Massage to the child on the feet from flat feet. Massage for flat feet in children: performance features, important points. Frequently Asked Questions from Parents

building materials 11.08.2020
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The muscles, ligaments and fascia of the foot must work in concert with the ankle muscles and ligaments. With flattening of the transverse and longitudinal arches of the foot, which provide its depreciation properties, flat feet develop. Conservative treatment, started at the first signs of the disease, gives good results, especially in children. Massage for flat feet is integral part treatment and has its own characteristics and technique.

Normally, the foot consists of many small bones, united by ligaments and joints. Their movements and rotation are “guided” by tendons and muscles. During the movements of the leg, the muscles lengthen and shorten again, changing its shape.

All muscles of the foot are conditionally divided into two groups.

  • Located on the sole, as well as the muscles of the back surface. They play an important role in the processes of flexion, extension, spreading and adduction of the fingers.
  • The plantar muscles are divided, in turn, into the muscles that elevate the little finger, the muscles that elevate the thumb and the middle group of muscles. This group is much weaker than the plantar ones.

In addition, the posterior and anterior tibial muscles of the lower leg are involved in the functions of the foot. Not only the biomechanics of the foot, but also the lightness, smoothness, and stability of the gait depend on their condition.

Foot formation in children

In children up to a certain age, the foot seems flat, since the plantar part of a small child is shorter and wider compared to an adult. The baby's heel seems small, and the fingers, as it were, diverge in the form of a fan in different directions. The plantar part in its composition has a fatty layer, which smoothes the arches of the foot.

The flat structure of the foot and the omission of its arches are the reason that children under the age of 3-4 years quickly get tired when walking. Over time, the legs acquire normal shapes, and feet appear on the sole. Flat feet can develop for many reasons, but one of them is muscle weakness.

This can occur due to paresis, paralysis, trauma, previous diseases, as well as a large physical load on the sole. Foot massage for flat feet is one of the methods of complex conservative treatment, which gives good results if used together with therapeutic exercises, and insoles.

Massage technique

Foot massage for flat feet has its own characteristics and techniques. When conducting it, it must be taken into account that the innervation of the lower extremities begins at the level of the spine, so it will be useless to carry out a separate massage of the legs or only the feet.
Experts advise perform massage movements least from the back, then gradually move to the front and back of the thighs, and only then massage the legs and feet.

The techniques that are used in massage of the legs and feet are different, but two are mainly used:

  • Massage with flat feet begins with the muscles of the lower leg (calf), then smoothly moves to the Achilles tendon, ankle joint, from there to the sole. After a few minutes of massage of the plantar part, they again switch to the ankle joint, tendons and calf muscles.
  • General massage, starting from the knee area and gradually descending to the fingertips. After that, the massage of the inner and outer surfaces of the lower leg is carried out, then they move to the sole and end with the thumb.

Techniques use those that are used in general massage - kneading, stroking, squeezing, vibration, pressure, squeezing. As a supplement, you can use various massage mats or rollers. The only contraindication to the conduct is considered varicose veins veins of the legs, which occurs mainly in adults.

For children

Massage for flat feet in children has the following rules.

  • At first, you can apply the simplest techniques and rules, gradually moving on to complex techniques.
  • All tricks carried out carefully, and when the child screams or cries, they should stop. The reason for this behavior of the child may be a careless movement or insufficient experience of the nurse performing the procedure.
  • Movements are held only in the supine position so that no additional load is created on the entire musculoskeletal system of the child. The joints and ligaments of the baby are not fully formed, and sharp shocks can injure the skeletal system.

Separately, it must be said about massage with varus or flat-valgus deformity, when, in addition to the development of flat feet, the feet fall inward or the heel deviates somewhat outward. With such a deformation, deformation occurs not only in the feet, but also in the ankle, knee and hip joints. Therefore, massage with flat feet of such forms should be carried out carefully so as not to cause discomfort to the child.

How many courses to take

The massage course should consist of at least 12 (with mild flat feet) or 20 sessions (in severe cases), which are carried out every other day. In terms of time, the procedure can take from 7-10 to 20 minutes. At least 3-4 courses can be carried out per year.

With congenital foot pathology, massage can be started already from the age of 1.5-2 months at least 45 minutes after eating. Usually the procedure is carried out until the result is obtained. Massage in adults usually does not give such a result as in children, the reason is that in an adult the muscular-ligamentous apparatus is already formed.

