Rd automated systems protection against unauthorized access. Description of automated functions. Order on the composition of the acceptance committee

Metals and metal products 03.07.2019

Information protection from tampering is part of general problem of information security. Measures to protect information from NSD should be carried out in conjunction with measures for special protection of basic and auxiliary computer equipment from PEMIN.
The complex of software and hardware tools and organizational (procedural) solutions to protect information from unauthorized access is implemented within the framework of the information protection system from unauthorized access control (SZI unauthorized access system), which conditionally consists of the following four subsystems: access control; registration and accounting; cryptographic; ensuring integrity.
The owner (owner) of the confidential information of the AU, with the participation of the expert commission and interested persons, selects an acceptable class of security of the AU against NSD (if necessary, with the involvement of information security specialists), based on the conditions and mode of operation of the AU and the required reliability of information protection. The selected NPP security classification is drawn up by an act and approved by the owner (owner) of the con-
fiducial information AU.
Among the defining signs by which the AU is grouped into different classes are:
availability of information in the AU of various levels of confidentiality; the level of authority of the subjects of AC access to access confidential information;
data processing mode in the AU: collective or individual. The specific composition of the ISS NSD is determined based on the security class selected for the given AS in accordance with the document “Automated systems. Protection against unauthorized access to information. Classification of Automated Systems and Requirements for Information Protection ".
Depending on the conditions of a particular AU, determined mainly by the established security class of the AU within the framework of access control, registration and accounting, integrity and cryptographic subsystems, it is recommended to implement (perform) the following functions - requirements for the corresponding classes.
The access control subsystem should include means of identification, authentication (authentication) and access control of users and their programs to the following resources: to the system; to terminals;
to a computer (PC), computer network nodes (PC); to communication channels;
to external computer devices (PC);
to the program to volumes, directories, files, records, record fields. The elements of identification, authentication and control of access to resources are implemented when the specified resources are available in the AU and in the absence of authority to access them for some users. Access control of subjects to protected resources is carried out in accordance with the access matrix.
In addition to means of access control, this subsystem, in the presence of several levels of confidentiality of information, should include means of information flow control, i.e., control of information transfer between strictly established resources (carriers), taking into account the availability of permission for this type of exchange. The flow of information is controlled using privacy labels. In this case, the level of confidentiality of protected objects (drives) must not be lower than the level of confidentiality of the information recorded on them.
The registration and accounting subsystem should include means for registering and accounting for the following events and / or resources:
login / logout of users to / from the system (host); issuance of printed (graphic output documents);
launch / termination of programs n processes (tasks, tasks) using protected files;
access of user programs to protected files, including their creation and deletion, transmission over communication lines and channels;
access of user programs to terminals, computers, computer network nodes, channels and communication lines, external computer devices, programs, volumes, catalogs; changes in the powers of access subjects; created securable access objects; accounting of information carriers. In addition, this subsystem should include means for cleaning (zeroing, depersonalizing) areas random access memory Computers and external storage devices used for processing and / or storing protected information.
The cryptographic subsystem should provide for the encryption of confidential information recorded on data carriers shared by different access subjects (shared), as well as on removable data carriers (tapes, disks, floppy disks, microcassettes, etc.) of long-term external memory for storage outside of work sessions authorized access subjects. Access to encryption operations and / or cryptographic keys should be controlled by an access control subsystem. In this case, certified cryptographic protection means must be used. Their certification is carried out by special certification centers or specialized enterprises licensed to certify cryptographic security tools.
The level of implementation of the functions of the DSS NSD must ensure its integrity for all operating modes of the NPP.
The subsystem for ensuring the integrity of the information security system is mandatory for any information security system and includes organizational, software and hardware and other means and methods that provide:
physical security of SVT (devices and information carriers), the territory and the building where J1C is located, with the help of technical security equipment and special personnel, strict access control, special equipment of the NPP premises;
inaccessibility of means of access control, accounting and control on the part of users for the purpose of their modification, blocking or disabling;
control of the integrity of the AS and SZI software for their unauthorized changes;
periodic and / or dynamic testing of the functions of the information security system of the NSD using special software;
availability of an administrator (service) for information protection, responsible for maintaining, normal functioning and control of the work of the information security system of the NSD; restoration of the information security system of the unauthorized system in case of failure and failure;
the use of certified (attested) means and methods of protection, the certification of which is carried out by special certification
centers or specialized enterprises licensed to carry out certification of means of protection of information security systems of NSD, for low security classes it is allowed to carry out certification by the enterprise itself (owner).
The control of the software environment of the general system means and the information security system of the NSD, taken into operation, must be provided for each AS that processes confidential information. The integrity of the software environment is ensured by the quality of acceptance of the AS software designed for processing confidential information.
The practical creation of information security tools that meet the listed requirements is carried out within the hardware and control programs of computer operating systems (PC), as well as within the software that expands the capabilities of operating systems if they are used.

More on topic 8.2. Requirements for information protection systems against unauthorized access:

  1. 8.3. Requirements for information protection systems against interception of electromagnetic radiation and interference (PEMIN)
  2. 6.1. The structure of the system for obtaining permission to access information that is a commercial secret of an enterprise
  3. 3.3. Model of Threats to Information Protection Systems of Sites of Russian Government Authorities
  6. Carrying out such studies is due, along with the analysis of a number of other issues, the need to ensure the safety of information resources, as well as the growing threats national security RF in the information sphere by obtaining unauthorized access to information resources and disrupting the normal functioning of information and telecommunication systems. In this regard, the analysis of the effectiveness of the information security of the sites of authorities becomes an obligatory stage in the creation of any

The vast majority of information in modern world processed in automated systems (AS). Consequently, the AU is the "most popular" object of protection. All operating AS that process confidential information, respectively, needing protection from tampering, are classified in accordance with the Guidance Document of the State Technical Commission of Russia "Automated systems. Protection from tampering with information. Classification of AS and requirements for information security".

In accordance with the document, the classification of the AU includes the following stages:

  1. Development and analysis of initial data.
  2. Identification of the main features of the AU required for classification.
  3. Comparison of the identified signs of the AU with the classified ones.
  4. Assigning an appropriate class of information protection against tampering to the AU.

The initial data for the classification of the AU are:

  • The list of protected information resources of the AU and their level of confidentiality.
  • The list of persons who have access to the standard means of the AU, indicating their level of authority.
  • Access or Authority Matrix access subjects in relation to the protected information resources of the AU.
  • Data processing mode in the AU.

The choice of the AC class is made by the customer and the developer with the assistance of information security specialists.

The defining features of the classification of the AU include the following:

  • availability of information in the AU of various levels of confidentiality;
  • level of authority access subjects AS for access to confidential information;
  • data processing mode in the AU - collective or individual.

Installed 9 classes of speaker protection against tampering to information, each class is characterized by a certain minimum set of protection requirements. Classes are divided into 3 groups:

  • III group - classes 3B and 3A.

    Classes correspond to automated systems in which one user works, admitted to all information in the AU, placed on media of the same confidentiality level.

  • Group II - classes 2B and 2A.

    Classes of this group correspond to automated systems in which users have the same access rights to all information in the AU, processed or stored on media of various levels of confidentiality.

  • Group I - classes 1D, 1G, 1B, 1B and 1A.

    These automated systems simultaneously process or store information of different levels of confidentiality. Not all users have access to all information in the AU.

Interestingly, the document identifies 4 subsystems to provide protection against tampering:

  • access control;
  • registration and accounting;
  • cryptographic;
  • ensuring integrity.

Depending on the AU class, the requirements for the listed subsystems differ (Tables 8.1, 8.2, 8.3). The following designations are adopted:

"-" - there are no requirements for this class;

"+" - there are requirements for this class.

Table 8.1. Requirements for speakers of group I
Subsystems and requirements Classes
1D 1G 1B 1B 1A
access control subjects:
into the system + + + + +
- + + + +
to programs - + + + +
- + + + +
1.2. Control flows of information - - + + +
2.1. Registration and accounting:
input (output) access subjects + + + + +
- + + + +
- + + + +
program access access subjects - + + + +
program access access subjects - + + + +
change of authority access subjects - - + + +
- - + + +
+ + + + +
- + + + +
- - + + +
- - - + +
access subjects - - - - +
cryptographic means - - - + +
+ + + + +
+ + + + +
- - + + +
+ + + + +
+ + + + +
- - + + +
Table 8.2. Requirements for speaker group II
Subsystems and requirements Classes
2B 2A
1. Access control subsystem
1.1. Identification, authentication and access control subjects:
into the system + +
to terminals, computers, computer network nodes, communication channels, external computer devices - +
to programs - +
to volumes, directories, files, records, record fields - +
1.2. Control flows of information - +
2. Subsystem of registration and accounting
2.1. Registration and accounting:
input (output) access subjects to (from) system (host) + +
issuance of printed (graphic) output documents - +
starting (ending) programs and processes (tasks, tasks) - +
program access access subjects to protected files, including their creation and deletion, transmission over communication lines and channels - +
program access access subjects to terminals, computers, computer network nodes, communication channels, external computer devices, programs, volumes, directories, files, records, record fields - +
change of authority access subjects - -
created securable access objects - +
2.2. Accounting for information carriers + +
Cleaning (zeroing, depersonalization) of freed up areas of computer RAM and external drives - +
2.4. Signaling of attempts to violate protection - -
3. Cryptographic subsystem
3.1. Encryption of confidential information - +
3.2. Encryption of information belonging to various access subjects(to groups of subjects) on different keys - -
3.3. Use of certified (certified) cryptographic means - +
4. Subsystem for ensuring integrity
4.1. Ensuring the integrity of software and processed information + +
4.2. Physical security of computer equipment and information carriers + +
4.3. Availability of an administrator (service) for information protection in the AS - +
4.4. Periodic testing of the information security system by the NSD - +
4.5. Availability of means of restoration of the information security system of the NSD + +
4.6. Use of certified protective equipment - +
Table 8.3. Requirements for speaker group III
Subsystems and requirements Classes
3B 3A
1. Access control subsystem
1.1. Identification, authentication and access control subjects:
into the system + +
to terminals, computers, computer network nodes, communication channels, external computer devices - -
to programs - -
to volumes, directories, files, records, record fields - -
1.2. Control- -
program access access subjects to terminals, computers, computer network nodes, communication channels, external computer devices, programs, volumes, directories, files, records, record fields - -
change of authority access subjects - -
created securable access objects - -
2.2. Accounting for information carriers + +
Cleaning (zeroing, depersonalization) of freed up areas of computer RAM and external drives - +
2.4. Signaling of attempts to violate protection - -
3. Cryptographic subsystem
3.1. Encryption of confidential information - -
3.2. Encryption of information belonging to various access subjects(to groups of subjects) on different keys - -
3.3. Use of certified (certified) cryptographic means - -
4. Subsystem for ensuring integrity
4.1. Ensuring the integrity of software and processed information + +
4.2. Physical security of computer equipment and information carriers + +
4.3. Availability of an administrator (service) for information protection in the AS - =
4.4. Periodic testing of the information security system by the NSD + +
4.5. Availability of means of restoration of the information security system of the NSD + +
4.6. Use of certified protective equipment - +

