Donbass - latest news. Fighting in the east of Ukraine Find fighting in the Donbas

Lime 30.04.2022

Image copyright Reuters Image caption Over the three years of the conflict in eastern Ukraine, about 10 thousand people became its victims

April 14, 2017 marks three years since the signing of the acting President of Ukraine Oleksandr Turchynov issued a decree on the start of an anti-terrorist operation (ATO) in the eastern regions of the country. This is the name given to a set of measures approved by a secret decision of the Security Council of Ukraine after the shelling of a convoy of Ukrainian security forces near Slovyansk.

From the first days of the operation, all law enforcement agencies of Ukraine were actively involved in it - the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the newly created National Guard, the Security Service (SBU), as well as semi-spontaneously formed volunteer battalions.

Initially, three Ukrainian regions - Donetsk, Luhansk and Kharkiv - were proclaimed "ATO zone" at once, but in September 2014 its borders were limited only to the first two regions.

Today, after several attempts to proclaim a "comprehensive truce" in eastern Ukraine, the "contact line" with "certain areas of Donetsk and Lugansk regions" - as the territories of Donbass not controlled by Kyiv are officially called - is restless.

Despite the relative stabilization of the front line, shelling of the positions of the opposing sides is recorded from time to time almost along its entire length. Kyiv and representatives of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk "People's Republics" accuse each other of violating the "silence regime" and periodically declare their opponents' plans to launch a large-scale offensive.

On the third anniversary of the outbreak of hostilities in the Donbass, the BBC Russian Service recalls the key dates of the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

Early April 2014

In the cities of eastern Ukraine, rallies are held against the new government established in Kyiv after the removal of President Viktor Yanukovych. Some activists come up with pro-Russian slogans, in particular, calling for the annexation of the eastern regions to Russia according to the "Crimean scenario".

On April 6, protesters seized the buildings of the Donetsk and Kharkiv regional state administrations, as well as the building of the Luhansk department of the Security Service of Ukraine.

The next day, in Donetsk and Kharkov, activists proclaim the creation of "people's republics". In a matter of hours, the building of the Kharkov administration, Ukrainian special forces, in Donetsk and Luhansk, representatives of the Kyiv authorities initiate negotiations with the protesters.

Image copyright Artem Getman Image caption Pro-Russian separatists seized administrative publications and proclaimed the establishment of "people's power"

On April 12, several dozen people under the command of Russian citizen Igor Girkin (Strelkov) seized administrative buildings in Slavyansk, Donetsk region.

Kyiv believes that the events of early April 2014 were initiated and coordinated by the Russian special services. Russia denies these accusations.

April 13-14, 2014

Armed supporters of the self-proclaimed "Donetsk people's republic" are firing at the fighters of the anti-terrorist unit of the SBU sent to Slovyansk. SBU captain Gennady Bilichenko dies in the clash - he is considered the first Ukrainian security official to die in the conflict in Donbass.

In the evening of the same day, the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC) adopts a decision "On urgent measures to overcome the terrorist threat and preserve the territorial integrity of Ukraine", which is still classified as "secret".

Total combat losses of Ukrainian security forces:

person, of which:

    2,242 - Armed Forces of Ukraine;

    180 - National Guard;

    127 - Ministry of Internal Affairs and police.

    9,558 military personnel were injured.

General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

The next day, he puts it into effect by his decree. President Alexander Turchinov. On the territory of Donetsk, Lugansk and Kharkiv regions, an "anti-terrorist operation" officially begins with the participation of all law enforcement agencies of Ukraine and, in particular, combat aviation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

June-July 2014

After taking office as President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, Kyiv launches a large-scale counteroffensive. Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Mariupol, Severodonetsk, Lisichansk are passing under the control of the anti-terrorist operation forces.

In early July, Petro Poroshenko announced that "soon" the Ukrainian security forces would take Donetsk and Lugansk.

Image copyright UNIAN Image caption During the counter-offensive, the Ukrainian military regained control over a number of Donbas cities and were preparing to enter Donetsk and Luhansk

In July, a Malaysia Airlines passenger liner on flight MH17 from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur crashed near Snizhne, Donetsk region. All 298 people on board were killed.

An international investigation team concluded that the plane was shot down by a Buk missile. Russia categorically denies involvement in the tragedy.

August 2014

The offensive of the anti-terrorist operation forces was interrupted by their hardest defeat near Ilovaisk. According to the Ukrainian military prosecutor's office, 366 fighters were killed during the exit from the encirclement, and more than 150 went missing.

