When you sneeze in front of a guy tnt. You sneeze when you think about a man. Sneezing can be a sign of sexual arousal. Sneezing with a cold Medical medication techniques

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When you want to sneeze in front of a guy. A man sneezed inside himself - and he was torn apart! Night sneezer by day of the week

If on a date a person constantly sneezes, perhaps he is not at all having a cold, but simply fantasizing about the further development of the relationship. The connection between sneezing and sexual fantasies was found by two otolaryngologists from the UK.

British scientists believe that sneezing caused by thoughts of sex is a fairly common syndrome. And they even offered an explanation for this unusual phenomenon.

Mahmood F. Bhutta got the idea to explore the connection between sneezing and thoughts of sex not out of nowhere. He, an ear-throat doctor from Wexham Hospital, Berkshire, UK, was approached by a patient, a middle-aged man, with an unusual complaint. He described the uncontrollable bouts of sneezing that he gets when thinking about sex. According to him, the trouble accompanies him for a long time, ever since he grew up.

Historical search

Dr. Bhutta and fellow psychiatrist Harold Maxwell became interested in this case. To begin with, they decided to figure out if anyone had experienced similar symptoms before. It turned out that even in the century before last, twice, in 1875 and 1884, doctors reported on patients who sneeze when sexually aroused. However, no one offered any explanation for the phenomenon at that time.

Erectile tissue A tissue that is riddled with a large number of blood vessels. The walls of these vessels are characterized by an abundance of smooth muscle and elastic fibers. This explains the ability of the cavernous tissue to quickly swell and collapse under the influence of various chemical, thermal and nervous influences. Cavernous tissue is also called erectile, or cavernous.

In the late 19th century, a young German otolaryngologist, Wilhelm Fliess, proposed a theory of nasal reflex neurosis. He believed that the nasal mucosa was connected to the genitals. Perhaps this assumption arose because cavernous tissue was found in the nose and its presence somehow had to be explained. He also associated menstrual irregularities in women with disorders of the nasal cavity. Fliess suggested using nose surgery to treat neurological, psychological and sexual disorders. His ideas were so bizarre that he was ridiculed not only by the medical community, but also by his close friend Sigmund Freud.

Searches in the 20th century yielded only one publication in the magazine Journal of the American Medical Association... It reported on a 69-year-old man who experienced bouts of sneezing immediately after orgasm. On this article two responses were sent to the journal. The first mentioned Fliess's theory. The second letter came from Dr. Henry Everett. He wrote that while studying sunlight-induced sneezing, he encountered several patients who sneezed while thinking about sex.

Modern search

British doctors wondered if sneezing responses to sexual contemplation or orgasm are really rare. After all, this topic is rather delicate, and, probably, few people dare to consult a doctor with a similar problem. Perhaps that is why there are no serious works on this topic.

To test their guess, scientists turned to the Internet. They used a search engine using the keywords "sex and sneeze / sneeze" to search for discussions and threads in anonymous chats. They searched twice - in June and December 2007. There were 17 people who reported uncontrolled sneezing attacks when thinking about sex, and four people who sneeze immediately after orgasm. And they were different people. Summarizing the search results, the scientists made two conclusions. First, they believe that these are different syndromes that are not directly related to each other. Second, the prevalence of these symptoms is likely much higher than one might expect.

Why do people sneeze

Naturally, scientists wanted to explain these interesting phenomena. Sneezing is needed by the body to clear the airways and is usually caused by irritation of the nasal cavity. However, there are other, unusual reasons for sneezing. First of all, this is the already mentioned sneezing syndrome caused by sunlight. Everett devoted many works to him. It turned out that 24% of people sneeze in bright direct sunlight. And this feature is inherited.

The authors also mention works that described two families where another unusual cause is inherited - a full stomach. Generation after generation, members of these families sneeze after a hearty meal. However, the genes responsible for a sunny or afternoon sneeze have not yet been found.

The authors suggested that all four sneezing syndromes - in response to sunlight, heavy meals, thoughts of sex, and orgasm - should have a similar mechanism. They examined the explanations proposed by Everett for solar syndrome, and there are several and none, and rejected most of them.

Parasympathetic nervous system Part vegetative or autonomous nervous system regulating the activity of the organs of blood circulation, respiration, digestion, excretion, reproduction, as well as metabolism and thus the functional state of all tissues of the body of vertebrates and humans.

The greatest interest and trust in them was caused by the so-called parasympathetic summation. Everett suggested that the parasympathetic nervous system is involved in the processes of tearing, which certainly occurs in people looking at the sun, and sneezing. And that the signal of the parasympathetic system is poorly divided, that is, when the system orders to cry, not only the eyes, but also other organs react. For example, the nose is sneezing.

The British adopted the noise signal mechanism. They do believe that the different branches of the parasympathetic system are interconnected and not completely separate. When a certain stimulus appears, the effect of which on the body is in the area of ​​responsibility of the system, it signals it to the brain. A full stomach, sexual arousal, orgasm, or bright light entering the eyes may cause the signal to be sent. The central department sends a response signal to the disturbed organ, but due to incomplete separation, in parallel, a signal leaves the center to other organs associated with the center.

be healthy

The whole study looks rather unusual. However, this is hardly a joke, because this is not the first of April. The article appeared on Friday, December 19, in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, a very serious and prestigious scientific journal.

One can, of course, assume that British doctors wanted to try themselves in the role of Ignobel laureates. However, the Ignobel Prize is usually for scientists who have spent a lot of time and effort on their research. Doctors Bhutta and Maxwell did not conduct mass experiments and did not receive large grants.

Most likely, they were really attracted by this funny phenomenon. They are constantly reminded that all their reasoning is just speculation. And in the conclusion of their work, they write that it would be interesting to study this syndrome in more detail, because this can help to understand more deeply not only the sneezing process, but also the mechanism of the parasympathetic nervous system. However, it is not known whether the British are going to continue the research themselves.

However, even if the work does not receive continuation, everyone has a reason to replace the standard "Be healthy!" for some spicy joke.

If you were surprised by a sudden sneeze, the timing of this event can help you understand what exactly your body wants to tell you and what you should prepare for in the near future.

In the article:

Sneezing - signs and sneezer in time

When it comes to sneezing, there are timing cues that can shed light on your future. But for this you need to look at your watch to know what time you sneezed. Of course, these signs do not work for people who have colds or suffer from allergies. Sneezing should be casual, involuntary.

There is a simple and convenient timed sneezer that is very easy to use. You should remember the day of the week and the time at which you sneezed, and then read the interpretation. Do not underestimate them, because even Cicero believed that sneezing in the morning on an empty stomach promises a gift or material wealth.

  • 5 - disease.
  • 6 - date.
  • 7 - declaration of love.
  • 8 - happiness in personal life.
  • 9 - a fair-haired man (or a woman, if you are a male) is interested.
  • 10 - an interesting meeting or date with a nice person.
  • 11 - date.
  • 12 - someone's recognition of feelings.
  • 13 - quarrels and conflicts, most likely with a boyfriend or girlfriend.
  • 14 - the need to choose between several members of the opposite sex.
  • 15 - cheating or ending a love relationship.
  • 16 - difficulties in relationships.
  • 17 - troubles, minor problems.
  • 18 - the lack of a loved one cannot be corrected.
  • 19 - you are threatened by a rival or rival.
  • 20 - nice talking.
  • 21 - there is a person among your acquaintances who likes you.
  • 22 - lack of attention in relationships.
  • 23 - drastic changes, a possible wedding.

If you woke up at night from a sneeze, this is a disease, and after dinner it predicts a long journey.

Timed sneezer - what does it mean to sneeze on a specific day of the week

The sneezer by Vladimir Dal's time also provides for the interpretation of the day of the week on which the sneezing occurred. Interpretations will take in time and the day of the week should be combined with each other. Most likely, both predictions will come true.

  • Monday- a gift or other pleasant incident. Sneezing on this day before the first meal is an especially good omen. It means that the week will be extremely successful.
  • Tuesday- guests or meeting. Sneezing on an empty stomach on Tuesday is to provide yourself with luck. However, this luck will only apply to those things and activities that you have planned for this day.
  • Wednesday- news and, most likely, good. If you sneezed on Wednesday, this day will be extremely good for communication. Now is the time for an interview or a call that you couldn't decide for a long time.
  • Thursday- success, luck. The best time for shopping and gifts. If you need help, feel free to ask for it - a sneeze on Thursday portends that the person will not refuse you.
  • Friday- a date or meeting with friends. A sneeze on Friday promises an active and busy day. Prepare to receive many experiences, both good and bad.
  • Saturday- fulfillment of a wish, which must not be forgotten to make. Do this immediately after sneezing.
  • Sunday- guests or meeting. It is likely a new acquaintance, which can develop into a romance. You may need to help a friend or girlfriend with something. It won't be easy, but you can handle it.

Monday- provocations are possible, which you should not succumb to.

Wednesday- good news.

Sunday-, up to a big win.

It is believed in England to this day that someone who sneezes on Sunday morning before breakfast will receive a very pleasant surprise next week.

Night sneezer by day of the week

The meanings of the morning and evening hours, as well as the days of the week on which sneezing occurs, have already been described above. But what if you want to know what the future portends for sneezing at night? It also has its own interpretation depending on the hour and day of the week.


00:00 - 01:00 - you need some rest. Dedicate the next week to just that. Take care of yourself and do not be distracted by things that can be postponed for later.

01:00 - 02:00 - expect news. True, they will come too late. The information received will not change anything.

02:00 - 03:00 - you will receive a very unusual compliment, and it will happen in the morning.

03:00 - 04:00 - next week will pass in a great mood. In addition, sneezing at such a time portends flirting with a new fan.

04:00 - 05:00 - your indecision can ruin the whole business. You need to pull yourself together.


00:00 - 01:00 - the day will pass in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere. Get ready for interesting communication and new acquaintances.

01:00 - 02:00 - sneezing at this time portends blues and despondency. Do not worry, emotions replace each other, and this is normal.

02:00 - 03:00 - the brunette (or brunette) whom you recently met is interested in you.

03:00 - 04:00 - your secret enemies acted until you knew about it. Expect meanness and deceit, be careful.

04:00 - 05:00 - you must learn not only to receive, but also to give love and attention.


00:00 - 01:00 - a new day will not bring any special problems. It's time to rest, gain strength before new achievements.

01:00 - 02:00 - get ready for global changes. They can be both good and bad.

02:00 - 03:00 - do not do what you thought about before going to bed. This will backfire.

03:00 - 04:00 - remember that trust must still be earned. Be on the lookout for relationships with members of the opposite sex.

04:00 - 05:00 - stop thinking about your fears and troubles. And even more so, you should not talk about your difficulties to unfamiliar people.


00:00 - 01:00 - a very important meeting for you will take place in the morning. Even if you did not plan anything like this, listen to this sign.

01:00 - 02:00 - the day will hardly be successful. But your friends are always ready to help and support.

02:00 - 03:00 - even if it seems to you that it is impossible to achieve the desired result, do not stop acting. Sooner or later, you will get what you want.

04:00 - 05:00 - your new acquaintances are not credible. Be careful and stay alert.


00:00 - 01:00 - active rest, communication with friends and new acquaintances will now bring you maximum impressions.

01:00 - 02:00 - success awaits you in love affairs. But there is a condition - you cannot not tell anyone about your victories on the personal front, otherwise you will jinx your luck.

02:00 - 03:00 - if you are guilty, you will have to ask for forgiveness. Otherwise, you will lose friendship.

03:00 - 04:00 - you should change the situation, otherwise boredom and despondency will make your life unbearable.

04:00 - 05:00 - expect good news closer to noon.


00:00 - 01:00 - spend the day alone. Noisy and crowded places will only bring you trouble today.

01:00 - 02:00 - Success awaits you in matters related to money or education. But you can't talk about what you will be able to achieve - jinx it.

02:00 - 03:00 - if you did something bad, it will not be possible to hide it. Ask for forgiveness before it's too late.

03:00 - 04:00 - if you have long wanted to change something in your life, today is the best day to take the first step towards change.

04:00 - 05:00 - the coming morning will be remembered by you as a surprise. True, it is far from the fact that it will turn out to be pleasant.


00:00 - 01:00 - take a closer look at your surroundings. Perhaps someone wishes you ill. Be careful.

01:00 - 02:00 - the coming day promises fun and pleasant communication. Interesting acquaintances are quite likely.

02:00 - 03:00 - Take some time for your relatives. Spend time with them, be considerate and courteous.

03:00 - 04:00 - most likely, you will have to go on a trip soon. Perhaps it will be a vacation, or maybe a trip to work.

04:00 - 05:00 - be delicate, try not to offend loved one... You can lose a friend forever.

Other signs about sneezing

There are a lot of things about sneezing. All of them have come down to our time from distant ancestors. Some of them will help you achieve your plan, some of them are warning signs, there are good and bad beliefs about sneezing.

If you want to get pregnant, but you are failing, there is an old one. You should ask a pregnant friend or relative to sneeze on you. Most likely, you will soon become a mother too.

If the bride sneezes in the morning, even before the ceremony, then her family life will be happy. There is one more - if a black cat sneezes near the young, they will be happy together.

  • Sneezing in the bathhouse means getting money.

To sneeze before leaving the house an odd number of times - the road will be unsuccessful, and even - to good luck on the way.

Physiological function sneezing as a protective unconditioned reflex Is the removal of foreign particles ( such as mucus or dust) from the respiratory tract. The very act of sneezing is a forced, sharp exhalation through the nasopharynx, carried out after a deep short breath. It differs from coughing in that the tongue is pressed against the palate during sneezing, and a sharp exhalation occurs through the nose.

The act of sneezing is carried out as follows: a person feels the itching in the nose, preceding the appearance of the sneezing reflex, deeply inhales air, filling the lungs with air; his soft palate rises, the arches of the pharynx contract, the surface of the tongue is pressed against the hard palate; eyes close involuntarily.

Then the intercostal, diaphragmatic, and abdominal muscles contract. The last to contract are the muscles of the larynx, which causes the glottis to close. All these reflex actions ultimately lead to the formation of increased intra-abdominal and intrathoracic pressure.

The air is then vigorously exhaled. The speed of exhaled air passing at the level of the glottis can reach 50 - 100 meters per second, and its pressure is 100 mm Hg. Droplets of saliva and mucus from the nasal and oral cavities enter the air stream. Due to the forced air movement, these droplets spread over a distance of 3 - 5 meters.

Causes of occurrence

The sneezing reflex occurs when the mucous membrane lining the nasal cavity is irritated. Fluff, dust, pet hair ( so-called "dust agents"); mold, pollen, keratinized skin particles ( allergens).

Another type of irritants that affect the nasopharyngeal and nasal mucosa are volatile substances ( perfumery aromas, cigarette smoke).

The appearance of a sneezing reflex can provoke a sharp change in temperature ( for example, when a person went out of a warm room into the street at sub-zero temperatures); or a sudden bright light that hits your eyes, causing you to close your eyes.

Emergence in bright sunlight

Sneezing, which occurs as a result of bright light hitting the cornea of ​​the eye, is called " reflective sneezing into the light". An explanation of the mechanism of this phenomenon has not been found, although scientists from ancient times have tried to find an answer to this question. Aristotle, for example, believed that people sneeze in bright sun due to exposure of the nose to the sun's heat.

In the 17th century, the philosopher Francis Bacon conducted small experiments that showed that if you close your eyes and go out into a bright light, the sneezing reflex will not work. Bacon This was explained by the fact that under the influence of sunlight, the eyes begin to watery, and then this tear fluid enters the nasal passages and causes irritation of the nose. And as a result of this, a sneezing reflex arises.

However, modern science has rejected this hypothesis, since physiologists have proven that sneezing occurs too quickly after exposure to sunlight, and the tear fluid does not have time to drain through the tear ducts into the nasal cavity.

Sneezing occurs as a result of irritation in the nasal cavity, and the trigeminal nerve is "responsible" for it. This nerve is close to the optic nerve. That, in turn, reacts to bright, sudden light that hits the retina. Immediately after that, the optic nerve sends a signal to the brain to narrow the pupils in order to regulate the amount of light entering the eyes. The trigeminal nerve perceives this signal as an impulse to irritate the nose. That's why we sneeze.

People whose pupils are sharply lent, almost always begin to sneeze. And it is not always the case here in bright light - after taking narcotic drugs, the pupils begin to lend, therefore very often people suffering from drug addiction are also susceptible to sneezing attacks.

Official statistics do not exist, but according to unofficial observations, reflective sneezing occurs in 20 - 35% of people. But since this phenomenon is absolutely harmless, it has no special meaning for medicine.

Surprisingly, some people who have reflective sneezing find it useful property... It happens that an unpleasant tickling sensation appears in the nose, but its strength is not enough to provoke a sneezing. Therefore, such people are simply looking for a source of bright light ( fit a window or turn on a table lamp) and induce sneezing, which brings relief. And some people don't even need a light source, just imagine it for the reflex to work. By the way, there are other reflexes that are triggered by an imaginary picture. These include the salivary reflex to an acidic stimulus. In order to induce profuse salivation, it is enough to imagine a juicy sour lemon, cut into slices, flowing with juice.

If surgery is performed in the eye area, then local anesthesia is required. In those people who are inherent in reflective sneezing, this reflex occurs during the injection. Therefore, before the introduction of anesthesia, such people are first sedated. If this is not done, then the patient will sneeze when the doctor will do an anesthetic periocular injection, and he will be forced to stop the administration of the drug so as not to damage the eye.

Most of all, women of the European race are prone to reflective sneezing, judging by medical data.

Another factor that influences the appearance of the sneezing reflex is the degree of stomach fullness. Soon after eating a hearty meal, such people begin to sneeze repeatedly. In this case, it does not matter what kind of food was.

Sneezing and sickness

People who sneeze frequently and for no apparent reason are definitely more sensitive than those who sneeze exclusively in the midst of a cold. To roughly understand why you have prolonged sneezing attacks, you should determine your body temperature and check the nasal cavity.
If the nose itches, there is severe itching in it, but there is no runny nose, then this is most likely an allergy. If the itching in the nose is accompanied by subfebrile or high temperature, then this is an acute respiratory disease ( or ARVI).

Colds are associated with inflammation in the upper respiratory tract. A cold occurs when hypothermia occurs. If the immune system is strong, it will prevent colds from developing. And if the immune system is weakened, and is unable to resist the disease, then the disease develops very quickly.

Signs of a cold: elevated temperature, headache, unexpressed pain throughout the body, sneezing, runny nose, cough, sore throat.

Treatment of colds is divided into two stages, including symptomatic therapy and elimination of the very cause of the disease.

Symptomatic treatment is the fight against the consequences of the disease. And suppression of the activity of bacteria and viruses is the elimination of the very cause of the disease. Of course, it is right to relieve the patient's well-being by giving him an antipyretic or expectorant agent, but fighting the investigation will not eliminate the cause of the disease. Therefore, the most important thing in treatment is to strengthen the immune system, which in turn will lead to the suppression of the bacterial flora.

it infection viral origin, with an acute course. The danger of the disease is that it is extremely contagious. Measles is characterized by signs of intoxication of the body, a sharp rise in temperature, a rash on the body, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and mouth, conjunctivitis.

Morbillivirus ( measles), unstable in environment, and quickly dies under the influence of disinfection measures ( boiling, treatment with disinfectant solutions, sterilization). However, there have been precedents when the measles virus spread, for example, through a ventilation system in one building, where there was a large crowd of people. Best of all, morbillivirus persists in low temperatures (from -15 to -20 degrees). Therefore, outbreaks of the disease occur mainly in winter.

Morbillivirus is transmitted by air during coughing or sneezing, along with secretory mucus. Mostly children are ill. Adults get sick if they have not been ill in childhood, and, accordingly, have not received immunity. After recovery, immunity to this disease persists throughout life.

Newborn babies receive short-term immunity from the mother who has had a previous illness, which lasts during the first three months of life. If the mother falls ill during pregnancy, then the child is at risk of transplacental measles virus infection.

Measles prevention is the total vaccination of children.

The gateway for infection is the mucous membranes in the upper respiratory tract. Once inside, the pathogen begins to multiply and spread through the bloodstream. In the tonsils, lymph nodes, liver, spleen, intestines, lungs, inflammatory infiltrates are formed.

