Dream interpretation big apple. Apples interpretation of the dream book. What do apples mean in a dream

Astringent compositions 26.02.2022
Astringent compositions

According to the dream book, apples seen in a dream have many interpretations from well-known neurologists, most of them evaluate the dream about the fragrant fruits of apple trees positively, but there are many nuances. Who has a dream, on what day of the week, with what plot - all this plays a role. After all, not only the symbol is important, but also the actions of the dreamer.

Why dream of apples on a tree?

A blooming apple orchard is a very beautiful sight, such a dream leaves a feeling of a holiday, future pleasant events. It is believed that women portend pregnancy. To see apples in the snow is a sign that nothing threatens well-being, and a winter garden filled with sun promises. In his dream book, Vanga calls this fruit a symbol of wisdom and reward. But what is the dream of an apple tree with apples? Interpretation depends on the plot:

  1. The tree bends from the abundance of fruits - to large incomes.
  2. For a girl, such a dream is about marriage.
  3. Picking apples from a tree in a dream - to losses due to one's own carelessness and unnecessary haste, a quarrel with a patron is not ruled out.
  4. Apples under a tree on the grass - you can expect dirty tricks from a person from your inner circle, it would not be out of place to take a closer look at your friends.

Why dream of red apples?

The dream book "Apples" warns that the color of this fruit must also be taken into account, depending on the color, the dream is also interpreted. Seeing red apples in a dream - to bright emotions and good mood, good prospects for the future and good news. It is important to use your chance, and your plans can come true. There is a sign that a red apple in a dream is a favorable sign, expressing the dreamer's readiness to overcome obstacles. And the person who comes to the house will help in this.

But there are other, not so rosy predictions, it is worth noting that the decoding of dreams about red apples is somewhat contradictory:

  1. To see on a tree - there will be a meeting with a suitable life partner.
  2. Buying such apples is a good ending.
  3. Finding a fruit - to illness and long treatment, disappointment in work affairs.
  4. A beautiful apple turns into a rotten one? There will be a tempting offer that you should refuse so as not to get into a difficult financial situation.
  5. There are many fruits on the table or on the ground - you are surrounded by reliable friends who are always ready to help.
  6. The dreamer rolls a red apple on the table - an interesting secret will soon be revealed.
  7. Treating someone with such a fruit - it's time to look for a serious relationship for marriage.
  8. The fruits were stolen from the dreamer - to failure in business.

Why dream of green apples?

And what does it mean if you dreamed of green apples? Such a sign is good for women, it symbolizes vitality and good health. If a man had such a dream, then there will be a meeting with an old friend or a beautiful lady. It is believed that green color predicts something pleasant:

  1. Ripe, beautiful fruit - cherished desires will come true, respect from many people will appear.
  2. Eating such apples - very important events will happen soon.
  3. A woman dreams that she picked an unripe green apple - she will meet an interesting man.
  4. The girl cuts the fruit - to.
  5. Green fruits on the ground - the danger lies in wait from relatives or friends.
  6. To cut off such fruits - you need to devote more time to studying, learning new things.

Why dream of yellow apples?

If you dreamed of yellow apples, astrologers advise you to pay attention to relationships with loved ones. For a woman, they portend well-being and prosperity, a successful marriage, the birth of a baby. The sunny shade of the fruit combines more pleasant signs, although there are also exceptions. Seeing yellow apples in a dream means:

  • successful marriage, good income;
  • a fun party, a visit from close friends;
  • for a woman - a possible betrayal of a loved one;
  • to pick such fruits - to attacks of jealousy;
  • bake a pie from them - to news from distant relatives;
  • wormy yellow apples - to strife in the family, but the conflicts will not be serious, it will be possible to find a compromise;
  • spoiled small fruits of a sunny shade - to changes in life;
  • sorting out such apples - to soon fall in love.

What is the dream of a white apple?

