Sin is virtue. These are the virtues by which mortal sins are overcome. Archpriest Mikhail Vorobyov

Entrance doors 03.03.2022
Entrance doors

Deadly sins and how to overcome them.

Mortal sin is overcome by victorious virtues.

If your righteousness does not surpass that of the scribes and Pharisees, then you will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Trait of scribes: knowledge of the law without concern for living by the law.
The trait of the Pharisees: the correctness of external behavior without special concern for the correctness of heartfelt feelings and thoughts.
St. Theophan the Recluse

To help you, a table of victorious virtues is presented to help you overcome mortal sins in yourself.

Love Alms Chastity Fast
Love conquers sins: Hatred and malice. Alms conquers sins: Love of money. Chastity conquers sins: Fornication and adultery. Fast conquers sins: Gluttony.
To fight sin, instead of the usual revenge (even in your thoughts), try to wish the person well and pray for him. When the soul is empty, the void is usually filled with material wealth. To fight sin, start helping someone who needs financial help. There are about 5 million homeless children in modern Russia. Help them first - at least give them old clothes. If there is no love, they seek to compensate for it with fornication. But this path of sin will lead to emptiness. It is better to stop and wait, to be quiet and alone, to understand where you really need to go, than to continue to commit sins. Fasting cleanses the soul and body from sins. Start Wednesday and Friday. Eat bread, fruits and vegetables these days. Drink plain water.
Humility Prayer longsuffering
Humility wins sins: Grodnosti, contempt and envy. Prayer wins sins: Despondency and laziness. longsuffering conquers sins: Wrath and condemnation.
A very difficult and heavy sin. To yourself you always seem exceptional and worthy of more than others. Start at least by stopping demonstrating your superiority. Prayer generally works wonders in the fight against any sins. Start praying in your own words, ask - and it will be given to you! Patience goes hand in hand with humility. In a hurry, the devil catches you. Faster, faster, faster... And the world flies by. In a race, you stop being human. To achieve your goals, you begin to commit many sins.
Devil - in comparison. Devil - in a hurry

1. Heresy- the sin of false teaching, contrary to Orthodoxy.
2. Split- the sin of unauthorized deviation from the unity of reverence for God and from the Orthodox Church. A schismatic is one who eschews unity with the Orthodox Church and adheres to special interpretations and rituals: a schismatic is otherwise called renegade,T. e. cut off from the Church of Christ.
3. Blasphemy- the sin of shameless opposition to the obvious truth; stubbornness against the voice of conscience and the suggestions of Grace.
4. Apostasy- a Christian apostate, or one who has completely renounced, who has fallen away from the faith in Christ the Savior and fallen into paganism, or into Judaism, or into Mohammedanism, or into other beliefs, or, although not renouncing the faith in Christ, but not recognizing the seven Sacraments of the Orthodox Church , or one who recognizes all the Sacraments, but dares to add to the pure confession of faith his invented errors, contrary to the ancient teaching of the Holy Apostles and Holy Fathers of the Church, and also rejects the ancient pious rites and establishes his own new customs, contrary to the spirit of Christian piety. Such are all the ancient heretics and schismatics.
5. Magic- the sin of performing miracles, giving and using medicines, poisons; witchcraft, sorcery, sorcery, appeal to soothsayers, fortune-tellers, grandmothers, psychics, sorcerers, magicians, hypnotists, astrologers, etc., as well as various kinds of superstition, occultism.
6. Despair- the sin of humiliation of one’s own dispensation and condition, the impotence to fight sins, the imposition of spiritual judgment on oneself, in contrast to what the Lord said: Vengeance is mine, I will repay” (Rom. 12:19).
7. Suicide- the sin of self-willed deprivation of life.
8. fornication- the sin of fornication of life in the unconsecrated by the power of the Sacrament of Marriage, the copulation of a single man and an unmarried woman (or in a civil marriage), or violation of chastity by a young man or girl before marriage.
9. Adultery- the sin of adultery by one of the spouses. It means not only a shameful action, but also bad thoughts (Matt. 5:28).
10. Unnatural adulterous sins- homosexuality, bestiality, masturbation and others. 11. Incest - carnal relationship between close relatives.
12. Drunkenness- the sin of abuse of alcoholic beverages, often permanent; one of the most terrible modern vices, destroying the soul and body of a person, bringing evil and suffering to others; addiction.
13. Sacrilege- the sin of stealing things consecrated to God (Rom. 2:22), for example, stealing from a church or desecration of such things.
14. Homicide- the sin of depriving a born or unborn person of life. The worst sin of all time.
15. Robbery- the sin of misappropriation of another's property by force.
16.Theft- the sin of secret theft and misappropriation of another's property.
17. Sin cruelty


1. Deliberate homicide, abortion.
2.Sodom sin.
3. In vain oppression a poor, defenseless, defenseless widow and orphans.
4. Retention a wretched worker with a well-deserved wage.
5.Taking away a person in his extreme position has the last piece of bread or the last penny, which he obtained with sweat and blood, as well as the forcible or secret appropriation of alms, food, warmth or clothing intended for the sick, orphans, prisoners, the elderly and generally their oppression.
6. Disappointment and resentment parents to their impudent beatings.


1.Over-reliance on God or the continuation of a sinful life in one hope of God's mercy.
2.Despair Denying Fatherly Love in God and Goodness and leading to thoughts of suicide.
3.Stubborn disbelief who is not convinced by any evidence of the truth, even by obvious miracles, rejecting the proven truth.

In Christianity, there are seven human virtues. Love, non-possession, chastity, humility, temperance, meekness, sobriety.

Let's consider each of them separately and give a description.


Love is the queen of virtues. This is the highest virtue. Christian love is a gift of the Holy Spirit, in its essence it is the deification of a person, in its form it is a sacrificial service. The commandment of the Lord is love for God and neighbor.

Ignaty Brianchaninov

Here is how St. Ignatius Brianchaninov:

“Change during prayer the fear of God into love. Loyalty to the Lord… Peace of Christ. Love for neighbors is fraternal, pure, equal to all…”

Love is the queen of virtues


Meekness (from the word taming) is a gentle and forgiving disposition of a person.

The Lord Jesus Christ said:

“Learn from Me, for I am meek and lowly in heart” and “Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.”

