What to say to the employer at the interview. How to go to an interview when you are still working. Documents folder should contain

Putties 26.02.2022

Job interviews are not easy. If you want to get a good well-paid job, you need to learn how to behave correctly at this responsible event.

This article provides the main recommendations and advice of a psychologist who will help you understand what to do before a meeting with an employer, as well as during it, help you get in the right mood and feel confident with a recruiter.

Any war is won by the one who has more weapons and knows how to use them better. This metaphor well reveals how important it is to prepare for the event: stock up on weapons of various kinds and develop a strategy and tactics for behavior in a job interview.

However, this expression has a serious drawback. An interview should never be treated like a war. And the problem with most job seekers is that they behave in a manner consistent with this belief.

How does it manifest itself? There is fear before the interview. It seems to be nothing, a normal physiological and mental reaction to a threat situation.

And what threatens us in the interview? Well, in fact, nothing. However, this is where fear can help. How? It mobilizes mental efforts.

But if this fear goes beyond that you begin to treat the person who is interviewing you as an enemy who can do harm at any moment? This is already beyond the line. And we need to get rid of this fear.

How? Here are some simple tips from a psychologist on how to successfully prepare for and pass an interview.

We also recommend watching a useful video that will help you successfully pass any interview and feel confident:

So, for a successful meeting with the employer, follow these recommendations:

  • The more days you have before the interview, the better. But even if tomorrow, it's okay.

Your job is to learn how to relax. You won’t completely remove the fear, but you will think adequately.

  • There is a wonderful psychotherapeutic method called autogenic training. He helped the famous psychologist Viktor Frankl survive in the concentration camp himself and help his “cellmates” adapt to these difficult conditions. It's not that hard to master it. But its description is large enough to fit in one article. This method is worth it.
  • It is very important to get a good night's sleep the night before your interview. Why? Because good sleep makes you emotionally more stable, and your brain starts to think better. Thanks to autogenic training, you will be able to fall asleep, even if you previously suffered from insomnia. You will relax and get a good night's sleep before the interview.

Why do we pay so much attention to interview preparation? First of all, because if you don’t get rid of fear and don’t get enough sleep before the interview, you won’t be able to adequately assess the current situation during it, fully understand the questions that your boss or recruiting manager asks you, answer them correctly and successfully.

Moreover, there is a risk that in case of occurrence you will lose your temper, and then you will definitely have to say goodbye to an attractive position.

It is better not to rely on willpower, because the brain is arranged in such a way that the areas responsible for emotions turn on faster than logical and volitional ones. Therefore, in order to successfully pass the interview, you must be focused precisely on reducing the intensity of fear. Then you don't have to keep your composure.

How to behave?

The strategy of behavior during the interview on the advice of a psychologist is given below. Follow it and you will be able to successfully pass any interview, getting the desired job.

Now let's move on to the correct behavior directly during the interview. You need to put yourself in the position of “recruitment manager is a friend.” In this case, you will not experience anger and fear when he asks tricky questions.

In addition, if he starts asking awkward questions, you need to understand that this is his job. Perhaps he himself is uncomfortable asking you this, but he is obliged to do this, because he will then be asked from above.

This makes you more friendly, and the likelihood that he will start "digging" will decrease significantly.

How should you behave in front of a manager or your future immediate supervisor? First of all, psychologists advise to behave on an equal footing. Strive for a balance of confidence and goodwill.

You don't have to feel like you're on an exam, and you don't have to show that you're super-competent.

Behave at the interview, first of all, like an ordinary person: do not praise yourself, because even if they believe you, they may not be accepted as too ideal. These raise a lot of suspicion.

Respect the rights of the manager, answer his questions with a smile. Do not argue, but try to understand what he wants to say. If something is not clear, do not be afraid to ask or clarify. This will show that you care about his question. If you don't know what to say, no big deal. You are human, remember.

Based on the results of the interview, the head of the organization or another person responsible for personnel draws conclusions not only about your professional suitability.

