Broccoli can be eaten raw or boiled. Is broccoli healthy? The use of broccoli in cosmetology

frame houses 27.01.2022
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Broccoli is one of the favorite vegetables for kids and adults. But in order to fully appreciate it, you need to find out what the benefits and harms of broccoli are and how wide the range of its use is.

What is broccoli

In appearance, asparagus cabbage is very different from and even, but belongs to the same family. There are many types of broccoli, but the most popular is calabrese - cabbage with dense stems and green inflorescences resembling umbrellas. They are most often eaten, they contain the main supply of nutrients.

The chemical composition and calorie content of broccoli

The product has a low calorie content - 100 g contains about 34 calories, while 7 g are carbohydrates, and 3 g are proteins. But on the other hand, the elemental composition of cabbage is very rich. It includes:

  • dietary fiber, occupying 10% of the volume of the product;
  • manganese and sodium;
  • phosphorus and calcium;
  • magnesium and selenium;
  • iron, zinc and copper;
  • amino acids.

Cabbage also contains rare organic compounds that have anti-cancer effects.

What vitamins are in broccoli

The product is rich in vitamins:

  • a huge amount of C and K;
  • B9 and B6;
  • B2, B1, B3 and B5 are presented in small volumes, as well as E.

The presence of all these substances makes the product very valuable for immunity.

Useful properties of broccoli

The main benefits of raw broccoli for the body:

  • has a beneficial effect on vision;
  • strengthens the liver;
  • has a positive effect on blood vessels and the heart;
  • cleanses the body due to the content of antioxidant compounds;
  • increases resistance to colds and infectious diseases.

Benefits of Broccoli for Women

The fair sex will be interested in the fact that asparagus cabbage qualitatively cleanses the body of toxins, significantly improves the condition of the skin, nails, and hair. In addition, it evens out the hormonal background, which is very valuable during menopause or during menstruation.

Benefits of broccoli for men

For men, the anti-cancer properties of the product are important, since prostate tumors after 50 years are a very common diagnosis. Cabbage prevents the development of atherosclerosis, allowing you to maintain energy and efficiency for longer.

Benefits of broccoli for babies and older children

For the baby's body, cabbage is priceless: it rarely causes allergies, but it strengthens the immune system, regulates peristalsis, and serves as an excellent prevention of constipation. Also from broccoli, the child receives vegetable protein.

Broccoli puree for babies is available from 6 months of age. You should start with small portions - no more than 1 teaspoon. Puree is made from boiled cabbage and salt is not added to it.

Important! Since broccoli still has a number of contraindications, it is imperative to consult a pediatrician before introducing the product into the children's diet.

Broccoli for pregnant women

Valuable elements in the composition of asparagus cabbage allow pregnant women to do without taking additional vitamin complexes. In addition, folic acid has a very good effect on the fetus, protecting it from pathologies.

Is it possible to broccoli while breastfeeding

For nursing mothers, the vegetable will be of great benefit, and you can return it to the diet as early as 5 weeks after childbirth. Since broccoli is a hypoallergenic food, breastfed babies usually do not develop allergies or colic.

Broccoli for weight loss

The calorie content of broccoli per 100 g is only 34 calories, and it contains a lot of fiber. Cabbage will be an excellent choice for diet food. Its use reduces appetite, regulates metabolism - and also improves mood, which is very important during a strict diet.

Medicinal uses of broccoli

Medicinal properties of broccoli are valued in folk medicine. It is advised to use the product at least in small quantities:

  • with hormonal disruptions;
  • with food poisoning and other intoxications;
  • with cardiovascular diseases;
  • with high cholesterol;
  • with poor metabolism and difficulties with bowel movements;
  • to strengthen nails and hair;
  • for skin care;
  • with a wide range of diseases of the stomach and intestines.

With pancreatitis

With acute inflammation of the pancreas, the diet is very strict - and broccoli is not included in the list of allowed foods. But 2-3 weeks after the aggravation subsides, cabbage will be beneficial if it is eaten boiled, little by little, without salt and spices.

With gastritis

With gastritis and even stomach ulcers, boiled, stewed or steamed broccoli is eaten. Carotene in its composition helps to relieve inflammation and promotes rapid recovery of the mucous membranes.

