Pyrokinesis is an attempt to control a flame. Pyrokinesis. Cases. Causes of spontaneous combustion Pyrokinesis exercises

Logs 30.04.2022

Many people would like to have supernatural abilities, but this is contrary to nature itself. Although there are some with which you can learn pyrokinesis. This requires concentration and patience.

Pyrokinesis is considered the ability to use the power of thought to cause fire and control it, control it, regulate it. Translated from the Greek language, “pyro” means “fire”, and “kinesis” means “movement”.

Did you know?The term "pyrokinesis" was coined by Stephen King. The first mention of the ability is found in his novel Inflammatory Look.

Pyrokinesis refers to the ability of a person to heat an object or set it on fire, without using matches or a lighter, but only with the power of thought. Before you start learning, you need to decide what it is and create the necessary conditions for practice.

Does pyrokinesis exist in real life

It is difficult to judge how real pyrokinesis is, because there is no documentary evidence of the existence of this phenomenon. There is also no evidence from physics and biology. However, in some near-academic circles discussing string theory, there have been references to pyrokinesis. Unfortunately, this area is not carried out, because this process is very complicated in its practical implementation.

You can master the magic of fire by performing a set of procedures. In real life, this will require self-control and patience in order to realize exactly how heat can be controlled.

At the initial stage of training, you can use plain paper. If you manage to concentrate heat in your hands, you can direct it to a leaf, mentally imagining a fire.

At the same time, it is necessary to feel the increase in temperature as clearly as possible and imagine. It is necessary to feel unity with the elements, experiencing pleasure from this. Self-doubt and fear will have a negative impact on learning the skill.

Did you know?In the days of the USSR, a psychic with pyrokinesis skills named Ninel Kulagina lived, who, with the power of thought and gaze, could ignite paper, wall-paper, and some types of fabrics. She was also skilled at putting out fires. However, Ninel died due to a brain tumor. Perhaps this fact contributed to the development of pyrokinesis.

To get a greater effect, you should actively use your imagination, mentally imagining the process of ignition of the selected object. After the goal is achieved, it is necessary to complicate the task and move on to mastering the skill of boiling. The main condition is that the palms should not ignite, otherwise it can be harmful and.

How to Master Fire Magic: Technique

In order to master this technique, it is necessary to provide the presence of heat, an oxidizing agent (oxygen) and fuel. The absence of one of the components makes the process impossible.

Exercise 1

To understand how to make fire, you first need to focus on, namely their temperature. Next, you should form a ball in your thoughts, located between the palms, and, putting them opposite, you need to smoothly bring them closer and further away from each other.

Important! In order to practice such exercises, it is necessary to create the appropriate conditions in order to be able to focus on union with fire.

There are no recommendations on the number of gestures, but the more you practice, the faster you can achieve the desired effect. So, a person who managed to feel a ball of thermal energy with his fingertips can transfer it to other people.

Exercise 2

To understand how to learn pyrokinesis, you need to be patient. For further training, you should prepare ice cubes so that after creating a ball in your hands, cool your palms. To do this, you just need to hold the ice long enough to melt it with the heat of your body.

To perform this exercise, you need to build a fire using wood, matches or a lighter. Then you should comfortably settle down near the fire.

It is necessary to choose a position of the body in which it can relax as much as possible and focus on the fire and flame. Then you can go to . At the same time, it is necessary to achieve such a state of the subconscious in which only light and heat emanating from the fire will be felt. You should not react to the sounds of the surrounding world, so as not to disturb the idyll of unity with fire.

Exercise 4

At this stage, you need to learn how to relax your body, as well as concentrate on the flame in order to further control it. To do this, you should guess where the burnt spark should fly off. Such skill must be regularly honed in order to accurately know the result of burning a fire in the future.

Then one should make the flame increase or subside with the help of the power of thought. Don't expect instant results. This exercise is very difficult in its practical implementation, however, with daily practice of skills, you can achieve the desired effect.

If you can perform the exercises described above, then you should move on to learning more complex actions using candles. It may seem strange to you that at the initial stage of learning pyrokinesis, you need to use a fire, and only then - a candle. It should be noted that due to matter, a large fire is a more voluminous figure, which is easier to control.

Did you know? In 1993, in Peru, the rector of the Catholic Church caught fire during one of his sermons. After the quote about fiery hell, the priest turned to ashes, but his clothes were intact.

Manipulation with a candle involves repeating previously performed actions with a fire. At the last stage, time should be taken not only to control the flame, but also to generate it.
Although pyrokinesis is not a recognized science, it is a rather specific phenomenon, which is very difficult to learn. However, by regularly and doing the exercises described above daily, one can learn to control the fire. Possession of the magic of fire will open up new opportunities in everyday life, as well as in the conduct of everyday life.

