Fish cheese calories. Calorie Cheese (peled), fish. Chemical composition and nutritional value. Pike dishes in a frying pan

Putties 23.07.2020

Fish peled (cheese) has a wide range of beneficial effects. The consumption of this fish has a positive effect on cell renewal, normalizes the work nervous system. And the minerals in the peled saturate the body with key micro and macro elements.


Due to the high content of chromium, the use of peled helps to normalize blood sugar levels, relieve excess fat accumulation. Among other useful properties of peled fish, it is worth highlighting:

  • prevention of depression;
  • the disappearance of bad breath, constipation;
  • getting rid of insomnia;
  • reducing the likelihood of irritability and depression.

Eating this fish helps to get the job done digestive system, normalizes protein-carbohydrate metabolism, normalizes cholesterol levels, improves blood circulation.

Infrequent consumption of this fish can increase the risk of developing cancers and tumors. And all because of the high concentration of chromium. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce dishes with peled into the diet more often (at least 2 times a month). Thanks to this fish, you can improve the condition of the skin, give it a well-groomed appearance and a healthy glow. The fish menu helps to get rid of increased fatigue, helps to improve the process of concentration, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves spasms and pain in the stomach. Also, this product helps to get rid of headaches, cramps, muscle twitching, and normalizes sleep. The optimal content of potassium in fish contributes to the normal functioning of the heart muscle, reduces the likelihood of developing arrhythmia, hypertension, and heart disease. If you do not eat fish, you can significantly increase the risk of swelling, diseases of cardio-vascular system. Eating peled fish helps protect the body from radio emissions, toxins, restores DNA, and lowers blood pressure. It is especially important to add dishes with peled to the diet of women during menopause: this way you can improve overall well-being and make it easier for the body to adapt to age-related changes. Peled contains a large amount of phosphorus. This mineral is essential for metabolism and improved reproductive function. Another useful property, which the peled fish possesses, is the improvement of the heart and blood vessels, the prevention of atherosclerosis, and the lowering of cholesterol in the blood. All these indicators, combined with energy value, made peled a dietary food product that is useful at any age.


The use of this product in large doses may cause an allergic reaction (especially in children), pain and heaviness in the abdomen, nausea, headache. Fish contain little saturated fat and no carbohydrates. As with other products, this fish may contain harmful substances. To protect yourself, products are only in stores where there is documentation to confirm the quality of the fish and the place of catch. Fish that has passed sanitary control will only benefit the body. There are no carcinogens in such a proven peled: this fish does not provoke cancer. On the contrary, it reduces the likelihood of its development. And all thanks to the valuable composition of minerals, fatty acids and proteins.


100 grams of peled fish contains 125.9 kcal (6.295% of the daily requirement).


Despite the valuable properties of fish, it should not be consumed excessively. Maximum allowable rate is 2-4 servings per week. It is necessary to reduce the consumption of peled to the maximum for people who have already experienced an allergic reaction to seafood.

And for pregnant women, a fish diet will only be useful: peled contains many minerals that are necessary for the full development of the fetus.

It is better to give this fish to children no earlier than 11-12 months after birth. Peled will also benefit mothers during lactation: their milk will be of great benefit to the baby, provide him with valuable macro- and microelements (calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, etc.). In case of exacerbation of stomach diseases, fish dishes should be abandoned for a while. After stabilizing the state of health, you can again enter the peled into your menu.

The nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals

If the composition of peled contains a large amount of minerals, then the vitamin rating of this fish is occupied by only one substance. The remaining vitamins are presented in small quantities (up to 1-2% of the daily norm). Therefore, it is better to replenish their stock with other products.

But there are a lot of minerals in peled: some even provide the body with their daily norm.

Element Quantity per 100 grams
Calcium 35 mg
Magnesium 25 mg
Sodium 55 mg
Potassium 280 mg
Phosphorus 220 mg
Chlorine 165 mg
Sulfur 191 mg
Iron 0.6 mg
Chromium 55 mcg
Fluorine 430 mcg
Nickel 6 mcg

Peled fish is a valuable product and will become an important component of a balanced healthy eating. But this requires moderate consumption of peled and its successful combination with other products (vegetables, herbs, protein foods).

