An indication of imprisonment in the natal chart. Indicators of prison in the horoscope of birth. The course of the experiment "A horoscope of a killer or an actor?"

Primers 22.10.2020

Which I spent for myself a few months ago, and I decided to write about it only now. Its essence was to choose half of the unknown 10 cards belonging to the actors, and 5 more to the killers. I know that almost no one from the readers of the Astro-School blog wanted / could not work. Almost everyone limited themselves to the two given in the last article. Of course, there is not enough time, or maybe the research vein is rather weak or something else .... Whatever it was, I'm posting my findings.

The meaning of the astrological experiment

I'll start with a simple question, why was such an experiment needed at all? Why was it necessary to compare the horoscopes of killers and actors? I explained my motivation last time: I was just curious if I could distinguish the former from the latter. That is, I was led by trite idle curiosity. But to describe it here, on the website of the Astrological School, I was prompted by completely different reasons:

First, I wanted to show in practice the responsibility of the astrologer for every word he utters. How many actors have you accused of murder? And how many maniacs were "justified" by their conclusions? I’ll be honest about myself: I mixed up two cards. That is, one person, a beautiful, young girl, a talented actress, was considered a criminal, and the killer was considered a talented actor. These are two destinies, two lives. This is a huge responsibility! And it is important to understand, accept and be able to bear.

Secondly, I wanted to show that you should not rely on good result in those topics where you are incompetent. This is my story, because in the topic of serial maniacs and murderers, I am a complete zero. I do not know their psychology, the peculiarities of life, this is a matter that is completely incomprehensible to me, in which I am incompetent. Therefore, by and large, to undertake such an analysis in real life I wouldn't be able to. Here it was a game, but in real life you should not take on topics that you do not understand. This is especially true for very beginner astrologers who, after reading a couple of books, for example, on medical astrology, begin to consider themselves specialists capable of providing quality advice. . This is not true, before you become competent in a topic, you need to fully work out at least 100 natal charts on it. Just be mindful of your limits.

B-3, I wanted to show you how do NOT need to be carried out The fact remains: 99% of all astrological research is carried out with errors, which I already mentioned in the first part of the article. The same errors were made in this experiment. The main one is that the studied cards are not checked for radicality and not rectified. Therefore, there is no need to talk about the reliability of the judgment based on them and the correctness of the experiment. This is if you take the experiment seriously. If you indulge, you can even explore dates of birth or sun signs, as we like to do. I will definitely return to the topic of astrological (serious) experiments.

The course of the experiment "A horoscope of a killer or an actor?"

And now - to the results. Who can't wait, here you can (question cards, answer cards, exact birth data for each card).

For those who are impatient, I will partly describe the road that I walked, trying to distinguish the killers from the actors. I'm not saying she's right. You can find your own solutions to this problem, which will be completely different from mine, and there is nothing strange in this.

It's not about the astrological methods that we use, but about drawing the right conclusions.

Moreover, even now, at the end of the experiment, I will not be able to tell you the exact astrological signs of the killer that will be found in the chart everyone offender. There are some separate indicative fragments of maps, which together can indicate a criminal. But common features, characteristic of all such horoscopes, I did not find. Perhaps you will find. Just do not forget to conduct such an experiment-study more correctly than I did :)

So, we had 10 cards in front of us, each half of which had to have similar characteristics.

Murder cards (all) were supposed to contain indications of the possibility of committing a serious crime and punishment, of a certain notoriety from committing murders.

Actor cards (all) had to contain indications of fame from public activities, from the stage.

Where did I start?

(Before reading, open the article - it will be very useful to you)

1) From Saturn in the 12th house :) Or, more precisely, from the fact that in the horoscope of killers there should be the formula of serious crimes (9-12) and at the same time Saturn must necessarily be related to it(This is in the book by S.V. Shestopalov "Analysis of the horoscope", pp. 111, 293). This means that Saturn must be related to the 9th or 12th house and participate in intense interactions between them. Also in the charts of people whose term of imprisonment exceeded several years, Saturn must be related to the 12th house, that is, to rule it, co-rule it, be in it, or intensely aspect an element of this house. I started with this: I selected cards that correspond to this parameter. These turned out to be cards No. 1 (Saturn at 12), No. 2 (Saturn at 12), No. 3 (governs 12), No. 4 (Saturn square-ruler 12 Jupiter), No. 7 (Saturn rules 12). These five cards became my first "contenders" for the killer group.

Next, it was necessary to check the presence of a complete formula for serious offenses in the selected charts, that is, in addition to Saturn, it was necessary to have at least three tense interactions between the elements of the 9th and 12th houses. In simple words: you need to highlight the elements of the 9th house and the 12th house and determine if there are tense connections between them.

Let's analyze map No. 1 together (the map is clickable - when clicked, it will open in a new window):

Elements of the 9th house: Uranus, Neptune, Jupiter retro.

Elements of the 12th house: Mercury, Saturn, Venus (Venus is questionable, because it is practically on the Ascendant. And we cannot in any way check which house it actually belongs to, therefore, according to the conditions of the experiment, we work with the data “as eat").

Intense interactions between the 9th and 12th houses:

The first is Uranus (9) square Venus (12);

The second - ... other planets do not have mutual tense aspects. There are no more connections. Most likely, this person could not break the law, so I put it aside with the inscription “Rather, A” (“rather, Actor”) and continue to work.

Let's analyze map number 2 from the last article:

Elements of the 9th house: Mercury, Uranus, Moon.

Elements of the 12th house: Mercury, Saturn.

Intense interactions between elements of the 9th and 12th houses:

The first is Saturn (12) square Uranus (9);

The second is the Moon (9) in opposition to Mercury (12);

The third is the interaction through Mercury, which is simultaneously an element of 9 and 12. Such an interaction through the simultaneous belonging to two houses, just like the connection, can be lost both in the “plus” and in the “minus”. IN this case(in the context of the topic, taking into account the defeat and retrograde of Mercury, with the participation of 12 "evil" houses) - this is a tense interaction. This horoscope has the necessary conditions for propensity to delinquency and the possibility of ending up in jail for a long time: triple tension between the 9th and 12th houses, Saturn is a formula participant and the element of the 12th house. Already at this stage of the analysis, we can classify this card as especially suspicious - I simply marked it with the words “rather, U” (it means, “rather, the killer”).

Of course, the presence of even the full version of this formula in the radix does not automatically make a person a criminal and doomed to imprisonment, because other indicators of the map are of great importance, plus the level of spiritual development of a person that will never be seen in the map!