Any dream book considers white apples in a positive way, because it is associated with divine signs and a wonderful future. This value also applies to fruits, but taking into account the plot of the dream. I dreamed of apples in a white dream:

  1. There will be good events that have been waiting for so long.
  2. For a girl - the promise of a wedding.
  3. For business people - to a good deal.
  4. The fruits float on the water - you need to more actively achieve your goal, otherwise you can miss your chance.
  5. Burying white apples in the ground - well-being will be in jeopardy, money spending may fall out.
  6. Fruit rolled between spouses - discord can happen.

Why dream of picking apples?

In many cultures, apples are considered a symbol of life, so dreams of ripe, beautiful fruits are considered a good sign. Especially if you tear them from a tree. Picking apples in a dream is a pleasant change:

  1. There will be a reward for the labors, you can expect both material and moral satisfaction.
  2. Raise the fruits from the ground - to success in work, perhaps the authorities will reward you for your efforts.
  3. Collecting fruits in a basket - others will appreciate the efforts, but not immediately, but after some time.
  4. There are a lot of apples, but they hang high, and it is impossible to pick them - it is unlikely that the immediate plans will be realized.

Why dream of buying apples?

If you had to buy apples in a dream, it means that outbursts of emotions can cause difficult problems. At the same time, dream books about apples call vision a promise of success, a search for interesting communication, opportunities to realize the most daring ideas. The interpretation also depends on the dreamer's actions and the place of events:

  1. Buying fruit in a noisy market is a pleasant acquaintance, a new, devoted friend may appear.
  2. If you bought fruits in the store and took the last apples, and there is a big queue behind, good luck will come to you very soon.

There are several more interpretations of dreams about these fruits, depending on the actions of the participants in the dream:

Why do big apples dream - given that seeing this fruit in a dream is considered a good sign, the plot about huge fruits is interpreted very positively. Our ancestors believed that glory, health, prosperity and great respect await the dreamer. Astrologers predict even more interesting events in life and great discoveries in various sciences. You can also consider such a dream as a promise of stability in business.

What is the dream of a wormy apple?

As the dream book explains, bitter and tasteless apples in a dream are considered a sign of near troubles, so it is important to remember where this fruit came from. Was he given? You should stay away from this person. Did you rip it yourself? Difficulties will arise due to the fault of the dreamer. There is a risk of receiving incorrect information or not realizing the plans. And what does it mean when wormy fruits dream? Dream Interpretations present such interpretations of spoiled apples:

  1. One of the relatives held a grudge against the dreamer.
  2. Health problems may arise.
  3. There will be a strong temptation that you should not give in to, the results will be extremely unpleasant.
  4. From a pile of apples, one is wormy - relatives will create chores.

The color of the fruit also plays a role, depending on the color, the predictions differ somewhat:

  • wormy red apples - a true friend will support in difficult times.
  • yellow fruits with worms - to, but if the fruits lie on the ground, then the swara will be short and not very significant.

Why dream of rotten apples?

Rotten apples in a dream are not a good sign, although some dream books interpret it positively. Considering that in reality it is extremely unpleasant to pick up such a fruit, the negative is transferred to the explanation of the dream. Fruits with rot dream:

  1. To failure in actions and plans, all efforts will be in vain.
  2. Someone is preparing false information for the dreamer.
  3. To anger and envy from relatives or colleagues.

If you had to buy rotten fruits for a lot of money in a dream, then in reality you should be afraid of failure. Astrologers advise paying attention to business affairs, commerce, in order to avoid trouble with documents. There are also positive predictions in some dream books that are based on the color of fruits:

  • yellow - to important, pleasant changes;
  • red - profitable trip, unexpected profit.

Why dream of stealing apples?

What does it mean when you dream of stolen apples, although in reality the dreamer has never done this? Psychologists explain this vision with depression and imbalance, the inability to make an important decision, the desire to rely on others. Astrologers interpret the plot as a possible situation when you have to lie a lot and act out of conscience. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to reconsider your behavior and reassess your values.

Why dream of an apple core?

