We figure out what is included in the maintenance of an apartment building. What is included in the maintenance of an apartment building.

Engineering systems 09.06.2019
Engineering systems

Home maintenance refers to measures to properly maintain and improve the performance of a building. Maintenance extends to shared areas in the house: entrances, elevators, staircases, garbage chutes, basements, attics, the area adjacent to the house. The legally specified property is defined as a common share property. Common areas must be kept in order.

Current and overhaul They are one of the means to maintain the performance of the building. Current renovations are being carried out for the successful functioning of the building. Timely and high-quality maintenance repairs helps to avoid time-consuming and costly capital repairs. Overhaul includes replacement of one or another element, improvement of engineering systems. Maintenance of the house must be carried out on time and agreed with the owners.

Who is responsible for the maintenance of residential buildings?

The maintenance of the house is carried out either directly by the owners of the apartments, or by specially attracted persons and organizations. Based on this, The Housing Code establishes management methods:

If there are zealous activists in the house, then oh Maintenance of residential buildings can be entrusted to a homeowners' association (HOA)... The meeting approves the charter of the HOA and clearly defines the scope and functions. If the tenants themselves decide to manage the house, then one must be prepared for the fact that each owner will have to take part in the management. Maintenance of residential buildings through a management company is a simple and reliable way.

If the actions of the management company contradict the law, you can always apply for, and then to the judicial authorities. It's not a secret for anyone that in Russia the cases when the owners paid for virtual services are not rare. Let's check, whether the house was actually inspected will fail.

Responsibility of managing organizations

The management company chosen by the majority of the residents of the building is responsible for the maintenance of the apartment building. At any time, residents can change both the form of management and abandon a certain management company.

It should be noted that The Gosstroy decree indicates a list of works that are included in the mandatory maintenance:

  • periodic inspections;
  • seasonal work;
  • repairs;
  • keeping the common areas clean.

The courts have clearly determined that this list must be followed, regardless of the method of administration.

Maintenance of apartment buildings. What's new in housing legislation

Innovations in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation establish the obligation of the tenants of an apartment building, in the form of management directly by the owners, with management companies. This means that the owners conclude an agreement for the maintenance and maintenance of apartment buildings with more than 12 apartments. Residents cannot conclude several agreements, for example, separately for garbage collection, cleaning and landscaping of the territory. The entire range of services for the maintenance of the house is undertaken by the managing organization.

The legislator sees these changes as favorable ways to improve the system. If maintenance of apartment buildings the prerogative of one organization, then the responsibility will be borne by it. Thus, the changes are aimed at tightening control in the field of home maintenance.

What is included in the concept of "maintenance of an apartment building"? The owners pay the Criminal Code for the service, but there is no service at all. The yard is not cleaned, the porch is about to go underground, and in the spring it simply drowns us, the walls are crumbling at the entrance. Kuzmina Nadezhda Yurievna


Hello, Nadezhda Yurievna! The answer to your question presupposes citing the Law, You cannot do without it. So get ready. So what's included in the service? This question is answered by the article “Requirements for the maintenance of the common property of MKD (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 13.08.2006, No. 491):

a) inspection of the common property, carried out by the owners of the premises and the responsible persons specified in paragraph 13 of these Rules, ensuring timely detection of the discrepancy between the state of the common property and the requirements of the legislation Russian Federation, as well as threats to the safety of life and health of citizens;

b) ensuring the readiness of in-house engineering power supply systems and electrical equipment that are part of the common property for the provision of utility power supply services;

c) maintaining the premises that are part of the common property in a condition that ensures the temperature and humidity in such premises established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

d) cleaning and sanitary and hygienic cleaning of common areas, as well as the land plot that is part of the common property;

e) collection and removal of solid and liquid household waste, including waste generated as a result of the activities of organizations and individual entrepreneurs using non-residential (built-in and attached) premises in an apartment building;

