Job search in saudi arabia. Jobs and vacancies in Saudi Arabia Seasonal work in Saudi Arabia

Children 02.10.2020

Saudi Arabia is considered one of the most closed countries in the world. For example, tourists began to be allowed into this country only in April 2018, when the Kingdom began issuing tourist visas. But this state is one of the world leaders in the extraction of "black gold", and therefore it cannot but be of interest to potential migrants, including those from Russia.

Getting Started: Saudi Arabia

V modern world few countries are so closed and mysterious. In the imagination of the traveler, endless sands of the Arabian desert, tens of thousands of believers making the Hajj to Mecca, a forest of oil rigs, fabulously rich Arab sheikhs ... And such fantasies are not far from the truth. All this is the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia (السعودية - Arabic) occupies most of the Arabian Peninsula (area 2,149,690 km², 12th in the world). It is an absolute theocratic monarchy. This means that the head of the state is the king, who has concentrated state and religious power in his hands. There is no parliament and there can be no talk of any democratic foundations.

On the territory of Saudi Arabia there are two sacred cities for every Muslim - Mecca and Medina. The official state religion is Sunni Islam. Characteristic feature Saudi Arabia has a huge influence of religious traditions not only on the local way of life, but also on its legal sphere. Saudi Arabia's legislation is largely based on Sharia principles. Russians who are going to move to live in this country need to understand that the influence of Islam affects even the immigration process. For example, you need to provide a certificate of your religion. It is not easy for immigrants who are not Muslims to live in Saudi Arabia. It is necessary to thoroughly study the foundations and traditions of the local society. At the official level, the attitude towards the Gentiles in the Kingdom is tolerant, but in practice in Everyday life the indigenous people of Saudi Arabia are trying to show their religious superiority over visiting Christians. Non-Muslims are denied entry to many places, and there are restrictions on the occupation of certain positions. A person who does not profess Islam has no right to hold public office, serve in the police or other power structures of the country. There is also a limitation on occupying positions in high-tech manufacturing companies. Foreign specialists are invited to them, as a rule, as consultants.

Medina is a sacred city for every Muslim

Despite all of the above, Saudi Arabia represents great interest in terms of immigration. First of all, because it is a state, in the depths of which colossal deposits of oil have been discovered (25% of the world's reserves). Saudi Arabia is in second place in the world in terms of oil production and export (more than 550 million tons per year), second only to Russia. Oil accounts for 96.8% of total exports, accounting for 75% of the Kingdom's treasury revenues.

GDP per capita is 55,260 thousand US dollars (2017). The very same population of the country is slightly more than 31 million inhabitants.

Russians in Saudi Arabia

Nobody knows the exact number of Russians in Saudi Arabia today. Experts believe that their number is approximately 95 thousand. Most are employed in the field of "black gold" mining, about 20% of the total number of Russians in the Kingdom are Russian wives of the indigenous inhabitants of Saudia (as this state is called by its citizens and residents of neighboring countries).

Most Russians live in the country's big cities. Saudi Arabia has a generally high level of urbanization - 87% of the population lives in cities. This is largely due to the unfavorable natural conditions of the Arabian Peninsula, where the heat in the shade often exceeds 50 degrees and the supply of fresh water is minimal. Arabian cities have a relatively developed infrastructure, there are no interruptions in water supply, and for every Arabian there are two air conditioners (according to statistics).

Oil is the main wealth of Saudi Arabia

The Government of Saudi Arabia announced the Quality of Life 2020 program in 2018. Under this program, $ 34.6 billion is allocated from the royal treasury to improve living standards. These colossal funds are supposed to be directed to the development of the educational system, health care, sports and entertainment. The program also envisages the creation of 300 thousand new jobs.

In general, the Saudis are not very hard-working people, I would even say that they are not at all hard-working. To tell the truth, they are lazy. The phrase “If someone can do it, let him do it!” Reflects well their attitude to work. They will certainly promise to do everything tomorrow, but ... The phrase "inshaala bokra" sounds in Arabic more often than others, it means "if Allah permits, then tomorrow." But it seems that Allah often does not allow, so if they tell you “tomorrow”, then this is at least a week later, but you should not delude yourself, it can also mean NEVER. You just need to get used to it. I do not speak for all the Saudis, perhaps there are hard-working and responsible ones, but I haven’t met such people yet. Although no, one can still be used as an example to others.


Advantages and Disadvantages of Saudi Arabia Immigration

Immigration to Saudi Arabia cannot be treated unequivocally. If, for example, immigration to Germany clearly has more positive aspects, then when moving to the Arabian Kingdom there are many both positive and negative aspects. We list the main advantages of immigration to Saudi Arabia:

  • the possibility of employment at the enterprises of the oil-extracting and oil-refining sectors of the economy with high wages and relatively comfortable working conditions;
  • for Russians professing Islam, moving to Saudi Arabia is not associated with mental and cultural problems;
  • there is practically no crime in the country;
  • Saudi Arabia provides ample opportunities for foreign investors and businessmen, therefore, investing in the economy of this country and opening a business on its territory is a promising area for representatives of the business community of the Russian Federation;
  • life in this country is much cheaper than, for example, life in the countries of the European Union.

Along with the indicated advantages, one cannot but take into account the disadvantages. It is possible that for some immigrants they will not be relevant. But still, you can list several factors that clearly do not belong to the benefits. Among them:

  • external closeness of the country;
  • censorship and lack of democracy;
  • Saudi Arabia has a very strict immigration policy;
  • the laws of Saudi Arabia are based on Sharia, so it is very difficult for a Russian to understand local legislation;
  • women in Saudi Arabia have virtually no rights;
  • the Arabian Peninsula has a very hot climate, so people with cardiovascular diseases are not advised to move to Saudi Arabia;
  • the foundations of Saudi society are based on Islamic traditions, so it is often difficult for the average Russian immigrant to understand and accept them. Failure to comply with local laws and traditions can lead to disastrous consequences, ranging from imprisonment to deportation from the country;
  • It is extremely difficult for a Russian immigrant to obtain Saudi Arabian citizenship if he is not a Muslim.

But for people with an aventurine temperament, Saudi Arabia is simply a treasure trove of opportunities and a sea of ​​discovery. In this case, it is worth mentioning the richest history of the country. Traveling through Arabian cities, visiting monuments of Arab culture, you can plunge headlong into the fabulous world of the East, which will leave few people indifferent.

A friend of mine married a Saudi Arabian many years ago. Immediately after graduation, the couple moved to their husband's homeland. Many years later, we found ourselves on the World Wide Web, and my former classmate shared on Skype her experience of life in a distant Arabian country. It turns out that Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world where women are prohibited from driving cars, motorcycles and other vehicles. The reason for this was the statement of Saudi doctors that driving a car affects the pelvic organs of a woman and deviations are possible at the birth of a child. Saudi scientists, in turn, argue that driving by representatives of the beautiful half of humanity can violate the moral foundations of the local society and give rise to prostitution, pornography, homosexuality and divorce. This is precisely the formulation given. Nevertheless, Saudi women have fought for the right to drive vehicles in recent years, petitioning the king and the government. A Saudi woman cannot walk the streets unaccompanied. Only a male relative should be accompanying. Five years ago, Saudi women were granted the right to hold passports, previously not provided for by local law. The woman was originally entered in her father's passport, then she was entered into a similar document of her husband. When traveling abroad, a local woman must provide written permission from a parent or spouse. You can go outside the house only in a black abaya. No other clothing is provided. The face must be covered with a nakab. In some cases, it is allowed to walk with an open face, but the hair must be covered with a black scarf. Girls under 12 years of age are exempted from observing these rules.

The main ways of immigration to Saudi Arabia from Russia

In 2018, there are a rather limited number of ways to move from Russia to Saudi Arabia. This is primarily due to the country's strict immigration laws and its isolation from the outside world. But today, the Kingdom's authorities are announcing in the near future changes in immigration policy, providing for its liberalization. Let's list the main ways of moving to this country available to Russians.