It is not recommended to massage yourself if the parents do not have the skills or special education. For any suspicion of signs of flat feet, you should consult an orthopedic doctor for advice and start as early as possible, in the complex of which massage is necessarily present.

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The feet are an important part of the support locomotive system, their correct structure allows a person to move on two legs and maintain balance, while there is no negative effect on the joints of the legs and spine. If the foot is deformed, then the load is distributed incorrectly, bones suffer, joints and legs begin to hurt.

One of the most common types of deformity in children and adults is flat feet. In this case, the foot flattens, the foot ceases to perform a shock-absorbing function and deforms externally. IN childhood pathology is successfully treated conservative methods, and in an adult only by surgery, therefore it is very important to identify signs of the disease in time and undergo a course of therapy.

Flat feet is a disease in which flattening of the foot occurs. Flat feet in children is not always a disease, for example, during the first years of life, the foot is flat in all children, and this is a feature of the development of the baby. Over time, the legs grow, and the feet take on a special curve, which provides a shock-absorbing function.

In most children, the correct arches are formed between the ages of 7 and 12, so the degree of flat feet is usually not established for babies, the doctor can only recommend that parents use preventive measures. If after 12 years the legs do not acquire the correct shape, then they are already talking about the presence of a disease.

There are 3 degrees of flat feet:

  • The first degree is characterized by the presence of flexible flat feet, in which case the child is not bothered by anything and only preventive measures are required so that the foot develops correctly further.
  • The second degree is observed in babies infrequently, while shortening occurs. Such a pathology causes pain to the child and interferes with normal development.
  • The last degree of flat feet is the most common pathology, while the foot is stiff, the child may complain of pain during movement.

If flat feet in children are not treated, it gradually progresses, the legs not only flatten, but also deform, negatively affecting not, and, the spine and spinal cord. The consequence of neglected flat feet in adulthood is scoliosis, and other serious pathologies.


Flat feet in a child can be congenital or acquired. Congenital pathology is rare, it is associated with pathologies of development in the womb. In the vast majority of cases, the disease develops due to the wrong lifestyle of the child.

First of all, you need to pay attention to shoes, the child should walk in shoes with a hard back, a small heel and a soft arch support. Baby shoes should not be flat. It is also not recommended to wear shoes at home without a doctor's prescription, the child's feet develop better when he moves barefoot.

Physical activity plays an important role, so much attention in the treatment of pathology is paid to exercise therapy for flat feet. If the child leads a passive lifestyle, the leg muscles weaken and cease to support the weight of the body, as a result, deformation occurs.

Also, parents need to pay attention to the nutrition of the baby, it should be healthy and balanced, and the development of obesity should not be allowed. In the first case, the tissues will not have enough nutrition and they will stop developing properly, and if there is excess weight, the load on the baby's foot will greatly increase.


The easiest way to find out if a child has flat feet is to see a doctor. It is usually difficult to identify pathology with the naked eye, especially in babies of the first years of life, physiological flat feet are always observed.

An easy way to suspect flat feet in adults is to apply thick cream or paint to the feet and leave an imprint on a piece of paper. The resulting trace must be measured with a ruler, the width at the narrowest point should be less than 2 times the length of the foot. For children, this method is uninformative, due to the peculiarities of the development of the foot.

Parents should pay attention to the following symptoms, which may indicate the presence of pathology:

  • the child limps, complains of pain in the legs;
  • the baby bends his fingers inward, clubfoot;
  • observed or deformity of the legs.


Flat feet in children are effectively treated with conservative methods, since the baby's body is still developing and growing, deformities can be corrected. The child is prescribed to perform exercises from flat feet, undergo a course of massage and physiotherapy, and wear shoes.

Exercises for flat feet in children is the most important part of therapy, since first of all it is necessary to strengthen the muscular frame in the tissues of the legs. In this case, the feet will quickly return to a physiologically correct state.

exercise therapy

Exercise therapy for flat feet is prescribed by a doctor, and it should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. The orthopedist directs the child to a physiotherapy room, where a specialist in physiotherapy exercises conducts classes regularly.

When the child fully masters the program, he will be able to independently carry out training at home. Gymnastics with flat feet is effective only when it is performed every day, for a long time, and better than life as a preventive measure. With flat feet in adults, exercises from this complex can serve as a preventive measure.