An experienced boss sees at a glance whether the applicant will be able to join the team, whether he has the experience indicated in the resume, whether he will be a reliable employee who will take the initiative, whether he is ready to work not just for a salary, but in the interests of the company.

If the purpose of the interview was to obtain information about the skills and experience of an employee, one could limit oneself to a written resume sent by mail. Why do I need personal official meetings with a potential employer?

First minutes (sometimes seconds) allow the employer to evaluate you as a person- managers, without realizing themselves, first look at the candidate as a person, and only then - as a specialist, subordinate.

Before you go to such a meeting, you need to prepare:

  1. Regardless of the position - warehouse employee, assistant secretary or head of sales - it is important to appear for an interview in neat, clean clothes.
  2. Feel confident, but not impudent: when crossing the threshold of the employer's office, be prepared for both a friendly conversation and a formal interrogation. In any situation, you must not lose control of yourself.
  3. An interview is not a school exam where only correct answers are required. At a meeting with an employer, various tricky, even strange questions are possible. Do not look for "correct answers" on the Internet and cramming them. The only category of questions that require formulaic and precise answers is one that involves your previous experience, including related names, surnames, dates.
  4. Psychologists recommend smiling at interviews, showing disposition and friendliness. In practice, this behavior looks unnatural: a serious conversation does not tolerate a playful attitude, and a constant smile on duty can create an impression of a candidate as an unbalanced person.

Interviews can take place in a variety of settings: in a spacious office, assembly hall, sometimes on the street or in a production shop.

Your task is to convince yourself that you are comfortable in this environment. Managers and HR staff are experienced psychologists.

If the interview takes place in a non-standard setting, it means that the employer wants to see your reaction to the environment. Most likely, in such or similar conditions you will have to work.

What does the employer expect from the applicant?

The employee must have experience, knowledge and the ability to adapt, given the characteristics of the organization. It is better that the candidate for the position knows how to get along with people.

A few tips:

  1. Be prepared to answer questions about previous jobs and describe your responsibilities.
  2. Use professional vocabulary and terminology - this is the only case when you do not need to be afraid to show yourself smarter than your boss.
  3. Do not be surprised if the interlocutor suddenly interrupts you, simulating a situation that will be related to your work. For example, if you are driving to a meeting with a client, the car breaks down and there is no one around to help.
  4. Whatever direction the interview takes, don't bring up personal or abstract topics unless you're asked about it.

The employer can get all the information only from your answers to questions. Be prepared that such information can be obtained indirectly by asking about extraneous things.

In some areas, leaders often know each other, but this acquaintance can be not only friendly.

Therefore, if you get a job in a leather clothing workshop in a small town and previously worked in a competing organization, most likely you will be asked about the reasons for leaving, your personal relationship with the former leader.

What to say at the interview about the reason for dismissal?

Here's the rule at work: make it clear that you had a neutral relationship with the former leader, and you are leaving for personal or objective reasons:

  • moving, because of which the way to work takes a long time;
  • the previous employer paid little;
  • stopped arranging the schedule;
  • the organization closed or you were laid off (if so).

Do not refer to conflicts in the team problems in communication with employees.

Even if this is true, these words can give you a conflict personality, the leader will not feel insured that you will not experience such difficulties in a new place.

What mistakes are often made in the interview:

How to behave in a job interview:

What questions do you need to be prepared for, what will you have to face during a conversation

The very first question will be a request to tell about yourself. It is necessary to withstand the "golden mean", describing your professional skills, touching life a little.

A universal plan in which each paragraph will begin with the words:

  1. "I studied at ... at the faculty of ...".
  2. “I have worked in companies like…”.
  3. "I was in office..."
  4. “I left my last job because of…”.

If from the last point you can smoothly move on to marital status and personal qualities - can be said like this: “I had to quit my last job because we moved to a new area. The journey took several hours.

I don't want to spend that time commuting on the subway - I have a great family and two kids that I would like to spend more time with, so even other conditions, including a slightly lower salary (or "less convenient schedule") do not matter.

