There is a question: what are the benefits of saturated fats. Benefits and harms of saturated fats Unsaturated fatty acids harm and benefits

Roof 17.12.2021

Are saturated fats bad? Read and find out if men and women can eat fatty foods without risking heart and figure health?

By themselves, saturated fatty acids cannot be good or bad for heart health. The heart muscle needs polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids. The effect of saturated fats on the human body, compared with unsaturated fats, is less useful, but it cannot be argued that they are absolutely harmful.

It is possible that some saturated fatty acids are beneficial in preventing heart disease.

What does the "degree of saturation" of fat mean?

The saturation of fatty acids (saturated, unsaturated, polyunsaturated) depends on the number of double bonds between atoms in the fat molecule. Saturated fatty acids are saturated with hydrogen atoms and have no double bonds, while monounsaturated fatty acids have one double bond and polyunsaturated fatty acids have many.

Saturated straight-chain fatty acids are classified as a separate class because they have their own structure.

What are saturated fats?

Different types of saturated fatty acids differ from each other in chain length. There are saturated fatty acids with different chain lengths: short, medium, long and very long.

Short chain saturated fatty acids are:

  • Butyric acid (found in dairy products);
  • Caproic acid (found in dairy products).

Medium chain saturated fatty acids are:

  • Caprylic acid (coconut, palm kernel oil);
  • Capric acid (coconut, palm kernel oil);
  • Lauric acid (coconut, palm kernel oil).

Long chain saturated fatty acids are:

  • Myristic (found in many foods);
  • Palmitic (found in many foods);
  • Stearic (found in many foods);
  • Arachidic (peanut), not to be confused with arachidonic acid.

Very long chain saturated fatty acids are:

  • Behenovaya (peanut);
  • Lignoceric (peanut).

The effect of different saturated fats on the body varies, just as the effect of omega-3 polyunsaturated fats differs from omega-6.

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Heart health

Most of the research on saturated fats has been in relation to their effects on the heart, interactions with cholesterol and plasma triglycerides.

The purpose of the meta-analyses was to clarify the effects of saturated fat consumption and to identify risks to heart health. As a result, scientists have not received evidence that saturated fat increases the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. Studies have not been able to confirm an association between saturated fat intake and the development of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and coronary heart disease.

However, replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats will help eliminate these risks.

Blood cholesterol level

Saturated fats increase cholesterol levels compared to polyunsaturated fats.Various studies show that replacing saturated fats with polyunsaturated fats reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood.This may lead to the conclusion that saturated fat increases these indicators, although in fact they may have a neutral effect.

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Consumption of monounsaturated fatty acids in large quantities is good for the heart.

Scientists have not yet confirmed that high cholesterol causes heart problems. Although the ratio of “good” cholesterol and total cholesterol is an accurate diagnostic parameter.

Effect on the brain

In one study, replacing dietary monounsaturated fatty acids with saturated fatty acids using vegetable oil (40% fat of the total, 16% fat of the selected group) made participants more irritable and less active.

Weight gain and loss


Studies on the appetite suppressant hormone (neuropeptide YY) have shown that fatty foods are much more effective than proteins and carbohydrates in raising blood levels of the neuropeptide after meals.Note that the participants in the experiment consumed saturated fats on a par with polyunsaturated fatty acids, but in greater quantities than monounsaturated fatty acids. In other studiesSaturated fats were consumed in slightly higher amounts than monounsaturated fatty acids. At the same time, the level of the neuropeptide remained stable throughout the day and increased many times only after meals.

Saturated fats are more effective than unsaturated fats in stimulating neuropeptide production. But these conclusions cannot yet be called objective.

Research on hunger and satietyconfirm that saturated fats are slightly better than unsaturated fats at suppressing appetite and satisfying hunger.


Replacing monounsaturated fatty acids with saturated fatty acids reduces spontaneous activity, so you burn fewer calories.



Diet has a huge impact on hormones. Vegetarians have low androgen levels, as do people who prefer low-fat foods. In men, a diet low in "healthy" fats and high in fiber reduces androgen levels. A diet that is 41% fat, most of which is saturated, increases testosterone.In older men, with a reduction in fatty foods, testosterone levels fall by 12%, and in young men, with an increase in dietary fat, testosterone levels can increase by 13%.

