Organization, armament and tactics of actions of other armies of the main foreign states. Armed forces of foreign states Armament of the armies of major foreign states

Ceramics, fireclay 15.08.2022
Ceramics, fireclay


1. To study the organization, weapons, combat capabilities and combat order of formations and units of the armed forces of the United States, China and the combined armed forces of NATO;

2. To instill in students confidence in the need for knowledge of the organization of formations and units of a potential enemy.

TIME: 2 hours

PLACE: class

METHOD: group session

MATERIAL SUPPORT: Foreign armies (reference book), presentation, multimedia.

LITERATURE: Foreign armies.


I. INTRODUCTION- 5 minutes.

II. MAIN PART- 75 min.

Study questions:

1. Principles of construction of US military communication systems,

China and NATO Allied Forces. - min.

2. Methods of organizing radio communications in the US armed forces,

China and NATO Allied Forces. - min.

3. Organization of communications in the US army corps and divisions. - min.

III. FINAL PART- 5 minutes.



I accept the report of the platoon duty officer, check the presence, appearance and readiness of students for class;

I check students' awareness of the international situation of our state;

· I announce the topic and educational purpose of the lesson, the order of its conduct.



Communication using modern technical means is the material and technical basis of the command and control system of troops and weapons.

To organize channels, lines and directions of communication in automated control systems for troops and weapons (ACS), communication technology and automated control systems (ACS) are used. The composition of communication technology and automated control systems includes the following groups of equipment:

Communication means are technical means that transmit and (or) receive messages, process and (or) store information in military communication systems. In the lexicon of military signalmen, along with the expression “means of communication”, such terms as “complex of means of communication” (CSS) and “complex of technical means” (CTS) are used.

Automation tools are technical devices designed to collect, process, store, display and document information, as well as to exchange data in an automated command and control system for troops and weapons.

Means of communication and automated control systems - means intended for power supply, Maintenance, mechanization of work during their deployment and operation.

Mobile means of courier-postal communication - vehicles (land, water, air) designed to deliver secret documents (orders, combat orders and other documents) and mail (letters, parcels, translations and periodicals).

Signaling means are means designed to give predetermined commands and signals. Signal means are sound and lighting. With their help, commands, reports, call signals, transfer or cease-fire, signals of target designation, mutual identification, designation of friendly troops, ensuring the interaction of units and subunits and alerts are transmitted. As lighting equipment are used: signal rockets, smoke bombs, lanterns, flags, sound - sirens, whistles, beeps.

Radio reconnaissance means are technical means intended for conducting radio reconnaissance.

Electronic warfare and radio countermeasures are technical means designed to conduct electronic warfare and radio countermeasures against enemy control and communication systems.

Study Question #1"Principles of building military communication systems

USA, China and NATO Allied Forces.

Military satellite communications systems

Features, systems

Satellite communication systems in the interests of the armed forces in the capitalist states, primarily in the United States, began to be developed in the 60s. To date, considerable experience has been accumulated in the operation of the SSS and certain views have been formed on their use for the purpose of command and control of the armed forces.

The main advantages of such systems:

operational deployment and provision of communications across the seas, deserts, mountains, territories occupied by the enemy;

low dependence of communication on the season, day, atmospheric interference, nuclear explosions

(especially in the ranges of SMV and MMV);

efficiency of restoration of communications in the main directions in case of damage to the ground communication network in the theater;

the ability to have small-sized stations to provide communication over almost any distance, a decrease in the number of personnel, etc.

A serious drawback of the CCC is the possibility of physical destruction of satellites, the organization of deliberate interference and insufficient secrecy of transmissions.

In the opinion of American experts, SSS, in terms of their tactical and economic capabilities, are the main means of strategic communications in a unified automated command and control system. The issue of the use of SSS in the tactical level and control of nuclear forces was also positively resolved.

Specialized military SSS are built, as a rule, on single satellites for the Air Force, Navy and SV and the development of "their own" fleet of APs. Basic requirements for military SSS:

command and control of troops and weapons anywhere in the world, including areas occupied by the enemy;

ensuring high survivability of satellites in orbit and noise immunity of communication channels when exposed to electronic warfare;

tolerance of inefficient use of frequency bands and bandwidth of repeaters in the interests of meeting the requirements for the stability of communications and management;

providing multiple access to a large number of mobile APs (including aircraft and ships) with a relatively small channel under the influence of deliberate interference;

ensuring the secrecy of information transmission and protecting the system from disruption of its work by the enemy, etc.

With the development and improvement of military SSS, views, in particular, on the efficiency of using the resource of frequency bands, bandwidth, economic efficiency of these systems were revised towards tightening.

At present, the armed forces of the capitalist states are widely using commercial SSS on a lease basis, and some countries, such as France, are creating commercial and military systems by placing repeaters on the same satellites.

The armed forces of the USA, NATO, England, France, Italy, in addition to leasing commercial CCC channels, have created, improved and developed new specialized CCCs of the armed forces: NATO, DSCS, Flitsatcom, Leasat, Afsatcom, Milstar, Sicral, Scynet, etc.

NATO Satellite Communications System (NATO)

The system is designed to control the armed forces of NATO countries Western Europe and a significant part of the Atlantic Ocean region and provides a link between the top military leadership of the NATO bloc and the command of the combined and national armed forces of the NATO countries.

Work on the creation of the NATO SSS began in 1966. The first satellite was launched in 1970. The system is interfaced with the military SSS of Great Britain and the USA. In 1986, the system included satellites of the third generation NATO-3, 21 stationary and several mobile APs, two control centers - the main and the backup. Stationary stations are installed in NATO countries, mobile stations are used to serve the NATO command when they move from stationary command posts.

NATO-3 satellites were developed by Ford Aerospace Communications Corpor

The NATO-3D satellite was launched in 1984.

The system operates in modes of digital transmission of information with time multiplexing of channels.

Used four-position phase modulation, multiple access FDM.

The bandwidth is about 682 TF (32 kbps), 400 TT channels and about 200 medium-speed data transmission channels. The system operates in the 8/7 GHz band.

The control of the NATO-3 CCC is carried out by a special subsystem that provides centralized control:

the total radiated power of the ES;

radiated power and carrier speed;

the number of channels organized on one carrier.

The control subsystem automatically receives control information from each AP, compares it with the database stored in the computer, and generates the appropriate control commands.

Both control centers receive data from all stations and satellites about the state of the equipment and the operation of communication lines every 2 s. With the same interval, these centers transmit commands to control the power of carriers and traffic configurations in the ES network. Automated system control allows you to significantly improve the efficiency of the communication system.

Work is underway to improve the third generation system. The improved NATO-4 system will have a capacity of up to 4000 TF channels and higher energy potentials of radio links.

Earth stations, in addition to transceiver equipment, contain a multifunctional automated control and monitoring system. This system collects information about the state of equipment, communication channels, emitted and received signal power, processes it, issues it to the operator's workplace and exchanges control information with system control centers. The storage device of the AP stores several options for organizing communication schemes, which are used depending on the operational situation. Stations operate in digital mode.

The fleet of stationary APs includes both modernized, previously developed, and new stations.

The antenna diameters of these stations are 12.8 and 14.2, respectively; transmitter power 5 kW;

EIIM 94...95 dBW, quality factor of the receiving system 34 dB/K.

Mobile stations have antennas with a diameter of 6.4 m, EIRP - 86 ... 88 dBW, the quality factor of the receiving system is 27 dB / K.

Trunks with a bandwidth of 17 and 85 MHz are used in the European zone; a trunk with a bandwidth of 50 MHz is used throughout the service area.

Satellite communication system DSCS (USA)

The DSCS satellite system is the primary global communications system for the US Department of Defense and individual government agencies. The main purpose of the DSCS system is to provide telephone and other channels for US military and government operations outside of them.

It provides reliable communication for fixed bases as well as mobile subscribers.

strategic and tactical levels of management. In general, the DSCS CCC meets the needs for communication of the global operational command and control system of the US Armed Forces, military-political leadership, ground mobile forces, diplomatic communications systems, communications systems of the country's defense and allies.

DSCS subscribers have priority:

president and military-political leadership; the Chiefs of Staff Committee; joint and special command; other departments of the Defense Ministry, as well as NATO countries.

The DSCS system was created and is being modernized in the interests of the three branches of the military and government agencies. The US Department of Defense Communications Administration is responsible for overall program management and system design principles.

By 1986, there were about 400 APs in the system. The largest number of them is used in the tactical level and is associated with the program of mobile ground forces, where the SV, Air Force and Marine Corps can use up to 200 AP.

In the DSCS-2 system, 16 satellites were manufactured, two of which were launched on the GSO together with the DSCS-3 satellites. The system contains four working satellites in orbit and up to three standby ones.

Multiple access in the DSCS-2 system with FDM and CDM, in DSCS-3 FDM, CDM and CDM.

The DSCS-3 system was the defining SSS of the MO in the 80s and early 90s. It is fully transferred to digital channels at a speed of 2.4; 4.8; 16; 32 and 48 bps. The main operating frequency range is 8/7 GHz.

On the satellite, the trunk of the 0.4 / 0.2 GHz range was additionally placed in the interests of the Afsatcom system. The issues of the possibility and expediency of developing the system in the range of 7...14 GHz are discussed. According to US experts, this will significantly increase the noise immunity of the system's communication channels, and, if necessary, use satellites of commercial systems in the 14/11 GHz band.

Earth stations, depending on the diameter of the antenna, are divided into: large (18.3), medium (12.2 m) and small (6.1 m), and according to their purpose, at the stations of the strategic and tactical control links.

To increase the noise protection of the channels, the system uses pseudo-noise modulation methods, AN / USC-28 noise protection equipment with a random frequency tuning law (PRFC). The level of noise protection is up to 28 dB at an information transfer rate in the channel of 2.4 kbps.

When operating in several directions, the nodal APs of the strategic link provide simultaneous transmission of up to 9 and reception of up to 15 separate carrier frequencies (APs AN / FSC-78, AN / GSC- 39, AN / TSC-85), and the tactical link - in several directions of the AP The AN/TSC-85A provides simultaneous communication with up to four AN/TSC-93A stations.

Ship stations in the CCC DSCS centimeter wave range are stations AN / WSC-2 and AN / WSC-6.

The AN/WSC-2 station includes an OM-55/WSC-2 modem that provides operation in TDMA or CDMA modes. The AN / WSC-2 station has two modifications and is designed for use on large (with an antenna with a diameter of 2.4 m) and small (with an antenna with a diameter of 1.2 m) surface ships. The quality factor of the receiving systems of the stations is 17 and 12 dB/K. and EIRP - 76 and 6.8 dBW, respectively. The number of telephone and telegraph channels is six for stations with an antenna with a diameter of 2.4 and three for stations with an antenna with a diameter of 1.2 m. The station is not widely used due to its large overall characteristics.

A more advanced station is the AN / WSC-6 station with an antenna diameter of 1.2 m, a quality factor of the receiving system of 11 dB / K and an EIRP of 75 dBW.

The station is designed to work in both DSCS-2 and DSCS-3 systems. The mass of the station in the package is 635 kg, its modem ensures operation in the conditions of interference and violation of the propagation medium.

On the DSCS-2 satellite, switching trunks with onboard antennas allows you to provide communication areas: global coverage - global coverage, global coverage - local and zonal coverage, local and zonal coverage - global coverage; local and zonal coverage - local and zonal coverage.

The maximum speed of the satellite in orbit is 15° per day. The satellite is stabilized by rotation.

Positions of satellites on the GSS: 12 and 135 ° W. d., 60 and 175 ° E. d.

On the DSCS-3 satellite, switching antennas over the trunks of the repeater allows simultaneous global reception on the same trunks with the concentration of information in a separate zone with transmission through a high-gain antenna. The ability to switch trunks to an MLA, an antenna with a global radiation pattern, or a high-gain parabolic antenna is one of the most important characteristics of the operational flexibility of organizing communications via a DSCS-3 satellite. Multibeam antennas completely allow to form communication zones of almost any configuration, and at the reception to provide "zero" of the radiation pattern to the source of interference. Satellite stabilization - triaxial.

Satellite positions on the GSO: 12, 42.5, 52.5 and 135° W, 60 and 175° E d.

Flitsatcom satellite communication system (USA)

The system is designed to serve the naval forces. However, its satellites are used in the interests of the air force and ground forces, as well as presidential communications. The system provides communication in areas from 70 ° S. sh. up to 70° s. sh.

Flitsatcom satellite communication in the interests of the Navy provides: transmission of alert signals (on one subcarrier, 15 channels of 75 bit / s are multiplexed in time at a group rate of 1200 bit / s. The alert signal from the coast station (AN / FSC-79) is transmitted to the satellite, where is converted, and in the satellite-Earth section it is transmitted in the DTSV range. The satellite has two channels for transmitting alert signals - the main and the backup. Reception of alert signals on Earth is provided to the receiving station AN / SSR-1; telephone communication instead of alert signals via the second channel:

transmission of general subscriber digital information and automated communication.

