What does the creator look like? Who has seen God. What does God look like. How is God portrayed in Buddhism?

DIY decor 26.02.2022
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To find out what God looks like, you need to decide what it is? Each has its own concept and definition. It is known that the meanings of all the terms and words that we use cannot be precisely defined. It is for this reason that it is impossible to come to the concept of absolute truth with the help of rational thinking. This, of course, is an epistemological approach to the definition of God.

However, he has the right to exist. But no one will deny that this concept is absolute. And if so, then before discussing what God looks like, let's first "eliminate" all the gods and idols, which from a Christian point of view are fallen angels.

The fact that all the spirits of shamans or voodoo spellcasters are demons, a true Christian does not doubt. About Allah it will be somewhat more difficult to explain, but the difficulty is not that there is not enough data. It's just that it's very difficult to enter into a dialogue with radical Muslims. But there is no doubt about the Most Holy Trinity: it is often believed that this is He. There is objective evidence that gives a positive answer to the question "is there a God?" We'll talk about them below.

Now that we have decided who God is, it would be good to know, but has anyone seen him? It is important. After all, only from the descriptions can you find out what God looks like. In the Bible, you can read about this in the Book of Numbers. But already the Evangelist John notices that it was not God, but the image of God's Glory. But what about Jesus?

Christ is a separate issue. In his image there was a merging of two natures of nature - Divine and human. But this process was extremely interesting. According to the teachings of the Council of 451, which took place in Chalcedon, this merger was "non-confluent, unchanging, inseparable, inseparable." But, be that as it may, and Christ himself, to the requests of the apostles to show them God, answered that he who saw me saw the Father (from John ch. 14 st. 8-11).

So, in order to find out what God looks like, you need to look at the icon "The Savior Not Made by Hands." It should be noted that this is a very shaky understanding of such a deep question. Agree that it is impossible to describe metaphysical concepts in ordinary material terms. How, for example, can you explain to a person who has not been born with a sense of smell, what is the aroma of a flowering apple tree? No way! You just have to sniff.

Thus, to understand what God looks like, you just need to see him. It's not difficult, there are even proven ways. The very first one was described in the Gospel of Matthew: “The pure in heart will see the Lord God.”

But this is a presentation of theological truths, and what do scientists say about God? Does he exist or not? "Real" scientists say that it is impossible to prove the absence of God. However, the whole world around us testifies to its existence. It is so finely and scrupulously arranged that the slightest deviation of any fundamental component would make it impossible for the emergence of our planet and the entire Universe. Of those scientists who are world famous and openly admit that there is a God, we can cite the following: Copernicus, Pascal, Newton, Galvani, Lomonosov, Mendeleev, Pavlov, Ampère, Volt, Mendel, Kovalevskaya, Filatov, Schrödinger, Broyle, Towns.

By the way, one should not think that everything that exists can be seen. Do you want an example? Here, for example, is the mind of the one who reads this. Did you contemplate it? Don't be fooled, you haven't seen him. But this does not mean that there is no mind. Indirect evidence is often more convincing than direct evidence.

Today I will show you what God looks like. Christians also celebrate the Epiphany on January 19, and I have just an interesting material on this topic. All this is based on our ufological expeditions. Last year we had interesting trips to several Belarusian villages where in 1990 or 1991, the inhabitants watched a blazing fireball. It was described as a medium-sized balloon, all enveloped in pulsating orange fire. The ball flew fairly straight, but sometimes it hovered, either over people or over the forest. Despite the remoteness of the events, we found eyewitnesses of this flight in 4 different villages located along the same trajectory. The villages are located quite far from each other, but the description of the phenomenon is absolutely identical. And the most interesting thing is that people remember and describe this ball in the smallest detail. This inexplicable phenomenon made such a strong impression on them.

Well, this ball crossed the whole country and flew somewhere towards Russia. Recently I was in Nizhny Novgorod and a bright ray of the sun accidentally fell on the gilded dome of one of the many churches in Nizhny Novgorod. And this dome shone like that ball from the eyewitness accounts. I thought, why are the domes of churches made in a spherical shape and why are they covered with gilding? If not imitating some fireballs that could see before. Sources indicate that the onion heads of Orthodox churches appeared after the Mongol period. They say that these forms symbolize either the helmets of heroes, or the flame of burning candles. There are no exact versions.

