The benefits and harms of plums. Plum juice for the winter - it's simple and healthy Plum juice useful properties and contraindications

Bathroom 27.09.2020

Do not strain the plum juice, but drink it along with the pulp. It can be easily prepared at home (see the article "Features of Making Plum Juice"). It is known that just one glass of plum juice can increase appetite, intoxicate the body, improve mood and even smooth wrinkles on the face!

In the food industry, plum juice is used as an independent drink, as a component of multi-fruit juices, as well as in the production of wines, liqueurs, syrups and liqueurs.


1. Plum juice has an antibacterial effect.

2. Thick, viscous plum juice removes toxins from the body, increases intestinal tone and supplies a person with essential minerals and vitamins.

3. Plum juice contains caffeic, citric and malic acids, B vitamins, vitamins C and P, polysaccharides, carotenoids, pectins and other substances important for health.

4. Plum juice is especially valuable for people suffering from hypertension and kidney disease.

5. Carotenoids contained in plum juice are antioxidants, promote the growth and renewal of new cells in the body, preventing early aging.

6. A well-known medicinal property of juice from fresh plums is the ability to remove salts of heavy metals and radioactive substances.

7. Plum fruit juice is useful for everyone who has problems with stool, with the removal of toxins, who suffer from sluggish intestines.

8. Plum juice stimulates the secretion of bile, promotes the removal of "bad" cholesterol.

9. Plum fruit juice lowers the acidity of gastric juice, has a strong diuretic property, and normalizes the functioning of the urinary organs.

10. Plum juice is a real find for those who suffer from vascular diseases, since plum contains a large amount of vitamin PP, which strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and vitamin K, which purifies the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots.

12. Due to the content of vitamin B in juice, tension and anxiety are relieved, concentration of attention improves.


1. Due to the high glucose content, diabetic patients are advised to take plum juice in a very limited amount!

2. With caution, plum juice should be included in the diet of young children, as it can provoke stomach pains, disorders gastrointestinal tract, rumbling in the stomach and diarrhea.

3. It is better not to use plum juice for patients with gout and rheumatism, because in these diseases there must be a sufficient amount of fluid in the human body, and plum juice helps to remove it.

The plum tree belongs to the Rosaceae family. Her relatives are peach, cherry, bird cherry and other stone fruits. And the plum itself came from the crossing of cherry plum and blackthorn. If you look closely, then she received from both plants all of them best qualities, and even the color of dark varieties is a cross between the color of the two progenitors. The rest of the plum varieties turned out over time through the efforts of breeders.

Plum grows in countries with a temperate or warm climate, withstands low temperatures during the winter cold. Biologists know more than three hundred varieties of plums, ordinary people - no more than ten. Its fruits are used to make jams, jams, wines, juices. About the properties of plum juice - our today's conversation.

Composition of plum juice: vitamins and minerals

The first thing to mention when talking about plum juice- this is vitamin A. It is especially abundant in dark-colored fruits. Vitamins B1, B2, C and P are also present. Of the minerals in plum juice have potassium and phosphorus. Moreover, there are much more of these substances in plum juice than in apples and pears. Other micronutrients are calcium, magnesium and iron. As you can see, plum provides a complete gentleman's set of minerals.

Sugars, depending on the variety of plums and growing conditions, are represented by different amounts of fructose, glucose and sucrose. A rich composition of organic acids (malic citric, oxalic, salicylic) make plum juice a real treasure trove of health.

Pectin, tannins and nitrogenous substances contained in this juice are also recognized as very useful.

Plum juice: effect on the body

The main thing that plum juice can do is to regulate bowel function.. Sweet varieties act laxatively, sour ones fix. If you drink plum juice on an empty stomach, then the intestines are disinfected, because plum juice is a very good disinfectant. It can also be used as a cleanser, because it is contained in plum juice pectin is able to remove a large amount of toxins from the body, including salts of heavy metals. This happens due to the adsorbing properties of pectin: it absorbs toxins into itself, forming peculiar mucous lumps, and then removes them naturally from the intestines. The same property of pectin prevents excess cholesterol from entering the body - it binds it and removes it from the intestines. Similarly, sodium salts and excess water are removed.

