Inverted 4. Minor lasso Tarot Four of Pentacles: meaning and combination with other cards. Questions to ask yourself while drawing out the Four of Pentacles

Bathroom 29.11.2020

The meaning of the four of pentacles in upright position

The new venture will bring big profits. Success in financial affairs, a good investment of money, stability, reliability, prosperity. Lasting family happiness, love, harmony, devotion, comfort in the house.

  • reliability, contentment
  • confidence born of wealth, gift, inheritance

The correct tarot card four pentacles predicts a period of financial and material reliability based on receiving a solid gift or inheritance, as well as on the successful commercial activity of the Client. His hard work and business acumen have led to increased status, power and material rewards. All material and emotional needs of the Client are met.

Tarot card four pentacles means property, talent, gift. Preserving what belongs to you. Inheritance. Satisfaction with personal status. Also, a well-established business or personal situation; no worries. Good feelings about the future.

The meaning of the four of pentacles in an inverted position

Attachment to material things for your own safety. Avarice, fear of losing your status, money, position. This state is fraught with nervous tension, breakdowns, quarrels, scandals. Suspended state, uncertainty, fear.

In relationships, the card describes strong inflections towards the material joys of life instead of spiritual rapprochement. At best, this is a successful relationship of convenience with no feelings on either side. In the worst case, the card portends quarrels, squabbles over money, misunderstanding, resentment and a possible break.

  • opposition, distance from the goal, inability to control the situation
  • avarice, fear of loss, greed, indecision, obstacle
  • loss of control, loss of financial stability, impotence

In the wrong orientation, the Four of Pentacles Tarot points to the problems of excessive commitment to material wealth and property: greed, greed and stinginess. The fear of losing power or wealth is the main concern of the Client's life, which prevents him from making urgently needed changes (the surrounding maps will show in which areas of life).

The inverted tarot card four pentacles means opposition, uncertainty, delays, obstacles. Possible loss. Possible quarrels, especially with people close to the Questioner (for example, quarrels over property or inheritance).

Internal meaning. It is given to understand the direct position of the card.

Tarot card four pentacles - a card of possession and preservation of what belongs to you. The property is yours by right, you have earned or inherited it. (Note that "inherited" assets include skill and talent.)

The Four of Pentacles also suggests that the Questioner feels the need to defend or defend his property. Other cards in the layout will indicate whether this feeling is justified or not. This card also warns that resting on your laurels may be nice, but it gets in the way of moving forward and preparing yourself for the future.

Among tarot cards, the four of pentacles are considered a symbol of power and possession... In her astrological houses, Mercury is in Cancer, and Saturn is in the second house of the horoscope. This indicates that a person is in an anxious state, unnecessarily worried about the state of affairs in his own future.

Perhaps at the present time in his life everything is not developing in the most favorable way, and because of his anxiety, he may become a victim of hasty and fundamentally wrong decisions.

4 pentacles

The four of pentacles symbolizes all the efforts that you have made to achieve a particular goal. She indicates that everything you own in this moment your life is the result of hard work and your willpower.

This applies to almost all aspects of life, be it health, career, love or relationships with others. Arcanum indicates that fate did not spoil you and everything in your life you have achieved by your own labor.

This map tells us that it is time to stop and pay more attention to preserving what has already been achieved. Don't take on new projects and don't try to jump over your head.

Your ambition and partly selfishness can become the root cause of a possible crisis, which you are so afraid of. Intuitively, you feel that you are doing something wrong, which is why life can go downhill at any moment.

Take it easy, sit down and think about how best to redistribute your life potential. It is likely that at this time you are spending too much energy on what you do not need at all.

Meaning in relationships

There is just a storm of emotions boiling inside you. You are constantly experiencing distrust of people around, in most cases, completely unreasonable. You shouldn't worry so much about the safety of your own reputation.

Do not forget that you are close to you, loving people who will help you to accept this or that situation at any time. You do not need to be so strong as to reinsure yourself, at the right moment you can miss the chance that fate has already prepared for you.

The four of pentacles indicates that you are spending too much energy on maintaining your own social status. This is partly the reason why for some time now you are standing in the same place in self-realization and self-development. You are so afraid of losing what you already own that you stopped thinking about what else you can achieve in your life.

At the moment, you may have lack of compassion for others... You are so concerned about your own well-being that you completely ignore the fact that life around you continues to move forward.