Marriage to a Saudi citizen

The opportunity to immigrate to Saudi Arabia upon marriage is real. As a rule, in this case we are talking about Russian women. Muslims have the right to marry a representative of another faith, but later, being already in the status of an official wife, she must convert to Islam. The marriage must be contracted according to local laws, so the marriage certificate, if it was contracted outside the borders of Saudi Arabia, will need to be legalized.

After marriage, the spouse turns to the immigration authorities of the Kingdom with a request to issue a permanent residence permit immediately. When submitting documents, the written consent of the spouse for this procedure is required. In this case, a permanent residence permit is issued for a period of five years. After this period, you can apply for citizenship. Many Russian wives of Saudi citizens are in no hurry to accept citizenship of the Kingdom, living in the status of its permanent residents. Both upon obtaining the status of a permanent resident and upon entering into citizenship, the written consent of the husband and positive characteristic from the local community, signed by the abbot of the Islamic temple, around which this community is formed from among his parishioners.

Video: bans for women in Saudi Arabia


You can also immigrate to Saudi Arabia while studying. It should be said that there are several technical and humanitarian universities in this country. But education in them of high quality and prestigious can only be called a stretch. But the spiritual higher educational institutions of Saudi Arabia are famous throughout the Islamic world. Training in them, on the contrary, is very prestigious and provides an opportunity for further career growth, not to mention the possibility of legalization in the Kingdom itself. Examples include the Islamic University of Medina, the Imam University in the capital of the country, Riyadh, and the Al-Kasim University.

The duration of study in theological higher educational institutions varies from three to seven years.

You can enroll in a higher education institution remotely or in person, while staying in Saudi Arabia, for example, on a tourist visa. Initially, the student receives the appropriate student-type visa, then applies to the immigration authorities for a residence permit. Initially, a residence permit is issued for a year, then, at the request of the administration of a spiritual educational institution, it is extended until the end of the course. After five years of being in the country in the status of a temporary resident, a foreign student has the right to request a permanent residence. In the future, he was given the opportunity to become a subject of His Majesty the King of Saudi Arabia Salman ibn Abdul-Aziz Al Saud.

The Saudis themselves prefer to send their children to study in foreign higher education institutions, in addition to receiving a local higher education prestigious.

Spiritual institutions of higher education in Saudi Arabia are famous throughout the Islamic world

Employment immigration

Moving to Saudi Arabia for work can be safely considered one of the realistic methods of settling in this country. Specialists of a narrow profile are in demand in the Kingdom. This is not to say that foreigners are welcomed with open arms. Applying a foreign labor migrant to a job involves many bureaucratic procedures. Registration for a foreign specialist of an invitation to work and an official permit for it lies on the shoulders of the host party. The employer pays all costs associated with obtaining a visa, the flight of his future employee. In addition, there is a poverty tax in Saudi Arabia, the funds from which go to material support for poor residents. Closing vacancies for local residents is compensated in a similar way. Employers are required by law to provide housing for foreign workers at their own expense or compensate for the payment of its rent.

Registration of all the necessary documents takes a long time. A work contract must be signed with a foreign migrant worker, which must be certified by the Foreign Ministry and the Saudi Arabian Chamber of Commerce. In addition, the employer must provide a written guarantee for the foreign citizen being hired.

A foreign specialist moves to Saudi Arabia on a work visa. You can use it to stay and work in this country throughout the year, during which you must issue a residence permit. Temporary resident status is initially granted for a year, then it can be extended for another five years.

The following jobs are most commonly found in Saudi Arabia:

  • specialists in the field of oil production and its processing:
  • specialists of all levels in the field of medicine;
  • teachers of English, French and Spanish;
  • software developers;
  • pilots, flight engineers, air traffic controllers;
  • banking specialists.

Investment immigration

The favorable investment climate created by the Saudi government, as well as the inexhaustible reserves of oil in its depths, attract many foreign investors. Representatives of Russian capital are no exception in this case.

The Russian investor must obtain approval from the Main Investment Department of the country. At the legislative level, there is no minimum investment threshold. By default, investment projects are considered from 300 thousand dollars. Each investor is interviewed and approved by the said Office. Initially, an investment application is submitted remotely. The first interview with an investor is also conducted online. Upon approval, an investor visa is issued to him. The next interview takes place directly on the territory of Saudi Arabia. The investor visa is issued for a period of one year, during this period you can apply for a residence permit, which will initially be valid for two years. After two years, an assessment will be made of the performance of investments in the Saudi economy. If the result is positive, the aforementioned department applies for an extension of the residence permit for the foreign investor, which is possible in this case for the next five years. After this period, the foreign investor has the right to apply for permanent residence.

Country currency - Saudi riyal

1 Saudi riyal is equal to 0.27 USD.

The most attractive sectors of the Saudi economy for foreign investors are:

  • oil production and oil refining;
  • banking;
  • IT technologies;
  • telecommunications.

Business immigration

Business immigration to Saudi Arabia is closely related to investment activity. In this country, you can register your own company or purchase a block of shares in an existing business. At the same time, the foreign co-owner must own at least 33% of the company's shares. Business plans of foreign entrepreneurs are reviewed by the same General Investment Department, which is responsible for attracting foreign capital and controls the opening and running of business by foreign entrepreneurs. A businessman with foreign citizenship can initially obtain a commercial visa, on the basis of which a residence permit is requested for a period of up to one year. Subject to all the rules of doing business, the residence permit can be extended for another five years.

Their family members also have the right to move to Saudi Arabia along with investors and businessmen.

Almost every family has a servant. But again, this is a necessity, not a luxury. For example, you can't go anywhere without a driver. As I said, there is no public transport. With taxi drivers, not every Muslim husband will let his wife go, so you need your own, proven one. There are many children in families, so a maid is hired to look after the children and the house. Domestic staff are quite cheap. For example, the salary of a servant who works 24 hours a day is $ 1000-1500.

Ksenia Ivanova

The main stages of immigration to Saudi Arabia

The main steps in immigration to Saudi Arabia are:

  • opening a visa;
  • obtaining a residence permit;
  • obtaining a permanent residence;
  • entry into citizenship.

Let's consider each of them in more detail.


Visas to the Kingdom are as follows:

  • workers;
  • investor;
  • commercial;
  • student;
  • family;
  • tourist;
  • pilgrimage;
  • transit.

Every Russian who wants to immigrate to Saudi Arabia must first apply for an entry permit to this country. To do this, you can visit the Embassy of the Kingdom in Moscow or a visa center in another region of the country, initially finding out on the embassy's website which visa centers issue entry permits and where they are located.

A visa at the embassy is issued within two weeks, and at the visa center - about a week longer. The cost of registration is different and depends on the type. For example, the price will range from $ 14 for a work visa to $ 134 for investors.

The first step towards immigration will be the application of a Saudi visa


A residence permit is requested on the basis of a visa. To do this, you should already in Saudi Arabia contact its immigration service with a package of documents. You should apply during the visa validity period. Terms and conditions are different for different categories of applicants. As a rule, the residence permit is valid initially for one or two years. After that, it must be extended. The renewal usually takes place for five years or less (at the request of the applicant).

The state fee for the initial receipt of a residence permit will be 155 US dollars. Renewing your status will cost almost half the price.

Permanent residence

Permanent residence can only be obtained if there is a compelling reason. The status becomes available after five years of residence in a country with a residence permit. It is important to know that a temporary resident must not be absent from Saudi Arabia for more than six months in a row for the duration of the residence permit.

Upon receipt of permanent residence, you will need to pass certain tests. They are slightly different for Muslims and representatives of other religions. It is easier for Muslims to pass the tests, since many questions concern the traditional foundations of the Islamic society. These tests are considered integration tests, a foreigner should be well versed in national traditions.

