First week after gallbladder removal. Diet after gallbladder removal. Fish and seafood

Equipment and tools 27.01.2022
Equipment and tools

Nutrition after removal of the gallbladder is different from that which was before surgery. The patient should know what to eat, because the operation affects the digestion process, there is no place for bile to accumulate and the metabolism is disturbed. The first month, from the first days, you need to carefully monitor your diet so that there are no unpleasant consequences and digestion normalizes.

What foods can you eat and what can't? This question worries all people who have undergone surgery. Indeed, in the absence of a gallbladder, only proper nutrition will help to recover. The diet should be started in the first days after surgery.

Consider the features of eating food at first and a month and a half after laparoscopy.

In the postoperative period, when removing the gallbladder, it is very important to eat small portions, but often.

It is necessary to develop a regular mode of eating food so that bile flows out during meals and does not stagnate in the ducts.

The most restrictive diet for people who have undergone cholecystectomy falls on the first day. In order not to overload digestion, you can not even drink water.

  • A day after laparoscopy, it is allowed to drink water and rosehip tea. Three days later, low-fat kefir, herbal tea, chicory or dried fruit compote are allowed. At this time, you can try low-fat broth or soup, as well as mashed potatoes.
  • On the fourth day, boiled vegetables, meat and fish are allowed. A serving of a dish should not be more than 200 g, and you need to eat up to 8 times a day. Do not eat anything two hours before bedtime. All meals must be at room temperature.
  • After five days, the patient can eat wheat bread crackers (no more than 100 g per day), as well as cereal porridge. If there is no stool disorder, you can use fermented milk products. In the first week after cholecystectomy, it is important to avoid constipation, so as not to strain the abdominal muscles, it is also worth giving up fresh fruits, vegetables and rye bread.
  • A week after the operation, the patient can gradually switch to diet No. 5, which must be strictly adhered to for three months. In the absence of complications during this period, you can expand the menu. You can try stewed pureed vegetables and white bread crackers. To diversify your regimen, you can try cottage cheese casserole, meatloaf, bio-kefir or yoghurt prepared with sourdough, macaroni and cheese, egg omelet.

Important! The first two weeks, all dishes must be grinded. If there are no problems with digestion, after this time, you can eat cooked dishes.

Expanded Diet

Two months after laparoscopy, the patient must follow diet No. 5, while maintaining the diet, eat fractionally up to eight times a day.

Diet after gallbladder surgery is mandatory throughout life, of course, the menu can be gradually expanded and diversified, including new dishes.

You can eat such foods: chicken, rabbit, lean veal, raw vegetables and non-acidic fruits, eggs (no more than one per day), whole milk. Dishes should be prepared by stewing or baking. To prepare vegetable salads, you can use vegetable oil or sour cream; no fats of animal origin can be included in the diet. You can drink compotes from dried fruits or non-acidic varieties of berries, herbal tea, a decoction of chicory or rose hips will also be useful. You need to drink up to 2.5 liters of fluid per day.

It is worth noting that it is chicory and rose hips that help in the first year to recover after surgery.

No fatty, spicy or fried foods. You can forget about them for life, and not just in the first year.

Diet after removal of the gallbladder, which diet for weight loss provides for the exclusion from the diet of fats of animal origin, as well as overeating. At the same time, there is a serious difference between them, because you must strictly follow all the recommendations and diet throughout life, because this is the key to successful recovery and recovery after surgery.

The diet during the removal of the gallbladder in the first year is aimed at adapting a person to life without a gallbladder. During this period, the digestion process normalizes. A year later, only some food restrictions will remain.

A diet with a removed gallbladder is effective for losing weight, because excess fats and cholesterol are not deposited in the body.

In the first year, you should try to eat more food rich in protein and fiber, because this helps to normalize the digestion process. To do this, you need to eat more lean meats, raw vegetables (carrots, celery or sauerkraut), as well as fruits (bananas, apples, pears). You can eat yesterday's bread made from wheat or rye flour.

