Queen of swords in relationships. A star card for a yes or no question. Fortune telling on Tarot cards "Yes or no" - what does each of the cards in the layout mean. The meaning of the Arcana when divining the character of a person and his psychological state

Painting 19.11.2020

Direct position

The Queen of Swords is, first of all, independence, individuality, wealth of thoughts and ideas. Such an Arcana usually symbolizes a smart, progressive person with analytical abilities.

If the card is seen as a court Arcana, then it symbolizes a middle-aged woman (in most cases). If age is determined with the help of the Queen of Swords, then they say about 30-45 years. However, there are exceptions to this rule. Sometimes a young woman under 30 is hidden under this Arcana, but in this case she represents what is called “beyond her years” - for example, smart beyond her years, wise beyond her years, etc.

If the Priestess fell out along with the Queen of Swords, this means that the emancipation and “advancement” of a person make him completely forget about intuition and not listen to his inner voice at all. In combination with the Hierophant, such an Arcana is interpreted as mercilessness and lack of kindness in the character, which is based on an exceptionally rational approach to life. And when the World falls out in a scenario with the Queen of Swords, this indicates that a person will still be able to achieve the triumph of his ideas and ideals.

Reversed position

The reversed Queen of Swords can generally be described as a misuse of the intellect. That is, we are talking here about the fact that a person is by no means stupid, but he uses his mind for other purposes, or not at all for peaceful purposes.

If the Queen of Swords describes the character of a person upside down, then the emphasis here should be on vindictiveness, the desire to manipulate other people, pettiness, intolerance, and sometimes fanaticism.

From the point of view of events, such a Queen means bad news, lack of prospects (especially with the Two of Wands) or problems with the law (including in combination with Justice).

Love and relationships

Direct position

For the sphere of personal relationships, the Queen of Swords personifies a fair union, equal relations, pragmatism that dominates emotionality. In addition, the Queen of Swords is an attraction to the life of a bachelor (which is associated with an exaggerated sense of independence) and, as a result, difficulties in marriage. A person who has the Queen of Swords in a relationship is almost certainly afraid to bind himself with a “seal in his passport” and will think and doubt for a long time before taking this step.

On the other hand, this Arcana can symbolize coldness in feelings, dispassion, and perhaps the inability to love selflessly. In combination with the Empress, the Queen of Swords is interpreted as unpreparedness for motherhood, or perhaps fear of it. Together with the Sun, this card predicts that a person will be able to meet a person who is close to himself in spirit.

Reversed position

Inverted, the Queen of Swords means a relationship built on lies, insincerity. And sometimes such a Arcana indicates a marriage of convenience.

In a certain context, the reversed Queen of Swords can symbolize a union that is in danger of falling apart. By the way, with the Arcana Emperor, Justice, Tower, Four of Wands and some others, such a Queen can be interpreted as a divorce. True, there are many nuances here. For example, with the Tower it will be an ugly divorce, with a section of everything down to cups and spoons. And with Justice, we should talk about a judicial divorce process.

In addition, together with the Hermit, the inverted Queen of Swords indicates that a person cannot start a family in any way.


Direct position

For professional activity The Queen of Swords represents competence, sufficient experience, diplomacy, self-confidence. A person who has such an Arkan in the layout of his career is a good negotiator, he is able to clearly and simply explain complex concepts and processes. If the question concerns the choice of the desired profession, then the Queen of Swords will indicate that such should be intellectual work, because it is in it that a person will be able to reveal himself to the maximum.

This card may indicate that the boss is fair and honest, or that the subordinate is independent, or that the employee knows his job well, etc.

For career and business spreads, some of the combinations of the Queen of Swords with other Arcana are very characteristic. So, with the Magician, such a card says that the time has come to put your intentions and ideas into practice; with the Chariot - that a person is able to achieve almost anything; with Moderation - that troubles will soon lose their destructive influence on the life of a fortuneteller.

