Mate tea - what kind of tea is it, how to brew and drink, benefits and harms. Useful properties of mate tea and contraindications for taking Mate tea useful properties and contraindications

Ventilation 09.10.2020

Mate tea can be called the most exotic tea for our country. It belongs to ethnic teas, along with Brazilian catuaba tea, Argentine lapacho, African rooibos. You can read a lot of conflicting reviews about mate tea, which are dictated unusual properties drink. So what can be expected from mate tea, harm or benefit?

The indigenous people of Latin America shrouded this tea in numerous legends, believing that tea has magical properties. Mate can cause an unusual surge of strength and vigor, satisfy hunger and thirst. In the 16th century, missionaries bought raw materials of unusual tea for next to nothing. Sending it to Europe, they decently earned. Mate tea was drunk by sailors, during long sea voyages, he saved them from severe fever and scurvy. He supported and invigorated travelers during their journeys through the rainforests.

For some time, tea was undeservedly forgotten. But in the 19th century, the plant Illex Paraguariensis was discovered. It began to be cultivated in Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay. From the crushed shoots and leaves, they began to make mate tea, which was produced on an industrial scale. On the South American continent, he immediately became extremely popular.

Then the tea ceremony was invented using special dishes for mate: bombilla and calabash. The calabash was a pumpkin container, and the bombilla was a reed tube.

What is mate tea made from?

The raw materials for the manufacture of mate tea are the shoots and leaves of the Paraguayan holly. The plant is found in the wild and is also cultivated on plantations. Holly can reach a height of 15 meters. Has toothed leaves, small greenish-white flowers.

Collectors take the branches of the plant, pluck the leaves from them. The material is thoroughly dried. After that, the shoots, the leaves are crushed to a powder state. Tea good quality can be determined by the following parameters: the presence of dust, broken pieces of leaves and small remnants of the stem is mandatory.

The chemical composition of mate tea

Holly leaves contain more than 190 different components. This discovery was made by scientists from the Pasteur Institute. Among the elements contained in tea, the following can be distinguished:

  • organic acids (isobutyric, isocaproic, isovaleric, resinous);
  • vitamins (nicotinic acid, A, B, C, E);
  • bioflavonoids (quercetin, rutin);
  • tannins (tannin);
  • saponins (beta-amirin);
  • macro- and microelements (manganese, magnesium, sodium, potassium, iron).

Compared to the classic green tea mate contains more antioxidants and alkaloids. Experts note that green tea contains caffeine, and mate contains mateine. It is similar in its action to caffeine, but its effect on the human body is more gentle and gentle. Matein does not cause an increase in heart rate, overexcitation. The invigorating effect of caffeine lasts about three hours, and mateine ​​invigorates several times longer. An important advantage of mate is that it does not cause sleep disturbances.

Health benefits of mate tea

Since ancient times, the Indians used a drink from holly to treat infectious diseases. Currently, for many diseases, mate tea is recommended, the benefits of which have been proven by scientists.

  • Stimulates work gastrointestinal tract.
  • Has a diuretic effect.
  • Has antispasmodic properties.
  • Improves vascular permeability.
  • Accelerates metabolism.
  • Reduces appetite.
  • Improves the work of the heart.
  • Helps to cope with depression.

Contraindications and harm of mate tea

Through research, scientists were convinced not only of the beneficial properties of tea, but also found that it can be harmful. People who have used mate in large quantities for many years have been examined. A relationship has been found between the occurrence of certain types of cancer and tea intake. The scientists concluded that heavy consumption of tea in combination with active smoking of tobacco and the intake of alcoholic beverages becomes a catalyst for the growth of tumors.

Statistics showed that the cause of oral cancer was that people drank tea too hot. Calabash, from which the drink is drunk, retains a high temperature for too long. This circumstance led to the occurrence of diseases of the bladder.

PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonates) have been found in tea. Their combination with alcohol, tobacco, fried meat creates favorable conditions for the development of tumors. It is not recommended to drink a large amount of hot drink, especially while drinking alcohol and during a feast. If you follow these rules, use Paraguayan tea no more than two or three times a week, tea will only benefit.