The next stage of the disease is the appearance of visible symptoms. Catarrhal phenomena, runny nose, cough, sneezing appear. Then rash spots appear on the body.

The virus infects the conjunctiva, larynx, pharynx, and sometimes the bronchi or lungs. Inflammation can affect the central nervous system, which can lead to complications of the disease, such as meningoencephalitis and meningitis. Catarrhal inflammation in the affected organs, due to the multiplication of the virus and the production of antibodies against it by the immune system, takes on an infectious-allergic character.

The latent period of measles development is 7 to 14 days. The course of the disease can occur in a typical form or in an atypical one.
There are three stages of the disease, which are manifested by the corresponding symptoms:

  • Catarrhal phenomena.
  • Rash.
  • Reconvalescence.
The first stage of measles - catarrhal - begins acutely. The sick person feels headache, change in appetite, sleep may be disturbed. The body temperature rises to 39, sometimes even 40 degrees. The coryza is very profuse; mucous discharge from the nose sometimes has an admixture of pus. A barking cough, hoarseness, sneezing, swelling of the eyelids are all vivid symptoms of measles. The eyes become extremely sensitive to bright light. Eyelids stick together in the morning with discharge from the eyes.

Visual examination shows enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes. Dry rales are heard in the lungs. Some patients experience short-term diarrhea.

A few days after the onset of the rash, the patient's condition is relieved. The temperature decreases, but literally in a day or two it rises again. After a repeated increase in temperature, spots in the form of "semolina" are found on the inner shell of the cheeks - white, rounded rashes with a thin red border. It's bright clinical sign measles.

Symptoms of intoxication are increasing, the state of health worsens. There are changes in the work of the digestive system.

Bright patchy rashes appear, which can merge into one large spot. First, the rash appears behind the ears, on the scalp, then spreads to the neck and face. The day after the onset of the rash, the spots spread to the chest, trunk and arms. After another day, spots appear on the lower limbs, and those that were on the face become less bright.

This downward "spotting" is a characteristic differential that doctors use in making a diagnosis. Adults suffer the disease much more severely than children, and their rash appears more profuse.

During rashes, catastrophic phenomena intensify: runny nose, sneezing, coughing, lacrimation and photophobia. The examination reveals such abnormalities as palpitations and changes in the higher or lower side of the "working" blood pressure.

Reconvalescence ( the so-called pigmentation period) - this is the third stage of the disease, which is characterized by an improvement in well-being, normalization of body temperature, weakening of catarrhal phenomena. Gradually, the spots of the rash fade and fade. In their place, peeling forms, which stands out slightly in color from the rest of the skin.

The course of measles can be complicated by pneumonia, laryngitis, tracheobronchitis, stomatitis. Adults can develop meningitis, meningoencephalitis, and measles encephalitis.

Chicken pox
Chicken pox ( or chickenpox) is an acute infectious disease that spreads through the air. The virus that causes chickenpox can also cause herpes zoster at the same time. Chickenpox is the primary manifestation of an infection that affects children, while herpes is a secondary manifestation that usually occurs in adulthood.

The virus is not resistant to the external environment, it is sensitive to ultraviolet radiation and disinfectants. Keeps well in low temperature environments. Therefore, the incidence of chickenpox increases in winter.

The disease is considered highly contagious, transmitted by air through sneezing or coughing. Mostly children are ill. Adults who have been ill in childhood retain lifelong immunity.

The virus enters Airways, there it multiplies and accumulates, appears in the blood and lymph, after which it enters the epithelium skin... From this, superficial necrosis is formed in the epithelium, which has the appearance of characteristic rashes. Usually, these rashes disappear without a trace. An exception is when the epithelium is damaged in the deep layer due to re-infection or when the integrity of the vesicles ( eruptions) has been violated. Therefore, it is important to explain to sick children so that they do not scratch the rashes and do not peel off the crusts.

Disease periods:

  • Hidden period ( can last up to three weeks).
  • Prodromal period ( at this time, a person becomes contagious, that is, infectious to others).
  • The period of appearance of vesicles ( the appearance of obvious symptoms).

Common symptoms: rashes, fever, malaise. The rash appears on the face, then spreads further along the body. They look like single or multiple formations.

Prevention of chickenpox in the team where a case of the disease is detected is the isolation of the sick person, thorough disinfection of the room, and, if possible, the establishment of quarantine. Children and adults are vaccinated against chickenpox who have not been ill before and who work in conditions of an increased risk of infection ( doctors, teachers, food workers).

Allergic diseases are an increased immune response that is formed as a response to the effects of specific environmental factors that the body considers dangerous or potentially dangerous.

The body's immune response is formed as a complex defense mechanism, the role of which is to prevent hostile microorganisms from entering and multiplying.

Immunity in response to the invasion of microbes includes a mechanism for the production of antibodies that destroy specific substances that have entered the body - antigens.

Sometimes the body's response to harmless substances is distorted, and he perceives them as a threat. These reactions are hypersensitive, and the antigens that are responsible for the occurrence of these reactions are called allergens.

Immunity is able to "remember" foreign substances, recognize them and produce antibodies to neutralize antigens. If a similar antigen enters the body again, then the immune system will be able to recognize it and attack the already developed specific antibodies.

Allergic reactions are manifested in a variety of ways, can affect different tissues and organs of the body. The severity of an allergic reaction varies widely.

Allergy symptoms occur when a person has been exposed to an allergen. Often, allergies occur in those who are genetically predisposed to it. Itchy eyes and skin, runny nose, sneezing, hives are all common allergy symptoms.

Sneezing is a physiological way of self-cleaning of the body from unnecessary substances or particles, which is somewhat modified with allergies. The sneezing reflex takes on a paroxysmal form - a person sneezes without stopping, every day. This is especially often manifested during the flowering period of plants, the pollen of which is a strong allergen.

With allergies, rhinorrhea is sometimes observed ( runny nose). If, with a cold, the mucous discharge from the nose usually has a thick consistency and a yellowish color, then with an allergy - the color is transparent, and the consistency is watery.

Since the mucous membrane becomes inflamed and denser with allergies, the nasal canal becomes clogged, which leads to poor drainage of mucous secretions. Blowing your nose does not help clear your nose.

An allergic rash is the most striking manifestation of the disease, which is characterized by the formation of reddish spots of various sizes on the skin. Spots can appear on the hands, face, and legs. Most often, the rash is accompanied by severe itching, causing serious discomfort to the sick person.

Itchy eyes are another symptom of allergies. Itching sensation occurs for no external reason, may continue long time; a person cannot eliminate it on his own. At the same time, the eyelids have a swollen, reddened, bloated appearance.

Allergic and vasomotor rhinitis
Inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the nasal cavity - rhinitis - is one of the most common human ailments. Several clinical forms of rhinitis have been identified, each of which has its own characteristics.

The vasomotor and allergic forms of rhinitis are very similar in their clinical manifestations:

  • Labored breathing.
  • Sneezing attacks.
  • Runny nose.
  • Burning and itching in the nasal cavity.
Allergic rhinitis is a chronic disease, it is based on an indirect inflammatory reaction, which is triggered by the ingestion of allergic agents on the nasal mucosa.

Vasomotor rhinitis is also a chronic disease, but in this case, nasal hypersensitivity develops not under the influence of allergic factors, but as a result of nonspecific endogenous or exogenous factors.

When making a diagnosis and drawing up a treatment algorithm, it is necessary to find out the following points:

  • Are there any abnormalities in the structure of the nose, which can also give a clinical picture of rhinitis?
  • Is the detected rhinitis infectious or non-infectious? The answer to this question is the characteristic clinical sequence of the onset of symptoms; the nature of the mucous discharge; the appearance of catarrhal phenomena in the larynx, pharynx, trachea.
  • If rhinitis is of non-infectious origin, is it allergic or non-allergic? In favor of the fact that rhinitis is of allergic origin, the following facts testify: during rhinoscopy, a poor gray tint of the mucous membrane is visualized; a positive reaction to special allergic skin tests was obtained; detected antibodies in blood serum.
  • If allergic rhinitis, then what is the nature of its manifestation: seasonal, permanent? These data are obtained through the collection of anamnesis.
Sequential clarification of the above nuances allows you to accurately determine the form of the disease and select the optimal treatment algorithm.

According to the severity of the course of rhinitis, there are:

  • Light form ( mild clinical symptoms of rhinitis that do not disrupt a person's daily activities and do not interfere with his sleep). The patient feels the presence of symptoms of the disease, but at the same time, he can do without drug therapy.
  • Moderate form ( symptoms of the disease interfere with sleep, interfere with mental and physical activity; the quality of life is seriously deteriorating).
  • Severe form ( the symptoms are so pronounced that the patient cannot engage in any activity, cannot sleep normally, if he does not receive appropriate therapy).
Treatment of allergic rhinitis consists in prescribing to the patient:
  • Topical corticosteroids.
  • Antihistamines that help stop allergy attacks. Most of these drugs eliminate attacks of constant sneezing, a burning sensation in the nose, and a runny nose.
Drugs related to corticosteroids are characterized by a delayed onset of action. These features of pharmacokinetics allow the use of corticosteroids with a very low risk of systemic effects.

There are other groups of drugs used to treat allergic rhinitis, but judging by their effectiveness in relieving individual symptoms, by the degree of risk of complications, and by the cost of treatment, oral antihistamines and topical corticosteroids can be considered as the best therapy.

Treatment for vasomotor rhinitis begins by identifying all possible causes that could lead to a nasal reaction.

Often, vasomotor rhinitis is due to the abnormal structure of the nasal septum. In this case, the treatment is carried out with the help of a surgical intervention.

Drug therapy for vasomotor rhinitis consists in prescribing antihistamines to the patient ( although they do not give the same effect as with allergic rhinitis) and topical corticosteroids. Additionally, you can use physiotherapy methods of treatment ( e.g. intranasal electrophoresis) and acupuncture. Patients are shown general strengthening procedures - hardening, physical exercises.

If conservative methods of therapy do not bring a visible effect, then surgical treatment is used. It consists in carrying out operations, as a result of which the size of the inferior turbinate is artificially reduced, which makes it possible to restore nasal breathing.

Rhinitis of pregnant women
Rhinitis that occurs in women on last dates pregnancy is a consequence of the fact that hormonal changes occur in a woman's body before childbirth. The amount of female sex hormones in the blood increases, and in parallel with this, the blood flow accelerates. Because of this, the mucous membrane swells, which leads to difficulty breathing.

The course of rhinitis is different: from mild symptoms to complications that require drug treatment.

From the fact that the nose is stuffy and breathing is disturbed, the lungs and the heart suffer. In addition, the nose does not fulfill its main functions: it does not cleanse and does not warm the air that is inhaled, thereby exposing the lungs to the harmful effects of the external environment.

For a pregnant woman, this condition creates a double danger - both for her and for the fetus. If nasal breathing is absent, then this leads to oxygen starvation mother, which will be extremely negative for the future baby. As a result of rhinitis, a woman's taste and smell are changed, and allergies develop.

The complexity of rhinitis lies in the fact that vasoconstrictor drops cannot be used to relieve it, because they have their effect on the entire body, including the vessels in the placenta through which the fetus feeds. Violation of the placental circulation leads to fetal hypoxia.

They can also worsen nosebleeds that sometimes occur in pregnant women. And with prolonged use, they dry out the nasal mucosa, and gradually cease to cope with their main function. Therefore, drops that relieve nasal congestion are contraindicated in pregnant women.

The severity of treatment for rhinitis in pregnant women is that many medicines can affect the placental blood circulation, therefore, the choice of the drug must be approached very carefully. Perfectly, drug treatment generally better not to use.

One of the main remedies used to treat rhinitis in pregnant women is a nasal shower. This is a procedure in which the nasal cavity is washed. Thanks to washing, the nose and nasopharynx are cleared of germs, allergens, mucus, and dust. Swelling of the mucous membrane and inflammation is removed, which allows nasal breathing to be restored.

Violation of the sneezing reflex

Sneezing is impaired in people who are suffering bulbar palsy.

Bulbar palsy is a pathology that occurs when the nuclei of some cranial nerves are damaged ( vagus, sublingual, glossopharyngeal). Bulbar paralysis is manifested by speech impairment ( nerves responsible for articulation are affected) and swallowing disorder ( structures responsible for swallowing are affected - the muscles of the tongue, pharynx, larynx, epiglottis, soft palate).

Patients often choke on liquid food, and sometimes they are not able to swallow. Because of this, saliva accumulates and flows out of the corners of the mouth. They cannot sneeze or cough. Speech becomes slurred, nasal, slow. Conversation noticeably tires the sick.

In critically ill patients, as a rule, respiratory rhythm disturbances and cardiac dysfunction are formed, which can lead to death.
Bulbar syndrome is characteristic of genetic diseases ( porphyria, Kennedy disease), for oncological, for vascular, for inflammatory and infectious diseases.

Which doctor should I see if I sneeze?

Since sneezing can be provoked various diseases, then it is necessary to contact different specialists when this symptom appears, whose competence includes the diagnosis and treatment of the affected organ. That is, in each case, in order to understand which doctor to contact when sneezing, you need to assess which organ is affected and presumably provokes sneezing. And it is possible to suspect a lesion of one or another organ when sneezing on the basis of the accompanying symptoms that a person has. Accordingly, in each case, the decision of the question of which doctor to turn to depends on the symptoms accompanying sneezing that a person has.

If sneezing in an adult or child is frequent (several times within 2-3 hours), and at the same time there is an itchy nose, runny nose, pain, sore throat, general malaise or fever, and possibly redness of the eyes , cough, wheezing, this indicates an acute respiratory illness (ARI), flu, colds. In this case, you need to contact an adult to doctor-therapist (sign up), and children - to pediatrician (sign up).

If sneezing, in addition to symptoms of acute respiratory infections, is combined with rashes on the body and face of any type, quantity and nature, then an infectious disease (measles, rubella, chickenpox) is suspected. In this case, it is recommended to contact either infectious disease doctor (sign up), or to a therapist.

If a child or adult for a long time (more than 10-14 days in a row) suffers from a runny nose, which is accompanied by regular sneezing, but there are no additional symptoms, then most likely we are talking about chronic rhinitis (vasomotor, atrophic and etc.). In such a situation, it is recommended to contact otolaryngologist (ENT) (sign up).

If an adult or child begins to sneeze frequently, but there is no runny nose or the discharge from the nose is clear and watery, and other signs of a respiratory infection (pain, sore throat, general malaise or fever, etc.) are not observed , but there is a strong nasal congestion and itching, there may be a rash on the skin, redness of the eyes, itching of the skin and eyes, then, most likely, this indicates an allergic reaction. In this case, you should contact allergist (sign up) or, in his absence, to a therapist.

If a person has frequent sneezing against the background of strongly constricted pupils or any other signs of drug intoxication (for example, causeless gaiety or, on the contrary, insensitivity, apathy, poorly coordinated movements, etc.), then drug addiction is suspected. In this case, it is recommended to contact narcologist (sign up).

If rhinitis with sneezing occurs in pregnant women at a later date, then it is recommended to apply at the same time to gynecologist (sign up) and an otolaryngologist.

If a person cannot sneeze and cough, and at the same time his speech and swallowing movements are impaired, as a result of which the voice is nasal, indistinct, and when eating and drinking they choke, saliva flows out of the corners of the mouth, then bulbar syndrome is suspected. In this case, you should contact neurologist (sign up).

What tests and examinations can a doctor prescribe for sneezing?

Sneezing is provoked by diseases of various organs and systems, and, accordingly, in the presence of this symptom, the doctor can prescribe a variety of studies and tests, the specific list of which depends on which organ is suspected of being damaged by the specialist. Indeed, to identify diseases of different organs, various examination methods are used, both laboratory (analyzes) and instrumental ( Ultrasound (sign up), x-ray (sign up), endoscopy (sign up) etc.).

When an adult or a child sneezes frequently and, in addition to sneezing, there are symptoms of an acute respiratory illness, flu or a cold (runny nose, pain, sore throat, general malaise or fever, as well as possible redness of the eyes, coughing, wheezing), and it is also possible rash on the body - the doctor suspects acute respiratory infections or an acute infectious disease (measles, rubella, chickenpox, etc.). In this case, usually only general blood test (sign up) and urine to assess the general condition of the patient. Other tests and examinations, as a rule, are not prescribed, since the diagnosis is made on the basis of a characteristic clinical picture. In the case of a rash on the skin, if the doctor has doubts about the diagnosis, a blood test may be prescribed to identify the causative agents of measles, rubella, chickenpox, etc.

When sneezing is provoked by a runny nose that has existed for a long period, chronic rhinitis is suspected, and in this case, the otolaryngologist necessarily produces rhinoscopy (sign up)(examination of the nasal cavity using a special instrument - a rhinoscope). If necessary, the doctor can also examine the pharynx and larynx with instruments. In the overwhelming majority of cases, rhinoscopy is sufficient to diagnose and initiate treatment, and therefore other examinations for chronic rhinitis are usually not prescribed. Laboratory tests for chronic rhinitis are usually not prescribed, since this disease does not provoke changes in any indicators of blood, urine or other biological fluid. But the doctor may prescribe a general blood and urine test to assess the general condition of the body, as well as a blood test for IgE levels to confirm the allergic nature of rhinitis (but this test is prescribed only if there is a suspicion of the allergic nature of the rhinitis).

However, if we are talking about rhinitis of pregnant women, then, in addition to rhinoscopy, the doctor may prescribe blood tests for the content of estriol, estradiol, progesterone, as well as an assessment of autonomic tone, since the data of these studies are necessary for the subsequent selection of the most effective therapy regimen.

If chronic rhinitis exists for a long time (longer than several months), then the doctor may prescribe endoscopy and rhinopneumometry to assess the condition of the tissues of the nasal cavity. However, these studies are prescribed and carried out relatively rarely.

If an adult or child has a constant sneezing, and at the same time the nasal cavity is dry or a watery transparent content is released from it, there are no signs of acute respiratory infections, but the nose itches, there is a strong nasal congestion, a rash may appear on the body, the eyes turn red, the skin itches, then this indicates an allergic origin of sneezing. In this case, the doctor prescribes the following tests:
a blood test, as well as an analysis of sensitivity to allergens by any method that a medical institution is able to produce. That is, depending on the technical capabilities, the analysis for sensitivity to antigens is performed either by the method of skin tests, or by determining specific IgE in the blood. The skin test method is less accurate, but simpler and cheaper, therefore it is used most often. And the method for determining specific IgE in blood is expensive, although very accurate, but it is used more rarely due to the high cost of reagents.

A complete blood count is necessary to assess the general condition of the body and confirm allergy readiness (a large number of eosinophils). And an analysis of sensitivity to antigens is necessary in order to understand what kind of substance provokes an allergic reaction.

A blood test for IgE concentration is not always prescribed, since it only reveals that a person is allergic to some substance. But the fact of the presence of an allergy can also be determined by general analysis blood, therefore, with allergic rhinitis and sneezing, an IgE blood test is rarely used.

When frequent sneezing is present against the background of severely constricted pupils or any other signs of drug intoxication (for example, causeless gaiety or, on the contrary, insensitivity, apathy, poorly coordinated movements, etc.), drug intoxication is suspected. In this case, the doctor prescribes a urine or blood test to determine the presence of various drugs and psychoactive substances (for example, opiates, amphetamine, methamphetamine, cocaine, cannabinoids, etc.).

When a person sneezes and coughs with difficulty, or cannot do this at all, although such an urge is felt, and at the same time his speech is nasal, indistinct, slowed down, when he tries to swallow something he chokes, and saliva constantly flows out of the corners of the mouth, then it is suspected bulbar syndrome. In this case, the doctor performs neurological tests, which are sufficient to make a diagnosis. After that, the doctor prescribes the following examinations necessary to find out which disease led to bulbar paralysis:

  • Cerebrospinal fluid examination;
  • Computer (sign up) or magnetic resonance imaging of the brain (sign up);
  • X-ray of the area of ​​connection of the skull with the spine.
In addition, general and biochemical blood tests (sign up), urine analysis, as well as blood tests for the presence of pathogens of various infections.

Before use, you must consult with a specialist.

