Open the left menu saint-paul-de-vence. In the footsteps of great artists. Saint Paul de Vence, Chagall's dreams Saint Paul de Vence details

Attic 06.12.2020

It has simply extraordinary, a small town, which has become a place of pilgrimage for connoisseurs of fine art, attracts the eyes of travelers and fascinates them for more than a century. The medieval walled city, remembering King Francis I himself, has preserved even the architecture of those times - narrow pedestrian streets, powerful fortifications and defensive ramparts, watchtowers, stone fountains ...

Hotel La Colombe d "Or

The hotel is located at the entrance to Saint-Paul-de-Vence. It consists of thirteen rooms and twelve suites, prices vary from 335 to 530 euros (depending on the season). La Colombe d "Or closes for the winter from the end of October, the only exception being the opening at Christmas.

The hotel is famous all over the world thanks to the history of accommodating talented guests, many of whom, as we have already mentioned above, paid for the service with their work.

The interior of the hotel restaurant displays masterpieces specially painted by the famous Picasso, Miró and Braque.

Address: 06570 Saint-Paul de Vence, France, tel. +33. (0)

Mayo Foundation

Another interesting attraction in Saint Paul de Vence is the Museum of Modern Art - the Maeght Foundation. Getting to know its exhibits can fill the whole day. The exquisite collection of the foundation, which includes the entire Miró sculpture garden, is presented both indoors and outdoors. It is best to visit the museum on days with good weather.

Working hours: daily, 10:00 - 18:30.

Address: 623 Chemin des Gardettes, 06570 Saint-Paul-de-Vence, France, tel. +33 49 332 8163.

In addition to the sights listed above, we recommend visiting other interesting places in the town.

Saint Paul de Vence attractions and points of interest on the map

1. Olive mill

Production olive oil is still one of the most important sources of income local residents... This craft is an important part of Saint Paul de Vence's attractions. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, 5 olive mills and two flour mills functioned on the territory of the settlement. The oil was used in the cooking process, it was used to illuminate houses, and large supplies of olive gold were made to neighboring Marseille.

2. Tower Esperon

Esperon is one of the most interesting places in Saint Paul de Vence. At one time, she played the role of not only a fortification, but also served as a powder warehouse for the fortress.

Esperon Tower, photo

3. Gate of Vance

In French, the name of the ancient fortification walls sounds like "Porte de Vence", because the huge stone entrance to the old part of the town is oriented towards the city of Vence. It must be said that the remains of the medieval walls of Saint Paul have survived to this day.

Vance gate, photo

The tower overlooking the gate was equipped with several powerful means protection - stone throwing machines in the upper part, a crossbow on north side and a harrow, from which an old fragment has been preserved, available for viewing. The upper part of the tower, built of brick, was probably added at the request of the military engineer Vauban.

4. Dauphin's Bastion

Together with the Royal Bastion in front of it, the Dauphin Bastion defended the northern entrance to the city in the 16th century. The cannons mounted on the bastion prevented the enemy from advancing. Today, one of them has survived, nicknamed Lacan, in honor of one of the artillerymen of that time, who served under Francis I. The cannon can be seen today, it appears from the embrasure.

5. The ramparts of Saint Paul

This is one of the first examples of defensive bastion structures erected in France (1543-1574) and designed by a French architect. The bastion fence cost the residents of the settlement dearly - dozens of residential buildings had to be demolished and more than 450 residents were forced to leave their homes. In 1945, the bastions of Saint Paul were included in the list of historical monuments, they became a real architectural gem of the city.

6. Donjon

Donjon (XII-XIV century) - the main tower of the castle-fortress, its only detail that has survived to our times. The fortress was destroyed due to the frequent rebuilding of the neighboring church, which was carried out in the XVI and XVII centuries... The remains of the 12th century masonry have been preserved in the lower part of the tower. The bell that adorns the keep, cast in 1443, bears an inscription in Latin: "hora is somno jam suggestere", which in translation sounds something like this: "Time invites us to think."