In more detail, the requirements depending on the security class are described in the Guidance Document of the State Technical Commission of Russia "Automated systems. Protection from tampering with information. Classification of AS and requirements for information security". The revision of the security class of the AU is made without fail if at least one of the criteria on the basis of which it was established has changed.

If an AS, classified earlier, is included in a computer network or system and is connected to other technical means by communication lines of various physical nature, the higher-level AS formed in this case is classified as a whole, and classification is not performed with respect to the lower-level AS.

If AS of different security classes are combined, then the integrated AS should be classified according to the highest security class of the AS included in it, except for the cases of their combination by means of a firewall, when each of the merging AS can maintain its own security class.

Guidance document
Automated systems.
Protection against unauthorized access to information
Classification of automated systems and requirements for information protection

Approved by the decision of the Chairman of the State Technical Commission under the President Russian Federation of March 30, 1992

1. Classification of the AU
2. Requirements for the protection of information from tampering for the AU

This guidance document establishes the classification of automated systems that are subject to protection from unauthorized access to information, and the requirements for the protection of information in the AU of various classes.

The guidance document was developed in addition to GOST 34.003-90, GOST 34.601-90, RD 50-680-88, RD 50-34.680-90 and other documents.

The document can be used as a regulatory and methodological material for customers and developers of the AU in the formulation and implementation of protection requirements.

Accepted abbreviations

AS - automated systems
NSD - unauthorized access
RD - guiding document
SZI - information security system
SZI NSD - a system for protecting information from unauthorized access

1. Classification of the AU

1.1. The classification applies to all operating and projected AS of institutions, organizations and enterprises that process confidential information.

1.2. The division of the AU into appropriate classes according to the conditions of their functioning from the point of view of information protection is necessary in order to develop and apply reasonable measures to achieve the required level of information protection.

1.3. Differentiation of the approach to the choice of methods and means of protection is determined by the importance of the information being processed, the difference between the AU in its composition, structure, methods of information processing, the quantitative and qualitative composition of users and service personnel.

1.4. The main stages of the classification of the AU are:
- development and analysis of initial data;
- identification of the main features of the AU required for classification;
- comparison of the identified signs of the AU with the classified ones;
- assignment to the AU of the appropriate class of information protection against tampering.

1.5. The necessary initial data for the classification of a specific AU are:
- a list of protected information resources of the AU and their level of confidentiality;
- a list of persons who have access to the standard means of the AU, indicating their level of authority;
- matrix of access or powers of subjects of access in relation to the protected information resources of the AU;
- data processing mode in the AU.

1.6. The choice of the AC class is made by the customer and the developer with the assistance of information security specialists.

1.7. Among the defining signs by which the AU is grouped into different classes are:
- availability of information in the AU of various levels of confidentiality;
- the level of authority of the subjects of AC access to access confidential information;
- data processing mode in the AU - collective or individual.

1.8. Nine classes of protection of the AU from unauthorized service to information are established.

Each class is characterized by a certain minimum set of protection requirements.

Classes are subdivided into three groups, differing in the peculiarities of information processing in the AS.

Within each group, a hierarchy of protection requirements is observed depending on the value (confidentiality) of information and, therefore, the hierarchy of security classes of the AU.

1.9. The third group includes the AU, in which one user works, admitted to all the information of the AU, placed on media of the same confidentiality level. The group contains two classes - 3B and 3A.

The second group includes the AU, in which users have the same access rights (powers) to all information AU, processed and (or) stored on media of different levels of confidentiality. The group contains two classes - 2B and 2A.

The first group includes multi-user AS, in which information of different levels of confidentiality is simultaneously processed and (or) stored. Not all users have the right to access all AU information. The group contains five classes - 1D, 1G, 1B, 1B and 1A.

2. Requirements for the protection of information from tampering systems for the AU

2.1. Information protection from tampering is an integral part of the general problem of information security. Measures to protect information from NSD should be carried out in conjunction with measures for special protection of the main and auxiliary computer equipment, means and communication systems from technical means of intelligence and industrial espionage.

2.2. In the general case, a complex of software and hardware tools and organizational (procedural) solutions for protecting information from unauthorized access is implemented within the framework of the information protection system from unauthorized access (SIS NSD), which conditionally consists of the following four subsystems:
- access control;
- registration and accounting;
- cryptographic;
- ensuring integrity.
2.3. Depending on the class of the AU within the framework of these subsystems, the requirements must be implemented in accordance with paragraphs. 2.4, 2.7 and 2.10. These requirements are formulated in detail in pp. 2.5, 2.6, 2.8, 2.9 and 2.11-2.15.

2.4. Requirements for speakers of the third group
- "-" - there are no requirements for this class;
- "+" - there are requirements for this class.

Subsystems and requirements

1. Access control subsystem

1.1. Identification, authentication and access control of subjects:

into the system

to terminals, computers, computer network nodes, communication channels, external computer devices

to programs

to volumes, directories, files, records, record fields

1.2. Information flow control

2. Subsystem of registration and accounting

2.1. Registration and accounting:

entry (exit) of access subjects to (from) system (s) (network node)

issuance of printed (graphic) output documents

starting (ending) programs and processes (tasks, tasks)

access of programs of subjects of access to protected files, including their creation and deletion, transmission over communication lines and channels

access of programs of subjects of access to terminals, computers, computer network nodes, communication channels, external computer devices, programs, volumes, directories, files, records, record fields

changes in the authority of access subjects

created securable access objects

2.2. Accounting for information carriers

2.3. Cleaning (zeroing, depersonalization) of freed up areas of computer RAM and external drives

2.4. Signaling of attempts to violate protection

3. Cryptographic subsystem

3.1. Encryption of confidential information

3.2. Encryption of information belonging to different access subjects (groups of subjects) on different keys

3.3. Use of certified (certified) cryptographic tools

4. Subsystem for ensuring integrity

4.1. Ensuring the integrity of software and processed information

4.2. Physical security of computer equipment and information carriers

4.3. Availability of an administrator (service) for information protection in the AS

4.4. Periodic testing of SZI NSD

4.5. Availability of means of restoration of the information security system of the NSD

4.6. Use of certified protective equipment

RD 50-34.698-90 Automated systems. Requirements for the content of documents. (Replacing GOST 24.104-85 in part of Section 3.)

Date of introduction 01.01.92

Real guidelines apply to automated systems (AS) used in various fields of activity (management, research, design, etc.), including their combination, and establish requirements for the content of documents developed when creating an AU.


1.1. Requirements for the content of documents being developed. when creating a nuclear power plant, are established by these instructions, as well as the corresponding state standards of the Unified System for Programming Documentation (ESPD), the Unified System for Design Documentation (ESKD), the System for Design Documentation for Construction (SPDS) and GOST 34.602.

The types and completeness of documents are regulated by GOST 34.201.

1.4. The content of documents developed at the pre-design stages in accordance with GOST 34.601, and organizational and administrative, is determined by the developers, depending on the amount of information necessary and sufficient for the further use of the documents. The content of these documents is given in annexes 1 and 2.

1.5. Documents, if necessary, are bound into books or volumes to which inventories are drawn up.


2.1. List of draft (technical) design

2.1.1. The list contains a list of all documents developed at the appropriate stages of the NPP creation and used from the projects of other NPPs.

2.1.2. The statement is filled out in sections - parts of the AU project.

2.1.3. The document should be executed in accordance with GOST 2.106.

The names of sections and subsections are recorded in the columns "Designation" and "Name" in the form of headings and are underlined.

2.2. Explanatory notes to draft, technical designs

2.2.1. The documents contain sections:

  • 1. General Provisions;
  • 2) a description of the process of activity;
  • 3) basic technical solutions;
  • 4) measures to prepare the automation object for putting the system into operation.

