Why do you dream about a snake trying to bite? Dream interpretation of a snake that wants to bite Why do you dream about a snake that wants to bite?

Sealants 30.04.2022

Having seen a dead snake biting her in a dream, a young woman is warned of the danger posed by a man pretending to be her friend. If a snake bites you in a dream, then this means enemies who are trying to harm you, and who will be hard for you to resist. To see in a dream a snake coiled around you and about to bite you means that an unfriendly situation awaits you, which will lead to powerlessness before your enemies. If in a dream other people are bitten by snakes, then the dream predicts a complication in relationships with friends to whom you are too demanding.

A dream in which a snake bites you promises about a loved one in whom you will be deeply disappointed. For a long time you will not be able to find the reason for the bad luck that constantly haunts you. But it may turn out that the person you trust completely calls upon black magical powers to make your life unhappy.

a snake tries to bite in a dream, what does this mean?

A dream in which a snake tries to bite you warns of deceit and betrayal, perhaps on the part of your family or friends.

dreamed of a snake trying to bite

A dream in which a snake tries to bite you carries unfavorable information. Most likely, someone wants to harm you or take revenge for past grievances. In reality, you will be haunted by anxiety and fear of your surroundings. Perhaps it is due to some wrong actions you have done in the past.
If several snakes try to bite you at the same time, then in reality expect aggressive actions from people close to you and strangers. You are forced to defend yourself. The further they are from you, the slower the actions will occur. If you see a snake entwined around you, then ill-wishers are already acting. If you can free yourself, then this is a favorable sign.

interpretation of the dream: a snake tries to bite

A snake bite in a dream warns of another person’s interference in your sexual relations. If a snake bites another, then you are sexually attracted to that person. If it is not clear who was bitten, then you want to replace your other half.

a snake tries to bite in a dream

When in your dream a snake that is poisonous tries to bite you, then you will find yourself the cause of a serious scandalous incident, without knowing it.

a snake tries to bite according to the dream book

A snake trying to bite you symbolizes the duplicity of your offender who is in your environment. With a correct assessment of the situation, you will be able to prevent it. A snake biting your child means possible troubles with his health. If you do not have a child, then such a dream speaks of the machinations of competitors who are trying to lead you to an imbalance.

Sleep plays a very important role in a person's life. It allows the body to rest and restore the strength it needs for further functioning. During such a vacation, people may dream about something; sometimes such visions warn about certain events or try to protect them from them.

But the interpretations of dreams are different, so we have to consider specific objects seen by the sleeping person from sometimes opposing points of view.

For example, have you ever dreamed of snakes? Do you know what this means? Let's consider different interpretations.

Why do you dream of snakes according to Miller’s dream book?

According to Miller, any dream where this animal is present cannot be called good and promising happiness. As a rule, such dreams warn a person about the appearance of something negative in his life. And we are talking here not only about a specific person, but also about a possible extremely unpleasant situation or the appearance of a disease, as well as the fear of it.

For example, if you kill a snake, then most likely you will find yourself in a position where your uncompromising determination will force people to reckon with you.

And if you walk among snakes, it means that inside you, on a psychological level, there is a fear for your health.

Vanga's dream book - snakes

According to this book, the animal is a harbinger of the appearance of an enemy in your life, and the result of meeting him depends on whether the snake was poisonous or not. If it is poisonous, you will never be able to emerge victorious from the fight, but if on the contrary, you will win an unconditional victory and easily cope with all the machinations of your enemy.

At the same time, Vanga’s snake bite is a symbol of betrayal of a loved one, whose tricks you cannot even guess about. Perhaps you already have more than one hundred curses from your most devoted and beloved.

As you know, human envy is a very strong negative emotion that can sometimes upset life. It is envy on the part of the environment that is expressed in a dream by a ball of snakes.

The giant snake in this interpretation is explained in two ways - as a harbinger of a terrible fatal illness of a relative or loved one, or in the sense of the onset of fundamental changes in the world towards evil. And the destruction of a snake in a dream is, according to Vanga’s dream book, positive changes in the state that will turn people to God.

Freud's Dream Book - snakes in a dream

Freud, as a true master of psychoanalysis, completely distinguished himself, since his meaning of snake differs from all other dream books. According to the ideas of this remarkable scientist, a snake in a dream is a kind of phallic symbol (like, indeed, many other reptiles). Kiss a snake in a dream? Congratulations! Now you just need the experience of oral sex, in fact, you don’t really hide it anymore...

Feel like admiring an animal in a dream? This symbolizes your readiness for sexual experiments and enjoyment of the love process. In contrast, “running away” from the snake is fear or reluctance to resolve sexual problems with a partner.

Why do you dream of snakes - interpretation from other dream books (women's, Aesop's dream book, esoteric, Nostradamus' dream book, Lunar dream book)

According to Women's dream book the appearance of a snake in a dream is an omen of impending troubles that will have to be overcome somehow. Often we're talking about about ill-wishers who are trying to plot intrigues.