The tower was visited by many famous personalities of France, including the military architect Vauban, who served with Louis XIV, King Francis I, Count of Provence Raymond Berenguer V. In 1951, the French singer and actor Yves Montand and his chosen one celebrated their wedding in the tower Simone Signoret.

7. Collegiate village church

L'église Collégiale - its construction began in the distant XIV century and lasted four hundred years! The building of the temple is a symbiosis of styles and eras. In 1662, the church was elevated to the rank of collegiate. The decoration of the temple - furniture, a pulpit, and other necessary items for the divine service are carved from wood, dated back to 1668.

But the most important decoration of the temple is the chapel of St. Clement - a real gem of the Baroque era. It was erected in the early 1680s at the expense of the Bernardi family; today, the chapel contains relics from the Christian catacombs of ancient Rome. Both the church and the chapel are richly decorated with decorative stucco and frescoes.

8. Chapel of the Brotherhood of White Penitents

The Chapel of the White Penitents (La Chapelle des Pénitents Blancs) was built in the 17th century; the Brotherhood of White Penitent Christians gathered here, who decided to lend a helping hand to the disadvantaged, sick, needy, victims of disasters, lost travelers and poor pilgrims. Members of the brotherhood fed and watered them, and arranged for them to spend the night. The brotherhood existed until 1920.

In the early 2000s, the temple was restored, and a few years ago the Belgian artist Jean-Michel Folon decorated it with his paintings and frescoes.

9. Big Fountain Square

The Place de la Grande Fontaine (La place de la Grande Fontaine) has undergone its reconstruction twice - first in the 17th century, and then in the 19th. But all these years it was the center of the community's gatherings. According to legend, Saint Paul himself came to the square to stock up on water and give his mules and donkeys a drink.

Nearby, in a stone sink, local laundresses were washing clothes, and around, on the square, there was a local market.

10. Ponty

Ponti (le pontis) is an architectural structure that connects two parts of a building, such a stone bridge, under which there may be a window or Entrance door... On the territory of the town, a 15th century ponti has been preserved - a structure that crosses the Grande Street (la rue Grande) and connects the two parts of the building, standing on opposite sides of the street.

11. Cemetery Saint Paul de Vence

It is located on a small hill - the Le Puy plateau, which at the beginning of the history of the town was the place from which the first development began. All buildings of that time (X-XII century) were located around the Church of Saint-Michel, in which the community gathered to make major decisions. The current chapel that has survived on this site dates back to the 16th century.

Among famous personalities buried in the cemetery in Saint-Paul is the artist Marc Chagall, who lived and worked in Saint-Paul de Vence from 1966 to 1985. In another part of the cemetery, the famous founders of the Mayo Foundation - Ayme and Margarita Mayo - are depicted in the form of statues, as if they froze at the grave of their son, who died at the age of 11.

On the map below, you will find all the sights of the city, marked with numbers that match the numbering given in our description. Only at number 12 does the diagram indicate the surroundings of Saint-Paul, which we described below. The Historical Museum is not indicated on the schematic map; you should look for it at the address below.

12. Historical Museum

The Historical Museum of Saint-Paul de Vence (Fr. Le Musée d "Histoire Locale) is housed in an old house and exhibits wax figures. famous people that were in Saint-Paul, which were made in the workshops of the Musée Grivin in Paris. All the characters presented are related to the history of the town - King Francis I, military architect Vauban, Queen Jeanne and many other famous people of this world gathered in the halls of the museum, they are dressed in outfits of their time, ready to tell you about the events that make up history small French town.

The museum is a unique place on the French Riviera.

Ticket price: 4 euros, for students and children under 16 years old - 3 euros, for children under 6 years old - free.

Working hours: the museum is open all year round, from May 1 to September 30 - 10.00-12.30, 14.00-18.00; October 1-April 30 - 10.30-12.30, 14.00-16.00. Closed every November, 25 December and 1 January.

Address: Place de l "église 06570 Saint-Paul de Vence, tel. 04 93 324 1 13.

Attractions in the vicinity of Saint Paul de Vence

Chapel of Notre Dame de Gardette

The Notre Dame des Gardettes chapel is also listed as a Historic Monument, since it dates back to the 15th century. The frescoes that adorn the building were painted in the 1920s.