The last statement really comes true. Because the meek Christians inherited the universe that the pagans formerly possessed. Although they could be destroyed by the fury of the Gentiles. The meaning of these words of the Lord can also be interpreted as an inheritance of eternal blessings in the Kingdom of Heaven, on the land of the living.

Such a person is not indignant at anything, does not get angry, does not take revenge, but patiently endures insults, reproaches and condescendingly treats the shortcomings of his neighbors. This is truly a divine quality. The taming of man himself is one of the tasks that every baptized person faces.

The meek shall inherit the earth


This virtue is included in one of the three monastic vows. It can be said that non-acquisitiveness is selflessness, the absence of greed, the passion for accumulation and wealth, as well as the absence of addiction to any things, hatred of luxury, love of gospel poverty.

A non-possessive person puts all his hope in God, and does not care what to eat and drink and what to wear. That is why the Lord takes care of him. He distributes his money to the poor, being content with only the bare necessities. His main treasure is the acquisition of the Kingdom of Heaven.

A rich person becomes a multi-career, is involved in the cycle of fuss. All his thoughts are occupied with how to increase, save or spend earthly funds. His mind is no longer occupied with God and eternal life. The more a person is ready to give away his property, the less he depends on it.

Jesus tells him:

(Matt. XIX. 21)

if you want to be perfect, go, sell your property, and give to the poor; and have treasure in heaven, and follow in the footsteps of Me.

A Christian always grows rich in God by giving, he receives more, trampling on the passion for wealth. Attachment to things does not allow you to fully trust God and become attached to Him. This virtue also gives a person unprecedented freedom. It releases from the fear of loss and unnecessary worries, giving a person a lot of time for spiritual pursuits.

The main treasure is the acquisition of the Kingdom of Heaven


“Everyone who loves purity and chastity becomes the temple of God.”

(Apostle Paul)

Chastity - wholesome wisdom, wholeness of the soul, avoidance of fornication, depraved thoughts and a whole, uncluttered look at the opposite sex, purity of soul and body. Chastity is when all the powers of the soul are joined together by the Spirit of God.

This virtue is not limited to monks. Married people can also have pure chaste relationships. In church marriage there is a union of two personalities - spouses, at all levels: spiritual, mental and bodily.

The sanctity of marriage also affects the intimate side of the relationship, which should be temperate, that is, the carnal side does not prevail, but only complements the union. Chastity is abstinence and victory over the pleasures that tempt us.

John of Damascus

John of Damascus spoke of chastity:

Marriage is wonderful for those who do not have abstinence, but virginity is better, which increases the childbearing of the soul and brings God a timely fruit - prayer.

Whoever has achieved this virtue has purity of thoughts and feelings.


This virtue completes the list of the fruits of the Spirit in the apostle Paul. This is the ability to control one's passions and keep them in check, to keep from eating too much, to keep fasting. Abstinence is the beginning of the spiritual life. It can be mental and physical.

Fasting is observed by Orthodox Christians 4 times a year. How does food influence the spiritual life?

A person who is satiated easily inclines to sin. But in addition to the bodily component of fasting, there should also be spiritual abstinence from sins and passions. This kind is driven out only by prayer and fasting, the Lord said.

That is why the virtue of temperance is so important. She brings healing to the soul. The Fall began precisely because of the violation of the commandment of abstinence.

Abstinence is the healing of the soul


Humility is the garment of the Divine.

John of the Ladder

St. John of the Ladder calls humility a treasure stored in mortal vessels, and says that no word can fully explain the properties of this spiritual treasure. Humility is a sober vision of oneself. It can manifest itself in relation to God as a vision of one's sins, a desire to subordinate one's will to the will of God.

God gives grace to the humble.

In relation to a person, this virtue manifests itself as the absence of anger, seeing others as superior to oneself in everything, simplicity and directness.

This virtue consists in the knowledge of the sacrament hidden in the Cross of Christ.

God gives grace to the humble


Sobriety is the cause of purity of heart, and therefore the cause of God-vision.

Sobriety is the secret knowledge of the Divine Mysteries, the fulfillment of every commandment. This is constant wakefulness, keeping oneself from sleeping too much, idleness, love for night vigils, bows, deeds.

Sobriety consists in an attentive, undistracted spiritual life, the desire to cleanse oneself of sinful thoughts and feelings. Sobriety is also a ladder to contemplation. For the successful passage of the spiritual life, this virtue is very necessary. It helps to see and cut off enemy attachments and pray purely.

Sobriety is the cause of God-vision.

7 sins and their interpretation

We have considered seven benefactors, now we will list and consider

7 major deadly sins. Sins and virtues are related to each other. A certain virtue overcomes a certain sin. The table below shows how virtue is opposed to sin.

Table of sins and virtues


This passion is called the mother of all sins. Pride is the most important passion, which is expressed in the rejection of God and the contempt of others.

It is the most dangerous, because it is not immediately visible as radiation. This is a disease of the spirit, and it is not in the sensually perceived world.

Shades or subtypes of this passion are as follows: arrogance, pride, arrogance, impatience of reproaches, thirst for praise, searching for easy ways.

Pride draws a person to enjoy his fallen self.


Vanity is an arrogant desire for vain glory, reverence. Vain, because earthly. Such glory is transient and ends. It is nothing compared to that which the Lord has prepared for those who love Him.

This subtle passion is called the daughter of pride.


Despondency - carelessness, negligence, perfect relaxation, discouragement.

Monks are especially exposed to this passion. It manifests itself as indifference to prayer, worship, negligence, cooling off to a feat, extinguishing zeal for faith.


An angry one kills his soul, because he spends his whole life in confusion and anxiety.

This passion has many shades: irritability, irascibility, rage, vindictiveness, desire for revenge, unforgiveness of insults, passionate disputes, hatred, contempt, hostility, indignation. In its development, this sin leads to screaming, cutting words, hitting, pushing and killing.

love of money

The love of money is a violation of the second commandment, the worship of wealth.

This sin lies in the love of money, the passion for hoarding, the insatiable increase in earthly goods.

There are many of its subspecies: greed, stinginess, covetousness, mischief, covetousness, filthy profitability, greed.


Fornication is the acceptance of impure thoughts, conversation with them, delight in them, consent to them, slower in them, prodigal dreams and captivity. This passion also includes marital intemperance and infidelity.


The varieties of this passion are as follows: overeating, drunkenness, non-keeping and permission of fasting, secret eating, delicacy, in general, violation of abstinence.