Pyrokinesis is the ability of a person to heat something, or even set it on fire, while influencing the object of ignition at a distance with the power of thought, as well as the ability to control an already burning flame. From the point of view of physics and biology, this phenomenon is not possible. After all, for the ignition of the human body, which, as you know, consists of two-thirds of water, energy that is absent in the body is required. Nevertheless, the fact remains the phenomenon of ignition of objects due to unconscious spontaneous psi-impact of a person, or as a result of purposeful mental practices.
The lack of theoretical justification further fuels interest in such a phenomenon as pyrokinesis, the self-learning of which will be discussed later.
So, to develop this gift, a fire is required. Do not skimp on firewood, build a larger fire with the largest possible blazing flame. Sit in front of the fire and start meditating. Try to abstract from the surrounding reality, feel the light, the warmth of a fire. Try to identify yourself with fire. You can even dance, imitating fiery flashes. When the maximum fusion of your attention with the fire is achieved, try to control it, for example, by the power of thought, make it burn stronger, and now weaker. Experiment, predict where the next spark will fly. Only having achieved stable results, you can move on to finer, one might even say jewelry, work with a candle flame. It is on it that you can hone your skills. By rough, clumsy impact on a candle, you will achieve little. Therefore, in the exercise that develops pyrokinesis, the self-learning of which we are considering, a transition was made from an easier stage to a complex one. If you manage to subdue the flame of a candle, then you can accept sincere congratulations. Pyrokinesis has almost obeyed you - we will consider how to learn how to control fire in future articles. You can continue to develop the ability to generate fire. Indeed, at the initial levels, this skill is practically useless, because. a novice pyrokineticist is only able to set fire to easily combustible materials. In addition, non-professionals will be able to create decoys for infrared vision systems. Improving skills will allow you to melt steel. An experienced pyrokineticist can even ignite objects with which he does not have direct eye contact, such as gunpowder in cartridges.
The described exercises will allow you to master pyrokinesis, the self-study of which is so attractive with its mythical ability to generate fire.

Denoting the mythical ability to cause fire or a significant increase in temperature at a distance with the power of thought, as well as the ability to control fire with the power of thought. A creature capable of pyrokinesis is called pyrokinetic.

There is no openly published documentary evidence of the reality of the phenomenon of pyrokinesis. There are also no scientific theories that would explain this phenomenon. Large-scale studies are not conducted due to the complete unconfirmed cases of pyrokinesis and the lack of theoretical justification.

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See what "Pyrokinesis" is in other dictionaries:

    Exist., number of synonyms: 2 pyrogeny (2) psi phenomenon (36) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    pyrokinesis- a phenomenon when people suddenly flare up for no apparent reason and burn out in a few seconds, as a rule, only a handful of blue ash remains from them. spontaneous combustion, pyrokinesis, devil fire... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    Pyrokinesis from Greek. πυρ ("fire") and Greek. κίνησις (suffix denoting movement) is a parapsychological term denoting the ability to cause fire or a significant increase in temperature at a distance with the power of thought. A creature capable of pyrokinesis ... ... Wikipedia

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  • World of the Young, Weitz K. Four novels four incredible, fantastic worlds. The post-apocalyptic world of America, where a deadly virus has wiped out everyone over 20 and under 8 years old. A small group of teenagers...

Denoting the mythical ability to cause fire or a significant increase in temperature at a distance with the power of thought, as well as the ability to control fire with the power of thought. A creature capable of pyrokinesis is called pyrokinetic.

There is no openly published documentary evidence of the reality of the phenomenon of pyrokinesis. There are also no scientific theories that would explain this phenomenon. Large-scale studies are not conducted due to the complete unconfirmed cases of pyrokinesis and the lack of theoretical justification.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

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See what "Pyrokinesis" is in other dictionaries:

    pyrokinesis- noun, number of synonyms: 2 pyrogeny (2) psi phenomenon (36) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    pyrokinesis- a phenomenon when people suddenly flare up for no apparent reason and burn out in a few seconds, as a rule, only a handful of blue ash remains from them. spontaneous combustion, pyrokinesis, devil fire... Universal additional practical explanatory dictionary by I. Mostitsky

    Pyrokinetics- Pyrokinesis from the Greek. πυρ ("fire") and Greek. κίνησις (suffix denoting movement) is a parapsychological term denoting the ability to cause fire or a significant increase in temperature at a distance with the power of thought. A creature capable of pyrokinesis ... ... Wikipedia

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    List of abilities of characters in the television series Heroes- The Spiral, also known as the Symbol Most of the characters in Heroes have superhuman powers. Abilities are associated with the genotype and are inherited. The article is a translation of an interpretation of the article in English. ... ... Wikipedia

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    Psychonauts- Psychonauts Developer Double Fine Productions Budcat Creations (PS2) Publishers Majesco Entertainment Buka ... Wikipedia

    List of characters in the television series Charmed- This article describes the characters of the television series Charmed. Contents 1 Main characters 2 Escorts 2.1 Leo Wyatt ... Wikipedia


  • World of the Young, Weitz K. Four novels four incredible, fantastic worlds. The post-apocalyptic world of America, where a deadly virus has wiped out everyone over 20 and under 8 years old. A small group of teenagers...

pyrokinesis- from the Greek πυρ ("fire") and Greek. κίνησις (meaning "movement"). A parapsychological term for the ability to cause fire or a significant increase in temperature from a distance.

The phenomenon of pyrokinesis is understood as the ability of a person to set fire to something, or to heat it up, without affecting the object by methods known to traditional science.

