How to get rid of stretch marks on the stomach after childbirth at home. How to remove stretch marks after childbirth - the most effective ways to eliminate stretch marks. Surgery for a beautiful body

Drainage 06.11.2021

Such an exciting event in the life of every woman as pregnancy, as a result, brings the real happiness of motherhood. But one has to face a number of difficulties that affect the appearance of the mother. One of these problems is stretch marks on the body, which are faced by 80% of all women who have given birth. Having recovered a little after giving birth, the girl begins to pay attention to her figure, trying to return it to its previous form. And the main question arises: how to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth?

What is meant by stretch marks?

Due to the strong tension skin during pregnancy, stretch marks remain on the skin

Stretch marks in medicine are called striae, which implies a rupture of the inner membranes of the epidermis. This is manifested by long stripes at the site of the breaks. Initially, such stripes are painted bright red or even purple. This is due to the close location of the capillaries to the inner layer of the skin. Then the tears begin to heal due to the connective tissue, and become white.

During the period of bearing a baby, the natural elasticity and firmness of the skin is disturbed, which leads to their stretching.

Although the inner skin layer is torn, this is reflected in its appearance. Tears occur mainly on the abdomen, thighs, and chest, but can occur elsewhere.

Why do they appear?

The birth of a child makes female body rebuild "from" and "to". And sometimes, this leads to not the most pleasant phenomena. The appearance of stretch marks on the body after childbirth can be explained by a number of reasons:

  1. Hormonal changes. During pregnancy, the hormonal background of a woman changes significantly. Some hormones are produced in large quantities, others are not enough. For 9 months of bearing a baby, there is a strong production of the main hormone of pregnancy - progesterone, which makes the skin more sensitive to changes. A lack of elastin and collagen deprive the skin of elasticity, which leads to stretching.
  2. Weight gain and belly growth. Naturally, during pregnancy, the belly increases in size, and the total body weight of a woman also grows. As the skin loses its elasticity, the inner layers break. It happens that the expectant mother gains weight so quickly that the skin simply does not have time to naturally stretch, and the epidermis ruptures, which leads to stretch marks. The rapid growth of the abdomen may be due to the large size of the fetus, excess amniotic fluid, bearing several fetuses.
  3. hereditary factor. The risk of breaks in the skin increases if someone in the female lineage had stretch marks. There is no escape from genetics.
  4. a lack of nutrients and vitamins. During the period of bearing a child, it is very important for a woman to monitor the diet. It must include foods containing vitamins. The necessary intake of nutrients has a positive effect on the entire body, including the skin. The epidermis can tear due to lack of moisture and nutrition, so it is important to provide and saturate the body with vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the skin.

The main cause of stretch marks is weight gain during pregnancy.

On a note!As you know, the older the woman, the less the skin becomes elastic. If a girl under 22 years of age has become a mother, then the likelihood of postpartum stretch marks on her body is halved, since young skin is more adapted to rapid recovery.

There are many more reasons that affect the appearance of stretch marks. The age of the mother, the presence of bad habits, chronic diseases - all this directly or indirectly affects the period of expectation of the baby.

How to get rid of stretch marks?

When a woman sees striae on her body, she begins to think about how to remove stretch marks after childbirth. On the Internet and television, you can find many tips for dealing with stretch marks. Are they valid?

Important!Experts say that it is only possible to overcome on your own only stretch marks that have appeared, which still have a bright burgundy or purple color. Fighting stretch marks is already harder if they have already healed and turned white, and at home it is almost impossible to defeat them.

It is almost impossible to get rid of old, already healed stretch marks on your own.

So, if the striae have only shown themselves, you can try to eliminate them yourself at home. The following will help with this:

