Hexagram 34 interpretation of love. Fortune telling without cards. If you have been very tense for a long time, have been under stress, then a sharp relaxation will cause a whole bunch of purification diseases. Not everyone can stand this! Cleansing can be deadly

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Both primary trigrams of this hexagram symbolize power. Thunder trembling in the sky evokes amazement and respect. At the same time, the idea of ​​excessive strength in relations with the environment is emphasized. Yang energy is represented by four lines - from the first to the fourth - thereby displacing two weak yin lines. This means that great power easily breaks down and overcomes obstacles, thus your influence and growth cannot be stopped.

Excessive excess is the other side of the coin. In relationships with others (your question area), you will constantly strive to unrestrainedly use the power that you accidentally acquired in the course of events or thanks to your past achievements, thereby incurring failure.

As for your question, this hexagram means that the wind is fair and that you are now more successful than ever. However, the demonstration of strength and aggression, stubborn perseverance on their rights and a lack of tolerance in relation to the weaknesses of others will lead to both impulsive reactions, conflicts with the environment, and failure.

The main problem is whether your goals are morally justified, whether your behavior and actions are correct. You will be in the spotlight at this time, words will strongly influence the environment, since it is very susceptible to your influence. However, your actions must be morally justified. Strength alone cannot be the goal. It must serve justice. Observe morality and be very careful with sensitive areas of relationships between people; such areas are associated with money, emotions, power and sexual relations... Even a subtle deviation from the True Path can lead to long-term negative consequences and chaos.

A wish

The success is obvious, but the implementation will be different from what you had in mind.


Don't be too pushy. Calmly review this relationship. You need to treat your partner correctly, and then everything will end happily, no matter if it matches your original intentions.


Partners fit together, so the marriage will be harmonious and happy if both parties are patient. However, you will be drawn to outside connections. If you don't hold back, you will most likely ruin the marriage.

Pregnancy, childbirth

a boy will be born. childbirth will be difficult for the mother.

Health status

The disease will appear suddenly. Brain disease, pneumonia, or sudden high blood pressure. Rest and good nutrition will be needed for the patient to recover.

Negotiations, disputes, litigation

If you don't insist that you are right, you will find success.


You can go on a trip, but with caution. Control your overconfidence.

Exam, test


Work, business, specialization

Good chance of success.


Nice; momentary thunder is possible.

Happy color

Yellow, black

Lucky numbers

8, 5, 10

Changing traits


In the classical text of the I Ching, the image of a man in the sixth line is compared with the image of a goat rushing forward and entangled in a barbed fence. As we push hard to achieve our desired goal, we face great resistance. You are stumped, and whatever you do, you only make things worse. You must realize your mistake, calm down and calm down. Only then can the problem be resolved.


The course of events is developing favorably, but it would be wrong to use force now. You do not need to exert any pressure or prove anything. Just let go of your preconceptions about what is going to happen and how is going to happen.

Fourth (dominant)

You are in a situation where the outcome of the battle is decided by a stubborn struggle, and not just one strong blow. Constant attempts to improve the situation will lead to unexpectedly good results. When you are honest and persistent enough in your pursuit of your goal, obstacles will disappear on their own.


Latent power achieves more. This is one of the characteristic features strong people... Weak people, on the other hand, demonstrate their strength as soon as the opportunity arises for this. This behavior causes resistance from others, a negative attitude towards braggart and constant danger. Think carefully about your steps.

The second

It is imperative now to be restrained. When faced with mild resistance, you often feel overconfident, tempted to point out the flaws of others, as if you have a right to tell them what they should and shouldn't do. In fact, your ego begins to dominate your mind.

The first

Your idea will not lead to the goal, despite the fact that you are full of enthusiasm and energy. You should not waste all energy, strength and funds on early stage otherwise you will quickly run out of steam.

The symbol denotes the onset of a period of change for the better, but at the same time it is necessary to restrain the pressure of strength and be more modest.

You are now trying to actively come to the fore. Assertiveness in pursuit of a goal at this time is not profitable for you. Now for you tactful treatment of people is more profitable.

Your willingness to go over your head and trample everything in your path does not bring others, to put it mildly, pleasure.

When satisfying your ambition, combine it with goodwill in your relationships with others. Try to find a sweet spot in your relationship and not hurt others.

Your wish will come true if you slow down a little and behave more modestly.