I want to work not only for the sake of a salary - I like what I do, I am a competent worker, I cannot treat work irresponsibly, therefore I am ready for overtime and even business trips.

I love new sensations, I have a positive attitude to the accumulation of any experience, and working with you will definitely bring me such an experience.

Your biography is interesting to the employer exactly as much as he is interested. Do not talk about your parents, pets How many schools did you change as a child, unless asked about it.

The second important question of the employer:“Why did you choose our organization, do you see prospects for yourself in a new place?”.

The standard phrases “I will be glad to work in a reputable company” or “I am attracted by the prospect of career growth” will at best pass by the interlocutor's ears.

If there are no concrete arguments (you do not seek to gain new experience, you are not eager to learn new things from professionals), it is better to be honest about it.

At least the answer is “I just want to do what I can and get paid” will show you as a sincere person, and not an ambitious careerist.

The question “What are your advantages over other candidates” is a “carte blanche”, which only now allows you to list achievements, skills, examples of situations in your past job where you came out the winner. You can praise yourself in moderation, call yourself conscientious, responsible.

But keep in mind: everything you say will have to be proven when you get this position.

Useful video about frequently asked questions:

To impress an employer, you need a flawless appearance. How to look at an interview:

An invitation to a meeting means the interest of the company's management in the candidacy of the applicant for the position.

In the eyes of a potential employer, the lack of experience should be compensated for by the knowledge gained and the willingness to apply it, activity, purposefulness, and the desire to work in his company.

Correctly presenting positive qualities when applying for a job is within the power of any young applicant.

Preparing for a conversation

Before being invited for an interview, the candidate is advised to study the information about the company and the position for which he is applying. Knowledge about the activities of the company will help to competently answer the employer during a conversation, show interest in getting a job.

Having previously studied the route to the company's office and the movement of public transport, you should calculate the travel time. Please arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled time.

Going to a meeting with a potential employer, you should take a package of documents:

Important! The employer does not have the right to make photocopies of documents, extracts of information, take the originals for storage until the consent to the processing of personal data is signed.

An important role in the question of how to behave at the first interview without work experience is played by the appearance of the candidate. In clothes, you should prefer a business suit in classic colors - gray, black, blue, brown.

Depending on the time of year, you need to choose the right shirt or blouse for comfortable well-being, given the excitement at the interview.

And how to pass the first job interview without experience for young female representatives?

Girls should avoid bright jewelry, leaving modest earrings and a wedding ring. You need to complete the creation of a business look with strict clean shoes.

Do not forget about a neat hairstyle, the condition of the hands and nails. Stop smoking before the interview - strong tobacco smell is unpleasant. It is important not to overdo it with perfume.

It is appropriate to compile a list of questions for the employer regarding future work, proposed business trips, probationary period, work schedule.

This will allow you to get to know the specifics of the profession and job responsibilities in more detail, to find out the results expected by management of their implementation.

Rules for communicating with the employer

How is the interview without work experience? At interviews, the candidate is offered the same type of situations, this also applies to applicants without experience.

Having looked on the Internet for a rough plan for building a conversation, it is useful to prepare answers in advance and a short story about yourself.

The facts of the biography related to the new work should be voiced, it is not necessary to completely retell life.

It is forbidden to interrupt the interlocutor, insert statements into his monologue.

The main points of the candidate's biography that are of interest to the employer are as follows:

  1. the presence of any work experience (in student years, without official employment, etc.);
  2. the reason for the desire to find a job in this company;
  3. strengths and weaknesses of the applicant;
  4. expectations from work in this position;
  5. interest in career development.

Important! Recruiter questions should be answered concisely and to the point. Talkativeness and excessive silence are not welcome.

What to say at an interview if you have no work experience?

It is appropriate to talk about achievements during your studies, participation in scientific projects and competitions, teamwork experience, knowledge, skills and abilities.

You should not overly praise yourself and deny the presence of shortcomings, it is important to find a "golden mean".

The desire for rapid career growth and salary increases in the first months of work, voiced at the interview, will alert the employer and negatively affect the impression of the applicant.