There are those out there who desperately want your attention, so give yourself a little distraction and relaxation.


Arkan says that you may have serious health problems. For the most part, this can be associated with a weakened immune system and psychological disorders.

Your Vital energy stopped circulating, which caused a situation of stagnation. This can be expressed in the form of a blockage of blood vessels or a strong slagging of the body. You have only taken from your life for too long, the time has come to give something in return. In this case, it is your energy.

For people with serious chronic diseases, the four of pentacles symbolizes exacerbations and complications in the course of the disease... They can occur unexpectedly, so try to eat right and live a healthy lifestyle to minimize the risks.

In love

In love, the four of pentacles is the bearer negative meaning... It falls out to people who are indifferent, unwilling to change and develop together with your partner. Often these are lonely people who do not know how to maintain long-term stable relationships.

If a person has a soul mate, he in every possible way harasses her with jealousy and sarcasm, thus expressing the fear of losing his beloved.

Four of Pentacles is a symbol of your personality... You value your personal space and worldview. However, you should be more flexible in your relationship with your partner.

If you got a lasso of four pentacles, think about the fact that lately you are becoming too suspicious... You should not demand any guarantees from your companion and impose obligations on him. You yourself are not yet ready for what you so passionately dream of getting.


The Four of Pentacles is considered a symbol of the incomprehensible union of rationality and fortitude with intuition. The person who got this card is so obsessed own safety that he is ready to resort to various rituals and fortune-telling, even if he does not believe in their power.

Perhaps you should ask yourself what exactly you want out of your own life. Now in your world order various things and material values ​​take too much place.

Remember that it is we who determine how dear this or that thing is to us, giving it part of our energy, when in fact it is just a mere trifle.

This card can also become a sign that if you can correctly revise the system of your own life values, then soon you will have an excellent opportunity to multiply what you already own. Do not refuse to help loved ones people if they need you.


The four of pentacles can acquire different meanings depending on the neighboring tarot arcana in the layout:

  • Nearby with "Tower" it symbolizes unexpected losses due to their own stinginess and shortsightedness.
  • If the fortuneteller has four pentacles together with by the "Moon" card, then there is a high probability that there is a person with negative energy next to you who does not influence your life in the best way.
  • Seven and nine of swords nearby with this lasso mean that in the near future you should expect pleasant and unexpected gifts from loved ones.
  • Inverted four of pentacles together with four swords says that now is not the best time to take the initiative. Try not to attract undue attention to yourself.
  • The knight of pentacles is near with a four promises useful purchases.
  • And if this lasso goes following the inverted king of cups- be careful when dealing with strangers, there is a risk of being a victim of fraud.

In work

The four of pentacles in professional activity symbolizes hostile relationships with colleagues at work, alienation and unwillingness to share their knowledge and experience.

Most often, it falls out to a person when the situation has escalated to such a limit that something urgently needs to be changed. Be careful not to miss this clue of fate.

You should not expect any career advancement. You are currently not putting in enough effort to satisfy your own ambitions.

Try to deviate a little from the rules and trust your sixth sense... Don't be afraid to work as a team. People will change their minds about you if you only let them. Distribute your own strengths and capabilities correctly.

Description of the Four of Pentacles Tarot card

On the Tarot card of the Four of Pentacles, you can often see a greedy person who does not want to share his coins. This symbolizes the property of the fortuneteller and everything that belongs to him by right. Only human behavior here is not caused by greed, but by the feeling of the need to protect their goods from encroachments.

The general meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card Four of Pentacles in divination and layouts

Direct card position

Four of Pentacles in an upright position symbolizes over-caution, the desire to retain values, unwillingness to share, greed. This attitude is inherently hostile to life, because any attempts to "stop the moment", to keep everything as it is, are not only in vain, but also contrary to the natural course of things. Thus, this card usually indicates that there is only one step left before stagnation. If the Four of Disks finds itself in a position that requires just such behavior, then this means that at the moment it is necessary to concentrate, limit yourself in something, retreat, or, having taken up the matter, no longer let it out of your hands. If the question in fortune-telling concerns something new (idea, plan, business, etc.), then in this case the card advises to focus on the need for a comprehensive approach and attentiveness in order to understand the details, get the right idea and assess the limits of the possibilities of the conceived ...

Inverted card position

Once in an inverted position, the Four of Coins symbolizes disorganization, excessive workload, too rigid a framework of restrictions. If the question concerns money and material wealth, then Arkan means stinginess or, on the contrary, wastefulness - those extremes that do not allow a person to have a consistently satisfactory material security.