The leadership of the Armed Forces of Ukraine stated that the course of the military operation was broken by units of the regular troops of the Russian Federation that crossed the border and took part in the hostilities. Moscow denies these accusations.

Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Defeat near Ilovaisk puts an end to a series of successes of the ATO forces

At the same time, the self-proclaimed "people's republics" took control of Novoazovsk on the border with Russia and came close to Mariupol, but failed to take control of this city.

September 2014

Representatives of Ukraine and Russia, through the mediation of the OSCE, sign the “first Minsk agreement”, which provides for a bilateral ceasefire, amnesty for the participants in the conflict, granting special status to certain areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions and holding local elections there.

Since 2014

died in Donbass

person, of which:

    about 2 thousand - civilians.

    23,455 people were injured.

United Nations Human Rights Mission

However, soon the parties to the conflict accused their opponents of disrupting the peace agreements, and in winter hostilities in the Donbas flared up with renewed vigor. The hottest points on the front were the Donetsk airport and the large transport hub of Debaltseve.

February 2015

As a result of many hours of negotiations with the participation of the leaders of Ukraine, Russia, Germany and France, the "second Minsk agreements" are signed, detailing the previously signed document and tying the implementation of its points to specific time targets.

Image copyright EPA Image caption Observers assess the effectiveness of the Minsk agreements ambiguously, but all their signatories declare their commitment to these agreements

However, their implementation also stalled. For example, the transition of Debaltseve under the control of the DPR occurred after a complete and unconditional ceasefire was to be established in accordance with the Minsk agreements. Kyiv claims that Debaltseve came under the control of the separatists due to the participation of Russian military personnel in the hostilities. Moscow denies this.


The battles for Debaltseve were the last large-scale military operation of the conflict in the Donbass, however, even after that, relatively small clashes were constantly recorded on the line of demarcation.

In June of the same year, both sides of the conflict accused each other of an unsuccessful attack attempt in the Marinka area near Donetsk.

Image copyright UNIAN Image caption At the beginning of 2017, Avdiivka became the hottest spot on the Donbass front.

In February 2016, hostilities in the Avdiivka region intensified: Kyiv and the self-proclaimed republics again accused their opponents of provocation.

At the end of 2016, the Svetodarskaya Bulge became the epicenter of the conflict, a line of defense formed after the withdrawal of the ATO forces from Debaltseve.

Finally, in early 2017, hostilities unfolded near the same Avdiivka: observers even spoke of a humanitarian crisis unfolding in the city.

internally displaced

persons from Donbass registered

    808 thousand - pensioners;

    about 240 thousand are children.

Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine

The Contact Group, which regularly meets in Minsk, from time to time announces the achievement of regular agreements on establishing a truce. The last of these ceasefires was to begin at 10 am on 13 April.

However, both Ukraine and the self-proclaimed "republics" state that hostilities continue. And they are accused of disrupting each other's agreements.

Photo and video materials of military journalists from the hot spots of Donbass, current interviews with the leaders of Novorossia.

Attention! Some materials may contain information intended only for persons over 18 years of age.

We continue to collect military and humanitarian supplies to help the soldiers of the armies of the DPR and LPR. You can not remain indifferent and provide all possible support to Donbass:

Map Sberbank 4276 3800 5378 2368 Igor Vladimirovich or Yandex wallet 410012273300268

Consolidated post of all the latest reports: "On the need for assistance to Donbass"

Operational tape is underway

19:25 Official comment by Ruslan Yakubov, Head of the DPR Representative Office in the JCCC, on the situation on the line of contact

The situation along the entire line of contact remains stably tense, the intensification of hostilities by the armed formations of Ukraine (VFU) can begin at any moment. This is stated in the official commentary of the head of the DPR Representative Office in the JCCC Ruslan Yakubov.

“Over the past three days, there has been an increase in the number of attacks by the AFU, including with the use of heavy weapons prohibited by the Minsk agreements, in all three directions. So, since November 25, mortars have been used by the enemy 11 times, 43 mines have been fired: 23 of them - 120 mm caliber, 20 - 82 mm caliber.

In addition, according to the UNM of the DPR, the armed formations of Ukraine are reinforcing groupings of troops and pulling equipment along the entire line of contact. This information is also confirmed by the reports of the OSCE SMM, where as of November 25, it is reported that the mission recorded the presence of howitzers and mortars, such as: Gozdika, Nona, Vasilek, as well as Grad MLRS at railway stations in populated points of Slavyansk and Konstantinovka.