For gout

Asparagus, like many other types of cabbage, contains purine compounds. Unfortunately, this imposes a ban on the use of the product during an exacerbation of gout. Even in small quantities, you can eat a vegetable only after consulting a doctor.

With cholecystitis

In case of violations of the outflow of bile, you will have to abandon fresh broccoli, since it irritates the gallbladder. But you can still use cabbage in boiled or stewed form.

For diabetes

And sulforaphane in broccoli makes it a valuable product for diabetics, as sugar levels stabilize when consumed. It is recommended to eat cabbage regularly fresh or slightly boiled - so the benefits from it will be maximum.

Broccoli against cancer

Green cabbage is considered one of the best cancer preventatives. The fact is that it contains synergin, sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol - these substances strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of tumor cells.

The use of broccoli in cosmetology

The product is actively used in home cosmetology. The vitamin composition of broccoli effectively rejuvenates, softens and tightens the skin, accelerates cell renewal. It will also benefit hair: cabbage strengthens their roots and stimulates “sleeping” bulbs, encouraging them to grow.

Broccoli Facial Masks

In order to normalize oily skin, you need to do the following mask at least 3 times a week:

  • mix a tablespoon of grated cabbage with the same amount of green clay;
  • evenly distribute the mixture over the skin;
  • After 30 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water.

The product will help with too dry skin. To moisturize and soften the face, you must:

  • mix a tablespoon of grated cabbage with high-fat sour cream;
  • apply the mixture on the face for 30 minutes;
  • wash off the mask with warm water, do not use soap.

Broccoli hair masks

A good effect for brittle and weakened hair will give such a mask:

  • 10 g of mashed cabbage inflorescences are mixed with 15 g of liquid honey and 10 g of cinnamon;
  • mix until completely homogeneous;
  • lubricate the hair at the roots and wrap the head with a film or towel.

For oily hair, another mask is useful:

  • 10 g of grated cabbage is mixed with 20 g of gray clay;
  • add 15 drops of propolis tincture to the mixture;
  • slightly dilute the mask with mineral water;
  • Apply to the hair at the roots and leave for half an hour.

After that, the mask is washed off with warm water and the hair is dried without using a hair dryer.

Broccoli oil for hair and skin

In cosmetology, not only puree from fresh cabbage is widely used, but also oil obtained from seeds by cold pressing. It has unique properties: it does not leave an unpleasant greasy feeling, but at the same time it perfectly softens the skin. It can be used to care for a too dry face, lubricate chapped lips, apply for massage.

The oil is also suitable for making hair masks. It can also be used as a conditioner. If you apply a small amount of oil to washed hair, it will give them shine and volume, but the head will not seem dirty.

Benefits of broccoli extract

In pharmacies, you can buy broccoli extract - a concentrated dry powder. It is usually sold in capsules, which are taken twice a day with water.

Such a remedy is prescribed for the treatment of cholelithiasis and gout, for heart diseases, for the prevention of eye diseases or oncology.

Health Benefits of Broccoli Juice

Cabbage can be squeezed out and get a tasty and healthy juice that is effective:

  • with a cold, especially at the very beginning of the disease;
  • with disturbed water-salt balance in the body;
  • with vision problems;
  • in diseases of the thyroid gland.

Juice is used to prevent stomach ulcers, strengthens the nervous system, improves heart function and helps cleanse the body of toxins.

How to cook delicious broccoli

The product can be consumed in any form: fresh, boiled, fried, steamed. Cabbage is baked in the oven and stewed. However, it must be borne in mind that during heat treatment, not only the calorie content of the product changes, but also its benefits. The most useful is fresh cabbage.

Important! A decoction of broccoli is not recommended for eating, because compounds that are harmful to health remain in the water after cooking.

Cabbage goes well with most foods in the diet. It is used:

  • in soups and salads;
  • as a side dish for second courses;
  • in casseroles and pies;
  • in vegetable purees.

Advice! By eating raw broccoli, many are afraid to bring harmful microorganisms into the body with it. To avoid this, it is enough to thoroughly rinse the cabbage in running water, hold it in saline for 15 minutes, and then rinse thoroughly again.