But in the Bible there is an accurate description of God. We can find it in the Gospel of John. The same John, who in his Revelation described some kind of contact with aliens. So John describes God like this: "His whole appearance is like a scorching sun at its zenith."

Let's look for more sources that describe the appearance of God. In Wikiquote, I found the original (and not distorted by all sorts of REN TV) words of Vanga. This is how she answers the question about God: “Yes, I saw it. But He is not at all the same as depicted in the icons. The Anointed One is a huge fireball that is impossible to look at. He is so brightly lit. Only light, nothing else. If someone tells you that he saw God, and He was outwardly like a man, know that there is a lie hidden here.

As we can see, everything revolves around a fireball, even the domes of churches remind us of it. It was God, or ball lightning or something else .. it is not yet clear. This year we will continue to interview eyewitnesses and try to find out more details about this phenomenon.

Despite the difference in the views of various beliefs, they have always tried to correlate the image of God with the appearance of man. The bible explicitly states that he "created man in his own image and likeness", although it is later added that he does not have any particular form.

You will not find a single image of what God looks like in Christianity. In the book of one of the prophets, a brief description is given, full of colorful definitions and comparisons, but it is not possible to draw a portrait from it. It is believed that no one can see him and stay alive, since a person is too sinful to behold such a powerful and glorious entity.

What does God look like

The Old Testament says that God has a name. And his name is Yahweh. Unlike the usual version of the Lord, he is a more mundane being, does not hesitate to show himself and even has a family. Later, however, it turns out that he is not a god, but only one of his manifestations. Something like the "personal" god of the Israelites.

Interestingly, at present, according to some versions, he is an alien. As evidence, many versions are given about his "undivine" existence: he eats and drinks, speaks in a human language, wears clothes.

From the point of view of modernity, he uses a weapon like a laser. Sending diseases in our time, too, will not surprise anyone. And one NASA employee even reproduced from the pictures a model of the Glory of the Lord apparatus, which, in its appearance, very much resembles an aircraft.

Myths of Ancient Egypt

Everything was much simpler in the ancient myths and legends of the Egyptians. They had their own pantheon of gods, each of which held a certain position and had its own history. True, there is still sometimes a little confusion among some divine beings. So, for example, Ra was considered almost the progenitor of all gods. He was the god of the sun, sailed daily along the heavenly Nile, and nightly made a battle with the serpent Apep, in which he invariably won.

But sometimes he is confused with another god named Horus. The confusion arises from their images, which are often similar to each other. So, both can often be seen with the head of a falcon. The difference is that the first has a solar disk on it, while the second has outstretched wings.

Beliefs of the ancient Greeks

The ancient Greeks also had their own pantheon of gods. It was believed that they live on the highest Mount Olympus, where they drink nectar and have fun all day long. Like the Egyptian gods, the Greek gods started families, had children. Chief among them was Zeus, the lord of thunder and lightning. He is present in almost every legend, so great was his influence on the world of gods and mortals.

From the point of view of virtue, he was clearly not her model, since there are many stories about his love affairs. By the way, he also did not disdain human women, for which he was secretly despised by his own wife.

Every nation, every culture has its own stories and images of higher beings - gods. Somewhere stories about them exist in a fixed form on paper or other media, and somewhere they are simply passed on from mouth to mouth. But there is a theory that the real God is within us. More precisely, that it is literally dissolved in every particle of this world. And of course, a particle of the divine is embedded in the soul of every person.

During our short life, we need to feel it in ourselves, to understand that it is good. You need to be able to listen to it in order to be in harmony with yourself.

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Those who seriously think about God, sooner or later ask themselves the question of what God really looks like.
In my opinion, this question is far from being idle, and the answer to it opens the veil over other fundamental questions or laws that reign in our world.

Since the concept of God is covered, first of all, in religious movements, then, let's first recall the main religions and how they represent the image of God.

Image of God in Christianity

In the Bible, the main book of Christians, there is no description of the appearance of God. There is also no image of Jesus in the Bible. There is only the image of a Caucasian man, who is known to everyone, canonized by the church, and it is not clear where it came from. In ancient Russia, he was called "Spas" and with his image on banners they went on campaigns.

Where this image came from in Europe, no one can reliably explain now. Thus, the old man on the cloud and the tall, long-haired, handsome man with a beard are a pure fiction of medieval marketers, without any evidence base that God the Father and Jesus Christ have at least some justification for these images.

What does God look like in Islam?

