Flushing the urinary catheter. Bladder wash

Decking 13.12.2020

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Indications for flushing

  • patients suffering from inflammatory diseases urinary tract;
  • people who are unable to defecate on their own;
  • in the presence of damage to the mucous membrane of the bladder;
  • before cystoscopy;
  • to eliminate congestion that was caused by stones in the organ cavity, neoplasms;
  • before the introduction of drugs into it;
  • to remove blood from the cavity before the examination;
  • in order to determine the capacity of the body;
  • after prolonged use of medications that adversely affected the mucous membranes of the urinary system.

Contraindications for the procedure

Flushing should not be performed on patients with the following problems:

  • urethral injury;
  • acute inflammatory processes of the urethra;
  • venereal diseases;
  • bladder sphincter injury.

Congestion and inflammatory diseases in this organ can appear not only due to diseases of the urinary system, but also due to other infectious diseases (flu, sinusitis, E. coli, staphylococcus aureus). bacteria in this case penetrate into the cavity of the body along with the blood. In addition, the bladder is directly connected to the gastrointestinal tract, so cystitis can be a consequence of intestinal inflammation. Other causes of cystitis are considered infectious diseases genitals and hypothermia.

Preparation for the procedure

Such a complex medical manipulation should be performed only by specialists in a hospital setting. Flushing at home is not recommended because:

  1. Self-medication is always dangerous to health. First you need to consult a doctor who will accurately diagnose, because it may well turn out that with a disease found in a patient, this procedure is contraindicated.
  2. In the hospital, washing is carried out in absolutely sterile conditions; at home, the risk of infection is much higher.
  3. In women, the urethra is short and wide, so the tube is inserted easily. In men, the urethra is not only long, but also has several constrictions. Without knowing all the nuances of this manipulation, you can injure the urinary system.
  4. If it is incorrect to choose the proportions of the solution that will be washed, then a burn of the mucous membrane may occur.

Before carrying out this process, you need to prepare all the necessary tools and fixtures. For this you will need:

  • Furacilin solution;
  • tray;
  • oilcloth;
  • appropriately sized Foley catheter;
  • gloves, napkins, cotton wool;
  • antiseptic solution, which must be heated to body temperature;
  • syringe.

At the initial stage, the volume of the bladder is determined. To do this, simply measure the amount of urine that stands out in one urination.

Procedure technique

There are several washing techniques:

through a cystostomy. This is a tube that is inserted into the bladder cavity through an opening in the abdomen.

Indications for its installation:

  • acute phase of prostatitis;
  • the presence of benign formations of the prostate gland;
  • urethral injury;
  • if surgical interventions were performed that touched the urethra;
  • postpartum complications in women.

The algorithm for washing the bladder if a person has a cystostomy is as follows: it is laid on the back, an oilcloth and a diaper are placed around the stoma or under the patient, and a tray is placed to collect the outgoing fluid. Then, using a syringe, the specialist slowly injects a warm antiseptic solution (150-200 ml) into the tube, removes the syringe and drains the wash water. The procedure is repeated until the flowing liquid is clear. Next, a urinal is attached to the tube, which is tied to the patient's thigh or to the bed.

Through a Foley catheter. Catheterization is a procedure in which a catheter is inserted into the bladder for the purpose of removing urine, flushing, or administering medication.

The algorithm for flushing through the catheter is as follows:

  • the patient must be laid on his back, raise the pelvis, and bend the legs at the knees and spread apart;
  • rinse the bladder catheter with a solution of Furacilin and slowly insert it into the urethra until the first drops of urine appear;
  • remove all urine and attach a syringe;
  • inject a solution, the amount of which is equal to the volume of the bubble;
  • the liquid is stopped infusing when the patient has a desire to release this organ;
  • the syringe is disconnected and urine is removed. Washing is done until the resulting solution is clear;
  • then the person is allowed to rest for 30 minutes in a prone position.

Making washing a man is a little more difficult. The procedure is carried out in a standing position. The head of the penis must first be treated with an antiseptic. Then paraffin oil is applied to the end of the catheter. With the left hand, the specialist holds the penis in the forward direction, and with the right hand, carefully inserts the tube with tweezers. When he reaches the place where the urinary canal narrows, the man must definitely take a few deep breaths. The muscles of the penis will relax and the tube will pass through the area more easily. If spasms occur, further administration should be temporarily suspended. When the tension subsides, the procedure is continued until the first drops of urine appear.

A solution is slowly injected into the free end of the catheter with a syringe, then the syringe is removed and Esmarch's mug is substituted. Washing is carried out until a clear liquid appears. Sometimes a metal catheter has to be used for this procedure in men. It is used in the presence of pathological changes in the urethra (prostate adenoma, etc.).

If the patient is discharged home with a catheterized bladder, then the patient or his relatives must take care of the catheter.

The urinary catheter should be flushed daily. To do this, use a syringe with a volume of 50 or 100 ml, disconnect the tube from the urinal and treat the end with an antiseptic, insert the syringe and slowly inject the solution. Then it is taken out and the liquid is allowed to flow out. If necessary, these steps are repeated several times.


For washing, doctors widely use the following drugs:

When preparing solutions from these preparations, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions indicated in the instructions for use. Otherwise, a burn of the bladder will also be added to the existing problems of the urinary system.

In addition, for washing, you can use distilled water, a solution of Penicillin, Furacilin, nitrogen silver and boric acid.

Possible Complications

After the operation, in which a cystostomy was installed, a number of complications may occur:

  • the occurrence of allergic reactions to the material from which the tube was made;
  • the appearance of inflammatory and purulent processes at the incision site;
  • intestinal injury;
  • bladder infection.

Complications after catheterization:

  1. The formation of a false passage during perforation of the urethral wall. If a rigid catheter is used for the procedure and sharp and rough movements are made during it, then a false passage may appear in the urethra. The patient will have a severe pain in the genital organ and bleeding will open.
  2. Violation of the excretory function of the kidneys (uremia, anuria).
  3. Inflammation of the epididymis. As a rule, it occurs due to a violation of sterility and the penetration of infection during washing. In severe cases, it can lead to suppuration and septicemia (infection of the blood with pyogenic organisms).
  4. Urethral fever is a serious complication that occurs due to ingestion pathogenic bacteria into the bloodstream through lesions in the urinary tract. The patient begins to chill, sweating increases, the general condition of the body worsens. To prevent fever in people with a urinary tract infection, doctors give them a course of antibiotics before catheterization.
  5. If the patient has stones in the bladder, they can damage the mucous membrane during the movement of fluid.
  6. Mucosal burn. May occur due to improper preparation of an antiseptic solution.

Washing the bladder is a procedure that can significantly improve the patient's condition. But it is only an addition to the main therapy, the tactics of which depend on the disease. If treatment is not started in time, for example, cystitis, then the infection can penetrate the kidneys and cause inflammation, congestion, kidney failure and other equally dangerous pathologies. Therefore, when the first symptoms of diseases of the urinary system appear, it is urgent to consult a doctor, because any ailment is always easier to cure at an early stage.

Defeating severe kidney disease is possible!

If the following symptoms are familiar to you firsthand:

  • persistent back pain;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • violation of blood pressure.

The only way is surgery? Wait, and don't act radically. The disease can be cured! Follow the link and find out how the Specialist recommends treatment.

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How to flush a bladder catheter

How to properly flush a urinary catheter

How to flush the bladder catheter, this question worries the relatives of a patient who has a permanent urinary catheter installed due to the inability to independently control the process of urination or acute urinary retention. If the catheter is installed for a long time, a urinal is connected to it, in which urine is collected.

What tools can be used

In a health care facility, the urinary catheter is flushed by medical personnel. However, situations are very often possible when the patient is discharged home with a catheterized bladder, and the patient himself or his relatives must take care of him.

The catheter must be flushed periodically to prevent the accumulation of salts and other sediments from the urine. This will prevent it from clogging and reduce the risk of penetration. bacterial infection into the bladder.

Washing should be done daily. To do this, you can use a normal saline solution, only slightly heated. This will avoid discomfort during the procedure.

If there is discomfort in the bladder, flakes, sediment and turbidity in the excreted urine, other means for washing the tubes should be used:

  • furacilin solution;
  • 3% boric acid;
  • dioxidine at a dilution of 1:40;
  • miramistin;
  • 2% solution of chlorhexidine, etc.

Washing with furacilin is carried out with a ready-made solution, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. In extreme cases, it can be prepared independently from tablets. To do this, crush 2 tablets of furacilin and dilute them in 400 ml of water. To get rid of small crystals, the product should be filtered through several layers of gauze and only then used.

Step by step action plan

All procedures and manipulations must be carried out with clean, treated hands. First of all, they need to be washed well with soap and water and treated with any antiseptic. It is best to use sterile medical gloves for this.

For washing, a 50 or 100 ml syringe (Janet syringe) is used. Often, in addition to washing the tube itself, it may be necessary to irrigate the bladder with drugs and antiseptics. Since not everyone has the opportunity to use a sterile syringe every time, it should be doused with boiling water before each use. And after use, soak in a disinfectant solution according to the instructions for use.

To rinse the tube, it must be disconnected from the urinal and treated with an antiseptic solution. The cannula of the syringe is inserted into the inlet and the liquid is slowly injected. It is better to make a short pause of several seconds after the introduction of every 2-3 ml of liquid. In no case should the solution be applied quickly, strongly or under pressure. This must be done carefully and at the slightest sign of resistance it will stop.

After the introduction of fluid, the syringe should be disconnected from the tube. This will allow the solution to spontaneously flow into a pre-prepared tray. The procedure can be repeated several times if necessary. After that, you need to close the valve or connect the urinal.

