How many hours does alcohol stay in the blood. Alcohol metabolism: how many hours does vodka, wine, beer stay in the blood and what determines the rate of alcohol elimination. How long to wait for the check to show nothing

Wallpaper 26.02.2022

When a person is interested in how long alcohol stays in the blood, then more often the main question is whether it is possible to drink during a festive feast, so that later you can come to work without a hangover or be able to drive a car. But the disappearance of signs of intoxication and the complete elimination of ethanol toxins are not the same thing.

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After taking alcoholic beverages in the body, active splitting and excretion of metabolites begins. How many hours alcohol stays in the blood depends on the characteristics of the alcoholic beverage, the dose taken and the nature of the metabolism. With a single intake of alcoholic products, most of the metabolites are released in a few hours and sobering occurs. But the disappearance of signs of intoxication does not mean that the toxic decay products have completely left the bloodstream.

Metabolism of ethyl alcohol

Drunk alcohol is actively absorbed through the mucous membrane of the digestive tract and enters the bloodstream, bringing a feeling of intoxication. But ethanol is a poison for the body, and the liver begins to actively utilize toxins. The following happens:

  • under the action of liver enzymes, ethanol is converted to acetaldehyde (intoxication lasts until all ethanol is converted to acetaldehyde);
  • further, in the process of utilization, acetaldehyde is transformed into acetic acid (while acetaldehyde compounds are decomposed and acetic acid is formed, a person feels signs of a hangover);
  • the acetic compound gradually decomposes into carbon dioxide and water.

Stages of alcohol metabolism

The main excretion occurs in the first 8-12 hours, when the bound ethanol is released with exhaled air vapor, feces and urine. During this period, a person has a characteristic smell of alcohol from the mouth. Most after 12 hours, you can safely go to work or drive.

But the cleansing of the body was not complete. Despite the absence of signs of intoxication, toxic compounds in small quantities continue to circulate in the bloodstream.

How many days alcohol stays in the blood depends on the characteristics of metabolism and some other factors.

What determines the rate of metabolism and excretion of metabolites?

It is impossible to say for sure how long alcohol stays in the blood. Even in the same person, the excretion rate can vary depending on the influence of external and internal factors. The time required for sobering up is affected by:

  1. Weight. A person with a large body weight gets drunk more slowly.
  2. Age. In young people, the metabolism is faster and alcohol is more actively utilized.
  3. Fortress of alcohol. Drinking vodka and other drinks with a high degree will lead to the fact that alcohol metabolites will stay in the blood longer.
  4. Associated circumstances. The presence of a snack will slow down the absorption of alcohol and reduce the concentration of metabolites in the blood. Drinking alcohol on an empty stomach will make you more drunk.
  5. Body condition. In case of illness, stress or overwork, ethanol metabolites stay in the blood longer.
  6. The time during which the alcohol dose was consumed. If a person immediately drank a lot of alcohol, then the alcohol lasts longer than those who drank in small portions.
  7. Physical activity. If a person who has taken alcohol has danced or taken a walk in the fresh air, then ethanol will be removed from the blood faster.

Given these factors, you can roughly calculate how long the intoxication will last. If the next day you have a car trip or a responsible event, it is better not to take risks and limit yourself to the minimum dose of alcohol.

Is there a difference in alcohol metabolism between men and women?

Ingested ethanol is metabolized at a rate of 100-200 mg / kg / h, in some people the figure can reach 240 mg / kg / h (upper limit).

Within an hour, oxidation occurs from 4 to 12 g of ethyl alcohol that has entered the body. The rate of alcohol metabolism does not depend on gender, but on the ability of the liver to produce the enzymes necessary for the breakdown of ethanol.

Does the rate of biotransformation change with age?

As the body ages, metabolic processes slow down and the enzymatic activity of the liver decreases. As a person ages, they experience:

  • rapid intoxication with moderate alcohol consumption;
  • longer hangover.

Attempts to calculate how long alcohol stays in the blood and is excreted from the body in an elderly person are not always successful. The older the age, the slower the sobering up, and often after 30 hours ethanol is found in the blood of an elderly person.

Summary table (until complete disappearance from the blood)

Accepted alcohol is actively excreted or transformed into acetaldehyde in a few hours. The proposed table helps to calculate how long alcohol is kept in the blood of men, taking into account the degree of alcohol and the volume of alcohol consumed.