The inhabitants of ancient China did the seemingly impossible: they tamed the carp, the wild ancestor of the modern carp. Since that time, artificially bred fish is called carp. After the carp began to be artificially grown, it moved from artificial reservoirs and began to populate wild reservoirs, starting from the expanses of Eurasia. So he settled in almost all water bodies of the world.

What kind of fish is a carp?

This representative of the underwater world is considered an omnivorous fish. For catching it, nozzles of various origins are used. As a rule, he chooses areas of the water area where there is no fast current, and the bottom is clayey. Likes warm water and breeds at a temperature of about 18 degrees. Nevertheless, he successfully inhabits reservoirs with cold water, or rather reservoirs that are covered with ice for the winter. Closer to the northern latitudes, it cannot be found.

The diet of carp consists of mollusks, crustaceans or worms. Basically, 3 types of carps have taken root in our reservoirs: scaly, mirror and naked.

Despite the fact that cyprinids are also divided into species, depending on the nature of the body cover, the presence of bones and the shape of the body, an inexperienced angler or cook can easily confuse carp with crucian carp.

In the case of preparing a particular dish, you should be interested in the calorie content of the original product. This is especially true if the direction is taken to a healthy lifestyle, without being overweight.

Due to the fact that carp is artificially bred without problems and grows quickly, carp dishes are present on many holiday tables. Despite this, the quality of the initial product should be given special attention, since the quality of the final product depends on it.

To choose a product that has not deteriorated, you should pay attention to:

  • The state of the gills. Their color may indicate how fresh the product is. Gill plates should have a fresh, red-pink tint. If the gills stick together and do not differ in their natural shape, then this is evidence that the product is spoiled.
  • On the eyes. Transparent bulging eyes indicate that the product is fresh.
  • The outer covers should not have mechanical damage.
  • When pressed, you should feel elasticity.
  • If there is a suspicious smell, fish should not be bought.
  • If there is a lot of blood on the body of the fish, then it is infected with some kind of disease.

Carp: benefit and harm

Seafood is different in that it contains a whole bouquet vitamins and microelements. Fish in particular is an indispensable product that can ensure the normal functioning of the human body. Regular consumption of fish can contribute to:

  • Improving the general condition of the body, thanks to its replenishment useful vitamins and minerals.
  • Potential for life extension by blocking free radicals with antioxidants.
  • Increasing efficiency and productivity, regardless of the nature of work: mental or physical.
  • Decreased blood sugar levels. This means that carp is recommended for patients with diabetes.
  • Improving the work of the gastrointestinal intestinal tract against the background of accelerated metabolism.

The main contraindication is the excessive use of the product. The extra bits you eat won't do you any good. Human body take so much useful substances, how many of them he does not get. In addition, there is also such a thing as balanced diet. In other words, the diet cannot consist of only one fish, even if it is healthy and contains so many useful components. In any case, it is better to rely on gastronomic preferences.

Carp is a versatile fish for cooking various, fairly inexpensive dishes. Carp is used in almost all national cuisines all over the world. Below are some recipes that are actually used for cooking carp.

Classics of the genre - fried carp

To cook fish according to this recipe you will need:

  • Half a kilo of carp.
  • Ground pepper.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Flour.
  • Salt.
  • Lemon.

At the initial stage of cooking, the fish is cleaned of scales and gets rid of the insides, after which it is thoroughly washed. After that, the head, tail and fins are cut off from the fish. Next, the fish is divided into 2 parts along the line of the spine and cut into small pieces. Then the fish is salted, peppered and watered with lemon juice. Do not interfere with any spices. The fish is left for 10-15 minutes to marinate.

A frying pan is taken, lubricated with vegetable oil and put on fire, pieces of fish are rolled in flour and laid out in a frying pan. The fish is fried on both sides for 5-7 minutes until a golden hue appears.

  1. Carp, weighing about 2 kilograms, should be cleaned, gutted, gills, head, tail and fins removed, then rinsed thoroughly.
  2. The fish is rubbed with salt, spices, and also poured with lemon juice. The fish should be marinated for 15-20 minutes.
  3. 2 onions are taken and chopped into cubes, and one carrot - on a medium grater. Half a kilo of champignons are cut into plates.
  4. A frying pan is taken, vegetable oil and onions are poured into it, after which it is fried for 5 minutes. After that, carrots and champignons are poured to the onion. Vegetables are cooked until a pleasant appetizing blush appears.
  5. Stuff the carp with this mixture, then fix the filling with toothpicks.
  6. Cuts are made on the carcass, into which half a slice of lemon is inserted.
  7. The fish is coated with sour cream and laid out on a baking sheet covered with foil, after which the dish is sent to the oven, heated to 180 degrees.
  8. The dish is baked in the oven for half an hour.
  9. In the process of baking, it is advisable to coat the fish with sour cream a couple more times.

