Barabashka in the house what to do. What does the lamb do, what does it do? Why is the lamb dreaming

Adhesives 30.04.2022


First of all, it is worth distinguishing a lamb from all other similar entities - a poltergeist, a brownie and other spirits. A poltergeist is generally called a set of spirits, this is a collective name, and a brownie is an embodied entity that seeks to help the owner. According to Slavic mythology, a barabashka is a small domestic spirit that exists not on the astral, but on a completely physical level. It's just that the drums are invisible to a person, because they can find space-time holes, and therefore they can disappear from one point of reality and immediately appear in another.

According to the same mythology, the lamb is considered neutral: they do not bring negative or positive to the world of people. They always live only in the houses of a person in order to feed on their realized energy. At the same time, the lamb is not an energy vampire, taking strength from a person. They feed on the peculiar fruits of human activity in terms of energy. Any person, engaged in physical or intellectual labor, scatters around him the embodied energy, which is necessary for the lamb.

Sometimes, according to the "grandmother's stories," the drums can somehow do harm to a person. They cannot make loud sounds, and therefore sometimes cause creaking of floorboards, tapping, shuffling, coughing, etc. They can scare small children, appearing before them in some strange guise. In general, the lamb is described as follows: a kind of fluffy ball about 5-30 cm in diameter. But also the lamb can take other forms, for example, appear in the form of a cat. But there is no information about whether or not the lamb can turn into inanimate objects.

It is believed that if you have a good brownie, you can not be afraid. The brownie will quickly pacify the lamb if he suddenly decides to somehow prove himself. However, the presence of brownies has also not been proven by anyone. In the everyday sense, the brownie is the energy that is present in the house: if there is peace and grace in the family, the brownie or energy is good, and if there is discord and quarrels, the energy is bad. But these are logical arguments. The “chosen ones” are sure of the existence of old brownies and barabashkas. People with superpowers believe that you can learn from the lamb to find space-time holes, however, they do not specify how to do this. Probably, only they are subject to the procedure for communicating with the drummers.

The house was considered a fortress for its owners for a very long time. It is not necessary to give supremacy in the house to supposedly supernatural forces: lamb, brownies or the like. If something seems to be kicking you out of the house, you want to leave the apartment as soon as possible, perhaps you just need to do a general cleaning or repair. And then there will be no cobwebs under the ceiling in the house, creating strange shadows, drafts that open doors without human intervention, and creaking from damp boards in the floor. If there is love and harmony in the family, you want to come home, regardless of the presence of invented spirits and other entities. And the proposals of the superhumans to expel the mullet and other creatures invented by them are probably just an opportunity to deceive gullible people.

Domovoi exist? This question is always asked, since people know that every house has its own magical master-protector, whom. Or maybe it's a game of imagination?

In the article:

Domovoy really exists

We have long known stories about amazing creatures that live in houses and protect them. Depending on the place where the myth spreads, magical creatures are called differently. You can hear the words: brownie, grandfather, baker, owner, wen, neighbor, guy, ruler, vygorishche, vedogon.

Recently, a new word has appeared - lamb. So they began to call the brownie, who got angry and began to destroy everything around. If we turn to the history, folklore, myths of the Slavs, we can see that the ancestors firmly believed that the spirits of the house exist.

The Slavs not only could see these creatures, but also. People were afraid and respected the owners of the house, they always treated them, took care of them.

The emergence of the legend of brownies

Almost every magical creature has a history of origin. There is a widespread myth that in ancient times all the evil spirits in heaven united and, choosing a demon as their leader, began to rebel, rebel against the creator of the universe.

The lord of heaven was merciful, but decided to punish from the heavenly kingdom. Bes, along with his main henchmen, ended up in hell. But among all those who rebelled against the creator, there were special beings.

They did not sin much before the creator, and he decided to send them to earth so that they would spend their whole lives among people. This is how mermaids, goblin, brownies, water, kikimors, and other small evil spirits appeared.

Some spirits decided that it was better to be kind, they repented and asked for permission to live together with people in the same room. So they settled in the houses of the ancient Slavs. Evil spirits have changed, living together with hardworking, thrifty people.