It is worth noting that the next day after the Verkhovna Rada approved the law of Ukraine on the introduction of martial law in the country, a message appeared on the page of the so-called “press center of the JFO headquarters” that the units of the VFU were put on full combat readiness by order of the commander of the JFO.

All these facts indicate that the political and military leadership of Ukraine does not adhere to a peaceful settlement of the conflict. The armed formations of Ukraine will continue to use the tactics of provoking an escalation, trying to force the defenders of the Republic to return fire.

However, I would like to note that the situation on the line of contact is under control. The armed forces of the Donetsk People's Republic are ready to repel military aggression and repulse the enemy,” Ruslan Yakubov said.

19:10 Foreign Ministry of the LPR asks residents of the Republic of military age to refrain from traveling to Ukraine

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the LPR asks residents of military age to refrain from traveling to the territory controlled by Kyiv due to the introduction of martial law in the border regions of Ukraine, the acting director told reporters. Minister of Foreign Affairs of the LPR Vladislav Deinego.

Despite Poroshenko’s assurances… the imposition of martial law cannot but cause restrictions on democratic rights and freedoms, which are already in a deplorable state in Ukraine. In this regard, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the LPR strongly recommends refraining from visiting the state of Ukraine by persons who may be subject to the rules of conscription and mobilization," Deinego said.

"We expect a significant increase in the level of inspections of personal belongings of residents of the LPR entering the territory of Ukraine. In this regard, we ask residents of the republic planning to visit the territory of Ukraine to take their safety seriously. Preliminarily clean gadgets from any information that can be regarded Ukrainian security forces as a threat," Deinego said.

18:50 Briefing by the head of the press service of the NM LPR Yakov Osadchy

18:00 People's militia of the LPR shot down an unmanned aerial vehicle of Ukrainian security forces near the line of contact in Donbass

This was stated by the head of the press service of the People's Militia of the LPR, Yakov Osadchy.

"Yesterday, in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Sokolniki, an air surveillance crew of one of the units of the People's Militia of the LPR shot down an enemy UAV of the PHANTOM type, which was conducting reconnaissance in order to adjust artillery fire on the territory of the republic," Osadchy said.

He clarified that the Ukrainian security forces have intensified aerial reconnaissance along the line of contact in Donbass for the past two days, using unmanned aerial vehicles prohibited by the Minsk agreements.

17:35 Briefing by the head of the press service of the Armed Forces of the DPR Daniil Bezsonov

16:50 People's militia of the LPR does not rule out increased provocations by the Armed Forces of Ukraine due to the introduction of martial law in Ukraine

This was stated by the head of the press service of the defense department of the Republic Yakov Osadchy.

In connection with the introduction of martial law in Ukraine, we do not exclude the intensification of provocations by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. I call on our citizens living near the contact line and crossing the checkpoint (entry-exit checkpoint across the contact line) Stanytsia Luhanska to be especially vigilant," he said. "In turn, our units are ready to resist Kyiv's aggression."

16:00 Airsoft competitions with the support of the NM DPR

At one of the training grounds in the city of Makeevka, the Republican airsoft maneuvers "Dawn: Eternal War-3" were held, which brought together almost a hundred participants from the DPR and LPR. The competitions were held with the support of the People's Militia of the Donetsk People's Republic, the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Tourism and the Federation of Military Tactical Games. It is worth noting that among the participants were active servicemen who took part in real battles.

15:15 DPR soldiers destroyed an attack drone

Fighters of the Donetsk People's Republic destroyed another strike drone of the Ukrainian security forces in the area of ​​​​the DPR-controlled village of Dolomitnoye on the outskirts of Gorlovka, Daniil Bezsonov, head of the press service of the People's Militia Department of the republic, said on Tuesday.

"We continue to record the use of attack unmanned aerial vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine against the inhabitants of the republic. Another such device was destroyed by us yesterday in the Dolomitnoye area," Bezsonov told reporters. According to him, the drone was carrying incendiary ammunition.

14:55 The situation on the line of contact (Map of shelling)

14:25 Kyiv security forces placed tanks, armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles on the territory of the grain market in the village of Olkhove

This was stated by the head of the press service of the People's Militia Department of the LPR, Yakov Osadchy.