Sneezing, which is a protective reaction of the body, occurs when the receptors located on the mucous membranes of the nasal cavities are irritated. The result is an uncontrolled burst of air through the nasopharynx from the lungs.

To understand what a sneeze is, it is necessary to take into account that it is an unconditioned reflex that performs a protective role. As there is a sudden exhalation, a variety of irritating receptor agents are removed from the respiratory tract.
The physiological process is carried out in several stages:

  • the appearance of a tickling sensation in the nose;
  • this itching prompts to take a deep breath to draw air into the lungs in full;
  • the soft palate rises, there is a contraction of the arches of the pharynx in front;
  • the back of the tongue is adjacent to the hard palate:
  • the oral cavity, nasopharynx are isolated, after which the eyes are reflexively closed;
  • the further mechanism of sneezing is to contract a whole group of muscles - intercostal, diaphragm, abdomen, larynx, which leads to an increase in intra-abdominal and intrathoracic pressure;
  • sneezing ends, which means a reflex protective process, by vigorous exhalation with simultaneous tearing of the nasopharynx.

On average, the speed of a person's sneezing in the glottis is 180-432 km / h. The volumetric air flow rate can be up to 12 l / s. At this intensity, high pressure, thanks to which on the way of movement through the nose and mouth, the air captures microparticles of saliva and mucus. They are carried in surrounding atmosphere at a distance of up to three meters.
Consequently, sneezing is a vegetative reflex that allows you to get rid of a variety of agents that begin to irritate the internal mucous membranes in the nose.


It is difficult to describe the symptoms of sneezing, since this defense mechanism itself is one of the most common signs of various diseases.
In case of allergies or the development of respiratory diseases due to swelling of the mucous membranes, the nose can very quickly become stuffy with disruption of the normal functioning of all respiratory organs. The onset of this condition is marked by a watery coryza, when nasal discharge pours in a stream. Gradually, they stop flowing as they turn into thick mucus.
Sneezing in the morning after sleep is the most prominent symptom of allergic rhinitis. There is a group of diseases, which include atrophic and vasomotor rhinitis, as well as curvature of the septum, when a person sneezes a lot a day without signs of a runny nose. The same phenomenon with a genetic predisposition can be observed after a hearty meal, when a heaviness is felt in a full stomach.


To understand why a person sneezes many times in a row, one should study the dominant causes of this phenomenon.

  • The most common and well-known cause of sneezing is the common cold, as well as chickenpox, flu, and measles.
  • Reflex air release may occur as a reaction to allergens. These are animal hair, household chemicals, dust, pollen. As well as smells, medicines, food.
  • Often, substances harmful to the body in the surrounding atmosphere can provoke sneezing. These include chemical compounds, tobacco smoke.
  • If there is persistent sneezing, the causes may be related to the development of a curvature of the nasal septum.
  • Some women start sneezing just before giving birth. Simultaneously with swelling of the nasal mucosa, they develop as a sign of hormonal imbalance. The same phenomenon is observed during menstruation.
  • It can provoke the sudden appearance of sneezing more than once in a row breakdown, fear, severe stress... With such an energy surge, the blood vessels expand sharply, and the reflex muscle contraction allows you to stop this process.
  • Affected by a temporary sudden change in temperature, bright lighting.
  • Sometimes a droplet of milk that gets into the nose during feeding makes a nursing baby sneeze. Causes in infants receptor irritation of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, dry air, excessive dust in it.
  • Another reason that can cause frequent sneezing indicates a loss of the ability of the nose to self-cleanse from secretions as a result of mechanical injury.
  • If there is non-infectious vasomotor rhinitis, if the tone of the vessels located in the nasal cavity is disturbed, a chronic rhinitis develops. The person suffers from constant congestion. He starts sneezing and coughing.

The reasons for sneezing many times in a row can be explained by natural changes in hormonal levels that occur during pregnancy. An increased level of hormones can cause congestion due to the appearance of edema of the mucous membranes. In this condition, oxygen starvation appears, which is harmful to the developing fetus due to the possible development of hypoxia. Therefore, it is important for a pregnant woman to consult a doctor in a timely manner.
Attentive owners notice that their pets suddenly begin to sneeze loudly. This could mean that something got in their nose. If the process becomes permanent, this indicates an infection. Cats can develop leukemia, polyposis. Allergy often provokes this condition. A pet can die from some diseases without treatment, so contacting a veterinarian is mandatory.

Diagnostics. Who to contact

When contacting medical Center with complaints of prolonged sneezing, diagnostic examinations are prescribed in order to identify the underlying cause that provoked this phenomenon.
A similar problem should be addressed to an otolaryngologist. If, on examination, he reveals colds, then usually additional tests are not prescribed. The rhinoscopy technique is used. Using an optical device equipped with mirrors, the doctor examines the nasopharynx, nasal mucosa. Because it provides a posterior view, the physician can use imaging to provide a fairly complete picture for a diagnosis.
In a situation where there is a suspicion that sneezing is developing against the background of allergic rhinitis, a special test will need to be done to establish the exact type of allergen. After receiving the test results, the diagnosis will be made by an allergist.

Allergy process

The tendency to allergic reactions helps to understand why people sneeze many times in a row without obvious signs of a cold.
An allergen that causes such a protective reaction can enter the body of both an adult and a child. The consequence is a runny nose. Eyes often begin to water, there is a cough, a rash on the skin, edema.
The presence of allergies is distinguished by the characteristic paroxysmal sneezing process. This can take longer than 10 times. In adults, mucus is most often emitted in the morning, and there is no febrile state.
For some people, alcohol is an allergen. This is a fairly common occurrence when, after a few glasses, a frequent sneeze attacks a person. Knowing about this feature, it is necessary to constantly have antihistamines with you, which will stop the involuntary reaction to irritation of the nasal receptors.

Sneezing with a cold

It is enough to catch a cold on the legs, as snot, cough appear, and the throat begins to hurt. The body seeks to free the nasal cavities and nasopharynx from infectious agents, such as bacteria, viruses, by sneezing.
At the moment the protective mechanism is turned on, which ensures the reflex flight of mucus droplets with saliva, sometimes painful sensations arise, confirming the additionally infectious nature of the phenomenon. If purulent white lumps fly out of the throat, this indicates chronic tonsillitis.
Able to clog the nose with thick mucus with deterioration of health, long-lasting high temperature, cough with ARVI. Sneezing is lingering, as with the flu.

Medical medicinal techniques

Understanding the specifics of the defense mechanism, it is advisable to solve the problem of how to stop sneezing, in the context of clarifying the provoking factor.
A single sneeze does not cause anxiety, but you cannot wait for a long time if watery nasal discharge appears, eyes are swollen and watery, and itchy skin is troublesome. Against this background, sneezing, which occurs in painful attacks, requires immediate admission - Claritin, Zyrtec and see a doctor. Due to the rapidly developing swelling of the nasopharynx, a person can die. Prescribed for allergic sneezing Nazonex, Aldecin in the form of a spray.
In the role of first aid, they use Aqua Maris. With its help, the nasal cavities are effectively washed and cleared of secretions and irritants that cause sneezing. Sea water, which is the dominant component of the preparation, will produce the required healing effect if a child or a pregnant woman is ill.
Will make the itching that provokes sneezing disappear, rinsing the nasal passages with saline solutions specially made for these purposes - Aqualor, Aquamaris, Dolphin. Antiseptic solutions are suitable Miramistina, Furacilina.

With congestion, forcing free nasal breathing to practically stop, treatment consists in the use of vasoconstrictor drugs, which include Tizin, Xymelin, in the form of a spray. Useful to use drops Vibrocil, Rinonorm, Naphtizin.
Effectively relieves swelling accompanying sinusitis and vasomotor rhinitis, spray Rinofluimucil. It can cause an increased heartbeat, increase blood pressure, so it is not prescribed for pregnant women. With development bacterial infection the doctor can select the appropriate antibiotics. It is dangerous to use drugs from this group on your own, as the opposite effect of worsening the condition may occur.
Taking any dosage form requires following medical recommendations and instructions. Do not exceed the dosage and duration of treatment. You should stop using the product if you experience allergies.

Folk methods

Sneezing can be passed on to another person if it is caused by an infectious disease. Treatment with medications is often accompanied by folk remedies, the value of which is sometimes very high.
With a stuffy nose in the absence of temperature, inhalation is recommended. For the procedure, hot water is poured into a stable dish, about two glasses, three drops of antibacterial essential oil are added - eucalyptus, mint, juniper. Covering yourself with a blanket, they begin to inhale and exhale healing vapors for 10 minutes, passing them through the nose.
To get rid of infections that have struck the upper respiratory tract, to increase immunity, useful herbal infusions are prepared. Flowers of ivan tea, chamomile, elecampane are suitable as raw materials. A tablespoon is kept in 200 ml of boiling water under a towel for 30 minutes. Divided into three portions and drunk daily.
It is always considered effective for the common cold not hot tea with a slice of lemon, raspberry jam, honey, a little ginger root.
Benefit from fenugreek seeds. It will take two tablespoons of raw materials per 300 ml of water. After ten minutes of boiling, remove the pan from the stove, wrap it with a terry towel and leave for 45 minutes. Then comes filtering. Drink a decoction of 150 ml in the morning and evening.
Get rid of sneezing caused by a runny nose, herbal baths. Insist an hour two tablespoons of sage, birch leaves or yarrow in 500 ml of boiling water. After filtering, it is poured into water. Take a bath for 15 minutes.
If they want to speed up recovery, use aloe juice for instillation. Three times a day, two drops are injected into each nostril. Small children and adolescents under 12 years old should dilute the juice with warm boiled water 1: 3. For the age group over 12 years old, the proportion is 1: 1. In the same way, beetroot juice drops are made. You can bury a mixture of menthol and camphor oils, taken in equal amounts.
The warming effect of pepper is known. If sneezing becomes painful, use a pepper patch. Before going to bed, stick it on the soles, put on cotton socks.
At the first sign of a cold, as evidenced by sneezing, beat a small piece of laundry soap into a lather. Dip a cotton swab into the foam and gently lubricate the inner nasal cavities. After three days, relief comes, and the runny nose does not develop further.
Promotes good cleansing of mucus and pathogens.
To do this, a saline solution should be drawn into a pear or a special device. To do this, stir half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of boiling water cooled to a warm state.
Homemade ointment helps well, for which fresh calendula flowers pounded into gruel are added to petroleum jelly in a 1: 1 ratio. The mass is applied to cotton filaments and kept in the nostrils for five minutes.
There are many popular recipes that have a beneficial effect on the development of sneezing. In any situation, you must first consult a doctor.

Complications and consequences

It is harmful to suppress sneezing, as air will be directed to the Eustachian arch and then to the middle ear, which provokes. High flow rates can damage the eardrums. After the spread of microbes in the paranasal sinuses, sinusitis develops.
If you hold your hand over your nose and mouth while sneezing, then negative consequences can also occur. Cases are described when, due to a sharp movement of the head with a strong sneeze, the intervertebral discs in the cervical spine received a rupture.
A young man in the UK suffered a massive cerebral hemorrhage from a series of consecutive sneezes. He lost consciousness, and after a while there was cardiac arrest.


Sneezing cannot be viewed as a harmless process. During the release of the smallest saliva and mucus, infection is transmitted. It is important to learn to follow simple preventive rules to avoid sneezing:

  • do not be in drafts;
  • do not overcool;
  • every morning, when going to go out, choose clothes according to the weather conditions;
  • avoid contact with sneezing people;
  • during periods of outbreaks of infections, wear a protective mask;
  • once a year at the beginning of autumn get a flu shot;
  • exercise daily;
  • wash your hands with soap and water several times a day;
  • take long walks;
  • systematically carry out the procedure for rinsing the nose with saline.

Allergic sneezing can be avoided if the allergen is known. In any situation, it is important to strengthen the immune system, get rid of bad habits, and plan a balanced menu.

    Other entries

If on a date a person constantly sneezes, perhaps he is not at all having a cold, but simply fantasizing about the further development of the relationship. The connection between sneezing and sexual fantasies was found by two otolaryngologists from the UK.

British scientists believe that sneezing caused by thoughts of sex is a fairly common syndrome. And they even offered an explanation for this unusual phenomenon.

Mahmood F. Bhutta got the idea to explore the connection between sneezing and thoughts of sex not out of nowhere. He, an ear-throat doctor from Wexham Hospital, Berkshire, UK, was approached by a patient, a middle-aged man, with an unusual complaint. He described the uncontrollable bouts of sneezing that he gets when thinking about sex. According to him, the trouble accompanies him for a long time, ever since he grew up.

Historical search

Dr. Bhutta and fellow psychiatrist Harold Maxwell became interested in this case. To begin with, they decided to figure out if anyone had experienced similar symptoms before. It turned out that even in the century before last, twice, in 1875 and 1884, doctors reported on patients who sneeze when sexually aroused. However, no one offered any explanation for the phenomenon at that time.

Erectile tissue A tissue that is riddled with a large number of blood vessels. The walls of these vessels are characterized by an abundance of smooth muscle and elastic fibers. This explains the ability of the cavernous tissue to quickly swell and collapse under the influence of various chemical, thermal and nervous influences. Cavernous tissue is also called erectile, or cavernous.

In the late 19th century, a young German otolaryngologist, Wilhelm Fliess, proposed a theory of nasal reflex neurosis. He believed that the nasal mucosa was connected to the genitals. Perhaps this assumption arose because cavernous tissue was found in the nose and its presence somehow had to be explained. He also associated menstrual irregularities in women with disorders of the nasal cavity. Fliess suggested using nose surgery to treat neurological, psychological and sexual disorders. His ideas were so bizarre that he was ridiculed not only by the medical community, but also by his close friend Sigmund Freud.

Searches in the 20th century yielded only one publication in the magazine Journal of the American Medical Association... It reported on a 69-year-old man who experienced bouts of sneezing immediately after orgasm. Two responses were sent to this article in the journal. The first mentioned Fliess's theory. The second letter came from Dr. Henry Everett. He wrote that while studying sunlight-induced sneezing, he encountered several patients who sneezed while thinking about sex.

Modern search

British doctors wondered if sneezing responses to sexual contemplation or orgasm are really rare. After all, this topic is rather delicate, and, probably, few people dare to consult a doctor with a similar problem. Perhaps that is why there are no serious works on this topic.

To test their guess, scientists turned to the Internet. They used a search engine using the keywords "sex and sneeze / sneeze" to search for discussions and threads in anonymous chats. They searched twice - in June and December 2007. There were 17 people who reported uncontrolled sneezing attacks when thinking about sex, and four people who sneeze immediately after orgasm. And they were different people. Summarizing the search results, the scientists made two conclusions. First, they believe that these are different syndromes that are not directly related to each other. Second, the prevalence of these symptoms is likely much higher than one might expect.

Why do people sneeze

Naturally, scientists wanted to explain these interesting phenomena. Sneezing is needed by the body to clear the airways and is usually caused by irritation of the nasal cavity. However, there are other, unusual reasons for sneezing. First of all, this is the already mentioned sneezing syndrome caused by sunlight. Everett devoted many works to him. It turned out that 24% of people sneeze in bright direct sunlight. And this feature is inherited.

The authors also mention works that described two families where another unusual cause is inherited - a full stomach. Generation after generation, members of these families sneeze after a hearty meal. However, the genes responsible for a sunny or afternoon sneeze have not yet been found.

The authors suggested that all four sneezing syndromes - in response to sunlight, heavy meals, thoughts of sex, and orgasm - should have a similar mechanism. They examined the explanations proposed by Everett for solar syndrome, and there are several and none, and rejected most of them.

Parasympathetic nervous system Part of the autonomic or autonomic nervous system that regulates the activity of the organs of blood circulation, respiration, digestion, excretion, reproduction, as well as metabolism and thereby the functional state of all tissues of the body of vertebrates and humans.

The greatest interest and trust in them was caused by the so-called parasympathetic summation. Everett suggested that the parasympathetic nervous system is involved in the processes of tearing, which certainly occurs in people looking at the sun, and sneezing. And that the signal of the parasympathetic system is poorly divided, that is, when the system orders to cry, not only the eyes, but also other organs react. For example, the nose is sneezing.

The British adopted the noise signal mechanism. They do believe that the different branches of the parasympathetic system are interconnected and not completely separate. When a certain stimulus appears, the effect of which on the body is in the area of ​​responsibility of the system, it signals it to the brain. A full stomach, sexual arousal, orgasm, or bright light entering the eyes may cause the signal to be sent. The central department sends a response signal to the disturbed organ, but due to incomplete separation, in parallel, a signal leaves the center to other organs associated with the center.

be healthy

The whole study looks rather unusual. However, this is hardly a joke, because this is not the first of April. The article appeared on Friday, December 19, in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, a very serious and prestigious scientific journal.

One can, of course, assume that British doctors wanted to try themselves in the role of Ignobel laureates. However, the Ignobel Prize is usually for scientists who have spent a lot of time and effort on their research. Doctors Bhutta and Maxwell did not conduct mass experiments and did not receive large grants.

Most likely, they were really attracted by this funny phenomenon. They are constantly reminded that all their reasoning is just speculation. And in the conclusion of their work, they write that it would be interesting to study this syndrome in more detail, because this can help to understand more deeply not only the sneezing process, but also the mechanism of the parasympathetic nervous system. However, it is not known whether the British are going to continue the research themselves.

However, even if the work does not receive continuation, everyone has a reason to replace the standard "Be healthy!" for some spicy joke.

If you sneeze, this may not always be a sign of an impending cold. Scientists claim that sneezing can be the result of ... sexual fantasies.

Interestingly, both men and women are susceptible to this phenomenon, and it can be inherited.

Otolaryngologist Mahmoud Bhutta of John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford began investigating the phenomenon after consulting some patients who suffer from "uncontrolled" sneezing every time they have the idea of ​​sex.

“We thought it was very unusual and started researching the medical literature on the topic,” says Bhutta.

Together with fellow psychiatrist Harold Maxwell, Dr. Bhutta began searching the Internet for examples of talking about sneezing and sex.

And, oddly enough, the search engines returned a lot of results. So, seventeen people of both sexes reported an immediate sneeze after thinking about sex, and three begin to sneeze immediately after orgasm.

"Although reports from the Internet cannot provide reliable confirmation of this phenomenon, our findings suggest that it is much more common than it is believed," the researchers say.

Usually sneezing is the result of irritation of the nasopharynx, triggering a reflex blowout of air at a speed of about 150 km / h.

Plucking eyebrows can also trigger sneezing due to stimulation of the trigeminal nerve, which is responsible for sensing the facial muscles.

But among the factors that cause sneezing, there are no less interesting - for example, the "light sneezing reflex" caused by looking at bright sunlight. This reflex is present practically in every fourth inhabitant of the planet.

A more rare effect when people sneeze after eating. Dr. Bhutta believes that sneezing caused by thoughts of sex is not so rare, it is just that neither parents nor children prefer not to talk about it.

"This is undoubtedly very strange, but I think that this reflex demonstrates the remnants of human evolutionary development in that part of the nervous system called the autonomic."

“This part of our nervous system is out of our control, as is the rhythm of the heart or the amount of light let through by the pupils. Sometimes the signals in this system overlap, and that's why I think some people start sneezing after thinking about sex. "

So if someone suddenly sneezes next to you, especially in public transport, you should step aside so as, at least, not to get infected, and as a maximum, not inadvertently to become the object of someone's sexual fantasies.

Text: Bogdan the Great

You hold your breath, drawing in more air into your lungs, and then abruptly and with a funny sound push the air out through your nose and mouth. Sneezing is your body's way of getting rid of dust particles, hair or pollen, that is, the body's natural attempt to stop breathing into the lungs what should not be there. It is clear that this knowledge will not surprise you, but there are several facts about sneezing that you do not even know about.

1. Sneezing can provoke the sun

Scientists call this reaction "Light sneezing reflex", and it occurs in 18-35% of the world's population. The key stimulus for this sneezing is the dramatic increase in the supply of sunlight to the retina. Since this sneezing is not harmful, it is hardly studied, and doctors are still lost in conjecture about its nature. Some speculate that the parasympathetic nervous system is to blame, others say that this is a residual effect of an ancient reflex as a result of body evolution. A 2010 study by Swiss scientists concluded that people who react to light in this way are simply more irritable and impulsive than everyone else.