Reversed position

In this situation, the card should be interpreted as an incorrect vision of the real state of affairs, as work to the point of exhaustion, as an attempt to keep subordinates “in a fist” (in particular, this is true along with the Force). Another inverted Queen of Swords can mean that a person will be left alone with his difficulties, and also that someone will try to "sit" him, ruin him, etc. Another traditional meaning of such an Arcana is the lack of opportunities and prospects, the meaninglessness of what a person is doing. The latter especially accurately reflects the combination of the inverted Queen of Swords with the Jester.

If there is something in your life that is holding you back in your professional life, your personal life, or anything else, drop it. You will have enough strength and opportunities to live only the way you want - without regard to imaginary authorities and dogmas. And learn to listen to yourself, because your intuition is your best adviser and assistant.

Many do not like the Queen of Swords Tarot, the meaning of which sometimes brings negativity and conflict into the interpretation of the alignment. And indeed - this wayward, prudent and rather cold in the manifestation of emotions, the Lady is able to pretty much spoil the life of all those who intersect with her. But when studying the Tarot, we have no right to bypass those Arcana that we do not like - after all, our whole life is built on the interaction of good and evil. And even in this cold Queen there is something good.

General description, plot and meaning of the card in the layout

The meaning and interpretation of the Tarot Queen of Swords can be felt intuitively - one has only to look at the stunning drawing by Frida Harris, the artist who worked on the Thoth Tarot Arcana. Here the militant Lady is presented, as they say, fully armed. However, since beginners are usually trained on the Rider-Waite deck, we will still take a closer look at the classic drawing, and you can look into Tarot Thoth yourself. So, in Rider-Waite, the Queen of the elements of air is a woman sitting on a heavenly throne surrounded by an overcast sky. With one hand she tightly grips the hilt of the sword, while the other is folded in a pointing gesture. Other names for the card are Woman in Sorrow, Queen on the Throne of Air, Lady of Swords.

Key words and ideas of the card in the layout

The meaning of the Queen of Swords Tarot card can be described in several capacious expressions that affect the very essence:

  • Independence
  • Individuality
  • empirical wisdom
  • Bitter experience
  • Widowhood (for a woman)
  • Readiness for conflict
  • Tough confrontation
  • Dangerous Rival
  • Complete control over your actions
  • A person who can cause serious damage

The value of the card in the upright position

If the Knight of Swords acted recklessly and rushed into battle headlong, the Queen will not allow herself this - the aristocratic blood running in her veins affects. Although she can carry no less danger than the Horseman, Her Majesty will still act thoughtfully, cunningly, prudently. If the Knight of the Air is open at a glance, then the Queen of this element is much more secretive and mysterious. Her blow can be very strong, and even fatal, only a person will get it on the sly, at the moment of maximum vulnerability. That is why the Lady of Swords at all times was taken for a very dangerous woman with a high level of intelligence. On a good note, it’s better not to meet such characters in life at all. If we are talking about a situation, then the Queen can be described as a brewing conflict or clarification of some important issue, which requires logical arguments, reasonable decisions and self-control from the questioner.

Meaning of the Queen of Swords reversed

The reversed Queen of Swords is just as smart and purposeful as the straight Queen of Swords, but at the same time acts even more destructively. The sharpness of her mind, it turns out, is aimed at destroying what she actually once loved or was attached to. It’s just that circumstances have developed in such a way that love has turned into hatred, and affection into a desire to destroy. The reasons for her conflict behavior are unsatisfied ambitions, unclaimed abilities, and severe disappointment. And then the Queen of the Air becomes aggressive, vindictive, treacherous. The situational manifestations of the reverse Queen of Swords are aimless actions, a waste of energy, a decision to take a risk that is actually unjustified, hypocrisy, evil words that can not only hurt, but also “kill”.

Video about the meaning of the Queen of Swords card

The meaning of the Arcana in matters of personal relationships and love

The meaning of the Tarot Queen of Swords in relationships can be easily guessed, but especially for beginners, we will still analyze in detail the manifestation of the card in this life area.