Dietary fats in general (with a slight margin in favor of saturated fats) have a positive effect on the production of testosterone and androgens. Hormonal fluctuations with changes in the fat content in food are quite small (below 20%).

The foundation of a healthy diet is understanding the difference between bad and good fats how they act on the human body, how animal vegetable fats are really harmful to health.

Minimizing or cutting out fat is a major mistake many people make when starting a diet. Butter is replaced with margarine, whole milk - skimmed. Instead of fried, they start eating steam food. This is due to the connection that a person finds for himself between the fat consumed with food and the fat on the body.

This tactic is wrong. Fat-free foods are often more harmful than their counterparts. They are devoid of fat, but contain simple carbohydrates. A balanced and healthy diet requires the presence of fats, but only the right ones. It is impossible to exclude this important element from the diet.

Unsaturated and saturated fats

Fatty acids, which are fats, differ in the number of carbon atoms. Each fat of vegetable or animal origin is a mixture of dozens of fatty acids, the most common of which, to varying degrees, are five to seven.

The classification of fats, as a rule, has no connection with the number of carbon atoms. It is most often due to "saturation" with hydrogen atoms, that is, the absence or presence of free bonds. Trans fats are fatty acids with chemically identical but geometrically different formulas.

The value of fatty acids is determined by how they are absorbed and digested. Fats, the number of carbon atoms in which does not exceed 15, the body absorbs from the intestines, spends on metabolic processes. They make up a quarter of cow's milk, eighty percent of coconut oil.

Coconut fat is considered dietary due to the fact that it is difficult to convert into body fat. This quality makes palm refined oil, from which margarine is produced, quite dangerous. It is a trans fat that has a low amount of carbon oils and enters the bloodstream immediately, making it unhealthy.

Omega-3, -6 and -9

They are fatty acids having 18 carbon atoms, present in any kind of oil and fat, prevailing over other substances. Depending on the position of the double chain in the structure, they are Omega-3, -6 or -9.

The latter are considered neutral, occupying the second place in the body after Omega-6. They are present in olive, corn and avocado oils, egg yolks and beef tallow.

Omega-3 to Omega-6 Ratio

The balance of these two fatty acids is of paramount importance. Omega-3 is not synthesized in the body, but is necessary to maintain the immune system, the functioning of the cerebral cortex, and the implementation of metabolic processes. It is these fatty acids that are considered the most useful. Their positive effect on the body is reduced to a minimum in the presence of Omega-6.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the concentration of Omega-3 in food is minimal. Half, and sometimes even a little more of the composition of corn and vegetable oils is omega-6. Therefore, as a result of cooking, their ratio is shifted, which leads to metabolic disorders.

Animal fat - good or bad?

The composition of animal fat is a combination of various fatty acids, the concentration of which depends on the nutrition of the animal. Cows kept in industrial conditions are given corn. This increases the percentage of Omega-6 in the resulting product. Therefore, the actual situation may differ from the table data.

Saturated animal fat is called palmitic acid. It contains 16 carbon atoms. Its excess in the diet provokes the development of many pathological conditions. Palmitic acid makes up 25-30% of the total fat content in butter, about 20-25% of egg yolk and beef fat.

Bad and good fats

Dangerous for health are corn and sunflower oils, the fat profile of which is 50-60 percent omega-6. Depending on what the animal is fed in industrial conditions, these fatty acids may be present in chicken and beef meat.

Oil from olives and avocados is more useful than analogues from sunflower and corn, as it contains Omega-9. It is best to fry food in coconut oil, which tolerates high temperatures well. Animal saturated fats become truly dangerous when abused and imbalanced in nutrition.


Oils and fats are important for metabolism and health. And in order to avoid numerous problems, you need to maintain a balance in the diet, be able to recognize the fat profile of the source of fat.

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If a person is faced with the choice of which product to eat - fatty or low fat - almost everyone will give preference to the second. People are always looking to lose weight. And to do this, you need to eat dietary products. Fat, in turn, has consistently been positioned as the enemy of the diet, which only causes harm, so it is not surprising that people are perplexed when doctors and nutritionists praise fats.