If a dream about apples often promises positive changes, then a vision about a core is interpreted as a pitiful remnant of the well-being that one could have. This is a kind of warning about possible troubles that can be avoided if you do not engage in self-discipline, but take the time to resolve difficult issues. Such a dream is also explained by the need to acquire new knowledge, experience, connections, possibly change jobs or close circle.

What is a dream? A parallel between reality and fantasy, or the answer of our subconscious to the past day? There is no clear and reliable answer to this question. So, medicine is inclined to believe that a dream is a normal physiological process during which our body rests and gains strength. Esotericists think in the opposite direction, who believe that night dreams carry something mystical in themselves, which is not amenable to simple truths.

As for ordinary people, there are differences here too. Some do not pay attention to the content of their dream, while others, on the contrary, each time try to unravel its meaning, truly believing that thanks to the answer received, one can save themselves and their loved ones from troubles and misfortunes. On the agenda is the question of what this red fruit means and what it warns about, we learn from our article.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

The great Bulgarian seer explained this dream easily. Vanga noted that the red apple that appeared in night dreams symbolizes the beginning of a successful period. This means that everything planned will soon come true. Use your chance, because at the moment luck and kindness are on your side.

Miller's dream book

Did Miller also have his own thoughts about daydreaming about a red apple? Why is this fruit dreaming, according to the famous psychologist? The red apple is an auspicious sign, meaning wisdom and readiness to overcome all obstacles. In the discovery of these qualities, a person who suddenly appears on the threshold of the house will help you. Perhaps it is he who will guide you on the true path and allow you to discover the essence of everything that happens.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

According to Hasse's dream book, red apples symbolize approaching joy, happiness and victory. The same applies to communication with the opposite sex. If you believe the interpretation, then soon on your way you will meet the person who is ideal for creating a strong family. Good luck awaits at work. Perhaps soon you will be offered a high position or a significant increase in salary.

In any case, success will accompany you everywhere.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Reds on the tree? There is a clear answer to this question in Unfortunately, these night dreams, according to the famous esotericist, do not bode well for anything. A dreamed red apple promises painful conditions and the long-term treatment associated with them. As for work and relationships, here too the dreamer will experience disappointment and failure.

Aesop's dream book

Aesop has a different opinion regarding the dream in which he dreamed of a red apple. Why does this fruit dream, according to Aesop? The red apple is positioned in this case as passion, seduction and temptation. Perhaps in life there will be a situation that will put you in front of a choice. The dream interpretation claims that a beautiful fruit is not always sweet, therefore, before tasting it, think a few times.

If in your nightly dreams you bite a red apple, why is this a dream? Aesop associates the dreaming fruit with an offer you can't resist.

And how are dreams interpreted in which you eat a red apple? Why dream? Such visions are associated with health problems. The dream book advises to deal with it at this stage so that there are no complications in the future.

Erotic dream book

In an erotic dream book, a red apple is compared with passion, a forbidden fruit, a tempting offer, a deceitful situation, etc. What if the fruit was in a young man's dream? A red apple tree with appetizing and large fruits means that the dreamer has a great relationship with the fairer sex. He is always in the spotlight, which is great.

If a young man is under an apple tree, then these dreams indicate that the dreamer has been dreaming of a girl who is unaware of his feelings for a long time.

If a man takes a fruit from a woman, then this means that this person wants to seduce him.

Did a young man dream of rotten and wormy red apples? This means that he is completely unhappy with his current sexual partner. Perhaps it is worth changing something or adding a few nuances to your intimate life.

The degree of ripeness of the apple

The interpretation of sleep as a whole depends on how ripe the apple is. So, if the fruit has not yet ripened, then this indicates that you have not reached the level of maturity and wisdom. There are still situations ahead of you that will require maximum concentration and endurance. And if you resist these life tests, then the period of transition to a new level will come.

Are the fruits ripe and beautiful? You have a firm position in life, which allows you to find a way out of even the most difficult and confusing life situation. The same applies to relationships with the opposite sex. You are endowed with the ability to lure any, even the most unshakable, person into your networks.