Practice - how to develop pyrokinesis

  • For the exercise you will need a fire. The more fire, the better. It is better to start not with a candle, but with a fire flame. The fire flame hypnotizes and itself contributes to the task. Look at the fire in a relaxed way, try not to think about anything.
  • Sit, relax and look at the fire. The action itself is meditative, so go for it. Try to feel the fire, its light, warmth. Absorb the heat and light of the flame, imbue it.
  • When you begin to feel a strange feeling of unity with the fire - try to guess where the new flash will be now, try to control the intensity of burning - pull the fire up or, on the contrary, press it to the ground. It does not matter whether you anticipate that the fire will now create some kind of movement or control this movement.
    To begin with, you need to achieve stable results in that your thoughts coincide with the movement of fire. When you begin to guess the behavior of the flame, try to carefully influence it. Strengthen it where it is almost extinguished, moderate its ardor where it burns too brightly.
  • If, when working with a fire, it turns out to control the flame with enviable regularity and persuasiveness, then go to the candle.
  • The actions are the same - feel the unity with the flame of the candle and try to subordinate it to your will, bending, stretching, extinguishing it.
    If you achieve stable results when interacting with it, such as - extinguish / ignite, I can congratulate you - pyrokinesis has submitted to you, develop the ability further. At these moments, understanding of the essence of some previously obscure situations often comes (completely inopportunely, often), answers to seemingly unsolvable questions appear, etc. The element of fire manifests itself in a person through intuition. It is she who awakens and intensifies when you learn to control the flame. It is this, the control of one's own intuition, that is the main goal of practicing these techniques.


Cases when people suddenly flared up from a fire of unknown origin and burned out in a few seconds, leaving behind only a handful of ash, have been known since time immemorial. It has been established that during spontaneous combustion of human bodies, the flame temperature reached 3000 degrees. It is curious, however, that flammable materials near the victim (such as, for example, bed linen, cotton wool or paper) turned out to be intact, that is, the person lying in bed blazed with a bright flame, but the sheets and blanket remained intact and unharmed. This is exactly what happened in 1992 to Sydney firefighter Ron Priest, who burned to death in his bed. Surprisingly, the linen and pillows were not damaged at all, and the matches lying a meter away from the hellish flame did not flare up.

In 1950, a Mexican court heard an extraordinary criminal case. Mario Orozco, the husband of an innkeeper, was tried, accused of burning his wife Manola alive in front of many people. Mario faced the death penalty.

That evening, as usual, the clients (soldiers of the local garrison and passing merchants) dined in a hall on the ground floor of the hotel, dimly lit by two lamps and the reflections of a fire from a fireplace where a delicious goose was roasting. The husband of the hostess slowly rotated the skewer so that not a single drop of fat was wasted, and the carcass was evenly covered with a crisp. A young maid served dishes and bottles, smiling at the mustachioed soldiers and deftly dodging daring slaps on her round ass. The hostess herself, watching the order, was sitting in a massive leather armchair.

Suddenly, a heart-rending cry broke the peaceful idyll. The hostess twitched in her chair, her eyes bulging and her mouth open, and fiery tongues ran over her body. A moment later, Aunt Manola was gone, and her clothes, covered with ashes, were lying on an intact chair. The police broke into the hotel and immediately arrested her husband and took him to prison.

However, the bodies of victims of pyrokinesis are not always burned to the ground. Last year, a local shepherd, Arzhanda, suffered a fire on a country road in Mongolia. His corpse, similar to the "Black Mannequin", was found in a sitting position. His whole body, head and hands were baked into a solid resinous mass. But what is most striking is that the clothes of the deceased were not damaged by the fire. No traces of flames were found around either, and the air temperature was 15 degrees below zero.

The partner of the deceased was detained and charged with premeditated murder. When the investigator came to the prison, instead of the suspect, he found a pile of charred bones with partially preserved pieces of meat. An explanation for the tragedy that occurred could not be found ...

Dara Metzel in 1969 was sitting in her car on one of the streets of Luxembourg and, suddenly ignited, burned to the ground in a matter of seconds. Several people tried to help her, but to no avail. When it was all over, it turned out that the interior trim and seats of the car were not damaged.

Around the same time, Texas resident Michael Lifshin was found dead in his car. His face and hands were burned, but for some reason the fire did not touch his hair and eyebrows. Since his car was in the garage, the police decided that the unfortunate man committed suicide by poisoning with exhaust fumes. However, the body was so hot that it burned his fingers.

An absolutely fantastic incident occurred in the Canadian province of Alberta, when two daughters of the Melby spouses flared up at the same instant, being in different parts of the city, a kilometer apart.

In 1991, a resident of Dijon, Charles Duteyer, who worked in a hardware store owned by the Verneuil couple, celebrated the New Year with the owners. After drinking wine, he went to sleep upstairs in his room, and the next morning he found the owner dead. The floor of the lower floor was covered with a thick layer of soot. The pungent odor was breathtaking. The police found the remains of Madame Verneuil next to the kitchen table - charred bones and ashes. No other traces of fire could be found in the house.