  1. Cosmetic procedures using special products to eliminate stretch marks at home. These include:
  • Massage procedure. Special massage oils or creams that have a moisturizing effect will help in this. For massage with stretch marks, orange, almond or hazelnut, peach, olive, coconut, aloe juice are often used. These oils moisturize and nourish the skin well, making stretch marks less noticeable. Massage is performed by rubbing oils into the skin with light movements. The procedure should be performed within 15 minutes.
  • Scrubs at home. Such scrubs cleanse the skin and give it elasticity. For the manufacture of cosmetics at home, natural coffee, apricot, and honey are used. You can also add oils. Scrubs are applied to the area of ​​stretch marks and washed off after 10 minutes.
  • Cosmetic creams and other products purchased in stores and pharmacies. On the shelves there is a sufficient amount of cosmetics that help get rid of stretch marks on their own. Among such funds, mummy in tablets is popular. They are dissolved in water or in a small amount of baby cream, the resulting mixture is rubbed into the skin every day. There are also many lotions or ointments for stretch marks on the market.
  • Wraps. This procedure involves applying oils or special creams, ointments to the body and wrapping it in cling film.
  1. Physical exercises. Moderate exercise is always beneficial, even for pregnant women. After giving birth, you should not immediately start exercising. But after 2-3 weeks, you can begin to perform exercises that help overcome stretch marks on the body, as well as return the prenatal figure. You can do the following exercises:
  • Breathing exercises. The process begins with drawing in the abdomen as you inhale and inflate as you exhale. This exercise will strengthen the weakened abdominal muscles, and contribute to the contraction of the uterus.
  • Plank exercise. The body is parallel to the floor, the legs are fully extended and placed on the toes, the arms are bent at the elbows. Leaning on your hands, in this position you need to stand for 10 seconds, increasing the time every day. This exercise well trains the muscles of the abdomen, back and buttocks, restoring their elasticity.
  • Exercise "Mahi legs". The previous exercise is complemented by raising the legs alternately. Such charging affects the muscles of the legs, strengthening them.
  • Exercise "Boat". The starting position is "lying on your back." The upper part of the body and legs are raised. This exercise should be combined with breathing exercises, then it will effectively affect weakened muscles and damaged skin.
  • Press. It is allowed to download the press after childbirth at least 2 months later.

Attention!Before starting physical activity, it is necessary to thoroughly warm up the muscles so as not to tear them.

  1. Cosmetological procedures in beauty salons. When stretch marks are no longer fresh, a visit to a specialist can come to the rescue. In the spa salons, a complex of cosmetic procedures is carried out to improve the figure and restore it. To combat stretch marks, use the following:
  • Professional massage. A specialized massage therapist will perform this procedure using a special technology, influencing problem areas with the help of cosmetics.
  • Wraps. Cosmetologists perform a wrapping procedure using special oils, chocolate and other products that improve the damaged epidermis.
  • Laser correction of a figure. With the help of laser procedures, fresh stretch marks are removed and chronic stretch marks are resurfaced. The procedure is carried out quickly, the client does not experience any discomfort. With the help of a laser, scar tissue is removed, and a fresh epidermis is formed.
  • injection procedures. They consist in the introduction of subcutaneously special means for nutrition and elasticity of the skin. In the fight against stretch marks, collagen and elastin injections are used. Injections include vitamins and minerals. For each representative of the fair sex, the composition is selected based on individual characteristics. It is very effective in the area of ​​stretch marks, and improves the skin. Also, in the form of injections, a mixture with ozone and oxygen is introduced, which promotes the resorption of subcutaneous scars.

At right choice method of dealing with stretch marks, you can achieve an excellent result, pleasing to the eye.

When getting rid of stretch marks, it is important to remember the diet, which should include foods rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for the successful restoration and renewal of stretched skin in postpartum period. You should also consume the required amount of water per day so that the skin is saturated with moisture and retains its elasticity.

Ways to get rid of stretch marks

When can you resort to surgery?

If none of the methods of dealing with stretch marks at home or in salons is effective, many women resort to plastic surgery. With its help, the surgeon removes the entire damaged layer of the skin, which brings the desired effect, and eliminates stretch marks in general. During the operation plastic surgeons perform muscle tightening in the area of ​​stretch marks.

This operation is performed under general anesthesia. After surgery, there is a long recovery period. Unforeseen side effects may occur.

Important!After a surgical operation to remove stretch marks, a woman is not recommended to become pregnant.

Can stretch marks be prevented?

It is worth thinking about the prevention of stretch marks even during pregnancy.

Of course, it will not be possible to avoid stretch marks if there is a hereditary factor, but in other cases they can be prevented. During the bearing of the baby, you can begin to use special cosmetics to combat damage to the skin. It is also recommended to wear a prenatal bandage that holds the abdominal muscles and prevents them from relaxing enough to tear, or a maternity bra that supports the breasts.