Fresh cabbage inflorescences are boiled for a very short time - no more than 3 minutes in salted water. Calorie boiled broccoli is only 28 calories, so it is considered dietary.


To put out the cabbage, you need to thoroughly wash it and divide it into small inflorescences. Then put in a pan with water and a little olive oil and simmer for 15 minutes. Salt the cabbage, if desired, you can add onion, garlic and other spices.


Before baking in the oven, it is customary to boil the cabbage, and then fry in a pan for about 2 minutes. After that, a baking sheet with cabbage is placed in the oven and baked for half an hour at a temperature of 180 degrees.


Fried cabbage is considered the least healthy, but it is loved for its juicy taste. Fresh inflorescences are fried in olive oil for about 15 minutes. Pre-boiled cabbage will be ready in 4-5 minutes.

Broccoli for a couple

Steamed cabbage is even better for a dietary diet than boiled cabbage: 100 g of such a product contains only 27 calories. Cabbage is prepared as follows: washed inflorescences are laid out in a colander and placed on top of a pot of boiling water, covered with a lid. After 7 minutes, the dish will be ready.

How much broccoli can you eat per day

The product does not have a clearly defined daily allowance - in the absence of contraindications, cabbage can be consumed as much as you want. Nevertheless, it is recommended to adhere to a dosage of 200-300 g - from this amount of the product the body will receive all the necessary substances.

How to choose broccoli when buying

Buying quality broccoli in the store is very simple.

  • Cabbage florets should be fresh, bright green, with no yellowing or signs of wilting.
  • A wet and shiny cut of the stem indicates the freshness of the cabbage, and a dry and yellowed one indicates that the vegetable has been stale on the counter.

Broccoli storage

A high-quality and fresh product is stored in the refrigerator for a short time - only up to 3 weeks. However, if necessary, cabbage can be frozen in plastic containers or plastic bags - the benefits of frozen broccoli will last up to 8 months.

Harm of broccoli and contraindications

The product has few contraindications, but still sometimes it can be harmful. You can not eat broccoli inflorescences with:

  • acute gastritis or stomach ulcer during the period of exacerbation;
  • chronic gastritis with high acidity;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • product allergies;
  • coarse fiber intolerance.


The benefits and harms of broccoli depend on how sensible you are to eat cabbage. The product will be harmful only in acute inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and individual allergies, and in all other cases it will bring undoubted benefits.

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Before you cook and eat broccoli, find a few recipes

The vegetable inhibits the reproduction of cancer cells, helps to reduce tumors, removes cholesterol from the body. It should be eaten with cardiovascular diseases, in particular with atherosclerosis, a condition before a heart attack or stroke.

Patients with gastritis, ulcers or hyperacidity of the stomach should refuse it.

  • it cannot be fried. With this type of heat treatment, it will lose vitamins. In the process of frying, carcinogens are released that accumulate in the body;
  • you can not cook this vegetable in a slow cooker. Vitamins are lost;
  • you should not cook the first dishes from this vegetable. During the cooking process, adenine and guanine go into the water. These purine compounds are harmful to humans. It is better to boil the inflorescences separately and add broccoli to the finished soup.

This vegetable is best steamed or baked in the oven. It will take 10-15 minutes to cook in a double boiler. When steaming, the loss of nutrients is up to 20%. This is the most optimal type of heat treatment.

To stock up on vitamins, you need to eat 1/3 of a head of cabbage per day

In the oven, the vegetable should be cooked for 15-20 minutes. Before baking, it must be disassembled into inflorescences and poured with vegetable oil.

To prepare a salad, this vegetable should be boiled. It should be boiled for no more than 7 minutes, lowered into boiling salted water.

Can you eat raw broccoli?

Yes, but it needs to be washed well under running water. If the vegetable is not cooked, it will contain more vitamins. In people who consumed raw cabbage, the blood contained 34% sulforaphanes (substances that have anti-cancer effects), after heat treatment - 4%.

Broccoli cabbage is the result of the selection of the ancient Romans. It was cultivated as early as the 6th-5th centuries BC. e. Outside the northeast Mediterranean, little was known about the culture.

Only in the 17th century did an unusual cabbage come to England, where it was called "Italian". And at the beginning of the 20th century, culture began to be grown on an industrial scale in both hemispheres.