For delicious and healthy dish you will need the following ingredients:

  • Half a kilo of carp meat with head and tail.
  • Four potatoes.
  • One carrot.
  • Parsley root.
  • Celery root.

In addition, you will need seasonings, such as Bay leaf, allspice and ground pepper, vegetable oil, salt and other herbs.

First you need to cut the fish and cut into pieces, separating the head and tail. A container is taken, one and a half liters of water is poured into it and the head and tail are placed, which need to be boiled. At the moment of boiling, spices should be added to the broth. After 40-50 minutes, the broth is turned off and filtered.

All vegetables are peeled and cut, for example, into cubes. Chopped potatoes and fish are added to the broth, after which it is all boiled for 15 minutes. The remaining vegetables are sautéed in a skillet for about 7 minutes and added to the soup. The soup is still cooked for 10 minutes and salted to taste.

Cooking is carried out according to the following technology:

  1. Carp, weighing about 1.5 kilograms, is cleaned, butchered and washed thoroughly.
  2. The meat is separated from the skeleton with a sharp knife.
  3. After that, the fish is passed through a meat grinder, along with 150 grams of lard, an onion and two slices of bread soaked in water.
  4. The resulting mixture is kneaded until a homogeneous mass.
  5. A couple of eggs are also driven in here, one tablespoon of semolina and three chopped cloves of garlic are added. After that, salt and pepper are added and mixed thoroughly.
  6. Cutlets are formed from the resulting mass.
  7. Each cutlet is rolled in flour and fried on both sides until a golden hue appears.

The preparation of this dish requires the presence of the following ingredients:

  • One kilogram carp.
  • Six quail eggs.
  • One bulb.
  • One bell pepper.
  • One carrot.
  • One clove of garlic.
  • A couple of sprigs of dill and parsley.
  • One sprig of rosemary.

The carcass of the fish must be prepared properly: it must be cleaned, gutted and rid of the skeleton. After that, the fish is thoroughly washed and dried with a paper towel. Then, the fish is salted both inside and out, and seasoned with spices. Next, you need to take and fry all vegetables, herbs and garlic in vegetable and butter. Take half of this mixture and stuff the carp with it, but not completely.

The next step is to add the quail egg filling and the remaining half of the vegetable mass. The fish is cooked in the oven on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper for half an hour at a temperature of about 200 degrees.

Before baking, you can put a sprig of rosemary on top. A dish is served, previously poured with a marinade of garlic, herbs and vegetable oil.

Carp is a tasty, healthy and, most importantly, affordable fish for a wide range of consumers. If you want, you can cook any tasty and healthy dish from it.

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Pike dishes

Almost all pike dishes are dietary. Its calorie content is only 84 kcal per 100 grams. The meat of this freshwater predator contains natural powerful antiseptics. Regular use of it in food helps the body cope with the attacks of pathogenic microorganisms. This undoubtedly helps to strengthen the immune forces. As a result, people who include pike fish dishes in their diet are less likely to get acute respiratory infections and flu.

Pike fillet is rich in such mineral and chemical elements like potassium, phosphorus, molybdenum, cobalt, nickel, fluorine, manganese, chromium, iodine, copper, sulfur, iron, magnesium, sodium, calcium. It also contains a huge amount of vitamin: A, PP, E, B9, C, B6, B1 and B12. So we can say with confidence that by mastering simple recipes for cooking pike dishes and adding them to your diet, you can compensate for the lack of nutrients in the body. If this fish is included in the weekly menu, it will reduce the likelihood of developing cardiac arrhythmia and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. Pike is useful boiled, fried, stewed, baked.

People who adhere diet food, it is useful to know that there is only 3% fat in the fillet of this fish. Therefore, it is recommended to those who want to get rid of extra pounds. Meat is rich in easily digestible protein. Therefore, it is more useful and easier to tolerate in diseases of the digestive system.