In the communication area of ​​one satellite, two networks are usually deployed. Two channels are allocated on the satellite. Information transfer rate 2400 bps; transmission of data and telephone messages to submarines (submarines). The submarine uses AN / WSC-3 (V) stations. Information transfer rate 2400 bps.

On each satellite, one channel is allocated for the exchange of information. In the communication zone, the satellite can operate up to 60 subscribers; transmission of information during combat operations against submarines. The AN / ARC-143B station is used as coastal and air (on aircraft) based stations. Up to 60 subscribers can work in the network; exchange of tactical information of the network in which the Naval control centers operate with the control centers of special forces; transmission of tactical reconnaissance information, including classified telephone information in the ship-to-ship, ship-to-shore and coast-to-ship areas. Processing of information in the channel is carried out on a computer. Coastal stations AN/WSC-5(V) and subscriber stations AN/WSC-3(V) operate in the network. Information transfer rate 2400 bps. Two channels are used on each satellite.

The system has the following characteristics: customer service - 4 simplex input/output channels; number of priorities - 5; information transfer rate-75; 300 and 600 bps; 1.2; 2.4 and 4.8 kbps; line packet speed - 2.4; 9.6; 19.2 and 32 kbps; control over the service line from the main station to the subscriber station, from the subscriber station to the main one - 75 bit / s at the input / output; efficiency of the MDVRK system - 80%; the probability of occurrence of bit errors with a signal-to-noise ratio of 9.2 dB, -13% with an error probability per bit of information -10-5; number of subscribers and satellite channels - 18; two service channels; number of selectable frame formats -514 (minimum).

The improvement of the Flitsatcom system is carried out in the direction of the introduction of TDMA and the distribution of channels between subscribers at their request. The procedure for using multiple access with the distribution of the system resource on requests is similar to using a telephone, since the only actions on the part of the operator required to obtain a channel are address and priority dialing; resource allocation goes through the master stations in the system.

The on-demand multiple access system allows individual satellite channels to be used in such a way that a channel currently serving one functional network can serve several functional networks. Each subscriber uses the channel in accordance with the distribution of time intervals allocated to him by the main monitoring and control station of the network.

The subscriber set, which provides the mode of operation of the TDMA with the distribution of channels on requests, gives access to the satellite on the basis of priorities while maintaining the quality of service. All subscribers can be provided with channels with a width of 5, 25 and 500 kHz, depending on which channel best meets their requirements. Subscribers are provided with almost immediate access to the satellite and great opportunities for communication options. The number of stations in the system in the interests of the Navy is about 600.

The main parameters of Flitsatcom satellites are as follows:

Year of the launch of the first satellite .................... 1978

Standing points on the GSO, deg ..................... 100 and 23 z. d., 71.5 and 172 c. d.

Satellite diameter, m.................................. 2.4

Mass of the satellite in orbit, kg............. 912

Rocket launcher ................................................. "Atlas - Centaur"

Power supply system, W .................................. 1200

Time of active existence, years....... 10

Range, GHz .............................................. 8/ -; 0.4/0.2

(reception - 290 ... 320 MHz, transmission - 240 ... 270 MHz)

Number of channels .......... . ...... . ........... 23

Barrel output power, W ................ 40, 10

Stem EIIM, dBW ..................................26 - for eight channels of 25 kHz each;

28 - for two channels of 25 kHz;

27 - for 500 kHz channel,

16.5 - for 12 channels of 5 kHz

Quality factor of the receiving system, dB / K .... -16 - SMV, -18 - DTSV

Antenna gain, dB:

appointment.............. . ................................16- SMV (horn); 12.6 - DCV (18-turn spiral)

to transmit ............................................... 17 (antenna diameter 4.9 m)

Polarization ............................................. circular

On Flitsatcom VII and VIII satellites, a 44/20 GHz trunk is additionally installed.

Stations of the DCV range have an operating mode in the line-of-sight zone, bypassing the satellite. In stationary conditions, these stations use antennas with a gain of 18 dB.

For the Flitsatcom family of satellites (Flitsatcom -A, B, C), the US Administration has declared the following points on the GSO for coordination: 15, 23, 70, 100, 105.145, 177 ° W. and 28, 70, 72, 75, 77 and 172° E. d.

Flitsatcom satellites, on board of which the trunks of the MMW range (Flitsatcom-B, C) are installed, use stations located on ships, aircraft, cars and in a stationary version in terrestrial networks. The operating range in the Earth-satellite section is 43.5 ... 45.5 GHz, and in the satellite-Earth section 20.2 ... 21.2 GHz.

The first Flitsatcom B(VII) satellite was launched in 1986.

Stationary, mobile and ship stations have antennas with a diameter of 0.6 m and a quality factor of receiving systems of 9 and 10 dB/K, respectively. Stations placed on aircraft have antennas with a diameter of 0.5 m and a quality factor of the receiving system of 8 dB/K. Spectral power density ZS-36 W/Hz. The same stations are used in the Milstar system.

SC stations of the MMW range have the following characteristics: global service area; the maximum gain of the global antenna is 18 dB, the highly directional (receiving) antenna is 34 dB, the point of "aiming" of the highly directional onboard antenna changes according to a pseudo-random law in 37 zones, the polarization is circular; repeater trunk transmitter power is about 20 W; the power spectral density of the RTR radiation is estimated at 47 W/Hz.

Leasat satellite communication system (USA)

The commercial system, leased by the US Department of Defense, is used by the Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and Army. The system includes four operational and one standby satellite and controls. To coordinate all satellite operations, the control system is linked to the Naval Space Operations Control Center in Dahlgren, Virginia.

The Leasat system is expected to replace the Flitsatcom satellites when they are no longer in service.

The complex of APs used in the system is the same as in the Flitsatcom system. Four satellites were launched into GSO in 1984 and 1985. The main parameters of the satellites of the Leasat system are as follows:

Year of the launch of the first satellite .................... 1984

Diameter, m ............................................... .. ..4.26

Height, m ​​............................................... .. ....6.17

Mass in orbit, kg .............................. 1315

Rocket launcher ............................................ ........ "Shuttle"

Power supply system, W .............................. 1240

Time of active existence, years....... 7

Frequency range, GHz .............................. 7.25...7.5; 7.975...8.025; 0.4...0.2

Number of channels .............................................. 6 to 25 kHz; 5 to 5 kHz; 1 to 500 kHz; 1 to 25 kHz, circus, channel

EIIM, dBW .............................................. 26 for channels with a bandwidth of 25 kHz; 16.5 for 5 kHz channels; 28 for 500 kHz channels

Quality factor of the receiving system, dB/K.... -18; -20

Antenna gain, dB......... 16 - SMV; 12....14 - DCV

Polarization ................................................. Circular

Alert signals on the Earth - KA section are transmitted in the SMW range, and on the KA - Earth section - in the DTSV.

Afsatcom satellite communication system (USA)

The US Air Force Afsatcom satellite communications system is designed to provide control in the interests of the military-political leadership, the committee of chiefs

headquarters, commanders-in-chief, command of nuclear forces and a number of priority stakeholders.

The development of the system began in 1973, the operation in the troops from 1978-1979. System

allows the management of strategic forces in normal and emergency

conditions. System stations are installed at ground and air command posts (CP) of the Strategic Aviation Command (SAC), missile control centers, and aircraft.

The system does not have independent satellites. Its repeaters are located on Flitsatcom, SDS, Leasat, DSCS-3 satellites and a number of satellites for various purposes as a "passing" load.

The repeater is a 12-channel block with a channel bandwidth of 5 kHz. Operating frequency range 225...400 MHz. The satellites of the SDS system have an orbit similar to that of the Molniya satellite of the USSR and ensure the control of strategic forces, primarily in polar latitudes.

The first two satellites of the SDS system were launched in 1976.

In addition to the 12 PTP channels of the SDS satellite, Afsatcom organizes a two-way telegraph channel (75 bps) in the interests of the system. Communication lines have protection against interference provided by the use of frequency hopping. Broadband channels in the trunks of Flitsatcom and Leasat repeaters can provide simultaneous telegraph operation (75 bit/s) to 14 subscribers. The channel, if necessary, can be released from the work of these subscribers and used by priority as a digital vocoder channel for direct communication of the president.

The AN /ARC-171 transceiver is the only one for the entire family of DTSV 3S of the Afsatcom system.

The station, in addition to the transceiver, includes a modem and a satellite channel control unit. Its overall dimensions are 95 x 146 x 165, weight is 1.7 kg.

The AN / ASC-21 station provides simultaneous operation on five channels, of which two duplex ones operate in the 500 kHz satellite channel band, one duplex one in the 5 kHz satellite channel band and two half-duplex channels also in the 5 kHz band. Transmitters (five) with an output power of 100W (AP AN/ARC-171) can be connected in turn to amplifiers with an output power of 1000W. Station antennas (two transmitting and one transceiver) are made in the form of flat phased arrays and are installed in the upper part of the fuselage under their own fairings.

The AN/USC-39 station provides data or TG channel transmission at a rate of 75 bps, and when equipped with special modems, it can provide data transmission or telephone communication over a single channel up to 2400 bps.

The AN/ARC-171 station transceiver is used as a transceiver. The station is also used by other branches of the US Armed Forces.

The Afsatcom system also uses aircraft stations AN / ASC-28 and AN / ASC-30 of the CMW and MMW bands.

Station AN / GCS-43, except for the Air Force, is used by other branches of the US Armed Forces. The station consists of two duplex transceivers, a modem, a teletype printer, an antenna tracking unit, an antenna system with a scanned antenna (the antenna has a high gain) and controls.

The AN / GSC-44 station contains a transceiver, a modem that provides one channel for transmission and three for reception, two teletypes (printing devices) that work only for reception, an antenna system and controls. Used by troops operating under a single operational plan.

The AN/TSC-88 station is a mobile station and is used as a satellite control station. The station is also used by troops operating under a unified operational plan. Provides communication on five channels.

Further expansion of the tasks of the Afsatcom system and improvement of methods for transmitting and receiving information is planned to be carried out in the Milstar system. Currently, the number of stations in the Afsatcom system is over 1000.

Milstar satellite communication system (USA)

The Milstar (Military Strategic Tactical and Ralay) satellite communications system is being created as a unified satellite communications system for the US armed forces, providing control, reporting and communication in extreme wartime conditions. When it was created, elements were developed that ensure the functioning of the system under the influence of nuclear weapons. Satellites are protected from attacks in space, from radiation in a nuclear war and laser radiation, a long period of autonomous operation, and a high level of protection against interference.

The system is designed to serve the nuclear forces of the strategic level and solve the tasks of command and control and communications at the tactical level and is part of the US Department of Defense strategic forces modernization program to ensure the provision of minimum vital communications during a crisis.

It is expected that the space segment of the system will include eight satellites, of which four will be placed in GSO and four in circular inclined orbits providing communications in northern latitudes. Seven GSO points have been submitted for coordination in the IFRF Preliminary Publication for Milstar Networks. The satellites will be able to exchange information flows with each other via inter-satellite communication channels. In 1983, the military department presented a contract worth 1.05 billion dollars. for the development of Milstar satellites within 5 years.

The system uses the MMV and DTSV bands. The decimeter range and methods of information transmission in it are chosen the same as in the Flitsatcom and Afsatcom systems. Inter-satellite communication is supposed to be carried out in the 60 GHz band, and communication on the Earth-to-satellite and satellite-to-Earth lines, respectively, at frequencies: 43.5 ... 45.5 GHz and 20.2 ... 21.2 GHz. It is planned to complete signal processing in the onboard repeater and their dynamic switching, including between repeaters of the MMV and DTSV bands.

Multiple access method on the Earth-satellite-FDMA segment, on the satellite-Earth-TDMA segment. The system provides for work on the principle of loose channels. Information transfer rate in channels 75 and 2400 bps. The number of subscriber networks provided by one satellite in the MMW range is 50 ... 100. The method of noise protection is frequency hopping and spatial selection of onboard antennas and AP antennas. On board the satellite in the MMW range, it is supposed to have antenna arrays for receiving and transmitting with the possibility of zeroing the receiving antenna pattern in the direction of interference. The transmitting antenna will be characterized by fast beam switching, spatial summation and power concentration on the satellite-to-Earth link. In addition to MLA, separate highly directional and wide-angle (“global”) antennas will be used. It is planned to use double FM on this section of the radio link.

The satellite processor (resource controller) will ensure the management of its satellite bandwidth resource, routing of information flows from subscribers, control of these flows, including through inter-satellite channels, responses to requests from priority subscribers, access to the network, etc. This will allow the system to function in defeat conditions ground-based control centers. The processor is able to change the structure of communication networks depending on the changing requirements of subscribers and operating conditions, control access to the system, automatic search for subscribers (by scanning with a narrow beam over the earth's surface). The system provides for the possibility of switching on reserve satellites through workers, the implementation of maneuvers of satellites in orbit in order to avoid them from anti-space weapons. The Milstar system is being built with decentralized control, which will increase its survivability in emergency conditions.

The terrestrial complex includes stationary, mobile, aircraft stations and stations of surface ships (SC) and submarines.