For the interpretation of the next hexagram, go to the page.

Explanation of the interpretation of hexagram 34. The power of the great

If the answer of the ancient Chinese oracle is not fully understood and seems vague to you, read the explanation to the hexagram, which contains the main idea of ​​the message, this will help you to better understand the oracle of ancient China.

The answer to the question posed is Da-zhuan - The Power of the Great

The hieroglyph depicts the strong and healthy person as strong as a tree.

Yes - noble, important, big; able to protect others. Yang energy. The ability to manage your life. The will to achieve the goal.

Zhuan - to inspire, strengthen, inspire. Sturdy, strong, prosperous. Mature, ripe, in the prime of life. Also means: damage, unlimited use of force, injury.

Semantic connections of hexagram 34. Da-chuan

Read the associative interpretation, and your intuition and imaginative thinking will help you understand the situation in more detail.

Figuratively, this hexagram can be represented as symbolizing great power and energy, manifested in outside world... Get out of the shadows, make plans and get active. Concentrate this power around your main idea. Beware of excessive use of force, be tactful and do not harm others.

A powerful creative energy arises around you, it excites everything around you and gives movement to things. Hold on to this power and don't lose sight of your goal. In your striving forward, resist inertia and one-sidedness in yourself and those around you. Unswerving following the chosen path and a great idea will allow you to reach the very heart of the Earth and Heaven.

Interpretation of the hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the Book of Changes

Read the translation canonical text perhaps you will have your own associations in the interpretation of the thirty-fourth hexagram.

[Resilience is favorable]

I. At the beginning of the nine.

Power in your toes.

- The hike - unfortunately, it will be so authentic!

II. Nine is the second.

Fortitude is for happiness.

III. Nine third.

An insignificant person will have to be powerful;

A noble man will have to die.

- Fortitude is terrible.

When a goat butts a hedge, its horns will get stuck in it.

IV. The nine is the fourth.

The fence is broken, [in it] you will not get stuck. Power is in the axles of the great chariot.

- Fortitude - fortunately, remorse - will disappear.

V. Six fifth.

You will lose a goat [even] in easy (circumstances].

- There will be no remorse.

Vi. There is a six at the top.

The goat butts the hedge - cannot retreat, cannot advance.

- Nothing favorable!

But if it is difficult, then there will be happiness!


Despite such a promising name, the meaning of the hexagram is not so significant. First, now more than ever you should show restraint in everything. The object of the question has a power, which he is not yet in a position to dispose of. Perhaps the similarity of the 34th with the trigram "Dui" - "Lake", indicating the presence of some kind of wrong, flaw, just does not allow it to be applied. Secondly, in the previous hexagram you asked "What to do?" , here the question "What not to do?" And the last thing. The power of the great has far-reaching consequences. You will have to face them more than once in the future.


Oddly enough, the static form of this hexagram is a rare phenomenon. The absence of changeable lines already warns, rather than informs.

"Rejuvenated" hexagram

Even if you are deceived, nothing really bad is foreseen.

Bottom line.

Maybe after a while, but not now.

Second line.

You have the potential for growth. This is facilitated by the desire to act and the absence of visible obstacles.

Third line.

Relying only on yourself, you have to make great efforts to contain the chaos. In the command of your ego "... will have to die." By ignoring this requirement, you will be like a "goat butting a hedge".

Fourth line.

There are no actions, but there is preparation for them. The more responsible you treat the motives of your actions, the faster you will achieve the result.

Fifth line.

To improve the situation to the ideal, you have to correct some mistakes made in the past.

Top line.

As a rule, the upper lines bring the main meaning of the hexagram to the point of absurdity. You don’t know how to manage what you have, and you won’t learn how to do it anytime soon. Therefore, you are going to have a very different kind of experience.

Great power

From strength - our truthfulness,
From weakness - our deceit.




Great strength. The power of the great, Heaven. Great energy. Increased power. Big flaw. Great damage. Great greatness. Great rightness.

Explanation of the structure

Thunder in Heaven is majestic and mighty, it is tremendous power!

The structure of both gua



In research, in the education of the body and spirit, be careful, do not take on an unbearable load, take care of and feet on a long hike, they alone can help you move through the desert and through green fields.


Achieving success through gradual efforts, median choice.


Natural forces work in a natural way, there is no need to use tricks, you just need to use this power for good. It should be noted that all three Yang signs of QIAN are below, striving to rise upward.