1) organization of places for the accumulation and accumulation of waste mercury-containing lamps and their transfer to specialized organizations that have licenses to carry out activities for the collection, use, disposal, transportation, disposal of I-IV hazard class waste;

f) fire safety measures in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on fire safety;

h) current and major repairs, preparation for seasonal operation and maintenance of the common property specified in subparagraphs "a" - "e" of paragraph 2 of these Rules, as well as elements of improvement and other facilities intended for the maintenance, operation and improvement of this apartment building located on a land plot that is part of the common property.

i) carrying out measures to save energy and increase energy efficiency, which are mandatory in relation to common property, included in the list of measures approved in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation;

j) ensuring the installation and commissioning of collective (general house) metering devices for cold and hot water, thermal and electrical energy, natural gas, as well as their proper operation (inspections, maintenance, calibration of metering devices, etc.).

The services and works do not include:

b) insulation of window and balcony openings, replacement of broken glass windows and balcony doors, insulation of entrance doors in apartments and non-residential premises that are not common areas;

c) cleaning and cleaning land plots that are not part of the common property, as well as landscaping and maintenance of landscaping elements (including lawns, flower beds, trees and shrubs) located on land plots that are not part of the common property. These actions are carried out by the owners of the respective land plots.

The owners of the premises are obliged to approve at the general meeting the list of services and works, the conditions for their provision and implementation, as well as the amount of their financing. You, as the owner, have the right to request information from your management company about the spending of funds collected for the maintenance of common property. Just do everything right: the application must be written in duplicate, officially registered (put a mark on the date of acceptance and the person who accepted the application). See what they write, and then we'll decide how to proceed. You can also submit a written application to the State Housing Inspectorate. Addresses and telephones - on our website in the "Contacts" section

Any real estate owned by citizens requires certain technical maintenance and repair.

If this private house or a dacha in a gardening partnership, then the entire complex of repair work and maintenance of the building falls on the shoulders of the owner, who can independently do this work or hire a team of craftsmen.

And who should be involved in the maintenance of an apartment building and what is included in the list of mandatory maintenance of a residential building?

If the tenants multi-storey building have already chosen a management company and wrote a corresponding statement, then you need to find out what is the responsibility of the employees of this company and how often they have to repair the entrance and the whole house.

The management company can be elected by a majority vote. If, after some time, the tenants are not satisfied with the quality of the services provided, it can be changed.

Maintenance of an apartment building includes several mandatory points that every person should know:

  1. Repair of foundations and walls of all utility rooms, including basements and attics;
  2. Repair of windows and doors in all common areas;
  3. Maintenance and maintenance in proper condition of all communications of the apartment building;
  4. Sanitary and technical maintenance of the entire adjoining territory and common areas (including pest control and vermin control).
  5. Cleaning and repair of the entrance.

Each of these points must be performed by company employees to maintain the normal condition of the building.

Maintenance and repair of walls and foundations

Residential buildings need periodic repairs not only inside, but also outside. Walls, foundations, roofs and canopies are also part of the general maintenance of the building, which must be performed by the firm of the tenants.

The windows of the basements and pits are installed by the company's employees. If they refuse to glaze windows in common areas, they must write a statement to the management company and indicate a violation of one of the clauses of the contract.

This document must be signed by all residents of the apartment building. They are also responsible for strengthening and inspecting the doors of all basements and attic rooms, as well as filling cracks in the basements of buildings.

Regular inspection and, if necessary, repair of the walls inside the building and all finishes. Periodic refurbishment of the façade along the entire perimeter of the building is also included in the maintenance of the house.

License plates, notices and signs are also subject to replacement if they are unusable. During cleaning, workers are required to wipe them from dirt and dust.

Particular attention should be paid to the maintenance of attic floors. In the event of an emergency condition of the floors, the management company can be forced to replace them, as this threatens the life and health of all residents of the apartment building. The company is obliged to replace the rotten wooden boards with new ones. The same goes for attic floors.

It is often difficult to achieve results and make the management company fulfill its duties by a simple phone call. Only a correctly drawn up statement on behalf of residents can serve as a basis for the repair of one or another element of the house.

Such a document must be drawn up in 2 copies and be sure to force the employee who accepts it to leave the resolution "Accepted for consideration" on your copy.