Plum juice lowers the acidity of gastric juice, helps with problems in the urogenital area, has a diuretic property, and also increases the separation of bile in liver diseases. As you can see, plum juice is useful for the digestive and excretory spheres of the body, and has a beneficial effect on them. In addition, the benefits of prune juice for of cardio-vascular system, since potassium and calcium ensure the smoothness and strength of the vessels of the circulatory system.

The carotenoids found in plum juice, are antioxidants, that is, they promote the growth and development of new, young cells. This means that they help all organs to actively renew themselves, which prevents the aging process of a person. Also, antioxidants bind the so-called free radicals - electrons that can break through the cell membrane, thereby causing various tumors, including malignant ones. Therefore, plum juice can be considered prophylactic against oncological diseases.

For what diseases you need to take prune juice

  • With gastritis and ulcers with high acidity
  • With atherosclerosis
  • At elevated pressure
  • For diseases of the urinary tract and kidneys
  • With a decrease in appetite
  • For liver disease (jaundice)

And also, of course, for the prevention of these diseases. After all, it is known that the best treatment diseases is their prevention, or prevention.

Plum juice contraindications

  • Should be taken with caution plum juice patients with rheumatism and gout, since with these diseases there must be a sufficient amount of fluid in the body, and the juice actively removes it.
  • In case of diabetes mellitus, plum juice is taken in minimum quantities due to the high sugar content.

The norm of consumption of plum juice

Due to the inability to take into account the types of juices obtained from different varieties plums, as well as the amount of sugars and minerals contained in these juices, recommend that the norms for taking plum juice be selected individually. For diseases, especially serious ones, you should ask the advice of a doctor. With a personal selection of the norm, it is better to start with a few spoons on an empty stomach on a day off, since the juice can have a strong laxative effect. Otherwise, it is better to be guided by the reaction of the body, avoiding unwanted reactions.

How to make plum juice

Ripe soft, but not rotten fruits are selected, separated from the seeds, placed in a colander and blanched for 1-3 minutes. You can also steam the plums until softened by holding them over boiling water for 5-7 minutes. Plums should become softened, but not boiled. Then lay on a filter cloth, alternating layers of plum and layers of fabric. This is done for a better yield of juice from the fruit. Then place the entire structure under the press and press the fruits gradually, collecting the juice in a bowl. With short, strong pressures, press on the fabric so that the juice comes out in small portions. To store the juice, heat up to 80% and roll into jars.

The second cooking method plum juice- put the prepared plums in a saucepan, heat over low heat, while stirring constantly. When the plums turn into a viscous mass, rub them through a sieve, add sugar to a pleasant taste, bring to a boil. For storage, sterilize and roll into jars.

As for freshly squeezed juice, it is best to cook it in a juicer, after separating the fruits from the seeds. The action of such juice is much stronger than that prepared for storage, because when heated, some vitamins and trace elements are destroyed. Also, don't skimp too hard. plum juice because it is customary to drink it with pulp. Therefore, for filtering, it is quite possible to use a sieve with medium-sized cells.

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Plum juice with pulp for the winter is a successful fruit drink made exclusively from natural products at home. Thanks to the use of plum juice in the winter season, the human body will be enriched with the necessary vitamin complex. In addition, homemade drink has an amazing taste and pleasant aroma, which makes you want to enjoy it again and again.
The main advantage of homemade plum drink is vitamin A, which is more than enough in this product. In addition, it contains other vitamins such as B1, B2, P, C, as well as some minerals. Due to the rich vitamin composition, with regular use, plum juice will certainly affect the maintenance of good health.
For creating vitamin juice at home according to this simple photo The recipe uses ripe juicy white plums. If desired, it can be made from any other type of fruit, the main thing is that the plums must be ripe, but not overripe, and must be carefully selected from bad fruits. A drink prepared in this way has a long shelf life and retains the maximum amount of taste and useful characteristics.
We suggest starting to prepare homemade juice from plums with pulp, following step by step instructions, which is given below.


