What is the dream of a mug for an unmarried girl dream book. The mug is new. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Sealing 05.07.2020

To see a dream, a circle in which he was lost and the dreamer cannot find it, promises him a predicament, from which it will not be easy to get out. The situation will be further complicated by the fact that friends will refuse to help, so everything will have to be solved independently, but in this situation there are also advantages, it will be possible to calculate among the friends obvious enemies who will stick in the wheels and laugh insolently in the face.

If the drink from the mug turned out to be disgusting, then in reality you will have to experience disappointment, since a long wait will not bring results. When a dreamer drinks good wine from a mug and breathes in its pleasant aroma - in reality he will be lucky in business, so he needs to act, then he will become a rich man. If a person breaks a mug in a dream, then this promises him an inheritance or unexpected profit, but only he should not waste money, it is better to try to invest it in a profitable business so that the funds are not wasted.

What if the mug is dreaming?

A mug is a dual symbol, and it all depends on whether it was empty or full, so you should remember this detail, and then proceed to the interpretation of the dream. To dream of a mug from which the contents overflow - in reality, have a good position in society and prosperity, which will soon increase several times.

If there is water in the mug, then such a dream portends a rich patron who will help secure the future and become good friend, so you need to be friendly to new acquaintances.

If someone passed and touched the mug and a little drink poured out of it, then this promises the expression of emotions in public, but it is better if the dreamer restrains himself, since his statements will affect his reputation not in better side... Therefore, even if someone teases, it is better to bite your tongue and keep quiet than to subsequently be an outcast of society. A mug with jelly promises a person a new friend with whom you can have fun.

What portends?

Many do not know why the mug is dreaming, but the meaning of this symbol can be seen in several dream books. So, for example, Miller promises a profit, which will be very helpful, since the dreamer will experience financial difficulties.

The Wanderer's dream book portends a hike to the mountains with his friends, which will be remembered for a long time, since a pleasant atmosphere will reign in the company.

The Ukrainian dream book foreshadows new acquaintances who will turn out to be quite responsible and will help the dreamer in his affairs. An aluminum mug portends boredom, but a person does not need to do stupid things, otherwise he will get stuck in a bad story that will affect his reputation very negatively. Pouring something into a mug will result in unexpected profits. Changing a mug for a wine glass - in reality, you will have to make a choice that will not turn out to be successful, so you will need to wait with it.

  • Primary elements - metal, water, wood, fire, earth. Elements - dryness, cold, wind, heat, humidity. Emotions - thoughtfulness, sadness, fear, anger, joy. Organs - lungs, kidneys, liver, heart, spleen, pancreas , thick and small intestine, stomach, bladder, gallbladder. Planets - Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn. Explanation and interpretation In the history of mankind, the bowl is one of the most important mystical, symbolic and ritual objects. Household options for a bowl (a cup, glass and any drinking container) are not symbolic in themselves, but they are clear evidence of the impossibility of a person to live without water, therefore, when interpreting dreams, not only the bowl is important, but also the contents. Water is the basis of all liquids that can be poured into a bowl. Water is amphorae and easily takes any form, easily absorbs and stores information of the fundamental principles of creation for an unlimited time. The mirror gives information immediately, while water for giving must enter into resonance with the recipient or penetrate into him. No wonder in ancient times a bowl made of stone, giving water or wine healing properties , it was supposed to warm up with the warmth of your hands and only then drink the contents. Sacred, magical actions are part of not only a cult ritual: our everyday life is also a ritual, and we constantly, without hesitation, perform magical actions, programming a certain course of events for the correct exchange of energy, which ensures us good luck, health, or transfers the energy of our ancestors to descendants. This is a kind of spell of reality. A glass of water drunk early in the morning also has a magical effect on the body: it gives the body a signal to start daytime life, the daytime flow of energy in the body. And any dream with a cup or cup cannot be accidental. In ancient times, drawings and sacred signs were carved on bowls made of stones and precious metals to facilitate the development of the situation in the right direction. And in a dream, on the bowl, you can see signs symbolizing the future, but such dreams rarely come and only to a select few. To see the cup in a dream / other utensils for drinking / drinking from the cup or not drinking - the cup symbolizes the fullness of yin information, striving for implementation in actions. To see and drink a cup filled with something in a dream means to consciously assume any obligations to do something. The preliminary reflections before the bowl, allowed by a timely act, to weigh all the pros and cons, do not diminish the significance of the action, for thoughtless commitments do no good to anyone. To see the cup, to feel the need to drink, but the cup is empty - there is no energy for the task, or the matter in the presented form will not bring results, or the information has been transferred / arbitrarily taken by someone else. It is necessary to change the course of action and adjust the goal. To see the cup and know its necessity, but to hesitate means not to have a stable worldview and willpower. Not drinking, leaving and even pushing the cup away means taking the path of betrayal. Betrayal is possible not only in relation to others, but also in relation to oneself. In the latter case, a dream portends misfortune and illness. In other cases, punishment is also inevitable. Changing cups with someone / drinking from one cup - fraternization, exchange of energy, support and responsibility for the other as for oneself. To break / spill the cup - to let go of the matter, to lose energy. With the mother or father to drink the cup / they give to drink - this means the transfer of the energy of the clan. Empty bowl lack of energy of kind. All household options for a bowl - a cup, a glass, a glass - reduce the symbolism from the general to the personal, but no less significant level. The interpretations will be the same, but other details of the dream will acquire much greater significance: objects, people, what was poured into the bowl, where the action of the dream took place, and so on.