Ways to stay calm

How to pass a job interview without work experience? It is important to remain calm, and for this, on the eve of the interview, it is useful to get enough sleep and rest. Vigor and healthy appearance of the candidate will be positively noted by the employer.

Do not take sedatives, many of them have a specific smell, provoke drowsiness and lethargy.

A bath with 2-3 drops of aromatic oil (grapefruit, lemon, rosemary, cedar, tea tree) helps well.

Having a permanent source of income available at the time of the interview will allow you to worry less about a possible failure in employment. The presence of an alternative job or extra work provides financial stability, it will be easier to perceive the refusal of a position.

Sitting in the waiting room waiting for an invitation to an interview, it is useful to look around, pay attention to the situation, the presence of certificates and letters of thanks on the walls, the manner of communication and clothing style of employees, and the technical equipment of the office.

The information received forms an opinion about the success and prosperous financial position of the organization, relationships in the team, distracts from thoughts about the upcoming conversation, leaves no time to worry and be nervous.

How to successfully pass an interview if you have no work experience? A short pause before entering the office, a deep breath and exhalation with closed eyes help to calm down and set up for a conversation. During a conversation, keeping the pace of the interviewer's speech helps to overcome nervousness.

Lack of experience means fewer mistakes. Educated, able to work in a team, demonstrate the knowledge and skills acquired during their studies, applicants have a good chance of being admitted to the state.

The prevailing positive impression of the candidate from the employer makes it possible to get the best position with high wages, in case of refusal in this company - a letter of recommendation for employment elsewhere.

Sometimes the interview can seem quite intimidating, nevertheless, quite ordinary people communicate with you. This means that they are affected by the same psychological principles as the rest. Simple tips will help you improve your behavior and make a better impression. If you really need a job but don't know how to get it, these tips will help you figure out how to connect with other people and increase your chances of getting a job.

Schedule an interview for Tuesday morning

According to research, the perfect moment is the one that suits the interviewer, not you. Therefore, if you can choose the time yourself, suggest a meeting at ten-thirty on Tuesday. This will be a relatively relaxed moment for your interlocutor. Earlier meetings are inconvenient because the interviewer has just arrived at work and needs to deal with the day's business. In the evening, the moment is also unsuccessful, because the person will think more not about you, but about what he will do after work.

Do not come to the interview immediately after strong candidates

Research shows that recruiters form their opinion of each individual candidate based on who else was interviewing on the same day. According to some reports, people interviewed after several strong candidates scored lower than expected, and vice versa, those interviewed after weak candidates were rated higher. It is not clear if this is a subconscious phenomenon, or if people do it consciously, however, if you know the skill level of other candidates and can choose, try to come after the less qualified ones.

Choose the right outfit color

Different colors produce different impressions. Twenty-three percent of HR recommend blue, fifteen percent black. A quarter of respondents admit that the worst color is orange, it demonstrates unprofessionalism. Good shades in addition to black and blue are gray and white.

Match responses with the age of the interviewer

You can learn a lot about an interviewer and what they want to hear from you based on their age. Your behavior should be determined by what kind of person you are interviewing. If this is a young person, show your portfolio and demonstrate the ability to solve many problems at the same time. If this is a person between thirty and fifty, demonstrate creativity and the ability to combine work and life. If this is an older person, show diligence and respect for achievements. People of deep retirement age should show loyalty and dedication to work.

Keep your palms open

The movements of your hands affect the impression you make. If you show your palms, you show sincerity, and if you put your fingertips together, you show confidence. Do not fold your arms across your chest or tap your fingers on the table.

Find something in common with the interviewer

If you know what the person interviewing you is most interested in, try starting a conversation on that topic. There is a hypothesis according to which the similarity of interests causes sympathy in people.

Repeat HR gestures

There is a psychological phenomenon that demonstrates that people like each other more if they repeat each other's gestures. This should happen harmoniously and unobtrusively. If you don't show interest in his body language, you're showing that you don't know how to play in a team. If you repeat gestures after the interlocutor, he will not notice this, but he will feel sympathy for you.