Plum juice with pulp for the winter - recipe

To prepare a fruit drink at home, first of all, it is necessary to rinse the plums well and leave them to drain the remaining water on them.

We move clean plums into a deep container and add half a liter of running water to them. We send the filled container to a small fire and boil the contents for about thirty minutes. Plums after the cooking process should change their structure and become boiled, the pulp should well lag behind the stone and peel. Cool the cooked fruits slightly, and then grind them through a sieve or colander.

Pour the resulting plum mass into a large deep container.

The grated fruit puree came out to about five kilograms. To obtain fresh natural juice, plum pulp must be mixed with water and granulated sugar. This amount of mass should be mixed with five liters of running water and five hundred grams of sugar. After combining these ingredients, mix the resulting raw juice well until all the sugar is dissolved in it.

We move fresh plum juice to the burner and bring it to a boil. Immediately after boiling, boil the liquid for about fifteen minutes. In the process of boiling the juice, be sure to remove the foam that forms on top. In the meantime, prepare a container for a homemade drink. To do this, it is not at all necessary to sterilize the jars, it is enough to wash and dry them well. . This also applies to lids.

The plum tree belongs to the Rosaceae family. Sometimes the plum is called the “daughter” of the cherry plum, also known as the “cherry plum” and the blackthorn, a prickly plum that contains a huge amount of substances that are beneficial to human health.

There is an assumption that for the first time plum appeared on the territory of Asia more than two thousand years as a result of crossing the above-mentioned fruit trees.

On the territory of Europe at various times, many archaeological studies were carried out, as a result of which it became known that even before the beginning of our era, plums began to grow in the Alps.

More than 300 are known today. various kinds plums, of which only about ten are cultivated - they can be found in gardens, in household plots, as well as in nurseries specially designed for their cultivation. These varieties of plums go on sale. They are ideal for making delicious and healthy jams, juices, compotes and marmalades. In addition, the plum can be pickled and dried.

In addition to the fact that plum juice has excellent taste characteristics and is widely used in cooking, it is also famous for its valuable medicinal properties.

Composition and calories

Among all fruit juices, plum juice deservedly occupies a high position in terms of the content of vitamins and minerals. It contains B vitamins, beta-carotene, vitamins A, C, E, PP, as well as useful elements - calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, chromium, silicon, fluorine, nickel and cobalt. In addition, this juice is rich in easily digestible sugars, dietary fiber, organic acids, vegetable proteins and healthy carbohydrates.

There are very few calories in plum juice - there are only seventy calories in one hundred grams of juice.

Beneficial features

Since ancient times people have known healing properties plums. And plum juice is a dietary product that has a beneficial effect on many diseases.

It is recommended to use it for those people who have weakened bowel function. Due to the excellent laxative effect of plum juice, it is advisable to consume it in the morning on an empty stomach. Compared to some herbal laxatives, prune juice causes absolutely no pain.

Plum juice has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility, and also improves the process of bile secretion and urination. Due to these beneficial properties, plum juice is very often prescribed for those who suffer from hepatitis and gallbladder diseases. Plum juice also helps to remove cholesterol from the body, preventing its absorption from the intestines into the blood. The use of plum juice is indicated as a means for the prevention of obesity, as well as for those people who suffer from atherosclerosis.

Plum juice is very useful for rheumatism, gout, kidney disease and hypertension. And also it is able to relieve swelling and remove excess fluid and salt from the body.

Dark varieties of plums contain in their composition substances called phytoncides, which, due to their disinfectant properties, have a beneficial effect on the oral cavity, as well as on the gastrointestinal tract.

Due to the high content of iron, vitamin C, as well as useful organic acids, plum juice is recommended for anemia, as well as for the prevention of this disease.