I think that I will not reveal a secret by saying that in Islam there is no description of the appearance of Allah. Moreover, there is a direct ban on drawing icons. This is explained by the words from the same bible - "do not make yourself an idol."

So that external attributes do not close the attention of the believer, so that nothing distracts him from concentrating directly on God. I think that such a view of things is very reasonable, in any case, the argument, in my opinion, is weighty.

Image of God in Judaism

It turned out that in Judaism the image of God is also not manifested. Quality, please, but appearance - no! Moreover, as in Islam, in Judaism it is forbidden to portray God! This is motivated by the fact that the creation of the image of God in oneself should take the whole life. This is possible because a person is a reflection of the Creator, His image in our world.
Think about these words! The image of God must be created in oneself. Cultivate it and manifest it into this world!

Awesome idea!

The logical continuation of this thought is that the external, and even the internal appearance of each of us is the image of God! Not all of course, but only some part of it, however, realizing this, I began to peer into people's faces much more carefully.

However, if we return to the canons, i.e. to the holy scriptures, then in the Torah we will not find a description of God. If I understand correctly, then it’s not only impossible to depict him, in Judaism you can’t even pronounce the name of God, they prefer to call him simply “Lord”.

How is God portrayed in Buddhism?

Images of Buddha are a dime a dozen. There aren't any! But, according to the definition of Buddhism itself, Buddha is not the supreme and only god. Buddhism is not a monotheistic religion. Buddha, in translation means enlightened, but not supreme, self-manifested, etc. etc. That is, in Buddhism, we will also not be able to contemplate the image of God.

What does the supreme God look like in Rodnoverie, Slavism

Rodnoverie at the moment is such an unformed and immense layer of knowledge, myths, rituals, and other informational husks that I could not find a source that could be trusted unconditionally.
But even there, the question of what God looks like is not even raised. In any case, I could not find any discussions on this topic anywhere.

Ringing cedars of Russia

I apologize for putting the Ringing Cedars of Russia social movement on a par with world religions. But I could not help but do this, because, firstly, the strength of this movement is already noticeable in Russia, and secondly, the ideas and thoughts set forth in the green books are very close to me.

Here are a few thoughts that Anastasia, the main character of V. Megre's books, spoke about God, from which you can roughly imagine what a god looks like:

“God is an interplanetary Mind, Intellect. He is not in a single mass. Half of it, in the outside of the material world of the universe. It is the complex of all energies. The second half is dispersed in particles on the Earth, in every person.
"God is love"

But what does her grandfather say about God in a conversation with Maigret, answering his question, why does no one see God? Here is a quote from the book in its entirety - “Anastasia told me when I talked to her in the taiga that no one sees God because His thoughts work with great speed and density. And I'm thinking: why doesn't He want to slow them down so that people can look at Him?

The old man raised his wand and pointed to a passing cyclist: - Look, Vladimir. The bicycle wheel is spinning. There are spokes in the wheel, but you can't see them. They are there, you know it, but the speed of rotation does not allow you to see them.
Or you can say in another way: “The speed of your thought, your visual perception does not allow you to see them. If the cyclist goes slower, you will see the wheel spokes smeared.

If he stops, you will see them clearly, but the cyclist himself will fall. He will not reach the goal, because he stopped moving, and all for what? So that you can see what they are? But what will it give you? What will change in you? Around you?

You will be firmly aware of their existence. And just. A cyclist can get up and continue his movement, but others will also want to see, and for this he will have to fall again and again.

And for what? - Well, to look at him at least once. - And what will you see? After all, a cyclist lying on the ground will no longer be a cyclist. You have to pretend that he was. A God who has changed the speed of his thought is no longer God.
Wouldn't it be better for you to learn to speed up your thought? You, when you talk to a person, and your interlocutor thinks very slowly, doesn’t it annoy you? Isn't it painful to stop the speed of your thought, adjusting to it?

This is the dialogue that took place between Anastasia's grandfather and the author of the Ringing Cedars of Russia books. But there is one subtle point that I did not immediately notice. God and God's thoughts are still slightly different concepts, aren't they?
Or, should we assume that the Thought of God = God?

But I, it's not just a thought. I am those fingers that are now tapping on the keys while typing this text. I am this and my material body, I am my actions and words. That is, besides thoughts, I have some visible, tangible components. To prove my statement, I will give an example, we say, “I thought”, meaning some kind of me who realized the thought, processed it and made a decision.