The Mayo Foundation is also located next to the chapel - a tall example of a collection of contemporary art was opened in 1964. The building of the foundation, which was designed by the Spanish architect Josep Luis Sert, received the honorary title "Heritage of the XX century".

The Chapel of Notre Dame de Gardets and the Fondation Mayo can be reached via the old rural road from Saint-Paul de Vence (tourist route 2).

Book your tickets to Saint Paul de Vence now at the best price!

Saint-Paul-de-Vence Tourist Office

At the tourist office (fr. L'Office de Tourisme) you can order an excursion around the town and its environs, agree on a list of Saint-Paul de Vence attractions that you would like to see, get answers to your questions related to the historical past of the town.

By the way, the history of the town is quite interesting, find out some of its facts and events on the page about Saint-Paul de Vence.

Tourist Office Address: 2, rue Grande, Saint-Paul de Vence - tel. 04 933 286 95.

And finally, I would like to give you a little task, dear travelers. The first photo shows the Thinker sculpture, the author's work of the great Rodin. This is a copy made by the sculptor with his own hand, it is installed on one of the streets in Saint Paul de Vence. You just have to find it ...

Saint-Paul-de-Vence, located on the French Riviera, is a place that is not just worth a visit once "for show", but which you should definitely visit whenever you find yourself in these parts. And I'll tell you why.

Saint-Paul-de-Vence until a certain point remained one of many similar settlements in this area. Like Eze, Gourdon, Peyon and other villages, it was formed far from the sea (from where the Saracens raided in the 8th century) on a mountain that could be surrounded by a fortress wall and effectively defended in case of need.

Passing over the centuries under the rule of one or another of the owners of these territories, Saint-Paul existed relatively quietly and peacefully until the beginning of the 20th century. It was difficult to surprise any of the locals with the magnificent nature and views in those parts, but with the heyday of the Cote d'Azur as a resort here in the 1920s, artists flocked here in search of inspiration - Bonnard, Vlaminck, Signac, Modigliani, Utrillo and many others.

Some of them were little known at that time, some were absolutely not, but they were the ones who began to create the history of Saint-Paul-de-Vence as a bohemian and sybaritic place. Usually, Parisian painters stayed at the La Colombe D'Or hotel and painted the landscapes of the surroundings, and then they also paid with the owner of the establishment for food and a roof over their heads. The owner, Paul Rouault, turned out to be far-sighted and in every possible way welcomed poor artists, whose works have grown significantly in value over several decades, and some are simply fabulous. Today, Rouault's heirs own the works of such masters as Picasso, Modigliani, Cocteau, Chagall, Bonnard and many others, and the hotel and restaurant "Golden Dove" have become a cult place.

The fame of Saint-Paul-de-Vence was increased by French celebrities of the first magnitude - Brigitte Bardot, Catherine Deneuve, Yves Montand and Simone Signoret, Francois Truffaut and Jean-Paul Sartre. Today, nothing prevents to dine in a restaurant and stay in a hotel within the walls, which not only remember the color of world cinema and fine arts, but are also hung with masterpieces. But it is worth considering that you just won't get here, you need to book rooms and tables in advance.

A place with such a history, of course, is very popular and is included in all sightseeing routes along the Cote d'Azur. Therefore, closer to lunchtime, there is no free parking space at all entrances to Saint-Paul, large sightseeing buses bring more and more tourists, and the streets of a small town sometimes resemble a metro at rush hour. So that the charm of this place does not evaporate under the influence of the crowd, go there, if possible, in the morning, or in the evening, when the numerous noisy groups have already subsided. Passing the Golden Dove and the café to the right of it with a playground for pétanque, you don't have to join the stream of tourists, but immediately turn right. A horseshoe statue of a horse serves as a reference point. Skirting Saint-Paul-de-Vence by right side, you will see several restaurants and cafes there with a gorgeous view of the surroundings. Choose your terrace and menu according to your taste, order wines and enjoy as the representatives of the French bohemia enjoyed here over the last century. Indeed, in fact, a person does not need so much for happiness - you feel it acutely here, in Saint-Paul-de-Vence, and you want to repeat this feeling over and over again.