Aesop's Dream Book echoes the Feminine one, predicting troubles and misfortunes for the snake who saw him in a dream, caused by envy and the rotten essence of the people around him.

If you look into the esoteric dream book, it, again, indicates the emergence of troubles, the indicator of which will be strangers.

Nostradamus in his dream book tends to have a broader meaning of the animal. For him, the reptile symbolizes the human fall.

The lunar dream book describes the appearance of this animal in a dream as a sign of an approaching illness. And if you destroyed a snake in a dream, then recovery will soon come.

Why do you dream of a biting snake? What does it mean when a snake bites you in a dream?

A snake bite in a dream is a warning of impending disappointment in one of your closest and seemingly most devoted. Usually this is some kind of signal that calls you to take a closer look at your surroundings and pay attention to everyone. However, most likely, negative emotions cannot be avoided.

Why do you dream of a black, white, green, yellow, red snake?

The color black symbolizes feelings such as sadness, uncertainty, and anxiety. Prepare to overcome difficult situations; you will need patience, calm and endurance. Making an important decision is what is needed to resolve the situation.

A black snake can indicate internal problems, psychological nature. Therefore, do not put them off for a long time, but try to find answers to all your internal questions that have accumulated over time. for a long time. Work on yourself.

Sometimes such a dream can mean the need to atone for something. Remember all your recent “sins” in relation to others. Maybe you offended or upset someone?

Now let's talk about another type of snake that can be seen in a dream. This is a white snake. By the way, this is very good sign. Soon the wheel of fortune will smile on you, and the money will fall into your hands. Perhaps these will be securities, and maybe a big win. The same meaning is expressed by the seen ball of white snakes.

A small white snake can be interpreted in two ways. Option number 1 - you need to take care of your health. And the second option - be careful with your new acquaintance, because he is most likely an unreliable person.

Is the whitish snake shedding its skin? Perhaps existing problems require a slightly different way of solving them.

Several white reptiles in question hovering around you are a sign of receiving important information. Listen to yourself and everything around you. There will always be answers. And great success is just around the corner...

Next up green color animal in a dream. Green, as you know, is the color of prosperity, growth, rebirth. Therefore, such a snake in a dream is a sign of reaching a new level, a symbol of the beginning of a new life and farewell to old familiar rituals.

If a green snake is curling around you, know that there are factors preventing change. Therefore they need to be overcome. Here's a way out.

The yellow snake is the next item presented for consideration. The appearance of an animal of exactly this color in a dream is a contradictory sign. You need to look at how the reptile behaves.

In the case of a non-aggressive animal of this color that you saw in a dream, take into account that there are energy reserves hidden inside you that, for some reason, are not used. Use them! Take action!

If a yellow snake crawls into a home in a dream, then this is considered a favorable sign, promising profit with the right strategic decisions.

Now let's talk about another color of an animal in a dream - a red snake. This color is quite aggressive and symbolizes danger. A dream is a kind of warning before an upcoming risky situation.

Large or small snake in a dream - interpretation

A snake in a dream is, as already said, an omen of the appearance of various kinds of troubles in the near future.

A large snake, as you probably could guess, means big troubles and real disasters, that is, serious problems for a person who sees a reptile in a dream. Moreover, successful care or escape from an animal symbolizes few consequences after the current situation. And if an animal wraps itself around you, then you know that you will be powerless in a difficult situation.

The small size of an animal in a dream speaks of upcoming quarrels or situations when a person will be deceived. Moreover, the intriguers, as it turns out later, are those to whom you once showed the highest favor.

Do not trust everyone, the world does not consist only of good people - the message implied in a dream involving a small reptile, if the animal does not pose any threat.

In the case of a change in the size of the snake, namely when it gradually increases from smaller to larger, the dream is a sign that you do not see the real scale of the problems. Your tendency to exaggerate and make a mountain out of a mountain ruins everything. Look at things realistically!

Why do you dream about a lot of snakes?

This dream usually symbolizes something unpleasant, namely, many hypocrites and envious people in your immediate circle. Be careful, because the consequences of intrigue will not take long to arrive!

However, there is a case when many snakes in a dream are a positive sign. With this option, their entire mass should be white. Then the person will have great success in business and endeavors.

Does this mass of snakes also hiss? Expect events in the near future that you will need to endure steadfastly, because they will somehow touch the fibers of your soul.

Why do you dream of killing a snake?

If in a dream you encroach on the life of a reptile, it means real life you have to endure a conflict with someone from your inner circle, during which various victims are possible. Moreover, reconciliation after this is also quite possible.

A man, a girl, a woman, a pregnant woman dreamed of a snake - what does this mean?

For a man, dreams involving a snake usually mean a manifestation of male strength and sexuality.

A girl or woman who sees a reptile in a dream will face hypocrisy towards herself in the near future. This is what will make her suffer.

For expectant mothers and pregnant women, a snake in a dream is a sign that a girl will be born.

Why do you dream of a crawling, running away, attacking, poisonous, dead snake?