An equally mysterious incident occurred in 1989 near Munich. 13-year-old Yuta was playing the accordion when her father, Werner Rothke, heard the girl's desperate screams. He rushed to her and saw how she, engulfed in flames, darted around the room. Yuta had 30 percent of the surface of his skin burned, and Werner himself received second-degree burns. Later, the girl explained that as soon as she began to play the instrument, she was enveloped in fire from all sides.

In the spring of 1993, the inhabitants of the small Peruvian town of Orellano, gathered in church for Sunday service, witnessed a spectacle that shook them to the core. The priest who was reading the sermon suddenly interrupted his speech with an inhuman cry, frozen in an unnatural pose with his hands raised to the sky. Literally in a moment, the parishioners, numb with horror, saw how a tongue of flame escaped from his chest, and he himself turned into a pillar of fire. People rushed out of the church, crushing each other at the door, and not one of them saw what the investigators later found. On the ambo lay the whole and unharmed clothes of the priest, inside of which a handful of ashes darkened - all that was left of the servant of God.

The incident sparked a wave of rumors and speculation. The believers had no doubt that the Lord punished the holy father for grave sins. And there were rumors that he sold his soul to the devil. There were even those who believed that instead of a priest, Satan himself disguised himself read sermons. After interviewing witnesses, the police closed the case.

Devilish fire, or pyrokinesis, is not a fantasy, but a real fact, although from the point of view of physics and chemistry, such a phenomenon is impossible. It is known that the human body consists of two-thirds of water and its combustion requires a significant amount of energy, which is not in a living organism. Even to burn a dead person in a crematorium requires a temperature of two thousand degrees and a time of at least four hours. But even under such conditions, in any case, it is necessary to additionally crush the charred bones of the skeleton in order to turn them into ashes.

Incidents of spontaneous combustion are extremely rare. In our century, 19 such phenomena have been recorded. Scientists have different opinions. Some try to connect the ignition of people with their internal state. It is noted that many of the dead were in deep stress. Other researchers believe that the mysterious phenomenon occurs in connection with the impact of ball lightning appearing in the vicinity of the victim. Its energy penetrates the human biofield, which leads to instant ignition.

Scientists' opinion

Scientists note two types of ignition. Turning the victim into ashes and sintering him into a charred mass. In some cases, some part of the body is not affected by fire.

Back in the last century, a version appeared that chronic alcoholics become victims of spontaneous combustion, whose bodies are soaked through with alcohol and therefore flare up from an accidental spark, especially if the deceased smoked.

The Swiss scientist Ludwig Schumacher offered his own explanation for spontaneous combustion.

“Why not assume,” he says, “that there are radiations not yet known to science, beams of which exist next to us. Under certain conditions, the interaction of such energy with the body's biofield causes a powerful energy flash - a kind of explosion, leading to spontaneous combustion of a living body. The resulting beam of energy is strictly limited in space and acts selectively. Parts of the body of the victim that did not fall into the sphere of radiation remain intact.

Recently, another scientist, the Japanese Harugi Ito, put forward another hypothesis. In his opinion, the cause of pyrokinesis is a change in the flow of time. In the normal state, the human body produces and radiates a certain amount of heat into space, but if, for some reason, inside our body, the physical processes occurring in nature (including the movement of atoms) unexpectedly sharply slow down, and their speed remains constant on the surface of the skin, then the heat generated simply does not have time to radiate into space and incinerates a person.

In recent times, a number of scholars generally adhere to a fantastic point of view. The source of energy in a living cell is supposedly a thermonuclear reaction. They believe that under certain conditions, unknown energy processes occur in the cells of the body, similar to those that occur during the explosion of an atomic bomb, which are not reflected on the molecules of neighboring matter (for example, on clothes or car upholstery) ...

Zaitsev A.K. - About pyrokinesis and more

A Russian scientist claims to have discovered the cause of spontaneous combustion of people. He recently proved that pyrokinesis is cold-plasma combustion.

“Three-quarters of a person consists of liquid formations,” says Anatoly Stekhin, senior researcher at the Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. - Roughly speaking, from the water. Free radicals in its molecules are able to "take away" energy. It can be either solar energy or biological energy. In exceptional cases, it breaks out in a stream of quanta. This is cold plasma combustion. With it, the external body temperature does not exceed 36 degrees, and the internal reaches 2000 degrees! Almost twice as high as in a crematorium oven!”

Stekhin's theory explains the strangest paradox of spontaneous combustion of people: during cold plasma combustion, even the bones of the legs turn into ashes, but the shoes remain untouched by the flames.

Only in Russia in recent years, more than two hundred cases of spontaneous combustion have been recorded. However, despite the many examples that tell about cases of pyrokinesis, most scientists still consider this phenomenon to be absurd.

Indeed, how can a person catch fire if two-thirds of his body consists of water and non-combustible tissues? Only if the combustion temperature exceeds 1000 degrees and will be at this level for several hours. And this is simply impossible to achieve under normal conditions ...

Nevertheless, the American Paul Hayes stubbornly holds the opposite opinion. Moreover, he is able to bring his evidence. On May 25, 1985, he suddenly flared up like a match on one of the streets of London and survived!