What else about this dream can tell red apples, which are approaching the stage of decay. This suggests that the dreamer is not satisfied with the current sexual relationship. Perhaps this is due to the fact that past love still remains in your heart, or maybe your partner is not ready for diversity in intimate life.

apple flavor

If in your nightly dreams you ate a red apple and at the same time felt its taste, then remember what it was like. When you ate the fruit, did you feel satisfied with the taste? So, in the future, luck, happiness and love await you.

Was the apple sour? These dreams mean your unpreparedness for serious actions and discoveries. You are too unsure that everything will work out. Therefore, do not rush - everything goes on as usual.

A bitter and tasteless apple means an approaching nuisance. Pay attention to where the apple came from. If it was served to you, remember who it was. Beware of this particular person. Was the fruit plucked by you? The problems will be your fault.

A beautiful red apple turns rotten? This means that soon you will receive a tempting offer that you cannot refuse. But in vain! By accepting it, you will find yourself in a difficult financial situation. You will need a lot of strength and endurance to get out of it.

Availability of the fetus

Why dream of an apple tree with red apples that turned out to be very high? The inability to get the fruit from the tree indicates that the goals set will not be achieved.

If you, not paying attention to the height, decide to climb to the top and get the treasured fruit, then what does this mean? Your determination and firmness will not let any obstacles prevent you from fulfilling your cherished dream.

Why dream of red apples on a tree? If the fruits are located on the lower branch, but as soon as you try to get them, the trunk suddenly grows - this indicates your insecurity and shyness. If you don't fight it, you will never achieve what you want.

Pick apples

Why dream of picking red apples? If ripe and beautiful fruits lay on the ground, then great success and good luck await you in the future. This is especially true for work. Perhaps, thanks to the efforts of the dreamer, the authorities will finally appreciate the work and reward it at its true worth.

If you had to pick apples from the very top in night dreams, then this means that because of your arrogance, the business that you were counting on so much will fail miserably. Be humble and do not tell strangers about your plans for the future.

Why dream of red apples? A lot of fruit around means that you are surrounded by good friends who will come to the rescue at the right moment. If there were a large number of rotten apples nearby, then almost everyone who calls himself a friend actually wants you to fail.

Buy, sell apples

Why dream of the big red apples that you bought in the store? This means a period of luck and good luck. Do not miss your chance.

The same dream can be interpreted in a different way. So, dreaming of ripe fruits in a store means the beginning of a relationship in which sex will take the most important place.

If you pick up the last red apple, and there is a huge line behind, wait for the luck that will come to you.

Do you buy rotten fruits for a large sum of money? This indicates that you are going to fail. Be careful. Do not accept dubious offers and do not sign documents without reading them.

Red apple dreamed of by a woman

Why dream of red and green apples for an unmarried girl? This means that soon she will marry a good man.

If a married girl saw such a dream, then a long-awaited replenishment is expected soon.

Other significant little things

If the dreamer rolls a red apple on the table, then this means that in the future he will have to find out someone's secret.

Fruits lying on the grass indicate that there is a person in your environment who calls himself a friend. You should take a closer look at your social circle. Someone has been plotting you for a long time. The dream interpretation advises not to blindly trust everyone who has ever turned to you with a request for help or entrusted their secret.

In which you treat someone to a red apple? This suggests that you really want to find your love. If you have considered this person well, then perhaps this is the one who is needed. Pay attention to whether the dreaming person accepted your gift. If not, then you are still far from a serious relationship.

What if red apples were stolen from you? This is a bad sign, promising failure in business and the unattainability of the goals set.

I really want our dreams to carry only positive emotions. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. Therefore, if you had a bad dream, get out of bed before sunrise, go to the window and say 3 times: “Where the night is, there is a dream.”

Happy night dreams!

The interpretation of dreams is an ancient science, and to this day people look into dream books in search of answers. Often we see in our dreams symbols, signs, hints - something that you should definitely pay well-deserved, close attention to. One such explicit symbol is the apple. If you saw apples in a dream - what is it for? What to expect, what to hope for, and in general, how to behave?