The United States, Turkey, Israel, France, Italy have succeeded in this. In Russia, the product is called asparagus cabbage.

Composition, BJU and calorie content of broccoli (boiled, raw)

Scientists managed to study in detail the beneficial properties and contraindications of broccoli. Nutritional value is the inflorescence (head). It is cut off in an undeveloped form. If you miss the moment, the buds will turn into flowers. Such a vegetable will become unsuitable for eating.

The chemical composition of broccoli

The edible part of the inflorescences contains (in terms of 100 g of product):

  • water - 90 g;
  • proteins - 3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 5.75 g;
  • fats - 0.35 g;
  • ash - 0.9 g.

The composition of the vegetable includes such essential acids as arginine, lysine, threonine, tryptophan, phenylalanine and others. Its pulp is rich in vitamins A, C, gr. B, E, K, PP. Of the minerals in the greatest amount contains magnesium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium. Inflorescences are rich in iron, copper, manganese, zinc, selenium.

How many calories in broccoli

The energy value depends on the growing conditions of the crop, region and variety. She is within 30–34 kcal/100 g raw product. The percentage of BJU broccoli is 11:3:20.
Heat treatment has little effect on the energy value. Calories in boiled broccoli 35 kcal / 100 g. During roasting, the inflorescences absorb fat. Nutritional value of roasted broccoli 45 kcal/100 g

Broccoli cabbage - useful properties and contraindications

Vegetable culture is used in cooking and as a prophylactic that is good for health; The benefits and harms of broccoli are related to its composition. Contraindications for vegetables are minimal.

So far, only individual intolerance to the components has been detected. Well-studied benefits of the product:

  1. anti-inflammatory;
  2. antioxidant;
  3. anticancer;
  4. mild laxative;
  5. anti-sclerotic;
  6. hepatoprotective;
  7. anticarcinogenic;
  8. adsorbent.

Useful properties of broccoli

  • Improves digestion - dietary fiber has a positive effect on intestinal motility.
  • Reduces pain and eliminates nausea with duodenal ulcer and gastritis.
  • Increases appetite, eliminating dyspepsia.
  • Contributes to the prevention of atherosclerosis - sorbs cholesterol in the intestine and prevents it from being absorbed into the blood.
  • It is useful in the dietary nutrition of patients with cholelithiasis and gout - there are very few purine bases in the product (less than 4 times).
  • Fresh juice has an antibacterial effect on Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Staphylococcus aureus.
  • It acts as an enterosorbent when the body is damaged by salts of heavy metals, poisons, radionuclides.

Is it possible to eat yellowed broccoli

There will be no particular harm from yellowed asparagus cabbage. If there is no rot on the inflorescences, they can be boiled and fried in batter. However, the benefits of the product should not be expected.

Vitamins are destroyed during storage.. The older the asparagus, the less glucosinolates (nutrients with anti-carcinogenic properties) in it. Yes, and the taste of the dish will be worse.

Benefits of broccoli for women

The vegetable is characterized by increased biological activity. The benefits of broccoli for women is a beneficial effect on the nervous system. The product helps to establish the motor function of the intestines and the work of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes metabolism.

Nutritionists recommend using broccoli for weight loss. The inflorescences contain tartronic acid, which, in case of overweight and the first degrees of obesity, prevents the transformation of carbohydrates into fat and cholesterol.

For example, using a vegetable in such dishes:

Broccoli seed oil is used for personal hygiene and cosmetic procedures. It softens the lips, the skin of the hands. It can be used as an additive for masks, conditioners, hair shampoos.

The product contains enough calcium and phosphorus to strengthen bone tissue, which is especially important for women during menopause. Doctors also recommend it to maintain immunity.

Benefits of broccoli during pregnancy

  1. Regulates salt metabolism in the body, helping to remove excess fluid, which is especially important in the second half of pregnancy.
  2. Inflorescences revealed folic acid, useful for the development of the fetus.
  3. Helps relieve constipation in pregnant women.
  4. It has a positive effect on the immune system and protects the body from infections.

For pregnant broccoli it is highly undesirable to use it raw. It can increase gas formation in the intestines. The inflorescences are steamed and served with. The decoction is not used for food. Purine compounds that are dangerous for pregnant women pass into the liquid.