By the same principle, the remaining cards were analyzed, in which Saturn was related to the 12th house. I will not give a complete analysis here, I think that you can easily do it yourself using examples. Here I will show only the results (the card number and the number of tense connections between 9 and 12 are given):

At this stage, I received two pronounced cards, where the formula of offenses was completely: No. 2 and No. 4, these were in the “Rather, murderers” group. Remained questionable, especially cards No. 7 and 3 (in No. 7 there is a very revealing stellium in the 8th house, and in No. 3, with a slight time shift, house accents shift and the card becomes eloquent)

2) Then I took for 8th house(from this point I write briefly). The house of death and terrible transformations had to be unequivocally negatively manifested in the cards of the killers, besides being strong (that is, having many tense elements and / or a tense Lilith). Of course, the strength of a house relative to other houses is measured quite accurately using one of the methods, I will definitely give it a place on the blog. Now I will say briefly: the number of connections of houses with other houses of the map is an indicator of its strength, the more connections, the stronger the house. The easiest way to count: weak house - less than 20 connections; average house - 20-30 connections; strong house - from 30 connections. Affected house - at least half of the connections are negative or through a connection.

3) Next, I analyzed the presence in the cards connections between the 7th and 8th houses (the so-called hate formulas). These are indications that a person can cause physical harm to another person or receive it from another. Killers should have such instructions necessarily. In the cards of actors they may occur, as, for example, indications of profit from other people, or the same assault, but in a more loyal form. That is why I referred this combination to additional indications: if it is supported by other significant factors, this is in the direction of the killer.

4) The position of the moon in the chart: a person with the Moon, ruling or standing in the 8th house, on a subconscious level, considers the situations of the 8th house normal and gravitates towards them. This is another additional indication of a possible killer.

5) tense ties between 1st and 8th houses- this is literally the danger of physical harm, as well as personal participation (1) in extreme situations, a collision with death (8).

6) The predominance of tense aspects in the chart(heavy configurations - cross, tau-square, stelliums without access or with insufficient access to harmonious aspects). Gives the need for action, but great difficulty with its adequate implementation.

Etc. There is no point in describing everything I thought about and looked at. These are the main and most revealing points that I paid attention to when trying to distinguish the killer card from the actor card. According to the general conclusions, the prevailing negative points, according to personal subjective feelings, she divided the cards and ... made a mistake twice.

I wonder how you coped with this task and what conclusions did you come to? Feel free to speak up in the comments.

Finally, the answers to two cards from the last article:

Card number 6 (left) belongs to the famous young actress Jessica Alba,

And card number 2 (on the right) - Serial killer Randy Woodfield (killed three people and is suspected of killing 44 more).

By the way, for very big bigwigs, billionaires, the formula is almost the same, with a small addition: II + V + VIII + XI + X. Billionaires are not just lucky for big money, this is their social vocation, the purpose of life, the essence of a career.

Let's get back to our lucky guy. And here the question arises: what kind of situation is this, progressive or transitory? There should probably be some kind of progression as a background, but given that luck in the game is an extrinsic event, not an intrinsic motivation (everyone wants to win, but who wins? there is little intrinsic motivation), we must admit that it is, rather than transits. Moreover, the state of the subject (the mood for the game) plays a big role on a particular day. There is another consideration, progressions leave a mark for life, their impact changes the subject's lifestyle, and here, well, he won $ 10,000, so what? Soon he spent them, nothing fundamentally changed in his life. Now, if he won a million dollars, then his life would be different, his lifestyle, environment, etc. would change. a very big win is, of course, progressions.

Well, you and I are going according to plan, first we will look at the slow progression on September 16, 1997. Of course, we take a local map.





We look at aspects with an orb of 1 °.

1) Venus progressed 30° with local Mercury. Aspect convergent. (3, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 5, 6) + (4, 5, 5, 6, 8, 7, 7, 9, 10). Three times V + VIII (big money game), twice V + XI and one VIII + XI.

2) Mercury progressed 60° with Pluto. (4, 5, 5, 6, 8, 7, 7, 9, 10) + (2, 3, 8, 4, 5, 9). Three times V + VIII, twice II + V and one II + VIII.

3) Mercury is progressive in the VIII house of the locale. Again, many links on the topic. Moreover, since the connections with the VIII house are not very good, a rather interesting description is obtained: at first he “ran aground”, and therefore he was forced (compulsion is a characteristic feature of tense aspects) to play.

3) Progressive Pluto conjunct natal Pluto. Here and II, and V, and VIII.

4) House V cusp progressive 30° to Venus and Mercury locally. (3, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 5, 6) + 5 and (4, 5, 5, 6, 8, 7, 7, 9, 10) + 5. Double V + VIII and one V+XI.

As you can see, V + VIII (big win) mostly goes.

Now let's look at the transits at 0:00 09/16/1997 GMT.





The first aspect that catches your eye: 1) Mercury is transiting in conjunction with local Pluto. (4, 5, 5, 6, 8, 7, 7, 9, 10) with (2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9). The aspect is converging, practically accurate - the events took place after midnight on the night of September 15-16.

2) Venus transiting 60° with local Pluto. (3, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 5, 6) + (2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9). Aspect convergent, precise (within 1°).

These two exact aspects determine the date of the event that occurs against the background of other transit aspects, not so precise, but quite valid.

3) Pluto transiting 60° with Saturn and Jupiter. (2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9) + (1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 12) and (2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9) + (1, 3, 10 , 11, 12). Moreover, the aspect converging with Jupiter (lucky so lucky!).

By the way, here is another example from my practice. At one of my acquaintances, transiting Pluto harmoniously aspected natal Jupiter. That year, she inherited from a neighbor (who died of cancer) a room in a communal apartment in an old fund, for which she later received $ 6,000.

Question: and if a person, on the contrary, has large monetary losses, for example, a robbery, then the formula is the same, but with minuses?

Answer: Well, let's voice the robbery formula. Let's start with the life-threatening formula: X|I-VIII. This is a serious injury, mutilation, surgery (amputation, they will cut out something, a kidney, for example), well, and death. If X|I-VIII-XI|Uranus, then this is suicide. If X|I-VIII-VII, then this is an opportunity to become a victim of another person or cause the death of another person, for example, a car accident, two cars collided, there are victims, one driver is the cause, the other is the victim, and this formula works for both . If X|I-VIII-VII-XI, then this is a clearly deliberate murder (XI is the house of deliberate, one might say, planned, hatched actions), or a person is deliberately killed or he kills someone himself (a professional killer, for example).

Now the danger to property: II - VIII, this is any material damage. If II-VIII-XI, then this is material damage with an emergency shade (XI house - unexpectedly, suddenly a pipe burst, etc.). If II-VIII-XI-XII, then this is a robbery or the person himself is a thief (XI - deliberate actions, XII - a secret, hidden harm, quietly pulled out a wallet from his pocket). The robbery takes place, as they say, in front of your eyes, i.e. you personally are "present" at this, there must be I or X house, i.e. robbery formula: I|X-II-VIII-XI, there is a danger to life (and they can stab with a knife), material damage, and deliberate actions (XI house). And if I|X-II-VIII-VII-XI, then they attacked, robbed, killed, or the subject himself is a raider and bandit. If II-IV-VIII-XI-XII, then this is a robbery of the apartment.

Question: what if IV-VIII-XI-XII?

Answer: it turns out that the apartment itself was "stolen", and not things from it (there is no second house). Well, maybe a person ran into real estate scammers, or one himself.

predictive astrology.


Example 8 Arrest and prison.