Pike Recipes

Pike dishes in the oven

Dish of small pike baked with potatoes

This dish is prepared from the so-called shchurogayka, that is, a small pike. It turns out to be very satisfying. This dish can be served for regular family dinners and for festive table. To prepare it, you need to take:

  • Pike - 3-4 pieces (small);
  • Potatoes - 5-6 pieces;
  • Onions - 2 pieces;
  • Carrots - 2 pieces;
  • Hard cheese - 100 grams;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Seasonings, salt.

We wash the pike thoroughly. Cut off the heads and fins. Leaves only carcasses. If the fish is large, then divide it in half. Salt the carcasses, sprinkle with pepper and seasonings. We also coat the pike with mayonnaise and let it lie down for at least 90 minutes. While the fish is marinating, clean the vegetables. Three carrots on a medium grater, cut the onion into not thick rings. Potatoes are best cut into slices 5 mm thick. Then we send it to a bowl, salt it, sprinkle with seasonings as desired and add mayonnaise. Mix and let stand.

Put the marinated pike on a baking sheet. Along its edges we cover with onions, carrots and potatoes. Top with the liquid that remained in the bowl where the potatoes lay. Top with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese. Bake at 180 degrees for about an hour. The readiness of the dish should be judged by the potatoes.

Dish of pike in sour cream

The flesh of pike is dry. This is especially noticeable in large individuals. Therefore, to make the dish of this fish juicy, it is often cooked with sour cream. This is the simplest and easy way. To bake a pike in this way, you will need:

  • Pike - 1 piece (about 1 kg);
  • Sour cream - 800 grams;
  • Butter - 100 grams;
  • Lemon - 1 piece;
  • Salt, pepper, nutmeg.

We gut the fish, wash and clean. Cut off the head and fins. Rub the resulting carcass with salt and pepper. We leave to lie down for 30 - 40 minutes. Then take a deep frying pan. Pike, without cutting, put in it. Place in preheated oven for 10 minutes to brown slightly. We take it out and fill the fish with sour cream. We send it back to the oven and simmer at a temperature of 180 degrees under a closed lid for 30 minutes. If there is no lid, the fish can be covered with foil. After the fish is ready, it is transferred to a plate, poured over with lemon juice and sprinkled with nutmeg.

Pike dish baked in foil

To make the pike fragrant and most importantly tender, it is baked in foil. So it cooks in its own juice and does not lose its specific taste. Pike can be baked whole, or you can stuff it. The latter option is undoubtedly more unusual and tastier. For cooking stuffed pike in foil you will need:

  • One large pike;
  • Long-grain rice - half a glass;
  • Onions - 2 medium pieces;
  • Garlic - 1 large clove;
  • Medium carrot;
  • One egg;
  • Sour cream - 4 tablespoons;
  • Mustard - 3 teaspoons;
  • Half a lemon;
  • Salt, pepper and seasonings to taste.

We clean, gut and wash the fish. We make an incision in the lower part of the head under the gills (we cut them out). Sprinkle the resulting carcass with salt and pepper, grease with garlic passed through a garlic press. We leave for an hour. At this time, prepare the rest of the ingredients. Rice is boiled and washed cold water so that it is not too sticky. We cut the onion into half rings, three carrots on a grater. Take a frying pan and vegetable oil fry vegetables. First lay the onion, and then add carrots to it. Salt, pepper, you can add any seasoning to taste. Then mix vegetables with rice. Let's cool down a bit. Add the egg and mix again.

Lay out foil on a baking sheet. So that the pike does not stick to it, put a small onion cut into rings on the foil. We stuff the fish. We put the prepared mixture in the belly and behind the gill covers. We sew everything. We spread the pike on the bed of onions. Mix sour cream with mustard and coat the fish. Place lemon slices on top. Close with foil so that there are no holes where the juice can flow out. Bake for 90 minutes at 200 degrees.

Pike dishes in a frying pan

Pike fillet cutlets

Highly tasty dish from pike is obtained if its flesh is chopped into minced meat. Many connoisseurs fish cakes claim that the most delicious is from pike. You can, of course, skip the fish through a meat grinder, but it is better to chop it very finely. This makes it juicier and more flavorful. To cook cutlets from chopped fish fillet you will need:

  • Pike - 4-5 pieces (large);
  • Lemon;
  • Salt, pepper, nutmeg;
  • Vegetable oil.