It is quite possible to get rid of stretch marks if you choose the most effective method. And it is better to think about measures to protect the skin from stretch marks even during pregnancy. It is better to prepare for changes in advance, then you will not have to be upset later because of the difficulties that have arisen with the figure.

Inevitably, because the stomach future mother is constantly growing. This happens gradually, so you may not notice the beginning of their appearance. In addition to the central area of ​​the abdomen, the skin is also stretched on the hips. After the baby is born, you see saggy skin with deep blue scars. The sight is unpleasant. With proper skin care throughout pregnancy, stretch marks can be avoided. However, in most cases, mothers begin to put the figure in order in their free time from classes with the child. So how to remove stretch marks on the stomach and chest after childbirth?

Do not refuse to wear postpartum, recommended by your doctor. According to statistics, 70% of women stop wearing it after discharge from the hospital. It is needed not only to restore the uterus and make it contract better, but to support the abdomen. The bandage does not cause discomfort, wear it as long as possible, removing it at night. With it, it is easier for the skin to regain its former shape and remove stretch marks.

Effective and inexpensive methods for getting rid of stretch marks after childbirth that you can use at home

Our tips will help you get rid of stretch marks, lighten dark areas of the skin and make them barely visible.

  • Wraps. This is a simple method for which cling film is used. It is inexpensive and is sold in every hardware store. Mix coffee with honey, heat the mixture a little and apply to problem areas. Wrap 2-3 layers of cling film on top. You can add essential oils. Lemon oil is good for tightening the skin. Grapefruit increases blood circulation and smoothes cellulite dimples. Well helps orange, needles, rosemary. Follow the instructions and do not overdo it so as not to get burned. Wraps also help to remove. It is good to wrap with algae. Buy kelp at the pharmacy, its cost is low. Mix in warm water and apply to problem areas. It will tighten sagging skin, give it elasticity. Vitamins and minerals will make the skin shiny, even and smooth. Do a wrap 2 times a week, and after a month, stretch marks will significantly decrease.

  • Massage with vacuum cups. They are sold in cosmetic stores or pharmacies. Silicone is cheaper than glass, but in terms of quality and convenience they are in no way inferior to them. Plus, they don't fight. Before conducting a session, learn the correct directions in which to move the cans.

You will definitely need massage oil. In the pharmacy you can buy ready-made, with different effects. It is preferable that the oil contains wheat germ, cocoa or avocado. Lubricate the skin liberally and begin to slowly drive in different directions. During the first procedure, it is recommended to grab the skin not much, with repeated sessions, increase the force. Massage can be done every day or every other day. A 20-minute session is enough to get the result. If possible, do a massage before going to bed, this increases the effect.

  • Vibrating massagers. In addition to removing stretch marks, vibratory massagers are used to massage the back, legs and even the face. There are inexpensive but effective models on sale, costing up to 2,000 rubles. Well, if the massager is equipped with infrared radiation, then creams and oils will penetrate deeper into the skin. The roller nozzle perfectly aligns stretch marks, gradually brightening them. With permanent procedures - 98% guarantee that stretch marks will disappear along with cellulite and skin laxity.
  • Lessons. Healing the whole body, you will get a toned figure. Try brisk walking. Walking with, speed up your step. If you have free time, do exercises, they do not need special clothes and skills. Raising crossed legs while lying on your back, swinging the press, rear leg lunges in the complex for 15 minutes daily will give a noticeable effect.

  • Scrubs and peeling. You can buy a scrub or make your own. Ground coffee, sea salt are perfect. Carry out daily skin resurfacing while in the shower, the strips from stretch marks will go away along with the keratinized layer of the skin. Peeling is more effective than scrub, but it is a little more expensive. Using peeling 2 times a week, you will gradually remove the upper stratum corneum, on which stretch marks are located. 1-2 months of application will even out deep grooves. No need to be afraid of burns, you will not feel a burning sensation and discomfort. Just apply for a few minutes, spread over the entire surface and rinse with water. It is good if after the session you apply a cream for stretch marks. It will penetrate deep into the skin, enhancing the effect.
  • laser resurfacing. Excellent fast procedure, which is characterized by high cost. It is carried out by cosmetologists with the help of special equipment. The result is amazing, the procedure is able to remove even deep perennial scars. About 10 visits are recommended, the exact number will be determined by the specialist. The approximate cost of one zone, for example, the abdomen, will be from 7,000 rubles.