The system's satellites will start operating in the early 1990s. Up to 4,000 stations will operate in the system.

The stations of the MMV and DTSV bands of the Milstar system are similar to the stations of the DSCS systems (AN / ASC-28 and AN / ASC-30) Flitsatcom and Afsatcom. A contact has been made for the development and manufacture of stations in the MMV range, which can be installed on B-52, B-18, E-3A, E-4 aircraft, as well as on bombers.

Fixed and mobile stations of the MMV range are supposed to be used in the ground forces, a single-channel mobile station of the tactical control link SCOTT will be widely used. The station has two construction options: the first is placed in a cylindrical remote container and is controlled from a car via a fiber-optic cable, the antenna has a diameter of 0.6 m, the transmitter power is 20 W; the second option - the station is placed in an S-250 container, which is installed on a car or other vehicle, the antenna is mounted on an external tripod, the generator (primary power source) is transported on a single-axle trailer. It is planned that the SV will acquire up to 2000 SCOTT APs, and the Navy about 400.

Milstar system satellite and repeater parameters are as follows:

The date of the launch of the first satellite ............................. Early 90s.

Mass of the satellite in orbit, kg ............... up to 2200 (experimental),

Up to 3600 (working)

Declared satellite position on the GSO, deg:

h.d....................................... ....................... 30, 68, 95, 120

e.d....................................... ............................... 15, 35, 150

Time of active existence, years........ 10

Frequency range, GHz ....................................... 0.4 / 0.2 ; 44/20; 60/-

Number of channels (networks) ............................... 50...100 MMV ; 4...10

Gain .............................................. 10 DCV; 17 MMV (global zone);


39 MMV-single highly directional antenna

Noise temperature of receiving systems, K .........................................1000 DCV; 1560 mmv


transmitting antennas, dB...................................15 DCV, 0 = 31°; 17 MMV

(global zone), 0 = 23°; 31 MMV-MLA,0 = 3.6°; 39 MMV - single highly directional antenna, 0=1.1°

Polarization................................................. ..... Circular

Notes: 1. Frequencies in the Earth-satellite section - 292.825..311.175; 316.587...317.318 MHz.

2. Frequencies in the satellite - Earth section - 243.588 ... 244.217 MHz; 248.840...259.560 MHz;

260.340...260.860 MHz; 261.440...262.560 MHz; 263.540...264.060 MHz; 265.225...269.975 MHz.

3. The possibility and expediency of using the 8/7 GHz band in the system is being considered.

Study Question #2"Methods of organizing radio communications in the armed forces

USA, China and NATO Allied Forces.


The methods of organizing radio communication are: radio direction and radio network.

Radio direction is a method of organizing radio communication between two control points (commanders, headquarters) (Fig. 4.).

Rice. 4. Radio direction.

The advantages of this method of organizing radio communication include the speed and simplicity of establishing communication; increase in the speed of message transmission when exchanging information; increasing reconnaissance protection from enemy reconnaissance means, increasing the communication range when using directional antennas.

The main disadvantage of this method is the increased consumption of radio communications at the control point, from which radio communications are organized. This method of organizing radio communication is used in practice to transmit a large number of messages in particularly important information directions.

A radio network is a method of organizing radio communication between three or more control points (commanders, headquarters) (Fig. 5.).

Compared to the radio direction, it has less stability, throughput and reconnaissance protection. At the same time, the radio network provides the possibility of broadcasting and maintaining communication between all correspondents of the network with the least expenditure of effort and money.

Fig.5. Radio network

In practice, communication over a radio network, as a rule, is organized:

For transmitting signals, commands, alerts a large number correspondents;

To exchange information with less important correspondents with a small volume and low requirements for the timeliness of transmission;

With a lack of radio facilities or to increase stability in addition to radio directions.

In the most important radio networks, the number of correspondents is limited to no more than 4 - 6.

As well as radio directions, radio networks can be: permanent, on duty, reserve and hidden.

Permanent radio networks (radio directions) are those in which the operation of radio stations for transmission is carried out without restrictions.

On-duty radio networks (radio directions) are those in which the senior control center immediately receives messages from subordinate subunits and units.

Reserved are such radio networks (radio directions), in which work is opened by an additional command if it is impossible to exchange messages in the main radio networks (radio directions).

Hidden radio networks (radio directions) are organized to communicate with the most important correspondents and are used to transmit the most important and urgent orders, reports, commands and signals. Work on transmission in hidden radio networks is opened only with the permission of the chief of communications of the senior headquarters. When opening work in hidden radio networks, requests for audibility are not made, and transmission is carried out by short radiograms and signals without prior calling and receiving confirmation of reception.

Depending on the purpose, as well as on the availability of forces, means and frequencies, communication in the radio network can be provided: at one frequency; at two frequencies; at transmitter frequencies; at standby frequencies; on one calling and several working frequencies; subscriber radio network. The method of assigning operating frequencies significantly affects the nature of the operation of the radio link and its capabilities.

One frequency of reception and transmission is assigned for radio networks (radio directions) in which maximum simplicity and efficiency of communication is required (Fig. 6.).

Rice. 6. Radio network on the same frequency of reception and transmission.

When assigning two frequencies to the radio network, one of them is assigned to the transmitter of the main station, the other - to the transmitters of the correspondents (Fig. 7.). This method of organizing radio communications can only be provided if the main radio station and correspondents have a separate transmitter and receiver. In such a network, duplex operation is carried out and, consequently, stealth, noise immunity and throughput are increased.

Rice. 7. Radio network on two frequencies.

The radio network at transmitter frequencies is used for two-way communication simultaneously between all or several radio stations of the network without restructuring transmitters and receivers, as well as for providing broadcast transmissions by any radio station of the network to all others (Fig. 8). In such a radio network, each radio station transmits on the frequency of its transmitter, and receives on the frequency of the correspondents' transmitters.

Rice. 8. Radio network at transmitter frequencies.

A kind of radio network at transmitter frequencies is the so-called combined radio network (Fig. 9.). In a combined radio network, two-way communication of correspondents is provided only with the main radio station of the network. All network stations have the ability to conduct continuous transmission: network correspondents - for the main station, and the main station - to any of the correspondents.

Fig.9. Combined radio network

The method of assigning standby reception frequencies for each radio station of a radio network is used to ensure communication between correspondents during a short-term exchange and if it is impossible to assign optimal frequencies to the network for communication between all correspondents (Fig. 10.).

Fig.10. Radio network at standby frequencies

One calling and several operating frequencies are assigned to radio networks in which a long exchange of messages is carried out between correspondents. In such a radio network, on the calling frequency, only the call and transmission of short commands (signals) of combat control is performed. To conduct a long radio exchange on a calling frequency, the main radio station transmits a call and a signal to the correspondent to switch to one of the operating frequencies. Messages are exchanged on this frequency. When using radio stations equipped with special frequency adaptation devices, radio communication between them can be organized via a subscriber radio network.

With a limited number of radio facilities, radio frequencies and time to develop radio data, radio communication can be provided by entering the radio station into existing radio networks.

To ensure that the radio station of the senior commander (headquarters) enters the radio network of subordinate commanders (headquarters), the senior commander (headquarters) has a permanent call sign. At the same time, the call signs of the commanders (commanders) must be remembered by the signalmen of all radio networks of subordinate subunits and units.

In modern combined-arms combat, an important place is occupied by the organization of interaction and, consequently, the organization and provision of radio communications for interaction.

Radio communication of interaction is organized in three ways:

1.Organization of special radio networks for interaction;

2. By mutual entry of radio stations into other radio networks;

3. Through operational groups arriving with their own radio communication equipment at communication centers of control points of interacting units and subunits.

To ensure the secrecy of control points and create a favorable electromagnetic environment at communication centers, a strict order of commissioning of radio networks and radio directions and operating modes of radio facilities is established.

For radio links (radio facilities), three degrees of readiness are introduced.

Radio links of the FIRST degree of readiness include permanent radio networks and radio directions.

Radio links of the SECOND degree of readiness are put into operation in case of violation (deterioration) of communication provided by other means.

Radio links of the THIRD degree of readiness are used in certain periods of the battle with planned changes in the tactical situation.

By decision of the commander (headquarters) of a formation (association), the operating modes of radio facilities can be established:

1. Operation of radio stations for transmission without restrictions;

2. Permission to work on the transmission of radio stations only in separate radio networks (radio directions);

3.Complete prohibition of the operation of radio stations for transmission.

Study Question #3"Organization of Communications in the US Army Corps and Division".

2.2. Ways to organize communication by radio relay means

Radio relay communication can be organized: by direction, by network and by axis.

The application of this or that method in each individual case depends on the specific conditions of the situation, the characteristics of the organization of management, the terrain, the importance of this connection, the need for exchange, the availability of funds and other factors.

The direction of radio relay communication is a way of organizing communication between two control points (commanders, headquarters) (Fig. 11.)

This method provides the greatest reliability of the communication direction and its greater bandwidth, but in comparison with other methods, it usually requires an increased consumption of frequencies and radio relay stations at the headquarters organizing communications. In addition, when organizing communication in directions, difficulties arise in placing a large number of radio relay stations without mutual interference at the communication centers of the senior headquarters.

Radio relay network - a method of organizing communication, in which the connection of the senior control point (commander, headquarters) with several subordinate control points (commanders, headquarters) is carried out using one radio relay half-set (Fig. 12.).

Rice. 12. Radio relay network.

The advantage of this method of organizing radio relay communication is the speed of establishing communication. The main disadvantage is the provision of communication over short distances, since operation with an omnidirectional antenna leads to poor communication due to the worse antenna gain compared to a directional one.

Radio relay axis - a method of organizing radio relay communications, in which the connection of a senior control point (commander, headquarters) with several subordinate control points (commanders, headquarters) is carried out via one radio relay line deployed in the direction of movement of its control point or one of the control points of subordinate headquarters (Fig. 13.).

Fig13. Radio relay axis.

As shown in the figure, the connection of the control center of the senior headquarters with the control points of subordinates is carried out along the communication axis built between the three reference communication nodes, and the communication lines linking the communication nodes of the control points to the reference communication nodes. Redistribution (switching) of communication channels along communication directions is carried out at the reference communication nodes.

The advantages of this method in comparison with the direction is: a decrease in the number of radio relay stations at the communication centers of the senior headquarters control points. This creates the possibility of assigning frequencies to these stations for operation without mutual interference; the possibility of maneuvering the channels, which ensures their more efficient use. At the same time, it provides a reduction in the time for the selection and calculation of paths; simpler organization of radio relay communication control; a smaller number of personnel necessary for the protection and defense of intermediate stations is involved; facilitating the management of radio relay communications.

The disadvantages of this method are the dependence of the health of all radio relay lines from the correct operation of the center line and the need for cross-switching of channels at the reference communication nodes.

2.3. Ways to organize communication by satellite means

At present, there is a steady trend towards increasing the role of satellite communications in military communications systems. In modern local wars, armed conflicts, peacekeeping and special operations, satellite communications can be used in a link from the Pentagon to a motorized rifle battalion, inclusive.

Just as in radio communications, there are two ways to organize satellite communications - by direction and network.

The direction of satellite communication is a way of organizing communication between two satellite communication stations, one of which is the main one (Fig. 14).

This method of organizing satellite communications is used in practice to organize those areas of communication in which it is necessary to transmit significant flows of information, especially documentary ones.

A satellite communication network is a way of organizing satellite communications between three or more satellite stations (Fig. 15.).

This method of organizing satellite communications is used in the interests of command communications, when it is necessary to send short orders to several correspondents at once.

Rice. 15. Satellite communication network.

For each satellite communication station operating in a network or direction, a bandwidth resource is determined (the rate of transmission and reception of information in the direction of the station - repeater) and the operating mode in the trunk of the repeater.

In accordance with this, for the modern generation of satellite facilities, the following methods of building satellite communication networks can be distinguished: a radial satellite communication network; nodal network of satellite communications; network of radio automatic telephone exchange of satellite communication.

Consider the organization of these networks.

A radial satellite communication network is a network in which fixed directions are organized from one main (central) to several slave (terminal) stations.

The radial direction of communication is the direction of communication organized between two satellite communication stations, one of which is the main one. As a rule, the radial direction is organized in a multi-channel mode.

The nodal satellite communication network is a network in which the main (nodal) station is connected with subordinate end stations and end stations with each other both in fixed communication directions and in directions in the PBX radio mode.

A satellite radio PBX network is a network in which information directions are organized between subscribers at the time of information transmission.

2.4. Ways to organize communication by wire means

Wire communication, depending on the conditions of the situation and the availability of forces and means, can be organized along directions or along an axis.

The direction of wire communication is a way of organizing communication between two control points (commanders, headquarters) (Fig. 16.).

Axis of wire communication is a method of organizing communication, in which the connection of a senior command post (commander, headquarters) with several subordinate command posts (commanders, headquarters) is carried out via one wire line laid in the direction of movement of its command post or one of the command posts of subordinate formations ( parts) (Fig. 17.).

Rice. 17. Axis of wire communication.