Drink strengthWeight (in kg)Withdrawal time
Volume 100 ml300 ml500 ml
4% (beer, low alcohol cocktails)Up to 6040 minutes2 h3-4 h
60-80 30-35 minutesUp to 2 h2-3 h
81-120 20 minuteshour2 h
9-11° (Champagne, Gin and tonic)Less than 6090 minutes or more4 h7-8 hours
60-80 60 minutesAbout 4 hours6 h
81-120 50 minutes3 hUp to 5 h
18-30° (port wine, liqueurs)Up to 60More than 4 hours12 h18-19 h
60-80 3 h10-11 h17 h
81-120 3 h7 h12 h
40-45° (vodka, rum, cognac)Less than 60More than 6 hours8-19 h30 h
60-80 5 h14 hAlmost a day
81-120 Up to 4 h11 o'clock20 h

How long alcohol stays in the blood of women can also be determined from the proposed table.

You should also consider your age. There is no exact table in which there would be unambiguous data on how much alcohol is kept in a person’s blood by age, but we must remember that the older the person, the worse the metabolism. When calculating how much ethanol will be excreted, it is better to add an approximate sobering time for the elderly and middle-aged to avoid undesirable consequences.

The proposed summary indicates how much ethanol that enters the bloodstream is excreted or converted into acetaldehyde. After this period, sobering occurs. And how many days alcohol is kept in the blood until the complete elimination of toxic elements depends on metabolism.

When can you drive?

Motorists are often interested in how much alcohol is kept in the blood until it completely disappears, but when it is allowed to drive a car. The table proposed above allows you to calculate how much alcohol is kept in the blood and when you can drive.

After beer

How long alcohol stays in the blood after beer is shown at the top of the table. If the beer drink contains 5% or more alcohol, then it is better to calculate when intoxication passes, according to the line with stronger alcohol (9-11 °). This will avoid trouble when meeting with the traffic police inspector.

After a feast, you should not drive

After vodka

How much alcohol is kept in a person’s blood after vodka, you can try to calculate based on the amount and strength of the drink.

According to WHO, 30 ml of vodka contains 10 g of ethyl alcohol (a standard dose of alcohol). If a man weighing 80 kg drank 300 ml, then 100 g of alcohol entered the body. We calculate the dose per 1 kg: 100/80=1.25 g.

With a slow metabolism of ethanol, the resulting dose will be excreted in about 12 hours, and at a faster rate, it will take 5-6 hours.

after wine

You can calculate how much alcohol from wine is in the blood, you can do it yourself. For dry wines, the standard dose of alcohol (10 g) corresponds to 100 ml. If a girl weighing 70 kg drank 100 g of wine, then 10 g turned out to be in the bloodstream and 0.14 g per kilogram of body weight. With a minimum excretion rate (100 mg), it will take 1 hour and a quarter to stop intoxication.

It is impossible to take into account all the factors of alcohol excretion. When you need to drive some time after a feast, you do not need to drink the maximum allowable dose. It is better to give up alcohol or get by with a small amount. This will save the reaction and avoid an accident on the road.

How long does it take for alcohol to be cleared after drinking?

In alcoholism, metabolites of ethanol accumulate in the tissues. How long alcohol is kept in the blood until it is completely eliminated after the binge stops depends on the duration of the abuse and on.

Acetaldehyde, formed after the transformation of ethyl alcohol, is toxic and destroys liver cells. With liver diseases, the production of necessary substances decreases, and the binding of ethanol that has entered the bloodstream slows down.

How long alcohol is kept in the blood after binge is determined in the drug dispensary after examining the patient's venous blood. And ?

Compatibility of alcohol with drugs

Determining from the table how much alcohol is kept in the blood, it is necessary to make an adjustment for the medications taken. Some drugs enhance the effect of alcohol and slow down the excretion.

The combination of alcoholic beverages and antidepressants creates a toxic compound that is harmful to the liver. The excretion of ethyl metabolites slows down. How much alcohol is kept in the blood when taken together with antidepressants depends on the composition of the medication and on the work of the liver cells responsible for the disposal of blood toxins.

Do not combine medication and alcohol

Almost all antibacterial drugs are incompatible with alcohol. In addition to the fact that when taken together, the therapeutic effect of antibiotics decreases, such a combination negatively affects the functioning of internal organs.