Wheat bran is rich in fiber and can be added to cooked meals. Bran also reduces the likelihood of stone formation and normalizes bowel function.

Shchi, beetroot soup, vegetable borscht, cereal soups are allowed for the first course. As second courses, cereals on the water, pasta are suitable, as a side dish - meat cabbage rolls, meatballs, steamed fish, vegetable salad or stewed carrots with zucchini.

A few months after laparoscopy, if there is no swelling or diarrhea, the use of whole milk, cottage cheese, casseroles from it is allowed. You can eat honey, marmalade, jam and jam. They will replace chocolate and sweets, which cannot be eaten for the rest of the life after laparoscopy.

Important! A diet after removal of the gallbladder is mandatory in the first year, because at this time, due to the restructuring of the digestive organs, patients often develop a complication in the form of pancreatitis.

For a quick recovery after the operation, after three months it is recommended to undergo a health improvement in the sanatoriums of the cities of Essentuki or Borjomi.

Approximate menu for the week

You need to make a menu for a week in such a way as to provide the body with fiber and proteins in the right amount and at the same time contribute to the dilution of bile.

It is necessary to expand the diet gradually, introducing one new product every four to five days, if there are no painful sensations or digestive disorders. Thus, during the year only those foods that can not be eaten, in general, will remain banned.

What menu is suitable after the operation?

1st day.

For breakfast, buckwheat or wheat porridge, tea with milk, hard cheese are suitable.

Lunch should be hearty. Borscht, vegetable salad, dried fruit compote or tea with chicory.

For an afternoon snack, you can drink a rosehip broth with a slice of wheat bread.

For dinner, steamed fish, vegetable stew of zucchini, carrots and cauliflower, as well as tea with cottage cheese casserole are suitable.

At night it is useful to drink a glass of kefir.

2nd day.

For breakfast, milk vegetable soup, grape or apple juice.

For lunch, porridge, a salad of tomato and grated carrots, a slice of yesterday's rye bread.

For an afternoon snack, you can eat raisins or dates, as well as drink tea with chicory.

For dinner, pasta with meat, a boiled egg, steamed carrots or celery and a baked apple.

3rd day.

For breakfast, oatmeal, milk and bread.

For lunch, fish with boiled potatoes, vegetable salad, bananas.

For dinner, borsch, cabbage rolls with meat, cottage cheese casserole with tea.

4th day.

For breakfast, an omelette with a slice of bread, tea with milk.

For an afternoon snack, hard cheese with dates.

For lunch, porridge, boiled chicken, steamed vegetables, dried fruit compote.

For dinner, fish (cod, catfish), potatoes with butter are suitable. Very rarely you can afford seafood (boiled mussels, shrimp or squid), because they are rich in protein.

5th day.

For breakfast, cereal soup, fruit juice or compote.

For lunch, pasta with milk sausages, fresh cabbage salad, tea with chicory.

For dinner, beetroot or cabbage soup, meat cutlets with chopped cabbage, kefir.

6th day.

For breakfast, milk porridge, fruits (apples, grapes, bananas).

For lunch, meat broth, egg, steamed vegetables, baked apple.

Mousse with fresh fruit is suitable for an afternoon snack.

For dinner, baked potatoes in uniform, meatballs, vegetable soufflé with carrots and beets, hard cheese, berry compote.

7th day.

For breakfast, buckwheat porridge, cottage cheese with sour cream and tea with milk.

For a snack, fruit puree, for example, from a banana, is suitable.

For lunch, vegetable soup, steamed chicken with vegetables, dried fruit compote.

For dinner, potatoes, steamed chicken meatballs, cottage cheese soufflé with dates, tea.