“It was like being thrown into an oven,” said 19-year-old Paul of his experiences, “as if they were pricking my hands with red-hot pokers. Cheeks glowed. Her ears were numb, her chest was seething like a boiled kettle. Even the brain seemed to boil. I wanted to run - but how can you save yourself from the inner fire?

Self-control helped out - Hayes fell to the ground and instinctively curled up into a ball. Half a minute passed, and the fire went out, and the young man went to the hospital with severe burns.

A similar incident occurred with the American pilot Gina Winchester. The woman was driving in a car when suddenly she was engulfed in flames. The companion, who was driving, tried to extinguish the flame, and the car lost control. A moment later, the car crashed into a pole, and the fire escaping from Gina's body went out on its own. The woman received severe burns, but survived.

“I struggled for a long time to find a logical explanation,” she told reporters. I never smoked, the window was closed. No one could throw anything into the car. In general, the car did not catch fire (the police looked for spilled gasoline in the cabin, but did not find it). When there was nothing else left, I remembered the phenomenon of spontaneous combustion.”

Another case of pyrokinesis, when fire spared a person, occurred in 1989 near Munich. Thirteen-year-old Yuta was playing the accordion when her father, Werner Rothke, heard the girl's desperate screams. He rushed to her and saw how she, engulfed in flames, darted around the room. Yuta was burned thirty percent of the surface of the skin, and Werner himself received second-degree burns. Later, the girl explained that as soon as she began to play the instrument, she was enveloped in fire from all sides.

But not everyone is so lucky: four-month-old baby Ricky Prut from Illinois died in front of his parents and their friends. Merciless flames completely unexpectedly engulfed the child's body and burned it in a matter of seconds.

In 1996, a naked girl jumped out of a motel room in the Australian city of Brisbane with a wild cry. After recovering, she said that she had come here for the weekend with her boyfriend. She went to bed, her boyfriend went to take a bath, and when he came out and lay down next to her, he suddenly caught fire and turned into dust in a minute.

In 1998, Madrid resident Roberto Gonzalez, while listening to a toast at his own wedding, suddenly flared up and turned to ashes in less than a minute. More than a hundred guests became eyewitnesses of the tragedy. No one or anything else was touched by the fire.

death in a car

Mysterious incidents of this kind are by no means uncommon in world history. Cases of spontaneous combustion of the human body or its individual parts have been noted for a long time. Since the victims, for some unknown reason, were more often men who were prone to drinking alcohol, the rumor 300 years ago insisted that the "cleansing fire" was God's punishment for an unrighteous lifestyle.

Many writers did not escape this delusion, who, for the sake of exoticism, inserted into their works episodes about drunkards who were burned overnight from an internal fire. Remember Jules Verne or our Nikolai Gogol. In his poem Dead Souls, during a conversation about a fire, the collegiate secretary Korobochka explains to Chichikov the absence of a blacksmith:

“God saved from such a disaster (from a fire), he himself burned down. Inside he somehow caught fire, he drank too much, only a blue light came from him, all decayed, decayed and blackened like coal ... "

Even in the middle of the 20th century, the belief that people burned out from drinking was strong enough. Colonel O.V. Arkhipov in the military-historical essay "In the Bryansk Forests" tells a strange incident, which he himself witnessed. During the Great Patriotic War, at one of the field airfields, an old lorry carried boxes of shells for anti-aircraft crews that covered the airfield around the perimeter. Near one of the bunkers, a sick soldier was loaded into it to send him to the infirmary. It seems that he drank something indecent, called "chassis" - a liquid designed to fill the shock absorbers. And on the road, in front of the soldiers accompanying the cargo, the body of the victim suddenly flared up with a blue flame. The soldiers themselves did not light any fire - it was strictly forbidden.

The first and natural reaction of them, young and untrained children, was a cry to the driver: “We are on fire!” And when he slowed down, everyone jumped out of the body and rushed in all directions. When, after some time, the soldiers returned to the car, they found the charred corpse of a fellow traveler. The strangest thing is that the overcoat on which he was lying did not catch fire. The unexplained incident was chalked up to "spontaneous combustion by ingestion of a flammable liquid."

And yet, over the past three centuries, pyrokinesis, including in the presence of witnesses, overtook hundreds of people, regardless of their gender, and regardless of whether they were drunkards or teetotalers during their lifetime. It is possible, of course, that in a number of examples known for a long time, there are many cases of deliberate arson, which the criminals only skillfully disguised as a phenomenon unexplored by science. It is obvious at the same time that at least several hundred cases exclude the criminal version.

It is very difficult to derive any pattern in the selectivity of objects for spontaneous combustion. Pyrokinesis is ubiquitous and merciless in any setting. Therefore, specialists can only register fresh facts and systematize where it manifested itself once again.

It is often quite difficult to do this, since in certain situations the phenomenon of spontaneous combustion can be difficult to prove to the public. As a rule, such situations are associated with accidents in personal vehicles. For example, American Billy Peterson suddenly caught fire when he parked his car in a Detroit parking lot. When rescuers removed his charred body, they discovered that the temperature in the car was so high that the parts on the control panel were completely melted.