The man was born on December 8, 1967 at 11 am (local time), Engels (Saratov region). Date of registration of the first marriage - June 2, 1990, Engels. The trial took place on December 27, 1993, ibid. The verdict read: "Sentence in the form of imprisonment for a period of three years."

Apparently, he committed the crime earlier, so some progressive aspects must be divergent.

Question: and if you pray to God, you can cancel the progression?

Answer: A miracle is always possible. I had such cases, very bad transits, terrible progressions. A man prayed to God - he was taken out, carried by. By the way, what is the difference between black magic and white magic? Black magic acts on a person only on bad progressions, and white magic always. In this sense, I generally doubt that black magic exists. Here I have one friend: "Here, they jinxed me, they spoiled me!" I look at progressions and transits and see that there is no need to "stare" there, everything is already so bad, without magic. But the opposite situation, when everything is bad in the horoscope, but the person prays and they save him, is possible, I have observed such cases.

If good progressions are formed to a natal planet, which is weak in sign, has only tense aspects, then there is no need to expect much profit, well, so, something will happen, but this is not a fountain. Here I had a case, one of my clients organized the arrival of Vanessa May, while he had good progressions to Saturn, and that in natal is weak in sign, poorly aspected. That's what I told him: "don't expect any special profits." And so it happened, the ends met and that's it. There were no losses, but there were few incomes. Those. the natal status of the planet in terms of position and aspects must also be taken into account.

Well, okay, let's look at the natal chart (Fig. 36). After clarification on the date of the first marriage, the time turned out to be 10 hours. 44 min. 30 sec.

Rice. 36

Now let's find out what prison gives us. Since ancient times, in astrology, the combination of IX and XII houses has been regarded as "court" and "prison". Justice is also traditionally associated with the planet Jupiter, i.e. it can be considered the significator of judgment. Arrest is associated with the VIII house (forced detention with the use of force). Those. formula for arrest and prison VIII-IX | Jupiter-XII (detained, convicted, imprisoned). If only IX-XII, then it can be just an accusation, slander, forced flight, emigration, deportation, expulsion from the country. Although, of course, it happens that a person escapes from prison.

The woman applied in November 2009 with a question regarding her son Vladislav. The question was as follows: "Will my son Vladislav face imprisonment?" According to his mother, Vladislav does not lead a healthy lifestyle, he has inappropriate behavior, he is aggressive, uncontrollable.

Vladislav was born on December 28, 1980 at 22:52:05 (rectified time) in Izhevsk. Lived in Izhevsk, all events took place in Izhevsk.
IN natal chart Mercury in Capricorn at the midpoint between Venus and Mars. Apparently, the state of mind of a person needs to be given special attention (midpoint), full realization of intellectual qualities, practicality will be required, especially since Mercury is the ruler of I (attention to oneself, one’s behavior) at home and MS (socio-professional growth) - corner houses and second ruler of IX and XII, responsible for law and isolation. Mercury in tense aspects to planets in ASC (with the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn) - Vladislav conflicts with women, boring character, anxiety, inconstancy, randomness. Mars, if the above requirements of Mercury (the midpoint) are not taken into account, will bring aggressiveness, up to a clouding of the mind, which can provoke a problem with law-abiding (Venus exercise IX at home).
Mars 60 Uranus, Mars in the V house, Uranus in the III house - aspects of love of freedom, activity, restraint, self-will. A person with such aspects is looking for the shortest paths leading to the goal. Mars in Capricorn (in exaltation) with Uranus leads to fruitless, meaningless undertakings. Perhaps these listed psychological characteristics of Vladislav lead to problems with finding a job, implementation. Whatever he took on, he always didn’t like everything and he quit.
The Sun and Mercury - the rulers of the XII house have a converging aspect (stronger, requiring implementation) 90 Saturn in ASC in Libra (essence of the dignity of Saturn), which may indicate the possibility of restriction of freedom. Venus - the ruler of the IX house, responsible for law-abiding, has harmonious divergent aspects (inner) with Jupiter and Saturn and 150 to Q IX house, that is, the patronage of fortune is less pronounced. Also, Jupiter is the symbolic ruler of the 12th house in conjunction with strong Saturn.
According to the Theboic calendar, Mercury is located in a degree of secrecy. This is one of the villainous degrees (the sixth degree of Capricorn), betrays a potential killer; vindictiveness, the ability to track down prudently, coldly, the ability to cause evil, a tendency to violence and sadism (this text is from the calendar).
The XII house of Vladislav's horoscope has tense connections:

  • with ASC - the formula of solitude, a person may find himself in a situation of lack of freedom;
  • with MS - a dependent position in the profession, a secret patronage formula;
  • with XI - unreliable friends, underground organizations, unfortunate changes.

Also, the presence of the IC-IC formula with tense ties indicates an unfavorable psychological climate in the family, problems in relations with the father.
The presence of formula II-VIII - excessive spending, financial difficulties associated with risk.
The presence of formula III-VIII - accidents in transport (Vladislav had an accident more than once).

Slow progressions in 2010.
In January 2010, Pr Mars makes exact opposition to Q XII of the radix house, conjuncts Q VI of the house. At this time, Vladislav had health problems - they inflicted bodily harm on him when he was drunk. The fight took place in February 2010.
Converging Aspects:

  • Pr Q IX House 150 Sun;
  • Pr Mercury 135 Jupiter;
  • Pr Mercury 135 Saturn.

Divergent Aspects:

  • Pr Q I 0 Saturn;
  • Pr QVII 180 Saturn;
  • Pr Q X 135 Uranium;
  • Pr Q IV 45 Uranus;
  • Pr Mars 45 Mercury;
  • Pr Q II 45 Neptune;
  • Pr Q VIII 135 Neptune.

In the second half of 2010, Vladislav started having problems with work (after rehabilitation) - he left his old job, the search for a new one was not crowned with success then. The person continued to drink alcohol (disease), strong conflicts with his father continued (elements of II, IV, X, I, VI, V, II, VII, VIII, IX houses participate in progressions). Extreme situation at home, lack of money. Anger and aggression grew.

Directorates in 2010.

  • Dr Q III 45 Black Moon in 2nd house;
  • Dr Q IX 135 Black Moon;
  • Dr Q V 45 Sun;
  • Dr Q XI 135 Sun;
  • Dr Neptune 180 Q XI;
  • Dr Neptune 0 Q V;

The participation of Neptune and the Sun, together with the V and XI houses - a dissolute lifestyle, entertainment, bad companies, false friends, and Vladislav gathered companies at home (Neptune in the IV house, exercises of the VI and VII houses; Sun exercises of the XII houses).

Slow progressions in 2011.

Converging Aspects (as of January 2011):

  • Pr Sun 45 Neptune;
  • Pr Mars 45 Sun;
  • Pr Venus 150 Q XII;
  • Pr Q VIII 150 Jupiter;
  • Pr Q XII 90 Venus;
  • Pr Q VI 90 Venus.

Divergent Aspects (as of January 2011):

  • Pr Mars 0 Q VI;
  • Pr Mars 180 Q XII;
  • Pr Q VIII 135 Neptune;
  • Pr Mercury 135 Jupiter;
  • Pr Mercury 135 Saturn;
  • Pr Q IX 150 Sun.