We offer recipes for:

  1. Chicken meatballs with vegetables. For cooking, you need to take 300 g of chicken, small carrots and onions, 100 g of zucchini. Twist all the ingredients in a meat grinder, form meatballs from the minced meat, and cook them in a double boiler for 25 minutes.
  2. Vegetable milk soup. For cooking, you need to take milk and water in a ratio of 1: 1. After boiling, take rice, onions, potatoes and greens. Cook until soup thickens.

This sample menu is also suitable for weight loss.

The diet after removal of the gallbladder helps to normalize digestion and create a diet, as well as unload the body from food that is difficult to digest.

The basic principles of nutrition for people who have undergone cholecystectomy are as follows:

  • a balanced, frequent and varied diet;
  • all dishes must be boiled or stewed;
  • the daily caloric content of the consumed products should not exceed the needs of the body, because this leads to the accumulation of cholesterol;
  • meat, fish and dairy products must be present on the menu;

  • to replenish the reserves of trace elements, you need to eat seafood;
  • the basis of the diet should be vegetables and fruits;
  • to normalize digestion, you need fiber, which is found in bran and vegetables;
  • healthy food is natural products;
  • do not neglect the use of melons and watermelon, as they will help to remove toxins from the body;
  • sweets can be replaced with dried fruits, for example, dates, dried apricots, prunes, raisins;
  • all dishes should be consumed only in the form of heat.

But even after a year, there are products that are strictly prohibited.

List of such products:

  • rich meat and fish broths;
  • by-products of animal origin;
  • cold drinks, ice cream;
  • fried foods and smoked meats;
  • pickles and canned food;
  • seasonings, ketchups, mayonnaises;

  • pastry, fresh bread, cakes;
  • drinks containing alcohol;
  • chocolate;
  • among vegetables and legumes, you can not eat sorrel, onions, garlic, peas, beans, mushrooms;
  • salty or fatty cheese;
  • strongly brewed tea and coffee.

All of the above products can irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) and cause serious consequences, in the form of pancreatitis or stone formation, so they should not be consumed not only in the first year after surgery, but throughout life.

If you follow the dietary menu, you can quickly recover after surgery.


Proper diet after cholecystectomy is of paramount importance for the normalization of digestion and restoration of previously disturbed liver function. If the postoperative period of the patient passes without the use of the nutrition system recommended by the doctor, the process of his recovery is greatly delayed.

Diet after gallbladder removal

This small organ plays an important role in maintaining human health. The gallbladder is generally classified as a hollow “formation” that serves to collect and release, as needed, the biological fluid secreted by the liver. In addition, the bitter substrate activates the enzyme necessary for the breakdown of fats, and performs other important functions that are lost due to cholecystectomy:

  • stimulation of the small intestine;
  • destruction of pathogenic microorganisms in the visceral region;
  • regulation of water-salt balance.

In case the patient does not know how to eat after removal of the gallbladder, taking into account the new requirements, then he should consult a doctor on this matter. Many are afraid that the diet after cholecystectomy is very strict, it is difficult to adhere to it at first. However, such fears are completely unfounded. Upon completion of the cholecystectomy, the patient is allowed to eat the usual foods, but their preparation must comply with the new standards. Ignoring the provisions of the diet can lead to the following:

  • pancreatitis due to the ingress of enzymes back into the pancreas;
  • the formation of stones;
  • unreasonable weight loss, not dependent on diet;
  • jaundice in the first days after surgery.

Nutrition after gallbladder removal

Cholecystectomy has recently been performed through laparoscopy. This type of surgery is characterized as a minimally invasive surgical method that does not require a long recovery period. The patient receives the first food allowed by the diet due to cholecystectomy while still in the walls of the medical institution. Usually it is porridge on the water and jelly.

Diet after surgery to remove the gallbladder through laparoscopy involves fractional nutrition. Food should be taken in small portions up to 6 times a day. A week after the completion of cholecystectomy, the patient is assigned diet No. 5, which he will have to follow for 3-4 months. However, the expiration of this period does not mean that a patient with a removed organ can do without restrictions.