Apples are the oldest of all existing symbols!

This is not an exaggeration. It is difficult to find in culture and history an older symbol than this fruit - after all, it was he who became decisive in biblical history. Forbidden fruit, a child of the Paradise tree, a symbol of eternal life and true pleasures - an apple has been endowed with a sacred meaning from time immemorial. The apple tree itself is very ancient, but few people know about it - today the apple tree is too familiar for each of us. But earlier it was considered a sacred, sacred, powerful tree among many peoples, in particular, among our ancestors. The apple tree is a symbol of fertility, boundless natural strength, life and longevity. The apple is endowed with many meanings: up to the symbol of the Universe. Here is just a partial list of what this fruit means:

  • Strength;
  • Fertility;
  • Wisdom;
  • Reward;
  • A life;
  • Longevity;
  • Temptation, temptation;
  • Beauty and youth;
  • Luck;

It is not for nothing that such a huge number of ancient rituals and predictions are associated with an apple tree and apples. Without a doubt, seeing apples in a dream is not just that. An apple is too voluminous and important a sign to come in a dream for no reason. Through such a dream, the subconscious, or even the surrounding Nature, wants to point out something, suggest a way out of the situation, warn of the wrong path, or, on the contrary, point to the right action. That's just the interpretation of such a dream should be careful - after all, an apple is different for an apple.

Apples in a dream - what to expect?

Dream Interpretations can help decipher the meaning of sleep.

Apples in most cases appear in dreams for something good - rarely in any dream book you can find information about a bad omen if you dreamed about this fruit.

Most dream books indicate that eating apples in a dream is good luck, prosperity, wealth. And no wonder, because you are absorbing the sacred fruit in the world of dreams, and this is a good sign! The apple tree is a symbol of life and fertility, and it is also a female tree. It is female nature that is close to the apple tree, so such a dream is very good for women, girls, and especially for. For a mother to see apples in a dream is a guarantee of the health of the child, for a pregnant woman it is an assurance that the birth will go well, and the baby will be healthy and strong. Often, pregnant women dream of an apple tree with apples - and this is a very good symbol, obviously a good sign.

For a young person, an apple can mean temptation, temptation, forbidden fruit. Remember Eve - she could not resist the beautiful ripe fruit. If a virgin has such a dream, this is a clear warning from the Higher Forces - and advice to be chaste, careful and not to commit rash, reckless actions, not to rush. So a young lady who saw an apple in a dream should be especially careful.

For a young man or a man, an apple also has a positive meaning - it can mean victory, reward, recognition, and. Such a dream often means the approval of the Universe in all endeavors, which means that you are most likely on the right path, and luck favors you.

Red, green - there is a difference!

The color of an apple is important in dreams. In general, colors have their own meaning, and the symbolism of various colors is a complex and extensive science. So, green has always been the color of kindness, friendship, cordiality, sincerity and honesty. This is a good, positive color. Therefore, we can safely say that if the apples in a dream are green, ripe, beautiful, this is a great sign. Probably, good, warm relations with loved ones await you, reconciliation is possible, the end of the conflict. You may receive an apology or make a new friend. If you recently started communicating with a new person, a green apple tells you that his intentions are pure and you can trust him.

As for the symbolism of yellow, everything is more complicated here. Yellow is strength, assertiveness, survival, firmness. A yellow apple is more likely to be dreamed of by a man, and will mean fruitful work, success in business relationships, victory.

Red is the color of strength, passion, aggression, energy. If apples are red in a dream, this is a sign of fruitful friendship or cooperation, and maybe love, passion, the conception of a child. Often a red apple is a symbol of temptation, sensuality, which will not be in vain. Remember, an apple always means "fruit" and therefore a result. Which one is better for you.

An apple from an apple tree...

