Why dream of a homeless woman. Dream Interpretation: why do homeless people dream on the street? Meaning and interpretation of dreams. Homeless according to the Summer dream book

Bituminous materials 27.10.2022
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Dream interpretation bum

A bum, a homeless person, is the same beggar person who personifies poverty, despair. He is God's man, because he has neither a court nor a household, wandering from one place to another, gathering bread, and for daily bread.

Homeless sign in dreams

Most often, the image of homeless people in dreams personifies the dreamer's negative perception of something or someone.

This image is interpreted in two ways: both as a lack of spirituality, and as the personification of mercy, piety, compassion.

Why the bum is dreaming, the thematic sources will tell us in more detail.

Classic interpretations

If you dreamed of a bum

Former professionals in the field of dream decoding interpret the image of a homeless person as failures in life plans due to interference from outside.

Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself as a beggar portends hardships that lie in wait at every step.

For a young woman, such a dream indicates outside interference in her personal life.

So that material losses do not affect your business, you need to properly organize your working hours. Such a message carries the image of an old, decrepit homeless dream to business people.

In the case when you gave alms to the homeless, then you really have problems that make you fall into despair. It’s bad if you dreamed that you didn’t give alms to the homeless. The danger of irreparable position is probable.

Aesop's dream book

Giving alms to a beggar in a dream means that in reality you repent of your stupidity.

I dreamed of a homeless man on the threshold of your home, indicates that you were too carried away by the financial side of life, forgot about spirituality.

Seeing in a dream the homeless person that you were emphasizes the fact that everything really turns out differently than you wanted. This brings great disappointment.

The interpretation of the dream, where a bum appeared with a full knapsack, promises unexpected prosperity.

As the dream book indicates, the bum, who the dreamer's friend became in a dream and asked for alms, indicates your obsession with your problems. Feeling lonely, you do not notice the anxieties and aspirations of loved ones who need your help.

Modernized Interpretations

Current soothsayers interpret this image from the position of actions that occur in a dream. positive action interpreted in a positive way, and vice versa: negative - negatively.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

If you asked for alms

Why dream of a homeless person who was given alms? This promises the exaltation of the dreamer in the eyes of others. Refusal of alms portends the loss of a high position.

Eastern dream book

The interpretation of the dream, where it happened to shelter the homeless in the house, promises the dreamer serenity and stability of life.

Zigzags of night visions

Dreams where a homeless person appeared to you often carry a message of prudence, especially with regard to the monetary sphere. Dreams focus on the strengths and weaknesses of the dreamer. The interpretation will be more accurate if we specifically consider individual fragments of dreams:

  • from princes to mud;
  • meeting with a homeless person;
  • homeless visitor.

The interpretation of a dream, where a plot was dreamed up in which you, being rich, suddenly became impoverished in an instant, promises the owner of the vision in reality an incredible period of winnings, amazing finds, expensive gifts.

Not married woman such a dream promises a profitable marriage. And a married woman, whose husband became impoverished in a dream, promises a sharp increase in the well-being of the family.

If in the plot of a dream you, having become a beggar, do not experience discomfort, and wish to study this way of life in order to appreciate the delights of the past, this personifies your freedom to make a meaningful decision.

If you met a beggar on the street in a dream and aroused your sympathy, then you really have a patron whose existence you are not aware of.

When the beggar showered the dreamer with curses, this calls for a stop in the fight against the chaos of business affairs, and go to rest. You will be pleasantly surprised when, upon arriving, you will find, by yourself, the resolved issues.

If a beggar met at night, this is a warning of trouble caused by imaginary friends.. Take a closer look at those who enter your house or social circle. Perhaps someone with a purpose is rubbed into trust in order to harm.

Beggar wandering actors are dreaming, this is a warning about changes for the worse. The reason is your trust in insincere, false people.

Dreaming of the homeless who flooded the whole city, portend a natural disaster in your area.

When you dream of beggars sitting in your house at the table, it indicates countless gossip behind your back, coming from people whom you have met and rescued more than once.

