How are murderers treated in prison? How serial killers sit in a Russian prison. Prison is life

Marble 09.11.2020

Bullying and torture of a sexual nature in the prison department of the Russian Federation are systemic in nature. Women prisoners can be humiliated, beaten (struck on the genitals as well), engage in sophisticated sexual acts with them.

Behind such people are usually employees or leaders of the colony. Sometimes torture is filmed on the phone, and then sent to relatives in order to receive a bribe. Today, the number of rapes has decreased, indicating a revision of the system.

The topic of sexual abuse in women's colonies is taboo in the media. Human rights activists are reluctant to share facts, and the Internet contains only a small percentage of detailed information.

How do they live in places of detention?

It is not shameful for women prisoners to complain and write denunciations about their cellmates if they are being bullied (on the days when operatives are received, queues line up for employees of the colony). The administration of the institution establishes the rules and regulations of residence, the jailers also independently appoint elders.

There is no common cash desk (common fund) in women's cells. The psychological features of the female character are distinguished by a more vivid manifestation of feelings - the conflicts between them are always deeper and longer, and during the fight, nails and teeth are used.

The status in the camera is determined based on past life . If a woman has practiced anal sex, she automatically falls into the “lowered” caste (you can read about the “lowered” caste in the male zone). Due to the long absence of contact with men, the prisoners begin to look for a surrogate - to practice lesbian love.

Types of violence and torture

On the list of possible physical violence - beating with rubber truncheons on the heels (so that no traces are left). A systemic measure for wrongdoing is a punishment cell with a cold floor and no mattresses.

Sexual bullying was welcomed by guards or employees of the colony administration. The fact of rape in a women's colony can rarely be proved, and even more rarely can be taken out of the zone. Such humiliations are aimed at destroying the individual and causing psychological trauma.

Frequent sexual torture includes:

  1. "flight of the swallow" - hands and feet were handcuffed to the bed;
  2. hanging and tying hands behind the back (anal contact);
  3. intentional strangulation (BDSM element).

Previously, prisoners were raped in punishment cells, and in case of pregnancy, they had an abortion on their own. Group orgies were also widespread, today the arbitrariness of the guards is gradually ending.

Orders in the colonies

Among female prisoners, almost there is no category that will be purposefully ridiculed and pressed. Attitude depends only on personal qualities and strength of character. Outcasts in the women's zone are simply shunned. Most often, heroin addicts are despised - long-term drug addicts. The child killers are also paying for the committed misconduct - they are initially outcasts who are subjected to regular beatings.

The list of despised also:

  1. convicts diagnosed with HIV;
  2. women with venereal or oncological pathologies.

In the cells of the settlement, women try to live in "families" - to make friends in misfortune and form their own group. This is not a prerequisite for lesbianism - it is easier to survive in a "family" in the conditions of the zone.

If a woman does not fulfill the production plan (she does not know how to sew, does not have time to fulfill the norm), at the end of the working day she will be beaten by her cellmates and the escort.

The administration of the colonies does not interfere in the affairs of prisoners and does not take any measures to prevent fights between prisoners. And women who have committed economic crimes often try to "swindle" the employees themselves.

How to behave for the first time?

The basic rule of conduct is behave naturally, “not bully” and not run into trouble. In the women's colony, strength of mind, resilience, the ability to communicate and build relationships are especially valued.

If you don't know where to sit, be sure to ask. Moving or touching other people's things is strictly prohibited. You should not lock yourself in and fence yourself off from the team - this threatens to fight.

You can’t open your soul and share with all the problems. Golden Rule zones - talk less, listen more. It is better not to touch on sexual topics (oral sex can be a reason for expulsion from the team). It is important not to forget about hygiene: soap in a women's colony is valued more than tea and cigarettes in men's (the newcomer was told about the features of survival in a men's prison).

How is the inspection going?

Examination (or shmon) involves the identification of prohibited things by the jailers and their further seizure. In women's colonies, this procedure takes place with a significant degree of humiliation: a prisoner can be forced to strip naked, search her mouth and hair. Each shock of clothes is probed by a scrambler. The screening is divided into:

  • light(passing through the frame, checking pockets);
  • deep(complete undressing);
  • planned(2-3 times a month);
  • unscheduled(any time).

Most often, an inspection is arranged upon arrival from a walk (or from a shift), before a meeting with an investigator or a lawyer.

