Star of magicians tarot. Star in tarot, description and characteristics of the card. Business and finance, professional activities

Bituminous materials 03.11.2020
Bituminous materials

The star in the tarot has different meanings. They mostly wear positive character. The card can tell you that someone in your life sees you as the perfect person. Or maybe you think someone is perfect. She talks about possibilities and fulfillment of desires.

In the layouts for the future, the lasso indicates beneficial changes. The situation will be restored, the main thing is to listen to your intuition. The star also recommends releasing emotions, allowing creativity to emerge.


The Star card shows a naked woman kneeling at the edge of a small pond. In each hand, the woman holds an earthenware jug of water. From one jug, she pours water onto the earth to nourish it and maintain the fertility cycle represented by the lush greenery around her. From another pitcher, she pours water into a stream that represents her feelings. One foot of the woman rests on the ground, representing her practical ability and common sense, while the other foot steps into the water, representing her intuition and inner resources.

Behind her shines one large star and seven small ones, symbolizing the human chakras. There is a need to open these chakras and clear the aura. The star is associated with the number 17, which is equal to 8 (1 + 7 = 8). Eight is strength, the quality you need to accept your flaws and love yourself. In the background, a sacred ibis bird, a symbol of wisdom and justice, sits on a tree. The astrological sign of the Star is Aquarius.

The total value of the card in a straight position


  • Capabilities.
  • Faith.
  • Hope.
  • Intuition.
  • Creativity.
  • Light.
  • Fate.
  • Clairvoyance.
  • Mission on Earth.
  • Spiritual peace.
  • Music.
  • Dance.
  • Artistic energies.
  • Cosmic energy associated with stars.
  • Metaphysics.
  • Spiritual development.
  • Update.
  • Rejuvenation.
  • Clarity.
  • Lighting.
  • Spiritual guide.
  • Ultimate karma.
  • Good health.
  • Calm after the storm.
  • Light at the end of the tunnel.
  • Update.
  • Inspiration.
  • Calm.

The Star card directly gives hope, faith and the feeling that you are truly blessed by the Universe. There is courage, satisfaction and inspiration in your life. You are entering a phase of love filled with calm energy, mental stability, and a deeper understanding of both yourself and those around you. This card tells you that in the long run you must trust the universe. A bright future awaits you, but in order to experience it for yourself, you must believe in it.

The meaning of this card suggests that you have experienced life problems and have gone through a difficult time, but now you are open to healing and transformation. Your true self has helped you let go of destructive memories. Hatred, envy, bitterness and revenge have disappeared from your life, and no longer interfere with future happiness. Now you can forgive and forget to take advantage of new opportunities.

When the Star appears in a tarot card reading, be open to new ideas, growth, and self-development. Listen to your intuition. You have strong desires, inspiration and goals to discover the meaning of being. Your life is filled with significant changes, transforming yourself from the old to the new. This card is a call of fate that motivates you to take action. Your desire is not in vain, as you will eventually find what you are looking for.

The star indicates renewed self-esteem and self-confidence. You will realize how successful and respected you are. Aspiration, diligence, hard work are your assistants in achieving goals that will become the key to lasting happiness. Your strengths will be revealed to others, which in turn will increase your reputation.

Reversed Position


  • Sexual Guilt.
  • Lack of faith.
  • Disappointment.
  • Hope is lost.
  • Negative.
  • Despair.
  • Anorexia.
  • Bulimia.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Unfulfillment of hopes.

The reversed card indicates that you are feeling hopeless. Perhaps the difficult situations you have experienced in the past have drained you of your lust for life. Your faith in the universal plan for your destiny begins to wane. An inverted card does not mean at all that your affairs are hopeless, it only indicates your feelings, spiritual and psychological state.

You should be more responsible own life. A star can mean that you have lost confidence, faith in yourself and trust in your own abilities. Leave this game as a victim if the situation where you really were a victim is long gone. The star advises to heal from the past, draw a line under it and move forward. If you need help, look for support, contact specialists who will help get rid of old wounds. Believe in yourself and stay positive.

A star in an inverted position means unfulfilled hopes, disappointment, overconfidence. All your attempts to create, start, overcome, achieve something, learn something will be fruitless.

The card reflects the human essence in a distorted form, indicating greed, envy, revenge, anger. You will be haunted by failure, negativity, problems, difficulties, any intentions and calculations will be utopian from their own groundlessness, and as a result, the situation will get out of control and defeat will come.

The card also indicates that you have ceased to feel inspired by life or its components (for example, work, hobbies, relationships, personal projects, etc.). Perhaps, at the very beginning, you were driven by enthusiasm, determination, faith in yourself, but now life seems boring and mundane. You need significant changes in order to develop and move on.

The Star card rarely indicates a negative result, it is more associated with a test of faith. Sometimes a person needs to go through a difficult period in order to achieve awakening and renewal. You must continue to believe in the Universe and know that it will do what is best for you. This is a test of your faith, and you will surely come out of it a stronger person. Any failures and difficulties should be accepted as an opportunity for change and self-development. Know that even if you feel uncertain or fatalistic about whether you will achieve your goal, it is only a temporary setback. Soon you will see that the most important thing in life is yet to come.


  • Let go of the opportunity
  • A person connects with a person who has a spiritual trajectory.
  • Talk to people about spirituality.
  • The awareness of your divine purpose on Earth comes from the stars.

With the Queen of Wands

  • A person wants to look better, so he goes to the spa.
  • He puts you on a pedestal.
  • The impossibility of healing from addictions or temptations.

Love and personal relationships

direct position

Every person dreams of happy life. star in this case gives hope for a brighter future. If there is a quarrel in a relationship, the card reflects forgiveness and rapprochement. This Arcana can mean new meeting, love, life partner, declarations of love.

The card indicates an unusual relationship, more like a platonic one, but in the future, ready to develop into strong feelings. Communication at a distance is allowed, and it is this fact that does not give partners the opportunity to experience disappointment in each other. They manage to keep the relationship alive by keeping in mind the image of each other, which gives inspiration and helps the relationship not weaken.

The love that heaven itself has blessed awaits you. The unity of souls, joy, trust, respect, common interests, mutual understanding, all this fills a long and strong union of two people.

If there is currently a crisis in the relationship, calm down and be patient. Relations will be restored, although for this you will have to try. Activate your inner energy, continue to believe in a favorable outcome, do not let despair overwhelm you.

The star is especially associated with sexuality, sensuality. Perfect match partners will fill the sexual life with passion, languor, tenderness, there will be a desire to seduce and give physical pleasure.

The Star has one distinguishing feature - infinity. Whatever she portends, everything has a continuation, and in the context of love, relationships often end in marriage. If unhappy love takes place, then here too, a person will love a partner for a long time in spite of everything.

Reversed Position

Inverted, the Star promises disappointment in love, unjustified hopes, separation from your loved one, and your helplessness in these situations. The reason for all the failures lies precisely in you, since you give the installation in advance that nothing will work out. Expect a new meeting or date that will not live up to expectations.

A star in a reversed position indicates that you may have lost faith in your true feelings or focused on the negative and overlooked the positive aspects of your relationship. Or your current union has lost passion, spark, zest. It seems to you that the relationship has become stagnant and monotonous. The star is telling you that these issues can be fixed, but you must be prepared to heal old wounds and remove any negative energy from the relationship.

If you are single, the Star indicates long-term loneliness associated with a lack of faith in relationships. It seems to you that you will never meet the right person, and show real cynicism. Let go of the fears and negative energy that seems to have chained and holding you. Love will appear when you least expect it.


direct position

The star is full of promise - it suggests the ability to set your own course and move it. The map clearly indicates the prospects in any field of activity, success in the implementation of projects, fresh ideas and creative ideas. Arkan describes the type of employment where inspiration is especially needed, this includes designers, fashion designers, photographers, artists, people related to theatrical art, poetry.

The star indicates professions for which a vocation has been observed since childhood, and with age a person only strengthens in his choice and makes every effort to achieve success in the professional field.