And most importantly, you need to remember - a proper and complete balanced diet is necessary for your impeccable figure and the health of your baby. Eat more fruits and vegetables buckwheat porridge, dairy products. They will make out your skin, remove stretch marks, and you will become a wonderful mom in great shape!

Attention! The use of any medicines and dietary supplements, as well as the use of any medical techniques possible only with the permission of a doctor.

During the bearing of a baby, the female body experiences the strongest stresses and undergoes a number of changes.

Due to the rapid increase in fetal growth, the abdominal muscles have to stretch, microscopic ruptures of connective tissues and skin may appear, and the skin becomes less elastic, which causes stretch marks.

Collagen and elastin fibers torn due to excessive stretching are healed and striae become like scars located under the skin.

You can remove stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth in a beauty salon, with the help of plastic surgery or cosmetics. But often there is not enough time, energy or money for this.

Removing stretch marks at home is also possible - you just need to regularly carry out certain manipulations with problem area and follow the diet.

In this case, getting rid of the defect in the form of stretched skin after childbirth on the stomach will not cause trouble and will pass quickly.

Skin rejuvenation with bath treatments

The duration of the procedure is at least 15 minutes, while it is important to immerse yourself in water completely - only the head should remain above the surface of the water.

This method eliminates stretch marks on the entire body - hips, abdomen, chest and other parts of it.

Recipes for adding to the bath:

  • A couple of drops of chamomile oil are mixed with 3 tablespoons of lavender oil and a handful of table (coarse) salt.
  • A pound of starch is diluted in a five-liter volume warm water and added to the bath. It should be noted that the temperature of the water in the bath should not exceed 37 degrees, and the time for taking the procedure should not exceed 20 minutes.
  • A bath made from warm water and a kilogram of salt (table or sea) is taken similarly to starch - not hot and no more than 20 minutes.

Massage for elasticity

How to restore elasticity to the skin of the abdomen after childbirth, if it is stretched on it?

An excellent option for getting rid of stretch marks - pinch massage.

It can be carried out both on the stomach, and - immediately after childbirth, and on other parts of the body, but on the chest - not earlier than 4 months from the moment the child is born.

It is important to easily pinch problem areas, and not stroke, because the skin is already stretched.

The algorithm for conducting the following:

    The body is well cleansed with a coffee scrub - the coffee residue from the coffee machine or Turks is mixed with shower gel, applied to the body and rubbed lightly.

    At the same time, the zones where the stretch marks are located are carefully worked out. If the skin is delicate, then do not use coarse coffee, so as not to harm it.

    A small amount of cream is applied to the cleansed skin (an ordinary baby cream is suitable) and within 10-20 minutes, skin areas with stretch marks are gently plucked with fingers.

    It is not necessary to grab the skin strongly, as bruises may remain.

    After the procedure, you can apply a mummy cream prepared by your own hands on the heated skin - 2 grams of mummy is taken for 1 teaspoon of water, dissolved, mixed in a separate bowl with a small tube of baby cream.

    You can store this mixture in the refrigerator.

Getting rid of stretch marks with this method is a long and laborious process that must be carried out at least 2-3 times a week.

At the same time, fresh, recently appeared stretch marks will become almost invisible after 3-4 months, and old ones will have to be disposed of for at least a year.

This video shows another abdominal massage technique to get rid of stretch marks:

Have you heard of the popular invention - Charcot's soul? How it helps get rid of cellulite, you will find reviews.

And here we will talk about one of the varieties of lymphatic drainage massage - hardware LPG-massage! What is the essence of this popular procedure,.

Can you get rid of it with exercise?

The simplest methods of breathing exercises can be practiced already in the first days after childbirth - they will help restore skin tone.

They are held within 10-15 minutes according to the following algorithm:

  • inhale deeply for 3-6 seconds, at the same time pulling in the stomach as much as possible;
  • exhale the same time, but at the same time the stomach should be pushed out as much as possible.

As soon as the doctor allows physical activity, you can proceed to the following set of exercises:

  • In the supine position, when the butt is firmly pressed to the floor, you need to raise your legs and upper body up, while breathing so that the stomach “works”, that is, it rises and falls. At the first stages, bending of the legs at the knees is allowed, and the exercise itself is performed for 5-10 seconds. Gradually bring the time to 3-5 minutes.
  • In the position on the stomach, emphasis is placed on the toes and elbows, in which the buttocks and stomach should be pressed in for the time that you can withstand.
  • From a position lying on your stomach, you need to stand on one forearm and socks. You need to hold on like this for as long as possible.

