Happy are women who are much younger than their men. Late love and features of sexual relations What kind of man is 60 years old

Pipes 28.12.2020

The birth of the question: "Is there a sexual life after 60?" very predictable. When meeting with acquaintances at this age, people discuss not work, travel or new hobbies, but their illnesses. If a person is seriously ill, then he is not up to sex. At 60, the male menopause ends, which shares desire and opportunity. "I want" doesn't mean "I can". And if, due to diseases, “I want” does not arise for a long time, then the man turns into an old man.

To talk about sexual life at the age of sixty, one must have it. And sometimes it depends not on age, but on the well-being of a person. That's when it's time to regret that you neglected a 15-minute exercise, walks in the fresh air and light, easy workouts. Accustomed to bliss and lack of tension, the body cannot withstand sexual stress.

Before the onset of menopause, at the age of 55-60, men begin to produce sex hormone in increased quantities.

Behavior changes, men begin to care for younger women, leave the family. From an excess of hormones, prostate adenoma often develops, more than 70% of men after 60 years of age suffer from this. Then all this passes and the person cannot explain the motive of his strange behavior. After 60 years, when menopause ends, hormones in the body are already lacking. During this period, a man should not give up intimate life, it just needs to be changed and adapted to the new physiology. Difficulties begin with the realization that the desire remains, but the possibilities change. By this time, the production of sex hormones is sharply reduced by almost half.

In addition to the fact that there is simply not enough physical strength for violent sex, the sensitivity of the head of the penis decreases and an erection occurs after the preliminary excitation of the penis and testicles. In addition to the loss of sensitivity of the penis, at this age, men find with unpleasant surprise that their spontaneous erection disappears, and their sexual attraction to women decreases. All this is due to a decrease in the amount of sex hormones - testosterone.

Excitability decreases, erection and ejaculation become sluggish, sexual intercourse turns into a protracted process.

All this is very upsetting for a man, causing him depression, which further intensifies sexual disorders. Men are embarrassed to talk about their sexual problems, and even more so to turn to doctors about this. But with the extinction of sexual function, headaches, insomnia begin to torment, irritability appears. All this can be avoided by taking a course of hormone replacement therapy.

How to increase sexual activity

The first step to restoring an active sex life and potency should be a change in diet. In addition to products that charge the body with energy, it is necessary to give preference to what helps to cleanse and strengthen the body:

  • Vegetables and fruits, herbs and nuts deliver vitamins and minerals in large quantities;
  • Seafood has always been considered an excellent aphrodisiac;
  • It is necessary to increase the amount of drinking water, green tea and fresh juices;
  • Reduce the presence of salt in food;
  • Reduce the consumption of fatty and high-calorie foods, eggs, cream, sausages.

Such a change in diet will alleviate the condition gastrointestinal tract, reduce the load on the heart, cleanse the blood vessels, restore the former mobility to the joints. All this will allow a sixty-year-old man to live a regular sexual life and feel vigorous and healthy. You need to take care of your sex life from a young age.

Regularly having sex all your life, you do not lose interest in it either at 60 or at 80. Sex is considered one of the factors of human longevity.

Moderate and proper physical activity also helps maintain health and sexual activity. Human physiology is impossible without movement. It is not for nothing that in bedridden patients the lungs stop working and the person suffocates. Skillfully selected loads should be regular, with control of heartbeat and pressure. They will help maintain optimal weight, reduce blood sugar and cholesterol, and increase potency.

Walking and yoga, swimming and cycling will help the revival of sexual function.

Aerobic exercises, normalizing blood circulation and saturating the body with oxygen, restore an erection. Exercises for the pelvic muscles help to cope with some chronic diseases of the urogenital area, help to prolong sexual life. An active sex life improves metabolism, digestion, blood circulation and psychological health. Moderate sex reduces the likelihood of a heart attack, prevents complications, stimulates the immune system.

You can not allow a break in sex for several months. During this time, sexual function may completely fade away. During the week there should be at least one sexual contact.

At this age, the support and understanding of a woman is especially important. Only preliminary stimulation of the genitals allows a man to become aroused. In the case of the appearance and development of erectile dysfunction of the penis, you need to discuss this with your partner, seek help from a doctor. Bad habits not only shorten life and worsen its quality, they have a detrimental effect on sexual activity. Smokers are half as likely to have sexual intercourse. Excess weight, stress, alcohol, depression - all this prevents you from enjoying life and love.

The effect of pills on potency

The following diseases have a decrease in the potency of men after sixty:

  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Ischemic heart disease and stroke;
  • Hypertension;
  • Diabetes;
  • Arthritis of the joints;
  • adenoma and prostatitis.

Violation of blood circulation, vascular patency, pain not only interfere with concentrating on sex, but also prevent erections in men. In addition, a large number of pills that are used for such diseases leads to a weakening of sexual desire.

By the age of sixty, often quality sex can be obtained by using a pill as a sexual stimulant. They must be used as directed by a doctor. Application medicines with a weak potency gives very tangible results. Until recently, doctors found it difficult to diagnose the weakening of sexual function.

Definitely short sexual intercourse was considered ejaculation before the introduction of the penis into the vagina.

The difficulty in making a diagnosis was due to the fact that most men reported their sexual intercourse of normal duration as too short. Viagra is highly advertised, the active component of which is sildenafil citrate. It is safe to use this drug only if there is no vascular pathology. You can not use Viagra for violations in the liver, kidneys, heart, stomach. An hour before sexual contact, you can use other sexual stimulants:

  • Levitra;
  • Ziden;
  • Tadalafis;
  • Erexesil.