Wrong and excessive love of the flesh, its belly and rest.



heavy sin, manifested in rude, harsh words, arrogant, shameless deeds, free, unrestrained behavior.

Greedy material acquisition, a passionate and insatiable desire to appropriate everything to oneself alone, to be carried away by self-interest. A human quality that is strictly condemned in Russia.

The “Book of Wisdom of Jesus, the son of Sirach” says: “The eye of a covetous man will not be satisfied with a part, but the insult of the evil one dries up his soul”, “Bribes and bribes blind the eyes of the wise, so that even the sighted can no longer see.” In "The Instruction of a Father to His Son": "The house of a miser is like a misty night that hides the stars and the light from many eyes." “Woe to the covetous, for wealth will leave him, but the fire will take him” (“The Sayings of Hesychius and Barnabas” from “Izbornik 1076”).

“To wish a lot,” says Russian proverbs, “no good can be seen. To grab a lot - to lose yours. You won't get anything with greed. The greedy Adam's apple twitched. Greedy eyes know no shame. A well-fed wolf is more meek than an insatiable (greedy) person. There is no abyss against greedy eyes.

A wish
"Feeling of attraction, lust, wanting, striving" (V. I. Dal). In the minds of a native Russian person, this concept is associated with the desire for material acquisition and physical pleasure. The Christian worldview requires a person to curb his desires, spiritual power over them. One who knows no limits to his desires will never become a good Christian.

“The desires that captivate us most are lustful desires, such desires that are never satisfied, and the more they are satisfied, the more they grow. Remember how passionately you longed for a lot in the past, which now arouses in you, if not disgust, then neglect. The same will happen with those desires that now excite you. Remember how much you lost trying to satisfy them. The same will happen now. Humble, calm them down, this is always the most beneficial and always possible. (L. N. Tolstoy).

Annoyance at someone else's good or good, unwillingness to do good to another, but only to oneself. In the mind of a person, Holy Russia is regarded as a heavy sin. In the old Russian collection "Bee" envy is called "an ulcer on the truth."

Envy, as “sorrow for the well-being of one’s neighbor,” is sharply condemned in folk proverbs: “Fever and envy are Herod’s sisters. Envy won't do anything. The evil one cries out of envy, the good one out of pity. Envy was born before us. Where there is happiness, there is envy. The envious will not spare his two eyes. An envious eye sees far away. And as a conclusion from this: “It will be good, but the envious shish! Greetings for greetings and love for love: and to the envious - hell and pepper, and even that is not from our table!

Sin wish someone evil, misfortune, harm.

Sin rejoicing in someone else's grief, misfortune, trouble.

Backbiting, widespread sin against the ninth commandments of God.

laziness (laziness)
Laziness is one of the most common sins. Unwillingness to work, shirking, dodging work. In "Izbornik 1076" It is said that “laziness is the mother of evil. A lazy person is worse than a sick person: after all, a sick person, if he lies down, does not eat, but a lazy person lies down and eats.

Vladimir Monomakh(XII century) almost literally repeats these words in his “Instruction to the sons”: “Laziness is the mother of all evil. What a person knows how, he will forget, and what he does not know, he will not learn. Doing good, do not be lazy for anything good. Don't let the sun catch you in bed.

Do not be lazy in your house, but watch everything, so that those who come to you do not laugh either at your house or at your dinner.

“A lazy person in countless peace is similar to motionless swamp water, which, apart from the stench and despicable reptiles, produces nothing” (M. V. Lomonosov).

The Russian people have developed a stable contemptuous attitude towards lazy people, towards those who shirk work, who do not want to work conscientiously. “The lazy one and the grave is not worth it”, “Laziness does not sow good”, “Laziness does not set good”, “The land is the mother of the plowman, and the stepmother is the loafer”, “Every day the loafer has laziness”, “For the cause is not we, it’s not us for work, but to eat, dance - you can’t find against us”, “Too lazy to take a spoon, and not too lazy to have lunch”, “Laziness leads to poverty”, “Lazy Fedorka always has excuses”, “Laziness erratic: a finger won’t hit a finger”, “Lazy and a fool are two brothers”.

"Titus, go thresh," the working peasant says to the lazy person. - And in response: "The belly hurts." "Titus, let's go drink!" - "Babenka, give me a fur coat." The peasant says about such loafers: “Laziness made a nest in his bosom”, “Swollen from laziness”, “Overgrown with moss from laziness”, “Laziness sagged like a pancake from laziness”, “The lazy one always has a holiday”, “His hands hanging loose” , “Insipid harness” (lazy), “He eats with his hands, but works with his belly”, “His work is moldy in his hands.”

The laboring peasant constantly taunts the idler. "What does he do?" - ask the worker about the loafer. “He whips and beats dogs,” the peasant replies. “I went to beat the buckets”, “I settled down to sell elephants”, “I went to wash black males white”, “Mowing hay on dogs”, “Beating wool on dogs”, “Moving around like an elephant”, “Sleep, sleep, but there is no time to rest”, “ I went to the stove for firewood”, “I reforged the plowshare on a pile”, “It rings in the bast shoes”, “It’s good to send a lazy man for death - he won’t come soon”, “People plow, and he waved his hands”, “People reap, and we are from the field run."

Judging by the number of popular proverbs, the Russian peasant had more hostility and even hatred towards the lazy person than towards unrighteous employers. Yes, this is understandable. In the communal Russian economy, well-coordinated work was necessary; the beginning and end of work, the removal of manure, public construction required friendly work, which, of course, was hindered by individual loafers. Therefore, folk wisdom instructs and warns: “You will become lazy, you will drag yourself with a bag”, “You will recognize a lazy person by his dress”, “A lazy person has what is in the yard, then it is on the table”, “You sleep until dinner, so blame your neighbor that it is early gets up and doesn’t call for a visit”, “If you are lazy, you will lose your bread”, “The backward and lazy one is always behind”, “Who is lazy with a plow, the whole year is bad for him”.

Sin. Praise with a selfish purpose, sly obsequiousness, feigned approval, humiliated indulgence. In terms of Holy Russia, sin against truth, truth And justice, and therefore against God.

From the “Izbornik 1076”: “Turn away the flattering words of flatterers, they are like crows: they will peck out the eyes of the wise. Interrupt the one who whispers in your ears, and you will not perish with him.”