When taken together, an antibacterial agent and alcohol increase the load on the liver parenchyma, slowing down the excretion of ethyl alcohol metabolites.

Even a single dose of alcohol negatively affects the human body. Ethanol that enters the bloodstream destroys liver and brain cells, negatively affects the myocardium. Even if you often drink alcoholic beverages in small quantities, over time it will cause indigestion, disrupt the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.


  1. How many days alcohol stays in the blood and is excreted from the body depends on a combination of different factors.
  2. When ethanol is transformed into acetaldehyde under the influence of liver enzymes, alcohol dope disappears, and the person begins to respond adequately to emerging situations. How long it takes depends on the dose taken, the nature of the alcohol and the metabolic rate.
  3. In a young healthy person, a drunk bottle of vodka will stay in the blood for 1-1.5 days, and a can of beer - from 2 to 4 hours.
  4. With age, due to the physiological slowdown in metabolism, the process of sobering up may take longer.

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Ethanol is excreted in humans at different rates. In each case, the rate of cleansing the body is individual, depending on gender, health status. The alcohol calculator allows you to estimate the average, approximate level of alcohol in the blood plasma, calculate when the driver can drive a car.

Alcohol calculator

The concentration of alcohol contained in the blood is calculated using a calculator that takes into account the strength, volume of drinks drunk, gender and weight. The calculator is based on a formula proposed in 1932 by the Swedish chemist Eric Widmark for use in forensic practice.

Calculations using the Widmark formula are quite complex, and to make the task easier, an alcohol calculator was created based on it. It is easy to use, just enter your data correctly to get the result.

The calculation result reliably reflects the amount of ethyl alcohol received with drinks. The resulting value takes into account the average rate of decrease in blood alcohol content, equal to 0.15‰/hour.

Blood alcohol calculator:

Table of intoxication in ppm

The table can also do a good service for drivers who have not consumed alcohol. After all, ethyl alcohol is found in small quantities not only in drinks. The breathalyzer of a policeman on the road can show up to 0.6 ‰ after the driver has consumed kvass, 0.2 ‰ after kefir.

Blood alcohol table:

The degree of intoxication in ‰ (ppm) well-being Impact on driving
0,2-0,5 The state is slightly different from sobriety, there is excessive talkativeness, obsession, but within the limits of decency.There is no reaction to moving cars, there is a desire to increase speed, the ability to estimate distance is impaired.
0,5-0,8 The condition is accompanied by euphoria, violation of morality, loss of control over behavior, impudence.The adaptation of vision to changes in lighting, the perception of red color is weakened. The driver does not see a traffic light, red brake lights.
0,8-1,2 Events are inadequately assessed, symptoms of alcohol poisoning appear - nausea, apathy, disorientation. The mood changes from indifference to outbreaks of aggression, anger.The ability to adequately assess distances is lost, the reaction slows down. The driver notices late and does not have time to react when cyclists, fences, and parked cars appear in the field of view.
1,2-2,4 Unpredictable behavior, tendency to apathy. Signs of poisoning increase, vomiting, involuntary defecation appear.Coordination is lost, visual reaction is reduced, there is no adequate assessment of the situation. All of the above is accompanied by a monstrous arrogance.

At a value of more than 2.4 ‰, the threat of paralysis and heart attack becomes real. Above 3 ‰ - suppression of respiratory reflexes, decrease in temperature, coma, risk of death.

At ppm 3.8 and above, a person can die from paralysis of the respiratory center in the brain.

Duration of action of alcohol

The rate of utilization of ethanol in the body depends on the characteristics of metabolism, the state of the digestive system, liver, pancreas. The breakdown of ethyl alcohol requires enzymes that may be inactive or even absent.

The degree of intoxication of a person depends on factors:

  • person's weight, height;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • the state of the digestive, respiratory urinary system.

Using an alcohol calculator, you can assess the degree of intoxication, but it will not be possible to accurately determine the amount of ethanol in the blood from the tables. Ethanol excretion rates in humans at different times and under different conditions are very different.

The speed of sobering up depends on the state of health of a person, namely, on the functionality of his liver and pancreas. In chronic diseases, the withdrawal of alcohol from the body slows down, intoxication sets in sharply, and symptoms of alcohol poisoning are strongly manifested.