After all, their use causes a number of side effects. A more gentle effect is exerted by dietary supplements that are designed to normalize male potency (such as Lovelace, Tribestan, Yarsagumba Forte,).

We must not forget that addiction to drugs can completely deprive a man of his functions. And in the future, without medical means, it will be impossible to achieve what you want. We must not forget the main rule - you can increase potency only through constant practice, regular sexual life. It is not necessary at the first sexual failure to seek help from medications. In no case should you abstain if there is a desire for intimacy.

Who Shouldn't Stress

Unfortunately, many in their sixties have reasons to limit sexual intimacy. In addition to the fact that by this time people are already losing their second spouse, many at this age overestimate their physical capabilities. High pressure, heart disease, vascular damage are forced to be limited at any load, reducing sexual contacts.

Despite the fact that men who have a regular sex life get sick less and live longer, they rarely seek medical help for sexual disorders.

The sexual life of Russian men after 45 is already limited by weak erections in 90% of cases. And about 40% stop sexual life concerning.

If you want to be healthy, exercise. By overcoming physical exertion through effort, a man resists his laziness and resists the habit of feeling sorry for himself. The result will be a reward in the form of an attractive physical shape, good health and an active sex life.

Ksyusha Petrova

"Age of Survival" and a stone penis

Naturally, sex at 70 is not the same as at 20 - primarily because normal age-related changes occur with the body. At the age of 45–55, women go through menopause: within a few years, the ovaries stop producing eggs and hormonal changes occur in the body, which is often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, - for example, "hot flashes" (when it suddenly becomes hot and the face begins to "burn"), mood swings, weakness, changes in skin texture, body proportions, the appearance of noticeable wrinkles. Many women note a decrease in libido, vaginal dryness and discomfort during penetration - due to a decrease in the amount of estrogen throughout the body, the walls of the vagina become thinner and more sensitive, less lubrication is released. Not all women feel the negative impact of menopause, but many report depression, anxiety and emotional instability, much like during PMS (imagine PMS that lasts several years!).

By the age of 50, an important stress factor disappears - the fear of an unplanned pregnancy, and the ability to get orgasms remains

But there is good news: despite all the difficulties associated with hormonal changes, some women note that after menopause their sex life has become better, because by the age of 50 an important stress factor disappears - the fear of an unplanned pregnancy, and the opportunity to get orgasms remains. Many unpleasant symptoms of menopause can be alleviated - including with the help of sex: we already know how useful oxytocin is produced during orgasm, and how it affects the body sexual arousal and discharge.

Men also go through age-related changes - not as dramatic as women's, but no less exciting. By analogy with menopause, the processes occurring in the male body are called andropause - this is not a completely correct term, since men do not lose their ability to reproduce, but experience a gradual decrease in testosterone production. One in five men will experience erectile dysfunction during their lifetime. It used to be thought to be related to aging, but doctors now believe it is due to medical or psychological factors: erectile dysfunction is much more common in men with diabetes, cardiovascular and neurological conditions, and it is also related to lifestyle (for example, habits of alcohol and cigarettes) and psychological state- like women, many men feel less attractive in adulthood, and erectile dysfunction makes them doubt their "masculinity", which in the collective consciousness is associated with a stone penis.

On the screen, you still hardly see a bed scene or a close-up with a kiss of people over 60

The level of attraction, the ability to excite and orgasm in both men and women is affected not only by diseases, but also by the drugs with which they are treated. This is not as scary as it seems: most common problems can be solved by contacting a regular therapist, psychotherapist, sexologist or endocrinologist who will help you choose hormone replacement therapy. In adulthood, there are many advantages that apply to sex: by the age of 50–60, people begin to better understand what they like, listen to their body and take care of it, get rid of stereotypes and unrealistic expectations.

Partners who have lived together for a long time finally cease to be shy of each other - besides, if adult children have safely moved into their homes, parents finally have personal space and more time for each other. Single people can be sexually active too - it's harder for them to get acquainted with partners of their own age than 20-year-olds, but no one has canceled masturbation and sex toys (especially since things like vaginal balls and simulators help keep the muscles of the small pelvis in good shape, so they are very useful for women after menopause). It turns out that objective physiological reasons stop having sex at 45 or not at 60 - cultural attitudes are primarily to blame for the fact that many voluntarily give up sexual activity in adulthood.

Pop culture and eternal youth

Intimate relationships in adulthood are a topic that popular culture ignores or ridicules: sexually active older people are spoken of either in the spirit of “gray hair in a beard, demon in a rib”, as if they are behaving indecently, or ironically and touchingly - as if in that people over 60 are able to love and experience pleasure, there is something extraordinary and inspiring. “The natural need for bodily contact, tenderness, the manifestation of sympathy and love is buried behind conversations about decent behavior, age characteristics, and special spirituality of older age. This is ageism, or total discrimination of a person on the basis of age,” says sociologist Dmitry Rogozin.