Russian folk proverbs: “Meet not with flattery, but with honor. Flattery and revenge are friendly. He is flattered. Flattering in the eyes, scolding behind the eyes. They take out the soul with flattery. Flattery is like eating with teeth.

"A flattering man has honey on his tongue, has poison in his heart" (M. V. Lomonosov).

“Flattery is the most severe poison for sovereigns, and flatterers must be reckoned as destroying their soul and glory” (M. M. Shcherbatov).

“A flatterer flatters only because he has a low opinion of himself and others.” (L. N. Tolstoy).

"Flatter those who are afraid" (A.P. Chekhov).

“There is nothing in the world more difficult than straightforwardness and nothing easier than flattery. If in straightforwardness only one hundredth of a note is false, then dissonance immediately occurs, followed by scandal. If in flattery even everything to the last note is false, then it is pleasant and obeys not without pleasure; albeit with rude pleasure, but still with pleasure. And no matter how crude the flattery, at least half of it certainly seems to be true. And this is for all developments and strata of society. Even a Vestal Virgin can be seduced by flattery. And there’s nothing to say about ordinary people.” (F. M. Dostoevsky).

crime against truth. Heavy sin, inherent in the fallen nature of man: "Every person is a lie - and I am the same" or "All people are a lie and we are the same." "People lied, and we didn't tell the truth." “People lie, but they don’t have faith in us.”

In "Instructions to Sons" Vladimir Monomakh says: “Beware of lies, and drunkenness, and fornication, because of this, the soul and body perish.”

“A lie is as tenacious as the truth, if not more” (I. S. Turgenev).

Aphids eat grass, rust eats iron, and lies eat the soul. (A.P. Chekhov).

“Lying to oneself is the most widespread and most powerful form of enslavement of a person by life” (L. N. Andreev).

"Lies are saved by lies" (F. M. Dostoevsky).

lust for power, desire to rule: sin.

Covetousness, greed: sin.

"The retribution of evil for evil, resentment for resentment, rancor" (V.I. Dal); a feeling that is not very characteristic of most native Russian people, who in their personal lives preferred to respond to evil good. As noted at the end of the XIX century. Russian ethnographer S. Ya. Derunov, "the Russian people almost do not understand revenge." True, this question was raised in a completely different way about retribution for the evil inflicted by the enemies of the Faith, the Tsar and the Fatherland. Here the malefactors were waited by inevitable fair punishment.

Wishing evil to someone, strong dislike, impatience, enmity: sin, shaking the soul of the malevolent and heavily striking it. Those who hate us should be especially fervently prayed for.

Moral censure, blasphemy, slander. In the mind of a person, Holy Russia is most often perceived negatively, as sin, according to the word of God: "Judge not, lest you be judged."

In "Izbornik 1076" It says: "Let's look at ourselves without judging others, because there are many things in us for which we condemn others." The same is taught by St. Dmitry Rostovsky:"Do not judge another for sin, but deliver yourself from the sin of condemnation."

Russian proverb: “Don't judge and you won't be judged. The foolish will judge, but the wise will judge. Judge first, then judge. Don't judge others, you won't be judged by them."

“Betrayal consists in the fact that a person internally (in his innermost thoughts, feelings, decisions) or externally (in words or deeds) changes his spiritual principle, having no objective grounds for this” (I. A. Ilyin). There are many reasons for betrayal, but the main one is the addiction to money, things and comfort. As the Russian thinker wrote, Prince. E. N. Trubetskoy: “Comfort will give birth to traitors. Selling one's own soul and homeland for thirty pieces of silver, open deals with Satan for benefits - that's where, in the end, the petty-bourgeois ideal of well-fed contentment leads.

Heavy, destructive and very common in our Fatherland sin alcohol abuse.

One of the manifestations sin pride: predilection for oneself, vanity and vanity in everything that concerns one's personality, the desire for primacy, honor, distinction, advantages over others.

The worst sin against the sixth God's commandments, because in suicide, besides the sin of murder, there is also the mortal sin of despair, grumbling against God and daring rebellion against Providence of God, since it is God who gives life to every person and only God can dispose of it. Suicides are deprived of a church burial (in former times they were even buried behind a cemetery fence), they are deprived of church prayers (it is forbidden to submit notes with the names of suicides in churches for commemoration). The exception is the mentally ill who committed suicide in a fit of insanity.

In the view of Holy Russia, the soul of a suicide goes to the devil. Suicides were considered the children of the devil, their houses were destroyed. The place where the suicide occurred was declared unclean, the tree on which the suicide was hanged was cut down.

foul language
The use of abusive, dirty and rude words in a conversation is one of the most common sins among unbelievers: a believer who is accustomed to prayerful communication with God and knows that God hears everything we say and knows all our thoughts cannot offend with a vile word hearing of the Lord or the Mother of God. “Let no rotten word come out of your mouth,” the apostle Paul edified (Eph. 4:29).

love of money
Greed for money, greed: a sin that leads to many grave sins and crimes. “The love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Tim. 6:10).

The sin of hoarding, gathering wealth. It entails many other grave sins.

Deviation from the pure spirit of true faith, betrayal of God is dangerous sin, manifested in the belief in signs, divination, "prophetic" dreams, conspiracies, astrological predictions. The perniciousness of superstitions is mentioned in the Old Testament. In New Testament times, the Church has always dealt extremely severely with superstition. And according to the Naval Charter of Peter the Great, religious superstition was even punishable by death.

Depriving a person of life: the gravest sin against the sixth commandments of God. A person is guilty of murder not only when, through malicious intent, in anger, or through negligence, he deprived another person of life, but also when, although he personally does not kill, he contributes to the murder by his order, advice, help, support. , consent. The killing of a child in the womb is also considered murder.

It is impossible to equate a battle in a war with a criminal murder. War is a great social evil, but at the same time, war is a disaster allowed by the Lord to correct, admonish and test the people, just as He allows epidemics, famines, fires, earthquakes, floods and other misfortunes. Therefore, the Holy Church does not consider killing in war as a particular sin of this or that person, especially since every Christian soldier, defending his faith and Fatherland, must be ready, according to the commandment of Christ, “to lay down his soul (to give his life) for his friends” . Among the saints there are many warriors who became famous for their exploits and miracles. However, criminal murders can also be committed in war: for example, the killing of a defenseless enemy who surrenders.