Splitting features

A special role in the detoxification of the body belongs to the liver. Prolonged alcohol abuse impairs its functions, destroys the organ, and leads to cirrhosis. The more damaged the liver, the less alcohol causes intoxication and poisoning.

The absorption of ethyl alcohol begins almost immediately after drinking the drink, an hour later the maximum amount of ethanol accumulates in the blood.

The process slows down with the simultaneous use of fatty foods. After excretion from the blood, alcohol is still found in the urine, cerebrospinal fluid.

The strength of alcoholic beverages matters. Strong drinks are excreted longer, so if it takes 4 hours to neutralize 100 grams of vodka, then intoxication from a bottle of beer disappears after 2 hours.

Beer will not be felt when breathing after 30 minutes, and alcohol vapors after taking 100 g of vodka are felt in the exhaled air for 1.5 hours.


100 g of vodka in terms of 96% ethyl alcohol is 40 g of pure alcohol. To determine the degree of intoxication, the amount of alcohol (‰) must be divided by the total weight of body fluid.

All fluid in the body of men on average corresponds to 65-70% of body weight, and for a person weighing 70 kg, the weight of all fluid will be: 70 kg × 70% / 100% = 49 kg.

To calculate the degree of intoxication, the amount of pure alcohol contained in 100 grams of vodka, which is 40 g of alcohol, is divided by the total amount of water in the body. The total liquid in this case is 49 kg. Dividing 40 by 49 gives you 0.82 ppm.

The degree of intoxication of a woman is also calculated, taking into account that the share of water in the female body accounts for from 55% to 60%. With a high fat content, there is less water in the body. The more muscle, the higher the percentage of fluid.

To simplify the calculations of what level of alcohol in the blood, a calculator has been developed. It allows you to determine the degree of intoxication without much mental effort.

absorption in the body

After ethyl alcohol enters the stomach, it is absorbed into the bloodstream, then carried through the bloodstream. 90% of alcohol is absorbed in the liver, the rest is broken down in the kidneys, intestines, skin, and lungs.

The difference in the rate of elimination of toxins in the female and male body, in particular, depends on the vital volume of the lungs. Alcohol is excreted at an average rate of 0.1 ‰ per hour. And with intoxication of 1.2 ‰, sobering will come in 12 hours.

In women, the rate of ethanol excretion is 1.2 times lower than in men. Accordingly, in a woman with a degree of intoxication of 1.2 ‰, sobering up will occur in 12 × 1.2 = 14.4 hours.

Complete withdrawal of alcohol from the blood

Permissible amount of ethanol in the blood

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, drivers of vehicles are prohibited from using intoxicants. The maximum blood alcohol level allowed by law is 0.16 mg/l in the air exhaled during the test, introduced as a possible error of the measuring device.

In ppm, the permitted value of alcohol in the blood is 0.336‰. This concentration in the blood occurs after an hour if a man weighing 80 kg consumes:

  • 50 g of vodka;
  • 50 g of cognac;
  • 200 g of champagne;
  • 200 g of wine;
  • 500 g of beer.

Women are more sensitive to alcohol. The level of ethanol in their blood will not exceed the norm one hour after consumption:

  • 30 g of vodka;
  • 30 g of cognac;
  • 100 g of wine;
  • 100 g of champagne;
  • 330 g of beer.

A man weighing 80 kg, drinking 100 g of vodka, can confidently drive in 3 hours. Drinking 200 g of wine - after 1.5 hours, and drinking 1 liter of beer - more than 4 hours. During this time, the level of ethanol in the blood will decrease to an acceptable 0.336‰.

For the maximum removal of alcohol from the blood of a man weighing 80 kg, a longer period of time will be required: 100 g of vodka are removed in 4 hours, and 100 g of champagne in 1 hour.

Allowed 0.16 mg / l in the exhaled volume of air, 0.336 ppm in the blood. This value falls within the error limit of the breathalyzer - a device for measuring alcohol on exhalation, and is considered the permitted limit for vehicle drivers.

Maximum allowable rates

How long alcohol stays in the body is most often of interest to those who need to drive. But also those who at work may have examinations or there is a need to pass a medical commission.

The presence of even residual amounts of alcohol in the blood can change the picture of the results of a blood test. The viscosity of the blood decreases, hence the ESR values ​​change. And the total percentage of blood cells also begins to jump. The picture is distorted. But if you know how much which type of alcohol in the body can last, then such troubles can be avoided.