But it should be remembered that the company's employees are obliged to make repairs only in public places. Residents' apartments are not included in the service. Only if an emergency has arisen (a pipe burst or a sewer riser is clogged), can the company's employees be required to perform work to eliminate them.

Also, maintenance and repair of the roofs of an apartment building is included in the list of mandatory works performed by the company with which the contract has been concluded. Replacing slate and individual tiles, as well as coating leaking roof sections with insulating materials, repairing emergency porch canopies, replacing collapsed roof parapet fences are the direct responsibility of the company.

Cleaning of drainpipes, repair and strengthening of individual drainage elements, glazing of attic windows, as well as cleaning roofs from dirt, ice and debris - all these works are required to be performed by the company's employees.

In winter, they must monitor the appearance of icicles on roofs and canopies and remove them in time using special equipment.

Maintenance of chimneys and ventilation ducts, cleaning and replacement of some failed communication elements should be spelled out in the contract that was concluded with the company.

An application to the management company with a request to repair staircases, balcony passages and utility rooms for technical purposes must be considered and the company's management is obliged to notify residents about the timing of these works.

Residents of an apartment building have the right to inquire about the schedule of major and cosmetic repairs of the entrance and all common areas.

Repair and maintenance of engineering systems

If the house is on stove heating, company employees are required to regularly inspect and monitor the health of all technical equipment, as well as monitor the health of the smoke exhaust system. In the event of small cracks on the walls of the chimneys, they must be sealed with a special solution.

In the event that the house is heated with centralized system heat supply, workers are required to regularly inspect and troubleshoot this system. Replacing oil seals, valves, taps, flushing heating devices, eliminating air locks - all this should be done by the management company.

Also, workers must prepare the heating system for the beginning of the season and prevent emergencies due to poor-quality work to replace old equipment. In such cases, residents have every right to write a statement addressed to the management and not pay for the services of the company.

The entire water supply system of an apartment building should be repaired only by the company's employees (except for pipes that are in the apartments of residents). Replacing individual risers, regular flushing and cleaning to the first sewer well are the company's responsibilities.

In case it was not possible to clean sewer pipes without the destruction of the wall in the entrance, repair and repair of the destruction is carried out by the employees of the company. Employees are also obliged to respond in a timely manner to the statement of residents of an apartment building if it is necessary to insulate water taps and cisterns located in public places. If such cranes freeze, the company must cover all repair costs.

Sometimes tenants, without waiting for a reaction from the management of the companies, begin to replace the rotten water supply pipes with their own resources and resources. In this case, it is necessary to keep all receipts confirming the purchase of the necessary material and equipment. You can get this amount deducted from your monthly service charge.

Repair and maintenance of power supply systems

Any repair and replacement of sagging electrical cables in the entrance should be carried out only by employees at the request of residents to the service company. Self-intervention in the electrical system of an apartment building can lead to an emergency and accidents.

Responsibility for such consequences will lie with the tenants who carried out such work. It is also unacceptable to conduct any independent work in electrical switchboards, even if one of the residents has an electrician diploma. The consequences of such work can lead to a blackout of the entire house and the refusal of the company from all its obligations.

Grounding check and replacement of blown fuses is carried out only by authorized personnel of the company.

Elimination of any emergency situations should be carried out by the workers of the company as soon as possible. Residents do not need to write an application. A simple phone call to the management company is enough. Reception of such a request is carried out by the dispatcher on duty.

Deratization and sanitation

The company's employees do not have special powers to carry out pest control and deratization. This can only be done by employees of the sanitary and epidemiological station, with which the company concludes an agreement for the provision of such services.

The cost of such work is included in the total amount that residents pay each month for the maintenance of an apartment building. The elimination of insects and rodents should be carried out not only in public places (entrance, basement, attic), but also in the local area at the location of garbage cans.

Such measures must be carried out at least once every 3 months, but, if necessary, residents can write a statement and ask for an unscheduled deratization.