The flushed catheter does not need to be attached to a dirty urinal. It should also be treated with antiseptics or disinfectants. With proper handling of the bladder catheter tube, the risk of ascending infection is minimized.

Therefore, you need to carefully consider all the recommendations for caring for the catheter in order to prevent the occurrence of inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Bladder flushing technique: what and how to flush?

Washing the bladder is necessary for the treatment of diseases of the urinary system.

This procedure leads to the rapid healing of damaged tissues, and therefore to the recovery of the patient. How and with what the bladder is washed, we will consider further.

When done - testimony

The indications for the procedure are:

  • Inflammation of the tissues of the body.
  • Urolithiasis disease.
  • Stagnation of urine.
  • BPH.
  • Improper flow of urine.
  • Cystitis.
  • Infectious diseases of the urinary system.
  • Before a cystoscopy.
  • With prolonged use of drugs that cause pathologies of the bladder.

What and how is it washed?

The flushing technique varies depending on the devices and medications used.

Through the catheter

For flushing through the catheter, the following drugs are used:

Procedure technique:

First, the patient is laid on the couch. He should bend his knees and spread them apart. The doctor treats the external genitalia with an antiseptic.

Then a catheter is taken, which is pre-washed in a solution of Furacilin. It is gently inserted into the urethra. When it reaches the bladder, urine will begin to be excreted. The specialist is waiting for all the urine to come out.

Next, a syringe filled with medicine is attached to the catheter. The drug enters the bladder through the catheter. The amount of drug solution may vary. It all depends on the size of the patient's bladder. As a rule, 200 ml of solution is enough.

It is introduced gradually, over several minutes. The introduction of the drug is stopped when the bladder is full, and the patient says about the desire to empty. The syringe is disconnected, urine is allowed to exit through the catheter.

Urine is dark, or with impurities. The procedure for administering the drug is repeated 8-10 more times until the urine is clear.

The procedure ends with the introduction of a small amount of medicine so that the bladder is not completely filled. The catheter is carefully removed from the bladder through the urethra.

The external genitalia are again treated with an antiseptic. The patient needs to lie down for 20 minutes to achieve maximum effectiveness, then they are allowed to get up and dress. The procedure is considered completed.

Through a cystostomy

The following medicines are used for washing:

It is more difficult to perform washing in this way, since it is first necessary to carry out an operation to install a cystostomy tip in the bladder. How they do it:

  1. The skin area just above the pubis is treated with an antiseptic, then a 2 cm incision is made, which is necessary for the introduction of a cystostomy.
  2. The outlet is fixed with surgical stitches.
  3. A urinal is attached to the end of the outlet tube.
  4. Then the wound is again treated with an antiseptic, covered with a sterile napkin from above.

The operation takes minutes and is performed under anesthesia.

Only when the cystostomy is installed, lavages are carried out.

A person visits the hospital every three days to carry out the washing procedure. Her technique is this:

  1. The patient is placed on the couch, it is recommended to relax as much as possible, not to be nervous.
  2. The urinal is disconnected from the cystostomy.
  3. A syringe with medicine is connected to the exit of the cystostomy. It is introduced gradually, about 200 ml in small dosages.
  4. After the administration of the drug, after 1-2 minutes, the liquid is poured into a special container. It is enough for the patient to lie slightly on his side, the liquid comes out perfectly.
  5. The introduction of the drug and the excretion are repeated 8-10 times until the outflowing liquid becomes transparent.
  6. After washing, a urinal is connected to the cystostomy, a sterile dressing is again applied from above.

The patient can lie down for 5 minutes, then get up. The procedure is complete.

How to flush the bladder at home?

For the procedure at home, medicines are used:

Before using the medicine, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1000.

It is impossible to use alcohol for washing, since in addition to alcohol there are various additives in its composition that can damage the tissues of the bladder.

Inflammatory processes can only get worse, so it's better not to risk it.

To perform the washing correctly, you will need: Janet's syringe, a catheter, a container into which the secreted liquid will enter. It is desirable that the catheter be rubber. Rinse the bladder according to the instructions:

  1. The patient lies on his back, spreads his legs wide and bends them at the knees.
  2. The external genitalia must be treated with an antiseptic to prevent infection.
  3. The rubber catheter is very gently inserted into the urethra. It is advanced slowly and carefully into the bladder. It is necessary to stop the introduction when urine is released. She must come out completely. It is strictly forbidden to pull the catheter, abruptly remove it. Careless actions can lead to bladder injuries.
  4. Next, a diluted drug solution is drawn into the syringe. It is connected to a catheter.
  5. Within 2 minutes, the medicine is injected very slowly. Usually immediately pours back the fluid from the bladder. As soon as it has completely flowed out, the administration of the drug is repeated.

It is necessary to inject the medicine at least 8 times. By this time, the urine should be clear and clean.

  • After that, the catheter is carefully removed, and the genitals are again wiped with an antiseptic.
  • It is enough to carry out such a procedure at home once every two days. Relatives should help the patient during the procedure. It is not easy to cope with this task on your own.

    How to flush the tube removed from the bladder?

    It is very important to keep the tube clean so that germs do not accumulate in it and infection does not occur.

    Rinse the tube immediately after use. To do this, it is necessary to dilute a special solution: mix a solution of Furacilin and pure water in a ratio of 1:5000.

    Instead of Furacilin, you can use a solution of Potassium Permanganate. The proportions remain the same.

    The tube is placed in a container with a solution for a minute, then removed, wiped with a sterile cloth. Before using the tube, you need to carry out this procedure again.

    It is very important that it remains sterile, as a contaminated tube can cause infection.

    Possible complications after the procedure

    The following complications may occur in case of violation of the technology of the washing process, non-compliance with the recommendations of specialists:

    What is pyelonephritis read in our article.

    Washing the bladder is an effective procedure to help eliminate diseases of the urinary system. With the correct and regular implementation of the procedure, the probability of recovery of the patient is high.

    How to install a catheter for flushing the bladder - see the video:

    Caring for your urinary catheter

    When a patient has a catheter in place, a bladder infection is not always preventable, but the chance of it occurring can be reduced. In this section, we will go into more detail about how to care for your urinary catheter. Please note that all manipulations are carried out after thorough washing of hands and preferably with gloves.

    Wash the skin around the catheter twice a day with soap and water to avoid irritation and infection. In addition, wash the patient after each bowel movement. After washing thoroughly, with light movements, dry the skin. When wiping after a bowel movement, washing and drying the perineum, women should move from front to back so that bacteria from the rectum do not enter the catheter and urinary tract.

    Rinse your urinal daily with water. In water, you can add a 3% solution of table vinegar at the rate of 1:7. Empty the urinal every 3-4 hours. Always keep the urinal below the level of the bladder. Tell your doctor right away if you start to leak urine from the catheter, have abdominal pain, a feeling of fullness, blood, or flakes in your urine. If the catheter is clogged, causing pain, it must be replaced immediately.

    Never pull on the catheter. Disconnect the catheter only for rinsing or replacing it, as well as emptying the urinal.

    Reasons why urine leaks: too thin catheter, insufficiently inflated balloon, kink in the catheter or urinal tube, blockage of the catheter. If the outflow of urine has ceased, the reasons may be:

    • kink in the catheter or urinal tube,
    • insufficient fluid intake in the body (increase the amount of fluid consumed),
    • the urinal is fixed too high (lower it below the level of the bladder),
    • catheter blockage,
    • impaired renal function (anuria) with a deterioration in the patient's condition.

    The catheter installed in the bladder can be washed by the patient himself or his relatives. For washing, a warm solution of saline is used. If sediment or flakes appear in the urine, flush the catheter with a solution of furacilin. At home, you can prepare a solution of two tablets of furacilin dissolved in 400 ml of boiled water. Strain the solution through a double layer of gauze. You can buy a ready-made solution at a pharmacy. Also suitable are a 3% solution of boric acid, dioxidine diluted in a ratio of 1:40, miramistin, a 2% solution of chlorhexidine. Flush the catheter with a 50 or 100 milligram syringe (Janet syringe). Before use, rinse the syringe with boiling water, and in between store it in a disinfectant solution: 3% chloramine or 2% chlorhexidine. Solutions are sold in pharmacies. After disconnecting the tube from the urinal, treat its end from the outside with furatsilina solution or any antiseptic solution. Then draw the solution into the syringe, insert the cannula of the syringe into the opening of the tube and slowly inject the solution, starting with small portions (20-30 ml). After the introduction of portions of the solution, remove the syringe from the catheter. The solution will flow freely.

    If a therapeutic effect on the mucous membrane of the bladder is required, washings can be daily. In other cases - as needed.