Dora Metzel, sitting in her car on one of the streets of Luxembourg, suddenly ignited, burned to the ground in a matter of seconds. Several people tried to help her, but to no avail. However, when it was all over, it turned out that the interior lining and seats of the car, unlike the case with Peterson, were not damaged.

"On August 24, 1999, Jackie Park picked up her mother, 82-year-old Agnes Phillips, who has Parkinson's disease, at the Chisalon Nursing Home, located in the suburbs of Sydney. That day, they drove along Balgovni Road to a nearby supermarket. got out of the car for a few minutes to shop. When she returned, she saw smoke rising from the window of her car. With the help of passers-by, the elderly mother was dragged out of the car. The elderly lady was surprisingly calm, and only repeated too hot, too hot . There were terrible burns on her chest, neck and stomach."

Agnes died in the hospital a week later. The forensic medical examination did not find traces of chemicals on the victim's body that could lead to a flame. Only with the help of experts it was found that there was another case of spontaneous combustion of the human body!

Only the legs remain...

Pyrokinesis has amazing destructive power, turning even bones into ashes, which cannot be completely destroyed even by the high-temperature furnaces of crematoria. In this case, only the upper half of the body is often burned, and the legs remain practically untouched.

In 1986, American investigator John Hamer spoke from the pages of the New Scientist magazine about his investigation into the causes of a strange fire in a municipal residential building: “I opened the door to the living room and found myself in a real steam room. The orange light from a bare, lampshadeless bulb sank into a suffocating shroud. On the floor, about a meter from the fireplace, lay a pile of ashes. Near it, on the side opposite the fireplace, stood a charred chair. Socked human feet protruded from the ashes. The torso and arms were completely reduced to ashes. Then I saw a charred skull. Although the fireplace rug and the large carpet under the ashes were burned through, the damage did not spread further. The couch, located less than a meter from the fireplace, was not even stained.

Seven years later, on December 6, 1993, an elderly woman burned to death in house number 21 on the Logoisk Trakt in Minsk. The circumstances of the fire, according to Alexander Motuz, a former employee of the Institute of Fire Safety of the Republic of Belarus, were very strange, and it was not possible to establish its causes.

“Neighbors called on 01,” recalls Motuz, “who heard a slight smell of smoke and noticed that the walls of the house had warmed up. Since the doors in the "smoking" one-room apartment were not opened, they had to be forced open. However, it turned out that there was nothing to put out in it. In the kitchen, near the wall, were the remains of a burnt chair, and next to it was a pile of ashes and two legs in stockings with socks on top. Linoleum tiles burned out along the contour of the corpse, the sink was slightly sooty, and the wallpaper turned yellow. Incredibly, the calendar hanging on the wall did not bear any traces of fire.

Specialists know that the temperature of about 900 degrees is maintained in the crematorium ovens. But even eight hours after being in the furnace, the bones of the corpse still retain their shape. When the cranial bones of a woman who burned down on the Logoisk tract were in the hands of a forensic expert, they crumbled to dust. To all this, medical specialists, forensic experts, firefighters could not give an explanation.

So why, in some cases of pyrokinesis, the limbs of burnt people remain intact? A study by British scientists helped to deal with this. Several prominent biologists, physicists and forensic scientists have carefully studied all the recorded cases of spontaneous combustion.

To clarify the process, the experimenters did not spare a fattened pig, which was burned on low heat for five hours. The effect did not surprise scientists - the bones of the pig that died in the name of science turned into black easily crumbling cinders. Fat helped to incinerate the bones. It turned out that the burning fat layer of mammals significantly increases the destructive power of the flame. This discovery made it possible to explain the mysterious preservation of the lower body in the victims of spontaneous combustion. After all, on the legs, as you know, there is practically no fat.

The American National Institute of Meteorology and Oceanography collects information on changes in electromagnetic fields in different parts of the globe. Comparing the figures and facts over the past hundred years, the scientists of the institute found out: in 90 percent of cases of spontaneous combustion of people, pyrokinesis coincided in time with a sharp surge in the geomagnetic field.

Pyrokinesis on the rise

Another explanation for the transformation of people into torches belongs to England's largest specialist in explosives, Dr. Alford. "Anaerobic fermentation in the intestines sometimes produces huge amounts of combustible gas," he says. - For example, the consumption of eggs adds to the normal content of methane and hydrogen in the human body a significant amount of phosphine and, even worse, phosphorus dihydride, thus endowing the gas with the property of spontaneous combustion, which leads to an explosion. Remember how, going out for a walk on a stuffy evening, after a second of shortness of breath, you noticed that your breath was glowing. Thus, under certain circumstances and the appropriate biochemical state of the body, spontaneous combustion can occur.

Researchers trying to explain the phenomenon of spontaneous combustion are struck not only by the suddenness, but also by the fact that flammable materials (clothing, bed linen, wood) located near the victim remain safe and sound. So it was, for example, in 1992 in Sydney with Ron Priest, burned to the ground in his bed. At the same time, linen, pillows were not affected at all, and the matches lying a meter away from the hellish flame did not flare up!