The figure shows a variant of the structure of the wire communication axis. The wire communication axis is deployed as part of the reference communication nodes and multichannel lines between them. Multi-channel lines are formed by sealing the P-296 long-distance communication cable with P-302 channeling equipment.

Wired communication, organized in directions, in comparison with the axis of wired communication, has a number of advantages: high stability and bandwidth of cable communication lines. However, there are also disadvantages: increased consumption of forces and means; lack of maneuver by communication channels between directions.

The advantages of a wired communication axis are:

Significant savings in the forces and means of communication;

Fast connection establishment; channel maneuver.

The disadvantages of this method include:

Dependence of communication in certain directions on the correct functioning of the center line;

Dependence of the throughput of communication directions on the channel capacity of the center line.

When laying a communication line, in practice, terrain folds, trenches, communication passages are used to protect them from damage, and on the approaches to communication centers and at intersections with traffic and tank routes, the lines are buried in the ground or laid in ditches. All this ensures their protection from damage and deliberate impact of the enemy.

2.5. Ways to organize communication by mobile means

Courier-postal communication ensures the delivery to the headquarters of formations, units and subunits of an almost unlimited number of genuine combat documents - orders, orders, reports and other secret and official documents, as well as constant communication between personnel and with the population of the country by delivering (forwarding) postal items .

Delivery of documents in their original form eliminates the possibility of distortion of messages and ensures high secrecy of their content. Delivery of documents is carried out using mobile means. Mobile means are used to provide courier-mail communication with a higher headquarters, between command posts of subordinate units (subdivisions) in all types of combat operations, during the movement and deployment of troops on the spot. Helicopters, armored personnel carriers, cars and motorcycles and other vehicles are used as mobile means of communication. Mobile means of communication enjoy the right of priority movement on all roads and crossings and must have an identification mark (pass), and courier - certificates of the established form. The order of addressing all types of secret and mail is determined by the governing documents.

Each unit (part) is issued a postal certificate intended for registration with the nodes and stations of the courier-postal communication of the Ministry of Defense or with enterprises of the Ministry of Communications.

When organizing courier-postal communication, one should take into account: the nature of the area; the state and congestion of routes; speed of vehicles; location of control points and landing sites; the need to protect courier delivering secret documents, and military postmen delivering mail.

Courier-postal communication can be organized: in directions, along circular routes and along the axis.

Direction of courier-postal service- a method of organizing communication by mobile means between two control points (commanders, headquarters), in which secret and postal items are delivered along the route laid between them (Fig. 18.).

This method is usually used when providing FPS with a grouping of troops operating in separate directions, or with troops located at a considerable distance.

Dignity This method of organizing courier-postal communication is faster than other methods of delivery of all types of secret and postal items.

Flaw This method is that it requires a large number of vehicles and personnel.

This method is used to organize courier-mail communications with units and units that perform the most important tasks. The organization of the FPS in the direction is widely used in compounds and associations.

The circular route of courier-mail communication is a method of organizing communication by mobile means between control points (commanders, headquarters), in which secret and postal items are delivered in one flight sequentially (alternately) depending on the route laid between them (Fig. 19.).

Rice. 19. Circular route of the courier-postal service.

This method is usually used with a limited number of mobile means of communication and ensures the delivery of all types of secret and postal items in a longer time compared to communication in directions. It finds application in formations and units, as well as in the operational rear.

Axis of courier-mail communication - a method of organizing communication by mobile means of a senior command post (commander; headquarters) with two or more subordinate command posts (commanders, headquarters), in which secret and postal items are delivered through an exchange office deployed by a higher headquarters in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdeployment of subordinate units .


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    The textbook "Armed Forces of Foreign States" was developed by the author's team of teachers of the Department of Tactics and General Educational Disciplines of the Yeisk VVAU under the guidance of the Head of the Department of Tactics and General Military Disciplines, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Colonel Fisun Yuri Valentinovich

    materials study guide developed by responsible executors: reserve colonel, candidate of military sciences, associate professor Parokonny N.I. (Ch. 1), reserve colonel, candidate of military sciences, associate professor Novosad A.F. (Ch. 2), reserve lieutenant colonel Ezykyan V.M. (Ch. 3), Major Nuzhdin A.A. (Ch. 4), reserve colonel, associate professor Teplyakov V.I. (introduction, conclusion).

    The textbook was reviewed by the teacher of the department of tactics and general military disciplines, reserve lieutenant colonel Starostin S.M.

    The authors of the department express their sincere gratitude to the generals and officers for their participation in the preparation of some educational materials, discussion, review and useful advice on the manuscript of the textbook - Major General of the Reserve, Honored Military Pilot of the Russian Federation, Associate Professor Kruglikov Evgeny Nikolaevich.

    The textbook is intended for studying the discipline "Tactics" by cadets of the Yeysk VVAU with the aim of in-depth study of the section "Armed Forces of Foreign States", instilling in students the skills of independent search and analysis of educational information, the formation and development of creative tactical thinking, the ability to actively participate in a creative discussion, to do the right conclusions and reasoned to state and defend their opinion.

    The textbook can also be used in the military-scientific work of cadets, research work of applicants, as well as in the system of command training of officers of the school.

    ChapterI. Land forces of foreign states

    1.1 Organization composition, armament of units and subunitsWithearTnyhUS and NATO troops

    The US ground forces form the basis of the armed forces of foreign armies. They are dynamically developing modern views weapons and military equipment. The primary mission of the US Army is to "protect the vital interests of the United States anywhere in the world." In terms of their combat composition and combat capabilities, the US ground forces are capable of actively and successfully operating simultaneously in two different theaters of operations (theatres). They conduct combat operations, as a rule, as part of coalition forces, allocating not the easiest areas for partners.

    The military-political course of the United States is aimed at strengthening its leading position in the world as the only superpower, which must be ensured by a constant increase in the combat power of the armed forces.

    The new US strategy of “shaping the environment, responding to crises and preparing for an uncertain future” was adopted in October 1998. It states: “The United States has a clear military-technical superiority over any potential adversary” and therefore opportunities arise:

    To form an international environment beneficial to the United States;

    Effectively respond to emerging crises;

    Prepare early for an uncertain future.

    A sufficiently high level of combat training of personnel and comprehensive support for combat operations allows them to act decisively, with high combat tension and pace. At the same time, the experience of military operations in local wars and armed conflicts has shown that when faced with well-organized enemy resistance, as well as in complicated and non-standard conditions of hostilities, US ground forces suffer heavy losses and may lose their offensive initiative. The fighting in Afghanistan, Yugoslavia and Iraq has repeatedly confirmed this.

    Over the past 20 years, US ground forces have officially participated in 40 different local wars and armed conflicts, which often escalated into civil wars. And, as a rule, these wars ended with the overthrow of the legitimate governments of individual states and the rise to power of new pro-American regimes.

    IN modern conditions the active use of US military force to achieve its political goals requires us to fundamentally study the organization and combat capabilities of the armed forces of the US and its partners.

    Ground troops form the basis of the armed forces of foreign armies. They are developing dynamically and are constantly being equipped with modern types of high-precision weapons and military equipment.

    The most powerful groupings of ground forces have been created in the countries of the NATO bloc, Iran and China.

    Comparative characteristics of the combat strength of the armed forces of the main states are presented in Table 1.

    Table 1.

    Armed forces of the main states (as of 01.01.2010)


    Population mln.

    Number of aircraft (thousand)

    Of which: SV (thousand)

    Org. reserve: total/

    of them in the national guards. (thousand)

    1 293/

    324+ 351

    Mob. resources: mln.

    Service type

    Before eyebrows



    Life time

    A comparative description of the types of weapons and military equipment of the armed forces of the main states is given in table 2.

    Table 2.

    Armament and military equipment of the ground forces


    Brigades (regiments)





    Guns FOR

    703 SAM


    483 " P "

    Aircraft AA

    Helicopters AA/fighting.

    The tables show that the most powerful and technically equipped are the US ground forces. They are the main legislator in the formation and equipping of the armed forces of NATO.

    The US military-political course is aimed at strengthening its leading position in the world as the only superpower. This should be ensured by building up the combat power of the armed forces.

    The new US strategy of "shaping the environment, responding to crises and preparing for an uncertain future" was adopted in October 1998. It states: "The United States has a clear military-technical superiority over any potential adversary" and, therefore, it becomes possible:

    a) create an international environment favorable to the United States;

    b) respond effectively to emerging crises;

    c) prepare well in advance for an uncertain future.

    These three elements (a, b, c) of the strategy make up its military-political aspect, supplemented by four concepts for the construction and combat use of the Armed Forces:

    - "strategic flexibility";

    - "forward presence";

    - "projection of force";

    - "providing decisive superiority."

    ABOUT main requirements To SW:

    Maintaining high combat and mobilization readiness;

    Fast (immediate) response to crisis situations;

    High impact force, firepower, mobility;

    Compliance with the level of combat training to modern requirements, as well as goals and objectives;

    Expansion of opportunities for interaction with other types of aircraft;

    Equipping the Armed Forces with modern models of weapons and military equipment based on the achievements of science and technology;

    Achieving information superiority over the enemy;

    Comprehensive provision of troops.

    Ground Forces (SV) are intended to conduct active combat operations in cooperation with other branches of the Armed Forces and allied troops in conventional or nuclear war in two local conflicts (wars) in different theaters of any nature and scale.

    Tasks SW:

    Capture of important areas, objects;

    Continuous and comprehensive control of the territory, population and resources of various states;

    Participation in the formation of favorable conditions for the interests of the United States in the international situation;

    Participation in peacekeeping operations;

    Participation in the fight against drug trafficking

    field charterFM 100-5 defines: "The US Army has become a strategic force capable of influencing the development of international events and playing a decisive role in resolving crisis situations, and, if necessary, in achieving victory in large-scale wars in remote theaters of operations."

    NEs are presented regular forces And organized cut R vom, which includes the National Guard and the Army Reserve.

    US SW number 489,800 people. (71,400 women), 3 headquarters aRmiy, 4 AK headquarters, 10 divisions:

    2 armored ( 3 brigade headquarters, 5 tb and 4 mpb, 3 days, daysMLRS, zendn, br AA);

    2 mechanized (similar composition + rahwedbn);

    Mechanized ( 3 brigade headquarters, 4 tb and 5 mpb, 3 days, days MLRS, zenardn, br AA);

    - mechanized ( 2 brigade headquarters, brigade tact headquartersAndchesky group, 2 tb and 2 mpb, 2 vshb, 3 sadn, Zendn, br AA);

    - 2 light infantry pd-(2 brigade headquarters, brigade headquartersTotic group, 9 pb, 2 vshb, 3 adn, zendn, br AA),

    -(2 brigade headquarters, 6 pb, 2 vshb, 2 adn, zenadn, br AA);

    - airborne ( 3 brigade headquarters, 9 pdb, 3 adn, zendn, br AA, helicopter bn combat support);

    - air assault ( 3 brigade headquarters, 9 high school, 3 adn, zendn, 2 br AA, 7 helicopter bn);

    -12 separate brigades (5AA, 6 art / 3 sadn, + 3 adn /, infantryTnaya);

    - 11 sec. daysMLRS;

    - 3 obrkp, opb;

    - 12 one air defense (10 "Patriot", 2 "Avenger").

    National Guard: 351,200 people, 8 divisions ( 3 brtd, 4 md, lpd)

    15 sec. brigades (brtbr, 5mbr, 7 pbr, brkbr, lpbr), 36 artillery units, 32 AA battalions, 11 squadrons (2 Patriots, 9 Avengers), 17 headquarters of artillery brigades, brkp.

    National Guard - the most combat-ready component of the reserve, designed to reinforce advanced groupings of troops in a threatened period or with the outbreak of hostilities. All units and formations are kept according to the states of regular troops. The terms of mobilization are 10 days, but coordination will take 30-60 days.

    Reserve SW: 358,700 people, 12 training divisions, 13 regional commands, 4 bn AA.

    It serves as a base for mobilization deployment during a threatened period and is designed to reinforce ground forces and make up for losses during hostilities, transfer combat-ready formations to ground forces.

    Thus, the total number of NEs is 1,355 thousand people. (including 220 thousand civil servants.)

    SW Special Operations Command: 15 300 people, headquarters, 5 groups spn, ranger regiment, PS O group (5 bn ov) , Regiment of Aviation Special Operations.

    In order to increase combat readiness, ability and reduce the time for bringing it to a combat-ready state, it is planned to form "integrated" divisions as part of the reserve. Their organizational structure and combat training should correspond to regular troops, and the leadership staff should be staffed with career sergeants and officers.

    Thus, under the guise of improving the structure and increasing the level of combat readiness of reserve components, it is planned to create two fully combat-ready divisions ( 7 lpd and 24 md) with their inclusion in the combat strength by 2003 (in addition to the 10 existing ones).

    Information technologies are being actively introduced into the troops, which make it possible to provide commanders in the "company-division" link with full situational awareness with a visual demonstration of the location and intended actions of their troops, neighbors and the enemy. This will require the creation of a single network of 2,500 workstations equipped with a PC on 900 combat vehicles in a brigade. The first computerized division will be 4 md, and by 2004 - 1 brtd.