If we are created in the image and likeness, then he must have them too. Or does the image and likeness end with a thought? Hardly. After all, a being that created the material world must have the qualities of the material world, i.e. form, mass, density, etc.

In general, even in Maigret's books we do not find a visible image of the supreme, one God.

By the way, the fact that God the Creator does not have a manifested form is confirmed by Anastasia herself when she says that when creating the world, God did not conceive a form for himself. Unfortunately, I do not remember in which of the books she spoke about this.

The image of the Supreme Personality of God in Hinduism

Probably nowhere is there a more detailed description of the pantheon of gods than in Hinduism. As in Christianity, the supreme trinity is present here - Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Chief among them is Vishnu.

You can find a lot of pictures of them. All are more or less similar to each other. Those. any Hindu can easily distinguish Shiva from Brahma or, for example, Ganesha in any picture.

That is, in Hinduism there is no such self-will in the image of God, as with the image of Jesus Christ, who is depicted as anyone gets into his head.

The most interesting thing is that Vishnu - the supreme God, who can manifest in any form, also has the Supreme Personality, which is called Krishna. That is, the very most, supreme supreme, there is nowhere higher!

There are also many pictures of Krishna. Although they have a fairly large variation in the style of the image, but on most of them Krishna can be recognized by some characteristic features that are unique to him.

Moreover, his appearance is canonized not from scratch. A description of what it looks like is found in the Vedas. If anyone is interested in reading, find the book Srimad Bhagavatam, fourth canto part 3, text 44.

A lot of things are written there, I did not give a description of Krishna here, so as not to confuse the unprepared reader. Let me just say that his appearance is described in comparison with something beautiful on earth. For example, lotus feet.

I don’t know what image you have when you hear this phrase, I don’t have any. That is, the physical image does not arise. Only the image of his qualities appears, since the lotus in the Indian tradition personifies purity, purity and much more good things, then from the phrase “lotus feet” we can only understand “the most beautiful, most pure and immaculate feet.” How does it look like in reality? That's right, no one knows.

In fact, if you still try to imagine God, even according to the descriptions that are given in the sacred Sanskrit texts, then the physical image of God does not arise.

Why is the question of what God looks like so important?

Everywhere, in all teachings and religions, it is said that God is our father, creator, lord, etc., that is, the most! Everywhere it is stated that he must be loved.

Now think of someone you've never seen, but for some reason you love. Love for real! When you remember him, your heart trembles, your soul longs for him!

Are there such people in your life? I highly doubt it. In order to fall in love, we need to see something or someone at least once. Then an image is imprinted in the consciousness, to which our love, our thought flies.

Therefore, the idea of ​​the Hindus, and indeed other religious movements, to make the image of the supreme god visible to me seems very reasonable. In any case, now, in our time, with our very limited consciousness.

Why God Doesn't Have a Physical Form

Agree, in a world where nothing is accidental, where every planet and every electron moves along a strictly specified trajectory, it cannot be an accident that we do not find descriptions of the physical form of God in any of the religions.

It seems to me that in this showing his love for us, his respect for our free will.

Everyone, no matter what nationality he was born into, whether it be an Asian, a European, a Negro, wants to see God like himself. It would never have occurred to a Negro in Africa that God could be white, just as a European can only dream of a God with black skin in a nightmare.

Maybe this is the highest meaning of the fact that God does not manifest himself in the body, understanding that in the current state of mind of people, his appearance in any form will cause more negative consequences on earth than positive ones?

Imagine if he suddenly appears before everyone in the body of a Negro. Negroes, of course, it will be kaifu. You will immediately feel that this is it! We waited! And a truck with money overturned on their street!

But, after the first shock, among the people, among the whites, there will be a whisper “God is not real” and .... such a war and massacre will begin, what the world has never seen!

Approximately the same scenario can be predicted when appearing in any other guise.

Therefore, I think that at the present time, anyone who really wants to love God is not ashamed to have his image at home in the form in which we like it. At least draw it yourself, at least take any picture, an icon, it doesn’t matter.

Find an image that attracts you and let it be your God, with whom you can communicate, to whom you will direct your thoughts and praises.

And there, in time, God willing, and the speed of our thoughts will increase so much that we can come into contact with the divine thought without any pictures.