If you dreamed of a dirty beggar who appeared on the threshold of the house, and you wished to feed him, this guarantees the opportunity to atone for the sin that has long weighed on you.

A person without any fixed place of residence (homeless) is a subject that personifies poverty, misery and despair. In fact, this is God's character, who does not have a home, a household, he wanders, asking for alms for his livelihood. Many dream books interpret what homeless people dream of as a call to be prudent and careful, especially when it comes to financial matters. Also, this dream highlights the strengths and weaknesses of the dreamer.

Usually, the dreaming appearance of a descended person who does not have a specific place of residence is perceived by the dreamer as a negative perception of any of his past or future actions. At the same time, the image can be interpreted in two ways: as a lack of spirituality in relation to others, and as a manifestation of mercy and compassion.

Professional predictors and psychologists involved in deciphering various dreams talk about the image of a homeless beggar homeless person as some kind of failure that occurred in the dreamer's life plans, which may have occurred due to external interference.

Sleeper's impoverishment

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov claims that if the dreamer saw himself as a beggar in a dream, then this can be interpreted as a symbol of appeasement and a harbinger of unexpected luck with further well-being. Perhaps winnings, pleasant surprises and finds await him.

But Miller's dream book interprets such a dream not entirely optimistically. Quite difficult trials await the sleeper, and he should not let current affairs take their course.

If the girl dreamed that she was a beggar, then she might soon have a successful marriage. A married woman who dreamed of her suddenly impoverished husband promises a sharp increase in family well-being. Young unmarried girl do not take seriously the signs of attention of her gentleman.

There is another interpretation that explains why seeing yourself as a beggar in a dream. This symbolizes independence from anyone when making an important decision, but the responsibility for the final result lies entirely with the sleeper.

Meeting with the homeless

Dreamed meetings with homeless people are interpreted by some dream books as an influence on the dreamer of the environment (and not very favorable) environment. But it can also be a simple reflection of certain real events.

If a wandering homeless beggar in a dream aroused sympathy in the dreamer, then in reality the latter is patronized by some influential person, whom the sleeper may not even be aware of. On the other hand, communication with the homeless, accidentally met on the street, may portend certain troubles that will arise due to the betrayal of imaginary friends. You need to carefully look at your surroundings: maybe one of them, rubbing himself into trust, simply uses the dreamer, plotting something unkind.

A dream of a grumpy homeless woman walking towards and cursing around speaks of the dreamer's fatigue. In this case, he is advised to put aside all his current affairs and go somewhere on vacation. After returning, it will be found that during the absence a certain part of the questions that arose earlier were resolved by themselves.

A bum begging, passing by in a dream, involuntarily, as in reality, can cause confusion. Refusing or giving alms to the homeless portends sudden difficulties in personal activities and the need to sacrifice something.

A homeless beggar walking towards you resembles one of his acquaintances - in reality, a significant expansion of the circle of contacts should be expected.

unexpected visit

A tramp who suddenly appeared in the house portends that someone is unceremoniously trying to interfere in the dreamer's personal life or previously planned projects. Also, the visit of a homeless person can serve as a reminder that the sleeper pays insufficient attention to his family.

When a tramp modestly stands on the threshold of a house and asks for food, this is considered a good sign, but only if you generously give him alms in a dream, not disdaining to shelter him in the house for the night.

According to the Eastern dream book, feeding a homeless person is a favorable sign that in reality there will be a chance to show one's generosity, which will soon be appreciated by others.

If you dreamed that a homeless person was sheltered in a house, then according to almost all dream books, such a plot portends the impending serene well-being. Interpreters also explain the unexpected visit of a tramp in the house as a reminder to the sleeper of his achieved well-being and a fairly stable position in society.

Dirty tramp

A dirty homeless tramp who has seen in a dream is an alarming harbinger for the dreamer. The dream books of Miller, Hasse and Meneghetti interpret the appearance of such a destitute beggar as a harbinger of possible troubles in the financial sector, loss of reputation in society and the emergence of fear of poverty. You can also expect big unpleasant troubles with the arrangement of your life or people from your immediate environment.