There is no need to take an Arabic language proficiency test to obtain permanent resident status. It is enough to know English. By the way, you can also take an integration test on it. If the applicant speaks Arabic, then this will be an undeniable advantage for him. Upon receipt of permanent residence, the state duty will be $ 175.

Video: Saudi Arabia documentary


Obtaining Saudi Arabian citizenship is extremely difficult. Officially, it becomes available after five years of permanent residence in the Kingdom. During the five-year period, the holder of permanent residence must not leave Saudi Arabia for a period of more than six months in total. As you can see, the residency qualification consists of 5 years with a residence permit, then - 5 years with permanent residence. And that, it turns out 10 years. Only foreign spouses of Arabians are eligible for reduced terms of obtaining citizenship (5 years).

Citizenship can be awarded on an individual basis by the king for special services to his country. In this case, no additional conditions will be required.

It is also difficult to obtain Saudi Arabian citizenship because its applicant must score a certain number of points. For example, a foreign spouse of an Arabian must be married for five years in order to obtain citizenship, give birth to a child (as a result - 23 points). A male foreigner applying for citizenship of the Kingdom must score at least 23 points out of 33 possible. Compliance with the residency requirement for 10 years results in 10 points. The rest are related to the professional activity of the applicant. For example, a higher medical or engineering degree corresponds to 13 points. It turns out that, having lived 10 years in Saudi Arabia and having the appropriate education, you can become its citizen. If the applicant for citizenship has a higher education in the humanities, then only 10 points will be credited to him. And he won't have enough " passing score". But at the same time, those with a doctorate degree are awarded an additional 8 points, masters - 5 points.

The accrual system is very complex, it includes family ties with the citizens of the Kingdom, religion, knowledge of the Arabic language, and much more. We only gave general concept about this process.

In Saudi Arabia, dual citizenship is prohibited for everyone. At the same time, there is no state duty for obtaining Saudi citizenship.

Someone there wanted to go to Saudi Arabia ... And there only now women were given the right to vote. And before that, they were not, as it were, people, apparently. Now women there will be able to vote in municipal elections, as well as run for them as candidates. Also, women, according to the king, will be able to be appointed to the Advisory Council (Majlis al-Shura), an advisory body to the king. The members of this council are appointed by the King of Saudi Arabia, and the current composition of the council is only men. % D0% BE% D1% 82% D0% B0-% D0% B2-% D1% 81% D0% B0% D1% 83% D0% B4% D0% BE% D0% B2% D1% 81% D0% BA % D0% BE% D0% B9-% D0% B0% D1% 80% D0% B0% D0% B2% D0% B8% D0% B8 /

Documents for obtaining resident status

When obtaining resident status, you will need to provide the following documents:

  • foreign passport with a visa;
  • 3 photographs 3.5 * 4.5 cm, black and white is possible;
  • certificate of religion. This document must be obtained from your church, translated into Arabic or English and then certified by a notary. It would seem that in this case you can go for falsification, but for the Arabians, faith is sacred and they do not even imagine that in this situation it is possible to deceive the Almighty and the employees of the immigration service;
  • certificate of absence of AIDS and tuberculosis;
  • a certificate of no criminal record;
  • a statement from a bank account on the movement of funds on it for six months;
  • the basis for requesting status (a job contract, an invitation from a university, a marriage certificate with an Arabian, and so on);
  • a receipt for payment of all administration fees.

When obtaining a residence permit, documents can be submitted in English or directly in Arabic. Copies are notarized.

A certificate of no criminal record is included in the list of documents for obtaining a resident status

Where to go

All immigration documents are handled by a special police department for immigrants. Its offices operate in all cities and towns of the country.

When obtaining a residence permit, you will need to go through the fingerprint procedure. Typically, prints are taken on modern equipment at the offices of the Police Immigration Department.

How long will you have to wait

A residence permit will have to wait no more than two weeks, with permanent residence it is somewhat more difficult. We'll have to be patient for a month. But the Saudi passport will have to wait up to six months.

What to do if refused

The Saudi Arabian authorities may well refuse to issue a residence permit. The most unpleasant thing is that if they refuse, they may not even voice the reason. The applicant can file an appeal with the immigration office within two working weeks. This can be successful if the authorities misinterpreted any of the applicant's documents or his personal situation.

If the appeal is rejected, you can go to court. But the process is unlikely to be won. The hearing will be conducted in Arabic and in accordance with local laws. Therefore, the appellant will need, at a minimum, the assistance of an interpreter and an immigration lawyer.

Most often, they refuse because of the potential threat to the national security of the Kingdom, which the applicant may pose, or because of an incorrectly prepared package of documents. If in the case, for example, with European countries, the reason for the refusal is usually clear, as well as the further actions of the applicant, then in Saudi Arabia they may refuse even without sufficient grounds. For example, even an anti-Islamic statement on social media may be the reason ...

The fact is that in the Kingdom (as in all six oil-producing countries of the Arabian Peninsula), taxes are not levied on citizens. Both from indigenous people and migrants (!) - this is the principled position of the authorities arising from Islamic ethics. To levy taxes on subjects is to exploit them. The Saudi monarchy disagrees. Neither native citizens nor migrants pay income tax (in Germany, such a tax ranges, for example, from 8.95% to 28%, and in Australia - 19 - 54%), value added tax (VAT) applies only to cigarettes and energy drinks.

Evgeny Zelenev

Why should illegal immigrants be afraid?

Illegal migration from Russia to Saudi Arabia is very rare. This is difficult to do due to the strictness of local laws, and also because the illegal alien will be immediately turned over to the police by the local population. The Arabians are very scrupulous about the observance of laws and be sure to inform the authorities about the illegal migrant.

The punishment will definitely be deportation. You will also have to pay a fine of about $ 300. In the future, a ban on visiting the Kingdom will be imposed for at least five years. Although after its expiration, it is unlikely that it will be possible to apply for a Saudi visa.

To immigrate to Saudi Arabia, you must fully meet the criteria of this country. Despite all the complexity, moving to sunny Arabia will open up new horizons of life, from employment to knowledge of the amazing world of the Arab East.

Saudi Arabia, despite its tough and demanding attitude towards religion, has a large number of expats. Due to the fact that a few years ago women were allowed to work in Saudi Arabia, many foreigners rushed to this country for employment. Russians are no exception. Doctors, engineers, IT specialists and just workers go to Saudi Arabia for high salaries. It should be noted that people go there to work, in the truest sense of the word, since it will not work to combine with an idle life, such as many Europeans are accustomed to. In Saudi Arabia, all kinds of entertainment have been officially canceled, you will not see any bars or nightclubs.

In the workplace, expats need to be extremely vigilant and attentive to themselves; for a successful career, it is very important to comply with many rules, including business etiquette. Naturally, appearance is not the last criterion, and jokes about religion or politics over a cup of coffee with a colleague can serve as a reason for dismissal.

The Saudis are also extremely serious about the verification of educational documents applying for employment. If, in the case of other countries, you can first prepare your documents: translate into a foreign language, legalize, then first you need to decide exactly with the employer, get the necessary invitations, a contract from him, and only then it will be possible to legalize your diploma.

The consular legalization of diplomas for Saudi Arabia can be called one of the most difficult in terms of the registration procedure. The legalization process itself takes about 3 weeks, which includes:

  • notarization of copies of documents, 100 rubles / 1 page
  • translation into English and / or Arabic, 480 rubles and 750 rubles / 1 translation page
  • notarization of translations, 700 rubles / 1 document
  • passing the stages of legalization: Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Embassy of Saudi Arabia, 5000 rubles / 1 document

But the above process is not the most difficult stage in the legalization of the document for Saudi Arabia. It is also necessary to legalize the original diploma in Ankara at the SA Cultural Attaché in Ankara. This service is not even provided by the official representation (accredited company - Visa Application Center) of the SA Embassy in Moscow.

Our legalization center takes care of all the hassle of interaction with Ankara, including sending documents from Moscow to Ankara and back to Moscow. But to start the process of legalizing your educational documents, you need to collect a certain package of documents, which is strictly required.