In addition to the type of alcohol, important criteria are body weight, the state of health of the drinker, the amount drunk, on an empty stomach or there was a snack. The fact that a person did after taking alcohol is also important: he slept or was on his feet. And if you take into account all the indicators of this equation, then you can very clearly calculate the time for removing alcohol from the body.

Below we will talk in detail about how much each type of alcoholic beverage is kept in the human body.

Beer 4%

Calculate the time in direct proportion to the dose. All indicators will be per 100 milliliters of drinks.

If your weight is 60 kg, then the elimination time from the body will be 35 minutes. If more than 10 kg, then the time is reduced to half an hour. Another extra 10 kg of body weight will help to remove beer from the body in just 26 minutes (again, if you drank 100 milliliters).

If the scales show you have 90 kg, then half a glass of 4 percent beer will leave your body in just 23 minutes. When the mass is 100 kg, then the blood will be cleansed of the remnants of alcohol in 21 minutes. If you drank half a liter, then increase this time by 5 times. The less weight you have, the longer it will take to cleanse the body.

Beer 6%

Take the same half a glass as a standard. Now by body weight: 60-70-80-90-100 kg. The withdrawal time of six percent beer, respectively, is 52-45-39-35-31 minutes.

Gin and tonic

A gin tonic contains on average about 9% alcohol. Again, a lot depends on your body weight. Looking at the numbers that were indicated in the previous paragraph with beer, you can draw up the same pattern for gin and tonic.

Just because the percentage of alcohol is higher, the time increases. And now it is like this: an hour and 18 minutes - an hour and 7 minutes - 59 minutes - 52 minutes - 47 minutes.


Champagne (if the percentage of alcohol content is 11) leaves the body even longer. Due to the bubbles, it is "absorbed" almost instantly. So, now about how long alcohol is kept in the body, and in particular, champagne.

We take a ruler with kilograms of the body: 60-70-80-90-100 kg. And to it we make another one to remove alcohol: an hour and 36 minutes - an hour and 22 minutes - an hour and 12 minutes - an hour and 4 minutes - 57 minutes. But this is for 100 grams of products.

Port wine

18% port leaves the body even longer. Namely, 2 hours 37 minutes - 2 hours 14 minutes - an hour and 57 minutes - an hour and 44 minutes and per 100 kg of body weight this time will be an hour and 34 minutes.


The tincture, in which the percentage of alcohol is 24%, will keep in the human body for 3.5 hours, with a body weight of 60 kg. For those who are 10 kg heavier, the time will be reduced to 3 hours (more precisely, 2 hours and 59 minutes).

80 kg of body weight and 100 grams of drink will result in a wait of 2 hours and 37 minutes. 90 kg - 2 hours and 19 minutes. 100 kg - 2 hours and 5 minutes.


Liquor, which has 30% alcohol, is excreted in a 60-kilogram person in 4 hours and 21 minutes. 70 kg - 3 hours and 44 minutes. 3 hours and 16 minutes correspond to 80 kg of the drinker's mass. And 90 and 100 kg will have such indicators of alcohol removal: 2 hours 54 minutes and 2 hours and 37 minutes, respectively.


40 degree vodka in a volume of 100 grams is excreted from the body in 5 hours 48 minutes - 4 hours 58 minutes - 4 hours 21 minutes. – 3 hours 52 minutes – 3 hours and 29 minutes. (body weight is again 60-70-80-90-100 kg).


And so we got to cognac with 42%. The same scale with kilograms and 100 grams of drink is taken as the basis.

Now about the time that alcohol is kept in the body: 6 hours 5 minutes - 5 hours 13 minutes - 4 hours 34 minutes - 4 hours 4 minutes - 3 hours 39 minutes.

How long does alcohol stay in the body - table

How to reduce the residence time of alcohol in the human body

  • The easiest way out is to drink less. Less alcohol - the body is cleared faster.
  • Do not drink on an empty stomach and be sure to snack. No wonder people say that an appetizer steals a degree. Hence it turns out that the drink is not as alcoholic as it was originally. And, therefore, the time of his stay in your blood will become less.
  • Change the clothes you were drinking in. And be sure to take a shower, wash your hair. Rinse off the fumes that contain particles of alcohol. Otherwise, a reabsorption process will occur.
  • Drink more water. Firstly, it will start the kidneys, which will filter the blood faster, clearing it of alcohol. Secondly, the blood thins. This means that even if there are residues of alcohol in it, then their percentage becomes smaller. Be sure to eat well. Some complain that if you start drinking liquid, then “for old yeast” it starts to “deliver” again. And this is because the stomach is empty.
  • Try to sleep. Resting makes it easier for the body to deal with various toxins. He does not have to spend energy on movement.

