All for Bers. Paints, subs, skills. Icarus Online. Guide to the class Berserk (Bers) Subs on doombringer l2

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Welcome to Moshenskaya Art School

The municipal budgetary institution of additional education "Moshenskaya School of Arts" is the center of culture and art of our village. It is the most important factor in strengthening the family, developing artistic and aesthetic taste and stabilizing the social life of the region. Moshenskaya school of art forms the mentality of the individual. With all the destructive trends of our time, it is the school of arts that preserves the possibility of educating the younger generation in the spirit of community, social responsibility, and a creatively thinking individual.

School mission: Creation of such an educational environment that contributes to the self-realization of each child, regardless of his psychophysiological abilities, degree of giftedness and learning opportunities.

Many years ago the great William Shakespeare exclaimed:

"He who has no music in his soul,
Who will not be touched by sweet consonances,
Dark as night, the souls of his movements,
And the feelings are all gloomy ... "

Isn't it an absolutely accurate definition of the soul?!

But let me ask you what brought you to our site? Most likely, you are not one of those about whom Shakespeare exclaimed with such bitterness and you want to know more about us? Get the information you need? Very commendable!

We will try to tell you more about our school.

And, of course, to give, if possible, exactly the information that, as we understand, is of interest to you, although you have probably already heard a lot about our school (Moshenskaya School of Arts). Some of you have already had children at school and, moreover, perhaps even you yourself once studied with us, or, very possibly, you have been to our bright, unforgettable concerts staged by teachers and students of the school departments, exhibitions held in our wonderful, very cozy hall, foyer with a full house, because:

In music, music
There is a magical light.
Music brings us
Good news.
Meet the music
We hurry quickly
With her the world becomes
Better and kinder!

Yes! You can't say better and kinder about music! Indeed, it is thanks to music, this great queen of the arts, that our children learn the beautiful and eternal, and, as the wonderful children's poet S. Marshak said: “So that their mind is kind, and their heart is smart,” after all:

“If Music and Children are friends,
There is nothing more beautiful in the world
Music and Children!

And it is for this and for the sake of this that a friendly, wonderful, professional team of like-minded teachers works in our school, united by one high and noble goal - to educate from their students not only a musician, singer, dancer, artist, but, first of all, a creator in the broadest sense of the word. And this is very important today!

"All kinds of arts serve the greatest of arts -
the art of living on earth.
Brecht Bertholz


New Year's party

As part of the Christmas marathon on December 25, 2018, a festive reporting concert for the first half of the year was held

“Report Concert” is our traditional event, a form of summing up the work of the school, where students from all departments of the school perform

With the blessing of God

On December 15, 2018, in the CCC "Uver" in the village of Moshenskoye, the III regional Orthodox local history Nikolsky readings were held on the topic: "History of a small Motherland. Past, present, future ..."

Students of the Department of Fine Arts, teacher Raitseva I.S. painted their native land - our beautiful Moshenskoe

In order to popularize family traditions and values, to form a respectful attitude towards family members, to increase the role of the family in the spiritual and moral education of children, to foster a sense of patriotism through a creative study of the historical origins of one's family, to understand the meaning of the family based on personal creative research, a regional family creative competition was held “My family tree. Coat of arms of my family

Seminar on the topic "The role of additional education for children and youth in the system of civil and patriotic education"

December 4, 2018 on the basis of the municipal autonomous educational institution "Secondary school with. Moshenskoye" a seminar was held on the topic "The role of additional education for children and youth in the system of civic-patriotic education"

Exhibition of works of arts and crafts

From October 13, 2017 to January 27, 2018, an exhibition of works of arts and crafts is held in the Novgorod Regional House of Folk Art

Patriotic song festival "This is our biography with you .."

On November 4, 2018, the annual regional festival of patriotic song "This is our biography with you ..", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the 1917 revolution in Russia, was held at the Cinema and Concert Center "Uver" in Moshenskoye village

Berserker is a PvP focused melee damage dealer. Berserker as a general category - these are warriors with huge attack power and rather weak defense, which is reflected in the specifics of the class - P. Def. not the biggest, sword attack is quite significant.

The main strength of the bers is his unprecedented skills. A good bers can destroy any light carrier, robe, in a matter of seconds. With tanks it is more difficult, but they also fit well under the strong pressure of the bers.

The main advantage of bers is the so-called. Rush (Rush), a skill that allows you to rush to the enemy in a fraction of a second, while dealing damage to everyone in the line of destruction and applying debuffs (stun mainly).

Bers is well sharpened to fight with any classes, this makes him a universal soldier - there is no such class that the Bers would be fundamentally inferior to. It is impossible to escape from a bers, it is difficult for a mage to bring him down due to Soul Barrier and a lot of other panic skills, he is good against tanks, having UD in his supply, archers are forced to stay near the bers, and therefore cannot deal maximum damage, etc. - a wonderful class in good hands.

It is quite easy to find a party for a bers - any melee party gladly accepts a bers because of the profile hex, party buff on HP and other small joys.

Bers uses a specialized weapon - Ancient Sword. It is obtained by profile transformation from the Two-Handed Sword using the Change Weapon skill. The attack of such a sword is usually less than its parent, but the attack speed is higher.

Bers, like all Kamaels, cannot wear anything other than Light Armor and cannot carry a shield. Only a male Kamael can become a bers.

A few tips for all occasions:

  • Always carry Bottle of Souls with you and fill them with souls. These banks weigh little, and are extremely useful in PvP. You must have at least several hundred Full Bottles of Souls at all times.
  • Always turn on Dark Armor and Dark Blade, the bonus, though subtle, is free.
  • Before A grade, it is quite comfortable to use Common items, at these levels almost only mobs will try your equipment, and a dead number will show up in front of them. And save money.
  • At level 40, quest at Grocer Helvetia in Giran for Wondrous Cubic. Once a day, you can pull out a cheap sharpening. Quest for 1.5kk, but the cube will remain with you forever.
  • Try to use the tactics of a steam locomotive on not very strong mobs: they collected them and put them with massive skills. Skill doesn't care how many mobs to beat - and it's more profitable for you in terms of MP and time.
  • Try to have several dozen Spirit Ore with you, Soul Gathering may be required at any time.
  • In Mass-PvP, try not to break into the first wave, your defense is quite weak and the focus assist will simply lay down a potentially strong Persian. Let the tanks go ahead, when the targets are already more or less dismantled, start ruining the lives of the enemi. Rush + Mass Disarm, as well as stun, cotton wool, disarm mine assist, etc. Live longer.
  • In a PvP party, watch out for Blood Pact, your 10%, although not the strongest BtB, can save someone precious%.
  • If your clan has a fort or castle, be sure to go to the dungeons. For one raid in the dungeon, the party gets about 1.5-2k KE, you will get about 150-190, and forgive this at our prices 10-12kk. Quickly pick up your adena.
  • Try to go to Kamaloka at all levels. There is a solid drop in the 78+ kame, so it might break off for you too.
  • Always carry 10-20 elixirs for your grade, they don't cost that much, but they can save a life.
  • Remember Pailaka (and for some reason many people forget!). There are only 3 of them and they raise your Exp quite well. Be sure to take the paylaka that suits your level. The first - 36-42 levels, the second - 61-67, the third - 73-77. Their descriptions are here:

Vesper Noble Leather Breastplate

  • Str+1
  • Con-2
  • Dex+1
  • P. Atk./Atk. Spd./MP Recovery Rate + 5.57%
  • Maximum MP + 354.1
  • Opens Cloak Slot.