Relationships of the IV and IX houses are being formed - troubles and troubles due to the father, real estate, in connection with household and family affairs, disputes with relatives due to inheritance, the question of alimony arose. The participation of the elements of the VIII and XII houses indicates an illness (in this case, alcoholism) or an accident. IX and XII houses entail illegality, the danger of prosecution and imprisonment. I and XII houses together with the VIII house - a serious dangerous situation, a person may find himself in bondage.

directorates in 2011.

  • Dr Mars 90 Uranus;
  • Dr Q II 45 Moon;
  • Dr Q VIII 135 Moon;
  • Dr Venus 45 Uranus;
  • Dr Pluto 45 Jupiter;
  • Dr Pluto 45 Saturn;

Directorates confirm the danger of an accident, conflict. Mars 90 Uranus provokes violent actions.


In transits since July 2009, Saturn has been on the ASC. The aspect requires a reassessment of oneself and one's role in this world, attitude towards oneself and own life becomes serious. A long period of pessimism (Saturn by ASC) must be experienced. The return of Tr Saturn to natal Saturn in October 2010, with the wrong lifestyle, can lead Vladislav to problems - to limitation, isolation, strict control from the outside. By the return of Saturn, a person must develop the ability to social life, or he will be alienated.
Transiting Pluto in January, July, November 2011 connected (exact aspect) with Mercury - the ruler of the first house, XII house, III house, and then with the Sun (March, May, December exact conjunction). Pluto is a planet of catastrophes, destruction in the bad sense of the word, in one's own housing (IC), on the basis of an inadequate state, alcoholism (the Sun and Mercury are the rulers of the XII house), a conflict with the father. In addition, Tr Jupiter at 90 degrees with the same Sun and Mercury in February 2011 and at 180 degrees with Jupiter and Saturn natal in ASC in March - own ambitions, conflicts with the father and generally a bad atmosphere in the family.

Solar for the thirtieth anniversary of Vladislav
In the CO map, there are a lot of indications of problems with the law at the age of Vladislav: Venus solar - the ruler of the IX natal house is located in the XII solar house, square to the natal cusp of the XII house (exact aspect) and in opposition to the natal cusp of the IX house; Pluto is the ruler of the XII solar house in conjunction with Mercury and the natal Sun (including the solar Sun), Mercury is the ruler of the IX and X houses of the natal, the Solar Sun is the ruler of the IX solar house. Mars is the ruler of ASC and the XII solar house in exact opposition to the solar cusp of the IX house and square to the Moon and Saturn in the XI solar house, thus forming a Tau square.


Jupiter-Saturn subperiod from 04/12/2011 to December 28, 2012
Subperiod Jupiter-Saturn-Saturn from 04/12/2011 to 07/11/2011
Jupiter with Saturn in conjunction in the natal chart in the first house - an important period in life, dependence on one's own behavior, requires self-affirmation, calculation and foresight. Law and order - this must be reckoned with.

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Some meanings of 12, 11, 10, 9 houses

In the context of issues related to the prison theme, the houses of the horary chart have their own specific meanings:
12th house - the house of personal Happiness, personal Freedom and the natural right to personal Freedom, granted to us from Above, including many related rights that ensure the natural processes of the body's vital activity (quench thirst and hunger; sleep, rest, etc.).
As a clear negative and undesirable side of the qualities of this house, perceived negatively from the standpoint of the qualities of other houses - childish naivety, natural passivity and helplessness, impracticality, to some extent incompetence in matters of a material and social nature that are of practical importance, which constitute an important and significant part of life any person.

There is enough negativity in the 12th house, so even this listing is already enough, although it is incomplete, to make adequate and impartial judgments about the role of the 12th house in the context of such issues. If a person shows his incompetence and other qualities of the 12th house in relation to the laws of the state, violating them for this reason, then only for juvenile delinquents, due to their natural age and mental belonging to the 12th house, the court, taking into account this extenuating circumstance, issues a lighter sentence. For other age categories of criminals, such mitigating circumstances are not taken into account by the court, with the exception of people with obvious mental disabilities who are related to the 12th house, because. 12 house in this case acts as state institution social and medical care for people who are unable to fully adapt in society due to impaired brain activity. Hence the belonging of such medical institutions, as psychiatric hospitals, to the 12th house, which, by the way, includes the entire public health system, which implements the function of social and medical assistance to the population.

Therefore, it is very unreasonable to place special emphasis only on mental hospitals, in relation to the 12th house, and even more so to hastily judge mental abilities by the 12th house in the natal chart, because. violation of brain activity is often not at all related to the 12th house of the horoscope of such a patient. Another reason why these sick people belong to the 12th house is banal and obvious - the natural idleness of their existence.

The motivation for the crime, in addition to naive "ignorance" in the norms of the Law (the most harmless), which is typical for the 12th house, may be the qualities of the 5th house, pushing a person to deliberately put himself outside or above the law, deliberately violating it, as well as excessive haste and thoughtlessness in the realization of his desire, characteristic of the sign of Aries (at first he did and only then thought), characteristic of the 1st house, and many others related to the rest of the houses of the map. Ideology - 9th house, revenge, as "a dish that is served cold" - 8th house, etc. Often many factors are simultaneously involved, determining the overall picture of the criminal's motivation.
True, alcohol intoxication and drug intoxication can hardly be considered harmless factors that accompany many crimes, but for the most part the condition itself, due to such qualities of the 12th house, is only a background against which the negative qualities of other houses are clearly manifested.

The square of the significators of the 1st or 9th house with the significator of the 12th house does not indicate the commission of a crime, because. it simply determines the fact of a possible arrest and deprivation of freedom, and the offense itself should be sought with the involvement of other houses of the card.
9 house - the house is already responsible for the social rights (house of daytime or solar Jupiter = Sun + Jupiter) of a person, as a member of society and a citizen of the state, protected and regulated by law, which is related to the 10th house of the map, as the house of the Law (house of Saturn). A person defends his social rights (9th house) in court, which is why the court refers directly to the 9th house, where the judge has a natural significator of Jupiter, which is also a natural significator of the 9th house - the house of Jupiter.

11 house - the house of self-doubt, as an opposition to the 5th house, which always accompanies all sorts of unexpected events, leading to significant changes in life, which can rightly be attributed to imprisonment, which most ruthlessly breaks the entire previous way of life. Hence, in the 11th house, there is a need for friends who can support and help in a difficult moment of self-doubt, in the context of the theme of prison. 11th house is the house of friends.