We all have dreams. They are varied. But often people want to understand why they had this or that dream, they want to see in it secret meaning... Consider today what it means if you dream about a cup in a dream.

What is the dream of a cup from Miller's dream book?

According to Miller's dream book, seeing the image of a cup in a dream means the following: you spend or will spend a lot of time in pleasures, however, perhaps these pleasures are not at all useful to you.

Cup - Wangi's dream book

According to this dream book, a cup broken in a dream can bring good luck. Also, to see a cup in a dream means soon to receive an unexpected invitation from someone. In general, in this dream book, the image of a cup does not carry a negative meaning (as, for example, the image of a clock, the appearance of which in a dream predicts a person tragic events in his life).

Cup in a dream - interpretation by Freud

According to Freud's works, the image of a cup is of great importance in human life, it denotes the feminine principle, the very image of a round cup is similar to the appearance of female genital organs. In addition, the cup is filled with water, and water is a feminine element. Therefore, if a man dreams of a cup, for him it is a harbinger of future sexual contact with a woman, and if a woman dreams of a cup, then, according to Freud, she herself seeks to realize her female sexuality.

Italian dream books - what the cup dreamed about

These dream books interpret the image of a cup in a Freudian way, according to their understanding - to see a cup in a dream is a prediction of the future love relationship perhaps completely unexpected.

Cup - Velesov dream book

The so-called Velesov dream book believes that if you saw a whole cup in a dream - wait for guests, if you broke the cup - there will be a quarrel at home or at work.

Why is the cup dreaming - Azar's dream book

This dream book believes that a broken cup is a harbinger of a future quarrel, and a full and whole cup, seen in a dream, indicates the arrival of unexpected and noisy guests.

Why else is the cup dreaming?

  • If you saw a broken cup in a dream

If you dreamed that you broke a cup in a dream, this means sad omens: your happiness may be broken by unforeseen circumstances.

  • If you saw tea cups in a dream

If you see such cups, rejoice, soon some significant profit awaits you.

  • I dreamed how you wash your cup

Such a dream means that you will soon make peace with those people whom you have deliberately or unknowingly offended.

  • Why dream of a cup of tea

A dream about a cup of tea, as a rule, promises future joy to the brim.

  • A cup of coffee

A cup filled with aromatic coffee seen in a dreamy vision promises wealth in the future.

  • If you saw a cup and saucer in a dream

Dream Interpretations believe that those people who see a cup and saucer in a dream will soon meet a large number of guests who came to them unexpectedly.

  • Why is an empty cup dreaming

An empty cup is a prototype of future empty troubles that will take away your time and mental strength, but will not lead to a positive result.

  • In a dream, a cup full of wine

If you dream that you are drinking wine from a cup, this may mean that you will be spending time with benefit, which will bring you both pleasure and a sense of satisfaction from your behavior.

So, as we see, the image of a cup in a dream has many interpretations: from joyful to sad. But still, I would like to hope that the image of a cup you saw in a dream will be positive.

If in a dream you saw a mug, in reality - quarrels with acquaintances and friends. Wash a mug in a dream- to move up the career ladder. Empty mug - dreams of obstacles when reaching the goal. If you dreamed about a ceramic mug - a dream portends the appearance of enemies, competitors, porcelain - do not be surprised if they start gossiping behind your back, because many people envy you.