The apple tree itself is an even more powerful symbol than its fruit. Therefore, the dream "apples on a tree" is a particularly important, fateful sign. Sleeping with an apple tree often means the same thing as the apple itself, only multiplied many times over. If an apple is a good sign for a mother or a woman in labor, then an apple tree is simply excellent. In addition, an apple tree can mean a family reunion, a meeting with distant relatives.

Often dreams of apples in the form of a pie, baked or in other dishes. This is an important sign - most likely, the World wants to advise you not to exaggerate your expectations in any business. Otherwise, disappointment awaits you - after all, there will be fruits, but far from what you hope or expect.

If you had to pick apples from a tree in a dream - that's great, feel free to expect a generous reward for your work, new friends, or even love, recognition, money. What you truly deserve and sincerely desire will certainly come into your life!

An apple is rarely a bad symbol, but warning dreams do occur. For example, buying apples in a dream is a sign of deception or bad luck. Such a dream can speak of your own self-interest, insincerity, greed. Try to be more honest with people and in business.

It's even worse to steal apples in a dream- this is a clear hint from the Higher powers that you lack something important in life, while you think that you yourself are unworthy of it. If you stole an apple in a dream, you probably dislike, underestimate yourself in life, and this seriously hinders you.

To see rotten apples in a dream, or just lying on the ground, dirty, ugly, beaten, and so on is, of course, not a good sign. But he does not carry anything terrible. This means that someone close to you is not honest enough with you, or, on the contrary, you do not show honesty to loved ones. Also, rotten, spoiled apples can mean disappointment, lack of desired fruits from work or creativity - keep this in mind.

Dreams are different

When interpreting any dream, a very important factor should be taken into account. No matter what the dream books say, each dream is an individual, unique phenomenon that will never happen again. And each dream has its own energy content, atmosphere, mood. Learn to feel it, because the meaning of sleep can change from this factor! For example, you dreamed that you were taking a rotten apple and throwing it out the window. The dream interpretation says that this is a bad sign - disappointment, fruitless work, vain attempts and even illness. But in this dream, you felt uplifted, joyful, delighted, and woke up with a feeling of purification! How can there be such a contradiction? In fact, it can be very simple! If this happened, then feel free to interpret the dream differently: you threw out a rotten apple, that is, illness, failure and impotence - out the window, that is, out of your life! And, of course, they felt a surge of strength and joy. Make it real!

Having learned to feel the mood of sleep, you will be able to correctly interpret symbols and signs, and use dream books wisely. This also applies to good symbols - after all, it happens that you dream of something harmless, even, according to the dream book, good - and you wake up in fear and tears. Can there be such a negative, obviously bad state from a good sign? Of course, it is worth reflecting on the meaning of this dream.

When figuring out what apples dream of, you need to remember that most often they turn out to be positive harbingers. To more accurately interpret the meaning of the dream to everyone, its details will help. In order not to forget important little things, it is worth writing them down immediately after waking up.

According to various dream books, apples can portend the fair sex both peace of mind in family life and an early pregnancy. So Miller's work suggests: if a girl sees in a dream a tree with a lot of large ripe apples, then she will soon become a mother. You can begin to prepare your body for major changes.

If the sleeping woman sees fruits lying on the snow, then she can just relax and enjoy life. Nothing threatens her personal and family happiness.

In Vanga's dream book, apples are called a symbol of wisdom. But, if the girl had to cut him, then you should double-check all the information received as carefully as possible. Even if its sources are reliable acquaintances.

In the work of Nostradamus, it is noted that ripe appetizing apples in night dreams are a symbol of great discoveries. A woman expects success and fame in various fields.

Seeing green, red, yellow apples in a dream - meaning

It is also important to pay attention to the color of the fruits that appeared in a dream. This characteristic of them can radically change the interpretation.