The meaning and interpretation of the Four of Pentacles card in fortune-telling and layouts for work, business and career

Direct card position

Here, the Four of Disks shows that a person is holding on to his position, or at least expects that it will guarantee a stable income and well-being. The map predicts that many problems will soon be resolved, order will be restored and business (work) will return to normal.

Inverted card position

The Tarot card of the Four of Pentacles, appearing in an inverted position, indicates improper organization of activities, overexertion, excessive physical effort, which may arise from the inability to organize oneself or subordinates. Anything planned can go to waste due to stress or apathy. Sometimes an inverted Four of Coins speaks of external factors that can have, if not fatal, but still tangible and rather unpleasant impact on professional activity fortuneteller.

The meaning and interpretation of the Four of Pentacles card in layouts and fortune-telling on health

Direct card position

Health is stable, but requires adherence to the regime.

Inverted card position

It is necessary to conserve strength.

The meaning and interpretation of the card Four of Pentacles in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

Direct card position

Four of Coins indicates that a person is afraid of open, natural relationships, trying to replace them with given patterns of behavior. He "clings" to his partner, which is caused by his subconscious fear of being abandoned, abandoned. Sometimes the Four of Pentacles indicates a relationship based on the subordination of one partner to another and imposed strict rules, the material dependence of one partner on the other.

Inverted card position

Finding itself in an inverted position, the Four of Disks testifies to conflicts and disagreements that arise due to a lack of money and disorder in everyday life; portends quarrels over the distribution of the family budget. Sometimes he informs about the material interest of the partner in the relationship.

The meaning and interpretation of the Four of Pentacles card in layouts and fortune-telling for personality assessment

Direct card position

Characterizing a person, the Four of Pentacles indicates his pragmatism, law-abidingness and respect for private property.

Inverted card position

The Inverted Four of Denarii speaks of a conservative man who hides from everyone in his own boring and hopeless, but understandable and safe, from his point of view, world.

The meaning and interpretation of the card Four of Pentacles as a card of the day

Today you are too fixated on something that actually interferes with the implementation of your plans, so most likely you will get something as a result, exactly the opposite of what you wanted. Just in case, check what exactly prompted you to intervene in the course of events - fear of your own future, or is it still concern for higher things? Based on this, you need to build a plan for today.

Board card Four of Pentacles in fortune telling and spreads

Remember to learn from everything that happens, especially if it is a negative experience.

"The toad strangles to give Caesar what was Caesar's."

This card means achieving something with hard work. Junior Arcane Tarot card Four of Pentacles can indicate business, relationship with a partner, health or some kind of project. In this article, we will consider the description and meaning in the relationship of a straight and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in the layouts of love, health, career and work.

Four of Pentacles is a card that is primarily associated with the material sphere and finance.

The overall value of the Four of Pentacles card

Your goal, to which you have been walking hard and for a long time, is actually fragile and not viable. A person directs all his forces to preserve what has been achieved, he has been striving for this for a very long time. The Four of Pentacles Tarot symbolizes prudence, a planned plan of action.

A person has stability, but the fear of losing everything makes him defend his boundaries and rights, sometimes very aggressively, which repels others. Blocking and stagnation occurs. Selfishness, greed, the desire to save what you have acquired in any way.

Income growth is possible, but very slow and difficult. A person is in the past, fixated on past achievements. There is no desire to move on, there is no development, stagnation, which can lead to sad consequences and the loss of what it has now.

The person has achieved his goals and no longer wants to do anything. He is content with what he received, with what he has, content with little. He has no desire and energy for new achievements, there is no energy or very little of it. A person needs to overcome his laziness, apathy, and then he will achieve more than now. Achieved success is the result of effort. Man has taken his place in this world and is trying to stay there and gain a foothold.

Four of Pentacles, the value of the card indicates stability and order, a person gains control over what worries him. The card symbolizes security, but at the same time a person feels a lot of anxiety, as he is afraid of losing everything acquired by hard work. Therefore, a lot of energy is spent on protection and safety. Man does not allow accidents. There is no flexibility of thinking and the ability to accept reality. Tight control.

Four Denarii gives energy to get out of difficult and confusing situations. It helps to keep the borders, strengthen its position, and protect it from external threats. But a person feels that he is in a vicious circle, no matter what he does, everywhere he stumbles upon some reservations and unexpected little troubles. The map indicates court cases, clashes with the bureaucratic system, red tape in business.