2. Sneezing can provoke sex

Yes, sneezing right after sex is quite common. Scientists still do not know why, but they believe that in this way the parasympathetic nervous system is playing pranks, regulating the level of fluids, heart rate and much more. Most likely, the reason is that sexual arousal leads the body into a state of hypersensitivity.

3. You sneeze with incredible force

In the 1950s, Harvard biologist William Firth Wells measured the speed of a sneeze escaping from the human body and concluded that you were accelerating particles faster than a racing car. The approximate speed that the scientist was able to determine is 360 km / h.

Later, these figures were refuted by other scientists, saying that the speed is greatly exaggerated. A group of scientists from Singapore counted only 16 km / h. When the famous "Mythbusters" tackled this question, they returned some of its dignity to the sneeze and determined its speed at 50 kilometers per hour. It is likely that the guys from the show are much larger than the Singaporean scientists and sneeze with more force.

4. You won't be able to sneeze in a dream

Have you ever wondered why you don't wake up wanting to sneeze or sneezing loudly? Scientists are also worried about this issue. When your body is in a horizontal position, the mucous membrane of your nose swells slightly, which increases your sensitivity to dust particles flying around, but during REM sleep, all muscles of the face except those that control the opening of the eyelids are practically paralyzed, including those responsible for sneezing. Moreover, even when you are not in this sleep phase, the neurons responsible for initiating a sneeze are not working. Therefore, even if you sneeze while you doze, theoretically and possibly, in practice this almost never happens.

5. You can't sneeze with your eyes open

If you heard a horror story in childhood that sneezing with your eyelids open, you can lose your eyes (they will fly out of your sockets), and you still believe in it, you can relax: this will never happen. The point is, you never sneeze with your eyes open. Your eyes reflexively close when you sneeze, because the nerves that move the eyelids are connected to the nasal nerves, and they get irritated every time you sneeze.

6. Sneezing slows down your heart rate

Think about what you do first when you are about to sneeze? That's right: you draw air into your lungs. Taking a deep breath raises the pressure in the lungs, which causes blood to flow to the heart, lowering the pressure and increasing the number of beats per minute. When you exhale sharply, the pressure quickly returns to normal and the number of beats per minute decreases. It may seem to you that your heart is skipping one beat at this moment.

7. Yes, covering your mouth is a must

It was not for nothing that throughout childhood your mother kept telling you that you need to chew and sneeze with your mouth closed. If the first is a matter of decency, then the second is much more important: you can really infect others. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have come to the conclusion that the suspension that remains in the air after sneezing, consisting of bacteria and microorganisms, remains in the air much longer than previously thought. If someone passes nearby or ends up in the same place where you sneezed, they can become infected even 15-20 minutes after your sneeze.

A terrible thing happened (finally, otherwise we got tired of cutting off the legs of flies, and we got bored)! One man was so well educated and so carefully cared about the health of those around him that it turned out badly for him himself! Well, strictly speaking, not quite sideways ... However, first things first.

According to BMJ Case Reports, the unprecedented case has enriched the practice of British doctors. A 34-year-old man was admitted to the hospital complaining that he suddenly became unbearable to swallow and his voice sounds somehow strange. Unpleasant changes in his body occurred after this very organism ... sneezed!

Moreover, it was not a serene generous sneeze throughout Ivanovo, to the delight of the neighbors who fell into the affected area. And not even a diplomatic sneeze into a fist that delicately covered the performer's nose and mouth. Oh no! Not otherwise, as mummies and nannies in childhood harshly screwed up the poor man with this: "Good boys restrain their natural urges, Johnny (or Charlie, or whatever it is)!", Because he tried to nip the impulse in the bud by pinching his nostrils with his fingers.

However, the sneeze still took place, and restraint was not in vain for our hero: he felt unpleasant tremors in his neck, and then discovered that it was swollen. X-rays showed that the lungs were not affected, but an excessive accumulation of air was found in the soft cervical tissues in front of the trachea. Computed tomography confirmed: the patient has extensive emphysema in the neck and chest, there was also a perforation of the pharynx. The final diagnosis sounded ominous: a spontaneous rupture of the esophagus, also known as Boerhaave's syndrome.

X-ray of the neck. Black arrow shows accumulations of air, white - extensive emphysema in front of the trachea.

Computed tomography of the neck (B) and chest (A). On the neck, an arrow shows emphysema, in the chest near the T9 vertebra - mediastinal emphysema.

Fearing that the sneezer would develop an infection or inflammation in the chest cavity, the doctors left him in the hospital, for many days they were stuffed with antibiotics and fed through a tube thrust into the nasopharynx and leading into the stomach. Brrr, in short. The sufferer stayed on the hospital regime for several weeks, then for another couple of months he was closely monitored for relapses. But, fortunately, nothing happened.

In general, the guy was brutally lucky: Boerhaave's syndrome is very, very not sugar, but the patient turned to specialists in time, and they promptly made a diagnosis and did without complications. However, it can be difficult to identify this disease, and sometimes aggressive surgical intervention is required to get rid of it.

When discharged, the man was strictly advised to quit doing nonsense, and when sneezing, pinching his nose and mouth - it is terribly dangerous! No, well, if he wants to get better acquainted with such delightful things as mediastinal emphysema, perforation of the eardrum and even a ruptured cerebral aneurysm, then, of course, please, let him continue in the same spirit!

You live with your mind and sneeze into the elegantly placed palm of a snugly rolled cat, your girlfriend's navel, freshly infused sour cream salad, or, in extreme cases, on the shoulder of the world boxing champion in front of you - you will be healthier!

Sneezing, which is a protective reaction of the body, occurs when the receptors located on the mucous membranes of the nasal cavities are irritated. The result is an uncontrolled burst of air through the nasopharynx from the lungs.

To understand what a sneeze is, it is necessary to take into account that it is an unconditioned reflex that performs a protective role. As there is a sudden exhalation, a variety of irritating receptor agents are removed from the respiratory tract.
The physiological process is carried out in several stages:

  • the appearance of a tickling sensation in the nose;
  • this itching prompts to take a deep breath to draw air into the lungs in full;
  • the soft palate rises, there is a contraction of the arches of the pharynx in front;
  • the back of the tongue is adjacent to the hard palate:
  • the oral cavity, nasopharynx are isolated, after which the eyes are reflexively closed;
  • the further mechanism of sneezing is to contract a whole group of muscles - intercostal, diaphragm, abdomen, larynx, which leads to an increase in intra-abdominal and intrathoracic pressure;
  • sneezing ends, which means a reflex protective process, by vigorous exhalation with simultaneous tearing of the nasopharynx.

On average, the speed of a person's sneezing in the glottis is 180-432 km / h. The volumetric air flow rate can be up to 12 l / s. At this intensity, a high pressure is created, due to which, on the way of movement through the nose and mouth, the air captures microparticles of saliva and mucus. They are carried in the surrounding atmosphere at a distance of up to three meters.
Consequently, sneezing is a vegetative reflex that allows you to get rid of a variety of agents that begin to irritate the internal mucous membranes in the nose.


It is difficult to describe the symptoms of sneezing, since this defense mechanism itself is one of the most common signs of various diseases.
In case of allergies or the development of respiratory diseases due to swelling of the mucous membranes, the nose can very quickly become stuffy with disruption of the normal functioning of all respiratory organs. The onset of this condition is marked by a watery coryza, when nasal discharge pours in a stream. Gradually, they stop flowing as they turn into thick mucus.
Sneezing in the morning after sleep is the most prominent symptom of allergic rhinitis. There is a group of diseases, which include atrophic and vasomotor rhinitis, as well as curvature of the septum, when a person sneezes a lot a day without signs of a runny nose. The same phenomenon with a genetic predisposition can be observed after a hearty meal, when a heaviness is felt in a full stomach.


To understand why a person sneezes many times in a row, one should study the dominant causes of this phenomenon.

  • The most common and well-known cause of sneezing is the common cold, as well as chickenpox, flu, and measles.
  • Reflex air release may occur as a reaction to allergens. These are animal hair, household chemicals, dust, pollen. As well as smells, medicines, food.
  • Often, substances harmful to the body in the surrounding atmosphere can provoke sneezing. These include chemical compounds, tobacco smoke.
  • If there is persistent sneezing, the causes may be related to the development of a curvature of the nasal septum.
  • Some women start sneezing just before giving birth. Simultaneously with swelling of the nasal mucosa, they develop as a sign of hormonal imbalance. The same phenomenon is observed during menstruation.
  • A nervous breakdown, fear, severe stress can provoke the sudden appearance of sneezing more than once in a row. With such an energy surge, the blood vessels expand sharply, and the reflex muscle contraction allows you to stop this process.
  • Affected by a temporary sudden change in temperature, bright lighting.
  • Sometimes a droplet of milk that gets into the nose during feeding makes a nursing baby sneeze. Causes in infants receptor irritation of the mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, dry air, excessive dust in it.
  • Another reason that can cause frequent sneezing indicates a loss of the ability of the nose to self-cleanse from secretions as a result of mechanical injury.
  • If there is non-infectious vasomotor rhinitis, if the tone of the vessels located in the nasal cavity is disturbed, a chronic rhinitis develops. The person suffers from constant congestion. He starts sneezing and coughing.

The reasons for sneezing many times in a row can be explained by natural changes in hormonal levels that occur during pregnancy. An increased level of hormones can cause congestion due to the appearance of edema of the mucous membranes. In this condition, oxygen starvation appears, which is harmful to the developing fetus due to the possible development of hypoxia. Therefore, it is important for a pregnant woman to consult a doctor in a timely manner.
Attentive owners notice that their pets suddenly begin to sneeze loudly. This could mean that something got in their nose. If the process becomes permanent, this indicates an infection. Cats can develop leukemia, polyposis. Allergy often provokes this condition. A pet can die from some diseases without treatment, so contacting a veterinarian is mandatory.

Diagnostics. Who to contact

When contacting a medical center with complaints of prolonged sneezing, diagnostic examinations are prescribed in order to identify the underlying cause that provoked this phenomenon.
A similar problem should be addressed to an otolaryngologist. If, on examination, he reveals colds, then usually additional tests are not prescribed. The rhinoscopy technique is used. Using an optical device equipped with mirrors, the doctor examines the nasopharynx, nasal mucosa. Because it provides a posterior view, the physician can use imaging to provide a fairly complete picture for a diagnosis.
In a situation where there is a suspicion that sneezing is developing against the background of allergic rhinitis, a special test will need to be done to establish the exact type of allergen. After receiving the test results, the diagnosis will be made by an allergist.

Allergy process

The tendency to allergic reactions helps to understand why people sneeze many times in a row without obvious signs of a cold.
An allergen that causes such a protective reaction can enter the body of both an adult and a child. The consequence is a runny nose. Eyes often begin to water, there is a cough, a rash on the skin, edema.
The presence of allergies is distinguished by the characteristic paroxysmal sneezing process. This can take longer than 10 times. In adults, mucus is most often emitted in the morning, and there is no febrile state.
For some people, alcohol is an allergen. This is a fairly common occurrence when, after a few glasses, a frequent sneeze attacks a person. Knowing about this feature, it is necessary to constantly have antihistamines with you, which will stop the involuntary reaction to irritation of the nasal receptors.

Sneezing with a cold

It is enough to catch a cold on the legs, as snot, cough appear, and the throat begins to hurt. The body seeks to free the nasal cavities and nasopharynx from infectious agents, such as bacteria, viruses, by sneezing.
At the moment the protective mechanism is turned on, which ensures the reflex flight of mucus droplets with saliva, sometimes painful sensations arise, confirming the additionally infectious nature of the phenomenon. If purulent white lumps fly out of the throat, this indicates chronic tonsillitis.
Able to clog the nose with thick mucus with deterioration of health, long-lasting high temperature, cough with ARVI. Sneezing is lingering, as with the flu.

Medical medicinal techniques

Understanding the specifics of the defense mechanism, it is advisable to solve the problem of how to stop sneezing, in the context of clarifying the provoking factor.
A single sneeze does not cause anxiety, but you cannot wait for a long time if watery nasal discharge appears, eyes are swollen and watery, and itchy skin is troublesome. Against this background, sneezing, which occurs in painful attacks, requires immediate admission - Claritin, Zyrtec and see a doctor. Due to the rapidly developing swelling of the nasopharynx, a person can die. Prescribed for allergic sneezing Nazonex, Aldecin in the form of a spray.
In the role of first aid, they use Aqua Maris. With its help, the nasal cavities are effectively washed and cleared of secretions and irritants that cause sneezing. Sea water, which is the dominant component of the drug, will produce the desired therapeutic effect if a child or a pregnant woman is ill.
Will make the itching that provokes sneezing disappear, rinsing the nasal passages with saline solutions specially made for these purposes - Aqualor, Aquamaris, Dolphin. Antiseptic solutions are suitable Miramistina, Furacilina.

With congestion, forcing free nasal breathing to practically stop, treatment consists in the use of vasoconstrictor drugs, which include Tizin, Xymelin, in the form of a spray. Useful to use drops Vibrocil, Rinonorm, Naphtizin.
Effectively relieves swelling accompanying sinusitis and vasomotor rhinitis, spray Rinofluimucil. It can cause an increased heartbeat, increase blood pressure, so it is not prescribed for pregnant women. If a bacterial infection develops, your doctor may choose the right antibiotics. It is dangerous to use drugs from this group on your own, as the opposite effect of worsening the condition may occur.
Taking any dosage form requires following medical recommendations and instructions. Do not exceed the dosage and duration of treatment. You should stop using the product if you experience allergies.

Folk methods

Sneezing can be passed on to another person if it is caused by an infectious disease. Treatment with medications is often accompanied by folk remedies, the value of which is sometimes very high.
With a stuffy nose in the absence of temperature, inhalation is recommended. For the procedure, hot water is poured into a stable dish, about two glasses, three drops of antibacterial essential oil are added - eucalyptus, mint, juniper. Covering yourself with a blanket, they begin to inhale and exhale healing vapors for 10 minutes, passing them through the nose.
To get rid of infections that have struck the upper respiratory tract, to increase immunity, useful herbal infusions are prepared. Flowers of ivan tea, chamomile, elecampane are suitable as raw materials. A tablespoon is kept in 200 ml of boiling water under a towel for 30 minutes. Divided into three portions and drunk daily.
It is always considered effective for colds not hot tea with a slice of lemon, raspberry jam, honey, a little ginger root.
Benefit from fenugreek seeds. It will take two tablespoons of raw materials per 300 ml of water. After ten minutes of boiling, remove the pan from the stove, wrap it with a terry towel and leave for 45 minutes. Then comes filtering. Drink a decoction of 150 ml in the morning and evening.
Get rid of sneezing caused by a runny nose, herbal baths. Insist an hour two tablespoons of sage, birch leaves or yarrow in 500 ml of boiling water. After filtering, it is poured into water. Take a bath for 15 minutes.
If they want to speed up recovery, use aloe juice for instillation. Three times a day, two drops are injected into each nostril. Small children and adolescents under 12 years old should dilute the juice with warm boiled water 1: 3. For the age group over 12 years old, the proportion is 1: 1. In the same way, beetroot juice drops are made. You can bury a mixture of menthol and camphor oils, taken in equal amounts.
The warming effect of pepper is known. If sneezing becomes painful, use a pepper patch. Before going to bed, stick it on the soles, put on cotton socks.
At the first sign of a cold, as evidenced by sneezing, beat a small piece of laundry soap into a lather. Dip a cotton swab into the foam and gently lubricate the inner nasal cavities. After three days, relief comes, and the runny nose does not develop further.
Promotes good cleansing of mucus and pathogens.
To do this, a saline solution should be drawn into a pear or a special device. To do this, stir half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of boiling water cooled to a warm state.
Homemade ointment helps well, for which fresh calendula flowers pounded into gruel are added to petroleum jelly in a 1: 1 ratio. The mass is applied to cotton filaments and kept in the nostrils for five minutes.
There are many popular recipes that have a beneficial effect on the development of sneezing. In any situation, you must first consult a doctor.

Complications and consequences

It is harmful to suppress sneezing, as air will be directed to the Eustachian arch and then to the middle ear, which provokes. High flow rates can damage the eardrums. After the spread of microbes in the paranasal sinuses, sinusitis develops.
If you hold your hand over your nose and mouth while sneezing, then negative consequences can also occur. Cases are described when, due to a sharp movement of the head with a strong sneeze, the intervertebral discs in the cervical spine received a rupture.
A young man in the UK suffered a massive cerebral hemorrhage from a series of consecutive sneezes. He lost consciousness, and after a while there was cardiac arrest.


Sneezing cannot be viewed as a harmless process. During the release of the smallest saliva and mucus, infection is transmitted. It is important to learn to follow simple preventive rules to avoid sneezing:

  • do not be in drafts;
  • do not overcool;
  • every morning, when going to go out, choose clothes according to the weather conditions;
  • avoid contact with sneezing people;
  • during periods of outbreaks of infections, wear a protective mask;
  • once a year at the beginning of autumn get a flu shot;
  • exercise daily;
  • wash your hands with soap and water several times a day;
  • take long walks;
  • systematically carry out the procedure for rinsing the nose with saline.

Allergic sneezing can be avoided if the allergen is known. In any situation, it is important to strengthen the immune system, get rid of bad habits, and plan a balanced menu.

You hold your breath, drawing in more air into your lungs, and then abruptly and with a funny sound push the air out through your nose and mouth. Sneezing is your body's way of getting rid of dust particles, hair or pollen, that is, the body's natural attempt to stop breathing into the lungs what should not be there. It is clear that this knowledge will not surprise you, but there are several facts about sneezing that you do not even know about.

1. Sneezing can provoke the sun

Scientists call this reaction "Light sneezing reflex", and it occurs in 18-35% of the world's population. The key stimulus for this sneezing is the dramatic increase in the supply of sunlight to the retina. Since this sneezing is not harmful, it is hardly studied, and doctors are still lost in conjecture about its nature. Some speculate that the parasympathetic nervous system is to blame, others say that this is a residual effect of an ancient reflex as a result of body evolution. A 2010 study by Swiss scientists concluded that people who react to light in this way are simply more irritable and impulsive than everyone else.

2. Sneezing can provoke sex

Yes, sneezing right after sex is quite common. Scientists still do not know why, but they believe that in this way the parasympathetic nervous system is playing pranks, regulating the level of fluids, heart rate and much more. Most likely, the reason is that sexual arousal leads the body into a state of hypersensitivity.

3. You sneeze with incredible force

In the 1950s, Harvard biologist William Firth Wells measured the speed of a sneeze escaping from the human body and concluded that you were accelerating particles faster than a racing car. The approximate speed that the scientist was able to determine is 360 km / h.

Later, these figures were refuted by other scientists, saying that the speed is greatly exaggerated. A group of scientists from Singapore counted only 16 km / h. When the famous "Mythbusters" tackled this question, they returned some of its dignity to the sneeze and determined its speed at 50 kilometers per hour. It is likely that the guys from the show are much larger than the Singaporean scientists and sneeze with more force.

4. You won't be able to sneeze in a dream

Have you ever wondered why you don't wake up wanting to sneeze or sneezing loudly? Scientists are also worried about this issue. When your body is in a horizontal position, the mucous membrane of your nose swells slightly, which increases your sensitivity to dust particles flying around, but during REM sleep, all muscles of the face except those that control the opening of the eyelids are practically paralyzed, including those responsible for sneezing. Moreover, even when you are not in this sleep phase, the neurons responsible for initiating a sneeze are not working. Therefore, even if you sneeze while you doze, theoretically and possibly, in practice this almost never happens.

5. You can't sneeze with your eyes open

If you heard a horror story in childhood that sneezing with your eyelids open, you can lose your eyes (they will fly out of your sockets), and you still believe in it, you can relax: this will never happen. The point is, you never sneeze with your eyes open. Your eyes reflexively close when you sneeze, because the nerves that move the eyelids are connected to the nasal nerves, and they get irritated every time you sneeze.