A homeless dirty woman asked for alms in a dream, and the dreamer gave it to her - as a future reward for some work done before.

If the dream associated with a dirty homeless person did not leave any disturbing emotions, this should still be understood as a warning signal that needs to be comprehended.

A beggar asks for alms

What feelings can a dream of a beggar homeless person begging for alms from a person cause? Naturally, nothing but disgust and pity. But still it would be a mistake to consider such a dream insignificant. For example, as stated Eastern dream book, a bum who had a dream in a dream can be some kind of specific omen:

  1. If you dreamed that not only a homeless beggar was asking for alms, but definitely a spiritual person who had renounced worldly goods and material values, this is a signal about the presence of a person in the environment of the dreamer who has this moment difficult life circumstances have developed, but because of his modesty he is embarrassed to ask for help. You should carefully look at your surroundings, identify this person and, showing mercy, support him to the best of your ability.
  2. If the dreaming bum (or the dreamer himself in his image) was booed and driven away by the crowd, who did not want to sympathize with poverty and suffering, the dream can be commented on as a warning of impending grievances and troubles. Having understood the interpretation of this dream, one should be prepared to hear unflattering words addressed to oneself in reality. You will need to gather strength in order to adequately cope with the troubles that have arisen.
  3. Asking for alms or help in the role of a homeless tramp - in reality, you need to be vigilant and not take part in matters that could be detrimental to well-being.

Classic interpretations

In order to accurately interpret a dream about a homeless person who had a dream, it is advisable for the dreamer to recall as many details of what he saw as possible. For example, where did the tramp meet, what was his appearance (dirty, clean, in rags), what kind of emotions were caused by his appearance. Dream Interpretations can give many options:

  1. Just to see the bum.
  2. Beggar vagabond, evil or good.
  3. Talk to the homeless, help him and feed him.
  4. Notice the poor in your house.
  5. To be a homeless person in a dream.
  6. To see a relative or acquaintance in the role of a poor beggar.

You can try to find out more about the meaning of a dream about a homeless person by comparing several sources with each other.

Miller's dream book

Psychologist Gustav Miller compiled his own dream book back in the 19th century. He interprets the dreams in which beggar vagabonds were seen as follows:

  1. To see yourself as a beggar - you should expect hardships that can constantly lie in wait in reality.
  2. Such a dream for a young woman is a warning about outside interference regarding her personal life.
  3. The image of a decrepit bum dreamed of by a business person is a promise to reconsider his working regime and time, otherwise material losses may begin in business.
  4. If the dreamer gave alms to a beggar tramp, then he had problems that make him discouraged. But even worse, if the sleeper did not give alms to the homeless in a dream, it is highly likely that the difficulties that have arisen may turn out to be irreparable.

Book of Aesop

If the dreamer gives alms in a dream, it means that he repents of his previously stupid act. And if a homeless tramp dreamed on the threshold of the house, the sleeper completely forgot about spirituality and was too carried away by the material side of his life.

Seeing yourself as a homeless person is a disappointment in real life, which develops differently than we would like. And if you dreamed of a bum with a knapsack filled with something, the sleeping person can expect unexpected income.

To make friends with a homeless man who asked for alms - this may indicate that the dreamer is obsessed only with his personal problems. He acutely feels far-fetched loneliness and does not notice the anxieties of people close to him who need his help.

Eastern predictions

Modern Eastern soothsayers interpret dreams with images of poor homeless vagrants from the standpoint of actions that take place in a dream. Actions positive are interpreted positively, and negative - negatively:

  1. To shelter a homeless person in your home in a dream - perhaps a stable and serene life awaits.
  2. The plot, where the dreamer from the rich in an instant becomes a beggar and homeless, in reality promises incredible winnings, amazing finds and expensive gifts.
  3. A dream about a beggar husband predicts a married woman fast growth material well-being of her family, and unmarried - a quick marriage.
  4. To become a beggar in a dream and at the same time not feel an anxious feeling after waking up - to the desire to be independent when choosing any significant decisions.
  5. I dreamed of a meeting with a homeless person at night - you should carefully study your surroundings. Perhaps one of your friends is preparing an unpleasant surprise.
  6. The dreaming of the homeless, who filled the whole city, may portend some kind of spontaneous dashing.
  7. A homeless beggar sitting at a table in the dreamer's house - the spread of gossip coming from a person whom the sleeper trusts and helps.
  8. Feeding in a dream a dirty beggar who finds himself on the threshold of a house is a guarantee that the old sin that has long burdened the consciousness will soon be atoned for.