The star predicts career growth, promotion, awards and prizes, and for good reason, because you really are a first-class specialist, a valuable employee whose competence and professionalism do not raise even a shadow of a doubt.

Reversed Position

An inverted star indicates that you are bored, your work is not exciting, does not arouse interest and inspiration, you seem to be stuck in a monotonous state, having lost the creative spark and enthusiasm that you once had. You need to change your attitude towards work and start getting more positive out of what you do. Everything is not as bad as it seems, and everything that you are unhappy with is within your power to change.

A star in the opposite position indicates that you are not using your creativity and letting your talents go to waste. Fate is generous to you, and gives excellent opportunities to realize yourself, but you do not seem to notice them, or deliberately ignore them. Lack of confidence, determination, faith in any undertakings weaken your spirit. You can also show incomprehensible stubbornness and reject any prospects, ideas, suggestions, thereby acting against yourself.


direct position

Star card - transformation or birth. The card promises beautiful youth, good health and inner harmony. A healthy lifestyle helps you maintain vitality and be in good shape. Do not neglect cleansing and rejuvenating procedures, because beauty and youth require care. If you have health problems, the card promises a speedy recovery, as pouring water from jugs represents life and the flow of energy. Also, soon the card allows for conception and easy pregnancy.

Reversed Position

The Star card is associated with perfect purity, and therefore special attention is paid to the topic of ecology and climate, since there is a predisposition to allergic diseases caused by chemical pollution in the air, water and even food. Unsuitable climate can cause disease respiratory system(bronchial asthma, emphysema).

A star in an inverted position indicates that your health is not so bad, but any problems that you have will be exacerbated by your anxiety and pessimism. You will worry about your health and thereby escalate more symptoms instead of going to the doctor. Try to focus on the positive. Visit a specialist and calm down. Let go of negative energy, think about a successful outcome and a speedy recovery, as the energy of healing will be especially useful for you now.

The card advises you to maintain a positive attitude towards everything you deal with. Stay focused on what you want - and trust it will work. The universe will generously reward you. Trust your intuition, it will always tell you where and how to act. Perhaps your plans and ideas do not correspond to logic a little, they seem unreasonable and impracticable, but if you do not get hung up on this, but simply believe and act, luck will certainly visit you.

The Star of Bethlehem tarot card is the 17th Major Arcana, which means hope. Basically, on this map there is a naked girl who is kneeling with two jugs by the reservoir. Water pours out of these jugs as a symbol of life. The rest of the picture is filled with wildlife and a virgin sky with eight stars. This card is a source of strength to achieve the grandiose plans set by man.

It is also believed that there is another interpretation. This card already has a different meaning: mortal danger and insidious love. This Arcana is a symbol of meditation, divination and hidden possibilities. And all this power is taken from the Star Goddess - she saturates everyone with her life-giving power.

The main meaning of the Star Tarot card

This card means faith, intuition, hope. If this card fell out, then some important decision and deeds await you, the results of which you will learn much later. That is why the card is associated with hope. The star tells us that we should not give up halfway through, but we must always continue to move forward, even if the result is not immediately visible. Perhaps you will do an unloved thing, on which, it would seem, nothing depends, but no, in the future it will be credited to you. Like a sprout, your action will grow and gain strength, so that later you will thank the owner in full. This card is considered the third guardian angel, which always speaks of a good outcome in any business.

Tarot card Star in normal position

A direct Star card will indicate that prosperity and joy await you soon. Inspiration will attack you, new ideas will fill you. Diseases will begin to pass, and the nerves will return to normal, a white streak of life awaits you. Words, when talking with people, will come to your mind on their own. Vital energy, which will begin to spill throughout the body, will help to complete any task. If you for a long time failures are chasing, then the card says that soon everything will get better and become much better. A bright life awaits ahead, with all its positive qualities. Also, the Star Tarot card carries the meaning of the fact that a great friend or a faithful soulmate will soon appear in your life.

Faith in life will be restored. Definition and implementation of previously set tasks and the general improvement of life. You will be pursued by luck in everything you undertake. New acquaintances will grow into a reliable friendship. The main thing is to realize your goals and believe in them, and then your life will be in harmony.

The Star card will have a more detailed and specific meaning in combination with other cards.

If you get an inverted card, then this has the following meaning:

  • Possible illnesses or chronic diseases
  • Extreme injury hazard, be careful
  • You should prepare for the blow of fate, something bad will happen
  • Too many bad intrusive thoughts
  • "Pink glasses" will fly off, and there will be a different view of the world
  • Are you in a hurry to make some important decision?
  • Chronic sadness, depression
  • Lack of desire to develop

The meaning of the Tarot card Star at work

The card gives success to all your plans, most of the undertakings will end positively. Possible job change or finding a great way out crisis situation. If you want to advance at work, then this will be the best period for this. Luck is on your side!

Meaning of the Star Tarot Card in Relationships

As mentioned above - this card gives success, relationships are no exception. On the road of your life you will meet a wonderful person with whom very fruitful communication will arise. This communication can develop into love, which will be a sign from above. Marriages that are concluded during this period are always happy and long-lasting!

In the layout for love, the direct position of the Star card means communication with a partner on a high, spiritual level, pure and bright feelings. Lonely, she portends a long-awaited meeting and subsequent relationships that will turn out to be strong and long.

An inverted star speaks of disappointment and unfulfilled expectations in love. In addition, an inverted card in a relationship layout indicates a negative attitude of the questioner, a lack of focus on success. In combination with other Tarot cards, they will tell you what exactly you should pay attention to.

The meaning of the Star card in health layouts

In matters of health, Star's card upright position promises healing, recovery and cleansing.

The inverted Star has the following interpretation: various disorders in the sexual sphere, blood problems, headaches, impaired attention.

Tarot card Star in combination with the Major Arcana

With "Jester" - a confident movement towards the goal;

With the "Magician" - a period of good luck for starting a new business;

FROM " High Priestess» - serenity, guaranteed success;

With the "Empress" - actions will bring good results;

With the "Emperor" - to consolidate the success that has been achieved

With "Papa" - new knowledge, blinding faith;

With "Lovers" - in love - a relationship that has excellent prospects;

With the "Chariot" - a new place of residence;

With "Sila" - a dream, a cherished desire;

With "The Hermit" - passion for astrology;

With the "Wheel of Fortune" - changes for the better;

With "Justice" - dreams and goals that have real grounds;

With the Hanged Man - illusory goals;

With "Death" - to lose hope;

With "Moderation" - circumstances change for the better;

With the "Devil" - abandon your goals;

With the "Tower" - the collapse of hopes;

With the "Moon" - uncertain expectations;

With the "Sun" - the fulfillment of desires;

With the "Court" - confidence in success will return;

With the "Mir" - to discover the abilities in yourself.

Tarot card Star in combination with some of the minor arcana

With the "Ace of Wands" - decide on the goal;

With the "Two of Wands" - search for yourself;

With the "Four of Wands" - the meaning of this combination is healing;

With the "Eight of Wands" - good news; clarification of the situation;

With the "Nine of Wands" - this combination speaks of existing doubts;

With the "Page of Wands" - to catch luck;

With the "Knight of Wands" - inspiration;

With the "Queen of Wands" - self-confidence;

With the "King of Wands" - inspire enthusiasm in others.

With the "Ace of Cups" - love, more spiritual than physical;

With the "Two of Cups" - in love - union;

With the "Four of Cups" - uncertainty;

With the "Five of Cups" - this combination promises disappointment;

With the "Eight of Cups" - change plans;

With the "Nine of Cups" - the realization of a dream;

With the "Knight of Cups" - trust will reign in relations;

With the "Queen of Cups" - cleansing, recovery;

With the "King of Cups" - to help someone in matters of health.

With the "Ace of Swords" - the right idea in right time;

With the "Three of Swords" - melancholy;

With the "Four of Swords" - healing;

With the "Six of Swords" - development, improvement;

With the "Eight of Swords" - to lose the last hope;

With the "Nine of Swords" - see no way out;

With the "Knight of Swords" - the collapse of a dream;

With the "Queen of Swords" - in health - difficulties with conception;

With the "King of Swords" - unpleasant results.