A crawling animal in a dream warns of the development of mutual rejection with any person into open confrontation. If there are many such snakes, expect a conspiracy against you.

A crawling reptile should be perceived as enemies fleeing from the battlefield. This is usually a symbol of victory over ill-wishers.

If the snake is not hiding from you, but, on the contrary, is trying to attack, then you should prepare for the appearance of implausible rumors about yourself; simply put, this will be outright blatant slander.

The poisonousness of a creature in a dream indicates a fight with an enemy, during which you will not be able to win, since the opponent’s means will be more sophisticated.

A dead snake is a sign that you need to be more careful and attentive, especially in relation to new acquaintances.

The meaning of the image of a snake in a dream can be interpreted in different ways. It all depends on the specific situation that occurred in the dream and on individual circumstances. Therefore, a more detailed analysis will help determine a specific individual value.

A snake is a very dangerous, serious and mystical animal. People who dreamed of this creepy reptile experience indescribable horror and fear in their dreams. In fact, a snake can be a harbinger of both sad and joyful news and events. To correctly decipher the riddles of sleep, try to remember your dream as best as possible.

Remember that the snake is a sign of wisdom; it is dexterous, cunning, and merciless. There is no way to outwit her and it is not recommended.

It is worth noting that snakes different people dream of different colors. Behind the mask of gray or brown biting snakes there may be your colleagues, employees, work friends or other friends. In this case, expect betrayal from people. Every now and then they will spread rumors behind their backs and whisper slyly. In addition, this dream may indicate a conspiracy directed at you.

A shiny snake of golden or silver color indicates that you are overcome by temptations and temptations. This means that you may take a risky, rash act. Under no circumstances should you be influenced by this. Often a snake is a hint of betrayal by your spouse. Also, such a dream makes gambling unnecessary in your life.

A black snake promises revenge, retribution for mistakes and misdeeds committed in the past.

A person who is bitten by a black snake in a dream expects retribution for sins and other violations.

The size of the snake you dreamed of is essential. A small snake speaks of petty troubles that will be easy to resolve. If the snake is large, then it will be quite difficult for you to find a way out of a particular situation.

If the snake is aggressive against you, then you will be unfairly convicted of a certain act. Slander and frame-up will lie in wait for you at every step.

A snake bites your leg: what does that mean?

A snake biting your leg warns that your enemies are against you and want to harm you at any moment. Another biting snake can mean insincerity or even lies and danger on the part of a friend. A poisonous snake is an omen of a major scandal or controversy. If the bite does not cause pain, then this positive sign, thanks to which you can count on future success in business.

A snake bite on the hand: what does it indicate?

A dream in which a snake bites your hand predicts the emergence of financial problems. In this case, you are strongly recommended to change your lifestyle.

Did you get bitten by a snake in a dream? The dream book considers this a harbinger of enmity, quarrels, illnesses and other troubles. At the same time, such a dream plot promises pregnancy, strong passion, and a romantic date. To understand what the vision is about, it is worth taking into account various details.

General interpretation of the image

A snake bite in night dreams can be interpreted in different ways. First of all, it is associated with enemies, exacerbation of diseases, inflammatory processes and other dangers.

Often such an attack is identified with the basest motives and character traits of the dreamer himself. At the same time, snakes symbolize wisdom, mystical knowledge, as well as intemperance and excessive passion.

In any case, the dream book recommends preparing for an extremely unexpected event. We must not forget that in a dream all symbols are exaggerated. And if you dreamed that you were bitten by a viper, then in the real world you may have to take off because of a banal phone call.

Attacking snakes often indicate disagreements, misunderstandings, disputes and other conflicts. It is also a reflection of internal struggle. If you managed to defeat the reptile, then in reality you will successfully cope with troubles, overcome your own bad habits, and get rid of your complexes.

Interpretation according to the Enigma dream book

Why do you dream that you are suddenly bitten by a snake? Take a close look at your acquaintances and friends. Among them is a man who successfully hides his evil intentions. It is also a warning of rivalry or competition.

If you were bitten by snakes in a dream, then you will not be able to resist the pressure of ill-wishers or circumstances and will be defeated. Did the attack happen in your own home or at work? In your absence, this is where something bad will happen.

In addition, the Enigma dream book advises to more accurately establish the type of reptile.

  • Rattlesnake - betrayal.
  • Viper is an accident.
  • Cobra is a physical obstacle.
  • It’s an insult from a friend.
  • Boa constrictor – external pressure.

What does plot mean according to Miller?

If a woman is bitten by a snake, then Miller’s dream book is sure: a hypocritical friend will bring suffering, and problems will arise that will arise due to the fault of other people. If a snake wraps itself in rings and stings, you will get sick or will not be able to resist outside influences. Have you seen a snake bite someone else? This means you accidentally offend your friend.

Did you see a lot of little snakes that wanted to bite? Miller's interpreter warns: you will begin to welcome people who condemn you behind your back and try to cause some harm. If in a dream you managed to push back and even kill the attacking creature, then in reality you will cope with any difficulties.