Top - Vesper Slasher -> Vesper Nagan
P.Atk.: 429
SA: Focus/Health
shots: 1

SA in arms

As a rule, the choice is between SA Focus and Health. Both one and the other are good. For grades up to S, the choice is not as important as after that. Before S, try to choose Focus SA - for downloading this is the best option.

For PvP and Olya, you need to understand what is more important for you, to live longer or to deal more damage. Based on the spirit of the bers, it is still worth putting Focus, however, if you are not very friendly with the equip, put Health - this is a personal choice of each bers.


1. CON + 5, DEX-5 - this combination will increase your stun resistance well, raise the weight limit and P. Def. At the same time, taking into account Gracia Final features, you will not lose skills in the rollback and -5 DEX will very slightly reduce attack speed and crit. rate. Evasion does not count - it does not solve almost anything for the bers. In my opinion one of the best options for PvP and swing.

2. CON + 5, STR-2, DEX-3 (or variations of DEX-2 and STR-3) - in my opinion, the combination is not bad, but cutting STR does not personally satisfy me, although this is my subjective opinion. This option has a place to be, however, the difference between 1 combination and 2 is only 2-3 DEX, and this is too small to touch the STR.

3. CON + 4, STR + 5, DEX-9 (or a variation of CON + 5, STR + 4) - here the greatest endurance and attack power are achieved, however, the godlessly cut DEX will still make itself felt. In fact, the loss will not be catastrophic, but this DPS maximization option is quite liquid, but risky. I would not recommend it if you are not extreme.

4. CON+2(+3), STR+2(+3), DEX-4(-5,-6) - something like the golden mean, it allows you to slightly cut DEX to increase both the fat content of the chara and the power. In my opinion, the second priority option for a tattoo.

5. Don't bet anything. - Some short bers hold the view that our pro is very balanced, and nothing needs to be changed / edited in terms of basic stats. Such an opinion can also be called adequate.

12.08.2017 17:54:48 3299

Berserk- A fearless melee fighter in heavy armor with a two-handed weapon in his hands. He draws strength from his own rage, and his crushing blows grow stronger with every drop of blood shed.

Berses are the main strike force of any team, they sweep across the battlefield in a bloody whirlwind, chopping the enemy to pieces. A true Berserker never gives up and only death can stop him.

Berserker Features and Skills

The main features and differences between Bers and other classes are as follows:

  • Two-handed weapon;
  • heavy armor;
  • battle cries;
  • area strikes.

Berserker, like other classes, has many skills and the main ones will be as follows:

mighty roar– bursting into the thick of battles with a roar, the Berserker gives useful buffs not only to himself, but also to his allies.

shoulder strike- allows you to have an advantage in the first blow by knocking the enemy down.

triple cut- allows you to inflict a series of short blows, the last of which has maximum damage.

Slashing Blade- a blow that goes as far as possible forward towards the enemy, causing serious damage.

Thunder Kick- the final part of the shock combinations, allows you to knock down an opponent in which he has an excellent chance to finish off the enemy.

Whirlwind attack- used when the Berserker is surrounded, at this moment this skill allows you to deal physical damage to all enemies within a radius of 10 meters and in addition knock them down.

Berserk Class Tactics

The whole game for this class is based on three main principles:

First It is "to make friends with death." The fact is that the less health this class has, the higher your damage will be. For example, if you lose 10% of your health, your damage will increase by only 2%, then if you lose 50%, your damage will increase by 25%, and if you lose 80%, your damage will increase by as much as 70%, and Berserk himself will start emitting a red glow. . Also, the effectiveness of almost all skills directly depends on the level of health, the less it is, the more effective. Therefore, the very game for this class is based on maneuvering between life and death to deal maximum damage.

Second principle- this is rage and its accumulation, and in mechanics it resembles ordinary mana, and if mana is constantly regenerated, then rage accumulates when you start bludgeoning the enemy. And the whole point is based on the correct consumption of this energy.

AND third principle is based on the control of various rollovers, stuns and other control skills. And it is very important to use them in the correct order, therefore, with a strong desire, the enemy can generally not be released from control, inflicting constant unanswered blows.

In a team game, Berserker is used on the very front of the battle, but his universal abilities should not be ruled out. For a short time, he can replace the Guardian due to good health, can help the Mage to give a couple of powerful area attacks, and how the Assassin is good at single targets.

As for leveling this class, Berserker is very easy to play at the initial development, in the future, when your skill base expands and the enemy becomes more serious, you will have to learn to play with risk, be able to control well and perform combos to achieve maximum rational actions.

Equipment and pets for the Berserker

Berserker has good strong armor and one weapon, which is a plus. While the rest of the classes will run around and look for additional weapons, Bers will spend this time on his self-development.

The equipment of this class is well suited to the Assassin, and when choosing it, you need to pay attention to such parameters as health and level critical damage, but the most important thing is strength, since the character is a damage dealer class based on maximum damage.

The berserker doesn't really need pets, mostly using them to move around the area for sealing and combat companions that give buffs. This class perfectly cuts enemies without mounts, but still, we note the most suitable pets:

Red Agnas - necessary for inflicting an active physical attack and defense.

Any Wolf or Panther is perfect for the first time of the game. They will be able to increase your character's existing health level. Tame after level 25

1. Introduction

  • Berserk (berserker)- a warrior who dedicated himself to the god Odin before the battle, leading himself into a rage. In battle, he was distinguished by great strength, quick reaction, insensitivity to pain, and madness. They did not recognize the shield and chain mail, fighting in the same shirts, or naked to the waist.


  • Melee Strike Skills

A fairly strong blow is weaker than Crushing Pain by 2 times, but the cooldown is quite fast. Mp consumption is not large, which allows you to constantly use it to finish off mobs.

  • Cooldown: 3 seconds
  • Power: 3653 (no enchant at level 74)
  • Sharpening: Darkness. PVP. MP consumption.
  • Utility. One of the main skills in PVP. Since I recommend swinging on wigs, in this case it is practically unnecessary. In solo quality on single mobs is required.
  • Power: 7635.
  • Cooldown: 6 seconds.
  • Sharpening: Earth. Power. PVP. Decreased MP.
  • Utility.

A blow comparable to Crushing Pain, unfortunately it requires the target to have a bleed effect in order to use it. So to use it is necessary to have a skill

  • Power: 7635.
  • Cooldown: 6 seconds.
  • Sharpening: Earth. Power. PVP. Decreased MP.
  • Utility. As in PVP and PVE, the main striking power.

Another skill for pvp swings at 3 pros. But very interesting. I attack all enemies ahead in a radius of 45 degrees.

  • Power: 6060.
  • Cooldown: 6 seconds.
  • Sharpening: ?