In 1991, a resident of French Dijon, Charles Duteyer, who worked in a hardware store owned by the Verneuil couple, celebrated Christmas with the owners. After drinking wine, he went to sleep upstairs in his room, and the next morning he found the hostess dead. The floor of the lower floor was covered with a thick layer of soot. The pungent odor was breathtaking. The police found the remains of Madame Verneuil next to the kitchen table - charred bones and ashes. The table and chairs were not even sooty.

The mass spontaneous combustion in 1980 of a family of Old Believers (four children, their parents and grandfather) in the Khabarovsk Territory was described in the case documents as an act of religious fanaticism, although many members of the community spoke to the investigation about the fire of God, internal, sent as punishment for unsteadiness in faith. The sectarians refused to cooperate with the investigation, and after the case was closed, they left the deadly place.

An equally fantastic case of "double pyrokinesis" occurred in the Canadian province of Alberta, where two daughters of the Melby spouses flared up at the same instant, being in different parts of the city, located a kilometer from each other.

The 21st century has long been in the yard, but neither doctors, nor forensic experts, nor scientists have been able to significantly approach the solution of the phenomenon of spontaneous human combustion. Meanwhile, according to the American popular science magazine Discover, over the past fifteen years, the number of spontaneous combustion has increased worldwide by two and a half times!

In 2001, in the village of Skadovo, Kherson region, a caretaker of one of the local farms died under mysterious circumstances. His charred corpse was found in the morning. The clothes were not damaged. There were witnesses who saw how he ran through the village, engulfed in a column of flame, and screamed heart-rendingly. And his neighbor later recalled that the watchman had seizures from an early age: the skin glowed red-hot, as if on fire, and then blisters went all over his body.

In Tomsk, on Rosa Luxembourg Street in 2002, a man burned down, peacefully sitting on a wooden bench. The ambulance and the police arrived and stated that there was too much alcohol in the victim's body, so, they say, he flared up!

According to eyewitnesses, the victim lay motionless on his back next to an absolutely intact bench and burned with a bright flame. Especially intense fire came out of the chest and abdomen, reaching a height of 40 centimeters.

Charred mummy on the road

Most spontaneous combustion per capita was recorded in the small Austrian town of Lessach. Its inhabitants flare up 18 times more often than in the rest of the world. In 1998, four such cases were registered here at once. One of those who broke out was 9-year-old Helmut. The boy was teased by his peers for being overweight. Once in the school yard they brought him with evil jokes, as they say, to a white heat, and Helmut suddenly ... caught fire. The fire spread to the offenders standing next to him - and claimed the lives of seven more children, burned to the ground.

In 1999, in Krasnoyarsk, in front of dozens of eyewitnesses, an activist of a local environmental organization flared up and burned down in a few seconds. In a newspaper publication, this case was presented as an act of protest against the blatant environmental situation in the region. However, in reality, as eyewitnesses said, the young man was simply waiting with flowers on the corner of the street for his friend, calmly smoking, and suddenly broke out.

Scientists put forward dozens of theories of the origin of pyrokinesis. Some of them sound plausible and some don't.

For example, according to the theory of a professor at the University of Brooklyn, Robin Beach, some people accumulate a statistical electric charge inside, which turns a person into a flammable material.

There is also the so-called human candle theory. Its authors say that most of the victims of spontaneous spontaneous combustion are fat and old women, often paralyzed, or simply sick people who can fall into a painful coma from a small burn. The fat of the old woman who has lost consciousness is gradually melted and burns, which causes a further influx of heat and melts even more - the unfortunate woman burns from the inside. By the way, this theory explains why there is almost always a large amount of soot and liquid fat near the victims, on walls and other surfaces.

Dr. Larry Arnold put forward a version according to which the phenomenon of spontaneous combustion can be associated with lines of force that conditionally encircle the Earth. He identified the so-called fiery belts, in which, according to statistics, most unexplained fires occur.

As practice shows, sometimes the victims of pyrokinesis do not burn to the ground, but turn into charred mummies. Recently, a local shepherd, Arzhanda, died on a country road in Mongolia. Here is how the Russian researcher of anomalous phenomena N. Nepomniachtchi describes the tragedy:

The body was found in a sitting position. His whole body, head and hands were baked into a solid resinous mass. But what is most striking is that the clothes of the deceased were not damaged by the fire. No traces of flames were found around either, and the air temperature was fifteen degrees below zero. Curious details were told by the partner of the deceased shepherd:

“I drove part of the herd forward. When he returned to Argende, he found him squatting near the road with his pants down. He relieved himself. As I got closer, I saw that it was black as coal. And between his legs a fresh heap of feces smoked. I ran to the nearest village for help. Arzhanda's relatives tried to put him on a wooden stretcher, but they began to smoke. When they removed his body, it turned out that the boards were charred. I had to wait a bit for Argenda to cool down.”

The partner of the deceased was detained and charged with premeditated murder. When the investigator came to the shepherd sitting in prison, instead of the suspect, he found a pile of charred bones with partially preserved pieces of meat. An explanation for the tragedy that occurred could not be found ...

The case of spontaneous combustion, which recently occurred with a resident of Kyrgyzstan, has become a real sensation on the scale of the entire former Union.