What can you eat

Cholecystectomy by laparoscopy allows the patient to recover quickly. The postoperative period with such a sparing intervention is much easier. The method of cholecystectomy does not create an additional burden for the patient associated with the healing of large wound surfaces. Based on this, the patient can quickly return to normal life. At the same time, a reasonable question immediately arises: what can I eat after the operation? Here is a list of allowed products:

  • lean meats and poultry;
  • lean soups;
  • steamed lean fish;
  • cereals and vegetables;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • stale white bread.

In addition, the diet is allowed to drink weak tea or rosehip infusion. To avoid excessive bile secretion after cholecystectomy, it is best not to consume more than 2 liters of fluid per day. In general, a diet with a removed gallbladder should be observed for about 2 years, during which the digestive organs get used to the new scheme of functioning.

What not to eat

It is important to know that a daily intake of about 20-25 g of fat tail fat helps against the formation of stones and subsequent cholecystectomy. However, for a person with a remote "bile storage", such recommendations are fraught. For this reason, following a diet after cholecystectomy involves avoiding fatty fried foods. In this regard, among the prohibited products are:

  • dairy products with a high percentage of fat;
  • spicy and smoked;
  • salty marinades;
  • offal;
  • raw vegetables;
  • fresh bread;
  • rich flour products;
  • chocolate;
  • coffee and strong tea.

Menu after gallbladder removal

The diet after cholecystectomy can be quite varied and tasty. The most basic set of permitted foods can be used to prepare special dishes. A few months after cholecystectomy will be difficult, but then relief will come. You can try the following options for a sample menu for every day, consistent with the diet:


Option 1

Option 2

Cottage cheese casserole with weak tea.

Dairy-free buckwheat porridge, sweet tea.

Steam cutlets, mashed vegetable soup, berry jelly.

Pureed rice soup, baked rabbit meat.

A glass of non-acidic juice.

Rosehip decoction.

Steamed fish with vegetables, tea.

Steamed fish cakes with mashed potatoes.

Diet Recipes

If the stones were recently removed by cholecystectomy, you still have to follow a strict diet for a couple of months. Many are upset that lean soups and steamed vegetable (later meat) cutlets are completely tasteless, but in skillful hands even the simplest dish can become exquisite. In accordance with the diet, nutrition after gallbladder surgery may be as follows:



Cooking method

Vegetable puree soup

Small cauliflower, a spoonful of butter, salt.

Throw a head of cauliflower divided into inflorescences into boiling salted water. Cook for about 10 minutes, then pull out, grind to a puree consistency and send back to the pan. Bring to readiness over low heat. Fill the soup with a spoonful of butter.

Meatballs for a couple

300 g of low-fat minced meat;

1 carrot;

1 onion;

Mix all ingredients thoroughly, then form medium-sized balls. Place them in a double boiler and cook for about 25 minutes.


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The operation to remove the gallbladder (cholecystectomy) is the second most common abdominal surgery after appendectomy. Removing the gallbladder seems like something terrifying. In fact, after cholecystectomy, it is quite possible to live a full life, but you need to follow a diet.

Features of nutrition after cholecystectomy

Bile is known to be produced by the liver cells. From the liver, it moves through the hepatic ducts. Part of the bile from the common hepatic duct enters the gallbladder. The rest moves further along the common bile duct and from there it enters the duodenum 12.

Bile is produced by hepatocytes almost constantly. But this liquid, in fact, is needed only in the process of digestion. But our body is so intelligently arranged that the produced "excess" bile accumulates in the gallbladder. And when a person starts a meal, bile flows out of the bladder and reaches the intestines, where it takes part in the process of digestion.

In some diseases of the gallbladder, sometimes cholecystectomy cannot be avoided. In this case, the bile is still produced in the liver, but it simply goes down the bile ducts and does not accumulate anywhere, because there is no longer a reservoir. Bile is produced at least constantly, but in small portions. Therefore, with a plentiful meal, this amount of bile will not be enough to ensure the full digestion of food. Actually, this aspect is taken into account when compiling a therapeutic diet.