Fruits of each color have several meanings at once:

  • If you dream of green apples, then you need to interpret the dream in the context of friendship. Such a symbol suggests that a new acquaintance can be trusted. He is a really good positive person. Squeeze juice from green fruits - to reconcile with an old friend. Long-standing conflicts have long been forgotten, you can return a dear person to your life.
  • If a girl dreams of red apples, most likely, she will have an exciting love adventure. The new man will be a terrific skillful lover. Passion will cover both partners headlong. Just do not expect that a bright flash of emotion will flow into a long-term relationship. Most likely, they will end as soon as the passions subside a little.
  • Very large yellow fruits portend positive changes at work. The authorities will finally notice the efforts and responsibility of the sleeping woman and encourage her positive qualities.

If the apples turned out to be of an unnatural too bright shade, it means that in the near future the girl will face a test of self-interest and a thirst for wealth from fate. In no case should you agree to dubious projects and illegal ways of earning money.

Collect apples in a dream

A very common dream plot for a woman is picking apples. If the fruits that she puts in a basket are small and unripe, then the girl often makes too hasty rash decisions. Sooner or later, this can lead to a serious error.

Did you have to collect wormy fruits from the ground? So, you need to carefully study new acquaintances before revealing your secrets to them.

Picking ripe apples straight from the tree symbolizes the enrichment of the inner world. Most likely, recently the girl began to think more about the spiritual than about the material condition. The dream suggests that she has chosen the right path.

A woman in a dream eats apples - what is it for?

According to Freud's dream book, eating delicious ripe apples in a dream means that a woman can boast of an unprecedented sexual "appetite". It is important in the pursuit of pleasure not to spoil your own reputation.

If a married woman eats sour apples, then she should be more attentive to her husband. In real life, a man lacks love, affection and care from her. If you do not pay any attention to such an important sign, the husband can start looking for the missing emotions on the side.

Eating soaked fruits is a quarrel with a close relative. Most likely, the other side will be to blame for the conflict. But the dreamer by all means will need to try to extinguish it. You may even have to be the first to ask for forgiveness, stepping over your own pride. Otherwise, long-term emotional experiences cannot be avoided.

If a girl chooses apples from a large pile and bites into various ones, such a plot promises her plans and wealth. The dreamer will be able to improve her own well-being easily and quickly.

There are wormy fruits - to health problems. They can affect the gastrointestinal tract or the cardiovascular system. You need to carefully listen to your body and, if necessary, visit a doctor.

rotten apples

Rotten spoiled fruits usually turn out to be a negative sign. Just to see such apples in your dream - to the appearance of enemies and envious people. They will appear as a result of the dreamer's success in any area of ​​life.

If, among the harvested crop, the fair sex suddenly discovers one not only rotten, but also a wormy apple, it means that someone is very jealous of her. This person can be not only a colleague, neighbor or stranger, but even a close relative, friend or soulmate. The envious person can be quickly identified by their characteristic behavior.

According to Freud, rotten apples in a dream promise a woman sexual dissatisfaction. If a girl sees such a symbol in her nightly dreams repeatedly, then the situation worries her greatly. There is no need to hush up the existing intimate problem. The right decision is to discuss it frankly with a partner.

If a woman tries in every possible way to get a distant beautiful apple from a tree, which in the end turns out to be wormy, such a plot can be shifted to real life. Surely in reality she threw all her strength to achieve a goal that was not worth such labor. As a result, the sleeper will be disappointed due to unjustified hopes.

apples on the tree

Did you have to admire a large apple orchard in a dream? This is a great sign. He promises the fair sex joy and happiness. Ahead of her is a period of calm and harmony.

A smooth apple tree with very large fruits symbolizes the financial success of a woman. If before that she was constantly accompanied by material problems in her life, now this unpleasant period will end. Finally, the sleeping woman will have opportunities for decent earnings.

If a woman shakes a tree with appetizing apples and really wants to try them, but can’t get them, then in reality the desired sexual partner remains unattainable for her. For married ladies, such a dream suggests that it is dangerous to decide on treason. A fleeting passion is definitely not worth a divorce from a reliable faithful partner.