He stated that the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to disregard the Minsk agreements, violating the conditions for deploying military equipment near the line of contact between the parties.

"According to our information, a large number of armored vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine arrived in the village of Olkhovoe, including T-64, BTR-80, BMP-1, BMP-2 tanks," Osadchy said, adding that the equipment was located on the territory of the local grain market. - In the area of ​​the settlement of Kryakovka, the location of two mortar batteries from the 10th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was revealed. About 200 servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine arrived on the territory of one of the empty children's health camps (near the line of contact).

13:40 The Ukrainian side reported the wounding of two servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

According to the press center of the so-called Joint Forces Operation, on Monday, November 26, soldiers of the republican armies allegedly fired at Ukrainian positions 18 times in the Donbas.

"The situation in the area of ​​the operation remained completely controlled by the Joint Forces. Shelling was recorded in the areas of Stanytsia Luhanska, Malinovoye, Vilny, Luhansk, Yuzhny, Verkhnetoretsky, Experienced, Krasnogorovka, Pavlopol, Gnutovo, Vodyanoye and Shirokino. During the fighting, two Ukrainian soldiers were slightly injured servicemen," the press center of the Joint Forces said.

12:45 Ghost houses of the village of Dzerzhinsky: traces of people's lives burned down under shelling of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

On the way to the Southern Front, the head of the Angel Charitable Foundation filmed a few minutes of video to show the ghosts of the Dzerzhinsky village.

11:50 Lukashevich said about the threat to security in the Donbass

The declaration of martial law in Ukraine after the incident in the Kerch Strait creates a security threat in Donbass, said Russia's Permanent Representative to the OSCE Alexander Lukashevich.

Yesterday, martial law was introduced in ten regions of Ukraine. So far for 30 days. Martial law has been introduced throughout the territory of Donbass.

11:00 Ukrainian servicemen violated ceasefire 18 times in a day

Ruslan Yakubov, head of the DPR office at the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire, announced this today.

“Over the past day, the total number of violations by the armed formations of Ukraine amounted to 18 times,” he said. “The total number of ammunition used by the VFU is 328 units.”

Yakubov added that the districts and settlements of Gorlovka and its villages - the mines named after V.V. Gagarin and mines. Izotov, Golmovsky, Ozeryanovka, Zaitsevo and the village of Mikhailovka; Yasinovataya and adjacent settlements Krutaya Balka and Kashtanovoye. In addition, Ukrainian servicemen fired at the area of ​​the capital's airport and the village of Staromikhailovka on the outskirts and in the vicinity of Donetsk. Also under the fire of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were the southern villages of the DPR Leninskoye and Sakhanka.

During the shelling, mortars with a caliber of 120 mm and 82 mm, armament of infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, grenade launchers, anti-aircraft guns and large-caliber small arms were used.

Recall that the number of fired ammunition up to 12.7 mm caliber is not included in the overall statistics of the amount of ammunition in the daily report.

10:25 A resident of Spartak about the main desire of Donbass: "We want to go to Russia! The sooner the better"

09:50 Operational summary for the day from 26 to 27 November
During the day, the Ukrainian security forces violated the ceasefire 7 times, using mortars of 120 and 82 mm caliber, infantry fighting vehicles, AGS, large-caliber and small arms, the press service of the defense department reported. The positions of the NM of the LPR in the area of ​​the settlement were subjected to shelling. Sokolniki, Krasny YAR, Molodezhnoye, Kalinovka, memorial. Prince Igor.
At 07.00 26.11 MO 82 mm (10) - from the direction of Krymskoye - in the direction of Sokolniki.
At 08.00 26.11 MO 82 mm (17) - from the direction of Kondrashevskaya Novaya - in the direction of Krasny Yar.
At 11.00 26.11 ACS (29) - from the direction of Zolote - in the direction of Molodyozhnoye.
At 15.35 26.11 ACS (29), SO - from the direction of Krymskoye - in the direction of Sokolniki.
At 17.25 26.11 BMP-1 (9), KK - from the direction of Lugansk - in the direction of Kalinovka.
At 21.40 26.11 SO - from the direction of Stanitsa Luhanska - in the direction of pam. Prince Igor.
At 01.30 27.11 MO 120 mm (20) - from the direction of Kryakovka - in the direction of Sokolniki.
There is no destruction or damage to civilian infrastructure. There are no casualties among the civilian population and military personnel.