Diet after cholecystectomy involves a gradual expansion of the diet. So, on the first day after the operation, the patient is prescribed hunger, on the 2-4th day - a therapeutic diet No. 0a, on the 5-7th day - a surgical diet No. 1. From the second week of the postoperative period and for 1.5-2 months, the patient should follow diet No. 5. And only a few months after the operation, you can try to switch to the general dietary table No. 15, while, of course, you need to follow the dietary habits when the gallbladder is removed.

Diet in the first days after gallbladder removal

The first day after the operation implies absolute hunger.. The patient should not even drink, only moisten the lips with water when very thirsty. On the second or fourth day, the doctor prescribes a dietary table No. 0a to the patient. This means that the patient can already drink water. And in general, the diet is represented mainly by liquid and semi-liquid dishes. Allowed dishes with dietary table No. 0a:

  • Non-carbonated water;
  • Decoction;
  • Kissel from sweet berries, dried fruits;
  • Black, green tea (the main thing is not strong);
  • 1 percent;
  • Diluted natural juice (apples, pumpkin, beets);
  • Fruit jelly.

Note! The main condition of the diet after cholecystectomy is fractional and, importantly, regular meals. It is necessary to eat six times a day, the interval between meals should be three hours. Such rules were invented for a reason, because frequent meals prevent the stagnation of bile. The volume of a serving of food at one time is 150-200 ml. Food must be warm. Eating cold food can lead to dyspeptic disorders and abdominal pain.

After cholecystectomy, the patient should try to eat every day at the same time. The same postulate should be adhered to in the future, let it become a habit. Eating according to a schedule will improve the process of synthesizing bile and storing it in the bile ducts. This will have a better effect on the digestion process.

Nutrition on the fifth-seventh day after cholecystectomy

On the fifth or seventh day after the operation, doctors recommend that the patient switch to dietary table No. 1. In addition to the previously used dishes, dried bread, crackers and biscuits of the “Maria” type are added to the diet, liquid mashed cereal cereals, puree from non-forbidden vegetables, soufflé from lean meat and fish, unsweetened cottage cheese and other dairy products, soups rubbed through a sieve, cooked in water (you can add a little butter), protein omelet.

Sample menu for the day:

It is important to drink about one and a half to two liters of liquid per day, including still water.

Nutrition from the eighth day after the operation

If a week of the postoperative period has already passed behind the patient’s back, then it’s time to switch to a therapeutic diet No. 5. Doctors recommend sticking to such a diet for at least 1.5-2 months. Food is prepared by boiling or steaming. You need to eat six times a day and try to stick to a daily meal schedule. At the same time, you need to drink about one and a half liters of liquid per day.

Allowed dishes with a therapeutic diet No. 5:

  • Low-fat meat and fish in the form of soft soufflé, boiled pieces, steam cutlets, meatballs;
  • Steam omelet (be sure to remove the egg yolk before cooking);
  • Vegetable, cereal, as well as milk light soups;
  • Cereal well-mashed cereals that can be cooked exclusively in water or milk;
  • Vegetable purees (including potatoes);
  • Steam cottage cheese casseroles;
  • Diluted fruit jelly, juices;
  • Vegetable stew;
  • Baked apples;
  • Dried bread, crackers, biscuit cookies of the "Maria" type;
  • Hard pasta.

Diet No. 5 is characterized by a reduced fat content (with the absolute exclusion of refractory fats) and a restriction of carbohydrate content. At the same time, the amount of protein in food remains normal.

Sample menu for the day with diet number 5:

  • 8.00 - steam omelet, buckwheat porridge, tea;
  • 11.00 - 5% cottage cheese, rosehip broth;
  • 14.00 - oatmeal soup with allowed vegetables, soufflé from mashed boiled beef;
  • 17.00 - baked apple;
  • 20.00 - a piece of boiled white fish, pumpkin puree;
  • 22.00 - berry jelly.