Interpretation according to the interpreter Vanga

Why do we dream about the image in question according to this dream interpreter? There are evil, envious people around you who wish you all sorts of failures and even death. In addition, you will be disappointed in your loved one or friend.

Vanga's dream book prescribes caution in communication, because any spoken word can become a weapon against you. If in a dream a large snake tried to bite, but managed to dodge it, then self-confidence and such traits as resourcefulness and enterprise will help you cope with difficulties.

What does the yellow snake symbolize?

When deciphering a dream, you should definitely note the external features of the reptile, for example, color. Bitten by the yellow creature? Your success will become a reason for people's envy and even hatred.

The color yellow is associated in a dream with vitality, so a wound from such a reptile means that someone is feeding on your energy or that you yourself are directing it in the wrong direction. The dream book offers several more of the most current color meanings.

  • Red snake - emotional excitement.
  • White – dangerous knowledge, wisdom.
  • Black – depression, grief, aggression.
  • Brown – restlessness, earthiness.
  • Green – dissatisfaction, troubles.
  • Violet – uncontrolled passion.

Seeing blood in a dream when injured

Why do you dream if there was blood at the site of the teeth puncture? You will soon meet with blood relatives, or people from your immediate circle will cause suffering.

A wound with blood, according to the dream book, indicates slander, which will cause serious damage to one’s reputation. This is a harbinger of anxiety, loss of energy due to illness, failure in business.

It’s good to see that the blood is clean and flowing in a trickle. An event will help quickly solve an important problem. If the bleeding cannot be stopped, you need to pay close attention to your health.

What does a snake bite mean?

Did you get bitten by a snake in a dream? They will try to dissuade you from implementing your plans by saying a bunch of terrible things. At the same time, the dream book suggests marking the place where the reptile stung.

  • Belly - loss of position, authority.
  • The head is a fatal mistake, an oversight.
  • Breasts - strong feelings, love.
  • Shoulder – shock, shock.
  • The face is an insult.
  • Ruku - repentance.

If a snake bites you in the leg, then controversial issues and obstacles will arise in the implementation of planned activities.

Injuries inflicted by reptiles in dreams are most often identified with emotional pain. But if you regularly dream about being bitten by a snake in some exact place, then this is a clear indication of a disease of a certain organ or a problem in a specific area of ​​life.

Why does a woman dream of a snake bite?

The dream book offers women a very interesting interpretation. Most often, a snake bite is associated with gossip and attacks from envious friends. But there is more unusual meanings. For example, if a girl was bitten by a non-poisonous snake, then they will woo her.

Did you get bitten by a snake in your dreams? A pregnancy awaits you, most likely unplanned. The same scenario predicts an intimate date in a dream. However, it may reflect memories of a sexual encounter with a man that left a lasting impression, both positive and negative.

I dreamed that a snake attacked another

What does it mean if another character is bitten by a snake? In reality, commit an act that hurts a loved one. Perhaps you will criticize or blame one of your friends.

Moreover, due to personal egoism, relationships with others will seriously deteriorate. This same episode sometimes has sexual overtones and indicates a desire for intimacy with a specific person.

But if you saw in a dream how a snake bites a child, for example, a son or daughter, then in reality you will have to sacrifice something for the good of the family. The dream book advises to simultaneously consider options when aggression was directed against a certain person or even an animal.

The snake bit my husband

Why do you dream if your own husband was bitten by a snake? Several interpretations can be applied here. To begin with, this image symbolizes temptation, and not necessarily of a sexual nature.

The second interpretation of the dream book says that you have an insidious rival who is quite capable of taking away your loved one. Another transcript claims that the husband is drawn into a dubious scam, a painful dispute and other troubles.

The cat was injured

If an unknown cat is bitten by a snake, then in reality you will witness a quarrel between two enemies. If a bitten cat dies in terrible agony, but a reptile also dies nearby in a dream, then the dream book states: trying to harm you, the enemies will become entangled in their own intrigues.

Killing a snake in such a plot means freeing oneself from pressure, being healed of an illness, and getting rid of harmful tendencies.

Hello! 🤗

Now let's find out together whether your dream will come true? 🔮 Which I dreamed about today. Exactly this night️ 🌃.

The likes are spinning 😍⭐️

Questions to the author

    I dreamed of a snake that bit me several times and tried to bite my son. She bit me three times and I cut off a piece of her three times...

    At first I saw snakes swarming in my bed, a female with a male and many children between them. Then it was as if I was sleeping and a snake bit me on the heel. The snakes were red and yellow striped.

    I dreamed that someone threatened my husband, a snake, and we climbed into the attic, as if we were living there, I asked my husband to lock the door, our two youngest daughters were playing in the room, my husband went into another room, and I stayed with the children and suddenly a snake climbed through the crack and I knocked off its head with a spatula, blood flowed, but then a second one climbed in very quickly and bit me in the hand, and I lost consciousness, but I was worried about the children, there were four of them (snakes) in general, but two got in.