2.2.2. In the section "General Provisions" they give:

  • 1) the name of the projected nuclear power plant and the names of documents, their numbers and the date of approval, on the basis of which the design of the nuclear power plant is carried out;
  • 2) a list of organizations involved in the development of the system, the timing of the stages;
  • 3) goals, purpose and areas of use of the AU;
  • 4) confirmation of the conformity of design solutions to applicable safety standards and regulations, fire and explosion safety, etc .;
  • 5) information about the normative and technical documents used in the design;
  • 6) information about research work, best practices, inventions used in the development of the project;
  • 7) the order of creation of the system and the volume of each queue.

2.2.3. The section "Description of the activity process" reflects the composition of procedures (operations), taking into account the provision of interconnection and compatibility of the processes of automated and non-automated activities, formulate requirements for the organization of work in the conditions of the NPP functioning.

2.2.4. In the section "Basic technical solutions" are given:

  • 1) decisions on the structure of the system, subsystems, means and methods of communication for information exchange between the components of the system, subsystems:
  • 2) solutions for the interconnection of the AU with adjacent systems, ensuring its compatibility;
  • 3) decisions on modes of operation, diagnostics of system operation;
  • 4) decisions on the number, qualifications and functions of the NPP personnel, their modes of operation, the order of interaction;
  • 5) information on the provision of the consumer characteristics of the system (subsystems) specified in the terms of reference (TOR), which determine its quality;
  • 6) the composition of functions, complexes of tasks (tasks) implemented by the system (subsystem);
  • 7) solutions for a set of technical means, its placement at the facility;
  • 8) decisions on the composition of information, volume, methods of its organization, types of machine media, input and output documents and messages, information processing sequence and other components;
  • 9) decisions on the composition of software, languages ​​of activity, algorithms of procedures and operations and methods of their implementation.

GOST 34.201.

2.2.5. In the section "Measures to prepare the automation object for putting the system into operation" lead:

  • 1) measures to bring information to a form suitable for processing on a computer;
  • 2) measures for training and testing the qualifications of personnel;
  • 3) measures to create the necessary units and jobs;
  • 4) measures to change the automation object;
  • 5) other measures based on the specific features of the created speakers.

2.3. Functional structure diagram

The document "Functional structure diagram" contains:

  • 1) elements of the functional structure of the AU (subsystems of the AU); automated functions and (or) tasks (task complexes); a set of actions (operations) performed during the implementation of automated functions only by technical means (automatically) or only by a person;
  • 2) informational links between elements and with the external environment with a brief indication of the content of messages and (or) signals transmitted via links, and, if necessary, links of other types (entry, subordination, etc.);
  • 3) detailed diagrams of parts of the functional structure (if necessary).

2.4. List of purchased products - in accordance with GOST 2.106.

2.5. Description of Automated Functions

2.5.1. The document "Description of Automated Functions" contains sections:

  • 1) initial data;
  • 2) AU goals and automated functions;
  • 3) characteristics of the functional structure;
  • 4) standard solutions (if any).

2.5.2. In the section "Initial data" they give:

  • 1) a list of source materials and documents used in the development of the functional part of the NPP project;
  • 2) features of the control object that affect design decisions for automated functions;
  • 3) data on control systems interconnected with the developed AU, and information about the information that it must exchange with subscribers and other systems;
  • 4) a description of the information model of the object together with its control system.

2.5.3. In the section "AU Objectives and Automated Functions", a description of the automated functions aimed at achieving the set goals is given.

2.5.4. The section "Characteristics of the functional structure" contains:

  • 1) a list of AS subsystems with an indication of the functions and (or) tasks implemented in each subsystem;
  • 2) a description of the process of performing functions (if necessary);
  • 3) the necessary explanations for the division of automated functions into actions (operations) performed by technical means and by a person;
  • 4) requirements for time regulations and characteristics of the process of implementing automated functions (accuracy, reliability, etc.) and solving problems.

2.5.5. In the section "Typical solutions" give a list of typical solutions with an indication of the functions, tasks, complexes of tasks for the performance of which they are applied.

2.6. Description of the problem statement (set of tasks)

2.6.1. The document contains sections:

  • 1) characteristics of the complex of tasks;
  • 2) output information;
  • 3) input information.

2.6.2. In the section "Characteristics of the complex of tasks" are given:

  • 1) the purpose of a set of tasks;
  • 2) a list of objects (technological objects of management, divisions of the enterprise, etc.), during the management of which a set of tasks is solved;
  • 3) the frequency and duration of the decision;
  • 4) the conditions under which the solution of a complex of tasks is terminated in an automated way (if necessary);
  • 5) the relationship of this set of tasks with other complexes (tasks) of the AU;
  • 6) the positions of persons and (or) the names of departments that determine the conditions and time characteristics of a specific solution to the problem (if they are not determined by the general algorithm of the system's functioning);
  • 7) the distribution of actions between personnel and technical means in various situations of solving a complex of problems.

2.6.3. Section "Imprint" contains:

  • 1) a list and description of the output messages;
  • 2) a list and description of structural units of information of output messages (indicators, details and their aggregates, control signals) that have independent semantic meaning, or a link to documents containing this data. The description for each output message should indicate:

  • 1) identifier;
  • 2) the form of presentation of the message (document, video frame, control signal) and the requirements for it;
  • 3) the frequency of issue;
  • 4) the terms of issuance and the admissible delay of the decision;
  • 5) recipients and destination of the output information. The description for each structural unit of information should indicate:

  • 1) name;
  • 2) the identifier of the output message containing the structural unit of information;
  • 3) requirements for the accuracy and reliability of the calculation (if necessary).

2.6.4. The "Input Information" section should contain:

  • 1) a list and description of input messages (identifier, form of submission, timing and frequency of receipt);
  • 2) a list and description of the structural units of information of input messages or a link to documents containing this data. In the description for each structural unit of information, the input messages should be indicated;

  • 1) named;
  • 2) the required accuracy of its numerical value (if necessary);
  • 3) source of information (document, video frame, device, codogram, information base on machine media, etc.);
  • 4) identifier of the source of information.

2.6.5. It is allowed to provide in the form of attachments illustrative material, tables or auxiliary text, as well as documents that have independent designations (drawings of document forms, descriptions of information arrays, diagrams, etc.).

2.7. Local estimate and local estimate calculation

Local estimate and local estimate contain information about estimated cost works performed during the creation of the nuclear power plant, and the estimated cost of the objects constructed during the creation of the nuclear power plant, in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 1.02.01 and other documents for determining the cost of the nuclear power plant and its component parts.

Note. When the estimated cost of work and facilities changes in comparison with the planned cost, the economic efficiency of the plant is specified.

2.8. Passport

2.8.1. The document contains sections:

  • 1) general information about the AU;
  • 2) the main characteristics of the speaker;
  • 3) completeness;
  • 4) certificate (act) of acceptance;
  • 5) manufacturer's (supplier's) guarantees;
  • 6) information on complaints.

2.8.2. In chapter " General information about the AU "indicate the name of the AU, its designation assigned by the developer, the name of the supplier and other information about the AU as a whole.

2.8.3. In the section "Main characteristics of the speaker" should be given:

  • 1) information on the composition of the functions implemented by the AU, including measuring and control;
  • 2) a description of the principle of functioning of the AU;
  • 3) general regulations and modes of operation of the nuclear power plant and information about the possibility of changing the modes of its operation;
  • 4) information about the compatibility of the speaker with other systems.

2.8.4. In the section "Completeness" indicate all the complexes of hardware and software directly included in the AU, individual means, including data carriers and operational documents.

2.8.5. In the section "Certificate of Acceptance", the date of signing the certificate of acceptance of the NPP into industrial operation and the names of the persons who signed the certificate are given.

2.8.6. In the section "Manufacturer's Warranties", the warranty periods for the AU as a whole and its individual components are given, if these periods do not coincide with the warranty periods for the AU as a whole.

2.9. Form

2.9.1. The document contains sections:

  • 1) general information;
  • 2) main characteristics;
  • 3) completeness;
  • 4) certificate of acceptance;
  • 5) warranty obligations;
  • 6) information about the state of the AU;
  • 7) information on complaints.

2.9.2. In the "General Information" section, indicate the name of the plant, its designation assigned by the developer, the name of the developer, the date of putting the plant into operation, general instructions to the plant operating personnel, the requirements for maintaining the form and the place of its storage, including the list of technical documentation, which the staff should be familiar with.

2.9.3. In the section "Main characteristics" indicate:

  • 1) a list of implemented functions;
  • 2) quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the AU and its parts;
  • 3) a description of the principles of the NPP functioning, regulations and modes of operation;
  • 4) information about the interaction of the AU with other systems.

2.9.4. In the section "Completeness" indicate:

  • 1) a list of hardware and software, including data carriers;
  • 2) a list of operational documents.

2.9.5. In the section "Certificate of Acceptance" indicate:

  • 1) the date of signing the certificates of acceptance of the NPP and its parts into industrial operation;
  • 2) the names of the chairmen of the commissions who carried out the acceptance of the AU.

2.9.6. In the section "Warranty" indicate:

  • 1) warranty obligations of the AU developers for the system as a whole and for parts that have different warranty periods;
  • 2) a list of technical means of the AU, which have a warranty period of service less than the warranty period for the system.

2.9.7. In the section "Information about the state of the speaker" indicate:

  • 1) information about malfunctions, including date, time, nature, cause of occurrence and persons who eliminated the malfunction;
  • 2) comments on operation and emergency situations, measures taken;
  • 3) information on carrying out checks of measuring devices and accuracy characteristics of measuring channels (for APCS);
  • 4) information about the repair of technical equipment and changes in software, indicating the basis, date and content of the change;
  • 5) information on the implementation of routine (preventive maintenance and their results).