The duration of stay on diet No. 5 is determined by the doctor, taking into account the tolerability of such therapeutic nutrition and the state of health. For some patients, doctors recommend eating according to the dietary table No. 5 for 1.5-2 months, for other patients - for a whole year. After that, if there are no contraindications, you can gradually expand the menu. But at the same time, it is necessary to adhere to the basic principles of dietary table number 5, as well as to avoid prohibited foods.

After switching to a common table, a person can already eat low-fat cabbage soup, pickles and beetroots, hated chicken broths, steam meatballs and cutlets. There are many recipes for interesting dishes from permitted products. It is worth making a little effort and the diet will become varied and tasty!

What fruits can you eat after cholecystectomy

The absence of a gallbladder is not an obstacle to the use of fruits and berries loved by many.. But it is worth noting that some fruits are still banned. These are, first of all, fruits and berries of acidic varieties, as well as enhancing fermentation in the intestines (). But even after the removal of the gallbladder, you can still continue to enjoy fruits such as:

In the first weeks after cholecystectomy, the above fruits and berries can be safely consumed in the form of jellies, jelly and compotes. Baked apples are especially well tolerated during this period. After about a month, these fruits can be eaten without cooking, raw.

Prohibited products

After removal of the gallbladder, the body has to adapt to the changed conditions, respectively, the digestion process also undergoes changes. These nuances must be taken into account, some foods worsen the digestion process and can cause dyspepsia and abdominal pain. Following a cholecystectomy, the following foods should be avoided:

  • Fried foods;
  • Fatty varieties of meat, poultry and fish;
  • Smoked products, canned food;
  • Meat broths;
  • Refractory fats (these are fats of animal origin, including lard);
  • Spices, spices (salt restriction in food is recommended);
  • Pickles;
  • Ice cream and any other cold foods (cause severe abdominal pain due to spasm of the sphincter of Oddi);
  • Carbonated and alcoholic drinks;
  • by-products;
  • Mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • Sour fruits, berries;

Good afternoon, dear readers! Today I want to tell you about the right diet after gallbladder removal. Why does gallbladder removal involve diet? What should be the diet in the first days, weeks and a year after the operation? Which foods are allowed and which are not? I will answer all these questions in this article.

Doctors recommend removing the gallbladder to the patient if he almost does not work: when there are large stones in the gallbladder and in case of illness with acute inflammation and pain. Removal of the organ in such cases is the only way to save the patient from the disease and discomfort.

The gallbladder in the human body performs the function of a container in which bile accumulates, which is necessary for the digestion of food. The appearance of gallstone disease in the bladder occurs if the diet is not regular and not moderate - bile begins to stagnate in the body and stones form.

Without a bladder, bile begins to flow straight into the intestines. The body needs a year or more to get used to such a feature and begin to function normally. The digestive system needs special attention. After undergoing surgery, the patient must adhere to diet number 5 for a whole year in order to normalize the functioning of the body and digestion: bile must enter the intestines on time.

Diet principles after gallbladder removal.

Prohibited foods for the entire period of the diet.

  • Fatty varieties of fish and meat.
  • Smoked meats and salinity.
  • Rich meat (fish) broths.
  • Hot spices.
  • Sweets.
  • Alcohol.

Diet for the first days of cholecystectomy on the bladder

  1. On the day you have your surgery scheduled, do not eat anything.
  2. The first day after the operation: weakly brewed tea, juice diluted 1:1 with water from sweet fruits, compote based on dried fruits (a glass 5 times a day).
  3. The second day after the operation: a portion of porridge made from rice or semolina, pureed oatmeal, jelly from berries or fruits, soups based on cereals (mucous).
  4. The third or fourth day after the operation: low-fat meats or fish (boiled or steamed), a portion of cottage cheese with a low percentage of fat content, white crackers.