    Today in a dream I saw how a poisonous snake bit me on the hand several times. I didn't feel any pain. I saw large bites all over my arm - from the wrist to the elbow. The snake was small. What is this for?

    I dreamed that my mother and I were at home and cooking something. Mom pulled out the snake's head. It was supposed to be dead, defrosting or something, but mom needed to take something near the sink, and the snake was lying there. Mom stretched out her hands, and the snake bit and bit her several times. Then my mother decided to go to the hospital, her eyes were wet, as she felt bad, and she asked me to go with her. This is where the dream ended.

    • You will help your mother ward off an unfriendly woman. Think about who it is - you yourself have been paying attention to this person for a long time, and you don’t like her. Then you and your mother will discuss the situation and laugh at it :)

      Today I dreamed of a huge snake, it was slowly crawling towards me, and I looked at it in horror... when it got closer, it opened its mouth and bit me on the head, and I thought, now I’m going to die from its poison...

      • Someone is confusing your thoughts, trying to win you over to their side 🤔. But you are smarter than this person and can distinguish lies from truth. Therefore, he has no chance) Just listen to this person less.

        I dreamed of a road along which snakes were crawling. One of them bit me in the back area. I called for help and someone helped and gave me an injection. But my face is very swollen.

        • will let you down close person. He will not do this on purpose and will repent in the future. But the trace of resentment in your soul will still remain for a long time. Learn to forgive 🙏.

          A large snake bit my finger until it bled, I felt my hands and lips go numb, then they brought an antidote and they gave me two injections (the injections were absolutely painless) and I immediately felt better.

          • I would advise you to be careful with money. The dream predicts fraud, and this time you will avoid it. And the second time, try not to fall for this bait!

            27-Sep-2019 Ira:

            The snake was tame, domestic, I was driving in the back seat of the car, my husband was driving, suddenly the snake sharply bites me on the shoulder, I was not scared, but angry, I saw my wound, without blood, then I cut off the head of this snake. The snake was large and yellow, but not poisonous. What does it mean?

            2-Sep-2019 Raya:

            Last night I dreamed that I was walking down a mountain with my friend and was bitten between my legs twice by a small snake. The snake is long but thin, black and yellow. I went to the medical unit, where a doctor examined me. It turns out I'm wearing a diaper and I don't feel the bite or pain. I woke up because I was losing consciousness.

            I went into my late grandmother’s house with a friend, where I was attacked by a snake, white on the bottom and red patterns on top. She bit me three times on the arm. I grabbed the snake’s head and squeezed it so hard that pus came out of the head, and at this time my friend wounded the snake with a knife. But until the last moment the snake tries to stab me in the hand with its sharp tail! What could this mean???

            I dreamed that I caught a narrow, bright green snake, but I wanted to squeeze its body at the base of its head with my fingers so that it could not breathe. But the snake dodged so deftly and bit my hands, they became swollen and I saw the wounds. Then she stood and mom showed her sore hands, saying: look, while I was catching her, my hands became swollen and damaged like a corpse’s.

            I dreamed of two black snakes. They were hiding, but I discovered them. I caught one and it bit me on my finger until it bled (not poisonous), I threw it far away. Another climbed up to her sleeping son. I grabbed it too and threw it away.

            I dreamed that several people were standing around a table with a white cape. Including me. Then someone started whispering in some girl’s ear and some kind of command was pronounced (I don’t remember this moment well). I ran as if I was scared of something and from under this white cape a small light-colored snake jumped out at me and bit me on the collarbone. I winced in pain. And at that moment I woke up. What could this mean?

            I dreamed that I was passing through a river. And suddenly, when I wanted to cross from one bank to the other, a large snake, white and yellow in color, jumped out, a very small snake came out of it and bit me. But I didn’t feel any pain.

            I dreamed that a small snake bit into my toe, and I just couldn’t get it off, with a death grip, and next to me was a young man and he was trying to help me, but to no avail and I woke up...

            I dreamed that I was bitten by 2 small snakes, I didn’t see the first one, but the second one was as thick as a finger, dark and shiny, like a gudgeon. I quickly wrapped it around my left palm, at that moment it bit, then I also quickly threw it to the side. There were 2 spots from the bites on my right hand, more precisely on the pads of my fingers. Then these fingers began to gradually swell, become covered with spots and hurt. I decided that I needed to drink something for my allergies, but then everything went away on its own. What is this all about, please tell me.

            A huge snake attacked me and bit me on my finger right hand. To get rid of her, I began to cut off her head with scissors. What is this? How to interpret? The feeling was terrible.

            24-Mar-2019 Julia:

            Mom was bitten by a large snake in the entrance. I knew the snake was there and begged my mother not to go there, but she didn’t listen. She went into the entrance with her sister. When they ran out, there was no trace of my sister, and my mother was all bitten. They started calling an ambulance.

            24-Mar-2019 Diana:

            Mom was bitten by a snake more than once. She bit her in the hallway near our apartment. Her sister was with her when this happened. They ran out of the entrance. Mom is all bitten by a snake. Not a trace on the godmother. They started calling an ambulance, but the phone didn’t want to work.