Praise the company regardless of yourself

People who show liking for a company without trying to promote themselves are more likely to get hired. Such employees seem more suitable. This is how you show your enthusiasm.

Show confidence and restraint at the same time

To be successful in business, you need to be able to both compete and collaborate. If you show a willingness to give in, but are confident in yourself, you make the most positive impression.

Be honest about your weaknesses

The first impulse in response to a question about weaknesses will be to talk about something that can be perceived as a strength, for example, to report a tendency to perfectionism. However, recent research has shown that it turns people off. Better be honest. For example, admit that you can’t always organize everything perfectly. This will sound honest and will cause sympathy in the personnel officer.

Prepare to Feel More Confident

To feel more powerful, try to remember the moment when the responsibility was in your hands. This story will make a great impression.

Be expressive

If you want to appear smart, don't be too monotonous. If a person speaks quickly and clearly, with expressive intonation, he seems more energetic and intelligent.

Don't be too shy, look your interlocutor in the eye. People who are open and make eye contact are perceived as smarter than those who look away. Try to keep this in mind during the interview.

Be friendly but direct

If you are nervous, you will act less openly and directly, and speak more slowly. Try to be friendly, be confident, answer questions directly.

Showcase your potential

You may want to tell your interlocutor about all your past achievements, but it is better to focus on what you can achieve in the future. People pay more attention to inaccurate information because they want to deal with it. Therefore, talking about the future is more successful than talking about the past.

Prepare for tough questions

Be sure to prepare for questions you don't feel like answering. For example, consider how you would respond if asked about your reaction to being fired. The answer should be calm and positive.

Don't smile too much

You don't have to frown all the time, but a big grin on your face won't do you any good either. Research suggests that smiling too much is not the key to success. This is especially true for serious positions where managerial skills are required from you. Smiling is considered positive in an interview only for vacancies of a salesperson or consultant.

Get enthusiastic

Research has shown that people who show energy and interest get jobs more often. If you show your enthusiasm, you increase the chance of being invited for a second interview.

Don't forget to have a short conversation before the interview.

If you're able to have a casual chat with someone before they start asking you serious questions, you'll make a great impression. People with this skill get jobs most often.

Do not repeat memorized phrases

Many people repeat traditional language in interviews, focusing on resumes. In fact, it's best to pause after a question and answer sincerely than to immediately respond with memorized phrases.

Ask why you were invited for an interview

This question may seem strange, but this tactic works. It allows you to grab the interviewer's attention and gives you useful information about what the employer liked about you.

Getting the desired position or job requires good preparation for meeting with a potential employer. Appearance, a story about yourself and a demonstration of key competencies allow the applicant to feel confident in the interview. In order for a positive decision to be made based on the results of the meeting, you need to think about what information and to what extent about yourself to provide.

Mandatory interview program

Having received an invitation to an interview, you can mentally congratulate yourself. After all, this means that, among others, the submitted resume was marked. If preliminary tests were carried out, then they were successfully passed. Therefore, the interest of the employer in this applicant exists. This will allow you to tune in to the positive and make it easier to pass a serious test.

The employer already knows basic information, but it may require specification:

  • what kind of work did a person previously in a previous place;
  • reasons for the decision to change employment or leave work;
  • marital status and prospects for change in it;
  • level of proficiency in specialized programs, languages ​​with demonstration of skills or examples.

An applicant for a position should be interested in communicating all his professional qualities and skills that are relevant to this position. It is good if you have recently completed seminars or courses that indicate advanced training.

At the interview, it is appropriate to talk about the fact that the real functionality was different from the one that was described in the job description in the previous company. It is good if this information presents the applicant in a more advantageous light, demonstrating his qualities:

  • result orientation;
  • multitasking;
  • ability to perform certain non-standard tasks, etc.

It is necessary to say just enough about yourself so that the representatives of the employer have no doubts that a person can easily cope with future duties.