So you can take into account olive oil, the pearl of the Mediterranean food system. In addition to those mentioned, there are quite a few healthy fat-rich foods that are definitely worth incorporating into your diet on a regular basis. Here's what you need to know.

What does “healthy fat” really mean?

What fats are good for the body? These are usually considered to be monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. They help lower arterial-clogging cholesterol levels, in addition to their other heart-health benefits.

Research also shows that these fats help regulate insulin and blood sugar levels, reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.

“Monounsaturated fats are among the healthiest of all fats,” says Dana Hanns, Ph.D., MSc, researcher and developer, senior nutritionist at UCLA Medical Center and visiting assistant professor at Fielding Public Health.

"They are anti-inflammatory, reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and are full of good nutrients, as well as being beneficial for weight loss."

Polyunsaturated fats may also be beneficial. The two main types are omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which our body needs for brain function and cell growth. Omega-3s are good for heart health and are mainly found in fish and algae, nuts and grains.

"Other omega-6 polyunsaturated fats can be found in some vegetable oils," Hanns adds. "They're not particularly bad, but they're not always healthy either, unlike omega-3s and monounsaturated fats."

Omega-6s work together with omega-3s to lower cholesterol, but studies show that eating more omega-6s than omega-3s can promote inflammation and weight gain, so the bottom line is you need to be sure that you consume more omega-3s than omega-6s.

One simple rule: Trans fats should always be avoided - they are listed as "partially hydrogenated oils" on the label.

They really do not carry anything but harm. Most of them are artificial and increase the level of bad cholesterol and reduce the level of good cholesterol, which helps to cleanse the blood vessels.

Trans fats increase the risk of heart disease and stroke and are associated with a higher risk of type 2 diabetes, according to the American Heart Health Association.

Saturated fats are a bit trickier to work with. Older nutritional studies said that saturated fat was really bad for cholesterol levels, but newer information says it has a neutral effect.

The topic is very sensitive, and the recommendations of the USDA and the American Heart Association continue to limit saturated fat intake and favor monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Many of the healthy foods listed below contain saturated fats, but they do not make up a large proportion of all fats and therefore do not offset the benefits of healthy fats.

Useful properties of fats

The human body needs fat in the diet to function properly. We not only draw energy from fat reserves, but fat also protects our organs from damage and warms them from the low temperature outside.

Every cell in the body requires fat to build and support the outer membrane or covering of the cell. And, of course, fat causes a feeling of fullness and pleasure from food. The key to a healthy lifestyle is choosing the right sources of fat.

There is nothing superfluous in physiology, each substance is irreplaceable. So fats perform many important tasks:

  • Structural element of cell membranes

This is the same cholesterol that scares us. It turns out that without it, cells stop dividing and functioning normally.

  • Production of sex hormones

Exclusion of fatty foods from the diet leads to sexual dysfunction.

  • Absorption of vitamins A, E, D

These are fat-soluble substances that cannot penetrate the intestinal mucosa without lipid molecules. Diet leads to their deficiency - nails, hair, skin elasticity suffer. Sleep is disturbed, the person becomes nervous and irritable.

  • Energy for the brain

The brain receives most of the energy for its work from the breakdown of fats. The membranes of neurons are 30% composed of omega-3, 6 fatty acids. Their deficiency leads to a violation of all cortical functions: memory, attention, volitional qualities.

  • Protection and thermal insulation

The internal fat surrounding the organs absorbs shocks, performing a protective function. Subcutaneous tissue is a “fur coat” that protects us from hypothermia or overheating.

Wrong diets with thoughtless restriction of fatty foods lead a person to a bunch of chronic diseases. To prevent this from happening, you need to be able to distinguish healthy fats from unhealthy ones.

"Friends and Enemies"

A person needs to eat 80 grams of fat per day (for women, the norm is slightly lower - 60-70 g). This amount depends on the mass (1 g per kg of weight). Food should be dominated by healthy fats that are not deposited as a "dead weight" in the subcutaneous tissue.

They are divided into vegetable and animal. But the origin is not as important as the structure of organic matter. Four types are distinguished depending on the length of the molecular chain.

  1. monounsaturated

These are palmitic and oleic acids - the most necessary type, which not only does not accumulate in the body, but also contributes to the breakdown of excess lipids. Another useful property is a decrease in the level of "bad" cholesterol and inhibition of its oxidation (the mechanism for the formation of atherosclerotic plaques).