2.10. System Reliability Design Assessment

2.10.1. The document contains sections:

  • 1. Introduction;
  • 2) initial data;
  • 3) calculation method;
  • 4) calculation of reliability indicators;
  • 5) analysis of the calculation results.

2.10.2. In the section "Introduction" indicate:

  • 1) the purpose of calculating the reliability of the system;
  • 2) a list of the estimated reliability indicators;
  • 3) the composition of the factors taken into account in the calculation, as well as the assumptions and limitations adopted.

2.10.3. In the section "Initial data" they give:

  • 1) data on the reliability (passport and reference) of the NPP elements taken into account when calculating the reliability of the system;
  • 2) data on the modes and conditions of functioning of the NPP elements;
  • 3) information about organizational forms, modes and parameters of NPP operation.

2.10.4. In the section "Calculation Methodology" indicate the justification for the choice of the calculation methodology and the normative and technical document according to which the calculation is carried out, or short description calculation methods and a link to the sources where it is published.

2.10.5. In the section "Calculation of reliability indicators" indicate:

  • 1) the reliability structures of the AU components (a set of hardware, software and personnel) for all the evaluated functions (functional subsystems) of the AU;
  • 2) the necessary calculations;
  • 3) calculation results.

2.10.6. In the section "Analysis of calculation results" indicate:

  • 1) the final calculation data for each assessed function (functional subsystem) of the AU and each standardized indicator of reliability;
  • 2) conclusions about the sufficiency or insufficiency of the obtained level of reliability of the nuclear power plant for each assessed function (functional subsystem) of the nuclear power plant and, if necessary, recommendations for improving the reliability.

2.10.7. If, in justified cases, when assessing the NPP reliability it is impossible to take into account the reliability level of the NPP software and the level of reliability of the NPP personnel actions, then in the document "Design Assessment of the System Reliability" information on the NPP reliability assessment is indicated only taking into account the reliability of the complex of technical means, including non-standard ones.

2.11. General description of the system

2.11.1. The document contains sections:

  • 1) the purpose of the system;
  • 2) a description of the system;
  • 3) a description of the relationship between the AU and other systems;
  • 4) description of subsystems (if necessary).

2.11.2. In the section "Purpose of the system" indicate:

  • 1) the type of activity for the automation of which the system is intended;
  • 2) a list of automation objects on which the system is used;
  • 3) a list of functions implemented by the system.

2.11.3. In the section "Description of the system" indicate:

  • 1) the structure of the system and the purpose of its parts;
  • 2) information about the NPP as a whole and its parts, necessary to ensure the operation of the system;
  • 3) a description of the functioning of the system and its parts.

2.11.4. In the section "Description of the interconnection of the AU with other systems" indicate:

  • 1) a list of systems with which this speaker is connected;
  • 2) a description of the connections between systems;
  • 3) a description of the communication regulations;
  • 4) a description of the relationship between the AU and the units of the automation object.

2.11.5. In the section "Description of subsystems" indicate:

  • 1) the structure of subsystems and the purpose of its parts;
  • 2) information about subsystems and their parts, necessary to ensure their functioning;
  • 3) a description of the functioning of subsystems and their parts.

2.12. List of original holders - in accordance with GOST 2.112.

2.13. Statement of operational documents

2.13.1. The document contains a list of operational documents in accordance with GOST 34.201.

2.13.2. The list is filled out in sections - parts of the AU project.

2.14. Test program and methodology (components, complexes of automation equipment, subsystems, systems)

2.14.1. The "Program and Test Methodology" of a set of design automation tools at the stage of experimental operation is intended to establish technical data to be verified during testing of NPP components and a set of design automation tools, as well as the test procedure and methods for their control.

2.14.2. The "test program and methodology" of the system (subsystem) at the stage of experimental operation is intended to establish data that ensure the receipt and verification of design solutions, identify the causes of failures, determine the quality of work, quality indicators of the system (subsystem) functioning, check the compliance of the system with safety requirements, duration and test mode.

2.14.3. The test programs should contain lists of specific checks (tasks to be solved) that should be carried out during tests to confirm the fulfillment of the requirements of the TK, with references to the corresponding test procedures (sections of procedures).

2.14.4. The list of checks to be included in the test program includes:

  • 1) compliance of the TK system;
  • 2) completeness of the system;
  • 3) completeness and quality of documentation;
  • 4) completeness, sufficiency of the composition to the quality of software and software documentation;
  • 5) the number and qualifications of service personnel;
  • 6) the degree of fulfillment of the requirements for the functional purpose of the system;
  • 7) testability of the system;
  • 8) compliance with the requirements of safety, fire safety, industrial sanitation, ergonomics;
  • 9) the functioning of the system using software.

2.14.5. It is recommended that the description of the system test methods for individual indicators be arranged in the same sequence in which these indicators are located in the technical requirements.

2.14.6. The test program contains sections:

  • 1) the object of testing;
  • 2) the purpose of the tests;
  • 3) general provisions;
  • 4) scope of tests;
  • 5) conditions and procedure for conducting tests;
  • 6) material and technical support of tests;
  • 7) metrological support of tests;
  • 8) reporting.

Attachments are included in the document.

Depending on the features of the systems, it is allowed to combine or exclude individual sections, provided that their content is stated in other sections of the test program, and also to include additional sections (if necessary).

2.14.7. In the section "Test object" indicate:

  • 1) full name of the system, designation;
  • 2) completeness of the test system.

2.14.8. In the section "Purpose of testing" indicate specific goals and objectives that must be achieved and solved in the testing process.

2.14.9. In the section "General Provisions" indicate:

  • 1) a list of guidance documents on the basis of which the tests are carried out;
  • 2) the place and duration of the tests;
  • 3) organizations participating in the tests;
  • 4) a list of previously conducted tests;
  • 5) a list of documents submitted for testing, corrected according to the results of earlier tests.

2.14.10. In the section "Scope of tests" indicate:

  • 1) a list of stages of tests and inspections, as well as quantitative and qualitative characteristics to be assessed;
  • 2) the sequence and mode of testing;
  • 3) requirements for testing software;
  • 4) a list of work carried out after the completion of the tests, the requirements for them, the volume and procedure for carrying out.

2.14.11. In the section "Conditions and procedure for testing" indicate:

  • 1) test conditions;
  • 2) conditions for the beginning and completion of individual stages of testing;
  • 3) the existing limitations in the test conditions;
  • 4) requirements for maintenance systems;
  • 5) measures to ensure safety and trouble-free testing;
  • 6) the procedure for interaction of organizations participating in the tests;
  • 7) the procedure for attracting experts to investigate possible damage in the process of testing;
  • 8) the requirements for the personnel conducting the tests, and the procedure for their admission to the tests.

2.14.12. In the section "Logistic support of tests" indicate specific types of logistical support with the distribution of tasks and responsibilities of the organization participating in the tests.

2.14.13. The section "Metrological support of tests" provides a list of measures for metrological support of tests with the distribution of tasks and responsibilities of organizations participating in the tests for the implementation of the relevant measures.

2.14.14. In the "Reporting" section, there is a list of reporting documents that must be drawn up during the testing process and upon their completion, indicating the organizations and enterprises that develop, agree and approve them, and the timing of these documents.

Reporting documents include an act and a report on the test results, an act of the technical condition of the system after testing.

2.14.15. The appendices include a list of test methods, mathematical and complex models used to assess the characteristics of the system.

2.14.16. When conducting tests in several stages, the test programs should be drawn up in the form of a single document.

2.14.17. Test methods are developed on the basis of technical specifications and approved test programs using standard test methods (if any). At the same time, certain provisions of standard test methods can be specified and concretized in the developed test methods, depending on the features of the system and the conditions of testing. The content of the methodology sections is set by the developer.

2.15. Organizational chart

The organizational chart contains:

  • 1) the composition of the divisions (officials) of the organization that ensure the functioning of the NPP or use the information received from the NPP when making a decision;
  • 2) the main functions and connections between departments and individual officials indicated in the diagram, and their subordination.


3.1. Description of the organizational structure

3.1.1. The document contains sections:

  • 1) changes in the organizational structure of object management;
  • 2) organization of subdivisions;
  • 3) reorganization of existing management units.

3.1.2. In the section "Changes in the organizational structure of object management" indicate:

  • 1) design solutions for changing the organizational structure of object management and their justification;
  • 2) a description of changes in the relationships between departments.

3.1.3. In the section "Organization of subdivisions" are given:

  • 1) a description of the organizational structure and functions of the units created to ensure the functioning of the nuclear power plant;
  • 2) a description of the work schedule;
  • 3) a list of categories of workers and the number of staff positions.

3.1.4. In the section "Reorganization of existing management divisions" indicate a description of the changes caused by the creation of the AU, which must be carried out in each of the existing management divisions of the object in: organizational structure, functions of divisions, work regulations, personnel composition of divisions.

3.2. Methodology (technology) of computer-aided design

3.2.1. The document "Computer-aided design technique" contains sections:

  • 1. General Provisions;
  • 2) statement of the problem;
  • 3) design methodology;
  • 4) initial data;
  • 5) design procedures;
  • 6) evaluation of results.

3.2.2. In the "General Provisions" section, indicate the class of objects to which the methodology is applied, the composition of user specialists, requirements and restrictions on the conditions for applying the methodology.

3.2.3. In the section "Statement of the problem" indicate the main ways and directions of solving the problem, requirements and restrictions on the solution, criteria for evaluating the results.