    How to flush a catheter

    There are diseases when patients require permanent catheterization to ensure the evacuation of urine from the bladder. Sometimes the catheter must be in the bladder for several days (for example, before or after surgery). In the absence of proper care, prolonged catheterization can lead to infection of the bladder or kidneys and even the development of sepsis. Therefore, it is important for relatives of these patients to be able to properly care for the catheter and flush the bladder cavity. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and clean them with a cotton swab dipped in alcohol. Prepare a solution of furacillin yourself or purchase a ready-made solution. Take with clean hands disposable syringe. To begin with, tightly close the cannula opening with a sterile cotton ball or gauze, and pour a little solution into the cylinder from the vial with furatsilin to the level of the last mark on the syringe scale. Take the piston and partially insert it into the cylinder, and then, holding the syringe barrel with your left hand and the piston with your right hand, turn the filled syringe upside down and gently, displacing air, insert the piston to the liquid level. Pre-treat the catheter with furatsilin, take it with the thumb and forefinger of the left hand. In your right hand, hold a syringe filled with a solution of furacilin. Carefully insert the cannula of the syringe into the catheter (if it is thinner than the cannula) or press firmly against the catheter opening (if the catheter diameter is thicker than the cannula diameter). Slowly inject the furacillin solution into the bladder cavity. Disconnect the syringe from the catheter, let the injected furacillin flow out. Repeat the procedure again. If, when flushing the catheter, the patient feels discomfort, pain or pain in the lower abdomen, it means that the long stay of the catheter has led to inflammation of the urethra. In this case, before washing with a disinfectant solution, inject 5-10 ml of a 0.25-0.5% solution of novocaine into the bladder (it is sold in a pharmacy as a ready-made solution in ampoules). After the introduction of novocaine, pinch the catheter for 2-3 minutes so that the novocaine acts and only then continue washing. Bladder lavage is performed to mechanically remove the decay products of small stones, tissue or pus. In chronic and acute diseases of the mucous membrane of the bladder, as a medical procedure, it is washed with antiseptics and medicines. Also, the procedure for washing the bladder is done using a rubber catheter before the introduction of a cystoscope.

    • - Esmarch's irrigator
    • - catheter
    • - a solution of boric acid or potassium permanganate

    First you need to determine the capacity of the bladder, this is done by measuring the amount of urine that is released during urination. Put the patient on his back, bend his knees and spread his hips. The pelvis should be slightly raised. It is necessary to flush the bladder with the help of Esmarch's mug, put a catheter on the rubber tube. Use a 2% solution of boric acid or a solution of potassium permanganate for washing in a ratio of 1:10,000. Instruments must be perfectly sterile. Carefully insert the catheter and drain the patient's urine. Connect the catheter to the rubber tube of the Esmarch cup, inject fluid into the bladder until the urge to urinate appears. Disconnect the cup from the catheter and release the injected fluid. Rinse the bladder until an exceptionally clear liquid appears. Fill the bladder halfway with the prepared solution and remove the catheter. Leave the patient to lie down for a minute. Typically, the number of washes is 12 to 14 times. If the catheter is not positioned correctly, it may hit the wall or become clogged with mucus. This will prevent flushing fluid from flowing out of the catheter. In this case, the catheter needs to be removed a little or pour in a little liquid to remove the mucus. If the patient experiences pain when the fluid is administered, it means that you have injected too much fluid. Catheters are medical instruments that are hollow tubes. They are used to remove the contents of the body, to wash the cavities, to administer medicinal substances. Catheters are available in various lengths and are made from different materials: metal, plastic, rubber. It is important that the instruments are sterile and do not cause inflammation in the cavities of the organs into which they are inserted. Most often, catheters are used in urology to ensure the outflow of urine from the bladder. For this purpose, a Pezzer catheter is used. This instrument is often used before childbirth to empty a woman's bladder. A full bladder can interfere with the baby's normal passage through the birth canal. The Pezzera catheter is made of rubber and has an extension and 2 holes at the end. The tool is entered as follows. The area around the urethra is treated with a disinfectant solution. A probe is inserted into the canal so that the catheter is stretched at its end. Then the instrument is inserted into the urethra, after which the probe is removed, and the catheter straightens on its own. It is necessary to insert the Pezzer catheter to a depth of 6 cm so that its end is located at a sufficient distance from the urethra and bladder walls. If the instrument is inserted too deeply, its end will touch the top of the bladder, resulting in no outflow of urine. If the catheter is not inserted deep enough, it can cause bladder hyperreflexia. The Pezzer catheter is removed by pressing on the walls of the urethra.

    How to place a subclavian catheter

    In preparation for catheterization of the subclavian vein, the patient is placed on the operating table with the head end lowered by 15 g. This is necessary to prevent air embolism. The operating field is treated 2 times with a 2% iodine solution, a sterile diaper is applied and treated again with 70% alcohol.

    The patient is given local anesthesia. Then, a needle with a syringe for catheterization is used to puncture the skin, pulling the piston creates a vacuum. When entering the subclavian vein, blood appears in the syringe. Further, the needle starts up another 2-3 mm. Then the syringe is removed, the entrance to the needle is closed with a finger.

    A conductor is inserted through the needle, the needle is removed, and a catheter is inserted through the conductor to a depth of 6-8 cm. After removing the conductor, the doctor controls the presence of the catheter in the vein by the flow of blood into the syringe. The catheter is then flushed and an infusion line is connected or closed with a sterile rubber plug.

    The Foley catheter is designed for bladder catheterization for up to 7 days. Such a procedure should only be carried out by medical professionals trained in the technique of its implementation.

    The placement of the Folia catheter must be carried out under sterile conditions to avoid infection in the urinary tract. The doctor or nurse should use disposable gloves and sterile instruments. The patient is placed on the couch, on his back, his legs should be divorced and bent at the hips or straightened.

    Before the procedure, women treat the external genitalia with an aqueous solution of an antiseptic. The health worker spreads the labia with the fingers of his left hand, and right hand introduces a catheter lubricated with vaseline oil or sterile glycerin into the opening of the urethra. Movements are made smoothly, without effort. The instrument is inserted completely into the bladder. The appearance of urine is a sign that the catheter is in the bladder. With its correct setting, the patient should not experience discomfort and pain.

    Bladder catheterization in men

    To remove the catheter, air is removed from the balloon through a special valve using a syringe. The instrument is removed from the urethra, the outer opening of which is then processed aqueous solutions antiseptic. Next, a catheter lubricated with vaseline oil or glycerin is inserted in the same order as described above.

    The bladder is an organ of the urinary system designed to store urine and excrete it. Washing the bladder is a procedure that is performed for people suffering from constant urinary retention or pus, as well as inflammation of the mucous membrane of this organ (cystitis).

    Indications for flushing

    • patients suffering from inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract;
    • people who are unable to defecate on their own;
    • in the presence of damage to the mucous membrane of the bladder;
    • before cystoscopy;
    • to eliminate congestion that was caused by stones in the organ cavity, neoplasms;
    • before the introduction of drugs into it;
    • to remove blood from the cavity before the examination;
    • in order to determine the capacity of the body;
    • after prolonged use of medications that adversely affected the mucous membranes of the urinary system.

    Contraindications for the procedure

    Flushing should not be performed on patients with the following problems:

    • urethral injury;
    • acute inflammatory processes of the urethra;
    • venereal diseases;
    • bladder sphincter injury.

    Congestion and inflammatory diseases in this organ can appear not only due to diseases of the urinary system, but also due to other infectious diseases (flu, sinusitis, E. coli, staphylococcus aureus). Bacteria in this case penetrate into the cavity of the organ along with the blood. In addition, the bladder is directly connected to the gastrointestinal tract, so cystitis can be a consequence of intestinal inflammation. Other causes of cystitis are infectious diseases of the genital organs and hypothermia.

    Preparation for the procedure

    Such a complex medical manipulation should be performed only by specialists in a hospital setting. Flushing at home is not recommended because:

    1. Self-medication is always dangerous to health. First you need to consult a doctor who will accurately diagnose, because it may well turn out that with a disease found in a patient, this procedure is contraindicated.
    2. In the hospital, washing is carried out in absolutely sterile conditions; at home, the risk of infection is much higher.
    3. In women, the urethra is short and wide, so the tube is inserted easily. In men, the urethra is not only long, but also has several constrictions. Without knowing all the nuances of this manipulation, you can injure the urinary system.
    4. If it is incorrect to choose the proportions of the solution that will be washed, then a burn of the mucous membrane may occur.

    Before carrying out this process, you need to prepare all the necessary tools and fixtures. For this you will need:
    • Furacilin solution;
    • tray;
    • oilcloth;
    • appropriately sized Foley catheter;
    • gloves, napkins, cotton wool;
    • antiseptic solution, which must be heated to body temperature;
    • syringe.

    At the initial stage, the volume of the bladder is determined. To do this, simply measure the amount of urine that stands out in one urination.

    Procedure technique

    There are several washing techniques:

    Through a cystostomy. This is a tube that is inserted into the bladder cavity through an opening in the abdomen.

    Indications for its installation:

    • acute phase of prostatitis;
    • the presence of benign formations of the prostate gland;
    • urethral injury;
    • if surgical interventions were performed that touched the urethra;
    • postpartum complications in women.

    The algorithm for washing the bladder if a person has a cystostomy is as follows: it is laid on the back, an oilcloth and a diaper are placed around the stoma or under the patient, and a tray is placed to collect the outgoing fluid. Then, using a syringe, the specialist slowly injects a warm antiseptic solution (150-200 ml) into the tube, removes the syringe and drains the wash water. The procedure is repeated until the flowing liquid is clear. Next, a urinal is attached to the tube, which is tied to the patient's thigh or to the bed.

    Through a Foley catheter. Catheterization is a procedure in which a catheter is inserted into the bladder for the purpose of removing urine, flushing, or administering medication.

    The algorithm for flushing through the catheter is as follows:

    Making washing a man is a little more difficult. The procedure is carried out in a standing position. The head of the penis must first be treated with an antiseptic. Then paraffin oil is applied to the end of the catheter. With the left hand, the specialist holds the penis in the forward direction, and with the right hand, carefully inserts the tube with tweezers. When he reaches the place where the urinary canal narrows, the man must definitely take a few deep breaths. The muscles of the penis will relax and the tube will pass through the area more easily. If spasms occur, further administration should be temporarily suspended. When the tension subsides, the procedure is continued until the first drops of urine appear.