After 1.5-2 months from the start of classes, you can begin to perform a more complex complex:

  • Lying on your back, throw your hands behind your head, then inhale deeply, and on exhalation raise the body as high as possible.
  • Lying on a flat surface on your back, palms are placed under the back of the head. In this position, alternately raise the legs up, then raise both legs.
  • Lying face down, they try to tear off the legs and upper body from the floor so that only the stomach rests on the surface.
  • Lying on the back, inhale deeply, and as you exhale, raise the pelvis to the maximum height.
  • They lay on their back and simultaneously raise both straightened legs at a right angle to the body, lower them one by one.

You can also practice with a baby in your arms:

  • Rotate your torso to the left and right while swaying slightly. You can simultaneously raise your knees, as if marching.
  • Perform half squats, holding the child on the outstretched ruah in front of you, then squat deeply so that the child's legs touch the floor. After squatting, fully straighten up, moving the baby in his arms, first to one side, then to the other side.
  • For the next exercise, you will need to spread your legs wide and raise the child on straight outstretched arms above your head.
  • The child is placed on the exercise mat, and the mother stands above him in a push-up position. The maximum number of push-ups is performed, and at the time when the mother is at the bottom point, she kisses the child.

In this video, another interesting set of exercises to restore the abdomen after childbirth:

You will learn about cold treatment - cryotherapy - and the use of this technique for rejuvenation in cosmetology by visiting our page:.

Wraps, compresses and rubbing

Particularly effective are chamomile wraps. You need to boil 200 grams of plant flowers (dry or fresh) in a glass of milk.

The resulting mixture is applied to areas of the body with stretch marks, wrapped with cling film (tight enough, but not too tight) and left for 15-20 minutes, covered with a blanket.

After that, you can rinse the skin under a contrast shower and apply a specialized or self-prepared cream on it.

You can carry out wraps with algae- they are no less effective than chamomile.

To prepare a remedy for stretch marks after childbirth on the stomach, about two hundred grams of algae should be diluted in slightly hot water to a mushy state.

The gruel is applied to places with stretch marks, wrapped with cling film, covered and left for up to an hour.

It is necessary to carry out the procedures at least 2 times a week, with a minimum course of 12 sessions.

To improve the appearance of the skin and get rid of stretch marks compresses are applied, which must be done once a week.

Carry out the procedure in accordance with the following algorithm:

  • freshly squeezed aloe juice is mixed with 2-5 drops of any aromatic oil;
  • a piece of cloth of sufficient size is impregnated with the mixture;
  • with a bandage, the tissue is fixed in the problem area and left overnight.

Perfectly removes stretch marks with a contrast compress from a liter hot water and, taken by the spoon, lemon juice and salt dissolved in it.

The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • a towel is dipped in a hot solution and applied to the location of the stretch marks for half a minute;
  • now the towel is dipped in ice water and again applied to the skin;
  • the procedure should be completed when the mixture ceases to be hot.

To restore skin elasticity good to use ice- cubes are driven through areas with stretch marks.

The procedure will work better if the ice is from a decoction of chamomile, with aloe juice or with the addition of aromatic oils.

To stimulate blood flow to areas with stretch marks and speed up the process of skin regeneration, rubbing should be done regularly.

For this, washcloths, sponges can be used - during water procedures, towels - after they are completed.

You need to rub it intensively so that the skin acquires a healthy pink color. But do not overdo it - excessively strong impact can lead to injury.

Photos before and after applying home wraps and compresses to get rid of stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth are presented below.

Questions about how to remove stretch marks on the stomach, and what means will help at home, are asked by every second woman after childbirth. Of course, stretch marks can be prevented by proper nutrition and skin care before and during pregnancy. But prevention does not always help, and striae may still appear. To get rid of them, beauty salons offer a variety of procedures, but many after childbirth do not have the time or money for such expensive services. In contrast, there are a huge number of tools with which you can get rid of stretch marks after pregnancy at home.

Where do striae come from?

In order to choose the most effective method, it is worth understanding. The two main reasons for their occurrence during pregnancy are hormones and changes in body weight. Hormonal changes lead to a decrease in skin elasticity, and against the background of weight gain, intradermal ruptures occur - these are striae.