Repair of the entrance and maintenance of the adjacent territory

Redecorating the entryway includes whitewashing the walls, patching up minor cracks, and replacing broken wooden railings and painting all handrails. Such work should be carried out at least once a year.

When tenants of an apartment building sign a contract with a company, they should carefully study this clause of the contract. If such services are not spelled out in the document, then it will be almost impossible to achieve repairs at the entrance.

Housekeeping also includes housekeeping. In autumn, this is the cleaning and removal of fallen leaves. In winter - snow cleaning and sanding of footpaths, as well as daily cleaning of garbage and dirt throughout the territory adjacent to the house.

In the summer, the company's employees are required to mow the grass on the lawns, but the flower beds are already the concern of the residents themselves. Also, employees are required to monitor the condition of trees in the courtyard of the house and, if necessary, clean them of dried branches. If there is a suspicion that the tree inside has begun to rot, they are obliged to cut it off and remove all the debris and branches on their vehicles.

The management company is obliged to monitor the condition of the garbage chute at each entrance, and periodically wash the containers. If the waste container breaks down, they must replace it with a new one.

All these measures for the maintenance of the house must be carried out by the firm on a regular basis, since the tenants pay monthly for this work. In case of unsatisfactory performance of these works, the tenants of an apartment building have every right to write an application and change the management company.

- Hello, dear editors! Please help me figure it out: what is residential building maintenance, and what are the standards? The problem is that nothing is being done in our house, but payment is required. The residents intend to continue to work with the management company, although it does not fulfill any of its obligations. People hope that their money will be returned to them, and I and several other residents are going to go to court.

Best regards, Zinaida N.

Every month we get out of the mailbox a receipt for an apartment and housing and communal services and we habitually go to pay for it. But few have any idea what exactly we are billed for. Our correspondent tried to figure out what kind of house maintenance services should be received for their "hard-earned" tenants of high-rise buildings.

In the rural settlement of Dorokhovskoye, most of the residential buildings are serviced by the management company LLC REK. It divides utility bills into two receipts. The question is: what for? It would be easier for residents to pay for everything in one ticket.

It turns out that two receipts are for the convenience of the management company! In one, a maintenance fee is charged - this money is transferred immediately to the current account of the management company, bypassing the settlement center of LLC IRC. In another receipt, the calculation for utility bills. We pay this money to the companies serving us for providing utilities(for heat and water supply, electricity, gas, sewerage). But first, payments go to IRC LLC.

LLC "Information and Settlement Center" is an organization that, like accounting, calculates, sends receipts and collects utility bills from the population. Carrying out the accrual and recalculation of payments for housing and communal services, the settlement center also calculates benefits for the payment of those same housing and communal services. So, the payment for the communal apartment first goes to the settlement center, which then transfers it to the utilities enterprises.

With the receipts sorted out - the first receipt for maintenance, the second for utilities. Now I want to understand what is included in this maintenance, what constitutes the tariff, what are the standards for the consumption of utilities and how the funds collected from the population for housing and communal services are spent.

Today, almost every tenant has a social lease agreement on his hands, and every apartment owner has a maintenance agreement. These contracts clearly describe the responsibilities of the service company in strict accordance with the "Rules and Regulations for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock", "Rules for the Use of Residential Premises, Maintenance of a Residential Building and the Local Area" and "Rules for the Provision of Utilities".

So, the service company is obliged to:

1. Ensure uninterrupted provision of utilities (heat and water supply, electricity, gas, sewerage).

2. Ensure the normal functioning of all engineering systems and equipment at home: elevators, ventilation ducts, heating systems, water supply, smoke removal systems, garbage chutes, in-house electrical networks, including in apartments - to the input terminals of apartment electricity meters.