3.2.4. The section "Design Methodology" describes the selected mathematical methods used in the design, indicate the composition and purpose of design procedures, the order of interaction of design procedures in the process of execution.

3.2.5. The section "Initial data" defines the composition, order of selection, presentation and formation of arrays of used information, a list of designations of elements that describe the subject area, indicating their names, units of measurement, range of values, criteria for evaluating the initial data, choose methods and models of solution.

3.2.6. In the section "Design procedures", for each design procedure, the composition of the normative and reference input data, the rules for accessing them, the procedure for performing the procedure, the composition and form of output messages are indicated.

3.2.7. In the section "Evaluation of results" the analysis of the received design solution for compliance with the specified criteria is given.

3.2.8. When designing specific objects, the document "Computer-aided design methodology" can be supplemented with specific sections that are characteristic of the designed objects.

3.3. Technological instruction

3.3.1. The document "Technological instruction" is developed for an operation or a complex of operations of the technological process of data processing.

3.3.2. The document indicates the name of the technological operation (operations) for which the document is developed, and provides information on the procedure and rules for performing the operations (operations) of the data processing technological process. The instructions provide a list of personnel positions to which this instruction applies.

3.3.3. The nomenclature of technological instructions is determined based on the adopted data processing process. The structure of the document is set by the developer depending on the content.

3.4. User guide

3.4.1. The document contains sections:

  • 1. Introduction;
  • 2) purpose and conditions of use;
  • 3) preparation for work;
  • 4) description of operations;
  • 5) emergency situations;
  • 6) recommendations for development.

3.4.2. In the section "Introduction" indicate:

  • 1 area of ​​use;
  • 2) a brief description of the capabilities;
  • 3) the level of training of the user;
  • 4) a list of operational documentation that the user needs to familiarize himself with.

3.4.3. In the section "Purpose and conditions of use" indicate:

  • 1) the types of activities, functions for the automation of which this automation tool is intended;
  • 2) the conditions, subject to (fulfillment, occurrence) of which, the use of automation tools is ensured in accordance with the purpose (for example, the type of computer and the configuration of hardware, the operating environment and general system software, input information, data carriers, a database, requirements for training specialists etc.).

3.4.4. In the section "Preparation for work" indicate:

  • 1) the composition and content of the distribution data carrier;
  • 2) the procedure for loading data and programs;
  • 3) the procedure for checking the operability.

3.4.5. In the section "Description of operations" indicate:

  • 1) a description of all performed functions, tasks, complexes of tasks, procedures;
  • 2) a description of the operations of the technological process of data processing necessary to perform functions, complexes of tasks (tasks), procedures.

3.4.6. For each data processing operation, indicate:

  • 1) name;
  • 2) the conditions under which it is possible to perform the operation;
  • 3) preparatory actions;
  • 4) the main actions in the required sequence;
  • 5) final actions;
  • 6) the resources spent on the operation.

3.4.7. In the section "Emergency situations" indicate:

  • 1) actions in case of non-compliance with the conditions of the technological process, including in case of long-term failures of technical means;
  • 2) actions to restore programs and / or data in case of failure of magnetic media or detection of errors in the data;
  • 3) actions in cases of detection of unauthorized interference with data;
  • 4) actions in other emergency situations.

3.5. Description of the technological process of data processing (including teleprocessing)

3.5.1. The document contains sections:

  • 1) the technological process of collecting and processing data on peripheral devices with decentralized data processing;
  • 2) technological process of data processing at the computer center.

3.5.2. In the section "Technological process of collecting and processing data on peripheral devices with decentralized data processing" indicate:

  • 1) the composition and sequence of technological operations for the collection, registration, preparation, control, transfer, processing and display of information;
  • 2) a list of documentation accompanying each operation in a given technological process.

3.5.3. In the section "Technological process of data processing at a computer center" indicate:

  • 1) the composition and sequence of technological operations for receiving, monitoring, processing, storing, issuing data and other operations performed at the computing center;
  • 2) a list of documentation accompanying this technological process.


4.1. Automation scheme

4.1.1. The automation scheme contains:

  • 1) a simplified image of an object or its part, for which a diagram has been drawn up;
  • 2) the means of technical support involved in the process shown in the diagram, with the exception of auxiliary devices and equipment (relay power supplies, magnetic starters);
  • 3) functional links between the means of technical support;
  • 4) external functional links of technical support facilities with other technical facilities;
  • 5) a table of the symbols used in the scheme that are not provided for by the current standards.

4.1.2. The diagram allows the necessary textual explanations

4.2. Description of the set of technical means

4.2.1. The document contains sections:

  • 1. General Provisions;
  • 2) the structure of the complex of technical means;
  • 3) computer facilities;
  • 4) data transmission equipment.

4.2.2. The section "General Provisions" provides the initial data used in the design of the NPP hardware.

4.2.3. In the section "The structure of the complex of technical means" are given:

  • 1) substantiation of the choice of the structure of a complex of technical means (CTS), including technical solutions for the exchange of data with technical means of other AU (in the case of the presence of these connections), for the use of technical means of limited use (in accordance with the lists approved in accordance with the established procedure) and links to documents confirming the approval of their delivery;
  • 2) a description of the functioning of the CTS, including in start-up and emergency modes;
  • 3) a description of the placement of the CTS at facilities and production areas, taking into account the fulfillment of safety requirements and compliance with the technical conditions for the operation of technical means;
  • 4) the justification for the application and technical requirements for the equipment provided for in the approved projects and estimates for the construction or reconstruction of enterprises and manufactured on an individual basis industrial enterprises or by construction and installation organizations according to custom specifications and drawings of design organizations as non-repetitive, not having a manufacturing industry and applied by virtue of special technical solutions in the project;
  • 5) substantiation of methods for protecting technical equipment from mechanical, thermal, electromagnetic and other influences, protecting data, including from unauthorized access to them, and ensuring the specified reliability of data during the operation of the CTS (if necessary);
  • 6) the results of the design assessment of the CTS reliability.

In the section, other documents are given in the form of illustrations that are allowed to be included in accordance with GOST 34.201.

4.2.4. In the section "Computer facilities" are given:

  • 1) justification and description of the main decisions on the choice of the type of computer;
  • 2) justification and description of the main decisions on the choice of types of peripheral technical means, including the means of obtaining, monitoring, preparing, collecting, registering, storing and displaying information;
  • 3) a description of the structural diagram of the technical means located in the computer center (CC) and at the workplaces of the personnel;
  • 4) the results of the calculation or calculation of the number of technical means and the need for machine data carriers;
  • 5) justification of the number of personnel ensuring the operation of technical means in various modes;
  • 6) technical solutions for equipping personnel workplaces, including a description of workplaces and calculation of areas;
  • 7) a description of the features of the functioning of technical means in starting, normal and emergency modes.

4.2.5. In the section "Data transmission equipment" give:

  • 1) justification and description of decisions on the choice of teleprocessing and data transmission means, including decisions on the choice of communication channels and the results of calculating (if necessary, calculating) their number;
  • 2) decisions on the choice of technical means that provide interface with communication channels, including the results of the calculation (or calculation) of their needs;
  • 3) requirements for leased communication channels;
  • 4) information about the location of subscribers and the volume-time characteristics of the transmitted data;
  • 5) the main indicators of reliability, reliability and other technical characteristics of teleprocessing and data transmission facilities.

4.3. Layout plan

The plan for the location of technical support equipment, carried out during the development of a technical project, must determine the location of control points and technical support equipment that require special rooms or separate areas for placement,

The document may be included in the section "The structure of the complex of technical means" of the document "Description of the complex of technical means".

4.4. Layout of equipment and wiring

The layout of equipment and wiring should show plans and sections of the premises, which should indicate the placement of technical support: sensors with select devices, actuators, telemechanics and communication devices, computer equipment, cable and pipe wiring, etc. The plan indicates the installation dimensions required for the installation of technical equipment.

4.5. Terms of reference for the development of specialized (new) technical means

4.6. Tasks for the development of construction, electrical, sanitary and other sections of the project related to the creation of the system

The task includes the layout of the placement of technical equipment, communication lines between them, requirements for the premises, conditions for the placement of technical equipment and a number of other requirements related to the need for preparatory work.

4.7. List of tasks for the development of specialized (new) technical means

The document for each assignment contains the name and purpose of the development, the name of the developer organization (estimated), the estimated cost and scope of the development, the terms of work.

4.8. The list of tasks for the development of construction, electrical, sanitary and other sections of the project related to the creation of the system

The document contains the name of all tasks, their purpose, dates of issue and terms of work.

4.9. Structural diagram of a complex of technical means

4.9.1. The document contains the composition of a complex of technical means and links between these technical means or groups of technical means, united by any logical signs (for example, the joint performance of individual or several functions, the same purpose, etc.).

4.9.2. When performing schemes, it is allowed:

  • 1) indicate the main characteristics of technical means;
  • 2) to represent the structure of the CTS AC (if necessary) by several schemes, the first of which is the enlarged scheme of the CTS AC as a whole.