Strategic map of the meeting

In order to achieve the intended goal and obtain the most complete information for deciding whether to agree to the proposed job, you should consider the course of the meeting. Be sure to form logical and consistent answers, as well as a list of questions to representatives from the organization.

The overall behavior strategy should take into account the following:

  • appearance and image to be used during the meeting;
  • the speed of responses to questions from employer representatives;
  • degree of revelation about past jobs and leadership;
  • when to ask your own questions;
  • whether information about other family members should be disclosed;
  • how much it is worth talking about your hobbies and interests, since a significant number of them can create an image for you of a person who should not be offered a job.

It should be borne in mind that the appearance should not differ significantly from what the employer sees later, otherwise he will consider it a hoax. This may prevent the passage of a probationary period in the company.

If the position in the organization implies a close relationship with an existing hobby, be sure to talk about it. After all, a snowboarder in a store selling goods for winter activities can successfully implement the sales function.

Regardless of the level of the position for which a person is applying, his personal data, there are generally accepted norms of behavior for a successful interview:

  • You can't be late. If you are not sure that the transport will deliver you to the interview site on time, you need to take a spare 20 minutes.
  • It is forbidden to report false facts about yourself. They can be easily checked, in addition, in large organizations, the security service creates an additional dossier for each applicant, where the correct information may already be posted.
  • Don't blame other leaders or organizations for your failures and job loss.
  • You should focus on industry affiliation and the format of the organization's activities. For example, speaking complex language during an interview for a position in an advertising agency, where the head is a young man of about 25, is not worth it.
  • Before visiting the company, you should study information about it in order to demonstrate your interest. The management of the organization will be pleased. In addition, the fact will show that the applicant represents what he will have to do.
  • It is recommended to focus on active communication with company representatives so that there is an opportunity to express yourself during the meeting.
  • It is better to practice with non-standard questions that are designed to test the psychology, logic and IQ level of the applicant.

Potential issues of shortcomings deserve special attention. There is no person without them, so it is better to come up with those traits in advance that are not positive, but are not critical for performing functional duties in the company.

It will be useful to find among acquaintances those who can tell more about the company. This will allow you to determine what is better to tell about yourself in the first minutes of the interview.

What to ask the employer?

In addition to understanding what to say in an interview, it is helpful to determine what is required to make a positive job decision for the job applicant himself. After all, both sides should look at each other. This will save you from wasting time in case the choice is made erroneously due to incomplete information.

Applicant questions may include:

  • about the duration of the probationary period;
  • on the level of wages, types of compensation payments in the organization, bonuses and the grounds for their receipt, dates of issue;
  • about the degree of legality of labor relations, since many offer informal employment, payment of "gray" or "black" wages;
  • about the work schedule and vacation regime;
  • about functional responsibilities;
  • about whether the position is permanent, or a person is needed during maternity leave;
  • about who the new employee will report to if a positive decision is made;
  • about the geographical location of the place of work, since large companies can have offices at a great distance from each other;
  • on the availability of corporate transport and corporate identity in clothing.

It is wrong to ask about the details of future work on all fronts at once. But at the interview there will definitely be a moment when there is an opportunity to ask 2-3 of your questions.

What should you refrain from?

You can make the wrong impression about yourself very quickly. It is quite difficult to change it, because the interview time is limited. Regardless of gender, age and past work experience, it is worth taking care of neat clothes, clean shoes, and well-groomed hands. Of course, no one will expect a perfect manicure from a future auto mechanic or locksmith. But the grooming of the applicant will deserve attention.

Do not do the following:

It is necessary during the conversation to find out as much as possible about the work that needs to be done. This will help to imagine whether the applicant himself is ready for such a volume and responsibilities. In some cases, neither the prestige of the company nor high wages become motivating factors for employment. This situation is possible if a potential employee learns about delays in wages, an unfavorable psychological climate in the team in advance.

The work should become developing and loved, so you should ask about the basic conditions before entering a new place. This will motivate them to successfully adapt and get the first results after employment.

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