Interpretation of Yuri Long

If you dreamed that a homeless person came into the house, unpleasant people will appear in the environment, who will climb into the personal life of the sleeping person with various tips, imposing their thoughts. In this case, the dream book recommends not to conflict with them, but simply to listen to their advice, remaining unconvinced.

Often a visit to a beggar's house can be a reminder of the dreamer's lack of attention to the family.

It is worth waiting for trouble when communicating in a dream with a homeless person and being vigilant. One of the so-called friends is clearly preparing a dirty trick.

The nuances of a dream

If in a dream there was a meeting or some other contact with a homeless, foul-smelling person of an untidy appearance, then you do not need to have special knowledge to understand what this dream was about. Most often - to possible financial difficulties, certain troubles and loss of authority in certain circles that may arise in the family or among loved ones.

Even if the dream does not cause a certain anxiety, in any case, it cannot be simply ignored. A dreaming homeless person is a kind of sign that calls for caution and subsequent meaningful actions.

A dream involving people without a fixed place of residence advises the sleeper to exercise extreme caution in financial matters. Also, thanks to such a vision, one can calculate the dreamer's weaknesses. What else are homeless people from night dreams able to tell about?

Homeless in a dream: opinions of dream books

Dreams about the homeless are interpreted in famous dream books in different ways:

Who had a dream

A dream in which the sleeper became homeless can be interpreted depending on the dreamer's gender:

  • a girl's dream promises a quick successful marriage;
  • a married lady should expect good profits and career growth;
  • a man should prepare for financial problems caused by colleagues.

A dream in which a lady saw a homeless woman portends a new successful romantic relationship.

What happened in a dream

Seeing yourself as a homeless person in a dream is a good plot. Such a vision portends a successful period. The sleeper will be able to win the lottery, find something valuable. However, Gustav Miller is not so optimistic in interpreting such a vision. He claims that such a dream promises difficulties and troubles.

If another person turned out to be a bum in a dream, then you should pay attention to your own condition. Perhaps the sleeper is disappointed in life, as his plans did not come true. Also, such visions are interpreted depending on the various details seen in a dream.

Appearance of a bum

What homeless person did you see in a dream:

Did you see several homeless people in a dream? Prepare for suffering, sickness, and short-lived poverty.

Where did you see the homeless

Remember where you met the homeless person:

  1. On the street. Surrounded by the sleeping person is a person who pretends to be a friend, but in reality is preparing meanness.
  2. In my house. The dreamer will have an ill-wisher who will try to impose his opinion on the sleeper.
  3. In car. The dream portends unexpected expenses.
  4. In the shop. The sleeper will make a useless acquisition.
  5. In a palace, castle or rich apartment. The dreamer will have to make a difficult choice.
  6. On a bus, trolleybus, etc. A business trip awaits the sleeper.
  7. Behind the wheel public transport. The dream promises a quick vacation and a pleasant journey.

What actions were taken

Interaction with tramps in a dream indicates a negative impact on the sleeping person from the people around him. What else can portend the committed actions:

  1. Helped the homeless financially. To repentance for a mistake.
  2. They refused to help. The dream portends a long trip to work.
  3. They invited the poor to visit. The dreamer's life will gain stability.
  4. Sat at the table with the homeless. The dream warns of gossip around the sleeper. If there was a lot of food on the table, it means that someone close will be the gossip. The presence of meat on the table indicates imminent illness.
  5. Befriended the homeless. The dreamer learns a secret that will turn his life upside down.
  6. Embraced with a dirty bum. Get ready to get a good reward.
  7. Argued with the homeless. The dream portends a pleasant trip.
  8. Show compassion for the poor. The sleeper has a secret patron.
  9. The homeless woman got angry and cursed at you. The dreamer needs rest.
  10. You saw a homeless person and he seemed familiar to you. The circle of communication of the sleeper will expand significantly.
  11. They allowed a homeless man to spend the night in their house. The dreamer will have a prosperous life.
  12. They fed the homeless. The sleeper will get a chance to show his generosity, do not miss it.