Older people are already underrepresented in popular culture, and romantic and sensual relationships between them are shown very rarely: although there is a slight shift towards a positive image of old age in the cinema, on the screen you still hardly see a bed scene or a close-up with a kiss of older people 60. One such exception is the Berlin Film Festival-approved film 45 Years, in which Charlotte Rampling and Tom Courtney play spouses who have lived together for almost half a century. The picture differs from other stories about a family crisis not only in that it has a realistic sex scene, but also in that the intimate relationship of an elderly couple is shown outside of a comedic context. “It was funny and strange to watch how during the screenings in the auditorium there was suddenly an awkward silence; the public is sure that Charlotte's character, Kate, will now close the door to the bedroom behind her, and the episode will end there. But it wasn't there - we continue to shoot in the bedroom, - director Andrew Hay said after the premiere. “The fact that, getting older, people stop feeling sexual attraction to each other, for me, a 42-year-old man, is a very sad circumstance.”

In most Hollywood films, "those who are over" sex appears only as an occasion for jokes: in box office hits like "The Marigold Hotel. The best of the exotic ”all sexual scenes remain behind the scenes, and in those films where there are still sex scenes with elderly people, the attention of the audience is focused on comical difficulties, like a crunching back at the wrong time or the need to run to the kitchen for Viagra. There is also a gender imbalance: scenes with mature men and much younger women are often found, and vice versa - almost never. 70-year-old men often play 50-year-olds, and the situation is reversed with women: however, even if the age of the actress corresponds to that prescribed in the script, it is unlikely that real women will associate themselves with superstars like Charlotte Rampling or Meryl Streep.

"45+" and Russian pensioners

It would be unfair to compare Russian pensioners with Western ones without mentioning the differences in their standard of living: most Russians over 60 live, to put it mildly, not rich, and pressing problems like a lack of medicines or food clearly push sex problems into the background. It is hard to imagine that Russian women over 70 are happy with the new vibrator just like the heroine of the TV series "" - primarily because such a vibrator costs like three pensions. The same can be said about sexologist consultations, and about psychotherapy, and even about buying condoms - all this is available to a narrow layer of more or less wealthy pensioners. However, the main problem remains ageism and a culture of shame in which older people are denied sexuality and physicality in general.

From the USSR, we got the belief that in youth you can have a little fun, and then “you need to raise children” and no longer have sex - after the birth of grandchildren, sex should finally disappear by itself. According to surveys of Russian pensioners, it becomes clear that people give up physical intimacy at the age of 45-55 voluntarily, without serious reasons - simply because it is customary. There are many lonely people in the older generation, especially women - the difference in life expectancy also affects, and the fact that new relationships "at the end of life" (although the "sundown" can take 20 or 30 years) is unusual and scary to start.

“Is it possible to live as brightly at the age of 45+ as in youth? Today, a woman is even capable of this! ”, Thematic sites cheerfully declare, deftly ignoring the fact that 45 is not old at all. Relationships, falling in love and sex are for the young, thin and healthy, therefore any manifestations of sexuality and eroticism at an older age (45–60 years are considered the “older age” for sex in Russia) are surrounded by an aura of shame. Nevertheless, Russians over 60 have sex - and, as RANEPA sociologists have found out, they are even ready to talk about it. The head of the study, Dmitry Rogozin, notes that women are much more willing and calmer to talk about relationships and intimacy: apparently, this is due to the fact that all romantic topics are labeled as “female”, and it is “undignified” for men to discuss this, so the language for talking about sex is them developed at the level of boasting to the boys. It is important to understand that not only glamorous slender old women like Buddy Winkle- the most ordinary elderly people also have an intimate life, those who have never gone online in their lives, live in a small town, watch talk shows on Channel One and embody other stereotypes about old age in Russia.

Life hacks and security

If you search for “sex and seniors”, you will get a bunch of porn links. In English searches, porn also comes across, but the situation is generally better: the search for “sex seniors” brings up links to lifestyle publications for older people with tips, safety rules, dating forums and personal stories. Western doctors and researchers of sexuality are sure that there is nothing abnormal in the intimate life of older people, but they emphasize the need for sex education: not everyone knows that condoms are also needed after menopause - pregnancy certainly will not occur, but you can easily pick up an infection.

We once wrote that an erect penis is not necessary for sex - the same idea is promoted by specialists who advise sexually active pensioners. Mature age is the time to reconsider the attitude towards intimacy in principle and expand your sexual practices: changes in the body and some diseases do not always make it possible to have sex in the same way as in youth, but they turn on the imagination and make you try new things. Massage, oral sex, long foreplay, hugs and touches - these and many other sexual practices are available even to the most elderly couples.

It is also recognized for the inhabitants of nursing homes - in progressive institutions, older people are given the opportunity to retire and distribute free condoms, and formed couples can live together. This is not a call to depravity, but respect: old people are often treated like helpless children, even if everything is in order with their intellect, and deprive them of the last grains of independence.

If the idea of ​​sex at 80 still seems ridiculous to you, you can remember that in Pushkin's time a 25-year-old woman was considered a respectable lady, and a 50-year-old woman was considered an ancient old woman, but the average life expectancy and ideas about old age have changed a lot since then. . If modern Russian pensioners are primarily Soviet people and are not used to talking about sex, then in the West, 80-year-olds are those who hung out at Woodstock, lived in hippie communes, participated in the Stonewall riots, demonstrations in May 1968 and the first gay -parades - or at least followed these events in the news. Those who were sexually active in their youth do not want to stop because of someone's prejudices - so more can be expected from the current generation of emancipation and sex education.