How to make mate tea

There are some subtleties of brewing this tea. Brew it in the original container. It is called calabash, calabash. Previously, calabash was made from pumpkin, now it is made from stainless materials, wood, and plastic. They differ in volume. There are large volumes of calabash for large companies, there are small ones designed for a single enjoyment of a drink.

Mate connoisseurs, after acquiring calabash, prepare it for further use. Pour the tea mixture into the calabash, pour 2/3 of the volume with high-temperature water. The vessel is left for a day without closing it with a lid. After that, the mixture is poured out, and the calabash is cleaned with a damp cloth.

A person who makes tea is called a sevador. The art of cooking is sevar. You can not rush when brewing a drink. Tea leaves are poured into calabash, poured cold water, leave for a while so that the tea leaves swell. Then a tube (bombilla) is inserted into the middle. On one side of this tube is a strainer, on the other - a mouthpiece. The tube is made of metal, before it was made of bamboo. Add to container hot water. After two minutes, you can enjoy the original taste of the drink. Tea can be brewed again.

How to drink mate

For the inhabitants of South America, the process of tea drinking is a sacrament. It lasts almost two hours, usually takes a long time. friendly company, in a warm environment. Mate tea is drunk in small sips, the liquid is drawn out through a tube from the very thick. The tea must not be allowed to ferment in the vessel. Otherwise, bitterness is formed, the drink will become harmful. In tea rarely, but add ice, milk, sugar. It is believed that tea will fully open only after the fourth addition of hot water.

With daily use of the drink, calabash is enough to rinse after use, store in a wet state. With rare use, calabash and bombilla should be thoroughly washed, turned over so that the water is glass.

The inhabitants of Paraguay have always worked hard and had little rest. Once, listening to their complaints and lamentations, the gods took pity and sent them mate tea. Since then, this nectar of the gods has become the national drink of Latin Americans. They drink it throughout the day. A bitter infusion in the morning tones and gives vigor, a cool drink quenches thirst in the afternoon, and sweet tea in the evening provides sound sleep. If you want to be less tired and get more done while still feeling great, mate tea is your choice.

Mate Features

In fact, mate is not a tea, but a herbal drink that is made from the young shoots of the Paraguayan Holly. Holly is considered an evergreen shrub by plant classification, although it grows to a height of up to 15 m. It grows wild and is grown on plantations in Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. Holly leaves go through several stages of drying, which give them a slight bitterness and a hint of smoke in the aroma.

Three countries supply high-quality raw materials: Brazil (53%), Argentina (37%) and Paraguay (10%).

Mate is a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients that have a positive effect on the body. It quickly restores strength, improves mood, relieves nervousness. A fragrant drink invigorates even with severe fatigue and energizes the body. In this case, there will be no headaches and insomnia.

The word "mati" or in Russian "mate" (with emphasis on the first syllable) has Indian roots and means a vessel of pumpkin.

For a drink such as mate tea, the benefits depend on the shelf life - after 2 years, the raw material loses all its properties. Particular attention is paid to compliance with the brewing technology. It has a number of subtleties that must be accurately performed. Even perfectly brewed tea can be harmful if not drunk properly.

Chemical composition

The benefits and harms of any product depend on its composition. The leaves and stems of Paraguayan Holly are simply champions among evergreen counterparts and contain up to 200 components, including:

  • vitamins;
  • organic acids;
  • xanthine alkaloids;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • choline;
  • tannins;
  • polyphenols;
  • saponins;
  • trace elements.

Vitamins A, C, E, P, B and trace elements strengthen the body and improve metabolism. Together with bioflavonoids, they are strong antioxidants and reduce cell oxidation. Tannins cause an astringent and bactericidal effect, saponins have an anti-inflammatory effect. Choline helps lower bad cholesterol levels. No less useful are other components of Paraguayan tea.