A homeless dirty woman asked for alms in a dream, and the dreamer gave it to her - as a future reward for some work done before

And what did the homeless do in your dream:

  • slept in the dreamer's bed - pay more attention to your appearance;
  • asked for alms - expect financial difficulties;
  • molested others - a dream portends small intrigues and gossip;
  • asked for something, but not money - to difficulties in business;
  • came to the dreamer's house - the dream advises to pay attention to your family;
  • ran away, being booed by the crowd - to resentment and trouble.

Dreams about the homeless are not sent to a person in vain. As a rule, they indicate an incorrect perception of reality and the biased judgments of the dreamer. Also, such dreams are advised to be more careful in financial matters and to perform only deliberate actions.

Description of the page: "What the bum dreams about" from professionals for people.

The dream interpretation offers a variety of interpretations, explaining what the bum is dreaming of. Often the plots seen in a dream are interpreted as a call for prudence, especially in financial matters. The dream draws attention to the strong and weaknesses sleeping.


When it happens to see oneself as a beggar in a dream, the interpreter Tsvetkova identifies the symbol seen in a dream with appeasement and considers it a harbinger of well-being and unexpected luck. An amazing period of winnings, discoveries and surprises is approaching.

If a woman dreamed that she was a homeless woman, the interpretation promises an early successful marriage. When a married woman sees in a dream that her husband suddenly became impoverished, the well-being of the family will increase dramatically. It is advisable for a young girl not to rush to take signs of attention at face value.

Interpreting why one dreams of seeing oneself homeless, Miller's dream book is not too optimistic. According to his interpretation, difficult trials will fall on the share of the sleeper. Now is not the time to let things go.

There is another interpretation of why one dreams of seeing oneself as a homeless person. What you see in a dream represents freedom of choice in making an important decision. True, the responsibility for the result falls entirely on the shoulders of the sleeper.

Encounters with the homeless

If an unfamiliar homeless person who has dreamed causes sympathy in the dreamer, in reality he is under the auspices of an influential person, perhaps unaware of it.

If you dreamed of an angry homeless woman showering curses on you, the dream book recommends taking a time out in the fight against the mess in business and going on vacation. Upon your return, you will be surprised to find that during your absence a number of issues have resolved themselves.

It is curious to know what homeless people and drunks dream about. The dream interpretation says that the influence environment too much on you and not always favorable. A dream can also reflect real events: such characters are often found on the street.

At the same time, communication with a randomly met homeless person on the street portends big troubles, the cause of which will be one of the imaginary friends. Take a closer look at your circle of acquaintances, it is possible that someone is using you or rubbing himself into trust, plotting evil.

What a passerby bum dreams of asking for something involuntarily causes confusion. Both the dreamer's consent and refusal portend unexpected difficulties in his own affairs, the need to sacrifice something.

If for some reason a tramp you accidentally met in a dream seemed familiar to you, in real life your social circle will expand significantly.

Unexpected visit

If you dreamed about how a beggar homeless person ended up in the house, the dream book portends someone's unceremonious interference in your plans or privacy. Often, a visit from a homeless person serves as a reminder to pay more attention to home and family.

When a beggar in the house modestly stops on the threshold and asks for alms, it is considered a good sign to give him generous alms and even shelter him in a dream.

The Eastern dream book claims that feeding a homeless person in a house is a favorable symbol. A dream means that in reality there will be an opportunity to show generosity, which will certainly be appreciated.