We clean the fish, gut it and wash it. Cut off the heads and all fins. Carefully separate the ridge from the pulp and take out all the bones. We take off the skin. Cut the pulp into small pieces and put in a bowl. Salt and pepper. Cut the onion very finely, fry in a pan. Add to fish. The resulting chopped minced meat is salted, peppered, sprinkled with nutmeg and poured with lemon juice. From the resulting mass we form cutlets and fry them.

Fried pike in sour cream

You can also cook a pike dish in a pan. For this you will need:

  • Big pike;
  • 2-3 bulbs;
  • Sour cream - 250 grams;
  • Lemon - half;
  • Vegetable oil, salt and spices.

We clean and wash the fish. Cut it into bite-size pieces. It is better that their thickness is approximately 5 cm. Put the pieces in a bowl. Salt them, sprinkle with spices to taste and pour over lemon juice. Let marinate for 30 minutes. During this time, we will clean and cut the onions and half the lemon from which the juice was squeezed into rings. Fry the fish in a frying pan over high heat. Then we put all the pieces together in a pan, put onion and lemon on top. Pour sour cream and simmer the fish over low heat under a tightly closed lid for about 30 minutes.

Pike dishes in a slow cooker

Fried pike in a slow cooker

In a slow cooker, you can cook simple pike dishes, but they will have an excellent taste and aroma. For dinner for the whole family, you can fry fish, it will take a minimum of effort on the part of the hostess. To prepare such a dish you need to take:

  • Pike - 1 pc. - 1.5 kg;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • flour;
  • Salt and pepper.

The cooking process is very simple. We wash the cleaned fish, cut off the head and fins. Rub it with salt and pepper. Roll in flour. Lubricate the multicooker bowl thoroughly butter. I put fish in it. We put on the "Milk porridge" mode. If there is no such mode, then you will have to experiment. Baking time 40 minutes. Next, clean and cut the onion into rings. Fry it in a pan. Mix the flour in a glass with water, salt, pepper and pour into the pan. You should get a white sauce, which will need to be poured into the pike. After that, set the "stewing" mode and cook the fish for another 30 minutes.

Stewed pike with vegetables

This dish is perfect for diet food. It is low calorie yet nutritious. To prepare it, you will need the following products:

  • Pike - one (large);
  • Onion - 1 piece (large);
  • Carrots - 1 piece (medium);
  • tomato paste;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt and pepper;
  • Seasoning for fish.

The pike is washed, cleaned and gutted. Cut into small pieces. Put them on a plate, salt and pepper. Sprinkle with fish spices on top. They are placed in a multicooker bowl, pour a little vegetable oil there and fry for 20 - 25 minutes in the "baking" mode.

Vegetables are cleaned. Carrots are rubbed on a coarse grater, onions are cut into rings. After frying the fish, a layer of vegetables is placed on top of it. Salt, pour water so that the carrots and onions hide. Add a spoonful of tomato paste. Set to the "extinguishing" mode and cook for another 1 hour.

Hot pike dishes

Ear from pike caviar

This pike caviar dish is considered one of the classic recipes Russian ear. This is how it was cooked back in Tsarist Russia. Over time, in the absence of caviar, they began to replace it in the soup with millet or other cereals. But this significantly worsened its taste. To prepare the ear you will need:

  • Pike heads and fins;
  • Pike game - 250 gr.;
  • Potatoes - 3 pieces;
  • Onion - 1 piece;
  • Carrots - 1 piece (medium);
  • Black peppercorns - 7-8 pieces;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Salt.

We put the heads and fins of the pike, as well as peppercorns and bay leaves in a two-liter saucepan. Fill with cold water and put on medium heat. You need to watch the broth. Pike forms a foam that must be removed. After that, salt the broth and leave to cook for 30 minutes. At this time, clean and cut vegetables. Potatoes in large cubes, carrots in strips, onions in half rings. We wash the caviar, remove the film from it.

We filter the finished broth from the bones. Let it boil again. Add potatoes, onions and carrots. When the potatoes become soft, spread the caviar in the ear. Cook for another 5 minutes and remove from the stove. For beauty, you can sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Pike stewed with vegetables

This is a very tasty second dish of pike and vegetables. It turns out very satisfying and nutritious. Fish stew is perfect for any family lunch or dinner. It is easy to prepare and does not require large expenses. To prepare this dish you need to take:

  • Pike fillet - 500 gr.;
  • carrots, onions, bell pepper- 2 pieces;
  • Potatoes (boiled varieties) - 4 pieces;
  • Garlic - 2 large cloves;
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt, pepper, dill.