    All divisions have a typical organizational structure. The organization of the mechanized division is shown in fig. 1.

    United States mechanized division organization
    Picture 1.
    * MANPADS "Stinger" are distributed by 5 calculations per battalion and 3 calculations per division, in the calculation of 6 MANPADS.
    Administratively, the SVs are consolidated into 15 main and 7 auxiliary commands, and operationally they are part of the unified commands of the US Armed Forces.
    The main commands are:
    NE command on the continental United States;
    US Army Command in Europe;
    US Army Command in Japan;
    US Army Command in South Korea;
    command of the US Army in the zone of Central and South America;
    command of the US Army in the Pacific Ocean;
    command of the US Army in Alaska, etc.

    Outside the territory of the United States, the most numerous and trained is the command of the US Army in Europe. It is part of the United States Joint Command in Europe, and its commander is the commander of the joint forces of NATO. It consists of the 5th and 7th AK, each with two divisions ( md and brtd). If necessary, in 10 days this grouping can be reinforced by 6 divisions from the territory of the United States.

    In total, there are currently 298,000 military personnel outside the United States. Of these, 130 thousand in Iraq, 39 thousand in Germany, 30 thousand in Japan, 37 thousand in Korea, 30 thousand in Afghanistan, 11 thousand in Italy, etc.

    To increase the strategic mobility of the US Army in various regions, a system of advance storage of weapons was created and in O enno technique. So in Europe for 4 brigades, in the Middle East for two, in Korea for one. In addition, 14 storage ships have a set of B and BT for equipping brtbr and by d support divisions.

    Comparative characteristics of the strength and armament of combat units are presented in table 3.

    Armament of US divisions

    Table 3.


    and weapons








    Tanks "Abrams"MA1



    BMP + BTR with ATGM "Tou"

    PU ATGM "Dragon"

    PU SAM "Avenger" *

    ZSU "Volcano"*

    MANPADS "Stinger"

    * In the old structure

    NATO is the most important instrument for carrying out American policy in Europe, and NATO expansion is the most important element of the US strategy.

    In December 2000, the US Department of Defense submitted to the Administration and Congress a report entitled "Strengthening Transatlantic Security - American Strategy for the 21st Century."

    The document formulates the goals, content, ways and directions of the implementation of the US military-political course towards Europe.

    The United States is particularly concerned about the desire of European states to form their own military structures and accept independent solutions on defense matters. The Pentagon believes that this could lead to the bloc losing its status as a basic component, weakening US influence in Europe.

    The United States seeks recognition of NATO's right to use the potential of the European Union on its own initiative. The Pentagon demands an increase in defense spending by the Europeans, an increase in the level of equipment of the Armed Forces in the interests of building up NATO's military potential.

    USA condemns:

    evasion of European states from supporting the boycott of countries unfriendly to the USA;

    striving to develop friendly relations with Russia;

    purchase of weapons in any countries (except the USA);

    objections of some states to the expansion of NATO to the East.

    Key policy element USA in Europe- tough opposition to Russia. The United States justifies the need to maintain a powerful group of American armed forces in Europe.

    primary goal - maintaining the US leadership and initiative in resolving problems and conflicts in Europe.

    The concept of building a new type of US ground forces

    The need to reform the SV is caused by the intensification of international terrorism and the consequences of the use of the latest technologies. New ground forces should be distinguished by a more rapid response to changes in the situation and superiority over any enemy in the entire spectrum of military operations. In addition, an increase in the level of personnel training and combat readiness should be ensured.

    These issues are reflected in the documents "Army Perspective - 2010", "New Type US Army in 2015", "US Army Modernization Plan" (2004-2012).

    The actions of the SV should be based on the principle of "first saw, neRyou made a decision, you were the first to act, and you resolutely seek to winedy".

    The requirements for new formations are defined:

    Rapid response to crisis situations in any part of the world; - timely deployment in operational areas; - high maneuverability at all levels of action; - the universality of the use of groupings of troops (forces); - sufficient damaging force of formations; - significant survivability on the battlefield; - ability to conduct independent long-term actions.

    The main tactical formations will be brigades (brig regimentsdcomposition), capable of conducting independent combat operations without additional training within a few days after arrival in the area of ​​operational destination. The main task in this case will be to prevent the conflict situation from developing into a large-scale war.

    In large-scale wars, the US Army will operate as part of the MNF and to achieve the realization of US interests in various ways, up to the defeat of the enemy. It is planned to create formations of the transitional period - mechanized brigades "Stryker".

    They must operate in any geographic areas and conditions, especially on rough terrain and in the city.

    In the future it is planned:

    Have divisions in the administrative structure four deployedattye combat brigades and support brigades;

    Bring all brigades to a standard organization (it is supposed to have only three types of brigades in the SV: "heavy", mechanized brigades "Stryker" and "light";

    The presence in the regular structure of units of various branches of the armed forces will significantly increase the capabilities for command and control of troops and weapons, fire damage, engineering support, communications, reconnaissance and surveillance, conducting RKhBZ and will allow you to independently solve a wide range of tasks.

    The overall combat capabilities of the brigade will increase by 2-2.5 times. These formations will be able to operate autonomously for up to 3-7 days and establish full control over the situation within a radius of up to 100 km from the deployment area within 8-9 hours.

    It is planned to assign great importance to the complex fire engagement (COP) of the enemy in order to isolate the combat area, weaken and reduce the enemy's mobility and defeat him.

    By 2008, 6 Stryker mechanized brigades will be formed.

    In 2003, the Stryker mechanized brigade was introduced into the combat strength of the US Army. It was formed on the basis of the 3rd Brigade of the 2nd Infantry Division (Fort Lewis, Washington).

    Until 2009, the Stryker brigades will be formed on the basis of 1 br 25 lpd (Fort Lewis, Washington), 172 brigade (Fort Winewright, Alaska), 2nd brigade (Fort Polk, Louisiana), 2 br 25 lpd (Shefield-Barrex, Hawaii) and 56 pbr 28 pd NG (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania).

    Organizationally, the brigade consists of a headquarters and a headquarters company, three motorized infantry and reconnaissance battalions, an artillery battalion, a logistics battalion and four companies: anti-tank, reconnaissance, engineering and communications.

    Number - 3 614 people, 308 AFV "Stryker" (of which 12 BMTV LAV-III "Stryker" 105 mm), 12 towed howitzers M198 155 mm, 66 mortars (36x120 mm M286, 12x81 mm M29, 18x60 mm M224), 9 TOU-2 self-propelled ATGMs, 121 Javelin portable ATGMs and 3 Shadow 200 UAVs.

    Conditional abbreviations:

    - rr (rv) - reconnaissance company (platoon);

    - - engineer-sapper. platoon; - sun - communication platoon; - rtr - a company of tech. intelligence; - tsr - tech platoon means of intelligence; - medv(s) - honey. platoon (section); - var - platoon art. intelligence;

    - wobsp - support platoon;

    - suogn - section ex. fire;

    - shr (shs) - headquarters company (section); - minv(s) - mortar platoon (section); - wop - fire support platoon; - group control - management group; - vsari - platoon of collection and analysis of development. inf.; - odsn (sns) - squad (section) sniper .; - rrms - distribution company mat. funds; - rmp - repair and medical company; - wobsp - support platoon;

    Headquarters and headquarters company- 121 people, consists of a control group and 7 sections: reconnaissance, combat training, combat control, airlift control, fire control, use of non-lethal weapons, communications and automated control systems.

    Motorized infantry battalions(691 people each) - the main combat units, designed to conduct all types of military operations. Organizationally, they consist of a headquarters, a headquarters company, and three motorized infantry companies.

    headquarters company includes reconnaissance, mortar and medical platoons and a sniper squad. Armament- 4 BRM "Stryker", 4 mortars 120 mm M286 and 81 mm M29.

    Motorized infantry company includes three motorized infantry platoons, a fire support platoon and two mortar and sniper sections. Armament- 12 Stryker armored personnel carriers and 9 Javelin anti-tank systems, three Stryker heavy weapons combat vehicles (BMTV) (in a fire support platoon), in the mortar section - two mortars 120 mm M286 and 60 mm M224.

    Reconnaissance Battalion(428 people), is designed to provide intelligence information, aim fire weapons at targets and evaluate the results of their use. Includes headquarters and headquarters company, three reconnaissance companies and an RTR company.

    IN company three reconnaissance platoons each with 4 Stryker BRMs and Javelin ATGMs, and two 120 mm M286 mortars in the mortar section.

    Rota RTR includes headquarters and three platoons: - UAV (Shadow 200 complex - PU and 3 UAVs); - technical reconnaissance equipment (4 radars); - RCB reconnaissance (3 RCB reconnaissance vehicles "Stryker").

    Artillery battalion(290 people) - designed for fire support of the brigade. Includes headquarters, headquarters and two artillery batteries and an artillery reconnaissance platoon (equipped with Q-36 and Q-38 radars).

    The artillery battery consists of two firing platoons, each with 3 towed 155 mm M198 howitzers.

    Logistics Battalion(388 people) includes headquarters and 3 companies: headquarters and distribution of materiel, repair, medical.

    Anti-tank company(53 people) is designed to destroy armored vehicles and protected objects. It consists of 3 anti-tank platoons and three sections: headquarters, fire control, medical. In a platoon there are 3 TOU-2 anti-tank systems (based on the Stryker armored combat vehicle).

    Reconnaissance company(67 people) to conduct intelligence, collect and analyze intelligence information. Includes control group and 2 platoons.

    Engineering company(120 people) for the engineering support of the brigade. Includes an engineer platoon and three engineer platoons. InOgunning- 4 ATGM "Javelin" and special equipment.

    Signal Company(74 people) provides all types of communication. It consists of a headquarters, 2 communications platoons and a communications platoon.

    All equipment is air transportable, the weight does not exceed 19 tons. It can be transported by any aircraft, starting with the S-130. The brigade can be transferred to any part of the world and deployed in 96 hours.

    The basic model of the Stryker BM is an upgraded version of the Canadian LAV-III Kodiak BMP.

    Main performance characteristics of weapons:

    BTR LAV-III"Stryker" Crew - 2, landing - 9, weight - 17.2 tons, wheel formula - 8x8, V max - 97 km / h, cruising range - 531 km, fuel - 300 liters. Armament: 12.7 mm machine gun M2 or 40 mm automatic grenade launcher Mk19, ammunition - 2,000 rounds of 12.7 or 448 40 mm grenades.

    BMTV LAV-III "Stryker" Crew - 3, weight - 18.7 tons, wheel formula - 8x8, V max - 96 km / h, cruising range - 482 km, fuel - 215 liters. Vooratposition: 105 mm cannon, coaxial 7.62 mm and anti-aircraft 12.7 mm machine guns, ammunition - 32 rounds, 3,600 rounds of 12.7 and 7.62 mm.

    UAV"Shadow 200" Take-off weight - 144 kg, payload weight - 25 kg, V max - 230 km / h, V cruise - 155 km / h, N pr. - 4,600 m, Flight T - 3.5 h, Range - 80 km. Intelligence equipment - IR and TV cameras.

    Howitzer M198 Caliber - 155 mm, D str. max. -18.2 / 30 (ARS), rate of fire - 4 rpm, weight - 7.2 tons, calculation - 11 people.

    The brigade can be reinforced by tank, artillery, anti-aircraft units and army aviation, it is planned to introduce an army aviation battalion into the state.

    Rice. 4.

    A further increase in the effectiveness of support is planned to be carried out at the expense of reconnaissance complexes and means created within the framework of the program for the development of "promising combat systems" (Future Combat System - FCS). Are being developed Various types maneuverable air and ground-based combat vehicles, both with crews and robotic ones.

    Battlefield Surveilance Brigade (BFSB)- one of the 5 modular type support teams. Designed for conducting reconnaissance and surveillance in the area of ​​responsibility of a division or brigades, when it is impossible to do this with regular forces.

    For the timely receipt of information in the US Army, light UAVs are used RQ-11 « Raven» And « Silver Fox» in 2007 - 3,000 pieces. By 2010, the number of UAVs will be increased to 5,000.

    NE Germany: number 160,800 people. Subdivided into:

    - air force command - 6 brigades ( 2nd Airborne Brigade, Army Aviation Brigade ( it has 5 AA regiments ), br spn, br RTR, br MTO),

    - ground forces command (3 corps commands: 1st German-Dutch, 2nd and 4th AK, 3 armored divisions(one allocated to the RRF, the other to the "Eurocorps"), 2 motorized infantryAndone minerTdivision, 9 tbr and 7 mpbr, 2 tbr and 2 mpbr reduced membership, infantry and mountain infantry brigades, 7 artillery regiments and 7 anti-aircraft artillery regiments, 7 reconnaissance battalions, 7 engineering brigades, the German component of the Franco-German brigade, an ATGM helicopter regiment, and the ground forces support command (3 logistics brigades, a medical brigade).