Photo: Land of Women, Peter Rommel Productions, Fabula

In men in adulthood, testosterone levels decrease, which slows down metabolic processes, causes prostate diseases, heart disease, osteoporosis, etc.

After 60, the process of self-renewal of proteins slows down, so the body's need for them decreases. That's why it is advisable to reduce the daily intake of meat protein products (1 gram per 1 kg of weight). Bones at this age are subject to frequent fractures due to lack of calcium, so the body needs calcium found in dairy products.

The need for carbohydrates in the body of a man also changes.. If in middle age the norm is 340 g, then after 60 it decreases to 290 g. Moreover, preference should be given to complex carbohydrates containing fiber (about 30 g per day).

The aging male body has a special need for vitamins and minerals, since the nature of their assimilation changes with age. Vitamins C, P, A, E, B stimulate the regulation of oxidation processes.

The use of vitamin A has a beneficial effect on the skin and organs of vision. It is better to provide the body with vitamins through food. But in order to replenish the body with a lack of vitamins, it is recommended to take a course of taking multivitamin preparations 2 times a year (winter-spring).

The need for minerals is also growing. By the age of 60, some substances accumulate in the body and the level of others decreases. For example, sodium becomes more, and iodine, chromium, potassium, iron, calcium, lead are in short supply. Osteoporosis at this age develops just because of the lack of calcium.

In men over 60, iron deficiency anemia is often observed, especially if there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Consequently, the red blood cells receive less iron. Food, respectively, should be rich in missing minerals.

And of course, the aging body requires fluid replenishment.

He loses up to 2.5 liters per day. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish it not only through nutrition, but also to drink at least 1.5 liters of fluid per day in the form of compotes, juices, decoctions or plain clean water.

Healthy foods

The best products for men over 60 are products that can help to cope with all the age-related changes. You should eat foods that will help strengthen the immune system, support mental activity, and regulate energy metabolism.

Fruits and vegetables

All men over 60 should include 200 g of berries daily in their diet. All berries are useful. But blueberries are especially recommended because they contain the most antioxidants that are beneficial for brain function.

Most berries are high in fiber and vitamin C.. They also contain flavonoids that can prevent Parkinson's disease. There are many of these substances in apples. The presence of quarcetin in berries and apples makes it useful to use them with an enlarged prostate, prostatitis. For male diseases, it is good to include pomegranates in the menu.

Vegetables should also be included in the daily diet.. Different types cabbage (broccoli, cauliflower, Chinese, white cabbage) reduce the likelihood of getting cancer Bladder thanks to the high fiber content.

Green vegetables have a beneficial effect on brain function and sexual health. Spinach due to the content of lutein increases blood flow to the organs. Green leafy crops contain folic acid, calcium and potassium.


Nuts in the diet of men over 60 are considered the most necessary products. All nuts are good for the heart. Besides:

  • almond improves mood and normalizes sleep;
  • brazil nuts useful for the prostate;
  • walnuts have anti-inflammatory properties;
  • pistachios reduce the amount of cholesterol and improve erection.

Cereals and legumes

Legumes and beans are one of best products that protect against cancer.

Necessarily include white beans in your diet, as well as black beans, which are good for brain function. Eating beans at least 3 times a week can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 33%.

A special place in men after 60 years should take whole grains. Fiber content in barley, oats, wheat, brown rice supports heart and gastrointestinal health. Whole grains are digested slowly, this makes it possible to regulate the level of sugar in the blood.

Dairy and fish products

For normal bowel function, it is necessary to include fermented milk products in the diet, including low-fat cheeses and cottage cheese. Methionine contained in cottage cheese prevents fatty liver.

The body, both young and aging, cannot be without Omega-3 fatty acids, which improve the functionality of the heart, prostate and brain. They are found mainly in seafood. Therefore, men should include in the diet:

  • salmon;
  • tuna;
  • sardines;
  • mackerel.

More useful is the fish caught in the sea, and not grown in artificial conditions.
Don't forget to eat healthy fats olive oil, seeds, avocados), which are necessary for the health of the heart and blood vessels.

Features of nutrition and menu for men over 60

The food of men after 60 should be easily digestible, balanced, and at the same time less energy than at a young age. It should contain enough protein, vitamins, calcium, iron, potassium. And of course you need to drink enough fluids.

Diet should be regular. Between meals you can not make long intervals. This makes it possible to ensure normal digestion and assimilation. nutrients. It is better to provide 4 meals a day.

Percentage of daily food intake:

  • first breakfast -25%;
  • second breakfast - 20-25%;
  • lunch - 30-35%;
  • dinner - 20-25%.

At night it is better to eat low-calorie fruits and dairy products.

Men after 60 can arrange a fasting day once a week (but not fasting). On other days, it is desirable to limit a single consumption of meat to 100 g. Fish should be eaten up to 70 g per day. The basis of protein food should mainly be fat-free cottage cheese (100 g daily). Cheese should be eaten about 30 g.

Fish and meat should preferably be boiled rather than fried., because the extractive components that impair the functionality of the liver remain in the broth during cooking, and remain in the product itself during frying. Therefore, the use of saturated broths should be limited.

Restrictions and exclusions of foods from the diet

With age, a man should try not to overfill his stomach, since an excess of food in it makes it difficult for the diaphragm to move, making it difficult to breathe freely.