With the "Ace of Pentacles" - get a reward;

With the "Three of Pentacles" - good luck in the business or creative field;

With the "Four of Pentacles" - the situation will finally become stable;

With the "Six of Pentacles" - a reward;

With the "Eight of Pentacles" - improvements, happy changes;

With the "Ten of Pentacles" - a wedding;

With the "Knight of Pentacles" - work that will not be in vain;

With the "Queen of Pentacles" - in health - pregnancy

With the "King of Pentacles" - the disclosure of talents.

When divining for love, it is necessary to have ideas about the meanings of both elders and minor arcana. To distinguish the slightest shades of emotional experiences, a superficial acquaintance with the main interpretations is not enough. The meaning of the Star Tarot card in a relationship also has several meanings in a love scenario.

General value

The Star card is the Major Arcana. Her serial number is XVII (17) out of 22 cards (starting from 0).

The image that occurs most often on this map consists of several elements:

  1. Nude Virgin.
  2. Two jugs of water.
  3. Soaring bird.
  4. One big star surrounded by small ones.
  5. Spreading tree.

The main meaning of this card is the aspiration to the future, the ephemerality of being, the flight of fantasy. The following is associated with it:

  • faith in the best;
  • a coming miracle;
  • thread of Ariadne;
  • magic in all its manifestations;
  • dreams;
  • phantasmagoria;
  • dream world;
  • the ease of generating new feelings.

Like any other card, the lasso has a direct and inverted form.

The Star card is the major lasso. Her serial number is 17

Direct position

In its direct form, it is a symbol of hope, positive emotions. Tarot means that Higher powers are watching over a person. These forces avert failures, close from diseases and shower prosperity. The seventeenth lasso also guarantees success in all endeavors, work that will fully pay off both materially and morally. All work will be done easily and quickly.

This lasso promises spiritual harmony, and also warns that excessive dreams will harm reality.

A direct position promises career growth, self-realization, recognition by others. However, this card cannot answer specific questions. It only announces a favorable outcome, but does not give specifics.

For the alignment of health, the loss of a direct lasso - good sign. This is a symbol of healing. But, unfortunately, in combination with some other cards, it takes on the meaning of naivety, thoughtless faith in the best.

Reversed position

An inverted card does not always give a favorable forecast. She speaks of uncertainty, destruction of plans and despair. It matters small troubles that follow one after another, the inability to complete the plan or complete the current project.

When fortune-telling for a career, it reports the emergence of competition, the irrelevance of decisions and knowledge. In combination with other arcana promises dismissal.

For health, the situation with an inverted Star is even worse. It means chronic illness, surgery, or even amputation of a body part.

Combination with other cards

In relations with other arcana, it changes its main meaning:

  • with the Magus - God's providence;
  • with the Emperor - the solution of the impossible;
  • with the Chariot - material well-being;
  • with the Hanged Man - the sacrifice of feelings;
  • with the Ace of Cups - all-consuming happiness;
  • with the Four of Cubes - the emergence of an ideal partner in the future;
  • with Five Cubes - disappointment in relationships;
  • with the Moon - an emotional storm, chaos, a nervous breakdown;
  • with the World - a dream come true and a meeting with fate;
  • 3 Cups - building relationships with loved ones;
  • 5 of Swords - hidden deceit;
  • 3 of Pentacles - renunciation of kinship.

Meaning in love

When fortune-telling for love and relationships, an important component is the personality of the fortuneteller himself and the subject of fortune-telling. Depending on this, the same alignment has different interpretations:

  1. For a lonely person - a symbol of a change in the situation, the promise of a new acquaintance.
  2. In the scenario for a friend with whom there is no relationship - a sign of his interest. However, the likelihood that he will make the first move is extremely small.
  3. development already existing relationships- this is the main meaning of the lasso.
  4. When dealt with a new acquaintance, he gives personal information about this person: his marital status, characteristics, hidden desires. He will talk about the prospects of relations and their influence on the future.
  5. In the scenario of past relationships - feelings have already been forgotten and you need to move on. This is a warning: no need to regret the past.

In the upright position, the Tarot Star card has the meaning of future meetings, new acquaintances, love. It can mean the joint plans of lovers, their feelings for each other, the transition from simple infatuation to passion. When dealt with events, it promises a meeting that will open up new feelings, radically change life. The absence of a Star in the layout warns that acquaintance will turn into only physical attraction, spiritual impulses will not be appreciated.

In an inverted position, the lasso is interpreted as a fear of new feelings, distrust of a partner, a skeptical attitude. He reports the frivolity of intentions.

Meaning in relationships

Tarot Star in human relations manifests itself on the spiritual and physical levels.

Physical communication includes communication between people at the level of work, friendship, family, etc. Arkan reports the ability to support almost any topic of conversation and listen. In such an atmosphere, relationships develop quickly and easily.

The Star Tarot card most often has a favorable meaning. It is a symbol of positive, new, rebirth, hope. A star can portend the appearance of true friends, the birth of love. Consider the meaning of this card in detail.

The value of the card in the layout of the relationship

The Star card in the Tarot in a relationship can have both favorable and negative meanings. For example:

  • If you rely on fate and do not work on relationships, letting everything take its course, your union is doomed to parting. There is no need to hope that everything will work out by itself.
  • In an inverted position, the Tarot Star has the following meaning in a relationship: your connection with your partner is very strong and strong. There is a chance to build long-term relationships that will be happy and harmonious.
  • If the card fell out from one of the partners, this means that he is not satisfied with the current relationship. He wants more, now he receives less attention from his other half or something else.
  • If the five-pointed symbol fell out along with the Hanged Man card, then your partner falls short of the ideal that you drew in your fantasies. You dream that he will become better, but this is impossible.
  • In combination with the Priestess card, the Star indicates that the union has united two creative and very talented people. But the catch is that for real life partners are completely unsuited. They are impractical: they are idealists and dreamers.

Watch the video about the meaning of the Star card:

Tarot Star: combination of a card with others

The meaning of divination can vary depending on how the Tarot card fell out in the layout. The Star card in combination with others has the following meanings:

  1. Jester - pay attention to the signs of the Universe: they will show the right path.
  2. The magician is an ideal period for setting new goals and finding ways to achieve them.
  3. High Priestess - in the future everything will turn out extremely well, just believe in yourself and your own strengths.
  4. Empress - the efforts made in the past will finally bring long-awaited results. Get ready to rest on your laurels.
  5. Emperor - despite the difficulties, do not stop there. You are one step away from success, you just need to make the last push.
  6. Hierophant - life will teach an important lesson, and you will gain invaluable experience.
  7. Lovers - your union with a partner will be strong and long, full of love, harmony and mutual understanding.
  8. Chariot - there is a move ahead, the fulfillment of a long-standing desire is also likely.
  9. Hermit - contact an astrologer, you can get important information.
  10. Wheel of Fortune - some event will happen that will incredibly please and reassure you.
  11. Justice - the goal to which you have long and stubbornly walked will finally be realized.
  12. Hanged Man - you are making too complicated plans. Some of them will not work.
  13. Death - it's time to "renew" and start life from scratch, leaving everything superfluous in the past.
  14. Moderation - the situation that worries you will enter a new favorable round.
  15. Devil - the plans you make will fail.
  16. Tower - take off your rose-colored glasses, you have too many illusions.
  17. Moon - indicates self-doubt and dissatisfaction with life.
  18. The sun - a cherished dream will come true.
  19. Judgment - leave pessimistic thoughts, you need to start hoping for the best.
  20. World - an incredible talent is hidden in you that needs to be developed.

If 17 lasso is paired with wands:

  • King - your path will be illuminated by hope.
  • Queen - you are overly self-confident, try to assess the situation realistically.
  • Knight - a man has incredible fortitude.
  • Page - good luck will accompany in any endeavors.
  • 10 - fate will provide opportunities for success.
  • 9 - many doubts.
  • 8 - a favorable outcome of the current case.
  • 7 - restrictions and barriers will collapse.
  • 6 - faith in yourself.
  • 5 - it will turn out to find the right solution.
  • 4 - victory over the disease.
  • 3 - you need to concentrate and throw all your strength into achieving what you want.
  • 2 - search for a destination.
  • Ace - reward or win.