Valery Pozdnyakov (hereinafter V.P.): Oleg Ivanovich! As we affirm ourselves in the Faith, we often repeat: “I believe in God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit!”. Is it possible to expand the information on the named Essences?
O.D.: In short, do you want to know who is who and what is behind it?
V.P.: Yes.
O.D.: It’s a difficult question… I’m not ready to give an exhaustive answer right now. I'll forward your question to Chuck. He has more information.
I heard your question and I'm ready to answer, but first let's clarify something.
A person is little familiar with the complex mechanism of the Cosmos, and therefore your question about God and His helpers will help to reveal the Mystery of the Universe. Although the Higher ones do not like to talk about their personal, and not because they are “higher”, but because many processes associated with the improvement of the Personality may still be incomprehensible to a person. Before talking about God, it is necessary to understand that we all live in the Universe built by our God, which occupies a certain space in space. The Cosmos, in comparison with the Universes, is huge and filled with energies of various qualities. This is a purely physical world. Universes (there are many of them) are worlds with different levels of development. Our God created and governs the four universes. Universes are divided into material and energy. In the material Universes we live in a body, in the energy Universes we shed the shell that limits us, i.e. body and already exist in other forms, invisible to the human eye. Moreover, this energy form of existence far exceeds the material worlds in the number of worlds. There are few material planets similar to the Earth in the Cosmos. Both the material and energy worlds differ from each other in the Levels of development. They constitute the Divine Hierarchy. Hierarchies differ both in material, and in construction, and in the laws operating in them, as well as in the form of existence.
For two thousand years, man has imagined God as some kind of wise old man, hovering in the clouds and fulfilling human requests and desires, without receiving anything in return. God is so kind that he is always ready to forgive and give, and the idea that a person is obliged to God to give something in return was extremely rare. And therefore, a person did not get tired of asking and asking endlessly and tirelessly, without thinking that this needs to be worked out, because God has put a Part of Himself into each of us - His energy, which must be given to him.
Your question about the Great Trinity is broad. So please clarify your questions.
VP: Does God have a proper name?
P.I.: The name “God”, as a proper name, exists only for the Earth, for other Beings in our Universe, this Supreme Personality is known under another name, called cosmic. God has a cosmic name.
VP: What does God look like?
P.I.: God “does not look”. It is in an energetic state, i.e. it is a Certain Volume of the Higher Mind in Space. For figurative perception by a person, one can formulate the energy concept of "God" as fire, i.e. supreme energy. "God" means the Great Fire of the Galaxy.
The form of God is light. It is quite difficult for a person to imagine such a form of existence, because how can this light, fire be smarter than himself, and even manage it? To understand this, you need to turn to your own body, which consists of the visible physical and six invisible, subtle bodies. In sum, all seven bodies make up his personal "I". In a very simplified form, this is also a kind of Universe, which is controlled by Mind, i.e. Intelligent Energy. And the Soul, which is the Basis of the human "I", was created by God, who put a part of his Reasonable Energy into it. That is why we say that man is a part of God. But the energy that God gave to a person must be returned so that His power and His energy potential are not depleted. The soul has the peculiarity of accumulating energy, which is called spiritual development and expanding its influence on others. Love, hate, friendship - all human relationships are the result of the influence of the energy of the Soul. The larger the Soul, the wider the range of its work and personal influence on others, or, as the Higher Ones say, “the more powerful its Volume.” The volume of God is enormous. And therefore, all the people who make up the Divine Volume are controlled and controlled by Him, just as a person controls and controls his body, using the energy of the Soul, i.e. Divine energy.
V.P.: What is the main activity of God: judging people, ruling the world, perfecting our souls?
P.I.: In short, we can say that a person is a biomachine that produces energy for the Divine Hierarchy (this is also the Volume of God), and at the same time improves the Soul, that is, a self-developing mechanism. Self-developing in the sense that the human essence lives millions of lives in different worlds and constantly progresses on the basis of programs set by God and His helpers. This is the essence of God's work with man, for His task is to bring man to Divine Power. For this, God works on the human Soul.
VP: They say: "If you want to make God laugh, tell someone about your plans." Does God intervene in our plans or does he allow man to determine his choice and path?
P.I .: Modern knowledge allows a person to understand that Destiny, Fate, Fortune are built by the Higher Personalities and that a person on Earth does not live arbitrarily and by himself or by chance, but according to the plan of the Higher. Highly intelligent Personalities inhabiting the Hierarchies of God and the Devil work with the Earth, being on a subtle plane and remaining invisible to a person, although they themselves see and observe him magnificently. There are many Personalities working with humanity, who are members of both the Divine and the Devilish Systems, that is, the planet Earth and humanity are under Their joint control and influence, and human life is the result of their cooperation. In addition to humanity, these Systems are involved in the development of programs for the life of plants, insects, birds and fish.