    A solution is slowly injected into the free end of the catheter with a syringe, then the syringe is removed and Esmarch's mug is substituted. Washing is carried out until a clear liquid appears. Sometimes a metal catheter has to be used for this procedure in men. It is used in the presence of pathological changes in the urethra (prostate adenoma, etc.).

    If the patient is discharged home with a catheterized bladder, then the patient or his relatives must take care of the catheter.

    The urinary catheter should be flushed daily. To do this, use a syringe with a volume of 50 or 100 ml, disconnect the tube from the urinal and treat the end with an antiseptic, insert the syringe and slowly inject the solution. Then it is taken out and the liquid is allowed to flow out. If necessary, these steps are repeated several times.


    For washing, doctors widely use the following drugs:

    When preparing solutions from these preparations, it is necessary to strictly observe the proportions indicated in the instructions for use. Otherwise, a burn of the bladder will also be added to the existing problems of the urinary system.

    In addition, distilled water, a solution of Penicillin, Furacilin, nitric silver and boric acid can be used for washing.

    Possible Complications

    After the operation, in which a cystostomy was installed, a number of complications may occur:

    • the occurrence of allergic reactions to the material from which the tube was made;
    • the appearance of inflammatory and purulent processes at the incision site;
    • intestinal injury;
    • bladder infection.

    Complications after catheterization:

    1. The formation of a false passage during perforation of the urethral wall. If a rigid catheter is used for the procedure and sharp and rough movements are made during it, then a false passage may appear in the urethra. The patient will have a severe pain in the genital organ and bleeding will open.
    2. Violation of the excretory function of the kidneys (uremia, anuria).
    3. Inflammation of the epididymis. As a rule, it occurs due to a violation of sterility and the penetration of infection during washing. In severe cases, it can lead to suppuration and septicemia (infection of the blood with pyogenic organisms).
    4. Urethral fever is a serious complication that appears due to the entry of pathogenic bacteria into the bloodstream through damage to the urinary canal. The patient begins to chill, sweating increases, the general condition of the body worsens. To prevent fever in people with a urinary tract infection, doctors give them a course of antibiotics before catheterization.
    5. If the patient has stones in the bladder, they can damage the mucous membrane during the movement of fluid.
    6. Mucosal burn. May occur due to improper preparation of an antiseptic solution.

    Washing the bladder is a procedure that can significantly improve the patient's condition. But it is only an addition to the main therapy, the tactics of which depend on the disease. If treatment is not started in time, for example, cystitis, then the infection can penetrate the kidneys and cause inflammation, congestion, kidney failure and other equally dangerous pathologies. Therefore, when the first symptoms of diseases of the urinary system appear, it is urgent to consult a doctor, because any ailment is always easier to cure at an early stage.

    Some diseases are accompanied by the accumulation of pus in the cavity of the bladder and congestion. The patient's condition worsens, the course of the disease becomes more severe, inflammation increases.

    Washing is indicated for the purpose of treatment in the following situations:

    • infectious cystitis;
    • in preparation for cystoscopy;
    • after a long drug treatment, which affects the mucous membrane of the organ;
    • to eliminate stagnation caused by neoplasms, stones in the cavity or other problems.

    Washing the body has a good result in many situations, except for certain contraindications:

    • sexually transmitted diseases, such as gonorrhea;
    • damage to the urethra;
    • acute inflammation.


    Such medical manipulation as washing the bladder, it is desirable to carry out in stationary conditions. This manipulation in men and women differs significantly at the stage of introducing the device.

    In women, the urethra is relatively short (up to 10 cm) and wide enough to allow easy catheter insertion. In men, the urinary canal is not only long, but has several constrictions. It is difficult to introduce a catheter through it on your own.

    Before the procedure, the preparation of tools and devices for manipulation takes place. Necessary devices for washing the bladder:

    • furatsilin solution;
    • tray;
    • oilcloth;
    • rubber medical catheter;
    • sterile gloves;
    • washing solution;
    • sterile wipes, cotton wool;
    • a special syringe for 200 cubes (or an enema).

    Note! Any liquid that will be used for the procedure must be preheated to body temperature.

    A simple flush can be done with distilled water, saline, or boric acid. For therapeutic purposes, more complex formulations are more often used: a solution of furacilin, protargol or penicillin.

    At the stage of preparation for the procedure, the volume of the bladder should be calculated. A calculation is made on the basis of the amount of urine that is excreted during one urination. Usually the volume ranges from 200 to 300 ml.


    In a hospital, the procedure takes place when the patient is located on the urological chair. The patient should lie on his back. In this case, the pelvis is raised, and the legs are bent at the knees and divorced.

    Carrying out algorithm:

    1. The enema is fixed in a raised state if it is used, and not a syringe.
    2. The catheter is treated with a solution of furacilin.
    3. The patient assumes the required position.
    4. Insert a catheter. Do this very slowly, with rotating movements, to avoid injury.
    5. When urine appears from the catheter, the advancement of the device is stopped.
    6. Allow all urine to drain.
    7. Either a syringe or an enema is connected to the catheter.
    8. In small volumes, ¼ cup, the solution is injected. Its total amount should correspond to the volume of the bladder.
    9. When the patient has a significant urge to urinate, the fluid infusion is stopped.
    10. The catheter is disconnected from the enema or syringe and the urine is allowed to come out.
    11. Washing at a time is usually carried out up to 10. They must be done until the fluid leaving the catheter is clear.
    12. Through the catheter, ½ of the volume of the solution is injected - this is the final stage.
    13. The device is removed from the urethra.
    14. Within half an hour, the patient does not change the position of the body, remaining lying down.

    The duration of the course of washings can be up to two weeks, depending on the doctor's prescriptions. Procedures can be daily or carried out every other day.

    Possible Complications

    The procedure causes unpleasant discomfort, but if persistent pain is felt, the procedure was performed incorrectly. In this case, the injection of the solution is stopped and allowed to flow out.

    Important! Particular attention should be paid to asepsis, especially in cases where washing is done at home.

    Complications that may arise include:

    Complications and features

    Reaction / actions


    BleedingTermination of the procedure, taking urgent measures
    Difficulty inserting a catheter due to spasms of the urinary tractThe patient should try to relax, take a few deep breaths. After relaxation, the introduction is continued.Most often observed in men, since the length of the urethra can reach 0.25 m
    Unpleasant sensations from contact of the catheter with the walls of the orifice

    Move the catheter slightly

    Solution does not flow

    It is possible that the opening of the catheter is blocked by mucus. The instrument is washed with a special solution.
    Injury to the bladder due to stones that have moved during the procedure

    Symptomatic treatment

    Mucosal burn

    This may be the result of an incorrectly selected rinsing solution.
    Injury to the urethra with instrumentsAs a result of improper procedure
    Infection in the bladderAs a result of insufficient disinfection of instruments

    Washing at home: pros and cons

    Measures of a therapeutic and preventive nature should be carried out only as directed by a doctor. Self-medication is dangerous to health.

    Self-manipulation can lead to mechanical damage and other dangerous situations if, for example, the proportions of the solution are chosen incorrectly. It should also be borne in mind that the procedure for men is more difficult than for women.

    Note! In the absence of experience in such manipulations, at home, the likelihood of injury increases.

    Procedure in a medical facility

    Bladder lavage is a serious medical event that should be carried out only by a highly qualified specialist, since with poor quality approach By this procedure, the patient can get a burn of the mucous membrane and mechanical damage to the organs of the genitourinary system. This procedure is prescribed only after the examination, testing and diagnosis.

    Indications for the procedure

    The main indication for the procedure is severe inflammation of the bladder cavity. If the bladder is not washed in time, manifestations of cystitis in the form of inflammation can affect the intestines, which is highly undesirable.

    As a rule, such a procedure can be prescribed only in the last stages of the disease. The fact is that the mucous membrane of the bladder itself is very resistant to pathogens, and a simple infection in the bladder will not affect the development of the disease. However, with additional damage, the infection begins to spread rapidly.

    An indication for washing is also considered damage to the bladder mucosa by foreign bodies (urinary stones). Remember that an incorrectly performed procedure, which led to a burn of the mucous membrane of the bladder, is also an indication for washing.

    Procedure technique

    The procedure is carried out using a catheter. Esmarch's mug, distilled water, tripod and catheter are being prepared. Instead of a mug, a syringe is sometimes used. With cystitis, as a rule, simple washing is prescribed. In cases of work with advanced stages of the disease, medical irrigation with drugs is mandatory.

    The first step is to insert a catheter. After that, it is slowly pushed forward until urine comes out of it. The presence of urine in this case is sure sign that the catheter is inserted correctly and there is no cause for concern. This is followed by waiting until the urinary fluid is completely out of the catheter.

    The next step is to inject the drug into the cavity of the bladder. The procedure is performed using a syringe attached to the catheter. The amount of fluid that will be injected into the bladder always depends solely on the individual characteristics of the patient. As soon as he has a desire to empty the bladder, the medication is stopped. Then the syringe is disconnected from the catheter, and the fluid exits through it. The whole complex of actions is repeated from 8 to 12 times, using about 2 liters of liquid at a time.

    It may happen that when the urinary fluid and medication are washed out, the catheter will become blocked with mucous or purulent masses. In this case, the outflow of liquid stops completely, and the device is washed with a special solution.

    It should be noted that the procedure for men and women is somewhat different due to the anatomical differences of the genitourinary system.

    Lavage in women

    Washing the bladder of women is much easier, since the length of the urethra is shorter, and it is wider. For this reason, the introduction of the catheter is practically not difficult, which cannot be said about the opposite field.