Is it possible to broccoli while breastfeeding

This is a good product for breastfeeding mothers.. It is introduced into the diet a month after the birth of the baby. Broccoli is the safest type of cabbage for mom and newborn.

Benefits of broccoli for men

Benefits of broccoli for cancer

Regular consumption of asparagus (preferably steamed) will help the body resist the growth of cancer cells. It has been scientifically proven that cabbage contains substances that affect cancer. These are indole-3-carbinol, diindolylmethane, and the precursor of sulforaphane.

However, you can get a daily dose of indole-3-carbinol by eating 5 kg of raw cabbage heads per day. This is unrealistic. Therefore, the use of the substance occurs in the form of extracts. The daily dose of sulforaphane is contained in 250 g of raw product. In sprouts of broccoli seeds, this substance is 50 times more.

Cooking broccoli

Before cooking, cabbage inflorescences need to be prepared. Primary processing consists of several stages:

  • the lower part of the stem is cut off along with the leaves;
  • remove damaged inflorescences;
  • disassemble the heads into separate inflorescences;
  • if there are snails in the cabbage, soak it in salted or acidified water for 20 minutes.

How to cook fresh broccoli

To prepare boiled cabbage, the inflorescences are sent to boiling salted water with the addition of vinegar (1 tablespoon of salt and 3 liters of water). If frozen vegetables are used, they are also placed in boiling water. You can steam cabbage. For this, the inflorescences are placed in a colander over boiling water.

How long to cook broccoli (fresh, frozen)

It is important not to overcook the product. Otherwise, it will become tasteless and of little use. Boil fresh cabbage for about 5 minutes after boiling. For a frozen vegetable, it will take 10-12 minutes. To keep a beautiful green color, boiled broccoli is dipped in ice water for a minute.

How to cook broccoli tasty and healthy

There are about 200 varieties of broccoli. Their inflorescences range in color from almost yellow to green and purple. Broccoli recipes do not depend on the plant variety. They contain such culinary techniques as frying, baking, boiling. Salads, soups, casseroles and side dishes are prepared from inflorescences. All kinds of tomatoes go well with the product Separate the tomatoes from the skin and chop (can be grated).

  • Add the tomato paste to the saucepan and bring to a boil.
  • Cut the chicken fillet into cubes or large cubes and add to the vegetables.
  • Put the broccoli in a saucepan, mix the ingredients.
  • Cover the saucepan with a lid and simmer on low heat for 20 minutes.
  • When serving, sprinkle with chopped, you can add cream.
  • Broccoli soup with cream

    From the proposed products, you can prepare 2 servings. Cooking time is about 40 minutes.

    • broccoli - 250 g;
    • cream 35% - 100 ml;
    • onions - 1 pc.;
    • garlic - 1 clove;
    • vegetable broth - 0.5 l;
    • potatoes - 1 pc.;
    • salt, pepper, nutmeg;
    • white bread croutons.


    1. Cut potatoes, chop onion and garlic.
    2. Separate the broccoli into florets.
    3. Pour the vegetables in a saucepan with hot broth and cook for 10 minutes.
    4. Grind the ingredients with a blender.
    5. Add cream and boil for another 20 minutes.
    6. Throw pepper, salt, and boil.
    7. Serve with crackers.

    Here is another delicious recipe:

    Broccoli appeared on domestic shelves relatively recently. Nevertheless, this unique vitamin vegetable is steadily gaining popularity among consumers. Broccoli dishes are baked, fried, steamed. But not everyone knows whether this cabbage can be eaten raw.

    What is this vegetable?

    Broccoli (or asparagus) is the closest relative of cauliflower. Visually, broccoli resembles a large edible flower. The plant consists of multiple clusters of dark green buds located at the top of a long stem. In height, this annual plant can reach a meter.

    The homeland of asparagus cabbage is considered the Mediterranean. It began to spread widely around the world only in the 18th century. Today, more than 70% of the world's broccoli crop is harvested in India and China. Among the major producing countries are also Italy, Turkey, Israel, France. The world leader in consumption of broccoli is the United States, where this cabbage is the most popular vitamin vegetable.