Using force as directed will give astounding results. If a bull breaks through a gate with its horns, its power is used for other purposes, this is a loss: the gate should be repaired.


An inappropriate approach to the problem is regrettable, sometimes from a position of strength.


You should not "dwell" on the wrong one. Sometimes it is more expedient to show tact, diplomacy. Litigation does not cause much trouble, it just slows down the result, but sometimes it is better to slow down than rush.

The main thing in gua

Power can give excess energy, which leads to the occurrence of organic damage, if applied, for example, to a person. Then she hurts him. But when applied to a material object, it makes it serve. Directed energy, such as electricity, leads to the evolution of society.

The main thesis

Jan is big. Yin is small. When Yang reaches its peak, it is already the POWER OF THE GREAT. Below is hardness, four Yang; above - Mobility. Through Yang, maximum firmness is achieved, this is both the Power of the Big One and his greatness.

The prophetic aspect

Success is not necessarily achieved through the use of force in the literal sense, through and through negotiation and diplomacy.
Misuse of force is not always good.
Excessive use of force is fraught with consequences.
If power is directed towards good, expect good! There are potential opportunities to resolve the issue.

Conformity with the Tarot

Here a one-to-one correspondence is Arcanum XI, Strength. Arcanum XI contains the concept of cosmic energy as the supreme basis of the Universe. Arkan reveals the doctrines of two types of energies - kinetic and potential, - identifies three modifications of cosmic energy, gives the concept of electricity as an active modification of cosmic energy and, finally, introduces us to the concept of magnetism. Gives the foundations of the doctrine of power, expressing in the divine world the principle of all kinds of power - both spiritual and material - in the intellectual world expresses moral strength, in the physical world - organic strength.

Arcanum XI corresponds to the sign DA ZHUANG in the sense of the correct use of natural power, the power of heaven and the power of man as a creation of nature.

The subject (in the Chinese tradition) cannot be completely powerful, it is accepted through the sign JIN, ASCENT.

Summary. Divination interpretation

1. Social status, politics.

Success is achieved through negotiations with trust and respect. It is wiser to admit your mistakes openly than to hush up. "Water wears away a stone" - this is the motto of this sign.

2. Business (everything related to the material world, Taurus, Pentacles).

Business, partnerships do not develop due to an inappropriate approach to problems. Errors on the part of the one to whom this sign fell in the alignment - "looping", pettiness. The strength of the sign requires a different approach.

3. Relationships (love, gender relations, family life)

Love feelings at their zenith. Relationships are developing positively; inclination, attraction, passion, desire for meetings and streamlining relationships.

4. Interpersonal relationships.

Interpersonal relationships, family and others - at the proper level. V family relationships the use of forceful settlement methods is contraindicated.

Canonical text

Resilience is favorable.

  1. Power in your toes. - Hiking - unfortunately, possess the truth.
  2. Fortitude is for happiness.
  3. An insignificant person will have to be powerful; a noble man will have to perish. - Persistence is dangerous. When the goat butts the hedge, its horns get stuck.
  4. Fortitude is for happiness. Remorse will disappear. The fence is broken, (in it) you will not get stuck. Power is in the axles of the great chariot.
  5. Lose a goat (even) in your lungs (circumstances)... - There will be no remorse.
  6. The goat butts the hedge - cannot retreat, cannot advance. - Nothing favorable. (But if it is) difficult, then (there will be) happiness.

During the previous period, a person can develop all the forces that he needs for further activity. The whole point of this temporary delay in activity, which was outlined in the previous one, is precisely to develop in calmness, perhaps, the greater strength necessary for some major business that can be carried out in the future. During this tranquility, great power is generated, which is the theme of this situation, but at the same time it must always be borne in mind that great power can be only when a person does not rely solely on himself alone, but acts together with the collective. In this regard, you must with full perseverance observe your ties with the people around you. Therefore, a very short text says: Power of the great. Resilience is favorable.