    Flushing in men

    The main problem with this procedure in men is the length of the urethra. The fact is that it has a considerable length and a relatively small diameter. Among other things, there are anatomical narrowings that make it difficult to enter the catheter.

    In the case of men, the catheter is lubricated with petroleum jelly and injected very slowly (if necessary, perform rotational movements). In places of narrowing, the man is asked to take several deep breaths and exhalations (this relaxes the muscles), after which the catheter is continued to be inserted.

    You should be aware that when the catheter is inserted, spasm may occur. In this case, this process is temporarily stopped in anticipation of muscle relaxation. After complete relaxation, the introduction is continued until the first drops of urinary fluid appear from the catheter.

    At home

    With cystitis, you can also use the home method of washing the bladder. However, it is much less effective than medication. It is practically no different from the drug. The only significant difference between a medical and a home procedure is that in the first case it is carried out by a qualified specialist who has at least minimal experience, and in the second case by a person who may not even have a minimal medical education.

    Due to the possible occurrence of serious complications of the disease and injury to the organs of the genitourinary system, this procedure should not be performed at home. The most precious thing in our life is health. It is necessary to take care of it and immediately seek medical help at the first symptoms.

    Alternative flushing methods

    Bladder lavage with a cystotome is different in that a catheter is not used. This procedure is prescribed if the urinary canal is damaged or inflamed, or the urethra is deformed in any way. The very algorithm for carrying out such a procedure is different in that the fluid is entered and outflowed by means of a cystotome. The device is installed by the trocar method directly to the bladder. The procedure is repeated until the solution coming out of the tube becomes clear.

    It should be remembered that this method may involve a long-term effect. In this case, the patient is at risk of completely losing the ability to urinate normally. To prevent this from happening, you must constantly drink fluids and try to independently control the process of urination. Bladder flushing is carried out using the same drugs as with alternative methods of procedure.

    Permanent or temporary urinary catheter

    The use of catheters, depending on the situation, can be either temporary (if necessary) or permanent. The constant use of a urinary catheter is necessary for chronic diseases that cannot be radically cured with medications or surgery. Often these are neurological patients. If women often install a Foley catheter in the urethra, then this option is unacceptable for men. Why? Yes, for the reason that the male urethra communicates not only with the bladder, but also with the prostate, testicles, seminal vesicles. And a foreign body in the urethra will sooner or later lead to complications, such as acute prostatitis or epididymitis ... That is why a permanent urinary catheter is more often used in women, and in men it is also used, but after the operation - epicystostomy with the formation of a suprapubic vesical fistula. It is in this fistula that a permanent urinary catheter is installed in men. In this embodiment, it is practically safe and does not cause complications.

    When to combine a catheter with a urinal?

    The constant use of a catheter to divert urine forces to solve the problem of urine collection. After all, with a permanent catheter, the patient is not always bedridden. Many lead a relatively active lifestyle. The most practical option is to use a catheter with a urinal. The urinal is a plastic bag with a tube for receiving urine, which is connected to a catheter and a second tube with a valve to drain the accumulated urine. A catheter with a urinal is used both in the variant of urine diversion through a catheter in the urethra and through a suprapubic fistula.

    Flushing the bladder through a urinary catheter

    After discharge from the hospital, the relatives of the patient with a catheter are left alone with this problem. And many simply do not know how to properly flush the bladder through a urinary catheter. It is worth adhering to the following rules:

    • Rinse the urinary catheter at least 1 time per day, preferably 2 times (if necessary, you can flush the bladder through the urinary catheter and 5 or even 10 times a day);
    • Be sure to disconnect the urinal and tubes that extend the catheter before washing. Flush the bladder directly through the catheter;
    • Use special solutions for washing the bladder. It is strongly not recommended to rinse with plain water. this will inevitably lead to the development of inflammation in the bladder and may result in the development of acute ascending pyelonephritis;

    How to flush a urinary catheter?

    When a patient is discharged from a urological hospital, the attending physician recommends specific solutions for washing. But if you do not know how to flush the urinary catheter, first carefully study the recommendations in the discharge summary that the patient received upon discharge from the hospital. There, the attending physician is simply obliged to indicate how and with what to flush the bladder through the catheter. For the last 30-40 years, urologists have recommended flushing the catheter to remove urine with a solution of furacillin 1:5000. But the high resistance of urinary infection to this solution eventually forced doctors to abandon furacillin in favor of a solution of potassium permanganate or more modern Betadine and Vocadin.

    Do you know how to properly insert a catheter into the bladder?

    It must be admitted that not always the relatives of patients with a catheter invite medical specialists to replace the catheter and change it themselves. If the procedure for replacing the Foley catheter and especially the Petzer catheter is trusted by a urologist, then they themselves dare to insert the catheter into the bladder of a woman. In such situations, you must adhere to the following rules:

    1. Before catheterization, it is necessary to treat the area of ​​​​the external opening of the urethra with an antiseptic;
    2. Thoroughly wash your hands twice with soap and treat them with alcohol;
    3. When inserting the catheter, hold it with sterile forceps. Otherwise, you will bring the infection into the bladder;
    4. It is advisable to use a special Jeanne syringe or a disposable alternative with a volume of 60 - 150 ml for washing.

    With all the prostate of inserting a catheter into the bladder at first glance, we urge you to entrust this procedure to qualified medical professionals. Remember that improper catheterization can injure the bladder or urethra, which will eventually result in emergency surgery.

    Cranberry - help from kidney stones, cystitis and prostatitis

    Frequent urination with pain - the main symptoms of cystitis

    Treatment of cystitis with herbs is an effective way to overcome the disease

    Bladder flushing through a catheter is prescribed only by a highly qualified doctor with the following indications:

    • patients who are unable to defecate on their own;
    • people suffering from inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract;
    • patients who have been taking drugs that have a negative effect on the mucous membranes for a long period of time;
    • before conducting a study to remove blood from the bladder cavity;
    • to determine the capacity of the body;
    • cystitis;
    • stagnation of pus;
    • before insertion into the bladder medicines;
    • with urolithiasis and the diagnosis of various kinds of neoplasms in the event of congestion;
    • before cystoscopy.

    Bladder flushing through a catheter is prescribed for people who have taken medications for a long period of time

    If a person has at least one of the diseases listed above, a person must necessarily undergo an organ washing procedure. These manipulations are considered quite serious and it is best if it is performed by a qualified specialist, only in this case numerous deviations can be avoided. But if, nevertheless, the procedure will need to be carried out at home, then this should be especially carefully prepared.

    Before a person is prescribed a bladder wash for cystitis, he undergoes the necessary examination. This is necessary, first of all, in order to exclude various kinds of complications. This procedure is strictly prohibited for patients who have the following health problems:

    • there are various kinds of injuries of the urinary canal;
    • inflammatory processes of the urethra are diagnosed in an acute form;
    • there is damage to the sphincter;
    • various kinds of venereal diseases are detected.

    Bladder lavage refers to diagnostic and therapeutic manipulations performed by a nurse with experience

    If a person is diagnosed with at least one pathology from all of the above, then washing is strictly prohibited. Such measures are primarily necessary in order not to aggravate the situation and not lead to the development of serious and irreparable complications.

    Since washing the bladder is considered a rather serious procedure, then, of course, it is best to carry it out in a stationary setting, but unfortunately this is not always possible. At home, it is not recommended to carry out such procedures for the following reasons:

    • any self-medication can adversely affect health, and washing the bladder is no exception. It is very important, before proceeding with the procedure, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications to its implementation, and this can be done only after passing certain examinations in a hospital;
    • the solution should be selected very carefully and professionally, since even the slightest error can lead to a burn of the mucous membrane of the organ;
    • before the procedure, you should accurately study all the nuances of this procedure, since if the catheter is incorrectly inserted, there is a risk of injury to the urinary system;
    • when carrying out the procedure at home, there is a risk of infection, but in a hospital, all manipulations are carried out in ideally sterile conditions.

    In the event that you decide to flush the bladder at home, then you should carefully prepare for this process and purchase all the necessary materials and tools. It is impossible to wash the body on your own, so you need to enlist the support of loved ones.

    How to properly flush the bladder at home and what is needed for this - only the attending physician can tell about this

    How to properly flush the bladder at home and what is needed for this will be told by the attending physician. To carry out this procedure, you need to purchase the following drugs and means:

    • Foley catheter, which is recommended by the doctor in size;
    • syringe;
    • tray and oilcloth;
    • cotton wool, gloves and napkins;
    • antiseptic solution;
    • furatsilina solution.

    Washing the bladder in this way is carried out once every two days or, if necessary, then once a day.

    As already mentioned, to flush the bladder, a person should first of all purchase certain funds and preparations. Once everything you need is acquired, it will be possible to proceed directly to the washing.

    Note! Before washing the bladder, it is very important to measure its volume in advance, for this it is necessary to determine the amount of urine after urination.

    It is strictly forbidden to use alcohol to wash the bladder. This is due, first of all, to the fact that, in addition to alcohol, it also contains certain additives that can have a negative effect on bladder tissues and significantly aggravate all inflammatory processes.

    Washing the body should be carried out according to the following principle:

    • a person needs to lie on his back and at the same time spread his legs as wide as possible and bend them at the knee joint;
    • the genitals must be treated with an antiseptic. This is necessary in the first place in order to prevent the penetration of infection;
    • after that, it is required to carefully insert the catheter into the urethra and slowly advance it into the bladder;
    • as soon as urine is excreted, the introduction of the catheter should be suspended;
    • during this process, it is strictly forbidden to abruptly withdraw the catheter or pull it, since any even minor careless actions can lead to various kinds of injuries in the bladder;
    • after the introduction of the catheter, it is necessary to draw a medicinal solution into the syringe, which must first be diluted;
    • as soon as the medicine is drawn into the syringe, it must be connected to the catheter;
    • the medicine should be administered very slowly, at least within a few minutes;
    • after the introduction of the drug, it will immediately begin to flow back out of the bladder and as soon as all the fluid from the organ flows out, the administration of the drug will need to be repeated.