Conditions in the chambers

Prisoners live in permanent cells - this is a kind of "house" for the entire period of serving the term. How it looks inside depends on the management and its intention to create minimum comfort conditions. Suitable and meeting the standards can be called the following camera:

  1. sleeping places for each living prisoner;
  2. a separate place for eating;
  3. a working bathroom (toilet, place for washing).

The number of people living in 1 cell varies from 10 to 40 people (4 sq.m. per person). Women's cells for 40 or more prisoners have a separate shower room and kitchen. Duty and cleaning is carried out 2 times a day (those who have been sitting for more than a year do not take part).

The women's prison is a special place where the laws and rules of a free life lose their meaning and appear in a different context. Beatings and sexual abuse - girls are more likely to be tortured by camp staff in prison life in Russia. Most often, sexual sophistication goes unpunished.

The law is harsh on serial killers. Depending on the severity of the crime committed, they receive a prison term of more than a dozen years, and most often life imprisonment. You will not envy the fate of a maniac, because after being taken into custody he will have to face much harsher justice - prison laws.

No trial or investigation

The "fun" life of maniacs begins already in the pre-trial detention center. During the investigation, dangerous criminals are usually isolated in order to avoid reprisals. If the perpetrator is reluctant to cooperate with the investigation, special methods of influence are often used.

So, in the early 1990s, a maniac was placed in the St. Petersburg "Crosses", who was suspected of committing fourteen rapes. The investigator of the prosecutor's office, who happened to handle this case, asked the prison administration to transfer the maniac to a common cell, but not to "woolen" - prisoners who carry out "lawlessness" (beating or violence against other prisoners in order to obtain information necessary for the investigation or for punishment), often at the direction of the prison authorities.

The maniac was not touched, but the whole day they told him about what kind of life awaits him in the zone, fueling the narrative with terrifying stories about the life of his predecessors. The psychological impact had an effect, and the rapist made contact with the investigation.

It is impossible to hide information about the article under which the prisoner passes, or about his orientation. And although the rape of a woman, according to thieves' concepts, is considered a “thing”, and murder are by no means shameful articles, nevertheless crooks do not respect people who kill just like that, for their own pleasure, and not for profit or being in extreme circumstances.

Already in the pre-trial detention center, the status of the prisoner and his belonging to one of the many prison castes are determined. Sodomites and sexual perverts are a priori enrolled in "roosters" or "wafers". The life of such criminals turns into hell. For them, a separate corner is allocated at the door, at the bucket or under the bunks. They eat separately from labeled dishes - holes are made in mugs, spoons and bowls. "Roosters" are assigned the dirtiest work - cleaning toilets, maintaining garbage pits. For any disobedience, they can be kicked, face-dipped in a bucket, or even killed.

Violence is practiced everywhere. Moreover, the prisoners disdain the maniacs who committed dirty perversions with their victims, especially with children, preferring to rape them with improvised means, for example, a mop handle, or give them to be torn to pieces by other “cocks”, embittered and thirsting for revenge for their own humiliation. And it is not surprising that in such conditions prisoners die or often commit suicide even before they are sent to the place of punishment.

On special mode

It is in the colony that the main troubles of serial killers and maniacs begin. According to the decision of the State Duma, which amended the penal system of the Russian Federation in 2005, especially dangerous criminals are placed in colonies remote from the place of residence of the prisoner, more often in the so-called "red" zones, where a strict administrative charter operates and the killers have no authority.

In colonies where prisoners are serving life sentences, employees try, of course behind the scenes, to make maniacs regret the moratorium on the death penalty every day. On the one hand, they face a real threat of reprisals from their cellmates, on the other hand, they are helpless in the face of administrative measures to re-educate criminals. So, according to unofficial statistics, the average life expectancy of serial killers and maniacs sentenced to life imprisonment does not exceed 5-7 years.

As a rule, they are protected from contact with ordinary prisoners and placed in cells of 2-3 people. In some cases, when a prisoner poses a danger to others or is under threat of death, he may be given solitary confinement. This is a safer, but by no means more comfortable option.

From the moment of getting up at 6 am until lights out, the convict does not have the right to use the bed. Yes, and at night he will sleep in bright light without the opportunity to cover his face. This measure is due to the fact that it is in the dark that most attempts to commit suicide are made.