The death penalty of a criminal is also an evil, but it is permissible in exceptional cases, when it is the only, in fairness, means to prevent new murders and serious crimes. The gravest sin against the sixth commandment is suicide.

Stomach satisfaction: sin gluttony, addiction to sweets, delicious food.

Just sketches for now, to compress, cut and peel later. As they say, dashing trouble began ...

Seven deadly sins:

  • Pride (I am my own sky and moon...)
  • Covetousness (give me pills for greed, and more, more ..)
  • Fornication (I'll put them together...)
  • Envy (well, neighbors ... in a one-room two-room apartment they hide ...)
  • Gluttony (I love pasta… cakes, salads, sprats…)
  • Anger (wah, nah, zah… it was last summer…)
  • Despondency (everything will be fine ... it will not get worse ...)
Seven virtues:

  • Love (... any phrase with a candy wrapper Love)
  • Non-possession (no, Bobik ...)
  • Chastity (modesty is not a is a virtue)
  • Humility (hit one, turn another)
  • Abstinence (I want, I can, but I will not take ...)
  • Gentleness (wait a minute, wait a minute, I'm writing down...)
  • Sobriety (watch yourself, be careful...)
At the same time, I read an article about sins and virtues and made adjustments to the wording so as to more or less reduce, or rather remove religiosity, but not lose the meaning either.

Deadly sins that are absolutely undesirable to commit:

  • Pride (arrogance)
  • Envy
  • Gluttony (Gluttony)
  • Fornication (Lust)
  • Anger (Anger)
  • Greed (Greed)
  • Despondency (Idleness)
In order not to commit them, you need to replace them with something, since simply refusing them means torturing yourself, since a huge hole will gape in your soul. What should be done to replace the 7 deadly sins?

So 7 virtues as opposed to 7 deadly sins:

  • Humility (Shame)
  • Sympathy (Goodwill)
  • Asceticism in food
  • Chastity
  • Kindness (Meekness)
  • Unselfishness (Generosity)
  • Vitality (Industriousness)

Theological interpretation from St. Ignatius (Bryanchaninov)

The Book of Proverbs (965 - 717 BC) says that the Lord hates seven things that are repugnant to Him:

  • proud look
  • lying tongue
  • Hands shedding innocent blood
  • A heart that forges evil plans
  • Feet running fast to villainy
  • False Witness Telling Lies
  • Sowing discord between brothers
The Bible does not give an exact list of sins, but warns against committing them in the Ten Commandments. The list goes back to eight thoughts of Evagrius of Pontus (Evagrius developed some unorthodox ideas of Origen, for which he was condemned as a heretic at the Fifth Ecumenical Council (553):

  • Γαστριμαργία
  • Πορνεία
  • Φιλαργυρία
  • Ἀκηδία
  • Κενοδοξία
  • Ὑπερηφανία
They have been translated into Catholic prayers as follows:

  • Fornication
  • Avaritia
  • Tristitia
  • Vanagloria
  • Superbia
In 590, Pope Gregory the Great revised the list, reducing despair to despondency, vanity to pride, adding lust and envy, and removing fornication. The result is the following list, used by both Pope Gregory I and Dante Alighieri in the Divine Comedy:

  • luxuria (lust)
  • gula (gluttony)
  • avaritia (greed)
  • acedia (despondency)
  • ira (anger)
  • invidia (envy)
  • superbia (pride)
They are also used by the Catholic Church.

However, in Orthodoxy there is a concept of 8 sinful passions:

  • Gluttony,
  • Fornication,
  • love of money,
  • Anger,
  • sadness
  • despondency,
  • Vanity,
  • Pride.
Passions are a perversion of natural human properties and needs. In essence, sinful passion is the use of a good (gift) from God outside of God. In human nature there is a need for food and drink, a desire for love and union with a wife, as well as for procreation. Anger can be righteous (for example, to the enemies of the faith and the Fatherland), or it can lead to murder. Thrift can be reborn into avarice. We mourn the loss of loved ones, but this should not grow into despair. Purposefulness, perseverance should not lead to pride. A detailed examination of these passions was made by St. Ignatius (Bryanchaninov) in his work “The Eight Major Passions with their Subdivisions and Branches”.

Conditionally, one can try to present the concept of the distortion of natural human properties and passions, as follows:

Natural good from God - Sinful passion:

  • Pleasure from moderate food intake - a distortion of God-given ability, becomes a passion for gluttony
  • Pleasure in an honest marriage from the physical union of the flesh with the wife - a distortion of God-given ability, becomes a passion for fornication
  • Possession of the material world for the glory of God as an increase in love - a distortion of the God-given ability, becomes a passion for greed
  • Righteous anger at evil and untruth, protection of one's neighbor from evil - a distortion of God-given ability, becomes a passion of anger (unrighteous) at the dissatisfaction of needs
  • Pleasure from moderate rest after work - a distortion of a God-given ability, becomes a passion for sadness (boredom, laziness)
  • Joy in the soul, regardless of external circumstances - a distortion of God-given ability, becomes a passion for despondency (despair, thoughts of suicide)
  • Joy from the created creation (realized thought, word, action), which is based on
  • A good beginning - a distortion of a God-given ability, becomes a passion for vanity
  • Love for God and neighbor, humility - a distortion of a God-given ability, becomes a passion for pride
The danger of sinful passions lies in the fact that they enslave the soul and alienate God from it. Where there is passion, love leaves the heart of a person. First, the passions serve to satisfy the perverted, ungodly, sinful needs of people, and then people themselves begin to serve them: "Everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin" (John 8:34).
type characteristic role Ego fixation holy idea basic fear basic desire Temptation Vice/Passion Virtue Stress security
1 reformer Resentment perfection Corruption, evil Goodness, integrity, balance hypocrisy, hypercriticism Anger Serenity 4 7
2 helper Flattery Freedom unworthiness of love unconditional love manipulativeness Pride Humility 8 4
3 Achiever Vanity Hope worthlessness Value to others Pleasing everybody Deceit Truthfulness 9 6
4 individualist Melancholy origin commonness uniqueness, authenticity Self-castigation, withdrawal Envy Equanimity 2 1
5 Investigators Stinginess Omniscience Uselessness, helplessness competence Overthinking Avarice non-attachment 7 8
6 Loyalist cowardice Faith Isolation and vulnerability Safety Suspiciousness Fear Courage 3 9
7 Enthusiast Planning work boredom Experience of life moving too fast Gluttony sobriety 1 5
8 Challenger Vengeance Truth Loss of control Self-protection, autonomy Self-sufficiency Lust Innocence 5 2
9 peacemaker Indolence, self-forgetting Love Loss, annihilation Stability, peace of mind Giving in Sloth action 6 3