  1. Polyunsaturated

The group includes:

  • linoleic acid - omega-6;
  • alpha-linoleic acid - omega-3;
  • eicosapentoenoic acid - EPA;
  • docosahexaenoic acid - DHA;
  • conjugated linoleic acid - CLA.

Their common property is structural, it is the "building material" of cells. It is not deposited in adipose tissue, so you can not be afraid of products with a high content of polyunsaturated acids:

  • fish (mainly marine), linseed oil, walnuts, hemp oil - omega-3;
  • soybean oil, sunflower oil, corn, peanut, sesame, cottonseed oils - omega-6.
  1. Saturated

The most controversial group is palmitic, stearic, lauric acid. They are found in meat, dairy products, chocolate, coconut and palm oils. It used to be that most of these substances are deposited in the subcutaneous tissue and are the last to be broken down with a lack of energy. Today approaches have softened a little:

  • these substances are necessary for the synthesis of sex hormones, so they cannot be completely excluded from the diet;
  • it is important to control the amount of carbohydrates (if it does not exceed 4 g per kg of weight, saturated fats do not lead to weight gain);
  • the lauric acid found in coconut oil increases only the “good” cholesterol, which is beneficial for obese people.

It is important to remember that the daily rate depends on the energy consumption of a person. People who lead an active lifestyle or engage in active workouts for weight loss can eat about 30 g more (due to saturated ones as well). All of these will be broken down into energy with limited carbohydrate intake.

  1. Trans fats (margarines)

The only substances whose harmfulness is indisputable. They should be excluded from the diet not only for people who are losing weight, but for everyone who wants to stay healthy. The consequence of the passion for trans fats is obesity, starting from childhood, endocrine and cardiovascular diseases.

Prohibited products include industrial confectionery, semi-finished products, mayonnaise, ketchup, margarine, low-fat dairy products, fast food (fries, chips, and others). All of them contain vegetable oils enriched with hydrogen, which block the enzymatic system of the cell, ultimately leading to its death.

  1. Keeping the correct ratio. On the day you need to consume 2.5-3 parts of fat, 1 part of proteins and only 0.8 parts of carbohydrates. According to the nutritionist, it is this proportion that characterizes breast milk.
  2. There is no set meal time. You can eat as much as you want, the ban "after 18:00 - nothing but water" is canceled.
  3. It is important to observe the ritual of eating: in a calm atmosphere, silently, without TV and newspapers. Food should be chewed well and not rushed.
  4. We refuse fruits, vegetables, cereal fiber. This is the exact opposite of traditional dietitian recommendations. Fiber, according to Kvasnevsky, is not absorbed and does not bring benefits, vitamins and minerals can be obtained from meat and fish.
  5. Instead of vegetable food, we use animal food: meat, fish, milk, cream, cheeses, eggs (up to 8 pieces per day). The number of these products is practically unlimited (the main thing to remember is the ratio of BJU).

The advantage of such a diet is the complete absence of hunger, emotional and energy recovery (a person does not experience stress associated with constant control and restriction). Strengthen the effectiveness of the method of physical exercise 2 hours after eating.

sample menu

Breakfast: traditional omelette with 3-4 eggs. You can fry in butter or lard. We drink unsweetened tea.

Lunch: 150 g of meat in any form (it can be stewed, fried, baked). For garnish - fried potatoes (2 pcs.), Pickled cucumber.

Dinner: a nutritionist urges to refuse dinner, but if the body has not received enough energy during the day, you should not starve it. We eat cottage cheese with sour cream (but without sugar), you can repeat the meat.

It is desirable to introduce such a quantity of fatty foods into the diet immediately, without preparatory steps. Having chronic diseases, it is better to get the approval of the attending physician.


The diet has general restrictions associated with chronic diseases:

  • cardiovascular pathology;
  • chronic hepatitis, pancreatitis, other pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • oncology;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • kidney problems;
  • elderly age;
  • pregnancy;
  • mental illness.

The diet is absolutely contraindicated in children and adolescents due to the possibility of metabolic disorders. Many nutritionists do not accept this system due to the complete absence of fruits and vegetables and the risk of high cholesterol levels. Their patients note the monotony of the diet.