Prisoners move around the prison territory either on their haunches with their mouths open or blindfolded, accompanied by a convoy with dogs. By law, life-sentenced prisoners have the right to work, they are entitled to a walk lasting an hour and a half, they are allowed to use the library and listen to radio broadcasts. But they can also lose these pleasures for the slightest offense against the administration.

During the first 10 years, contacts of prisoners with relatives are limited. Only two short visits per year are allowed through - glass or bars - and one parcel. If the criminal managed to survive, then in the next 10 years the number of visits will be doubled, and the first long meetings with relatives will appear, although, as eyewitnesses say, this is a rarity. The wives and children of maniacs, who have discovered the whole truth about the double life of their father and husband, cut off all contacts and even change their last name, first name and place of residence, fearing reprisals from relatives of the mutilated victims of the killer. In fact, the maniac is waiting for complete isolation from outside world until the end of his days.

For violation of the prison regime, inmates are severely punished. As follows from the stories of one of the employees of the colony, for protesting a prisoner can be beaten, deprived of books, sleep, or forced, for example, to squat for several hours until he begins to howl in pain. By assigning a maniac to sewage work, the prison administration dooms him to daily standing waist-deep in feces for the entire prison term, until the end of which he may never live.

Much more stringent methods of “folk” education are applied to pedophiles, because most employees also have children. The newspaper “Behind the bars” described a case of a maniac who brutally raped four boys entered one of the colonies in the North. None of the "decent" prisoners began to "have" him. They used it with all the means at hand, which led to infection of the rectum, surgery to remove it and an early painful death.

In another described case, a serial killer was lucky to get into a “red” colony with a strict statutory regime. "Lower" here was against the rules. Then the lads and the staff of the colony announced a boycott to the rapist, depriving him of any communication. After three years of forced silence, the maniac began to deteriorate in mental health. He began to mutter under his breath, waving his arms and banging his head against the wall. Having been in the ShIZO several times, the child killer eventually hanged himself.

A woman who served 5 years told the whole truth about the prison.

Released from the colony in early January of this year, 47-year-old Novotroychanka Olga Nikolaenko told the portal about her life behind bars.

True, at first, the woman categorically refused to talk about the years spent in captivity, citing the fact that she was a fairly well-known person in the city. I had to ask for assistance from the Participation Foundation, which provides financial and psychological support to the former "inmates", where she turned for help in finding employment and promised that her real name and photograph would not appear in the article. Future colleagues - and the foundation has already found an organization for Olga, the head of which agreed to hire the former convict - will never know about her criminal past ...

Once Olga Vladimirovna Nikolaenko (surname changed) was no different from thousands of other women. She had a family: a husband and two children, a comfortable apartment and a favorite job. On November 18, 2005, she ended up in prison and lost everything. Neither during the investigation, nor while in prison, the woman, no matter how hard she tried, could not understand what had happened. Attempts to remember at least some details of that day were unsuccessful. Nothing but a dead husband lying in a pool of blood, people in white coats and police uniforms came to mind. As if someone invisible then imposed a ban on memory.

Enlightenment came very recently. Having been released from the colony, she lived with her elderly mother for a whole month, not daring to cross the threshold of her apartment. And when I decided...

I was arrested and tried for the murder of my husband,” Olga recalls. - But God knows, although I fully admitted my guilt at the trial, then I practically did not remember anything. The shock accompanied me all the time. But as she looked at the kitchen table, and something began to clear up. Drunk Stanislav hit me on the head several times. I cut bread. She waved it off. The knife hit right in the heart. Then another failure. The investigation, the trial - I remember it as if it were yesterday. Received 7 years. What did I feel then? And how should a woman feel, who in 42 years of her life has never broken the law and suddenly found herself behind bars under the most serious article in the code and whose 22-year-old daughter, unable to bear the shame, as she wrote in her suicide note, committed suicide? I wanted to cut my veins.

About the "horse" and "light"

First days in pre-trial detention center(SIZO) were for Olga, according to her, the most terrible. I was afraid that they might be humiliated, beaten. But it soon turned out that the fears inspired by crime television series, in which blood, death and gang concepts, in vain.

In the women's cells of the pre-trial detention center, and in the colonies too, unlike the men's dungeons, there is completely no struggle for power, - Olga explains. - By and large, everyone is equal there. No, it doesn’t do without quarrels and fights, of course, but thieves’ concepts are not welcome there. The only thing that unites the women's prison with the men's is a persistent squeamish attitude towards those under investigation and those convicted of bullying and killing children. They don’t communicate with this contingent in captivity, they don’t let them at the common table, sometimes, if they “borzei” (voice in defense of their rights), they beat them severely.