            15-Mar-2019 Ekaterina:

            Hello! In a dream, a small snake bites me. I mainly saw its head and teeth, so I can’t tell the color of the snake. I didn’t feel pain, but I was very scared, but I grabbed her head and now I can’t remember for sure whether I killed her or not, but in my opinion I even crushed her head. What could this mean? Interpretations are different everywhere.

            In a dream I found about 5 snakes. I didn’t touch them and they didn’t touch me, they were poisonous. I accidentally hit them and they started chasing me. I ran away from them all over the garden, but they caught up with me, although they were small. I got into a dead end and they surrounded me. Everyone looked at me but didn’t touch me, only one of them was a small snake Brown wanted to bite my palm. She did it. I took her head with my left hand and squeezed it hard until it bled and let go. I don’t know if she died, but there was no pain in her hands. It hurt when I unclenched my hands.

            I was bitten on the head by a brown snake, I barely unhooked it, and when I was already holding it in my hands, a dog ran up, what could this mean?

            I was bitten by a snake when for some reason I was holding it in my arms. She really bit into my hand, and I couldn’t remove it; my friend stood next to me, but she didn’t do anything. It was at school. The snake was white and gray. Then after that I woke up with a pain in my head.

            My children and I were bitten by a snake, it was light in color, it bit me, it was very small, I didn’t see where it bit, it was the children’s snake.

            I found a whole nest of snakes, one of them bit me on the leg, it was black. Then I started strangling her (and when she bit me, it didn’t hurt me), I seemed to have killed her.

            I dreamed that a very large snake bit me on the hand, and I also dreamed that my husband was also bitten by a snake.

            I had such a dream. I was swimming in the river, swimming, and when I came ashore, there was a snake in front of me, it headed towards me, but I managed to swim away from it. Having sailed into the distance, another snake was already in front of me, I wanted to grab it by the head, but it bit me by the ring finger of my left hand. Well, I went ashore with this snake, and then it let me go, and I threw it away. But the strangest thing is that the bite looked more like torn skin in 2 places, and not as 2 holes show.

            I was moving through the tea plantation, and then a large snake attacked me, I fought with it, did not let it bite, but still the bite was on my wrist, after which I bit out the snake’s eyes. And he let me go, then I left, sucking the poison out of the bite, woke up and continued to suck out the poison, thinking that it was in reality, the worst part was that I spat on the bed and the wall.

            In a dream, a snake (like a python) bit me in the palm, but did not bite through, leaving only a patterned dent on both sides of the palm. there was no blood or pain, but the tongue began to swell. Who knows what that would mean?

            I dreamed that I was at some river and there was some event there, a crocodile was swimming in the water and everyone admired it. I felt scared, and I decided to move away; as I moved further away, I noticed big head, it turned out to be a snake, she lay calmly until two men began to tease her, as a result the snake crawled towards me and bit me in my left hand, somewhere in the wrist. It was scary, but not painful. Then I ran away from her through all the people, and she crawled after me. I generally don’t believe in dreams, but after reading your comments it became creepy.

            Sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday. It’s dark, I’m walking waist-deep in water, the water is not transparent, there are some structures overhead, possibly a bridge. At the top I see two men clinging to suspended nets, horror frozen on their faces. They were looking at something past me. And then I saw a long yellow-beige snake with a large head swimming past me. She swam a few meters, turned around and swam towards me. In an instant, she grabbed my right palm. I didn’t think twice, grabbed it with my left hand and pulled it out. I don’t remember if there was blood or pain, but it seemed unpleasant. I know that the snake does not bode well, but I hope that everything will work out.

            28-Sep-2017 Alvina:

            I dreamed that I was walking somewhere, and my two grandchildren and daughter were with me. Suddenly I was walking ahead of snakes, several of them, they were quite long and tried to quickly crawl away from me, and I was chasing them, when suddenly one snake attacked me and bit me on the hem of my dress and crawled away.

            I dreamed that a snake was crawling towards my child. I grabbed the small one in my arms and the snake bit me in the leg, after which I could not talk normally, and my leg hurt (even when I woke up). Nearby were my sister-in-law and mother-in-law. And today I witnessed their quarrel. I hope that everything will be limited to this quarrel.

            I was bitten on the hand by a large black snake that crawled out of the sea, I grabbed it by the neck with my other hand right under the jaw and screamed to my family, but they didn’t seem to notice me, only later my brother noticed me and told me to throw it far, far away and run Immediately when I did this, these snakes chased him and me again.


            I was bitten or tried to be bitten by a snake, I still didn’t understand why, when it rushed at my face, I wanted to grab it by the neck, but out of fear I couldn’t squeeze my hand, and when it came to the bite, I woke up.

            I dreamed that a viper (black) bit both thumbs. I shout to my mother (who has already died) to call an ambulance. Then I look at my hands, and they turned black, and immediately acquired a normal color, i.e. the poison was neutralized. Two weeks after this, my wife declares that she has fallen in love with a colleague and wants to leave for him. Here's your dream.