If there is an aspect of quadrature between the significators of the 12th and 9th houses (both houses are Jupiterian), it is quite appropriate to talk about the conflict of the conditionally “personal right field” of the querent and his social rights in the system of state legal relations, through a lawsuit or through the authority of a "Jovian" or "solar" personality. So such a quadrature may indicate an insurmountable conflict of the querent in the conditionally “legal field of personal and state interests”, indicating disagreement with the Law with the participation of Saturn. This does not necessarily have to be a confirmation of the querent's offense, as stated in the school of S. V. Shestopalov, therefore there are enough nuances here, which speaks in favor of, again, an informal approach to the analysis of the map.
Even using the formula “Prison is a punishment for breaking the law (IX # XII)” of the school of S. V. Shestopalov, one should not attribute the meaning of prison to the 12th house, because. an insurmountable barrier (square) between the prison (12th house) and the social rights of the querent, defended by him in court (9th house), again implies a guaranteed non-prisonment, as in the case of the significator of the 1st house.

The very process of imprisonment is directly related to the 12th house, acting as a quezite in these matters, as something desired for the querent - the preservation of personal Freedom, therefore having a very positive meaning.

Secrets of the 12th house

For what reason, even V. Lilly, already characterizing the 12th house of the natal chart, echoing the primary sources, ascribes to the 12th house the following negative meanings that I have highlighted:

« twelfth house
It has the meaning of secret enemies , witches, cattle such as horses, bulls, elephants, etc.; sadness, grief, imprisonment, all sorts of misfortunes, harming oneself, etc., and such people who viciously undermine their neighbors or secretly inform against them.
His cosignifiers are Pisces and Venus, Saturn has much joy in this house because Saturn is by nature the author of evil." .

It would seem that in traditional horary astrology, the 12th house is presented in an extremely negative form, causing almost “disgust” towards itself with a heap of “horrors” attributed to it, for an elementary reason bringing negative meanings of bad aspects into this house , resulting in true and positive value The 12th house remained "a mystery with seven seals." After all, only the obvious cretinism of such a procedure for forming the meanings of bad houses can explain the reason for the bad reputation of the 12th house in traditional horary astrology.
Another question arises: for what reason is the 12th house already presented in a negative form in natal astrology, similar to its meaning from horary astrology?

As a variant of the answer: maybe this is a thoughtless broadcast of the values ​​​​of the 12th house from horary astrology?
There is no need to blame anyone, but V. Lilly, for a thoughtless attitude to astrology, so you should look for another explanation with reliable arguments that allow you to understand this most worthy astrologer and reveal the secret of bringing negative values ​​​​to the 12th house.

The secret of the negative meanings of the 12th house and its bad reputation in natal astrology lies in the following:
If the positive semantic meaning of most other houses for people of past centuries, as well as for our contemporaries, had and has importance to achieve success in life and society, then the positive meaning of the 12th house, as the house of personal Happiness and personal Freedom, becomes relevant only as a result of fatal events leading to the loss of personal Happiness, and this is grief, misfortune, and the loss of personal Freedom - imprisonment , captive.
The 12th house realizes the natural concepts of simple human Happiness with a natural need for personal Freedom, which all living beings in nature are endowed with in general - the sign of Pisces (Jupiter and Neptune). Therefore, these qualities, inherent in all living beings, are not appreciated by people until a person is once deprived of this natural natural gift, going to jail or losing elementary human Happiness for some other reason. This natural gift of the 12th house itself is manifested in its entirety even in a seemingly impoverished person, who, like any representative of the animal world, does not need an excessive accumulation of material wealth to satisfy his natural vital needs.

All the positive of the true meaning of the 12th house for people, as members of society, is devalued only by the fact that the vast majority of members of society initially already have all the gifts and benefits of the 12th house, so the relevance, as a vital importance, of this positive topic in people's lives is reduced for the most part to minimum, perceived by them as something everyday and familiar, as a result of the natural inclusion of this house in a series of changes in work and leisure, worldly worries and idleness (carelessness) against the background of relative personal well-being.
Even health, as an integral part of simple human personal Happiness, having a direct relation to the 12th house, is perceived by most people as something natural and everyday, therefore they are not appreciated by them to the proper extent until they are deprived of it. A similar attitude takes place both to personal Happiness and to personal Freedom.

Astrology largely reflects the needs and capabilities of people in the realization of their desires, where the main mechanism for this is the 1st house, actively engaged in the realization of desires, personifying the native (querent) primarily in horary astrology. The natural background against which events develop with the active participation of the 1st house is related to the 12th house, so as long as everything is in order in the 12th house, and it does not distract attention to itself, working in the background (Neptune) mode, its relevance for a person is devalued - " what I have, I do not appreciate, having lost - I cry ».
The world of “some kind of” spiritual quest for most of humanity, busy with earthly concerns, is generally depreciated, therefore, even in these matters, the role of the 12th house is often presented in a negative light of condemnation.
The 12th house “turns on” consciously at full strength very “easily”, it is enough to “spit” on all worldly affairs and now you are already on the “roadside” of life in the social sense of the word, which rushes past you at the speed of a courier train. If you look at a “courier train” rushing past you from a slightly different angle of view from the “roadside” of life, then it can also be compared with the image of a “trodden track”, along which the bulk of humanity follows its instincts, like a monolithic herd of animals moving along one path, for example, to a watering place. Already from this point of view, the perception of the "roadside" of life acquires a slightly different semantic meaning, far from its original negative.
The eternal question about the meaning of life does not find a universal and single answer, following in its search for a vicious circle (animals) of the Zodiac.

The actions of the Creator are worthy of surprise!
Our hearts are filled with bitterness:
We leave this world without knowing
No beginning, no meaning, no end.
Omar Khayyam

Idleness, idleness, contemplation are the lot of the “lucky ones”, for whom the pursuit of excess material “benefits” of life is no longer relevant to the extent that they spend too much of their time on it, allowing them to get rid of this burden for spiritual affairs or for personal creativity, etc. .P. Only these “lucky ones” can fully appreciate the high significance of the gifts of the 12th house, for the rest of humanity, the 12th house is most naturally included in their daily routine, therefore it does not represent something valuable for the time being.
That's when it comes the time associated with the acute urgency of the loss of personal Happiness and personal Freedom, then the significance of the 12th house becomes a priority for the life of any person, therefore, it is precisely such negative events associated with the loss of the natural gifts of the 12th house that are reflected in astrology through their erroneous identification with the 12th house.
As a result, we have what we have in the traditional interpretation of the 12th house:
deprivation of personal Freedom - imprisonment,
loss of personal Happiness - grief, misfortune,
moreover, without mentioning in the text the interpretation of personal Happiness and personal Freedom, as a result, in the "dry" residue we get only negative - imprisonment, grief, misfortune.

Thus, the negative meaning of the 12th house, traditional for natal astrology, is a consequence of the universal attitude to that natural state of personal Happiness and personal Freedom for any person, which is expressed by the phrase: “I don’t appreciate what I have, when I lose it, I cry” demonstrating an example of universal ingratitude to the gifts of the 12th house.