As Vecherniy Bishkek reported, on the night of February 23-24, 2003, an emergency occurred in a two-story apartment building in one of the suburbs of Bishkek. The woman was enveloped in a pillar of blue fire that suddenly burst from her chest area. Spontaneous combustion was accompanied by an unpleasant synthetic odor and subsequent marks on the skin, not characteristic of ordinary burns. All over the body, with inexplicable periodicity, crosses suddenly began to appear. And only on the fourth day after the fiery anomaly did this process stop. And also in a rather strange way.

Following Christian beliefs, a young priest was brought to the house to consecrate the walls and exorcise evil spirits. But, to the amazement of all eyewitnesses, the censer, necessary for the performance of Orthodox rites, could not be lit for a long time. The crosses painted with church oil on the wallpaper suddenly began to spread. And the priest himself, despite his age and healthy appearance, in the end even had to be pumped out. And yet, the body of the injured woman finally ceased to issue stigmas in the form of crosses. And the burns began to heal quickly. Nevertheless, an oppressive and unpleasant feeling remained in the apartment, which for a long time did not allow all household members to sleep peacefully.

The Kyrgyz specialists, who analyzed the Bishkek case, put forward a theory based on swamp gas. The house where the biological fire occurred was built 13 years ago in a swamp. Therefore, it is the gases methane and ethane, which continue to break out to the surface all these years, and could serve as a source of pyrokinesis.

Biophysicist Choro Tukembaev argues, for example, that this phenomenon should be considered at the cellular level. People living in the area constantly inhale vapors or derivatives of methane. Through breathing, it enters the bloodstream, and later its compounds enter the cells. If the membrane of human cells is not slagged, then an open thermodynamic system operates, and the body is freed from unnecessary elements on its own.

But if the system is sick and there is an excess content of methane compounds, and at the same time there is a change in temperature, then there comes a moment called in physics a critical point, or an inflection point. In such cases, foreign substances first bind to the amino acid components that make up the intracellular fluid.

When the volume of new compounds at a critical temperature reaches a limit, the cell enters a state of unstable equilibrium, in which tensile forces immediately enter the process. And the cell from round first turns into an ellipse, and eventually into an infinitely straight line. As soon as this force finds at least one open pore in the cell membrane, radiation into the outer space begins ...

One of the latest cases of spontaneous human combustion occurred in 2006 in Riga. On a clear day on July 17, a 29-year-old man burst into flames at the intersection of Bararmeu and Klusas streets. By the time firefighters arrived on the scene, the flames had been extinguished, but the victim was taken to the hospital with multiple burns.

A rather original version of the origin of pyrokinesis was put forward by the Japanese Harugi Ito. According to him, the reason for spontaneous spontaneous combustion of a person is a change in the flow of time, when, due to some circumstances, physical processes (including the movement of atoms) sharply slow down inside the body, and their speed remains constant on the surface of the skin. In this case, the generated heat simply does not have time to radiate into space and incinerates a person.

Some researchers associate the phenomena of involuntary ignition of a person with his internal emotional state, for example, with deep stress.

However, we, who have not yet burned out, are unlikely to be satisfied with such a conclusion. It follows from it that in the near future more than half of humanity will burn out ...

Gennady FEDOTOV, correspondent of "AN"

About pyrokinesis

So let's start with pyrokinesis. Four main events are superimposed, which gives rise to the effect in question:

First- stress. Very strong fright or an explosion of emotions. All cells are filled with self-destructive energy. It's like gunpowder, to which you just need to bring a match.

Second- DNA is built, usually under the influence of a powerful external impulse (electromagnetic, just a strong field impulse or impact), into a single conducting circuit. All "magnets" line up in a single system. And they begin to pass through themselves more and more large volumes of prana (alive). This is the same “match” that is capable of and almost instantly flares up.

Third- a high degree of contamination of the body at all its levels. We can say that a lot of garbage has accumulated. He's the one who flares up first.

Fourth- imbalance of the body according to the elements. It has a lot of the elements of fire, almost no water, and little air. He (this man) is almost on fire.

Under these circumstances, pyrokinesis is inevitable.

But there are four elements (we do not consider akasha in this list). And then the question arises: “Are there phenomena similar to pyrokinesis in other elements? Indeed, there is.

On water: here, the disease "instant dropsy" is just as fast. When human organs practically become water, they dissolve in it.

By air: There are quite a lot of very fast diseases of a person’s care for this element. Let's mention "reactive tuberculosis".

On the ground: there is such a state as petrification. Formed instantly.

All other factors remain the same as in pyrokinesis:

  • - Stress.
  • - Energy impulsation.
  • - Loading of the body with various kinds of slags
  • - An excess of the elements.

Now about the methods of regulation of own states. They follow logically from the above:

  1. The ability to quickly remove emotion. The easiest way is a powerful physical activity (jogging, intense squats, chopping wood, lifting weights, etc.).
  2. Cleansing the body (albeit according to Malakhov - quite enough).
  3. There you can also find a methodology for determining and regulating the balance of the elements through nutrition.

Impulses cannot be avoided. They will only get stronger.

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