It is also hard for those who are seen stealing other people's property. The nickname "rat" and a sleeping place near the toilet can be obtained, for example, for a cigarette taken without asking. It would seem, well, what is one cigarette? Yes, in the wild it is poison or pleasure - as you like, and in isolation centers and zones, tobacco often replaces currency. With the help of a smoker, you can negotiate with cellmates who do not receive food parcels from the outside, about small services: wash the floor, wash clothes, get a massage, and also exchange with other convicts for tea, sugar and sweets, appease the escort, both in the pre-trial detention center and and in stages.

It is worth dwelling separately on how “product communication” takes place between cameras, sometimes located several tens of meters apart from each other. Olga says that whoever came up with these methods should be given the Nobel Prize. The simplest and most famous is the "horse". A plastic bag tied on a thread is thrown into the camera window, which, inflating under the influence of the wind (the direction is chosen), flies to the desired window opening. With the help of a long hook made of newspapers rolled up and soaked in water, other convicts pull the package up to the window of their cell. A strong thread or rope is tied to an already existing thread. Then the device is stretched between the cells along the wall of the pre-trial detention center. Everything - a circular road for the "horse" - a bag of groceries or a note, moving along the rope, bouncing - is open. This method is short-lived, since all the manipulations of prisoners take place practically in full view of the guards.

More tenacious "communication" through the "light" - so the inmates call an ordinary toilet bowl. The inhabitants of neighboring cells simultaneously throw a bread crumb tied on a thread with matches stuck into it into this sanitary-technical device and pour a bucket of water. In the pipe, the threads of two "hedgehogs" are intertwined. Further, everything is done similarly to the "horse" road. Try it, break it down. The only disadvantage of this method is that you can only change with cameras that have a common wall.

Zavstolova - "trump card" position

While the investigation was going on, Olga was kept in an eight-bed cell. In television films, "huts" look more like homeless people: gloomy and dirty, without the slightest hint of comfort. Actually it is not. Not to say, of course, that the current cameras resemble a hotel room, but a TV, a refrigerator and a shower are a must in all of them. There is absolutely no crowding, each slave has a separate bed and bedding, which is changed once a week. If you want more often - take soap, wash, no one interferes with this.

After the verdict, Nikolaenko was to be sent by stage to Mordovia, where women's camps have been located since Soviet times. But he was lucky - they left him in the isolation ward and transferred him to a six-bed cell. The authorities, having learned that the Novotroychanka was a good cook in the wild, offered to work hard in the prison canteen. Agreed. And what - and satisfying, as they say, and not far from home.

For three and a half years, Olga “lived” (served her sentence in a prison cell) according to the following schedule. In the morning, she gets up at five in the morning (in order to prepare breakfast for the entire pre-trial detention center, she had to get up an hour earlier than the rest of the convicts), all day at work and lights out at ten in the evening. Without days off and holidays. Hard, but more or less calm and predictable. In the Mordovian zone, where mosquitoes are the size of a fist, the humidity is almost one hundred percent and all movement around the territory is only by running, of course, it would have been much more difficult. The only thing that annoyed me in the isolation ward was the lack of fresh air.

Olga's position in the pre-trial detention center was, according to her assurances, "trump card" - the head of the dining room. To whom butter, meat, sugar - this is for Vladimirovna. Naturally, for some kind of service. Relatives with parcels came to visit almost every month: in the cell where the swindlers and drug dealers sat, she enjoyed unquestioned authority. In general, I do not want to sit.

However, when the deadline for legal transfer to the colony-settlement No. 12 of the village of Chashkan, which is located in the Sol-Iletsk district, came up for the woman, she, without hesitation, filed a petition to mitigate the punishment regime.

I was fed up with four walls, says Olga. - Tired of constantly separating the fighting and instructing the true young girls who tried to bring in prison life thieves' concepts from the will. Over the past three years, 18-20-year-old girls have become the majority of those under investigation and convicted in the Orsk pre-trial detention center. How they broke off the chain: arrogant, irresponsible. We've seen enough films, picked up various rubbish - just look, no matter how they've done something.