Consider a few effective exercises that can be performed at home for treatment and prevention:

  • Rolling a rolling pin and a tight ball helps with flat feet. To do this, the child needs to sit on a chair, straighten his back, put a rolling pin under his foot and roll it from heel to toe and back for several minutes. Then repeat with the second leg.
  • For the treatment of flat feet, it is recommended to walk across the stick. To do this, you need any stick with a diameter of 3 cm and a length of at least 1.5 meters, a regular mop is perfect.
  • To improve blood circulation, walking on toes and on the outside of the foot, as well as rotating the feet, helps well.
  • To strengthen the muscles of the legs, you need to sit on a chair and straighten your back, you need to raise your legs and hold for a few seconds, repeat at least 10 times.

It is also recommended that a child with flat feet regularly visit the pool, swimming helps to strengthen the muscles of the legs, arms and back, this will help get rid of the flattening of the foot, as well as prevent the development of scoliosis and osteochondrosis of the spine.

In order for exercises from flat feet for adults and children to bring a good effect, it is recommended to combine them with massage. for flat feet in children should be carried out by a specialist as prescribed by a doctor. Usually this procedure is combined with a foot and back massage to improve blood circulation throughout the body.

The specialist uses a special technique that allows you to return the foot to its normal position, normalize tissue nutrition and relieve fatigue from the legs. At home, massage for flat feet in children can also be carried out by a parent, for this, the baby's legs need to be stroked, rubbed, it is impossible to apply too much pressure without preparation so as not to hurt the child.

It is effective for flat feet and, but a doctor should prescribe such a procedure, self-medication is not recommended. To carry out such treatment, you need to buy paraffin in a pharmacy and heat it in a water bath, warm liquid is applied to the legs in several layers to make boots.

From above, a paraffin compress must be wrapped down scarf and leave for 20 minutes, then remove and massage. This procedure is usually carried out in a clinic, but at home, you can do a massage with paraffin. Recommendations for performing the procedure at home are given by the orthopedist during the consultation.


Flat feet is a serious pathology that, if left untreated, can even make a child disabled, which is why the prevention of flat feet in preschool children is so relevant.

To prevent the disease, parents should follow the following recommendations:

  • first of all, it is necessary to regularly undergo an examination by an orthopedist, who will be able to timely identify the pathology and prescribe treatment;
  • it is very important to choose the right shoes and not to abuse wearing them;
  • the child must correctly and should not be allowed to develop obesity;
  • an important role is played by exercises for the prevention of flat feet, the child must do every day morning exercises, attend sports clubs or swimming pool.

About flat feet (video)

And) many are susceptible, but this does not at all mean that this disease cannot harm a person. In fact, the entire musculoskeletal system can suffer, because a huge load is placed on the spine and other bones. And how to do a foot massage with flat feet?


To begin with, we list the effects that can be achieved using this procedure:

  • First of all, after the session, blood circulation in the lower extremities improves, blood rushes to the feet. All tissues receive the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients.
  • Blood rushes to the ligaments, strengthening them (and it is precisely their weakness that is the fundamental moment of this condition).
  • With the help of procedures, joints can be developed. The production of joint fluid has a positive effect on their functioning.
  • Muscles also receive nutrition, due to which they become stronger and begin to work better, which is also important in the described disease.
  • With the help of massage, you can even change the position of the arch of the foot and fix it.
  • The arch of the foot is strengthened, which prevents further changes and deformations.
  • It is believed that there are many important biologically active points on the feet that are responsible for the work of various organs, so the procedures will help improve overall health.
  • In addition, lymphatic drainage will certainly improve, which also has a positive effect on the condition of the feet.

Techniques and tricks

Massage for and adults involves the use of various techniques. We list some of them:

  • Stroking. It can be planar (the entire surface of a straight palm) or encircling. You can also use this technique with the help of the knuckles with the palm clenched into a fist.
  • Trituration. It can be done with the palm of the hand, the edge of the palm, several fingers connected to each other, their knuckles, pads or one finger. This technique also implies different directions: straight, spiral, alternate, tongs.
  • It is also possible to knead (circular, ordinary or combined) with the fingertips, the edge of the palm or knuckles with a clenched fist.
  • Passive flexion and extension (that is, the masseur himself flexes and unbends the feet or fingers).
  • Turns and rotations. Such manipulations should be performed not sharply and very carefully, since the ligaments with flat feet are rather weak.
  • Stroking is similar to stroking, but involves a certain amount of pressure on the surface of the limb.
  • Vibration includes point effects: pressing with fingertips, tapping, shaking the foot, patting, and so on.