In ancient interpretations, the Four of Coins symbolizes an expensive gift, inheritance, benefits, rewards, mercy from an influential person or life, profitable transactions with property. Order, lack of anxiety and sorrow. In modern times, it means a meeting with a stingy person from whom you do not expect good.

Personality description

The card indicates obsession, alertness, anxiety and fear. The man is the owner. Fear of life, a person is afraid of losing a source of income, being alone with life, afraid of losing the ground under his feet. This is all expressed in suspiciousness, fear of taking risks, undertaking, doing something new, unusual.

Positive features

The Four of Pentacles personifies a person who is firmly on his feet, conservative, does not accept any innovative ideas and does not allow novelty into his life. The card indicates practicality, organizational skills, a person relies only on his own strength, the ability to cope with a difficult situation, maintains composure and control over emotions.

The card shows that a person has a talent that has been in several generations of the Kin. If this is a creative person, then the Four of Coins shows that a person clings to his laurels, closes them from reality and blocks the energy of life. He is used to working with old methods and does not recognize new ones. Works on a well-worn track and thereby blocks the energy of creativity. Obsession with one idea throughout life.

Negative traits

A person walks in a circle, the energy is looped. The idea of ​​security, stability has become obsessive. Fear overwhelms thoughts, interferes with action, fetters strength. Selfishness. Only his own values ​​and ideals are important to a person, he does not take into account the opinions of others. Doesn't care about the opinion of loved ones.

It is difficult for a person to give up old ideas. He lives in the past. He drags his "suitcase without a handle" and sees no failure in his actions. He is terrified of losing his acquired treasures. Curmudgeon and tyrant.

A person is afraid of losing his place in life, leaving his comfort zone. He is tormented by nightmares about losing his job or destroying his business, the fear of being alone due to the death or loss of loved ones. Perhaps a person is currently fighting for a place in the sun, he is constantly on the alert and waiting for attacks in his direction.

The card shows selfishness, greed, conservatism, stagnation. A person lives within his own framework according to a long-accepted plan and is not going to change anything in his life. An inflexible approach in the struggle for order, stability and structure. Maintaining these standards seems more important than being cheerful and human.

Greed, distrust of others and the world, victory at any cost, translates everything into money. A person does not know what compassion and nobility are. Constantly looking for excuses for his insignificance and fears. Constant increased caution. Especially if there is a Seven of Swords in the layout.

Degradation of consciousness, if a person is fixated on only one of his ideas or problems. All conversations come down to one thing, nothing interests in life except yourself and your ideas. Selfishness. It is difficult to agree on something with such a person.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

At a deeper level

Four of Pentacles personifies firmness, stability, decency. Indicates a conservative person who does not want to accept anything new. He lives in his illusions. This image suggests that power and prosperity are achieved through the concentration of resources, a thrifty attitude towards what has been achieved.

Too much attachment to things and money. A person cannot think about anything except his ideas and money, he lives by this. He idealizes things, sticks with all his soul to them. Consumption is becoming a cult. A person needs to understand their goals and motivation.

The map asks the question: what is important to you, where is your place in this life? Do you live for money and wealth? What is your destiny?

Cancer, Jupiter and Moon appear in the Four of Pentacles. Jupiter gives gifts, patronage, help. The moon is a symbol of home, family, reliability, family values. All signs together symbolize attachment to the material. A person goes to church, atonements for sins, gives money to those in need, thus trying to justify his wealth.

Four of Coins indicates the achievement of real material results, hope, firmness in their decisions, conviction in their rightness and the correctness of their path. Practicality is inherent in man, the correct use of his resources and talents, an objective understanding of the situation. Before the questioner, the card raises the question of how to properly distribute the material benefits that life gives.

A man rushes between two fires. Either he, out of fear of remaining in poverty, literally saves on everything and saves, or he does not know where to get away from this wealth and what to do with it. Wealth weighs on him. A perfectionist by nature, does not know how to be content with little, always goes to the end. Knows how to act and make decisions in extreme situations. A person achieves everything he aspired to, but he needs to go further so that there is no stagnation.