Value in money

In the layout on the financial side of life, the Star card will tell you about the following:

  • You are full of energy, you have a lot of resources to achieve your financial goals. But do not invent anything new - use proven methods, and success will come.
  • If you are looking for a purpose, look to creative careers that will help you realize your talents, benefit people and succeed.
  • It is likely that in the near future you will receive the expected profit. But on the condition that there are no negative cards in the layout, promising financial losses or the collapse of plans.

The meaning of the card in various layouts

✚ "Yes-No" layout

- the answer is "yes".

The card symbolizes hope, a happy future, healing, renewal, victory.

A good card that speaks of a period of calm in your life, that the trials are behind you and the situation will steadily improve. The prediction can refer both to health, physical or mental, and to the stage of creative growth, movement towards the goal. You know your desires, follow the intended path, full of optimism, confidence, and creative inspiration. You will achieve the desired result, unexpected help is possible, the emergence of a new friendship, love.

✚ "One card" layout

General value

Symbolizes new perspectives and hopes. She talks about finding peace. A person can count on a favorable outcome in any life situation, even if at first glance it seems catastrophic.


Such a card indicates that the relationship has just begun or the couple is trying to build it again. Most likely, the union will be strong, and lovers will be able to build strong family. If the fortuneteller wants to know how his lover (lover) treats him, then the lasso says that the person wants to build a relationship, but is waiting active action from a fortune teller.


For fortunetellers suffering from diseases, the card promises an improvement in well-being or a speedy recovery. The lasso may also portend the normalization of the state after the crisis. For women, the Star mullites the possibility of conception.


Fortunetellers who have long planned to open their own business, it's time to seriously think about creating an enterprise. This is a good time for this. Now everything you need for development will appear, you just need to put a little effort into it. Things will be especially successful in the tourism sector. Arkan also means a good period for searching new work or career growth.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the future

The Tarot card symbolizes new experiences, the emergence of hope for a better outcome in any business. If it seemed to you that it was impossible to solve problems, then soon you will encounter unforeseen events that will have an extremely positive effect on your life. Pleasant surprises await you, meetings with people who can have a beneficial effect on your life. Be careful. Hope inspires people to new exploits, helps to regain lost self-confidence, so its significance is very great for any person.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ Relationships

The Star card has a basic meaning - the absence of an end. This can be interpreted in a positive sense: if a person is looking for his destiny, then you should expect a meeting with a person whose relationship will become very long and strong.

It is possible that acquaintance and further development will take place at a distance, which will lead to the impossibility of drowning in everyday life and quickly getting bored with each other. Moreover, the relationship will become harmonious both on the physical and psychological levels.

If the relationship already exists, then the card marks a positive development, if there is a misunderstanding, then it will be resolved in the near future.

A full description of the map is available at

✚ For today

Realization of the set goals, time to show your talents and surrender to the development of spirituality. In matters of love: a trustful union, perhaps of creative people. You are a confident person with excellent health and well-being. A completely new career and reward awaits you, only favorable prospects lie ahead.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For tomorrow

Map of the new. New opportunities looming somewhere in the distance, the implementation of long-term plans, the emergence of a reasonable hope for the best. The card does not speak of immediate results, it expresses the positive potential of the situation.

In the layouts, the card indicates that the goal of the questioner is achievable, but is not realized quickly, so there is time to clearly consider what you want.

In the layouts for professional activities, it falls to bonuses, new prospects, well-deserved awards. If they offer to do something outside the scope of normal activities - agree, perhaps this is the very chance.

In love, the Star speaks of the partners having common long-term plans, personifies life together.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ What does he think of me

A new stage will soon come in the relationship that you have. You will forgive all the quarrels and insults that were between you, and start a new life together. It will be interesting and bright, like the first cloud. You must understand that your soul mate is very calm and unobtrusive. Sometimes it’s hard for a partner to say some important words that can change the relationship between you. After these changes, you will feel Aries easily. Let go of the negative lump that has accumulated inside your soul for a long period of time and made you suffer and cry.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On desire

Do not build baseless illusions. Now only you yourself are able to influence the situation, which means that you should not rely on higher powers. Perhaps you should pay attention to your internal state - lack of strength or unwillingness to explore internal possibilities can negatively affect any actions. If you move to the next stage of fulfilling your desire, take a break. Active preparation and introspection will help you stay on track.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ On the situation

Fate itself led to this situation. This is a gift from heaven and the patronage of higher powers. Good luck awaits you in any endeavors. It's time to show your abilities. You feel hope and happiness. A white streak has come in life.

You are promised the achievement of any goals, a successful resolution of cases. Opportunities are within reach. Everything will turn out as expected. Be calm and believe in yourself!

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

✚ For the betrothed

The card predicts joint plans and long-term relationships. Such a union will not be fleeting, and, most likely, will lead to the formation of a family. If you already have a partner, then we are talking about him, but if not, then soon you will meet with him. Family relationships will be warm and romantic, so such an alliance will be strong and indestructible.

A full description of the map is available at link >>>

A new world, full of miracles and beauty, opens up before a person. A presentiment of happiness, awareness of the realization of the plan. The Guardian Angel favors the person.

When the Heavenly Forces are favorable to a person, all his plans, dreams, desires and aspirations come true in the most wonderful way.

You have everything on your shoulder. You are in a strong position, go for it!

A full description of the map is available at

This card shows a woman freely pouring water.
This symbolizes creativity, because the true source of creativity never fails.
Recall how ideas for stories, songs, or paintings suddenly came to you.

You could work on implementation for hours and feel energized even though you've been working for a long time.
The card is made in bright colors, which mean sparkling inspiration and the joy of creative search.

The woman in the picture is completely naked, but feels completely natural and is not ashamed of her nudity.
This means that she enjoys life.
She has one foot on the ground and the other on the water.

This shows that it has an equal relation to the material (earth) and the spiritual (water).
In the entire surrounding universe, she sees beauty and wonder.
She lives in a world where hope and peace reign.

This is a card of hope, inspiration and optimism.

Questions to Ask When You Get a Star Card
  • Are you the guiding star for your life?
  • What are you hoping for?
  • What are you dreaming about?
  • Do you really know what you want and who you are - or are you being dishonest with yourself?
  • What hope helps you in a difficult situation?
  • Does the future scare you?
Key Ideas
Take advantage of the moment and enjoy yourself.

You are entering a new stage of life and are on the right track.

Direct map: In friendship, you are a source of hope and inspiration.
Your positive attitude and love of life encourages your friends to look for and find the good in themselves.

Reversed card: With friends you are insincere.
Take a pause for reflection.
Can you let people love you for who you are?

Direct map: You are attracted to studies related to ethics and religion.

Now is the time to put some of your insights into action.
Reversed card: You have difficulty with creativity.
Find a way to spark your imagination.
Read more, listen to others, experience new things.

Direct map: Something absolutely magical is happening between you and your partner.
This is a special time, enjoy it.
If you do not have a partner, but you "have your eye" on someone whom you consider inaccessible - call this person, and he (she) will respond.

Now you are able to reach the stars with your hand.
Reversed card: Your mind is in turmoil; you can't figure out what you want from a relationship and what you don't want.
You may need to spend some time alone to sort yourself out.

A family
Direct map: For all members of your family, a much needed period of calm and peace is coming.
Reversed card: Voltage in family relationships reached a very high level.

A joint vacation or at least some quiet time together will be useful now - everyone will benefit from this, and so will you.

Direct map: You become interested in a wide range of religions, both mainstream and alternative.

This is the beginning of your journey to knowing and realizing yourself.
Reversed card: Celebrities influence you too much.
Remember, these people are not real.
Each of them creates a certain image.
It is the image you see, not what these people really are.

Health / Appearance
Direct map: You do not tend to care too much about your own appearance and effortlessly spread an aura of natural charm around you.
In any environment, you shine like a star.