  1. Originals of the diploma and application
  2. Original or copy of an employment agreement (contract) with an employer from Saudi Arabia, certified by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the KSA
  3. Original archival certificate from the university, confirming the issuance of the diploma
  4. A copy of the invitation for a work visa or a copy of the work visa itself
  5. Letter of inquiry from the employer addressed to the attaché on the legalization of the diploma. This document must be certified by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Saudi Arabia.

Unfortunately, the attache's legalization process is not quick. Despite the provision of many supporting documents mentioned above, the attaché independently sends a request to the university in order to confirm the fact of training and the issuance of a diploma. The submitted documents are legalized only after the university responds to the attaché's request. The entire process of consular legalization of diplomas for Saudi Arabia can take about 2 months.

We provide the service of full consular legalization of documents for Saudi Arabia.

If necessary, we deliver documents in Moscow, all over Russia, as well as anywhere in the world by courier services: DHL, UPS, Fedex, TNT, Major, PonyExpress, CDEK, etc.

Needed more detailed information? Contact our specialists for a free consultation through any feedback form!

Saudi Arabia is the richest state in the world. In a country where every citizen has everything from the moment of birth, the indigenous population is not used to working, so there are enough vacancies for residents. The main problem is that the country is closed to tourists. The gray wage labor market is flourishing. It is important to look for only legal earnings by contacting trusted firms.

Since the discovery of inexhaustible reserves of oil and gas on the territory of the Arabian Peninsula, 85% of the region's industry is concentrated in the fuel industry. This is also facilitated by the developed industry of processing enterprises. One-fourth of the total number of employees in the oil industry are newcomers.

Demography in the country is at a high level. Along with the growth in the number of young people, the percentage of the unemployed is increasing. More and more students, graduating from the university, do not care about their employment. Girls rarely go to college, as they get married before the age of 15. Hence the need for labor from the CIS countries, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine.

The average net salary of a foreign mercenary is $ 3,000 per month. Residency, academic degree, candidate title increase the salary by 2 or even 3 times.

Working in Saudi Arabia has several disadvantages:

  • It is not easy to find reliable information about vacancies;
  • A preliminary interview with a candidate is carried out by recruiting agencies even before leaving, which excludes the possibility of seeing the working conditions at the workplace;
  • It is necessary to observe the customs of the host country: wear national clothes, get used to the heat.

There are much more advantages:

  • After completing an internship, specialists with a confirmed diploma are assigned a decent salary and a social package;
  • Knowledge of Arabic is not required, only English;
  • You won't have to get used to the role of an oriental citizen in everyday life, since all residents with their families live in specially isolated areas;
  • There is an opportunity to teach children in a Russian or European school;
  • There is practically no crime;
  • Flights to home on vacation and back, business trips to the United States and Europe for advanced training are financially provided by the employer.

Compete for employment in construction sites In trade and business, visiting specialists will be with Arabs from neighboring countries, who are attracted by Arabia with a prosperous income. Also, the government sets certain quotas for attracting foreign labor to provide jobs for its specialists.

Most demanded professions in 2019

The country is in demand for qualified doctors, nurses, nannies, nurses, maids. Construction professions, engineering professions, IT-administrators, programmers, financial analysts, oilmen are in demand.

The level of wages per month by profession

Among doctors, the salaries of employees of private clinics are the highest: surgeons, ophthalmologists, gynecologists, dentists, resuscitators. Specialists in this area are provided with jobs, salaries range from $ 3000 per month to $ 9000. A welder, bricklayer, foreman can expect to earn $ 2,000 or more. The service sector is not highly rated.

For a nanny, the income will be $ 1,500, for a nurse a little higher - $ 1,700. A maid at home will earn $ 1000, including free room and board. Students, more often than not, take care of the sick and the elderly, work part-time as sellers in supermarkets.

At the refinery, working conditions are observed in accordance with the most high demands security. Many functions are automated. Employees receive an average of $ 100 per shift.

Table 1. Level wages per month by profession

The livestock and meat and dairy farms of Saudi Arabia employ mostly residents from the CIS countries. In such a place, you can get a salary of $ 800 per shift.

How to find a job without intermediaries

To go to a company or a private employer from the countries of the Arabian Peninsula, you need to send your resume through international job search portals, attach a short biography and data on professional experience and skills.

Popular job search sites

Specialized resources, agencies

  • - a convenient directory allows you to find vacancies by industry in the range of salaries;
  • - the agency is engaged in the selection of personnel in the construction sector.

Employment types

When choosing an employer and drawing up a contract with a company, people enter this state for permanent employment most often. This is a positive experience for doctors, engineers, builders. The experience in Saudi Arabia represents international experience. Having established himself as a first-class specialist, after more than 3 years of continuous work, it is easier to get a job in the USA, Great Britain, Australia. This is an excellent language and professional practice with a decent salary.

Work without knowing the language

It is not necessary to know the Arabic language for work. All documentation, reporting, textbooks and instructions are in English. Its level should correspond to the basic international standard. Without this knowledge, it is extremely difficult to pass an interview.

Seasonal work

V agriculture(livestock, greenhouse complexes) in the hot climate of the Arabian Peninsula there is no concept of seasonality. The period of influx of tourists and pilgrims to Mecca and Medina falls on the holy month of Ramadan.

Temporary job

International companies operating in the country need from time to time professional support: setting up equipment, automating the process, installing the latest equipment. Contractors are attracted from abroad.

The company posts a vacancy on the portal or gives it to a recruiting agency. Applicants who have passed the interview stage receive a work contract, which sets the terms of their stay in the country. For this period, the receiving party issues a visa.

Other options

Food factories and oil refineries constantly require people who are ready to enter the country for a long time. Textile workshops and sewing factories also work on a rotational basis. Accommodation of employees in collective residence apartments (dormitories) is provided. They are provided with free food, medical care, delivery to the place of work.

Official employment procedure

It is not easy for a foreigner to receive an invitation from an employer. But qualified doctors, engineers, builders are always welcome here. To do this, you need to submit your resume directly to the organization's portal or to a recruiting agency in the countries of the Arabian Peninsula.

Priority of actions

  1. Find an official job.
  2. Receive an invitation or e-visa from the employer.
  3. Receive the original of the employment contract and its certified copy at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Saudi Arabia.
  4. They give a diploma to a translator into English or Arabic (depending on the requirements of the host).
  5. They certify the diploma at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, as well as at the embassy of the country that issued the diploma.
  6. They certify the diploma in the Ministry of Justice and the KSA embassy.
  7. They check that the title of the position in the employment contract coincides with the specified specialty in the diploma.
  8. They take a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs about the absence of a criminal record. They carry it for translation, and then the Foreign Ministry certifies the certificate and its translation.
  9. Receive a medical certificate of health at the place of residence, sign it from the head physician of the polyclinic. The document must indicate that the patient is not sick with meningitis, encephalitis, hepatitis A, B, C or HIV infection.
  10. The visa application form is filled out in the native or English language, the date of filling and the phone number are indicated.
  11. Pay the consular fee and keep the checks.

Types of work permits

Having a visa is the reason for permission to enter the territory of the KSA. The resident must immediately provide the law enforcement agencies with a package of documents proving his identity and the right to visit the country. The newcomer will be registered with the department for the supervision of foreign citizens.

As a work permit, you must provide a work visa from the employer or its electronic version, labor contract or a contract with specified start and end dates.

Table 2. Types of visas in the KSA

Are there categories that do not require a work permit

Inspections in institutions for legal employment are carried out regularly, therefore, without a work permit, it is possible only as a device at home. These are private drivers, nannies, maids. Russian and Ukrainian girls most often play the role of a nurse or a nurse at home. Such activities are illegal, there is a risk of being fined and deporting.

If, upon the call of a husband employed in KSA, his family enters, then a visa is issued to his wife and children without a work permit.