Theological virtues

  • Hope
  • Love
Moral, cardinal virtues

  • Wisdom
  • Justice
  • Courage
  • Moderation
Major sins and opposite virtues

  • Pride - Humility
  • Stinginess - generosity
  • Impurity -- Chastity
  • Envy - benevolence
  • Intemperance - Moderation
  • Anger - Meekness
  • Laziness - diligence

Theological virtues (English Theological virtues, French Vertus théologales, Spanish Virtudes teologales) are categories that postulate the ideal qualities of a person.
The composition of the three Christian virtues - faith, hope, love - is formulated in the First Epistle to the Corinthians (~ 50 AD)

Cardinal virtues (from Latin cardo "rod") - a group of four basic virtues in Christian moral theology, based on ancient philosophy and having parallels in other cultures. The classic formula includes prudence, justice, moderation and courage.

In the Catholic catechism, the seven catholic virtues refer to the combination of two lists of virtues, the 4 cardinal virtues of prudence, justice, restraint or temperance, and courage or fortitude, (from ancient greek philosophy) and the 3 theological virtues of faith , hope, and love or charity (from the letters of Paul of Tarsus); these were adopted by the Church Fathers as the seven virtues.
The seven heavenly virtues were derived from the Psychomachia ("Contest of the Soul"), an epic poem written by Aurelius Clemens Prudentius (c. AD 410) entailing the battle of good virtues and evil vices. The intense popularity of this work in the Middle Ages helped to spread the concept of holy virtue throughout Europe. Practicing these virtues is considered to protect one against temptation from the seven deadly sins, with each one having its counterpart. Due to this they are sometimes referred to as the contrary virtues. Each of the seven heavenly virtues matches a corresponding deadly sin
There is still a good sign, but to bite it you have to mess around a lot.

The text of the ten commandments according to the Synodal translation of the Bible.

  • I am the Lord your God; Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.
  • Do not make for yourself an idol or any image of what is in heaven above, what is on the earth below, and what is in the water below the earth. Don't worship them and don't serve them; for I am the Lord your God, a jealous God, punishing children for the guilt of their fathers to the third and fourth [kind], who hate
  • Me, and showing mercy to a thousand generations to those who love Me and keep My commandments.
  • Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain; for the Lord will not leave without punishment the one who pronounces his name in vain.
  • Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Work six days, and do all your work; and the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God: on it you shall do no work, neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your servant, nor your maidservant, nor your livestock, nor the stranger that is in your dwellings. For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them; and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
  • Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land which the Lord your God is giving you.
  • Dont kill.
  • Don't commit adultery.
  • Don't steal.
  • Do not bear false witness against your neighbor.
  • Do not covet your neighbor's house; Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is thy neighbor's.
In Judaism

Parchment with the text of the Decalogue from the Esnoga Sephardic synagogue. Amsterdam. 1768 (612x502 mm)

Comparison of the texts of Ex. 20:1-17 and Deut. 5:4-21 (by references) in the original language, with an approximate translation into English (KJV), allows us to more accurately understand the content of the commandments.

  • Do not pronounce the name of the Lord your God in vain [literally "falsely" - that is, during the oath], for the Lord will not leave without punishment the one who pronounces His name in vain [falsely]. In the original, this means “do not wear (Heb. תשא, tisa) the name of the Lord falsely (wasted, conceited, illegal).” The original verb נשא nasa" means "lift, carry, take, lift up". Once again, the expression "to bear a name" is used in a similar way only in Ex. in the sanctuary, the names of the tribes of the sons of Israel, carved on two onyx stones.Thus, whoever professes faith in the God of Israel, according to the commandment, becomes the bearer of His name, bearing responsibility for how he represents God to others.The texts of the Old Testament describe cases when the name God is defiled by people's hypocrisy and false representations of God or His character.Joseph Telushkin, a contemporary Orthodox rabbi, also writes that this commandment means much more than the prohibition of accidentally mentioning God's name.He points out that a more literal translation of "lo tissa" would be "You do not must bear" rather than "You must not take", and that understanding this helps everyone understand why the commandment is equated with others such as "Thou shalt not kill" and "Do not commit adultery."
  • Don't kill. Original: "לֹא תִרְצָח". The verb "רְצָח" used denotes immoral premeditated murder (cf. murder), as opposed to any murder at all, such as in an accident, in self-defence, in war, or by order of the court (cf. kill). (Since the Bible itself prescribes the death penalty by court order as a result of the violation of certain commandments, this verb cannot mean murder at all, under any circumstances)
  • Do not commit adultery [in the original, this word usually refers only to sexual relations between a married woman and a man who is not her husband]. According to another opinion, all the so-called "prohibitions of incest" belong to this commandment, including male and bestiality.
  • Don't steal. The prohibition against theft of property is also stated in Leviticus 19:11. Oral tradition interprets the contents of the commandment "Thou shalt not steal" in the Ten Commandments as a prohibition against kidnapping a person for the purpose of enslavement. Since the previous commandments “Thou shalt not kill” and “Thou shalt not commit adultery” speak of sins punishable by death, one of the principles of interpretation of the Torah prescribes that continuation be understood as a severely punishable crime.
  • “Thou shalt not covet…” This commandment includes the prohibition against theft of property. According to Jewish tradition, theft is also “theft of an image”, that is, the creation of a false idea about an object, event, person (deceit, flattery, etc.)

Eastern philosophy also had its lists of the main virtues.
In Confucianism, they stood out as such

  • jen (philanthropy),
  • and (fairness, sense of duty),
  • whether (decency),
  • zhi (knowledge, intelligence)
  • and xin (truthfulness).
Mencius put forward a similar concept of the "five bonds":

  • master and servant
  • parents and children,
  • husband and wife
  • senior and junior
  • between friends.
In Indian philosophy, there was the concept of the five principles of Yama and the five principles of Niyama.

Yama (Skt. यम) - (in yoga) these are ethical restrictions or universal moral precepts. Yama is the first step of Ashtanga yoga (eight limb yoga) described in the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali.