Direct position

Widowhood was considered the historical significance of the Queen of Swords Tarot in love, but modern researchers have expanded the symbolic field of the Arcanum. Now the possible interpretations of the card include:

  • The need to rely only on yourself
  • Breaking up an overwhelming relationship
  • Parting with a loved one
  • A marriage where only one partner has real feelings
  • The need for solitude, independence, autonomy, personal space
  • Trying to keep everything under control
  • An alliance based on intellectual proximity
  • The presence of a serious, dangerous rival (for a woman)
  • Coldness, indifference of a beloved woman (for a man)

inverted position

The meaning of the Lady of Tarot Swords in a relationship, if she turned out to be inverted in the scenario, is the desire to hurt her partner more painfully due to strong resentment, betrayal, disappointment in him. Such a person cannot simply accept the situation and leave - he will always wait for the right moment to take revenge, even if by this time he has already started other relationships. Also under the card is hypocrisy, cunning, deceit and other unpleasant manifestations.

The meaning of the card when divining for health

Let's see what the Air Lady threatens us with, falling on questions of well-being.

Direct position

The meaning of the Queen of Tarot Swords in health is diseases associated with hypothermia or the work of the respiratory system: colds, pneumonia, bronchitis, pneumonia. Also, the "scope" of the insidious Lady includes allergies and bronchial asthma.

inverted position

Similarly to the direct one, but the person himself usually becomes the cause of the resulting disease: he walked in cold weather without a jacket and got pneumonia, sat at an open window - he caught a cold, ate a product that he is allergic to - got an exacerbation.

The meaning of the Arcana when divining the character of a person and his psychological state

It is not difficult to guess what the personality described by the Queen of Swords will be, but for the sake of completeness, let's dwell on this in more detail.

Direct position

A strong man who can endure any tragedy with dignity. An independent personality with a perfect balance between feelings and reason. A person with high intelligence, which helps him get out of difficult situations. The state of mind is a persistent experience of grief or loss, the ability to think soberly where another would have lost his head long ago.

inverted position

A highly intelligent person whose mind works in the wrong direction. Perhaps in the life of such a person many difficult situations happened, forcing him to become hardened to the whole world, to show hypocrisy, deceit, revenge. Sometimes - a person with "double standards". The state of mind described by the card is the desire to smash everything to smithereens, an excessive desire to control everything and everyone, which as a result turns into a complete loss of control over one's own life.

The value of the Queen of Swords in the layouts for finance and work

Now let's talk a little about professional activities and see the possible manifestations of the card in this area.

Direct position

The main meanings of the Queen of Swords Tarot in work and finance:

  • Good mental and research abilities
  • The desire to streamline things, find the right solutions
  • Tendency to dominate and control
  • Surrounded by unfavorable Arcana - the risk of being fired or laid off, conflicts with superiors, excessive demands, as well as the likelihood of monetary losses and dubious transactions

Professions that can be described by a map are activities that involve the use of logic and the performance of clearly regulated, repetitive tasks.

inverted position

Acute conflict situations, disappointment in the business in which a person is engaged, a team of hypocrites and hypocrites, a waste of time with no result, absent-mindedness or anger that has a bad effect on work.

Meaning of the Queen of Swords combined with the Major Arcana

Any figure card can change its original value when other Arcana are adjacent to it. Now let's talk about the combination of the Lady of the Air with the Trumps.

  • : Abandon the child
  • : Realize your ideas
  • : Rejection of life's purpose, not listening to the inner voice
  • : Unwillingness to procreate, give birth to children
  • : Divorce or dismissal from service
  • : unmercifulness, cruelty
  • : Hard to end the relationship
  • : Get one's way by any means, unwillingness to obey anyone
  • : Aggression, conflict
  • : Meaning of the Lady of Swords Tarot with the Hermit - Loneliness due to a complex character
  • : Bad life changes
  • : Divorce proceedings, division of property by court decision
  • : Betrayal
  • : Widowhood, mourning
  • : Time to lick your wounds
  • : Dangerous, cruel, vicious woman
  • : Serious loss in the family
  • : Hope for the removal of the crown of celibacy
  • Moon: Endless darkness
  • Sun: To melt someone's icy heart with your warmth
  • Judgment: Return to life after experiencing loss
  • Peace: Triumph of the Mind

The meaning of the card when combined with the Minor Arcana

Numerical and curly cards are also able to change the interpretation of each Arcana. The Lady of the Air is no exception. See possible interpretations of the Queen of Swords in combination with other Tarot cards.