What else not to miss in Saint-Paul-de-Vence:(France's largest collection of contemporary art)

The famous hotel and restaurant "Golden Dove"

Sartre, Chagall, Picasso, Brigitte Bardot and hundreds of other celebrities walked along these streets.

From whatever side you look - it's beautiful everywhere!

This guy works here, and I've never seen a more effective taciturn caller.

After a dinner with wine in such a place, even the thought of eternity when looking at the local VIP cemetery (Marc Chagall is buried here) does not set you in a sad mood, but rather wakes up thoughts that even after death everyone is far from being in equal conditions ... Who wouldn't want to rest like this? By "view from the window" - the Mediterranean Sea, Cape Antibes and the Riviera valleys - this cemetery on the Cote d'Azur, in my opinion, is second only to the cemetery

Held by Ekaterina Istomina

On March 28, 1985, Marc Chagall died in Saint-Paul-de-Vence, who sincerely loved this small town. At the beginning of the 20th century, Leger, Miró, Matisse, Picasso and Braque lived here. In 2003, an exhibition of the Russian avant-garde was held here, and, as Liberation wrote at the time, "150 paintings by the largest representatives of the Russian avant-garde from 1908 to 1930 were presented there." But don't think that Saint Paul de Vence is some kind of luxurious artistic place.

The town of Saint-Paul de Vence, often called a village, is located in the triangle between Grasse, Cannes and Nice, in the depths of the French Riviera, to the sea - 30 minutes by car (15 minutes from Cote d `Azure). This is a true provincial hole, a small medieval town that, having survived to this day, very wisely did not want to change - there is a cafe of the 16th century, ceramic workshops and souvenir shops of the 15th century, cars are not allowed here. Saint Paul de Vence is an authentic medieval village like Eze near Monaco.

If you try to count all the houses in Saint-Paul-de-Vence, you get somewhere around 50 stone buildings - stunted, with crookedly carved windows, narrow doors. It is difficult to call them houses in the modern sense of the word, and it would be wrong to dismember them into separate buildings. They have grown together a long time ago. As in the Middle Ages, here the distance is measured not by individual houses, but by whole streets, which in Saint-Paul-de-Vence have accumulated over five centuries. Saint Paul de Vence is somewhat similar to a shell overgrown with other shells, younger and smaller. Saint-Paul-de-Vence is an old town, like a turtle, as sedentary, but alive, like a single organism.

The town stands on a hill surrounded by a pine grove, which smells hot if the trees are hot in the sun. The first buildings here date back to the XII century, in other words, by the standards of homey Provence, Saint Paul de Vence is a very young city, a new building. At first there was a tower on the hill, then the tower was surrounded by a fortress wall, it collapsed, but the holes in the walls were plugged with new stones - and now you can see how the medieval masons "darned" the battle fortifications. The heyday of Saint-Paul-de-Vence belongs to the era of the reign of Francis I, a respected king in France, who waged bloody wars in Provence (including with the rulers of Monaco Grimaldi), and after he won, ordered to rebuild the destroyed province. Thus, the residential center of Saint-Paul-de-Vence is the work of the bricklayers of Francis I, and since then the houses have hardly been rebuilt. Under Francis, a new fortress wall was also built, beyond which the city has not gone out since then, which is why Saint-Paul-de-Vence is also called not only a village, but also a fortress city.

The style of Francis I is a mixture of rustic Provencal with Genoese. And this is feng shui - there is always water in the form of fountains (stone flowerpots, bowls and even lion's muzzles), there are flowers and trees - in flowerpots or wooden tubs. More modern buildings, erected after Francis I, were already built under the hill, but they also look like shell antiquity - a small market, two pharmacies, a bank.