"Yama" includes five basic principles (according to the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali):

  • ahimsa—non-violence;
  • satya - truthfulness;
  • asteya - non-appropriation of someone else's (non-stealing);
  • brahmacharya - abstinence; controlling lust and maintaining chastity before marriage; internal composure, promiscuity;
  • aparigraha - non-covetousness (rejection of gifts), non-hoarding, non-attachment.

Niyama (Skt. नियम) - spiritual principles in dharmic religions; "accepting, cultivating, fulfilling and developing positive virtues, good thoughts, and accepting these virtues as one's system." The second step of Ashtanga Yoga.

The Niyama stage consists of five basic principles:

  • Shaucha - purity, both external (cleanliness) and internal (purity of mind).
  • Santosha - modesty, contentment with the present, optimism.
  • Tapas - self-discipline, diligence in achieving a spiritual goal.
  • Svadhyaya - knowledge, the study of spiritual and scientific literature, the formation of a culture of thinking.
  • Ishvara pranidhana - accepting Ishvara (God) as one's goal, the only ideal in life.

1. Gluttony

Overeating, drunkenness, non-keeping and permission of fasts, secret eating, delicacy, generally violation of abstinence. Wrong and excessive love of the flesh, its belly and peace, from which self-love is made, from which non-keeping of fidelity to God, the Church, virtue and people.

2. Fornication

Fornication, prodigal sensations and positions of the soul and heart. Acceptance of impure thoughts, conversation with them, delight in them, permission to them, slowness in them. Prodigal dreams and captivity. Failure to keep the senses, especially the sense of touch, which is an insolence that destroys all virtues. Cursing and reading voluptuous books. Fornication sins are natural: fornication and adultery. Fornication sins are unnatural.

3. Love of money

Loving money, generally loving property, movable and immovable. Desire to get rich. Reflection on the means of enrichment. Dream of wealth. Fears of old age, sudden poverty, sickness, exile. Avarice. Greed. Unbelief in God, distrust of his providence. Addictions or painful excessive love for various perishable objects, depriving the soul of freedom. Passion for vain cares. Loving gifts. Appropriation of someone else. Likhva. Hardness of heart to the poor brethren and to all those in need. Theft. Robbery.

Hot temper, acceptance of angry thoughts: dreaming of anger and revenge, indignation of the heart with rage, obscuration of the mind by it: obscene crying, argument, swearing, cruel and caustic words, stress, pushing, killing. Remembrance, hatred, enmity, revenge, slander, condemnation, indignation and resentment of one's neighbor.

Grieving, anguish, cutting off hope in God, doubt in the promises of God, ungratefulness to God for everything that happens, cowardice, impatience, not self-reproach, sorrow for one’s neighbor, grumbling, renunciation of the cross, an attempt to get off it.

Laziness in every good deed, especially in prayer. Abandonment of church and private rules. Abandoning unceasing prayer and soulful reading. Inattention and haste in prayer. Neglect. Irreverence. Idleness. Excessive comfort with sleep, lying down and all kinds of languor. Moving from place to place. Frequent exits from cells, walks and visiting friends. Idle talk. Jokes. Blasphemers. Leaving bows and other bodily feats. Forgetting your sins. Forgetfulness of the commandments of Christ. Negligence. Captivity. Deprivation of the fear of God. Bitterness. Insensibility. Despair.

7. Vanity

The search for human glory. Boasting. Desire and search for earthly and vain honors. Love of beautiful clothes, carriages, servants and private things. Attention to the beauty of your face, the pleasantness of your voice and other qualities of the body. Disposition to the perishing sciences and arts of this age, the search to succeed in them in order to acquire temporary, earthly glory. Shame to confess your sins. Hiding them before people and the spiritual father. Craftiness. Self-justification. Contradiction. Compiling your mind. Hypocrisy. Lie. Flattery. Humanity. Envy. Humiliation of the neighbor. Change of temper. Indulgence. Unscrupulousness. The temper and life are demonic.

8. Pride

Neighbor contempt. Preferring yourself to everyone. Insolence. Obscuration, debility of the mind and heart. Nailing them to the earth. Hula. Disbelief. False mind. Disobedience to the Law of God and the Church. Follow your carnal will. Reading heretical, depraved and vain books. Disobedience to authorities. A biting mockery. Abandoning Christ-like humility and silence. Loss of simplicity. Loss of love for God and neighbor. False philosophy. Heresy. Irreligion. Ignorance. Death of the soul.

On the virtues opposed to the eight major sinful passions

1. Abstinence

Refraining from excessive eating and eating, especially from drinking wine in excess. Preservation of the exact fasts established by the Church, Bounding of the flesh by a moderate and constantly the same use of food, from which all passions begin to weaken in general, and especially self-love, which consists in wordless love of the flesh, its life and rest.

2. Chastity

Avoidance of all kinds of fornication. Evasion from voluptuous conversations and reading, from the pronunciation of voluptuous, nasty and ambiguous words. The storage of the senses, especially sight and hearing, and even more touch. Modesty. Rejection of thoughts and dreams of prodigal. Silence. Silence. Serving the sick and crippled. Memories of death and hell. The beginning of chastity is the mind that does not waver from lustful thoughts and dreams; the perfection of chastity is purity that sees God.

3. Non-possession

Satisfy yourself with one essential. Hatred of luxury and bliss. Mercy for the poor. Loving the poverty of the gospel. Trust in God's providence. Following Christ's commandments. Calmness and freedom of spirit and carelessness. Softness of the heart.

4. Meekness

Evasion from angry thoughts and from indignation of the heart with rage. Patience. Following Christ, calling His disciple to the cross. Peace of the heart. Silence of the mind. Firmness and courage are Christian. Not feeling insulted. Kindness.

5. Blissful cry

Feeling of a fall, common to all people, and of one's own spiritual poverty. Lamentation about them. Cry of the mind. Painful contusion of the heart. Vegetating from their lightness of conscience, grace-filled consolation and joy. Hope for the mercy of God. Thanksgiving to God in sorrows, their humble bearing from the sight of their multitude of sins. Willingness to endure. Mind cleansing. Relief from passions. Mortification of the world. The desire for prayer, solitude, obedience, humility, confession of one's sins.