The mat contains the alkaloid "matein", which tones and relieves tension. Matein and caffeine belong to the same group of substances and have a similar effect on the body. But matein's action is delicate and at the same time long-lasting. It does not have a negative effect on the heart and blood vessels, does not excite nervous system and does not cause sleep disturbance.

Unlike caffeine, the tonic effect of mateine ​​is 3 times longer and lasts up to 9 hours.


According to the ideas of the Indians, a healing drink granted by the gods restores strength, expels diseases, relieves sadness and prolongs life. To this day, mate tea, the benefits of which have been proven by numerous studies and scientific reports, has a miraculous effect on the body. It is indispensable during periods of strong physical and emotional stress. There is also an opinion that the temperament of Latin American machos is fueled by this magical infusion.

Mate is forbidden to drink to children under 7 years old, lactating and pregnant women.

The healing properties of mate

The positive effect of the drink in question is as follows:

  1. It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and digestive systems.
  2. Uplifts mood and helps fight depression.
  3. Normalizes sleep and relieves insomnia.
  4. It relieves muscle tension and quickly restores strength.
  5. Perfectly invigorates and increases stamina.
  6. Activates mental activity and increases mindfulness.
  7. Stimulates metabolism.
  8. Increases potency and sexuality.
  9. Strengthens immunity.
  10. Removes toxins from the body.

Nervous system

The amazing properties of tea are manifested in its effect on the nervous system. On the one hand, it invigorates and uplifts the mood, and on the other hand, it relieves tension and normalizes sleep. With high fatigue, mate tones up a tired body, increases attentiveness and endurance. It calms with excessive excitement and helps with insomnia. The use of healing tea helps to harmonize the work of the nervous system and resist stress.

Digestive system

Mate tea has an antispasmodic and diuretic effect. Its regular use stimulates the gastrointestinal tract, improves digestion and helps to get rid of constipation.

The use of tea is contraindicated in high temperature and blood pressure.

The cardiovascular system

Mate dilates blood vessels and improves the nutrition of the heart muscle. Drinking tea helps stabilize arterial pressure, improve cerebral circulation.

Mate for weight loss

Rich chemical composition tea helps fight overweight. It speeds up the metabolism, burns calories and body fat, inhibits the parts of the brain responsible for appetite. With an increased appetite, mate will become a real magic wand - one cup of tea will help get rid of hunger.

Interesting to know: Paraguayan holly extract is part of dietary supplements for weight loss.


An absolute contraindication is individual intolerance to mate tea, which is expressed in an allergic reaction of the body. It can manifest itself as a skin rash, sneezing, tearing, coughing. If these symptoms appear after drinking a cup of tea, its use is strictly prohibited. In addition, doctors have identified some categories of people and body conditions in which drinking a drink is highly undesirable.

Studies conducted and statistics collected over several decades have proven the existence of a link between regular consumption of excessively hot mate and the development of cancer.

The use of tea, the temperature of which is above 80 ° C, can provoke the development of oncological neoplasms of the esophagus, larynx, and bladder.


  • children under 7 years old;
  • lactating and pregnant women;
  • heat;
  • hypertension;
  • violation of the heart rhythm;
  • peptic ulcer and hyperacidity stomach;
  • chronic kidney disease;
  • urolithiasis and cholelithiasis;
  • allergic diseases.

About 20 aromatic compounds (PAGs) were found in mate, which are also found in tobacco, alcoholic beverages and fried meat. Their combination creates favorable conditions for oncological neoplasms.

The combination of mate with alcohol, tobacco and fried meat is dangerous to health.

How to cook and drink mate

In appearance, freshly brewed mate resembles green tea. The infusion has a golden-green color, a bitter-sour taste and a bright aroma. In the homeland of mate, raw materials poured into a vessel are brewed up to 8 times. Its taste changes with each filling and reaches optimal saturation by the third time. Classical tea is prepared only from herbal raw materials, but stevia leaves are sometimes added to add sweetness.