6. Sneezing slows down your heart rate

Think about what you do first when you are about to sneeze? That's right: you draw air into your lungs. Taking a deep breath raises the pressure in the lungs, which causes blood to flow to the heart, lowering the pressure and increasing the number of beats per minute. When you exhale sharply, the pressure quickly returns to normal and the number of beats per minute decreases. It may seem to you that your heart is skipping one beat at this moment.

7. Yes, covering your mouth is a must

It was not for nothing that throughout childhood your mother kept telling you that you need to chew and sneeze with your mouth closed. If the first is a matter of decency, then the second is much more important: you can really infect others. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have come to the conclusion that the suspension that remains in the air after sneezing, consisting of bacteria and microorganisms, remains in the air much longer than previously thought. If someone passes nearby or ends up in the same place where you sneezed, they can become infected even 15-20 minutes after your sneeze.

British scientists believe that sneezing caused by thoughts of sex is a fairly common syndrome. And they even offered an explanation for this unusual phenomenon.

Historical search

Dr. Bhutta and fellow psychiatrist Harold Maxwell became interested in this case. To begin with, they decided to figure out if anyone had experienced similar symptoms before. It turned out that even in the century before last, twice, in 1875 and 1884, doctors reported on patients who sneeze when sexually aroused. However, no one offered any explanation for the phenomenon at that time.

Modern search

British doctors wondered if sneezing responses to sexual contemplation or orgasm are really rare. After all, this topic is rather delicate, and, probably, few people dare to consult a doctor with a similar problem. Perhaps that is why there are no serious works on this topic.

To test their guess, scientists turned to the Internet. They used a search engine using the keywords "sex and sneeze / sneeze" to search for discussions and threads in anonymous chats. They searched twice - in June and December 2007. There were 17 people who reported uncontrolled sneezing attacks when thinking about sex, and four people who sneeze immediately after orgasm. And they were different people. Summarizing the search results, the scientists made two conclusions. First, they believe that these are different syndromes that are not directly related to each other. Second, the prevalence of these symptoms is likely much higher than one might expect.

Why do people sneeze

Naturally, scientists wanted to explain these interesting phenomena. Sneezing is needed by the body to clear the airways and is usually caused by irritation of the nasal cavity. However, there are other, unusual reasons for sneezing. First of all, this is the already mentioned sneezing syndrome caused by sunlight. Everett devoted many works to him. It turned out that 24% of people sneeze in bright direct sunlight. And this feature is inherited.

The authors also mention works that described two families where another unusual cause is inherited - a full stomach. Generation after generation, members of these families sneeze after a hearty meal. However, the genes responsible for a sunny or afternoon sneeze have not yet been found.

The authors suggested that all four sneezing syndromes - in response to sunlight, heavy meals, thoughts of sex, and orgasm - should have a similar mechanism. They examined the explanations proposed by Everett for solar syndrome, and there are several and none, and rejected most of them.

The greatest interest and trust in them was caused by the so-called parasympathetic summation. Everett suggested that the parasympathetic nervous system is involved in the processes of tearing, which certainly occurs in people looking at the sun, and sneezing. And that the signal of the parasympathetic system is poorly divided, that is, when the system orders to cry, not only the eyes, but also other organs react. For example, the nose is sneezing.

be healthy

The whole study looks rather unusual. However, this is hardly a joke, because this is not the first of April. The article appeared on Friday, December 19, in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, a very serious and prestigious scientific journal.

I decided to address one very strange and extraordinary question that does not bother me, but has been interesting for many years.

The fact is that when my imagination works in the erotic plane (when I want to fantasize about sex), I start ... sneezing. Such a reaction has haunted me since the very moment when it opened to my mind what adult uncles and aunts were doing in bed. Tellingly, during arousal caused by the direct presence of a sexual partner, such a reaction was not observed even once. But when I am alone and give in to voluptuous fantasies, sneezing necessarily makes itself felt.

Perhaps, to find out the reasons for such a strange behavior of my body, one should actively delve into the field of medicine or biology, but I hope that you will still be able to answer such a non-trivial and rather funny question.

Good time!

Here is an observation: when a person lies, he often has a sore throat. Or dry throat. Or he is attacked by a cough.

It is possible to look for some medical and biological explanations for this, but psychologists usually say more simply:

"The liar is trying to cough up his problem."

As if our lie is a bone that "went into the wrong throat."

Your sneeze is something like that. Psychological indicator of the abnormality of THIS occupation.

Your sneeze is the guilt you feel. Or is it the feeling that you experienced when you learned about what adult aunts and uncles are doing.

You may say that you do not feel any guilt. Or that you haven't experienced anything special THEN.

So a liar can say that everyone is lying, that it is normal to lie, and he really needs to lie, in the end, but only - it hurts in his throat.

Or it dries up. And I'm thirsty. Or the cough attacks suddenly.

Probably the same in your case. This is a kind of feeling of guilt, but not on a mental level, but on a physiological one.

In the form of a sneeze. This phenomenon is known and is called "conversion".

Conversion is when a certain psychological experience, without being expressed (sometimes it is not even realized), still manifests itself, but not in the form of thoughts or feelings, but in the form of some kind of bodily symptom.

In your case, it is sneezing. Residual reaction to the impression of the childish thing that adult uncles and aunts do.

Perhaps this is a sense of guilt. Perhaps this is a rejection, as our nose does not accept something foreign, irritating to the mucous membranes, and then we sneeze.

To establish for certain what exactly irritates your "mucous membranes", I think it is possible, but not necessary.

It is not necessary, because the conversion just implies that you have already unconsciously DECIDED your psychological problem, transforming it into a physiological symptom. Sneezing.

P.S. Just in case: treating your symptom is no more appropriate than treating a liar for a sore throat.

Physiological function sneezing as a protective unconditioned reflex is the removal of foreign particles ( such as mucus or dust) from the respiratory tract. The very act of sneezing is a forced, sharp exhalation through the nasopharynx, carried out after a deep short breath. It differs from coughing in that the tongue is pressed against the palate during sneezing, and a sharp exhalation occurs through the nose.

The act of sneezing is carried out as follows: a person feels the itching in the nose, preceding the appearance of the sneezing reflex, deeply inhales air, filling the lungs with air; his soft palate rises, the arches of the pharynx contract, the surface of the tongue is pressed against the hard palate; eyes close involuntarily.

Then the intercostal, diaphragmatic, and abdominal muscles contract. The last to contract are the muscles of the larynx, which causes the glottis to close. All these reflex actions ultimately lead to the formation of increased intra-abdominal and intrathoracic pressure.

The air is then vigorously exhaled. The speed of exhaled air passing at the level of the glottis can reach 50 - 100 meters per second, and its pressure is 100 mm Hg. Droplets of saliva and mucus from the nasal and oral cavities enter the air stream. Due to the forced air movement, these droplets spread over a distance of 3 - 5 meters.

Causes of occurrence

The sneezing reflex occurs when the mucous membrane lining the nasal cavity is irritated. Fluff, dust, pet hair ( so-called "dust agents"); mold, pollen, keratinized skin particles ( allergens).

Another type of irritants that affect the nasopharyngeal and nasal mucosa are volatile substances ( perfumery aromas, cigarette smoke).

The appearance of a sneezing reflex can provoke a sharp change in temperature ( for example, when a person went out of a warm room into the street at sub-zero temperatures); or a sudden bright light that hits your eyes, causing you to close your eyes.

Emergence in bright sunlight

Sneezing, which occurs as a result of bright light hitting the cornea of ​​the eye, is called " reflective sneezing into the light". An explanation of the mechanism of this phenomenon has not been found, although scientists from ancient times have tried to find an answer to this question. Aristotle, for example, believed that people sneeze in bright sun due to exposure of the nose to the sun's heat.

In the 17th century, the philosopher Francis Bacon conducted small experiments that showed that if you close your eyes and go out into a bright light, the sneezing reflex will not work. Bacon This was explained by the fact that under the influence of sunlight, the eyes begin to watery, and then this tear fluid enters the nasal passages and causes irritation of the nose. And as a result of this, a sneezing reflex arises.

However, modern science has rejected this hypothesis, since physiologists have proven that sneezing occurs too quickly after exposure to sunlight, and the tear fluid does not have time to drain through the tear ducts into the nasal cavity.

Sneezing occurs as a result of irritation in the nasal cavity, and the trigeminal nerve is "responsible" for it. This nerve is close to the optic nerve. That, in turn, reacts to bright, sudden light that hits the retina. Immediately after that, the optic nerve sends a signal to the brain to narrow the pupils in order to regulate the amount of light entering the eyes. The trigeminal nerve perceives this signal as an impulse to irritate the nose. That's why we sneeze.

People whose pupils are sharply lent, almost always begin to sneeze. And it is not always the case here in bright light - after taking narcotic drugs, the pupils begin to lend, therefore very often people suffering from drug addiction are also susceptible to sneezing attacks.

Official statistics do not exist, but according to unofficial observations, reflective sneezing occurs in 20 - 35% of people. But since this phenomenon is absolutely harmless, it has no special meaning for medicine.

Surprisingly, some people who experience reflective sneezing find it beneficial. It happens that an unpleasant tickling sensation appears in the nose, but its strength is not enough to provoke a sneezing. Therefore, such people are simply looking for a source of bright light ( fit a window or turn on a table lamp) and induce sneezing, which brings relief. And some people don't even need a light source, just imagine it for the reflex to work. By the way, there are other reflexes that are triggered by an imaginary picture. These include the salivary reflex to an acidic stimulus. In order to induce profuse salivation, it is enough to imagine a juicy sour lemon, cut into slices, flowing with juice.

If surgery is performed in the eye area, then local anesthesia is required. In those people who are inherent in reflective sneezing, this reflex occurs during the injection. Therefore, before the introduction of anesthesia, such people are first sedated. If this is not done, then the patient will sneeze when the doctor will do an anesthetic periocular injection, and he will be forced to stop the administration of the drug so as not to damage the eye.

Most of all, women of the European race are prone to reflective sneezing, judging by medical data.

Another factor that influences the appearance of the sneezing reflex is the degree of stomach fullness. Soon after eating a hearty meal, such people begin to sneeze repeatedly. In this case, it does not matter what kind of food was.

Sneezing and sickness

People who sneeze frequently and for no apparent reason are definitely more sensitive than those who sneeze exclusively in the midst of a cold. To roughly understand why you have prolonged sneezing attacks, you should determine your body temperature and check the nasal cavity.
If the nose itches, there is severe itching in it, but there is no runny nose, then this is most likely an allergy. If the itching in the nose is accompanied by a subfebrile or high fever, then this is an acute respiratory disease ( or ARVI).

Colds are associated with inflammation in the upper respiratory tract. A cold occurs when hypothermia occurs. If the immune system is strong, it will prevent colds from developing. And if the immune system is weakened, and is unable to resist the disease, then the disease develops very quickly.

Signs of a cold: fever, headache, unexpressed pain throughout the body, sneezing, runny nose, cough, sore throat.

Treatment of colds is divided into two stages, including symptomatic therapy and elimination of the very cause of the disease.

Symptomatic treatment is the fight against the consequences of the disease. And suppression of the activity of bacteria and viruses is the elimination of the very cause of the disease. Of course, it is right to relieve the patient's well-being by giving him an antipyretic or expectorant agent, but fighting the investigation will not eliminate the cause of the disease. Therefore, the most important thing in treatment is to strengthen the immune system, which in turn will lead to the suppression of the bacterial flora.

This is an infectious disease of viral origin, with an acute course. The danger of the disease is that it is extremely contagious. Measles is characterized by signs of intoxication of the body, a sharp rise in temperature, a rash on the body, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and mouth, conjunctivitis.

Morbillivirus ( measles), unstable in the environment, and quickly dies under the influence of disinfection measures ( boiling, treatment with disinfectant solutions, sterilization). However, there have been precedents when the measles virus spread, for example, through a ventilation system in one building, where there was a large crowd of people. Morbillivirus survives best at low temperatures ( from -15 to -20 degrees). Therefore, outbreaks of the disease occur mainly in winter.

Morbillivirus is transmitted by air during coughing or sneezing, along with secretory mucus. Mostly children are ill. Adults get sick if they have not been ill in childhood, and, accordingly, have not received immunity. After recovery, immunity to this disease persists throughout life.

Newborn babies receive short-term immunity from the mother who has had a previous illness, which lasts during the first three months of life. If the mother falls ill during pregnancy, then the child is at risk of transplacental measles virus infection.

Measles prevention is the total vaccination of children.

The gateway for infection is the mucous membranes in the upper respiratory tract. Once inside, the pathogen begins to multiply and spread through the bloodstream. In the tonsils, lymph nodes, liver, spleen, intestines, lungs, inflammatory infiltrates are formed.

The next stage of the disease is the appearance of visible symptoms. Catarrhal phenomena, runny nose, cough, sneezing appear. Then rash spots appear on the body.

The virus infects the conjunctiva, larynx, pharynx, and sometimes the bronchi or lungs. Inflammation can affect the central nervous system, which can lead to complications of the disease, such as meningoencephalitis and meningitis. Catarrhal inflammation in the affected organs, due to the multiplication of the virus and the production of antibodies against it by the immune system, takes on an infectious-allergic character.

The latent period of measles development is 7 to 14 days. The course of the disease can occur in a typical form or in an atypical one.
There are three stages of the disease, which are manifested by the corresponding symptoms:

  • Catarrhal phenomena.
  • Rash.
  • Reconvalescence.
The first stage of measles - catarrhal - begins acutely. A sick person feels a headache, a change in appetite, and his sleep may be disturbed. The body temperature rises to 39, sometimes even 40 degrees. The coryza is very profuse; mucous discharge from the nose sometimes has an admixture of pus. A barking cough, hoarseness, sneezing, swelling of the eyelids are all vivid symptoms of measles. The eyes become extremely sensitive to bright light. Eyelids stick together in the morning with discharge from the eyes.

Visual examination shows enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes. Dry rales are heard in the lungs. Some patients experience short-term diarrhea.

A few days after the onset of the rash, the patient's condition is relieved. The temperature decreases, but literally in a day or two it rises again. After a repeated increase in temperature, spots in the form of "semolina" are found on the inner shell of the cheeks - white, rounded rashes with a thin red border. This is a clear clinical sign of measles.

Symptoms of intoxication are increasing, the state of health worsens. There are changes in the work of the digestive system.

Bright patchy rashes appear, which can merge into one large spot. First, the rash appears behind the ears, on the scalp, then spreads to the neck and face. The day after the onset of the rash, the spots spread to the chest, trunk and arms. After another day, spots appear on the lower limbs, and those that were on the face become less bright.

This downward "spotting" is a characteristic differential that doctors use in making a diagnosis. Adults suffer the disease much more severely than children, and their rash appears more profuse.

During rashes, catastrophic phenomena intensify: runny nose, sneezing, coughing, lacrimation and photophobia. The examination reveals such abnormalities as palpitations and changes in the higher or lower side of the "working" blood pressure.

Reconvalescence ( the so-called pigmentation period) - this is the third stage of the disease, which is characterized by an improvement in well-being, normalization of body temperature, weakening of catarrhal phenomena. Gradually, the spots of the rash fade and fade. In their place, peeling forms, which stands out slightly in color from the rest of the skin.

The course of measles can be complicated by pneumonia, laryngitis, tracheobronchitis, stomatitis. Adults can develop meningitis, meningoencephalitis, and measles encephalitis.

Chicken pox
Chicken pox ( or chickenpox) is an acute infectious disease that spreads through the air. The virus that causes chickenpox can also cause herpes zoster at the same time. Chickenpox is the primary manifestation of an infection that affects children, while herpes is a secondary manifestation that usually occurs in adulthood.

The virus is not resistant to the external environment, it is sensitive to ultraviolet radiation and disinfectants. Keeps well in low temperature environments. Therefore, the incidence of chickenpox increases in winter.

The disease is considered highly contagious, transmitted by air through sneezing or coughing. Mostly children are ill. Adults who have been ill in childhood retain lifelong immunity.

The virus enters the respiratory tract, multiplies and accumulates there, appears in the blood and lymph, and then enters the epithelium of the skin. From this, superficial necrosis is formed in the epithelium, which has the appearance of characteristic rashes. Usually, these rashes disappear without a trace. An exception is when the epithelium is damaged in the deep layer due to re-infection or when the integrity of the vesicles ( eruptions) has been violated. Therefore, it is important to explain to sick children so that they do not scratch the rashes and do not peel off the crusts.

Disease periods:

  • Hidden period ( can last up to three weeks).
  • Prodromal period ( at this time, a person becomes contagious, that is, infectious to others).
  • The period of appearance of vesicles ( the appearance of obvious symptoms).

Common symptoms: rashes, fever, malaise. The rash appears on the face, then spreads further along the body. They look like single or multiple formations.

Prevention of chickenpox in the team where a case of the disease is detected is the isolation of the sick person, thorough disinfection of the room, and, if possible, the establishment of quarantine. Children and adults are vaccinated against chickenpox who have not been ill before and who work in conditions of an increased risk of infection ( doctors, teachers, food workers).

Allergic diseases are an increased immune response that is formed as a response to the effects of specific environmental factors that the body considers dangerous or potentially dangerous.

The body's immune response is formed as a complex defense mechanism, the role of which is to prevent hostile microorganisms from entering and multiplying.

Immunity in response to the invasion of microbes includes a mechanism for the production of antibodies that destroy specific substances that have entered the body - antigens.

Sometimes the body's response to harmless substances is distorted, and he perceives them as a threat. These reactions are hypersensitive, and the antigens that are responsible for the occurrence of these reactions are called allergens.

Immunity is able to "remember" foreign substances, recognize them and produce antibodies to neutralize antigens. If a similar antigen enters the body again, then the immune system will be able to recognize it and attack the already developed specific antibodies.

Allergic reactions are manifested in a variety of ways, can affect different tissues and organs of the body. The severity of an allergic reaction varies widely.

Allergy symptoms occur when a person has been exposed to an allergen. Often, allergies occur in those who are genetically predisposed to it. Itchy eyes and skin, runny nose, sneezing, hives are all common allergy symptoms.

Sneezing is a physiological way of self-cleaning of the body from unnecessary substances or particles, which is somewhat modified with allergies. The sneezing reflex takes on a paroxysmal form - a person sneezes without stopping, every day. This is especially often manifested during the flowering period of plants, the pollen of which is a strong allergen.

With allergies, rhinorrhea is sometimes observed ( runny nose). If, with a cold, the mucous discharge from the nose usually has a thick consistency and a yellowish color, then with an allergy - the color is transparent, and the consistency is watery.

Since the mucous membrane becomes inflamed and denser with allergies, the nasal canal becomes clogged, which leads to poor drainage of mucous secretions. Blowing your nose does not help clear your nose.

An allergic rash is the most striking manifestation of the disease, which is characterized by the formation of reddish spots of various sizes on the skin. Spots can appear on the hands, face, and legs. Most often, the rash is accompanied by severe itching, causing serious discomfort to the sick person.

Itchy eyes are another symptom of allergies. The itching sensation arises for no external reason, it can last for a long time; a person cannot eliminate it on his own. At the same time, the eyelids have a swollen, reddened, bloated appearance.

Allergic and vasomotor rhinitis
Inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the nasal cavity - rhinitis - is one of the most common human ailments. Several clinical forms of rhinitis have been identified, each of which has its own characteristics.

The vasomotor and allergic forms of rhinitis are very similar in their clinical manifestations:

  • Labored breathing.
  • Sneezing attacks.
  • Runny nose.
  • Burning and itching in the nasal cavity.
Allergic rhinitis is a chronic disease, it is based on an indirect inflammatory reaction, which is triggered by the ingestion of allergic agents on the nasal mucosa.

Vasomotor rhinitis is also a chronic disease, but in this case, nasal hypersensitivity develops not under the influence of allergic factors, but as a result of nonspecific endogenous or exogenous factors.