We clean and cut vegetables. Onion in half rings, carrots and peppers in strips, potatoes in cubes, garlic in rings. We take a deep frying pan or a cauldron and fry the onion in vegetable oil in it. Then add carrots and simmer. After 5 minutes, add garlic and bell pepper. Simmer, stirring for another 5 minutes. Then we send potatoes to the cauldron. Salt and pepper. Stir occasionally. Make the sauce in a small bowl. Mix tomato paste and mayonnaise with a glass of boiled warm water. Beat the mass until smooth. After the potatoes become a little soft, pour the sauce into the cauldron and simmer over medium heat under the lid.

We wash the fish fillet and cut into portioned pieces. Rub them with salt and pepper. Fry on both sides in vegetable oil until a thin crust appears. We put the fish in a cauldron and simmer until the potatoes are ready. After cooking, sprinkle with dill.

Pike meatball soup

This dish is prepared from fresh pike. This soup is light and flavorful. His taste is very unusual. This dish is suitable for unloading days after holidays. It is very easy to prepare. We will need the following products:

  • Pike - 1 piece (large);
  • Bulb;
  • Medium carrot;
  • Potatoes - 4 pieces;
  • Rice - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • Black peppercorns, bay leaf;
  • Salt.

Preparing meatballs:

For meatballs, pike pulp is taken and passed through a meat grinder along with a medium onion. Add an egg and 1 tablespoon of semolina to the resulting mass. Salt and pepper. For beauty, you can sprinkle with chopped dill and parsley. All mix well and form small meatballs.

Soup preparation:

For soup, a two-liter pan is taken. In it we add the fins, the ridge and the head of the fish, from which the fillet was taken for meatballs. Fill with cold water and put on medium heat. We wait until it boils, and remove the foam. Add chopped carrots and onions. We fall asleep peppercorns and bay leaf. We cook 30 minutes.

We filter the broth from the bones and remove vegetables, fish and spices from it. Let it boil again. Salt, if necessary, and fall asleep rice. After 10 minutes, add the potatoes, cut into cubes. When it becomes soft, put the meatballs into the boiling broth. Cook for another 15 minutes and remove from heat. Lastly, sprinkle with herbs.

Pike mince dish

Pelmeni minced pike

Cooking pike dishes is easy. This fish is not capricious and it is very difficult to spoil it. No less popular are dishes made from minced meat. In addition to the well-known cutlets, dumplings can also be made from pike. This will require:

  • Dumpling dough;
  • Pike fillet - 0.5 kg;
  • Onion - 1 piece;
  • Cream - 100 grams;
  • Salt and pepper.

Pass the pike fillet twice through a meat grinder and place it in a bowl. Add a twisted onion there. We mix. Salt, pepper and pour in 100 grams of cream or liquid sour cream. Mix again. Let stand for 20-30 minutes and begin to sculpt ordinary dumplings.

Hints for the freshwater predator hunter. Perch.

Every angler is familiar with this ubiquitous striped fish. Perch is the most common predator of our waters. The so-called "herbalist" weighing up to 50 - 75 grams is mainly distributed. On the reservoirs of the Dnieper cascade, for example, there are specimens weighing 2 - 2.5 kg. In Siberian rivers and lakes there are perches weighing more than 3 kg. But mostly perch weighing up to 1.5 kg are the prey of an amateur angler.

How perch hunt

Perch is a schooling fish. And he hunts, of course, also in packs. Many have probably seen how a fry is thrown out of the water, and seagulls are circling above the surface of the water and diving down. This is the so-called "perch cauldron". In this cauldron, flocks of a predator squeeze small fish to the surface, where seagulls overtake it. However, it is interesting to look at the process from under the water. And this is what the under-ice shooting in winter tells about:

A flock of perches gathers around the intensively playing bait. If this is a perch - a herbalist, then the number of such a flock is approximately 30 individuals. When the number of perches gathered around the bait exceeds a certain critical number, the bravest one will attack the bait.

Behind him, other perches rush to the bait lowered into the water. Sort of like a chain reaction. And if you use the bait quickly and accurately enough, quite a lot of “minke whales” fall on the hook. It is more difficult with large individuals - their flocks are smaller in number, and humpbacks of a decent size (weighing from 1 kg) generally prefer to stay alone, camouflaging at the bottom at a depth of 4 m. That is, from the foregoing, we can conclude that they see the bait and watch her. The task of the angler is to offer the predator a bait so attractive that he could not refuse the throw. And it is also necessary to keep a flock of perches in one place (for example, at a hole in winter fishing).