Important! The easiest way to deal with fresh stretch marks, it is almost impossible to remove old stretch marks completely.

You should not choose any one of the methods of getting rid of stretch marks after childbirth, it is better to apply a set of measures. The most effective combination proper nutrition, small physical activity and cosmetics.


The condition of the skin depends on the amount of vitamins consumed. To make it faster, you should include in your diet:

  • Vitamin A. Improves skin regeneration. It is found in large quantities in fish, eggs, dairy products, green onions, liver.
  • Vitamin C. Helps to synthesize collagen - a protein that makes tissues stronger and accelerates the healing of damage. It is necessary for the recovery of the body after pregnancy. Most of all it is in citrus fruits, tomatoes, potatoes and cabbage.
  • Vitamin E. Interferes with the aging of skin cells. Contained in walnuts, hazelnuts, sunflower oil, beans, cashews.
  • Vitamin B3. Improves skin condition and prevents malignancy. There is in rye bread, beans, meat, beets, mushrooms and liver.
  • Zinc. Promotes cell growth and protein synthesis. It is found in meat, wheat grains, nuts, egg yolks, river fish, bread.

It is worth remembering that highly allergenic foods should be avoided during lactation, the diet should be adjusted to the needs of the child.

Physical exercise

To reduce time, you need to do special exercises. Their task is to provide blood flow to the required area and develop muscles, which, in turn, act on the skin itself. But in the first months after childbirth, you should not physically load your body.

Interesting! Sports activities improve metabolism, the normalization of metabolism allows you to quickly remove stretch marks.

The following complexes can help to cope with stretch marks:

  • Exercise for the abdominal muscles. It is necessary to lie on a horizontal hard surface and bend your legs. Cross your arms over your chest. Then you need to raise the body, while not taking your feet off the floor, and fix in this position for 15 seconds. To achieve results, you need to do 10 approaches. Every day during classes, increase the complex execution time by 5 seconds, and the number of approaches by 1.
  • Exercise "Birch". Lie on a straight surface, put your hands along the body. Then raise the outstretched legs up, and put your hands under the lower back, helping to hold the pelvis. The body in this position must be fixed for 20 seconds, and then return to its original position.
  • Elbow plank. Lie on a horizontal surface, bend your elbows and lean on them. Do not bend your knees and back. It is necessary to freeze in this position for 40 seconds, repeat 4 times. Gradually increase the exercise time by 5-6 seconds.

In addition to the benefits for the skin, small physical activity will help tighten the stomach after childbirth. You need to perform them at a slow pace, without overexerting yourself. It is best to carry out skin moisturizing procedures before classes.

Important! When doing exercises, do not use a warming cream.

All cosmetic products after pregnancy (creams, scrubs and oils) are aimed primarily at improving the condition of the skin and maximizing the lightening of stretch marks. But it is possible to achieve positive results only if all the recommendations are followed and the funds are regularly used.


- These are products that cleanse the surface of the skin, removing dead cells. They also improve blood circulation. And the beneficial substances that make up the composition are absorbed by the skin and make it supple. The most popular are the following recipes to remove stretch marks:

  • Coffee scrub. While taking a shower, ground coffee should be poured over the soap or gel and rubbed into the area with stretch marks formed after childbirth. Carry out the procedure no more than 1 time per week.
  • Mix 100 g of sugar and sea ​​salt and add to 1/4 cup olive oil to make a viscous creamy mass. After taking a bath, apply on the stomach in a circular motion. After a few minutes, rinse with warm water.
  • Take massage oil or cream (Johnson's Baby is ideal), 100 g of ground coffee and 70 g of sea salt. Mix everything, transfer to gauze (some use a stocking) and rub into the problem area. The procedure should be carried out for no more than 10 minutes, after which you need to rinse your stomach well.

Good help in the fight against stretch marks after childbirth and ready-made scrubs, which you can buy in a network of pharmacies. It is worth remembering that any remedy can lead to side effects, and before using drugs, it is better to conduct a skin test for sensitivity.


A huge amount is sold in stores, but it’s impossible to say which one will help 100%. The main criterion for its selection should be the composition. Required components:

  • retinol;
  • collagen;
  • vitamins;
  • essential oils.