With the suit of Staves

  • : soften
  • : Missed Opportunities
  • : Difficult partnership
  • : Disconnect
  • : Disputes in the division of property
  • : Lose Support
  • : Stand up for your rights at all costs
  • : Queen of Swords Tarot Meaning of 8 of Wands - Mad Jealousy
  • : Tired of divorce proceedings
  • : Greater sorrow
  • : Tragic News
  • : Cool down someone's "hot head", bring the person back to reality
  • : Quarrel with a woman (friend, sister, relative)
  • King: Quarrel with a man (friend, brother, relative)

With the suit of Cups

  • : Evil feelings, resentment
  • : Conflict in a love or business relationship
  • : Spoiled Celebration
  • : Tired of overwhelming negative emotions
  • : Regret the conflict
  • : Bad relationship with someone in the past
  • : Chasing illusions, destroying everything around
  • : Desperate search for a way out of a difficult situation
  • : Getting what you want by playing against the rules
  • : Aggression, conflicts within the family, at home
  • : Aggressive attitude towards a person who wants well
  • : Going with negative feelings
  • : Soul-rending contradictions, the struggle between emotions and reason
  • : Destruction of stability

With suit of Swords

  • : "Kill" the enemy


Short description

The Queen of Swords is an interesting, curious card with many drawing details. And many of them have more than one explanation.

According to Markus Katz and Tali Goodwin, the prototype of the Queen of Swords was Pamela Smith's friend, actress Ellen Terry, who played the Viking queen Jordis in Henrik Ibsen's play "Warriors in Helgeland", and they translate the name Jordis as "sword goddess". Katz and Goodwin go further and draw parallels between the meanings of the card and the image of Jordis, and it seems doubtful to me that Waite was interested in Smith's prototypes of her drawings.

It is also believed that the image of the Queen of Swords was influenced by the card of the same name from the Sola-Buska deck, which depicts Olympias, the mother of Alexander the Great. True, Katz and Goodwin called her not a mother, but a sister.

Some bracelets or rosaries on the Queen's wrist are interesting. Here is what Katz and Goodwin write: “When you enlarge the image from the first printing of the deck, in the right brush you can see drawings of a rose and a lily. This detail was lost in all subsequent copies of the deck.” I couldn't see any tassel on my right hand. The bracelet on the left hand is clearly visible both in the first and in the second edition. And there is a reasonable version that this is a mourning decoration common for the Victorian era. Which, by the way, is indirectly confirmed by Waite's text, in particular, the meaning of "widowhood".

But about butterflies, the information of Katz and Goodwin is very interesting. At the Pratt Institute, where Pamela Smith studied, during practical classes, artists drew real butterflies. Photographs have been preserved where students look at butterflies in glass jars.


  • self-control
  • ambition
  • Logics
  • autonomy
  • stealth
  • Restraint

Key Ideas

  • The power of reason over emotions
  • Courage in trials
  • Efficiency
  • Economy (in motion)

Basic meaning

In terms of meaning and interpretation, the Tarot card Lady (Queen) of Swords is one of the most complex and incomprehensible cards not only among the Courtiers, but also in the entire Tarot deck. Secretive and restrained, she is in no hurry to demonstrate her feelings and emotions, she is in no hurry to open up.

Waite followed the traditional path, borrowing the meanings for the Queen of Swords from an ordinary card deck, where she has very sad meanings. According to Waite, the Queen of Swords means widowhood, women's tears and sorrows, barrenness, mourning and divorce. An inverted card paints a completely unsightly picture - criminal intentions, fanaticism, hypocrisy and deceit.

The modern understanding of the Queen of Swords borrows “loneliness” from Waite, but deprives this card of the terrible halo of the “black widow”. The Lady of Swords is characterized by restraint in the manifestation of emotions, an emphasis on effective rather than spectacular ways to solve a problem, and careful planning of one's actions. A good image of the Lady of Swords gives an understanding of the principle of judo, where the opponent's strength is used to achieve one's own goals.

