Why you can not hang magnets on the refrigerator: truth and myths. Why can't you hang magnets on the fridge? Are refrigerator magnets harmful?

Paths, playgrounds 26.02.2022
Paths, playgrounds

Together with a cheerful mood, we often bring colorful magnets from travel. To keep the bright memories of our vacation longer, we decorate our fridge with magnets. Agree that with them it becomes much more fun and brighter.

True, there is an opinion that magnets should not be placed on the surface of the refrigerator. Because a fun hobby can negatively affect your health. So why do not hang magnets on the refrigerator? Now let's try to figure it out.

What does feng shui say about magnets?

Guided by ancient Chinese teachings, the refrigerator door does not need to be hung with a huge number of magnets. Pay attention to the pictures depicted on these decor items. It is permissible to place magnets with vegetables and fruits on refrigerators. They charge with positive energy and are associated with proper nutrition.

Magnets with images of people and animals should be avoided. Such souvenirs charge food products with bad energy transmitted to humans.

The effect of magnets on human health

The theory of Feng Shui is far from the last reason that many people question: “ why you shouldn't put magnets on your fridge? These cute souvenirs very often have a detrimental effect on human health. This is due to magnetic fields. True, not all magnets are so dangerous. Choosing souvenirs made of iron and ferrite (black and grayish shades) you will not be able to harm yourself. They have weak magnetic fields, which practically do not affect the human body.

Dangerous magnets are neodymium (have a silver or gray color). Such souvenirs have a negative impact on people with heart failure. If, for example, you have a pacemaker, then from a radius of three centimeters, a magnet can disable it. Therefore, it is worth refusing to place colorful souvenirs on the refrigerator.

Magnets and refrigerator operation

Another reason why it is undesirable to keep magnets on the refrigerator is damage to the door shell. A large number of souvenirs can simply scratch the paintwork and spoil the appearance of the refrigerator. Regarding the influence of magnets on the operation of the freezing unit, this fact can be disputed. Scientists note that small metal souvenirs cannot interfere with the operation of the refrigerator, damaging its internal parts.

Should I put magnets on the fridge?

Despite the disadvantages of magnets, most of us find positive aspects in them. Manufacturers often offer multifunctional souvenirs, equipping them with a beer opener or notepad. In addition, magnets lift our spirits, reminding us of a wonderful time spent on a sunny beach or in ski resorts.

Sometimes with the help of magnets you can easily hide dents or scratches on the refrigerator received during transportation. Therefore, one should not be skeptical about these souvenirs.

Everyone, probably, loves to hang various magnets on the refrigerator, because where else to hang them at home. Especially, it is popular in Russia. Russian people are very fond of beautiful bright things, and magnets are such original little things that uplift the mood. Someone is bringing travel magnets, someone receives gifts from loved ones, someone likes to collect magnets, but someone wins one of these magnets with a purchase in a store.

According to the ancient science of Feng Shui, based on which many successful and developed cities and countries, such as Singapore, are built, fridge magnets should not be hung, as this is not good for our health and life. Especially dangerous are pictures of people which can adversely affect the physiology and psyche of a person. It is worth removing such magnets from the refrigerator.

Images may hang on the refrigerator only fruits and vegetables. They create a special atmosphere in the kitchen.

Images of animals are also not desirable.

Another reason why you should not hang magnets on refrigerators is that the magnets create a negative magnetic field. They have a negative impact on the health of people, especially those who have health and heart problems.

Refrigerator magnets can disable pacemakers, even from a distance of three centimeters. Also, the magnets themselves have a negative effect on the operation of the refrigerator.

magnets also adversely affect on the top surface of the refrigerator if they are carelessly removed from the refrigerator or if the surface is not the pure white standard color.

It is best for the magnet to carry some sort of functional load. For example, hang a magnetic drink opener or a magnetic pen on the refrigerator door. You can also hang a notepad for writing, a calendar.

There is a myth that magnets negatively affect the internal parts of the refrigerator. There are no facts to support this.

In general, of course, fridge magnets brought from different countries bring a lot of pleasant impressions, pleasures, memories. So, it's nice to come back from vacation from your favorite country and hang another magnet on the fridge.

But maybe you should listen to the opinion of science Feng Shui, not so stupid things she tells us. Better buy a magnet board and hang all your magnets, photos and so on there.

Many are trying to "dilute" the kitchen interior with bright accessories and decorative elements. Someone hangs catchy curtains on the windows, someone organizes a greenhouse from indoor flowers on the windowsill, and some hang the fridge with magnets of various shapes and colors.

If the “usefulness” of curtains and indoor plants is beyond doubt, then the question “why can’t you hang fridge magnets?” worries a lot of people today.

There is an opinion that these decorations adversely affect the operation of the device. In fact, this is not at all the case. The door of the refrigerator and its walls are quite dense, and all the components of the unit are hidden in its rear panel. So, magnets can not interfere with the proper operation of refrigeration equipment.

The only harm they can bring is to scratch the surface of the unit. However, there is a very simple way out of this situation - seal the place where the magnate is attached with a small piece of transparent tape.

Why can't fridge magnets be hung in a house where there are people with heart disease?

Magnets pose a minor hazard to people with pacemakers and cardiac defibrillators. Only Boron or Iron alloy accessories affect the operation of the devices.

Some scientific studies have shown that if there are magnets within a radius of three centimeters from a pacemaker or cardiac defibrillator, the device starts to act up. But this is more of a recommendation to be careful, and not a call to eliminate all fridge magnets.

Why can't fridge magnets be hung with pictures of people or animals?