The brownies did not try to annoy and harm, but on the contrary, they tried to help the peasants, to protect them from other demons. That is why the Slavs were so accustomed to these good-natured creatures that they could no longer call them evil spirits.

Are there really chicks

To understand whether there is a brownie, let's figure out who it is. For our ancestors, he was a real keeper of the family hearth. The spirit did not have wings, horns, or other distinguishing features that could give out a demonic nature in it. The ancestors were sure that brownies could not only help, but also read the thoughts of those living next to them.

The attitude changed with the advent of Christianity. This faith does not deny the existence of the lamb, however, it ranks among the demons and does not consider it to be good helpers.

According to the legend, a brownie lives in every family. But he cannot be in a consecrated room.

The age of the being is the opposite, not like that of humans. Ancestors believed that lambs are born wise and old, live for about seven hundred years, and die helpless babies.

Scientists have proven by explaining this with diseases that affect ordinary people. There is no doubt that there are in the world - their corpses have been found.

There is no confirmation of the existence of brownies. All we have are legends, myths, eyewitness accounts.

Are there energy entities

Experienced psychics assure that the owner of the house exists as a bundle of energy. He is from the other world, can take care of the tenants or cause harm.

Brownie (as an energy object) may not be just a figment of the imagination. There are examples when people managed to make contact with such entities.

For many centuries there has been a folk festival Kudesy. It falls on February 10 - the day of the brownie. At 11 pm they treated the spirit and cajoled him.

On this day, they give sweets, small wooden chests, caskets with soft tissues. They cajoled the owner of the dwelling for Christmas, Easter, Maundy Thursday.

Can't be confirmed or denied. It is up to you to decide whether to believe in the common myth that such a magical spirit is in charge of the houses. Do not anger the good grandfather, keep the house clean, keep it cozy, do not quarrel and bring positive energy into the house.

It is unlikely that in our days there will be at least one person who has never heard of such a phenomenon as a “lamb”. And if you ask what this phenomenon means and how it looks, hardly anyone will give you an intelligible answer. It's something invisible. You can often hear how small children are frightened by various "babyki" and "drums". So who are they really - these drummers? A simple children's horror story or a real-life phenomenon?

Let's try to figure it out. Let me tell you a real story related to this mysterious phenomenon. Once upon a time, as a child, my best friend had a lamb in the house. Nobody saw him, but he was very talkative. Lived in the corner behind an old black and white TV. No one could understand and explain where this voice comes from. Whether from the wall, or from the TV. They constantly had neighbors, friends and even strangers in their house, who were interested, frightened, but terribly attracted by this strange phenomenon. Rumors about the "drum" reached the media. It was a real sensation...

The first manifestation of the lamb

It all started on an ordinary summer morning, on the eve of the Apple Spas. A friend's mother returned home from work, having completed her morning shift, and decided to make apple jam for breakfast. But before she had time to peel the first apple, suddenly, because of the old, long-out-of-work TV, there was a loud knock and an unfamiliar voice. The voice spoke only one word: “Savior. Saved. Saved".

Can you imagine the reaction of the poor woman? Immediately she rushed to her neighbor and began to tell that she was hallucinating, that she heard voices and knocks. The neighbor was surprised and went to them. But ... It seems that the neighbor began to have auditory hallucinations - she also heard a voice repeating the word "Spas". What did this word mean, or what did the lamb mean by this? Did he really warn you that you can’t eat apples without waiting for the Great Savior? ..

Soon the whole village knew about the strange thing. Yes, and the creature grew bolder - with might and main talking to each guest. It seems incredible, but back to the media. Television workers, along with psychiatrists and at that time still policemen, came to personally verify the mysterious and inexplicable phenomenon. We made sure. This was written in the newspapers, shown on TV. It was obvious and incredible at the same time. Even psychiatrists did not find anything to complain about. They heard everything themselves and only shrugged helplessly.

Contact with otherworldly forces

To start a conversation with a lamb, It was enough to knock on the wall three times. The creature was not shy about anyone, and ... every incoming guest knew by name! One day the former owner of this house came to visit. After he heard the lamb's voice, he simply froze in place.