Video: Tarot Card Meaning - Queen of Swords

Meaning in relationships

Consider the meaning of the Tarot Queen of Swords in matters of relationships.

Open - closed card

A very closed card, it is difficult to converge with others. But it is even more difficult for him to let others into his inner circle.

Relationship Intensity

No matter how intense the experiences inside, the Queen of Swords will never show it on the outside.

Map as a scenario of relationships: love, family, relatives, work

What is the significance of the Queen of Swords Tarot in matters of love and other relationships?

The Lady of Swords is not focused on maintaining contacts with a large number of people. She prefers to have a few reliable, trusted friends. But even they are not allowed into the innermost core of her inner space.

The Queen of Swords is a very dim card. There is no tropical riot of colors in it. The falling out of the Queen of Swords indicates that there is rather no antipathy between people than there is a close connection. In any scenario, people coexist peacefully without emotional storms, both positive and negative.

The “affinity” that is established between people on the Queen of Swords card does not require special evidence in the form of loud statements or mandatory visits. Rather, it is a subconscious feeling of closeness.

Very good card for work. People work quietly, without getting involved in intrigues, without overworking, without rush jobs. At the same time, everything is done correctly and on time.

  • combined with the card : Strong and soft power.
  • in combination with the card : Maximum restraint.
  • in combination with the card: Long-term efforts to achieve a result.

Psychological condition

The Queen of Swords indicates restraint. Restraint in emotions and especially in their manifestations. Restraint in experiences. She prefers to listen rather than speak, observe rather than act.

Combined with the suit of Wands

  • in combination with a card: The business started requires care and attention.
  • in combination with the card: Focus on solving exclusively your own problems.
  • in combination with the card: Gently, but steadily, protect your own interests.

Significance in matters of health

The meaning of the Queen of Swords tarot card in matters of health indicates that the condition is stable and stable. If on this moment health problems still exist, that is, tendencies towards gradual, stable improvement

The Lady of Swords has a calm and balanced nature, but with a slight touch of sadness.

And now consider the Tarot Queen of Swords in combination with other cards.

  • in combination with: A holiday only for their own.
  • in combination with: Effectively take advantage of the given chance.
  • in combination with: Modest beauty.

Business and finance, in professional activities

Stability, manageability, controllability

Generally good for finances. Mostly the situation is stable, ladies are not inclined to let go of control and management.

The Lady of Swords is not focused on finances, they do not represent for her, indifferent to money , values ​​in and of themselves. Neutral situation from zero to plus.

Ways to Increase Income (The Key to Increasing Income)

The main key is moderation and accuracy in spending. Her motto is "We are not rich enough to buy cheap things." The Japanese principle "production - store", bypassing the stage of warehouses.

General state of finances and trends

The condition of all the ladies is quite stable. with a positive balance.

A good prognosis is maintained by the Queen of Swords (probable improvement in the situation).

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

All ladies are very responsible.

Lady - operational thinking, she often focuses on very specific projects and brings them to the end with a high degree of probability. In addition, ladies are more than kings prone to cooperation. There can be more than one mistress in the kitchen.

But the lady is inside the castle, inside the process, she is not interested - what is there, beyond the horizon?

Lady of Swords - she is far from always focused on profit as such. She walks like that, on her own mind.

Besides, all ladies are slow cards. This can be a problem in fast situations.

  • combined with: Act decisively and adamantly.
  • in combination with: Emphasized loneliness.
  • in combination with: Sad parting.

Tarot Meaning of the Queen of Swords as Advice and Caution...

Be restrained in showing emotions.

Card of the day Caution

You are too closed in your shell.

  • in combination with the card: Achieve everything with your own efforts.
  • combined with the card: Wasted strength.
  • in combination with the card: Evolutionary achievement of one's goals.

Questions to ask when drawing a card

  • What is the reason for avoiding relationships?
  • What do you do most effectively?
  • How valuable is your sadness to you?
  • You know how to listen. You should learn to speak.