It is necessary to limit the consumption of carbohydrates within reasonable limits, it is worth doing this at the expense of sweets and sugar. Excessive sugar content in the body is dangerous for the development of atherosclerosis and leads to the accumulation of excess fat. And the excessive release of insulin into the blood when eating sweets increases the likelihood of diabetes. You can eat no more than 4 teaspoons of sugar per day. This is with the exclusion of other sweets. It is necessary to limit the intake of white bread.

Particular attention should be paid to the use of salt (a sufficient amount of -5 g per day). We must not forget that animal and plant products contain NCl. Salt is able to retain fluid in the tissues, causing weight gain, swelling, and increased pressure.

There is a misconception that men over 60 should not eat eggs because of the cholesterol they contain.. But it has been proven that eggs contain components that normalize lipid and cholesterol metabolism. Therefore, it is worth limiting the use of yolks, proteins can be eaten without restrictions. Mature men should reduce the intake of cholesterol-containing foods (offal, oily fish, lard, sausage, butter, cream). But you don't need to completely exclude them. On the day of a man after 60, you can use 300 mg.

Coffee, black tea and sugary sodas should be limited. It's better to drink green tea or herbal teas (if there are no contraindications), cocoa. Alcohol is best avoided altogether. Sometimes you can only afford a little red wine.

How much not to talk about the right products and their required amounts for the body, they will not benefit in violation of the diet. If you eat at long intervals and too plentifully, eat on the go, eat up at night - all this takes away precious health and shortens the years of life.

So we told you about food for men after 60 years. Be healthy!

60 years is the time for men to retire. This is a serious test for male self-esteem: yesterday he was in demand as a specialist, did not have much free time, received the money he earned, and today he is already free from work and receives a pension instead of money, which is much smaller in amount. The question arises, where to put yourself, what to do. The changed financial situation is another reason to change lives, because pensioners often have to change their diet because of a small pension, which may not contribute to satiety and reduce life satisfaction.

At this age, thoughts of imminent death often appear. It plunges someone into depression, someone makes them live more actively, gaining new impressions. Older people strive to communicate with the young, they want to pass on their experience and knowledge to them. The skills and memory of a person depend on the sphere of his activity in maturity and can be preserved until death.

The mood and pleasure from life depends on the attitude of society and the state towards a person. The more necessary he feels, the safer and more comfortable his life will be, the better the person will feel. If a person feels dissatisfaction with his position, he begins to complain about his health, often seeking protection in this way even from strangers. The predominant emotions are sadness, partial bitterness and self-centeredness. Women become more powerful, while men, on the contrary, soften. As psychologists have noted, those people who “have no time to die” live longer and more fully: they are waiting for their great-grandson to take care of him, defending their grandson’s dissertation, even simply waiting for the harvest in next year already distracts from negative thoughts.

Physiology of age

At the age of 60, not all older people have a good command of their own body. Often you can see involuntary movements of various parts of the body. Perception and mental activity deteriorate, physical indicators and energy. Capillaries often show through the skin. It becomes more difficult to perceive low frequencies.

At the age of 60, women go through menopause. During this period, dystrophy and atrophy of the skin and mucous membranes are observed, the risk of cardiovascular diseases and fractures increases due to thinning of the bones - the development of osteoporosis.

age statistics

The population of the Russian Federation in this age period (60-64 years) is 4336 thousand people. Of these, 1771 thousand people are men, 2565 thousand people are women. Of the population of this age group, only 3.3% are employed in the Russian economy

You were born in 1958 or 1959

1958 - Scottish doctor J. Donald was the first in the world to invent and apply ultrasound diagnostics.

The first cassette recorder was created by the American company RCAVictor.

1959 - 20 November. The finance ministers of Austria, Great Britain, Denmark, Norway, Portugal, Switzerland and Sweden signed a convention in Stockholm to establish EFTA - the European Free Trade Association.

1960 — 19 February. For the first time in the ruling family of Great Britain, a child was born - the son of Elizabeth II, Andrew.

August 19. In the USSR, the Sputnik-5 spacecraft was launched with the first animal cosmonauts on board - the dogs Belka and Strelka. They made 17 revolutions around the Earth in 25 hours of flight.

In one year, 17 states emerged in Africa that became independent. This year is considered the Year of Africa.

1961 - April 11. Yuri Gagarin made the first space flight on Vostok-1. He returned after spending 108 minutes orbiting the Earth.

18 August. By order of East Germany, the Berlin Wall was erected around West Germany. It was designed to prevent the flight of residents of East Germany to West.

1962 - 5th of December. An agreement on the peaceful use of outer space was signed between the USA and the USSR.

The Caribbean Crisis begins. As a result of the guerrilla war, Fulgencio Batista resigns his presidential powers and flees to the Dominican Republic. Meanwhile, the military junta puts Carlos Piedro in the presidency.

1963 - 5th of August. Representatives of the three parties - the USSR, Great Britain and the United States sign an agreement banning nuclear testing. After the entry into force of the treaty, 96 more countries sign it. France refuses to sign the treaty.

1964 - March, 6. Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh were the first to artificially deduce insulin.

August 15. Ukrainian Research Experimental Institute of Eye Diseases and Tissue Therapy named after Academician V.P. Filatova was the first to use a quantum optical generator during an eye operation, which, with the help of a narrow beam of light, passes to the very bottom of the eyeball and burns the retina to the choroid. It is painless for a person and takes less than a second.

1965 — Tom Van Vleck and Noel Morris created email- an instant means of communication, which today is used by most of the civilized population of the planet.