3. Carry out maintenance of apartments with the implementation of the following types of work (the cost of performing only these works is included in the payment for maintenance):

Replacement of gaskets, stuffing of seals of water-folding fittings with the elimination of water leakage;

Installation of an insert for the valve seat, polyethylene nozzles for the valve head; adjustment of the cistern with the elimination of water leaks; - strengthening of loose plumbing fixtures (washbasins, sinks, sinks, etc.);

Elimination of blockages in risers and internal sewage systems (except for apartments) that occurred through no fault of the resident; adjustment and adjustment of water supply and heating systems with the elimination of non-heating and air congestion, flushing of pipelines and heating devices with the replacement of faulty heated towel rails, adjustment of valves;

Elimination of the consequences of leaks and other violations that occurred through the fault of the service company;

Repair of electrical wiring at the entrance of the house.

4. Carry out maintenance of houses, including the adjustment of engineering equipment, work to eliminate the emergency state of building structures and engineering equipment, technical inspections of individual elements and premises of the house, scheduled preventive repairs of intra-house networks and their preparation for seasonal operation, sanitary maintenance of staircases and adjoining territories.

5. Carry out work to prepare the house for operation in the autumn-winter period.

6. Carry out maintenance of garbage chutes.

7. Ensure the work of the emergency dispatch service of the settlement.

8. Carry out current and major repairs of the house, its engineering systems and equipment in accordance with the approved plan.

9. Carry out the calculation and recalculation of payments for housing and communal services.

10. Carry out the accrual of benefits for payment of housing and communal services.

The work performed by the service company in paragraphs 1-10, and there is maintenance, for which payment is collected from the tenants or owners of apartments.

Thus, maintenance is the maintenance of the common property of a residential building. Let's take a closer look at some of the points.

The management company is obliged to replace broken windows in common areas, minor repairs front door, storm sewers, blind area, steps, roof repair.

Housekeeping is also a maintenance service. The management company must carry out work on pruning shrubs along residential buildings, mowing grass up to five meters from a residential building, removing garbage from the territory, painting and repairing trash cans, benches, if any.

The sanitary maintenance of the house includes wet and dry cleaning of the porches, as well as disinfection (treatment against mosquitoes, flies, fleas, ticks) and deratization of basements (treatment against rats and mice). The management company must perform these works once a year - necessarily in conjunction with the sanitary and epidemiological services.

Preventive examination of communication networks - twice a year. First time - in the spring after heating season, and the second time - in the fall, in preparation for winter. It is imperative that in every residential building, the management company must make a ground loop of the house.

Now the question arises: is all this work being done in your home? Are you signing an act of completion? If yes, then first you need to check the quality of their implementation! And if you have not seen the acts, then, apparently, no one in your house performed such works. Moreover, it turns out that on the territory of our settlement there are houses in which the tenants have not seen not only acts of work performed, but also do not even have contracts with their management company. By the way, these contracts must contain a list of works, since the management company will carry out the work exactly according to the concluded contract!

Home maintenance is calculated based on total area your apartment and rate. The tariff is the actual costs incurred by the management company for the last year, documented, taking into account the inflation index. It is calculated by the management company and submitted for approval by the local Council of Deputies.

The maintenance rate is set locally. In our settlement it is accepted by the Council of Deputies of the rural settlement Dorokhovskoye (Decision of the Council of Deputies of the rural settlement Dorokhovskoye No. 124/18 of December 16, 2010).

In the above paragraph 3, the list of works that the service company performs - in terms of maintenance of apartments, and not the house as a whole. Only these works are included in the tariff itself. The service company can perform all other work inside the apartment only as paid services, according to the approved price list.

For example, the total area of ​​your apartment is 68.8 square meters, and the tariff for your house is 23 rubles 23 kopecks per square meter. If you multiply the area by the tariff, you get the amount you need to pay per month - 1598 rubles 24 kopecks.

Heating tariff, cold water, water disposal is established by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Moscow Region. Heating charges depend on the tariff and the total area of ​​the apartment. But on water supply and sanitation, you can save money if you put metering devices. If there are no meters for water supply, then payments are calculated based on the consumption rate and the number of people living in the apartment.

The tariff for the collection, removal and disposal of solid household waste is adopted by the deputies of the Council of Deputies of the settlement. Garbage collection fee is calculated from the tariff and the number of people living in the apartment.

We hope you find this information useful. We wish you good luck in defending your legal rights!

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