    Armament : 2 035 MBT (563 "Leopard-1", 1,472 "Leopard-2", of which 350 "Leopard-2A6"), 523 brm, 2 085 BMP "Marder", 210 PU ATGM TOU on the armored personnel carrier "Wiesel", 909 BTR "Fuchs", 1 287 BTR M113, 1 364 PA guns (including 497 SG M-109AZG, 180 RzR2000), 200 MLRS (including 151 MLRS), 889 mortars, 1,915 ATGM launchers (including 1,519 Milan, 186 HOT (Jaguar-1), 87 TOU (Jaguar-2)) , 1,509 ZA guns, 143 Rolland air defense systems, Stinger MANPADS.

    Army Aviation: 518 helicopters(192 shock VO-105, 118 UH-1D, 107 CH-53G, 60 VO-105M, 28 Aluette-2, 13 EU-135), several CL-289 UAVs, 13 boats.

    There are three types of divisions in the German ground forces:

    3 tank;

    2 motorized infantry;

    mountain division.

    In addition, the command of the airmobile forces in its composition has 2 inhparatrooper brigades.

    Rice. 5. Organization of a mechanized infantry divisionzii Germany

    NE Turkey: number 402 130 people. , 4 army headquarters, 9 AK headquarters, 3 divisions (2 md Andpd), 48 brigade (17 brtbr, 15 mbr, 11 pbr, 5 br bn), 11 regiments, 26 otd bn on, 11 regiments, 26 otd bn burial. As part of the SV 4 helicopterTnyh regiment, bn combat helicopters and a transport helicopter group. In one sortie, they can transfer up to a regiment of soldiers with light weapons.Andeat.

    With the start of mobilization, 14 brigades are deployed in divisions.

    Due to the call of a trained reserve with combat experience, the SV can be brought up to two million. Turkey's ground forces can conduct military operations simultaneously on 2.5 fronts, conduct operations and ensure public order and security of the country in the event of local conflicts, take part in NATO operations, carry out peacekeeping functions according to the UN plan, fight against arms and drug smuggling. It is planned to form a brigade, and in the future, an army aviation corps, for which 145 helicopters are being purchased, and some will be assembled at Turkish factories. In addition, it is planned to purchase up to 1,000 new tanks.

    Turkey's ground troops are well trained and equipped with weapons and military equipment, they have extensive experience in combat operations. Turkey produces most of the weapons at its factories and even sells to other countries, in addition, it purchases modern weapons and equipment from the United States and Germany.

    Armament: 4,205 tanks (including 397 "Leopard-1", 932 M 60, 2,876 M 48), 250 armored personnel carriers, 650 infantry fighting vehicles, 3,643 armored personnel carriers (including 2,813 M 113), 2,015 towed guns, 868 SG, 84 MLRS (including 12 MLRS), 2,021 mortars, 1,283 ATGM launchers, 1,664 ZA guns, 897 MANPADS, 168 aircraft, 271 helicopters (of which 37 are combat) , 100 UAVs (Midge, Firebird, Gnat, Falcon).

    Comparative characteristics of artillery and missile systems are presented in Table 4.

    Performance characteristics of artillery and missile systems

    Table 4



    Accuracy (KVO)



    155 mm SG M109A


    240 mm (US)

    Cassette with

    KO, PTM, Cal

    MLRS "Lars"

    110 mm (FRG)

    Oh, checkoutTnaya with 5-8 ptm

    MLRS "Mars"

    280 mm (Germany)

    Of or kaWithnet with ptm

    OTR ”ATACMS” 610 mm

    2 140

    950 boel

    275 boel

    13 bel " Beth"

    6 bel " Beth"

    Since 1991, adopted by the US Army OTR ATACMS to destroy manpower and military equipment. The firing range depends on the weight of the cluster warhead (number of combat submunitions from 950 to 275).

    Since 1998, a new OTP has been received ATACMS Maud. 1A, it is equipped with an inertial guidance system from NAVSTAR. The CVO has decreased to 25 m. The missiles are in the launcher of the MLRS MLRS, 2 missiles each, combined use is possible (1 OTP + 6 MLRS).

    Since 1995, a self-guided element "Bet" with a mass of 20 kg has been developed, which glides on deploying wings by inertia. Guidance is carried out by a combined seeker (IR + acoustic - to engine noise). Since 1998, a new GOS has been used - IR + RL.

    It is planned to develop OTR ATACMS Maud. 3, with a range increased to 500 km and CEP = 10 m. The missiles are designed to reinforce divisions and army corps and are already being delivered to European countries and Turkey.

    ATGM complexes are effective and promising means of combating enemy tanks. Compared to other anti-tank weapons, ATGMs have a long firing range and a high probability of hitting targets from the first shot (80-90%).

    At present, the first generation ATGM systems have been withdrawn from service and replaced with second generation systems (with a semi-automatic control system). In modern complexes, the function of the operator is reduced to tracking the target, and the ATGM is aimed at the target in flight by the optical-mechanical coordinator of the launcher.

    The experience of the war in the Middle East showed the great effectiveness of these ATGMs: out of every ten tanks destroyed, seven tanks were hit by second-generation ATGM fire. ATGMs of the second generation are divided in accordance with the NATO classification into two groups: man-portable missiles with a range of up to 2,000 m (Dragon, Milan) and transportable missiles (Tou, Khot, Shillaila) with a range of up to 4000 meters. The invulnerable zone of the second-generation ATGM has sharply decreased (up to 30-75 m). Launchers for most of the transportable ATGMs are located on an armored base (armored personnel carrier, infantry fighting vehicle, tank), as well as on helicopters.

    Currently, extensive research is underway to create a third-generation ATGM. According to foreign experts, they will be characterized by more advanced control systems and high flight speed. Developed new ATGM "Tou" (BGM-71A, B, C, D, E) options. C and D - with a retractable stock - predictor, E - tandem warhead against dynamic armor.

    The combat capabilities of ATGMs have sharply increased "Hellfire" (AGM-114A, G, K) variant F two charges of directed lateral combat, for hitting tanks from above and from the side. "Hellfire" was used in the US war with Iraq against the radar, perhaps its use on air targets. The efficiency of use by a well-trained pilot was 0.9 - 0.95, in the group - 0.8 - 0.65, for poorly trained crews - 0.25. A semi-active guidance head and laser illumination are designed to increase their combat effectiveness.

    Accurate target recognition is of great importance for reliable target engagement. So in Iraq, inflatable models of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles of such high quality were used that American pilots fired expensive weapons at them. At the same time, the initial figure (2,000) of destroyed Iraqi tanks was overestimated three times. The calculation after the end of the war reduced it to 700, for each tank destroyed 1.5 tons of guided missiles or bombs were used, i.e. the cost of these "smart" ammunition exceeded the cost of the tank. In Yugoslavia, out of 700 Air Force tanks, only 13 were destroyed.

    Comparative characteristics of the main RPGs and ATGMs are presented in Table 5.

    Table 5. TTX RPG and ATGM


    country, year


    Range (m)

    starting weight

    Weight kg and warhead type

    Armor penetration

    Control system

    44-mm RPG "Panzerfaust" (FRG-1959)

    84-mm RPTR "Karl Gustav" (Germany)

    ATGM "Dragon" (USA) -1968

    ATGM "Milan" (FRG) France-1972

    Semi-automatic (by wire)

    ATGM "Tou" -68g ("Tou" -2 88g.) A, B, C, D, E (USA)

    Semi-automatic (by wire) Р=0.9

    ATGM Hellfire” 80g

    "Hellfire-2" -1989


    cumm. tandem

    Laser (RL) p / act GOS (0.9-0.95)

    Combined inertial

    130 mm RPG (France) -1988

    Self-guided grenade R=0.9/600 m

    ATGM "Eriks" (France) -1994

    GOS R=0.9/600 m

    “Hot”,75g.“Hot”-2 Fr. German 1987

    P / A by wire and IR GOS

    ATGM “Javelin”

    USA -1994

    (instead of Dragon)

    Thermal imaging sight

    shot and forgot

    The firepower of motorized infantry and tank units is based on infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) and tanks.

    Infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers are combat vehicles. They are designed to conduct combat operations by motorized infantry in close cooperation with tanks and aircraft. The armies of the NATO countries are armed with the BMP "Marder" (Germany), BTR M11ZA1, BMP "Bradley" (USA).

    Main battle tanks. The basis of the armored weapons of the NATO countries are tanks M60AI, M60AZ, MIAI "Abrams", USA, "Leopard-1", "Leopard-2" (Germany). The combat power of these tanks is characterized by the fact that they are all equipped with machine guns, instrumentation, including a rangefinder and night vision devices.

    These tanks have high combat effectiveness. They are equipped with a new fire control system, including a laser rangefinder sight, a two-plane stabilizer and an electronic ballistic computer, non-illuminated sights and observation devices.

    New US main tank MIAI "Abrams", in Germany "Leopard-2", in France " Leclerc” in a constructive sense, they do not differ from existing models, but surpasses them in basic combat qualities. And first of all, to strengthen the combat and firepower. This was achieved by installing guns of larger calibers (120 mm) with high initial projectile velocities, equipping tanks with devices and mechanisms that increase firing accuracy and rate of fire, as well as hinged block-modular armor with elements of dynamic protection. The equivalent thickness of the frontal armor is up to 100 cm. It is believed that there are no ATGMs capable of penetrating the frontal armor of the Abrams tank. But during the war in Iraq, the American government filed claims against the Russian government for selling the Kornet ATGM to Syria.

    It turns out that these ATGMs ended up in Iraq and successfully destroyed the Abrams.

    There was a completely amazing case - while combing the city, a 7.62 mm machine-gun bullet hit the fuel tank of the Abrams auxiliary installation. The tank caught fire, then the engine and the whole tank burned down. The Americans refused to count the tank as a combat loss, they filed it as a "mistake in the operation of the tank."

    Comparative characteristics of the main combat vehicles and tanks are presented in table 6.

    Table 6

    Characteristics of the main infantry fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers and tanks.

    Type, country, year

    Crew, pers.

    gun, mm

    cartridges, pcs.

    Power reserve, km

    Motor power

    B M P


    Germany, 1971

    Bradley M2 (A3)

    USA, 1982 (96)




    USA, 1964

    FV/432 Trogent

    England, 1963




    USA, 1980

    53,4 (63)



    55; 1 000






    France 1991



    40; 800

    1. 2 Characteristicshigh-precision weapons of the enemy, their basics of combat use

    Precision weapons (WTO)- this is a guided and homing weapon, the probability of hitting which is close to one in any situation.

    The experience of wars has shown that the traditional increase in the charge and density (quantity) of the ammunition used does not guarantee the destruction of the target. So, for example, increasing the power of the ammunition doubles the missile's lethality by 40%, and doubling the accuracy increases the missile's lethality by 400%, i.e. 10 times. The WTO leads to a radical change in the tactics and strategy of warfare in general.

    Table 7

    The main types and characteristics of the WTO are shown in Table 7.

    Name country, year

    Guidance system

    D start km



    Wally USA

    TV GOS high-explosive

    Lpa GOS cassette

    AGM-12 "Bullpup"

    RK, 800 osk bombs


    Maverick USA

    L, TV, (TpV) GOS high-explosive fragmentation


    AGM-84E SLAM

    A GM-84H SLAM-ER


    Recognizer machine ate



    3compared to standard

    "Exoset" PKR, Fr

    Inertz+ARL GOS

    AGM-84D “Harpoon” US anti-ship missiles

    Inerts + RL GOS penetrating

    AGM-130А,В,С(У) USA

    Inertia+ GPS


    AGM-45 Shrike

    RL GOS, o-f

    AGM-88 HARM

    RL GOS, o-f


    RL GOS, o-f



    AIM-7 "Sparrow"

    Pa RL GOS


    Iner + ARLGSN, o-f

    AIM-54 "Phoenix"

    Iner + ARLGSN, o-f



    AGM-86С ALCM

    Iner + krns+GPS

    Storm Shadow RCC



    "Hongniao-1/2" 92/98

    Warhead nuclear or obyhnaya

    "Hongniao-3" 2005

    Warhead nuclear or obyhnaya

    AGM-129A ASM

    Iner + korelyats (malozam)

    AGM-109С" Tomahawk" (Tektikal) (Block-4)

    Inertial + ko rrelativity

    GPS + opt.correlation

    (thermal imaging)

    1 800 (2000)

    1458/450 kg


    Even now, the WTO is approaching tactical nuclear weapons in terms of its effectiveness, and in some cases surpasses it.

    For the first time, the use of the WTO prototype was in Vietnam during the destruction of a strategic bridge, when, after 900 unsuccessful sorties, dropped 2,000 tons of bombs and 11 lost aircraft, four Wallai UABs were used, destroying the bridge supports, as a result of which communication was disrupted for several months and supply.

    The importance of using the WTO was appreciated by the British during the Falklands War. They were so shocked by the results of the use of French Exocet anti-ship missiles by Argentina, when out of five missiles launched, four hit targets and sank two British destroyers and two helicopter carriers, that only 15 years later they said "... if Argentina had 20 such missiles, Great Britain would have lost this war, despite complete superiority at sea, in the air and on land.