If you feel dizzy or have a strong smell, do not drive. Refrain from driving. For traffic police officers there is no concept of "residual". For them, the indicators of the breathalyzer are important. You should not risk either your rights or the life and health of any road users, because your reaction worsens at times.

Alcohol intoxication is an unnatural state of the body that occurs when drinking alcohol through their effect on the central nervous system. How long it lasts depends on many reasons: the amount of alcohol you drink, the presence of chronic diseases, the duration of drinking in large quantities, the person's weight, physical and mental condition.

Sometimes it is necessary to know how long alcohol stays in the blood before it completely disappears - for doctors prescribing treatment, for testing for research, for motorists, for people who work in the social sphere or are involved in ensuring the safety of other people, as well as for those who are busy in the field of hazardous industries.

Traditionally, there are several degrees of alcohol intoxication, which are determined by the volume and strength of the consumed alcoholic beverages:

  • The first degree is a mild degree of intoxication. In the first degree of intoxication, alcohol in the blood is approximately 2%.
  • The second degree is the average, at which the level of alcohol in the body reaches 4%.
  • The third degree is severe, in this state paralysis of the central autonomic centers is possible,; this degree can go into a coma, at this degree the level of alcohol in the blood reaches 6%.

The mechanism of action of alcoholic beverages

The action of consumed alcoholic beverages includes several stages:

  • The first stage is consumption and absorption. During consumption, alcohol quickly reaches the gastrointestinal tract, then the liquid is absorbed into the duodenum. Absorption occurs in a shorter time if alcohol is consumed on an empty stomach.
  • Stage two - distribution throughout the body occurs through the liver, in which part of the alcoholic substances remain, the rest, together with the blood, enter the right half of the heart, after which the blood fluid distributes alcohol throughout the body. At this stage, alcohol reaches the brain and then the symptoms of alcohol intoxication appear.

Common symptoms of alcohol intoxication:

  • boost ;
  • liveliness of speech;
  • relaxation;
  • emotional arousal;
  • expressiveness in the manifestation of actions and actions;
  • redness of the skin;
  • cardiopalmus ().

The totality of symptoms and the intensity of their manifestation depends on the individual characteristics of the person and the stage of his intoxication.

  • The third stage is the removal of alcohol from the body. The longest stage in duration.

After how much alcohol is removed from the blood - the rate and speed of alcohol withdrawal from the body depends on the individual physical and mental characteristics of each person, meanwhile, the average rate of alcohol removal from the male body is considered to be values ​​in the range of 0.10 to 0.15 ppm per hour, from 0.085 up to 0.10 ppm per hour in women, alcohol is excreted from the blood from the female body much more slowly.

After how much time alcohol is completely removed from the blood - when drinking strong alcoholic beverages (from 40% alcohol content), the state of sobriety can be achieved only after 20 hours, and the body will be completely freed from traces of alcohol only after 28 days.

Effect on the blood

Drinking alcohol, regardless of its strength, affects the blood. First of all, its structure changes: during the intake of alcoholic beverages (red blood cells) are deformed, turning into clots, which can accelerate the process of thrombosis.

Alcohol penetrates into all internal organs and has an irreversible effect on their functioning. Some substances obtained after the breakdown of ethyl alcohol tend to accumulate and remain in the body forever.

Tables of the time of withdrawal of alcohol from the blood, containing information on the time of release of alcohol from the body, are quite diverse, but for the most part they are built on the same principles. How long alcohol is kept in the blood - the table is based on taking into account factors that affect the course of the processes of removing alcohol from the blood: weight, gender, quantity and strength of alcohol-containing drinks consumed.

After how much alcohol completely leaves the blood of a man and a woman, the tables represent the approximate time taken by the body to get rid of the products of the processing of alcoholic beverages.

Types of treatment

Drug treatment is required for patients with moderate and severe intoxication. In such cases, in hospitals, gastric lavage is performed and intravenous drugs are administered to relieve intoxication of the whole organism.