The meaning of the Four of Pentacles in different layouts

For a career and work

The card symbolizes the fence. A person lives according to the principle “my hut is on the edge”. The four Denariyev points to the disintegration of the company, dismissal from a hateful job, a person goes out and starts an independent business, a business. It also indicates the enmity of the collective towards the questioner because of his superficial and arrogant attitude towards people. To improve the situation, you need a concentration of resources, order and consistency in actions, protection of your interests.

Corruption, venality. State systems in which stagnation and degradation occurs. A sea of ​​rules and laws that are outdated, but they do not want to admit it. Bureaucracy. Four of Pentacles may indicate the head of a small department in a government structure. He clings to his laurels, which have long faded.

Profession according to this card: merchants, bank employees, museum workers, financial analysts, government agencies, security companies, insurance companies.

For finance and property

Four Denarii personifies inheritance, strengthening of the state of affairs. Concentration of money, resources, but at the same time a feeling of their lack. The person has a modest income. Financial stability. Let it be small, but constantly.

The card means financial success, material wealth and stability. Accumulation, strengthening of positions, successful operations with the investment of money. But at the same time, the person lacks a sense of security. The Four of Pentacles indicates life in the city. Successful real estate transactions, although the questioner will think that he could have bought it better, but the house will be good.

A person rightfully received his money, property and real estate. It is difficult to take anything away from such people or deceive. The card indicates the greed of a person, from his stupidity and impatience he can get into an unpleasant situation or take out a loan at a high interest rate.

If the Four of Pentacles is inverted, then do not expect good, it is bad for money matters. Large expenses, financial instability. Cases end in failure, capital dries up, waste, ruin, bankruptcy. Pettiness, fear of loss. Stupor, lack of flexibility in decision-making, strong-willed person, does not know how to give in. Narrow views on life. Selfishness, self-defense, tight control, establishment and protection of borders.

For love and relationships

The Four of Pentacles Tarot has a negative value in relationships. A person does not want to create a marriage, he finds a million excuses for his bachelor life. He resists change, does not accept new life, believes that he is right and he does not need anything different and new. Individualist.

A person's dreams and desires are limited. His environment tells him to take a new step forward, but he refuses. A person does not know how to share, does not know how to build relationships and does not want to.

The symbol of the Four of Pentacles is a vicious circle, borders.

Moreover, if such a person falls in love, then his other half is his property. He does not want to give it to anyone, he is constantly jealous. Depriving a partner of freedom and personal space. If there are Swords and the Devil in the scenario, then this indicates a despotic tyrant, domestic violence. He controls his partner, controls his every step, does not allow him to live his life.

Such a person is suspicious, n gullible and constantly suspects his partner of treason. His partner must constantly prove his love, give guarantees that he will not leave him and will love forever. There is no passion in a relationship. Stingy feelings and only agreements, clarification of the relationship. The partner constantly owes such a person.

The Four of Pentacles indicates a marriage of convenience. Money plays a role in such a relationship the main role... Loneliness together, boredom, pettiness and greed. There is no place for love. But at the same time, partners are faithful to each other. Love for him is a deal, and agreements cannot be violated.

Man does not accept any uncertainties. Even in love, everything should be clearly planned 20 years ahead. Rules, frameworks and boundaries are the true love of the Four of Coins. He does not show his feelings, suppresses them. He considers this a manifestation of weakness and does not need them.

Giving is not in the principles of the Four of Denarii, such a person wants to have, to possess, he has a developed sense of ownership. Frigidity is inherent in man, there is no attraction to sex. Indifference to a partner. This card falls out when the relationship fades, it symbolizes intimate stinginess. All due to excessive control, fears, blockages, selfishness.

The person does not want to do something to develop the relationship. He needs a partner "for show." Family life stable, order, lack of novelty, stagnation in relationships. The relationship is strong, but like a prison. Stagnation, stagnation and swamp, movement in a vicious circle.

For health status

A person has spent a lot of energy and health to achieve material wealth. Health still remains, but it has to be preserved and not scattered over trifles. There are many chronic diseases. The norm is on the verge of pathology. "Slagging" of the body, a person has blocked all his energy channels and does not want to clean them. Excess weight.

The card advises the questioner to protect what has been achieved, to protect himself and his property. Stand firmly on their feet and remain calm, avoid risks, clearly think over their actions. Do not retreat, act, agree to the plan.

The Four of Pentacles indicates excessive consumerism, don't buy too much. Treat people as equals, not just when you need something from them. Do not rest on your laurels for too long, it threatens stagnation and loss of what you have acquired. Stop being afraid of the future and take life as an enemy. Let go of your thoughts and go with the flow for a while. The river of life will carry you to the right bank. A bright future comes through the destruction of the past.