Sample menu for 4 days after cholecystectomy on the bladder:

Within two or three weeks from the fifth day from the operation, you must adhere to a sparing diet option No. 5. Such a diet involves grinding all food into small pieces that are convenient to eat.

The food table includes:

  1. Boiled vegetables, baked apples.
  2. Bread from grains of wheat.

Approximate menu of a sparing diet number 5.

Diet for 2-3 weeks after laparoscopy on the bladder.

Meal regimen - 5 times a day.

In the first days and weeks, drink about 1.5 liters of water per day.
Dinner should be three hours before you go to bed.

In the first days and weeks, it is forbidden to include animals and artificial fats, spinach, sorrel, garlic, onions, fresh vegetables and fruits, coffee in the food table. Do not eat sweets: cake, pastry, chocolates. It is recommended to limit salt intake: no more than 10 g per day. Do not eat salty, spicy and smoked foods, as well as foods with a lot of sugar.

The old menu includes:

  • All vegetable soups.
  • Steamed cutlets or soufflé from fish, meat.
  • Light cheeses.
  • Vegetable casseroles.
  • Fruit based mousse.
  • Sweets: marshmallow, jam, marmalade.

Diet for 2 months after laparoscopy on the bladder

The task of the diet after 2 months from the removal of the gallbladder is not to injure the digestive system and dilute the bile, taking more protein foods and foods.

Meal regimen - 5 times a day. It is recommended to drink about two liters of water per day.

If you feel normal and do not have digestive diseases, then after 2 months you can gradually include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet and table. If something is wrong and you have some kind of illness, then do not forget to consult with your doctor.

Diet one year after gallbladder surgery

Many doctors and patients have the erroneous opinion that after undergoing the removal of an organ by laparoscopy, the patient must follow a limited and monotonous diet all his life. But this is not so: in fact, after a year or several years from the removal of the bladder, the patient can already consume and include ordinary food in his table.

If you are not worried about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then after a year of surgery, make it a habit to expand your diet. Gradually try small doses of new foods and see how your body reacts to them.

Limit yourself only to those products that were listed at the very beginning of this article. Sometimes you can let yourself forget about the regimen: eat candy or a piece of ham.

Diet number 5 involves a diet with a complete rejection of fatty meat and other animal fats. Replace them with vegetable oils or milk fats. It is forbidden to eat artificial fats: spreads, margarine and other fakes of butter.

Do not forget to include a lot of proteins in your menu: boiled, steamed or baked chicken, turkey, low-fat fish, some seafood.

The diet should include healthy fiber, which is found in fruits, vegetables and grain products. Pay attention to whole grain bread, whole grains.

The diet should exclude soda, coffee and caffeinated drinks. Coffee can be replaced with chicory.

Include natural freshly brewed teas or decoctions in the diet: rosehip, chamomile or mint. Before use, do not forget to consult with your doctor.

A diet a year after laparoscopy of the gallbladder makes it possible to prepare a lot of healthy, interesting and tasty dishes that will please not only the patient, but also all members of his family. Proper nutrition is great for health.


There are no serious and very long-term restrictions after removal of the gallbladder, excluding the postoperative period. For the first few hours, only liquids can be taken, first it is water and teas, then broths and light soups, after a few days (3-4 days), mashed boiled vegetables, boiled and mashed cereals, mashed potatoes made from meat or fish can be introduced into the diet, steamed cutlets. Moreover, grind the meat into cutlets in a meat grinder 2-3 times. Gradually, subject to good health, you return to the usual diet. A year later, you can start eating as you ate before, of course, if you are not an extreme gourmet.