Reversed card: When you find yourself in a company, in any company, you seem to put on a camouflage.
Stop hiding, let the world see your beauty!

Direct map: Financial success is not the most important goal of your life.

Much more important for you is its spiritual and emotional content.
Reversed card: You cannot live only in love.
We all need to eat.
One way or another, you have to pay for something with money.

Make sure you pay attention not only to your spiritual and emotional needs, but also to your physical needs.

Divination in half a minute
Sonya wanted to become a lawyer.
She needed to know if her abilities were enough for this, or if it was better to make less ambitious plans.

The star told her that the dream must be realized.
Brilliant prospects are open before Sonya.
It will take hard work, but it will pay off!

Annie Lyonnet. "Tarot. Practical guide.»

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The water that the girl pours onto the ground spreads into five channels, which personifies the five senses.
The girl is depicted naked, which symbolizes truth, while her youth implies the restoration of vitality.

Faith in a better future.
Usually on this card a girl is depicted pouring water from two jugs, over whose head a star shines.
She is a symbol of rebirth, renewal and hope.

Since ancient times, the stars in the sky have inspired hope, reverence and even worship.
The star connects us with that part of our soul that keeps faith, even when our lives are in mortal danger and there is almost no hope of salvation.

She encourages us to believe in the fulfillment of our deepest desires, because everything is possible while hope is alive.

The star symbolizes bright and positive prospects and the period when our life begins to improve.

She points out that we can have the brightest hopes and believe that a full-fledged life awaits us. interesting life.
The star calls us to discover new paths in life and develop our inner potential.

We acquire new concepts of the meaning of life and the ability to believe in the fulfillment of our most cherished hopes and dreams.
The very fact of our positive expectation seems to attract to us situations that create conditions for the fulfillment of our desires and ambitions.

"Hope always remains" is the motto of this card, because deep down we all believe that our dreams can and should come true.
When we lose our faith in better life, the fire inside us gradually fades, and our life becomes dull and meaningless; doubts plague us, and we lose the ability to hear the inner voice that encourages us to move forward.

The star symbolizes the light of hope and inspiration, without which we will inevitably go astray.
If our consciousness is open and receptive, it will guide us through difficulties and illuminate the path to our chosen goal.

The appearance of this card in the layout means a reassessment of life values.
Your energy and self-confidence increases so much that you have an inspired desire to do something new and significant.

Opens for you new life and your hope inspires you to follow your dreams.
You are calm and confident in your abilities and are unlikely to let doubts undermine your faith in the future.
Stay on course and know that unexpected help from above will help you realize your dreams.

The star promises liberation from previous difficulties and problems.
All your wounds will be healed, and any of your undertakings will have a positive outcome.
All that is required of you is faith in yourself.

Stuart R. Kaplan. "Classic Tarot. Origin, history, divination.

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A naked maiden, standing on one knee by a pond, pours water of life from two jugs, which means an abundance of new ideas and the emergence of new theories.
On the face of the maiden is an expression of satisfaction and hope.

In the sky above it hangs a great star, the Star of the Magi, glittering with gold and surrounded by seven lesser stars that cast their rays on the earth.
Stars of hope rise above the naked maiden.
Next to her are birds and flowers, testifying to the birth of a new life and prospects.

The bird is the sacred wise bird Ibis, and the stars symbolize radiant cosmic energy.
This card clearly represents the arrival of new favorable opportunities and the confidence in their realization.
Water is an unsteady path, and man has the choice to change it through new opportunities.

Value for divination
This card means hope, faith, inspiration.
Bright perspectives.
Synthesis of past and present.
The promise of favorable opportunities.
Good omen.

Spiritual love.
Rising star.
The influence of the stars on your destiny.
astrological influence.
The peak of knowledge and work, past and present.
Quick fruits as a result of the expended energy.

A fair balance between desire and work, hope and effort, love and its expression.
An auspicious card implying that desire and energy are vital to happiness.

Reversed value
Unfulfilled hopes.

Lack of opportunity.
The end of a failed business or friendship.

P. Scott Hollander. "Tarot for beginners."

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The star is not just patience, but finding the right place for something important in yourself.
The star corresponds to the number seventeen and the Hebrew letter pe.

Wisdom, immortality, achieving your goals, generosity and understanding.
A female figure kneeling on one knee at the water's edge.
In most decks, her knee is on the bank, and the other leg is in the stream.
She holds a jug in each hand and pours water from them.
In all decks, water from one jug is poured into a stream.

In many decks, water from the second jug is poured onto the bank of the stream, and only part of it returns to the water stream.
Pay attention to the corresponding imagery of the Fourteenth Arcanum (Temperance).
The allegory of the card is not just patience, but finding the right place for something important in yourself.

Stars shine above the woman's head, but their number and location in different decks are different.
In some decks on the map there are 7 stars located around the head and forming a kind of halo.
In other decks, 7 small stars are arranged in various ways and one large star is always directly above the figure's head.

Often in decks using this second symbolism, the small stars are arranged in two columns on either side of the large star, once again reproducing the portal theme.
There are also decks that feature only one large star directly above the woman's head.

The background of the figure is an open rural landscape.
Many decks have one or two trees in the background with a bird perched on top.
If there are two trees, they are located on both sides of the figure, like columns, as on other cards of the Major Arcana.

The most significant thing is that the woman pours water into the stream.
It returns to the source a part of what it receives or received.

inner meaning
Consider the imagery of stars.

Astrology teaches that the positions of the stars influence our destinies, but even people unfamiliar with astrology pay attention to these distant beacons.
Travelers used the North Star (or the Southern Cross in the Southern Hemisphere) to lead the way.

People have always seen pictures in the arrangement of the stars and made legends about them.
The stars got one more importance in our time, when we are slowly but steadily making our way to them.
The stars represent the universe with mysteries and the potential for growth, insight and power.

They symbolize something external, even material, but outside this world.
In many ways, not just in terms of astrology, the stars guide our destinies.
In this Arcana, the seeker is given the opportunity to take the lead.

If the Leaning Tower (Sixteenth Arcana) shows the disastrous results of the unwise use of strength and power, then the Star shows the potential for wisdom and understanding, which is true power.

The ancient Greek myth tells that the Olympian gods placed people among the stars in order to immortalize them.
The seventeenth Arcana shows the beginning of your path to immortality.
At this point in your journey, you become a teacher as well as a seeker.

The stars are aligned in your direction, giving you the power that the Magician was only trying to take to his service: to be at the center of the universe to change the heavens at will.
But in order to acquire and retain this power, you must give something back.

The young woman on the card pours out water, personifying life force, returns it to the earth, the stars located above her head pour their power into her.
This is the beginning of a transformation: the stars above her do what she does, because she begins to become what they are.

This is an excellent example, although it carries a slightly different idea than the Magician: "as above, so below."
A young woman personifies eternal youth and true beauty.
The stars above it symbolize the potential to achieve your goal and, last but not least, the true understanding of this goal - what it should be.

The water in the stream symbolizes the serenity (greater than patience) born of knowing that you will overcome all obstacles.
A generous portion of her knowledge and her power is returned to the earth to revive what she rose from.

The stars teach that even if you are ready to move to the higher levels of knowledge, it is important to remember that your roots, and therefore the basis of your strength, lie on the earth.
You have to think not only about where you are going, but also about those who will follow you.

Value in the layout
Direct or positive: wisdom, immortality, spiritual enlightenment.
Hope, happiness, intellectual achievement.
Satisfaction, rosy perspective, inevitability, intuition.

Movement towards your goal; understanding what that goal should be.
Reversed or Negative: Frustration, impatience, stealing.
Unfulfilled hopes, rejection.
Self-confidence that leads to losses, not gains.

You have already found the path that can lead to your own form of immortality as you define it.
Use your power wisely, remain calmly confident that the object of your quest is within reach.

If this card represents the Questioner, everything that you have achieved or are about to achieve will allow you to leave a memory of yourself in this world.
You do not need to be afraid of rivals; no one has the power or even the ability to take that success away from you.

If you have enough wisdom and generosity, you will find that you will increase your influence and perpetuate your name by teaching others what you have learned yourself.