Unripe apples on a tree are a symbol of haste. Probably, in real life, the fair sex is constantly rushing things, and even urging friends and relatives on. Such an unnatural rhythm deprives the girl of many joys. Because of this, she cannot achieve inner harmony and is in eternal conflict with herself.

many fruits

The exact meaning of such a dream depends on the condition of the fetuses and where they are. For example, a plot in which apples are scattered on the ground in large numbers is negative. Especially if they are corrupted. Such a vision suggests that there are fake friends among the sleeping friends. They need to be feared and try to calculate as soon as possible.

But a lot of red ripe and mouth-watering apples, on the contrary, is a good sign. He promises the dreamer a life of prosperity. She will not need anything and at the same time she will be able to achieve everything on her own.

A large number of fruits with a golden skin is a symbol of power and worship. A woman will be able to achieve recognition from others. Her merits will be appreciated, which will lead to a significant increase at work.

According to Aesop's dream book, a lot of green young apples portend a recovery for the fair sex. If she has no ailments, then such a dream can simply be considered a harbinger of excellent health for many years. Moreover, this interpretation is preserved regardless of whether fresh apples, fried or in any other form.

A lot of apples on the branches of a tree - to gain true reliable friends. New acquaintances will soon begin to appear in the life of the sleeping woman. Most of them will develop into strong friendships.

according to Freud's dream book

If in a dream you ate a juicy, ripe apple, then, unfortunately, your attempts to get closer are in vain. You would very much like to meet a certain person of interest to you, but he will not respond to your calls simply because he is prone to sexual relations with members of his gender. Seeing wormy apples in a dream - your "second half" inspires you with serious concerns: it seems to you that he (or she) spends too much time away from home, and this is by no means due to career considerations. Do not worry in vain - nothing bad threatens either you or your union, and if there was any "left-sided" interest, then something will happen soon enough that will finally open the eyes of the "lost sheep" and everything will fall into place . Your partner will understand that there is nothing stronger than old love, and peace can only be obtained in your own family, and not in casual relationships on the side. So your faithful (beloved) will return to the bosom of the family, where you will accept him with open arms. Shake the apple tree so that apples fall from it to the ground - in order for your partner to enjoy sex with you, you need to try hard. However, later, after you show your best, you will see how good it was with you to another person.

Why dream about an apple

according to Vanga's dream book

The apple is a symbol of wisdom and reward. If you dreamed that you were picking apples from branches, then this means that under the influence of the events taking place around you, you will feel the need to comprehend the essence of earthly phenomena and will communicate a lot with people and think, but you will understand only a small part, because everything around - creation of God and its mystery is incomprehensible. There is an apple in a dream - in reality you will become wiser when you meet a person older than you in age. He will teach you a lot of what he knows himself, answer him only with kindness, otherwise you will bring trouble on your head. If you dreamed of a wormy apple, then this means that you will receive false information, and if you do not think over your further actions, you will lose. A dream in which you cut an apple into slices predicts a delusion for which you will pay.

dream apple

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

Seeing a large ripe apple in a dream is a sign that a great discovery will soon be made. Such a dream tells the dreamer that in the future he will be respected by a large number of people. If you dreamed of a rotten apple, then such a dream means that the business you are doing will end unsuccessfully. There is an apple in a dream - to a meeting with a beautiful woman who will have a great influence on your destiny. Perhaps this dream indicates that in the future a woman will come to power in one of the states of the world, who will be able to make this state the most powerful in the whole world. If in a dream you saw a large number of apples, then in the future amazing fruits will be found that resemble apples in shape. These fruits will restore health and youth to people.

Dreamed of apples

according to Miller's dream book

This is a very good dream for most people. Seeing red apples on trees in green foliage is extremely favorable for the one who sees this dream. If you dream that you are eating spoiled apples, this dream does not bode well. Ripe apples on a tree mean that it is time for your hopes to come true, it is time to think carefully about what you are going to do and move forward boldly. Ripe apples at the top of the tree warn you not to be carried too high in your desires. Apples on the ground mean that fake friends and flatterers will harm you. Rotten apples - promise fruitless efforts.

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