In general, we have already indicated firmness. Here, for further consideration, it must be borne in mind that fortitude (zheng) is interpreted constantly and as rightness. And it is with this meaning of rightness, fidelity that one has to reckon with. To understand the image of this trait, it is necessary to recall what was said in the 32nd hexagram regarding the symbolism of the body in the “Book of Changes”. At the first moment of the manifestation of great power, about which this situation speaks, first of all, it is necessary to take into account that firmness (it is right) must be understood as objective rightness, like that which is confirmed by the whole environment of a person. For if, on the contrary, man counted on perseverance as his own quality, he would fall into error, just as he would fall into error if he reassured himself that his power is great. Therefore, any advance to activity here cannot yet be favorable, for at this stage, the stage of the first moment of the situation of the might of the great, you only need to gather strength for the development of this situation in further stages. Therefore, the text of the "Book of Changes" says here: In the beginning is a strong line. Power in your toes. The hike is unfortunately. So it will be authentic!


Fortitude, understood as rightness, is in this situation the true inner quality of the person who occupies it. It is in the second position that we always meet the maximum expression internal qualities... Therefore, the laconic text here only reminds: Strong line in second place. Fortitude is for happiness.


The third position, as a crisis position, is characterized by the fact that a person takes up an activity without having enough strength. Although here in the situation of the power of the great, the presence of great forces is assumed, however, a person can have truly great forces only if he relies on the environment, i.e. if he is ethically connected with other people and with their activities. Since the third trait is a closure in oneself as the opposite of going out, a person here cannot count on the support of the people around him. If he nevertheless began to act contrary to the normal situation, then he would show himself as a person devoid of ethical qualities, i.e. ignoble person. And yet, if such a person began to act, then his persistence in this action would be terrible. And this "The Book of Changes" expresses in a way full of humor: Strength in third place. An insignificant person will have to be powerful. A noble man will have to die. Fortitude is terrible. When a goat butts a hedge, its horns will get stuck in it.


In order to understand the aphorism of this trait, it is necessary to remember what this hexagram consists of. There is “creativity” below it, that is. creative forces, which are full of the inner life of a person: outside the trigram "lightning", ie vigorous activity. Creativity itself, since it is only within, can be understood as creativity in a potential state. The upper trigram of action already characterizes the manifestation of this creative power outside. Therefore, the bottom line of the upper trigram, i.e. the first exit outside is conditioned by the situation itself, expressed here in the image of a punched hedge, which can be understood only by comparing it with the image of the previous aphorism. This refers to the exit to activities on a large scale. Such activities can cover large areas. Therefore, the image of the chariot as a means of transportation appears here. And in this striving for action outside, full resilience must be observed, which in this context is also understood as the correctness of this action. In the text we read here: Strong line in fourth place. The fence is broken. You can't get stuck in it. Power is in the axles of the great chariot. Fortitude is for happiness. Remorse will disappear.


In the third position, the image of a goat butting a fence was encountered. This goat is a symbol of unbridled strength, which rushes to external activity, not commensurate with the obstacle. Since the fifth position is the most harmonious outward manifestation of the qualities symbolized by this goat, must be reflected here. Moreover, they must move away from the person so much and be replaced by their opposite that the correction of the mistakes made before must take place. This is why the text says here: Weak line in fifth place. You will lose a goat even in easy circumstances. There will be no remorse.


In parallel with the power, which was spoken of in this hexagram, it spoke of the desire to manifest this power. At the moment of overdevelopment, which is symbolized by the upper line, a positive quality, i.e. power, recedes into the background, and a rash act, and the desire to manifest outside without sufficient strength act as a characteristic of this moment. But if in the third position, which is only a transition to external activity, this already led to unfavorable results, then here this quality can lead to a completely hopeless situation. Nothing favorable can be expected here. But if a person in these most unfavorable conditions is provoked by them to exert his forces, and thereby to develop them, then, in the end, he can find a favorable way out of this situation. This thought is expressed in the text of the following images: Above is a weak point. The goat butts the fence and cannot retreat, nor can it advance. Nothing good. But if it is difficult, then there will be happiness.

In the external - Excitement and mobility, in the internal - Creativity and strength. Creative activity causes excitement of the external, but does not change it. It is activated, but does not give in to the creative impulse of a person. Such opposition can be both favorable and unfavorable: an insignificant person will have to be powerful, a noble person will have to perish.

Interpreting Hayslip

You are too assertive, too actively trying to get out ahead; you don't need it, it only hurts you. Think about the people around you. Remember, you cannot build your well-being on the failure of others. You don't need to sacrifice anyone or anything to your own ambition. Behave more modestly, more tactfully, and your desire will come true. Try to find the "golden mean" here.

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