1966 - 13th of January. For the first time, a representative of the black population of America appeared in the ruling structures of the United States. Robert Weaver has been appointed Secretary of State for Housing and Urban Development.

1967 - American biochemist Arthur Kornberg at Stanford University was derived synthetic biologically active DNA.

1968 - April, 4. Martin Luther King, leader of the black rights movement, was assassinated in the United States.

April 9th. In the UK, a law on race relations came into force, which prohibits any infringement of human rights on racial grounds.

July 16-24. American astronauts flew to the moon for the first time. Neil Armstrong became the first person to walk on the surface of the moon.

1970 - February. In England, they thought about the introduction of compulsory secondary education.

Barcodes, which were created in England and the USA, began to be used in trade.

1971 — 31 January. Telephone communication between East and West Berlin was restored after a break of 19 years.

December 1. United United Arab Emirates, which included Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al Quwain and Al Fujairah.

1972 - 22nd of May. For the first time, the USSR was visited by an American president, who at that time was Richard Nixon.

21 December. An agreement on good neighborly relations was signed between East and West Germany.

1973 - 4 January. Restrictions based on race have been lifted for immigrants to Australia.

MITS, under the leadership of Edward Roberts, created and launched the Altair personal computer, consisting of a power supply, an i8080 microprocessor, motherboard, 256 MB of memory and front panel.

1975 — 8 May. The USSR completed the construction of the first section of the BAM (Baikal-Amur Mainline) - one of the largest railways in the world.

December. Steven Sasson created the digital camera, which as a result simplified the process of taking and processing pictures, improving their quality.

22 August. Returned from the moon automatic station "Luna-24". It was launched by the USSR to deliver lunar soil.

1977 - 1st of January. For the first time in the US Episcopal Church, a woman was ordained to the priesthood.

May. A home video cassette recorder was created by the Japanese company SONY.

1978 - January 23. In Sweden, for the first time, the use of aerosols was banned, as they harm nature.

22 of October. In the Vatican, Karol Wojtyla - John Paul II - was elected Pope of Rome - a man who played a significant role not only in the spiritual, but also in the socio-political life of Europe.

1979 - May 4th. Margaret Thatcher became the first female Prime Minister in England.

Elections to the European Parliament were held for the first time. The process of political consolidation of European states began.

November 12th. The Voyager 1 spacecraft flew 185,000 kilometers from Saturn. Thus, it was received detailed information about the planet, its rings and satellites, as well as the discovery of 13, 14 and 15 satellites.

The introduction of the latest technology, which allowed newspapers to be printed without human touch. The first newspaper published using this technology was the leading Japanese newspaper Asahi Shimbun.

1981 - October 23. In South Africa, registration of mixed marriages begins as a challenge to the apartheid policy.

1982 - 14 September. The first mass-produced hearing aid ("artificial ear"), produced by the Australian company Nakleous, was implanted in a patient.

Scientist Robert Jarvik created an artificial heart. He developed and implanted a practical modification of the Jarvic-7 on December 2, based on a prototype base. Doctors have a new opportunity to save thousands of lives.

1983 - Artificial human bone was created in Japan.

American geneticists Andrew W. Murray and Jack W. Szostak created the first artificial chromosome, which, due to the content of the yeast genome, could exist outside the set of chromosomes. This chromosome is used to clone large DNA fragments.

1984 American surgeon W. G. Clewall of the University of Colorado performed a surgical operation on a child in the womb.

1985 - 16th of May. The beginning of the anti-alcohol campaign in the USSR by decree of the Prisidium of the Supreme Council "on strengthening the fight against drunkenness."

November 19th. Gorbachev and Reagan met for the first time in Geneva. After that (two years later) "perestroika" began in the USSR - a set of reforms in the social and economic spheres.

1986 - February 20th. The first manned research orbital station "Mir-1", launched by the USSR, began to work. She worked until March 23, 2001, after which she was disabled and scuttled in the Pacific Ocean.

26 April. At the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, located near Kyiv, there was an explosion of the power unit. The Soviet authorities spread the message about this only after Finland, Denmark and Sweden reported an increased background of radiation in their territories. To eliminate the consequences of the accident, about 600,000 people were involved, many of whom died from radiation sickness and other diseases associated with the results of exposure.

1987 - May 29. A small plane landed on Red Square in Moscow, piloted by Matthias Rust, a 19-year-old citizen of West Germany.

The first experimental operation of laser vision correction was performed. It was performed by Columbia University doctor Stephen Trockel, who, in collaboration with other scientists, published several papers that talk about the benefits of an experimental laser for corneal tissue in surgery for the correction of myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism.

Yasser Arafat, leader of the PLO, recognized the existence of the State of Israel.

1989 — 11 January. The declaration on the prohibition of the use of poisonous gases, chemical and bacteriological weapons was signed by representatives of 149 countries.

March 27th. A state of emergency has been declared in the United States after the damage to the Exxon Valdez tanker in the Prince William Sound. As a result of this damage, about 64 million liters of oil leaked into the sea on 24 March.

November 9. The East German government announced the opening of the border with West Germany. On November 10, East Germany began to tear down the Berlin Wall.

1990 — 6 August. The UN Security Council approved a resolution imposing a military and trade embargo against Iraq. A protracted oil and military conflict with Iraq began.

November 22. The "iron lady" of world politics, Margaret Thatcher, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, publicly announced her resignation.