Methods for diagnosing intoxication

anamnesis data, since alcohol is quite clearly manifested in the behavioral aspect of a drunk person, then through observation it is possible to establish the fact of alcohol consumption;

a blood test for the content of alcohol vapors in the exhaled air;

conducting clinical studies of blood, saliva, urine tests.

Getting alcohol into the body is only the first step in a complex process. Absorption into the mucosa is uneven, so doctors determine the highest degree of alcohol in the blood about an hour and a half after taking the first dose. But how many hours it takes to remove alcohol from the human body, whether it happens equally in men and women - these are issues that need to be considered in more detail.

How long does alcohol last?

  1. Floor. There is a big difference between the male and female body in terms of metabolism and other processes: alcohol is more quickly excreted from the body of a healthy young man.
  2. Weight. An obese person will take less time to get out of alcohol than a slender person.
  3. Age.
  4. The regularity of taking alcoholic beverages and their volume. A person who constantly drinks does not allow the body to completely remove the decay products of alcohol, so alcohol leaves the blood much longer than for someone who rarely drinks.
  5. The presence of diseases.

The latter, together with the strength of the drinks being drunk, is of decisive importance for calculating the time of the alcohol content in the blood and leaving it. Almost all alcohol is processed by the liver, only to a small extent excreted through the excretory system. Therefore, it is difficult to say how long alcohol leaves the blood of a given individual. This is determined by the analysis of studies, but there is an average table of indicators, which will be discussed.

Important! Even a completely healthy person may not be aware of problems with the liver, have a reduced metabolism, a reduced function of removing decay products from the body, so the same amount of alcohol takes a different exit time.

A few facts:

  1. The alcohol contained in the blood is excreted in the average person at a rate of 0.15 ppm per hour. For women, the rate is lower and is 0.08-0.1 ppm per hour.
  2. As for how long it takes a person to completely get rid of alcohol, the strength of the drink is important. For example, vodka is excreted much more slowly, and the rate is 4 hours per 100 grams, 0.5 liters. beer about 2 hours, dry wine in the amount of 100 gr. out in 3 hours.

Important! Speeding up the process will not lead to the desired results. If a person drank a liter of vodka, then he will become sober in 18-20 hours and not earlier.

  1. The snack is also important. For example, if the food is fatty, then it will be easier to remove alcohol, but not faster. In this case, the internal organs will suffer much less from alcohol poisoning, but the process of removing alcohol from the body will not accelerate at all.

Important! Even if alcohol is almost eliminated from the blood, it remains in the cerebrospinal fluid and urine for a long time. Therefore, it is important to know the withdrawal period of alcohol from all liquids.

The only option to contribute to the release from poisoning and reduce the alcohol content in the body is a walk. It can be an intense jog or lazy walking, but always in the fresh air.

The average indicator of how much alcohol is kept in the blood of men is as follows:

  1. 50 ml cognac - 4 hours;
  2. A bottle (0.5 l) of cognac - a day;
  3. 1 liter of beer less than 4% strength - 3 hours;
  4. More than 100 gr. vodka with a strength of 40% - 11-19 hours;
  5. 0.5 l. semi-dry champagne - 5-7 hours.

The average indicator of how long alcohol lasts in the blood of women is as follows:

  1. 100 ml of vodka with a strength of 40% - 6-10 hours;
  2. 200 gr. semi-dry champagne - 3-5 hours;
  3. 50 ml cognac - 7 hours;
  4. 200 ml of dessert wine - 9 hours;
  5. 0.5 l of beer with a strength of less than 4% - 4 hours.

Important! In women, alcohol is released more slowly from the blood, urine and cerebrospinal fluid by about 20% than in men! It should be remembered that even if there is no alcohol in the blood, it may be present in the urine during a one-time sampling.

Blood alcohol table

Some people have a feature - hydrophilicity, which means that the maximum concentration of alcohol is observed in the plasma, but almost none in the blood. But the standard level of content depends on the amount drunk and the stage of alcohol exposure:

  1. Absorption - the process begins immediately from the moment the drink enters the body and continues until maximum saturation;
  2. Allocation - the period lasts 8-12 hours. At this time, there is an active removal of vapors through feces, air - therefore, the persistent smell of fumes and characteristic sweat immediately notifies you that there is a person who has drunk in front of you;
  3. Oxidation is the final stage. As soon as all the ethanol is oxidized in the body, the alcohol concentration will return to the "zero" state.