List of main documents

After a successful interview, the following documents are collected:

  • The original contract from the employer;
  • Job invitation;
  • Copy and original of internal passport;
  • Original archival certificate from the university to confirm the fact of training;
  • The diplomas of doctors and engineers are certified by the closest cultural attaché located in Turkey;

  • Photo on a white background 3x4 in the amount of 2 pieces;

  • Original passport;
  • Medical certificate of health status.

For a specialist with a work visa to stay in the country with his family, you must first arrive in Saudi Arabia and make an official invitation request through the KSA embassy by attaching:

  • Originals and translation of marriage certificate;
  • Birth certificates of children;
  • Photo;
  • Questionnaires;
  • Police clearance certificates for children over 18;
  • International passports.

The visa application form must be completed before being submitted for consideration.

Registration of a work visa

All visas are issued through the Visa Application Center of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Moscow.

To obtain a work visa to visit the KSA, you must have a contract or employment contract from the employer. Therefore, the applicant is interviewed outside the country and receives documents for entry before being sent to the kingdom.

Registration is usually handled by a recruiting agency flesh before submitting the package of documents to the consulate.

Selection Criteria for Applicants for a Work Visa

Females are supposed to travel only accompanied by a man, and always a relative: a brother, father or husband.

The applicant will be refused a visa if:

  • In the passport there is a mark about crossing the Israeli border even in transit;
  • Extravagant appearance: piercings, tattoos, bright clothes or hair;
  • The denomination column indicates something other than Christianity or Islam;

Work visa extension

4-5 weeks before the expiration of the visa, you can apply to the consulate for an extension.

To do this, you must provide:

  1. A copy of a valid residence permit.
  2. Employer's application for the extension of the residence permit, certified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the KSA.
  3. Exit and entry permit issued by the KSA Passport Office.
  4. A document confirming the continuation of children's studies at the KSA educational institution.
  5. Statement from the head of the family confirming that he continues to work for KSA.

Business immigration

When making investments in the economy of the kingdom, you can count on obtaining a business visa with subsequent permission to immigrate to the country. To do this, you need to secure guarantees from a partner company on the territory of the state, receive an official invitation to enter and confirm financially your intentions no later than 30 days from the date of arrival at the KSA.

Features of internship in the country

Each graduate is required to pass an exam in the form of testing after completing an internship at the place of work. There is a possibility of retaking twice.

If the contract does not provide for an internship period, this is a disadvantage. Conditions and terms should be negotiated, documented so that the applicant has the opportunity to assess the working conditions and, in the event that the place did not fit for any reason, leave the employer without breaking the contract and related problems.

Consequences for attempting illegal employment

In this closed country, the only correct way to find a job is official. Bypassing documentary conventions, you run the risk of entering the gray labor market, where you will find yourself outside the law. Clashes with the Saudi law and order, at best, will lead the illegal to fines.

Saudi Arabia's growing economy requires new talent to build a solid foundation of financial stability. The residents fit well into this system. Their comfortable living on the territory of the kingdom has been established.

The salaries are decent, so people return home with in cash for the purchase of real estate, have the opportunity to educate children, gain international experience in working with advanced equipment.

The finniken blogger, who has been working as an oil worker in Saudi Arabia for several years now, but lives, however, in the Kingdom of Bahrain, writes: “I wanted to write 100 facts about Saudi Arabia, one of the most closed countries in the world. I do not pretend to be the truth of the last resort, which I have come across, I wrote about it. "

1. First, do you know why Arabia is Saudi? The name came from the Saudi dynasty, which fought with the Rashidi dynasty (and if they won, it would be called Rashidov Arabia, but in the end the Saudis won) and since then the country has been called the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

2. Well, from the name it is clear that the king rules in this country. The old 90-year-old king passed away and his 79-year-old brother ascended the throne.

3. The new king, by the way, as he ascended the throne, distributed money to the Saudis. Without DmozDmezBottom. All civil servants, pensioners and students received two salaries / pensions / scholarships.

4. In general, since they are allowed to have 4 wives officially, the whole royal family numbers about 5 thousand (!!!) princes and princesses.

5. Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world where women are prohibited from driving. Local doctors argue that driving can affect the ovaries and pelvic organs and the likelihood of having a child with a deviation is high, and local scientists say that a woman driving a car, I quote, "will lead to the spread of prostitution, pornography, homosexuality and divorce." Despite this, women are actively fighting for the right to drive cars, they write some petitions, etc.

6. In general, in Saudi Arabia, women have very few rights. A woman does not have the right to go out on the street alone, only accompanied by a male relative. Until recently, they didn’t even have passports; they entered first into the father’s passport, then into the husband’s passport. But the old king gave them the opportunity to have their own passport.

7. At the same time, a woman cannot leave Saudi Arabia alone if she does not have written permission from her father or husband.

8. Another local feature is women's clothing. A woman cannot go out in any clothes except black abaya. Well, the hair should naturally be covered with a black scarf. The faces are also mostly covered by the niqab, but not always. Moreover, even a European woman has no right to appear in public without an abaya. You don't have to cover your face, and sometimes your hair too. Girls can walk without abaya, up to 12 years old.

Men generally wear a dishdash (a white robe) and a red-and-white headscarf. Disdasha is always dazzlingly white and ironed, and an Arab can correct the scarf on his head for half an hour in front of the mirror so that everything sits beautifully.

10. From point 9 we can conclude that the Saudis are usually in no hurry, because in such a dress you cannot run, you do not jump, and in general you can only sit gravely or slowly move from one point to another. And it's true, they are not in a hurry.

11. In general, the Saudis are not very hard-working people, I would even say that they are not at all hard-working. To tell the truth, they are lazy. The phrase "If someone can do it, let him do it!" They will certainly promise to do everything tomorrow, but ... The phrase "inshaala bokra" sounds in Arabic more often than others, it means "if Allah permits, then tomorrow." But it seems that Allah often does not allow, so if they tell you “tomorrow”, then this is at least a week later, but you should not delude yourself, it can also mean NEVER. You just need to get used to it. I do not speak for all the Saudis, perhaps there are hard-working and responsible ones, but I haven’t met such people yet. Although no, one can still be used as an example to others.

12. Saudis - colleagues do not like to answer letters. Highly. It is better to resolve all issues by phone, and even better in person. Eyes to eyes. First, talk about life, and then get down to business. Because a letter is a document, and a telephone conversation is just a telephone conversation, you can then say whatever you like, blinking with honest black eyes.

13. The Saudis themselves work mainly in government agencies, and if in some company, then in the HR Department, well, or top management. All other work is performed by expats (unskilled labor - Indians, Pakistanis, Filipinos, engineers and technicians - Americans, Europeans, other Arabs (Jordan, Yemen, Iraq, etc.))

14. There is such a thing - Saudization. Each company must necessarily have a certain percentage of the local population in the state, and not just gaster. The more Saudis there are in a company, the more companies are given permits to hire foreigners.

15. Arabs love to go to each other's office at work and talk about life. However, they do it loudly. This endless gyr-gyr-gyr can be heard from everywhere.

16. Returning to point 5, I would like to say that I even understand a little why women are prohibited from driving a car. To drive a car in this country you need to have eggs of steel, because I have not met such cut-up drivers anywhere else (well, perhaps in Tripoli, also in Cairo). Interestingly, the Saudis usually do not rush anywhere in life, but they always drive a car quickly and aggressively. You need to be constantly on the lookout so as not to get into an accident. And I see several accidents every day. I traveled several times with the locals as a passenger, the bricks are simply deposited with a bang! The usual picture is that you are driving in the far right at a permitted speed of 120 km per hour, a truck carrying camels overtakes you on the side of the road.

17. In Saudi Arabia, huge fines for traffic violations. The average fine is 500 reais (1 real - 16 rubles). There are cameras around, on the highways there are cars with cameras, but this does not stop anyone.