December. Croatia held a referendum on secession from Yugoslavia. The vast majority of citizens voted for the exit. The formal disintegration of Yugoslavia began.

1991 - The 25th of January. Iraq is dumping oil reserves into the Persian Gulf. It threatens an ecological catastrophe.

December 8th. Representatives of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine sign an agreement on the Creation of a Commonwealth of Independent States, which is joined on December 21 by 5 more countries of the former Soviet Union.

December 25th. Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev resigns. The USSR officially ceases to exist.

1992 - February 2. In many CIS countries, an economic reform began, which consisted in the liberalization of prices - the abolition of centralized control over prices.

Beginning of the era of GSM communication. This year, the GSM communication system was put into operation in Germany, which was subsequently used as a prototype for many operators in the world.

The 4th of October. Government tanks bombard the White House in Moscow. The incident killed 150 people. The system of power in Russia has changed dramatically. This was the beginning of the creation of a presidential-parliamentary republic.

12 December. Referendum on the adoption of the Constitution Russian Federation. 58.4% of citizens voted for the adoption.

1994 — 31 January. The first images from the Hubble Space Telescope, which photographs galaxies on early stage their development.

the 6th of May. There was an opening of the tunnel under the English Channel, connecting England and France. The total length of the tunnel is 50 kilometers, 38 kilometers have been laid under the sea itself.

December 11th. Fighting began in the Chechen Republic. Fighting begins the troops of the Russian Federation. The fighting did not stop until the agreement was signed to end the war in Khasavyurt (until 08/30/1996).

The first book on CD appeared in the USA. By the end of the year, most encyclopedias had been created or translated into this format.

1995 - 20th of March. Nerve gas was used on the Tokyo subway in Japan, killing 5,000 people and killing 12 people. On May 16, Soko Asahara, the leader of the religious sect Aum Shinrikyo, was arrested.

The test of the first artificial liver was carried out, which was performed by the German surgeon Peter Neu Haus.

1996 - 4th of July. B.N. Yeltsin becomes president of the Russian Federation for the second time. This is the first time that the same person has been re-elected to the post of President of Russia.

A test for the detection of AIDS began to be used. Proteins produced by the virus were detected in the blood, which made it possible to diagnose the disease at an early stage.

1997 - February 22. Scottish scientists announced the birth of the only surviving embryo, a clone of an adult sheep. Dolly was born July 5, 1996 without abnormalities and lived until February 14, 2003 as an ordinary sheep.

4th of July. A rover designed to collect and analyze Martian soils has landed on the surface of Mars.

1998 — 17 August. In Russia there was a depreciation of the ruble, which led to an aggravation of the economic crisis. The country's government has resigned.

September 24th. The first transplantation of a limb of a deceased patient into a living one took place. In the city of Lyon in France, a hand and forearm were transplanted.

12 December. The United States performed the first organ transplant for a child. A three-year-old boy from Florida received a heart, lung and liver transplant at a Pennsylvania hospital.

1999 - 1st of January. Most countries of the European Union have switched to settlement in a new European currency - the euro.

March 24. Yugoslavia was attacked for the first time by NATO aircraft. The US invaded a sovereign state that was not threatened by a third party.

2000 - 26 March. The election of V. V. Putin to the post of President of the Russian Federation. The official entry into office took place on May 7.

In the USA, they created a robotic developing doll. She knew how to talk, laugh, cry, blink, make faces. In the process of communicating with people, she increased her vocabulary and reached the developmental level of a two-year-old child.

The first medicinal products, to the usual name of which the prefix "Bifido" was added. They contain a liquid concentrate of bifidobacteria, which have a positive effect on the intestinal microflora, prevent the development of pathogenic microbes and nourish the body with B vitamins and vitamin K. Such products quickly gained popularity among buyers.

2001 - January 15. There was an official launch of the English site Wikipedia - a resource that today has become an assistant in quickly obtaining encyclopedic data in any area of ​​life.

11 September. The largest terrorist attack in the United States in world history has been committed. As a result, the Pentagon was damaged, the Trade Center was destroyed, and human losses amounted to about three thousand people.

2002 - 1st of January. The European Union introduced euro coins and banknotes, which became the single currency for most EU countries and played an important role in stabilizing the global European economy.

October. After 50 years, the restoration began railway between North and South Korea.

October 23. In Moscow, Russia, Chechen terrorists took hostages at the Nord-Ost theater center on Dubrovka. Three days later, on October 26, during the assault, all the terrorists were killed by special forces. One of the hostages died from a bullet wound, the remaining 116 people died from exposure to the gas used during the assault.

2004 - Bloodless revolutions took place in Georgia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan, as a result of which more democratic leaders came to power.

The 1 of May. The European Union has expanded its scope by including ten new countries.

2005 - 5 January. Eris is the largest of the dwarf planets in our solar system.

2006 - March 29. On the territory of Russia it was possible to observe the first in the XXI total eclipse of the sun.

24 August. Scientists have stripped Pluto of the status of a planet. This solution was adopted at the congress of the International Union of Astronomers in Prague, Czech Republic.

2007 - Geneticists have discovered modifications in the human body that are responsible for the development of certain diseases. It became possible after DNA analysis to identify a predisposition to certain diseases.

November 4th. In the USA took place presidential elections. The first black president in the history of the state, Barack Obama, became the head of state.