Description of the Tarot card Queen of Swords

The Queen of Swords has power and authority, intelligence and judgment, and she is most often depicted as a woman in royal clothes, sitting on a throne. On her head is a crown, and in her hand she holds a sword. In some versions of the decks, the costume of the Lady of Swords is complemented by certain details of knightly armor: a shield, shoulder pads or armlets. The Queen's expression is impenetrable and stern. She is the arbiter of human destinies.

The general meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card Queen of Swords in divination and layouts

Direct card position

IN upright position, falling out in fortune-telling and layouts, the Queen of Swords Tarot card means a breakthrough, a rejection of old stereotypes in outlook on life and, accordingly, a change in behavior. And although all this is most often a positive phenomenon of liberation from addictions, thanks to the power of the mind, the negative aspects of the card can be a loss of control over oneself and excessive impulsiveness, emotionality. At the event level, the direct Queen of Swords can mean clarification, clarification of a situation, as well as complete control over oneself, one's reactions and actions, which in practice usually means the success of the planned business.

Reversed card position

When the Queen of Swords appears upside down in spreads or divination, she symbolizes an exaggerated desire to control everything, impatience and arrogance, which leads to a loss of control over the situation, and thereby to losses and even deprivation. Sometimes Arkan speaks of pettiness and viciousness, deceit and cunning, bad news and lack of prospects.

The meaning and interpretation of the Queen of Swords card in divination and layouts for work, business and career

Direct card position

The upright card of the Queen of Swords here indicates a deliberate, accurate and adequate response and an independent and flexible behavior in business negotiations. In addition, she shows that a person values ​​\u200b\u200bhis freedom too much to sacrifice it for the sake of a prestigious or highly paid job, and will immediately leave if her conditions cease to satisfy him or a better offer arrives. Arkan also indicates release from obligations to partners and superiors, climbing the career ladder, moderate profit.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Lady of Swords is interpreted as a wrong vision of the real state of affairs, as work to the point of exhaustion, as attempts to keep subordinates “in a fist”, lack of opportunities and prospects, the meaninglessness of what a person is doing. Sometimes Arkan reports that the fortuneteller runs the risk of being left alone with his difficulties and problems.

The meaning and interpretation of the Queen of Swords card in layouts and divination for health

Direct card position

Successful surgery, gradual recovery.

Reversed card position

Possible neuralgia, thyroid disease. Chronic course of any disease with fluctuations from improvement to exacerbation.

The meaning and interpretation of the Queen of Swords card in divination and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

In the sphere of personal life, the Queen of Swords Tarot card in the upright position means awareness of the meaning and necessity of relationships with a partner. Most often, this is expressed in an attempt to look at these relationships as if “from the outside”, in order to understand them and formulate (at least for oneself) everything that does not suit or worries in them. This is a period when a person especially needs equality with a partner and, perhaps, begins to act more decisively, thanks to gaining inner freedom. One way or another, the card shows that a person will no longer tolerate certain things; in some cases this protest takes the form of coldness, subtle or even caustic irony. Sometimes the Arcana symbolizes a tendency to a bachelor life, which is caused by an excessive desire for independence. Such a person is almost certainly afraid to tie the knot of a legal marriage and will think and doubt for a long time before deciding to take this step.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, the Queen of Swords indicates a relationship built on lies, insincerity, deception, manipulation of the partner's feelings. Sometimes Arkan symbolizes a marriage of convenience or a union in danger of falling apart; disappointment in love, betrayal, betrayal and secret malevolence.

The meaning and interpretation of the Queen of Swords card in layouts and divination for personality assessment

Direct card position

Acting as a card of the court and describing a person, the Arcana Queen of Swords in an upright position speaks of a dark-haired and brown-eyed woman of 30–45 years old. This is a very independent woman who knows what she wants and acts accordingly. She is impulsive and emotional, but at the same time she is able to be aware of the nature of her emotions. This woman is wise and has extraordinary intuition, although sometimes she may seem harsh and arrogant; often occupies a rather high social position and enjoys authority among others. Her absolute self-confidence can even be frightening, but, nevertheless, she always expresses her thoughts directly and openly, decisively cuts off the excess and penetrates the very essence of any situation. If fortune-telling or alignment is done for a man, then he is advised not to establish, if possible, any personal relationship with this woman. If the fortuneteller is a woman, then this card indicates the betrayal of the one whom she considered a friend.