Try living in a medieval house for a day - a great adventure. There are two hotels in Saint-Paul-de-Vence, the oldest is called Hotel Le Saint-Paul. It is located on Grande Street, which means Central. The fact that this is a large and serious street can be judged by the fact that not two people can disperse on it, but three (two can hardly disperse along other streets of the fortified city). In the distant past, the Hotel Le Saint-Paul was an ordinary inn with a ceramic shop, and in the 16th century this courtyard was bought by a bourgeois rich in the production of olive oil and turned into his own town house. It is difficult to say why this bourgeois did not rebuild it at all - there is not a trace of the French bourgeoisie we know.

Medieval people were more short stature, but more complete than we are. When we settled at the Hotel Le Saint-Paul, we realized that medieval Europeans were very tiny: where the family lived, today even one person can hardly turn around. Hotel Le Saint-Paul is a stone labyrinth, a beehive, where instead of honeycombs there are hotel rooms with walls made of limestone fragments and small-sized iron furniture.

The second hotel is known worldwide - "Golden Dove" (Hotel de la Colombe d'Or) with the restaurant of the same name. This is one of the most famous hotels on the Cote d'Azur and looks like a simple village tavern. Yves Montand and Simon Signoret played the wedding in the Golden Dove, and on the walls of the hotel there are many black-and-white photographs confirming this fact: Montand with a cigarette, Signoret with a scarf around her neck and with a glass of white wine. Opposite the hotel, they still play balls, or rather, petanque, just like Montand played here many years ago.

But much earlier, in the 1920s, the Golden Dove had one wonderful owner, his name was Paul Roux. The nature is sublime, carried away and in many respects advanced, this Monsieur Roux was absolutely delighted with the avant-garde and tried to paint himself - this was what Pablo Picasso suggested to him, for the sake of a joke, most likely. Paul Roux did not succeed in drawing the way he wanted. But failures did not embitter him, Paul Roux wanted to see and hear the artists in his own house, in his "Golden Dove", and became for many of them a long-term friend, assistant and interlocutor. Braque, Matisse, Picasso, Robert and Sophie Delaunay, Léger were guests at Roux's house. They left pictures here, just like that, just as a gift to the owner, and so gradually the hotel and tavern turned into a worthy art gallery. Canvases of great masters calmly adorned the walls of the lobby and restaurant. Unfortunately, the "Golden Dove" 20 years ago was mercilessly plundered, however, all the paintings were later found, but now you cannot go to a hotel or restaurant without a preliminary order. Jacques Prévert, François Truffaut, Brigitte Bardot, Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Romy Schneider - all these people have visited the Golden Dove more than once, leaving the noisy villas and secular hotels of the brilliant French Riviera for her.

There are real museums in Sant Pol de Vence. Such is the delightful musical instrument museum, which will be more fun than the similar museum in Vienna (it is located next to the Golden Dove). But on the other side of the hill, in a pine grove, in 1964, a fund-museum of modern art was built, aka La Fondation Maeght. It was built by the architect Louis Ser, the interior was designed by Miro and Braque, and the wall mosaic panel was made by Chagall - the great artist lived here for almost three decades. Marc Chagall is buried in the local cemetery of Sant Pol de Vence, located behind the South Gate.

Photo: Old city Saint-Paul-de-Vence and the Mayo Foundation

Photo and description

The historical part of the old town of Saint-Paul-de-Vence in the south of France is surrounded by fortress walls erected in the 16th century by order of King Francis I. It is to this time that the present appearance of old Saint-Paul belongs, although the first settlement on this place was founded much earlier , at the end of the 1st millennium. The village was built by the inhabitants of the coast, who, fleeing the raids of the Saracens, decided to climb higher into the mountains and make their homes impregnable.

The old part of the city is dominated by houses built in the 16th-17th centuries. Despite their age, they are all residential buildings or they contain cafes and shops. The streets of old Saint-Paul are mostly narrow, and the entrance to the historic part of the city is a wrought-iron gate, behind which you can find the majestic building of the cathedral, the chapel of the Brotherhood of White Penitent Sinners, fountains and a square, recognized as the smallest in the world.

The main attractions of the city of Saint-Paul-de-Vence are associated with people of art, primarily artists. Some of them, like Marc Chagall, Auguste Rodin, Wassily Kandinsky and Henri Matisse, lived in Saint-Paul for some time and even contributed to the design of the local streets. For example, you can see sculptures by Rodin on the streets. Marc Chagall fell in love with Saint-Paul so much that he even spent the last years of his life in it and was buried in the local cemetery.