    A feature of the use of the WTO is the need to integrate various means of armed struggle into a single system of the WTO - reconnaissancespercussion combat systems(RUBS) or reconnaissance and strike complexTosy(RUK).

    Advantages of the WTO:

    Efficiency is comparable to nuclear weapons;

    Selectivity of influence, absence of radiation contamination;

    Shooting is not needed, surprise is achieved.

    Disadvantages of the WTO:

    High cost of development and production;

    Reduced efficiency in SMU and at night;

    It requires re-equipment of troops, a change in tactics.

    For the first time, the US massively used the WTO during the war with Iraq in 1991. Of the 325 missile launchers of the Tomahawk missile launcher and 90 missile launchers of the AGM, 86 20% of the missiles did not reach their targets at all, the rest hit about 50% of the targets, and not 85% as was declared. The effectiveness of the use of the WTO from stealth aircraft F-117 was about 65% (not 90%). The influence of bad weather conditions, anti-aircraft defense, as well as the use of a large number of decoys and mock-ups, widely and competently used by Iraq, had an effect. For example, according to the reports of the pilots, the number of destroyed tanks was doubled, while for each actually destroyed tank, on average, up to 1.5 tons of UAB or ATGM were spent (i.e., the cost of spent ammunition exceeded the cost of tanks).

    In the war with Iraq, sea- and air-based cruise missiles hit about 80% of the most important targets, while not a single aircraft was lost. In the United States, it was even decided to build a series of Arsenal ships. On a fully computerized ship with a crew of 20 people, up to 500 launchers with a Fasthawk vertical launch missile launcher will be placed. It was planned that the first 3 ships would be on combat duty as early as 2003-2005, and by 2030 the number of such ships could reach 100.

    Already, the United States has 90 surface ships and 107 submarines, which are armed with about 4,000 KR MB. After 2005, the United States intends to re-equip 3 Ohio-class nuclear submarines with 24 Trident ICBMs for 154 KR MBs with a launch distance of 2,700 km.

    The war in Iraq in 1991 once again confirmed the vulnerability of the WTO to weather conditions, which not only reduced the number of sorties, increased the requirements for the class qualification of flight personnel, but also sharply reduced the effectiveness of the use of missiles and bombs.

    Insufficient, according to the Americans, the effectiveness of cruise missiles forced a major modernization of control systems. So on the CD "Tomahawk" was used new system navigation using NAVSTAR - satellite system. The DIGISMAC electron-optical correlation system is used in the final section. It uses a digital image of the terrain, which allows you to increase the accuracy of shooting up to 10 m (KVO). In the future, it is planned to replace this system with a thermal imaging system and install a forward-looking video camera and a video image transmission system. In addition to increasing the flight range, it will be possible to retarget the missile in flight. A new thick-walled ATAR warhead is being developed to engage buried targets. It will be fired from the CR at a speed of 650 m/s.

    The new missiles were first used in mountainous and wooded areas in Yugoslavia in 1995, finalized and tested again in October 1996 when striking military and economic Iraqi facilities 27 missiles A mi.

    The results of the strikes were carefully analyzed and again and again With used for the next upgrade of cruise missiles. In August 1998, Afghanistan and Sudan were hit by 80 newest missile launchers, and again in December Iraq. In fact, during this strike, the scenario of a full With headquarters aerospace-sea operation using intelligence e breathing-percussion combat systems. For this, a space e a constellation of several dozen satellites for various purposes and a constellation of carriers of high-precision means of maritime and airborne A zirovaniya. The United States did not set any political goals, in fact it was again a test of new missiles and methods of combat operations.

    Since the ground grouping of US troops was not deployed, the strike of 415 KR became sudden for Iraq, there was no air defense countermeasures. During the strike, about 100 Iraqi military and economic facilities were destroyed.

    At the same time, the effectiveness of the WTO used by tactical aviation left much to be desired. It was influenced by weather conditions, and the level of training of pilots, and the impact of air defense systems.

    Therefore, new modular munitions were developed, guided by the American satellite navigation system NAVSTAR (GPS - Global Position System).

    These munitions are equipped with receivers of the NAVSTAR satellite navigation system (GPS - Global Position System) and can be used in any conditions without entering the target air defense zone.

    Several types of ammunition have been developed:

    JDAM ( joint direction Attack Munitions ) based on conventional and guided bombs Mk 82 Growth (227 kg) Mk 83 BLU-110 (450 kg) Mk-84 BLU-109 (900 kg), GBU-31 (2000 kg) with a probable deviation of 9-13 m and a launch range of 24 km, which provides protection for the carrier from military air defense. The Pentagon allocated $306 million for the purchase of 11,000 control and guidance units developed under the JDAM program to equip unguided bombs. By 2009, 87,000 blocks have been purchased;

    JSOW ( AGM -154) - a guided glide bomb with a retractable wing and a launch range of 65-70 km, which protects the carrier from object air defense (such as Buk, Kub, S-75). By 2009, 14,000 UPBs were purchased;

    JASSM ( AGM -158) - a guided missile weighing 1,100 kg, speed M = 0.7, KVO 3-10 m and a launch range of 180 - 200 (350) km, having a low radar visibility, which ensures the protection of the carrier from object air defense (type C-300V, C -300PMU, "Favorite"). Warhead mass UR - 900 kg. It can be equipped with both strategic bombers and tactical fighters. The KR is equipped with a combined autonomous guidance system - inertial - satellite on the marching leg of the flight and thermal imaging (with target self-recognition mode) on the final one. It is possible to introduce improvements - transferring “receipts” about hitting a target to the ground command post and retargeting mode in flight. The first batch of 95 missiles was launched in 2000, by 2010 2,400 missiles will be produced, the cost of one will be $0.3 million. It is planned to increase the range to 2,800 km.

    These munitions were successfully tested and used in Yugoslavia, Iraq and Afghanistan, which, as it were, became a testing ground for testing and evaluating the effectiveness of not only the weapons themselves, but also the features of their use, as well as the possibility of overcoming air defense weapons. The strikes on Kosovo and Serbia in March-June 1999 became a thorough refinement of the image of a new generation of war and its management system.

    The main goals of the war were:

    Test on the European theater RUK;

    Destruction of the military-economic potential of Yugoslavia;

    Evaluation of the effectiveness of the application of the WTO and documentation of the results.

    The war resulted in a full-scale air-space-sea operation without the actions of the ground forces. KR launches were carried out from D = 200-800 km, outside the air defense zone, using the GPS system without radiation. In the final section in the target area, the DSMAS system was turned on for precise guidance to a specific point of the object. New modifications of the AGM-130 guided missile with a television command guidance system (carrier - F-15E) were tested, and cluster bombs with self-aiming submunitions to destroy armored vehicles (carrier B-1) were tested. The targets were stationary, and the means of destruction did not depend on the weather, so the SMU did not play any role in striking.

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      report, added 09/27/2008

      The structure of the air forces of the Russian Federation, their purpose. The main directions of development of long-range aviation. Modern Russian anti-aircraft missile systems. Units and divisions of reconnaissance, search and rescue. History of the Russian Air Force, the establishment of a memorable day.

    1. Armed forces of foreign states: Information and analytical collection / A.N. Sidorin, G.M. Mingatin, V.M.
    Prishchepov, V.P. Akulenko. - M.: Military Publishing, 2009. - 528 p.: ill.
    2. Military geography of the North European region: reference
    materials. St. Petersburg: LenVO, 1999. - 159 p.: ill.
    1. Tactics. Battalion, company. Textbook. Ed. V.I.Popova. /Moscow:
    Military Publishing, 2009 - 415 p.
    2. Materials from Internet sites.


    1. General information about the US military.
    2. General information about the Armed Forces of the main
    NATO member countries (Germany and
    Great Britain).
    3. General information about the Armed Forces of the main
    countries of the Asia-Pacific region (China and


    The U.S. Armed Forces, by their designation and
    The nature of the tasks to be solved are divided into:
    strategic forces
    general forces.
    Strategic forces include offensive and
    defensive forces and are intended for:
    solving the main problems in
    large-scale wars of defeat
    groupings of troops and facilities that form the basis
    the defense potential of the enemy,
    gaining a strategic initiative,
    suppression of the ability of the opposing
    parties to the organized conduct of military
    anti-missile and anti-space defense
    territories of the United States and its allies.


    Command structure of the US military

    Structure of the US Armed Forces
    President: B. Obama
    OK NSH
    US-Canadian aerospace defense command
    North American Continent - NORAD
    In zones:
    OK Sun
    - OK in the European area;
    - OK in the Pacific Ocean;
    - OK in the Center area. and Yuzh.
    - Central OK;
    - OK in North America zone
    BS: 480
    NG: 350
    1035 thousand people
    NSh Army
    Minister of the Army
    united forces
    RW: 205
    BS: 548
    Air Force:
    Organizations. res.: 126
    674 thousand people
    NSH Navy
    Komend. sea
    Secretary of the Navy
    BS: 357
    NG: 108
    RW: 74
    539 thousand people
    NSH Air Force
    Minister of the Air Force

    US SNA
    US Air Force (strategic forces)
    150 pieces - "Minuteman 3S";
    300 pcs - “Minuteman 3M”.
    (95% - on the database)
    16 pcs. - AT 2;
    84 pcs. - B-1B;
    84 pcs. - B-52 N.
    (70% - combat ready)
    Global Command
    US strikes
    8 VA
    14 pcs. type "Ohio" (all with
    "Trident-2" for 24 launchers).
    (10 pieces - on the database)
    Combat Aviation
    USAF Com-e
    Command in the zone
    Atlantic ocean
    (VMB Norfolk)
    - refuellers;
    - scouts;
    - meteorological
    Command in the zone
    Pacific Ocean (VMB
    San Diego)
    combat composition
    20 VA
    US Navy (submarine)
    12 VA
    National Guards
    10 VA
    submarine force
    (6 pcs. SSBN)
    submarine force
    (8 pcs. SSBN)
    bombardier. esq.
    Esq. refueling
    Esq. missile maintenance
    Esq. ICBM
    Esq. service RK
    Esq. head remon.
    Esq. connections
    Esq. THAT
    Esq. voor. and email
    Esq. floor. remon.
    Esq. service YBP
    Support group
    Groups: rear. security, helicopter, hospital

    General characteristics of the US NE

    Types of troops:
    -parts and subdivisions
    - armored troops,
    -special forces
    - engineering troops,
    -parts and subdivisions
    intelligence and
    -Signal Corps;
    - army aviation.
    -parts and
    artillery technical,
    - transport,
    - financial,
    - medical and

    The structure of the general forces of the US Army


    Mechanized division
    headquarters and
    division company
    Motorized infantry
    Company ZOMP
    headquarters and
    headquarters companies
    brigades (3)
    and electronic warfare
    Company of the military
    rear division
    Total in the division:
    personnel, pers.
    Tanks M1 "Abrams"
    BMP M2 "Bradley"
    BRM M3 "Bradley"
    BTR M113
    - 16108
    - 259
    - 290
    - 164
    155 mm SG
    120 mm CM
    SPU ATGM "Tou"
    PPU ATGM "Dragon"
    ZRPK "Linebecker"
    SAM "Avenger"
    MANPADS "Stinger"
    Helicopters AN-64
    OH-58D helicopters
    Helicopters UH-60
    Helicopters EN-60

    Armored division
    headquarters and
    division company
    Motorized infantry
    Company ZOMP
    headquarters and
    headquarters companies
    brigades (3)
    and electronic warfare
    Company of the military
    rear division
    Total in the division:
    personnel, pers.
    Tanks M1 "Abrams"
    BMP M2 "Bradley"
    BRM M3 "Bradley"
    BTR M113
    - 16108
    - 317
    - 232
    - 159
    155 mm SG
    MLRS M270
    120 mm CM
    SPU ATGM "Tou"
    PPU ATGM "Dragon"
    ZRPK "Linebecker"
    SAM "Avenger"
    MANPADS "Stinger"
    Helicopters AN-64
    OH-58D helicopters
    Helicopters EN-60

    The structure of the "division of the XXI century"
    headquarters and
    headquarters company
    brigades (2)
    and electronic warfare
    VP company
    rear division

    The structure of the reorganized "heavy" division
    Personnel, people
    Tanks M1 "Abrams"
    BRM M3 "Bradley"
    PC30 MLRS
    155 mm self-propelled howitzers
    120mm self-propelled mortars
    Portable anti-tank systems "Javelin"
    AH-64D attack helicopters
    Helicopters UH-60
    CH-47D transport helicopters
    - up to 19000
    - 232
    - 116
    - 18
    - 64
    - 54
    - 208
    - 48
    - 50
    - 12
    - 64

    The structure of the "heavy" combat brigade
    Personnel, people
    Tanks М1А1 "Abrams"
    BMP M2 "Bradley"
    BRM M3 "Bradley"
    155 mm self-propelled howitzers
    120mm self-propelled mortars
    Portable anti-tank systems "Javelin"
    - around 3700
    - 58
    - 80
    - 29
    - 16
    - 14
    - 52
    - 16



    mechanized brigade
    headquarters company
    - 4609
    Tanks "Leopard-2" - 106
    BMP "Marder-1A3" - 106
    155mm SG
    - 24
    120mm CM
    - 20
    ATGM: "Jaguar-2" - 15
    - 32
    BTR "Fuchs"
    - 12
    BTR type M-113
    - 41
    Min. minelayer:
    "Scorpio" - 8
    - 3
    TMU "Bieber"
    - 4
    BREM "Standard"
    - 20
    Mobile ANP
    - 18
    Battalions (2)
    Motorized infantry
    battalions (2)
    Staff and
    Staff and
    Staff and
    companies (4)
    Motorized infantry
    companies (4)
    batteries (3)


      To study the organization, weapons, combat capabilities and order of battle of formations and units of the armed forces of the United States, China and the combined armed forces of NATO;

      To instill in students confidence in the need for knowledge of the organization of formations and units of a potential enemy.