18. It is not customary for the Saudis to buckle up. Child seat? Nooo, I have not heard. Usually, the baby sits with her mother in the front seat, leaning out the window, in the back a bunch of Arab babies jumping on the seat.

19. It is normal when on a narrow street two Saudis in jeeps stopped opposite each other, blocking the street and talking, not paying attention to the others.

20. If you see an empty car on a jack in the desert on the side of the road, you are in Saudi. Spare wheel? What a nafig spare wheel, you chow?

21. If you are standing in a queue of three cars and suddenly another one starts wedging in between the first and second cars, you are in Saudi. Oh, how they don't like queues. Oh, they don't.

22. About queues. I met several queues in institutions. For local, for non-local and separately for paki / indians / pilipinas. Direct signs hang over the queues. Racism, uh-)

23. White expats usually do not go to government offices, all issues are resolved by the HR members. In cases where your presence is obligatory, the HR person will come with you, will lead you from office to office and explain everything. You just need to say hello and smile.

24. In general, if you cannot decide something on your own somewhere, like it’s not supposed to and all the cases, an Arab with an Arab will always decide between themselves. It's good to have a Saudi friend.

25. And they can easily scribble their scribbles in your documents (for example, in your passport) and they will roll like a document. Even without printing. Verified personally.

Photo: Mosque of the Prophet in the city of Medina

26. In Saudi there is a rule “ right hand“- you cannot eat with your left hand, transfer something, because the left hand is considered unclean (yes, they are washed away with it). A friend works with Arabs at the field, says that they beat on the hands when, forgetting, he takes food with his left hand. As a joke, of course, but still. I also try to submit documents only with the right one, it costs me nothing, they are pleased.

27. Not every Saudi toilet has toilet paper, but every one, even the most shabby, will have a washer. Such a small shower hose. Great gadget, I think.

28. Very little western music. Mostly Arabic, all around. Even young people in the car mostly listen to their native mournful tunes. Of all the many radio stations, I found only 3 with Western music: one Radio Bahrain and two from the Saudi Aramko company (one Western pop, the second American nostalgie).

29. Saudi Aramco (Saudi American Company) is the world's largest mining company. Organized by the Americans in the 30s, at first they were 50-50 with the Saudis, then the Saudis squeezed everything out, now the company is 100% owned by local people. Extracts a quarter of all oil on Earth. Lots of people from all over the world work in Aramco. The average salary of a specialist with experience (and inexperienced people are not accepted there) is fifteen bucks.

30. Entertainment is officially prohibited in Saudi Arabia. There is not a single cinema in the kingdom (according to some reports, the first cinema was recently opened in Jeddah, on the campus, but I don't know how true it is).

31. Education in schools is separate: boys separately, girls separately.

32. Each restaurant has two sections: for single men and for families. Because seeing other people's women is not good. Essno, if you are alone, then you will not be allowed into the family section. But even if you came with your wife, you still won't look at someone else's aunt, because even in the family section, the tables are separated by screens so that the woman can uncover and eat quietly.

33. Even in fast food restaurants (McDonald's, for example) there will be two lines to the checkout counters: for women and for others. Food courts are also divided into zones for singles and families. There, the aunts do not uncover, they eat in the curtains. I lifted the curtain with one hand, with the other a fork in my mouth. There is also a division in shopping centers at the checkout counters. Women (or family) separately, single separately.

34. Well, you won't see someone else's aunt's face, very often siblings do not know what the brothers' wives look like. This is normal.

35. Alcohol is prohibited in Saudi Arabia. Strictly prohibited. Punished imprisonment and sticks. But the locals somehow smuggle it in, brew moonshine on dates and so on. You can buy, but very expensive. The whiskey will cost about $ 300 a bubble.

In the photo: King Fahd International Stadium

36. Sticks hurt. Not everyone can stand the punishment with sticks. I don’t know if it’s true or not, but after 100 blows, a person can die. Therefore, the doctor is always nearby, if anything, he will stop the punishment. The rest of the person will receive when heals. If the punishment is, for example, 200 sticks, then it is divided into several months.

37. Pork is prohibited.

38. The death penalty for drugs.

39. For homosexuality, by the way, too! But there are still a lot of gays here. Boys from childhood are separate from girls, there are guys at school, guys at university, in cafes you can only sit in a single section, where there are only guys. Well, this one. Fall in love with each other.

40. Executions are usually on Fridays, in the squares. Cut off the head. The people are standing, looking. I saw the video, not a pleasant sight, I can tell you. The truth is less and less lately. Mostly for murder.

41. Censorship in Saudi Arabia. Pretty tough. All films even cut out the kissing scenes, not to mention the bed scenes. They just stupidly cut out, not caring that the plot can get confused from this. Even on the radio, words are cut out of songs. Remember Psy with his gangnam style? There in the chorus "Eeeee, sexy lady". So in Saudi Arabia he sings simply “Eeeee, uk lady”. Well, sex, of course, but an excellent Sia song - Chandelier, where in the chorus “one two three one two three drink,” drink is stupidly cut out.

42. But most of all I am touched by the censorship in the shops. There are specially trained people there who paint over the exposed parts of the body of not only women, but also men on boxes and packages. Men's panties are on sale, for example, legs and arms are painted over. An inflatable pool is for sale, the package contains a happy family - the male children are left as they are, the aunt is completely closed with a black marker. In fashion magazines, girls in short-sleeved T-shirts are neatly drawn with long sleeves. And laughter and sin.

43. Of religions, only Islam is allowed. All other religions are strictly prohibited. Of course, I wear a cross, but I try not to shine.

Southern part of the Kingdom

44. In addition to the ordinary police in Saudi Arabia, there is also a religious police, which precisely monitors the implementation of all of the above prohibitions. It is called the "Commission for the Promotion of Virtue" or simply mutawa. They can come up and make a comment if something is wrong. May be arrested for a serious offense. My friend was once stopped on Friday before lunchtime (the time of the main prayer) and they were asking why he was not at prayer at this time. The fact that he is not a Muslim did not satisfy them very much. I sat in their car until the prayer time was over, then they let me go.

45. They pray here 5 times a day (in the holy month of Ramadan - 6 times). During prayer, the whole kingdom freezes. Shops, all institutions, gas stations are closed for half an hour. NOTHING works. There are a lot of mosques. There are several in each district. Every shopping center, every institution has a prayer room. Each hotel room has a prayer rug, a Quran and an indication of which side of Mecca.

46. ​​In the toilets, before prayer, everything is flooded with water. Since it is necessary to pray clean, the locals wash themselves very carefully, the usual picture is that you go into the toilet, and there they wash your feet in the sinks.

47. Friday is a sacred day! Nobody works. Until lunchtime everything is closed, the streets are empty, everyone is praying.

48. The Holy Quran is the most needed book. It is the official constitution of the kingdom, and it teaches devout Muslims what is allowed and what is not.

49. As in all Arab countries, there is a cult of the family. Every Friday they gather with large families, in restaurants, for picnics, etc. Elders are highly respected.

50. Gasoline is very cheap in Saudi. A liter of the 91st costs 0.45 real, the 95th - 0.6 (7 and 10 rubles, respectively).

51. For some reason, most Saudi men have long nails. I don’t understand what it’s connected with, but I’m still not used to it, it cranks every time.

52. Saudi Arabia is very hot in summer. Often, the temperature in the shade can reach + 50C.

53. Therefore, on weekends in the summer, all the malls (shopping centers) are full of Arabs and expats. In the malls they walk, communicate, eat. Personally, it is always cold for me in these malls, because they turn on air conditioners at + 18C, the Arabs are wrapped up the very thing, and I'm freezing.

54. In general, many expats live in compounds, this is such an area, separated from everyone by a high wall, with security. Inside the compound, white women do not need to wear black abaya, they can wear anything.

55. Arab women dye a lot. Finger-thick eyebrows, brightly colored eyes, henna designs on the wrists. Everything that can be shown, everything is decorated.