    Benefit and harm

    Broccoli is a valuable vegetable with a unique set of useful properties. And, of course, there will be much more benefit from eating it fresh (raw). It has a low glycemic index and is great for diet food. With a calorie content of only 34 kcal per 100 grams, broccoli is rich in proteins, for which it is especially popular with athletes. Besides:

    • asparagus cabbage is the leader among vegetables in terms of vitamin C and K content;
    • in its composition there are vitamins in large quantities - the builders of the nervous system (B6, B9, B3, B1, B5, B2);
    • 100 grams of broccoli contains 12% of the daily intake of vitamin A or carotene;
    • this vegetable is rich in minerals, among which are manganese, sodium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, selenium, zinc, copper, iron;
    • Broccoli contains powerful antioxidants;
    • contains omega acids;
    • rich in tocopherol or vitamin E;
    • has a high content of dietary fiber, including fiber;
    • contains lipids.

    The health benefits of broccoli are endless. The following are just the main ones:

    • the product is indispensable for athletes and people who are struggling with overweight;
    • broccoli is incredibly rich in antioxidants, so eating it is the prevention of cancer;
    • strengthens cartilage and bone tissue due to the high concentration of calcium and magnesium;
    • reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease;
    • strengthens the immune system;
    • restores and strengthens the nervous system;
    • beneficial effect on the digestive tract due to the abundance of dietary fiber;
    • ensures the health of the skin, hair and nails;
    • helps to maintain and improve vision due to the high content of carotene.

    However, like any food product, this vegetable has contraindications. When eating broccoli, you should follow the measure and remember that more is not always better.

    So, you should consume asparagus cabbage with caution:

    • people with individual intolerance to iron or any other substances contained in broccoli;
    • older people, since an excess of vitamin K can increase blood viscosity;
    • people suffering from hypothyroidism, since the substances contained in broccoli interfere with the absorption of iodine;
    • people with pancreatic disease.

    Subtleties of choice

    Everyone knows that fresh ingredients are the key to a delicious and healthy meal. The freshness and high quality of the product is of great importance. Here are some tips to help you choose from a variety of options for really high-quality broccoli that will fill your diet with the maximum amount of nutrients.

    • The broccoli crop must be harvested before the florets open. If small yellow flowers appear on the surface of the cabbage, then you should not buy and eat it. Such a vegetable is considered overripe.
    • It's no secret that you should always choose seasonal and local products. This rule also applies to broccoli. The ideal time to buy fresh broccoli is August and September.

    • Give preference to cabbage with dense, tight inflorescences on thin stems. This is a clear sign of young and high-quality broccoli.
    • Buy firm and juicy asparagus. The stems should break off from it with a characteristic crunch. Do not take sluggish and yellowed inflorescences.

    There are also little tricks.

    • Broccoli perfectly retains its beneficial properties and taste when frozen. You can buy frozen broccoli or freeze your own. To do this, simply divide the cabbage into inflorescences and put in the freezer. It is not necessary to wash vegetables before freezing.
    • Fresh broccoli goes great with cheese, cucumber, radish, nuts, pumpkin seeds and sour cream.
    • To thoroughly wash vegetables and get rid of insects, use salt water. For broccoli, this is especially true due to the peculiarities of its structure. Dissolve 4 tablespoons of salt in one liter of water. Place the inflorescence in the solution with the stalk up and leave for 10-15 minutes.
    • Wash broccoli just before cooking. This cabbage spoils quickly, even if stored in the refrigerator.

    What is good about a raw vegetable?

    To get the maximum benefit, broccoli should be eaten raw. Heat treatment adversely affects many products. Frying in vegetable oil entails the formation of carcinogens. These substances accumulate in the body and can cause cancer. Doctors strongly recommend excluding any fried foods from the diet, especially for children.

    When cooked, many of the nutrients and vitamins contained in broccoli are lost. In addition, harmful purine bases - adenine and guanine - are released into the vegetable broth from this cabbage. This broth should not be used for cooking vegetable soups.

    The greatest amount of vitamins is preserved if this vegetable is steamed. But even steam broccoli is not able to compare in terms of usefulness with unprocessed broccoli.

    What to use with fresh cabbage?