    An antiseptic solution is injected into the main organ of the urinary system with the help of special tools.

    The drug should be injected into the bladder at least eight times, and to be more precise, until the excreted urine becomes crystal clear and clean. After all the procedures, the catheter should be carefully removed from the bladder, and the genitals should be treated again with an antiseptic.

    In some cases, what happens is that the catheter is clogged with mucus. At the same time, the washing liquid does not flow out in a person. To solve this problem, you should use a special liquid to dissolve and eliminate mucus. Thus, this problem can be resolved immediately.

    After washing the bladder, the patient is strictly forbidden to get out of bed for thirty minutes, and subsequently lift heavy objects and exercise.

    If during the washing of the bladder the patient feels pain, then this first of all indicates that the bladder is stretched. In such a situation, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fluid injected. But when signs of bleeding appear, the procedure should be stopped immediately and seek help from a highly qualified doctor.

    It is impossible for a person to independently carry out the washing procedure, so he will need the understanding and help of loved ones.

    The bladder is supplied with a large number of nerve endings. When it fills up, they become irritated and the person feels the urge to urinate. If the functionality of the organ is impaired, the tone of the muscles of the walls decreases, as a result of which the body is not able to warn that you need to visit the toilet. And vice versa - excessive irritation of nerve endings, which is typical for inflammatory processes, causes very frequent urges, and urination, at the same time, becomes painful and unpleasant.

    Bladder problems may require catheterization

    Catheterization is designed to eliminate these phenomena. The method consists in introducing a special tube into the urethra with a reservoir connected to it to collect urine. This design temporarily takes over the function of timely evacuation of urine from the bladder, thereby preventing the development of the negative processes described above.

    Flushing this organ with a catheter is prescribed in the following cases:

    Pathology and casesDescription
    Patient's inability to control urinationThis may be an unauthorized leakage of urine, or vice versa - its acute delay. This situation is typical, for example, for paralyzed patients or patients in a coma.
    Before CytoscopyCytoscopy is modern method research that allows you to study the internal structure of the bladder and, accordingly, to detect pathological changes present. For a quality procedure, the body must be completely clean of urine - this is what catheterization is needed for.
    Damaged lining of the bladderDamage to the tissues of the body can be triggered by various factors. As a rule, this leads to hyperactivity of the nerve endings, as well as a significant decrease in the tone of the walls. Normal urination in this case is impossible.
    Before drug administrationThe effectiveness of drug therapy is enhanced if the drug is immediately delivered directly to the affected organ. Catheterization in this case allows you to get rid of all the urine present in the organ, thereby improving the absorption of the drug by its walls.
    Inflammation of the tissues of the bladder and urinary tractInflammatory processes, which are caused mainly as a result of an infectious lesion of the urinary system, cause tissue irritation, as well as swelling, which narrows the urine lumen. In this case, catheterization is essential.

    Problems with the normal release of urine provoke many pathologies and diseases. It can be inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis), urolithiasis, inflammatory processes in the intestines, nephritis, bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms, even influenza or sinusitis. Very often, catheterization is prescribed for patients suffering from cystitis. Moreover, this procedure is equally relevant for both women and men.

    The task facing catheterization is the timely disposal of the bladder and urinary tract from urine, as well as pus (if infectious and inflammatory processes are present here). Despite the usefulness of the procedure, sometimes it can be contraindicated. This is true for patients:

    • syphilis, gonorrhea and other severe urinary tract infections;
    • inflammation of the urinary tract in a severe stage;
    • spasmodic manifestations of the sphincter or its pathological narrowing;
    • traumatization of the genital organs, both external and internal.

    In all of the above cases, catheterization will only aggravate the patient's condition. Therefore, other methods will be used to evacuate urine.

    In a hospital setting, the task of how to flush the bladder catheter is solved by medical personnel, in particular nurses. This is their concern, which worries little both the patient's relatives and himself. However, it is not uncommon for a patient to be discharged home with a catheter. Here you already need to think about how to properly care for such a patient. This task falls on the shoulders of relatives - wife, husband, parents, children, etc.

    Flushing the catheter is a very important requirement. Regular cleaning will allow timely removal of deposited salts and other sediments from the tube that can clog the system. Due to this, it is possible to minimize the risk of bacterial infection.

    The catheter must be flushed daily.

    In stagnant urine, pathogenic microorganisms develop very quickly, and just as quickly penetrate the bladder, provoking its inflammation.

    The catheter should be flushed daily. In the simplest cases, ordinary saline will be enough, only it needs to be slightly warmed up beforehand. A pleasant temperature for the body will save the patient from discomfort during a specific procedure.

    It is also important to determine the volume of the bladder. To do this, you need to wait until the organ is completely filled with urine, and then measure the volume of urine excreted. You will need to use a similar amount of cleanser.

    It is necessary to measure the volume of the bladder

    Another thing is if the patient has had a complex disease, as a result of which various flakes, salt sediment and other third-party impurities are still excreted along with urine. In this case, you will need to prepare a more complex, but at the same time effective remedy to flush the catheter.

    Here's what you can use:

    • boric acid (2 or 3 percent solution);
    • potassium permanganate (diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10,000);
    • miramistin;
    • chlorhexidine solution (2 percent);
    • dioxidine (diluted in water in proportions of 1:40);
    • furacilin solution (1:5000).

    According to the reviews of patients, their relatives, as well as physicians, the best option for flushing the urine excretion system at home is furatsilin. The necessary solution can be prepared independently, or simply bought at a pharmacy. The tool is characterized by a significant prevalence, is easy to use, has no contraindications and, moreover, has an acceptable price in all respects.

    Prepare a solution of Furacilin

    Here's how to prepare a solution of furacilin at home:

    • take two or three tablets;
    • grind them into powder;
    • add about 400-500 ml of water (preferably boiled or, even better, distilled);
    • to get rid of undissolved small crystals, the resulting mixture is passed through gauze several times.

    Bladder lavage is prescribed for the treatment of congestion, which is accompanied by inflammation of the walls of the mucous membrane of a hollow organ. The procedure allows you to remove the decay products of urine with the help of medicines, which accelerates the healing process of damaged bladder tissues.

    When is the procedure given?

    The main indication for washing the bladder is an acute inflammatory process in which the outflow of urine is disturbed. In urology, this technique is most often used for cystitis, since the disease is characterized by the addition of a secondary infection.

    Washing is prescribed for the following purposes:

    • The introduction of antiseptic solutions into the cavity of the bladder for the treatment of inflammatory phenomena.
    • Urine excretion in general paralysis or in the postoperative period.
    • Before diagnosing the organs of the excretory system.
    • Urine collection for research.

    The reason for the procedure is also the long-term use of drugs that have caused pathological changes in the bladder mucosa.

    Conditions requiring a procedure:

    • Side effects from the use of potent drugs.
    • Mechanical damage to the walls of the organ.
    • Burn of the mucous membrane if the procedure is carried out incorrectly.

    Bladder lavage is carried out with congestion, accompanied by accumulation of pus, which in the future can disrupt the state of all body systems.


    Before the procedure, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the patient's body, since there are some contraindications that can give a side effect.

    The main contraindications for the method are:

    • injuries with damage to the urethra and bladder;
    • blocking the lumen of the urethra with a stone;
    • neoplasms of the bladder;
    • spasm of the urethra;
    • prostatitis in the acute stage;
    • complete absence of urine;
    • some venereal diseases.

    Features of the manipulation

    The procedure in women will not be difficult even at home, since the length of the urethra is up to 10 cm.
    It is possible to flush the bladder with a catheter in a man only in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor. The complexity of manipulation in men is associated with a number of anatomical features, since the length of the urethra reaches 25 cm and has two physiological constrictions.

    The introduction of the rubber catheter must be carried out with rotational movements. In the area where the man has narrowing, special breathing exercises, they contribute to the relaxation of smooth muscles, which facilitates catheterization. In case of muscle spasm, the introduction of the catheter is immediately stopped, and after relaxation, the advance is continued until the first portion of urine appears.

    In men, the insertion of a catheter may be complicated by the anatomical narrowing of the urethra.

    It is forbidden to use force during manipulation, as this can lead to injury to the urethra.

    Equipment for manipulation

    Bladder lavage is carried out using the following tools:

    • disposable sterile catheter;
    • sterile tweezers;
    • non-sterile tweezers;
    • tray;
    • sterile gloves;
    • gauze napkins;
    • sterile cotton;
    • sterile glycerin oil;
    • warm solution of 0.02% furacilin;
    • Janet syringe or 20 cc;
    • oilcloth or diaper.

    Before using disposable catheters, check the expiration dates and the integrity of the packaging

    Manipulation is carried out in sterile gloves without the use of tweezers.

    Patient preparation

    Before the procedure, the patient's urinary system should be examined to determine the capacity of the bladder. The volume of an organ is measured by excretion of urine in one act of urination. The use of medicinal solutions is necessary in case of purulent contents in the urethra and bladder.

    The psychological preparation of the patient consists in explaining the course of the manipulation and the features of its implementation.

    Rules for the introduction of solutions

    Depending on the nature of the pathological process, drugs are used, the action of which is aimed at reducing inflammation.