The true and positive meaning of the 12th house, due to its general accessibility even for the poor, does not motivate people to even greater achievements in this field, because. the existing natural ceiling in the satisfaction of natural material needs in the 12th house is significantly lower than any already socially significant needs of people whose satisfaction is occupied by 1st house, including the rest of the houses. For example, you can get quite diverse and healthy eating for some minimally reasonable amount of money, satisfying the natural feeling of hunger, which is the minimum threshold of material well-being corresponding to personal Happiness in the 12th house. At the same time, this minimum reasonable threshold for food consumption is a guarantee of health, both bodily and spiritual, as evidenced by the practice of monks and the advice of nutritionists for lay people.
The 12th house in the most natural way determines the material needs of a person with the level necessary to satisfy the elementary processes of the body's vital functions, therefore, long-term personal Happiness in the 12th house is achievable for the vast majority of people who lead a healthy lifestyle, which does not require significant efforts of the 1st house to achieve it.

Here is a picture of Happiness (Jupiter) in a social environment, and even in the 9th house, it can become an unattainable goal, in the pursuit of which all other houses and especially the 1st house will be mobilized, which turns a person into a slave of these socially significant and always ghostly, but desirable values ​​for him 9 houses, which are the external attributes of social Happiness.

The 1st house “does not have an aspect” to the 12th house, precisely because the natural level of a person’s needs for the 12th house, as a rule, has already been reached, without the need to further increase it, unless it concerns spiritual matters, etc. of this kind, for which the qualities of the 1st house are no longer relevant.
When, due to the habit inherent in people not to appreciate the natural gifts of the 12th house, they already have to mourn the loss of personal Happiness and personal Freedom, “left with a broken trough”, arriving in grief and sadness, then the theme of the 12th house “rises to its full height”, drawing attention to itself , which is stated by traditional astrology "according to the residual principle."
Therefore, for reasons that are quite natural for human nature (“I don’t appreciate what I have), the role of the 12th house in astrology becomes relevant and desirable - a quesit for a querent (native) when he loses the previously available and familiar gifts of the 12th house (personal Freedom and personal Happiness ), "mourning" them - "lost - crying" .
The inability to appreciate personal Happiness and personal Freedom, as gifts of the 12th house, is characteristic of the vast majority of humanity, carried away by the pursuit of the always illusory image of social happiness. It is common for traditional astrology to express universal ingratitude to the gifts of the 12th house to an even greater extent, evaluating them from the position of stereotypes of social happiness and success in society, expressed in the material attributes of social happiness.
The gifts of the 12th house are not only the background against which a person realizes his social claims in pursuit of social stereotypes of happiness, but in fact the gifts of the 12th house, like the 12th house itself, are a kind of foundation on which the “building” of social well-being is subsequently erected and happiness. As you can see, the collapse of the fundamental foundations of general social happiness is associated with the collapse of personal Happiness and the deprivation of personal Freedom in the 12th house, bringing grief and misfortune, from which the high level of previously achieved social success does not even save.

Astrologers of the B. Lilly level absolutely fairly and with understanding made their judgments in horary questions about imprisonment, grief and misfortune in the 12th house, without even attributing these meanings to the 12th house, but simply by pointing out the special role of this house in matters related to this subject, which require their understanding. Quote: "about the twelfth house and the matters that pertain accordingly to it, namely, imprisonment, ..." .
V. Lilly emphasized the important role of the 12th house in horary astrology in matters related to troubles in the life of a querent in the presence of a bad aspect between the rulers of the 1st and 12th houses, which is absolutely true, but at the same time he did not stoop to the primitive identification of the prison with the 12th house, which is universal allowed by modern pseudo-keepers of the tradition.

The only example of the use of the significator of the 12th house to designate a prisoner who escaped from prison indicates that V. Lilly, upon the fact of his answer, designated this significator as a person free from prison at the time the question was asked!

In natal astrology, describing the 12th house, V. Lilly simply continued to focus the attention of readers on the importance of the 12th house in matters relating to dramatic events in people's lives, along with other indications of this in the horoscope that are not related to the 12th house, again without omitting to a low level of primitivism in astrology, which takes place among modern pseudo-keepers of the tradition, placing all responsibility on the 12th house. No wonder V. Lilly repeatedly drew the attention of his readers to the importance of a correct understanding of astrology, which in modern astrology "you won't find it in the daytime with fire" , thanks to the profanation of many of its concepts, universal for modern traditional astrology.

Phrase: "Saturn has much joy in this house, because Saturn is by nature the author of evil." , wandering from one "original source" to another, repeating many times, is largely true, but in fact it has a slightly different semantic meaning, lost as a result of the profanation of astrology.
The true meaning of the phrase "Saturn has a lot of joy in the 12th house" contains a much deeper and more positive meaning associated with the universally recognized meaning of Saturn as a significator of old age, denoting old people, including the wise, who, at the end of their lives, for quite natural reasons, move away from worldly affairs, going to rest and rest, which we all owe the 12th house.
If in early childhood the 12th house, like the 4th house, is the natural habitat of young children who, due to their infancy, are not loaded in society with various kinds of work (10th house) and personal concerns (6th house), then at the end of active work , as a result of the natural aging of the body, old people, moving away from business, return to the origins of their idle pastime in the 12th house.

At the same time, Saturn, no doubt, rejoicing in the 12th house, is already fully engaged in fulfilling new social functions for himself in the 12th house - caring for and caring for his grandchildren and great-grandchildren (joyful chores).
Saturn in the guise of elderly and senile people, being their natural significator, really rejoices in the 12th house, freed from many worldly worries and social affairs (work, service), finding peace and the opportunity to finally take care of his personal Happiness, which has always been necessary to sacrifice earlier, realizing their social ambitions. We find confirmation of this in the situation of pensioners in developed countries with a social orientation towards the well-being of all citizens, and not its individual categories. Retired people from many countries, for example, the USA, Japan, some European countries, etc., have the opportunity to travel around the world, and a decent pension allows them to finally fulfill some of their old dreams, to devote themselves entirely to their favorite pastime, hobby, like topics 12 at home . So old age, whose significator is Saturn, really rejoices in the 12th house ...

The “horror story” that ends this phrase is about the evil Saturn, which "by nature is the author of evil" , quite biasedly reflects the meaning of Saturn, which also has a different meaning - wisdom, etc., which is confirmed by the very high reputation in astrology of the 10th house of the horoscope with its natural significator Saturn.
These pseudo-keepers of the tradition even managed to give the highest point of the horoscope Ms the value of the cusp of the 10th house, thereby raising the symbolic ruler of the 10th house of Saturn to Ms, which, in fact, should give Saturn even an excessive positive value, contrary to the statements: " the author of evil" . Therefore, the semantic content of this "horror story" is a simple continuation and appendage to the traditional frightening interpretation of the "bad" 12th house from the pseudo-guardians of traditional astrology, who did not have enough intelligence and sanity to understand the true meaning of the 12th house in Astrology.

Astrology - an empirical science?

Phrase: "Saturn has a lot of joy in the 12th house..." , in modern astrology thoughtlessly copied from text to text in a distorted semantic meaning, however, like the 12th house itself, which confirms the profanation and degradation of astrological knowledge that was given to people from above, and is not empirical knowledge, as many cited people like to declare modern astrologers. For example, E. Lewis writes: "Horar, like all astrology, is an empirical science" .
These pseudo-keepers of the tradition, who distorted astrology with their misunderstanding, naively and self-confidently believe that from generation to generation, bit by bit, bit by bit they gathered together disparate knowledge and formed such a system of knowledge that embraces the existence of life on Earth.