2009 — 17 August. There was a disaster at the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station. Hundreds of people became victims. The cause of the malfunctions was a series of shortcomings and a failure in the redistribution of electricity in the power system.

2010 - March 18. Russian mathematician Grigory Perelman proved the Poincaré conjecture, which was considered one of the unsolvable Millennium Problems. For this, the Clay Mathematical Institute awarded him a $1 million prize, which he declined.

April 10th. A plane crash occurred over Smolensk, in which Lech Kaczynski, the President of Poland, his wife Maria Kaczynska, the high military command, Polish politicians, as well as religious and public figures (97 people in total) died.

The first living cell has been created, in which its own DNA was replaced with artificially created DNA. Mankind has received new tools for the development of artificial organ cultivation technologies.

2011 - March 11th. In Japan, off the northeast coast, there was an earthquake, the magnitude of which reached 8.9. As a result of the earthquake, a devastating tsunami arose, as a result of which more than 15 thousand people died, several thousand are considered missing.

May 2. Osama bin Laden was killed - terrorist "No. 1" in the world, the leader of Al-Qaeda, who, in particular, is considered responsible for the September 11 terrorist attack.

September 7th. An international charter flight crashed near Yaroslavl. On board the plane was the team of the hockey club Lokomotiv, which flew to Minsk. 44 people died, one survived.

2012 — 21 February. In Moscow, in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, a scandalous punk prayer of the group PussyRiot took place, three members of which were detained by the police.

December 1. Russia led the G20 (G20) - a forum of representatives of countries with the most developed economies: Australia, Japan, Argentina, South Africa, Brazil, South Korea, Great Britain, France, Germany, Turkey, India, USA, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Italy, Mexico, Canada, China.

2013 - February, 15. A meteorite fell in the Urals - the largest celestial body that collided with the Earth's surface after the Tunguska meteorite. Because of the "Chelyabinsk" meteorite (it exploded in the vicinity of Chelyabinsk), 1613 people were injured.

February, 15. On the minimum distance asteroid 2012 DA14 flew from planet Earth (27,000 km). This was the closest distance in the history of astronomy.

March 18. Vladimir Putin signed an agreement on the admission of the Crimean Peninsula and Sevastopol to Russia. This agreement comes into force from the moment of ratification by the Federal Assembly - March 21.

2015 - January 7. A terrorist attack took place at the offices of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris, based on an earlier cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed in the magazine. 12 people died, 11 people were injured.

“All ages are submissive to love” - everyone knows these wise words. The psychology of relationships, love is a common topic, and you can talk about it for a long time. It will be about priorities and desires, personal relationships, the place of feelings in a person’s life, if this is a man who is over 60 years old. Have you ever wondered how a man over 60 feels? What is his psychology of love? What are the differences life positions an aged person? What is important to him?

Priorities for a man over 60

A man sixty years of age or older is:

A person with a wealth of experience, life achievements, realized desires. He achieved a certain career, professional and social growth. He has a stable life, where there is room for free time and for the dear woman, family and intimacy.

A person who cares about health. Intentions in love become more than serious. It is important that there is a woman nearby who will take care and understand with whom he will realize his dreams: travel together, or spend time every minute, without bothering each other.

A person who is not avoided by the issue of sexual intimacy. The psychology of sex is such that there are two options for development scenarios sexual relations in this age. This is either an old man who has lost his sexual desire and lives without sex. Or a modern one that looks younger than its age, and most importantly feels young. He cares about sexual health, as sex is part of his "young" life.

The psychology of love at sixty and older is based on the fact that a man builds life with a woman in a completely different way. During his life, he has accumulated a lot of knowledge and experience, not only in matters of love, but also in the wisdom of life. Therefore, at this age, life together is built primarily on mutual understanding and intimacy, although the issue of sex is of great importance.

Feelings of an older person

A man of this age is attached to the family, close people. One of the closest people is his wife, she assigned the role of a faithful companion and soul mate. During their life together, the husband studied her to the smallest detail. After sixty years - this strong bond, and, in most cases, it is very difficult to break it. A man is aware that a woman is nearby, leaving behind already resolved life problems, she, just like him, is ready to spend her life with pleasure: raise grandchildren together, walk together, take care of the house and garden together - anything, but together. This is the mature psychology of relationships.

If a man is lonely and ready for feelings, then this is the time, albeit for late, but love. Love, even at this age, is ready to make two people happy. Psychology in this case is healing property: this is the right way to a healthy psyche and prolongation of youth, by overcoming the experiences that are associated with aging. Such feelings want to be preserved and carefully taken care of.

If a man over sixty falls in love, he will not regret anything for his beloved woman. This is an altruist who knows how to beautifully look after, present surprises, appreciate his feelings and a woman dear to her heart.

Mature years are a time for analyzing a life lived, summing up and deeply understanding priorities, but not a time for loneliness at all. The psychology of relationships occupies the main place, since a man has already realized himself as a person, has an income, has free time for love and a calm and interesting future.

Editorial Tips:

The number in the passport does not identify the person. A man after 60 can be a smart, energetic person, successful and self-sufficient. He is able to fall in love and build relationships, create a business or completely go into extreme sports. A man remains a man at any age. If you fell in love with a man over 60, you can be for him good friend and amazing mistress. It is unlikely that a man at this age will want big emotional outbursts and upheavals. If you yourself are able to give happiness, then the man will answer you the same if he likes you. Look not at age, but at how a man manifests himself to you. Be happy!

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