4.10. External wiring connection diagram

4.10.1. The diagram indicates:

  • 1) electrical wires and cables, impulse, command, supply, blow-through and drainage pipelines, protective pipes, ducts and metal hoses (indicating their number, type, length and, if necessary, connection points), laid outside the switchboards and cross cabinets;
  • 2) selected devices, sensitive elements, regulating bodies, etc., built into technological equipment and pipelines with an indication of their position numbers according to the equipment specification and drawing numbers of their installation;
  • 3) devices, regulators, actuators, etc., installed outside the boards, indicating their position numbers according to the equipment specification and the numbers of their installation drawings;
  • 4) boards and consoles with an indication of their names and designations of connection tables, connection tables;
  • 5) devices protective earth boards, devices and other electrical receivers, made in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documentation;
  • 6) specifications cables, wires, junction and branch boxes, pipes, fittings, etc., provided for by this diagram and their required number;
  • 7) a table of the symbols used in the scheme that are not provided for by the current standards,

4.10.2. On the diagram, it is allowed to indicate other types of technical means and give textual explanations.

4.11. External wiring connection diagram

4.11.1. The diagram indicates the input devices (assemblies of switching clamps, plug connectors, etc.) of shields, consoles, junction boxes and cables and wires connected to them, as well as other types of technical means.

4.11.2. The connection diagram may not be performed if these connections are shown in the external wiring connection diagram.

4.12. Connection and connection table

The document contains electrical and pipe connections between devices and devices (assembly products) installed in switchboards, consoles, installations of aggregate complexes, etc., as well as wiring connections to the specified technical means.

4.13. System division diagram (structural)

The document indicates the main functional components (structural elements) that determine the composition of the system, subsystems, their relationships and purpose in the system, subsystem.

4.14. General view drawing

4.14.1. The drawing of the general view of the shield (console) contains:

  • 1) the layout and location of devices, equipment, elements of mnemonic circuits and installation products installed on the frontal plane of the shield or the working plane of the console and on the inner planes of the shield or console;
  • 2) views on the plane (or their sections) of the shield or console at the points of entry of electrical and pipe wiring with the location of a simplified image of the input devices;
  • 3) the layout of cabinets or panels in the plan (in the case of a multi-scale or multi-panel switchboard or control panel);
  • 4) a list of shields (consoles) of devices, equipment, installation products and materials placed on the drawing.

4.14.2. In the drawing, the necessary textual explanations are allowed.

4.15. Technical equipment installation drawing

The document reflects decisions on the installation of technical support in an amount that meets the requirements of GOST 2.109 for installation drawings.

4.16. Schematic diagram

The diagram (electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic) shows:

  • 1) the principle of operation;
  • 2) the composition, main technical characteristics and interaction of the means of technical support of the nuclear power plant intended for the implementation of the functions of control, regulation, protection, measurement, signaling, power supply, etc.;
  • 3) a table of the symbols used on the diagram that are not provided for by the current standards;
  • 4) required textual explanations;
  • 5) places of installation of instruments and automation equipment and connection of electrical and pipe wiring to them.

4.17. Hardware Specification

4.17.1. The document "Equipment Specification" must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST 21.110.

4.17.2. When using technical means in the project, for the order of which it is required to fill in the questionnaires, the attachment of the latter to the project is mandatory.

4.17.3. When using in the project technical means that have restrictions in their use in accordance with the lists approved in the prescribed manner, it is necessary to attach copies of the documents on the approval of the supply of these means to the project.

4.18. Bill of material requirements

The document "Bill of material requirements" is performed in accordance with the requirements of GOST 21.109.

4.19. Operating instructions for KTS

4.19.1. The document contains sections:

  • 1) general instructions;
  • 2) security measures;
  • 3) the order of work;
  • 4) checking the correct functioning;
  • 5) instructions on actions in different modes.

4.19.2. In the section "General instructions" indicate:

  • 1) the type of equipment for which the instruction was drawn up;
  • 2) the name of the AU functions implemented on this equipment;
  • 3) regulations and operating modes of equipment for the implementation of functions;
  • 4) a list of operational documents, which should be additionally guided by personnel during the operation of this equipment;

4.19.3. The section "Safety Precautions" lists the safety rules that must be followed during the preparation of the equipment for work and during its operation.

4.19.4. In the section "Procedure" indicate:

  • 1) the composition and qualifications of personnel allowed to operate the equipment;
  • 2) the procedure for checking the knowledge of personnel and admitting it to work;
  • 3) a description of the work and the sequence of their implementation,

4.19.5. The section "Checking the correct functioning" indicates the content and brief methods of basic checks of the equipment operability and the correctness of the system functions.

4.19.6. The section "Instructions on actions in different modes" lists the actions of personnel during normal operation, emergency shutdown of equipment, pre-emergency and emergency state of the automation object, starting and stopping modes of the automation object.

4.20. List of equipment and materials

The statement must contain the information necessary for the preparation of estimates for the purchase and installation of technical support for the system, comply with the duly approved requirements for the preparation of custom specifications and statements for NPP projects.


5.1. List of input signals and data

5.1.1. The document contains sections:

  • 1) a list of input signals;
  • 2) a list of input data.

5.1.2. In the section "List of input signals" indicate:

  • 1) for an analog signal - the name of the measured value, units of measurement, range of variation, requirements for accuracy and frequency of measurement, type of signal;
  • 2) for a discrete signal - name, capacity and frequency, type of signal;
  • 3) for a signal of the "yes-no" type - the source of formation and the semantic value of the signal.

5.1.3. In the section "List of input data" indicate:

  • 1) the name, code designation and significance of the details of the input data;
  • 2) names and code designations of documents or messages containing this data.

5.2. List of output signals (documents)

5.2.1. The document contains sections:

  • 1) a list of output signals;
  • 2) a list of output documents.

5.2.2. The section "List of output signals" contains a list of output signals with an indication of their names, purpose of units of measurement and ranges of change, presentation method, information users.

5.2.3. The section "List of output documents" contains a list of output documents with an indication of their names, code designations, the list and significance of details, information users.

5.3. Description of the information support of the system

5.3.1. The document contains sections:

  • 1) composition information support;
  • 2) organization of information support;
  • 3) organization of collection and transmission of information;
  • 4) building a classification and coding system;
  • 5) organization of an in-machine information base;
  • 6) organization of an off-machine information base.

5.3.2. In the section "Composition of information support" indicate the name and purpose of all databases and data sets.

5.3.3. In the section "Organization of information support" give:

  • 1) the principles of organizing the information support of the system;
  • 2) the rationale for the choice of data carriers and the principles of distributing information by types of carriers;
  • 3) a description of the accepted types and methods of control in the data processing routes during the creation and operation of off-machine and intra-machine information bases, indicating the requirements for compliance with which control is carried out;
  • 4) a description of solutions that ensure the information compatibility of the AU with other control systems by sources, consumers of information, by pairing the used classifiers (if necessary), by using unified documentation systems in the AU.

5.3.4. In the section "Organization of the collection and transmission of information" are given:

  • 1) a list of sources and carriers of information with an indication of the assessment of the intensity and volume of information flows;
  • 2) a description of the general requirements for organizing the collection, transfer, control and correction of information.

5.3.5. In the section "Building a classification and coding system" they give:

  • 1) a description of the classification of objects adopted for use in the AS in the newly developed classifiers and in those existing classifiers, of which part of the code is used;
  • 2) methods of encoding objects of classification in the newly developed classifiers.

5.3.6. In the section "Organization of the in-machine information base" they give:

  • 1) a description of the principles of building an intra-machine information base, characteristics of its composition and volume;
  • 2) a description of the structure of the in-machine information base at the database level with a description of the nature of the database relationships and an indication of the AS functions, in the implementation of which each database is used, the characteristics of the data contained in each database.

5.3.7. The section "Organization of the off-machine information base" provides the characteristics of the composition and volume of the off-machine information base, the principles of its construction, including the main provisions for the organization and maintenance of the fund of normative and reference information in conjunction with automated functions.

5.3.8. In the annexes to the document "Description of the information support of the system", reference and other Additional materials and information (a systematized list of names of structural units of information with the designations assigned to them and descriptions of their essence).

5.4. List of machine data carriers

5.4.1. The list of machine media contains designations, names of documents made on machine media.

5.4.2. The documents are recorded in ascending order of the assigned designations.

5.5. Description of the organization of the infobase

5.5.1. The document "Description of the organization of an infobase" contains a description of the logical and physical structure of the database.

5.5.2. The document consists of two parts:

  • 1) a description of the in-machine information base;
  • 2) description of the off-machine information base.

Parts of the document contain the following sections:

  • 1) logical structure;
  • 2) physical structure (for the in-machine information base);
  • 3) organizing the maintenance of the information base.

5.5.3. The section "Logical structure" provides a description of the composition of the data, their formats and relationships between the data.

5.5.4. In the "Physical structure" section, a description of the chosen variant of data arrangement on specific machine media is given.

5.5.5. When describing the structure of the in-machine information base, lists of databases and arrays and logical connections between them should be given. For an array of information indicate a logical structure within the array or give a link to the document "Description of the array of information".

5.5.6. When describing the structure of the off-machine information base, a list of documents and other information messages, the use of which is provided for in the system, is given, with an indication of the automated functions, in the implementation of which this document is formed or used.

If this information is given in the documents "List of input signals and data" and "List of output signals", you can refer to these documents.

5.5.7. In the section "Organization of maintaining an information base", when describing the in-machine database, the sequence of procedures for creating and maintaining the base is given, indicating, if necessary, the procedure for performing procedures and means of protecting the base from destruction and unauthorized access, as well as indicating the links between the database arrays. and arrays of input information.

When describing an off-machine information base, a sequence of procedures should be given along the route of movement of groups of documents before they are transferred to the computer center, and the route of movement of output documents should also be described.

5.6. Description of classification and coding systems

The document contains a list of registered classifiers of all categories used in the AU for each classified object, a description of the coding method, structure and length of the code, instructions on the classification system and other information at the discretion of the developer.