Where to look for perch in winter

In the morning I recommend looking for this fish in shallow sections of a river or reservoir, but by noon, when light penetrates under the ice, the fish tries to go to the depths. In the evening and at night, the fish return more and more often to the shallows. At the same time, if the weather changes dramatically and there is increased atmospheric pressure, the perch stops being interested in the bait and you have to wait for more stable weather.

Lures for perch fishing

For perch fishing, you can use any spinning baits, streamers and various flies, live bait tackle. Of the artificial lures, the most commonly used turntables are Nos. 0 to 3 according to Mepps numbering.

By the way, spinners from the catalog of this company are considered the standard of quality in the fishing world. And their main feature is the immediate rotation of the petal after the start of movement.

Small wobblers about 5 cm long are also used. You can catch perch with jig tackle on silicone baits. The total length of such a bait should be about 5 - 6 cm. Although the perch is able to swallow live bait or artificial bait almost equal in size to its own. A typical perch lure is a twister. The colors are bright: red, orange, yellow, green.

Since the main food of perch is fry, it is often necessary to catch it among algae. For this, all kinds of “non-hooks”, equipment of the “Texas” type are used, and if there are stones or the same algae at the bottom, tackle with a diverting leash.

An interesting way to catch perch on sprat. The sprat (not salty!) is put on the hook of the mormyshka. Also, a sprat can be planted on a jig tackle hook along with a foam rubber fish.

You can also catch perch "with bedding". To do this, several live fry descend into the drilled hole, and a predator approaches them to fuss. Further depends on the skill of the angler. The method is quite resourceful. True, for him it is necessary that the thickness of the ice be greater than the minimum allowable 5 cm (so that the fry does not scatter immediately).

Perch have a good sense of smell. Therefore, when catching it on live bait, it makes sense to slightly cut the body of the live bait with a knife to spread the smell of blood. And dip the foam rubber bait in fish mucus.

Using winter baubles

In winter, you can use a huge arsenal of winter spinners and balancers, attachment and non-attachment jigs.
Balancers are the bait that most effectively attracts perch even from a distance of more than 10 m. Their sweeping trajectory of movement is very noticeable under water. They are especially effective at the beginning of winter, when the fish still have a lot of strength.

Closer to the dead of winter, the perch takes good planning and “carnations” on vertical spinners. Moreover, the latter in the most "deaf" period.

You need to know the basic ways of wiring winter baubles.

Classic wiring winter baubles

In winter fishing, hunting for perch usually occurs at shallow depths. Therefore, any failure in the spinner, any wrong movement can scare away the fish. And the first recommendation is that at the end of the posting, on a pause, the hand in which you hold the fishing rod rests on something. It could be your knee, or your other hand. So you can avoid treacherous brush trembling. It may not be noticeable, but the perch can feel it.

The wiring technique itself is as follows:

  1. You should lower the lure to the bottom. And so that there was a blow to the bottom.
  2. Pause for 2 to 4 seconds.
  3. Then undermine the lure and throw it sharply. The height of the lure is up to half a meter. But usually 20 - 30 centimeters. With inactive fish, the height can be 1 - 2 cm.
  4. After the fall again the same pause. The cycle is repeated 5-6 times. At this stage, we attract a nearby predator by hitting the bottom and raising a cloud of turbidity.
  5. Further, with each subsequent lowering of the spinner, it stops approximately 1 cm above the previous one. Thus, the trajectory of the spinner resembles steps. Thus, we do 6 - 7 cycles.
  6. After that, we make some kind of change in the movement of the spinner. For example, increasing or decreasing the length of the pause. After 6 - 7 cycles, we return to the previous wiring. By varying the length of the pause, the height of the lift and its speed, we determine the optimal wiring parameters for this particular fishing.

Classic wiring options

Option with pull up: After each of the wiring cycles (after 6 - 7 lifts - lowers), a pull up is done by 1 - 2 cm. This is repeated 5 - 7 times.

Option with lowering: Against the background of classical wiring, during the pause, we do not move the fishing rod for the first 2 seconds. And then we lower it literally by the same 2 cm. Very often, a passive perch reacts to this technique with a bite.