This skill feeds brsa very tasty. It is he who, up to level 61, gives us the opportunity to solo on wigs (a bunch of mobs). When used, it attacks all enemies around you at a distance of 200. I advise you to pump up to 62 further is not needed almost in order to save SP points

  • Power: 2740
  • Cooldown: 3 seconds
  • Sharpening: Earth. PVP. MP consumption.
  • Utility. In the quality on wigs (heaps) is our most important skill. In PvP, it can be used for additional damage to the enemy. In mass PVP, I consider it useless because the demagoguery is small

In grace, the final, when used, deals damage to all enemies in the circle. I advise you to download up to 62 further is not needed almost in order to save SP points

  • Cooldown: 3 seconds.
  • Utility. In the quality on wigs (heaps) is our 2-degree skill. In PVP, not usable. Eats a lot and little sense.
  • Onslaught
  • Cooldown: 3 seconds.
  • Sharpening: Chance of passing. MP consumption. Earth.
  • Utility. For many, this is one of the main skills in PVE and PVP. The tactic of many caught a combo, then ran back and stunned in a new way. In quality on mobs, I personally advise you not to use it, there is no one to stun on wigs, and in solo quality, mobs die from one skill.
  • Power: 2192.
  • Rollback: No.
  • Sharpened: Decrease MP. Earth. PVP. Power.
  • Utility. Some people use it on wigs (bunches). Personally, I think this is a waste of MP. On singles, I really like to quickly collect 3-4 mobs. In pvp, sometimes it's better to start with him, since he deals good damage. In mass PVP, it also looks nice, subject to very fast control.
  • Power. Not specified.
  • Cooldown: 3 seconds.
  • Tochitsya: Passage. Decreased MP. Power.
  • Power. 4040
  • Rollback: ?
  • Sharpening: ?
  • Self Buffs/Auras
  • Utility. Collecting souls in the city without tension.
  • Cooldown: 3 minutes 45 seconds.
  • Utility. Use at the beginning of the battle with the mage. In pvp, 1 minute should be enough for you to kill the enemy.
  • Rollback. 15 minutes.
  • Sharpened. Decreased reload time.
  • Utility. In a one-time PvP, consider that you have an ace of trumps.
  • Cooldown: 15 minutes.
  • Utility. Thanks to this skill, we can easily kill all opponents in light armor. Required in PVP.
  • Cooldown: 1 minute 15 seconds.
  • Utility. Useful because we are frail and extra HP will not hurt us ...
  • Cooldown: 1 minute 15 seconds.
  • Utility. Due to the strong defense reduction of the skills, it is very dangerous to use if you are swinging solo. On RB, use it to your heart's content. In PVP, I strongly advise against using it. Can be used in the party.
  • Cooldown: 45 seconds.
  • Utility. Use at the start of combat with archers and mages. Ten seconds is enough to fly to the magician or lukar.
  • Rollback. 15 seconds.
  • Utility. If you didn’t forget to turn it on, if you forgot, then figs with him))
  • Utility. It is mandatory to use melee against all types.
  • Utility. Turn on if you need to run away or vice versa to catch up with the enemy.
  • Cooldown: Turns on and consumes mana. 3 MP every 5 seconds.
  • Sharpened: For reinforcement. To reduce MP consumption.
  • Utility. On RB (Raid bosses) it looks nice. I do not advise you to use it as a quality, since the MP will end very quickly and as a result you will be forced to sit out. In PVP, if you don't like running back tactics, but want to fight point-blank, then turn it on.
  • Debuffs
  • Chance: I have 50%. It's impossible to say exactly.
  • Sharpening: For a chance. To Decrease MP.
  • Utility. The main skill in PVP. In the quality with mobs is not needed.
  • Cooldown: 1 second.
  • Sharpening: Chance. MP consumption.
  • Utility. In PVP, the main skill. Can be used on x2 mobs in PVE. When passing from x2, a mob turns out to be x1)) It is also very nice to use this skill to aggro mobs on yourself, which in turn reduces movement and, as a result, increases% of experience per hour.


  • I want to remind you that we carry two-handed swords.

And not simple but ancient. In order to turn an ordinary two-handed sword into an Ancient Weapon, we need to use our skill

D grade:

price in giran 81,975(store)

C grade:

price in giran 349,250(shop)

because we only swing up to 74+ with skills, the main thing for us is def!

B grade:

we make an ancient sword from it and insert SA into HP - price in giran (store) 10kk-12kk clean and 14kk-15kk with SA

or we run in the same C-gride costs 5kk-6kk in the store

A grade:

I do not advise buying weapons for this grade. Great Sword (SA on HP) is enough for downloading, but you can, in principle, put drugs.

best set for pvp against old opponents we have very little horse so it couldn't be better

S grade:

the price depends on the server, but it’s better to either knock out from the RB or craft (which is more profitable, sometimes faster). And also collect Attribute stones to insert into HD and get HD + 150 of the attribute, which will give a huge boost to damage, provided that the skills are sharpened for the same attribute.

collect it in any way. you can insert attribute stones that will give a not frail increase in protection.

4. Tattoo

  • We don't need a tattoo until level 62. And then in my opinion there is one option
  • -4str +4vy
  • -1str +1vy
  • -4str +4lvk

5. Hunting (PVE)

  • 1-20
    • I will not describe actually all the quests from the Novice Assistant
  • 20-28
    • Let's go do the quest Way of Destiny here we are lvl 21. We also go through the Dangerous Temptation, which will give us another + 20% and 100k
    • We go to Gludio and in the number of 2 people we pass the Hall of the Abyss 23ur (Kamaloka)
    • We register in Kata. We go to the Sacrificial Necropolis (below Gludin).
  • 28-40
    • I chose Fortify guerrilla mobs x2 and herbs are falling.
    • You can go to the Heretic Catacombs (near Dion)
    • We begin to pass quests for 2 professions and also perform such quests ** Temple Preacher, Temple Executioner, Temple Warrior - 1, Temple Warrior - 2, ** Gloomy Fox - 1, Gloomy Fox - 2, Gloomy Fox - 3, Fallen Angel - **Sunset's Order.
  • 40-46
    • The perfect place for us is Alligator Island or you can go to Cruma Tower.
  • 46-52
    • This is where the wig race begins and the best place at this level is Tanor Canyon. **First on Harpies up to 49 and then up to 52 on Silenos.
  • 52-62
    • Here, the most ideal place for us is near Oren. We leave from the main gate and immediately slide down the mountain to the bottom. So, going down to the bottom, we find many small packs. so you can up to 55~
  • 61-76
    • There are many places to download here. I chose the Outskirts of Godart. Directly from the central exit in front of us are two slides. We go left or right. We kill Antelopes and Wolves. I want to draw your attention to the fact that as soon as they have half of their HP left, the wolves begin to cast STAN.
    • As soon as you feel the strength in yourself, start climbing up and in the same way we swing on Bears and Buffaloes. They cast stun just like Wolves.
  • 66-75
    • Great place Swamp of Screams. Paired with another 1 bers.

Here or clan or on Parnassus. The choice is yours. Parnassus can be reached by swimming through Alligator Island.

6. Pets for Bers

For Bers, I think there is one pet and this is Chicken, And I don’t care that she buffs Mage buffs. The main thing is that she pours Mana, and this will greatly simplify the life of a berserker.

Video games per class

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Nobody knows where they came from
but it is absolutely clear that they appeared for the war.

When choosing a class for which you want to play - be guided by the main features of your character: if you like to play calmly, thinking about every action, to sit in ambush, then the berserker is not your class - play as a tank. If you like swift attacks, always be in the center of the battle, rush, kill enemies with lightning speed without even letting them come to their senses, choose a doombringer and you won't regret it. This class is single-handedly able to hold off a group of opponents while holding in a camp, able to hold off enemies in large numbers, thanks to a set of skills to protect. Few people are able to withstand the pressure of this swift, ruthless character one on one.