Dried and crushed holly leaves are called "yerba" and serve as a raw material for making tea. Yerba is poured into a vessel and filled with water, the temperature of which is 70-80 ° C. Tea insist 2-3 minutes and drink immediately. Mate should not be brewed with boiling water - such an infusion not only begins to taste bitter, but also becomes harmful to health. They drink mate through a special bombilla tube, the lower edge of which looks like a strainer. This design allows, when drinking a drink, to filter it from particles of tea raw materials.

The temperature of mate during drinking should not exceed 80 °C.

Traditionally, tea is brewed in a special vessel made from the fruit of lagenaria creeper, which looks like small pumpkins. This dish is called "calabash". Modern calabashes are also made of wood, metal, and ceramics. Bombillas are made from silver, cupronickel, stainless steel, wood, or hollow plant stems. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase special utensils, tea can be prepared in an ordinary teapot.

Today, there are many ways to brew mate. Manufacturers add fruits and flavors to yerba. Bitter mate is preferred by men, and sweet by women and children. In Latin America, "summer" mate is very popular. For its preparation, yerba is poured with cold water, lemon, sugar, mint leaves, orange or grapefruit juice are added.

To get the maximum benefit from tea, you need to buy only fresh yerba without additives.

Mate brewing technology:

  1. Yerba is poured into calabash by 2/3, covered with a hand and shaken.
  2. Calabash is tilted at an angle of 45 degrees. On the side where the void has formed, a bombilla is inserted. Then the vessel is set vertically, and the bombilla is pushed to the bottom.
  3. Hot water is poured over the bombilla.

As a result of the infusion, little is obtained, so the procedure is repeated until the taste disappears.

From the moment of the first brewing, tea should be drunk within an hour.

Mate cures diseases, gives strength to the body and calms the soul. But in order for this drink to bring only benefits, you must strictly follow the rules for its preparation and use.

Paraguayan mate tea appeared in Russia relatively recently, but is already very popular. The taste of a fragrant tonic drink resembles both tea and coffee at the same time. However, it is not addictive. Mate surpasses green tea in its antioxidant and tonic qualities. And all thanks to the fact that it contains more than 200 vitamins, trace elements and other substances that are beneficial to the human body.

Composition and useful properties

Mate tea is of plant origin, therefore it is a dietary product. 100 grams contains only 5 calories, there are practically no fats and carbohydrates.

Scientists have conducted a number of studies and confirmed that the drink contains substances that benefit the body.

The following table lists the beneficial components of mate tea and their effects on humans:

Components Effect on the body
Caffeine, mateine, theophylline
  • tone up;
  • increase muscle tone;
  • improve metabolism;
  • assist in vasodilation
Ursolic acid
  • exhibits a hemostatic effect;
  • restores water-salt balance
Rutin, Quercetin
  • act as antioxidants;
  • protect against fungal diseases;
  • have an astringent effect
  • strengthens the nervous system;
  • develops memory and attention
  • relieves the symptoms of inflammatory processes;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract
beta carotene
  • reduces manifestations of respiratory diseases;
  • protects the skin from redness and irritation;
  • improves eyesight
Vitamin C
  • relieves inflammation;
  • strengthens blood vessels;
  • promotes rapid healing of wounds;
  • strengthens the immune system
Vitamin E
  • stimulates cell renewal;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • responsible for reproductive function;
  • relieves pain from burns
Vitamin P
  • improves the absorption of ascorbic acid;
  • regulates blood pressure
Vitamin B
  • relieves fatigue;
  • increases endurance;
  • stimulates the brain;
  • promotes bone formation;
  • improves heart function
Pantothenic acid
  • regulates the work of the neuromuscular system;
  • raises blood pressure
  • eliminates toxins;
  • normalizes blood sugar levels;
  • regulates protein and carbohydrate metabolism;
  • relieves fatigue
  • is necessary for insufficient hemoglobin levels;
  • supports the immune system

Thanks to such a rich and varied composition, mate tea has a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole, namely:

  • supplies a complex of all necessary substances for normal life;
  • maintains vigor for a long time (from 8 to 10 hours);
  • slows down the aging process;
  • helps to fight extra pounds;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • stabilizes pressure;
  • removes toxic substances from the body;
  • counteracts a depressive state, normalizes the emotional background;
  • improves bowel function;
  • reduces dependence on smoking and alcohol;
  • maintains cholesterol at the right level;
  • promotes the accumulation of phosphorus;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • has an antispasmodic effect.