            A snake bit me on the finger. It was a small viper. Then I stuck her head in some paperback book and had someone hold it so it wouldn't slip out. Naturally, she slipped out, and then I tried to cut off her head. By the way, I had work gloves on my hands.

            At first the python did not pay attention to me, as the guard crawled past everyone, and when I went through the stairs, the snake stopped me with the first bite on my hand, I began to fight it, the second bite was next to the first bite, and when I almost ran away from it, the last bite was on the elbow, then the guys and I very quickly sucked out the poison, it seemed like I was still alive, well, I woke up, my eyes were watering, my head hurt really bad, I don’t know what to expect next.

            I was lying in bed, a snake was crawling towards me and it crawled very quickly and bit my hand, and then I went to the bus and there were people there, they gave me money, people I didn’t know. The goal was to go to the hospital. This is such a dream.

            30-Mar-2017 Nadya:

            I dreamed that two snakes bit my father. One was black, the other, I think, beige. They both bit on the hand. Who knows? What is this for?

            22-Mar-2017 Alexander:

            I was at the bus station with a lot of people I knew, but suddenly a black snake crawled out and purposefully crawled up to me and bit me first on my left shoulder, and then on the finger of my right hand, experiencing pain, I began to lose consciousness, but managed to grab it by the head and squeezed it hard, so that it was possible that he killed her.

            17-Mar-2017 Rostislav:

            A black snake bit me on the leg. The fact is that I am helping to find a girl who has been missing since March 12! Or is it possible because he broke up with his girlfriend and started communicating with ex-wife? Give an answer thanks.

            27-Feb-2017 Anonymous:

            I was walking down the street, saw a snake, and took it in my right hand. The snake was black and had a red diamond pattern on its back. I didn’t immediately understand what I had done, but then I thought that the snake could be poisonous and silently panicked. I tried to throw her to the ground, but she grabbed my hand and began to squeeze hard, at the same time biting my hand. This lasted about four seconds. There were 7-8 small bites left on the hand, but it did not hurt. The snake slithered away. The dream continued for a long time. Throughout the entire dream, I pretended to others that nothing had happened, but I kept checking for bites, in case the snake was poisonous.

            5-Feb-2017 Emma:

            And I dreamed that I was at some kind of competition for animals and there a gray snake pestered me. I pushed her away, but apparently she got angry and bit my palm, I didn’t feel anything, but when I saw it I felt really bad. Afterwards I tried to call an ambulance and ask for help, but no one helped. Then, when I talked to the owner, she said that she wanted to see me with my head and whole body bandaged, and the snake always wanted to attack me.

            2-Feb-2017 Alexia:

            I dreamed that in the forest a medium-sized snake bit me on my right leg, and then we caught it by the head with some tongs and killed it.

            I dreamed that I was standing in a hospital room. A man (military, looks like a commander-in-chief) is sitting on a medical chair, in a dark room, waiting for something. A huge snake crawls into the room and bites him on the neck. I see a short-haired woman with blond hair. She betrayed him. I watched everything from their backs. When he dies painfully, she stands by right side he grins at him and tells him that he is taking revenge for something.

            And that night I dreamed of a snake with two heads, and it bit me on the hand and my husband. I sucked the poison from my hand and spat it out. And after that I woke up. What could this dream mean? All the dream books I’ve read all talk about scandal and trouble.

            I dreamed that a large green snake was sitting motionless in the window, and I wanted to remove it and was looking for an opportunity, I found a rag and thought about grabbing it, I grabbed it, and somehow it fell out of my hands, I don’t remember! I caught her, but she bit me hard on the arm! I found myself in the corridor and immediately told my mother to call an ambulance, literally a couple of seconds later a doctor appeared with a syringe, they were talking and I felt like I was blurry, the condition was real. I barely told my mother that I loved her, but despite this I was positive, the doctor said that the liquid is “40 wild boars”, what is it for, perhaps it’s so strong. The nurse told me that I might end up where God is and will be disconnected, she asked me to come back! I barely made the gesture with my right hand “two blows to the heart and pointed my index finger at my mother” and passed out in another dream and then when I woke up I looked at the place of the bite, there was a red lump and two holes from the snake, and then it was a dream about other. Who thinks or understands what?

            I dreamed that a red-yellow cobra bit off my beloved puppy’s back paw, and when I tried to take it out of my dog’s mouth and throw it away, it bit me on the finger and its venom was brilliantly blue, and when they pulled it out with a syringe it was brown. -lilac. And I woke up all in tears. I've never had anything like this before.

            I dreamed that a large gray snake bit me on the neck painfully. Then I felt bad in my sleep and woke up in no better condition. Headache.

            I was bitten by a black or dark gray snake with yellow and red on its head. I reacted very quickly and soon the classification of snakes appeared in front of me. It turned out that this snake is not poisonous, and its bite is even useful.