If all of the above about this one-winged race seemed to you at least a little interesting, I present to your attention a more detailed guide about the class Berserker/Doombringer.

About clothes, weapons, tattoos.

When choosing clothes or weapons, I am guided by one principle - a doombringer is an aggressor, a ruthless killer, so everything that he wears should enhance his military qualities, and I don’t care if his defense suffers a little from this. Doombringer must kill before the oud runs out, must leave mountains of corpses before the enemies can target him. All further advice on weapons comes from this axiom. Of course, there are bers who play defensively, trying to increase the amount of life, but they become helpless as soon as they run out of mp, and in my opinion, this is a dead end.
About the outfit. With clothes, the Kamaels are very simple: we can only wear light armor, so there is not much choice. We wear the light that we can afford.
From the C grade, Plated Leather is best, gives +4 lines - 1 con.
From B grade, I like Doom the most, it gives 2.7% physical attack, 2.5% MP regeneration speed, +3dex -2con -1 p.
From A grade Dark Krystal. +4% physical attack, +4% physical attack speed, paralysis resistance, +1 pp - 1 con.
As we know, there is only 1 light Draconic in S grade. Gives. +4% physical attack, +4% physical attack speed, +1dex+1str-2con. Wear immediately upon reaching level 76, because attributes can already be inserted into clothes of S grade and above! Well, more on that later.
If you are level 80, then wear Dynasty Leather. The top of the set must be Weapon Master, then the set gives +5.4% physical attack, +1 dex +1str -2con, max hp + 492, dark resistance +8, crit rate +2.46, crit power + 234. You can take the upper hand with the second essence, but I did not notice much difference from the 1st. If funds allow, then take all parts of the set, you will not regret it.
Not so long ago we have new sets:
moirai s80. Dex + 2 con -2, +4.26% physical attack, +4% physical attack speed, run speed +3%, 50% resistance to hold attacks (!!!), well, increases the fire / water / wind / earth attribute by 3.5%. I did not wear it, but the resistance to holding attacks is relevant for bers, otherwise some craftsmen strive to throw an arrest.
Vesper s84 set gives +1str+1dex-2con, physical attack/attack speed/mp recovery +5.57% and maximum mp +347.4. And no resists, which is sad.
Vesper Noble s84 gives +1str+1dex-2con, physical attack/attack speed/mp recovery +5.57% and maximum mp +347. And also no resists. Nobody praises these sets, they cannot be compared with Dynasty's rare +6 set.
Vorpal s84 set gives +1 p, +2 dex, -2con, physical attack power +6.59%, physical attack speed +6%, +3% movement speed, paralysis resistance +50% (!!!), and also adds +5 attributes to fire/water/wind/earth.
Elegia s84 set gives +1 pt, +2 dex, -2con, physical attack/defense power +5.57%, physical attack speed +5%, crit chance +17.05, +3% movement speed, resistance to paralysis +50%(!!!), and also adds +5 attributes to fire/water/wind/earth.
I didn’t wear the last two sets, but I really want to. They give so many things, especially Elegia.
Sets S80 and above make it possible to wear . This is a very important piece of clothing. If your clan owns a castle, then you can buy it and wear it until the castle is taken from you by more fortunate players. If you don't want to depend on the clan's luck, you can buy a cloak from a cat for 25 col s80 or 50 col s84 which, in addition to pdef, gives another 30 dark attribute. In general, the cloak looks very beautiful on kamaels, so you should buy it only because of its appearance.
Shirts also play an important role in uniforms. Do not chase C and B shirts, up to A grade, a Striped Linen Shirt of D grade, for example, sharpened to +7 or higher, will be enough. After reaching level 61, you can wear the Striped Scale Shirt, which is quite easy to buy in the fort for epaulettes. Having sharpened it to +4, you can exchange it there in the fort for a bonus +564 cp. Similar to S grade Mithril Shirt, gives slightly more CPU when enchanted at +4. But my favorite Enhanced Striped Mithril Shirt increasing magic defense without any sharpening. On a selfie, she adds 150 mdefa to me. On full buff about 400.

And another element of clothing is a belt.
Cloth Belt
Leather Belt belt In grade.
Iron Belt A grade belt.
Mithril Belt S grade belt.
Rivets are inserted into the belts, giving them certain effects. There are so many of these effects that a separate topic is needed to describe them, so I will only mention what I wear. Top-grade Magic Ornament Mithril Belt PvP Skill Attack .
About weapons.
Berses carry two-handed swords:
Claymore top sword D grade.
Berserker Blade top sword From grade.
Guardian Sword top In the sword.
Sword of Ipos top A sword.
Heaven's Divider's favorite S sword.
Dynasty Blade Dino sword.
Icarus Heavy Arms "heavy arms of Icarus".
Vesper Slasher.
Lava Saw "flaming saw".
I described the top swords of each rank, in addition to them, up to A grade inclusive, there are even worse swords, there are shadow swords (they take special coupons from grand masters for a while), there are ordinary (common) items that fall out of mobs. Shadow and ordinary items cannot be improved, but they are quite suitable for pumping at the initial levels, so as not to bother looking for top swords.
There is a lot of controversy about the SA in the weapons of the bers. With full confidence I can say that for Olympus SA on hp it will be better, since there is little sense from the focus on Olympus, crits are very rare, and 1.5 to hp will not be superfluous for sure. But for full buff ganks, as well as for swinging, I recommend focus! Hitting everyone with abills is not effective, mp will end quickly, and what's the point of your extra 3k hp if you can't kill anyone? Sa on focus makes it possible to kill on a full buff without spending MP, since crits fly out every other time, and their strength is very, very high. be sure to print for fame points at the Reputation Manager Rapidus in Aden at the Olympus pillar.
About jewelry. Best of jewelry:
Ring of Baium gives MP bonus: +21, Poison resistance: +40%, increases the chance of passing poison attacks by 40%, increases accuracy, increases critical strike power, Resistance to hold: +30%, increases the chance of passing poison attacks by 30%, increases physical attack and cast.
Ring of Queen Ant MP Bonus: +21, Poison Resistance: +30%, Poison Pass Chance +30%, Accuracy Increase, Critical Strike Damage Increase, Hold Resistance: +20%, Hold Chance Increase +20%
Earring of Antharas MP Bonus: +31, Bleed Resistance: +50%, Increases Bleeding Chance by 40%, Increases Healing Effects, Adds a Vampiric Effect to Attacks, Increases Stun and Mental Attack Resistance by 30%, Increases Stun Pass Chance and mental attacks.
Zaken's Earring MP Bonus: +31, Bleeding Resistance: +30%, Increases Bleeding Chance by 30%, Increases Healing Effects, Adds a Vampiric Effect to Attacks, Increases Stun and Mental Attack Resistance by 20%, Increases Stun and mental attacks
Frintezza's Necklace MP Bonus: +42, Increases Sleep/Paralysis/Shock Resistance by 15%, Increases Sleep/Paralysis/Shock Attack Chance by 25%, Increases Poison/Bleed Resistance by 15%, Increases Poison/Bleed Chance attacks by 25%, Reduces the cooldown of skills, increases damage from shields, increases resistance to darkness attacks.
Necklace of Valakas MP bonus: +42, Sleep resistance: +40%, Increases the chance of passing sleep by 40%, HP +445, Reduces the cooldown of skills, increases physical and magic attack, adds the effect of wild magic.
Choosing between two necklaces, I prefer Frintezza's Necklace.
If the epic is not very good, then try TV and (or) Olymp Bijou. Olympus takes on Olympiad tokens earned on Olympus.
Olympiad Warrior's Ring - MP +21, increases accuracy, increases crit power, increases hold resistance by 30%, increases hold chance by 30%.
Olympiad Warrior's Earring - MP +31, increases the chance of passing shock / mental attacks by 20%, adds a vampiric effect
Olympiad Warrior's Necklace - MP + 42, increases resistance to Sleep/Hold/Shock by 15%,
Increases by 15% the chance of passing Sleep / Hold / Shock by 15%, reduces the cooldown of skills, reflects part of the damage.
TV takes on badges earned in territorial battles and has a number of properties, we are primarily interested in earrings from goddart and, because they give us 15 to the chance of passing the camp, and resistance to slip (goddart earring) and poisoning (earring). Necklaces and rings only give elemental resistances of 30 and 15 respectively, to one specific element. So it doesn't matter here.
About Attributes. Attribute Stones can be inserted into clothes and S grades and higher, increasing protection from certain elements (in clothes) or attack (in weapons). Attribute stones come in 6 types, they are divided into pairs, and are interchangeable between paired stones. Fire/water, wind/earth, dark/divine.
. These stones drop from mobs on the Helbound, Isle Of Prayer and many other locations. The maximum attribute value these gems give is 150 on weapons and 60 on each piece of armor.
In addition to Attribute Stone, there are also Attribute Crystals.