When making a diagnosis and drawing up a treatment algorithm, it is necessary to find out the following points:

  • Are there any abnormalities in the structure of the nose, which can also give a clinical picture of rhinitis?
  • Is the detected rhinitis infectious or non-infectious? The answer to this question is the characteristic clinical sequence of the onset of symptoms; the nature of the mucous discharge; the appearance of catarrhal phenomena in the larynx, pharynx, trachea.
  • If rhinitis is of non-infectious origin, is it allergic or non-allergic? In favor of the fact that rhinitis is of allergic origin, the following facts testify: during rhinoscopy, a poor gray tint of the mucous membrane is visualized; a positive reaction to special allergic skin tests was obtained; detected antibodies in blood serum.
  • If allergic rhinitis, then what is the nature of its manifestation: seasonal, permanent? These data are obtained through the collection of anamnesis.
Sequential clarification of the above nuances allows you to accurately determine the form of the disease and select the optimal treatment algorithm.

According to the severity of the course of rhinitis, there are:

  • Light form ( mild clinical symptoms of rhinitis that do not disrupt a person's daily activities and do not interfere with his sleep). The patient feels the presence of symptoms of the disease, but at the same time, he can do without drug therapy.
  • Moderate form ( symptoms of the disease interfere with sleep, interfere with mental and physical activity; the quality of life is seriously deteriorating).
  • Severe form ( the symptoms are so pronounced that the patient cannot engage in any activity, cannot sleep normally, if he does not receive appropriate therapy).
Treatment of allergic rhinitis consists in prescribing to the patient:
  • Topical corticosteroids.
  • Antihistamines that help stop allergy attacks. Most of these drugs eliminate attacks of constant sneezing, a burning sensation in the nose, and a runny nose.
Drugs related to corticosteroids are characterized by a delayed onset of action. These features of pharmacokinetics allow the use of corticosteroids with a very low risk of systemic effects.

There are other groups of drugs used to treat allergic rhinitis, but judging by their effectiveness in relieving individual symptoms, by the degree of risk of complications, and by the cost of treatment, oral antihistamines and topical corticosteroids can be considered as the best therapy.

Treatment for vasomotor rhinitis begins by identifying all possible causes that could lead to a nasal reaction.

Often, vasomotor rhinitis is due to the abnormal structure of the nasal septum. In this case, the treatment is carried out with the help of a surgical intervention.

Drug therapy for vasomotor rhinitis consists in prescribing antihistamines to the patient ( although they do not give the same effect as with allergic rhinitis) and topical corticosteroids. Additionally, you can use physiotherapy methods of treatment ( e.g. intranasal electrophoresis) and acupuncture. Patients are shown general strengthening procedures - hardening, physical exercises.

If conservative methods of therapy do not bring a visible effect, then surgical treatment is used. It consists in carrying out operations, as a result of which the size of the inferior turbinate is artificially reduced, which makes it possible to restore nasal breathing.

Rhinitis of pregnant women
Rhinitis that occurs in women in the last stages of pregnancy is a consequence of hormonal changes in the woman's body before childbirth. The amount of female sex hormones in the blood increases, and in parallel with this, the blood flow accelerates. Because of this, the mucous membrane swells, which leads to difficulty breathing.

The course of rhinitis is different: from mild symptoms to complications that require drug treatment.

From the fact that the nose is stuffy and breathing is disturbed, the lungs and the heart suffer. In addition, the nose does not fulfill its main functions: it does not cleanse and does not warm the air that is inhaled, thereby exposing the lungs to the harmful effects of the external environment.

For a pregnant woman, this condition creates a double danger - both for her and for the fetus. If nasal breathing is absent, then this leads to oxygen starvation of the mother, which will be extremely negatively reflected in the future baby. As a result of rhinitis, a woman's taste and smell are changed, and allergies develop.

The complexity of rhinitis lies in the fact that vasoconstrictor drops cannot be used to relieve it, because they have their effect on the entire body, including the vessels in the placenta through which the fetus feeds. Violation of the placental circulation leads to fetal hypoxia.

They can also worsen nosebleeds that sometimes occur in pregnant women. And with prolonged use, they dry out the nasal mucosa, and gradually cease to cope with their main function. Therefore, drops that relieve nasal congestion are contraindicated in pregnant women.

The severity of rhinitis treatment in pregnant women is that many drugs can affect the placental circulation, therefore, the choice of the drug must be approached very carefully. Ideally, it is best not to use medication at all.

One of the main remedies used to treat rhinitis in pregnant women is a nasal shower. This is a procedure in which the nasal cavity is washed. Thanks to washing, the nose and nasopharynx are cleared of germs, allergens, mucus, and dust. Swelling of the mucous membrane and inflammation is removed, which allows nasal breathing to be restored.

Violation of the sneezing reflex

Sneezing is impaired in people who are suffering bulbar palsy.

Bulbar palsy is a pathology that occurs when the nuclei of some cranial nerves are damaged ( vagus, sublingual, glossopharyngeal). Bulbar paralysis is manifested by speech impairment ( nerves responsible for articulation are affected) and swallowing disorder ( structures responsible for swallowing are affected - the muscles of the tongue, pharynx, larynx, epiglottis, soft palate).

Patients often choke on liquid food, and sometimes they are not able to swallow. Because of this, saliva accumulates and flows out of the corners of the mouth. They cannot sneeze or cough. Speech becomes slurred, nasal, slow. Conversation noticeably tires the sick.

In critically ill patients, as a rule, respiratory rhythm disturbances and cardiac dysfunction are formed, which can lead to death.
Bulbar syndrome is characteristic of genetic diseases ( porphyria, Kennedy disease), for oncological, for vascular, for inflammatory and infectious diseases.

Which doctor should I see if I sneeze?

Since sneezing can be provoked by various diseases, then when this symptom appears, it is necessary to contact different specialists, whose competence includes the diagnosis and treatment of the affected organ. That is, in each case, in order to understand which doctor to contact when sneezing, you need to assess which organ is affected and presumably provokes sneezing. And it is possible to suspect a lesion of one or another organ when sneezing on the basis of the accompanying symptoms that a person has. Accordingly, in each case, the decision of the question of which doctor to turn to depends on the symptoms accompanying sneezing that a person has.

If sneezing in an adult or child is frequent (several times within 2-3 hours), and at the same time there is an itchy nose, runny nose, pain, sore throat, general malaise or fever, and possibly redness of the eyes , cough, wheezing, this indicates an acute respiratory illness (ARI), flu, colds. In this case, you need to contact an adult to doctor-therapist (sign up), and children - to pediatrician (sign up).

If sneezing, in addition to symptoms of acute respiratory infections, is combined with rashes on the body and face of any type, quantity and nature, then an infectious disease (measles, rubella, chickenpox) is suspected. In this case, it is recommended to contact either infectious disease doctor (sign up), or to a therapist.

If a child or adult for a long time (more than 10-14 days in a row) suffers from a runny nose, which is accompanied by regular sneezing, but there are no additional symptoms, then most likely we are talking about chronic rhinitis (vasomotor, atrophic and etc.). In such a situation, it is recommended to contact otolaryngologist (ENT) (sign up).

If an adult or child begins to sneeze frequently, but there is no runny nose or the discharge from the nose is clear and watery, and other signs of a respiratory infection (pain, sore throat, general malaise or fever, etc.) are not observed , but there is a strong nasal congestion and itching, there may be a rash on the skin, redness of the eyes, itching of the skin and eyes, then, most likely, this indicates an allergic reaction. In this case, you should contact allergist (sign up) or, in his absence, to a therapist.

If a person has frequent sneezing against the background of strongly constricted pupils or any other signs of drug intoxication (for example, causeless gaiety or, on the contrary, insensitivity, apathy, poorly coordinated movements, etc.), then drug addiction is suspected. In this case, it is recommended to contact narcologist (sign up).

If rhinitis with sneezing occurs in pregnant women at a later date, then it is recommended to apply at the same time to gynecologist (sign up) and an otolaryngologist.

If a person cannot sneeze and cough, and at the same time his speech and swallowing movements are impaired, as a result of which the voice is nasal, indistinct, and when eating and drinking they choke, saliva flows out of the corners of the mouth, then bulbar syndrome is suspected. In this case, you should contact neurologist (sign up).

What tests and examinations can a doctor prescribe for sneezing?

Sneezing is provoked by diseases of various organs and systems, and, accordingly, in the presence of this symptom, the doctor can prescribe a variety of studies and tests, the specific list of which depends on which organ is suspected of being damaged by the specialist. Indeed, to identify diseases of different organs, various examination methods are used, both laboratory (analyzes) and instrumental ( Ultrasound (sign up), x-ray (sign up), endoscopy (sign up) etc.).

When an adult or a child sneezes frequently and, in addition to sneezing, there are symptoms of an acute respiratory illness, flu or a cold (runny nose, pain, sore throat, general malaise or fever, as well as possible redness of the eyes, coughing, wheezing), and it is also possible rash on the body - the doctor suspects acute respiratory infections or an acute infectious disease (measles, rubella, chickenpox, etc.). In this case, usually only general blood test (sign up) and urine to assess the general condition of the patient. Other tests and examinations, as a rule, are not prescribed, since the diagnosis is made on the basis of a characteristic clinical picture. In the case of a rash on the skin, if the doctor has doubts about the diagnosis, a blood test may be prescribed to identify the causative agents of measles, rubella, chickenpox, etc.

When sneezing is provoked by a runny nose that has existed for a long period, chronic rhinitis is suspected, and in this case, the otolaryngologist necessarily produces rhinoscopy (sign up)(examination of the nasal cavity using a special instrument - a rhinoscope). If necessary, the doctor can also examine the pharynx and larynx with instruments. In the overwhelming majority of cases, rhinoscopy is sufficient to diagnose and initiate treatment, and therefore other examinations for chronic rhinitis are usually not prescribed. Laboratory tests for chronic rhinitis are usually not prescribed, since this disease does not provoke changes in any indicators of blood, urine or other biological fluid. But the doctor may prescribe a general blood and urine test to assess the general condition of the body, as well as a blood test for IgE levels to confirm the allergic nature of rhinitis (but this test is prescribed only if there is a suspicion of the allergic nature of the rhinitis).

However, if we are talking about rhinitis of pregnant women, then, in addition to rhinoscopy, the doctor may prescribe blood tests for the content of estriol, estradiol, progesterone, as well as an assessment of autonomic tone, since the data of these studies are necessary for the subsequent selection of the most effective therapy regimen.

If chronic rhinitis exists for a long time (longer than several months), then the doctor may prescribe endoscopy and rhinopneumometry to assess the condition of the tissues of the nasal cavity. However, these studies are prescribed and carried out relatively rarely.

If an adult or child has a constant sneezing, and at the same time the nasal cavity is dry or a watery transparent content is released from it, there are no signs of acute respiratory infections, but the nose itches, there is a strong nasal congestion, a rash may appear on the body, the eyes turn red, the skin itches, then this indicates an allergic origin of sneezing. In this case, the doctor prescribes the following tests:
a blood test, as well as an analysis of sensitivity to allergens by any method that a medical institution is able to produce. That is, depending on the technical capabilities, the analysis for sensitivity to antigens is performed either by the method of skin tests, or by determining specific IgE in the blood. The skin test method is less accurate, but simpler and cheaper, therefore it is used most often. And the method for determining specific IgE in blood is expensive, although very accurate, but it is used more rarely due to the high cost of reagents.

A complete blood count is necessary to assess the general condition of the body and confirm allergy readiness (a large number of eosinophils). And an analysis of sensitivity to antigens is necessary in order to understand what kind of substance provokes an allergic reaction.

A blood test for IgE concentration is not always prescribed, since it only reveals that a person is allergic to some substance. But the fact of the presence of allergies can also be determined by a general blood test, therefore, with allergic rhinitis and sneezing, an IgE blood test is rarely used.

When frequent sneezing is present against the background of severely constricted pupils or any other signs of drug intoxication (for example, causeless gaiety or, on the contrary, insensitivity, apathy, poorly coordinated movements, etc.), drug intoxication is suspected. In this case, the doctor prescribes a urine or blood test to determine the presence of various drugs and psychoactive substances (for example, opiates, amphetamine, methamphetamine, cocaine, cannabinoids, etc.).

When a person sneezes and coughs with difficulty, or cannot do this at all, although such an urge is felt, and at the same time his speech is nasal, indistinct, slowed down, when he tries to swallow something he chokes, and saliva constantly flows out of the corners of the mouth, then it is suspected bulbar syndrome. In this case, the doctor performs neurological tests, which are sufficient to make a diagnosis. After that, the doctor prescribes the following examinations necessary to find out which disease led to bulbar paralysis:

  • Cerebrospinal fluid examination;
  • Computer (sign up) or magnetic resonance imaging of the brain (sign up);
  • X-ray of the area of ​​connection of the skull with the spine.
In addition, general and biochemical blood tests (sign up), urine analysis, as well as blood tests for the presence of pathogens of various infections.

Before use, you must consult with a specialist.

“When I sneeze, I have a very pleasant sensation, and I reliably know that many people experience the same,” writes one of our readers. We asked a specialist at a large training center "SEKS.RF" whether the sneeze mechanism is really similar to the orgasm mechanism.

Tatiana Kaulina

head coach of the Training Center "SEKS.RF"
In Petersburg

Of course, the study of the question of how, why and why the processes of sneezing and orgasm are connected with each other, seriously concerned the minds of scientists from the UK, who conducted one interesting and ingenious study that showed that sneezing is an alternative to orgasm. True, it is important to note that only a physiological alternative.

Experts have examined the mechanism of the onset of orgasm and the mechanism of the sneezing process and found a lot in common. The process of orgasm is an explosive discharge of neuromuscular tension at the height of sexual arousal, accompanied by ejaculation in men and vaginal contractions in women. From which it follows that this whole process is extremely similar to the process of sneezing, when a person prepares for a while to sneeze, then the tension increases, he cannot breathe for a while, and then this state is discharged by a short exhalation.

Therefore, the point is in the similarity of muscle mechanisms: in both cases, these are contractions that lead to spasmodic discharge. True, an orgasm differs from sneezing by the actual intensity of sensations and those parts of the brain that are involved in this.

The similarity also lies in the fact that both acts are a reaction to some kind of outside influence, stimulation. In the event of a sneeze, this effect irritates the nerve endings, and the brain sends a signal to free the airways from this irritation.

When the genitals are stimulated, the brain also reacts to external stimulation, and when it gives the command to discharge it, an orgasm occurs. After sneezing and orgasm, humans also experience a similar state of clarity and lightness.

Also, restless scientists from the UK believe that sneezing caused by thoughts of sex is also a fairly common syndrome. And they even offered an explanation for this unusual phenomenon.

If on a date a person constantly sneezes, perhaps he is not at all having a cold, but simply fantasizing about the further development of the relationship. The connection between sneezing and sexual fantasies was found at once by two otolaryngologists.

Both in history and at present, there have been documented cases of medical professionals reporting patients sneezing when sexually aroused. However, no one has yet proposed any explanation for the phenomenon or an unambiguous diagnosis. But if we generalize the versions, then most scientists are inclined to believe that this syndrome is congenital and is transmitted at the genetic level, by inheritance. At the moment, the search for the gene continues.

Illustration: Nastya Grigorieva

If on a date a person constantly sneezes, perhaps he is not at all having a cold, but simply fantasizing about the further development of the relationship. The connection between sneezing and sexual fantasies was found by two otolaryngologists from the UK. Scientists believe that sneezing caused by thoughts of sex is a fairly common syndrome. And they even offered an explanation for this unusual phenomenon.

Mahmood F. Bhutta got the idea to explore the connection between sneezing and thoughts of sex not out of nowhere. He, an ear-throat doctor from Wexham Hospital, Berkshire, UK, was approached by a patient, a middle-aged man, with an unusual complaint. He described the uncontrollable bouts of sneezing that he gets when thinking about sex. According to him, the trouble accompanies him for a long time, ever since he grew up.

Historical search

Dr. Bhutta and fellow psychiatrist Harold Maxwell became interested in this case. To begin with, they decided to figure out if anyone had experienced similar symptoms before. It turned out that even in the century before last, twice, in 1875 and 1884, doctors reported on patients who sneeze when sexually aroused. However, no one offered any explanation for the phenomenon at that time.

In the late 19th century, a young German otolaryngologist, Wilhelm Fliess, proposed a theory of nasal reflex neurosis. He believed that the nasal mucosa was connected to the genitals. Perhaps this assumption arose because cavernous tissue was found in the nose and its presence somehow had to be explained. He also associated menstrual irregularities in women with disorders of the nasal cavity. Fliess suggested using nose surgery to treat neurological, psychological and sexual disorders. His ideas were so bizarre that he was ridiculed not only by the medical community, but also by his close friend Sigmund Freud.

Twentieth-century searches yielded only one publication in the Journal of the American Medical Association. It reported on a 69-year-old man who experienced bouts of sneezing immediately after orgasm. Two responses were sent to this article in the journal. The first mentioned Fliess's theory. The second letter came from Dr. Henry Everett. He wrote that while studying sunlight-induced sneezing, he encountered several patients who sneezed while thinking about sex.

Modern search

British doctors wondered if sneezing responses to sexual contemplation or orgasm are really rare. After all, this topic is rather delicate, and, probably, few people dare to consult a doctor with a similar problem. Perhaps that is why there are no serious works on this topic.

To test their guess, scientists turned to the Internet. They used a search engine using the keywords "sex and sneeze / sneeze" to search for discussions and threads in anonymous chats. They searched twice - in June and December 2007. There were 17 people who reported uncontrolled sneezing attacks when thinking about sex, and four people who sneeze immediately after orgasm. And they were different people. Summarizing the search results, the scientists made two conclusions. First, they believe that these are different syndromes that are not directly related to each other. Second, the prevalence of these symptoms is likely much higher than one might expect.

Why do people sneeze

Naturally, scientists wanted to explain these interesting phenomena. Sneezing is needed by the body to clear the airways and is usually caused by irritation of the nasal cavity. However, there are other, unusual reasons for sneezing. First of all, this is the already mentioned sneezing syndrome caused by sunlight. Everett devoted many works to him. It turned out that 24% of people sneeze in bright direct sunlight. And this feature is inherited.

The authors also mention works that talked about two families where another unusual cause is inherited - a full stomach. Generation after generation, members of these families sneeze after a hearty meal. However, the genes responsible for a sunny or afternoon sneeze have not yet been found.

The authors suggested that all four sneezing syndromes - in response to sunlight, heavy meals, thoughts of sex, and orgasm - must have a similar mechanism. They examined the explanations proposed by Everett for solar syndrome, and there are several and none, and rejected most of them.

The greatest interest and trust in them was caused by the so-called parasympathetic summation. Everett suggested that the parasympathetic nervous system is involved in the processes of tearing, which certainly occurs in people looking at the sun, and sneezing. And that the signal of the parasympathetic system is poorly divided, that is, when the system orders to cry, not only the eyes, but also other organs react. For example, a nose - by sneezing.

The British adopted the noise signal mechanism. They do believe that the different branches of the parasympathetic system are interconnected and not completely separate. When a certain stimulus appears, the effect of which on the body is in the area of ​​responsibility of the system, it signals it to the brain. A full stomach, sexual arousal, orgasm, or bright light entering the eyes may cause the signal to be sent. The central department sends a response signal to the disturbed organ, but due to incomplete separation, in parallel, a signal leaves the center to other organs associated with the center.

be healthy

The whole study looks rather unusual. However, this is hardly a joke, because this is not the first of April. The article appeared on Friday, December 19, in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, a very serious and prestigious scientific journal.

One can, of course, assume that British doctors wanted to try themselves in the role of Ignobel laureates. However, the Ignobel Prize is usually awarded to scientists who have spent a lot of time and energy on their research. Doctors Bhutta and Maxwell did not conduct mass experiments and did not receive large grants.

Most likely, they were really attracted by this funny phenomenon. They are constantly reminded that all their reasoning is just speculation. And in the conclusion of their work, they write that it would be interesting to study this syndrome in more detail, because this can help to understand more deeply not only the sneezing process, but also the mechanism of the parasympathetic nervous system. However, it is not known whether the British are going to continue the research themselves.

However, even if the work does not receive continuation, everyone has a reason to replace the standard "Be healthy!" for some spicy joke.

If you sneeze, this may not always be a sign of an impending cold. Scientists claim that sneezing can be the result of ... sexual fantasies.

Interestingly, both men and women are susceptible to this phenomenon, and it can be inherited.

Otolaryngologist Mahmoud Bhutta of John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford began investigating the phenomenon after consulting some patients who suffer from "uncontrolled" sneezing every time they have the idea of ​​sex.