Freshly squeezed plum juice with pulp and a small amount of honey is very useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver, fever, rheumatism and gout. It is recommended to drink juice three times a day before meals, one second or one third of a glass with the addition of one tablespoon of honey. And drunk in the morning on an empty stomach, one glass of plum juice will help you effectively cleanse the body of all harmful substances and toxins, remove bad cholesterol, and also minimize the negative effects of carcinogens and radioactive substances.

Regular consumption of plum juice will help to significantly strengthen blood vessels, improve blood composition, and also reduce the risk of hemorrhage.

Due to the high content of B vitamins, plum juice has a beneficial effect on nervous system, and also improves mood and gives a charge of positive. In addition, concentration improves, and all fears and anxieties disappear without a trace.

Regular consumption of plum juice has a positive effect on the skin of the face - it makes it more elastic, smooth, tender and velvety. Juice together with the pulp of plums can also be used for cooking effective masks for face. To do this, it is necessary to carefully knead the peeled fruits and squeeze them out through ordinary cheesecloth so that approximately fifty grams of juice is obtained. Soak a cosmetic tissue or cotton wool in this juice, apply it on your face and hold for twenty minutes. After removing the mask, it is not necessary to wash your face - it will be enough just to wipe it with a damp swab. If you are the owner of dry skin, lubricate your face with a nourishing fat cream or sour cream before applying the mask.

To prepare another healthy mask, you will need one teaspoon of plum juice and one egg yolk, which must be thoroughly mixed with each other and applied to the face for about twenty to twenty-five minutes. When time passes, wash off the mask warm water and then rinse your face with cool. This mask is a real lifesaver for dry skin. Plum juice mixed with butter, sour cream or cottage cheese also make very effective masks.

Harm and contraindications

Do not abuse plum juice for obesity and diabetes, as well as in case of individual intolerance.

Plum fruits, and especially jam from them, are a favorite delicacy for many. But what does the plum bring more - good and harm? How does it affect health and who is contraindicated?

First of all, the fruit is famous for its laxative effect. It is recommended to eat it for people suffering from chronic constipation, diseases of the cardiovascular, urinary system, hypertension, edema and anemia. But at hyperacidity stomach, gout, diabetes and rheumatism, plums should be consumed with great care.


Plum fruits are 86% water, 11.1% carbohydrates, 0.8% and 0.3% are proteins and fats. The calorie content of 100 grams of the product is 46-48 kcal. In addition, the plum contains sugar (9.6 grams), dietary fiber (1.5 grams), organic acids (1 gram), vitamins, micro and macro elements.

For reference, one medium-sized fruit weighs 30 grams.

Vitamins in plums:

  • C - 10 mg;
  • B4 - 1.9 mg;
  • PP - 0.7 mg;
  • E - 0.6 mg;
  • B5 - 0.15 mg;
  • beta-carotene - 0.1 mg;
  • B6 - 0.08 mg;
  • B1 - 0.06 mg;
  • B2 - 0.04 mg;
  • A - 17 mcg;
  • K - 6.4 μg;
  • B9 - 1.5 mcg.

Micro and macro elements:

  • potassium - 214 mg;
  • calcium - 20 mg;
  • phosphorus - 20 mg;
  • sodium - 18 mg;
  • magnesium - 9 mg;
  • sulfur - 6 mg;
  • silicon - 4 mg;
  • chlorine - 1 mg;
  • iron - 0.5 mg;
  • manganese - 0.11 mg;
  • zinc - 0.1 mg;
  • copper - 90 mcg;
  • molybdenum - 8 mcg;
  • iodine, chromium - 4 mcg each;
  • fluorine - 2 μg;
  • cobalt - 1 mcg.

Compared to daily allowance useful substances, then the most valuable in the plum are vitamin C, silicon and molybdenum. Only 100 grams of the product satisfies the body's needs by 11%, 13.3% and 11.4%, respectively.

Why is plum useful?

The use of fruit has a positive effect on the work of the heart, intestines, brain, liver, kidneys. Plum pulp supplies the body with substances that regulate metabolism. It is especially useful for people suffering from chronic constipation, vascular and heart diseases, with exhaustion and frequent illnesses.