We have described the Kwasniewski diet as a controversial method, but one that has proven to be effective. You can not resort to such drastic measures, including in your diet some foods that facilitate the loss of kilograms.

  • Fish fat

Obtained from cod liver. Today, fish oil is used in capsules as a common drug. The weight loss effect is based on the ability to regulate insulin levels and create a long-lasting feeling of satiety. Take 30 mg (2 capsules) three times a day for three weeks. Then they take a break for three months, after which the course is repeated.

  • Meat

Nutritionists consider the meat of young animals (lamb, goat, calf) as a source of precisely monounsaturated fatty acids, which trigger the process of splitting lipid reserves.

  • Vegetable oils

Traditional source of polyunsaturated fatty acids. The leader is olive oil - a tablespoon contains 9 g. Flaxseed is no less useful, but has a specific taste. Regular consumption of vegetable oils has a beneficial effect on digestion and metabolism, which accelerates weight loss.

  • bitter chocolate
  • nuts

A very high-calorie product, but a recognized "champion" in terms of the content of valuable lipids.

Given these figures, you can fearlessly include a small amount of goodies in the diet of a losing weight person.

  • hard cheese

With a fat content of less than 40%, the product is considered dietary. There are fasting days on cheeses that help you quickly lose a few kilograms. Unlike margarine, they are made up of healthy fatty acids.

  • Avocado

This exotic fruit has long been known as an effective fat burner. But 10 g of its pulp contains 1 g of fat. It is important to eat fresh fruits that have not undergone heat treatment. This rule applies to all products, since at high temperatures fatty acids turn into toxic substances that are difficult to digest.

  • A diet rich in fatty foods reduces the incidence of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
  • You can distinguish the structure of fats in appearance: unsaturated - liquid, saturated - solid.
  • A decrease in substances below the physiological norm leads to weight gain. The body turns on the stress response, and carbohydrates begin to be deposited in fat depots. For weight loss, it is important not to reduce the total amount in food, but to redistribute towards useful fractions.
  • Olive oil should not be used for frying. It completely loses its properties.
  • Vegetables are better absorbed with vegetable fats, so salads dressed with olive oil are much healthier.

Fats have ceased to be the enemies of the figure. They are included in many weight loss systems and, when used correctly, bring benefits and beauty to the body.

difference between fats

From a chemical point of view, all fats are made up of long chains of carbon atoms with oxygen and hydrogen atoms attached to the side. Unsaturated fats have one or more open positions so that the body can “attach” hydrogen atoms on its own during digestion.

But saturated fats are already fully "staffed" with hydrogen, so it is more difficult for the body to break them down for effective use.

We used to think that saturated fats (saturated fatty acids) negatively affect health by raising the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood. But a recent KG Jebsen diabetes study found that saturated fats aren't as bad as people think.

Saturated fats: benefits and harms

As part of the experiment, Norwegian scientists suggested that men with abdominal (abdominal) obesity eat a diet rich in fats and carbohydrates, where the proportion of saturated fat was about 50%. After that, they analyzed the mass of fat in the heart, liver and abdominal cavity of the participants - factors that contribute to the development of cardiovascular disease.

Cardiologist Ottar Nygård, one of the authors of the study, noted that the consumption of saturated fat, like fat in general, does not increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease. But more interestingly, the higher the fat content of the diet, the better the performance of key cardiometabolic risk factors (such as blood pressure, insulin, sugar and blood lipids).

Why saturated fat is good

Vivian Veum, Ph.D., Ph.D., notes that the study was aimed at studying the effect on the human body of saturated fats, which are found in healthy foods: mainly in meat (beef, lamb, pork, poultry), dairy products (milk, cream, cheese, butter) and vegetable oil (sunflower oil, coconut oil). At the same time, the participants in the experiment consumed enough protein, fresh vegetables and fruits.

The authors of the study add that the concept of healthy eating is ultimately not about the amount of fat or carbohydrates in the diet, but, above all, the quality of the food consumed. And this is worth remembering, no matter what diet you choose.

Such a concept as the harm and benefit of fats in everyday life is not used by a person. Most people are used to thinking about the harmful effects of fats, rather than about the positive qualities that fat-containing foods have.