The basic rules of nutrition and what you need to pay attention to when the gallbladder is removed:

  • limit salt intake. It is necessary to develop the habit of eating low-salt food, as this restriction applies to a lifetime.
  • limit the intake of animal fats that are difficult to digest in the stomach. Similar fats are found in brisket, roast lamb, lard.
  • The main liquid you drink should be water. You can use herbal teas, freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices - carrot-apple, carrot-celery. Pomegranate juice is best diluted with water, apple or pineapple juice. Very good juices from cabbage, pumpkin. It is better not to drink beetroot juice. Juices of industrial production must be completely abandoned. It is better not to drink carbonated water.
  • the use of mineral water or herbal teas from medicinal plants for treatment, as in chronic cholecystitis, can be started six months after the operation, but must be agreed with the attending physician.
  • Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids must be consumed. A large amount of Omega 3 is found in fish oil. If there is a persistent aversion to taste, then it is better to use fish oil capsules.
  • as you understand, alcohol (even beer) must be excluded completely and forever.
  • limit the consumption of foods that contain a large amount of "bad" cholesterol. Such products nutritionists include fatty meat, brains, rich strong broths, egg yolks.
  • do not eat spicy and smoked foods, give up spices such as vinegar, pepper.
  • cooking method - boiling, baking, steamed dishes. It is necessary to abandon the frying of foods and hot spices. This will save you from re-formation of stones, but now in the bile ducts.
  • The recommended number of meals per day is 4 to 6 times. You need to drink often, but eat a little food at one time. Meals should be built on a regular basis. The last meal should be at least three hours before bedtime. Rare and large meals are contraindicated when the gallbladder is removed. The food taken should be warm, cold food and liquid stimulate a spasm of the bile ducts.
  • if you are overweight, you should limit your intake of foods containing a large amount of carbohydrates, such as sugar, potatoes, bread, non-durum wheat pasta, buns, confectionery, etc. Many doctors recommend reducing sugar intake for people with a normal body weight.
  • nutrition should be balanced, with a sufficient amount of vitamins, it is preferable to obtain proteins from dairy products. It is better to eat lean meat and fish. It is desirable to limit fats. As fats - use butter, vegetable oils, especially sunflower and olive oils, cream for food. Also, when the gallbladder is removed, vegetables are better boiled, baked or steamed.

An approximate diet for a removed gallbladder:

We list some of the dishes that you can eat, and you will make a combination for a day or a week yourself.

1st breakfast:

  1. steam omelet from 2 eggs, soft-boiled or hard-boiled egg.
  2. cereals (any) on water with the addition of milk without sugar,
  3. cottage cheese,
  4. cottage cheese dishes: steamed cheesecakes, dumplings with cottage cheese, lazy dumplings, casserole (you can add pumpkin, apples, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, etc. to the casserole)

2nd breakfast:

  1. fresh mild cheese + baked apple without sugar;
  2. yogurt + pear or kiwi;
  3. dried toast with jam + grapes

For breakfast, you can drink weak tea with milk, without sugar. Herbal teas. natural juices.


First meal: rice soup with vegetables, vegetable soup in a weak meat broth, fish soup, puree soup of pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, etc., vegetable soup with milk or cream.

Main courses: boiled meat, steamed meat, stew with vegetables, meat baked in the oven, steamed meat cutlets, steamed fish cutlets, boiled fish with white sauce (cream sauce), fish baked in the oven with vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, cauliflower, etc.)

Garnish with mashed potatoes from various vegetables, pasta, rice, buckwheat, salads from various raw vegetables, fruits and berries (except sour ones). You can add greens to salads - dill, parsley. Salads are ideally seasoned with vegetable oil.

Snack between lunch and dinner

Yogurt, nuts, cottage cheese dishes, fruits, dried bread or crackers + jam (jam), fruit salads dressed with yogurt, dry biscuit, etc.

Dinner: lean boiled fish, boiled chicken or turkey meat, garnish - grated fruit and vegetable salads or mashed potatoes (for example, carrot and apple), baked vegetables in the oven. The baked pumpkin is especially useful.

For the night: kefir - 1 glass.

Should be avoided, especially after a recent operation, legumes, mushrooms, garlic, onions, turnips, radishes.

Health to you!

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