09:00 Ukrainian security forces shelled Mikhailovka, Gorlovka, Donetsk

Poroshenko's army shelled Mikhailovka, Gorlovka, Donetsk, Kashtanovoe the night before, the press service of the DPR representative office in the JCCC reports:

"We have recorded shelling from the VFU in the following directions:

21:45-22:10 - Troitskoye - Mikhailovka: heavy machine guns and small arms were used;
21:50-22:20 - Noises - Gorlovka (settlement of sh-you named after Gagarin): 4 LNG grenades were fired, heavy machine guns and small arms were used;
22:05-22:30 - Avdiivka - Kashtanovoe: 30 shots were fired from ZU-23 anti-aircraft guns, heavy machine guns were used;
22:40 - Sands - Donetsk (Volvo Center): 2 mines of 120 mm caliber were fired," the ministry said in a statement.

TASS-DOSIER /Nadezhda Belialova/. April 6, 2014 residents of the south-east of Ukraine, who disagree with the policy of the new authorities (on February 22, as a result of an acute political crisis in the country, a coup d'état took place) seized several administrative buildings in the Donetsk, Lugansk and Kharkiv regions. So, in particular, the buildings of the Donetsk Regional State Administration and the Office of the Security Service of Ukraine in Lugansk were blocked. Mass rallies of opponents of "Euromaidan" in the eastern regions of Ukraine - Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, Lugansk, Kharkov, etc. - began in March of the same year. The participants demanded a solution to the issue of the status of the Russian language and a constitutional reform with the decentralization of regions up to federalization.

April 7, 2014 and about. President of the country Oleksandr Turchynov announced the creation of an anti-crisis headquarters and said that "anti-terrorist measures will be carried out against everyone who took up arms in the east of Ukraine." On the same day, the Republican People's Council was created in Donetsk, which declared the sovereignty of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) and decided to hold a referendum on the status of the region on May 11.

April 12, 2014 a detachment of the people's militia, headed by Igor Strelkov (from May 16 to August 14 - Minister of Defense of the DPR), occupied administrative buildings in the city of Slavyansk, Donetsk region. Then administrative buildings in Kramatorsk, Gorlovka and other settlements of the region were seized.

April 15, 2014 Oleksandr Turchynov announced the start of the "power phase" of the operation in eastern Ukraine. In April, the first armed clashes began in the Donbass between militia units on the one hand, and units of the Ukrainian army and the National Guard on the other.

April 27, 2014 At a rally in Lugansk, the Lugansk People's Republic (LPR) was proclaimed, and a decision was made to hold a referendum on self-determination.

May 11, 2014 referendums were held in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, where 89.7% voted "for" the self-determination of the regions in the Donetsk region, and 96.2% in the Lugansk region. May 12, 2014 the state sovereignty of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics was proclaimed. On May 14, the Constitution of the DPR was adopted, on May 18 - the LPR. May 24, 2014 Prime Minister of the DPR Alexander Borodai and head of the LPR parliament Alexei Karyakin signed an agreement on the unification of the regions into the Union of People's Republics - Novorossia.

June 20 2014 During his trip to the Donbass, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko presented a plan for a peaceful settlement of the situation in the eastern regions. However, after 10 days, hostilities resumed.

In the summer, the intensity of the conflict in the south-east of Ukraine constantly increased. Ukrainian power structures have moved from police operations to full-scale military operations using heavy armored vehicles and aircraft. July 17, 2014 Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 was shot down over the Donetsk region, killing 298 people. This caused a strong international reaction. July 21, 2014 The UN Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution demanding a comprehensive and independent investigation into the tragedy. The parties to the conflict blamed each other for what happened.

By mid-August 2014 the Ukrainian military managed to establish control over Slavyansk, Artemovsk, Kramatorsk, Mariupol and the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov, to partially encircle Lugansk and Donetsk. However, in August, the armed formations of the LPR and DPR launched a counteroffensive and were able to push back government troops, which in the process suffered significant losses in manpower and equipment.

A ceasefire has been reached September 5, 2014 in Minsk at a meeting of the contact group to resolve the situation in Ukraine. It was attended by representatives of Ukraine, Russia, the OSCE, as well as the leaders of the DPR and LPR. On September 7, the OSCE published a protocol of 12 joint steps to resolve the crisis. A separate item was spelled out the obligation of the Kyiv authorities to decentralize power. Including through the adoption of the law of Ukraine "On the temporary order of local self-government in certain areas of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions", later known as the "law on the special status of Donbass." The ceasefire regime came into force on September 5 - from 18:00 local time (measures for its implementation were recorded in the Minsk Memorandum of September 19).