Astrology is really now something eclectically empirical, because The term empiricism means: "one. A philosophical direction that recognizes sensory perception and experience as the only source of knowledge, underestimating the importance of concepts, theoretical generalizations in the study of individual facts and phenomena. 2. A research method based on the description of facts, without subsequent conclusions and theoretical generalizations " (4).
Only narrow-minded people can state that astrology as a whole, as a system of knowledge, is an empirical science that has arisen and is based in its development only on personal experience astrologers who, like “blind moles”, rely only on their senses and personal experience in perceiving the world, thus realizing an empirical approach to understanding the world. And even more so with such an approach to astrology, the very possibility of this “herd of blind moles” to even reach the level of knowledge in astrology that we have now seems simply unnatural and incredible. This is the only approach to astrology that can explain the profanation of many concepts in modern astrology.

A different picture of the emergence of astrology looks much more realistic, as complete system knowledge, which is confirmed in Greek mythology, according to which many knowledge was bestowed on people from Above, and she herself Greek mythology its content resembles a manual on the study of the basics of astrology. Despite its mythological basis, it extremely accurately conveys the meaning and meaning of the basic concepts in astrology.
It was just right for people to lose this priceless gift of the gods, given the personal subjectivity of the perception of any person. Moreover, Chiron, as a connoisseur of medicine and other arts, gave his knowledge to far from simple mortals, therefore, through which “hands” that distort the essence of the art of astrology she passed through the millennia, one can only guess.
The merit of the ancient and medieval classics of astrology is their attempt to preserve the remnants of knowledge on astrology, lost over the centuries, which have come down to them in a somewhat distorted form, thanks to the introduction of its subjective perception into astrology by the bearers of this knowledge - many generations of astrologers.

Adaptation of astrological knowledge to modern conditions this really can serve as an example of an empirical approach to astrology, although a quite appropriate analogy with chemistry suggests itself, which was also an empirical science, making its discoveries “blindly and by touch” by chemists by coincidence.

Only after the discovery of the law of periodicity chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev, by the way, made by him in a dream, to which we owe the 12th house, chemistry acquired a theoretical base that opens up the possibility of searching for new chemical elements, knowing their properties, ceasing to be empirical.
Therefore, an empirical approach to the development of any science is characteristic of its initial stage of development (blindly and by touch), usually culminating in some kind of fundamental discovery, as in chemistry.
The statement by the leading modern astrologers of the fact that astrology is “empirical” confirms its very low level of development, which is absolutely consistent with the method of interpreting the meanings of bad houses in modern traditional astrology, including the introduction of values ​​into the 12th house that are diametrically opposed to its original and true values.
We owe the empirical approach in the development of modern traditional astrology to an elementary lack of understanding of the foundations of Astrology.

I would like to hope that astrology will finally cease to be empirical, demonstrating to us the obvious stupidity of a methodological nature in interpreting the meanings of houses and many other concepts.
If someone from the respectable meters of traditional astrology believes that I have poured a bucket of "dirt" on traditional astrology, slandering it, accusing, to put it mildly, of the stupidity of modern carriers of this knowledge, because astrology has been elevated almost to the rank of Science by their efforts, then let me ask why, with such a high “scientific potential” of it, as declared by many astrologers, the results of, say, rectification of a horoscope from a dozen average professional astrologers will differ so much that it is more reminds the activities of amateurs as "blind moles", and not professionals?

The Hamburg School of Astrology is famous for unique methods, which allow you to make the most accurate forecasts, and every year the interest in it increases. However, there is still not enough Russian-language literature on this topic: now there are only three books (Maria Kay Simms "Astrological detective. Investigations using a 90-degree scale", Konstantin Arev "Composite map" and Denis Kutalev "Transneptunes in Uranian astrology") and two seminars on DVD ("Unaccounted for opportunities of the Hamburg School" by Arev and "Introduction to Uranian Astrology" by Kutalev). Articles by the recognized master of Uranic astrology Konstantin Arev will allow readers to get to know this amazing school and get acquainted with its powerful tools in practice.

In this short note, I will try to introduce you to the most common formulas of the Hamburg School of Astrology, with which it is possible to predict such unpleasant events as arrests, imprisonment, exile and flight.

The most common combination of planets, leading to such tragic consequences, is the relationship of Saturn and Hades. Agree that imprisonment in itself is a rather sad limitation. The prison itself can be called one of those phenomena with the help of which there is an attempt to limit crime. And if you think about it, the above definitions are just the final result of the combination of Saturn and Hades. Sorrow (Hades) + Restrictions (Saturn). Restriction (Saturn) + Crime (Hades).

If we add the Sun, which in Hamburg astrology is the indicator of the physical body, to the combination of Saturn and Hades, then we get the formula SA + HA-SU, which is responsible for the physical restriction of criminals. The same formula is traditionally attributed to participation in activities such as links.

Also, often, in these sad cases, two formulas come to the fore, the basis for which is the combination of the Lunar Node and Kronos. In essence, the NO+KR planetary relationship indicates connection or contact with the law and/or officials. If, however, Saturn (restrictions and difficulties) is added to the above planetary configuration, then we get another formula for imprisonment, because, in this case, it is very similar to the restrictions received in the course of contact with the law and / or people representing the law.

And finally, the last of the most common formulas, looks like a combination of the Lunar Node, Kronos and Mars, which may indicate an arrest. In this case, the native, through his own actions (Mars), can come into contact with the law and the authorities (Moon Node + Kronos).

So, let's write out these formulas and try to check their performance very briefly.

  • SA+HA
  • SA + HA - SU or SU + HA - SA
  • NO+KR-MA
  • NO+KR-SA

Okay, now let's check it out...

February 10, 1897, VI Lenin is sentenced to exile in Siberia.
Having found the sensitive point SU + HA-SA (Link) in Lenin's natal chart, we will see how transit Saturn passed along the axis of this formula, and the directional planetary sum SU + HA entered the orb of influence to the axis of natal Saturn. The reference formula was implemented twice... I'll add that at that time, the SA/HA transit midpoint was on the SA/HA natal half sum axis.

May 2, 1536, the English king Henry VIII gave the order to imprison his wife, Anne Boleyn, in the Tower.
The second wife of Henry VIII was born on May 5, 1507, at 11:31 GMT, in London. The accuracy rating of the date of birth is "XX", that is, it can be said that the time of birth is completely unknown. But regardless of the knowledge of the time of birth of Anne Boleyn, during this period there was a transiting midpoint SA / HA along the axis of her natal Saturn, which indicates arrest and imprisonment.

But the relationship of Saturn and Hades is not only arrest and prison. This planetary relationship also means an attempt to rid oneself of such manifestations, for example, through flight. We can consider one historical example.

May 2, 1568, the Scottish Queen Mary Stuart made a successful attempt to escape from the island of Loch Leven, where she was held in custody by the British.
Mary Queen of Scots was born on 18 December 1542 at 13:12 local time (LMT -00:14:00 Linlithgow, Scotland). Credibility rating "AA".
In this situation we can also see the transiting SA/HA midpoint on the axis of natal Hades, but since the native has already been arrested by this time, this planetary picture may mean flight.