If in night dreams you were lucky enough to shelter a homeless person, in reality the dreamer expects serenity and prosperity. The dream book also considers the visit of a tramp a reminder of one's own well-being and stability.

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but to see in a dream a person without a certain place of residence speaks of the imminent performance of any real estate transactions. And not necessarily unsuccessful. This is the main interpretation of this night vision. In this article, we will briefly talk about what the bum is dreaming of. So let's get started.

Second interpretation

What is the dream of a bum, in addition to housing operations? If a person does not have any plans for real estate, then one can expect a negative omen regarding one's own happiness. This is probably a harbinger of a hopeless situation. In any case, expect changes on the love front after such a dream.

Other interpretations

If we interpret night vision in relation to the business sector, then the appearance of a homeless person means a decline in business. A more everyday interpretation is a trip to the bathhouse.

Why do homeless people dream in the house or on the street? This signals the danger of you developing any addiction (especially if there are a lot of people without a certain place of residence). It can be gambling, a bad habit, or even a more serious attachment, like drug addiction.

Why dream of a bum in an apartment or in another location? To answer this question, it is important to consider its appearance. If the bum has a gloomy, disgusting appearance, then a person can expect a total collapse of his own hopes. The brightest, most secret plans can collapse, turning into bitter disappointment and complete defeat. Having seen this dream, it is better to become as prudent, careful and not tell anyone about your plans. After all, they can be heard by envious people and ill-wishers. Even without much intention, such people are able to bring the evil eye on you and ward off good luck.

What portends?

If you dreamed of a person without a certain place of residence, then this does not mean at all that you will also become like that. Night visions cannot be interpreted one-sidedly. What is the dream of a bum who is friendly and optimistic towards you? Well, one thing can be said - it does not bode well.

It is very good if in night vision you help a destitute and unfortunate person. It speaks of soon good mood and portends good luck in business. It is even better if the dreamer helps the homeless with money. This promises the emergence of extraordinary opportunities and wealth. And, on the contrary, the refusal to give alms may portend the loss of the greatest success in life. After such a night vision, you should be on the alert and eradicate petty qualities in yourself.


The above is only part of the interpretation of what the bum dreams of. It should be noted that when interpreting this night vision, all possible factors should be taken into account. For example, in addition to the dreamer's emotions, you need to keep in mind the month of his birth. Those who were born from September to December most often see a person without a fixed place of residence to sell their own home.

It is quite possible that a dreaming homeless person speaks of the bad influence of those around you on you. Also, according to the principle of mirroring night visions, he may indicate attachment to his home. In any case, having seen this dream, you should think about revising your life priorities. You are probably too passionate and material person.

Why does the Homeless dream in a dream (according to the dream book of the Wanderer (T. Smirnova)

The dream in which you saw yourself in the form of a homeless person is a negative omen. Walking barefoot, dressing in rags in a dream and not having your own roof over your head suggests that in reality you will have to endure the collapse of all your hopes. It is possible that on your life path serious obstacles will appear, due to which not only your financial situation will worsen, but your usual way of life will completely collapse, you will move to a much lower level. If you dreamed of a bum, this is a warning, a prediction that you may lose the respect of others and become an outcast in your society.

Seeing a homeless person in a dream is an unusually bad omen. If you dreamed of a bum at night, you need to be prepared for the fact that your business will deteriorate significantly. And this can apply to absolutely any aspect of your life. Seeing a bum in a dream - to problems in professional field, probably - to the deterioration of the financial situation. If at this stage you are more concerned about personal relationships, then here too you should expect that everything will go much worse than expected, and than you could expect. And more precisely, the situation will become almost hopeless.

What does the Homeless dream about in a dream (according to Rick Dillon's dream book)

The dream in which you saw the bum is considered a positive sign. A bum is, first of all, a homeless person. Therefore, such a dream portends you the acquisition of real estate - a house or a summer residence, perhaps - land plot, apartments. Especially if you dreamed that you yourself were a homeless person. Otherwise, you will have to take part in some kind of real estate transactions, perhaps engage in its exchange or selection of suitable options.