Retinol moisturizes and boosts skin regeneration. In combination with other substances that make up the cream, it helps to heal stretch marks after pregnancy, making them almost invisible.

Interesting! Creams for stretch marks can also be made at home.


The whole principle is that a special agent is applied to the skin of the abdomen, and then a plastic film is applied. It creates a greenhouse effect and increases the temperature of the skin surface, which helps the beneficial components of the product to be absorbed into problem skin faster. 2 effective body wrap recipes that can be used at home will help get rid of stretch marks:

  • It is necessary to mix 40 ml of olive oil with 2 drops of lemon and lavender oil. Massaging, apply a creamy mass on the stomach. Then wrap with a film, you can put another blanket on top. Wash off after 30 minutes.
  • Take 2 tablets of mummy (contribute to the regenerative process of tissues) and dissolve them in a tablespoon of water. Then mix the dissolved tablets with any baby cream. Apply to skin and wrap with cling film. Waiting time 15-25 minutes.

It is good to wrap after a shower, steamed skin will absorb even more nutrients.


Massage is one of the main means of getting rid of stretch marks after pregnancy. It helps improve blood circulation and speed up metabolism. It is very important not to put too much pressure on the skin, excessive stretching can lead to the appearance of new intradermal tears.

During the massage, rosemary and eucalyptus oils are used. You can also use creams containing vitamin E. You should pour a little money into your palms and in a circular motion, with a little pressure, run your hands over your stomach. After 5 minutes, you can move on from stroking to rubbing, active exposure to the skin should be carried out for at least 10 minutes. And for another 6-8 minutes, stroke the stomach with light massaging movements.

When will everything disappear?

Don't expect instant results. It is simply impossible to remove stretch marks quickly after childbirth. If you work hard, you can get rid of them at home in 3-4 months. This is provided that the skin is healthy and easy to restore and brighten.

With the ineffectiveness of creams, you can resort to more cardinal methods - the services of cosmetologists and surgeons. But such procedures will be expensive, and they will not save you from the appearance of new striae.

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Before women, after bearing a child and childbirth, the problem arises of how to quickly restore the prenatal shape, restore harmony to the figure. One of the painful questions is how to remove stretch marks after childbirth on the stomach. The first fine lines, indicating that the skin has begun to stretch, appear during pregnancy.

Stretch marks themselves are not painful and do not cause inconvenience to a woman. But in a young mother, the unaesthetic appearance of the tummy with multiple traces of stretched skin causes great internal discomfort. Currently, many cosmetic products have been developed to combat this phenomenon. In addition to medicines, time-tested folk recipes are widely used.

Stretch marks (stretch marks) are breaks in the layers of the skin due to the loss of natural elasticity and firmness. The entire period of pregnancy, the load on the skin increases every day. After the rupture of the layer of the epidermis located inside, small stripes of purple or blue colors begin to appear on the outer layer.

The body begins to replace such places with connective tissue, in which there is no elastin, collagen, but it is saturated with capillaries. A large number of blood vessels in the connective tissue gives the scars a pink, blue or purple hue at the initial stage.

Experts identify the following reasons for the appearance of this phenomenon:

  • Rapid weight gain during pregnancy. Skin stretching occurs.
  • Change in hormonal background. Changes in hormone levels lead to loss of skin elasticity.
  • Lack of vitamins during childbearing. Improper nutrition, which does not provide the supply of nutrients to the mother's body.
  • hereditary factor.
  • Lack of physical activity during pregnancy. Weakness of the abdominal muscles. In women who are actively involved in sports, maintaining their physical form, stretch marks are small in size, they appear in smaller quantities.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system: diabetes, various forms of obesity.
  • Maintaining an unhealthy lifestyle by a woman, the presence of bad habits.
  • The age of the woman.

Over time, the scars begin to turn white, unhealthy colors disappear, a light mother-of-pearl shade appears, which highlights these lines against the general background of the skin. A woman should understand that stretch marks that appear on the abdomen after childbirth are a natural phenomenon and it is impossible to completely remove changes on the skin.

After the birth of a child, stretching of the skin is possible not only on the tummy, but also on the hips and chest of a woman, with a sharp arrival of milk. Since stretch marks are healed scars, they will not disappear on their own without external influence.