6. Sobriety

Zeal in every good deed. Non-lazy correction of the church and private rules. Attention in prayer. Careful observation of all deeds, words and thoughts and feelings. Extreme self-doubt. Unceasing stay in prayer and the Word of God. Awe. Constant vigilance over yourself. Keeping oneself from much sleep and effeminacy, idle talk, jokes and sharp words. Love of night vigils, bows and other feats that bring vigor to the soul. Rare, if possible, exodus from the cells. Remembrance of eternal blessings, desire and expectation of them.

7. Humility

Fear of God. Feeling it while praying. Fear that is born during especially pure prayer, when the presence and majesty of God are especially strongly felt, so as not to disappear and turn into nothing. Deep knowledge of your insignificance. A change in the outlook on neighbors, and they, without any coercion, seem to the resigned person to be superior to him in all respects. The manifestation of innocence from living faith. Hatred for human praise. Constant blaming and beating yourself up. Righteousness and directness. Impartiality. Deadness to everything. tenderness. Knowledge of the sacrament hidden in the Cross of Christ. The desire to crucify oneself to the world and passions, the desire for this crucifixion. Rejection and oblivion of flattering customs and words, modest by coercion or intent, or the skill of pretending. Perception of the rampage of the gospel. Rejection of earthly wisdom as indecent before God (Luke 16:15). Leaving wording. Silence before those who offend, studied in the Gospel. Putting aside all one's own thoughts and accepting the gospel mind. The overthrow of every thought that is charged upon the mind of Christ. Humility or spiritual reasoning. Conscious obedience to the Church in everything.

Change during prayer of the fear of God into the love of God. Loyalty to the Lord, proven by the constant rejection of every sinful thought and feeling. The indescribable, sweet attraction of the whole person to love for the Lord Jesus Christ and for the worshiped Holy Trinity. Vision in the neighbors of the image of God and Christ; the preference for oneself of all one's neighbors arising from this spiritual vision, their reverent reverence for the Lord. Love for neighbors is brotherly, pure, equal to all, joyful, impartial, flaming equally towards friends and enemies. Rapture into prayer and love of the mind, heart and whole body. Inexpressible pleasure of the body with spiritual joy. Spiritual intoxication. Relaxation of the bodily members with spiritual consolation (St. Isaac of Syria, Word 44). Inactivity of bodily senses during prayer. Resolution from the silence of the heart tongue. Cessation of prayer from spiritual sweetness. Silence of the mind. Enlightenment of the mind and heart. Prayer power that overcomes sin. Peace of Christ. Retreat of all passions. The absorption of all minds by the superior mind of Christ. Theology. Knowledge of incorporeal beings. The weakness of sinful thoughts that cannot be depicted in the mind.

Sweetness and abundant consolation during sorrows. Vision of human arrangements. The depth of humility and the humblest opinion of oneself ... The end is endless!

Sins against the Lord God

Belief in dreams, divination, meetings and other signs. Doubts about faith. Laziness in prayer and absent-mindedness with it. Non-attendance in the Church, long non-existence at confession and Holy Communion. Hypocrisy in worship. Blasphemy or only grumbling against God in the soul and in words. Intention to raise hands. In vain god. An unfulfilled promise to God. Blasphemy against the sacred. Anger with mention of evil spirits (trait). Eating or drinking on Sundays and holidays until the end of the Liturgy. Violation of fasts or inaccurate observance of them, working business on holidays.

Sins against neighbor

Recklessness to his position or to his business in the hostel. Disrespect for superiors or elders. Failure to fulfill a promise to a person. Non-payment of debts. Taking by force or secret appropriation of someone else's. Avarice for charity. Personal insult to neighbor. Gossip. slander. Cursing others. False suspicions. Failure to protect an innocent person or the cause of the right with a loss for them. Murder. Disrespect for parents. Neglect with Christian concern for children. Anger - enmity in family or home life.

Sins against oneself

Idle or bad thoughts in the soul. Desires of evil to the neighbor. Falsity of the word, speech. Irritability. Stubbornness or selfishness. Envy. Cruelty. Sensitivity to disappointment or resentment. Vengeance. Love of money. Passion for pleasure. Foul language. The songs are seductive. Drunkenness and polyphagy. Fornication. Adultery. Unnatural fornication. Uncorrecting your life.

Of all these sins against the ten commandments of God, some, reaching the highest stage of their development in a person, passing into vicious states and hardening his heart with impenitence, are recognized as especially grave and contrary to God.

Mortal sins, that is, making a person guilty of eternal death or perdition

1. Pride, despising everyone, demanding servility from others, ready to ascend to heaven and become like the Most High: in a word, pride to the point of self-adoration.

2. Unsatisfied soul, or Judas greed for money, connected for the most part with unrighteous acquisitions, which does not give a person even a minute to think about spiritual things.

3. Fornication, or the dissolute life of the prodigal son, who squandered all his father's estate on such a life.

4. Envy, leading to every possible evil deed to the neighbor.

5. Gluttony or carnality, not knowing any fasts, combined with a passionate attachment to various amusements, following the example of the rich man in the Gospel, who rejoiced all day long.

6. Irreconcilable anger and daring for terrible destruction, following the example of Herod, who in his anger beat the Bethlehem babies.

7. Laziness, or complete carelessness about the soul, neglect of repentance until the last days of life, as, for example, in the days of Noah.

Sins of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit

Excessive hope in God or continuation of a gravely sinful life in the sole hope of God's mercy.

Despair or the opposite of excessive hope in God is a feeling in relation to the mercy of God, which denies paternal goodness in God and leads to thoughts of suicide.

Stubborn unbelief, not convinced by any evidence of the truth, even by obvious miracles, rejecting the most known truth.

Sins crying out to heaven for vengeance

In general, deliberate homicide (abortion), and in particular patricide (fratricide and regicide).

Sodom sin.

Vain oppression of a poor, defenseless, defenseless widow and young orphans.

Withholding from a wretched worker his well-deserved wages.

Taking away from a person in his extreme position the last piece of bread or the last mite, which he obtained with sweat and blood, as well as the forcible or secret appropriation of alms, food, warmth or clothing from those imprisoned in prison, which are determined by him, and in general their oppression.

Grief and resentment to parents to their impudent beatings.

The life of a true Christian is a constant struggle with sins, the Lord sends His Grace to those who humbly and faithfully follow the teachings of Christ.

God bless you!

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