Crystals allow you to overclock attribute values ​​to 300 in weapons and 120 in armor pieces. Where to take them? So far, only buy from the cat, but in general they have a quest for grace, but it doesn’t work for us yet.
Which attributes to insert is up to you. This is a kind of roulette, because one or two attributes will not be in clothes.
You can read more about attributes for example.

About tattoos.

For starters, while you have little experience, I recommend +5 con -5 p. This is especially true in the Olympus. More hp, more resistance will become, more time to think about the maneuver. This will make your life easier in combat against all physicals, but will make it worse against any healers / buffers. But as soon as you feel that you have mastered the character sufficiently, then immediately remove it. Well, when you consider yourself an indestructible trubers - put + p-con.
A tattoo +4 vit -4 int will also be useful. Wit will give us the speed of casting magic skills (for example Soul Cleanse), which sometimes helps a lot. It is because of this skill that I always activate nipples on the panel and the magician, they significantly increase his casts.
Off topic advice: make a macro 1. /target your nickname, 2. Soul Cleanse. 3./targetnext. It saves a lot of time, see for yourself.

About talismans.

A separate place should be given to the topic of talismans. They are mainly used on Olympus, although I myself prefer not to bother using them (only blue for a physical attack, regardless of who the fight is with). There are 6 types of talismans in total: yellow, white, blue, red, black, orange. The most useful are red and blue, they give some kind of active skill. Black ones remove debuffs, orange ones allow you to craft something, yellow ones are passive, white ones are both passive and active for adding an attribute.
List of the most useful talismans:

Blue Talisman-Attack Power- Increases P.Atk. when putting on (my favorite). Sold in Township from a trader for adena.
Blue Talisman - Buff Steal - Removes the enemy's buff.
Blue Talisman - Buff Cancel - Removes buffs from nearby enemies.
Red Talisman - Life Force - Fully restores MP/HP when equipped (like Body Reconstruction ).
Blue Talisman - Divine Protection- When activated, increases your physical and magic defense for 10 seconds.
Blue Talisman of Invincibility(not to be confused with Invisibility!!!) should make you invulnerable for 10 seconds.
Red Talisman of Maximum Clarity- Significantly reduces MP consumption when equipped. Previously, with this talisman, you could use your skills even if you had all your MP burned out! But right now, this possibility seems to have been stopped.
Blue Talisman of Magic Defense- Increases magical defense when equipped.
What talismans, how and with whom to use, decide for yourself. You can read more about talismans, for example,.

Description of skills.

The doombringer class has a set of unique skills for both defense and attack. In this section, I will give a description of the skills, a brief guide to the application, the direction of sharpening, etc. It will be mainly about active skills, passive ones must be learned and forgotten about forever.
Soul Mastery skill learns from lvl 5 and allows you to collect souls flying around. Well, we need souls to increase damage when using attacking skills. In previous chronicles, it was impossible to use certain skills without these souls, but right now they just increase the damage from the ability. It is desirable that you always have these souls. By the way, you can drag them into bottles, they are sold in the store (bottle of souls), and drink these bottles in battle.
Increase Power self buff to increase physical attack. We teach, buff on ourselves if necessary.
Upon reaching level 20, it becomes possible to master the first profession of a Trooper (soldier). There is no need to do a quest on our server. An item (Gwain's Recommendation) is bought from a cat for 250 adena and belongs to the corresponding NPC (Grand Master Gershwin is located in Gludio in the Kamael Guild).
Change Weapon learns at lvl 20. This skill turns normal weapons into special Kamael ones, and without such weapons, certain skills will not work.
Dark Strike combat skill. Until there is a better one, we use it. Requires a sword, blunt weapon, or ancient sword.
Double Thrust first combat skill Sat. We definitely do not need it, since it requires a rapier to use it.
Abyssal Blaze is some kind of magical combat skill, forget about it right away.
Dark Explosion is a magical mass attack skill. Into his furnace.
Death Mark Debuff, reduces physical and magic defense by 20%. You can indulge in it until you get 2 pros. After that, it will already be of little use, since it is unlikely to pass on to anyone.
Erase Mark removes the Death Mark, but only if it's the same level or less. After the 2nd profession is also not relevant.
Surrender to the Unholy is a debuff that removes 25 darkness resistance from the enemy and increases light resistance by 12. Also not relevant after the 2nd class.
Strike Back is a very good aura, it reflects damage from melee attacks, it works randomly and the chance is quite small, but I always keep it on in battle against melee, since it doesn’t eat so much MP, and if it works, it won’t be superfluous. Learned from level 20.
Furious Soul learns at level 24. Increases the chance and power of crit, but greatly reduces physical defense and evasion. The skill is very useful on a skill, especially on wigs, and against all robes it must be turned on, but not against physicals.
Hard March learns at level 28. Aura on the run, always on my panel, I activate it when I need to catch up or run away. Consumes MP continuously while active.
Rush. Learned from level 32. Allows you to fly up to the enemy to attack. Doesn't deal damage, doesn't put in a stun, just quickly gets to it. Mp spends a little, it is useful only on gangs on nubo lvl.
Courage learns at level 36. Significantly increases resistance to mental attacks. Duration 60 sec, cooldown 2 min 30 sec. It is always on the panel, I activate it according to circumstances. That's the thing against bluff.
Disarm so attention: disarm (disarmament). It has a good chance to knock weapons out of your opponent's hands into his own bag (sorry, not into his own). The enemy cannot take up weapons while this debuff is on. Learned at level 36.
Sword Shield and another important skill - oud bers. For 30 seconds, greatly increases physical defense and slightly reduces movement speed. Learns at level 36, cooldown 15 minutes. Use it in battle against all physicals, well, it will help out on a roll in a critical situation.
At level 40, you can learn the second profession of Verserker. Here, too, everything is simple, we buy an item from the cat (Orkurus’ Recommendation) and attribute it to the NPC (Grand Master Vitus is located in the Kamael Guild in Giran).
Shoulder Charge learns from lvl 40. Attacks the enemy with a shoulder run. Deals low damage and has a chance to stun. A good skill, immediately take it to the panel and learn how to use it, it will help both in ganking and on the level.
True Berserker learns from lvl 40. Also an aura that continuously consumes MP. Increases Physical Attack, Attack Speed ​​and Accuracy while decreasing Physical Defense and Evasion. I always turn it on on the level, and in the gank, even against the physicals. The decrease in defense is more than offset by an increase in attack.
Dark Armor is learning on 40m. Aura that does NOT consume MP, increases dark defense by 10. Useful in quality somewhere on the undead.
Dark Smash learns at level 40. Attack skill, used with an ancient sword. Overhead is possible. We teach, we put it on the panel, we will use it on the gang until there is nothing better.
Scorn. Studying at 43m. Forces nearby enemies to attack. Didn't have to apply.
Slash Blade. Learned from level 43. Attacks nearby enemies with a chance of overstrike. Apply, perhaps, when several opponents attacked you at once, and you are standing in the oud. Better yet, forget about this skill, besides, later on the panel there will be no place for it.
Life to Soul has been learning since the 49th. A way to accumulate souls at the expense of your HP.
Storm Assault starts at level 49. A massive ranged attack, will be useful in until there is a better skill. Attacks your target and everyone in between.
Spread Wing is learned from level 49. Mass attack, hits everyone around, does not require targeting. Useful for getting enemy daggers out of Hyde.
Violent Temper starts at level 49. If it passes on your target, it will lower its magic speed by 15% and physical defense by 23%. Duration 30 sec. Throw at everyone you decide to kill, if it passes, then your opponent will have even less chance of surviving.
Body Reconstruction is learned at level 55. Fully restores your health. How do any daggers dream of such a skill. Helps a lot in combat. True, the rollback is 15 minutes, so use it if absolutely necessary.
Blade Rush starts at level 55. Sword strike at a distant target, both the target and all enemies in between you have a chance to receive a bleeding wound.
Soul Barrier has been learning since 58th. The long-awaited magic ud, increases the magician's defense by 2 times for 10 seconds. I think everything is clear here: we put it on the panel and activate it if necessary. Fortunately, the rollback of the skill is only 45 seconds.
Crushing Pain starts at level 60. The main attacking skill, you will kill your enemies with it.
Contagion learns from level 64. A very interesting attacking skill, it only works on the target that is bleeding. Hence the specificity of its use - immediately after the successful Blade Rush.
Soul Cleanse learns at level 66. Removes up to three debuffs from you or another kamael at the target.