Winter, summer - a year away, five Santa Clauses and home

Nikolaenko stayed in Chashkan for a year and seven months. She worked as a simple cook, but almost free. The key word in this sentence is almost. There were no towers, barbed wire and strict supervision, but a zone is a zone - you can’t really clear it up. A little relaxed - you're in a punishment cell. And this is a cross on parole, which the Novotroychanka deserved, leaving in places not so remote, more than five years of her life. For good behavior, in prison terminology, she "leaned back" ahead of schedule for almost two years.

In captivity, Olga tried to speak normal Russian. Still two higher education(Philology Faculty and Institute of Food Industry) were behind them, but many years of captivity still left their mark. Her speech was interspersed with slang words. It looked strange and funny at the same time.

- « Behind the fence“Everyone communicates using a hair dryer, because otherwise it will be difficult to understand each other,” the woman smiles. - Here, for example, a bed in a cell is called a “shkonka”, an iron door is called a “robot”, a window for transferring food is called a “feeding trough”, a toilet bowl is called a “light”, a trash can is called a “vank”. What guided the people who gave such terms to the usual common man things, I don’t know, but if every day they tell you that there are no beds in the pre-trial detention center and zones, but there are “bunks” and only “bunks”, it’s useless to argue. To survive, I had to accept prison life as a reality and not stick out.

On January 11, Olga Nikolaenko was handed a passport, a certificate of release, handed "presidential" 720 rubles for the road (they are given to everyone upon release) and sent out of the gate. Go, they said, and do no more villainy.

I just now realized how great my fault is in what happened, - the woman confesses. - It was not necessary to endure the bullying of an eternally drunk husband. How many times they told me, get divorced, get divorced, but I, a fool, lived for the sake of children: I endured beatings, insults. Oh what can I say now...

A couple of days after the conversation with our correspondent, when the material was already ready for publication, Olga called the editorial office and, apologizing, told two good news for her. First, she finally went to work. So far, however, not by profession, but by a cleaner. But these are trifles, the main thing is to cling to new life. Secondly, for the first time in many years I saw my son. Alyoshka did not write a single letter to her after the death of her father and sister. Although the meeting with him turned out to be difficult - the relatives were more silent than they spoke - it seemed to Olga that her son had forgiven her.

Photo by Vadim Myakshin.

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In 2005, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a law (amendments to the penal system of the Russian Federation), according to which especially dangerous criminals (who have committed grave and especially grave crimes) will now serve their sentences far from the region where they live or committed their act. This decision is due to the fact that in "their" regional prisons, the Oorites tried to arrange a riot or commit. And if you call a spade a spade, then they simply decided to shove the scumbags into the most remote Russian colonies, where there are fewer human rights activists and where no one would interfere with the process of their “re-education”. How do especially dangerous sit, especially serial killers or pedophiles? The difference with the rest of the convicts is significant ...
For the Oorites, the “sweet” life in captivity begins already with. Since it is necessary that a person does not run away in any case, security measures against them are increased. "Status" convicts (such as the Chechen terrorist Salman Raduev) are delivered to the pre-trial detention center, where they await the verdict of the court, mainly by air - by plane. In such cases, the most experienced representatives of the service sit on the sides of the escorted person. They take up space in the back. It is not recommended to carry special criminals in "". Single compartments are a luxury, but Oorites, especially serial killers, are transported. Unofficially, of course, but it happens that they are even put on leg irons. At the same time, when leaving the paddy wagon, the convict must make all movements on his haunches, when next to his face a sentry shepherd dog baring its fanged mouth barks furiously ...

The guards have a clear order in relation to such criminals: if you try to escape, shoot without hesitation. In several cases, already in recent Russian history, shots were fired at beggars. If the convict were simple, they would still try to catch up with him, otherwise ...

For example, one serial killer was shot while trying to escape right at the station, although there were a lot of people there. It is strictly forbidden to shoot in such cases, but once the escort hits, the winners are not judged ...


Again, a "status" convict is imprisoned, as a rule, alone. And nothing particularly interesting happens to him there. For completely understandable reasons. But this is if the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the prosecutor's office or the Federal Penitentiary Service do not work with him. I don’t know whether to believe it or not, but they say that after such “work”, some OOR members begin to cooperate especially actively with the investigation, and some more climb into the noose.