Seeing a bum in a dream - in reality you can become addicted to another person. This may be related to your financial situation. Or we are talking about professional addiction. In any case, if a bum is dreaming, it's not too much good sign. Such a dream warns that you should be more independent and learn to refuse if necessary.

What is the dream of the Homeless according to the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon Kananit)

A homeless person is a person without a fixed place of residence, without money and in fact without civil rights. Therefore, the image of the Homeless in a dream can be equated with the images of slaves or slaves. And if you dreamed of a homeless person, in reality you should be more careful in dealing with people. Otherwise, you can very easily fall into complete dependence on someone when it turns out to be difficult for you to manage your own life.

A bum is a slave for life. He has neither his own property, nor his own house, nor any civil rights. A homeless person is a disenfranchised person who is completely dependent on the mercy of others. Seeing a bum in a dream means getting addicted. Possibly from another person. And perhaps - and from their own passions, inclinations or habits. Such slavery is much worse, especially since it is usually not recognized by the person himself for a long time. If you dreamed of a bum or a slave in chains, this is a sad sign that you need to reconsider your lifestyle. Otherwise, you can suffer a worthy punishment for indulging your own vices.

Why does the Homeless dream in a dream (according to the dream book of the healer Akulina)

You dreamed of a homeless person - a harmful influence, to see several tramps - painful changes. What does the Homeless mean in a dream - You will fall into an unusual company. From the pre-sleep state, imagine that you are helping the Homeless - giving him a coin or a piece of bread. You dreamed of a Bum - you see a Bum in a dream - in real life you are exposed to someone's harmful influence; you have fallen into a society of people who are inharmonious to you; you do not fit well into this society or do not fit at all. You see yourself in the form of a homeless person - a dream portends poverty to you; you will never be rich; diseases will bring you a lot of suffering. You seem to be giving something to the Homeless - soon you will show one of your best qualities - generosity; your generosity will be highly appreciated; fate will reward you - later you yourself will, as it were, taste of your own bounties; what you have spent now on the cause of charity will return to you increased a hundredfold.

Tramp, bum - indecision in making a decision. A bum in the form of a decrepit wanderer, seen in a dream, connects us with that part of ourselves that is not fully expressed in Everyday life. This is something we "rejected" or gypsies inside of us. It can also be the consciousness of a desire to relieve oneself of some responsibility. The homeless person personifies in us a wanderer, a freedom lover, in dreams he appears when we need freedom, but can also show that this need threatens to bring us certain difficulties and sorrows. A bum can dream in the form of a jester or a fool. Because there is a little bit of anarchism in each of us, which is what he represents. From a spiritual point of view, the image of the Homeless is considered initially negative, but if we prepare to work with him, then he can bring a lot of positive, since initially he is always in the right place and in right time for the required actions.

Why is the Homeless dreaming, taking into account the date of birth (according to the dream book of Birthdays)

If you were born in the spring, why the bum dreams - to wash in the bath.

If you were born in the summer, what the bum dreamed about or to be in his place yourself - to changes on the personal front.

If you were born in the fall, why did you dream of dealing with a homeless person in a dream - to sell an apartment.

If you were born in winter, what a bum is dreaming of - foreshadows obedience to passions and vices and a worthy punishment for that.

Whether the night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and what time of day the dream occurred.

It just so happened that people have the most diverse and sometimes incredible dreams. Often, waking up in the morning, we ask ourselves a mute question: “What was it and what is the point of it?”. A variety of books of interpretations will help answer what the bum is dreaming of. The dream book of Freud, Miller or Tsvetkov reveals secret meaning night pictures.

Tramp in a dream: a detailed description of the meanings

Like any object, person or just an event, a bum in a dream can be interpreted in different ways and in each case have its own characteristics and message. But in such a situation, one can easily distinguish general meaning. You can get a more detailed and accurate interpretation of sleep after detailed analysis situations.

The main meaning depends on where the person without a certain place of residence meets. We noticed a homeless person on the street among passers-by - this is a warning, since there is a traitor among your friends. Dream Interpretations do not recommend excessive frankness with a close circle of people for a couple of weeks.