Purpose of the mug

In a dream you drank from a mug- making new friends with whom you will have a lot in common. What did you drink from the mug? A mug of water dreams of adding to wages... If you drank tea from it, a dream portends the appearance of easy money, coffee - to great waste. Drinking broth from a mug in a dream, in reality - you will have friends among colleagues. Drinking beer from a mug in a dream - envy from others.

Where did the mug come from?

In a dream you bought a mug, in life - a short rest. If you bought a set of mugs - a pleasant pastime. In a dream, you were presented with a mug, in reality - a pleasant acquaintance with the opposite sex. To give a mug to yourself - to the beginning of a serious relationship.

Spoil the mug

Break a mug in a dream- improving relations with superiors and colleagues. To stain a mug in a dream - a dream portends the beginning of a romantic relationship.

Seeing an empty mug in a dream - in reality you will experience disappointment.

A circle full to the brim portends monetary losses.

A metal mug - to the loss of a friend, a porcelain - to an accident, a glass - to illness.

To break a mug means that in reality you will experience a strong fright.

Drinking from a mug in a dream means that a ridiculous case will put you in difficult situation.

A mug with a broken off handle is a good luck.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation in alphabetical order

Dream interpretation - Buy

The dream in which you do big choice purchases, and when calculating it turns out that you have no money with you, this is a harbinger of both large expenses and significant profits. Paying for purchases in a dream means freeing yourself from the anxiety that oppresses you for the state of loved ones.

If you buy goods in a company store, department store or supermarket and buy all the best and most expensive, it means that in reality your business will quickly go up the hill thanks to the substantial support of friends with extensive business experience and long-term connections in the business world. If you dream that you are shopping in the market or in small shops and shops, while gaining some insignificant amount on each thing, in reality you will lose more than you save by chasing cheapness.

Buying a car in a dream is a sign that you will regain your lost positions, having significantly succeeded in a new field. If you buy oranges and other fruits of hot countries, it means that difficulties and obstacles on your way will be easily overcome, and with considerable benefit for you.

If in a dream you buy yourself underwear, this promises an illness from overvoltage. Purchased tickets to the theater or to some other performance - to shameless deception and extortion. Banks with any content mean the fragility of your success and severe disappointment in case of complete failure. The loaf you bought portends profit, if fresh, and losses, if stale.

Buying a dacha in a dream - to receive a rich inheritance, boards - indulge in sadness and heartfelt experiences, firewood - to gossip at your address.

If you buy jewelry in a dream, it portends success in the business field.

Buying perfume yourself is a disappointment in a loved one, even if the perfume is bought by none other than himself and just for you, it means that in reality you are expected happy life and well-being in everything.

The dream in which you buy paintings portends unsuccessful entrepreneurship; carpets - to make a big profit; lace - there will be no end to the fans, so you will face a difficult choice who to give preference to.

If in a dream you buy some kind of medicine at the pharmacy, this portends a frustration of affairs, and if a laxative, there will be fees for a long journey.

Buying tapes means that in reality you will incur empty expenses.

Buying a shovel - you can lose your place, a horse - you will spend your vacation in the bosom of nature, having a great rest and gaining new impressions.

Buying butter - you will live in full pleasure, milk - you are despised and cunningly deceived, meat is a sign of a bloody affair or a serious illness.

The dream in which you acquire a weapon means that you will cause a negative attitude from a person with whom you refuse to have an intimate relationship. If the weapon is a bow and arrow or other children's toy that is not capable of seriously hitting, it means that in reality you will have to resort to the services of a lawyer in protecting your interests. Buying shoes - to minor troubles and inconsistencies.

If you buy gloves in a dream - in reality, show frugality and frugality, but this will not allow you to avoid unnecessary expenses due to unforeseen circumstances. Buying a new belt in a dream means marital fidelity, and for a young girl - chastity and girlish modesty before marriage.

If in a dream you went to buy fabric for Wedding Dress- therefore, you will soon please your relatives by announcing your decision to marry a worthy and well-known person, preferring him to his former admirer.

If you buy a beautiful inlaid or carved box, you will find out the secret by reading someone else's letter. Buying a fashionable hat will change your image, if not your entire lifestyle. Buying an antique wardrobe - you will achieve well-being with hard work, modern furniture - you will achieve the same without much effort.

Interpretation of dreams from

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