Beneficial features:

  • laxative;
  • antipyretic;
  • diuretic;
  • expectorant;
  • antiseptic;
  • diaphoretic.

Due to the content of antioxidants, plum prevents the appearance of cancer cells. It stimulates the production of collagen and thereby prolongs youth, slows down the aging process. Vitamins of group B in the composition protect the nervous system, improve mood and sleep. Plum fruits also stimulate hematopoiesis, help fight anemia. And the content of vitamin C makes the fruit indispensable for colds and SARS.

If we talk about medicinal properties, plum manifests itself in several ways:

  • relieves the heat elevated temperature body;
  • in the form of juice helps with diseases of the throat, disinfects the mucous membrane;
  • with colds, it makes the cough productive, facilitates sputum discharge;
  • cleanses the intestines and removes excess water;
  • in the form of jam (it is added to tea) reduces pressure;
  • promotes the elimination of radioactive toxins;
  • stimulates the production of gastric juice, helps to improve appetite;
  • used to remove dry calluses (external application).

For therapeutic purposes, not only fruits are used, but also leaves, flowers, tree bark. They are famous for their diuretic, choleretic, antiseptic properties. Infusions and decoctions help cure gum disease, metabolic disorders, immunodeficiency. Gruel from plum leaves promotes the rapid healing of wounds on the body.

Benefits depending on variety

In total, there are about 300 varieties of plums. They differ quite significantly from each other in color, shape, taste characteristics.

In Russia, 3 "generalizing" varieties are popular:

  • Hungarian - dark blue plum;
  • renklod - rounded green plum;
  • mirabelle - yellow round plum;
  • thorn - black plum, a close relative.

Despite external differences, all varieties of plums have approximately the same effect on the body: they weaken, cleanse, saturate with potassium and other useful substances. But the differences, although minimal, are still there.

  • Blue fruits contain a greater amount of anthocyanins and phenolic compounds, endowed with maximum antioxidant activity. They are recommended to eat for the prevention of cancer. And the use, which is made from the blue Hungarian variety, allows you to improve your hair and prevent the early appearance of gray hair.
  • Black fruits are distinguished by antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. The diuretic and laxative effect of them is stronger. Also, the "thorn plum" variety contributes to the rooting of loose teeth, lowering blood pressure. It is good to eat when the body is depleted, accompanied by dizziness.
  • Green plums are famous for their sweetness. They have a high nutritional value and rarely cause allergies. Also, these fruits have a milder laxative and diuretic effect, therefore they are recommended for children to eat. But it is unsafe for diabetics to eat renklod, as it contains more sugar.
  • The yellow varieties harmoniously combine nutritious and medicinal properties. They have a mild laxative effect, strengthen the nervous system and stimulate the brain. Such plums are useful for pregnant women, as well as children suffering from constipation.

Influence on the female and male body

For women, the most valuable are the cosmetic and dietary properties of plums. With its regular use, weight is reduced, swelling disappears. The pulp of the fruit is great for making anti-aging and nourishing face masks. Many women use fresh plum juice for acid peeling - cleansing the stratum corneum of the skin. Also, the fruit has a beneficial effect on hormonal status, helps restore the balance of hormones, and prevents the development of breast cancer. If sweet fruits are eaten in the second half of the cycle, premenstrual syndrome will be less pronounced, and menstrual bleeding will become less abundant.

For the health of men, plum is useful for its ability to remove bad cholesterol and cleanse the liver. It is no secret that the stronger sex is more inclined to consume fatty foods and alcohol. To avoid problems after the feast, it is recommended to eat dishes with plum sauce or drink plum compote. Dried plum (prune) has a positive effect on potency, helps prevent the development of prostatitis, enhances libido and increases the production of the male hormone testosterone. If a man is an athlete, plums must be present in the diet to saturate the body with potassium and increase muscle contractions during training.


Plum is harmful only with excessive use. The result of overeating is intestinal upset, cramps and pain in the abdomen. Unripe fruits eaten on an empty stomach have a particularly strong laxative effect. For an adult, 5-7 large plums are considered a safe dose, and for a child - 2-3 pieces.