There was horror on his face that cannot be expressed in words. Then the man burst into tears. After much questioning, the man confessed that this was the voice of his late mother, who died tragically. The voice began to soothe him solicitously: “Don't cry. Do not Cry. Do not Cry". In general, this creature had a habit of repeating what was said three times.

But still no one could explain the nature of this terrible phenomenon. Everyone heard, everyone knew, everyone believed, but no one could explain.

This went on for about two weeks. But that time seemed like an eternity to everyone. The barabashka left gradually. If at first his voice was sonorous, drawn out and incredibly loud, then over time it became more and more muffled, weaker and quieter, as if going deeper into the wall every day, until it completely disappeared.

Many years have passed, and today this story seems incredible, but the inexplicable is always with us, and it is not found by everyone. But this is not a reason to say that this does not happen.

You, probably, just like me, thought that the lamb is actually a brownie, but it’s not. The lamb is a special creature, a small domestic spirit that never plays dirty tricks, but peacefully coexists with you in the same space. But this is only one of the versions. There are others.

Who is this spirit?

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About the drum has been known since the time of Slavic mythology. It is there that he is designated as a small creature that can move from one reality to another and feed on the energy of a person’s physical and intellectual labor. He always moves for the owners from place to place. And it depends only on you whether you will be on good terms with him or not.

He, as a rule, indicates his presence with extraneous sounds, which sometimes cause bewilderment among the residents of an apartment or house. It is understandable, when in the middle of the night the floorboards creak, the curtains rustle, or someone coughs next to you, it is impossible not to be scared.

Eater or bearded man. Who is better?

There is an opinion that the lamb and the brownie are still one and the same creature, but it occurs in two different guises.

A kind, cheerful and calm creature that lives mainly in the kitchen is called an eater. He likes to rearrange dishes from place to place, run around the house and chase pets. But bearded men are much meaner and wayward. They are very quarrelsome, and if they do not like the new owners, then they do everything possible to drive them away. It is they who strangle people at night and scare them to gray hair.

Where do brownies come from?

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Barabashka, brownie, poltergeist - this is all an accumulation of energy. And people produce energy. Therefore, these cute or, conversely, evil creatures appear only thanks to us.

We transform them from our thoughts, words, emotions. All our experiences and joys, with which the dwelling is saturated, seem to roll into balls, like dust, and “come to life”.

This creature is the carrier of our mood, it copies our character and disposition. Therefore, if you want your invisible home spirit to be calm and kind, become so yourself.

Building bridges

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If your lamb is playing more and more pranks, then it's time for you to agree on the rules of the social hostel and ... appease him. After all, he is, after all, a spirit, which means that, according to the tradition of Slavic culture, he needs to sacrifice something.

In the old days, brownies were fed. They did it on the brownie's birthday, April 1, and on his name day - February 7. However, if you think it's time to build bridges and make friends, do it right now.

Pour milk into a beautiful saucer, put chocolates or a sweet bun next to it, and gently say three times: “Grandfather-housekeeper, accept a treat from me, I present you with great respect!”

Brownies are very fond of order and cleanliness. Keep an eye on your home and do not grieve the household spirit by doing a wet cleaning in a timely manner.

If you notice that your things began to disappear, then the old man is bored. Give him a chest or a box with every little thing as a gift, and you will immediately find the loss, because now he does not need to hide the master's things, since he has his own.

Having made friends with the brownie, do not forget to take him to a new home. To do this, when moving, say: "My brownie, come with me."

And there will be joy, happiness and kindness in your house.

In times of deep stagnation, the newspapers were entertained only by long-awaited lush obituaries and journalistic contraband in the form of articles about the paranormal.

Parapsychology, at a critical moment renamed psychotronics, brightened up the gray everyday life with a wide variety of topics. From UFOs to traditional healers, from clairvoyance to telekinesis (non-contact movement of objects), from skin vision to dowsing (search in the earth for voids, sources, deposits or ancient foundations with the help of a vine).