Was a homeless person in your dream at home? Most likely, in real life, ill-wishers will appear who will try to impose their behavior and mode of action. Here you can give a recommendation - to strictly adhere to a personal position and not pay attention to strangers.

There are several other situations where the location of the homeless will have a special meaning.

  1. We saw him in a car that the homeless are definitely not on the budget - expect big and unforeseen expenses.
  2. Faced a tramp in a store - soon you will buy a thing that you 100% do not need.
  3. If the bum ended up in a chic palace, then uncertainty and a difficult choice await you in life.
  4. We saw a homeless person asking for money on the street, get ready for some financial difficulties. But the right savings will make it easy to survive a difficult period.

If a woman dreams of a homeless woman, this is a new successful and romantic relationship.

Tsvetkov's Book of Interpretations

Evgeny Tsvetkov gives the following comment, which differs sharply from other interpretations. In his opinion, seeing a homeless person in a dream is a sign of peace and joy in the house. Giving alms will lead to financial stability. If you refuse alms to a tramp, in real life you are in danger of losing a leadership position.

Dream according to Freud

Sigmund Freud puts his meaning, considering dreams through psychoanalysis. The appearance of a homeless person in a night story attracts negative moments in real life. According to Freud, if a person gives alms, then this means absolute indifference and complete loneliness.

Miller's interpretations

Miller advises to be more generous and kinder if you met a homeless person in a dream. According to his dream book, asking for alms and your refusal to do so is a bad sign. But giving money does not mean showing generosity. The dream interpretation of the bum with whom you share finances does not solve problems and means that significant changes are required in life.

Miller's interpretations depending on their appearance.

  1. A dirty and ragged bum is a sign that the dreamer needs to be more attentive to his surroundings. Perhaps next to him is a wolf in sheep's clothing (an imminent betrayal for the sake of profit).
  2. A tramp in clean clothes also warns of a possible deception. In life, someone can circle the owner of a dream around his finger.
  3. If the homeless swear, this is a harbinger of an imminent quarrel. For married people, this entails quarrels in the family.
  4. If the bum is beaten, then health problems are possible.
  5. To see a few vagabonds is to suffer, get sick and spend some time in poverty.

The book of Aesop is a unique source

Aesop said that a dream is a kind of dialogue between a person and his consciousness. This communication is ongoing, but only during sleep becomes meaningful and open. At night, consciousness opens its borders and answers all questions with certain images.

  1. Giving alms - in real life you will regret your stupid act.
  2. Homeless on the threshold of the house - you are only fond of money, forgetting about the spiritual realm.
  3. Is the bum in a dream the dreamer himself? In life, everything does not turn out the way the owner of sleep would like. He is in for a major disappointment.
  4. A tramp with a full bag is an unexpected profit.
  5. If a close friend became a homeless person in a dream and came to beg, you are too fixated on personal problems and the worries of loved ones are not forgotten.

Esoteric dream book opinion

A drunk and dirty tramp is a sure sign of inner feelings. Most likely, you have unresolved issues in your life that interfere with your daily life. A beggar, but a clean person - a successful acquisition of land, bargain purchases or profitable exchanges. If you yourself have become a vagabond, get ready for new situations (acquisitions, discoveries).

Modern book of interpretations

If a tramp comes into the house - money transactions and the sale of property carry the risk of losing finances. To come to the meeting place of tramps - unpleasant guests from afar.

  1. Asking for alms on your own is a sign of material problems.
  2. Digging through the trash - promotion, bonus or success in the service.
  3. Help for the homeless - the owner of the dream realized his cowardice and decided to become more merciful.
  4. A drunken tramp is a sign that the dreamer in life reacts painfully to the attacks and claims of others.
  5. Beloved person in the form of a homeless person - dissatisfaction with something in a relationship. You lack tenderness or attention from your partner.

So, a bum in a dream is a symbol of a misperception of reality, biased views and possible difficulties. Do not get hung up on a specific interpretation and continue to live on.

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