How to do?

Massage is done not only using a certain technique, but also in a certain sequence. For example, you need to use not only the foot and all its parts (ankle, Achilles tendon), but also the lower leg, because if you strengthen the muscles of the foot and forget about the lower leg, then there will be practically no effect.

Usually the procedure is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Work out first.
  • Then they move on to the Achilles tendon (it is located above the heel).
  • Then they move on to the outside of the leg.
  • Now you can massage the back of the foot.
  • Then you can move on to the sole.
  • Then we switch to the calf muscle
  • And we finish the massage with the study of the sole.

Now about everything in more detail. Step by step instructions for you:

  1. A person should lie on his stomach, it is desirable and even necessary to place rollers under his ankle joints (this can be a rolled towel).
  2. Massage your calf muscle. First, use straight and alternate stroking, then beak-shaped or transverse squeezing techniques are used. Do not forget about rubbing, it is also necessary.
  3. Now start working on the Achilles tendon. Use spiral, ring and direct rubbing techniques. Massage the area with the phalanges or fingertips.
  4. The person should now lie on their back. The roller moves under the knees. Start massaging the outer side of the lower leg, first using various stroking options, then moving on to kneading (they are produced by the edge of the palm, fingers, phalanges and knuckles when the palm is clenched into a fist). In conclusion, do a squeeze with the base of the palm.
  5. Move to the back of the foot. With the hand that is closer to the leg being worked out, grasp the foot, and with the far hand, perform all the manipulations. Stroke the entire foot, starting from the toes and moving towards the ankle joint. Rub the spaces between the metatarsal bones with your fingertips. Rubbing with the pad of your thumb, and then start rubbing with the edge of your palm.
  6. Now massage the sole. To do this, first stroke it with the back of your hand. Then, from the fingers to the heel, make a circular rubbing, first with the pad of the thumb, then with all the fingers. Then move on to straight-line rubbing up and down using your fist or the edge of your hand. Lightly remember the foot.

According to statistics, about 65% of children under 5-6 years old suffer from flat feet of varying severity. Pathology, accompanied by flattening of the arches of the foot, deformity of the joints and violation of all functions of the musculoskeletal system, can be corrected well only at an early age. Conservative treatment includes a set of measures aimed at eliminating the disorder and preventing the development of complications. One of the most effective methods of dealing with the disease is manual therapy. Consider how massage is performed for flat feet in children of different ages.

Features of the pathology

Foot healthy person has two arches: longitudinal, located on the inner side of the sole, and transverse, formed by the metatarsal and tarsal bones. Their main task is to evenly distribute and absorb the load on the spine and lower limbs when walking and standing. Flattening of the corresponding arches leads to the development of longitudinal, transverse or mixed flat feet, as a result of which the foot loses its main biomechanical functions.

In babies up to 2-3 years old, the flattening of the longitudinal arch is physiological and is caused by muscle weakness and mobility. As you grow older and master the skills of walking, the bones and joints take the correct position. The process of foot formation lasts on average up to 5 years. Only from this time can we talk about the presence of pathology.

Parents should not wait until the age of five to identify and diagnose a disease that is easier to prevent than to treat. If there is any suspicion of the development of a violation, you should contact a pediatrician or pediatric orthopedist.

In most cases, flat feet in babies are asymptomatic. Parents may notice clubfoot or shoe wear on only one side. Older children often complain of discomfort and pain in the legs and back during prolonged walking or standing, swelling in the legs and feet.

Massage rules

In orthopedic practice, foot massage is used at all stages of the disease and is the most effective method prevention. Almost all manual therapy techniques can be used at home after prior consultation with an orthopedist. To achieve good results, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • The procedure should be carried out at least three times a week for 2-3 months;
  • It is advisable to massage the feet before going to bed after water procedures, in a warm room without drafts;
  • For the most effective impact, you can use any hypoallergenic baby cream or olive oil;
  • After all the manipulations, the child must wear warm socks and cover his legs with a blanket.