Mary Greer. "The Complete Book of Reversed Tarot Cards".

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In the calm that follows the storms of the Tower, you not only break free from prison, but achieve complete, real release and inner balance.
These are situations in which you can express yourself honestly, sincerely, extremely openly, without hiding or hiding anything.

This is the root of high self-esteem and faith in the correction of mankind.
The star helps you see your place in the overall structure of the universe, perceive yourself as one of the forces of nature, and from a practical point of view.

You can feel the deep connection between the stars and the earth, between what is above and what is below.
You can comprehend the ecological and planetary consequences of a given situation.
As a result, you will find a worthy use of your energy and give your strength to some long-term project, quite possibly ahead of its time and misunderstood by others.

For example, you suddenly get into environmental healing or resource renewal, or just develop a prudent environmental strategy.
Other manifestations of this card include meditation, rituals, science and computers, and natural medicine.

Also, in the context of the situation, astrology, astronomy, various philosophical and scientific systems, and also the free exchange of ideas, the possibilities for which the Internet provides, can be important.
On the other hand, you can become a star yourself, basking in the spotlight and enjoying the recognition of your beauty and achievements.

This card may indicate the discovery of talent or the possibility of "heading for a star."
You can act beautifully, confidently and charismatically, or you can give without thinking about the reward.
In terms of relationships, you can expect an idealized, unusual connection.

Clairvoyance is in charge of this card, as well as the cool, clear light of creative imagination and inspiration, giving a chance to do the right thing at the right time.
You may feel that fate or some higher power is working through you.

The libation depicted on the card speaks of blessing, cleansing or gratitude.
It is also recycling, irrigation and general renewal "in the fountain of youth."
Traditional meanings: hope, faith, expectations, brilliant promises.

Eternal beauty and youth.
Nature, climate, atmosphere.
Heaven, astrology, fate.
Auspicious omens.
Balance of hope and effort.

Inverted Star
The reversed Star represents the heroine's journey to the underworld.

It is the rejection of all self-images that are falsely based on such concepts as status, appearance, and property.
Or, according to Jung's concept of the "light shadow", you can deny your true gifts, sincerely believing that you lack talent, beauty, or courtesy.

As a result, you are unable to see the star in yourself.
Usually this is a temporary disappointment, the cause of which is rather short-sightedness than a collision with reality.
It may indicate a loss of contact with a source of inspiration.

Desires and aspirations no longer seem meaningful or achievable to you.
You lack clarity of vision, and therefore decision making is delayed.
You scatter and have difficulty focusing.
Efforts turn out to be either too weak or excessive - like trying to scoop out a pond with a sieve.

Perhaps there is abuse or loss of innocence in one form or another.
Self-esteem drops to zero and you avoid being seen in public.
Perhaps now is the right time not for external efforts and recognition of your merits, but for contemplation and immersion in yourself - a time for "being" and not for "doing".

On the other hand, perhaps you have become bad and arrogant, asking for flattery and taking it at face value, actually not putting gifts and compliments into anything.
You can wallow in false aspirations and self-deception.

Sometimes an inverted Star reports a waste and dispersion of resources in all areas.
You feel squeezed like a lemon; source of imagination dried up.
One querent saw in this reversed card the impossibility of finding a balance between obligations to the "real world" (water pouring down on the earth) and spiritual work (water pouring back into the pool of space).

It can also mean diving into a kaleidoscope of mindless quirks and whims.
You can strive for an unattainable ideal, look for a perfect partner, a friend of the soul, who for some reason always turns out to be inaccessible.

When you project this card onto other people, they appear to you as beautiful, talented, and charismatic, or as laid-back, relaxed, and free-thinking - that is, embodying those qualities that you would seem to lack.

It may seem to you that they do not value their talents as much as you would if you were them.
On the inner plane, it can be awareness of oneself as a spark of the Divine.
The truth and truth is that you are a self-sufficient being, shining with your own light, whose inner energy resource is perfectly balanced by what you give to others, as well as the energy of those who are near and dear to you.

In terms of health, this card can represent the internal healing processes taking place in your body, especially those that can be triggered by biofeedback (biofeedback).

The energy of the Star is very good for dispelling negative thoughts, cooling feverish conditions, healing migraines and skin rashes.
It also has a calming effect on hysteria, hyperactivity and nervous stress.

In the shamanic and magical interpretation, this card is associated with working with elemental spirits, as well as with the healing powers of the earth and plants.
This is the purification and re-sanctification of the soul and body, if they turn out to be ritually unclean.

It can also be work with astrological correspondences.
Traditional inverted meanings: unfulfilled hopes, unfulfilled expectations.

Recklessness, frivolity.
Lack of spontaneity.
Thunderstorm, storm.

Larissa Moon. "All Secrets of the Tarot".

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"There are many invisible forms and inaudible sounds in space, There are many wonderful combinations of both words and light in it.
But only he who knows how to see and hear will convey them, Who, having caught only a drawing of a line, only a consonance, only a word, The whole with him draws the creation into our world surprised.

Alexey Tolstoy

Description of the card and its inner meaning
The dark night is ending.

In the predawn fog, you can already see the contours of trees and mountains.
The sun rises in the east, flooding the world with pink light.
But there are still stars in the sky.
One of them, the largest, is located almost in the center of the sky.

Others, smaller ones, were placed on either side of her.
And on the ground, right under these stars, kneeling down, stands a naked girl.
She is holding two jugs.
From one of them she pours water into the lake, and from the other - directly onto the ground.

According to ancient occult sources, the seventeenth Arcana is nothing but the doctrine of the highest gift - intuition.
Intuition is the channel through which the Higher Inaccessible Power reaches us.
Intuition is not an exception, not an accidental phenomenon in a person's life that violates the Divine Law.

On the contrary, we can say that this is the main essence of all existing Laws.
The one who has learned to listen to the prompts of intuition has acquired the highest gift, which will become a guiding star for him during his journey through this world.

That is why intuition is called the Star of Magicians.
Intuition is inextricably linked with simplicity.
Remember the well-known saying that everything ingenious is simple.
Intuition always clothes the deepest thoughts in their essence in a fairly simple and accessible form.

On the other hand, the Star card is the revelation of Truth.
The seventeenth Arcana demonstrates the potential for wisdom and understanding, which is true power.
But in order to receive this priceless gift, you need to go through a lot of trials, to become worthy of it.

After all, a weak-minded person will not be able to understand and accept the truth without embellishment, the “bare truth” (this is the expression that symbolizes the image of a naked girl).

Relationship of the card with other occult sciences
(ne) - Wind and dew obey God, Letter - C, number - 17, Ruled by the zodiac sign - Aquarius, Correspondence according to the Book of Changes - 64 hexagram ("Until completion"), Compliance with runes - rune Wunjo (Vunyo), Time of day - evening, Weather conditions - weather improvement, Corresponding color - white, Corresponding chakra - Ajna Tapo (chakra of the "third eye"), According to Kabbalah - connects the Netzach sephirah with the Yesod sephirah.
Card meaning
Direct position
The seventeenth Arcana in a direct position describes a person who will give the Questioner hope and provide assistance, help to move towards a cherished dream.

If this card interprets the situation, then it has the following meanings: wisdom, reaching the truth, spiritual enlightenment, bright prospects, intuition, fulfillment of desire.

Reversed position
In this case, the seventeenth Arcana warns of a meeting with a hypocritical deceiver who can mislead the Questioner, inspire him with unrealizable dreams and projects.

In fact, this person will pursue some of his own goals, using the credulity and naivety of the Questioner.
When describing the situation, the Star card in an inverted position speaks of disappointment, deceit, selfishness, unfulfilled dreams and desires, meanness and betrayal.

Sometimes she warns of a theft.

"The time has come when all the bad things are left behind.
You no longer need to be afraid of rivals - they turned out to be weaker than you, no one can harm you, since you have enough wisdom and understanding to foresee all this.

Now you need to learn how to use the knowledge and experience that you have.
Remember the main thing - you must share this knowledge with others, you must help them, and then you can rise above and comprehend the innermost that you aspired to.