Harm and contraindications

Along with numerous beneficial properties, this tonic drink can also harm the body. It contains a large amount of carcinogens that can stimulate the development of malignant tumors. Oral and esophageal cancers are caused by the tradition of drinking mate tea very hot. Because of this, there is a possibility of developing diseases of the bladder.

In the composition of mate, a high content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons was found. Therefore, the combination of a large amount of drunk Paraguayan tea with alcohol, tobacco or fried meat has a negative effect on the human body.

This tonic drink has a number of contraindications. So, it can not be used:

  1. 1. People who suffer from kidney disease, urolithiasis and cholelithiasis.
  2. 2. Pregnant and lactating women.
  3. 3. People who are allergic to theophylline and theobromine.
  4. 4. Patients suffering from atherosclerosis.

Cooking method

The taste and medicinal qualities of the drink depend on how it is brewed.

In special dishes - calabash (otherwise calabash) you need to pour tea leaves - so as to fill 2/3 of the volume. Then shake the vessel and tilt it. This is done so that all the leaves accumulate at one wall. In a free place, you need to install a tube with a filter - a bombilla. After that, pour a small amount warm water with a temperature of 35-40 degrees and wait until the liquid is absorbed. Next, add hot water to the calabash (its temperature should be 70 degrees) to the brim. After a few minutes, the tea is ready to drink.

Mate is an aromatic drink addictive. Paraguayan tea has many medicinal properties and is recommended for use in various diseases. But before that, it is necessary to study and take into account the contraindications and harm that it can cause to health.

Paraguayan holly mate has "the power of coffee, the health benefits of tea and the euphoria of chocolate" all in one drink. One of the six most used stimulants in the world. Among coffee, tea, nuts, cola, cocoa and guarana, it triumphs as the most balanced, energy and nutritional supplier.

Mate (Yer-bah Mah-Tay) is made from naturally occurring caffeine and the nourishing leaves of the famous South American tropical holly tree (Ilex Paraguariensis). For centuries, in South America, Ache Guayaki has been sipping traditional pumpkin mate for its rejuvenating effects.

Botanical name: Ilex Paraguariensis, Yerba Mate, Paraguayan Holly

The word "yerba" refers to leaves and means "plant" in Spanish although the plant is not herbaceous. A conjugation plant is holly (pronounced "Matay" or "Mate" depending on sources) and it is a shrub when young and in vivo rainforest, grows into a tree 15-20 meters. When grown in a garden, it cannot reach this height and can be kept as a small tree or shrub. Graceful branches hold dark green "holly-like" elongated leaves that have a tough, leathery appearance. Small, green or white flowers have four petals and give way to small, red fruits.

young tree

The Paraguayan holly is native to the subtropical regions of Paraguay, Bolivia, Uruguay, Brazil and Southeast Argentina. Mate was first classified in 1895, but there are records of its use by the Guaraní and Paraguayan Indians in the 16th century. It was then that Spanish researchers first reported that the Guaraní people, and the Tupi people of Brazil, brewed a drink that "raised the tone and relieved fatigue." The Spanish conquistadors were responsible for opening up a significant trade route for raw materials, which eventually led to huge commercial shipments in modern times.

Growing conditions

Holly can sometimes be difficult to grow outside of native South American conditions. One difficulty is the need for seeds to pass through digestive system toucans. It is difficult for the plant to propagate because the seeds need to be stratified, or because of a cold period, and may take 2 months to a year to germinate. Propagation is best done by cuttings.

tree plantation

Under natural conditions, grows best in filtered sunlight under tall rainforest trees. Rainforests have fertile soil enriched with continuous leaf fall, microbial and insect activity. Ideally, it prefers rich soils and moist conditions, so adding organic matter will be helpful. The mate holly grows in subtropical areas where the average rainfall is very high and the temperature ranges from 15-29 Celsius. You can often find them in their natural habitat, where they grow in streams and thrive at an altitude of 500 meters above sea level.