Reversed card position

Reversed, the Queen of Swords emphasizes vindictiveness, the desire to manipulate other people, pettiness and intolerance. Such a woman, without hesitation, uses deceit and cunning to achieve her fanatical goals, is capable of causing great harm to the fortuneteller. The heavy character and destructive behavior of this person stem from unsatisfied ambitions, overthrown ideals, unused or rejected abilities.

The Meaning and Interpretation of the Queen of Swords Card as a Card of the Day

If you have been feeling constrained or dependent on someone or something until now, then today you have a chance to make the right decision and free yourself from it once and for all. But be careful that this desire for independence does not turn into a war against everyone and everything, which can lead very far. It is also possible that you will meet with a smart woman. Listen to her carefully - she can play an important role in your future destiny.

Council of the Queen of Swords card in divination and layouts

You have enough strength and opportunities to live only the way you want, without regard to imaginary authorities and rules. However, do not forget that this does not mean permissiveness.

Direct position of the Queen of Swords card:

Lady of Swords: you have taken the first step in some kind of undertaking, you should only go forward. The card indicates a very purposeful person, whose actions are controlled by the emotions of love, hatred, this is always a maximalist. If this is a woman, then "Cossack".

Reverse position of the Queen of Swords card:

An inverted card means: unjustified risk, waste of energy, ambiguity of thoughts.

Dragon Tarot deck

Arcana Description:

Queen of Swords REGNA di SPADE

An angelic woman is in the sky with her white dragon.


The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

Deck of 78 Doors

Direct position of the Queen of Swords card:

The Queen of Swords - An energetic and independent woman whose personality can set her apart from others. Trance.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

Rider White Tarot Deck

Arcana Description:

QUEEN Queen Lady- her right hand holds the weapon vertically upwards, and the hilt of the sword rests on the armrest of her royal throne; left hand - outstretched; her face expresses severity, restraint and indicates a close acquaintance with sadness.

Direct position of the Queen of Swords card:

Divinatory Meanings: Widowhood, female sadness and embarrassment, lack of anything, barrenness, mourning, deprivation, separation.

Reverse position of the Queen of Swords card:

Reverse meanings: malice, fanaticism, pretense, excessive scrupulousness, deceit.

The original meanings of the cards that come with the deck.

Osho Zen Tarot Deck

Arcana Description:

Morality has limited all the juice and energy of life to the narrow dungeon of its mind. They can't flow in it, so it's really turned into a "dried old prunes". Her style is very correct, cruel and harsh, and she is always ready to see any situation as white or black, like a brooch around her neck.

The direct position of the card Queen of the Clouds - Moral:

The Queen of the Clouds lurks in the minds of each of us who have been raised with rigid ideas of good and bad, sinful and virtuous, acceptable and unacceptable, moral and immoral. It is important to remember that all these judgments of the mind are only products of our conditioning. And whether our judgments are about ourselves or others, they hinder the experience of inner beauty and divinity. It is only when we break out of the cage of our conditioning and reach the truth of our hearts that we begin to see life for what it is.

Meaning of the card:

Bodhidharma... far surpasses the moralists, the puritans, the so-called good people, the zealots of goodness. He touched the bottom of the problem. Until awareness arises in you, your whole morality is bogus, your whole culture is just a thin layer that anyone can destroy. But when your morality comes from your awareness and not from some discipline, then it is completely different. Then you will be responsible for each situation according to your awareness. And whatever you do, it will be good. Mindfulness can't do anything wrong. This is the ultimate beauty of awareness, and whatever comes from it is simply beautiful, without any effort, without any practice. So instead of cutting off leaves and branches, cut down the roots. And there is only one way to cut off the root: be alert, be aware, be conscious.

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