Daniela Chris. The magical book of Tarot. Fortune telling."

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Thought Form: Hope.
Number: seventeen.
Hebrew letter: pe.
Blue color.
Stone: turquoise.
Astrological analogy: Mercury, Venus in Pisces.
Another name: "Star of Mages".
The soft blue color of this card immediately creates a mood of serenity and peace.
After the temptations and upheavals of the previous Arcana, the light of hope has finally shone before you.
Studying the Tarot, in each Arcana you came across one or another property, a manifestation of a person that requires reflection.

You asked yourself a lot of questions, analyzed your actions and feelings, considered your goals and motivations.
The next few Arcana will be dedicated to the sky.
It's time to get away from the hustle and bustle, rise high above yourself and see everything from the outside.

Through the eyes of an absolutely impartial observer, far from petty worries and ambitions, - through the eyes of the stars.
The stars shine for everyone, for them everyone is equal, they are ready to give everyone hope and joy.
The main thing is that a person has enough soul to stop on the run or go outside at night, look up to the sky and freeze in amazement at the beauty that opens up to him.

A beautiful young maiden with a jug in her hands dances on the water's edge.
Bright stars shine above her head and a blue ibis dances with her.
This is the most mysterious and alluring star Sirius, or Sopdet, the brightest star in the northern sky, located in the constellation Canis Major.

Mythological dossier
Sopdet (Sothis) is the goddess of the star Sirius.
Depicted as a woman with the horns of a cow or an antelope.
The first morning rise of Sirius after the winter break coincided with the beginning of the new year according to the Egyptian calendar and the flood of the Nile, so Sopdet was also revered as the goddess of the coming year, floods and clean water.

Sopdet was also revered as the patroness of the dead, as she cleansed them with her pure water.
Identified with the goddess Satis, sometimes with Isis.
Sopdet is naked, like nature, not yet dressed in her green robes before the rise of the Nile, whose waters give life to plants and flowers.

Sopdet's nakedness testifies to her youth, because she is the goddess of the coming year, and New Year always brings new hopes.
In addition, only very young innocent teenage girls walked naked in Egypt.

And it also shows that hope does not leave us even in moments of the most difficult hardships.
Sopdet's blue scarf speaks of her connection with the Cosmos.
With one foot she touches the water, the symbol of receptivity.

The combination of all three factors of innocence and connection with water and the Cosmos speaks of the prophetic gift of Sopdet.
Only an innocent woman could become a Pythia, for great gifts are given only for the sake of great purity.
She knows that the hope she gives you is not in vain.

This is confirmed by the ibis dancing with Sopdet.
This bird always knows when the Nile will flood and when the new year will begin, she knows everything in the world, because the ibis personifies Thoth, the god of knowledge.
The jug in the hands of Sopdet is red, which means the energy of action.

Two streams pour out of this jug, reminding us of the two streams of the Temperance Arcanum.
Only here, both jets are water, personifying vitality.
With one stream, the virgin revives the earth, waters it so that it can bear fruit, the other stream pours into the water, causing the Nile to flood.

The waters of this card symbolize serenity, more than patience.
It is born from the knowledge that you will overcome all obstacles.
In addition to Sopdet, there are seven more stars on the map, circling with her in a round dance.
Since ancient times, people have admired and been guided by these heavenly signs.

Travelers paved the way, focusing on the stars.
It was with their light hand that the star became a symbol of hope.
The beauty of the starry sky has always attracted and fascinated people with its mystery.
People put the stars into constellations and made legends about them.

Astrologers predicted fates and events by the arrangement of the stars.
Mankind is rushing into space to unravel their mystery.
But the seven stars on the map are the seven seals that hold the secret of Sopdet.
The hasty and rebellious will not open it.

The starry sky teaches us peace and serenity.
The star of hope illuminates the path for everyone, but only a wise student will find the true path.
The card symbolizes the life-giving forces of nature, hope, a sudden breakthrough to a new round of development.

Value in the layout
In a straight position
The lasso "Star" is a symbol of hope and rebirth.
It means a surge of creative forces, inspiration, new ideas, aspiration for the future, opening up prospects, new talents, desires and dreams, the appearance of unexpected help.

Success in any business and great opportunities.
Search for inner beauty and harmony.
A good influence on others, loyalty, a sense of peace, faith in one's own strength.
It can mean pleasant events and joyful surprises.

Improved well-being, both physical and mental.
An optimistic outlook on life, big plans that can come true.
Regardless of the alignment, it can be interpreted as the appearance of unexpected help and the appearance of a new friend or love.

In order for you to act in the spirit of a certain hope, must it, in your human opinion, be feasible?
And if not?
But if this hope is fine, maybe it's worth a try?

In an inverted position
The card means excessive daydreaming, leading to disappointment.
Unused, missed opportunities.
The slowdown in the course of life, which came at the will of the person himself.

Creative crisis.
The search for the meaning of life, the collapse of plans and unfulfilled hopes.
Failure, disappointment awaits you.
Disbelief in one's strength, pessimism, delay in actions, day, lethargy, slowness, indifference.

Try to share your own hopes and those of others (parents, teachers, friends, lovers).

The original meanings of the cards that come with the Rider White Tarot deck.

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Direct position: loss, theft, deprivation, abandonment.
Another reading says: hope and bright prospects.

Reverse position: arrogance, arrogance, importance.

Hayo Banzhaf. Tarot Tutorial.

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Astrological meaning : Jupiter in the 11th house as the patron and opener of new horizons.
STAR The star is a card of hope, wisdom and understanding of the higher interconnections of everything.

She points out that we this moment we do or plan things that will only show up in the very distant future, but that is why we may not be fully aware of what we are doing.
Only in hindsight will it become clear to us what significant decisions we made then (today), under the sign of the Arcana of the Star.

AND, just as a seed needs time to germinate and become a plant, so the Star does not manifest its fruitful action immediately.
In the traditional Tarot, the Star was in most cases considered one of the three guardian angels who promised a favorable outcome to any conceived business.

Tarot Rider White. Theory and practice. Series "Secrets of predictions". Publishers: AST, Astrel, 2002

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Astrological meaning: Aquarius The seventeenth card of the Major Arcana is called the Star and depicts a girl sitting on the shore (the position of her body resembles a swastika).
She has two vessels in her hands; she pours the contents of one of them onto the land, the other back into the sea.

Above the head of the girl are eight stars, the largest of which is Sirius, and the rest are the seven sacred planets of the ancients.
There are suggestions that the young woman symbolizes Isis filling the Nile with water.
(During this period, the Star of the Dog appeared in the Egyptian sky.

) The nakedness of Isis suggests that nature has not yet put on its green robes, before the rise of the Nile, whose waters give life to plants.
A bush and birds (or a butterfly) signify growth and rebirth, accompanied by the rise of river water.

This card corresponds to the altruistic sign of Aquarius, pouring two jets of water onto the Earth: the dead water of consciousness and the living water of the spirit.
The Tarot drawing depicts a woman pouring water on the desert, from the moist soil of which "blooming nature" grows.

Above the woman, a seven-pointed star is a symbol of the seven main planets, into which God, dissolved in space, incarnated to create a new life.
The seven-pointed "star of magicians" - symbolizes the universality of the human psyche, and the butterfly sitting on a flower - a symbol of the renewal of the human soul.

(Sometimes the Star is depicted as eight-pointed and then it simply serves as a symbol of the star-Venus.) The world is being created every moment, and we, people, are its creators.
The immortal God, having created the world, disappears in it, but at the birth of human offspring, a process similar to the creation of the world takes place.

On the dead soil of the planets, plants arise that give birth to air-spirit, which then, resonating in time with the vibrations of the cosmos, becomes the living soul of animals.
And then animals, acquiring a dead mind of matter, become people and begin to destroy this world in order to start evolution again someday.

This is how history is created in time, but at the same time, the same process occurs at every moment and in every person.
The dead water of Aquarius is the creation of the forms of matter (Saturn), and living water- irrigation, their spirit (Uranus), giving birth to life in matter.