The bohemian center of attraction in Saint-Paul was the Golden Dove hotel, which opened in the 1920s. The owner of the establishment allowed his guests to pay with pictures. And twenty years later, The Dove became a very popular institution, decorated with works by Chagall, Jean Cocteau, Raoul Dufy, Amedeo Modigliani and other masters who came to Saint-Paul for inspiration and beautiful landscapes.

Another cultural attraction of Saint-Paul is the Mayo Foundation. This private gallery, located outside the village in a grove of pines, houses works of art from the 20th century. This museum is also called the "Louvre on the Côte d'Azur". The building for the foundation was created by the Spanish architect Jose Luis Sert.

It is the oldest city on the island.

Colonial mansions are located in a wide strip on the coast, the streets are saturated with the atmosphere of France, but at the same time the city has the flavor of a tropical island.

Saint-Paul is a unique African-European cocktail of emotions and impressions!

Climate and weather

The climate in Saint-Paul is the same as in the rest of Réunion - humid tropical. This means that in summer the temperature in Saint-Paul rises to +31 ° С, and in winter it does not drop below +19 ° С.

Not the most pleasant feature of the climate of this island is getting into the cyclone zone from December to April. This period is characterized by heavy rains and strong winds, with frequent storms.


Saint-Paul is located on the west coast of Réunion. The coastal zone consists of beaches and a riot of tropical vegetation, and then the mountainous relief begins, since the island is of volcanic origin. Reunion has volcanoes, mountains, waterfalls, and mountain valleys with rivers and lakes.

From the vegetation you can find tamarind (this is an Indian date), bamboo, coconut palms, mango, lychee, bread, lemon and ebony trees. More than 100 varieties of orchids and 240 species of fern also grow here.

The island is inhabited by wild boars, hedgehogs, rodents, there are snakes, but they are not poisonous. Chameleons, snails and many species of butterflies also live here.

Previously, there were many relict forests on the island, huge turtles were found. Now there are no forests or turtles. Today, other species of animals are on the verge of extinction, so their numbers are controlled by local authorities.


Saint-Paul is an interesting and colorful town. Previously, it was the capital of the island, and the colonialists lived here. Since then, colonial-style houses have remained in Saint-Paul.

There are many historic buildings along the seaside boulevard.

In the south of Saint-Paul is the district Simetier-Marty... Bright and well-groomed, it is perfect for walking. Wander through its streets and plunge into the past of this amazing city, with colonizers, merchants, merchants, sailors. Simetier-Martí is built up with interesting houses and estates that reflect the past of the city.

The largest cemetery is located not far from this area. Reunion... The pirate is buried here Olivier Levasseur... The place of his burial is indicated by a skull and crossbones.

He is considered the last of the Indian Ocean pirates. Levasseur was captured and executed at Saint-Paul in 1730, but there are still dreamers who believe that his treasures are hidden on the nearby islands.


Visit the island and not try the traditional local cuisine? It's impossible! Especially when there are such delicious dishes from the most caring chefs.

A lot of dishes are prepared here with seafood. In Saint-Paul you can taste lobsters, barracuda, tuna, trout ... And all this is prepared with rice, vegetables and even fruits!

In general, fruits are held in high esteem here: they are also added to dishes with pork and poultry. The food takes on a very original taste and aroma.

The local signature rugay sauce is often added to food. It is made from lemons, pistachios and tomatoes.

They drink fresh juices and coffee in the city, which here has a very interesting aftertaste. For alcohol, try rum. In Reunion, it is cooked not only with sugar cane, but also with herbs and fruits. Well, you can definitely taste rum punch only here, so don't miss this opportunity.


Hotels in Saint-Paul are of the highest standard. The service here is at the European level, and the prices are slightly higher. For example, you will have to pay 100-150 € for a double room per day. The most popular hotels in the city: Novotel St Gilles La Reunion, Hotel Blue Beach and Hotel Les Filaos.