Fat is a valuable source of strength and energy. But the imbalance that we ourselves create through the abuse of fats illustrates the answer to the question of the benefits and harms of fat-containing foods.

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Before talking about the harm or benefit, it is worth considering the types of fats:, and.

unsaturated fats

Unsaturated fats are a very important part of the normal functioning of the body. The main features of these fats:

  • Found in fish and plant products;
  • Easily oxidized;
  • Lose quality during heat treatment;
  • Most useful raw.

There are 2 types: monounsaturated and polyunsaturated.

Monounsaturated are characterized by:

  • Aimed primarily at in the blood;
  • Included in peanuts, cashew nuts, avocados, etc.;
  • The presence of a large number;
  • Ability to synthesize in the body.

Polyunsaturated are characterized by:

  • Participation in the metabolism of the body;
  • Are part of the cells;
  • Affect growth hormones;
  • Not produced in the body;
  • The presence of a large amount of Omega-6 acids;
  • Included in fish, fish oil, almonds, walnuts, soybean oil.

Different subspecies of unsaturated fats may contain different types of fatty acids (Omega-3, Omega-6, etc.), but the beauty is in the balance - so in the human body the ratio of Omega-3 to Omega-6 should be 1:1, and we use 1:25. This is how we eat.

Saturated fats

Saturated fats are poorly absorbed combinations of fatty acids, but they are also necessary for our body.

Their features:

  • They have a high nutritional value;
  • The excess is always deposited in the body;
  • Contains cholesterol necessary for the body;
  • They are part of the meat of poultry, cattle, as well as other species;
  • Nice taste that makes you want more.

The statistics of the increase in obesity among the population clearly indicate the regular abuse of foods that contain saturated fats.

trans fats

Not so long ago (about 50 years ago), specialists in the field of transgenic engineering managed to create a group of fats that are as similar in taste to natural fats as possible. This is how trans fats were born.

Trans fats are:

  • Artificially created, not found in nature;
  • They are a product of the processing of vegetable fats;
  • Prevent the removal of toxins from the body;
  • Change the hormonal background;
  • In the process of processing, all useful trace elements are lost;
  • Included in sausages, margarine, confectionery, spreads, snacks, mayonnaise, popcorn, etc.

The trans fats that make street food so delicious turn out to be not quite natural, not quite healthy and absolutely not needed by our body.

Fats benefit and harm

It will be more clear to give an impromptu table of the “good” and “evil” of fats.

Types of fats Harm Benefit
Unsaturated Excess consumption, as well as an imbalance between Omega-3 and Omega-6, can lead to kidney and liver disease. An excess of Omega-6 has a “beneficial” effect on inflammatory processes, which are the basis of chronic diseases. The basis of longevity and beauty of the human body. They perform the function of regulation and detoxification of the body. Regulate blood cholesterol levels. They are a product of nature, indispensable for humans. Helps break down fats. Improves well-being and mood. Omega-3 prevents inflammation.
Saturated It is poorly absorbed and debugged in the body, enveloping the internal organs. Raises cholesterol levels. It causes atherosclerosis, obesity, diabetes, cirrhosis of the liver and a bunch of other diseases of the cardiovascular system. In especially neglected cases, violations and loss of reproductive abilities in men are possible. In small amounts, it allows the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Does not increase blood sugar levels. Contains vitamins A and D, lecithin. Allows the body to synthesize
trans fats Carcinogens and chemical artificially created substances are the antipode of man. Studies have confirmed that such substances cause cancer, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, diseases of the cardiovascular system, kidneys and liver. yummy


Drawing conclusions about the benefits and harms of fats, you can come to the following provisions:

  • Unsaturated fats are vital, solving a wide range of body problems;
  • Saturated fatty acids are the main source of human energy;
  • Trans fats, when used regularly today, simply kill people.
  • Fats are undoubtedly unhealthy, but the benefits can hardly be overestimated;
  • Maintaining a balance in the use of fats is the key to health and longevity;
  • Eliminating trans fats and limiting saturated fatty acids in the diet will solve the acute problem of obesity.

What is tasty is not always healthy, and what is healthy is rarely tasty! Make your own choice!


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