“We thought it was very unusual and started researching the medical literature on the topic,” says Bhutta.

Together with fellow psychiatrist Harold Maxwell, Dr. Bhutta began searching the Internet for examples of talking about sneezing and sex.

And, oddly enough, the search engines returned a lot of results. So, seventeen people of both sexes reported an immediate sneeze after thinking about sex, and three begin to sneeze immediately after orgasm.

"Although reports from the Internet cannot provide reliable confirmation of this phenomenon, our findings suggest that it is much more common than it is believed," the researchers say.

Usually sneezing is the result of irritation of the nasopharynx, triggering a reflex blowout of air at a speed of about 150 km / h.

Plucking eyebrows can also trigger sneezing due to stimulation of the trigeminal nerve, which is responsible for sensing the facial muscles.

But among the factors that cause sneezing, there are no less interesting - for example, the "light sneezing reflex" caused by looking at bright sunlight. This reflex is present practically in every fourth inhabitant of the planet.

A more rare effect when people sneeze after eating. Dr. Bhutta believes that sneezing caused by thoughts of sex is not so rare, it is just that neither parents nor children prefer not to talk about it.

"This is undoubtedly very strange, but I think that this reflex demonstrates the remnants of human evolutionary development in that part of the nervous system called the autonomic."

“This part of our nervous system is out of our control, as is the rhythm of the heart or the amount of light let through by the pupils. Sometimes the signals in this system overlap, and that's why I think some people start sneezing after thinking about sex. "

So if someone suddenly sneezes next to you, especially in public transport, you should step aside so as, at least, not to get infected, and as a maximum, not inadvertently to become the object of someone's sexual fantasies.

Text: Bogdan the Great

Physiological function sneezing as a protective unconditioned reflex is the removal of foreign particles ( such as mucus or dust) from the respiratory tract. The very act of sneezing is a forced, sharp exhalation through the nasopharynx, carried out after a deep short breath. It differs from coughing in that the tongue is pressed against the palate during sneezing, and a sharp exhalation occurs through the nose.

The act of sneezing is carried out as follows: a person feels the itching in the nose, preceding the appearance of the sneezing reflex, deeply inhales air, filling the lungs with air; his soft palate rises, the arches of the pharynx contract, the surface of the tongue is pressed against the hard palate; eyes close involuntarily.

Then the intercostal, diaphragmatic, and abdominal muscles contract. The last to contract are the muscles of the larynx, which causes the glottis to close. All these reflex actions ultimately lead to the formation of increased intra-abdominal and intrathoracic pressure.

The air is then vigorously exhaled. The speed of exhaled air passing at the level of the glottis can reach 50 - 100 meters per second, and its pressure is 100 mm Hg. Droplets of saliva and mucus from the nasal and oral cavities enter the air stream. Due to the forced air movement, these droplets spread over a distance of 3 - 5 meters.

Causes of occurrence

The sneezing reflex occurs when the mucous membrane lining the nasal cavity is irritated. Fluff, dust, pet hair ( so-called "dust agents"); mold, pollen, keratinized skin particles ( allergens).

Another type of irritants that affect the nasopharyngeal and nasal mucosa are volatile substances ( perfumery aromas, cigarette smoke).

The appearance of a sneezing reflex can provoke a sharp change in temperature ( for example, when a person went out of a warm room into the street at sub-zero temperatures); or a sudden bright light that hits your eyes, causing you to close your eyes.

Emergence in bright sunlight

Sneezing, which occurs as a result of bright light hitting the cornea of ​​the eye, is called " reflective sneezing into the light". An explanation of the mechanism of this phenomenon has not been found, although scientists from ancient times have tried to find an answer to this question. Aristotle, for example, believed that people sneeze in bright sun due to exposure of the nose to the sun's heat.

In the 17th century, the philosopher Francis Bacon conducted small experiments that showed that if you close your eyes and go out into a bright light, the sneezing reflex will not work. Bacon This was explained by the fact that under the influence of sunlight, the eyes begin to watery, and then this tear fluid enters the nasal passages and causes irritation of the nose. And as a result of this, a sneezing reflex arises.

However, modern science has rejected this hypothesis, since physiologists have proven that sneezing occurs too quickly after exposure to sunlight, and the tear fluid does not have time to drain through the tear ducts into the nasal cavity.

Sneezing occurs as a result of irritation in the nasal cavity, and the trigeminal nerve is "responsible" for it. This nerve is close to the optic nerve. That, in turn, reacts to bright, sudden light that hits the retina. Immediately after that, the optic nerve sends a signal to the brain to narrow the pupils in order to regulate the amount of light entering the eyes. The trigeminal nerve perceives this signal as an impulse to irritate the nose. That's why we sneeze.

People whose pupils are sharply lent, almost always begin to sneeze. And it is not always the case here in bright light - after taking narcotic drugs, the pupils begin to lend, therefore very often people suffering from drug addiction are also susceptible to sneezing attacks.

Official statistics do not exist, but according to unofficial observations, reflective sneezing occurs in 20 - 35% of people. But since this phenomenon is absolutely harmless, it has no special meaning for medicine.

Surprisingly, some people who experience reflective sneezing find it beneficial. It happens that an unpleasant tickling sensation appears in the nose, but its strength is not enough to provoke a sneezing. Therefore, such people are simply looking for a source of bright light ( fit a window or turn on a table lamp) and induce sneezing, which brings relief. And some people don't even need a light source, just imagine it for the reflex to work. By the way, there are other reflexes that are triggered by an imaginary picture. These include the salivary reflex to an acidic stimulus. In order to induce profuse salivation, it is enough to imagine a juicy sour lemon, cut into slices, flowing with juice.

If surgery is performed in the eye area, then local anesthesia is required. In those people who are inherent in reflective sneezing, this reflex occurs during the injection. Therefore, before the introduction of anesthesia, such people are first sedated. If this is not done, then the patient will sneeze when the doctor will do an anesthetic periocular injection, and he will be forced to stop the administration of the drug so as not to damage the eye.

Most of all, women of the European race are prone to reflective sneezing, judging by medical data.

Another factor that influences the appearance of the sneezing reflex is the degree of stomach fullness. Soon after eating a hearty meal, such people begin to sneeze repeatedly. In this case, it does not matter what kind of food was.

Sneezing and sickness

People who sneeze frequently and for no apparent reason are definitely more sensitive than those who sneeze exclusively in the midst of a cold. To roughly understand why you have prolonged sneezing attacks, you should determine your body temperature and check the nasal cavity.
If the nose itches, there is severe itching in it, but there is no runny nose, then this is most likely an allergy. If the itching in the nose is accompanied by a subfebrile or high fever, then this is an acute respiratory disease ( or ARVI).

Colds are associated with inflammation in the upper respiratory tract. A cold occurs when hypothermia occurs. If the immune system is strong, it will prevent colds from developing. And if the immune system is weakened, and is unable to resist the disease, then the disease develops very quickly.

Signs of a cold: fever, headache, unexpressed pain throughout the body, sneezing, runny nose, cough, sore throat.

Treatment of colds is divided into two stages, including symptomatic therapy and elimination of the very cause of the disease.

Symptomatic treatment is the fight against the consequences of the disease. And suppression of the activity of bacteria and viruses is the elimination of the very cause of the disease. Of course, it is right to relieve the patient's well-being by giving him an antipyretic or expectorant agent, but fighting the investigation will not eliminate the cause of the disease. Therefore, the most important thing in treatment is to strengthen the immune system, which in turn will lead to the suppression of the bacterial flora.

This is an infectious disease of viral origin, with an acute course. The danger of the disease is that it is extremely contagious. Measles is characterized by signs of intoxication of the body, a sharp rise in temperature, a rash on the body, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and mouth, conjunctivitis.

Morbillivirus ( measles), unstable in the environment, and quickly dies under the influence of disinfection measures ( boiling, treatment with disinfectant solutions, sterilization). However, there have been precedents when the measles virus spread, for example, through a ventilation system in one building, where there was a large crowd of people. Morbillivirus survives best at low temperatures ( from -15 to -20 degrees). Therefore, outbreaks of the disease occur mainly in winter.

Morbillivirus is transmitted by air during coughing or sneezing, along with secretory mucus. Mostly children are ill. Adults get sick if they have not been ill in childhood, and, accordingly, have not received immunity. After recovery, immunity to this disease persists throughout life.

Newborn babies receive short-term immunity from the mother who has had a previous illness, which lasts during the first three months of life. If the mother falls ill during pregnancy, then the child is at risk of transplacental measles virus infection.

Measles prevention is the total vaccination of children.

The gateway for infection is the mucous membranes in the upper respiratory tract. Once inside, the pathogen begins to multiply and spread through the bloodstream. In the tonsils, lymph nodes, liver, spleen, intestines, lungs, inflammatory infiltrates are formed.

The next stage of the disease is the appearance of visible symptoms. Catarrhal phenomena, runny nose, cough, sneezing appear. Then rash spots appear on the body.

The virus infects the conjunctiva, larynx, pharynx, and sometimes the bronchi or lungs. Inflammation can affect the central nervous system, which can lead to complications of the disease, such as meningoencephalitis and meningitis. Catarrhal inflammation in the affected organs, due to the multiplication of the virus and the production of antibodies against it by the immune system, takes on an infectious-allergic character.

The latent period of measles development is 7 to 14 days. The course of the disease can occur in a typical form or in an atypical one.
There are three stages of the disease, which are manifested by the corresponding symptoms:

  • Catarrhal phenomena.
  • Rash.
  • Reconvalescence.
The first stage of measles - catarrhal - begins acutely. A sick person feels a headache, a change in appetite, and his sleep may be disturbed. The body temperature rises to 39, sometimes even 40 degrees. The coryza is very profuse; mucous discharge from the nose sometimes has an admixture of pus. A barking cough, hoarseness, sneezing, swelling of the eyelids are all vivid symptoms of measles. The eyes become extremely sensitive to bright light. Eyelids stick together in the morning with discharge from the eyes.

Visual examination shows enlargement of the cervical lymph nodes. Dry rales are heard in the lungs. Some patients experience short-term diarrhea.

A few days after the onset of the rash, the patient's condition is relieved. The temperature decreases, but literally in a day or two it rises again. After a repeated increase in temperature, spots in the form of "semolina" are found on the inner shell of the cheeks - white, rounded rashes with a thin red border. This is a clear clinical sign of measles.

Symptoms of intoxication are increasing, the state of health worsens. There are changes in the work of the digestive system.

Bright patchy rashes appear, which can merge into one large spot. First, the rash appears behind the ears, on the scalp, then spreads to the neck and face. The day after the onset of the rash, the spots spread to the chest, trunk and arms. After another day, spots appear on the lower limbs, and those that were on the face become less bright.

This downward "spotting" is a characteristic differential that doctors use in making a diagnosis. Adults suffer the disease much more severely than children, and their rash appears more profuse.

During rashes, catastrophic phenomena intensify: runny nose, sneezing, coughing, lacrimation and photophobia. The examination reveals such abnormalities as palpitations and changes in the higher or lower side of the "working" blood pressure.

Reconvalescence ( the so-called pigmentation period) - this is the third stage of the disease, which is characterized by an improvement in well-being, normalization of body temperature, weakening of catarrhal phenomena. Gradually, the spots of the rash fade and fade. In their place, peeling forms, which stands out slightly in color from the rest of the skin.

The course of measles can be complicated by pneumonia, laryngitis, tracheobronchitis, stomatitis. Adults can develop meningitis, meningoencephalitis, and measles encephalitis.

Chicken pox
Chicken pox ( or chickenpox) is an acute infectious disease that spreads through the air. The virus that causes chickenpox can also cause herpes zoster at the same time. Chickenpox is the primary manifestation of an infection that affects children, while herpes is a secondary manifestation that usually occurs in adulthood.

The virus is not resistant to the external environment, it is sensitive to ultraviolet radiation and disinfectants. Keeps well in low temperature environments. Therefore, the incidence of chickenpox increases in winter.

The disease is considered highly contagious, transmitted by air through sneezing or coughing. Mostly children are ill. Adults who have been ill in childhood retain lifelong immunity.

The virus enters the respiratory tract, multiplies and accumulates there, appears in the blood and lymph, and then enters the epithelium of the skin. From this, superficial necrosis is formed in the epithelium, which has the appearance of characteristic rashes. Usually, these rashes disappear without a trace. An exception is when the epithelium is damaged in the deep layer due to re-infection or when the integrity of the vesicles ( eruptions) has been violated. Therefore, it is important to explain to sick children so that they do not scratch the rashes and do not peel off the crusts.

Disease periods:

  • Hidden period ( can last up to three weeks).
  • Prodromal period ( at this time, a person becomes contagious, that is, infectious to others).
  • The period of appearance of vesicles ( the appearance of obvious symptoms).

Common symptoms: rashes, fever, malaise. The rash appears on the face, then spreads further along the body. They look like single or multiple formations.

Prevention of chickenpox in the team where a case of the disease is detected is the isolation of the sick person, thorough disinfection of the room, and, if possible, the establishment of quarantine. Children and adults are vaccinated against chickenpox who have not been ill before and who work in conditions of an increased risk of infection ( doctors, teachers, food workers).

Allergic diseases are an increased immune response that is formed as a response to the effects of specific environmental factors that the body considers dangerous or potentially dangerous.

The body's immune response is formed as a complex defense mechanism, the role of which is to prevent hostile microorganisms from entering and multiplying.

Immunity in response to the invasion of microbes includes a mechanism for the production of antibodies that destroy specific substances that have entered the body - antigens.

Sometimes the body's response to harmless substances is distorted, and he perceives them as a threat. These reactions are hypersensitive, and the antigens that are responsible for the occurrence of these reactions are called allergens.

Immunity is able to "remember" foreign substances, recognize them and produce antibodies to neutralize antigens. If a similar antigen enters the body again, then the immune system will be able to recognize it and attack the already developed specific antibodies.

Allergic reactions are manifested in a variety of ways, can affect different tissues and organs of the body. The severity of an allergic reaction varies widely.

Allergy symptoms occur when a person has been exposed to an allergen. Often, allergies occur in those who are genetically predisposed to it. Itchy eyes and skin, runny nose, sneezing, hives are all common allergy symptoms.

Sneezing is a physiological way of self-cleaning of the body from unnecessary substances or particles, which is somewhat modified with allergies. The sneezing reflex takes on a paroxysmal form - a person sneezes without stopping, every day. This is especially often manifested during the flowering period of plants, the pollen of which is a strong allergen.

With allergies, rhinorrhea is sometimes observed ( runny nose). If, with a cold, the mucous discharge from the nose usually has a thick consistency and a yellowish color, then with an allergy - the color is transparent, and the consistency is watery.

Since the mucous membrane becomes inflamed and denser with allergies, the nasal canal becomes clogged, which leads to poor drainage of mucous secretions. Blowing your nose does not help clear your nose.

An allergic rash is the most striking manifestation of the disease, which is characterized by the formation of reddish spots of various sizes on the skin. Spots can appear on the hands, face, and legs. Most often, the rash is accompanied by severe itching, causing serious discomfort to the sick person.

Itchy eyes are another symptom of allergies. The itching sensation arises for no external reason, it can last for a long time; a person cannot eliminate it on his own. At the same time, the eyelids have a swollen, reddened, bloated appearance.

Allergic and vasomotor rhinitis
Inflammation of the mucous membrane lining the nasal cavity - rhinitis - is one of the most common human ailments. Several clinical forms of rhinitis have been identified, each of which has its own characteristics.

The vasomotor and allergic forms of rhinitis are very similar in their clinical manifestations:

  • Labored breathing.
  • Sneezing attacks.
  • Runny nose.
  • Burning and itching in the nasal cavity.
Allergic rhinitis is a chronic disease, it is based on an indirect inflammatory reaction, which is triggered by the ingestion of allergic agents on the nasal mucosa.

Vasomotor rhinitis is also a chronic disease, but in this case, nasal hypersensitivity develops not under the influence of allergic factors, but as a result of nonspecific endogenous or exogenous factors.

When making a diagnosis and drawing up a treatment algorithm, it is necessary to find out the following points:

  • Are there any abnormalities in the structure of the nose, which can also give a clinical picture of rhinitis?
  • Is the detected rhinitis infectious or non-infectious? The answer to this question is the characteristic clinical sequence of the onset of symptoms; the nature of the mucous discharge; the appearance of catarrhal phenomena in the larynx, pharynx, trachea.
  • If rhinitis is of non-infectious origin, is it allergic or non-allergic? In favor of the fact that rhinitis is of allergic origin, the following facts testify: during rhinoscopy, a poor gray tint of the mucous membrane is visualized; a positive reaction to special allergic skin tests was obtained; detected antibodies in blood serum.
  • If allergic rhinitis, then what is the nature of its manifestation: seasonal, permanent? These data are obtained through the collection of anamnesis.
Sequential clarification of the above nuances allows you to accurately determine the form of the disease and select the optimal treatment algorithm.

According to the severity of the course of rhinitis, there are:

  • Light form ( mild clinical symptoms of rhinitis that do not disrupt a person's daily activities and do not interfere with his sleep). The patient feels the presence of symptoms of the disease, but at the same time, he can do without drug therapy.
  • Moderate form ( symptoms of the disease interfere with sleep, interfere with mental and physical activity; the quality of life is seriously deteriorating).
  • Severe form ( the symptoms are so pronounced that the patient cannot engage in any activity, cannot sleep normally, if he does not receive appropriate therapy).
Treatment of allergic rhinitis consists in prescribing to the patient:
  • Topical corticosteroids.
  • Antihistamines that help stop allergy attacks. Most of these drugs eliminate attacks of constant sneezing, a burning sensation in the nose, and a runny nose.
Drugs related to corticosteroids are characterized by a delayed onset of action. These features of pharmacokinetics allow the use of corticosteroids with a very low risk of systemic effects.

There are other groups of drugs used to treat allergic rhinitis, but judging by their effectiveness in relieving individual symptoms, by the degree of risk of complications, and by the cost of treatment, oral antihistamines and topical corticosteroids can be considered as the best therapy.

Treatment for vasomotor rhinitis begins by identifying all possible causes that could lead to a nasal reaction.

Often, vasomotor rhinitis is due to the abnormal structure of the nasal septum. In this case, the treatment is carried out with the help of a surgical intervention.

Drug therapy for vasomotor rhinitis consists in prescribing antihistamines to the patient ( although they do not give the same effect as with allergic rhinitis) and topical corticosteroids. Additionally, you can use physiotherapy methods of treatment ( e.g. intranasal electrophoresis) and acupuncture. Patients are shown general strengthening procedures - hardening, physical exercises.

If conservative methods of therapy do not bring a visible effect, then surgical treatment is used. It consists in carrying out operations, as a result of which the size of the inferior turbinate is artificially reduced, which makes it possible to restore nasal breathing.

Rhinitis of pregnant women
Rhinitis that occurs in women in the last stages of pregnancy is a consequence of hormonal changes in the woman's body before childbirth. The amount of female sex hormones in the blood increases, and in parallel with this, the blood flow accelerates. Because of this, the mucous membrane swells, which leads to difficulty breathing.

The course of rhinitis is different: from mild symptoms to complications that require drug treatment.

From the fact that the nose is stuffy and breathing is disturbed, the lungs and the heart suffer. In addition, the nose does not fulfill its main functions: it does not cleanse and does not warm the air that is inhaled, thereby exposing the lungs to the harmful effects of the external environment.

For a pregnant woman, this condition creates a double danger - both for her and for the fetus. If nasal breathing is absent, then this leads to oxygen starvation of the mother, which will be extremely negatively reflected in the future baby. As a result of rhinitis, a woman's taste and smell are changed, and allergies develop.

The complexity of rhinitis lies in the fact that vasoconstrictor drops cannot be used to relieve it, because they have their effect on the entire body, including the vessels in the placenta through which the fetus feeds. Violation of the placental circulation leads to fetal hypoxia.

They can also worsen nosebleeds that sometimes occur in pregnant women. And with prolonged use, they dry out the nasal mucosa, and gradually cease to cope with their main function. Therefore, drops that relieve nasal congestion are contraindicated in pregnant women.