Reverse card meaning

The Four of Pentacles inverted indicates monetary losses, discord in the family. Property disputes, questions. Loss of stable income. Extravagance, useless shopping, waste of money. Inability to organize, laxity, lack of a clear plan in action. Obstacles, delayed money. A blockage in life from all sides. Failure in exams. Refusal of a loan or it is taken at high interest rates.

At the same time, the card indicates new discoveries, a person learns to live anew, overcome their fears, barriers, clear blockages and stagnation in life. Manage your fears and panic. A man comes out of his shell. This is a rejection of security, stability. The possibility of a successful risk in good deeds. But don't gamble with life and destiny. A person learns to express their feelings, release blockages and clamps.

Combined with other cards

  • With the Tower - retribution for clinging and stagnation, the unexpected loss of what he managed to achieve;
  • With the Moon - a cowardly life position;
  • With the Seven or Nine of Wands, the motive of protection and protection is enhanced;
  • With Two of Swords - a gift from friends;
  • With the Four of Swords - advice to attract as little attention as possible;
  • With the Nine of Swords, the action of the Four of Pentacles is intensified;
  • With the Knight of Pentacles - a useful gift;
  • After the inverted King of Cups - the need to bribe.

Another name for the card is Four of Coins or Four of Denarii

Key meanings of the Four of Pentacles in an upright position:

  • financial stability;
  • security;
  • savings, greed, stingy;
  • possession, control;
  • closeness, isolation.

Key meanings of the Tarot card in an inverted position:

  • financial losses;
  • unreasonable spending;
  • delays;
  • generosity;
  • changes, updates;
  • loss of something valuable.

The Tarot card of the Four of Pentacles depicts a man sitting on a stone seat. The city can be seen in the distance behind him. He firmly holds the pentacle (coin) in his hands, as if afraid of losing it. He holds one pentacle on his head, and the other two are under his feet.

The man is vigilant that no one touches his coins. And he will not budge, so as not to miss the coins under his feet. In other words, this person is so attached to his possessions that he cannot do anything else.

He holds the pentacles tightly, this suggests that they are very valuable and are of great importance to him. Since the Pentacles represent the material world, it becomes obvious that this person is obsessed with money or possessions. Money is in his hands, in his heart, under his feet and in his thoughts.

Every effort put into it paid off and money or success began to appear. But the man on the map looks at his success only as a beginning. Now he is obsessed with acquiring more material wealth. However, in pursuit of accumulation, he runs the risk of missing out on simple, but such important points life.

He will need to learn that money cannot buy everything, especially happiness, and that in time he will become a slave to everything he has.

He sees everything as property: there is what he owns and what he wants to own. When he finds himself a partner, no doubt he will see him also as something that belongs only to him. However, in a relationship, he will be stingy. At the same time, here one should understand not only stinginess in relation to material goods, but also in relation to such intangible things as time or attention.

Four of Pentacles - meaning and interpretation in an upright position

In the layout, the Four of Pentacles can have both positive and negative meanings. On the one hand, this card means that you have achieved many of your goals and achieved material wealth. However, on the other hand, there is a risk that you recognize the value of only material wealth, show possessiveness, and become greedy.

4 of Pentacles indicate financial stability. Moreover, not only now, but also in the long term, the financial situation looks stable. Your financial situation has improved and is stable, but this is not an accident or luck. On the contrary, it is the result of hard work.

The card may indicate a large purchase. You have been saving for a long time to buy a car, an apartment, pay for your studies or go on a trip. Now you have the money for this.

A person is conservative about money, not inclined to enter into financial adventures or invest in risky ventures. He protects his savings, which are formed through savings and reliable investments. Self-sufficiency, both financial and emotional, since according to this lasso, a person is inclined to equate money with emotional security.

One of the interpretations of the Four of Pentacles is accumulation, collecting. A person will accumulate money or material values, even if he already has enough of it. Storing food for future use in quantities that cannot be eaten. Keeping a lot of old things at home that are a pity to throw away.

Although this card depicts a practical and financially stable person, it often indicates possessiveness, greed, and an overly cautious approach to life. You may be afraid to take risks, both financially and emotionally, for fear of losing everything you have achieved so far.