56. Despite the fact that women can only appear on the street covered, modern women's clothing stores do not experience a shortage of customers. Arab women are actively buying all this to show off at home in front of her husband.

57. There are no fitting rooms in Saudi shopping malls. Women usually buy clothes, measure at home, if they didn't like it, they brought it back. Or in the toilet of the shopping center they will try it on without a mirror and will also return it if you don’t like it.

58. There is crime. If you leave your laptop in the car, they can break the window and pull it out. In the evening, they can take away the money-phone.

59. The Saudis swim in the sea mostly in clothes. Especially women. Men in shorts and T-shirts, the woman is completely covered. Most can't swim.

60. The beaches, by the way, are also separate. Somehow, out of ignorance, I came to swim on the family beach, for a long time I did not understand why they were looking at me condemningly. But nobody said anything. People usually come to the beach with a large family, from children to old people. With food, barbecue, hookahs.

61. The country is very dirty. Where there is a person, it is dirty. Paper, bags, packaging. The family came for a picnic, ate and drank, left the whole srach. A common picture - you are driving, a bag of rubbish falls out of the window from the car in front of you. Or he stood at a traffic light, napkins and leftover food are thrown out of a nearby car.

62. The inside of the cars of the Saudis is also usually very dirty. Highly. Interior decoration machines can be done in a couple of months. Make a mess. Therefore, many people do not remove the plastic from the seat for years.

63. Usually Indians remove garbage from the streets. Well, how is it cleaned up? Pretend. He walks with a bag, picked up one piece of paper, ten remained lying, goes on.

64. Almost every company has a tea boy. The dude who delivers tea and coffee to the offices. Looks in, asks what you want to drink today, leaves, brings.

65. In general, it is not so easy to get to Saudi Arabia, it is not a tourist country. A visa will be given in the case: 1) if you are at work, 2) if you are going to a close relative (daughter, son, mom, dad) 3) if you are a Muslim and perform the sacred Hajj to Mecca.

66. Mecca - the cradle of Islam, is located in the west of the kingdom. Hundreds of thousands of pilgrims from all over the world visit Mecca every year. Non-Muslims are not allowed to enter this shrine.

67. When you come to work in Saudi Arabia, HR usually takes your passport from you (not always and not from everyone, they didn’t take it away from me) and in exchange they issue an ikama (residence permit). Ikama is considered an official document in the kingdom. In order to open a bank account or buy a car, you need an ikama. Nobody asks for a passport. By the way, everyone has ugly pictures on ikama. The photo is taken from the system - the one that was made during the first passport control. Usually they take a picture somehow from below and the people are fucked up. When leaving Saudi, the ikama is surrendered, the passport is returned.

68. After receiving the ikama, you need to obtain a Saudi driver's license. Russians (and many others) are simply issued based on Russian rights, for example, Indonesians need to take exams from scratch to get a license. The water certificate number is exactly the same as that of the ikama. Photo too.

69. Rains are rare in Saudi. Three to four times a year. And therefore, storm sewers are absent here as a class. And therefore, when it does rain, a state of emergency is declared. Cities are flooding, cars are floating.

70. In winter, even snow can fall in the desert. But once every 50 years. In 2013, it was the last time.

Photo: Fahd Fountain - the tallest fountain in the world. Located in the city of Jeddah

71. The deserts in Saudi Arabia are beautiful. Sands vary in color, from yellow to red. By the way, there are fences along the roads in the desert; you can only enter the desert at certain exits.

72. Although polygamy is allowed in the Kingdom, there is no one among my acquaintances who would have two (let alone four) wives. Because according to the law, if you have a second wife, please provide her no worse than the first. I mean, the first wife has a house, so you should buy a house for the second wife as well. The first wife has a car with a driver such and such, the second should be no worse. And time should be given to both of them equal. An expensive pleasure, that's it.

73. Almost every Arab family has Filipino or Indian nannies. There are many children, behind all eyes and eyes. And not only nannies. Cleaning women also live in many families. A common picture in the mall is an Arab family, behind 3-4 children with one or two Filipino nannies.

74. Since entertainment is prohibited, the Saudis try to entertain themselves with anything they want. One of the entertainments is car racing (that's why a lot of crashes), riding on two wheels on the side and changing wheels on the go. Another extreme entertainment is slipper racing. This is when you get out of the car at speed and ride on slippers. At speeds over 100 km / h. Don't believe me? Hammer the saudi crazy driver and saudi crazy skaters into youtube.

75. Another entertainment is to throw stones around your car (between the wheels and the bottom). I don't understand what is the point of this.

76. On weekends, neighboring Bahrain and the UAE are flooded with cars with Saudis. They generally call Bahrain "our bar". Yes, yes, from Thursday to Saturday, all the bars are packed with Saudis. And Cho, under the roof Allah does not see how they joke.

77. During children's holidays, people travel to Bahrain and the UAE even more massively. There are wild traffic jams on the borders. Entertain children. Cinemas, water parks, everything.

78. The weekend in Saudi Arabia is Friday – Saturday. A couple of years ago, the weekend was on Thursday-Friday, but then they decided to postpone it by one day for international business.

79. Basically, they do not know how to drink. They poke into vhlam. Taught one colleague. Well, as taught, explained why he quickly gets drunk, said that the snack is very important. Now he drinks like a human, even his head stopped hurting in the morning-)

80. They like to ask about anything forbidden for them (sex, drinking, etc.). Sometimes they remind me of children.

81. Despite strict prohibitions, local girls still manage to have sex outside of marriage. They meet in social networks, they meet in secret. There are dating houses. Even an expat can get there if the "quest" and face control pass.

82. Saudi Arabia does not celebrate New Year... Generally. Even Arabic.

83. By the way, according to the local calendar, it is now 1436.

84. In the holy month of Ramadan, the Saudis fast. You cannot eat or drink during daylight hours. In recent years, Ramadan fell on the hottest months, it was hard for the Arabs, not a sip of water all day. Expats are also strongly advised not to drink or eat in the presence of fasting people, and to respect the fast. All offices have shorter working hours during Ramadan.

85. But after Ramadan, the whole country walks for 9 days. Well, maybe not the whole country, but our office has been resting for 9 days in recent years.

86. In general, there are officially only 3 holidays in the country. These are Eid al-Fitr, aka Eid al-Fitr (after Ramadan), Eid al Adha, aka Eid al-Fitr (also, by the way, have 9 days of rest) and National Day.

87. Many sites have been blocked in Saudi Arabia. For example, our Vkontakte, Chips, not to mention porn sites.

88. It is forbidden to photograph people (especially the military, police and women). Recently, a dude was arrested for finding wedding photographs of various couples (he had a photo studio and three photographer aunts gave him pictures from weddings, and he sold to other men). Photos are decent, no nudity, just faces.

89. I have never seen public transport in Saudi Arabia. Taxi only. Perhaps he is somewhere, but not sure.

90. Sometimes at the intersections you can meet women wrapped in abaya, who walk from car to car and beg. They are not Saudis. Refugees.

91. There are no orphanages in Saudi Arabia. If the parents have died / died, the children live with relatives.

92. They calmly take minor accidents with scratches and small dents. They can safely disperse after such an accident, without calling the police and without any complaints at all. They drove me a couple of times slightly aft, just left.

93. Traffic jams in the desert often go around the desert. On the side of the road in 5 rows.

94. Saudis, driving up to the shop, often do not even get out of the car. Specially trained Indians run up, take the order, take the money, run away, bring the order and change. For a penny tip.

95. In general, Indians do a lot here for a penny. For 100 riyals a month you will have your car washed three times a week.

96. Very tasty (in my opinion) local food, especially the grill. Something, but the Arabs know how to cook meat. Served with tortillas, hummus and babaganush. The yummy is unreal. Especially the lamb ribs. And most often the most delicious grill in the most unpresentable cafes. Well, rice. Rice goes automatically.