They claim that such decor will fill the contents of the refrigerator with positive energy, and food will bring even more benefits to the body. If images of evil people or animals are placed on the door of the unit, then the products can adopt their bad energy. Then meals will not bring any pleasure.

As you can see, there is nothing wrong with fridge magnets. On the contrary, you probably associate these accessories with some good person or an interesting journey, and therefore give you positive emotions.

Today, information has spread in the media and on Internet forums that beautiful vinyl-based pictures, with which many people like to decorate refrigerators, can negatively affect the functioning of equipment. Therefore, the question of why it is impossible to keep magnets on the refrigerator has become very relevant. Basically, people are interested in how much such information is true and what arguments support them. After all, there are souvenirs based on magnets in almost every home. Therefore, it makes sense to ask the opinion of doctors and specialists working in this direction in order to confirm or refute this information.

Is it possible to hang magnets on the refrigerator

Since for any person the health of himself and those close to him is of the greatest importance, the impact of the magnetic field on the human body is of serious concern. In this regard, existing research indicates that fridge magnets are completely harmless. There are even special products that use the properties of such a field for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular and digestive systems of the body, for general rejuvenation, etc. The only contraindication for their use is installed pacemakers. However, this applies mainly to items that generate a sufficiently powerful field. Refrigerator decorations are not included.

The question of why it is impossible to keep magnets on the refrigerator also affects the functioning of this technique. But there is no cause for concern here either. If we are talking about modern units, then they all have a well-thought-out design and special screens that reliably protect them from the effects of fields of this kind. Therefore, there is no reason to refuse such souvenirs.

What are refrigerator magnets?

  • . light weight;
  • . small thickness;
  • . durability;
  • . ease of processing.

Do not be afraid, this is not at all a victim of your curiosity and carelessness of the owners! This is a fridge magnet "Stuck Cat"

In addition, when working with this material, there are practically no restrictions on the design being created. Any image can be used, including a logo or photos. To preserve the picture, it is laminated. There are also three-dimensional structures made of plastic or any other lightweight material. A common option for manufacturing and more functional products -

Everyone loves to decorate their own home, but apartment owners pay special attention to decorating the refrigerator. In the opinion of many, the solid color door of household appliances looks boring and creative, so attempts are being made to improve the appearance and design of the kitchen. For some, a few magnets are enough, but there are fans of their craft who even hang them on the sides of the refrigerator. This brings individuality to the interior, but such decor is not at all as safe as it might seem. So why not keep magnets on the fridge? There are a number of good reasons for the ban.

Harm to the refrigerator

The owners of old equipment were especially unlucky, since it lacks additional protection. Modern refrigerators have a more thoughtful design, so magnetic fields do not penetrate inside and do not adversely affect food. Household appliances of the past generation do not have such properties, and magnets pose a threat to human health.

If decorative elements hang on the door for too long, dirt, grease and soot accumulate under them, which is facilitated by constant cooking in the kitchen. Over time, yellow spots or even corrosion can form in these places. In the case when the refrigerator is opposite the window, the magnets serve as a kind of protection against burnout, but here you can also find a negative point. When the decor is removed, characteristic dark places remain on the door where magnets hung, and the refrigerator itself will resemble a spotted animal. To avoid such a problem, it is advisable to move the decor more often, and wash the doors and sides of household appliances.

No one has canceled the mechanical impact on the coating of the refrigerator. Often there is a situation when magnets move up and down - especially in families with children. Bright decorations attract kids, and they try to get them in any way. As a result, scratches remain on the door, which cannot be removed or disguised in any way. However, for many people this is not an argument. And they keep wondering, "Why can't you put magnets on the fridge?"

Harm to humans

Too much accumulation of such jewelry creates a negative magnetic field that affects sensitive people. Not all magnets are equally dangerous:

Ordinary iron ones do not have a negative effect;
Magnetic vinyl in black or dark gray is also relatively safe;
Powerful power have neodymium silver.

Before buying, it is advisable to consult what magnet the decor is made of.

The more powerful the strength of the element, the more likely it is that the pacemaker will be disabled. For this reason, people with cardiovascular diseases are not recommended to decorate the refrigerator. A small distance is enough for the device in the human body to be completely destabilized. The result can be a heart attack or even death.

Young mothers are also interested in the problem: "Why can't you hang magnets on the refrigerator?". The older generation warns of danger and does it for good reason. Under the influence of natural curiosity, the baby will surely reach for a colorful element that may fall. There is a high risk of injury or simply fear when a plastic vegetable or fruit falls on your head.

Signs and Feng Shui

Original decorations for the refrigerator appeared relatively recently, but people have already managed to draw parallels in use:

It is undesirable to hang figurines and images of people on the door so as not to damage the energy of those living in the house.
There should be no figures of mythical creatures, animals and negative characters.
It is not recommended to place magnets with cities, so as not to change home energy into fuss.

According to Feng Shui, figures of vegetables, fruits and other food products are allowed on the refrigerator. This will allow you to tune in to proper digestion and bring harmony to the kitchen. However, there should not be too many magnets.

In the manufacture of fridge magnets, our company uses only natural or safe materials: wood, plywood, glass, genuine leather.

Everyone is free to decide for himself whether it is possible to hang magnets on the refrigerator. It is important to observe the golden mean when decorating, and not turn household appliances into a kind of colorful booth. A small magnetic notebook is enough, where records with useful information will be created. Or a functional element in the form of a corkscrew opener, which will always be in a prominent place. You can not trust superstitions, but extra reinsurance from the influence of unknown forces will not hurt.

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