All hotels offer guests a lot of entertainment: tennis, golf, gym, pool, spa, massage, etc. There are bike, scooter and water sports equipment rentals near major hotels.

You can rent an apartment or a villa on the coast. Their prices depend on the season and the size of the property.

Entertainment and recreation

The beaches of Saint-Paul are great for relaxation: they are a mixture of coral and volcanic sand.

Excellent conditions for diving are created on the coast: coral reefs and underwater caves beckon with their beauty, and tropical fish strive to play with you!

Here you can also go surfing or other water sports. If you do not have special equipment, then you can easily rent it. There are rental points in most hotels. You can also hire an instructor there if you are a beginner.

Walking excursions are popular among tourists. You can go to explore the city or its surroundings, because the nature of Reunion is amazingly beautiful!

Various national festivals and celebrations take place in Saint-Paul. If the opportunity arises, watch an impromptu dance performance Sega... It is performed to music with songs. According to legend, this is how slaves were distracted from their hard work and everyday worries.

You can also relax in Saint-Paul in nightclubs or restaurants. They can be found here for every taste.


There are many shops and shopping centers in Saint-Paul. They work according to French rules. For example, sales in them are strictly regulated: they start in February and last at least 6 weeks.

In addition, you can make purchases in city markets. The Saint-Paul Markets are another unique entertainment: they have a very special atmosphere. This is the best place to shop for souvenirs and get to know the locals better.

In memory of a trip to Saint-Paul, tourists usually bring figurines from exotic trees and sea souvenirs. You can purchase handmade embroidery or perfumes. They also often buy high-quality local wine and rum.


The most convenient transport for getting around Saint-Paul is a car. Here tourists come to the rescue of a car rental company. Renting a car is simple: you need to have an international driver's license and driving experience for more than a year, and you must be at least 21 years old.

Don't want to rent a car? Then you can take a taxi. Or you can rent a scooter or bike. Their rental offices are close to many of the major hotels.

Buses run around the city. Comfortable minibuses run from Saint-Paul to other cities of Reunion.


Russian mobile operators provide roaming services in Reunion. Communication here meets the standards GSM 900/1800... If you wish, you can use the services of local operators. You can buy a SIM card in stores or service centers of these operators.

You can make an international call from call points, or you can order such a call from the hotel. However, the second option will cost you a little more.

There is an internet cafe in the center of Saint-Paul. In hotels and public places, tourists can use wi-fi.


Saint-Paul is characterized as a calm and safe city. Here you can walk the streets without worrying about your safety.

Still, some precautions are needed. For example, you do not need to buy food or water from street vendors: there is a high probability of catching an intestinal infection.

Before traveling to Saint-Paul, it is better to get all the necessary vaccinations: against diphtheria, hepatitis A, typhoid and tetanus.

Business climate

The business climate on the island and in Saint-Paul is very favorable for investment. Tourism and the service sector are actively developing here. Industry is developing thanks to the economic support of France. True, there are also disadvantages here: the island's economy is dependent on the French one.

The industry is export-oriented. The main products are rum, sugar, vanilla, essences and flavors.

The main trading partners are France and the EU countries, Madagascar, South Africa and the USA.

Real estate

Real estate in Saint-Denis can be purchased both for recreation and as an investment. The prices here are quite high: you will have to pay at least 100,000 € for a modest apartment. For a villa with good view on the coast, you will need to pay many times more.

It is possible to purchase housing during the construction process - then the price will depend on the specific project.

But the real estate market in Saint-Paul has one peculiarity: prices are constantly rising.

It is forbidden to bring into the city some types of medicines, as well as food.

Jewelry is subject to declaration.

Rare species of plants and animals cannot be exported from Reunion. Shells and seeds are subject to border inspection.

Stores are open in Saint-Paul on the following schedule: from 9:00 to 18:00, and the lunch break is from 12:00 to 15:00.

Tipping to waiters is usually given in the amount of 5-10% of the bill, and for taxi drivers they simply round the amount up.

Insect bites on the island are not fatal, but very unpleasant, therefore, so that the rest is not ruined, it is better to use mosquito repellent.

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