Fortitude learns at level 76. The aura, which greatly increases resistance to stun attacks and paralysis, continuously consumes quite a lot of mana when active. Turn on only when needed.
Enuma Elish learns at level 78. Launches a wave at enemies in front of you. A good skill for finishing off on the Olympus. True, its long cooldown allows it to be used only 1-2 times in battle.
Rush Impact learns at level 78. We have been waiting for this skill for a long lvl 78. We now have the ability to deal AoE damage to distant targets and anyone in between with a pretty high chance of stunning them. In the hands of a skilled doombringer, this skill becomes a formidable weapon, often decisive.
Soul Rage learns at 78. The skill attacks enemies from a distance and collects souls, the maximum number of souls is 40. The damage is rather dull, but it is believed that it demoralizes the enemy and makes him use his skills less effectively. For example, allegedly sat steals less buffs. But I'm not sure that it's true
Final Form transform into a flying monster, requires 20 souls to transform. Studying at lvl 79. The transformation can be activated once per hour and only for 4 minutes. Significantly increases defense and attack. Try turning it on 1 time and you will like it.
Mass Disarm learns at lvl 79. Disarm nearby enemies. Very good skill, but the cooldown is long. Doesn't require a target.
Next are the top skills that require a book to learn. Eye for Eye can be obtained from the Olymp Manager for Olymp Tokens and Fame Points, but it takes a very long time. Expose Weak Point can be purchased on the helbound from Legendary Blacksmith Shadai for Ancient Tome Of The Demon. Some should fall from rb.
Fighter's Will. Learned at level 81. Increases physical attack and attack speed when using melee weapons. Learn as soon as possible.
Archer's Will . Learned at level 81. Increases accuracy and range when using a bow or crossbow. If possible, teach, if not, then it's okay.
Expose Weak Point - A random debuff to whoever attacks you. Learned at level 81. If possible, learn.
Final Secret active skill - Increases the damage of your attacks and skills by 30%. Lasts 30 seconds. Appears at level 81. Learn as soon as possible.
Protection Of. Learned at level 82. Increases mage defense by 15%. When taking damage, it has a chance to additionally increase mage defense and elemental resistance for 10 seconds. Learn as soon as possible.
Protection Of Elemental. Learned at level 82. Increases element resistance by 20 . When taking damage, it has a chance to additionally increase mage defense and elemental resistance for 10 seconds. Learn as soon as possible.
Protection Of Alignment. Passive skill, learned at level 82. Increases elemental resistance by 20. When damaged, has a chance to additionally increase mage defense and elemental resistance for 10 seconds. Learn as soon as possible.
Eye for Eye. Favorite active skill. Studying at lvl 83. Reflects 100% melee damage back to the enemy. Have you ever seen hurried daggers smash against an inactive doombringer like a granite rock? The duration is only 10 seconds, so you need to hit the bull's-eye with this skill. Indispensable on Olympus against all neighbors.

About sharpening skills.

Having reached level 76 and having mastered the third profession, the character gets the opportunity to sharpen his skills. For this we need:
Giant's Codex book for risk sharpening. Will disappear as soon as you sharpen the skill 1 time, but you can sharpen it until the first failure. If sharpening fails, then its value is reset to zero.
Giant's Codex - Mastery safe sharpening book. Disappears upon use, but can only be sharpened once, regardless of the result. If the sharpening fails, then its value remains the same, and is not reset.
Giant's Code - Discipline book to change sharpening, if you suddenly decide to change direction. When changing direction, the sharpening value decreases by 1.
And what we definitely never need is this:
Giant's Code - Oblivion . I don't know what twisted mind came up with the book to reduce sharpening, but it does exist.
On grace, it became possible to sharpen third-class skills along with second-professional ones, but the limit value of the point for the former is limited to 15th, unlike second-professional ones, which can be sharpened up to 30th. Skill point chance table:

Passive Skills:
Ancient Sword Mastery - sharpens for strength or physical attack speed.
Light Armor Mastery - sharpened for dodge or for pdef.
Wisdom ) - sharpens for resistance to sleep, hold or mental attacks.
Health - sharpened for resistance to bleeding or poisoning.
Magic Immunity - sharpened on mdef.
Critical Sense - sharpened by the chance or strength of a critical hit.
Active skills:
Violent Temper - sharpened by the chance of passing or for the duration of the action. Here you definitely sharpen the chance.
Soul Barrier - sharpened for time or for efficiency. Definitely sharpen on time! Given the rollback of the skill (45 seconds) when sharpening by +30, we will have 40 seconds out of these 45 with magic protection doubled!
True Berserker - sharpened either for MP consumption or for an increase in physical attack and accuracy. Definitely choose the second direction.
Crushing Pain - there is a choice to sharpen for efficiency, MP consumption, for one of the 4 elements, or for damage. I focused on pvp damage.
Disarm - the choice to sharpen for the duration of the action or for the passage. Both directions are tempting.
Enuma Elish - sharpens for efficiency, pvp damage, holy attribute and MP consumption.
Sword Shield - sharpens to increase pdef, or to reduce the run penalty. Both have the right to exist.
Rush Impact - sharpens for efficiency, mp consumption, chance, one of the 4 elements, or pvp damage. In my opinion, the most tempting are chance, mp consumption or pvp damage.
Mass Disarm - sharpened for a chance or skill cooldown.
Soul Gating - sharpened to consume hp or to reduce rollback.
Fortitude - sharpens for resistance to stun or paralysis.
Blade Rush - sharpens for efficiency, passage, mp consumption or pvp damage.
Contagion - sharpened for mp consumption, efficiency and pvp damage..
Dark Smash - sharpens for efficiency, mp consumption, dark attribute or pvp damage.
Slashing Blade - sharpens for efficiency, mp consumption, elemental or pvp damage.
Storm Assault - sharpens for efficiency, mp consumption, elemental or pvp damage.
Spread Wing - sharpened for efficiency or MP consumption.
Some of these skills I did not sharpen at all, because I never use them. But you will play in your own way, and sharpen those skills that will be on your panel, because it is not in vain that they say: how many people have so many opinions. Keep in mind, if you decide to sharpen any skill for an element, then it must match the attribute of your weapon.

About subskills.

If you have made a quest for a subclass, and even managed to pump your subs, then it becomes possible due to this to strengthen your base with skills from a subclass. To do this, you need to complete the transformation quest (More Than Meets the Eye). The quest is taken at Hardin's Academy from Hardin. When choosing skills, we are guided by the same rule. Three skills can be taken from each sub: two passive and one specific, depending on the sub. I tried to take passive ones for def, I didn’t like it, I replaced it with an attack. Special skills:
took Counter Haste with SoulBreakera. When it works, it increases attack speed very well for 15 seconds. With him, even tanks are not so impregnable.
took Critical Rate from Arbalester. Gives +30 Crit Chance. More crits, more dead enemies.
with Inspector of course Counter Barrier . Chance when taking damage to activate invulnerability for 5 seconds.
In addition to these skills, you can take transforms from subs if you get them to level 80.

swing strategy.

So, we created a character, came up with a name, were born in the starting location. Up to the 6th lvl, you can immediately go up on mobs of the 1st level. Then it all depends on your buff. If you have at least pp (wark, over) preferably pumped up to 78 with a pof (chow), then you are very lucky. The 20th level easily rises under the pp buff on the mobs around the Gludio in 15-20 minutes.
from 20th to 40th in 2 minutes? No problem. We need - any A or S grade set, A or S grade jewelry and A or S grade physical weapons, corresponding soulshots, Lilim Knite transform 1 piece, Healing Potion supply (20 pieces), buff (PP or wark) and one rb 20 -25 lvl. We put all this on ourselves, buff, transform and boldly attack the rb with the skill of the Attack Rage transform. HP is slowly decreasing, so we drink Khilki all the time. 1-2 minutes and rb dies safely, and our ward immediately raises 20-25 lvls.
Well, what about those who do not have a buff? We are looking for Adventurers’ Guade in the villages and cities (in the Nuibe Guade and Gludio) and ask them to help us with magic. This is called nubobaf, it lasts an hour. If possible - take the above transform, if not - it's worse for you. It is best for you to find like-minded people, after all, together it is more fun, and even easier. Swing up to the 20th in the vicinity of your native village and Gludin. Then around Gludio and Dion up to lvl 40.
40th to 55th swings very quickly on Alligator Island (alligator island) from . I rocked under the buff pp, all in the same transform. If there is no transform, then you definitely need a vamp with se or varka. From 55th to 65th quality in Giant's Cave (cave of giants). Further already in the Valley of Saints, Wall of Agros and in the Witch catacombs. As you gain strength, try Varka/Ketra. Good quality in Imperial Tomb. They swing well on wigs, I will describe the method below. Since the 80s, I have been rocking Den Of Evil on orcs. C 81. having learned the Fighter's Will skill, we go to hb, and from there we no longer leave until level 85. We need a full buff, if not, then don't even go there.
The best option is a swing with a full buff on wigs. We choose a location corresponding to the level and equipment, with as many aggro mobs as possible in the smallest possible space. Full buff - pp, vark, sd svm, and preferably a cat. Dances and songs are better to sharpen for a while. +9 will give us 45 extra seconds, which is enough to put together a wig. It's easier to collect while riding a wolf, it's faster, and do not forget to turn on Soul Barrier, this will save you from long-range attacks of mobs while you are running. Having jumped off the wolf, you need to pick up a PIKU (preferably from SA to hast), turn on the nipples, stand with your back to the wall, or better in the corner, choose the first mob that runs up on Next Target, and beat him when he runs up, but not before, but then jump out of the corner. Remember: under a wig, they survive not at the expense of their defense, but at the expense of the wamp. So you should have a bers with pp on you, and turn on Furious Soul after you have become in a corner. Thus, the doombringer is able to swing solo on Hb island, and cut a chimera wig on the largest clearing. If you do not have a full buff, then swing without wigs, 1 mob each. But a vamp must be mandatory, it’s either a varco buff, or a se buff, or an epic vamp - zaken / taras. Locations are selected according to the level, equipment, buff, and one more criterion: what would be a quest, thanks to which you can get rich. If you don’t have a buff… then I recommend that you join a clan where you can level up in a party. Swinging without a buff is completely masochistic, never do that, even as a joke.

Mass gang strategy.

flutter like a butterfly and sting like a bee.

The reader has probably watched the flight of a crazy doombringer in a mass gank more than once, when his movements can hardly be followed, and it seems that he is in several places at the same time. Most of his opponents, as if spellbound by this spectacle, freeze in place, unable to move a single muscle, although it may not be the beauty of events that is to blame, but only the camp. Well, anyway, this feature is a very easy move to implement, and very effective if the gank is between not very many characters. Optimal - party sun party. How to do it? Yes, very simple. We have two buttons on the skills panel - Rush Impact and Next Target. We run into the crowd of enemies and press them one by one, as quickly as possible. And - about a miracle! Our doombringer rushed about like crazy, and our enemies for the most part stand in the camp. But be careful, don't get too carried away with it. Firstly, you can be left without MP very quickly. And although I insist that the doombringer is dangerous even without MP, we still need to catch up with the last fleeing enemies. And secondly, if there is a big gank, then, given the uncontrollability of flights, you can move to hell, and find yourself behind enemy lines without the support of your friends, where they will immediately burn out all your mp, put you on the root, stun and sleep at the same time, debuff all conceivable and inconceivable debuffs, and they will kill you despite all your ud, and your friends will not even be able to respawn you, because they will not know where you are. And thirdly (the biggest drawback, in my opinion) Rush Impact and Next Target are in soli! so if a separate party of Soalians is running with you, and you don’t want to merge them, then you will have to abandon this wonderful trick, and even just Rush Impact will have to be used very, very carefully.
What else can be said about mass gangs? Our main targets are robes. But don't spend too much MP on Crushing Pain. Considering a full buff and preferably an epic ring, your crit hit will be much stronger than your ability. In addition, if you have Haste, PvP Weapon, and Fighter's Will. triggers, then few can resist such pressure. If you have decided on the target, then try to hang Violent Temper on it - if it passes, then you will quickly kill it. Well, disarms on rollback, it sometimes helps a lot.
When you are fighting against neighbors, then there is a right to exist tactics based on the protection of your healers. That is, when you saw that a bunch of dagers and other evil spirits rushed at your bish, your goal is to interfere with them with a camp and disarm. In capable hands, this tactic pays off. True, the healer must be literate, run and not fall right away. And your party members must kill enemy healers at this time.
Separate story with the tank. Don't attack a tank in a mass gank, look for targets that are more accessible to you. Let those who have to do it (Sat for example). If attacked, then you run the risk of killing yourself due to the reflection of the abils, snatching out a bunch of debuffs, in general - getting stuck in the swamp of this wretched duel, instead of leaving mountains of corpses in robes.