    Time: 2 hours

    PLACE: class

    METHOD: group session

    MATERIAL SUPPORT: Foreign armies (reference book), presentation, multimedia.

    LITERATURE: Foreign armies.


      INTRODUCTION- 5 minutes.

      MAIN PART- 75 min.

    Study questions:

        Principles of construction of US military communications systems,

    China and NATO Allied Forces - min.

        Methods of organizing radio communications in the US armed forces,

    China and NATO Allied Forces. - min.

        Organization of communications in the US army corps and divisions. - min.

      FINAL PART- 5 minutes.

    Lesson progress:


      I accept the report of the platoon duty officer, check the presence, appearance and readiness of students for class;

      I check students' awareness of the international situation of our state;

      I announce the topic and educational purpose of the lesson, the order of its conduct.



    Communication using modern technical means is the material and technical basis of the command and control system of troops and weapons.

    To organize channels, lines and directions of communication in automated control systems for troops and weapons (ACS), communication technology and automated control systems (ACS) are used. The composition of communication technology and automated control systems includes the following groups of equipment:

    Communication means are technical means that transmit and (or) receive messages, process and (or) store information in military communication systems. In the lexicon of military signalmen, along with the expression “means of communication”, such terms as “complex of means of communication” (CSS) and “complex of technical means” (CTS) are used.

    Automation tools are technical devices designed to collect, process, store, display and document information, as well as to exchange data in an automated command and control system for troops and weapons.

    Means of communication and automated control systems - means designed for power supply, maintenance, mechanization of work during their deployment and operation.

    Mobile means of courier-postal communication - vehicles (land, water, air) designed to deliver secret documents (orders, combat orders and other documents) and mail (letters, parcels, translations and periodicals).

    Signaling means are means designed to give predetermined commands and signals. Signal means are sound and lighting. With their help, commands, reports, call signals, transfer or cease-fire, signals of target designation, mutual identification, designation of friendly troops, ensuring the interaction of units and subunits and alerts are transmitted. As lighting equipment are used: signal rockets, smoke bombs, lanterns, flags, sound - sirens, whistles, beeps.

    Radio reconnaissance means are technical means intended for conducting radio reconnaissance.

    Electronic warfare and radio countermeasures are technical means designed to conduct electronic warfare and radio countermeasures against enemy control and communication systems.

    Study Question #1"Principles of building military communication systems

    USA, China and NATO Allied Forces.

    Military satellite communications systems

    Features, systems

    Satellite communication systems in the interests of the armed forces in the capitalist states, primarily in the United States, began to be developed in the 60s. To date, considerable experience has been accumulated in the operation of the SSS and certain views have been formed on their use for the purpose of command and control of the armed forces.

    The main advantages of such systems:

    operational deployment and provision of communications across the seas, deserts, mountains, territories occupied by the enemy;

    low dependence of communication on the season, day, atmospheric interference, nuclear explosions

    (especially in the ranges of SMV and MMV);

    efficiency of restoration of communications in the main directions in case of damage to the ground communication network in the theater;

    the ability to have small-sized stations to provide communication over almost any distance, a decrease in the number of personnel, etc.

    A serious drawback of the CCC is the possibility of physical destruction of satellites, the organization of deliberate interference and insufficient secrecy of transmissions.

    In the opinion of American experts, SSS, in terms of their tactical and economic capabilities, are the main means of strategic communications in a unified automated command and control system. The issue of the use of SSS in the tactical level and control of nuclear forces was also positively resolved.

    Specialized military SSS are built, as a rule, on single satellites for the Air Force, Navy and SV and the development of "their own" fleet of APs. Basic requirements for military SSS:

    command and control of troops and weapons anywhere in the world, including areas occupied by the enemy;

    ensuring high survivability of satellites in orbit and noise immunity of communication channels when exposed to electronic warfare;

    tolerance of inefficient use of frequency bands and bandwidth of repeaters in the interests of meeting the requirements for the stability of communications and management;

    providing multiple access to a large number of mobile APs (including aircraft and ships) with a relatively small channel under the influence of deliberate interference;

    ensuring the secrecy of information transmission and protecting the system from disruption of its work by the enemy, etc.

    With the development and improvement of military SSS, views, in particular, on the efficiency of using the resource of frequency bands, bandwidth, economic efficiency of these systems were revised towards tightening.

    At present, the armed forces of the capitalist states are widely using commercial SSS on a lease basis, and some countries, such as France, are creating commercial and military systems by placing repeaters on the same satellites.

    The armed forces of the USA, NATO, England, France, Italy, in addition to leasing commercial CCC channels, have created, improved and developed new specialized CCCs of the armed forces: NATO, DSCS, Flitsatcom, Leasat, Afsatcom, Milstar, Sicral, Scynet, etc.

    Almost all countries in the world have their own armed forces. The most powerful armies currently have the United States, Russia, China, Germany, Great Britain, and France. A rather powerful military group has been created in the military-political North Atlantic Alliance (NATO bloc).

    US military in terms of their numbers, combat composition, the number of weapons and military equipment, they surpass the armed forces of such countries as Germany, Great Britain, France and Italy combined. They form the basis of the combat power of the NATO bloc.

    The US Armed Forces include the Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps. The total number of regular US armed forces is more than 1.3 million military personnel and about 700 thousand civilian personnel. The organized reserve is over one million people. The reserve, together with regular troops, participates in various exercises and maneuvers, is equipped with modern weapons and military equipment.

    The supreme commander of the armed forces is the president, who exercises overall leadership through the National Security Council and the Ministry of Defense.

    The recruitment of personnel of the armed forces is carried out according to the voluntary principle of recruitment and the conclusion of individual contracts.

    Citizens of the United States, citizens of other states permanently residing in the United States and having at least a secondary education are involved in the service. The term of the contract is from 3 to 6 years. A program has been established for all reservists, according to which they are attracted to classes one weekend a month and two weeks a year. If necessary, military personnel of the reserve components are called up for active service.

    The ground forces are one of the main components of the general forces. They consist of military branches and various services. The types of troops include: infantry (motorized infantry), armored troops, field and anti-aircraft artillery, army aviation, as well as units and subunits of combat support - signal troops, engineering, chemical, military intelligence and military police.

    The Air Force consists of units, formations and associations of intercontinental ballistic missiles, ground-based cruise missiles, strategic, tactical and military transport aviation. They also include the forces and means of air defense, warning of nuclear missile strikes and control of outer space.

    The Navy is a heterogeneous and versatile branch of the US armed forces and is designed to conduct military operations in wars of various scale and nature.

    An important component of the country's armed forces is the marines, they are kept in constant combat readiness and are used by the American military-political leadership as a strike force.

    The main types of weapons and military equipment: Abrams tanks; BMP "Bradley"; BTR M113; PU ATGM "Dragon"; PU SAM "Patriot"; intercontinental ballistic missiles "Minuteman-3" and MX; aircraft F-15, F-16, F / A-18, C-12, A-10A; helicopters UH-60/A/L/M, AN-1W "Super Cobra"; multi-purpose nuclear aircraft carriers and small aircraft carriers; submarines PLA (nuclear submarine) and SSBN (nuclear ballistic missile submarine); battleships, cruisers, destroyers, minotral and landing ships.

    Armed Forces of Germany(Bundeswehr) represent the most powerful army in Western Europe in terms of numbers and conventional weapons. The number of regular German armed forces is more than 300 thousand military and 75 thousand civilians, over 300 thousand people are in the reserve of the Bundeswehr. Germany has its own military industry, which is capable of producing almost all types of modern weapons and military equipment. The main part of the German armed forces is included in the combined armed forces of NATO.

    The armed forces of Germany consist of ground forces, air forces and naval forces.

    The ground forces of Germany consist of ground forces and territorial forces. The ground forces of Germany are divided into types of troops and types of weapons. The military branches include: control troops, combat troops, combat support troops and special types of troops. Control troops are designed to provide command and troops with communications, intelligence data, as well as to organize and maintain general order in the troops. The combat troops are the main branch of the armed forces and the backbone of the ground forces of the Bundeswehr. They combine two types of weapons - infantry and tank troops - and make up more than 80% of the entire combat strength of the ground forces. Combat support troops include army aviation, artillery, air defense troops, and engineering troops. The special branches of the armed forces include subunits and units of logistic support and subunits for protection against weapons of mass destruction.

    The German Air Force is composed of operational-tactical guided missiles, tactical and fighter-bomber aircraft, as well as anti-aircraft missile systems.

    The naval forces of Germany are considered one of the leading among the fleets of European states. They consist of a fleet and naval aviation. The combat strength of the German naval forces includes submarines, destroyers, frigates, small anti-submarine, landing and mine-sweeping ships, missile boats, as well as modern fighter-bombers, helicopters, reconnaissance aircraft and transport aircraft.

    The German Chancellor is the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. In peacetime, the general leadership of the armed forces is carried out by the Minister of Defense.

    Since 2011, Germany has moved to manning the armed forces with contract volunteers and professional military personnel. During the period of stay in the reserve, personnel are regularly involved in retraining and to participate in exercises.

    The main types of weapons and military equipment of the Bundeswehr: Leopard-2 tanks; BMP "Marder"; BTR M-113; PU ATGM "Milan"; PU ZUR "Hawk", "Roland" and "Patriot"; aircraft "Tornado"; helicopters UH-1D, "Sea Links", "Sea King"; submarines, frigates, torpedo boats.

    British Armed Forces. The military-political course of Great Britain is aimed at strengthening NATO's military power in every possible way, developing all-round cooperation with the United States and the leading countries of Western Europe. In terms of military spending, the UK ranks second in NATO after the US.

    The armed forces of Great Britain consist of the ground forces, the air force and the navy. The total number of regular armed forces is 180 thousand people, over 250 thousand people are in the reserve. The supreme commander of the armed forces of the country is the king (queen). The development of military policy, the main directions of the construction of the armed forces and the preparation of the country for war is carried out by the defense committee headed by the prime minister. In wartime, the Defense Committee exercises overall leadership of the armed forces.

    The British Armed Forces are recruited on a voluntary basis. The recruitment of ordinary personnel is carried out through the recruitment of volunteers under the contract. Persons who entered military service in the ground forces and the air force conclude contracts for a period of 3 to 22 years, and in the navy - from 12 to 22 years. Service in the territorial troops consists in combining the main work of reservists at enterprises and farms with the systematic passage of military training. The system of combat training includes classes at the training centers of military units on weekends (12 days a year), annual camp training, and regular troops participating in exercises.

    The main types of weapons and military equipment: tanks "Challenger-2"; BMP "Warrior"; aircraft "Tornado", "Jaguar", "Harrier"; helicopters "Sea King", "Lynx"; SSBN, PLA, AVL (light aircraft carrier).

    French Armed Forces. France's cooperation with NATO and the member countries of the bloc is constantly developing. The armed forces of France consist of the ground forces, the air force, the navy, and the military gendarmerie. The number of armed forces is about 250 thousand people, the number of military gendarmerie is over 100 thousand people.

    The supreme commander of the armed forces is the president of the country. He exercises general leadership in the preparation of the country for war and the armed forces through the supreme defense council, the defense committee, the prime minister and the minister of defense.

    The recruitment is done on a voluntary basis.

    The main types of weapons and military equipment: Leclerc and AMX-30 tanks; BMP AMX-10 R / RS, VAB armored personnel carriers of various modifications; ATGM "Milan" and "Hot"; SAM "Hawk" and "Roland", MANPADS "Mistral"; aircraft "Mirage", "Jaguar", "Alpha Jet", helicopters "Lynx"; SSBN, nuclear aircraft carrier, destroyers, frigates, torpedo boats.

    Appendix 2 of the textbook shows a general view, and Appendix 3 shows the tactical and technical characteristics of some types of weapons and military equipment of foreign armies.

    1. Tell us about the composition and principle of manning the US armed forces.
    2. Tell us about the composition and principle of manning the armed forces of Germany, Great Britain, and France.
    3. Describe the types of small arms of foreign armies known to you.
    4. Tell us about the combat capabilities of armored vehicles and aviation of foreign armies.

    We recommend reading