Average alcohol withdrawal table:

Name of the drink, % strength Human weight Time (hour) of removal of 100 gr. Time (hour) of removal of 300 gr. Time (hour) output 500 gr.
Low alcohol up to 4% 40-60 kg 0,4 0,1-2 3,5-4
Low alcohol up to 4% 60-80 kg 0,3 1,5-2 2-3
Low alcohol up to 4% 80-120 kg 0,2-0,3 1,0 1,5-2
Drinks 4-11% 40-60 kg From 1.5 4-5 7-8
Drinks 4-11% 60-80 kg From 1 3-4 5-7
Drinks 4-11% 80-120 kg 0,5-1 2,5-3,5 5-6
Drinks 24-30% 40-60 kg 3,5-4,5 10-13 17-20
Drinks 24-30% 60-80 kg 2,5-3,5 9-12 16-18
Drinks 24-30% 80-120 kg 2-3 7-8 10-13
Drinks 40-42% 40-60 kg 5-7 18-21 30-32
Drinks 40-42% 60-80 kg 4-6 12-16 22-25
Drinks 40-42% 80-120 kg 3-4 11-13 20-22

We remind you that this table is not a constant, how long alcohol stays in the blood, it determines an additional mass of factors that must be taken into account.

Important! After drinking alcohol, alcohol can remain in the urine longer than in the blood. The analyzes showed a high content of ethanol 5 hours after the ppm in the blood had already decreased significantly. The indicator depends on the speed of metabolic processes and the frequency of going to the toilet.

How to increase the rate of ethanol withdrawal?

The duration of the period, how many days alcohol is in the blood, is determined by factors such as:

  1. The composition of the blood. The average rate of decrease in the amount of alcohol in the blood per hour is up to 0.2 ppm.
  2. In a patient whose weight is above 80 kg, alcohol will remain in the blood, urine for less time than in a person weighing less than 60 kg.
  3. In the exhaled air, ethanol vapor can last a day or more, decreasing by 0.1 mg / l per hour.
  4. The denser the food was before drinking drinks and during them, the slower the accumulation of ethanol and the critical amount will be determined later than in a hungry individual.

But if you need to quickly bring the ppm indicator back to normal, you can help yourself as follows:

  • Take a diuretic, which will cleanse the body of waste products by removing them through the urine.
  • The hangover syndrome will have to be moved on your feet. Many people prefer to lie quietly, but this will not help reduce the time alcohol is released only with active movement. Let it be simple household chores, a walk in the air or swimming, the result will appear immediately: alcohol stays in the blood just as long as it starts to be renewed, and in the process of work, a lot will come out through the sweat glands. Don't overdo it, it's easier to go outside and take a walk than go to the sauna or the gym - intense exercise will damage the heart.
  • Regardless of how much alcohol is stored in your body, you need to drink plenty of pure water. Let there be mineral water without sodium, juices (non-acidic), neutral teas or just water - there should be a lot of drinking.
  • Activated charcoal, Eneterosgel are sorbent preparations, they will “collect” the remnants of poisoning and help them go away.
  • A cool shower will help you survive a hangover, but a hot one will only increase the pressure, bringing a headache.
  • A few ascorbic tablets will allow you to stay on your feet at the most plentiful feast, but you need to eat them before you drink the first glass.

Important! Knowing how much alcohol is kept in the blood, the table is given above, with an estimated decrease in the content of alcohol in the blood, after 2-3 hours you can take bath procedures. But only if the heart is in perfect order, otherwise a crisis cannot be avoided.

Complete sobering up of the body begins with the advent of a hangover. Ethanol vapors can still be contained in the blood, excreted with sweat and urine, but the body is trying to recover from poisoning. Once all hangover symptoms have passed, the individual is considered completely sober and can drive.

You should not trust the internal judgment of "sobriety", private individual testers and various "anti-police" pills - many people do not know about problems with the body, therefore, with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, the first breathalyzer will show "drunk" because alcohol can remain in the mucosa. It’s easier to once again see how much alcohol is removed from the blood, determine your weight, the volume of alcohol you drink, and give time for the alcohol to come out naturally.

Which path to choose is up to you. Recall that the female body accumulates more alcohol and removes it more slowly, so there is only one way to get away from a hangover and problems with the traffic police - do not drink.

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