16 of September 2014 The Parliament of Ukraine adopted a law on the special status of Donbass (signed by President Petro Poroshenko on October 16, 2014). According to the document, these territories are granted a "special status" for a period of 3 years (including the right to "free use of the Russian language" and the creation of "people's militia" detachments). The authorities of Ukraine guaranteed the prevention of criminal and administrative prosecution and punishment of persons - participants in the conflict in the east of the country. The same document provided for the holding of elections to local self-government bodies on December 7, 2014.

However, the authorities of the DPR and LPR considered most of the provisions of this law unacceptable and scheduled the elections of the heads of the republics and deputies of the republican parliaments for November 2. According to the voting results, Alexander Zakharchenko (77.51%) was elected head of the DPR, and Igor Plotnitsky (63.04%) was elected head of the LPR.

Despite the Minsk agreements of September 5, the ceasefire was repeatedly violated, skirmishes continued on the line of contact between the armed formations of the parties, including with the use of artillery.

January 2015 after several months of relative calm, the situation again seriously aggravated (fights for the Donetsk airport, shelling of residential areas of Mariupol, the threat of encirclement of a large group of Ukrainian troops in the area of ​​the city of Debaltseve). With a view to an immediate ceasefire and settlement of the crisis in the south-east of Ukraine February 12, 2015 A meeting of the leaders of the countries of the "Normandy Four" (RF, Ukraine, France, Germany) took place again in Minsk.

As a result of many hours of negotiations, as well as a meeting of the contact group, a set of measures was adopted to implement the Minsk agreements. The document provided for a ceasefire from 00:00 on February 15, the withdrawal of heavy weapons from the demarcation line, the exchange of prisoners on the basis of the "all for all" principle, as well as other measures for a long-term political settlement of the situation in the Donbass, including the implementation of the previously adopted special status of the DNR and LNR.

February 15, 2015 the ceasefire has entered into force. The parties must also withdraw their heavy weapons at equal distances, with Kyiv from the current line of contact, and the DPR and LPR from the line fixed by the Minsk memorandum of September 19. At present, the OSCE has not yet confirmed that the withdrawal of weapons in eastern Ukraine has been completed. Cases of ceasefire violations are also recorded.

Before March 14, 2015 The Verkhovna Rada was supposed to adopt resolutions indicating territories with a special status, in accordance with the Minsk agreements of February 12. The list of districts of Donbass, which are subject to a special procedure for local self-government, was approved by the Ukrainian parliament only on March 17, stipulating its introduction by holding elections there according to Ukrainian laws. A resolution was also adopted, by which the proclaimed DPR and LPR were recognized as "temporarily occupied territories." This status will be in effect "until the withdrawal of all illegal armed formations and military equipment, as well as militants and mercenaries from the territory of Ukraine and the resumption of full control of Ukraine over the state border."

Consequences of hostilities in the Donbass

According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs as of March 30, 2015, mid-April 2014 to March 27, 2015 As a result of armed confrontation in the east of Ukraine, 6083 people were killed and 15397 were injured. The number of internally displaced persons in Ukraine reached 1 million 177 thousand 748 people, more than 652 thousand refugees from Ukraine registered in Russia, and about 81 thousand left for Belarus.

"War in Donbass" Fallen into a trap: Ukrainian military encircle occupied Horlivka

“War in Donbass” Militants attacked from three sides: AFU held the village of Yuzhny

Over the past day, militants opened fire 53 times on the positions of the Joint Forces Operation in Donbass, as a result of the shelling, nine soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were wounded, two more were killed.

“War in Donbass” Militants attacked from three sides: AFU held the village of Yuzhny

This was reported by the press center of the Joint Forces Operation on its Facebook page.

“Over the past day, the Russian occupation forces violated the ceasefire 53 times, of which 30 times they used 122-mm artillery, 120 and 82-mm mortars.

The units of the Joint Forces gave an adequate response not allowing the occupiers to oust our units from advantageous defensive positions,” the report says.

In the Lugansk direction, the militants became more active in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Troitskoye.

As noted, in the Donetsk direction, the active defense of Ukrainian units continued in the areas of the settlements of Zaytsevo, Luhanske, Novoluhanske, Mayorsk, Shumy, Zheleznoye, Yuzhnoye, Novgorodske, Avdeevka, Marinka and Novognatovka.