97. Camels all around. On the sidelines, in the desert, even on the menu. Tried good meat.

98. In many Arabian clothes, instead of a tablecloth, they simply lay polyethylene. Since the Arabs eat everything with their hands (instead of a spoon / fork, a piece of flatbread), they simply dump rice with meat on the table (onto polyethylene), eat it with their hands, and after eating they simply collect the polyethylene with food leftovers and throw it away, and the table is again as good as new until the next client ...

99. There are no taxes in Saudi Arabia. You can open any business, make money and you do not need to pay taxes. True, it is difficult for expats to open a business; there must be a Saudi in their partners.

100. At Saudi weddings, women walk separately, men walk separately. Often even in different parts of the city. Women come to the celebration in their most beautiful dresses and jewelry under abayas, they celebrate openly, but before the newly-made husband comes to pick up his young wife, they again take cover with abayas and niqabs.

Saksan (Saudi Arabia)

I was not very enthusiastic when
my husband persisted in getting a job in Saudi Arabia,
and drove here with great apprehension

I was not very enthusiastic when my husband persisted in seeking work in Saudi Arabia, where he had worked before. And I drove here with great apprehension. But I liked the country. The cities are clean, modern (except for the central, older part) with wonderful office buildings of glass and concrete, delightful elegant architecture.

Residential buildings- these are either chic mansions behind high walls from cottages to palaces where Saudis mainly live, or 2-4-storey buildings in the center - with small, blind, always dirty windows, hung with rags or covered with plywood, something like dormitories for the "guest workers", of whom there are countless numbers.

On wide avenues there are many flowers, palms and topiary trees - this is when a tree or bush is given all kinds of shapes by constant shearing. Wherever we go, along the roads, for hundreds of kilometers, there are neatly trimmed trees everywhere. However, it is very rare to see a garden near large, rich mansion houses. Usually a very large house is built and surrounded by a high stone fence, leaving no free space inside for at least a couple of trees. Perhaps that is why the locals love to relax on the lawns of parks or on the beach by the sea (but no one ever swims), to have picnics with a barbecue. They also like to go to the desert with tents, claiming that 100 years ago everyone was nomadic Bedouins.

Almost all foreign workers of foreign companies live in compounds ... This is something like military towns behind the serfs concrete walls with barbed wire, roadblocks and barriers, stationary machine guns and paramilitary guards. Such measures were taken after the terrorist attacks that took place five years ago. Inside the compounds - from a dozen to hundreds of villas, cottages and apartments, schools, kindergartens, shops, restaurants, swimming pools, sports complexes, hotels, etc. Women on the territory of the compound can feel absolutely free and dress as they please in Western style.

The inconvenience for a woman outside the compound is that you cannot drive a car and you must wear a black long-sleeved cassock called abaya. ... In Riyadh, the rules are stricter, there a woman is obliged to cover her head with a black scarf, but in Al-Khobar I know those who, having lived here for ten years, never even had a headscarf or scarf on their head.

In the city center, you can sometimes find a mutawa - a religious policeman who will say that you should cover your head ... But I have not heard that he applied any sanctions against Europeans, Indians or Filipinos. Abaya here is worn by all women - seemingly standard black dress hiding the forms. However, the decoration of the abaya can only be amazed, all kinds of braids, laces, rhinestones. Some are just works of art. Arab women also cover their faces with a black mask called niqab. Regarding the coolness of the abaya and niqab: if you have sunburned enough in the local sun and a burn to delicate skin no longer threatens, then of course, abaya, a scarf is a burden. But if you have not sunbathed, then it is better not to take risks and such clothes will be a salvation. And the niqab is a kind of respirator during dusty and sandstorms which are quite common here.

There is no public transport at all ... A woman is not allowed to travel in a car with a man who is not a relative. But she can take a taxi. Compounds usually have their own buses that take the children to school and then take the women to the shops. As a rule, these are large supermarkets and shopping malls with stores of famous companies, which are absolutely everywhere in Europe and America.

Many non-local women who have lived in KSA for years do not know the city at all, do not orientate themselves, and see life only from the window of a bus or car. , which brings them to the doors of the shops and takes them away from them. In my opinion, they just created their own mental prison and are ready to shy away from their own shadow and scare each other with horror stories.

Personally, I do not see any problems to respect local laws and traditions. , not waving my non-oriental mentality like a flag, behaving and even dressing like a local woman, which gives me the opportunity to feel completely calm even in those quarters where Europeans never visit. I put a scarf on my head and a niqab on my face so as not to draw attention to myself and explore different areas on foot. These are shopping areas with many shops and small shops, as well as "sleeping" quarters. And no one has ever bothered me during my many kilometers of hikes. Although I am not frivolous and not at all careless, having experience of being in "hot spots" ...

Outwardly, it seems that the percentage of Saudis is much less than foreigners, especially immigrants from India, the Philippines, Bangladesh, as well as Arabs from Yemen, Aden, Palestine, Egypt and Jordan. English language a lot of people speak, so everywhere you can easily do without knowledge of the Arabic language .

The goods in the stores are very diverse. ... Absolutely stunning dresses, fabrics and haberdashery, jewelry. I have never seen such affordable wealth, abundance of assortment, imagination and ingenuity of design. No good shoes, solid oilcloth. It is also full of Chinese goods that can be seen in any market in Russia.

Supermarkets - at the level of the best in Europe ... Fresh products, excellent quality, everything is clean and tidy, prices are similar to European ones. In general, shopping is pleasant, because no one imposes their goods by force. Here, no one sniffs anything (except for the traders in the Philippine and Pakistani bazaars), does not persuade, everyone is attentive, polite and helpful. In some shops with women's goods (not necessarily with underwear), men are not allowed to enter at all ...

There are always two halls in restaurants and cafes in Saudi Arabia : single - only for men, women are not allowed to enter; and a family section - for women or families (where men who are not accompanied by at least one woman will never go under any guise).
Once they opened a fair with attractions, like Luna Park - there were also two sections - separately for men and separately for women.

The roads in Saudi Arabia are beautiful , but the driving style is deadly: for example, many at an intersection turn left from the fourth right lane across the entire traffic, without first changing lanes. Turning to the right is always allowed at a red traffic light. Parking is a separate topic altogether.

In Saudi Arabia, it is bad to be alone, especially when young. There is practically no entertainment for young people, the possibilities of meeting people of the opposite sex are limited, therefore they are quite rare, no discos, no dances, no theaters and cinema - there is simply no such Muslim country... Even the visit of guests to family people in many compounds is limited to hours, as before in Sovdep hostels, you have to leave documents at the checkpoint. And the visit of a lonely guest from outside to a person of the opposite sex who is in Saudi Arabia alone without a family may even be refused by the administration of the compound. However, each compound may have its own orders. One compound can be guarded as a super super-secret military facility, where even ladies' cosmetic bags are checked, and in another, all guards and security are nothing more than props and parody.

In Saudi Arabia, "like in Greece", there is everything. But this "everything" is often hidden from view. Yes, many things seem austere, unhappy, with a lot of restrictions. But often this is only an external effect ... There are so many courses in the compounds! If not in yours, take a taxi and go to another. Do you want to go horseback riding? No problem! Would you like diving? For woman? In the Red Sea or the Persian Gulf? Even easier! Golf? Not a problem either. Well, tennis courts, football fields, swimming pools, saunas, bowling and fitness clubs are in almost every compound. To have fun? ... No country where I live has ever had so many "tea parties" and parties. The fantasies of non-working women trying to diversify their leisure time are inexhaustible. And if Western European embassies and all kinds of organizations and cosmetic companies sponsor ...

Work? This is where problem number one! Well, in Riyadh it is more difficult, In Jeddah, Dammam, Al-Jubail, Al-Khobar - there is still a chance. My friends from different compounds in the end, who wanted - everyone works. True, the choice of professions is very small. In general, life in KSA is quite wonderful. Therefore, the question "is it possible to live in Saudi Arabia at all?" - I will answer with the words of the proverb: "What difference does it make where to live? If only it is good to live!"

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