But it also happens that dangerous criminals are not deliberately isolated. In St. Petersburg, a maniac suspected of fourteen rapes was placed in Kresty in the early 1990s. So, the investigator of the prosecutor's office, who was in charge of his case, asked to place the pervert in a common cell. But not "wool", although the maniac was reluctant to cooperate with the investigation. The cellmates spent the whole day enlightening the rapist about what would be done with him in the zone and how many people he would “serve” per day, diversifying his story with terrible details. As a result, the process of cooperation between the maniac and the investigation quickly improved.


It is in the colony that the main troubles begin for the Oorets. As already mentioned, serial killers and maniacs, by decision of the State Duma, are now being shoved into the most distant zones or colonies for. These are necessarily "red" zones, where the killers will not have any authority. "Re-education" therefore goes without extra eyes.

In zones where convicts are serving life sentences, employees, behind the scenes, of course, try to make the killers regret every day that the death penalty canceled for them.

Prisoners move around the territory of the colony on their haunches, with their mouths open. On occasion and without it, they are beaten, and quite cruelly. It is no coincidence that the same infamous Chechen fighters who ended up in Russian prisons quickly went to the other world: Salman Raduev (Solikamsk), Ruslan Alikhadzhiev (Lefortovo), Lechi Islamov (Volgograd), Turpal-Ali Atgiriev (Sverdlovsk region ). The same thing happens with maniacs and murderers, only information about their death usually does not get into print. Why do lifers die so often? Yes, because life suits them unbearable. Here is a colorful example shared by one of the employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia.

It was in one of the colonies for "suicide bombers". There was a maniac who brutally killed three girls. Since, according to the law,
A 25-year prisoner can apply for parole, this monster, after serving 7 years, seriously hoped to be released. Unlike many, he did not sink, did not go crazy and played sports whenever possible.

Seeing all this, the employees of the colony (and many of them had little daughters, and they fiercely hated the maniac) decided to “press” the inmate. He walked on their haunches so much that he literally howled. He was deprived of books. For the slightest protest, he was beaten in the most painful places for a man.

After a year of such a life, the 29-year-old maniac looked like a deep old man, gray-haired, barely dragging his feet. He no longer thought about the girls, or about going free.


In ordinary colonies (strict and special regimes), the “re-education” of maniacs is even easier - here the employees do not even need to get dirty.

For example, a cannibal named Yum-Nyam is sitting in one colony of the Northwestern Federal District. His term is 25 years. The administration of the colony put him on sewage work. Every day Yum-Yum is waist-deep in shit. And so it will stand all its term, unless, of course, it dies before that time.

As for pedophiles, here the officers only warn the rest of the convicts - just don't die to death, so that there is no prosecutor's check.

Again, a pedophile somehow entered one of the northern colonies, on whose account there were four brutally raped boys. Even none of the decent people began to “have” it (only the “roosters” on it came off with all their hearts), but basically they “used” it with a handle from a mop. And so - the whole year. As a result - infection of the rectum, its removal and all the same - the painful death of a pedophile.

Somehow, a serial killer came to one zone. On the one hand, the article, according to thieves' concepts, is by no means shameful, and on the other hand, crooks do not respect people who kill just like that, not in extreme circumstances and not for profit.

They did not “lower” the serial, but made it a “sneak”. Yes, not simple, which serves a certain number of people in the household, but general - for the entire zone. From endless washing, his hands turned into a bloody mess that never healed. Plus - cleaning from morning to evening.

A year and a half later, the “sneaky” killer caught some kind of infection and died rather quickly in the prison hospital.

One more case. It was in the "red" colony. There was a serial rapist. It seems like "lowering" him - not according to the rules of that colony. She was very correct and orderly.

And then it was decided to announce a verbal boycott to the rapist. Nobody said a word to him for three years (including, by the way, the staff of the colony also supported the boycott). The rapist at first was glad that he would not be a “rooster”. And then he envied the "lowered" ones. Still, people - they can not do without communication for years.

Apparently, the rapist began to have irreversible mental problems, he constantly said something to himself under his breath, waved his arms. And then a period came when he began to beat his head against the wall. The maniac was repeatedly placed in the ShIZO, where he also acted weird, trying to bite through the bunks. In short, no one was surprised when he hanged himself one day.

As one employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service says: those sexual maniacs who are released after being in the zone become even angrier - the humiliation received from other prisoners affects.

Therefore, apparently, logically, it is better that they do not come out of there at all. There are “folk” methods for their “re-education”, since our courts are so humane.

Semyon Schliemann
According to the newspaper
"Behind Bars" (#6 2012)

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