Contraindications include:

  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • food poisoning and diarrhea;
  • gastritis with high acidity;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • enterocolitis;
  • diabetes;
  • allergy.

By the way, an allergic reaction to plums is quite rare. And if it does develop, then other rosaceous and birch pollen also cause rejection. This is due to the fact that the proteins in them are identical and equally perceived by the body - as an aggressor.

Useful and harmful properties of bones

The core of the fruit deserves special attention. Plum pits, or rather, hidden inside the nucleoli, have an incomparable bitter taste. They are often added to jam or used for cooking. alcoholic beverages, various sauces, oils.

Useful properties of plum kernels for the human body are as follows:

  • contain essential oils that help fight ascariasis (worms);
  • relieve cough, effective in the treatment of bronchitis;
  • eating 10 plum kernels a day is a good cancer prevention;
  • seed oil as a cosmetic nourishes the skin and hair, prevents their aging.

Despite this, plum pits can be not only harmful, but even dangerous. They contain the substance amygdalin, which, when ingested, turns into a poison. To neutralize it, before eating, the nucleoli must be thermally processed (boiled or fried at a temperature of at least 75 degrees).

The benefits and harms of plum juice

Among fruit juices, plum is not always found. It is less popular - and completely in vain. It contains more phosphorus and potassium than apple juice or juice, and the benefits to the body are simply enormous.

Plum juice works like this:

  • normalizes pressure;
  • eliminates constipation, weakens;
  • reduces swelling;
  • promotes the elimination of toxins;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • disinfects the mouth and throat;
  • improves mood and appetite;
  • improves the process of growth and development of cells in the body.

Of course, you can not drink plum juice in large quantities. A single dose should not exceed 100 ml. You can drink plum juice 3 times a day (after meals). If you exceed the dose or drink the drink on an empty stomach, you can earn diarrhea, bloating, heartburn.

The benefits and harms of plum jam

Heat treatment destroys useful substances - in plum jam there are about 20% less vitamins than in fresh fruits. However, homemade dessert also benefits the body:

  • due to the content of rutin, it normalizes blood pressure;
  • supports the work of the endocrine system;
  • improves immunity;
  • relieves fever and relieves cough during colds;
  • improves memory;
  • strengthens the skeletal system;
  • prevents the formation of blood clots;
  • helps to improve metabolism;
  • removes excess salts and water.

However, we must not forget that any jam is a high-calorie product. Plum contains about 247 kcal (per 100 grams). If you eat it in large quantities, the weight will increase. And for diabetics, such a dessert is completely contraindicated.

The benefits and harms of plums during pregnancy

During the period of bearing a baby, a woman needs a large dose of nutrients, and plum is their rich source.

Fruits are useful to eat at any time:

  1. In the first trimester, they help prevent the development of birth defects in the fetus. Thanks to the sourness, nausea disappears if the pregnancy proceeds with toxicosis. In addition, the fruit helps to avoid anemia, improves metabolism and helps the woman's body adapt to the increased load.
  2. In the second and third trimesters, draining helps fight swelling. It stimulates the intestines, which, due to the pressure of the uterus, are often in no hurry to empty themselves on time. Fruits are useful when galloping blood pressure, hypertension, polyhydramnios.

During pregnancy, women are allowed to eat about 4-5 plums (100-150 grams) per day. Overeating is fraught with diarrhea, which can provoke uterine tone and premature birth. It is not recommended to eat fruits on an empty stomach for heartburn, bloating, flatulence, because they will certainly exacerbate the symptoms.

Plum is a storehouse of potassium, ascorbic acid. It contains rare macronutrients silicon and molybdenum, which are involved in metabolism. In addition, plum fruits, regardless of variety, are famous for their laxative and diuretic effects. When overeating, these beneficial features turn into harm and pose a threat, especially to young children and people with diseases from the list of contraindications. Nutritionists recommend limiting yourself to 5-7 plums per day. Then the fruit will only benefit and no harm.

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