The severity of rhinitis treatment in pregnant women is that many drugs can affect the placental circulation, therefore, the choice of the drug must be approached very carefully. Ideally, it is best not to use medication at all.

One of the main remedies used to treat rhinitis in pregnant women is a nasal shower. This is a procedure in which the nasal cavity is washed. Thanks to washing, the nose and nasopharynx are cleared of germs, allergens, mucus, and dust. Swelling of the mucous membrane and inflammation is removed, which allows nasal breathing to be restored.

Violation of the sneezing reflex

Sneezing is impaired in people who are suffering bulbar palsy.

Bulbar palsy is a pathology that occurs when the nuclei of some cranial nerves are damaged ( vagus, sublingual, glossopharyngeal). Bulbar paralysis is manifested by speech impairment ( nerves responsible for articulation are affected) and swallowing disorder ( structures responsible for swallowing are affected - the muscles of the tongue, pharynx, larynx, epiglottis, soft palate).

Patients often choke on liquid food, and sometimes they are not able to swallow. Because of this, saliva accumulates and flows out of the corners of the mouth. They cannot sneeze or cough. Speech becomes slurred, nasal, slow. Conversation noticeably tires the sick.

In critically ill patients, as a rule, respiratory rhythm disturbances and cardiac dysfunction are formed, which can lead to death.
Bulbar syndrome is characteristic of genetic diseases ( porphyria, Kennedy disease), for oncological, for vascular, for inflammatory and infectious diseases.

Which doctor should I see if I sneeze?

Since sneezing can be provoked by various diseases, then when this symptom appears, it is necessary to contact different specialists, whose competence includes the diagnosis and treatment of the affected organ. That is, in each case, in order to understand which doctor to contact when sneezing, you need to assess which organ is affected and presumably provokes sneezing. And it is possible to suspect a lesion of one or another organ when sneezing on the basis of the accompanying symptoms that a person has. Accordingly, in each case, the decision of the question of which doctor to turn to depends on the symptoms accompanying sneezing that a person has.

If sneezing in an adult or child is frequent (several times within 2-3 hours), and at the same time there is an itchy nose, runny nose, pain, sore throat, general malaise or fever, and possibly redness of the eyes , cough, wheezing, this indicates an acute respiratory illness (ARI), flu, colds. In this case, you need to contact an adult to doctor-therapist (sign up), and children - to pediatrician (sign up).

If sneezing, in addition to symptoms of acute respiratory infections, is combined with rashes on the body and face of any type, quantity and nature, then an infectious disease (measles, rubella, chickenpox) is suspected. In this case, it is recommended to contact either infectious disease doctor (sign up), or to a therapist.

If a child or adult for a long time (more than 10-14 days in a row) suffers from a runny nose, which is accompanied by regular sneezing, but there are no additional symptoms, then most likely we are talking about chronic rhinitis (vasomotor, atrophic and etc.). In such a situation, it is recommended to contact otolaryngologist (ENT) (sign up).

If an adult or child begins to sneeze frequently, but there is no runny nose or the discharge from the nose is clear and watery, and other signs of a respiratory infection (pain, sore throat, general malaise or fever, etc.) are not observed , but there is a strong nasal congestion and itching, there may be a rash on the skin, redness of the eyes, itching of the skin and eyes, then, most likely, this indicates an allergic reaction. In this case, you should contact allergist (sign up) or, in his absence, to a therapist.

If a person has frequent sneezing against the background of strongly constricted pupils or any other signs of drug intoxication (for example, causeless gaiety or, on the contrary, insensitivity, apathy, poorly coordinated movements, etc.), then drug addiction is suspected. In this case, it is recommended to contact narcologist (sign up).

If rhinitis with sneezing occurs in pregnant women at a later date, then it is recommended to apply at the same time to gynecologist (sign up) and an otolaryngologist.

If a person cannot sneeze and cough, and at the same time his speech and swallowing movements are impaired, as a result of which the voice is nasal, indistinct, and when eating and drinking they choke, saliva flows out of the corners of the mouth, then bulbar syndrome is suspected. In this case, you should contact neurologist (sign up).

What tests and examinations can a doctor prescribe for sneezing?

Sneezing is provoked by diseases of various organs and systems, and, accordingly, in the presence of this symptom, the doctor can prescribe a variety of studies and tests, the specific list of which depends on which organ is suspected of being damaged by the specialist. Indeed, to identify diseases of different organs, various examination methods are used, both laboratory (analyzes) and instrumental ( Ultrasound (sign up), x-ray (sign up), endoscopy (sign up) etc.).

When an adult or a child sneezes frequently and, in addition to sneezing, there are symptoms of an acute respiratory illness, flu or a cold (runny nose, pain, sore throat, general malaise or fever, as well as possible redness of the eyes, coughing, wheezing), and it is also possible rash on the body - the doctor suspects acute respiratory infections or an acute infectious disease (measles, rubella, chickenpox, etc.). In this case, usually only general blood test (sign up) and urine to assess the general condition of the patient. Other tests and examinations, as a rule, are not prescribed, since the diagnosis is made on the basis of a characteristic clinical picture. In the case of a rash on the skin, if the doctor has doubts about the diagnosis, a blood test may be prescribed to identify the causative agents of measles, rubella, chickenpox, etc.

When sneezing is provoked by a runny nose that has existed for a long period, chronic rhinitis is suspected, and in this case, the otolaryngologist necessarily produces rhinoscopy (sign up)(examination of the nasal cavity using a special instrument - a rhinoscope). If necessary, the doctor can also examine the pharynx and larynx with instruments. In the overwhelming majority of cases, rhinoscopy is sufficient to diagnose and initiate treatment, and therefore other examinations for chronic rhinitis are usually not prescribed. Laboratory tests for chronic rhinitis are usually not prescribed, since this disease does not provoke changes in any indicators of blood, urine or other biological fluid. But the doctor may prescribe a general blood and urine test to assess the general condition of the body, as well as a blood test for IgE levels to confirm the allergic nature of rhinitis (but this test is prescribed only if there is a suspicion of the allergic nature of the rhinitis).

However, if we are talking about rhinitis of pregnant women, then, in addition to rhinoscopy, the doctor may prescribe blood tests for the content of estriol, estradiol, progesterone, as well as an assessment of autonomic tone, since the data of these studies are necessary for the subsequent selection of the most effective therapy regimen.

If chronic rhinitis exists for a long time (longer than several months), then the doctor may prescribe endoscopy and rhinopneumometry to assess the condition of the tissues of the nasal cavity. However, these studies are prescribed and carried out relatively rarely.

If an adult or child has a constant sneezing, and at the same time the nasal cavity is dry or a watery transparent content is released from it, there are no signs of acute respiratory infections, but the nose itches, there is a strong nasal congestion, a rash may appear on the body, the eyes turn red, the skin itches, then this indicates an allergic origin of sneezing. In this case, the doctor prescribes the following tests:
a blood test, as well as an analysis of sensitivity to allergens by any method that a medical institution is able to produce. That is, depending on the technical capabilities, the analysis for sensitivity to antigens is performed either by the method of skin tests, or by determining specific IgE in the blood. The skin test method is less accurate, but simpler and cheaper, therefore it is used most often. And the method for determining specific IgE in blood is expensive, although very accurate, but it is used more rarely due to the high cost of reagents.

A complete blood count is necessary to assess the general condition of the body and confirm allergy readiness (a large number of eosinophils). And an analysis of sensitivity to antigens is necessary in order to understand what kind of substance provokes an allergic reaction.

A blood test for IgE concentration is not always prescribed, since it only reveals that a person is allergic to some substance. But the fact of the presence of allergies can also be determined by a general blood test, therefore, with allergic rhinitis and sneezing, an IgE blood test is rarely used.

When frequent sneezing is present against the background of severely constricted pupils or any other signs of drug intoxication (for example, causeless gaiety or, on the contrary, insensitivity, apathy, poorly coordinated movements, etc.), drug intoxication is suspected. In this case, the doctor prescribes a urine or blood test to determine the presence of various drugs and psychoactive substances (for example, opiates, amphetamine, methamphetamine, cocaine, cannabinoids, etc.).

When a person sneezes and coughs with difficulty, or cannot do this at all, although such an urge is felt, and at the same time his speech is nasal, indistinct, slowed down, when he tries to swallow something he chokes, and saliva constantly flows out of the corners of the mouth, then it is suspected bulbar syndrome. In this case, the doctor performs neurological tests, which are sufficient to make a diagnosis. After that, the doctor prescribes the following examinations necessary to find out which disease led to bulbar paralysis:

  • Cerebrospinal fluid examination;
  • Computer (sign up) or magnetic resonance imaging of the brain (sign up);
  • X-ray of the area of ​​connection of the skull with the spine.
In addition, general and biochemical blood tests (sign up), urine analysis, as well as blood tests for the presence of pathogens of various infections.

Before use, you must consult with a specialist.

You hold your breath, drawing in more air into your lungs, and then abruptly and with a funny sound push the air out through your nose and mouth. Sneezing is your body's way of getting rid of dust particles, hair or pollen, that is, the body's natural attempt to stop breathing into the lungs what should not be there. It is clear that this knowledge will not surprise you, but there are several facts about sneezing that you do not even know about.

1. Sneezing can provoke the sun

Scientists call this reaction "Light sneezing reflex", and it occurs in 18-35% of the world's population. The key stimulus for this sneezing is the dramatic increase in the supply of sunlight to the retina. Since this sneezing is not harmful, it is hardly studied, and doctors are still lost in conjecture about its nature. Some speculate that the parasympathetic nervous system is to blame, others say that this is a residual effect of an ancient reflex as a result of body evolution. A 2010 study by Swiss scientists concluded that people who react to light in this way are simply more irritable and impulsive than everyone else.

2. Sneezing can provoke sex

Yes, sneezing right after sex is quite common. Scientists still do not know why, but they believe that in this way the parasympathetic nervous system is playing pranks, regulating the level of fluids, heart rate and much more. Most likely, the reason is that sexual arousal leads the body into a state of hypersensitivity.

3. You sneeze with incredible force

In the 1950s, Harvard biologist William Firth Wells measured the speed of a sneeze escaping from the human body and concluded that you were accelerating particles faster than a racing car. The approximate speed that the scientist was able to determine is 360 km / h.

Later, these figures were refuted by other scientists, saying that the speed is greatly exaggerated. A group of scientists from Singapore counted only 16 km / h. When the famous "Mythbusters" tackled this question, they returned some of its dignity to the sneeze and determined its speed at 50 kilometers per hour. It is likely that the guys from the show are much larger than the Singaporean scientists and sneeze with more force.

4. You won't be able to sneeze in a dream

Have you ever wondered why you don't wake up wanting to sneeze or sneezing loudly? Scientists are also worried about this issue. When your body is in a horizontal position, the mucous membrane of your nose swells slightly, which increases your sensitivity to dust particles flying around, but during REM sleep, all muscles of the face except those that control the opening of the eyelids are practically paralyzed, including those responsible for sneezing. Moreover, even when you are not in this sleep phase, the neurons responsible for initiating a sneeze are not working. Therefore, even if you sneeze while you doze, theoretically and possibly, in practice this almost never happens.

5. You can't sneeze with your eyes open

If you heard a horror story in childhood that sneezing with your eyelids open, you can lose your eyes (they will fly out of your sockets), and you still believe in it, you can relax: this will never happen. The point is, you never sneeze with your eyes open. Your eyes reflexively close when you sneeze, because the nerves that move the eyelids are connected to the nasal nerves, and they get irritated every time you sneeze.

6. Sneezing slows down your heart rate

Think about what you do first when you are about to sneeze? That's right: you draw air into your lungs. Taking a deep breath raises the pressure in the lungs, which causes blood to flow to the heart, lowering the pressure and increasing the number of beats per minute. When you exhale sharply, the pressure quickly returns to normal and the number of beats per minute decreases. It may seem to you that your heart is skipping one beat at this moment.

7. Yes, covering your mouth is a must

It was not for nothing that throughout childhood your mother kept telling you that you need to chew and sneeze with your mouth closed. If the first is a matter of decency, then the second is much more important: you can really infect others. Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have come to the conclusion that the suspension that remains in the air after sneezing, consisting of bacteria and microorganisms, remains in the air much longer than previously thought. If someone passes nearby or ends up in the same place where you sneezed, they can become infected even 15-20 minutes after your sneeze.

If on a date a person constantly sneezes, perhaps he is not at all having a cold, but simply fantasizing about the further development of the relationship. The connection between sneezing and sexual fantasies was found by two otolaryngologists from the UK.

British scientists believe that sneezing caused by thoughts of sex is a fairly common syndrome. And they even offered an explanation for this unusual phenomenon.

Mahmood F. Bhutta got the idea to explore the connection between sneezing and thoughts of sex not out of nowhere. He, an ear-throat doctor from Wexham Hospital, Berkshire, UK, was approached by a patient, a middle-aged man, with an unusual complaint. He described the uncontrollable bouts of sneezing that he gets when thinking about sex. According to him, the trouble accompanies him for a long time, ever since he grew up.

Historical search

Dr. Bhutta and fellow psychiatrist Harold Maxwell became interested in this case. To begin with, they decided to figure out if anyone had experienced similar symptoms before. It turned out that even in the century before last, twice, in 1875 and 1884, doctors reported on patients who sneeze when sexually aroused. However, no one offered any explanation for the phenomenon at that time.

Erectile tissue A tissue that is riddled with a large number of blood vessels. The walls of these vessels are characterized by an abundance of smooth muscle and elastic fibers. This explains the ability of the cavernous tissue to quickly swell and collapse under the influence of various chemical, thermal and nervous influences. Cavernous tissue is also called erectile, or cavernous.

In the late 19th century, a young German otolaryngologist, Wilhelm Fliess, proposed a theory of nasal reflex neurosis. He believed that the nasal mucosa was connected to the genitals. Perhaps this assumption arose because cavernous tissue was found in the nose and its presence somehow had to be explained. He also associated menstrual irregularities in women with disorders of the nasal cavity. Fliess suggested using nose surgery to treat neurological, psychological and sexual disorders. His ideas were so bizarre that he was ridiculed not only by the medical community, but also by his close friend Sigmund Freud.

Searches in the 20th century yielded only one publication in the magazine Journal of the American Medical Association... It reported on a 69-year-old man who experienced bouts of sneezing immediately after orgasm. Two responses were sent to this article in the journal. The first mentioned Fliess's theory. The second letter came from Dr. Henry Everett. He wrote that while studying sunlight-induced sneezing, he encountered several patients who sneezed while thinking about sex.

Modern search

British doctors wondered if sneezing responses to sexual contemplation or orgasm are really rare. After all, this topic is rather delicate, and, probably, few people dare to consult a doctor with a similar problem. Perhaps that is why there are no serious works on this topic.

To test their guess, scientists turned to the Internet. They used a search engine using the keywords "sex and sneeze / sneeze" to search for discussions and threads in anonymous chats. They searched twice - in June and December 2007. There were 17 people who reported uncontrolled sneezing attacks when thinking about sex, and four people who sneeze immediately after orgasm. And they were different people. Summarizing the search results, the scientists made two conclusions. First, they believe that these are different syndromes that are not directly related to each other. Second, the prevalence of these symptoms is likely much higher than one might expect.

Why do people sneeze

Naturally, scientists wanted to explain these interesting phenomena. Sneezing is needed by the body to clear the airways and is usually caused by irritation of the nasal cavity. However, there are other, unusual reasons for sneezing. First of all, this is the already mentioned sneezing syndrome caused by sunlight. Everett devoted many works to him. It turned out that 24% of people sneeze in bright direct sunlight. And this feature is inherited.

The authors also mention works that described two families where another unusual cause is inherited - a full stomach. Generation after generation, members of these families sneeze after a hearty meal. However, the genes responsible for a sunny or afternoon sneeze have not yet been found.

The authors suggested that all four sneezing syndromes - in response to sunlight, heavy meals, thoughts of sex, and orgasm - should have a similar mechanism. They examined the explanations proposed by Everett for solar syndrome, and there are several and none, and rejected most of them.

Parasympathetic nervous system Part of the autonomic or autonomic nervous system that regulates the activity of the organs of blood circulation, respiration, digestion, excretion, reproduction, as well as metabolism and thereby the functional state of all tissues of the body of vertebrates and humans.

The greatest interest and trust in them was caused by the so-called parasympathetic summation. Everett suggested that the parasympathetic nervous system is involved in the processes of tearing, which certainly occurs in people looking at the sun, and sneezing. And that the signal of the parasympathetic system is poorly divided, that is, when the system orders to cry, not only the eyes, but also other organs react. For example, the nose is sneezing.

The British adopted the noise signal mechanism. They do believe that the different branches of the parasympathetic system are interconnected and not completely separate. When a certain stimulus appears, the effect of which on the body is in the area of ​​responsibility of the system, it signals it to the brain. A full stomach, sexual arousal, orgasm, or bright light entering the eyes may cause the signal to be sent. The central department sends a response signal to the disturbed organ, but due to incomplete separation, in parallel, a signal leaves the center to other organs associated with the center.

be healthy

The whole study looks rather unusual. However, this is hardly a joke, because this is not the first of April. The article appeared on Friday, December 19, in the Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, a very serious and prestigious scientific journal.

One can, of course, assume that British doctors wanted to try themselves in the role of Ignobel laureates. However, the Ignobel Prize is usually for scientists who have spent a lot of time and effort on their research. Doctors Bhutta and Maxwell did not conduct mass experiments and did not receive large grants.

Most likely, they were really attracted by this funny phenomenon. They are constantly reminded that all their reasoning is just speculation. And in the conclusion of their work, they write that it would be interesting to study this syndrome in more detail, because this can help to understand more deeply not only the sneezing process, but also the mechanism of the parasympathetic nervous system. However, it is not known whether the British are going to continue the research themselves.

However, even if the work does not receive continuation, everyone has a reason to replace the standard "Be healthy!" for some spicy joke.

“When I sneeze, I have a very pleasant sensation, and I reliably know that many people experience the same,” writes one of our readers. We asked a specialist at a large training center "SEKS.RF" whether the sneeze mechanism is really similar to the orgasm mechanism.

Tatiana Kaulina

head coach of the Training Center "SEKS.RF"
In Petersburg

Of course, the study of the question of how, why and why the processes of sneezing and orgasm are connected with each other, seriously concerned the minds of scientists from the UK, who conducted one interesting and ingenious study that showed that sneezing is an alternative to orgasm. True, it is important to note that only a physiological alternative.

Experts have examined the mechanism of the onset of orgasm and the mechanism of the sneezing process and found a lot in common. The process of orgasm is an explosive discharge of neuromuscular tension at the height of sexual arousal, accompanied by ejaculation in men and vaginal contractions in women. From which it follows that this whole process is extremely similar to the process of sneezing, when a person prepares for a while to sneeze, then the tension increases, he cannot breathe for a while, and then this state is discharged by a short exhalation.

Therefore, the point is in the similarity of muscle mechanisms: in both cases, these are contractions that lead to spasmodic discharge. True, an orgasm differs from sneezing by the actual intensity of sensations and those parts of the brain that are involved in this.

The similarity also lies in the fact that both acts are a reaction to some kind of outside influence, stimulation. In the event of a sneeze, this effect irritates the nerve endings, and the brain sends a signal to free the airways from this irritation.

When the genitals are stimulated, the brain also reacts to external stimulation, and when it gives the command to discharge it, an orgasm occurs. After sneezing and orgasm, humans also experience a similar state of clarity and lightness.

Also, restless scientists from the UK believe that sneezing caused by thoughts of sex is also a fairly common syndrome. And they even offered an explanation for this unusual phenomenon.

If on a date a person constantly sneezes, perhaps he is not at all having a cold, but simply fantasizing about the further development of the relationship. The connection between sneezing and sexual fantasies was found at once by two otolaryngologists.

Both in history and at present, there have been documented cases of medical professionals reporting patients sneezing when sexually aroused. However, no one has yet proposed any explanation for the phenomenon or an unambiguous diagnosis. But if we generalize the versions, then most scientists are inclined to believe that this syndrome is congenital and is transmitted at the genetic level, by inheritance. At the moment, the search for the gene continues.

Illustration: Nastya Grigorieva

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