5.7. Description of the information array

The document contains:

  • 1) the name of the array;
  • 2) the designation of the array;
  • 3) the name of the media;
  • 4) a list of details in the order of their sequence in the records of the array with an indication for each attribute, the designation of the alphabet, the length in signs and the range of change (if necessary), logical and semantic links with other details of this record and other records of the array;
  • 5) an estimate of the volume of the array;
  • 6) other characteristics of the array (if necessary).

5.8. Drawing of the document form (video frame)

The document must contain an image of the form of the document or video frame in accordance with the requirements of state standards of the unified documentation system R 50-77 and the necessary explanations.

5.9. Input data array

The document contains a list of input data with an indication of their names, code designations and the significance of the details, as well as the names and code designations of documents or messages containing this data.

5.10. Database directory

The database catalog contains a list of objects of the AS subject area, information about which is included in the database.

5.11. Composition of the output data (messages)

The document contains a list of output data with an indication of their names, code designations and the significance of the details, as well as the names and code designations of documents or messages containing this data.

5.12. Instructions for the formation and maintenance of a database (data set)

5.12.1. The document "Instructions for the formation and maintenance of the database" contains sections:

  • 1) the rules for the preparation of data;
  • 2) the procedure and means for filling in the database;
  • 3) procedures for changing and monitoring the database;
  • 4) procedure and means of database recovery

5.12.2. The section "Data preparation rules" provides the procedure for selecting information for inclusion in the database, the rules for the preparation and coding of information, the forms of its presentation and the rules for filling out these forms, the procedure for making changes to the information.

5.12.3. The section "Procedure and means of filling the database" contains the composition of the technical means, rules, order, sequence and description of the procedures used to fill the database, including transferring data to computer storage media.

5.12.4. The section "Procedures for changing and controlling the database" provides the composition and sequence of the procedures for controlling and changing the content of the database.

5.12.5. The section "Procedure and tools for restoring the database" describes the means of protecting the database from destruction and unauthorized access, as well as the rules, tools and procedure for copying and restoring the database.


6.1. Description of the software

6.1.1. The document contains an introduction and sections:

  • 1) software structure;
  • 2) functions of software parts;
  • 3) methods and tools for software development;
  • 4) operating system;
  • 5) tools that empower operating system.

6.1.2. The introductory part provides basic information about the technical, informational and other types of NPP support required for software development or a link to the relevant documents of the NPP project.

6.1.3. The section "Software structure" provides a list of software parts with an indication of their interrelationships and the rationale for highlighting each of them.

6.1.4. The section "Functions of parts of software" provides the purpose and description of the main functions for each part of the software.

6.1.5. The section "Methods and tools for developing software" provides a list of programming methods and tools for developing the AC software, indicating the parts of the software, in the development of which the appropriate methods and tools should be used.

6.1.6. In the "Operating System" section indicate

  • 1) the name, designation and brief description of the selected operating system and its version, within which the developed programs will be executed, with the justification for the choice and indication of the sources where detailed description the selected version;
  • 2) the name of the manual, in accordance with which the generation of the selected version of the operating system should be carried out;
  • 3) requirements for the generation option for the selected version of the operating system.

6.1.7. The section "Tools that extend the capabilities of the operating system" contains subsections in which for each tool used that extends the capabilities of the operating system indicate:

  • 1) the name, designation and brief description of the product with justification of the need for its use and an indication of the source, where a detailed description of the selected product is given;
  • 2) the name of the manual, in accordance with which the tool used should be configured for a specific application;
  • 3) requirements for setting up the tool used.


7.1. Description of the algorithm (design procedure)

7.1.1. The document "Description of the algorithm (design procedure)", depending on the specifics of the AU, may be developed. as a document "Description of the algorithm" or as a document "Description of the design procedure (operation)".

7.1.2. The document "Description of the Algorithm" contains sections:

  • 1) purpose and characteristics;
  • 2) information used;
  • 3) the results of the decision;
  • 4) mathematical description;
  • 5) solution algorithm.

7.1.3. In the section "Purpose and characteristics" give:

  • 1) the purpose of the algorithm (part of it);
  • 2) designation of the document (documents) "Description of the problem statement", for the solution of which it is intended;
  • 3) designation of the document "Description of the algorithm", with which this algorithm is associated (if necessary);
  • 4) brief information about the process (object), in the control of which the algorithm is used, as well as the impact on the process from the user's point of view, carried out during the operation of the algorithm;
  • 5) restrictions on the possibility and conditions of application of the algorithm and characteristics of the quality of the solution (accuracy, solution time, etc.);
  • 6) General requirements to input and output data (formats, codes, etc.), ensuring information compatibility of the tasks being solved in the system.

Note. When the document is included in the form of a section in the document "Description of the problem statement", brief information about the process (object) is not given.

7.1.4. The section "Information used" provides a list of information arrays and (or) a list of signals used in the implementation of the algorithm, including:

  • 1) arrays of information formed from input messages (documents of planned, accounting and regulatory reference information, signals, etc.);
  • 2) arrays of information obtained as a result of the operation of other algorithms and stored for the implementation of this algorithm.

For each array, the following is given:

  • 1) name, designation and maximum number of entries in it;
  • 2) a list of names and designations of used (or unused) attributes and (or) input variables of the task or a link to documents containing this data.

1. The list of the used details is given in the event that for a given array the document "Description of the information array" is not included in the project documentation or the number of attributes in the document "Description of the information array" is less than the number of attributes used in the algorithm.

2. The list of unused attributes is given if the number of used attributes in the document "Description of the information array" is greater than the number of attributes not used in the algorithm.

7.1.5. In the "Solution Results" section, a list of information arrays and (or) a list of signals generated as a result of the algorithm implementation should be provided, including:

  • 1) arrays of information and (or) signals generated to issue output messages (documents, video frames, control signals, etc.);
  • 2) arrays of information stored for solving this and other tasks of the AS.

For each array, the following is given:

  • 1) name, designation, maximum number of entries;
  • 2) a list of names and designations of details and (or) output variables used to generate output messages or a link to documents containing this data.

7.1.6. In the section "Mathematical Description" they give:

  • 1) a mathematical model or an economic and mathematical description of the process (object);
  • 2) a list of the accepted assumptions and assessment of the conformity of the adopted model to the real process (object) in various modes and operating conditions (for example, for an automated process control system - stationary modes, modes of starting and stopping units, emergency situations, etc.);
  • 3) information about the results of research work, if they are used to develop an algorithm.

7.1.7. In the section "Algorithm for solving" should be given:

  • 1) a description of the logic of the algorithm and the method for generating the results of the solution with an indication of the sequence of stages of calculation, calculation and (or) logical formulas used in the algorithm;
  • 2) instructions on the accuracy of the calculation (if necessary);
  • 3) the ratios required to control the reliability of calculations;
  • 4) a description of the connections between the parts and operations of the algorithm;
  • 5) instructions on the order of the values ​​or strings in the output documents (for example, in ascending order of the values ​​of object codes, by groups of objects, etc.). The algorithm should provide for all situations that may arise in the process of solving the problem. When describing the algorithm, you should use the conventions of attributes, signals, graphs, lines with reference to the corresponding arrays and lists of signals.

In the calculated ratios (formulas), the designations of the details given in the description of their composition in other sections of the document should be used. The algorithm is presented in one of the following ways:

  • 1) graphic (in the form of a diagram);
  • 2) tabular;
  • 3) text;
  • 4) mixed (graphic or tabular with text).

The method of presentation of the algorithm is chosen by the developer, based on the essence of the described algorithm and the possibility of formalizing its description. The algorithm in the form of a diagram is performed according to the rules established by GOST 19.002 or GOST 19.005.

The algorithm in the form of tables is performed according to the rules established by GOST 2.105.

The algorithm in the form of a text description is performed according to the rules established by GOST 24.301. The relations for control of calculations at individual stages of the algorithm execution are given in the form of equalities and inequalities. At the same time, control ratios are indicated, which make it possible to identify errors made in the counting process, and make a decision on the need for deviations from the normal calculation process (to continue working according to one of the algorithm options).

7.1.8. It is allowed to provide illustrative material, tables or auxiliary text in the form of an attachment.

7.1.9. When developing the document "Description of the design procedure (operation)" it is allowed to combine in one document the description of several design procedures (operations). The document "Description of the design procedure (operation)" contains an introduction and sections:

  • 1) description;
  • 2) method of execution;
  • 3) the scheme of the algorithm;
  • 4) requirements for the development of the program. The introduction defines the purpose of the design procedure (operation), the scope and specifics of its application. The section "Description" indicates the content and (or) a formalized description of the implementation of the design procedure (operation).

The legend should reflect the symbology adopted in the relevant problem area. Explain the engineering essence of technical constraints, substantiate the choice of optimality criteria. If necessary, provide links to documents related to the implementation of this project procedure (operation).

The formalized description contains:

  • 1) mathematical formulation;
  • 2) a description of the input, output, regulatory and reference data;
  • 3) a list of designations for the elements of the subject area with an indication of their names, units of measurement, range of values;
  • 4) restrictions that determine the acceptable options for the implementation of the procedure (operation);
  • 5) criteria of optimality for the procedure (operation) optimization. The section "Execution Method" describes the proposed method for performing the procedure (operation). If necessary, provide drawings, diagrams that explain and reveal the essence of the proposed method.