In order to control the growth of the tree, you can prune the branches and maintain the plant as a taller shrub. The plant is best trimmed every 1-3 years to keep it at 4-8 meters. It also increases the yield and the ability to germinate new leaves.

For mate tea, it can also be grown in pots and indoors if the weather conditions are not ideal for outdoor growing.

Culinary use

Mate is known for its use as a stimulating, caffeinated drink in South America, where Mate bars are very popular. A drink based on it is of great cultural importance and occupies the same position as coffee in the rest of the world. In mate bars, the drink can be served flavored with popular toppings such as burnt sugar, lemon juice and milk. Some brands combine herbs such as or add citrus to complement the natural bitter taste. In Brazil, the drink may be called "chimarao".

One of the tonics in local bars

There are many commercial mate tea drinks available, some pure and others with additional flavors. There is even a non-carbonated low-alcohol drink. The natural aroma is described as bitter with a smoky, woody or herbaceous-vegetal tone. However, the plant is still commercially cultivated to produce higher quality wild rainforest flavors. Mature plants grown in rainforests have darker, emerald-colored leaves and have a higher nutrient content.

The caffeine content of mate is less than coffee, but more than tea, so it is a "Jitterfree" drink - which is uplifting and contains antioxidants, and it is without side effects. The caffeine content is approximately 80mg per cup, or twice that of tea, while coffee has 100-200mg per cup. In comparison, guarana has significantly more caffeine than coffee.

dried mate leaves calabash silver bombilla

Traditionally, the drink is steamed and served in a large, hollowed-out gourd. It is sipped through a cane straw, with a filter at the end, to stop the leaves. spanish word"mate" refers to a plant. Available data indicate that in Uruguay, average person consumes 9-10 kilograms per year. Men also chewed the leaves on long hikes, against fatigue.

A simple home-made method of preparation - traditionally preparations are made from leaves or tea infusion from 2-4 g of leaves per 150 ml. hot water.

The use of Paraguayan holly for medicinal purposes

Holly leaves are high in many vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Active ingredients found in the leaves and include caffeine, theobromine and theophylline. Mate drink, compared to green tea, contains significantly more antioxidants. However, each tea has different groups of antioxidants, with different benefits, and they are not comparable. Some sources state that holly contains mateine ​​and not caffeine. However, scientific studies have confirmed the caffeine content of holly leaves.

Medicinal health benefits of Paraguayan holly (mate) include:

  • increase in energy;
  • thermogenic (fat burning);
  • appetite suppression;
  • blood purification;
  • memory improvement;
  • digestive stimulation;
  • as an anesthetic;
  • increases the production of bile;
  • as a mild laxative;
  • improves immunity;
  • promotes perspiration.

Some preliminary studies have been carried out, the advantage in directions for burning fat, cardiovascular disease and DNA repair, but further studies are needed for conclusive evidence.


In spite of positive effect there is always a risk that too good drug can work in reverse. Overspending can cause anxiety, insomnia, or headaches, and is best avoided by people who have heart disease, high blood pressure, and anxiety problems. Contraindicated in pregnant and lactating women.

There are indications that excessive consumption of mate can lead to cancer, including the esophagus, mouth, pharynx, larynx, and lungs. However, the risk is dose dependent and in the home country of the mate drinks are drunk in large quantities so this is hardly something to worry about.

Mate - a drink of youth and health

Mate drink, which is based on the unique plant Yerba Mate, which is being studied today by leading scientists from around the world and used in various branches of medicine, is becoming a healthy alternative to the usual tea and coffee.

The beneficial properties of Mate are numerous, the effect of this truly miraculous drink on the body is complex - this is an increase in vitality, and the saturation of the body with vitamins, an increase in immunity and general tone of the body, and a host of other positive effects. Mate can rightly be called the drink of those who choose a healthy lifestyle and an active life position today!