The Zvezda cynarot itself connects Venus and the Moon, eternal life and the immortal soul.
In traditional interpretations, the Seventeenth Tarot card is a symbol of the Star of Bethlehem, which heralded the coming of a savior into the world.
The seventeenth Arcana calls to surrender to the moment, the contemplation of the spiritual world; direct your gaze into the perfection of the cosmos.

This is renewal and rebirth.
The Star symbolizes rebirth and the life-giving forces of nature.
The number 17 means new hope: if you count from the full moon, then it is on the seventeenth night, after moonless nights, that the thin crescent of the young moon reappears.

"Star" also gives hopes, justified or false, distortion of reality, carelessness, thoughts about the future not burdened with worries.
Life is not only lived, but also passes in dreams, dreams, therefore, the "Star" is an unconscious thirst for life, and contemplation of higher relationships, and unknowable longing, coupled with complete irresponsibility.

In the upright position, the Star card means a surge of creative energy, inspiration, new ideas.
You know what you are going to say or create, you feel a sense of peace, believe in yourself and be able to solve all your problems.

Your well-being, both physical and mental, improves.
You have an optimistic outlook on life and good, quite feasible plans.
This card, in addition, can be interpreted as an unexpected help, a new friend, a new love.

Reversed, the card may indicate that you may want to make a career in the arts or in any other field that requires creativity.
In certain cases, it can mean stubbornness, intransigence, unwillingness to change anything in life, lost chances and unused opportunities.

But don't despair!
What you give away will remain yours.
A bright event is coming in your life.
Try not to miss your chance."

Evgeny Kolesov. "ABC Tarot".

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Usually this card depicts a woman, dressed or naked, kneeling on one knee in front of a body of water.
She also has two jugs in her hands, but the water does not overflow from one to the other, as on the Temperance card (XIV), but pours into a reservoir or onto the ground.

Around it is a picturesque area; a songbird perches on a tree in the distance.
The sky is clear, one large and seven small stars are visible in it, each with eight rays.
The woman's feet do not touch the ground, and she herself does not cast a shadow.

Having fallen asleep in one world, she woke up in another: in order to get to it, she needed neither efforts nor wings.
She has not yet understood what power brought her here, to the country of her dreams and dreams, but she guesses about the existence of this power: after all, the eight stars above her head are also connected with the eighth card - the card of Strength.

The power overwhelms the woman who has finally reached the desired goal, the promised land - but it turned out that she does not need it, and the miraculous power is wasted: the water goes aimlessly into the already full reservoir or into the insatiable land.

And only a flowering tree and a songbird show that not everything is actually lost: what is given away, albeit imperceptibly, not immediately, in a different form, but returns.
Sometimes this card is also called the Star of Mages, symbolizing the unity of the planets, elements and other forces of nature; however, according to tradition, the Star of Mages is considered not eight-pointed, but seven-pointed.

The eighth ray recalls the mystical relationship between the sign of Aquarius and the sign of Scorpio, a symbol of love and death: Aquarius creates, Scorpio realizes.
He realizes only a thousandth of the plans and hopes of Aquarius, but endows them with immortality.

Only what you hide will be lost forever.
In the layout, it can mean several things.
She advises a man who is desperate, upset by something, to believe in his star and follow it.
In purely everyday situations, it can symbolize “light at the end of the tunnel”, an imminent improvement in the situation.

It can also be interpreted as a reward awaiting a person - a reward for selfless work, for suffering, for a good deed.
At the household level, this can be an award in the literal sense (order), for the military - an increase in rank (a new star on shoulder straps).

Inverted: The prospect is not so favorable: there is no need to expect an immediate improvement in the situation, rewards too.
The advice that this card gives is to unite with the Cosmos, to achieve inner harmony and peace with oneself.

In practice, this may mean a recommendation to turn to one of the harmonizing techniques - wushu, qigong, reiki, etc. For businessmen: Actually, it's not their map; but if it already fell out, then the advice is: either immediately start securing a place for yourself in the State Duma (the regional parliament, the city mayor's office, the village council), or make a bet on charity - donate as much as possible to the church, children's hospitals, schools, etc. for at least the next six months.

Vitaly Zaichenko. "Tarot Waite and more, wise instructions sent by cards."

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Take a ticket for the "star express", and forward to prosperity!

Symbolic image:
Naked, beautiful and natural fairy nourishes the earth with moisture.
In the source, she contemplates the future.

Astrological correspondence:
Zodiac sign: Aquarius, element: Air, planet: Uranus

Traditional meaning:
Beauty, joy, healing, perfection, soft light, happiness, self-confidence, enthusiasm, purity, truth, wholeness, strength, vitality, renewal, rejuvenation, optimism.
This wonderful card tells you that it's time to feel your body and restore a healthy libido.

The perverted, vile inclinations of the Devil have disappeared.
Sexuality has now become a normal part of our human nature and sense of wholeness.

The Star card in a spread may indicate an improved sex life or a new lover, most likely one who can make our true needs feel.
The star reminds of the importance of well-being and the pleasure of a healthy lifestyle.

Water pouring from jugs symbolizes life itself, so this card speaks of good health and excess vitality.
This is one of the best cards that can open when you ask a question about health or fertility, as it promises a full recovery or conception.

If the Questioner asks about children, the appearance of the Star may mean that she is already pregnant.
One of the most interesting things about symbolism is the art of interpreting physically impossible images.

Star is a good example.
This map depicts a daytime scene while the stars are shining brightly in a blue sky.

This reminds us that the stars are always shining, even if we cannot see them - and this is true of so many things.
If something is not in front of our eyes, this does not mean that it does not exist at all.

In the layout, the Star card indicates a positive outcome, promises good luck and rejuvenation, portends that difficulties will be resolved, depression will end and life will become beautiful.

What are we talking about?
About hope, about the right intuition and understanding of future development.

What needs to be done?
Hope, stay calm, be confident, be able to stop in time.
Set clear goals.

Treat with confidence and mobilize internal reserves.

Communicating with others:
Be frank, with full understanding draw close to others.
Get ready for a new happy and passionate relationship.

In love, in matters of the heart:
Keep calm.
The future promises prosperity, happiness and the fulfillment of all desires.

In professional activity:
Take advantage of every opportunity and strive for new goals.
Use any negotiation to your advantage.

Strive for long-term success and the implementation of your plans.

At a difficult moment in life:
Believe in a bright future and in the help of a guiding star.
Leave the problems behind and hit the road with faith in new miracles.

What should be avoided?
Self-righteousness, hopelessness, betrayal, mistrust, ignorance, arrogance.

What surprises does the future hold?
Lucky stars will light your path.
A new star of hope will illuminate your future with bright light.

You will be taken care of.
Treat life as an interesting game, then you will find many prizes in it.

If you don’t know what to do today, how to console yourself, Arkan whispers in a low whisper:
If today you have no plans, dream a little, and in these dreams you will be visited by insight.
Try to look at the world from a bird's eye view.

Go to an elevated place from which you can look over the area at a distance, or study the position of the stars in your birth chart.

Meditating on this Arcana, ask yourself:
Looking at what is happening from different angles, what new horizons will I see? What surprises has my guiding star prepared for?

The following statements will inspire you, help you to tune in optimistically and easily walk along the road of life.
I believe in a bright future.

I know that a good star of hope will show me the way, positive energy and optimism are my life companions.

A final word on the beauty of heaven:
The star is a card of beauty and silence.
We see a kneeling naked girl on the grass by the lake, with a jug in each hand.

She pours water onto the ground and back into the lake.
This is a picture of replenishment, returning to nature and being in harmony with it.

The girl beams with contentment, reminding us that true happiness is not achieved as a result of material acquisitions and does not come from other people.
Her peace and tranquility come from within.

A powerful image of rebirth contains the complete shamelessness of the girl.
The body and spirit are one, there is no need to hide anything, there is no need to be afraid of anything, there is no need to suppress anything.

The element of Water symbolizes our emotions, and the Star card is a return to the innocence of childhood, where feelings flow freely, and shame is still unknown.

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