Removal methods

Exercising, losing weight as a result of a diet - all this helps to lose weight and prevents the appearance of new stretch marks. Old stretch marks as a result of such actions will not go anywhere. There are several methods of combating this phenomenon that have proven their effectiveness. These include:

  • Cosmetic procedures.
  • Surgical intervention.
  • medical methods.
  • Folk ways.

Cosmetic methods

Before resorting to such methods, you should consult a specialist who will tell you how to properly remove stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth. Most methods can be applied 2-3 months after childbirth, when the body will normalize the uterus, vagina, and other internal organs.

It is better to postpone any procedures using special devices until full recovery health status. An examination by a doctor will help determine whether it is possible to start getting rid of stretch marks with medical methods or with the help of cosmetology procedures.

Effective methods include:

  • Mesotherapy. A cocktail of vitamins, microelements. It is administered by subcutaneous injection. This method is not recommended for breastfeeding women. Only after the end of the breastfeeding period can you resort to a similar procedure.
  • Ozone therapy. An ozone-oxygen mixture is injected under the skin. At the injection site, blood circulation improves, the process of self-healing and skin rejuvenation is activated.
  • Wraps. In cosmetology salons, they often offer cold or hot wraps. The complex of medicinal plant components is the basis of the composition of the preparations that are used for the procedure.
  • Microdermabrasion. During the process, abrasive agents are used to remove small particles of keratinized, old skin. The skin is renewed. Stretch marks visually decrease, gradually disappear. This effective method is also shown to nursing mothers. There is one limitation. Women who have undergone the procedure are prohibited from being in direct sunlight, sunbathing for several months.

  • Massage with LPG apparatus. A big plus of this procedure is that it can be done as early as 6 weeks after birth. This device uses vacuum and rollers to influence the muscles of the abdomen, thighs and stimulates microcirculation.
  • laser correction. It is recommended to do it in the cool season - in autumn or winter, since after the procedure it is contraindicated to sunbathe and be under direct sunbeams. You can resort to this method no earlier than 180 days after the birth of the child. The method is based on laser removal of affected areas of the skin, which are simply “burned out”. New, smooth skin is formed.
  • Plastic surgery. As a remedy for stretch marks that appeared after childbirth on the stomach, especially difficult cases recommend abdominoplasty. This method refers to direct surgical intervention. It should be done only in a medical clinic that specializes in plastic surgery and has highly qualified specialists in its staff. At breastfeeding, this method can be resorted to after the cessation of lactation. When feeding a baby with artificial mixtures, for the mother, at least 6 months must pass after childbirth before starting the operation.

A woman, looking at stretch marks after childbirth, thinks how to get rid of them. Before getting rid of the consequences of stretched skin by radical methods, a postpartum recovery program is drawn up with the help of a doctor.

During the consultation, the specialist will select a diet, recommend creams and ointments, advise which gymnastic exercises and massage procedures can be performed at home.

home remedies

There are many home remedies that help fight stretch marks. On specialized forums for young mothers, women post their advice on how to smear stretch marks after childbirth on the stomach.

The main task is to moisturize the skin, restore its elasticity and firmness. Show good results folk remedies. The main condition is not to overdo it. If a light massage is recommended, then stroking the abdomen should be carried out without amplification.

Use brightening juices once a day. Scrubs - 2-3 times a week before a shower. Do not further injure the skin. When using the cream, it is not necessary to smear the whole tube at once. Getting rid of ugly stripes on the tummy takes more than one month.

  • For massage and moisturizing, shea butter is ideal, as well as coconut and olive oil. They are applied with light movements on the tummy, thighs. After 15 - 20 minutes, the excess is removed. Essential oils geraniums, lavenders or roses are mixed with cosmetic oils. Good massage results.
  • Juices from lemon, grapes, potatoes lighten scars, make them less noticeable.
  • Natural honey. Apply on a napkin, gauze. Apply to the scar area. Wash off after 15 minutes.
  • Scrubs. You can buy ready-made or make your own with the addition of apricot kernels, sugar, ground coffee to the composition of the kernels. Oils and sour cream are also added.
  • Mummy. Available in tablets or capsules. 2 tablets are dissolved in the cream until a homogeneous mass is obtained, after which it is applied to cleansed skin. Shilajit is very popular, as it completely removes small scars, large stretch marks become much smaller and not so noticeable. With regular use for 5-6 months, skin regeneration is accelerated, its appearance is updated, new scars cease to appear.
  • Cold and hot shower.

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