If the implemented design procedure (operation) has a non-trivial mathematical interpretation, then an explanation should be given or sources should be indicated that provide a comprehensive understanding of the method. In the section "Algorithm Scheme", a diagram of the algorithm for executing the design procedure (operation) is given. The algorithm scheme is performed in accordance with GOST 19.002, GOST 19.003. In the section "Requirements for the development of the program" indicate:

  • 1) the range of diagnostic messages when working with the program;
  • 2) requirements for data control during the implementation of the design procedure (operation);
  • 3) limitations associated with machine implementation;
  • 4) requirements for the test case;
  • 5) other data required for the development of the program.


1. Stage "Formation of requirements for the AU"

1.1. At the stage, they develop a report in accordance with GOST 7.32 and an application for the development of an AU

1.2. The main part of the report contains sections:

  • 1) the characteristics of the object and the results of its functioning;
  • 2) a description of the existing information system;
  • 3) a description of the shortcomings of the existing information system;
  • 4) justification of the need to improve the information system of the object;
  • 5) the goals, criteria and limitations of the creation of the AU;
  • 6) functions and tasks of the created AU;
  • 7) conclusions and suggestions.

1.3. The section "Characteristics of the object and the results of its functioning" describes the development trends, requirements for the volume, nomenclature and quality of the results of functioning, as well as the nature of the object's interaction with the external environment.

When identifying actual performance indicators, the existing indicators and their trends over time are determined.

1.4. The section "Description of the existing information system" contains a description of the functional and informational structure of the system, qualitative and quantitative characteristics that reveal the interaction of its components in the process of functioning.

1.5. In the section "Description of the shortcomings of the existing information system" the results of the diagnostic analysis are given, in which the quality of functioning and the organizational and technological level of the system are assessed, the shortcomings in the organization and technology of the functioning of information processes are identified and the degree of their influence on the quality of the system is determined.

1.6. In the section "Justification of the need to improve the information system of the object" when analyzing the compliance of the performance indicators of the object with the requirements, the degree of compliance of the predicted indicators with the required ones is assessed and the need to improve the information system by creating an AS is identified.

1.7. The section "Objectives, criteria and limitations of the creation of the AU" contains:

  • 1) the formulation of production, economic, scientific, technical and economic goals and criteria for creating a nuclear power plant;
  • 2) a description of the restrictions on the creation of the AU.

1.8. The section "Functions and tasks of the created AU" contains.

  • 1) the rationale for the choice of the list of automated functions and task complexes with an indication of the priority of implementation,
  • 2) requirements for the characteristics of the implementation of functions and tasks in accordance with the current regulatory and technical documents that determine the general technical requirements for a specific type of nuclear power plant;
  • 3) additional requirements for the AU as a whole and its parts, taking into account the specifics of the AU being created.

1.9. The section "Expected technical and economic results of the NPP creation" contains:

  • 1) a list of the main sources of economic efficiency obtained as a result of the creation of a nuclear power plant (including - saving production resources, improving product quality, increasing labor productivity, etc.) and an assessment of the expected changes in the main technical, economic and social indicators of the production and economic activity of the facility (for example, indicators for the nomenclature and production volumes, production costs, profitability, deductions to economic incentive funds, levels of social development);
  • 2) an estimate of the expected costs for the creation and operation of the NPP with their distribution according to the NPP construction queues and by year;
  • 3) the expected generalizing indicators of the economic efficiency of the AU.
  • 1) conclusions about the production and economic necessity and the technical and economic feasibility of creating a nuclear power plant;
  • 2) proposals for improving the organization and technology of the activity process;
  • 3) recommendations for the creation of the AU.

1.11. The subsection "Conclusions on the production and economic necessity and technical and economic feasibility of creating a nuclear power plant" contains:

  • 1) comparison of the expected results of NPP creation with the set goals and criteria for NPP creation (in terms of target indicators and regulatory requirements);
  • 2) a fundamental decision on the creation of an AU (positive or negative).

1.12. The subsection "Proposals for improving the organization and technology of the activity process" contains proposals for improving:

  • 1) production and economic activities;
  • 2) organizational and functional structures of the system, methods of activity, types of NPP support.
  • 1) by the type of the speaker being created, its compatibility with other speakers and the non-automated part of the corresponding system;
  • 2) on the organizational and functional structure of the created AU;
  • 3) the composition and characteristics of subsystems and types of NPP support;
  • 4) on the organization of the use of existing and purchase of additional computer equipment;
  • 5) on the rational organization of the development and implementation of the AU;
  • 6) to determine the main and additional, external and internal sources and types of funding and material support for the development of nuclear power plants;
  • 7) to ensure the production conditions for the creation of a nuclear power plant;
  • 8) other recommendations for creating an AU.

1.14. The application for the development of the AU is drawn up in any form and contains the proposals of the user organization to the developer organization for work on the creation of the AU and its requirements for the system, conditions and resources for the creation of the AU.

2. Stage "Development of the concept of the AU"

2.1. At the stage, a report is developed in accordance with GOST 7.32.

2.2. The main part of the report includes:

  • 1) a description of the results of studying the automation object;
  • 2) a description and assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of the developed alternative options for the concept of creating a nuclear power plant;
  • 3) a comparative analysis of the user's requirements for the AU and options for the AU concept to meet the user's requirements;
  • 4) substantiation of the choice of the optimal variant of the concept and a description of the proposed AU;
  • 5) the expected results and the effectiveness of the implementation of the selected version of the AU concept;
  • 6) an indicative plan for the implementation of the selected version of the AU concept;
  • 7) the necessary costs of resources for development, commissioning and maintenance;
  • 8) requirements to guarantee the quality of the speaker;
  • 9) the conditions for the acceptance of the system.


1. Act of completion of work

The document contains:

  • 1) the name of the completed work (s);
  • 2) a list of representatives of the developer organization and the customer organization who have drawn up the act;
  • 3) the date of completion of the work;
  • 4) the name of the document (s) on the basis of which the work was carried out;
  • 5) the main results of the completed work;
  • 6) conclusion on the results of the completed work.

2. Acceptance certificate for trial operation

The document contains:

  • 1) the name of the AU (or its part), accepted for trial operation and the corresponding automation object;
  • 2) the name of the document on the basis of which the AU was developed;
  • 3) the composition of the acceptance commission and the basis for its work (name, number and date of approval of the document on the basis of which the commission was created);
  • 4) the time period of the commission's work;
  • 5) the name of the developer organization, the co-executing organization and the customer's organization;
  • 6) the composition of the NPP functions (or part of it) accepted for trial operation;
  • 7) a list of the components of the technical, software, informational and organizational support, checked during the trial operation;
  • 8) a list of documents submitted to the commission;
  • 9) assessment of the compliance of the accepted NPP with the technical specifications for its creation;
  • 10) the main results of acceptance for trial operation;
  • 11) the decision of the commission on the acceptance of the NPP in trial operation.

3. Certificate of acceptance into industrial operation

3.1. The document contains:

  • 1) the name of the automation object and the AU (or its part), accepted for industrial operation;
  • 2) information about the status of the acceptance committee (state, interdepartmental, departmental), its composition and the basis for work;
  • 3) the period of time of the commission's work;
  • 4) the name of the developer organization, the co-executing organization and the customer's organization;
  • 5) the name of the document on the basis of which the AU was developed;
  • 6) the composition of the functions of the AU (or its part), taken into industrial operation;
  • 7) a list of components of technical, software, informational and organizational support accepted for industrial operation;
  • 6) a list of responsible representatives of organizations performing commissioning work;
  • 7) instructions on the procedure for eliminating installation errors and the persons responsible for the performance of these works.

4. Document "Order on the start of trial operation of the NPP (its parts)"


  • 1) the name of the nuclear power plant as a whole or its parts undergoing trial operation;
  • 2) the name of the developer's organization, co-executing organizations;
  • 3) the timing of the trial operation;
  • 4) a list of officials of the customer organization and the developer organization responsible for the trial operation;
  • 6) a list of divisions of the customer organization involved in the trial operation.

5. Document "Order on the commissioning of the NPP (its parts)"

  • 1) the composition of the functions of the AU or its parts, hardware and software, taken into industrial operation;
  • 2) a list of officials and a list of divisions of the customer organization responsible for the operation of the NPP;
  • 3) the procedure and terms for the introduction of new forms of documents (if necessary);
  • 4) the procedure and terms for the transfer of personnel to work in the conditions of the functioning of the nuclear power plant.

6. Order on the composition of the acceptance committee

6.1. The document contains:

  • 1) the name of the accepted AU as a whole or its parts;
  • 2) information on the composition of the commission;
  • 3) the basis for the organization of the commission;
  • 4) the name of the customer organization;
  • 5) the name of the developer organization, co-executing organizations;
  • 6) the appointment and objectives of the commission;
  • 7) the timing of the start of the completion of the work of the commission;
  • 8) an indication of the form of completion of the work of the commission,

7. Test report

7.1. The document contains:

  • 1) the name of the test object;
  • 2) a list of officials who conducted the tests;
  • 3) the purpose of the tests;
  • 4) information about the duration of the tests;
  • 5) list of items terms of reference on the creation of the AU, for compliance with which the tests were carried out;
  • 6) a list of items of the "Test Program" for which the tests were carried out;
  • 7) information on the results of observations of the correct functioning of the nuclear power plant;
  • 8) information about failures, failures and emergency situations arising during testing;
  • 9) information on adjustments to the parameters of the test object and technical documentation.

8. Consensus protocol

8.1. The document contains:

  • 1) a list of considered deviations with an indication of the document, deviations from the requirements of which are the subject of agreement;
  • 2) a list of officials who have drawn up the protocol;
  • 3) justification of the accepted deviations from design solutions;
  • 4) a list of agreed deviations and the time frame for making the necessary changes to the technical documentation.

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