It seems that it was in the late 70s that the word "drum" appeared. If we take numerous testimonies of those years, no one has seen a small, absurd creature settled in selected apartments and made itself felt most often by knocking, and sometimes by terrible bedlam. And now 20 years have passed - the mouth is full of other worries, who cares now. But has the phenomenon itself disappeared? VK was ready to admit that pagan mysticism has no place in our pragmatic world. But then we got a letter...

Dear editor!

I live alone in a small apartment. I graduated from medical school, I work in a hospital. I get very tired. I hardly move things at home, because I leave early, and when I arrive, I fall from fatigue.

Since spring, some glitches have begun. One day I came home from work, and on the floor in the hallway there was a book from the study shelf, where all my textbooks stand exactly, and I haven’t wiped the dust there for a hundred years. The book is called "Human Physiology" by N.A. Fomin. I picked her up and put her in her place. Two days later she lay on the floor again. Like some kind of detective!

In June I was on vacation with my mother. And when she returned home, "Physiology" was again lying on the floor, but now in the kitchen. I asked my neighbor if anyone came in without me, although I knew that no one could come in, because I was leaving for a short time and took the key with me. The neighbor laughed and said that my fiancé showed up. Once she read about a drummer that starts up in the house and does little dirty tricks.

I suffered for the rest of the summer. First, it's scary at night. Secondly, the lamb is a hooligan. Once I scattered a box of threads, and mixed up the threads again. And recently knocked over a slop bucket in the kitchen. I was wildly angry when I found a full garbage dump on the floor in the evening, and shouted: “Are you home-based, are you kidding me? And then the lampshade over the kitchen table began to sway more and more. I got scared and called my neighbor. We sat down in the kitchen and began to think what to do. The neighbor said that putting a mousetrap or throwing powder from cockroaches would only make things worse. In her village, it is believed that the lamb sometimes turns into a hedgehog. And I put a saucer of milk in the corner for him.

Throughout mid-August, I lived quietly, almost forgot about the "groom". But at the end of the month, somehow I came home from work, and in the hallway there was “Human Physiology” lying around again, was he reading it, or what?

I told the girls in the hospital, one of them advised me to talk to the lamb, to at least find out if he was a hooligan. To do this, you need to take six not sharpened pencils, two people stand opposite each other, take two pencils in each hand, put them out like spades, and connect them with the ends with two pencils that are extended to you from the opposite side. And connect your hands perpendicularly with another pencil, then you get such a parallelogram.

Then you need to relax and ask. If the pencils go upside down, then yes. If down - "no". Everything else I don't know. Pencils falling means "I don't want to talk anymore." My friend Maya and I did just that. To the question “Lamb, are you here? The pencils answered yes. To the question “Will you always be here? "answered" no. To the question "Are you good? "The little lamb answered" I don't know ": one pair of pencils remained motionless, and the other arched up like a house, maybe he wanted to say" I don't know, but rather a good one. And to the question “Can you show us? » all our pencils suddenly crumbled, as if someone third from the bottom succumbed with their hands.

We tried asking the same questions in the hospital, but nothing happened. On September 1, in the evening, Maya and I walked around the city and went to my place to drink tea. As soon as they sat down at the table, the lampshade began to sway stronger and stronger. Maya was frightened and said that the police should be called. But I already knew what it was. I persuaded her to try again to talk to the lamb through pencils. At first she refused, but then she became interested too.

We had the following conversation with the lamb:

- Are you here? Yes. You won't hurt us? No. You are a boy? -Not. Are you a girl? No. Are you human? No. You are old? Don't know. -Do you love us? Yes. Will you ever visit us?

Here again all the pencils fell to the floor, maybe we ourselves got tired and dropped them from stress.

I don't have any of that in my living room. The girls say that this is because there is an icon there, and they need to call a priest to bless the whole apartment.

Perhaps, through your newspaper, some scientist will explain what needs to be done? Yesterday the lamb threw the vase on the windowsill, the asters fell to the floor, the water spilled, and the vase lay on its side on the window, but for some reason it did not break. I'm going to get a dog. What will happen to the drum then? How to behave in order to grieve with him?

I wrote to your newspaper, because she comes to our hospital, and sometimes I have time to read it. The newspaper is good, but you don't write about such cases at all. But it turns out they are.

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