    With therapeutic purpose a solution of furacilin, penicillin and protargol is injected into the cavity of the organ.

    For the purpose of simple washing, the organ can be washed with distilled water, saline, or a solution of boric acid.

    Antiseptic preparations during washing are used to suppress infectious agents

    It is necessary to introduce solutions into the organ, preheating them to room temperature. The number of procedures should be no more than 1 time in 2 days.

    It is forbidden to flush the bladder with cold solutions, as this can cause a spasm of the urethra, which will lead to additional injury to the organ.

    Manipulation algorithm

    It is recommended to wash the affected organ in the most physiological position to remove urine and administer the drug solution. Therefore, the patient should take a pose lying on his back with the legs brought to the pelvis and bent at the knee joint.

    Technique of conducting medical solutions:

    1. With the help of a catheter, you need to empty the bladder.
    2. Connect a syringe to the catheter and inject a certain amount of antiseptic solution into the organ.
    3. The introduction of the solution is continued until the patient has a feeling of fullness in the organ.
    4. Separate the syringe from the catheter, after lowering it into a container for washing water.
    5. Washing is repeated until a clear solution appears.
    6. After the procedure is completed, the catheter is removed with slow movements and soaked in a disinfectant solution.
    7. The patient should be in a horizontal position for 30 minutes for maximum therapeutic effect.

    In case of mechanical blockage, the catheter must be partially removed from the organ or flushed with a special solution.

    Principles of washing at home

    With a therapeutic and prophylactic purpose, manipulation is prescribed exclusively by a doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. At home, you can perform the procedure for women, subject to the rules of asepsis and antisepsis. All materials and instruments that come into contact with the body during manipulation must be sterile.

    Catheterization is done exclusively with a rubber catheter. Furacilin is used as an antiseptic solution at home.

    Possible complications during the procedure

    If the catheter is not inserted correctly or asepsis rules are violated, the patient may experience complications. Aggravation of the inflammatory process, which is accompanied by high temperature, can provide non-sterile instrumentation.

    There are the following complications after manipulation:

    • bleeding;
    • infection;
    • urethral injury;
    • burn of the mucous excretory system.

    In order to prevent complications after washing, the procedure is performed in a hospital under the supervision of a doctor.

    Unpleasant aching pain in the suprapubic area, cutting pain during urination are the main symptoms of cystitis, in which there is a strong inflammatory process in the mucous membrane of the bladder. Often, the pain is so unbearable and interferes with life that the only question that is spinning in the patient’s head is: how to relieve the pain of cystitis and feel better?

    Why does pain appear?

    Before taking a drug that will improve well-being, you need to determine what exactly hurts with cystitis. With this disease, patients complain of severe pain during urination, there is a feeling that something prickly and cutting is being pushed through the urethra. Often acute cystitis accompany severe dull pains that are localized in the bladder area, and with the aggravation of the inflammatory process, discomfort can spread to the perineum.

    With cystitis, pain in the bladder is due to spasm of smooth muscles, so ordinary painkillers will not help relieve an attack of cystitis at home. Therefore, you should not even try to relieve pain with Analgin or Ibuprofen. To reduce pain, you need, firstly, to understand what pains are felt during cystitis and in which area, and secondly, to eliminate the root cause - the inflammatory process.

    Pain relief with medication

    Modern pharmacology has given people a lot of painkillers, so it's stupid not to use them. In order to cure cystitis at home and reduce pain, use the following drugs:

    • Monural is a strong antibiotic that is available in powder format and is convenient in that it needs to be taken only once;
    • Furadonin is a powerful antibacterial drug that only affects the pathogens of cystitis, while not affecting the beneficial bacteria that live in the human intestine;
    • Nolicin is a good broad-spectrum antibiotic that destroys most of the pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammation in the bladder;
    • Tsiprolet - it is necessary to take the course, but relief is felt already on the first day after the start of the intake.

    There are other drugs, the use of which will remove the inflammatory process, but you need to remember: all drugs can be taken only after consulting a doctor, since self-medication in this matter will only make things worse.

    The answer to the question of how to relieve pain in cystitis involves the use of special painkillers, for example:

    • everyone knows No-shpy, Drotaverin and Baralgin;
    • rectal suppositories with papaverine;
    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Nimesulide or Ketanol.

    Benefits of using painkillers

    It is important to remember that in some cases it is impossible to use a conventional pain reliever for cystitis, therefore, before you ask about how to quickly relieve pain with cystitis, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of the course of the disease. For example, with hemorrhagic cystitis, it is forbidden to use antispasmodics, as this can increase bleeding. If blood is observed in the urine, No-shpa and Drotaverin are categorically contraindicated.

    In the chronic form of the disease, on the contrary, if there is an acute question of how to alleviate the symptoms of cystitis, it is better to take antispasmodics, painkillers such as Aspirin should not be taken, as they will lead to bleeding.

    What if there are no painkillers?

    Medicines to help relieve pain are not always available, so patients at the doctor's office ask about cystitis how to relieve pain without medication. Most doctors agree that heat should be used, and this can be done in the following ways:

    • Drink hot herbal tea, which should contain medicinal plants helping to reduce inflammation and thereby relieve acute pain with cystitis at home.
    • You can make foot baths, for this the feet are lowered into hot water and hold for 10-20 minutes. As a result, the blood will drain from the bladder area and after a while the pain will subside. This method can be used not only for cystitis in women, but also for painful menstruation.
    • The use of dry heat is very effective in reducing soreness and improving well-being. You need to take a heating pad or heat salt or sand in a pan, and then pour it into a bag or a regular sock. Keeping a heating pad in the lower abdomen for about 20 minutes, most patients begin to feel relief almost immediately. But we must remember that the heating pad is canceled if there is a temperature, as this will only contribute to the aggravation of the fever.

    Despite the fact that heat is an excellent solution for the problem of how to get rid of pain, with cystitis, in no case should you go to the sauna or bath, and also bask in a warm bath, as this can lead to an increase in the inflammatory process. If you really want to take a bath, it is better to wait until the cystitis subsides.

    Folk remedies

    People who prefer to use pharmacological medications as little as possible ask for cystitis how to relieve pain folk remedies based medicinal herbs. There are many recipes that can be used for cystitis, which helps the pain to pass quickly and improve well-being.

    Baking soda

    Oddly enough, soda will help in solving the problem of how to relieve an attack of cystitis. This powder is always on hand and very easy to use. In order to calm down sharp pain, you need to dissolve a tablespoon of soda in a glass of warm clean water and drink. Such a medicine affects the inflammatory process, the manifestations of which will become less pronounced, and soda will also help the infection not spread further.


    Chamomile tea is another great anti-inflammatory that can help make cystitis feel less painful. In order to prepare such a decoction, you only need 3 tbsp. l. dried flowers, as well as 1 liter of freshly boiled water. Plants should be poured with boiling water and left on a very slow fire. Boil chamomile for about an hour, and then leave to infuse for about the same time. Drink the medicine in half a glass every hour for 3-5 days.

    When using herbal preparations based on chamomile, the mucous membrane of the bladder is disinfected, which helps to fight the root cause of cystitis.


    A decoction based on this plant is no less effective than chamomile, after its use, all signs of cystitis become much weaker or disappear altogether. To prepare the medicine, you need to take 5 tbsp. l. dry flowers of the plant and pour a liter of boiling water, then hold on very low heat for about half an hour. Like chamomile tea, drink half a glass every hour and be sure to store it in the refrigerator.

    No painkillers will help make cystitis less unpleasant if you neglect the following rules:

    • do not try to get sick on your feet, cystitis requires bed rest at least in the first days;
    • be sure to consume as many vegetables and fruits as possible, as well as dairy products;
    • it is worth removing too salty or peppery dishes from the diet, as well as fried and fast food, as this contributes to irritation of the already damaged mucosa;
    • it is imperative to increase the amount of fluid consumed, this will help flush the bladder as quickly as possible and thereby speed up recovery;
    • if it is possible to prepare fruit drinks from cranberries or other similar berries, you should drink them as often as possible, since the substances contained in such drinks eliminate the manifestations of cystitis and reduce pain;
    • during illness, it is necessary to reduce physical activity, serious sports loads with such an ailment are prohibited;
    • you can not wear tight pants that put pressure on the stomach, this will only aggravate the disease, it is better to choose loose pants;
    • be sure to wash and change underwear in time, because sloppiness in this matter will help the bacteria attack the bladder again and again.

    In order not to raise the question of what to do with severe pain, you need to consult a doctor in advance about this issue, as well as take timely measures to treat the disease. Then cystitis will not become a hindrance to normal life and more long time will not remind you.

    The danger of purulent prostatitis

    One of the most dangerous and complex forms of prostate inflammation is purulent prostatitis. It may appear as a result of untimely started, incomplete or incorrect treatment of a viral or other form of the disease. The purulent type of prostatitis poses a serious danger to a man, therefore, if characteristic symptoms appear, you should urgently consult a doctor.

    Why does purulent prostatitis occur?

    Purulent prostatitis can appear under the influence of various factors. There are a large number of them. But the most common are:

    • decrease in the body's immune defenses and activation of harmful bacteria;
    • severe hypothermia;
    • penetration staph infection in the gland due to caries, periodontitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis;
    • trauma to the urethra, as a result of which infections penetrate the prostate faster;
    • anaerobic infection that has penetrated into the gland from the urethra.

    Bacteria - the main cause of purulent prostatitis

    In any case, purulent prostatitis manifests itself when infections enter the prostate region.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Purulent prostatitis in men is characterized by signs that may vary depending on the stage of the disease. There are several forms of the disease observed in men during the development of a purulent process.