Solo Gang Strategy (Olympus)

As for clothes, we don’t have a great choice - a light set of the highest grade that we can afford. Against bish, her, pp and se, you can wear nm light. The sword is the most expensive, and the sa for Olympus is definitely on xp. As I said earlier, tattoos for Olympus -5 lines + 5 con. More horse will give you protection to the stun and time to use your skills wisely, it won't hurt in the beginning.
Doombringer is a versatile damage dealer with an arsenal of unique skills. Unstoppable pressure, impact force, protection, all this makes us dangerous opponents. And only impenetrable tanks are very difficult to win. With everyone else, we either just have a good chance, or a very good chance. But it all depends on experience, tactics and ingenuity in battle. The strategy in battle is something like this - activate the defense (physical or mage, or both at once), activate Final Secret and then kill the enemy in cold blood.
The main concepts of the battle of the doombringer on Olympus with different classes:

  1. the "nothing" group. Bows, smooths, shooting ranges, They won't live long under the crash of pane, and they have nowhere to go, while we have 30 seconds of beats. I think everything is clear here. The only problem that can arise with the gladiator is if he thinks of taking a hammer and using his only stun skill. You need to not miss this maneuver that is not typical for this class and turn on the UD. And also the UD can simply be a talisman, this will also be 100% our loss.
  2. a group of warlords, gnomes, titans. If these monsters are properly chiselled, then they simply may not be released from the camp throughout the entire battle. But we have oud, and (hopefully) Eye for Eye. Usually we stand in the camp, and they safely kill themselves, well, or with a little help from us. I will put all summoners in the same group, defeating them is not difficult, the only thing is to use both physical and magic ud for protection.
  3. Mages sometimes manage to kill, especially if they get several crits in a row. But we have Soul Barrier, you should activate it just before the fight. Be at the right time to use Body Reconstruction . Here I recommend not to be greedy, use as soon as it leaves for half hp, otherwise you risk falling from crit. I do not recommend using Violent Temper. Firstly, it takes a very long time to cast, and secondly, it may not pass. And fights with magicians pass very quickly.
  4. - daggers. If a dagger is equipped and pierced just like you, then you have a much better chance of defeating him. Firstly you have oud, secondly - Eye for Eye. Only you can’t play both of these trump cards at once, an advanced dagger will immediately go into hyde, and in half a minute will take you warm for a couple of pokes. I recommend her to combine it with the final secret. It's better in my opinion. Well, combine oud with disarms.
    Careful with av, because they can also reflect damage. If you notice a reflection, then use disarms and Violent Temper.
  5. - her, bish, behold. These scoundrels know how to famously put in a sleep, survive mp, cancel cc and hang a debuff on attack speed. It is very important to turn on the Soul Barrier before the battle starts, otherwise you can burn MP for 1 time. Hang a valakas necklace around your neck, and dress yourself in nm light set. Try placing Violent Temper on them immediately, followed by Crushing Pain and disarms. Sometimes they become stone, it plays into our hands. If there is space, move back and as soon as the enemy comes out of the stone, give him a Rush Impact. If he hid in the wall, then just beat him in the hope that the triggers will work. One of the trump cards is Enuma Elish: it casts very quickly, you can finish it off before the enemy heals. If you are left without mana, not everything is lost yet, we run after the enemy and hit with ordinary blows, our crits are quite frequent and strong.
  6. - pp. These evil characters under their fb know how to root and not be afraid to survive mp. well, we have a wonderful skill for this case - Soul Cleanse. We only have a few moments to kill them. Do not try to put debuffs on PP, you will only waste your time. If mp is devoured from us, then that's it, we will die in the root.
  7. - overs. Well, in terms of complexity, they are like paragraphs. They have lard, slip and a bunch of other debuffs. Their buff will allow them to be considered dangerous opponents. Against them, Soul Barrier, well-tuned for the time, will help, disarm and since the battle is not fast - Violent Temper. If fat is hung on you - hit from your hand, there is a chance to knock down the cast, and activate counter and pvp skills. If you are debuffed, remove Soul Cleanse. The outcome of these fights largely depends on the randomness.
  8. - Sat. From the recommendations - buff yourself with everything you can, at the end of the nubble and Furious Soul, in the hope that sb will steal it and lower your pdef. Use Oud and Soul Barrier immediately after the buff is stolen from you, and disarms on the rollback.
  9. - tanks. Well, we got here. So why are they dangerous to us? Yes, a lot of things, it’s even hard to list: skill reflection, cheating stun, 100500 beats, unrealistic pdef, evil debuffs, wow .. And how to kill them? First you need to make the tank use all three beats, one after the other, and run back. They can only move when party oud, the other two will pin them to the ground, so run back in time. True, this is not always possible, because sometimes the tank does not let out of the camp. It is very difficult to kill light tanks, as they heal all the time. The dark ones are much easier, they can be killed in several raids with maximum damage. By the way, tanks sometimes hang a crown (blocking physical skills), but we have Soul Cleanse, and this is not a physical, but a mage skill! so they ran away and removed the debuff from themselves.
  10. - a separate place is occupied by gang doombringer sun doombringer. What can be said and advised? With the same equipment, the winner is the doombringer who understands the spirit of his character the most, understands what he needs to buff and at what moment which skill to use. Since the fight is relatively long, I recommend immediately putting Violent Temper on the enemy. Disarm use on rollback. Eye for Eye is better at the end of the fight, especially if the ud is waning. There is not as much randomness in this battle as it might seem at first. Enuma Elish is very useful, as an opportunity to finish off the enemy before he has time to restore HP. If you have been hung with a disarm with sharpening for a time, then it is better to remove it from yourself with Soul Cleanse. If there is no sharpening for a time, then the debuff will soon pass, and it is better to use this time to debuff the enemy in response.

It should be noted that there are about the same number of tactics for conducting a battle as there are people. Berserker with his variety of skills is even more concerned than the rest, so do not stop at one tactic, experiment, develop your own playstyles. The most dangerous of the bers is the one whose action is difficult to predict, and due to its unpredictability, it is able to defeat anyone, both on Olympus and in the field.

This guide is based only on the basis of my personal experience of playing for the bers. In no case do I urge you to take it on faith and unquestioningly follow all the advice set out in it.

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