God sets goals for his assistants, who, on the basis set by God, compose the plots of life and the form of being, and the transition from the stage of theories and projects to the stage of specific developments is carried out by negative developers from the Hierarchy of the Devil. The distribution of roles here is as follows: a representative of the positive System writes the fate of a person in accordance with the goal set by God, and negative Personalities calculate it and encode it into program settings, translating it into schemes and assembly elements. But at the same time, all programs are under the control of Higher Positive Personalities, who monitor the fulfillment of their goals and the embodiment of ideas in the life of mankind. And since the Divine programs have "freedom of choice", which is completely absent in the Devil's programs, only representatives of the Divine Hierarchy have the right to make corrections, additions and some changes in the fate of people.
The human program has several goals: to provide the planet with the necessary energy, to give the hierarchical Systems the energy they need, to educate a perfect Soul, to perform certain work for the Cosmos.
VP: God created man, but who created God? Did God go through the stage of human development?
P.I.: In the Universe there are Higher Material Systems that are not included in our Universes. The civilizations of these Systems have reached the Highest Level of development, including the forms of existence of human personalities. For example, they have no death. They pass from one form to another, bypassing the shedding of the material shell, which earthlings call the body. According to our information, our Creator belonged to this System, i. was similar to a man, but his energy qualities were much higher than those of an earthly man. In this form, it existed for a long time. His life path, in the physical plane, was very long. It was a time when the planet Earth and man had not yet been created.
VP: When God was a simple Being, did He experience human suffering?
P.I .: Yes, he went through all the suffering and built his theory of development on this.
V.P.: Do you mean that without suffering, the human soul does not gain the necessary qualities?
P.I.: Yes. It's impossible without this. The quality of the soul, as practice has shown, is low. The purpose of our Creator is to make the soul perfect.
V.P.: Was our Creator created immediately for the Great Purpose, or did his ascent proceed as the necessary qualities were developed?
P.I.: No one is created immediately for Great Goals. There is a usual competition in development and achievements. Then the Higher Hierarchs determine the energy developments: who has more advantages for further ascent through the steps of the Ascension. Everything is achieved through own improvement and own work.
V.P.: So, it can be said that God also has a “boss”?
P.I.: Yes. This is the Supreme Mind. The Supreme Mind is One. The organism that belongs to the Higher Mind, the philosophers call Nature, because this organism has a more developed and perfect matter than the rest of the Universes, which are included in the Volume of Nature and whose matter is lower in quality and power than the matter of Nature. Nature or Higher Mind is the purest and highest frequency matter. It is a thinking, creative energy, planning and directing, commanding everything else, giving orders down. It has the highest propagation speeds and the greatest creative and destructive power, i.e. self-organization.
Our God, who controls the four Universes, enters into the Volume of Nature as some particular Substance. Our God governs a part of the Universe, and Nature - the Higher Mind - the entire Universe as a whole. There can be quite a lot of Universes, as well as Gods in different parts of the Universe. In a rough comparison, we can say that the Gods are deputies of the Higher Mind in certain areas of the Universe. When one speaks about the spatial dimensions of the Essence, one can call it its maximum volume, i.e. the biggest. It is also called the Absolute. But our God can also be called the Absolute, meaning the peak that a person needs to reach as a result of perfection.
V.P.: A person has joys and sorrows. Does God have them, or is it an insensitive, sexless Essence experiencing constant Nirvana and the euphoria of happiness?
P.I.: When the needle enters your body, you feel pain. All people enter the Body of God, His Volume. Our Creator knows and feels all people, the most insignificant ones. Therefore, all the sorrows and sufferings, joys and hopes of any person enter, and the Volume of God constitutes his energy potential.
V.P.: Does it all happen as an automatic process?
P.I.: No. Even the lowest Soul, if it evolves, God feels so subtly that he is ready to wait thousands of years for this Soul to rise to a higher Level. The same is happening with all mankind on Earth. The sensitivity of our Creator is all-encompassing. Because He Himself is Great in size. What about euphoria, happiness and Nirvana?! Imagine the extent of the Creator's concern for all the Souls within His four Universes, and one can safely say that His happiness lies in constant, never-ending work. And Nirvana is His colossal work. Valery POZDNYAKOV (“However, life!”, No. 3/2007)

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