            Please tell me! I dreamed that I was swimming and in the water a poisonous snake bit me on the back, when I came ashore in wild pain, they began to remove the poison from me, it is not clear what solution.

            27-Sep-2016 Irina:

            I had a dream, a snake bit my grandmother’s hand, she was covered in blood, scarlet-colored blood was flowing heavily (it looks like a woman’s miscarriage). The snake was black and I took an ax and wanted to kill it, but it didn’t work. The grandmother took it and immediately killed the snake. Then I remembered the summer kitchen, my daughter is sleeping there, we run to her, she’s fine, she just woke up. Please tell me what's going on???

            18-Sep-2016 Anonymous:

            I dreamed that I was running in some garden. Suddenly I accidentally touched the snake with my foot, I wanted to throw it to the right and run away, but it managed to bite me.

            10-Sep-2016 Lyudmila:

            I dreamed that I went into the forest with someone. More precisely, how. We were riding bicycles on the sidewalk and then the road turns into a park, but somehow it began to resemble a forest more. The one who was in front (I don’t remember who exactly) gave me his stick and told me to be careful, because there were snakes here. Here the road goes to the right and slightly up. And on the left there is also a turn, but there is a fence or something. The one who was in front made his way, and I noticed the snake and leaned head first against the fence. She crawled all over me, I thought she would get off, but she bit me on the leg, where the bone sticks out between the foot and the calf (I don’t remember what it’s called). I looked at her, and she was big, black, with a yellow stripe on her back.

            I felt like I was in the apartment and they wanted to kill a large python, and I walked in at the wrong time and this snake attacked me.

            And I dreamed that I was swimming in a pond, two green snakes swam up to me and I grabbed them by the throats with my hands. And then next to me I notice a white snake with orange stripes on its back, and it tries to bite me. I brush it off with the two snakes in my hands, then throw them away, and the white one continues to crawl towards me. I put my hand out to her, and she sucks on my middle finger, doesn’t bite, but seems to kiss. And then she bites my palm from the outside and it doesn’t hurt me. She doesn’t inject poison, but rather pulls something out of me.

            I ask you to help me sleep!!! Tonight I had a dream that I was sitting on the edge of a pool and there was such a picture, a cobra was biting another snake of a dirty brown color of considerable size, and I saw how the poison was released into the body of this snake and it instantly died and lay flat in water. Out of nowhere the piglet will come in and out of the water. And a dolphin of a very light blue color splashes next to me, as if even touching me. Please answer me, what is this dream for? I won’t find any place or peace. Thank you in advance.

            I dreamed that I was bitten by a snake somewhere in a swamp. She bit the index finger of her right hand. The snake was about 50 cm, with an orange color, and four fangs. After the bite, the wound began to burn, and I woke up.

            Today I had a dream in which a large snake bit me on the arm. When I wanted to pull it back, I pulled it back along with my skin. It was just unpleasant, but not painful. I asked in a dream to cut off a piece of the skin where the snake was biting. Then she let me go herself, but by that time my skin was turning into a snake’s... it was terrible.... What is all this for?

/ Dream interpretation of a snake trying to bite

Why do you dream about a snake trying to bite in a dream?

A dream in which a snake tries to bite you is considered an evil omen. If snakes are chasing you, it means that in reality you experience anxiety and fear of others. If you manage to escape from them or kill them, the dream suggests that you will cope with your fears and the machinations of ill-wishers and competitors.

Several snakes trying to bite you will become a symbol of attacks on you in reality and the need to resolutely defend yourself. Thanks to this dream, you can anticipate the actions of your enemies. The closer the attacking snake is to you in a dream, the closer in time the unpleasant events that can await you. A hissing and aggressive snake indicates that they will try to take revenge on you for the insult caused. If a snake wraps itself around you and wants to sting, it means that in reality you are at the mercy of ill-wishers. If you manage to free yourself from it in a dream, a good outcome awaits you.

In our online dream book You can find out not only what it means when a snake tries to bite in a dream, but also look at the interpretations of other dreams. In addition, we suggest looking at the dream books of Vanga and Nostradamus, downloading Miller’s dream book - perhaps it is in it that you will find the meaning of the dream “a snake is trying to bite.”

Dreaming? Tell me your dream!

Irina 2019.04.07 08:34

I dreamed of a small red snake that wanted to bite in the hand, but in fact it needed a ring. She grabbed the stone on the ring with her teeth and did not let go. I, of course, tried to pull my hand away, I burst out at her in every possible way. I would like to note that my husband proposed to me with this ring.


Marina 2019.06.27 07:21

Hello, I dreamed that a snake wrapped itself around my hand and slowly began to stretch upward from below, then sharply pulled my hand down and opened its mouth and clung to my hand but did not bite. I woke up from fear. The color of the snake was dark, closer to black. I had fear and anticipation of pain, but I didn’t show it. and quietly waited for what would happen


Vasily 2019.08.01 01:25

A black and yellow snake tried to bite me on the neck, why I still can’t find it

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