May 5, 1849, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, together with other Petrashevites, was arrested on a denunciation.
Fedor Mikhailovich was born on November 11, 1821, in Moscow. The time of birth is unknown. According to the Russian astrologer B. Z. Izraitel, the time of birth is 11:14 GMT.
At the time of the arrest, directional Saturn was on the axis of the SA/HA natal midpoint, and transiting Saturn was in a half-cross to this natal midpoint. At the same time, on the axis of natal Saturn and Hades, the SA/HA transit midpoint passed.

May 10, 1848, Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov leaves the capital for exile in Vyatka. A few days before, he was arrested.
Mikhail Evgrafovich Saltykov was born on January 26, 1826 in the village of Spas-Ugol (now the Kalyazinsky district of the Tver region). The time of birth is unknown. The Russian astrologer B. Z. Izraitel, after his rectification, puts the time of birth at 23:07 GMT.
This whole period of time from arrest to exile, transiting Saturn in a cross to natal Hades, and the resulting planetary picture SA=HA, is a formula of arrest, trouble and isolation.

May 10, 1929, the future leader of North Korea, Kim Il Sung, was imprisoned for political reasons.
Kim Il Sung was born on April 15, 1912, near Pyongyang. The time of birth is unknown.
The transiting SA/HA midpoint was in the orb of influence to the axis of natal Saturn, which implemented the formula of arrest and prison. There is also a formula for arrest and imprisonment, which is written like this: NO + KR-SA. If we find the axis of this natal sensitive point NO + KR-SA, we will see how at that time, directional Kronos passed there, which helped to realize the formula of arrest and imprisonment.

May 11, 1915, Russian General Lavr Georgievich Kornilov had to surrender to the Austrians.
Lavr Georgievich was born on August 30, 1870, where the modern city of Karkaralinsk, Karaganda region of Kazakhstan is now. The time of birth is unknown.
If you carefully look at the cosmogram of the general, then you can identify the following position: transit Saturn was exactly on the axis of the natal sensitive point NO + KR-SA, which means that the formula for arrest and prison was realized. But on the axis of the natal sensitive point NO + KR-MA (this formula is also read as arrest and imprisonment), directional Zeus came, which looks extremely symbolic. After all, Zeus patronizes the military, and Kornilov is precisely the military. In addition, Kornilov was not just a prisoner, but a prisoner of war. But the transit sensitive point NO + KR-SA was in opposition to the natal Zeus of the general, which can also determine the arrest in the war or captivity.

March 4, 1837, the poet Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov was arrested for the poem "The Death of a Poet".
Mikhail Yurievich was born on October 15, 1814, in Moscow. The time of birth is unknown.
During this unpleasant event in Lermontov's life, transit Saturn passed through his natal Saturn and Hades, which implemented the prison and arrest formula. At the same time, the transit sensitive point NO + KR-SA passed along the axis of the natal Lunar Node, which realized the formula for being under arrest (NO + KR = SA + NO).

And exactly 111 years later, March 4, 1848, a certain Karl Marx is arrested by the Brussels police and expelled from Belgium.
Karl Marx was born on May 5, 1818, at 02:00 LMT (GMT -00:27:00. Trier, Germany). Date of birth reliability rating "AA".
And Karl Marx, during his arrest, transited Saturn along the axis of natal Saturn and Hades, which also realized the prison and arrest formula.

February 13, 1633, the Inquisition in Rome arrests the astronomer Galileo Galilei.
On this day, along the axis of natal Mars in the chart of Galileo, there was a transit sensitive point NO + KR-MA, which indicates the arrest of a person. But this transit planetary picture, nevertheless, has a rather fast speed in order to make a judgment with it. Therefore, we will need more "sustainable" planetary evidence for the arrest. For example. there is another formula - NO + KR-SA. And just at the moment of arrest, the NO/KR midpoint passed along the axis of natal Saturn, which realized the arrest formula. There is another arrest warrant. Here's another formula for you: SA+HA-SU. If we find the axis of such a natal sensitive point in Galileo's chart, then we will make sure that this planetary structure is on the axis of natal Saturn, which already from the birth of Galileo implements the formula (SA + HA = SU + SA). But during the arrest, along the axis of this natal sensitive point, the transit Hades (SA=HA) passed, which twice realized the arrest. Firstly, as the closing formula of the sensitive point SA + HA-SU. And the simple relationship of Saturn and Hades indicates the possibility of imprisonment.

February 25, 1713, The Turkish Sultan captures the Swedish King Charles XII.
Charles XII was born on June 27, 1682, in Stockholm, at 06:45 LMT (GMT -01:12:00). Birth Date Reliability Rating "B".
During the capture of the king, transit Hades (SA = HA - “Prison. Isolation”) passed along the axis of his natal Saturn. At the same time, along the axis of the natal midpoint SA/HA, both directional Saturn and transit Saturn were simultaneously passing, which also realized the prison and isolation formula. But along the axis of natal Hades there was a directional midpoint SA/HA. In general, wherever you throw - everywhere a prison. On the axis of the natal midpoint MO / HA, transiting Zeus passed, which created a planetary picture responsible for the prisoners of war. The directional planetary sum NO+KR and the transiting midpoint NO/KR came on the axis of natal Mars, and such planetary patterns indicate arrest. On the axis of the natal sensitive point NO + KR-SA ("Stay under arrest"), transited Saturn.

A very similar situation happened to Alexei Petrovich Bestuzhev-Ryumin. February 25, 1758, arrested the Russian chancellor, head of the Collegium of Foreign Affairs A. Bestuzhev-Ryumin.
Alexey Petrovich was born on June 1 (May 22), 1693, in Moscow. The time of birth is unknown.
During the arrest, transitive Hades connected with the axis of the natal midpoint SA/HA ("Prison. Isolation"). And at the same time, the transit midpoint SA/HA passed along the axis of natal Saturn. Directional sensitive point NO+KR-SA, passed along the axis of the natal Lunar Node, which realized the formula of being under arrest.

February 26, 1924, Adolf Hitler is sentenced to five years in prison for the Beer Putsch.
Surprisingly, at this time, on the axis of the natal midpoint SA / HA (“Prison. Isolation”), the directional and transit midpoints SA / HA came simultaneously and very accurately, which realized the prison formula. The transit sensitive point NO+KR-MA came to the axis of natal Mars, and the formula of arrest and prison was realized (NO+KR=MA+MA).

February 27, 1937, the plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) excludes Nikolai Bukharin from the party, after which he is arrested.
Transiting Hades was exactly on the axis of natal Saturn, and such a planetary picture speaks of arrest and prison, and this despite the fact that transiting Saturn passed along the axis of natal Hades, and directional Saturn was on the axis of the natal midpoint SA / HA. And the directional sensitive point NO+KR-SA passed along the axis of natal Saturn, which made it possible to realize the arrest formula (NO+KR-SA=SA).

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