Hostilities do not stop in the Mariupol direction in the areas of the settlements of Chermalyk, Vodyane and Shirokino.

“During yesterday, the enemy, with active offensive actions, tried to oust our soldiers from the liberated South, which attacked from three directions.

At the same time, he sowed panic among civilians and fired directly at the city of Toretskoye, ”the headquarters emphasized.

At the same time, counter-sniper measures were used near Avdiivka and Marinka, after which the shelling of the positions of the Ukrainian defenders ceased.

According to Ukrainian intelligence, 15 militants were killed and 13 wounded.

“War in Donbass” Fell into a trap: Ukrainian military encircle occupied Horlivka

The forces of the Joint Forces operation took Gorlovka, occupied by the terrorists of the "DNR", into a semicircle. This was announced on his Facebook page by Ukrainian military expert Alexei Arestovich. Transmits

“War in Donbass” Fell into a trap: Ukrainian military encircle occupied Horlivka

According to him, the main supply routes for the invaders in this area fall under the fire control of the Armed Forces. Because of this, it is becoming more and more difficult for militants to deliver goods to settlements.

Arestovich writes that the militants are trying to get out of the encirclement, but the Ukrainian military stop these attempts.

“The Russians have fallen into the right situational trap and now their actions are dictated by our decisions, the losses are great, and the situation for them is significantly worsening,” he writes.

The military expert notes that the occupied Gorlovka is “the key to the entire front,” as it divides the so-called “DPR” and “LPR” in half.

Recall that earlier a sabotage and reconnaissance group of militants attacked the positions of the Ukrainian military in the area of ​​​​the settlement Yuzhne, near Gorlovka.

As a result of the clashes, two soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were killed and four were injured.

Girkin announced the defeat of the "DPR" near Gorlovka - the militants could lose control over Debaltseve. "War in Donbass"

Girkin announced the defeat of the "DPR" near Gorlovka - the militants could lose control over Debaltseve. "War in Donbass"

One of the Russian ex-leaders of the militants, Igor Girkin, confirmed the failure of the "DPR" near Gorlovka, where units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine not only managed to liberate two settlements in the "gray zone" at once, but also carried out an operation with entering the rear of terrorists and capturing those recruited by Russia mercenaries. Writes ""

He stated this to one of the separatist resources - a fragment and a video of the statement were published on the Internet.

Girkin claims that the Ukrainian army has been able to sharply increase its power over the past 4 years, which it begins to use on the front line, forcing the militants out of their positions.

Moreover, the defeat of the “DPR” near Gorlovka looks even more serious for the militants against the backdrop of the collapse of the bridge on the territory of the “LPR”: the bridge connected Luhansk and Krasny Luch. After the destruction of the bridge, the railway passing under it was also partially blocked.

Its collapse drastically reduces the ability for militants to maneuver and conduct an effective defense of Debaltseve, which was occupied by militants and may be liberated by units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine soon.

A counterattack of the Armed Forces of Ukraine covered the positions of the "DPR" on the Svetlodar Bulge - the militant's bulwark was completely defeated

The artillery unit of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the Svitlodarsk Bulge delivered a heavy fire strike on the positions of the "DPR" in response to the shelling, completely destroying the stronghold of the "DPR" on the front line.

Volunteer Yuri Mysyagin reported this information on his own page on the social network.

According to him, the militants opened artillery fire in the vicinity of the village of Troitskoye, forcing the subdivisions of the VUS from the 54th brigade to respond instantly. Almost immediately, the military launched a drone into the air to detect the positions of the militants, after which the “DPR” stronghold was completely destroyed by the forces of the combat unit of the K-2 group.

“Opornik burned out and collapsed,” the volunteer wrote.

Mysyagin reports on the significant damage that was inflicted on the terrorists after the fire strike, posting several photographs of burning positions.

Counterstrike of the Armed Forces of Ukraine covered the positions of the "DPR" on the Svetlodar Bulge - the militants' stronghold was completely destroyed DPR" on the Svetlodarsk Bulge - the militant's bulwark was completely defeated

Journalists report that over the past few weeks, there has been a systematic increase in combat activity in the Donbas.

“Damn it’s nice to watch how an unknown “third force” destroys the advanced fortifications of the enemy. It's no longer a secret. The “third force” has grown well, has become more powerful, and this is now happening along the entire front, ”the volunteer wrote.

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