This is important to know for successful perch fishing

By last ice affects the presence of perch caviar. Therefore, he prefers smaller baits. For example, mormyshki. Effective in winter fishing for perch are non-attached mormyshkas. They are used mainly at the beginning of winter and at high oscillation frequencies. In the dead of winter, definitely, a mormyshka with a nozzle is more effective.

Based on the properties of lures, Dnieper fishermen use a peculiar tactic for catching perch on a winter lure. First, the predator is attracted to the hole by the play of the balancer, or by several blows of the cone against the bottom (to raise the turbidity). The cone is made of metal (copper, brass, stainless steel), in the blunt part of which a tee is soldered. The cone is filled with lead, tin, or solder. The bait is suspended from the fishing line by the ring in the sharp part of the cone. The height of the cone is 3-4 cm. Then the approaching predator is caught with the most effective bait in this place and at this time.

There is one rule that must be observed constantly. If you fished in a particular hole with a jig with a nozzle, it is hardly possible effective fishing in it on a lure.

And another small note: the perch pulls in the hole in the direction where the whole flock moves on. This way you can determine where to drill the next hole.


Nutritional value and chemical composition "Cheese (peled), fish".

The table shows the content of nutrients (calories, proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals) per 100 grams of the edible part.

Nutrient Quantity Norm** % of norm in 100 g % of the norm in 100 kcal 100% normal
calories 126 kcal 1684 kcal 7.5% 6% 1337
Squirrels 19.1 g 76 g 25.1% 19.9% 398 g
Fats 5.5 g 56 g 9.8% 7.8% 1018
Water 74.2 g 2273 3.3% 2.6% 3063
Ash 1.2 g ~
Vitamin PP, NE 3.1706 mg 20 mg 15.9% 12.6% 631 g
Potassium, K 280 mg 2500 mg 11.2% 8.9% 893 g
Calcium Ca 35 mg 1000 mg 3.5% 2.8% 2857
Magnesium 25 mg 400 mg 6.3% 5% 1600 g
Sodium, Na 55 mg 1300 mg 4.2% 3.3% 2364 g
Sulfur, S 191 mg 1000 mg 19.1% 15.2% 524 g
Phosphorus, Ph 220 mg 800 mg 27.5% 21.8% 364 g
trace elements
Iron, Fe 0.63 mg 18 mg 3.5% 2.8% 2857
Zinc, Zn 0.7 mg 12 mg 5.8% 4.6% 1714

The energy value Cheese (peled), fish is 126 kcal.

Main source: Skurikhin I.M. etc. Chemical composition of foodstuffs. .

** This table shows the average norms of vitamins and minerals for an adult. If you want to know the norms based on your gender, age and other factors, then use the My Healthy Diet application.

Product Calculator

The nutritional value

Serving Size (g)


Most foods cannot contain the full range of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it is important to eat a variety of foods to meet the body's needs for vitamins and minerals.

Product calorie analysis


The ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates:

Knowing the contribution of proteins, fats and carbohydrates to calorie content, you can understand how a product or diet meets the standards of a healthy diet or the requirements of a particular diet. For example, the US and Russian Departments of Health recommend 10-12% of calories from protein, 30% from fat, and 58-60% from carbohydrates. The Atkins diet recommends low carbohydrate intake, although other diets focus on low fat intake.

If more energy is expended than is supplied, then the body begins to use fat reserves, and body weight decreases.

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Cheese (peled), fish rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin PP - 15.9%, potassium - 11.2%, phosphorus - 27.5%

What is useful Cheese (peled), fish

  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions energy metabolism. Insufficient vitamin intake is accompanied by a violation of the normal state skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Potassium is the main intracellular ion involved in the regulation of water, acid and electrolyte balance, is involved in the processes of nerve impulses, pressure regulation.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, rickets.

The complete guide to the most useful products you can see in the application - a set of properties of a food product, in the presence of which the physiological needs of a person in the necessary substances and energy are satisfied.

vitamins, organic matter required in small amounts in the diet of both humans and most vertebrates. The synthesis of vitamins is usually carried out by plants, not animals. The daily human need for vitamins is only a few milligrams or micrograms. Unlike inorganic substances, vitamins are destroyed by strong heating. Many vitamins are unstable and "lost" during cooking or food processing.

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