

1. Very good fortune-telling is carried out on an engagement or simple ring with a glass of water. On it you can find out any questions on “yes” or “no”: find out if marriage awaits, determine the sex of the unborn child, whether you are destined to fall in love and whether the guy loves you - whatever.

Take a glass of water, a ring and your own hair. If the hair is too short, then a natural thread will do. A ring is hung on a hair (or thread), and a pendulum is obtained, which will answer questions.

Firmly grasp the ends of the thread, dip the ring into the water and lift it above the glass. Now you can ask questions: will I pass the exam? Am I having a baby? Will I get married?

The ring will either rotate along the axis, or begin to swing gently back and forth. The circle is clockwise, just like the horizontal wiggle left and right means yes.

The circle is reversed, or swaying back and forth - "no." When your ring freezes without moving, your question is not yet answered. Such a simple divination on a golden ring with hair or thread gives more or less accurate answers, and will help you make a decision.

2. Similarly, you can find out the gender of the unborn child. Take a glass of water and a ring hanging on a string. Slowly, calmly lower the ring into the water, and leave it there.

If inside a glass of water the ring begins to move in a circular motion, you will have a boy, and if it begins to move back and forth, wait for a girl. A ring standing still without movement indicates that there will be no children in the coming year.

3. Divination for marriage can be paired with the closest friend or relative you trust. Take four identical plates or glasses, a ring and four handkerchiefs.

Exit the room. A friend should put the ring in one of the containers, and cover all plates (or glasses) with handkerchiefs. You should also guess where the ring is.

  • Guessed on the first try? You will definitely get married this year.
  • From the second? Marriage is very likely.
  • Well, if the third failed, for now, enjoy the free life.

4. Beautiful, ancient fortune-telling - for a sweetheart. Sit on the floor or at the table, light candles, take a clear, smooth glass of cold water. Throw a ring at him, bend over and whisper: "betrothed, appear."

Peer into the opening of the ring without taking your eyes off until you begin to see. Many see outlines, some see a face, some only see a silhouette.

This fortune-telling should be done at midnight, in complete silence and solitude, without being distracted by anything. It can take a long time - take your time, be quiet and focus, and everything will work out.

5. A simple and interesting fortune-telling for marriage and the birth of a child - with a ring and grain. Take a large, deep bowl, pour in more of any grain, and bury the ring in it. After that, you need to scoop up the grain with your left hand. If there is a ring in a handful of grain, you will soon get married!

6. If you are wondering if your husband will be rich or poor, there is a way to find out. For fortune-telling, you will also need a girlfriend. She must take a ring, a piece of white bread and a twig, and put it on the table - so that you do not see. These items are covered with a large scarf.

You stand in front of the table, turn around yourself exactly seven times, and place your hand under the handkerchief, covering the first object with your palm.

  • If it turns out to be bread, you will be married to a rich man.
  • A twig means "paradise in a hut", the husband will not be rich.
  • And the ring will indicate that you will marry for great love, and it doesn’t matter if your husband is rich or not, he will carry you in his arms.

Fortune telling with a ring is very simple, interesting, but you should treat them wisely. They allow you to know the likelihood of future events, but they do not determine your fate. Everything can change, and only the person himself decides what his life will be like.

Take responsibility for your own destiny, do not shift it to mysticism - and let fortune-telling help you achieve your dreams, and only what you wish with all your heart will come true! Author: Vasilina Serova

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