    Raw broccoli can be used to make smoothies and salads. This cabbage is in harmony with dried apricots, raisins, unsweetened yogurt. This healthy product will perfectly complement dishes that include chicken fillet, cottage cheese, cucumber, radish. It perfectly complements a vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil or mayonnaise.

    You can get a lot of benefits and pleasure if you just eat broccoli sprigs, dipping them in any cream or yogurt-based sauce.

    Smoothie recipes - a healing drink

    Smoothies are just beginning to gain popularity among the citizens of our country. While in the West, these healthy and tasty drinks have long won the love of people who care about their health. In fact, it is a thick drink made from fruits, vegetables and berries, crushed to a puree state. Dairy products are also a frequent ingredient in smoothies: cream, yogurt, cottage cheese. It should be consumed immediately after preparation, like freshly squeezed juice. Frozen broccoli is best for making smoothies, as the soft florets don't mix well in a blender.

    Banana Broccoli Smoothie:

    • banana - 1 piece;
    • cabbage - 150 grams;
    • walnut kernels - 30 grams;
    • yogurt - 100 ml;
    • add ice as needed;
    • Blend all ingredients in a blender until pureed.

    Broccoli and cottage cheese smoothie:

    • cabbage - 150 grams;
    • banana - 1 pc.;
    • granular cottage cheese - 50 grams;
    • water or yogurt - 50 grams;
    • ice as needed;
    • put everything in a blender and beat until ready.

    Broccoli and Celery Smoothie:

    • cabbage - 150 grams;
    • celery stalk - 50 grams;
    • apple - 150 grams;
    • almonds or walnuts - 30 grams;
    • orange juice - 120 grams;
    • Blend everything in a blender until smooth puree.

    Broccoli Salad Recipes

    Asparagus salad with apple and almonds

    Ingredients for 2 servings:

    • broccoli - 200 grams;
    • apple - 200 grams;
    • almonds - 50 grams;
    • radish - 100 grams;
    • raisins - 30 grams;
    • olive oil and lemon juice for dressing.

    Preparation: wash the broccoli and cut into small florets. Cut apple and radish. Chop the almonds with a knife. Mix all ingredients, add pre-steamed raisins. Drizzle with olive oil and lemon juice, salt to taste.

    Cottage cheese salad with broccoli

    To prepare two servings you will need:

    • broccoli - 200 grams;
    • low-fat granular cottage cheese - 100 grams;
    • cucumber - 200 grams;
    • walnut kernels - 50 grams;
    • yogurt without fruit filler - 50-70 ml.

    Preparation: divide the washed cabbage into small inflorescences. Cucumber cut into large strips. Chop the nut. Mix everything, add cottage cheese and season with yogurt.

    Cabbage salad with corn

    Ingredients for 2 servings:

    • broccoli - 200 grams;
    • canned corn - 100 grams;
    • Edam hard cheese - 100 grams;
    • garlic - 1 clove;
    • cilantro or parsley to taste;
    • olive oil for dressing.

    Preparation: Separate canned corn from brine and mix with cabbage inflorescences. Add cheese, cut into large cubes, chopped garlic and herbs. Drizzle salad with olive oil.

    Broccoli salad with chicken fillet

    Ingredients for 2 servings:

    • cabbage - 150 grams;
    • chicken fillet - 150 grams;
    • cucumber - 100 grams;
    • celery stalk - 100 grams;
    • mustard seeds - 2 teaspoons;
    • olive oil for dressing.

    Preparation: cut boiled chicken fillet, cucumber and celery and mix with cabbage inflorescences. Dress the salad with a mixture of olive oil and mustard.

    Watch the next video to see how to make a delicious raw broccoli salad.

    Kira Stoletova

    The name of the type of cabbage broccoli comes from the Italian "brocco", which means "escape" or "branch". The Italians started eating broccoli from this part of the culture. At first, the plant was little known in Europe and America. Then the vegetable was also called Italian asparagus. After the second half of the twentieth century, the vegetable gained real popularity.

    Broccoli Properties

    If you have a disease, you should consult a dietitian or gastroenterologist before eating cabbage.


    Broccoli is a source of fiber, potassium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, zinc and sulfur. It is rich in folic, nicotinic and ascorbic acids. It contains vitamins A, B, E. K, calcium and beta-carotene.