In Russia, Mate has also gained incredible popularity; you can also find this drink in the assortment on the pages of our Yerba Mate website.

What is Yerba Mate?

The plant Yerba Mate, or, as it is also called, Paraguayan Holly (ÍlexParaguariénsis), has been known to mankind since ancient times. The South American Guarani Indians began to use it many centuries ago, however, science began to study this plant in detail relatively recently, finally noticing the pronounced positive effect that it has on the human body.

The uniqueness of Yerba Mate as a plant lies in the fact that, unlike other plants, whose chlorophyll is not absorbed by the human body, Yerba Mate chlorophyll is completely absorbed. This means that when using Mate, a person receives a tremendous energy charge (Yerba Mate, by the way, is the most nutritious plant in the world) - the blood is enriched with oxygen and nutrients, and numerous protective mechanisms of the body are activated.

Modern scientists, having conducted comprehensive studies of this extraordinary plant, have come to the same conclusion - the characteristics of Yerba Mate are exceptional, it has no analogues.

Mate contains almost all the vitamins necessary for normal human life: these are A, B1, B2, niacin (B3), B5, complex C and E, as well as useful minerals: calcium and zinc, manganese and iron, selenium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, fluorine and iodine. In addition, the plant contains life-supporting nutrients: carotene, fatty acid, chlorophyll, flavanols, polyphenols, inositol, antioxidants, tannins, pantothenic acid and a wide range of amino acids.

It is safe to say that Mate restores the human body at the cellular level - this reduces the level of hypoxia, has a general strengthening effect, enhances immunity, stimulates the activity of the heart muscle, enriching it with potassium. A drink from this unique plant is especially relevant for residents of megacities who are deficient in many nutrients and are in a state of constant stress and poor environmental conditions.

Mate is a natural safe stimulant

Today, scientists say that Mate will soon become more popular than coffee or tea, as well as that this drink is a healthy alternative to these stimulating infusions.

Indeed, Mate has a stimulating effect on the human body in the same way as Ceylon tea or coffee does, but, unlike the caffeine present in the latter, active substance Yerba Mate is a mateine ​​- it is the plant's own alkaloid, which has no analogues.

The fundamental difference between mateine ​​and the well-known caffeine is that it does not have a direct effect on the heart muscle, however, the tonic effect of this alkaloid is more pronounced and prolonged. Matein affects the activity of all internal organs, while there are no side effects in the form of an increased heartbeat and nervous trembling.

Moreover, Mate has a calming effect on the nervous system, leveling the psycho-emotional state - it improves mood, increases endurance and stress resistance, phosphorus accumulates in the nerve endings, memory improves, and fatigue disappears.

The impact of Mate on the human body: amazing facts

Some people noted that after matepita they need less time to sleep, at the same time they feel a surge of strength and energy, the sleep cycle is not disturbed. It turns out that under the influence of Mate, the body quickly and efficiently plunges into the stage of deep sleep, and this allows it to get good rest in a shorter time than usual.

By the way, this drink is also very useful for those who suffer from hypertension (high blood pressure), as Mate dilates blood vessels and helps normalize blood pressure.

Another amazing property of the drink is its absorbent properties. It is noticed that material drinking has a positive effect on people who have undergone food poisoning. Symptoms of intoxication, exhaustion and dehydration recede, the state of the body quickly returns to normal.

It is useful to take Mate during a cold or flu, it has pronounced antibacterial and antipyretic properties, and in addition, a diaphoretic effect. When drinking this drink, any fever passes much faster.

Mate will also be useful for those who care about their weight - the drink contains practically no calories, while it is easier to stick to any diet or maintain the results achieved with it.

So, Mate has a number unique properties and characteristics, there is no more useful infusion that affects the human body as efficiently and effectively. The complex action of the active ingredients of the drink provides numerous benefits, and all of them are combined with one more, far from the last in importance - the infusion has a very pleasant taste!

And, finally, another advantage of Mate is that it is useful to all people, regardless of their gender and age - both men and women, and the elderly, and children. This wonderful infusion will give joy and health to everyone!

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