Thus, the Four of Pentacles points to one of the dangers of prosperity: the temptation to value money far above its real value. Attachment to material things. You rate yourself based on how expensive your car is, what brand of things you are wearing, how big the TV is in your home.

Unwillingness for changes, resistance to them, adherence to traditions, habits. Why change established lifestyles or proven ways or methods of work? Changes, as it seems to the questioner, pose a threat to stability, confidence in today and tomorrow, and security. Therefore, any proposal to do something in a new way, in a different way, meets with resistance.

Protecting your property. In combination with the cards of the suit of Swords, it can talk about a legal dispute over real estate, land or business.

Closure from others. Maintaining confidentiality. Act alone. Reluctance to make contact. Control and submission to your will. Selfishness. The map is associated with the concept of a border, therefore it symbolizes delimitation, fencing off.

Four of Pentacles - meaning and interpretation in an inverted position

The Inverted Four of Pentacles in the layout can turn to two extremes - positive and negative. Surrounding maps will clarify its interpretation.

On the one hand, stability and caution turn into greed and stinginess. You are closed financially and emotionally, afraid to open up and trust other people. You are very reluctant to spend money.

Reckless spending. Money literally slips through your fingers. You don't keep track of your expenses and exceed your budget. Gambling. Desire to get "quick money".

Contribution to a dubious business or organization that looks successful on the outside, but the reality may be very different. Loss of property, in matters of work or relationships (the surrounding maps will give you direction).

Delays, delay, obstacle. Problems receiving payment for the work performed.

On the other hand, the positive aspect of the card may indicate the opposite: spending, generosity. The opportunity to spend money again after a long period of savings. Large sum money is spent on what has long wanted to buy.

Openness to changes, new ideas, willingness to take risks. Liberation, purification, transformation. Maybe it's time to make a renovation, change your wardrobe, or throw out old things from the house that have been accumulating over the years.

4 of Pentacles in the opposite position in matters related to feelings indicates that a lot of time is devoted to career and material savings, and not to relationships and a loved one.

Four of Pentacles - relationship and love

In the realm of feelings and love, the Four of Pentacles can personify a selfish partner who gives only if he is sure that he will receive something in return. Or a partner who is more concerned with material things, controls general finances, hides money, or is greedy. Union of convenience.

Emotional closeness, "economy" of feelings, stinginess in emotions. Greed (not the desire to bestow) in the realm of feelings and intimacy. Closure from each other.

A couple who save for their future. For example, he saves money to buy real estate or a honeymoon trip.

Jealousy, possessiveness towards a partner. Control down to the instructions of what to wear, with whom to communicate and not communicate, where to go. Striving to keep love locked up.

Also, 4 of Pentacles can indicate loneliness in a relationship. It looks like you have everything, but inside you feel empty and alone in a couple. Perhaps, by status, position, occupation, you have to communicate with people with whom you have nothing in common.

Relationships are stable, but such stability is more like stagnation, a vicious circle.

In an inverted position, it can also manifest itself in two meanings - positive and negative. If the surrounding cards confirm this, it may indicate that the relationship is based on openness, honesty and generosity. Problems are not hidden or hushed up, but discussed.

If in a relationship one of the partners controlled the other and perceived him as his property, the lasso in the opposite position can mean a break in such a relationship, a kind of liberation. Termination of a relationship in which feelings have passed and only a habit remains.

In a negative sense - a partner who loves your money more than you. Spends your money while saving his. Partners (or one of them) who are in a relationship only for financial gain or status.

At the same time, the lasso may assume that one of the partners is currently unemployed and depends on the other financially, through no fault of their own.

It can also mean extreme jealousy and possessiveness. One partner completely dominates the other.

Work and career

The card says that you will have to act on your own. Unlike the Three of Pentacles, which means teamwork, the Four assumes the disintegration, delimitation of groups and collectives. Unfriendly relationships with colleagues. Bureaucracy, the need to comply with the established bulk of rules and regulations.

A person clings to his place, to his usual work, although it has long since exhausted itself and has no prospects. But the fear of change, the unknown, albeit a small but stable income, make you hold on to your existing job.

Starting your own business that is growing, stable and secure. It took a lot of effort to organize this business. But now you have everything you need to good development and extensions.

Financial losses pass through the inverted Four of Pentacles. Business failures due to unwillingness to update equipment and technologies, apply new methods and activities, and introduce something new.

Lack of job prospects, pay cuts, or having to work overtime for no extra pay.

For students, portends failure in the exam.

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