    Broccoli has a number of health benefits that, if used properly, can help in the treatment of diseases. The benefits of vegetables are as follows:

    • normalizes metabolism;
    • prevents gout or completely cures it;
    • prevents nervous disorders;
    • facilitates well-being in case of heart diseases;
    • prevents the development of heart attacks and strokes;
    • restores and normalizes the digestive tract.

    The substance anetholtrithion contained in this cabbage helps to reduce the likelihood of cancer cells in the rectum and mammary glands. If you eat vegetables constantly, it is really possible to prevent the early development of atherosclerosis.

    Broccoli is useful to consume every day for people after radioactive exposure. Radioactive substances, salts of heavy metals are excreted from the body. Cabbage is good for children, older people prone to diabetes, and pregnant women. The high content of vitamin B9 is the foundation for the development of the fetus.

    In addition to the listed broccoli:

    • not inferior to milk in terms of calcium content;
    • contains 10% of the daily value of iron (per 100 g);
    • 100 g of cabbage contains almost 100% of the daily value of vitamin C.

    Contraindications to eating broccoli

    Vegetable soups made only from cabbage are better not to eat. They have a high content of adenine and guanine - harmful purine bases. When frying, carcinogens are released that accumulate in the human body. It is necessary to limit the consumption of vegetables for people with the following diseases:

    • gastritis and ulcer;
    • increased acidity;
    • a diet that excludes the intake of food with coarse fiber;
    • individual intolerance.

    The use of broccoli in food

    Outwardly, the vegetable looks like a flower - eating it also brings aesthetic pleasure. It is better to choose a young, fresh-looking plant.

    When buying, pay attention to the color of the cabbage. You should not buy yellow: this means that it is overripe or stored incorrectly. There will be no benefit from it.

    Vegetables can be eaten every day. Not only the inflorescences are edible, but also the stem and leaves. There are many cooking methods. The vegetable is eaten fresh, boiled, steamed, fried or baked. It is often used to make sauces, pie fillings, omelettes, vegetable side dishes. You can make fresh cocktails or serve as an appetizer before the main meal.

    Using the stem for food

    The stem is covered with a dense skin, so the top layer is cleaned before cooking. Then the plant is cut into pieces and used together with inflorescences. The stem consists of fibers, has a sweetish taste.

    Broccoli Cooking Tips:

    • It is better to clean with a vegetable cutter: it will allow you to remove a thin layer of skin.
    • Broccoli stalks without peel are added to the soup, after boiling them in salted water.
    • The stems are especially good in vegetable stews. They are cut into thin strips, blanched (dipped in boiling water for 3-5 minutes), and then placed in a container with water and ice.
    • In order for the stalk to bake perfectly, it is sprayed with oil, after which it is evenly placed on a baking sheet.

    For those who are on a diet, the steaming method is suitable. Such dishes can be eaten at night. The cooking time of the stems and inflorescences is different due to the structure. This must be taken into account when choosing a culinary dish for cooking.

    The use of leaves for food

    A large amount of vitamin A (up to 90%) makes the leaves especially useful.

    The greener they are, the sharper and saturation. The enzymes contained in them regulate metabolic processes in the body.

    If treated with boiling water, the sharp taste will go away. Leaves will become more acceptable for lovers of delicate greenery. Sometimes housewives use the leaves for pickling with cucumbers.

    Young leaves are similar in taste and quality to spinach.

    What to season with broccoli

    Combining broccoli is very easy because it is a neutral vegetable. For example, in a salad, the leaves of this cabbage become a highlight. Inflorescences are suitable for decoration.

    The leaves and stems are paired with seafood seasoned with soy sauce and sesame oil. If they are stewed, bechamel sauce is perfect.

    The oil goes well with broccoli in salads. Leaves and stems do not have a strongly pronounced taste. They can be a side dish for other, brighter-tasting foods, they go well with fish or duck.

    Broccoli marinated in lemon juice, onion and red pepper. To prepare a sauce or marinade, mayonnaise, sour cream or yogurt are suitable.

    Broccoli. Benefit and harm.

    Broccoli cabbage - useful properties and harm



    Any part of the plant is edible and useful. Broccoli can and should be eaten regularly, in any form. Properly cooked leaves, stems and inflorescences will bring benefits.

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