    Catarrhal prostatitis is a consequence of a decrease in the body's immune defenses. This situation is observed if a man has contracted SARS, tonsillitis or influenza.

    The inflammatory process is observed on the walls of the prostate ducts. The gland may be edematous, or it may not change at all. Some men may suspect cystitis, which, like catarrhal prostatitis, is expressed in the form of frequent urination. In this case, pain syndrome is observed.

    The symptoms of this form are not pronounced, so treatment during this period begins in extreme cases. However, it is at this stage that the probability of complete elimination of the disease is high.


    In the absence of treatment of catarrhal prostatitis, a follicular form is formed. It is characterized by:

    • inflammation of the glandular tissue or its lobes;
    • enlargement of the prostate gland in size;
    • decreased tone of the prostate.

    Pustules can be found on the lobes. Due to the swelling of the mucous membrane of the ducts, purulent discharge cannot leave the follicles. As a result, the latter increase, stretch and scar during recovery.

    All forms of purulent prostatitis are characterized by fever

    At this stage of the disease, characteristic symptoms appear in the form of a rise in body temperature to 39 ° C, severe pain in thighs, perineum and sacrum. Urination becomes rare and painful. Discharge may appear with prostatitis in the form of pus that spreads through the gland.


    The occurrence of acute purulent prostatitis in the parenchymal form leads to serious disorders in the body of a man. The glandular tissue and the connective tissue base of the gland swell, and a large number of leukocytes appear in this area. Inflammation can occur in part of the gland or the entire area of ​​the prostate.

    The organ may increase in volume. Symptoms become more pronounced. During this period, there are:

    • rise in body temperature with prostatitis;
    • increased pain;
    • purulent discharge of a strong degree;
    • urinary retention.

    A man can feel the presence of a foreign body in the anus. This causes frequent false urge to defecate.

    Pain may appear in the lumbar region. Sometimes it becomes unbearable, so the patient cannot sit still.

    If the disease is not treated, then stagnation of feces is formed, mucus discharge from anus. Urine has a cloudy tint.


    Purulent prostatitis in advanced form manifests itself in the form of an abscess of the prostate gland. As a result, the tissues become covered with ulcers. The man has:

    • rise in body temperature up to 40°C;
    • sharp pains;
    • copious purulent discharge.

    Pathways for the spread of pus during an abscess rupture

    There is a general intoxication of the body. The danger of this form of prostatitis is manifested in the fact that the abscess can grow and open on its own. If the pus enters the urethra, rectum, bladder, or abdominal cavity may develop serious complications.

    Possible Complications

    If purulent prostatitis occurs, treatment should be started as soon as possible. Otherwise, the likelihood of complications increases. Among them are:

    • infertility;
    • erectile dysfunction;
    • acute urinary retention;
    • scarring and narrowing of the urethra;
    • recurrent cystitis;
    • kidney failure;
    • prostate adenoma;
    • abscess;
    • sepsis.

    The prostate also produces male sex hormones. Their balance is necessary not only to maintain sexual function, but also to protect against heart attack, stomach and duodenal ulcers, and atherosclerosis.

    Complications with purulent prostatitis

    To avoid the development of serious complications, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the initial stage of the onset of violations. In this case, it will be possible to cure the disease faster.

    Conservative treatment of the disease

    In most cases, the purulent form of prostatitis does not go away on its own. If left untreated, the patient's condition may worsen, and the disease becomes severe. Therefore, it is better to start therapy at an early stage.

    The patient will need to receive:

    • antibiotics;
    • anti-inflammatory drugs;
    • antispasmodics;
    • painkillers.

    The man is prescribed antibiotics. After all, the purulent form of prostatitis develops under the influence of pathogenic bacteria. Most often, broad-spectrum drugs are prescribed in high dosages in the form of intramuscular or intravenous injections. It may also require injection directly into the gland.

    The doctor will select a treatment regimen depending on the form of the disease

    The doctor makes up the treatment depending on the stage of the disease and the condition of the patient. It usually includes the use of:

    • Tsifrana OD;
    • Metronidazole;
    • Viferon;
    • Polyoxidonium;
    • Vitaprost and Bioprosta;
    • Prostacora;
    • Tamsulosin or Terazolina.

    If the pain syndrome is pronounced, the use of rectal suppositories with an analgesic effect will be required. These include Pantopon or Promedol.

    At all stages, except for abscessing, the use of warm baths and microclysters with warm water. They eliminate spasms, pain, and also dissolve small foci with purulent contents. Also, drugs begin to flow more actively to the gland.


    Severe stages of purulent prostatitis are treated only surgically. The operation is assigned when:

    • the formation of large purulent foci;
    • the threat of opening an abscess in adipose tissue or rectum;
    • increased likelihood of thrombosis;
    • the threat of purulent fusion of the pelvic vessels.

    If the abscesses spontaneously break through, then the doctor installs drainage in their cavity and thoroughly rinses from the remnants of pus. After that, the cavity is sutured.

    With massive abscesses and the threat of their breakthrough, a surgical opening is performed. Do this through the perineum or rectum. Pus is pumped out through the drain, and then the cavity is washed with an antiseptic solution. After all manipulations, the wound is sutured.

    Surgical treatment of prostatitis

    After the operation, the man is prescribed antibiotics and immunostimulants to avoid the recurrence of the disease.

    Bladder catheterization is the installation of a special medical device that provides urine outflow directly into the cavity of the indicated organ. The measure is used in cases where the option of independent urination of a person is excluded - it is impossible due to various factors or is unacceptable according to the algorithm of specific manipulations. If in women the procedure can be performed by both a nurse and a doctor, then only a specialist with higher education and mastering the relevant practice to perfection.


    The catheter used in urological practice is flexible (rubber, silicone) and metal. The silicone product is installed in the organ of urination when it is necessary to ensure a long outflow of urine (during the operation and after it, when the man is unable to get out of bed to urinate on his own). A metal device is used only for one-stage manipulation - it is not installed for a long time.

    In each of the cases, the catheter is used in cases where the patient:

    • acute urinary retention (more often with prostate adenoma);
    • there is a need to pass urine for subsequent bacteriological or other research;
    • complications due to the existing infectious process.

    Violation of the outflow of urine, which is fraught with the development of dropsy of the kidney, occurs as a result of such reasons:

    • emerging prostate adenoma;
    • stenosis of the urethra (a pathological condition in which there is a narrowing of the lumen of the urethra);
    • the presence of stone-like deposits inside the urethra (rare);
    • glomerulonephritis (inflammatory process covering the glomerular system of the kidneys);
    • blockage of the urethra due to a tumor process;
    • tuberculosis of the renal tissue and organs of the urinary system.

    Also, the use of a catheter is necessary for the introduction of drugs directly into the cavity of the bladder: the catheter, overcoming the urethra, reaches the cavity of the bladder. In a flexible tube, previously attached to the catheter, enter drug preparation(more often - an antibiotic or a disinfectant solution) to flush the organ, gradually eliminating the inflammation of its tissue.

    A long-term catheter (silicone) is installed for a period not longer than 5 days. If the patient's condition still does not allow him to urinate on his own, the catheter is replaced (to avoid the development of the inflammatory process).

    Algorithm for catheterization

    When performing the procedure, it is important to observe the sterility regime in the office. Therefore, the staff works in masks and disposable gloves. There is a certain algorithm for bladder catheterization. It is necessary to perform all actions only after the psychological preparation of the patient, an explanation of the features and order of the stages, as well as the sensations that he will note during the procedure.

    1. The patient is invited to the dressing room, where he is placed on a table located here with a pre-layed diaper and oilcloth.
    2. Taking off his underwear and remaining only in a special operating shirt (or disposable), the man is laid on his back, with his legs bent and spread apart. By this time, the nurse is already preparing all the necessary tools and supplies.
    3. Before inserting the catheter, the doctor carefully treats the patient's genitals with an antiseptic solution, using wipes and tweezers for this. This stage is necessary to eliminate pathogens from the surface of the mucous membrane of the penis so that, together with the catheter, they do not move into the bladder, causing inflammation.
    4. Then the doctor lubricates the surface of the instrument with glycerin (to ensure glide) and carefully inserts the catheter so as not to damage the internal structures. The urethra of men has a special structure, and the doctor, using the instrument, has to overcome two physiological bends. If force is applied at this stage, injury cannot be avoided. Therefore, the doctor performs the procedure very carefully. The success of the intervention is determined by the appearance of urine in the catheter.
    5. If the main goal is to release urine, a pre-prepared tray is substituted and filled until the bladder is completely empty. To make sure that the organ is completely empty, the doctor presses on the suprapubic region.
    6. If the purpose of the procedure is to enter medicine, then the staff uses a syringe and a rubber catheter. The drug is injected into the bladder through the tube, then the lumen of the adapter is closed with a clamp so that the injected medicine does not flow back.

    Possible Complications

    Potential complications that may occur during catheterization of the bladder in men are associated with non-compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, as well as inept handling of the catheter.

    1. Cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis - the inflammatory process may be preceded by insufficient hygiene of the penis before the catheter is inserted.
    2. Damage to the internal structures of the penis, urethra, bladder.

    Also, complications arise in cases where the preliminary diagnosis was made incorrectly or the rigid catheter was inserted incorrectly.


    Bladder catheterization should not be performed if the patient has:

    • acute urethritis (including gonorrheal type);
    • damage to the structures of the urethra or suspicion of such;
    • if the sphincter (physiological valve) is contracted.

    At the end of the procedure, the patient is transferred to the ward, and a sample of the urine taken is sent to the laboratory.

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