It is recommended to act not only directly on the foot, but also on the entire surface of the lower extremities, as well as the lower back. This is especially true for babies up to a year old, since during this period the formation of the musculoskeletal system occurs, and manual therapy can be an excellent prevention of not only flat feet, but also curvature of the spine.

Massage is contraindicated elevated temperature, general malaise, bleeding, pustular and allergic rashes, wounds and cracks on the surface of the skin.

Basic manipulation

Regardless of the technique, classic children's massage for flat feet includes a certain sequence of movements:

  • strokes;
  • Rubbing;
  • kneading;
  • Patting and pinching;

The initial and final stages are performed with a soft hand to prepare the muscles and joints for the procedure and relax after it. Rubbing is carried out in a circular motion over the entire surface of the palm. Kneading, tingling and other intense effects are carried out with the tips of tense fingers. The force of pressure should be increased gradually, without leading to pain and discomfort, sudden movements are not allowed.

Massage for babies

Effective and safe massage for the prevention of flat feet can be done as early as a month after the baby is born. The classic technique for children up to a year includes the following steps:

  • Undress the baby and put it on the stomach on a changing table covered with a blanket or other flat surface;
  • With stroking movements for 30-40 seconds, act on the back, buttocks and the back surface of the legs, including the feet;
  • Bend one leg at the knee and rub the sole and back of the foot for 20 seconds, moving from the toes to the ankle joint. Further, with kneading movements, act on the sole, moving towards the heel;
  • Hold the heel with the left hand, and raise and lower all the fingers at the same time with the right hand, and then each one individually. Repeat all steps 6-8 times;
  • With intensive movements for 30 seconds, knead and pat the foot, first in its upper part, then in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe longitudinal arch and heel;
  • Tightly clasping the foot, perform 5-6 rotations in the ankle joint in both directions. Perform 10 stroking and rubbing movements from the ankle to the knee;
  • Repeat all steps with the other leg and turn the baby on its back;
  • For 10-15 seconds, stroke the thigh from the knee to the groin, then the lower leg in the direction from the foot up and the back of the foot. Repeat for the other limb.

This technique can be used not only for preventive purposes, but also for the treatment of flat feet. The total duration of the procedure for babies up to a year should not exceed 10-15 minutes. Then the massage time can be gradually increased.

Features of massage for older children

The classic massage technique for flat feet in older children and adolescents differs slightly from a similar procedure in infants:

  • The older the baby, the more energetic and intense the massage movements should be;
  • The duration of stroking and rubbing movements is reduced, and kneading, patting and vibrating - increases;
  • The total procedure time should be between 25 and 60 minutes, depending on the age of the child and the severity of the disorder.

For older children, it is recommended to take classes in game form, complementing the massage with therapeutic exercises, water procedures, walking on pebbles or massage mats. In the presence of gross violations of the structure of the foot, the procedure should be carried out by a professional massage therapist.

Manual therapy is the basis for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system at an early age. Parents should remember that foot massage for a child with flat feet is effective only in combination with wearing orthopedic shoes, physiotherapy, exercise therapy and other procedures recommended by an orthopedist.

Foot massage for flat feet

To improve the patient's well-being when diagnosing flat feet, a relaxing and tonic massage of the limbs is actively used to improve blood circulation and strengthen muscle tone. How to properly massage with flat feet in adults - features and recommendations of specialists.

Foot deformity massage is an obligatory medical procedure

Foot massage techniques for flat feet help eliminate swelling, pain, relieve inflammation, accelerate lymph flow, and improve the depreciation properties of the foot. For the treatment of deformity of the lower extremities, it is important to carry out the procedure regularly, at least 15 sessions per month. The duration of the session is at least 10 minutes.

There are several methods for performing the procedure:

  • Stroking - a gentle superficial movement with the palm (hand relaxed), held across or along the muscles, used to relieve spasms, relaxes the skin, normalizes blood circulation;
  • Squeezing - fingers form a bird's beak, movements are performed with the edge of the little finger or thumb, the entire palm is involved in massive areas;
  • Kneading - done in 2 stages, muscle capture, compression / rolling, deep-lying tissues are intensively massaged;
  • Rubbing - the hands are folded in the form of an arch, the movements are carried out from the bottom up, and the outer side of the joint is rubbed with the thumb (the blood circulation of the muscle fibers improves);
  • Tapping - activates blood circulation in the massaged areas, increases muscle tone, strikes are applied with different intensities, with the edge of the palm or the back of the fingers.

Particular attention when performing a massage from flat feet at home should be given to the back surface of the lower leg, where the heads of the calf muscles are located. The pain zone is rubbed with gentle patting movements, without indentation and pain.


Professional massage is used not only to stimulate active points on the sole, but also leads to the strengthening of the protective properties of the body, regulates the work of other organs.


Massage of the lower extremities is not performed when high temperature in a patient, circulatory failure, allergies, tuberculosis, the presence of tumors, purulent bleeding processes, while carrying a child.

Massage techniques for flat feet

Before doing a foot massage with flat feet, it is important to carry out foot baths with the addition of sea salt, decoction to the water container. medicinal plants, coniferous extract.

To correct flat feet, 2 main techniques are used, which correspond to the degree of foot deformity. Step by step:

  • Warm-up patting movements skin, after the areas from the fingers to the knee are processed;
  • The lower leg is subjected to comprehensive massaging using the technique of rubbing, squeezing and tapping;
  • After the plantar part of the foot is processed;
  • In conclusion, the thumb is massaged with active movements.

Second technique:

  • The calf muscles, the outer part of the lower leg, foot, sole, heel are processed sequentially;
  • Finally, the plantar part of the foot is massaged.

The stages of massage are determined by the peculiarities of changes in the muscles of the feet and legs. It is important to effectively distribute the load on the lower limbs in order to get rid of signs of foot deformity.

Self-massage for foot deformity

If it is not possible to visit a qualified specialist for a massage, you can perform it yourself. Step-by-step instruction massages at home

  1. Pull up the little finger, lower the ring finger, change their location in the opposite direction - the number of approaches is at least 10;
  2. Hold the heel with your hand, and with the other, stretch all the toes one by one. 10 approaches;
  3. Rub the palms of the plantar part of the leg and lower leg;
  4. Treat each finger with patting movements, and then go to the heel zone;
  5. Place your palms on your knee, stroking movements to move to the thigh;
  6. Knead and rub the skin of both legs for 10 minutes;
  7. At the end of the massage, stroke the leg from the foot to the groin area, apply a nourishing cream.

Experts recommend during the treatment to concentrate their movements on the calf muscle, make rubbing movements with the crest of the fist. When massaging the calcaneal tendon, it is necessary to move in different directions - in a straight line, in a circle. Rubbing, stroking and pressing apply in turn.


As a gymnastics, it is useful to bend / unbend the feet, turn them in and out, squeeze and unclench your fingers, collect small objects from the floor - balls, pencils, clothespins.

Self-massage has some disadvantages:

  • General overwork of the body with the involvement of the muscles of the entire motor apparatus;
  • Improper performance of massage actions can aggravate the course of the disease.

This option is always available and can be performed at any time, not only to treat foot deformity, but to relieve general muscle fatigue. Self-massage can be effectively combined with water procedures, therapeutic exercises, paraffin and mud applications, body wraps.

Features of children's foot massage

Massage for flat feet in children must be done with caution, delicately, without causing pain to the child. Perform all basic manipulations in the position - lying on your back, at the end, the baby turns over on his stomach and the foot massage continues.

The therapeutic procedure for the legs is divided into 2 parts - a general massage before a gymnastics lesson, and a restorative one, for 5 minutes. Close attention is paid to the calf muscles, the Achilles tendon, the outer side of the lower leg.

Foot massagers

Self-massage can be performed using special foot massagers for flat feet:

  • For manual use - wheels with spikes, the pumping of which provides stimulation of reflex points;
  • Electric devices for self-massage of the skin of the legs;
  • Hydro massagers - effective elimination symptoms of flat feet (fatigue, pain in the legs, swelling, hypertonicity), such a massage has a beneficial effect on the immune, nervous and musculoskeletal systems, an excellent prevention of problems with the lower extremities.

In combination with a foot massage, a tonic warming bath, contrast dousing of the feet, and cleansing procedures using pumice to remove rough skin are necessarily performed. Aromatherapy enhances the effect of massage.


Positive results are achieved by active and regular exercises. It is important to practice foot massage before going to bed, combining with exercises therapeutic gymnastics, thermal procedures.

Flat feet change the classical constitution of the foot, and if left untreated, it leads to violations of the entire locomotor apparatus. Take care of your feet and be healthy!

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